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Samuel Bagster - New Testament 1748 From The Latin Vulgate - of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

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Lex Domini immaculate convertens aniraas : Testimonium Domini Melt

S3pientiam prolans parvulis. Psi lm xviii. S.


Printed by richard coyne, catholic bookseller,

16, parliament-street.


WE approve of this Edition of the Sacred Text of the

NEW TESTAMENT according to the Doway English
Version ; also of the Notes subjoined thereto.

27th, June, 1820.

ifc Patrick Curtis, d. d. &c. ^ J. T. Troy, d. d. &c.

>J< Patrick Everard, d. d. &c. >£< Oliver Kelly, d. d. &c.



Matthew hath Chapters— 28 I. Timothy hath Chapters 6

Mark * 16 II. Timothy 4
Luke * 24 Titus 3
John .« ,..21 Philemon ••• -•• I

The Acts of the Apostles —28 The Epistle to theHebrews 13

The Epistle to the Romans 16 The Epistle of James 5
I. Corinthians-... 16 L Peter 5
IL Corinthians — . ••••13 II. Peter 3
Galatians 6 I. John". 5
Ephesians. 6 John
II 1
Philippians 4 John
III. 1
Colossians* '...i 4 Jude 1
I. Thessalonians * 5 The Revelation of St. John
II. Thes^alonians^.t.. ...... ..3 the Divine 22

Tlie GOSPEL according to Saint MA TTHEW.

CHAP. I. 1 So the generations, from

Tlie Genealogy of Christ. Abraham to David, are fourteen

And from David to
TH EJesus
Book of the 'Generation of
Christ, the Son of
the transmigration of Babylon, are
David, the Son of Abraham. fourteen generations. And from
2 Abraham begot Isaac. And the transmigration of Babylon to
Isaac begot Jacob. And Jacob Christ, are fourteen generations.
begot Judas and his brethren ; 18 Now
the generation of Christ
3 And Judas begot Phares and was in this wise. When as his mo-
Zara of Thamar. And Phares begot ther Mary was espoused to Joseph,
Esron. And Esron begot Aram. before they came together, she was
\ And Aram begot Aminadab. found with child of the Holy Ghost.
And Aminadab begot Naasson. 19 Whereupon Joseph her hus-.;
And Naasson begot Salmon. band, being a just man, and not
5 And Salmon begot Booz of willing publicly to expose her, wr as
Rahab. And Booz begot Obed of minded to put her away privately.
Ruth. And Obed begot Jesse. 20 But while he thought on these
.6 And Jesse begot David the king. things, behold the angel of the Lord
And David the king begot Solomon, appeared to him in his sleep, say*
of her thathadbeen thewifeoil Unas, rog Joseph, son of David, fear not

7 And Solomon begot Roboam. to take unto thee Mary thy wife,
And Roboam begot Abia. And for that which is conceived in her
Abia begot Asa. is of the Holy Ghost.

8 And Asa begot Josaphat. And 21 And she shall bring forth a
Josaphat begot Joram. And Joram Son ; and thou shalt call his name
begot Ozias. Jtst's ; for he shall save his people
9 A nd Ozrs begot Joatham. from their sins.
Jcatham begot Achaz. And 22 Now all thifl was done that it
lz .gotEzechias. might be fulfilled which the Lord
•d Ezechias begot Manas- spoke by the prophet, saying :

nd Manassas begot Anion, 23 Behold a virgin shall be icitk

non begot Josias. child, and bring forth a son, and
11 And Josias begot Jechonias they shall call his name Emmanuel,
and his brethren, in the transmi- which being interpreted is, God
gration of Babylon. with Us.
12 And after the transmigration of ^4 And Joseph rising up from
Babylon, Jechonias begot Saiatliiel. sleep, did as -the angel of the Lord
And Salathiel begot Zorobabel. had commanded him, and took
13 And Zorobabt begot Abiud.
j unto him his wife.
And Abiud begot Eliacim. And 25 And he knew' her not till she
Eliacim begot Azon brought forth her first-born Son:
14 And Azor begot Sadoc. And and he called his name Jesus.
Sadoc begot Achim. And Achim ^ CHAP. II.
begot Eliud. The of the wise men.
15 And Eliikl begot Eleazar. ^JOW when Jesus was born in
And Eleazar begot -Mathan. And *V Bethlehem cf Juda, in the
Ma than begot Jacob. days of King Herod, behold, there
16 And Jacob begot Joseph the came wise men from the east to
husband of Mary, of whom was Jerusalem,
born Jiisus who is called Okkist. 2 Saying-, where is he that is
: :

born King of the Jews ? for we have and fly into Egypt, and be there
seen his star in the east, and are until I shall tell thee. For it will
come to adore him. come to pass that Herod will seek
3 And King Herod hearing this, the Child to destroy him.
was troubled, and all Jerusalem 14 Who arose, and took the child"
with him and his mother by night, and re-
4 And assembling together ail tired into Egypt and he was there

the chief priests and the scribes of until the death of Herod :

the people, he inquired of them 15 That it might be fulfilled

where Christ should be born. which the Lord spoke by the pro-
5 But they said to him : In Beth- phet, saying: Out of Egypt have 1
lehem of Juda. For so it is written called my Son,
by the prophet 16 Then Herod perceiving that
6 And thou Bethlehem the land he was deluded by the wise men,
of Juda art not the least among the was exceeding angry ; and sending,
princes of Juda ; for out of thee killed all the men-children that were
shall come forth the Ruler that shall in Bethlehem, and in all the borders
rule my people Israel, thereof, from two years old and un-
7 Then Herod, privately calling der, according to the time which
the wise men, learned, diligently of he had diligently inquired of the
them the time of the star which ap- wise men.
peared to them; 17 Then was fulfilled that* which
8 And sending them into Beth- was spoken by Jeremias the pro*
lehem, said ; Go and diligently in- phet, saying
quire after the Child : and when 18 A voice in Rama was heard,
you have found him, bring me word lamentation and great mourning:
again, that I also may come and Rachel bewailing her children, a ad
adore him. would not be comforted because they
9 Who having heard the King, arc not*
went their way; and behold the 19 But when Herod was dead,
star which they had seen in the behold, an angel of the Lord appear-
east, went before them, until it ed in sleep to Joseph in Egypt,
came and stood over where the 20 Saying : Arise, and take the
Child was. Child and his mother, and go into the
10 And seeing the star, they re- land of Israel. For they are dead
joiced with exceeding great joy. that sought the life of the Child.
11 And entering into the house, 21 Who arose, and took the child
they found the Child with Mary his and his mother, and came into the
mother, and failing down they a- land of Israel.
dored him and opening their trea-
: 22 But hearing that Archelaus
sures, they offered him gifts, gold, reigned in Judea in the room of
frankincense, and myrrh. Herod his father, he was afraid to
32 And having received an an- go thither: and being warned in
swer in sleep that they should not sleep retired into the quarters of
return to Herod, they went back Galilee.
another way into their country. 23 And coming he dwelt in a
1 3 And after they were departed, city called Nazareth that it might

behold an angel of the Lord appear- be fulfilled which was said by the
ed in sleep to Joseph, saying: Arise, prophets : That he shall be called a
and take the Child and his mother, ,
CHAP. III. 14 But John stayed hirn, saying:
The preaching of John* I ought to be baptized by thee, and
AND in those days cometh John
the Baptist preaching the m
thou to me?
And Jesus answering', said to
desart of Judea. him : Suffer it to be so now. For
2 And saying Do penance for
: : so it becometh us to fulfSf ail jus-
the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. tice. Then he suffered him.
3 For this is he that was spoken 16 And Jesus being baptized,
of by Isaias the prophet, saying A : forthwith came out of the water-:
voice of one crsyinp in the desart, and lo, the Heavens were opened
prepare ye the ivay of the Lord, to him and he saw the spirit of

make straight his paths. God descending as a dove, and

4 And the same John had his coming upon him.
garment of camel's-hair, and a lea- 1? And behold a voice from
thern girdle about his loins : and his Heaven, saying This is my belov- :

meat was locusts and wild honey. ed Son, in whom 1 am v\eli pleas-
5 Then went out to him Jerusa- ed.
lem and all Judea, and all the CHAP. IV.
country about Jordan : Christ's fast of forty days, §c.
6 And were baptized by him in H^HEN Jesus \\ as led by the Spi*
the Jordan, confessing their sins. rit into the desart, to be tempt*
7 And seeing many of the Phari- ed by the devil.
sees and Sadducees coming to his 2 And when he had fasted forty
baptism, he said to them Ye brood : days and forty nights, he was alter*
Df vipers, who hath shewed you to wards hungry.
flee from the wrath to come ? 3 And the tempter coming said
8 Bring forth therefore fruit wor- to him If thou be the Son of God,

thy of penance. command that these stones be made

9 And think not to say within bread.
yourselves, we have Abraham for 4 Who answered and said : It
our father. For I telJ you that God is written, Not bread atone doth
is able of these stones to raise up man tire, but in every word that j ro-
children to Abraham. ceedethfrom the mouth of God.
10 For now the axe is laid to the & Then the devil look him up
root of the trees. Every tr*.^ there- into the holy city, and set him upon
fore thatdoth not yield gooritTiiit shall' the-pinrmC^ of i\,e temple,
be cut down, and cast into the fire. 6 And said to him If thou be :

Illindeed baptize you in wa- the Son of God, can thyself down ;
ter unto penance, but he that shall for it is written : That he hath given
come after me, is mightier than his Angels charge ever thee, ami in
I, whose shoes I am not worthy to their hands shalt they hear thee up,
bear he shall baptize you hi the
; lest perhaps thou dash thy foot
Holy Ghost and fire. Qgninst a stone.
18 Whose fan is in his hand, and 7 Jesus said to him : It is writ-
he will throughly cleanse his floor, ten again, Thou shall not tempi the
and gather his wheat into the barn, Lord thy God.
but the chaff he will burn with un- 9 Again the devil took him up
quenchable fire. into a very high mountain, a-d
13 Then cometh Jesus from Ga- shewed him ail the kingdoms ot
lilee to the Jordan unto John to be the world, and the glory of them.
baptized by him. 9 And said to him All these :
1 : : :

will I give thee, if falling down, 24 And fame went through-
thou wilt adore me. out all and they presented
10 Then Jesu9 saith to him : to him all sick people that were
Begone, Satan, written,
for it is taken with divers diseases and tor-
The Lord thy God shalt thou adore, ments, and such as were posses-
and him only shalt thou serve, sed by devils, and lunaticks, and
1 Then the devil left him : and those that had the palsy, and he
behold angels came and ministered cured them
to him. 25 And much people followed
12 And when Jesus had heard him from Galilee, and from Deca-
that John was delivered up, he re- polis, and from Jerusalem, and
tired into Galilee from Judea, and from beyond the
13 And leaving the city Naza- Jordan.
reth, he came and dwelt in Caphar-
naum on the sea- coast, in the bor*
ders of Zabulon and ofNepthalim ;
Clirisfs Sermon upon ifte Mount,
U That it might be fulfilled which A ND
seeing the multitudes, he
**- went up into a mountain, and
was sa:d by Isaias the prophet:
15 The land of Zabulon and kind of when he was set down, his disciples
Nepihulirn, the way of the sea beyond came unto him,
the Jordan, Gc like of the Gentiles : 2 And opening his mouth, he
IG The people that sat in darkness, taught them, saying:
hath seen great tight ; and to them that 3 Blessed are the poor in Spirit
sat in the region of the shadow of death, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
light is sprung up, 4 Blessed are the meek : for they
17 From that time Jesus began shall possess the land.
to preach, and to say : Do penance, 5 Blessed are they that mourn :

for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. for they shall be comforted.

IS And J^sus walking by the 6 Blessed are they that hunger
ssa of Galilee, saw two brethren, and thirst after justice : for tney
Simon who is called Peter, and An- shall have their fill.

drew his brothers, casting a net into 7 Blessed are the merciful : for
the sea (for they were fishers,) they shall obtain mercy.
19 And he saith to them: Come 8 Blessed are the clean of heart
ye-afler me, and 1 will make you for they shall see God.
to be fishers cf men. . 9 Blessed are the peace-makers :
SO* And they immediately leav- for they shall be called the children
ing their nets, followed him. of God.
21 And going on from thence, he 10 Blessed are they that suffer
saw other two brethren, James the persecution for justice sake : for
son of >ZebedeQ, and John his bro- theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
ther, in a ship with Zebedee their 11 Blessed are ye when they
father, mending their nets : and he shall revile you, and persecute you,
called them. and speak all that is evil against
22 And they forthwith left their you, untruly, for my sake ;
nets and father, and followed him. 12 Be glad and rejoice, for your
23 And Jesus went about all reward is very great in heaven.
Galilee, teaching in their syna- For so they persecuted the pro-
gogues, and preaching the Gospel phets that were before you.
of the Kingdom and healing all
: 13 You are the salt of the earth.
manner of sickness, and every in- But if the salt lose its savour,
firmity among the people. wherewith shall it be salted ? It is

good nothing any more but to
for fore the altar, and go first to be
be cast out. and to be trodden on reconciled to thy brother : and then
by men. coming thou shalt offer thy g-ift.
2.5 Be at agreement with thy ad-
14 Ton are the light of the world.
A city seated on a mountain can- versary betimes, whilst thou art in
not be hid. the way with him : lest perhaps
15 Neither do men light a caudle the adversary deliver thee to the
and put it under a bushel, but upon judge, and the judge deliver thee
a candlestick, that it may shine to to the officer, and thou be cast in-
allthat are in the house. to prison.
16 So !et your light shine before 26 Amen, I say to thee, thou
men, that they may seeyour good shalt not go out from thence till
works, arid glorify your Father thou repay the last farthing.
who heaven.
is in 2? Ion have heard that it was
it Do not think that I am come said to them of old Thou shalt

to destroy the law, or the prophets. not commit adultery.

1 am not come to destroy but to 23 But I say to you, that who-
fulfil. soever shall look on a woman to
18 For amen I say unto you, till lust after her, hath already commit-
heaven and earth pass, one jot, or ted adultery with her in his heart.
one tittle shall not pass of the law, 29 And if thy right eye scan-
till all be fulfilled. dalize thee, pluck it out and cast it
19 He therefore that shall break from thee. For it is expedient for
cue of these least commandments, thee that one of thy members should
and shall so teach men, shall be perish, rather than thy whole body
called the least in the kingdom of be cast into hell.
beaven. But he that shah do and 30 And if thy right hand scan-
teach, he shall be tailed great in dalize thee, cut it off, and cast it

the kingdom of heaven. from thee: for it is expedient for

20 For I tell you, that unless thee that one of .by members should
your justice abound more than that, perish rather than that thy whoia
of tho scribes and pharisees, you body go into hell.
shall not enter into the kingdom of 31 And it hath been said, who-
heaven. soever shall put away lis wife, let
2i You have heard that it was him give her a bill of divorce.
laid to them of oh! : Thou shalt not 32 But I say to you, that who-
till. And whosoever shall kill, soever shall put away Ins wife, ex-
:hall be in danger of the judgment. cepting the cause of fornication,
22 But I say to you, that who- maketh her to commit adultery :
oever is angry with his brother, And he that shall marry her that is
hull he in danger of the judgment. put away, committeth adultery.
Uid whosoever shall say to his bro- 33 Again you have heard thai
her, Kaca, shall be in danger of it was said to them of eid, Thou

he council. And whosoever shall shalt not forswear thyself: But thou
jay. Thou fool, shall be in danger shalt perform thy oaths to the Lord.
Jf hell fire. 31 But I say to you not to sweat
23 If therefore thou offer thy at all : neither by heaven, for it is
gift at the altar, and there thou re- the throne of God :
member that thy brother hath any 35 Nor by the earth, for it it
thing against thee his footstool: nor by Jerusalem,
24* Leave there thy offering be- for it is the city of the great king.
1 ::

3fi Neither shalt thou swear by fore thee, as the hypocrites do in
thy head, because thou canst not the synagogues, and in the streets,
make one hair white or black. that they may be honoured by men.
37 But let your speech be yea, Amen I say to you, they have re-
yea no, no and that w hich is over
: :
ceived their reward.
and above these, is of evil. 3 But when thou dost alms, let
38 You have heard that it hath not thy left hand know what thy
been said. An eye for an eye, and right hand doth.
a tooth for a tooth. 4 That thy alms may be in se-
39 But I say to you not to resist cret, and thy Father, who seeth in
evil : but if one strike thee on thy secret, will repay thee.
right cheek, turn to him also the .5 And when ye pray, you shall
Other : not be as the hypocrites, that love
40 And if a man will contend with to stand and pray in the syna-
thee in judgment, and takeaway thy gogues and corners of the streets,
coat, let him have thy cloak also. that they may be seen by men
41 And whosoever will force Amen I say to you, they have re-
thee one mile, go with him other ceived their reward.
two. 6 But thou when thou shalt pray,
42 Give to him that asketh of enter into thy chamber, and having
thee, and from him that would bor- shut the door, pray to thy Father
row of thee turn not away. in secret and thy Father, who

43 You have heard that it hath seeth in secret will repay thee.
been said, Thou shalt love thy 7 And when you are praying,
neighbour, and hate thy enemy. speak not much, as the heathens.
44 But I say to you, love your For they think that in their much*
enemies, do good to them that hate speaking they may be heard.
you ; and pray for them that per- 8 Be not you therefore like to
secute and calumniate you them, for your Father knoweth

45 That you may be the children what is needful for you, before you
of your Father who is in heaven, ask him.
who maketh his sun to rise upon 9 Thus therefore shalt thou pray
the good and bad, and raineth upon Our Father who art in heaven,
the just and the unjust. hallowed be thy name.
46 For if you love them that love 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will
you, what reward shall you have ? be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
lonot even the publicans this ? 1 Give us this day our super*
47 And if you salute your bre- substantial bread.
thren only, what do you more? do 12 And forgive us our debts, as
not also the heathens this ? we also forgive our debtors.
48 Be you therefore perfect, as 13 And lead us not into tempta-
also your heavenly Father 13 perfect. tion. But deliver us from evil.
CHAP. VI. Amen.
A cwiiinuation of trie serynon. 14 For you will forgive men

TAKE heed that you do not your their offences,your heavenly Father
justice before men, to be seen will forgive you also your offences.
by them otherwise you shall not
: 15 But if you wiil not forgive
have a reward of your Father who men, neither will your Father for*
u in heaven, give you your offences.
2 Therefore when thou dost an 16 And when you fast, be not as
alms-deed, sound not a trumpet be- the hypocrites, sad. For they dvs-

figure their faces, that they may ap- solicitous ? Consider the lilies of the
pear unto men to fast. Amen I field how they grow they labour

say to you, they have received their not, neither do they sphj,
reward. 29 But I say to you, that not
17 But thou, when thou fastest, even Solomon in all his glory was
anoint thy head, and wash thy face arrayed as one of these.
18 That thou appear not to men 30 And if the grass of the field,
to fast, but to thy Father who is in which is to-day, and to-morrow is
secret : and thy Father who seeth cast in^o the oven, God doth so
in secret, will repay thee. clothe :how much more you, O ye
19 Lay not up to yourselves of little faith?
treasures on earth : where the rust 31 Be not solicitous! therefore,
and moth consume, and where saying, what shall we eat or what

thieves break through and steal. shall we drink, or wherewith shall

20 But lay up to yourselves we be clothed ?
treasures in heaven : where neither 32 For all these things do
the rust nor moth doth consume, the heathen seek. For your Fa-
and where thieves do not break ther knoweth that you have need
through, nor steal. of all these things.
21 For where thy treasure is, 33 Seek ye therefore first the
there is thy heart also. kingdom of God, and his justice,
22 The light of thy body is thy and all these things shall be added
eye. If thy eye be single, thy unto you.
whole body shad be lightsome. 34 Be not therefore solicitous for
23 But if thy eye be evil thy to-morrow for the morrow will be

whole body shall tie darksome. If solicitous for itself. Sufficient fot
then the light that is in thee, be the day is the evil thereof.
darkness : the darkness itself how CHAP. VII.
great shall it be? The third fart of the sermon.
24 No man can serve two mas- TUDGE not, that you may not
ters. For either he will hate the ** be judged.
one, and love the other : or he will 2 For with what judgment you
sustain the one, and despise the judge, you shall be judged and :

other* You cannot serve God and with what measure you mete, it.
Mammon. shall be measured to you again.
25 Therefore I say to you, be 3 And why seest thou the mote
not solicitous for your life, what that is in thy brother's eye: and
you shall eat, nor for your body, seest not the beam that is in thy
what you shall put on. Is not tile own eye?
life more than the meat ; and the 4 Or how sayest thou to thy
body more than the raiment ? brother: Let me cast the mote out
26 Behold the birds of the air, of thy eye ; and behold a beam is .

for they neither sow, nor do they in thy own eye?

reap, nor gather into hams : and 5 Thou hypocrite, cast out first
your heavenly Father feedeth them. the beam out of thy own eye, and
Are not you of much more value then srfidt thou see to cast out the
than they ? mote out of thy brother's eye.
27 And which of you, by taking C Give not that which is holy to
thought,, can add to his stature one dogs; neither cast ye your pearls
cubit? before swine, lest perhaps they
28 And for raiment why are you trample them under their feet and
! : : ;

turning i\pon you, they tear you. doth the will of my Father, who is
7 Ask, and it shall he given you in heaven, he shall enter into the

seek, and you shall find ; knock, kingdom of heaven.

and it shall be opened to you. 22 Many will say to me in that
8 For every one that asketh, re- day ; lord. Lord, have not we pro-
ceiveth : and he that seeketh, fiod- phesied in thy name, and cast out
eth : and to him that knocketh, it devils in thy name, and done many
shall be opened. miracles in thy name ?
9 Or what man is there among 23 And then will I profess unto
you, of whom if his son shall ask them, I never knew you : depart
bread, will he reach him a stone ? from me you that work iniquity.
10 Or if he shall ask him a fish, 24 Every one therefore that
will he reach him a serpent ? heareth these my words, and doth
11 If you then, being evil, know them, shall be likened to a wise man
how to give good gifts to your child- that built his house upon a rock,
ren ; how much more will your Fa- 25 And the rain fell, and the flood*
ther, who is in heaven, give good came, and the winds blew, and
things to them that ask him ? they beat upon that house, and it
12 All things therefore whatso- fell not, for it was founded on a rock.
ever you would that men should do 26 And every one that heareth
to you, do you also to them.- For these my words, and doth them not,
this is the law and the prophets. shall be like a foolish man that built
13 Enter ye in at the narrow his house upon the sand
gate: for wide is the gate, and 27 And the rain fell, and the
broad is the way that leadeth to de- floods came, and the winds blew*
struction, and many there are who and they beat upon that house, and
go in thereat. it fell, and great was the fall thereof*

14 How narrow is the gate, and 28 And it came to pass when

fully ended these w ords,
strait is the way, that leadeth to life Jesus had
and few there are that find it the people were in admiration at his
15 Beware of false prophets, who doctrine.
eome to you in the clothing of sheep, 29 For he was teaching them as
but inwardly they are ravening one having power, and not as the
wolves. Scribes and Pharisees.
16 By their fruits you shall know CHAP. VIII.
them. "Do men gather grapes of Christ cleanses the leper.
thorns, or figs of thistles ? A ND
when he was come dowa
17 Even so every good tree bring- -^
from the mountain, great mul-
eth forth good fruit, and the evil him
titudes followed
tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 2 And behold a leper came and
ISA good tree cannot bring forth adored him, saying : Lord, if thou
evil fruit, neither can an evil' tree wilt, thou canst make me clean.
tring forth good fruit. 3 And Jesus stretching forth his
19 Every tree that bringeth not hand, touched him, said : I will,
forth good fruit, shall be cut down, Be thou made clean. And forth*
and shall be east into the fire. with his leprosy was cleansed.
20 Wherefore by their fruits you 4 And Jesus saith to him See:

shall know therm thou tell no man but go, shew thy-

21 Not every one that saith to and offer the gift

self to the priest,
me, Lord, Lord* shall enter into which Moses commanded for a tes«*
the kingdom of heaven but he that
: timony unto them.
5 And when he had entered into prophet, saying : He took our in*
Capharnaum, there came to him a finnities, and bore our diseases,
centurion, -beseeching him, 18 And Jesus
seeing great mul-
6 And saying: Lord, my servant titudes about him, gave orders to
lieth at home sick of the palsy, and pass over the water.
is grievously tormented. 19 And a certain scribe came,
7 And Jesus saith to him: I and said to him : Master, I will fol-
will come and heal him. low thee whithersoever thou shaltgo.
8 And the centurion making an- 20 And Jesus saith to him : The
swer, said : Lord; I am not worthy foxes have holes, and the birds of
that thou shouidst enter under n % the air nests, but the Son of Man
roof: but only say the word, and hath not where to lay Lis head.
my servant shall be healed. 2T And another of Lis disciples
9 For I also am a man subject to said tohim Lord, suffer me first

authority, having under me soldiers; to go and bury my lather.

and 1 say to this, Go, and he 22 But J bs us- said to him Fol- :

goeth, and to another, Come, and low me, and let the dead bury
he cometh, and to my servant, Do their dead.
this, and he doeth it. 23 And when he entered into the
10 And Jesus hearing this, mar- boat, his disciples folio wed him.
velled ; and said to them that follow- 24- And behold a great tempest
ed him Amen I say to you, I have
: arose in the sea, so that the boat
not found so great faith in Israel. was covered with, waves, but he
11 And I say unto you that was asleep.
many shall come from the Ea3t and 25 And. they came to him, and
the West, and shall sit down with awaked him, saying: Lord, sava
Abraham, and fsaac, and Jacob, in us, we perish !

the kingdom of heaven : 26 And Jesus saith to them**

1:2 But the children of the king- Why are you fearful, ye of littl*
dom-shall be cast out into the ex- faith ? Then rising up, he com-
terior darkness there shall be
: manded the wind*, and the sea, and.
weeping and gnashing of teeth. there came a great calm.
13 And Je3us said to the centu- 27 But the men wondered, say-
rion :Go, and as thou hast believ- ing : What manner of man is this,
ed, so be it done to thee. And the for thewinds and the sea obey him ?
servant was healed at the same 28 And when he was come on
hour. the other side of the water, into the
11 And when Jesus was come country of the Gerasens, there met
into Peter's house, he saw his wife's lum two that were possessed with
mother lying, and sick of a fever: devils, coming out of the sepul-
15 And he touched her hand, chres, exceeding fierce, so that
and the fever left her, and she arose, none could pas* by that way.
and ministered to them. 29 And behold they cried out,
Id And when evening was come, Baying What have we to do with

they brought to him many that thee, Jesus Son of God ? art thou
were possessed with devils; and come hither to torment us before
he cast out the spirits with his the time ?
word and all that, were sick he
: 30 And there was, not far from
healed. them, an herd of many swine feeaV
1? That it might be fulfilled, ing.
vhich was spoken by Isaias the 31 And the devils besought hirr^

saying: If thou cast us out hence. 10 And
it came to pass as he was

Bend us into the herd of swine. meat in the house, behold

sitting at
32 And he said to them Go. But
: many publicans and sinners came,
they going out, went into the swine, and sat down with Jesus and his
and behold the whole herd run vio- disciples.
lently down
a steep place into the 11 And the Pharisees seeing it,
sea and they perished in the waters.
: said to his disciples : dothWhy
33 And they that kept them lied your master eat with publicans and
and coming into the city, told every sinners ?
thing, and concerning them that •12 But Jesus hearing it, said:
had been possessed by the devils. They that are in health need not a
S-i And behold the whole city physician, but they that are ill.
went out to meet Jesus, and when 13 Go then and learn wdiat thi3
they saw him, they besought him that meaneth, I will have mercy? and not
be would depart from their coasts. sacrifice. For I am not come to
CHAP. IX. call the just, but sinners.
Christ heals one sick of the palsy. 1 4 Then came to him the disci-
A ND entering into a boat, he ples of John, saying : Why do we
*** passed over the water, and and the Pharisees fast often,, but thy
came into his own city. disciples do not fast ?
2 And behold they brought to j
15 And Jesus said to them Can :

lilm one palsy, lying

sick of the the children of the bridegroom
in a bed. And Jesus seeing their mourn, as Jong as the bridegroom
faith, said to the man sick of the is with them ? But the days will
palsy ; Be of good heart, Son, thy come when the bridegroom shall be
sins are forgiven thee. taken awr ay from them, and then
3 And
behold some of the Scribes they shall fast.
said within themselves : He blas- 16 And no body putteth a piece
pheineth. of raw cloth unto an old garment,.
4 And Jesus seeing their For it taketh away the fulness
thoughts, said Why do you think
: thereof from the garment, and there
evil in your hearts? ismade a greater rent.
5 Whether is easier to say, thy } 7 Neither do they put new wine

sins are forgiven thee: or to say^ into old bottles. Otherwise the
arise and walk ? bottles break, and the wine runneth
6 But that you may know that out, and the bottles perish. But
the son of man hath power on earth new wine they put into new bot-
to forgive sins, (then said he to the tles : and both are preserved.

man sick of the palsy) Arise, take 18 As he was speaking these

up thy bed, and go into thy house. things unto them, behold a certain
7 x\nd he ar^se, aad went into ruler came up, and adored him,
his house. saying : Lord, my daughter is even
8 And the multitudes seeing it, now dead ; but come, lay thy hand
feared, and glorified God that gave upon her, and she shall five.

such power men.

to 19 And Jesus up followed
9 And when Jesus passed on him, with his disciples.
from thence, he saw a man sitting 20 And behold a woman who
in the custom-house, named Mat- was troubled with an issue of blood
thew ; and he saith to him Follow
: twelve years, came behind him,
me. And he arose up and followed and touched the hem of his garment.
him. 21 For she said within herself,.

If I shall touch only his garment, I S6 And seeing the multitudes,
shall be healed. he had compassion on them be- :

22 But Jesus turning and seeing cause they were distressed, and ly-
her, said Be of good heart, daugh-
: ing like sheer that have no shepherd.
ter, thy faith hath made thee whole. 37 Then he saith to his disciples,
And the woman was made whole The harvest indeed is great, but
from that hour. the labourers are few.
23 And when Jesus was come 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord
into the house of the ruler, and Raw of the harvest, that he send forth
the minstrels and the multitude labourers into his harvest.
making a rout, CHA?. X.
24 He said Give place, for the
: Christ sends out his twelve apostles.
girl is not dead,but sleepeth. And
they laughed him to scorn.
AND having called his twelve dis-
ciples together, he gave them
25 And when the multitude was power over unclean spirits,^ to cast
put forth, he went in, and took her them out, and to heal aJl manner of
by the hand. And the maid arose. diseases and all manner of infirmities.
26 And the fame hereof went 2 And the names of the twelve
abroad into all that country. apostles are these: the first, Simon
27 And as Jesus passed from who is called Peter, and Andrew
thence, there followed him two his brother.
blind men crying out and saying, 3 James the son of Zebedee, and
Have merry on us, O son of David. John his brother, Philip and Bar-
28 And when he was come to tholomew, Thomas and Matthew
the house, the blind men came to the publican, and James the son of
him. And Jesus saith to them, Do Alpheus, and Thaddeus,
you believe, that I can do this unto 4 Simon the Cananean, and Jj-
you ? They say to him, Yea, Lord. das Iscariot, who also betrayed him.
29 Then he touched their eyes, 5 These Twelve Jesus sent
saying, According to your faith, be commanding them, saying G ye : ;

h done unto you. not into the way of the gentiles,

30 And their eyes were opened, and into the dues ot the Samaritans
and Jesus strictly charged them, enter ye not
saying, See that no mail know this. 6 But go ye rather to the lost
31 But they going out, spread his sheep of the house of Israel.
fame abroad in ai] that country. 7 And going, preach, saying:
32 And when they were gone The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
out, behold they brought him a S Heal the sick, raise the dead-
dumb man, possessed with a devil. cleanse the lepers, cast out devils*
33 And after the devil was cast freely have you received; freely give
out, the dumb man spoke, and the 9 Do not possess gold, nor silver,
multitudes wondered saying, Never nor money in your purses :

was the Kke seen in Israel. 10 Nor scrip for your journey,
34 But the Pharisees said, By nor two coats, nor shoes, nor a
the prince of devils he casteth out staff; for the workman is worthy of
devils. his meat.
35 And Jesus went about all the 11 And into whatsoever city or
cities,and to ,vns, teaching in their town you shall enter, inquire who
synagogues, and preaching the gos- in it is worthy, and there abide till
pel of the kingdom, and healing ycu go thence.
tvery disease, and every infirmity. 12 And when you come into the
house, salute it, saying: Peace be that he be as his master, and the
to this house. servant as his lord. If they have
13 And if that house be worthy, called the goodman of the house
your peace shall come upon it ; but Beelzebub, how much more them
if it be not worthy, your peace shail of his household ?
reiurn to you. 26 Therefore fear them not. For
14 And whosoever shall not re- nothing covered that shall not be

ceive you, nor hear your words : revealed, nor hid, that shall not be
going forth out of that house or city known.
shake off the dust from your feet. 27 That which I tell you in the
15 Amen I sa5 to you, it shall dark, speak ye in the light: and
be more tolerable for the land of that which you hear in the ear,
Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of preach ye upon the house-tops.
judgment, than for that city. 28 And fear ye not them that kill
16 Behold 1 send you as sheep the body, and are not able to kill the
in the midst of wolves. Be ye there- soul but rather fear him thai can

fore wise as serpents and simple as destroy boYh soul and body into hell.
doves. 29 Are not two sparrows sold
17 But beware of men. For they for a farthing: and not one of them
will deliver you up in councils, and shall fall on the ground without
they will scourge you in their syna- your Father.
gogues. 30 But the very nairs of your
J 8 And you shall be brought be- head are all numbered.
fore governors, and before kings for 31 Fear not therefore: better
my sake, for a testimony to them are you than many sparrows.
and to the gentiles : 32 Every one therefore that shall
19 But when they shall deliver confess me before men, I will also
you up, take no thought how or confess him before my Father who
what to speak : for it shall be given ig in heaven.
you in that hour what to speak. 33 But he that shall deny me be-
20 For it is not you that speak, fore men, I will also deny him be-
but the Spirit of your Father that fore my Father who is in heaven.
speak eth in you* 34 Do not think that 1 came to
21 The brother also shall deliver send peace upon earth: I came not
rip the brother to death, and the fa- to send peace,, but the sword.
ther the son ; and the children shall 35 For I came to set a man at
rise up against then parents, and variance against his father, and the
shall put them to death. daughter against her mother, and
22 And you shall he hated by he daughter-in-law against her
all men for my name's sake: hut he mother-in-law.
that shall persevere unto the end, 36 And a man's enemies, shall
he shall be saved. be they of his own houshold.
23 And when they shall perse- 37 He that loveth father or mo-
cute you in this city, flee into ano- ther more than me, is not worthy
ther. Amen I say to you, you of me:: and he that loveth sou or
6hall not finish all the cities of Is- daughter more than me, is not.
rael, till the son of man come. worthy of me.
24- The disciple is not above the 38 And he that taketh not up
master, nor the servant above his his cross, and folio weth me, is not
lord. worthy of me.
2i5 It is enough for the disciple 39 He that findeth his life, shall.

Jose it : and lie that sliail lose his before thy face who shall prepare
life for me, shall find it. thy way before thee,
40 He that receiveth you, re- 11 Amen I say to you, there
ceiveth me and he that receiveth
: hath not risen among them that are
me, receiveth him that sent me. born of women a greater than. John
41 He that receiveth a prophet the baptist : yet he that is the lesser
in the name of a prophet, shall re- in the kingdom of heaven is greater
ceive the reward of a prophet, and than he.
he that receiveth a just man in the 12 And from the days of John the
name of a ju3t man, shall receive Baptist until now, the kingdom of
the reward of a just man. heaven sufFereth violence, and the
42 And whosoever shall give to violent bear it away.
drink to one of these little ones a 13 For all the p'rophets and the
cup of cold water only in the name law prophesied until John :
of a disciple, amen I say to you, he 14 And if you will receive it, he
shall not lose his reward. is Elias that is to come.

CHAP. XI. 13 He that hath ears to hear, let

John sendcth his disciples to Christ. him hear.
AND came pass: when

Jesus had made an end of com-

to 16 But whereunto
shall I esteem
generation to be like ? It is like
manding his twelve disciples, he to children sitting in the market-
passed from thence, to teach and place.
preach in their cities. 17 Who crying to their compani-
2 Now when John had heard in ons say : We
have piped to you, and
prison the w orks of Christ sending
: you have not danced we have la-

two of his disciples he said to him : mented, and you have not mourned.
3 Art thou he that art to come, 18 For John came neither eat-
or look we for another ? ing nor drinking ; and they say •.

4 And Jesus making answer said He hath a devil.

to them : Go ;and relate to John 19 The son of man came eating
what you have heard and seen. and drinking, and they say : Be-
5 The blind see, the lame walk, hold a man that is a glutton and a
the lepers are cleansed, the deaf wine-drinker, a friend of publicans
hear, the dead rise again, the po'or and sinners. And wisdom is jus-
have the gospel preached to them. tified by her children.
6 And blessed is he that shall not ^0 Then began he to upbraid the
be scandalized in me. cities, wherein were done the most
7 Ami when they went their way, of his miracles, for that they had
Jesus began to s*y to the multi- not done penance.
tudes concerning John: What went 21 Woe to thee, Corozain, woe to
you out into the desert to see ? a thee, Beth^aida for if in Tyre and

reed shaken with the wind? Sidon had been wrought the mira-
8 But what went you out to see ? cles that have been wrought in you,
a man clothed in soft garments? they had long ago done penance in
Behold they that are clothed in soft sack-cloth and ashes.
garments, are in the houses of kings. 22 But I say unto you, it shall be
But what went you out to §ee?
9 more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon
a prophet ? yea I tell you, and more in the day ofjudgment, than for you.
than a prophet. 23 And thou Capharnaum, shalt
10 For this is he of whom it is thou be exalted up to heaven ?
written : Bthold I send my Angel thou shalt go down even unto belli

For if in Sodom had been wrought 5 Or have ye not read in the law>
the miracles that have been wrought that on the sabbath-days the priests
in thee, perhaps it had remained hi the temple break the sabbath,
unto this day. and are without blame?
24 But I say unto you, that it 6 But I tell you that there is
shall be more tolerable for the land here a greater than the temple.
of Sodom in the day of judgment, 7 And if you knew what this
then for thee. meaneth, / will have mercy,
25 At that time Jesus answered not you would never
sacrifice :

and said I confess to thee, O Fa-

: have condemned the innocent.
ther, Lord of heaven and earth, be- 8 For the son of man is Lord
cause thou hast hid these things even of the sabbath.
from the wise and prudent, and hast 9 And when he had passed from
revealed them to little ones. thence,he came iutotheir synagogue.
26 Yea, Father ; for so hath it 10 And behold there w as a man r

seemed good in thy sight. who had a withered hand, and they
27 All things are delivered to asked him, saying: Is it lawful to
me by my Father. And no one heal on the sabbath-days ? that
knoweth the Son, but the Father they might accuse him.
neither doth any one know the Fa- 11 But he said to them What :

ther, but the Son, and lie to whom man shall there be among you, that
it shall please the Son to reveal Aim* hath one sheep and if the same

28 Come to me, all you that la- fall into a pit on the sabbath-day,
bour, and are burdened, and I will- will he not take hold on it and lift
refresh you. it up ?
29 Take up my yoke upon you, 12 How much better is a man
and learn of me, because I am meek, than a sheep ? Therefore it is law-
and humble of heart and you shall : ful to do a good deed on the sab-
find rest to your souls. bath-days.
SO For my yoke is sweet and 13 Then he saith to the man :
my burden light. Stretch forth thy hand, and he
CHAR XII. stretched it forth, and it was re~
Ckirst reproves the Pharisees* stored to health even as the other.
A T that time Jesus went through 14 And the Pharisees going out
^ the corn on the sabbath and
his disciples being hungry,

made a consultation against him,
how they might destroy him.
%o pluck the ears, and to eat. 15 But Jesus knowing it, retired
2 And the Pharisees seeing them, from thence: and many followed,
said to him : Behold thy disciples him, and he healed them all.
do that which
not lawful to do
is 16 And he charged them that
©n the sabbath-days. they should not make him known.
3 But he said to them: Have 17 That it might be fulfilled
you not read what David did when which was spoken by Isaias ths>
he was hungry, and they that were prophet, saying:
with him : IS Behold my servant whom I have
4* How he
entered into the house chosen, my beloved in whom my soul hath
of God, and did eat the loaves of been well pleased. I will put my Spirit
proposition, which it was not law- uponhi/n, and he shall shew judgment
ful for him to eat, nor for them to the gentiles*
were with him, but for the priests
19 He shall not contend, nor cry out %

only neither shall any man hear his voice in

*tht streets*
20 Tlie hrnisea icej h*. sJiail not in this world, nor in the world to
break, and smoking Jinx he shall not come.
txringirish : till he send for ih judgment 33 Either make the tree good,
vnto victory. and its fruit good or make the tree

21 And in his name the Gentiles evil, arid its fruit evil. For by the
iho.il hope.
fruit the tree is
22 Tnen was ^{%-red to him one
34 O generation of vipers, how
possessed with a devil, blind and can you speak good things, whereas
dumb and he healed him, so that
you are evii ? for out of the abun-
lie spoke and saw,
dance of the heart the moufeh
23 And all the multitudes were speaketh.
amazed, and said Is not this the :
35 A good man out of a good
son of David ? treasure bringeth forth good things:
Qi But the Pharisees hearing it, and an evil man out of an evii trea-
said This man casteih net out de-
sure bringeth forth evil things.
vils but by Beelzebub the prince of
36 But 1 say unto you, that eve-
the devils. ry idle word, that men shall speak,
25 And Jesus knowing their
they shah render aj account for it
thoughts, said to them : Every in the day of judgment.
kingdom divided against itself snail
3T For by thy words thou shalt
be made desolate: end every city
be justified, and by thy words tnou
or house divided against itself shaii shait be condemned.
not stand. 38 Then some of the scribes and
26 And if satan cast out satan, Pharisee^ answered him, sayings
he is divided against himself: how Master, we would see a sign from
fehen shall his kingdom stand ?
27 And if I by Beelzebub cast 39 Who answering said to them :

out devil?, by whom

do your child- An evilawl adulterous generation
ren cast them out ? Therefore they seekr-th a sign ; and a sign .-hall not
shall be your judges.
btj given it, but the sign ot Jonas
2S But it I by the Spirit of God the prophet.
cast out devils, then is the kingdom
40 For as Jonas was in the
of God come upon yen. whale's belly three days and ihree
29 Or how can any one enter into
nights : so shall the son of man he
the house t?t the strong, and rixic nb
in the heSft 01 the earth three days
goods, unless he first bird the
and three nights.
strong ? and then he will rifle his
41 The men of Ninive shall rise in
judgment with this gener.-rt.ion, and
30 He that is not with me, is
shall condemn it: because they aid
against me and he that gathereth
penance at the preaching of Jonas.
not with me, eeattereth.
And behold a greater than Jonas
3i Therefore I say to you Every :
sin ana blasphemy shall be forgiven
¥4 The queen of the south shall
men, but the blasphemy of the
rise in judgment with this genera-
Spirit shall not be forgiven.
tion, and shall condemn it: because
32 And whosoever shall speak a
she came trom the endr ot the
word against the son of man, it
earth to hear the wisdom of Solo-
shall be forgiven him but he that :
mon, and behold a greater than
shall speak against the Holy Ghost>
Solomon here.
it shall not be forgiven him neither
43 And when an unclean spirit
; :

is gone out of a man he walketh were scorched and because they

through dry places seeking rest, had not root, they withered away.
and findeth none. 7 And others fell among thorns :
44 Then he saith. I will return and the thorns grew up and choked
into my house from whence I came tb. em.

out. And coming he findeth ii 8 And others fell upon good

empty, swept, and garnished. ground: and they brought forth
45 Then he goeth, and taketh fruit, some an hundred fold, some
with him seven other spirits more sixtv fold, and some thirty Lid.
wicked than himself, and they enter 9 He that hath ears to hear, let
in and dwell there: and the last him hear.
state of that man is made worse 10' And his disciples came and
than the first. So shall it be also said to him Why gpeakest thou to

to this wicked generation. them in parables ?

46 As he was yet speaking to 11 Who answered, and said to
the multitudes, behold his mother them Because to you it is given to

and brethren stood without,

his know the mysterie of the kingdom
seeking to speak to him. of heaven; but to them it is not
47 And one said unto him, Behold given.
thv mother and thy brethren stand 13 For he that hath, to him shall
^without, seeking thee. be given, and he shall abound but :

48 But he answering him that he that hath not, from him shall be
told him, said Who is my mother,
: taken away that also which he hath.
and who are my brethren ? 13 Therefore do I speak to them
49 And
stretching forth his hand in parables because seeing they see

towards his disciples, he said : Be- not. and hearing they hear not, nei-
hold my mother and my brethren. ther do they. understand
50 For whosoever shall do the 14 And the prophecy of Isaias
will of my Father, that is in heaven is fulfilled in them, who saith By :

he is my brother, and sister, and hearing you shall hear ; and shall
mother. not understand : and seeing yon
CHAP. XIII. shall seey and shall not perceive.
The parade of the sower, Id For the heart of this people i$
•TpKE same day Jests going out giown gross} and with their ears
r* of the house, sal by the sea side, ihey have been dull of hearing, and
2 And great multitudes were ga- their eyes they have shut lest at any •*

thered together unto him, so that he time they should see with their eyes>
went up into a boat and sat and all and hear with their ears, and under-

the multitude stood on the shore; stand with their heart, and be con*
3 And he spoke to them many verted, and I should heal them,
things in parables, saying, Behold 16 But blessed are your ey«s, v

the sower went forth to sow. because they see, and your ears,
4 And whilst he soweth some fell because they hear.
by the way side, and the birds of 17 For, Amen I say to you,
the air came and ate them up. many prophets and just men have
5 And other some fell upon stony desired to see the things that you
ground, where they had not much see, and have not s-en them and to :

earth and they sprung up imme- hear the tilings that you hear and

diately, because they had no deep- have not heard them.

ness of earth, 18 Hear you therefore thepara*
§ And when the sun was up they J ble of the sower.
1§ When
any one heareth the root up the wheat also together
word of the kingdom, and under- with it.

Btandeth it not, there cometh the 30 Suffer both to grow until the
wicked one, and catcheth away that harvest, and in the time of the har-
which was sown in his heart this : vest I will say to the reapers : Ga-
19 he that received the seed by the ther up first the cockle, and bind it
way side. into bundles to burn, but the wheat
20 And he that received the seed gather ye into my barn.
upon stony ground this is he that : 31 Another parable he proposed
heareth the word, and immediately unto them, saying : The kingdom
receiveth it with joy. of heaven is like to a grain of mus-
21 Yet hath he not root in him- tard-seed, which a man took and
self, but is only for a time: and sowed in his field.
when there ariseth tribulation and 32 Which is the least indeed of
persecution because of the word, all seeds but when it is grown up,

he is presently scandalized. greater than all herbs, and be*

it is

22 And he that received the seer] cometh a tree, so that the birds of
amorg thorns is he that heareth
: the air come, and dwell in the
the word, and the care of this world branches thereof.
and the deceitfulness of riches chok- 33 Another parable he spoke to
elh up the word, and he becometh them The kingdom of heaven is

fruitless. like to leaven, which a woman took

23 But he that received the seed and hid in three measures of meal,
upon good ground: this is he that until the whole was leavened.
heareth the word, and understand- 31 All these things Jesus spoke
eth, and beareth fruit, and yieldeth in parables to the multitudes; and
the one an hundred fold, and ano- without parables he aid not speak
ther sixty, and another thirty. to them :

24 Another parable he proposed 35 That it might be fulfilled

to them, saying: The kingdom of which was spoken by the pro| et I

heaven likened to a man •»!.:

is saying: / will open my mou
sowed good seed in his field; ngs hi 'hi en
23 But while men were asleep, from the foundation of the wi Id.
his enemy came and oversowed 36 Then . the
sent away
cackle among the wheat, and went

he ciw.t hito the house,

his way. and In e s came to him, say-

26 And when the blade was ing Expound to us the parable of


sprung up, and had brought forth the cockle of the field.
fruit, then appeared also the cockle. 37 Who made answer and
27 And the servants of the good to them He
that soweth the good

man of the house coming, said to seedf is the son of man.

him Sir, didst thou nut sow good
: 38 And the field, is the world.
seed in thy field ? whence then hath And the good seed are the children
it cockie ? of the kingdom. And the cockle,
25 And he said to them An : ene- are the children of the wicked one.
my hath done this. And the ser- 39 And the enemy that sowed
vants said to him Wilt thou : that them, is the devil. But the harvest
we go and gather it up ? is the end of the world. And the
29 And he said No, lest : per- reapers are the Angels.
haps gathering up the cockle, you 40 Even as cockie therefore is
gathered up, and burnt with fire : Jesus had finished these parables,
so shall it be at the end of the he passed from thence.
world. 54 And coming into his own
41 The son of man shall send his country, he taught them in their
Angels, and they shall gather out synagogues, so that they wondered
of his kingdom ail scandals, and and said How came this man by

them that work iniquity. this wisdom and miracles ?

42 And shall cast them into the 55 Is not this the carpenter's
furnace ef fire : There shall be son ? Is not his mother called
weeping and gnashing of teeth. Mary, and his brethren James, and
43 Then shall the just shine as Joseph, and Simon, and Jude :

the sun, in the kingdom of their 56 And his sisters, are they not
Father. lie that hath ears to hear, all with us ? Whence therefore hath
let him hear. he all these things ?
44 The kingdomof heaven is like 57 And they were scandalized in
unto a treasure hidden in a field. his regard. But Jesus said to
Which a man having found, hid it, them : A prophet is not without
and for joy thereof goeth, and sell- honour, save in his own country,
eth all that he hath, and buyeth and in his own house.
that field. 58 And he wrought not many
45 Again the kingdom of heaven miracles there, because of their un-
is like to a merchant seeking good belief.
pearls. CHAP. XIV.
46 Who when he had found one Herod puts John to death.
pearl of great price, went his way, A T that time Herod the Tetrarch
and sold all that he had, and bought
"• heard the fame of Jesus.
it. 2 And he said to his servants :
47 Again the kingdom of heaven This is John the Baptist he is

is like to a net
cast into the sea, risen from the dead, and therefore
and gathering together of all. kind mig! >ty works shew forth them-
of fishes. him.
SC'Vi s in
48 Which, when it was filled, 3 For Herod had apprehended
they drew out, and sitting by the John and bound him, and put him
shore, they chose out the good into ;
into prison because of Herodias,
ve5<els but the bad they Cast forth. his brother's wife.
49 So shall it be at the end of 4 For John said to him : It is
the world. The Angels shall go out, not lawful for thee to have her.
and shall separate the wicked from 5 And having a mind to put him
among the just. to death, he feared the people be- :

50 And shall cast them into the cause they esteemed him as a pro-
furnace of fire ; there shall be weep- phet
ing and gnashing of teeth. 6 But on Herod's birth -day, the
51 Have ye understood all these daughter of Herodias danced be-
tilings ? They say to him Yes. fore them
and pleased Herod. :

52 He said unto them There- : 7 Whereupon he promised with

fore every scribe instructe'd in the an oath, to give her whatsoever she
kingdom of heaven, is like to a man would ask of him.
that is a householder, who brmgeth 8 But she being instructed before
forth out of his treasure new things by her mother, said Give me here :

and old. in a dish the head of John the Bap-

53 And it came to pass ; when tist.

9 And the king was struck sad : and to go before him over the wa-
yet because of his oath, and for ter, till he dismissed the people.
them that sat with him at table, he 23 And having dismissed the mul-
commanded it to be given. titude, he went up into a mountain
10 And he sent, and beheaded alone to pray. And when it was
John in the prison. evening, he was there alone.
11 And his head was brought in 24 But the boat in the midst of
a dish and it was given to the dam-
: the sea was tossed with the waves :
sel, and she brought it to her mo- for the wind was contrary.
ther. 25 And in the fourth watch of
13 And his diseiples came and the night, he came to them walking
took the body, and buried it, and upon the sea.
came and told Jesus. 26 And they seeing him walking
13 Which when Jesus had heard, upon the sea, were troubled, say-
he retired from thence by a boat, ing It is an apparition. And they

into a desart place apart, and the cried out for fear.
multitudes having heard of it, fol- 27 And immediately Jesus spoke
lowed him on foot out of the cities. to them, saying Be of good heart;

M And he coming forth saw a it is I, fear ye not.

great multitude, and had compas- 28 And Peter making answer,

sion on them, and healed their sick! said: Lord, if it be thou, bid me
16 And when it was evening, come to thee upon the waters.
his disciples came to him, saying 29 And he said Come. And Pe-

This is a desurt place, and the hour ter going down out of the boat,
is now past: send sway the multi- walked upon the water to come to
tudes, that going into the towns, Jesus.
they may buy themselves victuals. 30 But seeing the wind strong
16 But Jesus said to thern, They he was afraid and when he began

have no need to go, give you them to sink, he cried out, saying Lord, :

to eat. save me.

17 They answered him : \V> 31 And immediately Jesus
have not here, but five loaves, and stretching forth his hand took held
two fishes. of him, and said to him O thou of :

18 Who said to them : Bring little fekh, w by didst thou doubt ?

them hither to me. 32 Arid when they were come
19 And when he had command- up into the boat, the wind ceased.
ed the multitudes to sit down upon 33 And they that were in the
the grass, he took the five loaves boat, came and adored him, say-
and the two fishes, and looking up ing Indeed thou art the Son of God.

to heave:), he blessed, and brake, and 3-t And having passed the water,
i^ave the loaves to his disciples, and they came into the country of Ge-
the disciples to the multitudes, nevan
20 And they did all eat, and 25 And when the men of that
were filled* And they took up place had knowledge of him, they
what remained, twelve full baskets pent into all that country, and
af fragments. brought to him all that were dis-
21 And the number of them that eased.
did eat was five thousand men, be- 3t> And they besought him that
sides women and children. they might touch but the hem of
22 And forthwith Jesus obliged h s garment.
And as many aa
go up into the boat,

nis^disciplef to | touched,, were made whole.

: :

CHAP. XV. him : Expound to us this parable.
Clirirt reproves the Scribes. 16 But he said : Are you also yet
rpHEN came
him /rom Jeru-
to without understanding ?
17 Do you not understand, that
•*- salem Scribes and Pharisees,
saying : whatsoever entercth into the mouth,
2 Why do thy disciples trans- goeth into the belly, and is cast out
gress the tradition of the ancients ? into the privy ?
for they wash not their hands when 18 But the things which proceed
they eat bread. out of the mouth, come forth from
3 But he answering, said to the heart, and those things defile a
them : Why
do you aiso transgress man.
the commandment of God for your 19 For from the heart come forth
tradition ? For God said thoughts, murders, adulteries,
4 Honour thy father and mother: fornications, thefts, false testimo-
And , He that shall curse father or nies, blasphemies.
mother, let him die the death. 20 These are the things that de*
6 But you say : Whosoever shall fde a man. But to eat with un-
say to father or mother, the gift washed hands doth not defile a man.
whatsoever proceedeth from me 21 And Jei us went from thence,
eh all profit thee. and retired into the coasts of Tyre
6 And he shall not honour his and Sidon,
father or his mother : and you have 22 And behold a woman of
made void the commandment of Canaan who came out of those
God for your tradition. coasts, crying out, said to him ;
7 Hypocrites, well hath Isaias Have mercy on me, Lord, thou
prophesied of you, saying: son of David : my daughter is
8 This people honour eth me with grievously troubled by a devil.
their lips: but their heart is far 23 Who answered her not a
from me. word. And his disciples came and
9 And in vain do they worship besought him, saying : Send her
me, teaching doctrines and com- away, for she crieth after us
mandments of men. 24 And he answering said : I
10 And having called together was not sent but to the sheep that
the multitudes unto him, he said are lost of the house of Israel.
to them Hear ye and understand.
: 25 But she came and adored him,
11 Not that which goeth into the saying Lord, help me.

mouth, defileth a man but what : 26 Who answering, said It is :

cometh out of the mouth, this de- not good to take the bread of the
fileth a man. children, and to cast it to the dogs.
12 Then came his disciples, and 27 But she said Yea, Lord for
: :

said to him Dost thou know that

: the whelps also eat of the crums that
the Pharisees, when they heard this fall from the table of their masters.

word, were scandalized ? 28 Then Jesus answering, said

13 But he answering said Every : to her: O woman, great is thy
plant which my heavenly Father faith : be it done to thee as thou
bath not planted, shall be rooted up. wilt and her daughter was cured

14 Let them alone: they are from that hour.

blind, and leaders of the blind. And 29 And when Jesus had passed
if the blind lead the blind, both fall away from thence, he came nigh
into the pit. the sea of Galilee and going up w»

15 And Peter answering said to to a mountain he sat there.

1 :

30 And there came to him great there will he a storm, for the sky is
multitudes, having with them the red and lowring. You know then
dumb, the blind, the lame, the how to discern the face of. the sky :
maimed, and many others and : and can you not know the signs oi
they cast them down at his feet, the times ?
and he healed them : 4 A wicked and adulterous ge«
31 So that the multitudes mar- neration seeketh after a sign : and
velled seeing the dumb speak, the a sign shall not be given it, but the
lame walk, the blind see : and they sign of Jonas the prophet. And he
glorified the God of Israel. left them and went away.
32 And Jesus called together his 5And when his disciples were
disciples, and said: I have com- come over the water, they had for*
passion on the multitudes, because gotten to take bread.
they continue with me, now three 6 Who said to them Take heed :

days, and: have not what to eat: and beware of the leaven of the
and I will not send them away Pharisees and Sadducees.
fasting, lest they faint in the way. 7 But they thought within them-
33 And the disciples say unto selves, saying: Because we have
him : Whence then should we have taken no bread.
so many loaves in the desart, as to 8 And Jesus knowing it, said
fill so great a multitude. Why do you think within your-
And Jesus said to them How
34. : selves, O ye of little faith, for that
many loaves have you ? But they you have no bread ?
said : Seven, and a few little fishes. 9 Do you not yet understand,
35 And he commanded the mul- neither do you remember the five
titude tosit down upon the ground. loaves among five thousand men,
3G And taking the seven loaves and how many baskets you took
and the fishes, and giving thanks, up?
he brake, and gave to his disciples, 10 Nor the seven loaves, among
and the disciples gave to the people. four thousand men, and how many
37 And they did all eat, and had baskets you took up ?
theirfill. AniHhey took up, seven 1 Why do you not understand
baskets full, of what remained of that it was not concerning bread I
the fragments. said to you Beware of the leaven

38 And they that did eat, were of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
four thousand men, betide children 12 Then they understood that
and women. he said not that they should beware
39 And having dismissed the mul- of the leaven of bread, but of the
titude, he went up into a boat, and doctrine of the Pharisees and Sad*
came into the coasts of Magedan. ducees.
CHAP. XVI. 13 And Jesus came into the
Christ refuses a sign to the Pharisees. quarters of Ccesarea Philippi : and
A ND there came to him the Pha- he asked his disciples, saying
<™ and Sadducees tempt-
risees Whom do men say that the son of
ing : they asked him to shew
aiul man is?
them a sign from heaven. 14< But they said : Some John
2 But he answered and said to the Baptist, and other some Elias,
them: When it is evening, you and oth-rs Jeremias, or one of the
say: It will be fair weather, for prophets.
the sky is red. 15 Jesus saith to them : But
3 And in the morning ; To-day whom do ) ou say that I am ?

16 Simon Peter answered and Angels : and then will he render to
said: Thou art Christ the Son of every man according to his works.
the living God. 28 Amen I say to you, there are
17 And Jesus answering, said to some of them that stand here, that
Kirn: Blessed art thou Simon Bar- shall not taste death, till they see the
Jona: because flesh and blood hath son of man coming in his kingdom,
not revealed it to thee, but my CHAP. XVII.
Father who is in heaven. Tlic transfiguration of Christ.
18 And I say to thee That thou
: A NO
after six days Jesus taketK
art Peter ; and upon this rock 1 will - ^
unto him Peter and James, and
build my churen, and the gates of John his -brother, and bringeth them
hell sha41 not prevail against it. up into a high mountain apart
19 And I will give to t *ee the 3 And he was transfigured be-

keys of the kingdom of heaven fore them.

: And his face did shine
And whatsoever thou shalt bind as the sun and his garments be- :

upon earth, it shall be bound also came white as snow.

in heaven: and whatsoever thou 3 And behold there appeared Id
shalt loose on earth, it shall be them Moses and Elias talking with
loosed also in heaven. him.
SO Then he commanded his dis- 4 And Peter answering, said td
ciples, that they should tell do one Jesus Lord, it is good for us to be

that he was Jesus the Christ. here if thou wilt, let us make here

21 From that tim^ Jssus began- three tabernacles, one for thee, and
to shew to his disciples, that he one for Moses, and one for Elias. .

must go to Jerusalem, and suffer 5 And as he was yet speaking,

many things from the ancients arid behold a bright cloud over-shaded
scribes and chief-priests, and be put them. And io a voice out of the
to death, and the third day rise again. cloud, saying This is my beloved

22 And Peter taking him, began Son, in whom 1 am well pleased:

to rebuke him, saying: Lord, be it hear ye him.
far from thee, this shall not be un- 6 And the disciples hearing, fell
to thee. upon their face, and were very much
23 Who turning said to Peter afraid.

Go behind me, satan, thou art a 7 And Jesus came and touched
scandal unto me because thou sa- them
: and said to them : Arise,

vourest not the things that are- of and fear not.

God, but the things that are of men. 8 And they lifting up their eye%
24 Then Jesus said to his dis- saw no one, but only Jesus.
ciples : If any man will oorae after 9 And as they came down from
me, let him deny himself, and take the mountain, Jesus charged them,
up his cross, and follow me. saying Tell the vision to no man,

25 For he that will save his life, till the son of man he risen from the
shall lose it : and he that shall lose dead.
his life for my sake, shall find it. 10 And his disciples asked him,
26 For what doth it profit a man, saying: Why then do the scribes
if he gain the whole world, and say that Eiias must come first ?
suiter the loss of his own soul ? Or 11 But he answering, said to
what exchange shall a man give for them: Eiias indeed shall come, and
his soul ? restore all thing?.
%7 For the son of man shall come 12 But I say to ycu, that Eiias
in the glory of his Father wkh his is already come, and they knew
him but hare done unto him
not, he was come into the house, Jesus
whatsoever they had a mind. So prevented him, saying What is :

also the son oi man shall suffer thy opinion, Simon ? The kings of
from them. the earth, of whom do they receive
13 Then the disciples understood, tribute or custom ? of their own
that he had spoken to them of John children, or of strangers ?
the Baptist. 25 And he said : Of strangers.
14 And when he was come to Jesus said to him : Then the chil-
the multitude, there came to him a dren are free.
man falling down on his knees be- 26 But that we may not scan-
fore him, saying: Lord have pity on dalize them, go to the sea, and ca§i
my son, forhe is a lunatic, and suf- in a hook and that fish which shall

fereth much for he falleth often into

: first come up, take and when thou

the fire, and often into the water. hast opened its mouth, thou shalt
15 And I brought him to" thy find a stater take that, and give

and they could not cure

disciples, it to them me and thee.
16 Then Jesus answered and Christ teaches humility.
said :O unbelieving and perverse
generation, how long shall I be
AT that hour the disciples came
to Jesus, saying: Who, think-
with you ? how long shall I suffer est thou, is the greater in the king*
you ? Bring him hither to me. dom of heaven ?
17 And Jesus rebuked him, and 2 And Jesus calling unto him a
the devil went out of him, and the little child, set him in the midst of
child was cured from that hour. them,
18 Then came the disciples to 3 And said : Amen I say to you,
Jtsus and said
secretly, Why unless you be converted, and be-

could not we cast him out ? come as little children, you shall
19 Jesus said to them Because not enter into the kingdom of

of your unbelief. For, amen I say heaven.

to you, if you have faith as a grain 4 Whosoever therefore shall
of mustard seed, you shall say to humble himself as this little child,
this mountain, Remove from hence he is the greater in the kingdom of
hither, and it shall remove; and heaven.
nothing shall be impossible to you. 5 And he that shall receive one
20 But this kind is not cast cut such little child in my name, re-
but by prayer and fasting. ceived] me.
31 And when they abode to- 6 But he that shall scandalize
gether in Galilee, Jesus said to one of these little ones that believe
them The son of man shall be be-
: in me, it were better for him that
trayed into the hands of men : a millstone should be hanged about
32 And they shall kvll him, and his neck, and that he should be
the third day he shall rise again. drowned in the depth of the sea.
And they were troubled exceed- ? Wo
to the world because of
ingly. scandals. For it must needs be
Td And when they were come that scandals come but neverthe- :

to Capharnaum, they that received less wo to that man by whom the

the didrachmas, came to Peter, and scandal cometh.
said to him : Doth not your master 8 And if thy hand or thy foot
pay the didrachma ? 6candalizethee, cut it off, and cast
24 He said : Yes. And when it from thee. It is better for thee

to go into life maimed or lame, them by my ^Father who is in
than haying two hands or two feet, heaven.
to be cast into everlasting fire. 20 For where there are two or
9 And if thy eye scandalize ibee, three gathered together in my name,
pluck it out, and cast it from iliee. there am I in the midst of them.
It is better for thee having one eye 21 Then came Peter unto him
to enter into life, than having two and said : Lord, how often shall my
eyes to be cast into hell fire. brother offend against me, and I
10 See that you despise not one forgive him ? till seven times ?
of these little ones : for I say to you, 22 Jesus saith to him I say not :

that their angels in heaven always to thee, till seven times ; but till
gee the face of my Father who is seventy times seven times.
in heaven. 23 Therefore is the kingdom of
11 For the son of man is come heaven likened to a king, who would
to save that which was lost. take an account of his servants.
12 What think you ? If a man 24 And when he had begun to
have an hundred sheep, and one of take the account, one was brought
them should go astray; doth he not to him, that owed him ten thousand
leave the ninety-nine in the moun- talents.
tains, and goeth to seek that which 25 And as he had not wherewith
is gone astray? to pay it, his lord commanded that
13 And if it so be that he find he should be sold, and his wife and
it Amen I say to you, he rejoiceth
: children and all that he had, and
more for that, than for the ninety- payment to be made.
nine that went not astray. 26 But that servant falling down,
14 Even so it is not the will of besought him, saying : Have pa-
your Father, who is in heaven, that tience with me, and I will pay, thee
one ofthese little ones should perish. all.
15 But if thy brother shall offend 27 And the lord of that servant
against thee, go, and rebuke him being moved with pity, let him go
between thee and him alone. If he and forgave him the debt.
shall hear thee, thou shalt gam thy 28 But when that servant was
brother. gone out, he found one of his fellow-
16 And if he will not hear thee, servants that owed him an hundred
take with thee one or two more pence and laying hold of him he

that in the mouth of two or three throttled him, saying: Pay what
witnesses every word may stand. thou owest.
17 And if he will not hear them : 29 And his fellow-servant falling
tell the church. And if he will not down, besought him, saying Have :

hear the church, let him be to thee patience with me, and I will pay
as the heathen and publican. thee all. ,

13 Amen I say to you, whatso- 30 And he w ould not: but went


everjrou shall bind upon earth, shall and cast him into prison, till he
be bound also in heaven and what-•
paid the debt.
soever you shall loose upon earth, 31 Now his fellow-servants see*
shall be loosed also in heaven. ing what was done, were very
19 Again I say to you, that if much grieved, and they came, and
two of you shall consent upon earth, told their lord all that was done.
concerning any thing whatsoever 32 Then his lord called him ; and
they shall ask, iV shall be done to % said to him Thou wicked servant,
: : 7 :

I forgave thee all the debt, because he that shall marry her that is put
thou besonghtest rne away, committeth adultery.
33 Shpulrist not thou then have 10 His disciples say unto him If :

had compassion also on thy fellow- the case of a man with his wife be
servant, even as I had compassion so, it is not expedient to marry.
on thee ? 11 Who said to them : All men
34 Andhis lord being an grv de- take not this word, but tothey
livered him t© the torturers, ail til he whom given.
it is

i 2 For there are eunuchs, who

paid all the debt
35 So also shall my heavenly Fa- were born so from their mother's
ther do to you, if you forgive not womb : and there are eunuchs, who
every one his brother from your were made so by men and there

hearts. are eunuchs, who have made them-

CHAP. XIX. selves eunuchs for the kingdom of
^Christ declares matrimony to be heaven. He that can take, let him
indissoluble, take it
AND came it

Jesus had ended

to pass, when
these words,
13 Then were little children pre-
sented to him, that he should im-
he departed from Galilee, and came pose hands upon them and pray.—
into the coasts of Judea beyond And the disciples rebuked them.
Jordan. 14 But Jesus said to them : Suf-
2 And great multitudes followed fer the little children, and forbid
him and he healed them there.
: them not to come to me : for the
3 And there came to him the kingdom of heaven is for such.
Pharisees tempting him, and saying; 15 And when he had imposed
Is it lawful for a man to put away hands upon them, he departed from
hi* wife for every cause? thence.
4 Who answering, said to them : 16 And
behold one came and
Have ye not read, that he who said to himGood master, what

made man from the beginning, made good shall I do that I may have life
them male and female ? And he said everlasting?
5 For this cause, shall a man leave 1 Who said to him Why ask-

father and mother, and ]s?iull cleave to est thou me concerning good ? One
his wife, and they two shall be in one is good, God. But|i r thou wilt enter
Jleslu into life, keep the commandments
6 Therefore now they are not IS He said to him: Which ? And
two, but one flesh. What therefore Jesus said Thou shalt do no mur-

God hath joined together, let no der, Thou shalt not commit adultery,
man put asunder. Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not
7 They say to him Why then bear false witness,

did Closes command to give a bill 19 Honour thy father and thy mo*
of divorce, and to put away. ther ; and, Thou shatt love thy neigh*
8 He saith to them Because hour a* thyself.

Closes by reason of the hardness of 20 The young man saith to him

your heart permitted you to put All these have I kept from my youth,
away your wives but from the what is yet wanting to me ?

beginning it was not S9. 21 Jesus saith to him : If thou

9 And I say to you, that whoso- wMt be perfect, go, sell what thou
ever shall put away his wife, except hast, and give to the poor, and thou
it be for fornication, and shali marry shalt have treasure in heaven : and
another, tommitteth adultery and ccme, follow me*
:: :

22 And when the young" man had also into my vineyard, and I will
heard this word, he went away sad : give you what shall be just.
for he had great possessions. 5 And they went their way. And
23 Then Jesus said to his disci- again he went out about the sixth
ciples: Amen I say to you, that a and the ninth hour : and ^did iu
rich man shalj hardly enter into the manner. like
kingdom of heaven. But about the eleventh hour
24 And again I say to you, it is he went out and found others
easier for a camel to pass through standing, and he saith to them .

the eye of a needle, than for a rich Why stand you here all the day idle ?
man to enter into the kingdom of 7 They say to him : Because no
heaven. man hath hired us. He saith to
25 And when they had heard this, them Go you
: also into my vineyard*
the disciples wondered very much, 8 And when evening was come,
paying : Who
then can be saved ? the lord of the vineyard saith to his
26 And ^Jesus beholding said to steward : Call the labourers and
them : With men this is impossible pay them hire, beginning
.but with God all things are possible. from the even to the first.
27 Then Peter answering, said 9 When therefore they were come
to him : Behold we have left all that came about the eleventh hour,
things, and have followed thee they received every man a penny.
what therefore shall we have ? 10 But when the first also came,
28 And Jesus said to them : they thought that they should re*
Amen I say to you, that you who ceive more : and they also received
have followed me, in the regenera- every man a penny.
tion, whenthe son of man shall sit 11 And receiving it they mur-
on the seat of his majesty, you also mured against the master of the
ehall sit on twelve seats, judging house,
the twelve tribes of Israel. 12 Saying: These last have
29 And every one that hath left worked but one hour, and thou hast
house, or brethren, or sisters, or made them equal to us that have
father, or mother, or wife, or child- born the burden of the day and the
ren, or lands for my name's sake : heats.
shall receive an hundred-fold, and 13 But he answering said to one
shall possess life everlasting. of them, Friend, I do thee no wrong
30 And many that are first, shall didst thou not agree with me for a
be last ; and the last shall be first. penny ?
CHAP. XX. 14 Take what is thine, and go
The parabk of the labourers in the thy way : I will also give to this
vineyard. last even as to thee.
THE ankingdom
of heaven
householder who went
is like 15 Or, is it not lawful for me to
do what I will? is thy eye evil, be-
out early in the morning to hire la- cause I am good ?
bourers into his vineyard. 16 So shall the last be first, and
2 And having agreed with the the first last. For many are called,
labourers for a penny a day, he sent but few chosen.
them into his vineyard. 17 And Jesus going up to Jeru-
3 And going out about the third salem, took the twelve disciples
hour, he saw others standing in the apart, and said to them :

xnarket-place idle. IS Behold we go up to Jerusa*

4 And he said to them : Go you lem, and the sou of man shall be
: :

Defrayed totnecmer priests and the them that they should hold their
and they shall condemn him
scribes, peace. But they cried out the
to death. more, saying O Lord, thou soil of

19 And shall deliver him to the David , have mercy on us.

gentiles to be mocked, and scourged, 32 And Jesus stood, and called
and crucified, and the third day he them, and said What will ye that

shall rise again. I

1 do to you ?
20 Then came to him the mother 33 They say to him Lord, that :

of the sons of Zebedee with her our eyes be opened.

sons, adoring' and asking something 34 And Jesus having compas-
of him. sion on them, touched their eyes.
21 Who said to her : What wilt And immediately they saw, and fol-
thou ? She saith to him : Say that lowed him.
these my two sons may sit, the one CHAP. XXI.
on thy rig^t hand, and the other on Christ rides into Jerusalem.
thy left, in thy kingdom. AND
when they drew nigh to
22 And Jesus answering, said Jerusalem, and were come to

You know not what you ask. Can Bethphage, unto Mount Olivet,
you drink the chalice that I shall then Jesus sent two cHsdptes,
drink ? They say to him We can. 2 Saying to them
G.j ye into :

23 He saith to them My chalice the village that is over against you,


indeed you shall drink but to nit and immediately you -v-ah rind an

on my right or left hand, is not ass tied, and a colt with her: loose;
mine to give to you, but to them for them and bring them to me
whom it is prepared by my Father. 2 And it' any man shall say any
24 And tne ten hearing it, were thing to you, say ye, that the Lord
moved with indignation against the hath need ( f them : and forthwith
two brethren. he will let them jo.
25 But Jesus called them to 4 Now all this was done that it
him, and said : You know
that the might be fulfilled which was spoken
princes of the gentiles lord it over by the prophet, saying:
them : and they that are the great- 5 TeU ye the dtugktei' of Sim :>Be-
er, exercisepower upon them. hold ihy king comcth to. thee* vieek,
26 It shall not be so among you, and sitting upon an ays, and a colt the
but whosoever will be the greater foul of her that is used to the yoke.
among you, let him be your minister: 6And the disciples going did as
27 And he that will be first Jesus commanded them. 1

among you, shall be your servant. 7 And they brought the ass and
28 Even as the son of man is not the colt: and laid their garments
come to be ministered unto, but to upon them, and made him sit thereon,
minister, and to give his life a re- 8 And a very great multitude
demption for many. spread their garments in the way
29 And when they went out from and others cut boughs from the
Jericho, a great multitude followed trees, ai:d strewed them in the way:
him. 9 And. the multitudes that went

30 And behold two blind men before and that followed, cried,
sittingby the way side, heard that saying: Hcsanna to the son of Da*
Jesus passed by, and they cried, vid Blessed ?s he that comtih jit

out saying Lord, thou son of

: the name of the Lord. Husanna in
David, have mercy on us. the highest.
31 And the multitude rebuked 10 And when he was come into
; : :

30 St, MAT THEW.

Jerusalem, the whole city was thyself into the sea, it shall be done.
moved, saying : Who is this ? 22 Aud all things whatsoever
* i And the people said This is : you shall ask in prayer believing,
Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth you shall receive.
of Galilee. 23 And when he was come into
12 And Jesus, went into the tem- the temple, there came to him as lie
ple of God, and cast out all them was teaching, the chief priests and
that sold and bought in the temple, ancients of the people, saying By .

and overthrew the tables of the what authority dost thou these
moneychangers, and the chairs of things ? and who hath given thee
them that sold doves : this authority ?
13 And he saith to them : It is 24 Jesus answering said to them
written, My
house shall be called I also will ask you one word, which
the house of prayer : but you have ifyou shall tell me, I will also tell
made it a den of thieves, you by what authority I do these
14 And there came to him the things.
blind,and the lame in the temple; 25 The baptism of John whence
and he healed them. was it ? from heaven, or from men ?
15 And the chief priests* and But they thought within them-
scribes seeing the wonderful things selves, saying
that he did, and the children cry- 26 If we shall say from heaven,
ing in the temple, and saying, Ho- he will say to us Why then did :

sanna to the son of David ; were you not believe him ? But if we
moved with indignation, shall say from men, we are afraid
16 And said to him: Hearest of the multitude : for all held John
thou what these say ? And Jesus as a prophet.
paid to them : Yea, have you never 27 And answering Jesus they
read : Out of the mouth of infants said : We know not. He also said
and of sucklings thou hast perfected to them Neither do I tell you by

praise ? what authority I do these things.

17 And leaving them, he went 28 But what think you ? A cer-
out of the city into Bethania, and tain man had two sons, and com-
remained there. ing to the first, he said Son, go :

8 And in the morning return-

1 work to-day in my vineyard.
ing into the city, he was hungry. 29 And he answering", said I
, :

19 And seeing a certain fig-tree will not. But afterwards, being

by the way side, he came to it, and moved with repentance, he went.
found nothing on it but leaves only, •
30 And coming
to the other, he
and he saith to it : May no fruit said in like manner. And he an-
grow on thee henceforward for swering, said : I go } Sir, and he
ever, And immediately the tig- went not
tree withered away. 31 Which of the two did the fa-
20 And the disciples seeing it ther's will ? They say to him The :

wT ondered, saying: is it pre-How first. Jesus saith to them : Amen

sently withered away ? I say to you, that the publicans and
21 And Jesus answering said the harlots shall go into the king-
to them Amen I say to you, if you dom
: of God before you.
shall have faith, and stagger not, 32 For John came to you in the
not only this of the fig-tree shall w ay of justice, and you did not be-

you do, but also if you shall say to lieve him. But the publicans and
thii mountain, Take up and cast the harlots believed him but you :
:: :

seeing it, did not even afterwards whomsoever it shall fall, it shall
repent, that you might believe him. grind him to powder.
33 Hear ye another parable 45 And when the chief priests and
There was a man an householder Pharisees had heard his parables^
who planted a vineyard, and made the}r knew
that he spoke of them.
a hedge round about it, and dug in 45 And
seeking to lay hands on
it a press, and built a tower, and him, they feared the multitudes
let it out to husband-men: and went because they held him asapronhet,
into a strange country. CHAP. XXII.
34 And when the time of the Tlve parable of the marriage-feast.
fruits drew nigh, he sent his ser-
vants to the husband-men, that .they "A ND Jesus answering, spoke
again in parables to them, say-
might receive the fruits thereof. ing:
35 And the huband-men laying 2 The kingdom of heaven is
hands on his servants, beat one, and likened to a king, who made a mar-
killed another, and stoned another. riage for his son.
36 Again he sent other servants 3 And he sent his servants, to call
more than the former and they: them that were invited to the mar-
did to them in like manner. riage and they would not come.

37 And last of all he sent to them 4 Again he sent other servants,

his son, saying ; They will re- saying Tell them that were in-

verence my son. vited : Behold, I have prepared my

38 But the husband-men seeing dinner; my beeves and fadings are
the son, said among themselves killed, and all things are ready :
This is the heir, come, let us kill him, come ye to the marriage.
and we shall have his inheritance. 5 But they neglected, and went
39 And taking him they cast their ways, one to his farm, and
him forth out of the vineyard, and another to his merchandize.
killed him. 6 And the rest laid hands on his
^40 When therefore the lord of servants, and having treated them
the vineyard shall come, what will contumeliously put them to death.
he do to those husband-men ? 7 But when the king had heard
41 They say to him He will
: of it, he was angry, and sending
bring those evil men to an evil end : his armies, he destroyed those mur-
and will let out his vineyard to derers, and burnt their city.
other husband-men, that shall ren- 8 Then he saith to his servants :

der him the fruit in due season. The marriage indeed is ready: but
42 Jesus saith to them Have : they that were Invited, were not
you never read in the Scriptures : worthy.
The stone which ilce builders re- 9 Go ye therefore into the high
jected, the same is become the head ways; and as many as you shall
of the corner ? By the Lord this find, call to themarriage.
has been done, and it is wonderJul 10 And his servants going forth
in cur eyes. * irto the ways, gathered together
43 Therefore I say to you, that all that they found, both bad and
the kingdom of God shall be uken good : and the marriage was filled
from you, and shall be given to a with guests.
nation yielding the fruits thereof. 11 And the king went in to see
44 And wr hosoever shall fall on the guests and he saw there a man

this stone, shall be broken but on : who had not on a wedding garment.
: :

52 St. .MAT THEW.

12 And he saith to him Friend,
: 27 And last of all the woman
how earnest thou in hither not hav- died also.
ing on a wedding garment? But 28 At the resurrection therefore
he was silent. whose wife of the seven shall she
13 Then the king said to the be ? for they all had her.
waiters : Bind his hands and feet, 29 And Jesus answering, said
and cast him into the exterior dark- to them You err, not knowing the

ness: there shall be weeping and scriptures, nor the power of God.
gnashing of teeth. 30 For in the resurrection they
14 For many are celled, but few shall neither ma*ry nor be married:
ere chosen. hut shall be as the Angels of God
16 Then the Pharisees going, in heaven.
consulted among themselves how 31 And concerning the resurrec-
to ensnare him in Ms speech. tion of the dead, have you not read
16 And they send to him their that which was ppoken by God
disciples with the Herodians, say- saying to you
ing : Master, we know that thou 32 / am the God of Abraliam,
art a true speaker, and teachest the and the God of Isaac, and the God
way of God in truth, neither carest of Jacob f He is not the God of the
thou for any man : for thou dost dead, but of the living.
not regard the person of men. 33 And the multitudes hearing ltf
17 Tell us therefore what dost were in admiration at his doctrine.
thou think, is it lawful to give 34 But the Pharisees bearing
tribute to Cesar, or not ? that he had silenced the Saddueees,
18 But Jesus knowing their came together:
wickedness, said : Why
do you And one of them a doctor of
cempt me, ye hypocrites ? the law asked him, tempting him
19 Shew me the coin of the tri- 36 Master, which is the great
bute. And they offered him a peuny. commandment in the law?
20 And Jesus saith to them; 37 Jesus said to him: Thou
Whose image and inscription is this ? shalt love the Lord thy God with
21 They say to him, Cesar's. thy whole heart, and with thy whole
Then he saith to them : Render soul, and with thy whole mind,
therefore to Cesar the things that 38 This is the greatest and the
are Cesar's : and to God, the things first commandment.
that are God's. 39 And the second is like to this:
22 And hearing this they wonder- Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy*
ed, and leaving him went their ways. self
23 That day there came to him 40 On these two commandments
the Saddueees, who
6ay there is no dependeth the whole law and the
resurrection : and asked him, prophets.
24 Saying : Master, Moses said, 41 And the Pharisees being ga-
If a man die having no son, his bro- thered together Jesus asked them,
ther shall marry his wife, and raise 42 Saying : What think you of
tip issue to his Irother, Christ ? whose son is he ? They
25 Now there were with us seven say to him : David's.
brethren: and the first having mar- 43 He saith to them : then How
ried a wife died, and not having doth Davkl in spirit call him Lord
iisue, left his wife to his brother. saying;
26 In like manner the second, and 44 The Lord said to my Lord,
the third, and so on to the seventh. sit on my right hand, until I make
: :

thy enemies thy foot-stool ? in ; and those that are going in, you
45 If David then call him Lord, suffer not to enter.
how is he his son ? 14 Wo
to you scribes and Pha-
46 And no man was able to an- risees, hypocrites because you de-

swer him a word : neither durst vour the houses of widows, praying
any man from that day forth ask long prayers. For this you shall
him any more questions. receive the greater judgment
to you scribes and Pha~
Christ admonisheth the people^ &e> risees, hypocrites : because you go
ri^HEN Jesus spoke to the multi- round about the sea and the land
* tudes and to his disciples, to make one proselyte and when :

2 Saying: /Ihe scribes and the he made, you make him the child

Pharisees have sitten on the chair of hell twofold more than y oursel ves.
of Moses. 16 Wo to you blind guides, that
3 All things therefore whatsoever say, whosoever shall swear by the
they shall say to you, observe and temnle, it is nothing : but he that
do : but according to their works do shall swear by thegold of the temple,
ye not,: for they say, and do not. isa debtor.
4 For they bind heavy and in- 17 Ye foolish and blind for :

supportable burdens and lay them

: whether is greater, the gold, or the
on men's shoulders: but with a temple, that sanctifieth the gold ?
finger of their own they will not 18 And whosoever shall swear
move them. by the altar, it is nothing but :

5 And all their works they do for whosoever shall swear by the gift
to be seen of men. For they make that is upon it, is a debtor.
their phylacteries broad and enlarge 19 Ye blind for whether is

their fringes. greater, the gift, or the altar, that

6 And they love the first places sanctifieth the gift ?
at feasts, and the first chairs in the 20 He therefore that sweareth
synagogues, by the altar, sweareth by it, and
7 And salutations in the market- by all things that are upon it
place, and to be called by men, 21 And whosoever shall swear
Rabbi. by the temple, sweareth by it, and
8 But be not you called Rabbi. by him that dwelleth in it
For one is your master, and all you 22 And he that sweareth by
are brethren. heaven, sweareth by the throne of
9 And'call none your father upon God, and by him that sitteth.thereon*
earth : for one is your father, who 23 Wo to you scribes and Pha-
is in heaven, risees, hypocrites t because you
10 Neither be ye called masters: tithe mint, and anise, and cummin,
for one is your master, Christ. and have left the weightier things
11 He that is the greatest among of the law, judgment, and mercy,
you shall be your servant. and faith. These things you ought
12 And whosoever shall exalt to have done, and not to leave those
himself, shall be humbled : and he undone.
that shall humble himself shall be 24 Blind guides, who strain out
exalted. a gnat, and swallow a camel.
13 But wo to you scribes and •25 Wo to you
and Pha- scribes
Pharisees, hypocrites because you
: risees,, hypocrites you : because
shul the kingdom of heaven against make clean the outside of the cup
men, for you yourselves do not enter and of the dish but within you are

repine and uneleanness.
full of gether thy children, as the hen doth
2f> Thou blind Pharisee, first gather her chickens under her wings,
make clean the inside of the cup and thou wouldest not?
and of the dish, that the outside 38 Beheld, your house shall be
may become clean. left to you, desolate.
27 Woto you scribes and Pha- 39 For I say to you, you shall
risees, hypocrites :because you are not see me henceforth till you say :
like to whited sepulchres, which Blessed is he that corneth in the
outwardly appear to men beautiful, name of the Lord.
but within are full of dead men's CHAP. XXIV.
bones, and of all filthiness. Destruction of the temple foretold,
28 So you also outwardly indeed
appear to men just ; but inwardly
AND Jesus being come out of
the temple, went away. And
you are full of hypocrisy and ini- his disciples came to shew him the
quity. buildings of the temple.
29 Woto you scribes and Pha- 2 And he answering said to them :
risees, hypocrites, that build the Do you see all these things ? Amen
sepulchres of the prophets.and adorn I say to you there shall not be left
the monuments of the just. here a stone upon a stone that shall
30 And say If we had been in net be destroyed.

the days of our fathers, we would 3 And when he was sitting on

not have been partakers with them mount Olivet, the disciples came to
in the blood of the prophets. him privately, saying: Tell us when
31 Wherefore you are witnesses shall these things be ? and what
against yourselves, that you are the shall be the sign of thy coming, and
sons of them that killed the prophets. of the consummation of the w orld ?r

32 Fill ye up then the measure 4 And Jesus answering, said to

of your fathers, them Take heed that no man se-

33 You serpents generation of duce you ^

vipers, how will you flee from the 5 For many will come in my
judgment of- hell ? name saying, I am Christ: and
34 Therefore behold I send to they will seduce many.
you prophets, and wise men, and 6 And you shall hear of wT ars,
scribes and some of them you will and rumours of wars. See that ye

put to death and crucify, and some be not troubled. For these things
you will scourge in your synagogues, must come to pass, but the end is
and persecute from city to city : not yet.
35 That upon you may come all 7 For nation shall rise against
the just blood that hath been shed nation, and kingdom against king-
upon the earth, from the blood of dom ; and there shall be pestilences,
Abel the just, even unto the blood and famines, and earth-quakes in
of Zacharias the son of Barachias places :

whom you killed between the 8 Now all these are the begin-

temple and the altar. nings of sorrows.

36 Amen I say to you all these 9 Then shall they deliver you up
things shall come upon this gener- to be and shall put you to
ation. death and you shall be hated by

37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou all nations for my name's sake.

that killest the prophets, and stonest 10 And then shall many be scan-
them that are sent unto thee, how dalized and shall betray one an-

ften .would 1 have gathered to- other and shall hate one another.
1 ;:

1 And many false prophets shall 27 For as lightning cometh out
rise, and shall seduce; many. of the ease, and appeareth even into
12 And because iniquity hath the west so shall also the coming

abounded, the charity of many of the son of man be

shall grow cold. 23 Wheresoever the body shall
13 But he that shall persevere to be, there shall the eagles also be
the end, he shall be saved. gathered together.
14 And this Gospel of the king- 29 And immediately after the
dom shall he preached in the whole tribulation of those days, the sun
world, for a testimony to all na- shall be darkened, and the moon,
tions, and then shall the consum- shall not give her light, and the
mation come. stars shall fail from heaven, and the
15 When therefore you shall see powers of heaven shall be moved :
the abomination of desolation, which 30 And then shall appear the
was spoken of by Daniel thepro[,heL, sign of the son of man in heaven :
standing in the holy place he thar : and then shall ali tribes of the earth
readeth, let him understand. mourn and they shall see the son

16 Then they that areJudea, in of man coming in the clouds of hea-

let them flee to the mountains : ven with much power and majesty.
17 And he that is on the house- 31 And he shall send his Angels
top, let him not come down to take with a trumpet, and a great voice:
any thing out of his house : and they shall gather together his
18 And he that is in the field, let elect from the four winds, from the
him not go back to take his coat. farthest parts of the heavens to the
19 And wo to them that are utmost bounds of them.
with child, and that give suck in 32 And from the fig-tree learn a
those days. parable ; when
the branch thereof
20 But pray that your
flight be is now tender, and the leaves come
not on the saobath.
in the winter, or forth, you know that summer is
21 For there shall be then great nigh.
tribulation, such as hath not been 33 So you also, when you shall
from the beginning of the world un- see all these things, know ye that
til^now, neither shall be. it isnigh even at the doors.
22 And unless those days had 34- Amen I say to you, that this
been shortened, no flesh should be generation shall not pass, till all
saved but for the sake of the elect
: these things be done.
those days shall be shortened. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass,
23 Then if any shall say to you but my words shall not pass.
Lo here is Christ, or there do not : 36 But of that day and hour no
believe him. one knoweth, no not the Angels of
24 For there shall arise false heaven, but the Father alone.
Christs and false prophets, and 37 And as in the days of Noe,
shall shew great signs and wonders, so shall also the coming of the son
insomuch as to deceive (if possible) of man be.
even the elect. 38 For as in the days before the
25 Behold I have told it to you, flood, they were eating and drink-
before hand. ing, marrying and giving in mar-
26 If therefore they shall say to riage, even till that day in which
you Behold he is in the desart
: Noe entered into the ark.
go ye not out Behold he is in the
: 39 And they knew not till the flood
closets, believe it not. came, and took them all away : m
: : 1 :

also shall the coming of the son of with them
man be. 4 But the wise took oil in their
40 Then two shall be in the field : vessels with the lamp3.
one shall be taken, and one shall be 5 And the bridegroom tarrying,
left. they all slumbered and slept.
41 Two women shall be grind- 6 And at mid-night there was a
ing at the mill : one shall be taken, cry made : Behold the bridegroom
and one shall be left. cometh, go ye forth to meet him.
42 Watch ye therefore, because 7 Then all those virgins arose and
you know not what hour your Lord trimmed their lamps.
will come. 8 And the foolish said to the
43 But this know ye, that if the wise Give us of your oil, for our

good man of the house knew at what lamps are gone out.
hour the thief would come, he would 9 The wise
answerecf, saying:
certainly watch, and would not suf- Lest perhaps there be not enough
fer his house to be broken open. for us and for you, go you rather to
44 Wherefore be you also ready, them that sell,and buy for yourselves.
because at what hour you know not 10 Now
whilst they went to buy,
the son of man will come. the bridegroom came : and they that
45 Who thinkest thou, is a faith- were ready, went in with him to the
ftil and wise servant, whom his lord marriage, and the door was shut.
hath appointed over his family, to 1 But at last come also the other
give them meat in season ? virgins saying : Lord, Lord, open
46 Blessed is that servant, whom to us.
when his lord shall come, he shall 12 But he answering said : Amen
find so doing. I say to you, I know you not.
47 Amen I say to you, he shall 13 Watch ye therefore, because
place him over all his goods. you know not the day nor the hour.
48 But if that evil servant shall 14 For even as a man going into
say in his heart : My
lord is long a a far country, called his servants,
coming and delivered to them his goods.
49 And shall begin to strike his 15 And to one he gave five ta*
fellow-servants, and shall eat, and lentg, and to another two, and to
drink with drunkards another one, to every one accord-
50 The lord of that servant shall ing to his proper ability : and inw
come in a day that he hopeth not, mediately he took his journey.
and at an hour that he knoweth not 16 And he that had received the
51 And shall separate him, and five talents, went his way,and traded
appoint his portion with the hypo- with the same, and gained other five.
crites, there shall be weeping and 17 And in like manner he that had
gnashing of teeth. received the two, gained other two.
CHAR XXV. *, 18 But be that had received the

parabh of ilie ten virgins.

TJie one, going his way digged into the
*npHEN shall the kingdom of hea- earth,and hid his lord's money
•-* ven be like to ten virgins, who 1£ But after a long time the
taking their lamps went out to meet lord of those servants came, and
the bridegroom and the bride. reckoned with them.
% And five of them were foolish, 20 And he that had received the
and five wise. talents coming, brought other
3 But the five foolish, having five talents, saying: Lord, thou didst
taken their lamps, did not tak*j oil deliver to me five taient^ behold I

ve gained other five over and sit upon the seat of his majesty :

above. 32 And all nations shall be ga-

21 His lord said to him Well : thered together before him, and he
done, good and faithful servant, be- shall separate them one from ano-
cause thou hast been faithful over ther, as theshepherd separateth the
a few things I will place thee over sheep from the goats :

many things : enter thou into the 33 And he shall set the sheep on his
joy of thy lord. right hand, but the goats on his left.
22 And he also that had received 34 Then shall the king say to
the two talents came and said them that shall be on his right
Lord, thou delivered st two talents to hand; Come, ye blessed of my Fa-
me, behold 1 have gained other two. ther, possess you the kingdom pre-
23 His lord said to him Well : pared tor you from the foundation
done, good and faithful servant be- : of the world.
cause thou hast been faithful over 35 For I was hungry, and you
a few things, I will place thee over gave me to eat: I was thirsty, and
many things, enter thou into the you gave me to drink : I was a
joy of thy lord. stranger, and you took me in :

St But he that had received the 36 Naked, and you covered me .

one talent, came and said Lord, I : sick, and you visited me I was in :

know that thou art a harxl man; prison, and you came to me.
thou reapest where thou hast not 37 Then shall the just answer
gown, and gatherest where thou him, saying: Lord, when did we
hast not strewed. see thee hungry, and fed thee,
25 And being afraid I went and thirsty, and gave thee drink ?
hid thy talent in the earth behold : 38 And when did we see thee a
here thou hast that which was thine. stranger, and took thee in ? or na-
26 And his lord answering, said ked, and covered thee ?
to him Wicked and slothful ser-
: 39 Or when did we see thee
vant, thou .knewest that I reap sick or in prison, and came to thee ?
where I &ownot, and gather where 40 And the king answering, shall
I have not strewed : say to them A men I say to you,

27 Thou oughtest therefore to as long as you did it to one of these

have committed my money to the my least brethren, \ou did it to me.
bankers, and at my coming I should 41 Then he shall say to them
have received my own with usury. also that shall be on his left hand :

28 Take ye away therefore the Depart from me you cursed into

talent from him, and give it him everlasting fire which was prepar-
that hath ten talents. ed for the devil and his angels.
29 For to every one that hath 42 For I was hungry, and you
shall be given, and lie shall abound : gave me not to eat i was thirsty,

but from him that hath not, that and you gave me not to drink.
alsowhich he seemeth to have shall 43 I was a stranger, and you
be taken away. took me not in: naked, and you
30 And the unprofitable servant covered me not sick, and in pri-

cast ye out into the exterior dark- son, and you did not visit me.
ness. There shall be weeping and 44 Then they also shall answer
gnashing of teeth. him, saying Lord when did we

31 And when son of man

the see thee hungry or thirsty, or a
shall come in his majesty, and all stranger, or naked,or sick, or in pri-
the angels with him, then shall he son, zr.d did not minister to th«e ?

4o Then he shall answer them, memory of her.
saying Amen I ^ay to you, as long
: 14 Then went one of the twelve,
as you did it not to one of these who was called Judas Iscariot, to
least, neither did you do it to me. the chief priests,
46 And these shall go into ever- 15 And said to them What :

lasting punishment but the just, : will you give me, and I will deli-
into life everlasting. ver him unto you ? But they ap-
CHAP. XXVI. pointed him thirty pieces of silver.
Tlie Jews conspire against Christ. 16 And from thenceforth he
A ND it came to pass, when Je- sought opportunity to betray him.
•**- sus had ended all these words, 17 And on the first day of the
he said to his disciples : A zymesrthe disciples came to Jesus
2 You know that after two days saying Where wilt thou that we

shall be the pasch, and the son of prepare for thee to eat the pasch ?
man shall be delivered up to be 18 But Jesus said Go ye into :

crucified. the city to a certain man, and say

3 Then were gathered together to him The master saith, my

the chief priests and ancients of the time is near at hand, with thee I
people into the court of the high- make the pasch with my disciples.
priest, who was called Caiphas : 19 And the disciples did as Je-
4 And they consulted together, sus appointed to them, and they
that by subtilty ithey might appre- prepared the pasch.
hend Jesus, and put him to death. 20 But when it was evening, he
5 But they said Not on the fes- : sat down with his twelve disciples.
tival day, lest perhaps there should 21 And whilst they were eating,
be a tumult among the people. he said Amen I say to you, that

6 And when Jesus was in Betha- one of you is about to betray me.
nia, in thehouse of Simon the leper, i
22 And they being very much
7 There came to him a woman troubled, began every one to say :

having an alabaster-box of precioup Is Lord ?

it I,

ointment, and poured it on his 23 But he answering said He :

head as he was at table. that dippeth his hand with me in

8 And the disciples eeeing it, the dish, he shall betray me.
had indignation, saying To what : 24 The son of man indeed goeth,
purpose is this waste ? as it is written of him but wo to :

9 For this might have been sold that man, by whom the son of man
for much, and given to the poor. shall be betrayed. It were better for
10 And Jesus knowing it, said him, if that man had not been born.
to them Why do ye trouble this
: 25 And Judas that betrayed him,
woman ? for she hath wrought a answering said Is it I, Rabbi ?

good work upon me* He saith to him Thou hast said it.

11 For the poor you have al- 26 And whilst they were at sup-
ways with you. but me you have per, Jesus took bread, and blessed,
not always. and broke and gave to his disci-

12 For she in pouring this oint- ples, and said Take ye and eat

ment upon my body, hath done it This is body.my

for my burial. 27 And taking the chalice he
13 Amen I say to you, where- gave thanks: and gave to them,
soever this gospel shall be preached saying Drink ye all of this.

in the whole world, that also which 28 For this is my blood of the new
she hath done* shall be told for a testament which sliall be shed for
many unto remission of sins. this chalice may
not pass away but
29 And I say to you, 1 will not I must drink it, thy will be done.
drink from henceforth of this fruit of i 43 And he cometh again, and
the vine, until that day when I shall fhu leth them sleeping for their eyes

drink it with you new in the kihg- wei e heavy.

dom.of my Father. 41< And leaving them, he went
30 And a hymn being said, they again: and he prayed the third
went out into mount Olivet. time, saying the self same word.
31 Then Jesus saith to them : 45 Then he cometh to his dis-
All you shall be scandalized in me ciples, and saith to them Sleep ye :

this night. For it written

is / : now and take your rest: behold the
will strike the shepherd, and the hour is at hand, and the son of man
sheep of the flock shall be dispersed. shall be betrayed into the hands of
32 But after I shall be risen again, sinners.
I will go before you into Galik-e. 46 Rise, let us go behold he is

33 And Peter answering, said to at hand that will betray me.

him Although all shall be scanda-
: 47 As he yet spoke, behold Judas
lized in thee, 1 will never be scan- one of the twelve came, and with
dalized. him a great multitude with swords
3 1, Jesus said to him : Amen I say and clubs, sent from the chief priests
to thee, that in this night before the and the ancients of the people.
cock crow, thou wilt deny me thrice. 48 And he that betrayed him, gave
35 Peter saith to him : Yea, them a sign, saying: Whomsoever
though I should die with thee, I 1 shall kiss, that is he, hold him fast.

will not deny thee. And in like 49 And forthwith coming to J is us,
manner said all the disciples. he said Hail, Rabbi. And he kiss-

SG Then Jescs came with them ed him.

into a coumry place which is called 50 And Jesus said to him Friend, :

Gethsemani and he said to his dis-

: whereto art thou come ? Then they
ciples Sit you here, till I go yonder
. came up, and laid hands on Jesus,
and pray. and held him.
37 And taking with him Peter 51 And behold one of them that
and the two sons of Zebedee, he be- were with Jesus, stretching forth
gan to grow sorrowful and to be sad. his hand, drew out his sword and :

38 Then he saith to them My : striking the servant of the high-

soul sorrowful even unto death
is : priest, cut off his ear.
stay you
here, and watch with me. 52 Then Jesus sauii to him : Put
89 And going a little further, he up again tiij sword into its place:
fell upon his face, praying, and say- for all that take the sword shall pe-
ing : My
Father, if it be possible, rish with the sword.
let this chalice pass from me, never- 53 Thinkest thou that I cannot
theless not as 1 will, but as thou wilt. ask my Father, and he will give me
40 And he cometh to his dis- presently more than twelve legions
ciples, and findeth them asleep, and of Angels ?
he saith to Peter: What? Could 54 How then shall the scriptures
you not watch one hour with me ? be fulfilled, that so it must be done ?
41 Watch ye, and pray that ye 55 in that same hour Jesus said
enter not into temptation. The spirit to the multitudes You are come

indeed is willing, but the flesh weak. out as it were to a robber with
42 Again the second time he went, swords and clubs to apprehend me.
and prayed, saying My Father, it : I sat daily with you teaching io the
; :

40 St. M ATTKEW.
temple,and you laid not hands on me. 69 But Peter sat without in the
56 Now all this was done, that court and there came to hirn a ser-

the scriptures of the prophets might vant-maid saying Thou also wast :

be fultilied. Then the disciples all with Jesus the Galilean.

leaving him, fled. 70 But he denied before them all,
57 But they holding Jesus led saying I knownot what thou sayest.

him to Caiphas the high-priest, 71 And as he went out of tht

• where the scribes and the ancients gate, another maid saw him, and she
were assembled. saith to them that were there This :

58 And Peter followed him afar off, man alsowas with Jesusof Nazareth.
even to the court of the high- priest. 7C2 And again he denied with an
And going in he sat with the ser- oath : That I know not the man.
vants, that he might see the end. 73 And after a little while they
59 And the chief priests and the came that stood by, and said to Pe-
whole council sought false witness ter Surely thou also art one of

against Jesus, that they might put them for even thy speech doth

him to death : discover thee.

60 And they found not, whereas 74 Then he began to curse and
many false witnesses had come in. to swear that he knew not the man.
And last of all there came two false And immediately the cock crew.
witnesses 75 And Peter remembered the
61 And they said This man said, I : word of Jesus which he had said
am able to destroy the temple of God, Before the cock crow, thou wilt
and after three days to rebuild it. deny me thrice. And going forth
6$ And the high-priest rising up, he went bitterly.
said to him Answerest thou no-
thing to the things which these wit- The pasnon of Christ.
ness against thee.
63 But Jesus held his peace. And
AND when morning was come,
all the chief priests and antients
the high-priest said to him I ad- : of the people took counsel against
jure thee by the living God, that Jesus, that they might put him to
thou tell us if thou be the Christ death.
the Son of God. 2 And they brought him bound,
64 Jesus saith to him : Thou hast and delivered him to Pontius Pilate
said it. Nevertheless I say to you, the governor.
hereafter you shall see the son of 3 Then Judas, who betrayed him,
man sitting on the right hand of the seeing that he was condemned ; re-
power of God, and coining in the penting himself, brought back the
clouds of heaven. thirty pieces of silver to -the chief
65 Then the high-priest rent his priests and antients,
garments, saying He hath blas- : 4 Saying
: I have sinned, in be*
phemed, what further need have traying innocent blood. But they
we of witnesses ? Behold, now you said : What is that to us ? look thou
have heard the blasphemy; to it.

66 What think you ? But they an- 5And casting down the pieces
swering said He is guilty of death.
: of silver in the temple, he departed :
67 Then did they spit in his face, and went and hanged himself with
and buffeted him, and others struck an halter.
bis face with the palms of their hands. 6 But the chief priests having
68 Saying Prophesy unto us, O
: taken the pieces of silver, said : It
Christ ; who is he that struck thee ? k not lawful to put. them into the
: :

corbona, because it is the price of tientspersuaded the people, that
blood. they should ask Barabbas, and
7 And after they had consulted make Jesus away.
together, they bought with them 21 And the governor answering,
the potter's held, to be a burying said to them Whether will you of

place for strangers. the two to be released unto you ?

8 For this cause that field was But they said, Barabbas.
called haceldama, that is, the field 22 Pilate saith to them What :

of blood, eren to this day. shall I do then with Jesus that is

9 Then was fulfilled that which called Christ ? They say all Let :

was spoken by Jeremias the pro- him be crucified.

phet, saying : And they took the 23 The governor said to them :
thirty pieces of silver, the price of Why what evil hath he done ? But
him that was prized, whom they they cried out the more, saying
prized of the children of Israel. Let him be crucified.
10 And they gave them unto the 24- And
Pilate seeing that he pre-
potter s field, as the lord appointed vailed nothing: but that rather a
to me* tumult was made; taking water
11 And Jesus stood before the washed his hands before the people,
governor, and the governor asked saying : 1 am innocent of the blood
him, saying: Art thou the king of of this just man look you to it.

the Jews? Jesus saith to him: 25 And the whole people answer-
Thou say est ft. ing, said: His blood be upon us
12 And when he was accused by and upon our children. *
the chief priests and antients, he 26 Then he released to them Ba-
answered nothing. rabbas, and having scourged Jesus
13 Then Pilate saith to him : delivered him unto them to be cru-
Dost thou not hear how great tes- cified.
timonies they allege against thee? 27 Then the soldiers of the go-
14 Aiid he answered him to ne- vernor taking Jesus into the hall
ver a word so that the governor
: gathered together unto him the .

wondered exceedingly. whole band

15 Now upon the solemn day 28 And stripping him, they put
the governor was accustomed to re- a scarlet cloak about him.
lease to the people one prisoner, 25 And platting a crown of
whom they would. thorns, they put it upon his head,
16 And he had then a notorious ami a reed in his right hand. And
prisoner, that was called Barabbas. bowing the knee before him, they
17 They therefore being gathered mocked him, saying : Hail, king of
together, Pilate said : Whom
will the Jews.
you that I release to you, Barabbas, 30 And spitting upon him, they
or Jesus that is calkd Chrirt ? took the reed, and struck his head.
IS For he knew that for envy 31 And aitcr they had mocked
they had delivered him. him, they took off the cloak from
19 And as he was sitting in the him,. and put on him his own gar-
Elace of judgment, his, wife sent ta ments, and led him away to crucify
im, saying: Have thou nothing to him.
do with that just man. For 1 have 32 And going out they found a
suffered many things this day in a man of Cyrene, named Simon him :

dream because of him. they forced to take up his Gross.

90 But the chief priests and an- 1 33 And they came to the place
: : :

42 St, MAT THEW.

that is called Golgotha, which is, running, took a sponge, and filled
the place of Calvary. itwith vinegar ; and put it on a
34 And they gave him wine to reed, and gave him to drink.
drink mingled with gall. And when 49 And the others said ; Let be,
he had tasted, he would not drink. let us see whether Elias will come
35 And after they had crucified to deliver him.
him, they divided his garments, 50 And Jesus again crying with
casting lots ; that it might be ful- a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
filled which was spoken by the pro- 51 And behold the veil of the
phet, saying: They divided my temple was rent in two from the
garments among them; and upon top even to the bottom, and the
my vesture they east lots, earth quaked, and the rocks were
36 And they sat and watched him. rent.
37 And they put over his head 52 And the graves were opened:
his cause written This is Jesus : and many bodies of the saints that
the King of the Jews. had slept arose.
38 Then were crucified with him 53 And coming out of the tombs
two thieves one on the right hand,
: came into the
after his resurrection,
and one on the left. holy city and appeared to many.
39 And they that passed by, blas- 54 Now the Centurion and they
phemed him wagging their heads, that were with him watching Jesus,
40 And saying Yah, thou that : having seen the earthquake and
destroy est the temple of God and the things that were done, were
m three days dost rebuild it; save
thy own self: if thou be the Son of
sore afraid, saying
was the Son of God.
Indeed this :

God, come down from the cross. 55 And there were there many
41 In like manner also the chief women afar off who had followed
priests with the scribes and antients Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto
mocking, said him
42 He saved others ; himself he 56 Among whom was Mary
cannot save if he be the king of
: Magdalen, and Mary the mother of
Israel, let him now come down James and Joseph, and the mother
from the cross and we will believe of the sons of Zebedee.
him. 51 And when it was evening,
43 He trusted in him God ; let there came a certain rich man of
now deliver him if he will have him Arimathea, named Joseph, who
for he said I am the Son of God.
: •also himself was a disciple of Jesus.
44 And the self same thing the 58 He went to Pilate, and asked
thieves also, that were crucified the body of Jesus. Then Pilate com-
with him, reproached him with. manded that the body should be
45 T Now from the sixth hour delivered.
there was darkness over the whole 59 And Joseph taking the body,
earth, until the ninth hour. wrapt it up m a clean linen cloth.
46 And about the ninth hour 60 And laid it in his own new
Jesus cried with a loud voice, say- monument, which he had hewed
ing: Eli, EH, lamma sabacthani? out in a rock. And he rolled a great
that is, my God, my God, why hast stone to the door of the monument,
thou forsaken me ? and went his way.
47 And some that stood there and 61 And there was there Mary
heard, said : This man calleth Elias. Magdalen, and the other Mary
48 And immediately on£ of them sitting over against the sepulchre.
1 :

St. MARK. 43
62 And the next day, which fol- Lo, 1 have foretold it to you.
lowed the day of preparation, the 8 And they went out quickly from
chief priests and the Pharisees came the sepulchre with fear and great
together to Pilate, joy, running to tell his disciples.
63 Saying Sir, we have re-
: 9 behold Jesus met them,
membered, that that seducer said, saying : But they came
All hail.
while he was yet alive After three : up and took hold of his feet, and
days I will rise again. adored him.
64 Command therefore the se- 10 Then Jesus said to them :
pulchre to be guarded until the ^
Fear not. Go, tell my brethren
third day ; lest perhaps his disciples that they go into Galilee, there they
come, and steal him away, and say shall see me.
to the people he is risen from the 1 Who
when they were depart-
dead and the last error shall be
: ed, behold some of the guards came
worse than the first. into the city, and toid the chief
65 Pilate said to them You have : had been done.
priests all things that
a guard : go, as you know.
guard it 12 And they being assembled to-
66 And they departing, made the gether with the ancients, taking
sepulchre sure, sealing the stone and counsel, gave a great sum of mo-
getting guards. ney to the soldiers.
CHAP. XXVIII. 13 Saying: Say you, His disci-
The resurrection of Christ. ples came by night, and stole him
in the end of the Sabbath
it began to dawn towards
away when we were asleep.
\i And if the governor shall he^fr
the first day of the week, came of this, we irSJ persuade him, and
Mary Magdalen, and the other secure you.
Mary to see the sepulchre. 15 So they taking the mon-ey,
2 And behold there was a great did as they were taught And this ;

earthquake. For an angel of the word was spread abroad among the
Lord descended from heaven and : Jews even unto this day.
coming, rolled back the stone, and 16 And the eleven uisciples went
sat upon it : into Galilee, unto the mountain
3 And countenance was as
his where Jesis had appointed them.
lightning, his raiment as snow.
and 1 ? And seeing him they adored
4 And for fear of him, the guards but some doubted.
were struck with terror, and be- 18 And Jesus coming spoke to
came as dead men. them, saying Ail power is given

5 And the angel answering, said to me in heaven and in earth.

to the women Fear not you for: : 19 Going therefore teach ye all
I know that you stek Jesus who nations : baptizing them in the
was crucified. name of the Father, and of the
6 He is not here, for he is risen, Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
as he said. Come, and see the 20 Teaching them to observe all
place where the Lord was laid. things whatsoever I have com-
7 And going quickly, tell ye his manded you and behold I am

disciples that he is risen and be- ; with you all days, even to the con-
hold he will go before you into summation of the world.
Galilee there you shall see him.

The GOSPEL according to Saint MARK.

CHAP. I. npHE beginning of the Gospe: of I

The preaching of John the Baptist. * Ji.sus Christ G

the Sun oi God.
1 :

44 St. MARK.
2 As it is written in Isalas the God is at hand ; repent, and be-
prophet : Behold I send my angel lieve the gospel.
before thy face, who shall prepai € 10 And passing by the sea of Ga-
the way before thee, lilee, he saw Simon and Andrew,
3 A voice of one crying in the his brother, casting nets into the
depart, Prepare ye the way of the sea (for they were fishermen.)
Lord, make straight bis paths* 17 And Jesus said to them :
4 John was in the desart bap- Come after me, and I will make
tizing,and preaching the baptism you to become fishers of men.
of penance unto remission of sins. 18 And immediately leaving their
5 And there went out to him all nets, they followed him.
the country of Judea, and ail they 19 And going on from thence a
of Jerusalem, and were baptized by little he saw James the son
him in the river of Jordan, confess- of Zebedee, and John his brother,
ing their sins. who also were mending their nets
6 And John was clothed with in the ship :

camel's hair, and a leathern girdle 20 And forthwith he called them.

about his loins : and he ate locusts And leaving their father Zebedee
and wild honey. in the ship with his hired men, they
7 And he preached, saying followed him.
There cometh after me one migh- 21 And they enter into Caphar-
tier than I, the latchet of whose naum, and forthwith upon the Sab
shoes I am not worthy to stoop bath days going into the syna-
^Jown and loose. gogue, he taught them.
8 I have baptized you with wa- 22 And they were astonished at
ter ; but he shall baptize you with his doctrine. For he was teaching
the Holy Ghost. them as one having power, and not
9 And it came to 'pass, in those as the scribes.
days Jesus came from Nazareth of 23 And there was in their syna-
Galilee ; and was baptized by John gogue, a man with an unclean spi-
in the Jordan. rit ;and he cried out,
10 And
forthwith coming up out 24 Saying What have we to da

of the water, he saw the heavens with thee Jesus of Nazareth? art
opened, and the Spirit as a dove thou come to destroy us?. I know
descending, and remaining on him. who thou art, the Holy o:ie of God.
1 And there came a voice from 25 And Jesus threatened him,
heaven ; Thou art my beloved Son, saying Speak no more and go out

in thee I am well pleased. of the man.

12 And immediately the Spirit 26 And the unclean spirit tearing
drove him out into the desart. him, and crying out with a loud
13 And he was in the desart for- voice, went out of him.
ty days, and forty nights ; and w as r
27 And they were all amazed,
tempted by satan, and he was with insomuch that they questioned a-
beasts, and the angels ministered mong themselves, saying What :

to him. thing is this? what is this new doc-

14 And after that John was de- trine ? for with power he command-
livered up, Jesus came into Gali- eth fcvea the unclean spirits, and
lee, preaching the gospel of the they obey him.
kingdom of God. 28 And the fame of him was
15 And saying The time is ae~ spread forthwith into all the coun-

compiibhed and the kingdom of try of Gaiiiee.

St. MARK. 45
29 And immediately going out of self to the high-priest, and offer for
the synagogue, they came into the thy cleansing the things that Moses
house of Simon and Andrew, with commanded,for a testimony to them.
James and John. 45 But he being gone out, began
30 And Simon's wife's mother lay to publish, and to blaze abroad the
in a fit of a fever : and forthwith word so that he could not openly

they tell him of her* go into the city, but was without
31 And coming to her he lifted her in desart places, and they flocked
up, taking her by the hand : and im- to him from all sides.
mediately the fever left her, and CHAP. II.
she ministered unto them. Christ heals the sick of the palsy.
32 And when it was evening af- Jk XDagain he entered into Ca-
ter sun-set, they brought to him all ** pharnanm after some days.
that were ill and that were pos- 2 Andit was heard jthat he was

sessed with 'lev ife, in the house, and many came toge*
33 And all the city was gather- ther, so that there was no room, no
ed together at the door. not even at the door ; and he spoke
34 And he healed many that to them the w ord.

were troubled with divers diseases; 3 And they came to him bringing
and he cast out many devils, and one sick oi the palsy, who was car-
he suffered them not to speak, be- ried by four.
cause they knew him. 4 And when they could not offer
3.5 And rising very early, going him unto him for the multitude,
out he went into a desart place : they uncovered the roof where he
and there he prayed. was and opening it they let down

36 And Simon and they that the bed wherein the man sick of
were with him followed after him. the palsy lay.
37 And when they had found him, 5 And when Jesus had seen their
they said to him, all seek for thee. faith, he saith to the sick of the pal-
38 And he saith to them : Let sy : Son, thy sins are forgiven thee.
us go into the neighbouring towns 6" And there some of the scribes
aitd cities, that 1 may preach there sitting there, and thinking in their
also; for to this purpose am I come. hearts :

39 And he was preaching in 7 Why

doth this man speak
their synagogues, and in all Gali- thus he blasphemeth. Who can
lee, and casting out devils. forgive sins, but God only ?
40 And there came a leper to 8 Which Jesus presently know-
h m, beseeching him, and kneeling
ing in his spirit,that they so thought
down said to him : If thou wilt; within themselves, saith to them i
thou canst make me clean. Why think you these things in your
41 And Jesus having compas- hearts ?
sion on him, stretched forth his 9 Which is easier, to say to the
hand ; and touching him, saith to sick of the palsy : Thy sins are for-
him : I will. Be thou made clean. given thee or to say ;Arise, take :

42 And when he had spoken, im- up thy bed and walk?

mediately the leprosy departed 10 But that you may know that
from him* and he was made clean. the son of man hath power on earth
43 And he strictly charged him, to forgive sins (he saith to the sick
and forthwith sent him away. of the palsy),
44 And he saith to him See : 111 say to thee, Arise, take up
thoxx tell no one; but go, shew thy. thy bed. and go into thy house.
: :;

46 St. MARK.
19 And immediately he arose; wine into old bottles : otherwise
and taking up his bed, went his way the wine will burst the bottles, and
in the sight of all, so that all won- both the wine will be spilled and
dered, and glorified God, saying the bottles will be lost. But new
We never saw the like. wine must be put into new bottles.
13 And he went forth again to 23 And it came to pass again as
the sea side; and all the multitude the Lord walked through the corn
came to him, and he taught them. fields on the sabbath, that his dis-
14 And when he was passing by, ciples began to go forward and to
he saw Levi the son of Alpheus sit- pluck the ears of corn.
ting at the receipt of custom; and 24 And the Pharisees said to him
he saith to him Follow me. And
: Behold, why do they on the sab-
rising up he followed him. bath-day that which is not lawful?
15 And it came to pass, that as 25 And he said to them, Have you
he sat at meat in his house, many never read what David- did, when he
publicans and sinners sat down to- had need, and was hungry himself,
gether with Jesus and his disciples. and they that were with him ?
For they were many, who also fol- 26 How he went into the house
lowed him. of God under Abiathar the high-
16 And the scribes and the Phari- priest ,and did eat the leaves of pro-
sees seeing that he ate with publicans position which was not lawful to
and sinners, said to his disciples: eat but for the priests, and gave to
Why doth your master eat and them who were with him ?
drink with publicans and sinners? 27 And he said to them : The
17 Jesus hearing ftiis, saith to sabbath was made for man, and not
them They that are well have no
t man for the sabbath.
need of a physician, but they that 28 Therefore the son of man is
are sick. For I came not to call Lord of the sabbath also.
the just, but sinners. CHAP. III.
18 And the disciples of John and Christ heals the withered hand*
the Pharisees used to fast: and they AND he entered again into the
come, arid say to him Why do the :
** synagogue, and there was a man
disciples of John and of the Phari- there who had a withered hand.
sees fast but thy disciples do not
; 2 And they watched him whe-
fast? ther he would heal on the sahbath-
19 And Jesus saith to them: days ; that they might accuse him.
Can the children of the marriage 3 And he said to the man who
fast, as long as the bridegroom is had the withered hand : stand up
with them ? As long as they have in the midst.
the brid groom with them, they 4 And he saith to them Is it

cannot fast. lawful to do good on the sabbath-

20 But the days will come when days, or to do evil ? to save life, or to
thejbridegroom shall betaken away destroy ? But they held their peace,
from them and then they shall fast
5 And looking- round about on
in those days. them, with anger, being grieved for
21 No man soweth a piece of raw the blindness of their hearts, he
cloth to an old garment : otherwise saith to the man : Stretch forth thy
the new piecing taketh away from hand. And he stretched it forth
the old, and there is made a greater and his hand was restored unto him.
rent. 6 And the Pharisees going out
22 And no man putteth new immediately made a consultation
: : :

St. MARK. 4T
with the Herodians against him, hold on him. For they said Re
how they might destroy him. is become mad.
7 But Jesus retired with his dis- 22 And the scribes who wer?
: and a great mul-
ciples to the sea come down from Jerusalem, said :

titude followed him, from Galilee He hath Beelzebub ; and ;by the
and Judea. prince of devils he casteth out devils.
8 And from Jerusalem, and from £3 And after he had called them
Idumea, and from beyond the Jor- together, he said to them in para-
dan. And they about Tyre and Si- bles: How can satan fast out satan ?
don, a great multitude, hearing the 24 And if a kingdom be divided
things which he did, came to him. against itself, that kingdom cannot
9 And he spoke to his disciples stand,
that a small ship should wait on 25And if a house be divided against
him because of the multitude, lest itself that house cannot stand.
they should throng him* 26 And if satan be risen up
10 For he heal&d many, so that against himself, he is divided, a;;d
they pressed upon him for to touch cannot stand, but hath an end..
him, as many as had evils. 27 No man can enter into the
11 And the unclean spirits, when house of a strong man and rob him
they saw him, fell down before him of his goods, urfess he first bind the
itnd they cried saying strong man, and then he shall plun-
12 Thou art the Son of God. And der his house.
he strictly charged them that they 28 Amen I say to you, that all
should not make him known. sins shall be forgiven unto the sons
13 And going up into a moun- of men, and the blasphemies where-
tain, he called unto him whom he with they shall blaspheme:
would himself: and they came to ?.9 But be that shall blaspheme
him. against the Holy Ghost, snail never
14 And he made that twelve have forgiveness, but shall be guilty
should be with him, and that he of an everlasting sin.
might send them to preach. 30 Because they said: lie hath
15 And he gave them power to heal an unclean spirit.
sicknesses, and to cast out devils. 31 And his mother and his bre-
16 And to Simon he gave the thren came; and standing without
name Peter. sent unto him calling him,
17 And James the son of Zebe- 32 And the multitude sat about
dee, and John the brother of James: him ; and they say to him Behold

and he named them Boanerges, thy mother and thy brethren with-
which is the sons of thunder. out seek for thee.
18 And Andrew and Philip, and 33 And answering them, he said :

Bartholomew and [Matthew, and Who is my mother and my brethren ?

Thomas and James of Alpheus, and 34 And looking round about on
Thaddeus, and Simon the Cananean, them who sat about him, he saith :
19 And Judas Iscariot, who also Behold my mother and my brethren*
betrayed him. §£ For whosoever shall do the
20 And they come to a house, will of God, he is my brother and
and the multitude cometh together my sister and mother.
again, so that they could not so CHAP. IV.
much as eat bread. The parublc of the sower.
21 And when his friends had
heard of it, they went out to lay
AND again he began to teach by
the sea side ; and a great mul*
1 :

48 Sr. MARK.
titude was gathered together unto and as soon as they have heard,
him so that he went up into a ship immediately satan cometh, and
and sat in the sea, and all the mul- taketh away the word that was
titude was upon the land by the sea sown in their hearts.
side. 16 And these likewise are they
2 And he taught them many- that are sown on the stony ground :

things in parables, and said unto who when

they have heard the
them in his doctrine : word, immediately receive it with
3 Hear ye; Behold, the sower j°y-
went out to sow. 17 And they have no root in
4 Anil whilst he soweth, some themselves, but are only for a time:
fell by the way side, and the birds and then when tribulation and per-
of the air came, and ate it up. secution ariseth for the word, they
5 And other some fell upon stony are presently scandalized.
ground where it had not much 18 And others there are who are
earth: and it shot up immediately, sown among thorns these are they :

because it had no depth of earth that hear the word,


6 And when the sun was risen, 19 And the cares cf the world
it was scorched, and because it had and the deceitfulness of riches, and
no root, it withered away. ihe lusts after other things entering
7 And some fell among thorns in choke the word, and it is made
and the thorns grew up, and choak- fruitless.
ed it, and it yielded no fruit. 20 And these are they "who are
8 And some fell upon good sown upon the good ground, who
ground and brought forth fruit hear the word, and receive it, and

that grew up, and increased, and yield fruit, the one thirty, another
yielded, one thirty, another sixty, sixty, and another a hundred.
and another a hundred. 21 And he said to them : Doth a
9 And he said : He that hath candle come in to be put under a
ears to hear let him hear. bushel, or under a bed ? and not to
10 And when he was alone, the be set on a candlestick ?
twelve that were with him asked 22 For there is nothing hid,
him the parable. which shall not be made manifest :
1 And he said to them : To you neither was it made secret, but that
it is given to know the mystery of it may come abroad.

the kingdom of God : but to them 23 If any man have ears to hear,
that are without, all things are done let him hear.
in parables : 24 And he said to them : Take
12 .That seeing they may see, and heed what you hear. In what mea-
not perceive, and hearing they may sure you shall mete, it shall be mea-
hear : and not understand : lest at sured to you again, and more shall
any time they should be converted be given to you.
and their sins should be forgiven 25 For he that hath, to him shall
them. be given : and he that hath not,
13 And he saith to them: Are that also which he hath shall be
you ignorant of this parable? and taken away from him.
how shall you know all parables f 26 And he said : So is the king-
14 He that soweth: soweth the dom of God, as if a man should
word. east sem into the'earth,
15 And these are they by the 27 And should sleep, and rise,
way side, where the word is gown. n%ht and day, and the seed should

St. M ARK. 4*
spring, and grow up whilst he | is this (thinkest thou) that both,
knoweth not. wind and sea obey him i

28 For the earth of itself bringeth CHAP. V.

forth fruit, first the Made, then the Christ casts out a leg-ion of devils.
ear, afterwards the full corn in the AND they came over the of
the sea into the country of the>
29 And when the fruit is brought Gerasens.
forth, immediately he putteth in the 2 And as he went out of the ship,
sickle, because the harvest is come. immediately there met him out of
30 And he said To what shall
: the monuments a man with an un«
we liken the kingdom of God ? or to clean spirit,
what parable shall we compare it ? 3 Who ^had his dwelling in the.
31 it is as a grain of mustard tombs, and no man now could bind
seed ; which when it is sown in the him, not even with chains.
earth, is less than all the seeds that 4 For having been often bound
are in the earth : with fetters and chains, he had
32 And when it is sown, it grow- burst the chains, and broken the
eth up, and becometh greater than fetters in pieces, and no one could
all herbs, and shooteth out great tame him.
branches, so that the birds of the 5 And he was always day an (J
air may dwell under the shadow night in the monuments and in the
thereof. mountains, crying and cutting him-
33 And with many such parables, self with stones.
he spoke to them the word, accord- 6 And seeing Jesus afar off, he
ing as they were able to hear. ran and adored him,
34 And without parable he did 7 And crying with a loud voice,
not speak unto them ; but apart, he he said : What have I to do with
explained all things to his disciples. thee, Jesus the Son of the mopt
35 And he saith to them that day, high God I adjure thee by God

when evening was come Let us : that thou torment me not.

pass over to the other side. 8 For he said unto him Go out :

36 Aiid sending away the multi- of the man, thou unclean spirit.
tude they take him even as he was 9 And he asked him What is :

in the stiff? and there were other

: thy name ? And he saith to "him :
ships with him. My name is Legion,for we are many.
3? And there arose a great storm 10 And he besought him much,,
of wind, and the waves beat into that he would not drive him away
i the iship, so that the ship was filled. out of the country.
38 And he was in the hinder part 1 And there was there near the
. of the ship, sleeping upon a pillow: mountain a great herd of swine,
i and they awake lnm, and say to feeding.
him : Master, doth it not concern 1 2 And the spirits besought him,

i thee that $re perish r saying : Send us into the swine,

39 And rising up he rebuked the that we may enter into them.
t wind, atid said to the sea: Peace, 13 And Jesus immediately gave
be still. And the wind ceased; and them leave. And the unclean spi-
there was made a great calm, rits going out, entered into the
i 40 And he said to them Why : swine: and the herd with great vio-
are you fearful r have you not faith lence was carried headlong .into the
*i '
yet ? And they feared exceedingly : sea, btinj; about two thousand, ar.£
and they sard one to another who ; were stifled in the sea. *

S9 St. M
14 And they that fed them fled, 23 For she said If I shall touch

and told it in the city and in the but his garment, I shall be whole.
fields. And they went out to see 29 And forthwith the fountain of
what: was done her blood was dried up, and she felt
15 And they come to Jesus, and in her body that she was healed of
they see him that was troubled with the evil.
the devil, sitting-, clothed, and well SO And immediately Jesus know*
in his wit?, and they were afraid. ing in himself the virtue that had
16 And they that had seen it, told proceeded from him, turning to the
them, in what manner he had been multitude, said : Who hath touched
dealt with who had the devil : and my garments ?
concerning the swine. 31 And his disciples sakl to him:
17 And they began to pray him that Thou seest the multitude thronging
he would depart from their coasts. thee, and sayest thou who hath
18 And when he went up into the touched me ?
ship, lie that had been troubled with 32 And he looked about to see
the devil, began to beseech him that her who had done this.
he might be with him. 33 But the woman fearing and
19 And he admitted him not, but trembling, knowing what was done
Skith to him Go into thy house to
: in her, came and fell down before
thy friends, and tell them how great him, and told him all the truth.
vhings the Lord hath done for thee, 34 And he said to her Daughter,

and hath had mercy on thee. thy faith hath made thee whole ; go
20 And he went his way, and be- in peace, and be thou whole of thy
gan to publish in Becapolis how disease.
great things Jesus had done for 35 l^hile he was yet speaking,
him : andmen wondered.
all some come from the ruler of the
21 And when Jesus had passed synagogue's house, saying Thy:

again in the ship over the strait, a daughter is dead, why dost thou
great multitude assembled together trouble the master any farther.
unto him, and he was nigh unto 36 But Jesus having heard the
the sea. w ord that was spoken, saith to the

22 And there cometh one of the ruler of the synagogue ; Fear not,
rulers of the synagogue named only believe.
Jairus and seeing him ialleth down
: 37 And he admitted not any man
at his feet. to follow him, but Peter, and James,
23 And he besought him much, and John the brother of James.
saying : My
daughter is at the point 33 And they come to the house
of death,come,lay thy hand upon her, of the ruler of the synagogue ; and
that she may be safe, and may live. he seeth a tumult, and people weep-
24 And he went with him, and ing and wailing much.
a great multitude followed him, and 39 And going in, he saith to them :
they thronged him. Why make you this a-'do, and weep ?
25 And a woman who was under the damsel is not dead but sleepeth.
an issue of blood twelve years, 40 And they laughed him to
26 And had suffered many things scorn. But he having put themall
from many physicians, and had out, taketh the father and the mo-
spent all that she had, and was no- ther of the damsel, and them that
thing the better, but rather worse, were with him, and entereth in
2? When she had heard of Jesus', where the damsel was lying.
came in the crowd behind iiim, anii 41 Ai d takiiig the damsel by the
touched his garment. hand, lie sah.ii to her : Tid' f ha
; :

St. MARK. £i
cumi, vihich is, being interpreted, soever you shall enter into an
damsel (I say to thee), arise. house, there abide till you depart
42 And immediately the damsel from that place.
rose up, and walked : and she was 11 And whosoever shall not re-
twelve years old : and they were as- ceive you, nor hear you : going forth
tonished with a great astonishment. from thence, shake off the dust from
43 And he charged them strictly your feet for a testimony to them.
man should know it and
that no : 12 And going forth they preach-
commanded that something should ed that men should do penance.
be given her to eat. 13 And they cast out many de-
CHAP. VI. vils, and anointed with oil many
Christ teaches at Nazareth. that were sick, and healed them.
A ND going out from thence, he 1 1 And king Herod heard (for :

"- • went ir.to his own country his name was made manifest) and
and his disciples followed him. he said : John the Baptist is risen
2 And when the sabbath was again from the dead, and therefore
come, he began to teach in the sy- mighty works shew forth them*
nagogue: and many hearing him selves in him.
were in admiration at his doctrine, 15 And others said i It is EUas,
saying How came this man by all
: But others said : It is a propftet, as
these things ? and what wisdom is one of the prophets.
this that is given to him, and such ICy Which Herod hearing, saids
mighty works as are wrought by John whom
beheaded, he is risen
his hands ? again from the dead.
3 Is not this the carpenter, the 17 For Herod himself had sent
son of Mary, the brother of James, and apprehended John, and bound
and Joseph, and Jude, and Simon ? him in prison for the sake of He-
are not also his sisters here with rodias the wife of Philip his brother*
us? And they were scandalized because he had married her.
in regard of him. 18 For John said to Herod It :

4 And Jesus said to them: A is not lawful for thee to have thy

prophet is not without honour, but brother V wife.

in his own country, and in his own ID Now
Herodias laid snares for
house, and among his own kindred. him : and was desirous to put him
5 And he could not do any mi- to death and could not.
racles there, only that he cured a 20 For Herod feared John, know-
few that were sick, laying his hands ing him to be a just and holy man :

upon them. and kept him, and when he heard

6 And he wondered because of him did many things and he heard:

their unbelief, and he went through him willingly.

the villages round about teaching. 21 And when a convenient day
? And he called the twelve; and was come, Herod made a supper
began to send them two and two, for his birth-day, for the princes,
and gave them power over unclean and tribunes, and chief men of
spirits. Galilee.
8 And he commanded them that 22 And when the daughter of the
they should take nothing for the same Herodias had come in, and
way, but a staff only ; no scrip, no had danced, and pleased Herod,
bread, nor money in their purse, and them that were at table with
9 But to be shod with sandals, and him, the king said to the damsel
that theyshould not put on two coats. Ask of me what thou wilt, and I
10 And he said to them : Where- will give ittLte.
: :

*2 St. MA
23 And he swore to her : What- iito the next villages and towns,
soever thou shalt ask I will give they may buy themselves meat to eat
thee,though it he the half of my 57 And ke answering said to,
kingdom. them : Give you them to eat. And
24 Who when she was gone out, they said to him Let us go and

said to her mother, What shall I buy bread for two hundred pence,
ask ? But she said : The head of and we will give them to cat.
John the Baptist. 38 And he saith to them How :

26 And when she was come in many leaves have you ? go and see.
immediately with haste to the king, And when they knew, they say :
she asked, saying I will that forth-
: Five, and two fishes.
with thou give me in a dish the 39 And he commanded them that
head of John the Baptist. they should make them all sit down
26 And the king was struck sad. by companies upon the green grass.
Yet because ef his oath, and be- 40 And they £at down in ranks,
cause of them that were with him at by hundreds and by fifties.
table, he would not displease her 41 And when he had taken the
27 But sending an executioner, five loaves, and the two fishes : look-
he commanded that his head should ing up to heaven, he blessed, and
be brought in a dish. broke the loaves, and gave to his dis-
29 And he beheaded him in the ciples to set before them: and the two
prison, and brought his head in a fishes he divided among them all.
dish and ga7e it to the damsel, and
: 42 And they ail did eat, and had
the damsel gave it to her mother. their fill.

29 Which his disciples hearing 43 And they took up the leav-

came, and took his body ; and laid ings, twelve lull baskets of frag-
it in a tomb. ments, and of the fishes.
20 And the apostles coming to- 44 And they that did eat, were
gether unto Jesus, related to him five thousand men.
all things that they had done and 45 And immediately he obliged
taught. his disciples to go up into the ship,
31 And he said to them : Come that they might go before him ever
apart into a desart place, and rest the water to Bethsaida whilst he

a For there were many com-

little. dismissed the people.
ing and going awd they had not
: 46 And when he had dismissed
«o much as time to eat. them, he went up to the mountain
32 And going up into a ship, they to pray.
went into a desart place apart. 47 And when it was late, the
33 And they saw them going away, ship was in the midst of the sea,
and many knew : and they ran and himself alone on the land.
flocking thither on foot from all the 48 And seeing them labouring in
cities, and were there before them. rowing (for the wind was against
34 And Jesus going out saw a them) and about the fourth watch
great multitude and he had com-
; of the night he cometh to them
passion on them, because they were walking upon the sea, and he would
as sheep not having a shepherd, and have passed "by tbrrn.
be began to teach them many thing?. 49 But they seeing him walking
35 And when the day was now upon the sea, thought it was an
came to him,
far spent, his disciples apparition, and they 'cried out.
^ saying : This is a desart place, and 50 For they aii saw him, and

the hour is now past were troubled. And immediately h«
36 Send them away, that going spoke with them, and said to them
: : :

Have a good heart, it is I,fear ye not. them Well did : Isalas prophesy of
5\ And he went up to them into you hypocrites, as it is written
the ship, and the wind cea«ed and : This people honoureth me •with their
they were far more astonished Hf)s y bat their heart is far from me.
within themselves 7 And vain do they worship me,

52 For they understood not con- teaching doctrines and precepts of men.
cerning the loaves; for their heart 8 For leaving the commandment
was biinded. of God, you hold the tradition of
53 And whenthey had passed men, the washings of pots and of
over, they came the land of
into cups : and many other things you
Genezareth, and set to the shore. do like to these.
54. And when they were gone And he said to them Well do
9 :

cut of the ship, immediately they you make void the commandment
knew him :
of God, that you may keep your
55 And running through that own tradition.
whole country, they began to carry 10 For Mosetf said: Honour thy
about in beds "those that were sick, father and thy mother; and, He
where they heard he was. that shull curse father or motherM
56 And whithersoever he enter- dying let liim die.
ed, into towns or into villages or 11 But you say: If a man shall
they laid the sick in the
Cities, say to his father or mother, Corban
and besought him that they
streets, (which is a gift) whatsoever ii
might touch but the hem of his from me, shall profit thee:
garment : and as many as touched 12 And farther you suffer him
him were made whole. not to do any thing for his father
CHAP. VII. or mother,
Christ reli ukes the Pharisees. 13 Making void the word of God
4ND there assembled together by your own tradition, which you
unto him the Pharisees and have given fcrth. And many other
some ©f the scribes, coming from such like things you do.
Jerusalem. 1 i And calling again the multi-
2 And when they had seen some tude unto him, he said to them *
of his disciples eat bread with com- Hear ye me all and understand.
mon, that is, with unwashed hands, 15 There is nothing from with—
they found fault. out a man that entering into him,
3 For the Pharisees, and all the can defile him. But the things
Jews eat not without often wash- which come from a man, those are
ing their hands, holding the tradi- they that defile a man.
tion of the antients lf> If any man have ears to hear,

4 And when they come from the let him hear.

market, unless they be washed, 17 And when he was come into
they eat not and many other things
: the hotise from the multitude, his
there are that have been delivered disciples asked him the parable.
to them to observe, the washings of 18 And he saith tothem So are:

cups and of pots, and of brazen ycu also without knowledge? un-
vessels and of beds. derstand you not that every thing
5 Andthe Pharisees and scribes from without, entering into a man,
asked him Why
do not thy disciples cannot defile him :

walk according to the tradition of 19 Because it entereth not into

the antients, but they eat bread his heart, but goeth into the belly,
with common hands? and goeth out into the privy, purg-
But he answering, said to ing ail meats ?
; ;

4* St. M ARK.
20 Bat he said that the things groaned, and said to him Ephpheta,:

which come out from a man, they which is, Be thou opened.
defile a man. 35 And immediately his ears
21 For from within out of the were opened, and the string of his
heart of men proceed evil thoughts, tongue was loosed, and he spoke
adulteries, fornications, murders, right,
22 Thefts, cov^tousucss, wicked- 36 And he charged them that
ness, deceit, last iviousi less, an evil they should tell no man. But the
eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. more he charged them, so much the
23 All these evil things come more a great deal did they publish it.
from within, and defile a man. 37 And so much the more did
21 And rising from thence he they wonder, saying : He hath done
went into the coasts of Tyre and all things well ; he hath made both
Sidoh and entering into a house,
: the deaf to hear, and the dumb to
he would that no man should know speak.
it, and he could not be hid. CHAP. VIII.
25 For a woman as soon as she Christ feeds four thousand.
Beard of him, whose daughter had ¥N those days again when there
an unclean spirit, came in, and fell -S-
was a great multitude, and had
down at his feet. nothing to eat : calling his disciples
26 For the woman w as
a Gen-r
together, he saith to them :

tile, a Syrophenician born. And she 2 I have compassion on the mul-

besought him that he would cast titude, for behold they have now
forth the devil out of her daughter. been with me three days, and have
27 Who said to her Suffer first
: nothing to eat.
the children to be filled for it is : 3 And if I shaB send them away
not good to take the bread of the fasting to their home, they will
children, and cast it to the dogs. faint in the way, for some of them
28 But she answered, and said came from afar off.

to him : Yea, Lord ; for the whelps And his disciples answered
also eat under the table of the him From whence, 'can any one

crumbs of the children. fill them here with bread in the

29 And he said to her: For this wilderness ?
saying go thy way, the devil is gone 5 And he asked them : Ho w many
out of thy daughter. loaves have ye ? Who said : Seven.
30 And when she was come into 6 And taking the seven loaves,
her house, she found the girl lying giving thanks he broke, and gave to
upon the bed, and that the devil his disciples for to set before them,
was gene out. and they set them before the people.
31 And again going out of the 7 And they had a few little fishes
coasts of Tyre, he came by Sidon to and he liessed them, and command-
the sea of Galilee through the midst ed them to be set before them.
of the coasts of D^capolis. 8 And they did eat and were fil-
32 And they bring to him one led, and they took up that which
deaf anddumb ; and they besought was left of the fragments, seven
him that he would lay his hand up- baskets.
on him. 9 And they that had eaten were
33 And taking him from the about four thousand : and he sent
multitude apart, he put his fingers them away.
into his ears, and spitting he touch- 10 And immediately going up in-
ed his tongue to a ship with his disciples, he came
S-i And Iookk?g up to heaven, he into the parts of Dalmanutha.
St. MARK. 35
] 1 And
the Pharisees came forth, to see, and was restored, so that he
and began to question with him, saw all tilings clearly.

asking him a sign from heaven, 26 And he sent him into his
tempting him. house, saying: Go into thy house,
12 And sighing deeply in spirit, and if thou enter into the town, tell
he saith Why doth this generation
: nobody.
ask a sign ? Amen I say to you, if a 27 And Jesus went out, and his
sign shall besriven to this generation. disciples into the town of Csssarea
13 And leaving them, he went Philippi ; and in the way he asked
up again into the ship, and passed his disciples, saying to them Whom :

to the other side of the water. do men say that I am ?

14 And they forgot to take bread : 23 Who answered him, saying
and they had but one loaf with John the Baptist ; but some Eliasj
them in the ship. and others as one of the prophets.
15 And hecharged them saying: 29 Then he saith to them Birt :

Take heed asd be wave of the leaven whom do you say that I am ? Peter
of the Pharisees,, and of the leaven answering said to him Thou art

Oi Herod. the Christ.

16 And they reasoned among SO And he strictly charged them
themselves, saying: Because we that they should not any man of
have no bread. him.
17 Which Jesus knowing, saith 31 And he began to teach them,
to them Why
: do you f ison, be-
: that the son of man must suffer
cause you have no bread ? do you many things, and be rejected by the
not yet know nor understand ? have antients and by the high-priests,
you still your heart blinded ? and the scribes, and be killed and :

13 Having eyes see you not? after three days rise again.
and having ears hear yuu not ? 32 And he spoke the word open-
neither do you remember. ly. And Peter taking him, began
19 When I broke the live loaves to rebuke him.
among five thousand how many
; 33 Who turning about and see-
baskets full of fragments took you ing his disciples, threatened Peter,
up ? They say to him, Twelve. saying Go behind me, satan, be-

20 When also the seven loaves cause thou savourest not the things
among four thousand, how many that are of God, but that are of men.
baskets of fragments took you up ? 34 And calling the multitude to-
And they say to him, Seven. gether with his disciples, he said to
21 And he said to them: How them If any man will follow me,

do you not yet understand ? let him deny himself, and take up
22 And they came to Bethsaida ; his cross and follow me.
and they bring to him a blind man, 35 For whosoever will save his
and they besought him that he life, shall lose it; and whosoever
would touch him. shall lose his life for my sake and
23 And taking the blind man by the go/pel shall s.we it.
the hand he hd him out of the 36 For what shall it profit a man,
town and spitting upon his cye>, if he gain the whole world, and suf-

.syiiig his hands on him, he asked fer the loss of his soul ?
him if he saw any thing. 37 Qv what shall a man give in
2i And looking up, he said I:exchange for his soul ?
see men, as it were trees, walking. 38 For he that shall be ashamed
2.5 After that again he laid his of me, and of mv words in this
hands upon his eyes, and he began adulterous and sinful generation,
1 ; : :

16 St. MARK.
the son of man also will be ashamed restore all things, and a? it is writ-
of him, when he shall come in the ten of the son of man, that he must
glory of ins Father with the holy sutler many things and be de-pised.
angels. 12 B,«t I say to you, that Elias
80 And he said to them : Amen also is come (and they have done
I say to yon, that there are some to him whatsoever they would) as
of them that stand here, who shall it is written of him.
not taste death,!ifl they see the king- IS And coming to his disciples, he
dom of God corning in power. saw a great multitude about them,
CHAP. IX. and th^ scribes disputing with them.
Christ is transfigured, 14 And presently all the people
AND days Jesus taketh
after six
with him Peter and James and
seeing-Jesus, was astonished and
struck with fear: and running to
John, and leadeth them np into an him, they saluted him.
high mountain apart by themselves, 1.5 And he asked them, What do

and was transfigured before them. you question about among you ?
2 And his garments became shin- 1G And one of the multitude an-
ing and exceeding white as snow, so swering, said : Master, I have
us no fuller upon earth can make brought my son to thee having a
white. dumb spirit,
3 And there appeared to them 17 Who, wheresoever he taketh
Elias with Moses ; and they were him, dasheth him, and he foameth,
talking with Jesus. and gna ..Leth with the teeth, and
4 And Peter answervig, said to pinethaway: and I spoke to thy
Jesus Rabbi, it is goo*- for us to
disciples to cast him out, and they
be here ; and let us make three ta- could not.
bernacles, one for thee, and one for 18 Who answering them, said:
"JVfloses, and one for Elias. incredulous generation, how long
& For he knew not what he said shall I be with you ? how long shall

for they were struck with fear : 1 suffer you ? bring him^unto me*

6 And there was a cloud over- 19 And they brought him. And
shadowing them, and a voice came when he had seen him, immediately
out of the cloud, saying This is. my : the spirit troubled him ; and being
'jnost beloved son; hear ye him. thrown down upon the ground, he
7 And immediately looking a- row led about foaming.
bout, they saw no man anymore 20" And he asked his father
but Jesus only with them. How long time is it since this hath
8 And as they came down from happened unto him ? But he said :

the mountain, he charged them not From his infancy

to teil any man what things they 21 And often times' hath he cast
bad seen, till the son of man shall him into the fire and into waters, to
be risen again from the dead. destroy him. But if thou canst do
9 And they kept the word to any thing, help us, having compas-
themselves; questioning together sion on us.
what that should mean, when he 22 And Jesus him If
saith to :

shall be risen from the dead. thou canst believe, things are
10 And they asked him saying: possible to him that believeth.
Why then do the Pharisees and 23 And immediately the father of
scribes say that Elias must come the boy crying out, with tears said:
first ? I do believe; Lordhelp my unbelief.

1 Who answering said to them: 24 And when Jesus saw the mul-
Elias when he shall come first, shall titude running together* lie threat
St. MARK. 67
pii the unclean sn
r:t< saving to ddnh thv name, wno johoweifi

him Deaf and dumb spirit, I com-

not us, and we forbad him.
mand thee, to go out of him aiid : 38 But Jesus said ; Do not for-
enter not any mere into him. bid him. For thereis no mail that
35 And crying out, and greatly doth a miracle in my name, and can
tearing him, he went out of him, soon speak ill of me.
and he became as dead, so that 39 For he that is not against
jnanv said He is dead.
you, is for you.
26 But Jesus taking him by the 40 For whosoever shall give you
hand, lifted him up and he arose. ;
to drink a cup of water in my

27 And when he was come into name, because you belong to Christ:
the house, his disciples secretly Amen I say to you, he ishall not
.asked him: Why could not we lose his reward;

cast him out ? 41 A fid whosoever shall scanda-

28 And he said to them: This lize one of these little ones that be-

kind can go out by nothing, but by lieve in me ; it were better for him
prayer and fasting. that a mill-stone were hanged about
29 And departing from thence his neck, and he were cast into the
they passed through Galilee, and sea.

he would not that any man should 42 And thy hand scandaliza

know it. thee, cut ofK

it It is better for

30 And he taught his disciples, thee to enter into life, maimed,

and said to them : The son of man than having two hands to go into
shall be betrayed into the hands of hell, intounquenchable fire:.
men, and they shall kill him, and 43 Where their worm dieth not,,
after that he 'is killed he shall rise and the fire is not extinguished.
again the third day. 44 And if thy foot scandalize
3! But they understood not the thee, cut it off. It is better for
word and they were afraid to ask
thee to enter tme into life everlast-

him. ing, than having two feet, to be cast

32 And they came to Capharna- into the hell of unquenchable fire.

u-m. And when they were in the 45 Wl ere their wo; in dieth not,
house, he asked them What did : and the fire is not extinguished.
you treat of in the way ? 46 And it thy eye scandalize thee,
33 But they held their pence, for pluck it out. It is better for thee

in the way they had disputed a- with one eye to enter into the king-
mong themselves, which of them dom of God, than having two eyes
shoukl be the greatest. to be ca^t into the hell of fire :

34 And down, he called

sitting 47 Where their worm diet!) not,
the twelve, and saith to them: If and the tire is not extinguished.
any man desire to be first, he shall 4H For every one shall be salted
be last of all, and the minister of all. with fire: and every victim shall
35 And taking a child, he set him be salted with salt.
in the midst of them. Whom whew 49 Salt is good. But if the salt
he had embraced, he saith to them become unsavoury, wherewith will

36 Whosoever shall receive one you season it ? Have salt in you,

such child as this in my name, re- and have peace anions: you.
ceiveth me. And whosoever shall CHAP. X.
receive me, receiveth not me, but Marriage is not to be dissolved,
him that sent me. AND
rising up from thence, he
cometh into the coasts of Judea
37 John answered him, saying :

Master, we saw one. casting out heyond the Jordan and the multi- :

53 St. MARK.
ttiues flock to him again. And a^ them.
he was accustomed, he taught them 1 And when he was gone forth
again. into the way, a certain man running*
2 And the Pharisees coming to up and kneeling before him, asked
him asked him Is it law hi] tor o
; him, Good Master, what shall I do
man to put away his wife ? tempt- that I may receive life everlasting ?
ing him. 18 And Jesus said to him, Why
3 But he answering, saith to caliest thou me good ? None is
them : What did Moses command good but one, that is God.
you? 19 Thou knowest the command-
4 Who
said: Moses permitted ments, Do not commit adultery, do
to write a bill of divorce, and to put not hilly do not steal, bear not false
her away. witness, do no fraud, honour thy fur-
5 To whom Jesus answering, ther and mother*
said Because of the hardness or
: 20 But he answering, said to
your heart he wrote you that precept. him Master, all these things I

6 But from the beginning of the have observed from my youth.

creation, God made them male and 21 And Jesus looking on him,
female* loved him, and said to him One :

7 For this cause a man shall thing is wanting unto thee go, sell :

leave his father and mother ; and whatsoever thou hast, and give to
shall cleave to his wife. <he poor, and thou shalt have trea-
8 And they two shall be in one sure in heaven ; and come, follow me.
flesh. Therefore now they are not 22 Who being struck sad at that
two, but one flesh. saying, went away sorrowful: for
9 What therefore God hath joined he had great posses- ions.
together, let not man put asunder. 23 And Jesus looking round,

10 And in tha house again his about, saith to his discuses : How
discipes asked him concerning the hardly shall they, that have riches,
same thing. enter into the kingdom of God !
11 And he saith t» them : Who- 21 And the disciples were asto-
soever shall put away his wife and nished at his words. But Jesus
marry another, committeth adultery again answering, saith to them*:.
against her. Children, how hard is it for them
12 And if the wife shall put away that trust in riches, to enter into.
her husband, and be married to the kingdom of God !
another, she committed adultery. 25 It is easier for a camel to pass
13 And they brought to him through the eye of a needle, than

young children, that he might touch for a rich man to enter into the
them. And the disciples rebuked kingdom of God.
those that brought them. 26 Who wondered the mora,
14 Whom when Jesus saw, he saying among themselves ; Who
was much displeased, and saith to then can be saved ?
them : Suffer the little children to 27 And Jesus looking on them,
come unto me, and forbid them not. saith : With men it is impossible;,
For of such is the kingdom, of God. but not with God. For all things
1.5 Amen I say to you, whosoever are possible with God.
shall not receive the kingdom of 28 And Peter began to say unto,
God as a littie child, shall not enter him ; Behold, we have fete all
into it. things, and have followed thee.
16 And embracing them, and lay- 29 Jesus answering, said: Amen
ing his hands upon them.. he blessed I say to you> there is no man who>
St. M ARrt £3
hath -eft house, or brethren,or sisters, to yen, hut to them for whom it is
-or father, or mother or children, cr prepared.
lands for my sake and for the gospel, 41 And the ten hearing it, began
3) Who shall vrA receive an to be much displeased at James
hundred times as much, now in this and John.
time ; houses, and brethren, and 42 But Jsstjs caiiing them, saith
sisters, and mothers, and children, to tkeiii You know that they who

and lands, with persecutions and : seem to rule ever the gentiles., lord
in the world to ccn:e life everlasting-. it over them: and then princes
31 But many that are first, shall have power over them.
be last ; and the last, first. 43 But it is not so among you ;
32 And they were in ,the way but whosoever will be greater,
going up to Jerusalem and Jesus : shall be your minister.
went before them, and they were 44 And whosoever will be £rst
astonished and following were
: among you, shall be the servant ofall.
afraid. And
taking again the 45 For the sou of man also is not
twelve, he began to tell them the come to be ministered unto, but to
things that should befal him, minister, and to give his life a re*
33 Saying; Behold we go up to demption for many,
Jerusalem, and the son of man shall 4d And they come to Jericho :
be betrayed to the chief priests, and and as he went out oi Jericho, with
to the scribes arid antients, and his disciples, and a very great mul-
they condemn him to death,
shall titude, Bar-timeus the blind man,
him to the gentiles.
and* shall deliver the son of Timeus, sat by the way
34 And they shell mock him. side begging.
and spit on him, and scourge him, 47 Wiio when he had heard that
and kill him and the third day he
; it was Jesus of Nazareth, began
shall rise again. and to say Jesus, son
to cry out,. :

35 Atid James and John the sons of David, have mercy on me.
of Zebedee, come to him saying : 48 And many rebuked him, that
Master, we desire that whatsoever be might hold his peace but he ;

we shall ask, then wotddst do it cried a great deal the more Son :

for ur«, of David, have mercy on me,

SG But he sa d to
them : What 49 And Jejtus standing still com-
v ould you that 1 should do for you? manded him to be called. And they
37 And they said Grant to us, : call the blind man, saying to him :
that we may sit, one on thy right Be of better comfort: arise, he
hand, and the other on thy left, calleth thee.
in thy glory. 50 Who casting off his garment
38 And Jesus said to them: You leaped up, and came to him,
know not what you ask. Can you 51 And Jesus answering, said to
drink of the chalice that I drink of: him What wilt thou that 1 should

or be baptized with the baptism do to thee ? And the blind man said
wherewith I am baptized? to him Rabboni, that I may see.

39 But they "said to him : We 52 And Jesus saith to him : Go

can. And Jesus saith to them : thy way, thy faith hath made thee
You shall indeed drink of the chalice whole. And immediately he saw,
that I drink of: and with the bap- and followed him in the way.
tism wherewith 1 am baptized, you CHAP. XI.
shall be baptized. Christ enters into Jerusalem, §c.
40 But to sit on my right hand, 4 ND
when they were drawing
or^on my left, is not mine to give **> near to Jerusalem and to Be -

€0 St. 3 IKK.
ihania at the mount of olives he May no man hereafter eat fruit o
sendeth two of his disci. ,-les, thee any more for ever. And kia
2 And saith to them : Go into disomies heard it.
the village that is over-againstyou, L5 And they come to Jerusalem.
End immediately at your coming in And when he was entered into the
C'nther,you shall find a colt tied, temple, he began to cast out them
o*jon which no man yet hath sat that .sold and bought in the temple,
loose him, and bring him, and overthrew the tables of the
3 And if any man shall say tD money-changers, and the chairs of
VOUj What are you doing ? say ye them that sold doves.
that the Lord hath need of him 16 And he suffered not that any
and immediately he will let him man should carry a vessel through
come hither. the temple ;

4 And going their way, they 17 Andhe taught, saying to

found the colt tied before the gate them ; Isnot written,
it Myhouse
without in the meeting of two ways: shall he called the house nf prayer to
and they loose him. all nations ? But you have made it
5- And some of them that stood a den of thieves.
there, said to them What do you : IS Which when the chief priests
loosing the colt? and the scribes had heard* they
6 Who said to them a9 Jesus sought how they might destroy him.
bad commanded them ; and they For |they feared him, because the
let him go with them. whole multitude was in admiration
7 And they brought the colt to at his doctrine.
Jesus ; and they lay their garments 19 And when evening was come,
en him, and he sat upon him. he went forth out of the city.
8 And many spread their gar- 20 And when they passed by in
ments in the way and others cut
: the morning, they saw the fig-tree
down boughs from the trees, and dried up from the roots.
strewed them in the way. 21 And Peter remembering, said
9 And they that went before and to him : Rabbi, behold the fig-tree,
they that followed cried saying: which thou didst curse, is withered
Jfosannah, Messed is he that cometh away.
in the name of the Lord. 22 And Jesus answering saith
10 Blessed be the kingdom of our to them Have the faith of God.

father David that eo?7ieih, Hosanna 23 Amen 1 say to you, that wbo«*
in the highest. soever shall say to this mountain,
11 And he entered into Jerusalem, Be
thou removed and be cast into
into the temple: and having viewed the sea, and shall not stagger in his.
all things round about, when now heart, but believe, that whatsoever
the even tide was come, he went he saith shall be done it shall be :

out to Bethania with the twelve. done unto. him.

12 And the next day when thej 84 Therefore I say unto you, all
came out from Bethania, he was tmngs, whatsoever you ask when
hungry. ye pray, believe that you shall re-,
1.3 And when he had seen a- far ceive : and they shall come unto you.
i>ff a fig-tree having leaves, he- 2,5 And when you shall stand to
came;, if perhaps he might find any pray forgive, if you have ought,

thing on it. And when he was come against any man ; that your Father
to it, he found nothing but leaves* ajso, who is in heaven, may forgive
For it was not the time for figs. you your sin?,
14 And answering, he said to it:. 26 But if you will* not forgive

neither willyour Father that is in him they killed and many others,

heaven, forgive you your sins. of whom some they beat, and other*
27 And they come again to Jeru- they killed.
salem. And when he was walking 6 Therefore having yet ore son,
come to him most dear to him : he al.-o -ent hit*
in the temple, there
the chief priests and the scribes
and unto them last of all, saving : They
the antients. will reverence my son.
28 And they say to him: By 7 But the husband -men said one
what authority dost thou these to another This is the heir ; cotdc,

things ? and who hath given thee let us kill him ; and the inheritance
this authority that thou
shouldst shall be ours.
do these things ? 8 And
laying hold on him, they
29 And Jesus answering said killed him, and east him out cf the
to them I will also ask you one
word, and answer you me, and I 9 'What therefore will the lcrd of
will tell you by what authority I the vin-yard do? He will coim
do these things. and destroy those husband-men ;
30 The baptism of John was it and will give the vineyard to others.
from heaven, or from men ? An- 10 And have -you not read this
swer me. scripture, The stone which the build*,
31 But they thought with them- ers rejected, tJte same is made the
selves saying: If we say, from head of the corner :

heaven ; he will say, Why then did 1 By the Lord has this been done,
you not believe him ? ani wonderful in our eyes.
it is

32 If we say, From men, we It And

they sought to lay hands.
fearthe people. For all men counted on him, but they feared the people.
John that he was a prophet indeed. For they knew that he spoke this
. 33 And they answering say to parable to them. And leaving hiu/
Jesus We know not. And Jesus
: they went their way.
answering, saith to them: Neither 13 And they send to him some of
do I tell you by what authority I the Pharisees and of the Herodiaus;.
do these things. that they should catch him in his
CHAP. XII. words.
The parable of the vineyard, cy<\ 14 Who coming, say to him :
AND parables
he began
in A
to to
Master, we know that thou art a
true speaker, and carest not for any
planted a vineyard and made a man ; for thou regardest not the
hedge about and dug a place for
it, person of men, but teachtst the way
the wine and built a tower, and
fat, of God in tint In Is it lawful to
let it to husband-men ; and went give tribute to Cesar; or shall we
into a far country. not give it ?
2 And at the season he sent to \5 Who
knowing their wilincss,
the husband-men a servant to re- saith tothem Why tempt you me? :

ceive of the husband-men, of the bring me a penny that i may see it.
fruit of the vineyard. id And they brought it him..—
3 Whohaving laid hands on him, And he saith to them : Whose is
beat him, and sent him away empty. this image,, and inscription ? They
4 And again he sent to them say to him, Cesar's.
another servant ; and him they 17 And Jesus answering, said
wounded in the head, and used him to them : Render therefore to Cesar
renroach fully. the things that are Cesar's, and to
\ And a^ain he sent another, and God the things that are God's. And

62 St. MASK,
Ihey marvelled at him. God with thy whole heart, and with thy
IB And there came to him the whole soul, and with thy whole mind,
Sadducees who say there is no re- and with thy whole strength. This is
surrection ; and they asked him the first commandment.
saying ; 31 And the second is like to it r
19 Master, Moses wrote unto Thou shall love
neighbour as
us, that if any man's brother die, thyself There is no other com-
and leave his wife behind him, and mandment greater than these.
leaveno children, his brother should 82 And the scribe said to him :

take his wife and raise up seed to Well, master, thou hast said in
his brother. truth, that there is one God, and
20 Now there were seven bre- there is no other besides him.
ibern ; and the first tor-k a wife, 33 And that he should be loved
and died leaving no issue. with the whole heart, and with the
21 And the second took her, and whole understanding, and with the
died: and neither did he leave any whole sou!, and with the whole
issue. And the third in like manner. strength and to love one's neigh-

22 And the seven all took her in bour as oneself, is a greater thing
like manner? and did not leave issue. than all holocausts and sacrifices.
Last of all the woman ako died. 34- And Jesus seeing that he had
23 In the resurrection therefore, answered wisely, said to him Thou :

when they shall ris«e again, who&e art not far from the kingdom of
wife shall she be of them ? for the Gad* And no mtin after that,
seven had her to wife. durst ask him any*qnestibn.,
24 And Jesus answering sakh to 3.5 And Jesds answering said,
them Do ye not therefore err, be- teaching in the temple How do
: :

cause you know not the Scriptures, the scribes say A that Christ Is the
nor the power of God? son of David ?
25 For when they shall rise again 36 For David himself saith by
from the dead, they shall neither the Holy Ghost: The Lord said tr>
marry, nor be married, but are as my Lord, sit on my right hand, until
the angels in heaven. I make thy enemies thy foot- stool.
,26 And as concerning the dead 37 David therefore himself call-
that they rise again, have you not eth him .Lord, and whence is he
read in the book of Moses/ how in then his son ? And a great multi-
the bush God spoke to him, saying tude heard him gladly.
lam the God of Abraham, and the 38 And he .said to them in hig
God ofIsaac, and the God ofJacob f doctrine Beware of the scribes who.

27 He is not the God of the dead, love to walk in long robes, and to be
but of the living. You therefore saluted in the market place,
do greatly err. 39 And to sit in the first chairs
28 And there came one of the in the synagogues, and to have the
scribes that had heard them rea- highest, places at suppers :

soning together, and seeing that he 4.0. Who devour the houses of
had answered them well, asked him widows under the pretence of long
which was the first commandment prayer these shall receive greater :

ofalh judgment.
29 And Jesus answered him 41; And Jesus sitting over against

The first commandment of afl is, the treasury , .beheld how the people
Mear, O Israel : ike Lord thy Gcd is cast money into the treasury, and
ne God. many that were rich ca»t in much.
30 And thou shall love the Lord thy 42 And there came a certai
St. MARK. 63
poor widow, and she cast in two sake, for a testimony unto them.
mites, which make a farthing. 10 And unto ad nations the gosr*
43 And calling his disciples toge- pel must first be preached.
ther, he saith to them Amen I say: 11 And when they shaJl lead you
to you, this poor widow hath cast and deliver you up, be not thought-
in more than all they who have cast ful hefore-ha; d what you shall
into the treasury. speak but whatsoever shall be

4i For all they did cast in of their given you hi that hour, that speak
abundance; but she, of her want ye. For it is not you that speak,
cast in all she had, even her whole but the- Holy Ghost.
living. 12 And the brother shall betray
CHAP. XIII. his brother unto death, and the fa-

Chrirf foretells the destruction cf the ther his son ; and the children shall
te?nple. rise up against the parents, and

XD as he work
temp'e, one
was going out of the
of lis disciples
Master, behold what

their death.
And you shall be hated by
men for rny name's sake. But
saith to :

manner of stones,, and- what build- he that shall endure unto the end,
ings are here. he shall be saved.
2 And Jesus answering, said to 14 And when you shall seethe
him: Seest thou all thee g:eat abomination of desolation, standing
buildings? There shall not be left where it ought not: he that read*
a stone upon a stone, that shall not eth, let him understand: then let
be thrown down. them that are in Judea, flee unto
3 And as ho sat on the mount of the mountains :
Olivet over against the temple, Pe- 15 And let him that is on the
ter and James and John and An- house-top, not go down into Che
drew arked him apart : house n< r ent< r therein to take any
4 Tell lis, when s-hall these things .
thing out of the house:
be? and what shall be the sign [6 And let him that shall be in
when all these things shall begin to the field, not turn back to take up
be fulfilled. his garnu lit.

5 And Jesus
answering, began 1 7 And wo to them that are with
to say to them, Take heed lest any child, and that give suck in these
mah deceive you. i lays.
6 For many shall come in my 18 But pray ye, that these things
name saying I am he ; and they happen not in winter.
shall deceive many. 19 For in those days shall' be
i And when you shall hear of such tribulations as were not from
wars and rumours of wars, f ar ye the beginning of the creation which
"not. For such things must needs God created until now, neither shall
be, but the end is not yet. be.
8 For nation shall rise against 20 And unless the Lord had
nation, and kimrdom against king- shortened the days, no flesh should
r}om,and there h ill be earth-quakes
* be saved but for the sake of the

in divers places, and famines. These elect whlc h he hath chosen, he haib
tilings are the beginning of sorrows. shortened the days.
9 But look to yourselves. For 21 And then if any man shall
they shall deliver you up to coun- say to you, Lo, here is Christ; lo,
cils, and hi the synagogues you shall he is here: do not believe.
be beaten, and you shall stand be- 22 For there will rise up false
fore governors and kings for my and false prophets, and they.

64 St. M
shall shew signs and wonders, to 37 And what I say to you I say
seduce (if it were possible) even the to all : Watch.
elect. CHAR XIV.
23 Take you been* therefore ; be- The history of the passion qf Christ.
hold I have foretold you all things. TfcTQW the feast of the pasch, and
24 But in those days, after that V* of the azyms was after two days:
tribulation, the sun shall be dark- and the chief priests and the scribes
ened, and the moon shall not give sought how they might by some
her light, wile lay hold on him, and kill him.
25 And the stars of heaven shall - 2 But they said: Not on the fes-

be falling- down, and the powers, tival day, lest there should be a tu-
that are hi heaven, shall be moved. mult among the people.
26 And then shall they see the 3 And when
he was in Bethanra
son of man coming in the clouds, in the house of Simon the leper,
with great power and glory. and was at meat, there came a wo-
27 And then shall he send his man having an alabaster box ©f
angels, and shall gather together his ointment of precious spikenard
elect from the four winds, from the and breaking the alabaster box she
uttermost part of the earth to the poured it out upon his head.
Uttermost part of heaven. 4 Now there were some that had
28 Now of thj fig-tree learn ye indignation within themselves, and
a parable. When the branch thereof said Why was this waste of the

is now tender, and the leaves are the ointment made ?

come forth, you know that summer 5 For this ointment might have
is very near. been sold for more than three hun-
29 So you also when you shall dred pence 5 and given to the poor.
see these things come to pass, know And they murmured against her.
ye that it is very nigh, even at the 6 But Jesus said Let her alone, :

doors. why do you molest her ? She hath

SO Amen I say to you, that this wrought a gcod work upon me.
generation shall not pass, until all 7 For the poor you have always
these things be done. with you ; and whensoever you
31 Heaven and earth shall pass will, you may do them good; but
away, but my word shall not pass me you have not always.
away. 8 What she had, she hath done ;
32 But of that day or hour no she is come beforehand to anoint
man knoweth, neither the angels in my body for the burial.
heaven nor the Son, but the Father. 9 Amen I say to you, whereso-
33 Take ye heed, watch, and pray. ever this gospel shall he preached
For ye know not when the time is. in the whole world, that also which
34 Even as a man who going into she hath done, shall be' told for a
a far country, left his house ; and memorial of her.
gave authority to his servants over 10 And Judas Iscariot one of the
every work, and commanded the twelve, went to the chief priests,
porter to watch. to betray him to them
35 Watch
ye therefore (for you 11 Who hearing it were ^rlad;
know not when the lord
of the house and they promised him they would
cometh at even, or at midnght, or
: give him money. And he sought how
at the cock crowing, or in the he might conveniently betray him.
morning.) 12 Now
on the first day of the
36 Lest coming on a sudden, he unleavened bread when they sacri-
&id you sleeping. ficed the pasch, the disciples say to

St. M ARK. 65
'm Whither wilt thou that we go,
: hymn, they went forth to the mount
and p :eparefor thee to eat the pasch? of olives.
13 And he sendeth two of his 27 And Jesus saith to them ,•

disciple*, and Faith to them Go ye : You scandalized in my

will all be
into the city ; and there shall meet regard this night; for it is written,
you a man carrying a pitcher of I will strike the shepherd, and the
wai t follow him ;
. slieep ithall h c dispersed.

14 And whithersoever he shall 28 But after I shall be risen again,

go in, say to the master of the I will uo before you into Galilee.
house, The master saith, Where 29 But Peter "saith to him l Al-
is my refectory, where I may eat though all shall be scandalized in
the pasch with my disciples f thee, yet not I
15 And he will shew you a large 30 And Jesus saith to him
dining-room furnished ; and there Amen
say to thee, to-day even in
prepare ye for us. this night, before the cock crow
16 And his disciples went their twice, thou shaltdeny me thrice.
way, and came into the city ; and 31 But he spoke the more vehe-
they found as he had told them, and mently Although I should die to- :

they prepared the pasch. gether with thee, I will not deny thee.
17 And when evening was come, And in likemanner aLo said they all.
he cometh with the twelve. 32 And they come to a farm call-
18 And when they were at table ed Gethsemani. And he saith to Ins
and eating, Jesus saith Amen I disciples: Sit you here, while I pray.

say to you, one of you that eatelh 33 And he takKh Peter and
with me shall betray me. James and John with him ; and he
19 But they began to be sorrow- began to fear and to ne heavy.
fill, and to say to him one by one 34 And he saiih to them:
: My
Is it I? soul is sorrowful even unto death ;
20 Who saith to them One of stay you here and watch.

the twelve, who dippeth with me 35 And when he was gone forward
his hand in the dish. a httle, he fell fiat on the ground ;
21 And the son of man indeed and he prayed that if it might be,
goeth, as it is written of him but the hour might pass from him
: :

wo to that man by whom the son <s6 And he saith: Abba, Father,
of man shall be betrayed. It were all things are possible to thee, re-
better for him, if that man had not move this chalice from me, l>ut not
been born. what 1 will, but what thou wiit.
22 And whilst they were eating, 37 And he cometh, and findeth
Jesus took bread, and blessing them sleeping. And lie saith to Pe-
broke, and gave to them, and said ter Simon, sieepest thou ? could st
: :

Take ye, This is my body. thou not watch one hour ?

23 And having- taken the chalice, 38 Watch ye, and pray that you
giving thanks he gave it to them. enter not into temptation. The spirit
And they all drank of it. indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak,
24. And he said to them This is : 39 And going away again, he
my blood of the new testament, prayed, saying the same words.
which shall be shed for many. 40 And when he returned he
25 Amen I say to you, that I found them again asleep (for their
will drink no more of the fruit of the eyes were heavy) and they knew
vine, until that day when I shall not what to answer him.
drink it new m the kingdom of God. 41 And he cometh the third lime,
fi And when they had said an and saith to them : Sleep ye now,
Co St. M \RK.
and take your rest. It is enough : 56 For many bore false witness
the hour is come behold the son
; against him, and their evidence
of nnan shall be betrayed into the were not agreeing.
hands of sinners. 51 And some rising uj), bore
4 C2 Rise up, let us go. Behold, false witness against him, saying:
he that will betray roe, is at hand. 58 We heard him say, 1 will de-
•13 And while he was yet speak- stroy this temple made withhsnds,
ing, cometh Judas Iscariot one c,f and within three days 1 will build
the twelve, and with him a great another not made with hands.
multitude with swords and staves, 5.9 And their witness did not agree.
from the ch-'ef priests and the scribes GO And the high-priest rising up
and the antients. in Ire midst, asked Jesus, saying :

41 And
he that betrayed him had An.sw.rest thou nothing to the
given them a sign, saying Whom- : things that are laid to thy charge
soever f shall kiss, that is he,lay hold by these men ?
on him, and lead him away carefully. 61 But he held his peace and
45 And when he was come, im- answered nothing. Again the high-
mediately going up to him, he saith priest asked him, and said to him :

Hail Rabbi and he kissed him.

: Art thou the Christ the Son of the
46 But they laid hands on him, blessed God ?
and held him, 62 And Jesus said to him : I am*
47 And one of them that stood by And you shall see the son of man
drawing a sword, struck a servant of sitting on the right hand of the
the chief priest, and cut off his ear. power of God, and coming with the
48 And Jesus answering, said clouds of heaven.
to them Are you come out as to a
: 63 Then the high-priest rending
robber with swords and staves to his garments, saith : What need we
apprehend me ? any farther witnesses ?
43 I was daily with you in the 64 You have heard the blasphemy.
temple teaching, and you did not What think you ? Who all con-
lay hands on me. But, that the demned him to be guilty of death.
scriptures may be fulfilled. 65 And some began to spit on
50 Then his disciples leaving him, him, and to cover his face, and to
all fled away. buffet him, and to say unto him :

51 And
a certain young man fol- Prophesy and the servants struck

lowed him having a linen cloth cast him with the palms of their hanids.
about his naked body ; and they 66 Now when Peter was in the
laid hold on him. court below, there cometh one of
52 But he, casting off the linen maid-servants of the high-priest.
cloth, fled from them naked. 67 And when she had seen Peter
53 And they brought Jlsus to wanning hhnseif, looking on him
the high-priest ; and all the priests she saith : Thou also wast with
and the scribes and the antients as- Jlsus of Nazareth.
sembled together* 68 But he denied, saying : 4 nei-
Si And Peter followed him a- far ther know nor understand what thou
off, even into the court of :he high- sayest. And he went forth before
priest ; and he sat with the servants the eonrt ;and the cock crew.
at the fire,and warmed himself. 69 And again a maid-servant
55 And the chief priests and all seeing him, began to say to the
the council sought for evidence scanners by : This is one of them.
against Jesis, that they might put 70 But he denied agam. And
him to death, and found none. after a while they that stood by,

St. MARX. 6?
aid again to Peter Surely thou art
: that I do to the king of the Jews ?
one of them ; for thou art aiso a Ga- 13 But they again cried out
lilean. Crucify km*.
71 But he began to curse and to 14 And Pilate saith to them :

swear, saying, I know not this man v

Why, what evil hath he done ?
of whom you speak But they cried out the more : Cru-
72 And immediately the cock cify him.
crew again. And Peter remember- 15 And so Pilate being willing
ed the word that Jesus had said to satisfy the people, released to
unto him Before the cock crow
: them Barabbas, and delivered up
twice, thou shait thrice deny me. Jesus, when he had scourged him,
And he began to weep. to be crucified.
CHAP. XV. 15 And the soldiers led him away
Continuation of the passion, into the court of the palace, ami

AND straightway in the morning

the chief priests holding a con-
they call together the whole band
17 And they cioath him with

sultation with the antients and the purple, and platting a crown of
sciibes and the whole council, thorns, they put it upon him.
binding Jesus led him away, and 18 And they began to salute
delivered him to Pilate. him Hail, king of the Jews.

2 And Pilate asked him Art thou : 19 And they struck his head
the king of the Jews? but he answer- with a reed And they did spit 8n

ing, saith to him Thou say est it.

: him. And bowing their knees, they
3 And the chief priests accused adored him.
him in many things. _
20 And after they had mocked
4 And Pilate again asked him, say- him, they took off the pury^le from
ing: Answerest thou nothing: be- him, and put his own garments on
hold in how many things they ac- him, and they led him cut to cru-
cuse thee. cify him.
5 But Jesus still answered no- 21 And they forced one Simon a
thing ; So that Pikite wondered. Cy reman who passed by, coming
6 Now on :he festival day he was out of the country, the father of
wont to release unto them one of Alexander and of Rums, to take up
the prisoners, whomsoever they de- his cross.
manded. 22 And they bring him into the
7 And there was one called Ba- place culled Golgotha, which being
rabbas, who was put in prison with interpreted is, the place of Calvarv.
some seditious men, who in the se- 2d And they gave him todrink
dition hadcommitted murder. wine mingled with myrrh ; but he
8 And when the multitude was come took it not.
up, they began to desire that he would 21 And crucifying him, they di-
do, as he had ever done unto \\ws.. vided his garments, casting lots
9 And Pilate answered them, upon them, what every man should
and said Will you that I rele.ise
: •ake.
to you the king of the Jews ? 2 5 And it was the third hour,
loForheknevv that the chief priests and hey crucified h m. ;

had. delivered him up out of envy. 23 And the inscription of hia

11 But the chief priests moved cause was written over, The King
the people, that lie should rather OF THfi JEWS.
release 3arabbas to the n. 2? And with him they crucify
12 And Pilate again answering, two thieves, tire one on his right
eaith to them: What will you then hand and the other on his left.

68 St. MARK.
28 And
ndthe Scripture was ful- i Galilee, followed him, and minister-
filled \v hieh saith: And with the ed to him, and many ether womei en
wicked he was reputed. that came up with him to Jerusalem.
29 And they that passed by, 42 And when evening was now
blasphemed him, wagging their come (because it was the Parasceve,
beads, and saying Vah, thou that
: thatris the day before the Sabbath.)
destroyest the temple of God, and 43 Joseph of Arimathea a noble
in three days buildest it up again : counsellor, who was also himself
30 Save thyself, coming down looking for the kingdom of God,
from the cross. came and went in bokRyte Pilate, and
31 In like manner also the chief begged the body of J-esus.
priests mocking said with the 44 But Pilate wondered that he
scribes one to another He saved
: should be already dead. And send-
others, himself he cannot save, ing for the centurion, he asked him
32 Let Christ the king of Israel if he were already dead.
come down now from the cross, 45 And when he had understood
that we may see and believe. And it by the centurion, he gave the
they that were crucified with him, body to Joseph.
reviled him. 46 And Joseph buying fine linen
33 And when the sixth hour was and taking him down, wrapped him
come, there was darkness over the up in the fine linen and kd him in
wfiole earth until the ninth hour. a sepulchre which was hewed out
34 And at the ninth hour Jesus of a rock. And he rolled a stone
cried out with a loud voice, say- to the door of the sepulchre.
ing Eloi, Eloi, lamma sabacthani?
. 47 And Mary Magdalen and
Which is being interpreted, My Mary mother of Joseph beheld
God, my God, why hast thou for- where he was laid.
saken me ? CHAP. XVI.
35 And some of the slanders by Christ's Resureeiion and Ascension.
hearing, said : Behold, he calleth AND when the Sabbath was past*
Bias. Mary Magdtden and Masrj
36 And one running and filling the mother of James and Salome
a spunge with vinegar, and putting bought| sweet spiees, that coming
it upon a reed, gave him to drink, they might anoint Jesus.
saying : Stay, let us see if Ellas 2 And very early in the morning
come to take him down the first day of the week, they come
37 And Jesus having cried out to the sepulchre, the sun being now
with a loud voice, gave up the ghost. risen.
38 And the veil of the temple 3 And
they said one to another :
was rent in two, from the top to Who back the stone
shall roll us
the bottom. from the door of the sepulchre ?
39 And the centurion who stood 4 And looking, they saw the stone
over against him, seeing that cry- rolled back. For it was very great.
ing out in this manner he had given 5 And entering into the sepulchre,
upT the ghost, said Indeed this
: they saw a young man sitting on the
man was the Son of God. right side, clothed with a white
40 And there were also women robe : and they were astonished.
looking on a-far off: among whom 6 Who saith to them Be not

was Mary Magdalen, and Mary affrighted ; you seek Jesus ol Na-
the mother of James the less and zareth, who was crucified: he is
of Joseph, and Salome risen, he is not here, behold the
41 Who also when he was in place where they laid him.
1 1 ;

St. LU KB. 6?
7 But go, tell his disciples and he upbraided them with their incre-
Peter that he goeth before you into dulity and hardness of heart, because
Galilee; there you shall see him, they did not believe them who had
as he told you. seen him after he was risen again.
8 But they going out, fled from 1 5 And he said to them Go ye :

the sepulchre. For a trembling and into the whole world and preach
fear had seized them and they : the irospel to every creature.
said nothing to any man ; for they 16' He that believeth and is hap*

were afraid. tized, shall be saved but he that :

9 But he rising early the first believeth not, shall be condemned.

day of the week, appeared first to 1 7 And these signs shall follow

Mary Magdalen, out of whom he them that believe In my name


had cast seven devils. they shall cast out devils they :

10 She went and told them that shall sr>eak with new tongues ,

had been with him, who were 13 They shall take up serpents ;

mourning and weeping. and they shall drink ar.y deadly


1 And they hearing that he was thing, it shall not hurt them they :

dive and haJ^een seen by her, did shall lay their hinds upon the sick
not believe, and they shad leeover.
12 And after that he appeared in 19 And the Lord Jesu?, after he
another shape to two of them walk- he had spoken to them, was taken
ing, as they were going into the up into heaven, and sitteth on the
country. right hand of God.
13 And they going told it to the 20 But they going forth preach-
rest; neither did they believe them. ed every where the Lord working

14 At length he appeared to the withal, and confirming the word

eleven as they were at table and : with signs that followed.

TJce GOSPEL aceordi ng to Saint LUKE.

CHAP. I. Elizabtth.
The Conception of John the Baptist, 6[C 6 And they were both just be*
T^ORASMUCH as many have ta- fore God, walking in all the"com-
*• ken in hand to set forth in' or- mandments and justifications of the
der a narration of the things that Lord without blame,
have been accomplished among us; 7 And they had no son for that :

2 According as they have deli- Elizabeth was barren, and they

vered them unto U6, who from the both were well advanced in years.
beginning were eye-witnesses and 8 And it came to pass, when he
ministers of the word ; executed the priestly function in the
3 It seemed good to me also, order of his course before God,
having diligently attained to all 9 According to the custom o:' the
things fron the beginning, to write priestly office, it was his lot to of-
to thee m
order, most excellent fer incense, going into the temple of
Theophilus, the Lord
4- That thou mayest know the 10 And all the multitude of the
verity of those words in which thou people was praying without at the
hast been instructed. hour of incense,
5 There was in the days of lie- 1 And there appeared to him an
rod the king of Judea, a certain angel of the Lord, standing on the
priest named Zachary, of the course right side of the altar of incense.
of xVbia, and his wife was of the 12 And Zachary seeing him \v:s
: daughters of Aaron, and her name troubled, wd
fear fell upon him ;
: ::

70 St. I ,UKE.
13 But the Angel said to him herself rive months, saying :

Fear not, Zachary, for thy prayer- 25 Thus hath tile Lord dealt
is beard ; and thy wife Elizabeth with me in the days wherein he
shall bear thee a son, and thou hath had regard to take away my
shalt call his name John : reproach among men.
14 And thou shalt have joy and 26 And in the sixth month, the
gladness, and many shall rejoice in AngclGabriel was sent from God in-
his nativity to a city of Gal. lee, called Nazareth,
15 For he shall be great before 27 To a virgin espoused to a
the Lord : and shall drink no wine man whose name was Joseph, ot
nor strong drink ; and he shall be the house of David; and the< vir-
filled with the Holy Ghost even gin'sname was Mary.
from his mother's womb. 28 And the Angel being come
16 And he shall convert many in, said unto her: Hail full of
of the children of Israel to the Lord grace, the Lord is with thee;
their God. Blessed art thou among women.
17 And he shall go before him in the 29 Who
having heard, was trou-
spirit and power of Elias
that he ; bled at his saying, and thought
may turn the hearts of the fathers with herself what manner of salu-
unto the children, and the incredu- tation this should be.
lous to the wisdom of the just, to 30 And the Angel said to her
prepare unto the Lord a perfect Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found
people. grace with God.
18 And Zachary said to the An- 31 Behold thou shalt conceive in
gel : Whereby sha;l I know this? thy womb, and shalt bring forth a
tor I am an old man ; and my wife son ; and thou shalt call his name
is advancedin years. Jesus.
19 And the Angel answering, 32 He shall be great, and shall
gaid to him I am Gabriel who
: be called the Son of the most High,
stand before God ; and am sent to and the Lord God shall give unto
speak to thee, and to bring thee him the throne of David his father:
these good tidings. and he shall reign in the house of
20 And behold, thou shalt be Jacob for ever.
dumb, and shalt not be able to 33 And of his kingdom there
Speak until the day wherein these shall be no end.
things shall come to pass ; because 34 And Mary said to the Angel
thou hast not believed my words, How shall this be done, because I
which shall be fulfilled in their know not man ?
rime. 35 And the Angel answering, said
21 And the people was waiting for to her: The Holy Ghost shall come
Zachary and they wondered- that
: uponfthee, and the power of the
he tarried so long in the temple. most High shall overshadow thee.
22 And when he came out he And therefore also the Holy which
could not speak to them, and they shall be born of thee, shall be called
understood that he had seen a vi- the Son of God.
sion in the temple. And he made 36 And behold thy cousin Eliza-
signs to them, and remained dumb. beth, she also hath conceived a son
23 And it came to pass, after the in her old age ; and this is the sixth
days of his office were accomplished, mouth with her that is called barren;
he departed to his own house. 37 Because no word shall be im
* 24- And after those days Eliza- possible with God.
beth his wiih conceived ; and hid 38 And Mary said Behold

St. LUKE. fl
©nd-maid of the Lord, be it done servant, being mindful of hisrnercy.
tome according to thy word. And 5 5 As he spoke to our fathers, to
the Angel departed from her. Abraham and to his seed for ever.
39 And Mary rising up in those 56 And Mary abode with her
days, went into the hill country about three months and she re-

with haste into a city of Juda. turned to her own house

40 And she entered into the house 67 Now Elizabeth's full time of
of Zachary, and saluted Elizabeth. being delivered was come, and she
41 Ami it came to pass; that brought forth a son.
when Elizabeth heard the saluta- 58 And her neighbours and kins-
tion of Mary., the infant leaped in folks heard that the Lord had shew-
her womb.And Elizabeth was ed his great mercy towards her, and
filledwith the Holy Ghost : they congratulated with her.
42 And she cried out with a loud 59 And it came to pass that on
voice, and said : Blessed art thou the eighth day they came to cir-
among women, and blessed is the cumcise the child, and they called
thy womb.
fruit of him by his father's name Zachary.
43 And whence is this to me, 60 And his mother answering,
that the mother of my Lord should said Not so, but he shall be call-

come to me ? ed John.
44 Eor behold as soon as the Gl And they said to her: There
Voice of thy salutation sounded in is none of thy kindred that is called

my ears, the infant in my womb by this name.

leaped for joy. 62 And they made signs to his fa-
45 And blessed art thou that hast ther, how he would have him called.
believed, because those things shall 63 And demanding a writing-ta-
be accomplished that were spoken ble, he wrote, saying: John is his
to thee by the Lord. name. And they all wondered.
46 And Mary said : soul My 64 And immediately his mouth
doth magnify the Lord : was opened, and his tongue loosed,
47 And my spirit hath rejoiced and he spoke blessing God.
m God my Saviour. 6.3 And fear came upon all their
48 Because he hath regarded the neighbours; and all these things
humility of his hand-maid ; for be- were noised abroad over all the
hold from henceforth al! genera- hill- country of Judea
tions shall call me blessed. 66 And all they that had heard
49 Because he that is mighty them laid them up in their heart,
hath done great things to me : and saying: What an one, think ye,
Holy i.« his name. shall child be ? For the hand
50 And his mercy is from gene- of the Lord was with him.
ration unto generations, to them 67 And Zachary his father was
that fear him. filled with the Holy Ghost and he :

51 He hath shewed might in his propbeseJ saying:

arm": he hath scattered the proud 68 Blessed be the Lord God of Is-
in the conceit of their heart. rael: because he hath visited and
52 He hath put down the mighty wrought the redemption of his peo-
from their seat, and hath exalted ple :

the humble. And hath raised up an horn

53 He hath filled the hungry of salvation to us, in the house of
with good things and the rich he
: Dav'd his servant.
hath sent empty away. 70 As he spoke by the mouth ot
54 He hath received Israelii* his holy prophets, who are from

72 St. I UKE.
the Beginning, accomplished; that she should be
71 Salvation from our enemies, delivered.
4nd from the hand of all that hate us. 7 And she brought forth her first-

72 To -perform mercy to our born son, and wrapped him up in

fath> rs ; and to remember his holy swadling clothes, and laid him in a
testament. manger because there was no room

73 The oath which he swore to for them inthe inn.

Abraham our father, that he would 8 And there were in the same
grant to us, country shepherds watchii \g and
74 That being delivered from the keeping the night-watches over
hand of cur enemies, we may serve their flocM.
him without fear, 9 And behold, an angel of the
75 In holiness and justice before Lord stood by them, and the bright-
him, all our days. ness of God shone round about them,
76 And thou child, shalt be ca;led and they feared with a great fear.
the prophet of the Highest fbr- : 10 And the angel said to them :
thou shalt go before the face of the Fear not ; for behold I bring you
Lord to prepare his ways. good tidings of great joy, that shall
77 To give knowledge of salva- be to all the people :

tion to his people, unto the remis- For this day is born to you a

sion of their sins. Saviour, who is Christ the Lord*

76 Through the bowels of the in the city of David.
mercy of our God, in which the 12 And this shall be a sign unto
Orient, from on high, hath visited us. you You shall find the infant

79 To enlighten them that sit in wrapped in swadling clothes, and

darkness, and in the shadow of laid in a manger.
death: to direct our feet into the 13 And suddenly there was with
way of peace. the angel a multitude of the heaven-
80 And the child grew, and was ly army, praising God, and sa-ybg^:
strengthened in spirit : and was in 14 Glory to God in the highest: and '

the desarts until the day of his ma- on earth peace to men of good witl.
nifestation to Israel. 15 And it came to pass, after the
CHAP. II. angels departed from them into
The birth of Christ. heaven, the shepherds said one to
AND it came to pass that in those

days there went out a decree

another Let us go over to B th-»

lehem, and let us see this word that

from Cesar Augustus; that the is come to pass, which the Lord
whole world should be enrolled. hath shewed to us.
9 This enrolling was first made 16 And m they came with haste :
by Cjrinus the governor of Syria. and they found Mary and Joseph,
3 And all went to be enrolled, and the infant lying in the manger.
every one into his own city. 17 And seeing, they understood
4 And Joseph also went up from of the word that had been spoken
Galilee out of the city of Nazareth to them concerning this child.
into Judea, to the city of David, 18 And all that heard, wonder-
which is called Bethlehem because ed and at those things that were
: :

he was of the house and family of told them by the shepherds.

David, 19 B«t Mary kept all these words,
5 To be enrolled with Mary his pondering ihtm in her heart.
espoused wife who was with child. 20 And the shepherds returned,
6 And it came to pass, that when glorifying and praising God, for al
tfcey were there, her days /were the things they had heard, and seen.
LUKE. 73
as it was told or. to them, Israel, and for a sign which shall b€
21 And after eight days were ac- contradicted,
complished that the child should be 35 And thy own soul a sword
circumcised; his name was called shall pierce, that out of many jiearts
Jesus, which was called by the angel, thoughts may be revealed.
before he was conceived in the womb. 36 And there was one Anna a
22 And after the days of her pu- prophetess, the daughter of Pha-
rification according to the law of nuel, of the tribe of Aser ; she was
jMoses were accomplished, they faradvanced in years, and had lived
carried him to Jerusalem, to pre- with her husband seven years from
ient him to the Lord. her virginity.
23 As it iswritten in the law of 37 And she was a widow until
the Lord, Every mule opening the fourscore and four years ; who de-
womO shall be called holy to the Lord. parted not from the temple, by fast-
24 And to offer a sacrifice accord- ings and prayers serving night and
ing as it is written in the law of the day.
Lord, a pair of turtle doves, or two 3S Now she at the same hour
young pigeons. coming in, confessed to the Lord ;
26 And behold there was a man and spoke of him to all that looked
in Jerusalem named Simeon, and for the redemption of Israel.
this man was just and devout, wait- 39 And after they had performed
ing for the consolation of Israel : all things according to the law/of
and the Holy Ghost was in him. the Lord, they returned into Gal i*
28 And he had received an an- lee, to their city Nazareth.
swer from the Holy Ghost, that he 40 And the child grew, and
should not see death, before he had waxed strong, full of wisdom : and
seen the Christ of the Lord. the grace of God was in him.
27 And he came by the Spirit 41 And his parents went every
into the temple. And when his year to Jerusalem, at the solemn
parents brought in the child Jesus, day of the pasch.
to do for him according to the cus- 42 And when he was twelve years
tom of the law, old, they going up into Jerusalem
28 He also took him into his according to the custom of the feast,
arms, and blessed God, and said :
43 And having fulfilled the days,
29 Now thou dost dismiss thy when they returned, the child Jesus
servant, O Lord, according to thy remained in Jerusalem ; and his
word in peace. parents knew it not.
SO Because my eyes have seen 44 And thinking that he was hi
thy salvation, the company, they came a day's
31 Which thou hast prepared be- journey, and sought him among
fore the face of all people : their kinsfolksand acquaintance.
32 A light to the -revelation of the 45 And not finding him, they re-
gentiles, and the glory of thy people turned into Jerusalem, seeking him.
Israel. 46 And it came to pass, that af-
33 And his father and mother ter three days they found him in the
were wondering at those things temple sitting in the midst of the
which were spoken concerning him. doctors, hearing them and asking
34 And Simeon blessed them, them questions.
and said to Mary his mother Be- :
47 And all that heard him were
hold this child is set for the fall, and astonished at his wisdom and his
tor the resurrection of many in answers.
: :

71 St. L UKE .

48 And seeing him, they won- 8 Bring forth therefore fruits

dered. And his mother said to worthy of penance, and do not be-
him Son, why hast thou done so
: gin to say, We have Abraham for
to us ? behold thy father and I cur father. For I say unto you,
have sought thee sorrowing. that God is able of these stones to
49 And he said to them: Kow raise up children to Abraham.
is it that you sought me ? did you 9 For now the ax is laid to the
not know, that I must be about root of the trees. Every tree there-
my Father's business? fore that bringeth not forth good
And they understood not the
50 fruit, shall be cut dotvtij and cast
word that he spoke unto them. into the fire.
51 And he went down with them, 10 And
the people asked him,
^and came to Nazareth; and was saying : What
then shall we do ?
subject to them. And his mother 11 And he answering, said to
kept all these words in her heart. them : He that hath two coats,
52 And Jesus advanced in wis- let him give to him that hath none;
dom and age, and grace with God and he that hath meat, let him do
and men. in like manner.
CHAP. III. 12 And the publicans also came
John's mission and preaching. to be baptized, and said to him ;

>£f OW in the fifteenth year of the M aster, what shall we do ?

13 But he said to them Bo no-
*" reign of Tiberius Cesar, Pon-

thing more than that which is ap-

tius Pilate being governor of Judea,
pointed you.
and Herod being tetrarch of Gali-
14 A rid the soldiers also asked
lee, and Philip his brother tetrarch
of Iturea and the country of Tra-
him, saying And what shall we

do? And he said to them: Do vio-

chonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of
lence to no man, neither calumniate
any man ; and be content with
2 Under the high-priests Annas
your pay.
and Caiphas the word of the.Lord
15 And as the people was of
was made unto John the son of
opinion, and all were thinking in
Zachary, in the desart.
their hearts of John, that perhaps
3 And he came into all the coun-
he might be the Christ
try about the Jordan, preaching
16 John answered, saying unto
the baptism of penance for the re-
ail ; 1 indeed baptize you with wa-
mission of sins ;
ter ; but there shall come one
4 As it was written in the book
mightier than 1, thelatchet of whose
of the sayings of Isaias the prophet
shoes I am not worthy to loose ; he
A voice of one crying in the wilder-
shall baptize you with the Holy
ness : Prepare ye the way of the
Ghost and with fire
Lord, make straight his paths.
5 Every valley shall be filled ; and
17 Whose is in his hand, and
he will purge his floor ; and will
tvery mountain and hill shall be brought
low : and the crooked shall be made gather the wheat into his barn, but
straight, and the rough ways, plain. the chaff he will burn with un-
6 And all flesh shall see the salvation quenchable fire.
of God. 18 And many other things ex-
7 He said therefore to the multi- horting did he preach to the people.
tudes that went forth to be baptiz- 19 But Herod the tetrarch, when
ed by him Ye offspring of vipers,
: he was reproved by him for Hero*
who hath shewed you to flee from dias his brother's wife, and for ail
the wrath to come ? the evils which Herod had done,

20 lie adder] this also above all, was of Thare, who was
of N"achor,
and shut up John in prison. 35 Who of Sams*, who was
21 Now it came £o pass, when of Ilagau, who was of Phaleg, who
all people was baptized, that
the was of Heber, who was of Sale,
Jesus also being baptized and 36 Who
was of Cainan, who was
praying, heaven was opened : of Araphaxad, who was of Sent, who
22 And the Holy Ghost descend- was of Noe, who was of Lamech,
ed in a bodily shape as a dove upon 37 Who
was of Mathusale, who
him: and a voice came from hea- was of Henoch, who was of Jared.
ven Thou art my beloved Sou., in
: who was of Malaleel, who was of
thee 1 am well pleased. Cainan,
23 And Jesus, himself was be- 38 Who was of Henos, who was
ginning about the age of thirty of Seth, who was of Adam, who
years being (as it was supposed)
: was of God.
the Son of Joseph, who was of He- CHAP. IV.
li, who was of Mathat, Christ's fasting, and temptation.
24 Who was of Levi, who was
of Melchi, who was of Janne, who
A ND1 Jesus being full of the
Holy Ghost, returned from
was of Joseph, the Jordan, and was led by the
25 Who was of Mathathias, Spirit into the desart,
who was of Amos, who was of Na- 2 For the space of forty days
hum, who was of Hesli, who was and was tempted by the devil. And
of Nagge, he eat nothing in those days ; and
26 Who was of Mahalh, who when they were ended he was
was of Mathathias, who was of Se- hungry.
mei, who was of Joseph, who was 3 And the devil said to him If :

of Juda. thou be the Son of God, say to this

27 Who was of Joannn, who stone that it be made breaxi.
was of Reza, who was of Zoroba- 4 And Jesus answered him It is :

bel, who was of Salathiel, who was written that man liveth not by bread

of Neri. alone, but by every word oj'God.

28 Who
was of Melchi, who was 5 And the deril him into a
of Addi, who was of Cosan, who high mountain, and shewed him all
was of Helmadan, who wasof Her. the kingdoms of the world in a mo-
29 Who was of .Testis, who was ment of time ;
of Eliezer, who was of Jorim, who 6 And he said to him To thee :

was of Mathal, who was of Levi, will I give all this power, and the
30 Who was of Simeon, who was glory of them ; for to me they ar?
of Judas, who was of Joseph, who delivered, and to whom I will, I
"was of Jona, who was of Eliakim, give them.
31 Who was of Melea, who was 7 If thou therefore wilt adore
of Menna, who was of Mathatha, before me, all shall be thine.
who was of Nathan, who was of 8 And Jesus answering said to
David, him: It is writ- en Thou shaft :

32 Who was of Jesse, who was adore the Lord thy G^d, and him
of Obed, who was of Booz, who only shali thou serve.
was of Salmon, who was ofNaasson, 9 And he brought him to Jeru-
33 Who was of Aminadab, who salem, and set him on a pinnacle of
was of Aram, who was of Esron, who the temple and he said to him
; [i :

was of Phares, who was of Judas. thou be the Son of God, cast thyself
3i Who was of Jacob, who was from hence.
of Isaac, who was of Abraham, who 10 For it is written, that hs hath
: ::

?6 St. LU KE.
given his angels charge over thee, own country.
4diat theykeep thee 21 And he said Amen I say to

11 And that in their hands they you, that no prophet is accepted in

shall hear thee up, lest perhaps thou his own country.
dash thy foot against a stone, 25 In truth I say to you, there
13 And Jesus answering said to were many widows in the days of
him : It is said : Thou shall not Elias in Israel, when heaven was
tempt the Lord thy God, shut up three years and six months,
13 And all the temptation being when there was a great famine
ended, the devil departed from him throughout all the earth.
for a time. 26 And to none of them was
14- And Jesus returned ;n the Elias sent, but to Sarepta of Sidon,
power of the Spirit into Galilee, and to a widow woman.
the fame of him went out through 27 And there were many lepers
the whole country. in Israel in thetime of Eliseus the
15 And he taught in tbeir syna- prophet ; and none of them was
gogues, and was magnified by all. cleansed but Naaman the Syrian.
16 And he came t& Nazareth 28 And all they in the synagogue,
-where he was brought u|': and he : hearing these things were filled
went synagogue according
into the with anger.
to his custom on the sabbath day ; 29 And they rose up and thurst
and he rose up to read. him out of the city : and they
17 And the book of Isaias the brought him to the brow of the hill,
.prophet was delivered unto him. whereon their city was built, that
And as he unfolded the book, he they might cast him down headlong.
^found the place where it was written 30 But he passing through the
18 The spirit of the Lord is upon midst of them, went his way,
me, wherefore he hath anointed me, to 31 And he went down into Cap*
preach the gospel to the poor he hath harnaum a city of Galilee; and there
sent me, to heal the contrite of heart. he taught them on the sabbath-days.
19 To preach deliverance to the 32 And they were astonished at
^captives,and sight to the blind, to set his doctrine ; for his speech was
at liberty them that are bruised, to with power.
preach the acceptable year of the 33 And in the synagogue there
Lord, and the day of reward, was a man who had an unclean
20 And when he had folded the devil, and he cried out with a loud
book, he restored to the minister,
it voice,
and sat down. And the eyes of all in 34 Saying: Let us alone, what
the synagogue were fixed on him. have we to do with thee Jesus of
21 " And he began to say to them Nazareth ? art thou come to de*
This day is fulfilled this scripture stroy us? I know thee who thou
in yGur ears. art, the Holy one of God.
22 And all gave testimony to 35^ And Jesus rebuked him, say-
him; and they wondered at the ing Hold thy peace, and go out of

words of grace that proceeded from him. And wheu thedevil had thrown
h\s mouth, and they raid: Is not him into the midst, he went out of
this the son of Joseph ? him, and hurt him not at all.
23 And he said to them doubt- : 36 And there came fear upon all,
less you will say to rn.e this simili- arid they talked among themselves,
tude :Physician heal thyself: as saying : What word is this, for with
great things as we have heard done author! ty and power he commandeth
in CapharnaiuiS; do alio hgrt in thy the unclean spirits, and they go out?
St. LU'HE. ??
37 And the fame of him was pub- the night, and have taken nothing-;
lished intoe very place of the country. but at thy word F will let down the
38 And Jesus rising up out of net.
the synagogue, went into Simon's 6 And when thev had done this,"
house. And Simon's wife's mother they enclosed a very great multi-
was taken with a great fever, and tude of fishes, and their net broke.
they besought him for her. 7 And they beckoned to their
39 And standing over her, he partners that were in the other ship,,
commanded the fever, and it left her. that they should come and help
And immediately rising she minis- them. And they came, and filled
tered to them. both tne ship?, so that they were
40 And when the sun was down, almost sinking.
all they that had any sick with 8 Which when Simon Peter saw,
divers diseases, brought them to he fell down at Jlsus's knees, say-
him. But he laying his hands on ing Depart from me, for I am a

erery one of them, healed them. sinful man, Lord.

41 And devils went out from 9 For he was wholly astonished,
many, crying out and saying: Thou and all that were with him, at the
art the Son of God. And rebuking draught of the fishes which they
them he suffered them not to speak, had taken.
for they knew that he was Christ. 10 And so were also James and
42 And when it was day, going John the sons of Zebedee, who
out he went into a desart place and
: where Simon's partners. And Jesu*
the multitudes sought him, and came saith to Simon: Fear not; from
unto him: and they stayed him that henceforth thou shalt catch men.
he should not depart from them. 11 And having brought their ships
43 To whom he said: To other cities to land, leaving all things they fol-
also I must preach th? kingdom of lowed him.
God for therefore am I sent.
: 12 And it came to pass, when he
44 And he was preaching in the was in a certain city, behold a man*
synagogues of Galilee. full of leprosy, who seeing Jesus,
CHAP. V. and falling on his face, besought
The miraculous draught ofjlshes. him saying: Lord, if thou wilt,
AND it came to pass, that when

the multitudes pressed upon

thou canst make me clean.
13 And stretching forth his hand
him to hear the word of God, he he touched him, saying 1 will. Be :

stood by the lake of Genesareth. thou cleansed. And immediately

2 And saw two ships standing by the leprosy departed from him.
the lake :but the fishermen were 14 And he charged him that he
gone out of them and were washing should tell no man, but, Go, tkmm
their nets. thyself to the priest, and offer for
3 And going up into one of the thy cleansing according as Moses
ships that was Simon's, he desired commanded,tl»r a testimony to them.
him to drawn back a little from the 15 But the fame of him went a-
land. And sitting he taught the broad the more, and great multi-
multitudes out of the ship. tudes came together tohear, and to
4 Now when he had ceased to be healed by him of their infirmities.
speak, he said to Simon : Launch 1 6 And he retired into the desart,

out into the deep, and let down your and prayed.
nets for a draught. 17 And it came to pass on a
6 And Simon answering, said to certain day, as he sat teaching, that
him Master we have laboured all there were also Pharisees and

7B St. LUKE.
doctors of the law sitting by, that 30 But their Pharisees and scribes
were come out of every town of murmured, saying to his disciples :
Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem ; Why do you eat and drink with
and the power of the Lord was to publicans and sinners ?
heal them. 31 And Jesus answering, said to
18 And behold men brought in a them They that are whole, need not

bed a man who had the palsy and :

the physician but they that are sick.

they sought means to ring him in, I

32 I came not to call the just,
and" to lay him before him.
but sinners to penance.
1 And when they could not find 33 And they said to him
hy : W
by what way they might bring him do the disciples of John fast often,
in, because of the multitude, they and make prayers, and the disciples
went up upon the roof, and let him of the Pharisees in like manner ; but
down through the tiles with his thine eat and drink?
bed into the midst, before Jesus, 34 To whom he said Can you:

SO Whose faith when he saw, he make the children of the bridegroom

fast, whilst the bridegroom is with
said Man,thy sins are forgiven thee.

21 And the scribes and Pharisees them ?

began to think, saying : Who is this 35 But the days will come ; wheu
who speaketh blasphemies ? Who 4
the bridegroom shall be taken away
xan forgive sins, but God alone .? from them, then shall they fast in

22 And when Jesus knew then? those days.

thoughts, answering he said to 36 And he spoke alsoa similitude to
them : What is it you think in your them That no man putteth a piece

hearts ?
from a new garment upon an old
23 Which is easier to say, Thy garment; otherwise he both rend-
thee ; or to say, eth the nevv^and'.the piece taken from
sins are forgiven
Arise, and walk ? the newagreeth not with the old.
24 But you may know that
that 37 And no man putteth new wine
into old bottles otherwise the new-
the son of man hath power on earth

to forgive sins (he saith to the sick

wine will break the bottles, and it
of the palsy) I say to thee, Arise, will be spilled and the bottles will

take up thy bed.and go into thy house. be lost.

25 And immediately rising up 38 But new wine must be put

before them, he took up the bed on into new bottles; and both are
which he lay ; and he went away to preserved.
his own house, glorifying God.
39 And no man drinking old,
26 And all were astonished and : hath presently a mind to new; for
they glorified God. And they were he saith, The old is better.
tilled with fear, saying:
e have W CHAP. VI.
Christ excuses his disciples,
seen wonderful things to-day.
27 And after these things he went AND it came to pass on the se-

cond first sabbath, that as he

forth, and saw a publican named
Levi, sitting at the receipt cf cus- went through the corn-fields his
disciples plucked the ears, and did
tom, and he said to him Follow me. :

28 And leaving all things, he rose eat rubbing them in their hands. ^
2 And some of the Pharisees said
up and followed him.
29 And Levi made him a great to them : Why
do you that which
not lawful on the sabbath-days ?
feast in his own house ; and there

was a great company of publicans, 3 And Jesus answering them,

and of others, that were at table said Have you not read so mu< h

as this, what David did, when him-

with them.
: ; ::

St. LUKE. Tfr

self was hungry and they that were the traitor.

with him 1 7 And coming down'with them,
4 How he went into the house of he stood in a plain place, and the
God, and took and ate the bread of company of his disciples, and a very
proposition, and gave to them that great multitude of people from all
were with him, which is not lawful Judea and Jerusalem, and the sea-
to eat but only for the priests ? coast both of Tyre and Sidon,
5 And he said to them The son
: IS Who were come to hear him,
of man is Lord also of the sabbath. and to be healed of their diseases.
6 And it came to pass also on And they that were troubled with
another sabbath, that ha entered unclean spirits, were cured.
into the synagogue, and taught. 19 And all the multitude sought
And there was a man, whose right to touch him, for virtue went out
hand was withered. from him, and healed all.
7 And the scribes and Pharisees 20 And he, lifting up his eyes on
watched if he would heal on the his disciples, said Blessed are ye

sabbath ; that they might find an poor: for yours is the kingdom of
accusation against him. Go,].
8 But he knew their thoughts ; 21 Blessed are ye that hunger
and said to the man who had the now for you shall be filled.
: Bles-
withered hand : Arise, and stand sed are ye that weep now for you :

forth in the midst. And rising, he shall laugh.

stood forth. you be when
22 Blessed shall
9 Then Jesus said to them: I men and when they
shall hate you,
ask you, if it be lawful on the sab- shall separate you, and shall re-
"bath-days to do good or to do evil proach you, and cast out your name
to save life, or to destroy ? as evil, for the son of man's sake.
10 And looking round about on 23 Be glad in that day and re-
them all, he said to the man Stretch joice for behold, your reward is
: ;

forth thy hand. And he stretched it great in heaven. For according to

forth: and his hand was restored. these things did their fathers to the
11 And they were filled with rophets. j

madness; and they talked one with 2-1 But wo to you that are rich
another, what they might do to for yen have your consolation.
Jesus. 25 Wo
to you that are filled for :

12 And it came to pass in those you shall hunger. to you that Wo

days, that he went out into a moun- now laugh for you shall mourn and :

tain to pray, and he passed the weep.

whole night in the prayer of God. %6 Wo
to you when men shall
13 And when day was come, he bless you For according to these

called unto him his disciples; and things did their fathers to the false
he chose twelve of them (whom also prophets.
he named Apostles :) 27 But I say to you that hear
14 Simon whom he surnamed Love your enemies, do good to
Peter, and Andrew his brother, them that hate you.
James and John, Philip and Bar- 28 Bless them that curse you, and
tholomew, pray for them that calumniate you.
1.5 Mathew and Thomas, James 29 And to him that striketh thee
the son of Alpheus, and Simon who on the one cheek, offer also the
is called Zelotes, other. And him that taketh away
16 And Jude the brother of from thee thy cloak, forbid not ta
James, and Judas Iseariot who was take thy coat also.

80 St. LUKE,
30 Give to every one that asketh thou see ©learly to take out the
thee,and of him that taketh away mote from thy brother's eye.
thy goods, ask them not again. 43 For there, is no good tree that
31 And as you would that men bringeth forth evil fruit ; nor an evil,
should do to you, do you also to tree that bringeth forth
good fruit.
them in like manner. 44 For every tree is known by
32 And if you love them that love its fruit. For men do not gather
you, what thanks are to you ? for figs from thorns; nor from a bram-
sinners also love those that love them. ble bush do they gather the grape.
33 And if you do good to them 45 A good man out of the good
who do good to you ; what thanks treasure of his heart bringeth forth
are to you ? for sinners also do this. that which is good: and an evil man
34 And if ye lend to them of out of the evil treasure bringeth
whom you hope to receive ; what forth that which is evil. For out
thanks are to you ? for sinners also of the abundance of the heart the
lend to sinners,for to receive asimueh. mouth speaketh,
35 But love ye your enemies ; do 40 And why call you me, Lord,
good, and lend, hoping for nothing Lord and do not the things whiclt

thereby and your reward shall be I say ?


great, and you shall be the sons of 47 Every one that cometh to me,,
the Highest ; for he is kind to the and heareth my words, and dath
unthankful, and to the evil. them, I will shew you to whom he
38 Be ye therefore merciful, as is like,
your father also is merciful. 48 He is like to a man buildiirg a
37 Judge not, and you shall not house, who digged deep, and laid
be judged. Condemn not, and you the foundation upon a rock. And?
shall not be condemned. Forgive, when a flood came, the stream beat
and you shall be forgiven. vehemently upon that house, and
38* Give, and it shall be given to it could not shake it ; for it
you: good measure and pressed down founded on a rock,
and shaken together and running 49 But he that heareth, and doth
over shall they give into your bo- not ; is like to a man building his
som. For with the same measure house upon the earth without a
that you shall mete withal, it shall foundation : against which the
be measured to you again, stream beat vehemently, and im-,
39 And he spoke also to them a mediately it fell, and the ruin of
similitude Can the blind lead the that house was great.

blind ? do they not both fall into the CHAP. VII.

ditch? Christ 7ieah ilie Centurion s servant,
40 The disciple is not above his A ND when he had finished all his
master but every one shall be per-
**> words in the hearing of the
fect, ifhe be as his master. people, he entered into Capharnaum*
41 And why seest thou the mote 2 And the servant of a certain
in thy brother's eye but the beam
: centurion, who was dear to him,
that is in thy own eye thou consi- being sick, was>ready to die
derestnot. 3 And when he had heard of
42 Or how canst thou say to thy Jesus, he sent unto him theantients
brother: Brother, let me pull the of the Jews* desiring him to cgme
mote out of thy eye, when thou thy- and heal his servaut.
self seest not the beam in thy own
4 And when they came to Jksus,
eye? Hypocrite, cast first the beam I they besought him earnestly* say
Dut of thy own eye; and then shalt;' iug to him, He is worthy that thou
:: :

St. LU KE. Si
s-houldestdo this for him. saying, a rreat prophet is. risen up
5 For he loveth our nation ; and among us and God hath visited

he hath built us a synagogue. his people.

6 And Jesus went with them. 17 And this mmour of him went
And when he was now not far from forth throughout all Judea, and
the house, the centurion sent his throughout all the country round
friend? to him, saying: Lord, trouble about.
not thyself. For I am not worthy And John's disciples told him -

3 8

that thou shouldest enter under my of all these tbrngs.

roof. 19 And John called to him two
7 For which cause neither did 1 of his disciples, and sent them to
think myself worthy to come to Jeses, saving: Art thou he that art
thee but say the word, and my
: to come ; or look we for another ?
servant shall be healed. 20 And when the men were come
8 For I also am a man subject to unto him, they said John the Bap-

authority, having under me soldiers tist hath sent us to thee, saying

and I say to one, go, and he goeth ; Art thou he that art to come; or
and to another, come, and he Com- look we for another ?
eth ; and to my servant, do this, 21 (And in that same hour he
and he doth it. cured many
of their diseases, and
9 Which Jesus hearing, marvel- hurts, and evil spirits and to many

led ; and turning about to the mul- that were blind he gave sight)
titude that followed him, he said 22 And answering, he said to
Amen I say to you, I have not found them Go and relate to John what

so great faith not even in Israel. you have heard and seen The blind :

10 And they who were sent being see, the lame walk, the lepers are
returned to the house, found the made clean, the deaf hear, the dead
servant whole who had been sick. rise again, to the poor the gospel is
11 And it came to pass, after- preached :

wards that he went into a city that 23 And blessed is he whosoever

is called Nairn ; and there went shall not be scandalized in me.
with him his disciples and a great 24 And when the messengers of
multitude. John were departed, he began to
12 And when he came nigh to speak to the multitudes concerning-
the gate of the city, behold a dead John :What went you out into
man was carried out, the only son the desart to see ? a reed shaken
of his mother and she was a wi- with the wind ?
dow and a great multitude of the
: 25 But what went you out to
city was with her. see ? a man clothed in soft gar-
13 Whom when the Lord had merits ? Behold they that are ia
seen, being moved with mercy to- costly t apparel and live delicately,
wards her, he said to her: Weep are .in the houses of kings.
not. 26 But what went you out to
14 And he came near and touch- see ? a prophet ? Yea, I say to you,
ed the bier. And they that carried and more than a prophet.
it, stood still. And he said Young : 27 This is he of whom it is writ-
man, say to thee, arise..
I ten : Behold Intend my angel before
15 And he that was dead, sat up, thy face, who shall prepare thy way
and began to speak. And he gave before thte.
hrm to his mother. "2S For I say to you : Amongst
1$ And there came a fear on those that are bom of women, there
them all:, and they glorified God. is not a greater prophet than John

€2 St. LUKE.
the Baptist. But he that is the 40 And Jesus answering, said to
lesser in the kingdom of God, is him: Simon, I have somewhat to
than he. say to thee. But he said Master, :

29 And all the people hearing say U.

and the publicans, justified God, 41 A certain creditor had two
being baptized with John's baptism. debtors, the one owed five
SO But the Pharisees and the law- hundred pence, and the other fifty.
yers despised the counsel of God 42 And whereas they had .;ot
against themselves, being not bap- wherew ith to pay, he forgave them

tized by him. both. Which therefore of the two

31 And the Lord said: Where- loveth him most ?
unto then shall I liken the men of 43 Simon answering said : I sup-
this generation ? and to what are pose that he to whom he forgave
they like ? most. And he said to him Thou :

32 They are like to children sit- hast judged rightly.

ting in the market-place, and speak- , 44 And turning to the woman,
ing one to another, and saying: We he said unto Simon : Dost thou see
have piped to youj and you have this woman? I entered into thy.
not danced we have mourned, and
: house, thou gavest me no water for
you have not wept. my feet ; but she with tears hath
33 For John the Baptist came washed my feet, and with her hairs
neither eating bread nor drinking hath wnped them.
wine ; and you say: He hath a devil. 45 Thou gavest me no kiss ; but
34 The son of man is come eat^ she, since she came in, hath not
ing and drinking; and you say: ceased to kiss my feet.
Behold a man that is a glutton and 46 My head with oil ihou didst
a drinker of wine, a friend of pub- not anoint ; but she with ointment
licans and sinners. hath anointed my feet.
35 And wisdom is justified by 47 Wherefore 1 say to thee;
all her children. Many sins are forgiven her, because
36 And one of the Pharisees de- she hath loved much. But to whom
sired him to eat with him. And he less is forgiven, he loveth less.
went into the house of the Phari- 48 And he said to her ; Thy sins
see, and sat-down to meat. are forgiven thee.
37 And behold a woman that 49 And they that sat at meat
was in the* city a sinner, when she with him began to say within'thena-
knew that he sat at meat in the selves : Who is this that forgiveth
Pharisee's house, brought an ala- sins also ?
baster box of ointment j 50 And he said to the woman :

38 And standing behind at his Thy faith hath made thee safe, go
feet, she began to wash his feet in peace.
with tears, and wipe them with the CHAP. VIII.
hairs of her head, and kissed his The parable of the seed, \

feet, and anointed them with the

AND it came to pass afterwards,
that he travelled through the
39 And the Pharisee, who had cities and towns preaching and
invited him, seeing it, spoke within evangelizing the kingdom of God
himself, saying This man, if be
: and the twelve with him.
were a prophet, would know surely 2 And certain women who had
who and what manner of woman been healed of evil spirits and infir-
this is that toucheth him, that she mities ; Mary who is called Mag-
is a sinner. dalen, out of whom seven devils
St. LUKE. 83
ere gone forth. 15 But that on the good ground,
3 And Joanna the wife of Chusa are they who in a good and very
Heron's steward, and Susanna, and good heart, hearing the word, keep
many others who ministered unto it, and bring forth fruit in patience.

him of that* substance. 16 Now no man lighting a candle

4 And when a very great mul- covereth it with a vessel, or putteth
titude was gathered together and it under a bed but setteth it upon

hastened out of the cities unto him, a candlestick, that they who come
he spoke by a similitude. in may see the light.
5 The sower went out to sow his 17 For there is not any thing se-
seed. And as he sowed some fell cret, that shall not be made mani-
by the way side, and it was trod- fest nor hidden, that shall not be

den down, and the fowls of the air known and come abroad.
devoured it. 18 Take heed therefore how you
6 And other some fell upon a hear. For whosoever hath, to him
rock ; and as soon as it was sprung shall he given ; and whosoever hath

up, it withered away, because it not, that also which he thinketh he-
had no moisture. away from him.
hath, shall be taken
7 Andother some fell among 19 And
mother and brethren
thorns, and the thorns growing up came unto him ; and they could not
with it, choked y
it. come at him for the crowd.
8 And fell upon good
other some 20 And it was told him Thy :

ground and being sprung up,

; mother and thy brethren stand with-
yielded fruit an hundred fold. Say- out, desiring to see thee.
ing these things, he cried out ; He 9\ Who
answering, said to them :

that hath ears to hear, let hwn hear. My mother and my brethren are
9 And his disciples asked him they who hear the word of God,
what this parable might be. and do it.
10 To whom he said: To you it is 22 And it cam? to pass on a cer-
given to know the mystery of the tain day that he went into a little

kingdom of God ; but to the rest in ship with his disciples, and he said
parables, that seeing they may not to them : Let us go over to the
see, and hearing may not under- other side of the lake. And they
stand. launched forth.
11 Now the parable is this: 23 And when they were sailing,
The seed the word of God.
is he slept ; and there came down a
12 And they by the way side are storm of wind upon the lake, and
they that hear,then the devil cometh, (hey were filled, and were in danger.
and taketh the word out of their 24 And they came and awaked
heart, lest believing they should be him, saying Master, we perish.

saved. But he arising, rebuked the wind

13 Now they upon the rock ; ore and the rage of the water ; and it
they who when they hear, receive ceased, and there was a calm.
the word with joy : and these have 25 Ami hy said to them : Where
no roots: for they believe for a is your faith f Who being afraid,.
while, and in time of temptatiui wondered saying one to another:
they fall away. Who is(think you) that he-
14 And that which fell among commandeth both the winds and
thorns, are they who have heard, and the sea, and they obey him ?
going their way, are choked with 26 And they sailed to the coun*
the cares and riches and pleasure? try of the Gerasens which is over-
cf this life, and yield no fruit. against Galilee*
; :;

64 St. LUKE.
27 And when he was come forth he going up into the ship, returned
to the land, there met him a certain hack again.
man who had a devil now a very 38 Now the man, out of whom
long time, and he wore no cloaths, the devils were departed, besought
neither did he abide in a house, but him that he might be with him.
in the sepulchres. But Jesus sent him away, saying
2$ And when he saw Jesus, he 39 Return to thy house, and tell
felldown before him ; and crying how great things God hath done to
out with a loud voice, he said; thee. And he went through the
What have I to do with thee Jesus, whole city, publishing how great
Son of the most high God ? I be- things Jesus had done to him.
seech thee, do not torment me. 40 And it came to pass ; that
29 For he commanded the un- when Jesus was returned, the mul-
clean spirit to go out of the man. titude received him ; for they were
For many times it seized him, and all waiting for him.

he was bound with chains, and kept 41 And behold there came a man
in fetters ; and breaking the bonds, whose name was Jairus,and he was
he was driven by the devil into the a ruler of the synagogue and he :

departs. fell down at the feet of Jesus, be-

30 And Jesus asked him say- seeching him that he would come
ing: What
is thy name? But he into his house,
said Legion : because many de-
: 42 For he had an only daughter
vils were entered into him. almost twelve years old, and she
31 And they besought him that was dying. And it happened, as
he would not command them to go he went, that he was thronged by
into the abyss. the multitudes.
32 And there was there a herd of 43 And there was a certain wo-
many swine feeding on the moun- man having an issue of blood twelve
tain ; and they besought him that years, who had bestowed all her
he would suffer them to enter into substance on physicians, and could
them. And he suffered them. not be healed by any
33 The devils therefore went out 44 She came behind him, and
of the man, and entered into the touched the hem of his garment
swine ; and the herd run violently and immediately the issue of her
down a steep place into the lake, blood stopped.
and was stifled. 45 And Jesus said Who is it :

34 Which when they that fed that touched me ? And all denying,
them saw done, they fled, and told Peter and they that were with him
U in the city and in the villages. said: Master, the multitudes throng
35 And they went out to see and press thee, and dost thou say,
•what was done ; and they came to Who touched me ?
Jesus, and found the man, out of 46 And Jesus said Some body :

whom the devils were departed, sit- hath touched me for I know that ;

ting at his feet, eloathed, and in his virtue is gone out from me.
sight mind, and they were afraid. 47 And the woman seeing that
36 And they also that had seen she was not hid, came trembling,
told them how he had been healed and fell down before his feet; and,

feorn the legion. declared before [all the people for

37 And all the multitude of the what cause she had touched him,
•ountry of the. Geraseus besought and how she was immediatelyhealed.
feim to depart from them ; for they 48 But he said to her Daughter. .:

were taken with great fear. And thy faijtfc hathmade thee whole, go
; 1

St. LUKE. 85
thy w-ay m peace. and he was in a doubt !>ecause it
49 A s lie was- vet speaki ng, there was said
comet:h one to the ruler of the. sy- 8 By some, that John was risen
nagogue, saying, to hi m, ihydaughter from the dead but by other some^

is dead; trouble him not. that Elias hath appeared and by :

,50 And Jeojs hearing- this word, olhers, that one of the old prophets
answered the father of the maid : was rise. j again.
Fear not: believe only, and she 9 And Herod said John I have :

shall be safe* beheaded but who is this of whom


51 And when he was come to I hear such things ? And he sought

the house, he suffered not any man to see him.
to, go in with him, but Peter, and 10 And the apostles, when they
James, and John, and the father were returned, told him all they
and mother of the maiden. had done and taki<»g them he went

52 And all wept and mourned aaide into a desart place apart,
for her. But he said : Weep not, which belongeth to Bethsaid-.
the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. 1 Which when the people knew
53 And
they laughed him to they followed him, and he received
scorn, knowing that she was dead. them, and spoke to them of the
54 But he taking her by the hand kingdom of God, and healed them
cried out saying Maid, arise.: who had need of healing.
55 And her spirit returned, and 12 Now the day began to de-
she rose immediately. And he bid cline.^ And the twelve came and
them give her to eat. said to him ; Send away the multi-
56 And her parents were asto- tude, that going into the towns and
nished, whom he charged to tell no villages round about they may
man what was done. lodge and get victuals ; for we are
CHAP. IX. here in a desart place.
Christ sends forth his apostles. 13 But he said to them Give :

npHEN callingtogetherthe twelve you them to eat. And they said :

* apostles, he gave them power We Lave no more than five loaves
and authority over all devils, and and two fishes unless perhaps we :

to cure diseases. should go a>jd buy food for all this

2- And he sent them to preach multitude.
the kingdom of God, and to heal 14 Now there w ere about fi\e r

the sick. thousand men. And he said to his

5 And he said to them : Take disciples: Mske them sit down by
nothing for your journey, neither fifties in a company.
staff, nor scrip, nor bread, nor mo- 15 And they did so. And made
ney, neither have two coats. them all sit down.
4 And whatsoever house you 16 And taking the five- loaves
shall enter into, abide there, and and the two fishes, he looked up to
depart not from thence. heaven, and blessed them and he ;

5 And whosoever will not receive broke, and distributed to his disci-
you, when ye go out of that city, ples, to set before the multitude.
shake off even the dust of your feet 17 And they did all eat, and were
for a testimouy against them. filled. And there were taken up of
6 And going out they went about fragments that remained to them,
through the towns preaching the twelve baskets.
gospel and healing every where. 18 And it came to pass ; as he
7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard was alone praying, his disciples also
of all things that wercdone by him were with hun ; and he asked them

85 St , LUKE.
payings Whom do the people say 82 But Peter and they that wer^
that I am ? with him, were heavy with sleep.
19But they answered, and said : And waking, they saw his glory, and
John the Baptist; hut some say the two men that stood with him.
Elias ; and others, say that one of 33 And it came to pass that as
the former prophets is risen again, they were departing from him, Pe-
20 And he said to them But : ter saith to Jksus Master, it is:

whom do you say that I am ? Simon good for us to be here ; and let us
Peter answering, said The Christ : make three tabernacles,one for thee,
of God. and one for Moses, and one for
2i But he strictly charging them Elias not knowing what he said.

commanded they should tell this to 34 And as he spoke these things,

no man, therecame a cloud, and oversha-
22 Saying : The
man must son of dowed them and they were afraid,

suffi r many and be rejected

things, when they entered into the cloud.
by the antients and chief priests 35 And a voice came out of the
and scribes, and be killed, and the cloud, saying This is my beloved

third day rise again. Son, hear him.

23 And he said to all: If any 36 And whilst the voice was ut-
man will come after me, let him tered, Jesus was found alone. And
deny himself, and take up his eross they held their pea^ce, and told no
daily, and follow me. man in those days any' of these
24 For whosoever will save his things which they had seen,
life, shall lose it ; for he that shall 37 And it came to pass the day
lose his life for my sake,shail save it. following, when they came dowT n
25 For what is a man advan- from the mountain, there met him
taged, if he gain the whole world, a greatfmuhitude.
and lose himself, and cast away 38 And behold a man among the
himself? crow d cried out, saying Master, I

26 For he that shall be ashamed beseech thee, look upon my son,

of me and of my words, of him the because he is my only one.
son of man shall be ashamed, when 39 And lo, a spirit seizeth him,
he shall come in his majesty, and that and he suddenly crieth out, and
of his Father, and of the holy angels. he throweth him down and teareth
27 But I tell you of a truth: him so that he foameth, and bruising
There are some standing here that him he hardly departeth from him.
shall not taste death, till they see 40 And I desired thy disciplee to
the kingdom of God. cast him out, and they could not.
28 And it came to pass about 41 And Jesus answering said
eightMays after these words, that faithless and perverse generation,
he took Peter and James and John, how long shall I be with you and
and went up into a mountain to pray. suffer you ? Bring hither thy son.
%9 And whilst he prayed, the 42 And as he was coming to him,
shape of his countenance was al- the devil threw him down and tore
tered and his raiment became
: him.
white and glittering. 43 And Jesus rebuked tke un-
30 And behold two men were clean spirit, and cured the boy, and
talking with him. And they were restored him to his father.
Moses and Elias, 44 And all were astonished at
SI A ppearingin majesty. And they the mighty power of God : but
spoke of his decease that he should while all wondered at all the things
accomplish in Jerusalem. he did, he said to bis disciples:
St. LUKE. 87
Lay yon up in your hearts these walked inthe way,
that a certaiq
words, for it shall come to pass man said to hin
I will follow
that the son of man shall he deliver- thee whithersoever thou goest.
ed into the hands of men. 58 Jesus said to him : The foxes
4 S But they understood not this have holes, and the birds of the air
word, and it was hid from them, nests; but the son of man hath not
so that they perceived it not. And where to lay his head.
they were afraid to ask him con- 59 But he said to another FoJ. :

cerning this word. low me. And he said Lord, suf- :

46 And there entered a thought fer me first to go, and to bury my

into them, which of them should be father.
greater. 60 And Jesus Raid to him : Let
47 But Jesus seeing the thoughts the dead bury their dead : but go
of their heart, took a child and set thou, and preach the kingdom of
hi m by him. God.
48 A ;id said to them, whosoever 61 And another said: I will fol-
shall receive this child in name, my low thee, Lord, but let me first take
receiveth me, and whosoever shall my leave of them that are at my
receive me, receiveth him that sent house.
ivie. For he that is the lesser 62 Jesus said to him : No man
among you all, he is the greater. putting his hand to the plough, and
49 And John answering, said : looking back, is fit for the kingdom
Master, we saw a certain man cast- of God.
ing out devils in thy name, and we CHAP. X.
forbade him, because he followeth Christ instructs his 72 disciples.
noi with us. A ND after these things the Lord
£0 And Jesus said to him: For- ** appointed also other seventy-
bid him not For he that is not
: two and he
: sent them two and
against you, is for you. two before his face into every city
51 And it came to pass when and place whither he himself was
the days of his assumption were to come.
accomplishing, that he steadfastly 2 And he said to them The :

set his face to Jerusalem.

go to harvest indeed is great, but the la-
52 And he sent messengers be- bourers are few. Pray ye therefore
fore his face and going they en-
: the Lord of the harvest, that he send
tered into a city of the Samaritans labourers into his harvest.
to prepare for him. 3 Go : Behold I send you as
53 And they received him not, lambs among wolves.
because his face was of one going 4 Carry neither purse, nor scrip,
to Jerusalem. nor shoes ; and salute no man by
54 And when his disciples James the way.
and John had seen this, they said : 5 Into whatsoever house you en-
Lord, wilt thou that we command ter, first say ; Peace be to this
fire to come down from heaven and house,
consume them ? 6 And if the son of peace be
SjS And turning, he rebuked them, there, your peace shall rest upon
saying: You know not of what him: But if not, it shall return to
spirit you are. you.
56 The son of man came riot to 7 And in the same h/nise remain,
destroy souls, but to save. And eating and drinking such things as
they went into another town. they have. For the labourer is wor-
57 And it came to pass as they thy of his hire. Remove not from
961 ;

83 l t;ke.
house to house. ven and earth, because thou hast
8 And into what city soever you hidden these things from the wise
enter, and they receive you, eat and prudent, and hast revealed

s uch things as are Pet before you ; them to little ones. Yea, Father,
9 And heal the sick that are for so it hath seemed good in thy
therein, and say to them : The king- sight.
dom of God is come 22 All things are delivered to'me
nigh unto you.
10 But into whatsoever city|you by my Father, and no one knoweth
enter, and they receive you not, go- who the Son is but the Father ; and
ing forth into the streets thereof, say: who the Father is, but the Sen, and
1 Even the very dust of your to whom the Son will reveal him.
city that cleaveth to us we wipe off 23 And turning to his disciples,
against you. Yet know this that he said ; Blessed are the eyes" that
the kingdom of God is at hand. see the things which you see.
12 I. say to you, jt shall be more 24 For I say to you, that many
tolerable at that day for Sodom, prophets and kings have desired to
than for that city. see the things that you see, and
13 Wo to thee Corozain, wo to have not seen them ; and to hear
thee Bethsaida For if in Tyre and the things that you hear and have

Sidon had been wrought the mighty not beard them.

works that have been wrought in 25 And behold a certain lawyer
you, they would have done penance stood up, tempting him ; and say-
long ago, sitting in sack-cloth and ing : Master, what must I do to
ashes. possess eternal life ?
14 But it shall be more tolerable 26 But he said to him : What is*
for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, written in the law? how readest
than for you. thou?
15 And thou Capharnaum which 27 He answering, said : Thott
art exalted unto heaven : thou thalt love the Lord thy God with thy
shalt be thrust down to hell. •whole hearty and with thy whole soul,
1 He that heareth you, heareth and with all thy strength, and with ali
me : and he that despiseth you, des- thy mind : and thy neighbour as thyself.
piseth me. And he that despiseth 28 And he said to him: Thou
me, despiseth him that sent me. hast answered right : this do, and
17 And the seventy-two returned thou shalt live.
with joy, saying : Lord, the devils 29 But he willing to justify_hiriH
also are subject to us in thy name. said to Jesus: And who is ray

18 And he said to them : I saw neighbour ?

satan like lightning falling from 30 And Jesus answering, said t
heaven. A certain man went down from Je-
1 Behold, 1 have given you
- rusalem to Jericho, and fell among
power to tread upon serpents, and robbers, who also stripped him, and
scorpions, and upon all the power having wounded him went away
of the enemy, and nothing shall leaving him half dead.
hurt you. 31 And it chanced that a certain
20 But yet rejoice not in this that priest went down the same way
spirits are subject unto you but: and seeing him, passed by.
rejoice in this, that your names arc 32 In like manner also aLevlte,
written in heaven. when he was near the place and
21 In that same hour he rejoiced saw him, passed by.
in the Holy Ghost, and said : I con- 33 But acertain Samaritan being
fess to thee, Father, Lord of hea- on bis journey, came near hnii i

St. LUKE. £9
and seeing him was moved with be thy name Thy kingdom come,
compassion. 3 Give us this day our daily bread.
34 And going up to him, bound 4 And forgive us our sins, for we
iw his wounds, pouring in oil and also forgive every one that is in*
wine: and setting him upon his debted to us. And lead us not
own beast brought him to an inn, into temptation.
and took care of him. 5 And he said to them Which :

35 And the next day he took out of you shall have a friend, and shall
two. pence, and gave to the host, go to him at mid-night, and shall
and said : Take care of him ; and say to him Friend, lend me three

whatsoever thou shalt spend over loaves,

and above, I at my return will re- 6 Because a friend of mine is
pay thee. come off his journey to me, and I
3G Which of these three in thy hare not what to set before him :
opinion was neighbour to him that 7 And he from within should an-
fell among the robbers? swer and say Trouble me not, the

37 But he said He that shewed : door is now shut, and my children

mercy to him. And Jesus said to are with me in bed; I cannot rise
him: Go, and do thou iu like and give thee.
manner. 8 Yet if he shall continue knock-
38 Now it came to pass as they ing, 1 say to you, although he will
went, that he entered into a certain not rise and give him, because he is
town ; and a certain woman named his friend ; yet because of his im-
Martha, received him into her poriunivy he will ri^e, and give him
House. as many as he needeth.
39 And she had a sister called 9 And I say to you, Ask, and it
Mary. Who sitting also at the shall be given you seek, and you

Lord's heard his word.

feet, shall find: knock, and it shall be
40 But Martha was busy about opened to you.
much serving. Who stood and 10 For every one that asketh, re-
said : Lord, hast thou no care that ceiveth and he that seeketh, find-

my sister hath left me alone to eth : and to him that knocketh, it shall
serve ? speak to her therefore, that be opened.
she help me. 1 And which of you
if he ask
41 And the Lord answering, said his father bread, will he give him a
to her Martha, Martha, thou art
: stone ? or a fish, will he for a fish
careful, and art troubled about give htm a serpent ?
many tilings. 12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will
42 But one thing is necessary. he reach him a scorpion ?
Mary hath chosen the best part, 13 If you then being evil, know
which shall not be taken away how to give good gifts to your chil-
from her. dren, how much more will your
CHAP. XI. Father from heaven give the good
He teaches his disciples to pray. Spirit to them that ask him ?
to pass, that as he

a certain place praying,

14 And he was casting out a
devil, and the same was dumb, and
when he ceased, one of his disciple* when he had cast out the devil, the
said to hhr: Lord, teach us to dumb spoke: and the multitudes
pray, as John also taught his dis- were in admiration at it.
ciples. 15 But some of them said: he
2 And he said to them When : casteth out devils, by Beelzebub
qu pray, say Father, hallowed
: the prince of devils.

90 St. LUKE.
16 And others tempting, asked 29 Ard the multitudes running
of him a sign from heaven. together, he began to say: This
17 But he seeing their thoughts, generation is a wicked generation :
raid to them Every kingdom di-
: it asketh a sign, and a sign shall not

vided against itself, shall be brought be given it, but the sign of Jonas
to desolation, and house upon house the prophet.
shall fall. 30 For as Jonas was a sign to
18 And if satan also be divided the Ninivites :so shall the son of
against himself, how shall his king- man also be to this generation.
dom stand? because you say, that 31 The queen of the south shall
through Beelzebub I cast out devils. rise in the judgment with the men
19 Now if I cast out devils by of this generation, and shall con-
Beelzebub by whom do your chil-
: demn them : because she came from
dren cast them out ? Therefore the ends of the earth to hear the
they shall be your judges. wisdom of Solomon ; and behold
20 But if I* by the finger of God more than Solomon here.
cast out devils doubtless the king-
: 32 The men of Ninive shall rise in
dom of God is come upon you. the judgment with this generation
21 When a strong man armed and shall condemn it, because they
keepeth his court : those things are did penance at the preaching of Jo-
in peace which he possesseth. nas ; and behold more than Jonas
22 But if a stronger than he here.
come upon him and overcome him : 33 No man iighteth a candle,
he will take away all his armour and putteth it in a hidden place, nor
wherein he trusted, and will distri- under a bushel but upon a candle-

bute his spoils. stick, that they that come in may

23 Ke that is not with me, is see the light.
against me and he that gaihereth
: 34 The light of thy body is thy
not with me, scattereth. eye. If thy eye be single, thy whole
24 When the unclean spirit is gone body wili be lightsome: but if it be
out of a man, he waiketh through evil,thy body also will be darksome.
places without water, seeking rest: 35 Take heed therefore that the
and not finding, he gaith I will re- : light which is in thee, be not dark-
turn into my house whence I came ness.
out. 36 If then thy whole body be
2.5 And when he is come, he lightsome, having no part of dark-
findethit swept and garnished. ness : the whole shall be lightsome,
26 Then he goeth and taketh with and as a bright lamp shall enlighten
him seven other spirits more wicked thee.
than himself, and entering in they 37 And as he was speaking, a
dwell there. And
the last state of certain Pharisee prayed him that
that man becomes worse than the he would dine with him. And he
first. going in sat down to eat.
27 And it came to pass : as he 38 And the Pharisee began to
spoke these things, a certain woman say thinking within himself, why he
from the crowd lifting up her voice was not washed before dinner.
said to him : Blessed is the womb 39 And the Lord said to him
that bore thee, and the paps that Now you Pharisees make clean the
gave thee suck. outside of the cup and of the plat-
28 But lie said: Yea rather, ter ; but yourinsjde issifull of rapine
blessed are they who hear the word and iniquity.
of God, and keep it. 40 Ye fools, did not he tha

St. LUKE. 91
made which is without, make
that 53 And he was saying these
also that which is within. things to them, the Pharisees and
41 But yet that which remain- the lawyers began vehemently to
eth, give aims, and behold all things urge him, and to oppress his mouth
are clean unto yon. about many things,
42 But wo to you Pharisees, 54- Lying in wait for him, and

because you tithe mint and rue and seeking to catch something from his
every herb: and pass over judgment mouth, that they might accuse him.
and the charity of God. Now
these CHAP. XII.
things you ought to have done, *nd Christ warns us against hypocrisy.
not to leave the other undone. A ND when great multitudes stood
43 Woto you Pharisees, because -" about him so that they trod
you love the uppermost seats in the one'upon another, he began to say
synagogues, and salutations in the to his disciples Beware ye of the

market-place. leaven of the Pharisees, which is

44 Wo to you, because you are hypocrisy.
as sepulchres that appear not, and X For there is nothing covered,

men that walk over, are not aware. that shall not be revealed nor hid-

45 And one of the lawyers an- den that shall not be known.
swering, saith to him Master, in
: 3 For whatsoever things you have
saying these things, thou reproachest spoken darkness, shall be pub-

us also. lished in the light:and that which

46 But he said Wo
to you law-
: you have spoken in the ear, in the
yers also: because you load men chambers, shall be preached on the
with burdens which they cannot house-tons.
bear, and you yourselves touch not 4 And I say to you my friends
the packs with one of your fingers. Be not afraid of them who kill the
47 Wo to you who build the mo- body, and after that have no more
numents of the prophets and your : that they can do.
fathers killed them. 5 But I trill shew you whom ye
48 Truly you bear witness that shall fear fear ye him who after "he

you consent to the doings of your hath killed, hath power to cast into
fathers: for they indeed killed them, hell. Yea, I say to you, fear him.
and you build their sepulchres. (> Are not live sparrows sold for
4.9 For this cause also the wisdom two farthings, and not one of them
of God said I will send to them
: is forgotten before God ?

prophets and apostles, and some of 7 Yea, the very hairs of your
them they will kill and persecute. head are all numbered. Fear not,
50 That the blood of all the pro- therefore; you are of more value
phets which was shed from the than many sparrows.
foundation of the world, may be re- 8 And I say to you, whosoever
quired of this generation, shall confess me before men, him
51 From the blood of Abel unto shall the son of man also confess
the blood of Zacharias who was before the Angels of God.
slain between the altar and the 9 But he that shall deny me be-
temple. Yea I say to you, it shall fore men, shall be denied bv.Lre the
be required of this generation. Angels of God.
52 Wo to you lawyers, for you 10, And whosoever speaketh a
have taken away the key of know- word against the s>»n of man it&hall
ledge you yourselves have not en- be forgiven him
: but to him that:

tered in, and those that were en- shall blaspheme against the Holy
ering in you have hindered. Ghost it shall not be forgiven?.
5 ;

92 St. LUKE.
11 And when they shall bring 24 Consider the ravens, for" they
you into the synagogues, and to ma- sow not, neither do they reap, nei-
gistratesand powers, be not solici- ther have they store-house nor barn,
tous how or what you shall answer, and.God feedeth them. How
or what you shall say. are you more valuable than thev ?
12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach 25 And which of you by taking
you in the same hour what you thought can add to his stature one
must say. cubit.
13 And
one of the multitude said 26 If then ye be not able to do
to him Master, speak to my bro-
: so much as the least thing, why are
ther that he divide the inheritance you solicitous for therestf
with me. 27 Consider the lilies how they
14 But he said to him Man, : grow ; they labour not, neither do
who hath appointed me judge or di- t&ey spin. But I say to you, not
vider over you ? even Solomon in alLhis glory was
1 And he said to them Take : cloathed like one of these.
heed and beware of all covetous- 28 Now if God cloath in this
ness for a man's life doth not con-
: manner the grass that is to-day in
sistin the abundance of things the field, and to-morrow is cast
which he possesseth. into the oven ; how much more you,
16 And he spoke a similitude to ye of little faith ?
them, saying The land of a certain: 29 And seek not you what you
rich man brought forth plenty of shall eat, or what you shall drink:
fruits. and be not up on
lifted high.
And he thought- within him-
17 30 For all these things do the
self,saying What shall 1 do, be-
: nations of the world seek. But
cause I have no room where to be- your Father knoweth that you have
stow my fruits ? need of these things,
18 And he said : This will I do 31 But seek ye first the kingdom
I will pull down my barns, and of God and his justice, and all these
will build greater : and into them things shall be added unto you.
will I gather
things that are all 32 Fear not, little flock, for it
grown to me, and my goods. hath pleased your Father to give
19 And I will say to my soul ; you a kingdom.
Soul, thou hast much goods laid 33 Sell what you possess and give
up for many years, take thy rest, alms. Make to yourselves bags,
eat, drink, make good cheer. which grow not old, a treasure in
20 But Gt;d said to him Thou : heaven which faileth not where no

fool, this night do they require thy thief approacheth, nor moth cor-
soul of thee ; and whose shall those rupteth.
things be which thou hast provided? 34 For where your treasure is,
21 So is he that layeth up trea- there will your heart be also.
sure for himself, and is not rich to- 35 Let your loins be girt, and
wards God. lamps burning in your hands,
22 And he said to his disciples : 36 And you yourselves like to
Therefore I say to yGU, be not soli- men who wait for their lord, when
citous for your life, what you shall he shall return from the wedding :
eat Nor for your body,
; what you that when he cometh and knocketh
shall put on. they may open to hirn immediately.
23 The life is more than the meat, 37 Blessed are those servants,
and the body is more than the rai- whom the Lord when he cometh,
ment., j
shall find watching. Amen I say
-St. L ;KE. 98
to you, that he will gird himself, earth ; and what will I but that it

and make them sit down to meat be kindled ?

and passing will minister unto them, 50 And I have a baptism, where-
38 And if he shall come in the with I am to be baptized and:

second watch, or come in the third how am. I straitened until a it be ac-
watch, and find them so, blessed complished ?
are those servants. 51 Think ye that I am come to
39 But this know ye, that if the give peace on earth ? I tell you no,
house-holder did know at what hour but separation.
the thief would come, he would 52 For there shall be from hence-
surely watch and would not suffer forth five in one house divided ; three
his house to be broken open. against two, and two against three.
40 Be you then also ready for : .53 The father shall be divided

at whatTiour'you think not, the son against the son, and the son against
of man will come. his father, the mother against the
41 And Peter said to him Lord, : daughter, and the daughter against
dost thou speak this parable to us, the mother, the mother-in-law
or likewise to all ? against her daughter-in-law, and
42 And the Lord said: V> ho the daughter-in-law against her
(thinkest thou) is the faithful and mother-in-law.
wise steward, whom his lordsetteth 54 And he said also to the multi-
over his family, to give them their tudes When you see a cloud rising

measure of wheat in due season. from the west, presently you say :
43 Blessed is that servant, whom A shower is coming: and so- it hap-
when his lord shall come he shall peneth :

find so doing. 55 And when ye see the south*

44 Verily say to you he will
I wind blow, you say: There will be
set him over all that he possesseth. heat and it cometh to pass.

45 But if that servant shall say 5(> You hypocrites, you know
in his heart, My
lord is long a how to discern the face of the hea-
coming ; and shall begin to strike the ven and of the earth but how is it :

men-servants and maid-servants, and that you do not discern this time ?
to eat and to drink, and be drunk : 57 And why even'of yourselves
46 Ttie lord of that servant will do you not judge that which is just?
come in the day that he hopeth not, 5H And when thou goest with
and at the hour that he knoweth thy adversary to the prince, whilst
not, and shall separate him, and thou art in the way endeavour to be
shall appoint him his portion with delivered from him lest perhaps he :

unbelievers. draw thee to the judge, and the

47 And that servant who knew judge deliver thee to the exactor,
the will of his lord, and prepared and the exactor cast thee into prison.
not himself, and did not according 59 I say to thee thou shalt not
to his will, shall be beaten with go out thence, until thou pay the
many stripes. very last mite.
48 But he that knew not, and did CHAP. XIII.
things worthy of stripes shall be The
necessity of penance,
beaten with few stripes.
whomsoever much is
And unto
given, of him
AND there were present at that
very time seme that told hint
itmch shall be required and to : of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate
•whom they have committed much, had mingled with their sacrifices.
of him they will demand the more. 2 And he answering, said ttf

49 I am come to cast fire on the them : Think you that these Gall
1 : :

94 St. I .UKE.
leans were sinners above all the 16 And the Lord answering him,
men of Galilee, because they suf- said : Ye hypocrites,
doth not every
fered such things ? one of you on the sabbath-day loose
3 No, I say to you but unless : his ox or his ass from the manger,
you shall do penance, you shall all and lead them to water?
likewise perish. 16 And ought not this daughter
4 Or those eighteen upon whom ofAbrahamwhom Satan hathbound,
the tower fell in Siloe, and slew lo, these eighteen years, be loosed
them think you that they also
: from this bond on the sabbath-day?
were debtors above all the men that 17 And when he said these things,
dwelt in Jerusalem. all hisadversaries were ashamed :

5 No, I say to you : but except and the people rejoiced for all
you do penance, you shall all like- the things that were gloriously done
wise perish. by him.
6 He spoke also this parable A : 18 He said therefore To what :

certain man had a iig-tree planted is the kingdom of God like, and

in his vineyard, and he came seek- whereuuto shall I resemble it.

ing fruit on it, and found none. 19 It is iike to a grain of rnus*
7 And he said to the dresser of tard-seed, which a man took and cast
the vineyard Behold for these three
: into his garden, and it grew, and
years I come seeking fruit on this became a great tree, and.the birds of
fig-tree, and I find none. Cut it the air lodged in thebranches thereof.
down therefore ; why cumbereth it 20 And again he said : Where-
the ground? uuto shall I esteem the kingdom of
8 But he answering said -to him :
God to be like ?
Lord, let it alone this year, also, 21 It is like to leaven, which a
cmtil I dig about it, and dung it. woman took and hid in three mea-
9 And if happily it bear fruit sures of meal, till the whole was
but if not, then after that thou shalt leavened.
cut it down. 22 And he went through the
10 And he was teaching in their citiesand towns teaching, and mak^
synagogue on their sabbath. ing his journey to Jerusalem.
1 And behold there was a woman 23 And a certain man said to
who had a spirit of infirmity eigh- him Lord, are they few that are

teen years and she was bowed to-

: saved? But he said to them :
gether, neither could she look up- 24 Strive to enter by the narrow
wards at all. gate for many, I say to you, shall

12 Whom when Jesus saw, he seek to enter, and shall* not be able.
called her unto him, and said to 25 But when the master of the
her: Woman, thou art delivered house shall be gone in, and shall
from thy infirmity shut to the door, you shall begin to
13 And he laid his hands upon stand without, and knock at the
her, and immediately she was made door, saying, Lord, open to us :

straight, and glorified God. and he answering shall say to you,

14 And the ruler of the syna- I know you not whence you are :

gogue (being angry that Jesus had 26 Then you shall begin to say
healed on the sabbath) answering We have eaten and drunk in thy
said to the multitude Six days : presence, and thou hast taught in
there are wherein you ought to our streets.
work. In them therefore come, 27 And he shall say to you I :

and be healed ; and not on the sab- know you not whence you are
bath-day. depart from me ail ye workers of
; :

St. LU KE. 95
iiiquity. sabbath-day?
28 There shall be weeping and 4 But they held their peace.
gnashing of teeth when you shall
: But he taking him, healed him, and
see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, sent him away.
and all the prophets in the kingdom 5 And answering them, he said :

of God, and you yourselves thrust Which of you shall have an ass or
out. an ox fall into a pit ; and will not
29 And there shall come from the immediately draw him out on the
east and the west and the north and .sabbath-day ?
the south ; and shall sit down in 6 And they could not answer
the kingdom of God. him to these things.
30 And behold, they are last I And he spoke a parable also
that shall be first, and they are firs I to them that were invited, marking
that shall be last. how they chose the first seats at the
31 The same day there came table, saying to them :
some of the Pharisees, saying tci 8 When thou art invited to a
him Depart and get thee hence,
: wedding, sit not down in the first
for Herod hath a mind to kill thee. place, lest perhaps one more ho-
32 And he said to th^tn Go, : nourable than thou be invited by
and tell that fox, Behold I cast oil; him
devils, and do cures to day and to 9 And he that invited thee and
morrow, and the third day I am him, come and say to thee, Give this
consummated. man place ami then thou begin

33 Nevertheless I must walk to with shame to take the lowest place.

day and to morrow and the day 10 But when thou art invited, go,
following, because it cannot be that sit down in the lowest place : that

a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. when he who inviteth thee cometh,

34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that he may say to thee, Friend, go up
killest the prophets, and stonest higher. Then shalt thou have
them that are sent to thee, how of- glory before them that sit at table
ten would I have gathered thy with thee
children as the bird doth her brood I I Because every one that exalt-

under her wings, and thou would- eth himself shall be humbled ; and
est not ? he that humbleth himself, shall be
35 Behold your house shall be exalted.
left toyou desolate. Aid I say to 12 And he said to him also that
you, that you shall not see me till had invited him : When thou mak-
the time come, when you shall say; es! a dinner or a supper, call not thy
Blessed is he that corneth in the friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy
name of the Lord. kinsmen, nor thy neighbours v\ho
CHAP. XIV. are rich lest perhaps they also in-

Christ heals the dropsy. vite thee again, and a recompense

A ND it came to pass when Jesus be made to thee,
-" went
into the house of one of 13 But when thou makest a
the chief of the Pharisees on the feast, call the poor, the maimed,
sabbath-day to eat bread, that they the lame, and the blind.
watched him. 14 And thou shalt be blessed,
2 And behold there was a certain because they have not wherewith
man before him that had the dropsy. to make thee recom pence for re- :

3 And Jesus
answering, spoke compence shail be made thee at the
to the lawyers and Pharisees, say- resurrection of the just.
ing ; Is it lawful to heal on the 15 When one of them that sat' at
: :

96 St. LUKE.
table with him, had heard these 28 For which of you having a
things, he said to him ; Blessed is mind to build a tower, doth not first
he that shall eat bread in the king- sit down and reckon the charges
dom of God. that are necessary, whether he have
16 But he said to him A cer- : wherewithal to finish it
tain man made a great supper, and 39 Lest after he hath laid the
invited many. foundation, and is not able to finish
17 And he sent his servant at the it, all that see it begin to mock him,

hour of supper to say to them that 30 Saying: this man began to

were invited, that they should come, build, and was not able to finish.
for now all things are ready, 31 Or what king about to go to
18 And they began all at once make war against another king,
to make excuse. The first said to doth not first sit down and think
him, I have bought a farm, and whether he be able with ten thous-
I must needs go out and see it ; I and to meet him that with twenty
pray thee, hold me excused. ihous nd cometh against him.
19 And another said, I have 32 Or else whilst the other is yet
bought five yoke of oxen, and I go afar off, sending an embassy, he
to try them I pray thee hold me
: desireth conditions of peace.
excused. S3 So likewise every one of you
20 And another said, I have that doth not renounce all that he
married a wife, and therefore 1 can- possesseth, cannot be my disciple.
not come. 34 Salt is goi d. But if the salt
Si And the servant returning told shall lose its savour, wherewith
these things to his lord. Then the shall it be seasoned ?
master of the house being angry, 35 It is neither profitable for the
said to his servant ; Go out quickly land, nor for the dunghill, but shall
into the streets and lanes of the city, be cast out. He that hath ears to hear,
and bring iri hither the poor and the let him hear.
'feeble, and the blind and the lame. CHAP. XV.
2S And the servant said Lord, : The parable of the lott sheep.
It is done as^thou hast commanded, TfcTOW the publicans and sinners
and yet there is room. *-* drew near unto hhn to hear him.
23 And the Lord said to the ser- 2 And the Pharisees and the
vant: Go out into the high-ways scribes murmured saying : This man
and hedges ; and compel them to receiveth sinners, and eateth with
come in, that my house may be them.
filled. 3 And he spoke to them this
24. But I say unto you, that none parable, saying
of those men that were invited, 4 What man of you that hath
shall taste of my supper. an hundred sheep: and if he shall
25 And there went great multi- lose one of them, doth he not leave
tudes with him; and turning, he the ninety-nine in the depart, and
said to them : go after that which was lost until
26 If any man come to me, and he find it ?
hate not his father, and mother, and 5 And when he hath found it, lay
wife, and children, and brethren, it upon his shoulders rejoicing :

and sisters, yea ai d his own life 6 And coming home call together
also, he cannot be my disciple. his friends and neighbours, saying
27 And whosoever doth not car- to them Rejoice with me because I :

ry his cross and come after me can- have found my sheep that was lost?
not be iny disciple. 7 I tay to you, that even so there
: ; :

St. LUKE. 91
shall be joy in heaven upon one father. And when he was yet a
sinner that doth penance, more than great way oft, his father saw him,
upon ninety-nine just who need not and was moved with compassion,
penance. and running to him fell upon his
8 Or what woman having ten neck and kissed him.
groats if she lose one groat, doth
: 21 And the son said to him':
not light a candle and sweep the Father, I have sinned against hea-
house, and seek diligently, until ven, and before thee, I am not
she fincLit ? now worthy to be called thy son.
9 And when she hath found it, 22 And the father said to his ser-
call together her friends and neigh- vants Bring forth quickly the first

bours, saying Kejoice with me,

: robe, and put it on him, and put a
because I have found the groat ring on his hand, and shoes on his
which I had lost ? feet:
10 So say to you, there shall
I 23 And bring hither the fatted
be joy before the Angels of God calf,and kill it, and let us eat and
upon one sinner doing penance. make merry :

11 And he said A certain man : 24 Because this my son was

had two sons dead, and is come to life again :

12 And the younger of them said was lost, and is found. And they
to his father: Father, give me the began to be merry.
portion of substance that falleth to 2.5 Now his elder son was in the
me. And he divided un'co them his field,and when he came and drew
substance. nigh to the house, he heard music
13 And not many days after, the and dancing
younger son gathering all together, 26 And he called one of the ser-
went abroad into a far country : vants, and asked what these things
and there wasted his substance liv- meant.
ing riotously. 27 And he said to him Thy :

14 And after he had spent all, brother is come, and thy father hath
there came a mighty famine in that killed the fatted calf, because he
country, and he began to be in want. hath received him safe.
15 And he went, and cleaved to 28 And he was angry and would
one of the citizens of that country. not go in. His father therefore
And he sent him into his farm to coming out began to intreat him.
feed swine. 29 And he answering, said to his
16 And he would fain have filled father Behold, for so many years

his belly with the husks the swine do I serve thee, and I have never
did eat; and no man gave unto him. transgressed thy commandment,
17 And returning to himself, he and yet thou hast never given me a
said How many hired servants in
: kid to make merry with my friends :

my father's house abound with bread, 30 But as soon as this thy son is
and I here perish with hunger ? come, who hath devoured his sub-
18 1 will arise, and will goto my stance with harlots, thcu hast killed
father, and say to him : Father, I for him the fatted calf.
have sinned against heaven, and 31 But he said to him: Son,
before thee thou art always with me, and ail I
19 I am not now worthy to be have is thine.
called thy son make me as one of
: S2 But it was fit that we should
thy hired servants. make merry and be glad, for this
20 And rising up he came to his thy brother was dead, and is w come
:: :

98 St. L(JKE.
to life again; he was lost^ and is ful in the unjust rriammon : who
found. will trust you with that which is the
chap, xvr- true ?
The parable of the unjust ttewaf d. 12 And if you have not been faith-
AND he
There was a
said also to his disciples
certain rich man
ful in that which is another's who
will give you that which is your own ?

who had a steward : and the same 13 No servant can serve two
was accused unto him, that he had masters, for either he will hate the
wasted his goods. one, and love the other : or he will
2 And he called him, and said to hold to the one and despise the other.
him How: is itthat I hear this of You cannot serveGod and mammon.
thee ? give an account of thy stew- 14 Nowthe Pharisees who were
ardship for now thou canst be
: covetous, heard all these things
steward no longer. and they derided him.
3 And the steward said within 15 And he said to them : You are
himself: What shall I do, because they who justify yourselves before
my lord taketh away from me the men, but Gcd knoweth your hearts,
stewardship? To dig I am not for that w hich is high to men, is an

able; to beg I am ashamed. abomination before God.

4 I know what I will do, that 16 The law and the prophets were
when I shall be removed from the until John ; from that time the king-
stewardship, they may receive me dom of God is preached, and every
into their houses. one useth violence towards it.
5 Therefore calling together every 17 And it is easier for heaven and
one of his lord's debtors, he said to earth to pass, than one tittle of the
the first How: much dost thou owe law to fall.

iny lord ? 18 Every one that putteth away

6 But he said : An hundred bar- his wife,and marrieth another, com-
rels of oil. And he said to him rnitteth adultery : and he that mar-
Take thy bill and sit down quickly, rieth her that is put away from her
and write fifty. husband, committeth adultery.
7 Then he said to another And : 19 There was a certain rich man,
how much dost thou owe? Who who was cloathed in purple and
said.: An hundred quarters of wheat. fine linen : and feasted sumptuously
He said to him : Take thy bill, and every day.
write eighty. 20 And there was a certain beg-
8 And the lord commended the gar named Lazarus, who lay at his
tmjust steward, forasmuch as he had gate, full of sores,
clone wisely: for the children of this 21 Desiring to be filled with the
world are wiser in their generation crumbs that fell from the rich man's
than the children of light. table,and no one did give him,
9 And I say to you Make unto : moreover the dogs came and licked
you friends of the mammon of ini- his sores.
quity, that when you shall fail, they 22 And it came to pass that the
rnay receive you into everlasting beggar died, and was carried by
dwellings. the Angels into Abraham's bosom.
10 He that is faithful in that And the rich man also died and he :

which is least, is faithful also in that was buried in hell.

which is greater and he that is un-
: 23 And lifting up his eyes, when
just in that which is little, is unjust he was in torments, he saw Abra-
ilso in that which is greater. ham a- far off, and Lazarus in his
11 If then you have not been faith- bosom.
:: :

Si. LUKE. 99
2i And he cried and said Father : saying, I repent ; forgive him.
Abraham, have mercy on me, and 5 And the apostles said to the
send Lazarus that he may dip the Lord: Increase our faith.
tip of his finger in water, to cool my 6 And the Lord said If you hsd :

tongue, for I am tormented in this faith like to a grain of mustard-seed,

flame. you might sayto this mulberry tree,
25 And Abraham said to him be thou rooted up, and be thou
Son, remember that thou didst re- transplanted into the sea: audi:
ceive good things in thy life time, would obey you.
and likewise Lazarus evil things: 7 But which of you having a
but now he is comforted, and thou servant plowing or feeding cattle,
art tormented. will say to him when he is come from
26 And besides all this, between the f?eld : immediately go, sit down
us and you there is fixed a great to meat
chaos so that they who would pass
: 8 And will not rather say to nim:
from hence to you, cannot, nor from Make ready my supper, and gird
thence come hither. thyself, and serve me whilst 1 eat
27 And he said Then, father, I
: and drink, and afterwards thou
beseech thee that thou wouldest and drink ?
shalt eat
send him to my father's house, for 9 Doth he thank that servant, for
I have five brethren. doing the things which he command-
28 That he may testify unto ed him ?
them, lest they also come into this 10 1 think not. So you also, when
place of torments. you shall have done all these things
29 And Abraham said to him that are commanded you, say: We
They have Moses and the prophets are unprofitable servants ; we have
let them hear them. done that which we ought to do.
30 But he said: No, father 11 And it came to pass, as he
Abraham, but one went to them
if w as going to Jerusalem, he passed

from the dead, they will do penance. through the midst of Samaria and
31 And he said" to him: If they Galilee.
hear not Moses and the prophets, 12 And as he entered into a cer-
neither will they believe, if one rise tain town, there met him ton men
again from the dead. that were lepers, who stood a- far off,
CHAP. XVII. 13 And lifted up their voice, say-
Lessons of avoiding scandal, ing: Jesus, master, have mercy
AND he said to his disciples: on us.
It is impossible that scandals 14 Whom when he saw* he said:
should not come but wo to him
: Go, shew yourselves to the priests.
through whom they come. And it came to pass, as they went,
2 It were better for him, that a they were made clean.
mill-stone were hanged about his 1 j And one of them when he saw-
neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he was made clean, went back,
that he should scandalize one of with a loud vaice glorifying God.
these little ones. 16 And he fell on his face before
3 Take heed to yourselves. If his feet, giving thanks and this :

thy brother sin against thee, reprove was a Samaritan.

him: and if he do penance, forgive 17 And Jesus answering, said:
him. Were not ten made clean ? and
4 And it he sin against thee se- where are the nine ?
ven times in a day, and seven times 15 There is no one found to re-
in a day be converted unto thee, turn and give glory to God, bni

100 St. LUKE.

this stranger, 32 Remember Lot's wife.
19 And he said to him : Arise, 33 Whosoever shall seek to save
go thy way; for thy faith hath his life, shall lose it and whoso-

made thee whole* ever shall lose it shall preserve it.

20 And being asked by the Pha- 34 I say to you in that night

risees : when the kingdom of God there shall be two men in one bed:
should come ? he answered them the one shall be taken, and the
and said: The kingdom of God other shall be left.
ccmeth not with observation: 35 Two women shall be grinding
21 Neither shall they say : Be- together; the one shall betaken,
hold here, or behold there. For lo and the other shall be left ; two
the kingdom of God is within you. men shall be in the field ; the one
22 And he said to his disciples : shall be taken, and the other shall
The days will come when you shall be left.
desire to see one day of the son of 36 They answering say to him :
man ; and you shall not see it. Where, Lord?
23 And they will say to you: 37 Who said to them : Where-
See here, and see there. Go ye not soever the body shall be, thither
after, nor follow them : will the eagles also be gathered to*
24 For as the lightning that gether.
lightneth from under heaven, shiu- CHAP. XVIII*
eth unto the parts that are under The Pharisee and ike Publican.
heaven, so shall the son of man be A ND he spoke also a parable to
in his day. l" them, that we ought always

25 But first he must suffer many to pray, and not to faint.

things, and be rejected by this ge- 2 Saying There was a judge in

neration. a certain city, who feared not God,

26 And as it came to pass the m nor regarded man.
days of Noe, so shall it be also in 3 And there was a certain widow
the days of the son of man. in that city, and she came to him,
27 They did eat and drink, they saying Avenge me of my adver-

married wives ana were given in sary.

marriage, until the day that Noe 4 And he would not for a long
entered into the ark : and the flood time. But he afterwards said within
came, and destroyed them all. himself: Although I fear not God,
28 Likewise as it came to pass nor regard man,
in the days of Lot : They did eat 5 Yet because this widow is trou-
and drink, they bought and sold, blesome to me, I will avenge her*
they planted and built lest continually coming she weary
29 And in the day that Lot went me.
out of Sodom, it rained fire and 6 And the Lord said: Hear
brimstone from heaven, and des- what the unjust judge saith.
troyed them all, 7 And will not God revenge his
30 Even thus shall it be in the elect who cry to him day and night:
day when the son of man shall be and will he have patience in their
revealed. ) regard ?
SI In that hour he that shall be 8 1 say to you, that he will quickly
on the house top, and his goods in revenge them. But yet the son of
the house, let him not go down to man, when he cometh- shall he find,
take them away : and he that shall think you, faith on earth ?
be in the field, in like manner let 9 And to some who trusted
< in
him not return back. * themselves as just, and despised
1 :

St. LUKE. 101

others he ppoke also this parable : thou shalt have treasure in heaven:
10 Two men went up into the and come, follow me.
temple to pray : the one a Phari- 23 He having heard these things,
see, and the ether a publican. became sorrowful, for he was very
1 The Pharisee standing prayed rich.
thus with himself: O God, I give 24< And Jesus seeing him become

thee thanks that I am not as the sorrowful, said ; How hardly shall
rest of men, extortioners, unjust, they that have riches enter into the
adulterers, as also is this publican. kingdom of God ?
12 I fast twice in a week: I give 25 For it is easierfor a camel to
tithes of all that I possess. pass through the eye of a needle,
13 And the publican standingia- than for a rich man to enter into
far orT would not so much as lift the kingdom of God.
up his eyes towards heaven ; but 26 And they that beard it said
struck his breast saying : O God be Who then can be saved ?
merciful to me a sinner. 27 He said to them The things

14 I say to you this man went that are impossible with men, are
down into his house justified rather possible with God.
than the other because every one
: 28 ThenfPeter said: Beheld we
that exalteth himself, shall be hum- have left all things, and have fol-
bled; and he that humbleth him- lowed thee.
self, shall be ex rfted. 29 Who said to them Amen I :

15 And they brought unto him say to you, there is no man that
also infants, that he might touch hath left house, or parents, or bre-
them. Which when the disciples thren, or wife, or children for the
saw, they rebuked them. kingdom of God's sake,
16 But Jesus calling them toge- 30 Who shall not receive much
ther, said: Suffer child en to come to i more in this present time, and in
me and forbid them not, fer of such the world to come life everlasting.
is the kingdom cf God. 31 Then Jesus took unto him
17 Amen I say to you Whoso- : the twelve, and said to them: Be-
ever shall not receive the kingdom hold, we go up to Jerusalem, and
of God as a ehild, shall not enter all things shall be accomplished
into it. which were written by the prophets
18 And acertain ruler asked him, concerning the son of man.
saying : Good master, what shall I 32 For he shall be delivered to
do to possess everlasting life r the gentiles, and shall be mocked,
And Jesus said to him Why
19 : and scourged, and spit upon :

me good ? None is
dost thou call 33 And after they have scourged
good but God alone. him, they will put h m to death,

20 Thou knowest the command- and the third day he shall rise again.
ments: Thou shalt not kill: Thou 34 And they understood none of
shalt not commit adultery : Thou these things, and this word was hid
shalt not steal: Thou shalt not Sear from them, and they understood
false witness : Honour thy father not the things that were said.
and mother. 35 Now*lt came o pass, when
2i Who said: All these things he drew nigh to .Jericho, that a cer-
have I kept from my youth. tain blind man sat by the way-side-
22 Which when jE-ushad heard, begging.
he said to hd« Yet one thing is
: 3(5 And when he heard the muN
wanting to thee sell all whatever : titude passing by, he asked what
thou hast, and give to the poor, and this meant.
: 6

102 St. LUKE.

37 Arid they told him that Jesus 9 Jesus said to him This day is :

of Nazareth was passing by. salvation come to this house be- :

38 And he cried out saying Je- cause he also is a son of Abraham.


sus son of David, have mercy on me. 10 For the son of man is come to
39 And they that went before, seek and to save that which was lost.
rebuked him, that he should hold his 11 As they were hearing these
peace. But he cried out much more, things, he added and spoke a para-
Son of David have mercy on me. ble because he was nigh to Jerusa-
40 And Jesus standing com- lem, and because they thought that
manded him to be brought unto the kingdom of God should imme-
him. And when he was come near, diately be manifested.
he asked him, 12 He
said therefore : certain A
41 Saying What wilt thou that
: nobleman went into a far country
I do to thee? But he said: Lord, to receive for himself a kingdom,
that I may see. and to return.
42 And Jksus said to him : Re- 13 And calling his ten servants,
ceive thy sight; thy faith hath he gave them ten pounds, and said
made thee wnole. to them Trade till I come.

43 And immediately he saw, and 14 But his citizens hated him :

followed him, glorifying God. And and they sent an embassage after
all the people when they saw it, him, saying: We
will not have this
gave praise to God. man to reign over us.
CHAP. XIX. 15 And it came to pass that he
Zacheus entertains Christ. returned, having received the king-
AND entering in, he walked
through Jericho.
dom and he commanded his ser-

vants to be called, to whom he had

2, And behold there was a man given the money ; that he might
warned Zacheus ; who was the chief know how much every man had
of the publicans, and he was rich. gained by trading.
3 And he sought to see Jesus 1 And the first came, saying :
who he was, and he could not for Lord, thy pound hath gained ten
the crowd, because he was low of pounds.
stature. 17 And he said to him: Well
4 And running before, he climbed done, thou good servant, because
up sycamore tree that he
into a thou hast been faithful in a little,
might see him.: for he was to pass thou shalt have power over ten cities.
that way. IS And the second came, say-
5 And^when Jesus was come to ing Lord, thy pound hath gained

the place, looking up, he saw him, five pounds.

and said to him Zacheus, make ; 19 And he said to him Be thou :

haste and come down for this day : also over five cities.
J must abide in thy house. 20 And another came, saying":
6 And he made haste and came Lord, behold here is thy pound,
down, and received him with joy. whichJ have keptlaid up in a napkin,
7 And when all saw it, they mur- 21 For I feared thee, because
mured,saying that he was gone to be thou art an austere man thou :

ajniestwith a man that was a sinner. takest up what thou didst not lay
8 But Zacheus standing said to down, and thou reapest that which
the Lord Behold, Lord, the half
: thou didst not sow.
of my goods I give to the poor 22 He saith to him Out of thy :

and if I have wronged any man of own mouth I judge thee, thou wick-
any thing, I restore him four- fold. ed servant* Thou knewest that I
St. LUKE. 103
was ?m austere man, taking up what near the descent of mount Olivet'
I laid not down, and reaping that the v*r hole multitude of his disciples
which 1 did not sow : began wr ith joy to praise God with
23 And why
then didst thou not a loud voice, for all the mighty
give my money into the bank, that works they had seen.
at my coming I might have exacted 38 Saying Blessed be the king

itwith usury ? who comethin thenarnejof the Lord,

24 And he said to them that peace in heaven, and glory on high.
stood by Take the pound away
: 39 And some of the Pharisees
from him, and give it to him that from amongst the multitude said to
hath the ten pounds. him Master, rebuke thy disciples.

25 And they said to him Lord, : 40 To whom he said ; I say to

he hath ten pounds. you, that if these shall hold their
26 But I say to you, that to peace, the stones will cry out.
every one that hath shall be given 41 And when he drew near, see-
and he shall abound and from him
: ing the city, he wept over it, saying:
that hath not, even that which he 42 If thou also hadst known, and
hath shall be taken from him. that in this thy day, the things that
27 But as for those my enemies, are to thy peace: but now they are
who would not have me reign over hidden from thy eyes.
them, bring them hither ; and kill 43 For the days shall come upon
them before me. thee and thy enemies shall cast »

28 And having said these tilings, trench about, thee, and compass
he went before going up to Jerusalem. thee round, and straiten thee on
29 And it came to pass when he every side.
was come nigh to Bethphage and 44 And beat thee flat to the
Bethania unto the mount called ground, and thy children who are
Olivet, he sent two of hie disciples, in thee and they shall not leave in

30 Saying: Go into the town thee a stone upon a stone, because

which is over-against you, at your thou hast not known the time of thy
entering into which, you shall find visitation.
the colt of an ass tied, on which no 45 And entering into the temple,
man ever hath sitten loose him : he began to cast out them that sold
and bring him hither. therein and them that bought.
SI And if any man shall ask you : 46 Saying to them : It is written:
Why do you loose him ? you shall My house is the house affrayer. But
say thus unto him Because the
: you have made it a den of thieves.
Lord hath need of his service. 47 And he was teaching daily in
32 And they that were sent went the temple. And the chief priests
their way, and founid the colt stand- and the scribes, and the rulers of
ing, as he had said unto them. the people sought to destroy him :
33 And as they were loosing the 48 And
they found not what to
colt, the owners thereof said ^to do to For all the people were
them Why loose you the colt ?
: very attentive to hear him.
34 But they said Because the
Lord hath need of him. The parable of the husbandman,
35 And they brought him to Je-
bU£. And casting their garments
AND it came to pass that on one

of the days, as he was teach-

on the colt, they set Jesus thereon. ing the people in the temple, and
36 And as he went, they spread preaching the gospel, the chief
their clothes underneath in the way. priests and the scribes with the au-
37 And when he was now coming tients met together,
: :

10-1 St. LUKE.

2 And spoke to him, saying 16 He will come, and will de-
Tell us, by what authority dost stroy these husbandmen, and will
thou these things ? or, Who is he give the vineyard to others. Which
that hath given thee this authority ? they hearing, said to him : God
3 And Jesus answering, said to forbid.
them I will also ask you one thing.
: 17 But he looking on them, said :
Answer me ; What is this then that is written,

4 The baptism of John, was it The stone which the builders' reject*
from heaven or of men ? ed, the same is become the head of
5 But they thought within them- the coi*ner ?
selves, saying: If we shall say, 18 Whosoever shall fall upon that
From heaven he will say ; : Why stone, shall be bruised and upon

then did yow not believe him ? whomsoever it shall fall, it wiU
6 But if wethe say, Of men, grind him to powder.
whole people will stone us for they : 19 And the chief priests and the
are persuaded that John was a pro- scribes sought to lay hands on him
phet. the same hour: but they feared the
7 And they answered, that they people, for they knew that he spoke
knew not whence it was. this parable to them.
8 And Jesus said them ; Nei- to 20 And being upon the watch,
ther do I tell you by what autho- they sent spies wT ho should feign
rity I do these things. themselves just, that they might
9 And he began to speak to the take hold of him in his words, that
people this parable A certain man : they might deliver him up to the au-
planted a vineyard and let it out thority and power of the governor.
to husbandmen : and he was abroad 21 And they asked him, saying
for a long time. Master, we know that thou speak-
10 And at the season he sent a est and teachest rightly ; and thou
servant to the husbandmen, that dost not respect any person, but
they should give him of the fruit of teachest the way of God in truth.
the vineyard. Who beating him 22 Is it lawful for us to give tri-
sent him away empty. bute to Ct^ar, or no ?
11 And again he sent another 23 But he considering their guile,
servant. But they beat him aiso, said to them : Why
tempt you me ?
and treating him reproachfully, sent 24 Shew me a penny. Whose
him away empty. image and inscription hath it?
12 And again he sent the third: They answering said to him, Cesar's.
and they wounded him also, and 25 And he said to them Render :

east him out. therefore to Cesar the things that

13 Then the lord of the vineyard are Cesar's; and to God the things
said What shall I do ? 1 will send
: that are God's.
my beloved son it may be, when : 26 And
they could not reprehend
they see him, they will reverence him. his wordbefore the people and :

14 Whom when the husbandmen wondering at his answer, they held

saw, they thought within them- their peace.
selves, saying This is the heir, let
: 27 And there came to him some
us kill him, that the inheritance of the Sadducees, who deny that
may be ours, there is any resurrection, and they
15 So casting him out of the asked him,
vineyard, they killed him. What 28 Saying Master, Moses wrote

therefore will the lord of the vine- unto us, if any man's brother die
yard do to them ? having a wife, and he leave no chil-
: 1

St. LUXE. 105

drrn, that his brother should take and the first chairs in the syna-
her to wife} and raise up seed unto gogues, and the chief rooms at feasts,.
his brother. 47 Who devour the houses of wi-
29 There were therefore seven dows, feigning long prayers. These
brethren : and the first took a wife, shall receive greater damnation.
and uied without children. CHAP. XXI.
30 And the next took her to The* widow's mite*
whe, and he al^o died childless.
31 And the third took her. And ^ ND
A looking on, he saw7 the rich
men cast their gifts into the
in like manner all the seven, and treasury.
they left no children, and died. 2 And he saw also a certain poor
52 Last of al the woman died also.
J widow casting in two brass mites.
53 In the resurrection therefore, 3 And he said Verily I say to :

whose wife of them shall she he? you, that this poor widow hath cast
For ail the seven had her to n ife. in more than they all.
S~ And Jesus said to them The : 4 For ail these have of their a~
children of this world marry, and bundance cast into the offerings of
are given in marriage : God but she of her want, hath

35 But they that shalJ be account- cast in all the living that she had.
ed worthy of that wor'.d and of the 5 And some saying of the temple,
resurrection from the dead, shall that it was adorned with goodly
neither he married) nor take wives. stones and gifts, he said :

SS Neither can they die any G These things which you see, the
more: for they are equal to the days will come in which there shall
angels, and are the children of God, not be left a stone upon a stone that
being the children of theresurrection. shall not be thrown down.
37 Now that the dead rise again, 7 And they asked him, saying :
?>loses also shewed, at the bush, Master when shall these things be:
when he eaUetfi tie Lord The God
: and what shall be the sign when
of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, they shall betrin to come to pass ?
and 7 he God of Jacob. S Who said Take heed you be

38 For he is not the God of the dead, not seduced ; many will come
but of the tiring for all live to him.
: in my name, saying I am he and :

CO And some of the scribes an- the time is at hand: go ye not

swering, said to him : Master, thou therefore after them.
hast said well. 9 And when you shall hear of
40 And after that they durst not w ars and
seditions, be not terrified :

ask hirn any more question.-. these things must first come to pass,
4.1 But he said to them : How say but the end is not yet presently.
they that Christ is the son of David. 10 Then he said to them Nation :

4<2 And David bin self saith in


shall rise against nation, and king*

the book of psalms: The Lord said dom against kingdom.
to my Lord, sit thou on my r i* ht hand, 1And there shall be great earth*
43 Td I I make thy enemies, thy quakes in divers places, and pesti-
foot-stool i lences and famines, and terrors from
44 David then calleth him Lord : heaven, and there shall be great sign**
and how is he his son ? 12 But before all these thing*
4 > And in the hearing of all the they will lay their bands on you :
people, he said to his disciples and persecute you, delivering \oti.
\6 Beware of the scribes, who wp to the synagogues and into
desire to walk in long robes, and prison?, dragging you befor* kings
love salutations in the market-place, 1
and governors tor my name 3 sake.

106 St. LUKE.

13 And it shall happen unto you son of man coming in a cloud with
for a testimony. great power and majesty.
14 Lay it up therefore in your 28 But when these things begin
hearts, not to meditate before how to come to pass, look up and lift up
you shall answer. your heads : because your redemp-
15 For I will give you a mouth tion is at hand.
and wisdom, which all your adver- 29 And he spoke to them a si-
saries shall not be able to resist and militude. See the fig-tree, and all
gain-say. the trees
16 And you shall be betrayed by 30 When they now shoot forth
your parents and brethren, and their fruit, you know that summer
Kinsmen and friends and some of : isnigh.
you they will put to death. Si So you also when you shall
IT And you shall be hated by all see these things come to pass, know
men for my name's sake : that the kingdom of God is at'hand.
18 But a hair of your head shall 32 Amen
I say to you, this ge~

not perish. iteration shall not pass away, till

19 In your patience you shall all things be fulfilled.
possess your souls. 33 Heaven and earth shall pa*s
20 And when you shall see Jeru- away, but my words shall not pass
salem compassed about with an away.
army: then know that the desol- 34 And take heed to yourselves,
ation thereof is at hand. lest perhaps your hearts be over*
21 Then let those who are in charged with surfeiting and drunk-
Judea flee to the mountains and : enness and the cares of this life: and
those who are in the midst thereof, that day come upon you suddenly,
depart out and those who are in
; 35 For as a snare shall it come
the countries, not enter into it. upon all that sit upon the face of
22 For these are the days of ven- the whole earth.
geance, that all things may be ful- 36 Watch ye therefore praying at
filled that are written. all times, that you may be account-

23 But wo to them that are with ed worthy to escape all these things
child and give suck in those days ;
that are to come, and to stand be-
for there shall be great distress in the fore the son of man.
iand, and wrath upon this people. 37 And in the day time he was
24 And they shall fall by the edge teaching in the temple: but at night
©f the sword and shall be led away
: going out, he abode in the mount
captives into all nations : and Jeru- that is called Olivet.
salem shall be trodden down by the 38 And ail the people came early
gentiles till the times of the na-
: in the morning to him in the temple
tions be fulfilled. to hear him.
25 And there shall be signs in the CHAP. XXII.
sun, and in the moon, and in the The
treason of Judas,
stars and upon the earth distress
: IJOW the feast of n leavened
of nations, by reason of the confu- ** bread, which is called the
sion of the roaring of the sea and of pasch, was at hand.
the waves, 2 And the chief priests and the
26 Men withering away for fear, scribes sought how they might put
and expectation of what shall come Jesus to death: but they feared
upon the whole world. For the the people.
powers of heaven shall be moved : 3 And satan entered into Judas
27 And then they shall see the who was surnamed Iscariot, one of
: .

St. LUKE, 107

the twelve. given for you. Do this' for a com
4 And he went, and discoursed mem oration of me.
with the chief priests and the ma- 20 In like maimer the chalice also,
gistrates, how he might betray him after he had supped, saying This is :

to them. the chalice, the new testament in my

5- And they were glad, and cove- blood, which shall be shed for you.
nanted to give him money. 21 But yet behold, the hand of
6 And he promised. And he sought him that betrayeth me is with me
opportunity to betray him in the ab- on the table.
sence of the multitude. 22 And the son of man indeed-
7 And the day of the unleavened goeth, according to that which is
bread came, on which it was neces- determined: but yet wo to that man
sary that the pasch should be killed. by whom he shall be betrayed.
8 And he sent Peter and John, 23 And they began to enquire
saying : Go and prepare for us the among themselves which of them it
pasch, that we may eat. was that should do this thing.
9 But they said : Where wilt And there wT as also a strife
thou that we prepare ? amongst them, which of them should
10 And he said to them Behold,
: seem to be greater.
as you go into the city, there shall 25 And he said to them : The
meet you a man carrying a pitcher kings of the gentiles lord it over
of water : follow him into the house them ; and they that have power
where he entereth in. over them, are called beneficent.
11 And you shall say to the good 26 But you not so : but he that
man of the house : The master saith is the greater among you, let him

to thee Where is the guest-cham-

: become as the younger: and he that
ber, where 1 may eat the pasch is the leader, as he that serveth.

with my disciples ? 27 For which is greater, he that

12 And he will shew you a large sitteth at table, or he that serveth >
dining room furnished and there
: Is not he that sitteth at table? bat
prepare. 1 am in the midst of you, as he that
13 And they going, found as he serveth
had said to them, and made ready 28And you are they who have con*
the pasch. tinued with me in my temptations.
14 And when the hour was come, 29 And I dispose to you, as my
be sat down and the twelve apostles Father hath disposed to me, a king*
with him. dom :

15 And he said to them With

: 30 That you may eat and drink
desire I have desired to eat this at my table in my kingdomand :

pasch with you before I suffer. | may sit upon thrones judging the
16 For I say to you, that from twelve tribes of Israel.
this time I will not eat it till it be 51 And the Lord said: Simon,
fulfilled in the kingdom of God. Simon, behold satan hath desired
17 And having taken the chalice to have you that he may sift you aa
he gave thanks, and said: Take, and wheat.
divide it among you. 52 But I have prayed for thee thai
] 8 For I say to you, that I will thy faith fail not and thou being

not drink of the fruit of the vine, once ccnverted.confirm thy brethren.
tilljhe kingdom of God come. 33 Who said to him Lord, I^am :

19 And taking bread, he gave ready to go with thee both into pri-
thanks and brake; and gave to them, son and to death
saying; This is my body which is 34, And he said: Lsay to thee,
; :


Peter, the cock shall not crow this man with a kiss?
day, tiilthou tl nice deny est that thou 49 And they that were about
kno west me. And he said to them him, seeing what would follow, said
35 When I sent you without to him Lord, shall we strike with

purse arid scrip and shoes, did you the sword ?

want any thing? .
50 And one of them struck the
36 But they said: Nothing. Then servant of the high-priest, and cut
said he unto them But now he that
: off his right ear.
hath a purse, let him take it, and like- 51 But Jesus answering, said:
wise a scrip, and he that hath not, Suffer ye thus far. And when he
lethim sell his coat, and buy a sword. had touched his ear, he healed him.
37 For I say to you, that this 52 And Jesus said to the chief
that is written, must yet be fulfilled priests, and magistrates of the tem-
in me, And with the wicked was he ple, and the antients that were
reckoned. For the things concern- come unto him, Are you come out,
ing me have an end. as were against a thief, with
38 But they said Lord, behold
: swords and clubs ?
here are two swords. And he said 53 When I was daily with you
to them :It is enough. in the temple, you did not stretch
$9 And going out he went ac- forth your hands against me, but
cording to his custom to the mount this is your hour, and the power of
of olives. And his disciples also darkness.
followed him. 54 And apprehending him, they
40 And when he was come to the led him to the high-priest's house :

place, he said to them Pray, lest

: But Peter followed a- far off.
ye enter into temptation. 55 And when
they had kindled a
41 And he was withdrawn away fire midst of the hall, and
in the
from them a stone's cast: and were sitting about it, Peter was in
kneeling (•own he prayed. the midst of them.
43 Saying: Father, if thou wilt, 56 Whom when a certain ser-
remove from me : But
this chalice vant maid had seen sitting at the
yet not my but thine be done.
will, light, and had earnestly beheld him,
43 And there appeared to him she said This man also was with

an Angel from heaven, strengthen- him.

ing him. And being in an agony, 57 But he denied him, saying
he prayed the longer. Woman, I know him not.
44 And his sweat became as 58 And after a little while ano*
drops of blood trickling down upon ther seeing him, said : Thou ako
the ground. art one of them. But Peter said:
45 And when he rose up from man, I am not.
prayer, andwas come to his disciples, 5£ And after the space as it were
he found them sleeping for sorrow. of one hour, another certain man
46 And he said to them Why : affirmed, saying : Of a truth this
sleep you ? arise, pray, lest you man was also with him : for he is

enter into temptation. also a Galilean.

47 As he was yet speaking, be- 60 And Peter said:. Man, I know
hold a multitude : and he that was not what thou sayest. And imme-
called Judas, one of the twelve, diately as he was yet speaking, the
went before them, and drew near to cock crew.
-Jesus, for to kiss him. 61 And the Lord turning looked
48 And Jesus said to him Ju- : on Peter. And Peter remembered
das dost thou betray the son of the word of the Lord, as he had said :
Ss\ I UKE. 109
efore the cock crow, thou shall 6 Bui Pilate hearing Galilee, ask-
deny me thrice. ed if the man were of Galiiee,
62 And Peter going out wept And when he understood that
bitterly. he was of Herod's jurisdiction, he
63 And the men that held him, sent him away to Herod, who was
tnocked him, and struck him. also himself at Jerusalem in those
64 And they blind-folded him, days.
and smote his fac\ And they ask- 8 And Herod seeing Jesus, was
ed him, saying Prophesy, who is
: very glad, for he was desirous of a
ft that struck thee ? long time to see him, because he
6.5 And blaspheming many
other had heard many things of him and :

things they said against him. lie hoped to see some sign wrought

6G And as soon as it was day, by him.

the autients of the people, and the 9 And he questioned him in ma-
chief priests, and scribes came to- ny words. But he answered him
gether, and they brought him into nothing.
their council, saying If thou be : 10 And the chief priests and the
the Christ, tell us. scribes stood by earnestly accusing"
67 And he said to them If I shall : him.
tell you, you will not believe me : 11 And Kcrod
with his army
68 And if I shall ask you, you set himnoughtat- and mocked :

will not answer me, nor let me ^o. him, putting on him a white gar-
69 But hereafter the son of man ment, and sent him back to Pilate.
shall be sitting oil the right hand of IV And Herod and Pilate were
the power of God. made friends that same uay for :

70 The» said they all Art thou : before they were enemies one to
then the Son ff God? Who said : another.
Y< u say, that I am. 13 And Pilate calling together
And they said: What need
71 the chief priests, and the magis-
we any farther testimony? For we trates, and the people,
ourselves have heard it from his ii Said to them You have pre- ;

own mo;.. sented unto me this man, as one that

CHAP. XXIII. perverteth the people, and behold I
C<j;itlnuatiun of iJio history of the pas- have examined him before you, find
awn. no cause in this man in those things
A ND the whole multitude of them wherein you accuse him.
•™ him to Pilate.
rising up, led 15 Xo, nor Herod neither. For
2 And they began to accuse him, I sent you to him, and beheld, no-
saying We have found this man
jthing worthy of death is done to him.
perverting cur nation, and forbid- 16 1 will chastise him therefore
ding to give tribute to Cesar, and and release him.
saying that he is Christ the king. 17 Now of necessity he was to
3 And Pilate asked him, saying : release unto them one upon the
Art thou the king of the Jews ? £>• t feast day.
he answering, said Thou sayest it. : IS But the whole multitude to-
4 And Pilate said to the chief gether cried out, saying: Away
priests and t-o the multitudes I tind : with this man, and release unto us
no cause in this man. Barabba*.
5 But they were more earnest, 19 Who for a certain sedition
saying: He surrtth up the people, made in the city, and for a murder,
teaching throughout ail Judca, be- ist into prison.
ginning froisi vialiice to this place. 2u And Pilate again spoke to
: :

110 St. LUKE.

them, desiring to release Jesus. they do. But they dividing his gar
21 But they cried again, saying : ments, cast lots.
Crucify him, crucify him. 35 And the people stood behold-
22 And he said to them the third ing, and the rulers with them de*
time Why, what evil hath this
: rided him, saying He saved others,

mat) done ? I find no cause of death let him save himself, if he be Christ,
in him, I will chastise him there- the elect of God.
fore and let him go. 36 And the soldiers also mocked
23 But they were instant with him coming to him, and offering
loud voices requiring that he might him vinegar.
be crucified and their voices pre-
: 37 And saying: If thou be the
vailed. king of the Jews, save thyself.
24 And Pilate gave sentence that 38 And there was also a super-
it should be as they required. scription written over him in letters
2-5 And he
released unto them of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew
him who for murder and
sedition This is the Kin* of the Jews.
had been cast into prison, whom 39 And one of those robbers who
they had desired : but Jesus he de- were hanged, blasphemed him,

livered up 4o their will. saying: If thou be Christ, save

26 And as they led him away, thyself, and us.
they laid hold of one. Simon of Cy- 40 But the other answering re-
rene coming from the country : and buked him, saying Neither dost :

they laid the cross on him to carry thou fear God, seeing thou art under
after Jesus. the same condemnation ?
27 And there followed him a great 41 And we indeed justly, for we
multitude of people, and of women receive the due reward of our deeds 5
who bewailed and lamented him. but this man hath done no evil.
28 But Jesus turning to them : 42 And he said to Jesus: Lord,
said: Daughters of Jerusalem, remember me wT hen thou shalt come
weep not over rae, but weep for into thy kingdom.
yourselves, and for your children. 43 And Jesus said to him Amen :

29 For behold the days shall I say to thee, this day thou shalt
come, wherein they will say : Bless- be with me in paradise.
ed are the barren, and the wombs 44 And it w as almost
the sixth
that have not borne, and the paps hour : and there was darkness over
that have not given suck. all the earth until the ninth hour,
SO Then they begin to say
shall 45 And the sun was darkened ;
to the mountains, Fall upon us and the veil of the temple was rent
and to the hills, Cover us* in the midst.
31 For if in the green wood they 46 And Jesus crying with a loud
do these things, what shall be done voice, said Father, into thy hands

iia the dry ? I commend my spirit. And saying

32 And there were also two other this, he gave up the ghost.
malefactors led with him, to be put 47 Now the centurion seeing
to death. what was done, glorified God, say-
33 And when they were come to ing: Indeed this was a just man.
the place which is called Calvary, 48 And all the multitude of them
they crucified him there; and the that were come together to that
robbers, one on the right hand, and sight, and saw the things that were*
the other on the left. done,returned striking their breasts.
34 And Jesus said Father, for-
: 49 And all his acquaintance, and
give them, for they know not what the women that had followed him
— ;

St. LU KE. Ill

from Galilee, stood a-far off behold- day rise again.
ing these things. 8 And they remembered his words.
50 And behold there was a man 9 And going back from the se-
named Joseph, who was a counsel- pulchre, they told all these things
lor,a good and a just man. to the eleven, and to all the rest.^
51 (The same had not consented 10 And it was Mary Magdalen,
to their counsel and doings) of and Joanna, and Mary of James,
Arimathea a city of Judea, who and the other women that were
also himself looked for the kingdom with them, who told these things
of God. to the apostles.
52 This man went to Pilate, and 11 And these words seemed to
begged the body of Jesus. them as idle tales, and they did
53 And taking him down, he not believe them.
wrapped him in fine linen, and 12 But Peter rising up ran to
laid him in a sepulchre that was the sepulchre ; and stooping down
hewed in stone, wherein never yet he saw thi linen cloths laid by them-
any man had been laid. selves, and went away wondering in
54 And it was the day of the pe- himself at that which was come to
rasceve, and the sabbath drew on. pass.
55 And the women that were 13 And behold, two of them
come with him from Galilee, fol- went the same day to a town which
lowing after, saw the sepulchre, was sixty furlongs from Jerusalem,
and how his body was laid. named Emmaus.
56 And returning they prepared 1 1 And they talked together of
spices and ointments and on the
: allthese things which had happened.
sabbath-day they rested according i5 And it came to pass, that
to the commandment. while they talked and reasoned
CHAP. XXIV. with themselves, Jesi t
s himself also
Chrisfs resurrection. drawing near went with them.
AND on the first day of the week
very early in the morning they
16 But their eyes were held that
they should not know him.
came to the sepulchre, bringing the 17 And he said to them ; What
spices which they had prepared. are these discourses that you hold
2 And they found the stone rolled one with another as you walk, and
back from the sepulchre. are sad ?
3 And going in, they found not 18 And the one of them whose
the body of the Lord Jesus. name was Cleophas, answering,
4 And it came to pass, as they said to him Art thou only a stran-

were astonished in their mind at ger in Jerusalem, and hast not

this, behold two men stood by them known the things that have been,
rrr shining apparel. done there in these days ?
5 And as they were afraid and 19 To whom he said What:

bowed down countenance to-

their things ? And they said ; Concern-
wards the ground, they said unto ing Jesus of Nazareth, who was a
them: Why seek you the living prophet, mighty in work and word
with the dead ? before God and all the people.
6 He is not here, but is risen. 20 And how our chief priests and
Bemember how bespoke unto you, princes delivered him to be con-
when he was yet in Galilee. demned to death, and crucified him.
7 Saying The son of man must
: 21 But we hoped that it was he
be delivered into the hands of sinful that should have redeemed Israel
men, and be crucified, and the third and now besides all this, to day is
H2 St. L UKE.
the third day since these things 35 And they told what things
were done. were done in the way and how:

22 Yea and certain women also they knew him in the breaking of
of our company, affrighted us, who bread.
before it was light, were at the se- 36 Now
whilst they were speak-
pulchre, ingsthese things, Jesus stood in the
23 And not finding his body, midst of them, and saith to them
came, saying that they had also Peace be to you ; it is I, fear not.
seen a vision of angels, who say that 37 But they being troubled and
he is alive. frighted,supposed that they saw a
24 And some went
of our people spirit.
to the sepulchreand found it so
: 38 And he said to them Why :

as the women had said, but him are you troubled, and why do
they found not. thoughts arise in your hearts?
25 Then he said to them O fool- : 39 See my hands and feet, that
ish, and slow of heart to believe in it is I myself; handle, and see: for

all things which the prophets have a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as
spoken. you see me to have.
26 Ought not Christ to have suf- 40 And when he had said this,
fered these things, and so to enter he shewed them his hands and feet.
into his glory ? 41 But while they yet believed
27 And beginning at Moses and not and wondered for joy, he said :
all the prophet?, he expounded to Have you here any thing to eat ?
them lit all the scriptures the things 42 And they offered him a piece
that were concerning him. of a broiled f;sh, and a honey-comb.
38 And they drew nigh to the 43 And when he had eaten be-
town whither they were going: and fore them, taking the- remains he
he made as though he would go gave to them.
farther. 44 And he said to them : These
29 But they constrained him, are the words which I spoke to you
saying Stay with us, because it
: while I was yet with you, that all
istowards evening, and the day is things must needs be fulfilled, which
now far spent. And he went in are written in the law of Moses,
with them. and in the prophets, and in the
30 And it came to pass, whilst psalms, concerning me.
he was at table with them, he took 45 Then he opened their under-
bread, and blessed and brake, and standing, that they might under-
gave to them. stand the scriptures.
31 And their eyes were opened 46 And he said to them Thus :

and they knew him and he vanish-

: it is written, and thus it behoved

ed out of their sight. Christ to suffer, and to rise again

32 And they said one to the from the dead the third day :

other Was not our heart burning

: 47 And that penance and remis-
within us,. whilst be spoke m the way, sion of sins should be preached iu
and opened to us the scriptures? his name unto all nations begin-
33 And rising up the same hour ning at Jerusalem.
they went back to Jerusalem; and 48 And you are witnesses of
they found the eleveii gathered to- these things.
gether, anu those that were with 49 And I send the promise of
them. my Father upon you but stay you

34 Saying, The Lord is risen in- in the city, till you be endued with
deed, and hath appeared to Simon. power from ou high.
St. JOHN. 113
50 And he led them out as far as 52 And they adoring went back
Bethania and lifting up his hands
: into Jerusalem with great joy:
he blessed them. 53 And they were always in thft
51 And it came to pass, whilst temple praising and blessing God.
he blessed them, he departed from Amen.
them, and was curried up to heaven.

The GOSPEL accoro ing to Saint JOHN.

IN the beginning was the Word, me
because he was before me.

and the Word was with God, 16 And of his fulness we all have
and the Word was God. received, and grace for grace.
2 The same was in the beginning ] 7 For the law was given by
with God. Moses, grace and truth came by
3 All things were made by him Jesus Christ.

and without him was made nothing 13 No man hath seen God at any
that was made. time the only-begotton Son who

4 In him was Lfe, and the life is in the bosom of the Father, he
was the light of men : hath declared him.
$ And the light sdiineth in dark- 19 And this is the testimony of
ness, and the darkness did not com- John, when the Jews sent from
prehend it. Jerusalem priests and levites to
6 There was a man sent from hire, to ask him Who art thou? :

God, whose name was John. 20 And he confessed, and did not
7. This man came for a witness, deny and he confessed: I am not :

to give testimony of the light, that the Christ.

ali men might believe through him. 21 And they asked him What :

8 He was not the light, but was then? Art thou Elias? And he
to give testimony of the light. j-aid I am not. Art thou the pro-

9 That was the true light, which phet ? And he answered: No.
enlighteneth every man that cometh 22 They c aid therefore unto him :

111 to this world. Who art thou, that we may give

10 He was in the world, and the an answer to them that sent us ?
w orld was made by him, and the what sayesl thou of thyself?

world knew him not. 23 He said I am the voice of :

11 He came into his own, and one crying in the wilderness, make
his own received him not. straight the way of the Lord, as
t% But as many as received him, said the prophet Isaias.
he gave them power to be made the 24 And they that were sent,
sons of God, to them that believe were cf the Pharisees.
in his name. 25 And they asked him, and said
13 Who are born, not of blood, to him Why then dost thcu bap-

nor of the will of the flesh, nor of tize, it thou be not Christ, nor Elias,
the will of man, but of God. nor tiie prophet ?
I4f And the word was made flesh, 2fi John answered them saying:
and dwelt among us (and we saw I baptize with water; hut there
his glory, the glory as it were of hath stood one in the midst of you,
the only-begotten of the Father) whom you know not.
full of grace and truth. ST The same is he Chat shall come
15 John beareth witness of him, after me, who is preferred before
and crieth Q\it saying: This was he me the latchet of whose .shoe I am

of whom I spoke He that shall not worthy to loose.


come after me, is preferred before 28 Ihese things were done in Be-
: :

Ill St. JOHN.

thania beyond the Jordan, ahere sus. And Jesus looking upon him,
John was baptizing. said : Thou art Simon the son o£
29 The next day John saw Jesus Jona thou shalt be called Cephas,

coming to him, and he saith Be- : which is interpreted, Peter.

hold the lamb of God, behold him 43 On the following day he would
who taketh away the sin of the world. go forth into Galilee, and he findeth
30 This is he of whom I said Philip. And Jesus saith to him :
After me there eometh a man, who Follow me.
is preferred before me : because he 44 Now Philip was of Bethsaida,
was before me. the city of Andrew and Peter.
31 And I knew him not, hut that 45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and
he may be made manifest in Israel, saith to him We have found him

therefore am I come baptizing with of whom Moses in the law, and

water. the prophets did write, Jesus the
32 And John gave testimony, son of Joseph of Nazareth.
saying 4 I saw the Spirit coming
: 46 And Nathanael said to him :
down as a dove from heaven, and Can any thing of good come from
he remained upon him. Nazareth ? Philip saith to him
33 And I knew him not: but he, Come and see.
who sent me to baptize with water, 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming
said to me*: He upon whom thou to him, aad he saith of him Be- :

shall see the Spirit descending and hold an Israelite indeed, in whom
remaining upon him, he it is that there no guile.
baptiz-th with the Holy Ghost. 48Naihanael saith to innr:
34 *4nd I saw ; and I gave tes- Whence knowest thou me? Jesus
timony, that this is the Son of God. answered and said to him Before :

35 The next day again, John that Philip called thee, when thou
stood, and two of his disciples. wast under the fig-tree, I saw thee.
36 And beholding Jesus walking 49 Nathanael answered him, and
he saith Rehoid the iamb of God.
: said Babbi, thou art the Son of

37 And the two disciples heard God, thou art the king of Israel.
him speak, and they followed Jesus. 50 Jesus answered, and said to
38 And Jesus turning, arrd see- him : Because I said unto thee, I
ing them following him, saith to saw thee under the fig-tree, thou
them What seek you ? Who said
: belie vest : greater things than these
to him Rabbi, (which is to say
: shalt thou see.
being interpreted, master) where 51 And he saith to him : Amen,
dwell est thou? amen I say to you, you shall see
39 He saith to them : Come and the heaven opened, and the Angels
see. They came, and saw where of God ascending and descending
he abode, and they staid with him upon the son of man.
that day now It was about the
tenth hour. Christ changes ivater unto wine.
40 And Andrew the brother of A ND the third day there was a
Simon Peter was one of the two who ^ marriage in Cana of Galilee x: :

had heard of John, and followed and the mother of Jesus was there.
him. 2 And Jesus also was invited,
41 He findeth first his brother and his disciples, to the marriage.
Simon, and saith to him We have 3 And the wine failing, the mo-

found the Messias, which is, being ther of Jesus saith to him : They
interpreted, the Christ. have no wine.
42 And he brought him to Js-» 4 And Jesus saith to her \Yo« :
St. JOHN. U5
man, what is it to me and to thee ? ther a house of traffic.
my hour is not yet come. 17 And bis disciples remembered
5 His mother sailh to the wai- that it was written : The zeal oj' thy
ters Whatsoever he shall say to
: house haih eaten me up.
you, do ye. 18 The Jews therefore answered
6 Now there were set there six and said to him : What sign dost
water-pots of stone, according to thou shew unto us, seeing thou dost
the manner of the purifying of the these things ?
Jews, containing two cr three mea- 19 Jesus answered and said to
sures a piece. them : Destroy this temple, and in
7Jesus saith to them Fill the : three days I will raise it up.
water-pots with water. And they 20 The Jews then said Six and :

filled them up to the brim. forty years was this temple build- m
8 And Jesus sajth to them : ing, and wilt thou raise it up in
Draw out now, and carry to the three days ?
chief steward of the feast. And 21 But he spoke of the temple of
they carried it. hisbody
9 And when the chief st« vard 22 When therefore he was risen
had tasted the water made wine, again from the dead, his disciples
and knew not whence it was, but remembered, that he had said tins,
the waiters knew who had drawn and they believed the scripture and
the water; the chief steward cal- the word that Jesus had said.
leth the bridegroom, 23 Now
vhtn he p as at Jeru-
10 And saith to him Every man : salem at the pasch, upon the festival
at first setteth good wine, and
forth day, many believed in his name,
when men have well drank, tJ u his signs which he did.
that which is worse. But thou hast 24 But Jesus did not trust him-
kept the good wine until novv. self unto them, for that he knew all
11 This beginning of miracles men,
did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and : 2& And because he needed not
manifested his glory, and his dis- that any should give testimony of
ciples believed in him. man : for he knew what was in man.
12 After this he went down to CHAP. III.
Caphamaum, he and his mother, and Christ's discourse with Nicodemus.
his brethren, and his disciples and :
A^'D there was a man of the
they remained there not many days. -^ Pharisees, named Nicodemus,
13 And the pasch of the Jews a ruler of the Jc
was at hand, arid Jesus went up to 2 This man came to Jesus by
Jerusalem : night, and said to him : Rabbi, we
14 And he found in the temple know that then art come a teacher
them that sold oxen and sheep and from God : for no man can do these
doves, and the changers of money signs which thou dost, unless God
sitting. be with him.
15 And when he had made as it 3 Jesus answered and said to
were a scourge cf little cords, he him Amen, amen I say to thee,

drove them all out oi the temple, unless a man be born again, he can-
the sheep also and the oxen, and not see the kingdom of God.
the money of the changers he pour- 4 Nicodemus saith to him How :

ed out, and the tables he overthrew. can a man be born when he is old ?
16 And to them that sold doves can he enter a second time into his
be said Take these things hence/
: mother's womb, and be born again ?
and make not the house of inv Fa- 5 Jesus answered Amen, amen :
lis St. JOHN.
I say to thee, unless a'man he born cause the light is come into the
again of water and the Holy Ghost, world, and men have loved the
he cannot enter into the kingdom oi darkness rather than the light for :

God. their works were evil.

6 That which is horn of the 20 For every one that doth evil
flesh, is flesh : and that which is hateth the light, and cometh not to
born of the Spirit, is spirit. the light, that his works may not
7 Wonder not, that 1 said to be reproved.
thee, you must he horn again. 21 But he that doth truth com-
8 The Spirit breatheth where he eth to the h'ght, that his works may
will; and thou hearest his voice, be made manifest, because they are
but thou knowest not whence he done iii God.
cometh and whither he goeth so is : 22 After these things Jesus and
every one that is born of the Spirit. his disciples came into the land of
9 Nicodernus answered, and said Judea and there he abode with

to him How can these things be

: them, and baptized.
done ? 23 And John also was baptizing
10 Jesus answered, and said te in Fi uon near Salim ; because there
hkn Art thou a master in Israel,
: was much water there, and they
and knowest not these things ? came, and were baptized.
11 Amen, amen I say to thee, 24 For John was not yet cast into
that we speak what we know, and prison.
we testify what we have seen, and 25 And there arose a question be-
you receive not our testimony. tween some of John's disciples and
12 If have spoken to you earth-
I the Jews concerning purification :

ly things,and you believe not how : 23And they came to John, and
will you believe if I shall speak to said to him Rabbi, he Uiat was with

you heavenly things ? thee beyond the Jordan, to whom

13 And no man hath ascended thou gavest testimony, behold he
into heaven, but he that descended baptizetb, and all men come to him.
from heaven, the son of man who is 27 John answered, and said : A
in heaven. man cannot receive any thing, un-
14 And as Moses lifted up the less it be given him from heaven.
serpent in the desart, so must the 28 You yourselves do bear me
son of man be lifted up: witness, that 1 said, lam not Christ;
15 That whosoever heiieveth in but that I am sent before him.
him, may not perish, but may have 29 He that hath the bride is the
life everlasting bridegroom : but the* friend of the
16 For God so loved the world, bridegroom who standeth and hear-
as to give his only begotten Son ; eth him, rejeiceth with joy because
that whosoever heiieveth in him, of the bridegroom's voice. This vny
may not perish, but may have life joy therefore is fulfilled.
everlasting. 30 He must increase, but I must
17 For God tent not his Son into decrease.
the world, to judge the world, but SI He that cometh from -above,
that the world may he saved by him. is above alb Ke that is of the earth,
IS He that heiieveth in him, is of the earth he is, and of the earth
not judged. But he that doth not he speaketh. He that cometh from
believe, is already judged because : heaven, is above ah.
he heiieveth not in the name of the 32 And what he hath seen,. and
only begotten Son of God. heard, that he testiheth and no :

1 9 And this is the judgment : be- man receiveth his testimony

St. JOHN. 117
33 He that hath received his tes- 11 The woman him: Sir, saith to
timony, hath set to his seal that Gcci thou hast nothing wherein to draw,
is true. and the well is deep from whence ;

81? Tor he whom God hath sent, then hast thou living water ?
speaktth the words of God for God :
12 Art thou greater than our
doth not give the spirit by measure. father Jacob, who gave lis the well,
35 The Father loveth the Son : and drank thereof himself, and Ins
and he hath given all things into children, and his cattle ?
his hand. 13 Jesus answered, and said to
86 He that believeth in the Son, her: Whosoever drink.-th of this
hath life everlasting : but he that water, shall thirst again but he that :

believeth not the Son, shall not see shail drink of the water that I will
life, but the wrath of God abideth give him, shall not thirst for ever.
on him. 14 But the water that I will give
CHAP. IV. him, shall become in him a fountain
Xfhrist talks with the Samaritan woman. of water springing up into life ever-
"V17HEN Jesus therefore under- lasting.
™ * stood that the Pharisees bad 15 The woman saith to him :
heard that Jesus maketh more dis- Sir, give me this water, that I may
ciples, and baptizeth more thanJohn, not thirst, nor come hither to draw.
2 (Though Jesus himself did not 16 Jesus saith to her: Go, call
baptize, but his disciples.) thy husband and come hither.
3 He left Judea, and went again 17 The woman answered and
into Galilee. said : I have no husband. Jesus
4 And he was of necessity to pass said to her : Thou hast said well, I
through Samaria. have no husband :

6 He cometh
therefore to a city 18 For thou hast had five hus-
of Samaria which is called Sichar ; bands: and he whom thou nowhastj
near the land which Jac >h gave 10 is not thy husband, Tins thou hast

his son Joseph. said truly.

6 Xow
Jacob's well was there. 19 The woman saith to him Sir, :

Jesus therefore being wearied with I perceive that thou art a prophet.
his journey, sit thus on the well. 20 Our fathers adored on this
It was about the sixth hour. mountain, and you say, that at Jeru-
7 There cometh a woman of Sa- salem is the place where men must
maria to draw water. Jesus saith adore.
to her Give me to drink.
: z\ Jesus saith to her: "Woman,

8 For his disciples were gone in- believe me, that the hour cometh,
to the city to buy meats. when you shall ueitheTon this moun-
9 Then that Sama~t»an woman tain, nor in Jerusalem adore the
saith to him: How dost thou, being Father.
a Jew, ask of me to drink, who am 22 You adore that which you
a Samaritan woman ? For the Jews know not we adore that which^we

do not communicate with the Sa- know : is of the Jews.

for salvation
maritans. 23 But the hour cometh, and now
10 Jr.su s answered, and said to is, when the true adorers shall adore

her If thoa didst know the gift of

: the Father in spirit and in truth.
God, and who he is that saith to For the Father also seeketh such to
thee, Give me to drink thou per-
; adore him.
haps wouldst have asked of him, 24- God is a spirit, and they that
and he would have given thee liv- adore him must adore him in spirit
ing water. and in truth.

113 St. JOHN

25 The woman saith to him I come to him, they desired hi-m that

know that theMESsiAScometh( who he would tarry there. And he abode

is called Christ) therefore when there two days.
he iscome, he will tell us all things. 41 And many more believed in
26 Jesus saith to her : I am he. hi inbecause of his own word.
who am speaking with thee. 42 And they said to the woman:
27 And immediately his disciples We now believe, not for thy saying:
came and they wondered that he
: for we ourselves have heard him,
talked with the woman. Yet no and know that this is indeed the
man said : What seekest thou, or Saviour of the world.
why taikest thou with her? 43 Now after two days he depart-
28 The woman therefore left her ed thence; and went into Galilee.
water-pot, and went her way into 44 For Jesus himself gave testi-
the city, and saith to the men there: mony that a prophet hath no ho-
29 Come, and see a man who has nour in his own country :
told me all things whatsoever 1 have 45 And when he was come into
done. Is not he the Christ ? Galilee, the Galileans received him,
30 They went therefore out of having seen all the things he had
the city, and came unto him. done at Jerusalem on the festival
31 In the mean time the disciples day: for they also went to the
grayed him, saying : Rabbi, eat. festival day.
32 But he said to them : I have 46 He came
again therefore into
meat to eat which you know not. Cana where he made the
of Galilee,
33 The disciples therefore said water wine. And there was a cer-
one to another: Hath any man tain ruler whose son was sick at Ca-
brought him to eat ? pharnaum.
34 Jesus saith to lh/Tn My meat : 47 He having heard that Jesus
is to do the will of him that sent was come from Judea into Galilee,
me, that I may perfect his work. went to hint, and prayed him to
35 Do not you say, there are yet come down and heal his son : for
four months, and then the harvest he was at the point of death.
cometh? Behold I say to you, lift 48 Jesus therefore said to him r
up your eyes, and see the countries, Unless you see signs and wonders
for they are white already to harvest. you believe not.
36 And he that reapeth, receiveth 49 The ruler saith. to him Lord, :

wages, and gathereth fruit unto life come down before that my son die.
everlasting: that both he that sow- 50 Jesus saith to him Go thy :

eth, and he that reapeth, may re- way, thy son liveth. The man be-
joice together. lieved the word which Jesus said
37 For in this is the saying true: to him, and went his way.
that one man that soweth, and
it is 5 Ancj he was going- down, his
it is another that reapeth. servants met him and they brought

38 I have sent you to reap that word, saying, that his son lived.
in which you did not labour others : 52 He asked therefore of them
liave laboured, and you have enter- the hour, wherein he grew better.
ed iu to their labours. And they said to him. Yesterday at
39 Now of that city many ofthe the seventh hour the fever left him.
Samaritans believed in him, for the 53 The father therefore knew that
word of the woman giving testi- it was at the same hour, that Jesus

mony : He told me all things what- said to him, Thy son liveth; and
soever I have done. himself believed and hiswhole house.
40 So when the Samaritans were 54 This *r again the second

St. JOHN. H9
miracle that Jesus diJ, when he was aside from the multitude standing
come out of Judea into Galilee, in the place.
CHAP. V. 14 Afterwards Jesus findeth him
Christ heeds the impotent man, in the temple, and saith to him :

AFTER these things was a fes- Behold thou art made whole sin :

tival day of the Jews, and no more, lest some worse thing
Jesus went up to Jerusalem. happen to thee.
2 Now there is at Jerusalem a 15 The mail went his way, and
pond, called Probaiica, which in told Jews that it was Jesus
Hebrew is named Bethsaida, having who had made him whole.
five porches/ 16 Therefore did the Jews per-

3 In these lay a great multitude secute Jesus, because he did these

of sick, of blind,, of lame, of wither- things on the sabbath.
ed, waiting for the moving of the 17 But Jesus answered them :
water. My Father worketh until now;
4 And an Angel of the Lord de- and Iwork.
scended at certain times into the 18 Hereupon therefore the Jews
pond and the water was moved.
; sought the more to kill him, because
And be that went down first into he did not only break the sabbath,
the pond after the motion of the but aiso said God was his Father,
water, was made whole of whatso- making himself equal to God.
ever infirmity he lay under. 19 Then Jesus answered, and
5 And there was a certain man said to them Amen, amen, I say

there, that hail been eight and unto you, the Son cannot do any
thirty years under his infirmity. thing of himself, but what he seetn
6 Hrm when Jesus had seen the Father doing tor what things

lying, and knew that he had been soever he doth, these the Son also
now a lo^g time, he saith to him doth in like manner.

Wilt thou be made whole? 20 For the Father loveth the

7 The infirm man answered him Sen, and sheweth him all things

Sir, I have no man, when the water which himself doth and greater :

is troubled, to put me into the pond. works than these will he shew him,
For whilst I am coming, another that you mny wonder.
goeth down before me. 21 For as the Father raiseth up
# Jesus saith to him Arise, take the deud, and eiveth life
: so the :

up thy bed, and walk. Son also giveth life to whom he will.
9 And immediately the man was 2^i For neither doth the Father
made whole : and he took up his judge any man : but hath given all
bed, and walked. And it was the judgment to the So;i.
sabbath that day. 23 That all men may honour the
10 The Jews therefore said to Sonj as they honour the Father.
him that was healed It is the sab- H« who honoureth not the Son, ho-

bath, it is not lawful for thee to noureth not the Father who hath
take up thy bed. sent him.
1 He answered them He that : 24- Amen, amen, I say unto you,
made me whole, he said to me: that he who heareth my word, and
Take up thy bed, and walk. believeth him that sent me, hath
12 They asked him therefore life everlasting ;
: and cometh not
Who Is that man who said to thee j into judgment, but is passed from
Take up thy bed, and walk ? death to .life,
13 But he who was healed, knew 25 Amen, amen, I say unto you:
ot who it was. For Jesus went that the hour cometh, and now is

120 St. JOHN.

when the dead shall hear the voice think in them t© have life everlast
of the Son of God, and they that ing; and the same are they that
hear, shall live. g?>ve testimony of me :

26 For as the Father hath life in 40 And you will not come to me
himself: so he hath given to the that you may have life.

Son al?o to have lire in himself: 41 I receive not glory from men.
27 And he hath given him power 42 But I know you, that you
to do judgment, because he is the have not the love of God in you.
son of man. 43 I am come in the name of my
28 Wonder not at this, for the Father, and you receive me not : if
hour cometh wherein all that are in another shall comein his own name,
the graves shall hear the voice of him you will receive.
the Son of God. 44 How can you believe, who
29 And they that have done good receive glory one from another
things, shall come forth unto the re- and the glory which is from God
surrection of life ; but they that alone, you do not seek ?
have done evil, unto the resurrec- 45 Think not that I will accuse
tion of judgment. you to the Father. There is one
SO I cannot of myself do any that accuseth you, Moses, in whom
thing. As I hear, so I judge : and you trust.
my judgment is just because I : if you did believe Moses,
46 For
seek not my own will, but the will you would perhaps believe me also.
of him that sent me. For he wrote of me.
31 If I bear witness of myself, 47 But if you do not believe his
my witness is not true. writings how will you believe my

32 There is another that beareth words ?

witness of me and I know that
the witness wdiich he witnesseth of Christ feeds 5000 leitliji-dc loaves,
me is true. A FTEK these thing? Jesus went
33 You sent to John and he : over the sea of Galilee, which
gave testimony to the truth, is that of Tiberias :
34 But I receive not testimony 2 And a great multitude follow-
from man but I say these things
: ed him, because they saw7 the mi-
may be saved.
that ye racles which he did on them that
35 He was a burning and a shin- were diseased.
ing light. Ann you were willing for 3 Jesus therefore went up into
a time to rejoice in his light. a mountain, and there he sat with
36 But I have a greater testimo- his discipies.
ny than that of John. For the works 4 Now the pasch, the festival
which the Father hath given me to day of the Jews, was near at hand.
perfect the : works themselves 5 When Jesus therefore had
which I do, give testimony of me, lifted up his eyes, and seen that a
that the Father hath sent me. very great multitude cometh to him-
37 And the Father himself who he said to Philip : Whence shall we
hath sent me, hath given testimony buy bread that these may eat ?
of me neither have you heard his
: 6 And this he said to try him for :

voice at any time, nor seen his he himself knew what he would do.
shape, 7 Philip answered him Two :

38 And you have not his Word hundred penny-worth of bread is

abiding in you for whom he hath
: not sufficient for them, that every
sent, hirn you believe not, one may take a little:
39 Search the scriptures, for you 8 One of his disciples, Andrev
, :

the brother of Simon Peter, saith which they were going.
to him : 22 The" nest day, the multitude
9 There is a boy here that hath that stood on the other side of the
five barley loaves, and two fishes: sea, saw that there was no other
I; ut what are these among so many? ship there but one, and that Jesui
10 Then Jasus said : Make the had not entered into the ship with
men sit down. Now there was his disciples, but that his disciples
much grass in the place. The men were gone away alone.
therefore sat down, in number about 23 But other ships came in from
five thousand. Tiberias, nigh unto the place where
11 And Jesos took the loaves : they had eaten the bread, the Lord
and when he had given thanks, he giving thanks.
distributed to them that were set 24 When therefore the multitude
down. In like manner also of the saw that Jesi:S was not there, nor
fishes as much as they would. his disciples, they took shipping,
12 And when they were filled, and came to Capharnaum seeking
he said to his disciples Gather up : forJesus.
the fragments that remain, lest they 25 And when they had found
be lost. him on the other side of the sea,
13 They gathered up therefore they said to him Rabbi, when

and filled twelve baskets with the earnest thou hither ?

fragments of the five barley .loaves, 26 Jesus answered them, and
which remained over and above to said Amen, amen, I say to you,

them that had eaten. you seek me not because you have
14 Now those men, when they had seen miracles, but because you did
seen what a miracle Jesus had done eat of the loaves, and were filled.
said : This
of a truth the prophet
is 27 Labour not for the meat which
that is to come
into the world. [erisheth, but for that which endur-
15 Jesus therefore when he knew eth unto life everlasting, which the
that they would come to take him by son of man will give you. For him
force and make him king, fled again hath God, the Father, sealed.
into the mountain himself alone. 28 They said therefore unto him;
16 And when
evening was come, What shall we do that we may
lis discipleswent down to the sea. work the works of God ?
17 And when they had gone up 29 Jesus answered, and said to
into a ship, they went over the sea them: 'ULs is thework of God,
to Capharnaum and it was now : that you believe in him whom he
dark, and Jesus was not come hath sent
unto them. 30 They said therefore to him :

18 And the sea arosp, by reason What sign therefore dost thou shew
of a great wind that blew. mat we may see, and may believe
19 When they had rowed there- .... : what dost thou work?
fore about fiveand twenty or thirty 31 Onr fathers did eat manna in
furlongs, they see Jesus walking the deaart as it is written, He gave
upon the sea, and drawing nigh to them bread from heaven to cut,
the ship, and they were afraid. 3 2 Then Jesus said to them

20 But he saith to them: It is Amen, amen I say to you, Hexes

J be not afraid.
: gave you net bread from heaven,
21 They were willing therefore but my Father giveth you the true
to take him into the ship: and pre- bread from heaven.
sently the ship was at the laud, to S3 For the bread of Gcd is that

192 St. JOHN.

which cometh down from heaven, He that believeth in me, hath ever-
and giveth life to the world. lasting life.
34 They said therefore unto him :48 I am the bread of life.
Lord, give us always this bread. 49 Your fathers did eat manna
3 And Jesus said to them 1 am in the depart, and are- dead.

the bread oi'Yiie, he that cometh to 50 This is the bread which com-
me, shall not hunger; and he that eth down from heaven that if any :

believeth in me, shall never thirst. man eat of it, he may not die,
36 But I said unto you, that 51 I am the living bread, which
you also have seen me, and you came down from heaven.
believe not. 52 If any man eat of this bread,
37 All that the Father giveth me, he shall live for ever and the bread :

shall come to me ; and him that that I will give, is my flesh for the
cometh to me, I will not cast out. life of the world.
38 Because I came down from 53 The Jew3 therefore strove
heaven, not to do my own will, but among themselves, saying How :

the will of him that sent me. can this man give us his flesh to eat?
39 Now this is the will of the 54 Then Jesus said to them
Father who sent me; that of all that Amen, amen I say unto you Ex- :

he hath given me, I should lose no- cept you eat the flesh of the son of
thing, but should raise it up again man, and drink his blood, you shall
in the last day. not have life in you.
40 And this is the will of my Lb He that eoteth my flesh, and
Father that sent me; that every one drinketh my blood, hath everlasting
"who seeth the Son, and believeth in life and I will raise him up in the

him, may have life everlasting, and last day.

I will raise him up in the last day. 5 6 For my flesh is meat indeed :

-41 The Jews' therefore murmured and my blood is drink indeed.
at him, because he had said, I am 51 lie that eateth my flesh and
the living bread which came down drinketh my blood, abideth in me,
from heaven. and I in him.
42 And they said : Is not this 58 As the living Father hath
Jesus the son of Joseph, whose fa- sent me, and I Hve by the Father :

ther and mother we know ? How so he that eateth me, the same also
then saith he, I came down from shall live by me.
heaven ? 59 Tills is the bread that came
43 Jesus therefore answered and down from heaven. Not as your
said to them :Murmur not among fathers did eat manna, and are dead.
yourselves. He that eateth this bread, shall
44- No man can come to me, live for ever.
except the Father, who hath sent 60 These things he said teaching
me, draw him, and I will raise him in thesynagogue, in Caphamaum.
*rp in the last day. 61 Many therefore of his disciples
45 It is v, itten iri the prophets
i : hearing it, said This saying ii

And ility sitall all he lav phi of God. hard, and who can hear it ?
Every one that hath heard of the 62 But Jesus knowing in himself
Father, and hath learned, cometh that his disciples murmured at this,
to Hi 9. said to them Doth this scandalize

46 Not that any man hath seen you ?

the .Father, but he who is of God, j

63 If then you shall fee the son of
he huth seen the Faiker. man ascend up where he was before ?

.47 Amen, ameu I say imto you: ! 6 * T t is f

he spirit that quickenelh:

St. JO HN. i<m

the flesh prortteth nothing. The 7 The world cannot hate your;
words that I have spoken to you, but me it hateth: because I give
are spirit and life. testimony of it, that the works
65 "
Bat there are some of you thereof are evil.
that believe not. For Jesus knew 8 Go you up to this festival day,
from the beginning who they were but I go not up to this festival day ;
that did not believe, and who he because my time is not accomplished
was that would betray him. 9 When he had said these things,
66 And he said Therefore did I : he himself s^ld in Galilee.
say to you, that no man can come 10 But after his brethren were
to me, unless it be given him by gone up, the:i he also went tip to
my Father. the feast, not openly, but as it were
67 After this many of his disci- in secret.
ples went back; and walked no 11 The Jews therefore sought
more with him. him on the festival day, and said
68 Then Jesus said to the Where is he ?

twelve Will you also go away ?

: 12 And there was much murmur-
69 And Simon Peter answered ing among the multitude concern-
him Lord, to whom shall we go?
: ing him. For some said.: He is a
thou hast the words of eternal life. good man. And others said No, :

70 And we have believed and but he seduceth the people.

have known that thou art the Christ 13 Yet no man spoke openly of
the Son of God. him for fear of the Jews.
71 Jesus answered them Have : 1 1 Now about the midst of the

not I chosen you twelve ; and one feast, Jes*;s went op into the tem-
of you a devil ? is ple, and taught.
72 Now
he meant Judas Iscariot, 15 And .the Jews wondered, say-
the son of Simon for this same : ing: How cloth this man knowku
was about to betray him, whereas ters, having never learned ?
he was one of the twelve. 16 Jesus answered them and
CHAP. VII. said: My
doctrine is not mine, but
Christ teaches in the temple, his that seat me.

AFTER these things Jesus walk- ] 7 If any man will do the will of
ed in Galilee ; for he would not him he shall know of the doctrine

walk in Judea, because the Jews whether it be of God, or whether I

sought to kill him. speak of myself.
.2 Now the Jews feast of taber- IS He that speaketh of himself,
nacles was at hand. seeketh his own glory but he that :

3 And his brethren said to him : seeketh the glory of him that sent
Pass from hence, and go into Judea : him, he is true, and there 13 no in-
that thy disciples also may see thy justice in him.
works which thou dost. 19 Did not Moses give you the
4 For there is no man that doth law, and yet none oi'you keepeth
any thing in secret, and he him-* the law ?
seif seeketh to be known openly. 20 Why seek you to kill me*
If thou do those things, manliest The multitude answered, and said,
thyself to the world, Thou hast a devil ; who seeketh to
5 For neither did his brethren killthee?
believe in him. 21 Jesus answered and said to
6 Then Jesus said to them My : them One work 1 have done; and

time is not yet aome but your time ; you all wonder.
is always ready. 22 Therefore Moses gave you
: :

124 St. JOHN.

circumcision, (not because it is of bath said You shall seek me, and

Moses, but of the fa tiers,.) and on the

\ shall not find me and where I am,

sabbath-day yxi circumcise a man. you cannot come?

23 If a man receive circumcision 37 And on the last and great day
On the sabbath-day, that the law of of the festivity, Jesus stood and
Moses may not be broken ; are you cried, saying :If any man thirst, let
angry at me because I have healed him come to me, and drink.
the whole man on the sabbath-day. 38 He that beheveth in me, as
9X Judge not according to the ap- the scripture saith, Out of his belli/
pearance, but judge just judgment. shall flow rivers of living water.
25 Some therefore of Jerusalem 39 Now this he said of the spirit
said : Is not this he whom they which they should receive who be-
seek to kill ? lieved in him for as yet the spirit

26 And behold he speaketh open- was not given, because Jesus was
ly, and they say nothing to him. Have not yet glorified.
tfte rulers known for a truth that 40 Of that multitude therefore,
this is the Christ ? when they had heard these words
27 But we know this man whence of his, some said This is the pro-

he is but when the Christ cometh,

: phet indeed.
no man knoweth whence he is. 41 Others said: This is the
28 Jesus therefore cried cut in Christ. But some said Doth the :

the temple teaching and saying: Christ come out of Galilee?

You both know me, and you know 42 Doth not the scripture say :

whence I am : and I am not come That Christ cometh of the seed "of
cf myself; but he that sent me is David, and from Bethlehem the
true, whom you know not. town where David was.
29 I know him, because I am 43 So there arose a dissension
from him, and leha'h sent me. among the people because of him.
SO They sought therefore to ap- 44 And some of them would have
prehend him and no man laid
: apprehended him but no man laid

hands on him, because his hour was hands upon him.

r.ot yet come. 45 The ministers therefore came
3 1 But of the pe«p,e many believed to the chief priests and the Pharisees.
in him, and said: When the Christ And they said to them Why have :

cometh, shall he do more miracles you not brought him ?

than these which this man doth ? 46 The ministers answered Ne- :

3 C2 The Pharisees card the people I ver did man speak like this man.
murmuring these things concerning 4? The Pharisees therefore an-
him: and the rulers and Pharisees swered them Are you also seduced ?

sent ministers to apprehend him. 48 Hath any one of the rulers be-
S3 Jesus therefore said to them : lieved in him, or of the Pharisees ?
Yet z little while I am with you 49 But this multitude that know-
and then I go to him that sent me. eth not the law. are accursed.
34 You shall seek me, and shall 60 Nieodemus said to them, he
not find me and where I am, thither
: that came to him by night, who was
you cannot come. one of them
35 !The Jews therefore said among 51 Doth our law judge any man,
themselves Whither will he go,
: Unless it first hear him, and know
that we shall not find him ? will he what he doth?
go unto the dispersed among the 52 They answered and said to
gentiles, and teach the gentiles? him: Art thou also a Galilean?
£6 What is this saying that he Search the scriptures, and see that
7 .

St. JOHN. 12a

out of Galilee a prophet riseth not. for I know whence and I came,
.55 And every man returned to whither go but you know not
I :

his own house. whence I come, or whither I go.

CHAP. VIII. 15 You judge according to the
The woman taken in adultery. flesh, I judge not any man.

AND Jesus went unto mount

16 And if I do judge/ my judg-
ment is true: because I am not
2 And early morning" he in the alone, but I and the Father that
came again into the temple, and all sent me.
the people came to him, and. sitting 1 And in your law it is written,
down he taught them. that the testimony of two men is true.
3 And the scribes and Pharisees IS I am one that give testimony
bring unto him a woman taken in a- of myself: and the Father that sent
flialtery; and they set her in the midst, me, giveth testimony of me,
4 And said to him : Master, this wo- 19 They said therefore to him :
man was even now taken in adultery. Where thy Father? Jesus an-

5 Now Moses in the law com- swered Neither me do you know,


manded us to stone such a one. But nor my Father: if you did know
what sayest thou ? me, perhaps you would know my
6 And tnis they said tempting Father also.
him, that they might accuse him. 20 These words Jesus spoke in
B.t Jesus, bowing himself down, the treasury, teaching in the temple :
wrote with his finger on the'gn and no man laid hands on him, be-*
7 When therefore they coiiti cause his hour was not yet come. |

asking him, he lifted up himsel 2 E A g ai there fo r e Jc s o s s a d to

i i i

said to t
m : He that is ". i
them : . you shall seek mef
sin among you, let him first cast a and you. shall die in your sin. Whit*
stone at her. ther I go you cannot come.
8 And again stooping down, he S3 The Je .
fore said :

wrote on the ground. will he kill him. .aid 1

9 But they hearing this went out Whither I :annot come?

one by one, beginning at the eldest. 23 And he said to them You :

And Ji sus alone remained, and the are from beneath, I am from above.
woman standing in the midst. You are of this world, I am not of
10 Then Jesus lifting up him- this world.
s<lf, said to her : Woman, where •
I said to you, that
are they that accused thee ? Hath yon shall die in your sins. For if
no man condemned thee? yon believe not th it I am he, you
11 Who said: No man, Lord. shall die in yonr sin.
And Jesus said Neither will I con- : 25 They said therefore to him :
demn thee. Go, and now sin no more. . .i to them:
12 Again therefore Jesus sp >ke The beginf] also speak uu«
to them, saying I am the light of : to you.
the world he that folio weth me,
: 20 Many things I have to speak
walketh not in darkness, but shall and to judge of you. But he that
have the light of life. sent me is true and the things I :

13 The Pharisees therefore said have beard of him, these same I

to him Thou givest testimony of
: sp ak in the world.
thyself: thy testimony is not true. 27 And they understood not that
Jesus answered and said to
14< he called God his Father.
them Although I give testimony
: 2s Jesus therefore said to them :

of myself my testimony is true : When you shall have lifted up the

ISo St. joiix.
son of man, then shall you know indeed love me. For from God I
that 1 am he, and that I do nothing proceeded, and came ; for I came
of myself, but as the Father hath not of myself, but he sent me :

taught me, these things I speak : 43 Why do you not know my

29 And he that sent me is with speech ? Because you cannot hear
me, and he hath not left me alone ; my word.
for I do always the things that 44 You are of your father the
please him. devil, and the desires of your father
30 When
he spoke these things, you will do. He was a murderer
many believed in hiui. from the beginning, and he stood
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews not in the truth because truth is

who believed him If you continue

* not in him. When he speaketh a
in my word, you shall be my dis- lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is

ciples indeed. a liar, and the father thereof.

32 And you shall know the truth, 45 But if I say the truth, you be-
and the truth shall make you free. lieve me not.
S3 They answered him: We are 46 Which of you shall convince
the seed of Abraham, and we have me of siii ? If 1 say the truth to
never been slaves to any man how : you, why do you not believe me ?
gayest thou You shall be free ?
: 47 He that is of God, heafeth the
34 Jesus answered them : Amen, words of God. Therefore you hear
amen unto you, that whoso-
I say them not, because you are not of God.
ever committeth sin, is the servant 48 The Jews therefore answered,
ef sin. and said to him Do not we say :

35 Now
the servant abideth not well that thou art a Samaritan, and
in the house for ever but the son : hast a devil ?
abideth for ever. 49 Jesus answered: I have not
36 if therefore the son shall make a devil but I honour my Father,

you free, you shall be free indeed. and you have dishonoured me.
37 I know that you are the 50 But I seek not my own glory:
children of Abraham but you seek : there is one that seeketh and judgeth.
to kill me, because my word hath 51 Amen, amen I say to you If :

no place in you. any man keep my word, he shall

38 I speak that which I have not see death for ever.
seen with my
Father: and you do 52 The Jews therefore said ISow :

the things that you have seen with we know that thou hast a devil.
your father Abraham is dead, and the prophets;
39 They answered, and said to and thou say est If any man keep

him : Abraham is our father. Je- my word, he shall not taste death
sus saith to them If you be the
: for ever.
children of Abraham, do the works 53 Art thou greater than our fa-
of Abraham. ther Abraham, who is dead ? and
40 But now you seek to kill me, the prophets are dead. dost Whom
a man who have spek-n the truth thou make thyself?
to you, which I have heard of God. 51- Jesus answered : If I glorify
This Abraham did not. myself, my glory is nothing. It is
41 You do the works of your my Father that glorifieth me, of
lather.They said therefore to him : whom you say that he is your God.
We are not born of fornication : 55 And you have not known him,
>ve have one Father even God. but I know him. And if I shall
42 Jesus therefore said to them : say that I know him not, I shall be
jf God were your father, you would like io von, a liar. But I do know
. 2

St. JOHN. 127

him, and do keep his word. And I wept, I washed, and I see.

.56 Abraham your father rejoiced 1 And they said to him : Where
that lie might see nay day : he saw is he ? He saith I know not. :

it, and was glad. 13 They bring him that had been
The Jews therefore said to
57 blind, to the Pharisees.
him Thou art not yet fifty years
: 14 Now
it was the sabbath when
old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus made the clay, and opened
58 Jesus said to them Amen, : his eyes.
amen I ^ay to you, beibre Abraham Again therefore the Pharisees

was made, I am. asked him how he had received his

59 They took up stones therefore sight. But he said to them He :

to cast at him. But Jbsus hid him- pot clay upon my eyes, and I wash-
self, and went out of the temple. ed, and I see.
CHAP. IX. 16 Some therefore of the Phari-
He restores to sight the blind man. sees said: This man is not of God,

A XDman who
: Jesus passing by, saw a
was blind from his
who keepeth not the sabbath. But
others said can a man that : How
birth ;
is a -inner do such miracles? And
2 And his disciples asked him : there was a division among them.
Rabbi, who hath sinned, this man, J 7 'They say therefore to the
or Ins parent^, that should be ^ blind man again What say est thou :

born bliuc! ? of him thai hath opened thy eyes?

3 Jks us answered: Neither'hath And he said He is a prophet. :

this man sinned, nor his parents ;

18 Hie Jews then did not believe
but that the works of God should concerning him, that he had been
be made manifest in him. blind and hod received his sight,
4 I must work tiie works of him until they called the parents of him
that sent rne, whilst it is day the : that' had received his sight,
lihjht cometh when no man ran work 19 And asked them, saying: Is
5 As lon# as ] am in the world, this your son, who you say v\a* born
I am the ligh t of the world. blind How
ihen doth he now see ?

6 When he had said these things, 20 His parents answered them,

he spat on the ground, and made We know that this is our
clay of the spittle, and spread the son, and that he was born blind;
clay upon bis eyes. 21 But hov he now seeth, we
7 And said to him Go, wash in: •
or v. ho I .1 his
the pod of Siloe, which is interpret- .; ow hot : a>k himself; He
ed, Sent. He went therefore, ana is of a A: for himself
washed, and be came seeing. £ r
2 i is parents said,

8 The neighbours therefore, and he, aus Jews : For

they who had seen him befor tvs bad a] ed among
he was a beggar, said : Is not this . that if any '^an shouloV
he that sat, and begged? Some should
said : This is he. be put cut of the synagogue.
9 But others said: No, but he is 23 Therefore did h« say : j

like him. But he said I am he. : he is of age, ask him.

10 They said therefore to him : 24 They therefore called the man
How were thy eyes opened ? again chut had been blind, and said
11 He answered That man that: to him Give glory to God.
: We
is called Jesus, made clay, and know that this man is a sinner.
anointed my eyes, and said to me; 25 He said therefore to them If :

Go to the pool of Siloe, and wash. he be a sinner, I kacw uol u:.e :


129 St. JOHN.

thing I know, that whereas I was 41 Jesus said to them : If you
blind, now I see. were blind, you should not have
26 They said then to him : What &mt but now you say see. : We
did he to thee ? Howdid he open Your sin remaineth.
thy eye?. CHAP. X.
27 He answered them have : I Chrict is the doer, and tltc shepherd.
told you aiready, and you have 4 MEN, amen,
say to you he
I :

heard why would you hear it again?

•^ that entereth not by the door
v/ill you also become his disciples? into the sheepfbld, but climbeth up
28 They reviled him therefore, another way, the same is a thief
and said Be thou his disciple ; but
: and a robber.
we are the disciples of Moses. 2 But he that entereth in by the
23 We know that God spoke to door, is the shepherd of the sheep.
Moses but as to this man, we
: 3 To him the porter openeth ;
know not from whence he is. and the sheep hear his voice and :

SO The mars answered, and said he caileth his own sheep by name,
to them Why; herein is a wonder-
:. and leadeth them out.
'fill thing that you know not from \ And when he hath let out his
whence he is, and he hath opened own sheep, he goeth before them :
my eyes. and the sheep follow him, because
31 Now we know that God doth they know his voice.
not hear sinner? but if a man be a
: o But a stranger they follow not,
server of God, and doth his will, but fly from him, because they know
him he heareth. not the voice of strangers.
3S From the beginning of the G This proverb Jesus spoke to
world it hath not been heard, that them. But they understood not
any man hath opened the eyes of what he spoke to them.
one born blind. 7 Jesus therefore said to them
33 Unless this man were of God, again Amen, amen, I say to you,

he could not do any thing. I am the door of the sheep.

34 They answered, and said to 8 All others as many as have
hlrn : Thou wast wholly born in come, are thieves and robbers :and
gins, and dost thou teach us ? And the sheep heard them not.
they cast him out. am the door. By me if any
9 I
35 Jesus heard that they had man enter in, he shall be saved :
cast him out and when be had
: and he shall go in, and go out, and
found him, he said to him Dost : shall find pastures.
thou believe in the Son of G rrd ? 10 The thief cometh not, but for
36 He answered, and said: Who is to steal and to kill and to destroy.
be. Lord, that I may believe in him? I am come that they may have life,
37 And Jes'jts said to him Thou : and may have it more abundantly.
,hast both seen him; and it is he 11 I am the good shepherd. The
that talketh with thee, good shepherd giveth his life for his
SBAnd he said I believe, Lord, : sheep.
And Mimg down be adored him. 12 But the hireling and he that
39 And Jesus said For judg- : is no* the shepherd, whose own
ment I am come into this world the sheep are not, seeth the wolf
that they who see not may see; and coming and leaveth the sheep, and
they who see, may become blind. rlieth : and the wolf eatcheth, and
40 And some of the Pharisees, sea itere fch the sheep :

who were with him, heard; and they 13 And the hireling flieth, be-
*aid unto him : Are we also blind ? cause he is a hireling ; and lie hut^
St. JOHN. 12$
no care for the sheep. no man cansnatch them out of th-
14 I am the good shepherd and ; hand of my Father.
I know mine, and mine know me. SO I and the Father are one.
15 As the Father knoweth me, 21 The Jews then took up stone*
and I know the Father and I lay : to stone him.
down my life for my sheep. 32 Jesus answered them Many :

16 And other sheep I have, that good works I have shewed you
are not of this fold ; them also I from my Father for-which of these ;

must bring, and they shall hear my works do yon stone me?
voice, and there shall be one fold 33 The Jews answered him: For
and one shepherd. a good work we slone thee not, but
1? Therefore doth the Father for blasphemy, and because t at thou !

love me because I lay down my

: being a man, makest thyself God.
life, that I may take it again. 3 i Jesus answered them Is it :

18 No man taketh it away from not written in your law I said, you :

me but I lay it down of myself,

: are ^ods ?
and have power to lay it down ;
I 3,3 if he called them gods, to
and have power to take it up
I whom the word of God was spoken,
again. This commandment have I and the scripture cannot be broken ;
received of my Father. 3o Do you say of him, whom
19 A
dissension rose again among the Father hatfi sanctified and sent
the Jew? for these words. into theworld Thou blasphemes*,

20 And many of therm said : He because 1 n of God?

hath a devil, and is mad why hear : 37 If I do uot the works of my
yon him ? Father, believe me not.
21 Others said: These are not the 38 But if I do, though you will
words of one that hath a del U. Can not hi nrks ;

a devil open the ryes of the blind ? th : you y know and believe
22 And' k was the feast of the that !:. e .i

. i roe, and I ia
dedication at Jerusalem and it w as ,

winter. 29 They sought therefore to take

23 And Jesus walked in the him and he escaped out of their

temple in Solomon's porch. hands.

<2l The Jews therefore came 4() And he went again beyond
round about him, and said to him : the J<> that place where
How long dost thou hold our souls John \ ..st ; and there
in suspense? If thou be the Christ, bode.
tell us plainly. 41 And many resorted to him, and
2.5 Jesus answered them I speak : they said John indeed did no sign.

to you, and you believe not the : 12 But si] ti ings whatsoever
works that I do in the name of my John said of this rnan were true,.
Father, they wive testimony of me. And many believed in him.
25 But you do Dot believe: be- CHAP. XI.
cause you are not of my sheep. Christ raises Lazarus to life.
g7 Mysheep hear my 'voice, and J&TOW there was a certain man
I know them, and thej fellow me.
^* sick named Lazarus, of B tha-
23 And I give them life everlast- nia, of the town of Mary and of
ing ; and they shall not perish for Martha her sistt r.
ever, and no man shall pluck them 2 (And Mary was she that
out of my hand. anointed the Lord wiih ointment
29 That which my Father hath and wiped his feet with her huh i
given me, is greater than all : and whose brother .Lazarus was sick)„
: : -


3 His sister? therefore sent to 20 Martha therefore, as soon as she
him staying: Lord, behold; he whom heard that Jesus was come, went
thou love^t is sick. to meet him ; but Mary sat at home.
4 And Jesus hearing it, said to 21 Martha therefore said to Je-
them This sickness is not unto
: sus Lord, if thou hadst been here,

death, but for the glory of God my brother had not died.
that the Son of God may be glori- 22 But now also I know that
fied hy it. whatsoever thou wilt ask of God,
5 Now Jesus loved Martha, and God wii) give it thee.
her sister Mary, and Lazarus. 23 Jesus saith to her: Thy bro-
6 When he had heard therefore ther shall rise again.
that he was sick he still remained 24 Martha saith to him : I know-
in the same place two days : that he shall rtse again in the resur-
7 Then after that he said to his dis- rection at the last day.
ciples: Let us go into Judea again. $5 Jesus said to her: 1 am the
8 The disciples say to him Rabbi, : resurrection and the life he that ;

the Jews but now sought to stone believeth in me although he be

thee ; and goest thou thither again ? dead, shall live.
9 Jesus answered Are there not
: 26 And every one that liveth, and
twelve hours of the day ? If a man believeth in me, shall not die for
walk in the day, he stumbleth not, ever. Believest thou this ?
because he seeth the light of this 27 She saith to himj Yea Lord,
world Ihave believed that thou ari Christ
10 But if he walk in the nigh: he the Son of the living God, who art
stumbleth, because the light is not come into this world.
in him. 25 And when she had said these
11 These things he said; and things, she went, and called her
after that he said to them Lazarus : sister Mary secretly, saying : . The
our friend sleepeth ; but 1 go that master is come and ealieth for thee.
J may awake him out of sleep. 2.9 She, as soon, as she heard Mj>,
12' His disciples therefore said . riseth quickly and cometh to him.
Lord, he sleep, he shall do well.
if 30 For Jesus was not yet come
13 But Jes v s spoke of his death : into the town but he was still in

and they thought that he spoke o! that place whereMarthahaclmet him.

the repose of sleep. 31 The Jews therefore, who were
14 Then therefore Jesus said to with her in the house and comforted
them plainly : Lazarus is dead ; her, when they saw Mary that she
15 And I am glad for yeur sake*, rose up speedily and went out, fol-
that I was not there, that you may lowed her, saying She goeth to :

believe i but let us go to him. the grave, to weep there.

18 Thomas therefore, who is 32 When Mary therefore was
called Didym'us, said to his fellow- come where Jesus was, seeing
dischdes : 'Let us also go, that we him, she fell down at his feet, and
mavdie with him. saith to him Lord, if thou hadst

17 Jesus therefore came and been here, my brother had not died.
found 'hat he had been four days 33. Jesus therefore, when he saw

already in the grave, her weeping, anil the Jews that

18 (Now Bethaiiia was near Je- were come with her, weeping,
rusalem about fifteen furlongs off. groaned in the spirit, and troubled
19 And many of the Jews were himself,
come Martha and Mary, to corn
to 34 A fjd said Where hare you

fort them concerning their brother* laid him ? They say to him Lord^ :
St. JOHN. 13
come ana see. nation.
.35 And Jesus weyt 49 But one of them named Cai-
S6 The Jews therefore said: Be- phas,being the high-priest that vear,
hold how he loved him, said to them You know nothing.

37 But some of them said: Could 5Q Neither go you consider that

not he, that opened the eyes of the it is expedient for you that one man

man born blind, have caused that should die for the people, and that
this man should not die ? uhe whole nation perish not.
38 Je.:US therefore again groan- 51 And this he spoke not of him-
ing in himself, cometh to the sepul- self: but being the high-priest of
chre : Now it was a cave ; and a that year, he prophesied that Jesus
stone was laid over it. should die for the nation.
39 Jesus saith.: Take away the 52 And not only for the nation,
.stone. Martha the sister of him but to gather together in one the
that was dead, saith to him : Lord, children of God that were dispersed.
by this time he stinketh, for he is 53 From that day therefore they
now of four days. devised to put him to death.
40 Jesus saith to her ; Did not 51 Wherefore Jesus walked no
I say to thee, that if thou believe. more openly among the Jews, but
thou shalt see the glory of God ? he went into a country near the de-
41 They took therefore the stone sart, unto a city that is called E-
away : and Jesus lifting up his phrem, and there he abode with his
eves said Father, I give thee
: disciples.
thanks that thou hast heard me. And the pasch o c the Jews was
42 And 1 knew that thou nearest at hand and many from the coun-

me always, but because of the peo- try went up to Jerusalem before

ple who stand about have I said it; the pasch, to purify themselves.
that they may believe that thou 56 They sought therefore for Je-
has sent me. sus ; and they discoursed one with

43 When he had said these things, h another, standing in the temple:

he cried with a loud voice: Laza- What think you, that he is not come
rus, come forth, to day ? And the chief
the festival
41 And presently he that had priestsand the Pharisees had given
been dead came forth, bound feet a commandment, that if any man
and hands with winding-bands, and knew where he was, he should tell,,
his face was bound about with a that they misht apprehend him.
napkin. Jesus said to them: Loose chap. xii.
him and let him go. The anointing of Christ's feet.
45 Many therefore of the Jews "JESUS therefore six days before
who were come to Mary and Mar- *-* the pasch came to Bethania,
tha, and had seen the things that where Lazarus had been dead,
Jesus did, believed in him. whom Jesus raised to life.
46 But some of them went to the 2 And they made him a supper
Pharisees, arid told them the things there and Martha served, but La-

that Jesus had done, zarus was one of them that were at
47 The chief priests therefore and table with bim.
the Pharisees gathered a council, 3 Mary therefore took a pound
and sai:l : What do we, for this of ointment of right spikenard, of
man doth many miracles r! great price, and anointed the feet of
4S we let him alone so, all will
If Jesus and wiped his feet with her-
believe in him and the Komans will hair: and the house was filled with,
come, arid take away our place and the odour of the ointment.
: :

1S2 St. JOHN.

4 Then one of his disciples, Judas 18 For which reason also the peo-
Iseariot, he that was about t;> betray ple came to meet him because they :

Km, *aid :
heard that he had done this miracle.
5 Why was not this ointment 19 The Pharisees therefore said
sold for three hundred pence, and among themselves: Do yeu see
given to the poor ? that we prevail nothing? ''behold,
6 Nowhe said this, net because the whole world is gene after him.
he cared for the poor ; but because 1 ?
Now there were certain gen-

he was a thief, and having the tiles, among them who came up to
purse, carried the things that were adore on the festival day.
put therein. 21 These therefore came to Phi-
7 Jesus therefore said Let her
: lip, who was of Eethsaida of Gall-
alone, that she may keep it against lee, and desired him, saying: Sir,
the day of my burial, we would see Jesus.
8 For the poor you have always 22 Philip cometh and telleth
with you; but me you have not Andrew. Again Andrew and Phi-
always. lip told Jesus.
9 A great multitude therefore of 23But Jesus answered them
the Jews knew that he was* there: saying : The hour is come, that the
and they came not for J esus*s .^ake son of man
should be glorified.
only, but that they might see La- 2i Amen, amen I say to you,
zarus, whom he had raised from unless the grain of wheat falling
the dead. into the ground, die ;
20 But the chief priests thought 25 Itself remaineth alone. But if
to kill Lazarus also it die, it bringeth forth much fruit

11 Because many of the Jews He that loveth his life shall lose it:
by reason of him went away, and and he that hateth his life in this
believed in Jesus. world, keepeth it unto life eternal.
12 And on the next d^j a great 26 U
any man minister to me,
multitude, that was come to the let him folio w me and where I :

festival day, when they had heard arn, there also shall my minister he.
that Jfi?us was coming to Jerusalem, If any man minister to me, him
13 Took branches of palm trees, will my Father honour.
and went forth to meat him, and 2? Now is my soul troubled.
cried Hosanna, blessed is he that
:. And what shall I say? Father, save
cometh in the name of the Lord, me from this hour. But for this
the king of Israel. cause 1 came unto this hour.
14 And Jesus Found a young ass, £8 Father, glorify thy name. A
and sat upon it, as it is written : voice therefore came from heaven :
15 Fear net, daughter of Sion, I have both glorified it, and will

behold, thy king cometh sitting on glorify it again.

an ass's colt* §9 The multitude therefore that
16 These things his disciples d'd stood and heard, said that it thun-
not know at the first: but when dered. Oihers said, An angel
Jesus w as glorified,, then they re-
spoke to him.
membered that these things were 30 Jesus answered, and said
written of him, and that they had This voice came not because of me,
done these things to him* but for your sakes.
17 The multitude therefore gave 31 Now is the judgment of the
testimony, which was with him world now shall the prince of this

when he called Lazarus out of the world be cast out.

grave^and raised him from the dead. 32 And I, if I be lifted^up from the
earth, will draw all 47 And if any man hear my
things to myself.
33 (Now words, and keep them not I do not
this he said, signifying :

what death he should die.) judge him for I came not tojudge :

34 The multitude answered him: the world, but to save the world.
We have heard out of the law, that 48 He that despiseth me, and re-
Christ abideth forever; and how ceiveth not my words, hath one
sayest thou The son of man must thatjudgeth him: the word that I

be lifted up ? Who is this son of have spoken, the same shall judge
man ? him hi the last day.
35 Jesus therefore said to them : 49 For I have nut spoken of my-
Yet a little while, the light is among self, but the Father who sent me,
you. Wark whilst you have the he gave me commandment what I
darkness overtake you
light, that the should say,an,l what I should sneak.
not. And he that walketh in dark- .50 And I know that his command-
ness knoweth not whither he goeth. ment is life everlasting". The things
36 Whilst you have the light, therefore that I sneak ; even as the
believe in the light, that yen may Father said unto me, so do I speak.
be Lhe children of light. These CHAP. XIII.
things Jesus spoke and be Christ washes his disciples feet.
away, and hid himself from L
37 And whereas he had done so " the festival
pasch, Jesus knowing that his
day of the

many miracles before them, they hour was come that he should pass
believed not in him : out of this world to the Father*: hav-
38 That the saying of Isaias the ing loved his own who were in the
prophet might be fulfilled, which world, he loved them unto the end.
he said Lord, who hath b>
: 2 And n hen supper was done. (the
cur hearing? andfowhofn hath the devi] having now put into the heart
arm of the. Jjord been revealed P of Judas [scariot tnc son of Simon,
30 Therefore they could not be- to betrav bim.)
because [sal is said ag
lieve, 3 B that the Father had
40 He hath blind bim all things into bis bands,
and hardened their heart, th it they and that he came from God, and
should not see with their eyes, vor goeth to G
understand with their hearty a i He riseth from
supper and lay-
converted, and I should
heal thi : m eth add.- bis garments-, and having
41 lhese tilings said Isaias when taken a towel, girded hin
he saw his glory and spoke ol 5 After tl:at,hepurleih water into
42 However many of the chief a bason,and began to wash the feet of
men also believed in him but be- : the disci* ies, end to wipe them with
cause of the Pharisees they did not the towel w herewith he was girded.
confess hi?n, that they might iio.t 6 He cometh therefore to Simon
be cast out of the synagogue. Peter. And Peter saith to him :
43 For they loved the glory of Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
men, more than the glory of God. 7 Jesus answered, and said to
44. But Jbsus cried, and said him What I do, &mi knowest not
: :

Pie that hedeveth in me.doth not be- now, but thou shalt know hereafter,
lieve in me, but in him that sent me. 8 Peter saith to him Thou shalt :

4.5 And he that seeth me, seeth never wash my feet, Jesus answer-
him that sent me. ed him If I wash thee not, thou :

46 I am come a light into the shalt have no part with me.

world; that whosoever believeth in 9 Simon Peter saith to him Lord :

me, may not remain in darkness. not only my feet, but also my hands
134. St. JOHN.
and my head. is it, ofwhom he speaketh ?
10 Jesus saith to him He that : 25 He therefore leaning on the
is washed, needeth not but to wash breast of Jesus saiih to him : Lord,
his feet, but is clean wholly. And who is it?
you are clean, but wot all. 26 Jesus answered: He it is to
11 For he knew who he was that whom I shall reach bread dipped.
would betray him : therefore he And when he had dipped the bread,
said you are not ail clean.
: he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son
12 Then after he had washed of Simon.
their feet, and taken his garments, 27 And after the morsel, satan
being sot down ag«:in, he said to entered into him. And Jesus said
them : Know you what I have done to him: That which thou dost, do
to you ? quickly.
13 You call me
and Master, 28 Now no man at the table
Lord and you say well, for so I am.
: knew to what purpose he said this
14 If then I, being your Lord and unto him.
Master, have washed your feet: you 29 For some thought, because
al^o ought to wash one another's feet. Judas had the purse, that Jesus
15 For I have given you an ex- had said to him Buy those things :

ample, that as I have done to you, which we have need of for the fes-
so you do also. tival day or that he should give

16 Amen, amen I say to you i something to the poor.

The servant is not greater than his SO He therefore having- received
Lord neither is the apostle greater
: the morsel, went out immediately.
that he that sent him. And it. was night.
17 If you know these things, you 31 When he therefore was gone
shall be blessed if you do them. out, Jesus said Now is the son of

IS I speak not of you till know : i man glorified, and God is glorified
whom I have chosen but that the : in him.
scripture may be fu Hilled, He thai . u2 If God be glorified in him,
tateth bread with me, .ahull lift up God also will glorify him in himself,
his heel against me. and immediately will lie glorify him.
19 At present I tell you, before it S3 Little children, yet a little
come to pass-: that when it shall come while I am with you. Yon shall
to pass, you may believe that lam he. seek me, and as I said to the Jews:
20 Amen, amen I say to you, he W hither I go, you cannot come:
that receiveth whomsoever I send, so I say to you now.
reeeiveth me and he that receiveth
: 34 A new commandment I give
me, receiveth him that sent me. unto you That you love one an-

Ul When Jesus had said these other: as I have loved you, that
things, he was troubled in spirit: you also love one another.
and he testified, and said : Amen, 3*5 By this shall all men know
amen I say to you, one of you shall that you are my diseipies, if you
betray me. have luve one for another.
22 The disciples therefore look- 36' Simon Peter saith to him :

ed one upon another, doubting of Lord, whither goest thou ? Jesus

whom he spoke. answered, Whither I go, thou caririt
23 Now there was leaning on tioi follow me now, but thou shait
Jesus' bosom one of his disciples follow hereafter.
whom Jesus loved. 37 Peter saiih to him : Why
2\ Simon Peter therefore beck- cannot I follow thee now? I will
oned to him, and said to aim Who : lay down my life for thee.

St. ju HNT. 135

38 Jesus answered him Wilt : Father may be glorified in the Son.
thou lay do wn thy life for mePAmen, 14 If you shall ask me any thing
amen I say to thee, the cock shall in my name, that I will do.
not crow, till thou deny me thrice. 15 If you love me, keep my com-
CHAP. XIV. mandments.
Conclusion of Chi isl's lad discourse. 16 And I will ask the Father, and
T ET not your heart be troubled. he shall give you another Paraclete,
-" You believe in God, believe that he may abide with you for ever.
also in me.j 17 The spirit of truth, whom the
2 In my Father's house there are world cannot receive, because it
many mansions. If not, I would have seeth him net nor knowethhim: but
told you, that I go to prepare a place you shall know him; because he shall

for you. abide with you, and shall be in you.

3 And if I shaH go, and prepare a 3 8 I will not leave you orphans
place tor you I will come again, and
: I will come to vou.
will take you to myself, that wheie 19 Yet a little while: and the
I also may be.
am, you world seeth me no more. But you
And whither I go you know,
4 see me: because I live, and you
and the way you know. shall live.
5 Thomas saith to him Lord, : £0 In that day you shall know
we know not whither thou goestj that I am in my
Father, and yen
and how can we know the way? in me, and I in you.
6 Jesus saith to him I am the : 21 He that hath my command-
way, and the truth, and the life. No ments, and keepeth them : he it is
man cometh to tht Father,but by me. that loveth me. And he that lovelh
7 If you had known me, you me shall he loved of my Father:
would without doubt hare known and I will love him, and will mani-
my Father also: and from hence- fest myself to him.
forth you shall know him, and you 22 Judas saith to him, not the
have seen him. Iscariot: Lord, how is it, that thpu
S Philip saith to him Lord, shew : \\ ilt manifi st thyself to us, and not

us the Faiher,and it is enough for u>:. to the wo: id?

9 Jesus saith to him So long a :
2l> Jeus
answered, and said to
time have I been with von and have ;
him: any one love me, he will

you not known me? Philip, he that keep my word, and my Father will
seeth me,seeth the Father also. How love him. and we will come to him,
gayest thou, shew us the Father? and will make our abode with him :

10 Do you not believe, that I am c

2k He that loveth me not, keep-
in the Father, and the Father in me? eth not my words. Ai d the w >rd
Thewords that I speak to you,Ispeak which you have heard is not mine;
not of myself. Bnt the Father who but the Father's who sent me.
abideth in me, he doth the works. 20 These things have I spoken
11 Believe you not that I am in to you, abiding with vou.
the Father, and the Father in me? id But the Paraclete, the Holy
12 Otherwise believe for the very Ghost, whom the Father will send
works' sake. Amen, amen I say to in my name, he will teach you all
you, he that believeth in me, the things, and bring all things to your
works that I do, he aho shall do, mind, whatsoever i shall have said
and greater than these shall he do. to you.
13 Because I go to the ather, and 27 Peace I leave with you, my
whatsoever you shall ask the Father peace I give unto you: not as the
in my name, that Villi do; that the world giveth, do I give unto y u.
: ;

136 St. , JOHN.

Let not your heart be troubled, uor 10 If you keep my command-
let it be afraid. ments, you shall abide in my love;
2S You have heard that I said to as I also have kept my Father's com-
you I go away and I come un o you.
: mandments,and do abide in his love.
If you loved me, you would indeed 11 These things I have spoken to
be glad because I go to the Father
; you, that my joy may be in you,
For the Father is greater than I. and your joy maybe i.lle^.
29 And now I have told you be- 12 This is my commandment,
fore come to pass
it that when it
; that you love one another, as I have
shall come to pass, you may believe. loved you.
30 notI will now speak many 13 Greater love than this no man
things with you. For the prince of hath, that a man lay down his life
this world cometh, and in me he for his friends.
hath not any thing. 14 You are my friends, if you do
31 But that the world may know the things that I command you.
that I love the Father: aivd as the 15 I will not now call you ser-
Father hath given me command- vants for the servant knoweth not :

ment, so do I: Arise, let us gohenee. what his lord doth. But I have call-
CHAP, xv: ed you friends because all things :

A continuation of Christ's discourse. whatsoever I have heard of my Fa-

T AM the true vine an4 my Fa* :ther, I have made known to you.
* ther is the husbandman. 16 You have not chosen me: but
2 Every branch in me that bear* I have chosen you ; and have ap-
eth not fruit, he will take away: pointed you, that you should go,
and every one that be Ttth fruit he and should bring forth fruit and ;

will purge it, that it may bring forth your fruit should remain: that what-
more fruit. soever you shall ask of the Father
3 Now you are clean by reason of in my name, he may give it you.
the word which I have spoken to you 17 These things 1 command you,
4-Abide in me and I in you. As the that you love one another.

branch cannot bear fruit of itself, 18 If the world hate you, know
unless abide in the vine, so neither
rt ye that it hath hated me before you.

can you, unless you abide in me. 19 If you had been of the world
5 I am the vine; you the bran- the world would love its own : but
ches he that abideth in me, and I
: because you are not of the world,
in him, ?he same beartth much fruit: but I have chosen you out of the
for without me you can do nothing. world, therefore the world hateth you
6 If any one abide not in me he : 20 Remember my word that I
shall be cast forth as a branch, and said to you : The servant is not
shall wither, and they shall gather greater than his master. If they
him up^ and cast him into the fire, have persecuted me, they will also
and he burneth. persecute you : if they have kept my
7 If you abide in me, and my word, they will keep yours also.
words abide in you, you shall ask £1 But all these things they will do
whatever you will, and it shall be to you for my name's sake : because
done unto you. they know not him that sent me.
8 In this is my Father glorified ; <z 2 If I had not come, and spoken

that you bring forth very much to them, they would not have sin :
fruit, and become my disciples. but now they have no excuse for
9 As the Father hath loved me, their sin.
I also have loved you. Abide in 23 He that hateth me, hate*
*ny love- my Father also.
St. JOHN. 137
24 If I had not done among me no longer.
them the works that no other man 11 And of judgment because :

hath done, they would not have the prince of this world is already
sin but now they have both seen judged.

and hated both me and my Father. 12 I have yet many things to say
25 But that the word may be to you but you cannot bear them :

fulfilled, which is written in their now.

law They hated me without cause.
: 13 But when he, the Spirit of
2-3 But when the Paraclete corn- truth, is come, he will teach you
eth whom I will send you from the all truth. For he shall not speak
Father, the Spirit of truth, who of himself: but what things soever
proceedeth from the Father, he shall he shall hear, he shall speak and :

give testimony of me : the things that are to come he shall

27 And you shall gifC testimony, shew you.
b cause you are with me from the 14 He shall glorify ine ; because
beginning; he shall receive of mine, and shall
CM A P. XVI. shew it to you.
Conclusion of Christ's last discourse. 15 Ail things whatsoever the
npHESE things have I spok t Father hath, are mine. Therefore

-* you, that you may not be I said, that he shall receive of mine,
scandalized. and shew it to you.
2 They will put you out of the 16 A little while, and now you
synagogues yea the hour come-h, shall not see me a; d again a little
: :

that whosoever killeth you, wlil while, and you shall see me be- :

think that he doth £ service to God. cause I go to the Father.

3 And these things wiii they do 17 Then some of his disciples
to you, because they have not known said one :o another What is this that :

the Father, nor me. be sarin to us A little while, ami :

4 But these things I have toM you khaU not see me and again a :

you: that when the hour shall come. little while, and you shall see me,
you may remember that I told you and, '

ther ?
of them. 18 They said therefore i What is
5 But I told you n°.t these things this that he saith, A littlewhile ?
from the beginning, bec< we know not v tpeaketh.
with you. And now I go t 19 Anj
Js.cs knew that they
that sent me, and no-o of you ask- had a mind to ask him; and he
eth me : Wither g< est ti said to them Of this do you en-

a But because
hkv I quire amongyourselves, because I
these things to )ou, sorrow hati said : A while, and you had
filled vour hear-. me: and again a little while,

7 But I tell you the truth it k : ami you shall see me.
expedient to you that I £0 for I :
: 20 Amen, amen 1 say to you,
go not, the Parade te wHJ in [ that you shall lament and weep,
to you but if I go, I will genu him
: but the world shall rejoice and :

to you. you shall be made sorrowful, hut

8 And when he is come, he will your sorrow shad he turned into joy.
convince the world of sin, and oi 21 A woman., when she is in la-
justice, and of judgment bour, haih h r
so.ro'vv, heca-use
9 Of sin : because they believed '.our is come but when she hath :

not in me. brought forth the child, she remem-

10 And of justice : because I go bereth no more the anguish, for j-y
to the Father: and you shall see that a man is born into the world.

138 St. J OHN.

22 So also you now indeed have HpHESE things Jesus spoke, and
sorrow, hut I will see you a> a n. and :
up his eyes to heaven,
your heart shall rejoice and your
; he said Father, the hour is come,

joy no man shall take from you. glorify thy Son, that thy Son may
23 And in that day you shall not glorify thee.
ask me any thing. Amen, amen I 2 As thou hast given hirn no iver
say to you if you ask the Father
: over all flesh, that he may give
any thing in my name, he will give eternal life to ail, whom thou hast
it you. given him.
24 Hitherto you have not asked 3 Now this is eternal life: That
any thing in my name. Ask and they may know thee, the only true
you shall receive; that your joy God, and Jesus Chic wt, whom thou
may be fu\]. hast sent.;
25 These things I have spoken to 4 have glorified thee on the
you in proverbs. The hourcometfa earth: I have finished the work
when I will no more speak to you which thou gavest me to do :

in proverbs, but will shew you 5 And now glorify thou me, O
plainly of the Father. Father, with thyself, with the glory
26 In that day you shall ask in which I had, before the world was,
my name: and I say not to you, that with thee.
1 will ask the Father for you. 6 I have manifested thy name to
27 For the Father himself loveth the men whom thou hast given me
you, because you have loved me, out of the world. Thine they were,
and have believed that I came cut and to me thou gavest them and :

from God. they have kept thy word.

28 I came forth from the Father, 7 Now they have known that ail
and am come into the world again : things which thou hast given me
I leave the world, and I go to the are from thee
Father. 8 Because the words which thou
99 His him Be-
disciples say to : gavest me, I have given to them :

hold now
thou speaker t plainly, and they have received them, and
and speakest no proverb. have known in very deed that I
30 Now we know that thou know- came out from thee, and they have
est all things, and thou neenest not believed that thou didst send me.
that any man should ask thee. By 9 I pray for ihem I pray not :

this we believe that thou comest for the world, but for them whom
forth from God. thou hast given me : because they
31 Ji.sus answered them Do : are thine ;

you now believe ? 10 And all my things are thine,

SS Behold the hour cometh, and and thine are mine : and I am glo-
it is now come, that youirshail be rified iii them.
scattered every man to his own, 11 And now I am not in the world,
and shall leave me alone and yec I : and these are in the world, and I
am not alone, because the Father come to thee. Holy Father keep
is with me. them in thy name, whom thou hast
63 These things I have spoken to given me: that they may be one, as
you, that in me you may have peace. we also are.,
In the world you shall have dis- 12 While I was with them, I
tress but have confidence, I have
: kept them in thy name. Those
overcome the world. whom thou gavest me have I kept:
CHAP. XVr II. and none of them is lost, but the
Christ's pray a for
< his disciples* son of perdition, that the scripture
: :

St. JOH N. 139

may be fulfilled. thou hast loved me, may be in
13 And now I come to thee: them, and 1 in them.
and these things speak in the I CHAR XVIII,
worlds that they may Lave my joy History of tke Passion of Christ.
tilled in themselves. VVHEN Jbsus had said these
14 I have given them thy word, * * things, he went forth with
and the world hath hated them, be- his disciplesover the brook Cedror;,
cause they are not of the world; as w here there was a garden, into
I also am not of the world. which he entered with his disciples.
15 1 pray riot that thou shouldst 2 And Judas also, who betrayed
take them out of the world, but that him, knew the place because Je- :

thou shouldst keep them from evil. ^us had often resorted thither toge-
1(3 They are not of the world : ther with his disciples.
as i also am not of the world. '
3 Judas therefore having receiv-
17 Sanctify them in truth. Thy ed a band of soldiers, and servants
word is truth. from the chief priests and the Pha-v
18 As thou hast sent me into the risees, cometh thither with lan-
world, I also have sent them into terns and torches and weapons.
the world. 4 Je-:us therefore knowing all
19 And for them do I sanctify things that should come upon him
myself: that they also may Le went forth, and said to them ;

sanctified in truth. Whom seek ye ?

20 And not for them enly do I .5 They answered him Je-us of :

pray, but for them also who through Nazareth. Je-us saith to them:
their word shall believe in me : 1 am he. And Judas also, who be-
21 That they all may be one, as trayed him, stood with th
thou, Father, in me, and 1 in thee-: 6 As soon therefore as he had
that they also may be one in us : said to them: I am he they went :

that the world may believe that .111 to the ground,

thou hast sent me. therefore b hem,

22 And the glpry which thou hast Whom seek ye and they said
? :

given me., 1 have given to them Je-us ( f Nazareth.

that they may be one, as we also 8 J] s were I, I have told
are one. you, that I am he. It therefore you
23 them, and thou in me
I in : seek me, let thesi
tnat they may be made perfect in 9 That the v | be fulfill-
one ; and the, world may know that ed which he said: Of them whom
thou hast sent me, and hast loved thou hast given me; I have not lost
them, as thou hast also loved me. any one.
24 Father, 1 will that where I "lu Then Simon Peter having a

am, they al o m horn thou hast given sw< rd, drew it and struck the ser-

me may be with me that they : vant of the high-priest, and cut off
may see my glory which thou hast his right ear. And the name of
given me, because thou hast loved the servant was Mak
me before the creation 6i the world. i i Jesus therefore said to Peter
2.3 Just Father, the world hath Put up thy sword into the scab-
not known thee but I have known
: hard. The chalice which my Father
thee and these have known, that
: hath given me, shall 1 notdrink it ?
thou hast sent me. 12 Then the band, and the tri-
26 And I have made known thy bune, and the servants of the Jews
name to them, and will make it took Jesus, and bound him :
known: that the lov e wherewith T
13 And they led him away to
4 t

140 St. JOHN.

Annas first, for he was father-in-law also one of his disciples ? He denied
to Caiphas, who was the high priest and said I am not.
it :

of that year. 26 One of the servants of the

1 Now Caiphas
was he who had high priest (a kinsman to him whose
given the counsel to the Jews: ear Peter cut oif) saith to him Did :

That it was expedient that one man not I see thee in the garden wkh him?
should die for the people. 27 Again therefore Peter denied :
15 And Simon Peter followed and immediately the cock crew.
Jesus, and so did another disciple. 28 Then they led Jesus from Ca>

And that disciple was known to the phas to the governor's hail. Audit
high priest, and went in with Je- was morning and they went not:

sus itno the court of the high priest. into the hall, that they might not
16 But Peter stood at the door be denied, but that they might eat
without. The other disciple there- the pasch.
fore who was known to the high 29 Pilate therefore went out to
priest, went out, and spoke to the them, and said,- What accusation
portress, and brought in Peter. bring you agahist this man ?
17 The maid therefore that was 30 They answered and said to
portress, saith to Peter : Art not him If he were not a malefactor,

thou also one of this man's disci- we would not have delivered him
ples ? He saith-: I am net. up to thee.
18 Now the servants and minis- 31 Pilate therefore said to them:
ters stocd at a fire of coals, because- Take him you, and judge him ae*
it was coiu, a warmed them- cording- to your law. The Jews

selves. And with them was Peter j therefore said to him It is not Jaw- :

also standing, and warming him c^K [ fid for us to put any man co death.
19 The high priest therefore* 32 That the word of Jssus might
asked Jesus of hie disciples, and of be fulfilled which he said, signify-
his doctrine. ing what death he shouid die.'
20 Jjssus answered him : I have £3 Pilate therefore went into the
spoken open/y to the world : I have hall again, and called Jesus, and
always taught in the synagogue, said to him : Art thou the king of
and in the lernple, whither ah the the Je.w? ?
Jews resort and in secret I have
34 Jesus answered : Sayest thou

spoken nothing-. this thing of thyself, or have others

21 Why askest thou me? ask told it thee of me?
them who have heard what I have 35 Pilate: answered
I a Am
spoken unto them behold they
: Jew ? Thy own
nation, and the
know what things I have said. chief priests have delivered thee up
22 And when he had said these to me : what hast thou done ?
things, one of the serrarits standing 36 Jesus answered: king- My
by, gave Jesus a blow, saying An- ;
dom not of this world.
is If my
swerest thou the high priest, so ? kingdom were of this world, my
23 Je.-us answered him If I have : servants would certainly strive that
spoken evil, give testimony of the I should not be delivered to the

evil: but if well, v,hy strikes Jews : but now my kingdom is not
thou me ? from hence.
24 And Annas sent him bound 37 Pilate therefore said to him :
to Caiphas the high priest. Art thou a king then ? Jesus an-
25 And Simon Peter was stand- swered : Thou sayest, that I am a
ing, and -warming himself. They king. For this was I born, and for
sail' therefore to hhn: Art not thou this came I into the world; that I
St. JOHX. Ul
should give testimony to the truth. lease thee?
Every one that is of the truth, II Jesus answered; Thou shouldst
heareth my voice. not have any power against me, un-
36 Pilate saith to him : What is less it were given thee from above.
truth? And when he said this be Therefore he that hath delivered me
went out again to the Jews, and to thee, hath the greater sin.
saith to them I find no cause in him.
: 12 And from thenceforth Pilate
39 But you have a custom that sought to release him. But the
I should release one unto you at Jews cried out, saying: If thou re-
the pasch will you therefore that I
: lease this man, thou art not Cesar's
release unto you the kingof the Jews? friend. For whosoever maketh him-
40 Then cried they all again, self a king, speaketh against Cesar.
t&yii&g: Not this man but Barab- 13 Now when Pilate had heard
Las. Now
Bar abbas was a robber. these words, he brought Jesus
CHAP. XIX. forth : ana sat down in the judgment
Continuation of the Passion., seat, in the place that is called LI-
ryKEN therefore Pilate took Je- t.hostrotos,and in Hebrew Gabbatha.
* BUS, and scourged him. 14 And it was the parasceve of the
2 And the soldiers,platting a crown pasch, about the sixth hour, and he
of thorns, put it upon his head: and saith to the Jews: Behold your king !

they put on him a purple garment. 15 But they cried out Away with :

3 And they came to him, and him, away with him, crucify him.
said Hail, king of the Jews
: and : Pilate saith to them Shall I crucify

they gave him blows. your king? The chiefpriests answer-

4 Pilate therefore went forth again, ed : We have no king but Cesar.
and saith to them Eehoid I bring : 16 Then therefore he delivered
him forth unto you, that you may him to them for to be crucified. And
know that I find no cause in him. they took Jesus and led him forth.
5 (Jt.su s therefore came forth 17 And bearing his own cross hewent
beari::g the crown of thorns, and forth to that place which is called
the purple garment.) And he saith Calvary, but in Hebrew Golgotha,
to them : Behold the Man. 1C Where they crucified him, and
G When the chief priests there- with him him two others, one on
fore and the servants had seen him, each side, and Jesus in the midst.
they cried out saying Crucify him, : 19 And plate wrote a title also :
crucify him. Pilate saith to them : and he put it upon the cross. And
Take him you, and crucify him : the writing was Jesus of Naza-
for I find no cause in him. reth the King of ths Jews.
The Jews answered him We
7 : 20 This title therefore many of
have a law and according to Xhd; the Jews did read because the place

law he ought to die, because he where Jesus was crucified, was nigh
yiade himself the Son of God. to the city and it was written in

e When Pilate therefore had heard Hebrew, in Greek, and in Latin.

Jiis sTaring, he feared the tore. i 21 Then the chief priests of the
9 And he entered into the hall Jews said to Pilate Write not, :

again ; and he said tr> Jesus : The king of the Jews but that he ;

Whei du? But Jesus gave said, I am

the king of the Jews.
i answer. 9-2 Pilate answered: What I
iO Pilate th »refore saith to him : written, I have written.
SpeaJ eg on not to me ? knowest

23 The soldiers therefore when they

thou not that I have power to cru- tad crucified him, took his garments
c':y thee, and I hare power to re- and they made lour parts, to every

U2 St. JOHN.
soldier a part) and also his coat. ly therecame out blood and water
Now the coat was without seam, 35 And he that saw it hath given
woven from the top throughout. testimony and his testimony is

24 They s;ud then one to another true. And he knoweth that he saith
Let us not cut it, but let us cast true ; that you also may believe.
lots for it whose it shall be
that ; 36 For these things were done
the scripture might be fulfilled, say- that the scripture might be fulfilled:
ing They have parted my garments
: You shall not break a bone of him,
a <nonr them, : and upon my vesture 37 And again another scripture
they have cast lot. And the soldiers suth they shall look on him nhom

indeed did these things. they pierced.

25 Now there stood by the cross 38 And after these things Joseph
of Jesus, his mother, and his mo- of Arimathea, (because he was a
ther's sister, Mary oi Cleophas, and disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear
Mary Magdalen. of the Jews) besought Pilate that he
26 When Jesus therefore had seen might take away the body of Jesus,
his mother and the disciple stand- and Pilate gave leave. Hecamethere-
ing, whom he loved, he saith to his foreand took away the bodyof Jesus.
mother: Woman, behold thy son. 39 And Nicodemus also came, he
27 After that, he saith to the dis- who at the first came to Jesus by
ciple Behold thy mother.
: And night, bringing a mixture of myrrh
from that hour the disciple took her and aloes, about an hundred pound
to his own, xv eight,

28 Afterwards Jesus knowing 40 They took therefore the body

that all things were now accom- of Jesus, and bound it in linen cloths
plished, that the scripture might be with the spices, as the manner oi
fulfilled, said : I thirst. the Jews is to bury.
29 Now
there was a vessel set 41 Now there was in the place,
there full of vinegar. And they put- where he was crucified, a garden :

ting a sponge full of vinegar about and in the garden a new sepulchre,
hyssop, putit to his mouth. wherein no man yet had been laid.
30 Jesus therefore when he had 42 There therefore, because of
took the vinegar, said : It is con- the parasceve of the Jews, they laid
summated And bowing his head, Jesus, because the sepulchre was
he gave up the ghost. nigh at hand.
31 Then the Jews (because it was CHAP. XX.
the parasceve) that the bodies might Christ's resurrection, &$c.
not remain upon the cross on the
sabbath-day (for that was a great ^k ND week
on the first day of the
Mary Magdalen cometh early,
sabbath-day) besought Pilate that when was yet dark, unto the
it se-
their legs might be broken, and that pulchre and she saw the stone
: ta-
they might be taken away. ken away from the sepulchre.
32 The soldiers therefore came 2 She ran therefore and cometh
and they broke the legs of the first, to Simon Peter, and to the other dis-
and of the other that was crucified ciple whom Jesus loved, and saith
with him. to them They have taken away the

33 But after they were come to Lord out of the sepulchre, and we
J^stt's, when they saw that he was know Dot where they have laid him.
already dead, they did not M break 3 Peter therefore went out, and
bis legs. that other disciple, and they came
3% But one of his soldiers with a to the sepulchre.
s^earopenedLis side, aiid immediate- 4 And they both ran together, and

St. JOHN. 143

that other disciple did out-run Pe- my God and your God.
ter, and carre first to the sepulchre. 18 Mary Magdalen cometh and
o And when hestooped down, he telleth the disciplesI have seen the

saw the linen cloths lying but yet : Lord, and these things he said to me.
he went not in. 19 Now when it was late that
6Then cometh Simon Peter, fol- same day, the first of the week, and
lowing him, and went into the sepul- the doors were shut, where the dis-
chre and saw the linen cloths lying. ciples were gathered together for
7 And the napkin, that had been fear of the Jews, Jesus came and
about Lis head, not lying with the stood in the midst, and said tc
linen cloths, but apart, wrapt up them Peace be to you.

into one place. 20 And when he had said this,

8 Then that other disciple also he shewed them his hands, and his
went in, who came first to the se- side. The disciples therefore were
pulchre : and he saw, and believed. glad, when they saw the Lord.
9 Fur as yet they knew not the 21 He said therefore to them again:
scripture, that he must rise again Peace be to you. As the Father
from the dead. hath sent me, I also send you.
10 The disciples" therefore de- 22 When he had said" this: he
parted again to their home k breathed on them and .he said to

11 But Mary stood at the sepul- them Receive ye the Holy Ghost

chre without, weeping. Now as 23 Whose sins you shall forgive, they
the was weeping, she stcoped down, are forgiven them and whose sin*

and locked into the sepulchre : you shall retain, they are retained.
12 And she saw two angels in 24- Now
Thomas one of the
white, sitting, one at the head, and twelve, who is called Didymus, was
one at the feet, where the body of not with them when Jesus came.
Jesus had been laid. 25 The other disciples therefore
13 They say to her: Woman, said to him We
have scpn the

why weepest thou? She saith to Lord. But he said to them Except :

them : Because they have taken I shall fee in his hands the print
away my Lord, and I know not of the nails, and put my Bngcr into
where they have laid him* the place of the nails, and put my
14* When she had thus said, she hand into his side, I will not believe.
turned herself back, and saw Jesus 26 And after eight days, again
standing ; and she knew not that it his disciples were within, and Tho-
was Jews. mas with them. Jesus cometh the k

15 Jesus saith to her: Womatf, doors being shut, and stood in the
why weepest thou ? whom seekest midst, and said: Peace be to you.
thou ? She -thinking that it was the 27 Then he saith to Thomas
gardener, saith to him: Sir, if thou Put in thy finger hither, and see my
hast taken him hence, tell me where hands, and bring hither thy hand,
thou hast laid him and I will take
: and put it into my side ; and be not
him away. faithless, but believing.
16 Jesus saith to her: Mary. 28 Thomas answered, and said
She turning saith to him : Rabboni to him My Lord, and my God.

(which is to say, Master.) 10 Jf. ;:s saith to him Because :

17 Jesus saith to her: Do rot thou hast seen rne, Thomas, thou
touch i le, for 1 am n t yet ascended has: believed : blessed a;e they that
to my Father: but go to my bre- lot seen, and have believed.
thren, ana say to them, I ascend to 30 Many other signs also did
my Father and to your Father, to Jesus in the sight of his disciples,
; :

144 St. JOHN.

which are not written in this book. the net was not broken.
3i But these are written that you 12 Jesus saith to them Come, and •

may believe that Jesusis the Christ dine. And none of them who were
the Son of God and that believing at meat, durst asfc him Who art
: ;

vou may have life in his name. thou? knowing that it was the Lord.
CHAP. XXI. 13 A iid Jesus cometh and taketh
Christ manifests himself, bread, and giveth them and fish in
AFTER this Jesus shewed him- like manner.
self again to the disciples at 14 This is now the third time that
the sea of Tiberias. And he shewed Jesus was manifested to his disciples
himself'after this manner. after he was risen from the dead.
2 There were together Simon Peter, 13 When therefore they had dined,
and Thomas who is called Didymus, Jesus saith to Simon Peter: Simon
and Nathan ael who was of Cana son of John, lovest thou me more
in GaEiee, and the sons of Zebedee, than these ? He saith to him Yea :

and two others of his disciples. Lord: thou knowest that I love thee.
3 Simon Peter saith to them I : He saith to him Feed my lambs. :

go a fishing. They say to him We : 16 He saith to him again; Simon

also come with thee. And they went son of John, lovest thou me ? He
forth and entered into the ship and : saith to him Yea Lord, thou

that night they caught nothing. knowest that I love thee. He saith
4 But when the morning was come, to him ; Feed my lambs.
Jesus stood on the shore: yet the 17 He said to bim the third time
disciples knew not that it was Jesus. Simon son of John, lovest thou me ?
5 Jesus therefore said to them : Peter was grieved, because he had
Children, have you any meat? said to him the third time, Lovest
They answered bim ; No. thou me ? And he said' to him ;
6 He saith to them : Cast the net Lord, thou knowest all things thou ;

en the right side cf the ship ; and knowest that I love thee He said :

you shall find. They cast therefore to him Feed my sheep.


and now they were not able to draw 18 Amen, amen I say to thee, when
it forthe multitude of fishes. thou wast younger, thou didst gird
7 That disciple therefore whom thyself, and didst walk where thou
Jesus loved, said to Peter : it k the wouldst. Butwhen thou shalt be old,
Lord. Simon Peter, when he heard thou shalt stretch forth thy hands*
that it was the Lord, girt his coat and another shall gird thee, and
about him (for he was naked) and lead thee whither thou wouldst not
cast himself into the sea. 19 And this he said, signifying by
8 But the other disciples came in what death he should glorify God.
the slop (for they were not far from And when h" had said this, he
the land, but as it were two hundred saith to him ; Follow me.
cubits) dragging the net with fishes. 20 Peter turning about, saw that
9 As soon then as they came to disciple whom 'Jesus loved follow-
land, they saw hot coals lying, and ing, who also leaned on his breast
a fish laid thereon, and bread. at supper, and said : Lord, who is

10 Jesus saith to them: Bring he that shall betray thee ?

hither of the fishes which you have 21 Him therefore when Peter
now caught. had seen, he saith to Jesus Lord, :

11 Simon Peter went up, and and what shall this man do $
drew the net to land, full of great 22 Jesus saith to him
So I will ;

fishes, one hundred and fifty three. have him to remain come, wha
till I

And although there were so many., is it to thee ? follow thou me.


St. JOHN. 145

23 This saying therefore went written these things and we know :

abroad among the brethren, that that his testimony is true.

that disciple should not die. Ann Je- 2J But there are also many other
sus did not say to him He should things which Jes-us did: which it

not die ; but, So I wiii have him to they were written every one, the
remain till I come, what is it to thee ? world itself, I think, would not be
24 This is that disci pie who giveth able to contain the books that should
testimony of these things, aid hath he written.


chap. i. I
out of their sight.
The Ascension ofChriit. 10 And while they were behold-
r piIE former treatise I made, O lim gfomg up to heaven, behold
Theophilus, of all things, which two men stood by them in^ white
Jesus began to do and to teach. garments.
2 Unci! the day on- which giving 11 Who said: Ye men of
commandments Fw the Holy Ghost Galilee, why
stand you looking up
to the apostles whom he had chosen, to heaven ; This Jesl s who is taken

be was taken up. up from you into heaven, shall so

3 To whom also he shewed him- come as you have seen him going
self alive after his passion, by many into heaven.
proofs, for forty days appearing to 12 Then they returned to Jeru-
them, and speaking of the kingdom salem from the mount that is cajled
of God. Olivet, which is nigh Jerusalem
4 And eating together with them, within a sabbath-day's journey.
he commanded them, that they 13 And when they were come in,
should not depart from Jerusalem, they went up into an upper room*
but should wait for the promise of where abode Peter and John, James
the Father, which you have heard and Andrew, Philip and Thomas,
(saith he) by my mouth Bartholomew and Matthew, James
5 For John indeed baptized with of Alpheus and Simon Zelotes, and
water, but you shall be baptized Judo the b?-otJter of James.
with the Holy Ghost not many days 14 All these were persevering
hence. with one mind in prayer with the
6 They therefore who were come women, and Mary the mother of
together, asked him, saying: Lord, Jtasus, and with his brethren.
wilt thou at this time restore again 15 In those days Peter rising up
the kingdom to Israel ? in the midst of the brethren, said^:
? But he said to them It is not : (nowthe numberof persons together,
for you to know the times or me- was about an hundred and twenty.)
ments which the Father hath 16 Men brethren, the scripture
put in his own power : must needs be fulfilled which the
8 But you shall receive the power Holy Ghost spoke befGre by the
of the Holy Ghost coming upon mouth cf David concerning Judas,
you, and you shall be witnesses who was the leader of them that
unto me in Jerusalem, and in all apprehended Jesus:
j'udea, and Samaria, and even to 1 ? Who was numbered with us, and
the uttermost part of the earth. had obtained^ part of this ministry.
And when he had said these 18 And he indeed hath possessed a
things, while they looked on, he was fieldof the reward of iniquity, and
raised up; and a cloud received him being hanged burst asunder 'in the

U6 The ACTS.
midst: and al! his bowels gushed out every nation under heaven.
19 And it became known to all the 6 And when this was noised a-
inhabitants of Jerusalem so that: broad, the multitude came together,
the same field was called in their and where confounded in mind, be-
tongue, haceldama, that is to say cause that every man heard them
the field of blood. speak in his own tongue.
20 For it is written in the book of 7 And they were all amazed and
\Psalms Let their habitation become
: wondered, saying Behold are not

desolate, and let there be none to dwell all these, that speak, Galileans.
therein. And his bishoprick let another 8 And how have we heard every
take, man our own tongue wherein we
21 Wherefore of these men who were born?
have accompanied with us, all the 9 Parthian s, and Medes, and
time that the Lord Jesup came Elamites, and inhabitants of Meso-
in and went out among us, potamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pon-
22 Beginning from the baptism of tus and Asia,
John until the day wherein he was 10 Phrygia, and Paraphilia, E-
taken up from us, one of these must gypt, and the parts of Lybia about
be made a witness with us of his Gyrene, and strangers of Rome,
resurrection. 11 Jews also, and Proselytes,
23 And they appointed two, Jo- Cretes, and Arabians : we have heard
seph, called Barsabas, who was sur- them speak in our own tongues the
named Justus, and Matthias. wonderful work* of God.
§4. And praying they said Thou, :
12 And they were all astonished,
Lord, who knowest the Itearts of all and wondered saying one to ano-
men, shew whether of these two ther : What meaneth this ?
thou hast chosen. 13 But others mocking, said :
25 To taka the place of this mi- These men are full of new wine.
nistry and apostleship, from which 14 But Peter standing up with
Judas hath by trangression fallen, the eleven, lifted up his voice, and
that he might go to his own place. spoke to them Ye men of Judea,

26 And they gave them lots, and the and all you that dwell in Jerusalem,
lot fell upon Matthias, and be was be this known to you and with your
numbered with the eleven apostles. ears receive my words.
CHAP. II. 1& For these are not drunk, as
The disciples receive the Holy Ghost you suppose, seeing it is but the
AND when days the pente-
were accomplished, they
of the third hour of the day:
16 But this is that which was
were altogether in one place. spoken of by the Prophet Joel
2 And suddenly there came a 17 And it shall come to pass in the
sound from heaven, as of a mighty last days, (saith the Lord) I will pour
wind coming, and it filled the out vf my spirit upon all flesh : and your
whole house where they were sitting. sons and your daughters shall prophesy f
3 And there appeared to them par- and your young men shall see visions,
ted tongue* as it were of fire, and it and your old men shall dream dreams,
sat upon every one of=t hem f
I 8 And upon my servants y indeed
and upon
4 And they were all filled with the my handmaids will I pour out in those
Holy Ghost, and they began to speak days of my Spirit, and they shall prophesy
jwith divers tongues according as the 19 And I will shew wonders in the
Holy Ghost gave them to speak. heaven above, and signs on the earth be-
neath; blood and fire, and vapour of smoke
S Now there were dwelling at Je-
rusalem Jews, devout men out of 20 The sun shall be turned into dark
Thjs ACTS. 1-0

ess, and the moon into blood, before the which you see and hear.
forth this
great and manifest day of the Lord cane 34 For David ascended not into
21. And it shall come to pass that , heaven ; but he himself said : The
whosoever mall call upon the name of Lord said io my Lord, sit thou en
the Lord, shall be saved. my right-hand,
22 Ye men of Israel hear these 35 Until I make thy enemies thy
words Jesus of Nazareth a man
: foot stool.
approved of God among you by 36 Therefore let ail the house of
miracles and wonders and signs, Israel know most certainly, that
which God did by him in the midst God hath made both Lord, and
of you, as you also know ; Christ, this same Jesus, whoro
23 This same being delivered up, you have crucified.
by the determinate counsel and 37 Now when they had heard
foreknowledge of God, you by the these things, they had. compunction
hands of wicked men have crucifi- in their heart, and said to Peter and

ed and slain, to the rest of the apostles : What

24 Whom God
hath raised up shall. we do, men and brethren ?

having loosed the sorrows of hell, 38 But Peter said to them Do :

as it was impossible that he should penance, and be baptized every one

or" you in the name of Jesus Christ,
be holden by it.
25 Eor David saith concerning for the remission of your sins and :

him I foresaw the Lord before

you shall receive the gift of the
my face : because he is at my right Holy Ghost.
hand that I may not be moved. 39 For the promise is to you, and
26 For this my heart hath been glad, to your children, and to all that are
and my tongue halh rejoiced : more- far off, whomsoever the Lord out
over my flesh also shall rest in hope. God shall call.
27" Because thou mtt not leave my 40 A;id with very many other
soul in hell, nor suffer thy Holy one to
wordsdid he testify and exhort them,
see corruption. saying; Save yourselves from this
28 Thou hast made known to me the perverse generation.
the ways of life : Thou shalt make me
41 They therefore that received
futi of joy with thy countenance*
his word weie baptized and ther*

29 Ye men brethren, let me freely

were added in that day about three
speak to you of the patriarch David;
thousand souls.
that he died, and was buried ; and
42 And they were persevering in
his sepulchre is with us unto this
the doctrine of the apostles, and in
present day.
the communication of the breaking
30 Whereas therefore he was a pro-
of bread, and in prayers.
phet, and knew that God had sworn
to him with an oath that of the fruit of
A3 And fear came upon every soul:
his loins one should sit upon his tlirone
many wonders also and signs were
31 Foreseeing this, he spoke of
done by the apostles in Jerusalem,
the resurrection of Christ. For nei-
and there was great fear in all.
4-4 And all they that believed, were
ther was he left in hell, neither did
his flesh see corruption.
together,and had all things common.
45 Their possessions and goods
32 This Jesus hath God raised
they sold, and divided them to all,
again, whereof all we are witnesses.
according as every one had need.
33 Being exalted therefore by the
right hand of God, and having re-
46 And continuing daily with one
reived of the Father the promise of
accord in the temple, and breaking
bread from house to house, they
*»e Holy Ghost, he hath poured
took their meat with gladness «and

113 The ACTS.

simplicity of heart: 13 The God of Abraham, and tl\c
47 Praising God and having fa- God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
vour with all the people. And the the God of our fathers hath glorifi-
JLord increased daiiy together such ed his Son Jesus, whom you in-
as should be saved. deed delivered up and denied before
CHAP. III. the face of Pilate, when he judged
Tlie miracle upon the lame man. he she-di be released.
^OW Peter
and John went up 14. Bat you denied the Holy one

into the temple, at the ninth and the Just, and desired a mur-
hour of prayer. derer to be granted unto you.
2 And a certain man who was 15 But the author of life you
lame from his mother's womb, was killed, /whom God hath raised from
carried whom they laid every day
; the dead, of which we are witnesses.
at the gate of the temple, which is 16 And in the faith of his name,
called Beautiful; that he might ask this man whom you have seen and
almsofthemthatwentinto the temple know, hath his name strengthened ;
3 He, when he had seen Peter and the faith which is by him, hath
and John about to go into theternple given this perfect soundness in the
asked to receive an alms. sight of you all.
4? But Peter with John fastening his 17 And now brethren I know
eyes upon him, said Look upon us.: that you did it through ignorance,
5 But he looked earnestly upon as did also your rulers.
them, hoping that he should receive 18 'But those things which God
something of them. before had shewed by the mouth of
6 But Peter said Silver and gold
: all the prophets, that his Christ
I have none: but what I have, I give should suffer, he hath so fulfilled*
thee In the name of Jesus Christ
: 19Repent therefore,andbe convert-
of Nazareth, arise, and walk. ed, that your sins may be blotted out.
7 And taking him by the right 20 That, when the times of re-
hand, he lifted him up, and forthwith freshment shall come from the pre-
his feet and soles received strength. sence of the Lord, and he shall send
8 And
he leaping up stood, and him who hath been preached unto
walked and went in with them into you, Jesus Christ,
the temple, walking, and leaping, 21 Whom heaven indeed must
and praising God. receive until the times of the resti-
9 And all the people tution of all things, which God hath
saw him
walking an d praising God. (spoken by the mouth of his holy pro-
10 And t hey knew him, that it was phets from the beginning oi the world.
hevvhosat begging alms atthe Beau- 22 For Moses said: A prophetshall
tifulgate of the temple and they were the Lord your God raise up unto you

tilled with wonder and amazement of your brethren, like unto me: him
at that which had happened to him. you shall hear according to all things
1 And as he held Peter and John, whatsoever he shall speak to you.
all, the people ran to them- to the 23 And it shall be, thai every sold
porch which is called Solomon's, which will not hear that prophet, shall
greatly wondering. be destroyed from among the people.
12 But Peter seeing, made answer 24 And all the prophets from
to the people Ye -men of Israel, Samuel and afterwards, who have

why wonder you at this ? or why spoken, have told of these days.
look you upon us, as if by our, 25 You are the children of the
strength or power we had made this prophets and of the testament which
wam to w&ik? God made to our fathers, saying to
1 ; : 6

The ACTS. H9
Abraham : And in thy seed shall all whereby we must be saved.
the kindreds of the earth be blessed. 13 Now seeing the constancy of Pe-
26 To you first God raising up terand of John, understanding that
his Son hath sent him to bless you : they were illiterate, and ignorant
tha*. every one may convert himself men, they wondered ; and they knew
from his wickedness. them that they had been with Jesus :

CHAP. IV. 14 Seeing the man also who had

Peter and John are apprehended. heen healed, standing with them,
AND as they were speaking to
the people, the priests and the
they could say nothing against it.
15 But they commanded them to
officer of' the temple and the Saddu- go aside out of the council : and
cees came upon them, they conferred among themselves,
.2 Being grieved that they taught 1 Saying : "What shall we do to
the people and preached in Jesus these men ? for indeed a known mi-
the resurrection from the dead racle hath been done by them, to all
3 And they laid hands upon them, the inhabitants of Jerusalem it is :

and put them in hold, till the next manifest, and we cannot deny it.
day : for it was now evening. 17 But that it may be no farther
4 But many of them, who had heard spread among the people, let us
the word, believed and the number : threaten them, that they speak no
of the men was made five thousand. more in this name to any man.
5 And it came to pass'on the mor- 18 And calling them, they charg-
row, that their princes, and antients, ed them not to speak at all, nor
and scribes were gathered together teach in the name of Jesus.
in Jerusalem 19 But Peter and John answer-
6 And Annas the high priest, and ing said to them If it be just in the

Cephas and John, and Alexander, sight of God, to hear you rather
aad as many as were of the kindred than God, judge ye.
of the * jgh priest. 20 For we cannot but speak the
7 And setting therein the midst, things Which we have seen and heard.
they asked: Ey what power, or by 21 But they threatening, sent them
what name have you done this? away not finding how they might

S Then Peter filled with the Holy punish them, because of the people :
Ghost, said to them Ye princes of : for al! men glorified what had been
the people and antients, hear: done, that which had come to pas*.
9 If we this day are examined 22 For the man was above forty
concerning the good deed done to years old, in whom that miraculous
the infirm man, by what means he cure had been wrought.
hath been made whole, 23 And being let go they came to
10 Be it known to you all, and their own company, and related all
to all the people of Israel, that by that the chief priests aud antients
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ had said to them.
of Nazareth, whom you crucified, 21 Who having heard it, with one
whom God hath raised from the accord lifted up their voice to God,
dead, even by him this man standeth and Lord, thou art he that
said :

here before you whole. didst make heaven and earth, the
1 This is the stone which was re- sea, and all things that are in them.
jected hy you the builders : which is 25 Who by the Holy Ghost, by
become the head of the corner : the month of our father David thy
12 Neither is there salvation in servant hast said, Why did the pen-*
any other. For there is no other tiles rage, and the people meditate
n&me under heaven given to men, vain thing? :


26 The kings of the earth stood vp, T>UT a certain man named Ana-
and the princes assembled together -" nias, with Saphira his wife,
against the Lord, and against his sold a piece of land,
Christ? 2 And by fraud kept back part of
27 For of a truth there assembled the price of the land, his wife being
together in this city against thy holy privy thereunto and bringing a :

child Jesus whom thou hast anoint- certain part of it, laid it at the feet
ed, Kerod, and Pontius Pilate, with of the apostles.
the gentiles and the people of Israel, 3 But Peter said Ananias, why :

28 To do what thy hand and thy hath satan tempted thy heart, that
counsel decreed to be done. thou shouldest lie to the Holy Ghost,
29 And now, Lord, behold their and by fraud keep part of the price
threatenings, and grant unto thy of the land ?
servants, that with all confidence 4. Whikt it remained did it not

they may speak thy word, remain to thee ? and after it was
30 By stretching forth thy hand sold, was
not in thy power ?
it Why
to cures and signs and wonders, to hast thou conceived this thing in
be done by the name of thy holy thy heart ? Thou hast not lied to
son Jesus. men, but to God.
31 And when they had prayed, the 5 And Ananias hearing these
place was moved wherein they were words, fell down, and gave up the
assembled and they were all filled
: ghost, And there came great fear
with the Holy Ghost, and they spoke upon ail that heard it.
the word of God with confidence. 6 And the young men rising up,
32 And the multitude of believ- removed him, and carrying him out
ers had but one heart and one soul buried him.
neither did any one say that ought 7 And it was about the space of
of the things which he possessed three hours after, when his wife, not
was his own, but all things were knowing what hadhappened,came in.
common unto them. 8 And Peter said to her Tell me, :

33 And with great power did'the woman, whether you sold the land
apostles give testimony of the resur- for so much? And she said Yea, :

rection of Jesus Christ our Lord : for so much.

and great grace was in them all. 9 And Peter said unto her: Why
34 For neither was there any one have you agreed together to tempt
needy among them. For as many the Spirit of the Lord ? Behold, the
as were owners of lands or houses feet of them who have buried thy
sold them and brought the price of husband are at the door, and they
the things they sold, shall carry thee out.
35 And laid it down before the 10 Immediately she fell down be-
feet of the apostles. And distribu- and gave up the ghost.
fore his feet,
tion was made to every one accord- And theyoung men coming in, found
ing as he had need. her dead and carried her out, and

36 And Joseph who by the apostlea buried her by her husband.

was surnamed Barnabas (which is 11 And there came great fear
by interpretation, the son of conso- upon the Whole church, and upon
lation) a Levite, a Cyprian born, allthat heard these things.
37 Having land, sold it, and And by the hands of the
brought the price, and laid it at apostles were many signs and won-
the feet of the apostles. ders wrought among the people.
CHAR V, And they were all with one accord
Judgment upon Ananias and Saphira. in Solomon's porch.
The ACTS. 15 i

13 But of the rest no man durst to pass.

join himself unto them; hut the 25 But one came and told them :

people magnified them Behold the men whom you put in

14 And the multitude of men and prison, are in the temple standing,
women who believed in the Lord and teaching the people.
was more increased : 26 Then went the officer with the
lo Insomuch that they brought ministers and brought them without
forth the sick into the streets, and violence ; for they feared the peo-
laid them on beds and couches, ple, lest they should be stoned.
that when Peter came, his shadow 27 And when they had brought
at the least might overshadow any them, they set them before the coun-
of them, and they might be deliver- cil. And "the high-priest asked them,

ed from their infirmities. 2S Saying: Commanding we com-

16 And there came also together manded you that you should not
to Jerusalem a multitude out of the teach in this name and behold you

neighbouring cities, bringing ?ick have filled Jerusalem with your doc-
persons and such as were troubled trine, and you have a mind to bring
with unclean spirits ; who were all the blood of this man upon us.
healed. 29 But Peter and the apostles,
17 Then the high priest rising up answering said We ought to obey

and all they that were with him, God rather than men.
(which is the heresy of the Saddu- 30 The God of our fathers hath
cees), were filled with envy: raised up Jesus, whom you put tt>
18 And they laid hands on the death, hanging him upon a tree.
apostles, and put them in the com- St Him 'hath God exalted with
mon prison* his rigiit hand to be prince and sa-
19 But an Anpel of the Lord by viour, to give repentance to Israel,
night opening the doors of the pri- and remission of sins.
son, and leading them out, said : S2 And we are witnesses of these
20 Go, and standing speak in the things, and the Holy Ghost, whom
temple to the people all the words God hath given to all that obey him.
of this life. 33 When they had heard these
21 Who having heard this, early things. they were cut to (he heart, audi
in the morning entered into the tem- they thought to put them to death.
ple, and taught. And the high-priest 34 But one in th? council rising
coming, and they that were with up, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a
him, called together the council, and doctor of the law respected by all
all the antients of the children of the people, commanded the men to
Israel : and they sent to the prison be put forth a little while.
to have them brought. S5 And he said to them Ye men

22 But when the ministers came, cf Israel, take heed to yourselves

and opening the prison, found them what you intend to do, as touching
not there; they returned and told. these men.
23 Saying the prison indeed we
: 36 For before these days rose up
found shut with all diligence, and Theodas, affirming himself to be
the keepers standing before the some body, to whom a number ot
doors : but opening it, we found no men, about four hundred, joined
man within. themselves vt ho was slain and all
: :

24 Now when the officer of the that believed him, were scattered,
temple and the chief priests heard and brought to nothing.
these words, they were in doubt 37 After this man rose up Judas
concerning them ; what would come of Galilee in the days of the enroll*
152 Tiif A CTS.
ing,and drew away the people after and Parmenas, and Nicolas a pro-
him he also perished ; and an, even
: selyte of Antioch.
as many as consented to him, were 6 These they set before the apos-
dispersed. tles:and they praying imposed
38 And now therefore I say to hands upon them.
you, refrain from these men, and let 7 And the word of the Lord in-
them alone: for if this council or creased, and the number of fehe dis-
this work be of mefi, it will come ciples was multiplied in Jerusalem
to nought. exceedingly : a great multitude also
39 But if it be of God, you cannot of the priests obeyed the faith.
overthrow it; lest perhaps you be 8 And Stephen full of grace and
found even to tight against God. fortitude did great wonders and
And they consented to him. signs amongthe people.
40 And calling in the apostles, 9 Nowthere arose some of that
after they had scourged them, they which is called the synagogue of the
charged them that they should not Libertines, and of die Cyrenians,
speak at all in the name of Jesus, and of the Alexandrians, and of
and they dismissed them. them that were of Ciiicia and Asia,
41 And they indeed went from the disputing with Stephen.
presence of the council rejoieing,tha t 10 And they were not able to resist
they were accounted worthy to suf- the wisdom and the spirit that spoke.
fer reproach for the name of Jesus. 11 Then they suborned men to
42 And every day they ceased not, say, they had heard him rpeak
in the temple, and from house to words of blasphemy against Moses
house, to teach and preach Christ and against God.
J.ESUS. 12 And they stirred up die people,
CHAP. VI. and the antients and the scribes: and
The ordaining of the seven deacons. running together they took him,
AND in those days, the number
of the disciples increasing, there
and brought him to the council.
13 And they set up false wit-
arose a murmuring of the Greeks nesses, who said: This manceaseth
against the Hebrews, for that their not to speak words against the holy
widows were neglected in the daily place and the law.
ministration. 14 For we have heard him say,
2 Then the twelve calling toge- that this Jesus of Nazareth shall
ther the multitude of the disciples, destroy this place, and shall change
said: It is not reason, that we the traditions, which Moses de-
should leave the word of God, and livered unto us.
serve tables. 15 And all that sat in the council
3 Wherefore, brethren, look ye looked on him, saw his face as if it ;

out among you seven men of good had been the face of an angel.
reputation, full of the Holy Ghost CHAP. VII.
and wisdom, whom we may appoint Stephen's speech before the council.
over this business. r PH EN the high-priest said: Are
4 But we will give ourselves -*-
these things so?
continually to prayer, and to the 2 Who said : Ye men, brethren
ministry of the word. and hear.
fathers, The God of
5 And the saying was liked by all glory appeared to our father Abra-
the multitude. And they chose ham when he was in Mesopotamia,
Stephen, a man full of faith and of before he dwelt in Charan.
the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and 3 And said to him : Go forth out
Prochorus ; and NIcanor,and Timon, of thy country and from thy kin-
: ::

i€TS. 153
dred, and come into the land which to Sichem, and were laid in the se-
1 shall shew thee. pulchre that Abraham bought for &
4 Then he went out of the land of sum of money of the sons of Hemor
the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charan. the son of Sichem.
And from thence, after his father 17 And when the time of the pro-
was dead, he removed him into this mise drew near, which God had pro«
land, wherein you now dwell. mised to Abraham, the people in«*
5 And he gave him no inheritance creased andwas multiplied inEgypt.
in it,ne not the pace of a foot but he -
18 Till another king arose in
promised to give it him in posses- Egypt who knew not Joseph.
sion, and to his seed after him, 19 This same dealing craftily with
when as yet he had no child. our race, afflicted our fathers, that
6 A^d God said to him, That they should expose their children, to
his seed should sojourn in a strange the end theymight not be kept alive.
country, and that they should ring . 20 At the same time was Moses
them bondage, end treat
under born, and he was acceptable to
them evil four hundred years : God ; who was nourished three
7 And the nation which they shall months in his father's house.
serve, will 1 judge, said the Lord, 21 And when he was exposed,
and aj'ier thesethings they shall go Pharao's daughter took him up, and
out and' shall serve me in this place, nourished him for her own son.
8 And he gave him the covenant 2fc And Moses was instructed in
of circumcision, and so he begot all wisdom of the Egyptians
Isaac, and circumcised him the and he was mighty in his words
eighth day: and Isaac begot Jacob: and in his deeds.
and Jacob the twelve patriarchs. 23 And when he was. full forty
9 And the patriarchs, through years old, it came into his heart to vi-
envy, sold Joseph into Egypt ; and sit his brethren the childrenof Israel.
God was with him, 24 And when he had seen one of
10 And delivered him out of all them suffer wrong,he defended him:
his tribulations : and he gave him and striking the Egyptiau,he avenge
favour and wisdom in the sight of ed him who suffered the injury.
Pharao the king of Egypt, and he '25 And he thought that his bre«*

appointed him governor over Egypt, thren understood that God by his
awd over, all his house. hand would save them but they

11 Now there came a famine understood it not.

upon all Egypt, and Canaan, and 2(> And the day following he shew~
great tribulation : and our fathers td himself to them when they were
found no food. at strife ; and would have recon~
12 But when Jacob had heard ciled them
i» peace, saying Men, :

that there was corn in Egypt he : ye are brethren, why hurt you one
sent our fathers lirst another ?
13 And at the second time Jo- 27 But he that did the injury to
seph was known by his brethren, hid neighbour, thrust him away,,
and his kindred was made known sayhig: Who hath appointed thee
to Pharao. prince and judge over us f
14 And Joseph sending, called 28 What, will thou kill me, as thou
thither his father Jacob and all his didst yesterday kill the Egyptian ?
kindred in seventy-five souls. 29 And Moses fled upon tfeis word
15 So Jacob went down into E- and was a stranger in the land of
gypt : and he died, and our fathers. Madian, where he begot two sons,
10 And they were translated in- 30 And when forty years were

154 The ACTS.

expired, there appeared to him in 42 And God turned, and gave
the desart of mount Sina an Angel them up to serve the host of heaven,
in a flame of fire in a bush. as it is written in the book of the
31 And Moses seeing it, won- prophets Did you offer victims and

dered at the sight. And as he drew sacrifices to me for Jot ty years in the
near to view it, the voice of the desart, O house of Israel ?
Lord came unto him : saying, 43 And you took unto you the taber~
32 J cm the God of iky fathers : nacle of Moloch, and the star of your
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, god Rem-pham, figures which you made
and the God ofjaeob. And Moses be- to adore them. And I will carry you
ing terrified, durst not behold. away beyond Babylon.
33 And the Lord said to him :
44 The tabernacle of the testimo-
Loose the shoesfrom thyfeet: for the place ny was with our fathers in the de-
wherein thou siandest,.is holy ground, sart, as God ordained for them,
34 Seeing I have seen the affliction of speaking to Moses that he should
my people which is in Egypt, and I have make it according to the form which
heard their groaning^and am come down he had seen.
to deliver them* And now come, and J 45 Which also our fathers receiv-
•will send thee into Egypt, ing, brought in with Jesus, into the
35 This Moses, whom they refus- possession of the gentiles, whom God
ed, saying : Who hath appointed tftee drove out before the face of our fa-
prince and judge f him God sent to thers ; unto the days of David.
be prince and redeemer by the hand 46 Who found grace before God,
of the Angel who appeared to him and desired to find a tabernacle for
in the bush. the God of Jacob.
36 He brought them out, doing 47 But Solomon built him a house.
wonders and signs in the land of 48 Yet the most High dvvelleth
Egypt, and in the red sea, and in not in houses made by hand, as the
the desart forty years. prophet saith :

37 This is that Moses who said 49 Heaven is my throne and the :

to the children of Israel A prophet

: earth myfooUctool. What house will
shall God raise up to you of your own you buila me, saith the Lord, or
hrethren, as myself'; him shall you what is the place of my vesting %
hear. 50 Hath not iny hand made all
3& This is he that was in the these things ?
church in the wilderness, with the 51 You stiff-necked and uncir-
Angel who spoke to him on mount cumcised ears, you al-
in heart and
Sina, and with our fathers who : ways resist Holy Ghost
the as :

received the words of life to give your fathers did, so do you also.
unto us. 52. Which of the prophets have
39 Whom our fathers would not not your fathers persecuted ? And
obey ; but thrust him away, and in they have slain them who foretold of
their hearts turned back into Egypt, the coming of the Just One ; of
40 Saying to Aaron Make us
: whom you have been now the be-
gods to go before us. For asfor this trayers and murderers
Moses, who brought 'us out of the 53 Who have received the law
land of Egypt, we know not what by the disposition of Angels, and
is become of him. have not kept it.
41 And they made a calf in those 54 Now hearing these things they
elays, and offered sacrifice to the were cut to the heart, and they
idol, and rejoiced in the works of gnashed with their teeth at hinru
their own hands. 55 But he being full of the Holy

The / CTS. US
Ghost, looking up stedfastly to hea- voice, went out.
ven, saw the glory of God, and Je- 8 And many taken with the pal-
sus standing on the right hand of sy and that were lame, were healed.
God. And he said : Behold 1 see 9 There was therefore great joy
the heavens opened, and the son of in that city. Now there was a cer-
man standing on the right hand tain man named Simon, who before
of God. had been a magician in that city,
56 And they crying out with a seducing the people of Samaria, giv-
loud voice, stopped their ears, and ing out that he was some great one :
with one accord ran violently up- 10 To whom i hey all gave ear
on him. from the least to the greatest, say-
57 And casting him forth without ing : This man is the power of God,
the city they stoned him and the
: which is called great.
witnesses laid down their garments 11 And
they were attentive to
£t the feet of a young man whose him, because for a long time he had
name was Saul. bewitched them with his magical
58 And they stoned Stephen, ir practices.
voking and saying: Lord Jesus. 12 But when they had believed
receive my spirit. Philip preaching of the kingdom of
69 And falling on his knees, he God, in the name of Jesus Christ
eried with a loud voice, saying they were baptized both men and
Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. women.
And when he had said this, he fell 13 Then Simon himself believed
asleep In the Lord. And Saul was also: and being baptized he stuck
consenting to his death. close to Philip. And being astonish-
CHAP. VIII. ed wondered to see the signs and ex-
Philip converts the Samaritans. ceeding great miracles which were
A NDat that time there was raised done.
"* a great persecution against the 14 Now when the apostles who
church, which was at Jerusalem, were in Jerusalem, had heard that
and they were all dispersed through Samaria had received the word of
the countries of Judea and Samaria, God They sent unto them Peter

except the apostles. and John.

2 And devout men took order 15 Who when they were come,
for Stephen's funeral, and made prayed for them, that they might
great mourning over him. receive the Holy Ghost.
3 But Saul made havock of the 16 For he was not as yet come
church : entering in from house to upon any of them but they were

house, and dragging away men and only baptized in the name of the
women, committed them to prison. Lord Jesus.
4 They therefore that were dis- 17 Then they laid their hands
persed, went about preaching the upon them, and they received the
word of God, Holy Ghost.
5 And Philip going down to the 18 And when Simon saw that by
city of Samaria, preached Christ the imposition of the hands of the-
unto them. apostles the Holy Ghost was given,
6 And the people with one ac- he offered them money,
cord were attentive to those things 19 Saying: Give me also this>
which were said by Philip, hearing, power, that on whomsoever I shall*
and seeing the miracles which he did. lay my hands, he may receive the
7 For many of them who had Holy Ghost. But Peter said to him i \

unclean spirits, crying with a loud 20 Keep thy money to thyself to

: ::

15$ The ACTS.

perish with thee, because thou hast and like a Jamb without voice before
thought that the gift of God may his shear'e*\so openetii /W not his mouth
be purchased with money. 33 In humility his judgment was
21 Thou hast no part, nor lot in taken away. His gen&c'ion who
this matter. For thy heart is not shall declare,
for his life shall be ta~
right in the sight of God. ken ft om the earth 4
22 Do penance therefore from 34 And the eunuch answering
this thy wickedness and pray to
: Philip, said : beseech thee, of
God, if perhaps this thought of thy whom doth the prophet speak this ?
heart maybeforgiven thee. of himself, or of some other man ?
23 For thou art in die gall of
I see 35 Then Philip opening his
bitterness and in the bonds of ini- mouth, and beginning at this scrip-
quity. ture, preached unto him Jesus.
24 Then Simon answering said : 35 And a3 they went on their
Pray you for me to the Lord, that way, they came to a certain water
none of these things whirh you and the eunuch said : See here is
have spoken may come upon me. water, what doth hinder me from
25 And they indeed having testi- being baptized ?
fiedand preached the word of the 3?" And Philip said : If thou be-
Lord returned to Jerusalem, and
: lievest with all thy heart, thou
preached the gospel to many coun- mayest. And he answering said
tries of the I believe that Jesus Christ is the
26 Now an angel of the Lord Son of God.
spoke to Philip, saying : Arise, go 38 And he commanded the cha-
towards the south, to the way that riot to stand still and they went

groethdown from Jerusalem into down into the water, both Philip and
Gaza : this is desart. the eunuch, and he baptized him.
27 And rising up he went, and 39 And when they w ere come up T

behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eu- out of the water, the Spirit of the
nuch, of great authority under Can- Lord took away Philip, and the eu-
dace the queen of the Ethiopians, nuch saw him no more. And he
"who had charge over all her trea- went on his way rejoicing.
sures, had come to Jerusalem to 40 But Philip was found in Azo-
adore. tus, and passing through he preach-
28 And he was returning sitting ed the gospel to all the cities till he
and reading Isaias
in his chariot, came to Cesarea.
the prophet. CHAP. IX.
29 And the Spirit said to Fnilip TauVs conversion and zeal.
Go near, and join thyself to this A ND Saul as yet breathing out
chariot. ** threatenings and slaughter
30 And Philip running thither, against the disciples of the Lord,
heard him reading the prophet went to the high priest,
Isaias, and he said Thinkest thou
: 2 And asked of him letters to Da-
that thou understandest what thou mascus, to the synagogues, that if
jreadest ? he found any men and women of
31 Who said : And how can I, this way he might bring them bound
unless some man shew me ? and he to Jerusalem.
desired Philip that he would come 3 And as he went on Jus journey,
lip and sit with him. it came to pass that he drew nigh

32 And the place of the scripture to Damascus and suddenly a light


which he was reading was this : He from heaven shined round about him.
was Mas a sheep to the slaughter ; 4 And falling on the ground he

The ACTS. 15?

heard a voice saying to him : Saul, name's sake.
Saul, why persecutest thou me ? 17 And Ananias went his way,
5 Who said : Who art thou, Lord ? and entered into the house, and lay-
And he : I am Jesus whom thou ing his hands upon him, he said :
persecutest. It is hard for thee to Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus hath
kick against the goad. sent me, he that appeared to thee
6 And be trembling and astonish- in the way as thou earnest that :

ed, said : Lord what wilt thou have thou maytst receive thy sight and
me to do ? be filled with the Holy Ghost.
7 And the Lord said to him 18 And immediately there fell
Arise, and go into the city, and from his eyes as it were scales, and
there it be told thee what thou
shall he received his sight; and rising
must do. Nsw the men who went up he was baptized.
In company with him stood amazed, 19 And when he had taken meat,
heaving indeed a voice, but seeing he was strengthened. And he was
no man. with the disciples that were at Da-
8 And Saul arose from the ground, mascus, for some days.
and when his eyes were opened, he 20 And immediately he preached
saw nothing. But they leading him Jesus in the synagogues, that he is
by the hands, brought him to Da- the Son of God.
mascus. 21 And ail that heard him were
9 And he was there three days astonished, and raid Is not this

without sight, and he did neither he who persecuted in Jerusalem

eat nor drink. those that called upon this name;
10 Nowthere was a certain dis- and came hither for that intent that
ciple at Damascus, named Ananias : he might carry them bound to the
and the Lord said to him in a vi- chief priests?
sion : Ananias. And he said lie- : 23 But Saul increased much
hold I am here, Lord. more in strength, and confounded
11 And the Lord said to him : the Jews who dwelt at Damascus,
Arise, and go into the street that is affirming that this is the Christ.
called Strait, and seek in the house 23 And when many days were
of Judas, one named Saul of Tarsus. passed, the Jews consulted together
For behold he prayeth. to kill him.
12 (And he saw a man named 24 But their laying in wait was
Ananias, coming in and putting his made known Saul.
to And they
hands upon him, that he might re- watched the gates also day and
ceive his sight.) night, that they might kill him.
13 But Ananias answered Lord, : 25 But the disciples taking him in
I have heard by many of this man, the night, conveyed him away by the
how much evil he hath done to thy wall, letting him down in a basket.
saints in Jerusalem : 26 And when he was «ome into
14 And here he hath authority Jerusalem, he essayed to join him-
from the chief priests to bind all self to the disciples, and they all
that invoke thy name. were afraid of him, not believing
15 And the Lord said to him : that he was a disciple.
Go thy way, for this man is to me a 27 But Barnabas took him and
vessel of election, to carry my name brought him to the apostles, and
before the gentiles, and kings, and told them how he had seen the Lord,
the children of Israel. and that he had spoken to him, and
16 For I will shew him how how in Damascus he had. dealt
great things he must suffer for my I confidently in the name of Jesus.

158 The ACTS.
2S And he was with them com- 40 And they all being put forth,
ing in and going out in Jerusalem, Peter kneeling down prayed, and
and dealing confidently in the name turning to the body he said, Tabitha?
of the Lord. arise. And she opened her eyesi
29 He spoke also to the gentiles, and seeing Peter, she sat up.
and disputed with the Greeks but ; 41 And giving her his hand, he
they sought to him.
kill lifted her up. And when he had
30 Which when the brethren had called the saints and the widows, he
known, they brought him down to presented her alive.
Cesarea,and sent him awaytoTarsus 42 And it was made known
31 Now the church had peace throughout all Joppe : and many
throughout all Judea and Galilee believed in the Lord.
and Samaria, and was edified, 43 And it came to pass that be
walking in the fear of the Lord, and abode many days in Joppe, with
was filled with the consolation of one Simon a tanner.
the Holy Ghost. CHAP. X.
32'Aiid it came to pass, that Peter, Cornelius is received into the church.
as he passed through visiting all, 4ND there was a certain man in
came to the saints who dwelt at Cesarea, named Cornelius, a
Lydda. centurion of that which is called the
33 And he found there a certain Italian band,
man named Eneas, who had kept 2 A religious man and fearing
his bed for eight years, who was God with all his house, giving much
ill of the palsy. alms to the people, and always
34 And Peter said to him Eneas, : praying to God.
the Lord Jesus Christ bealeth 3^
This man saw in a vision ma-
thee arise, and make thy bed.
: nifestly, about the ninth hour of the
And immediately he arose. day, an angel of God coming in unto
25 And all that dwelt at Lydda him, and saying to him Cornelius. :

and Saron saw him: who were con- 4 And he beholding him, being
verted to the Lord. seized with fear, said What is it,

36 And in Jopne there was a cer- Lord ? And he said to him : Thy
tain disciple named Tabitha, which prayers and thy alms are ascended
by interpretation is called Dorcas. for a memorial in the sight of God.
This woman was full of good works £ And now send men to Joppe,
and alms-deeds which she did. and call hither one Simon who is
37 And it came to pass in those sirnamed Peter.
days, that she was sick and died. 6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tan-
Whom when they had washed, they ner, whose house is by the sea side.
laidher in an upper chamber.' He will tell thee what thou must do.
38 And forasmuch as Lydda was 7 And when the angel who spoke

nigh to Joppe, the disciples hearing to him was departed, he called two
that Peter was there, sent unto him of his household servants, and a
two men, desiring him ; that he soldier who feared the Lord, of
would not be slack to come unto them them that were under him.
39 And Jeter rising up went with 8 To whom when he had related
them. And when he was come they all, he sent them to Joppe.
brought him into the upper cham- 9 And on the next day whilst
ber : and all the widows stood about they were going on their journey,
him weeping, and shewing him the and drawing nigh to the city, Peter
coats and garments which Dorcas went up to the higher parts of the
made them. house, to pray about the sixth hour

The ACTS. ;•?

10 .and being hungry, he was ing he arose and went with them :

desirous to taste somewhat. And as and some of the brethren from Joppe
they were preparing, there came accompanied him.
upon him an ecstacy of mind : 24 And the morrow after he en-
11 And he saw the heaven open- tered into Cesarea. Ami Cornelius
ed, and a certain vessel descending, waited for them, having called toge-
as it were a great linen sheet let ther Ida kinsmen, and special friends.
down by the four corners from hea- 25 And it came to pass, that when
ven to the earth. Peter was come in, Cornelius came
12 Wherein were all manner of four- to meet him, and falling at his feet
footed beasts, and creeping things adored.
of the earth, and fowls of the air. 26 But Peter lifted him up, say-
13 And there came a voice to ing Arise, I myself also am a man.

him Arise, Peter, kill, and eat.

: 27 And talking with him, he went
14 But Peter said : Far be it in, and found many that were come
from me ; for I never did eat any together.
thing that is common and unclean. 28 And he said to them Vou :

15 And the voice spoke to him know how abominable it is for a

again^the second time :Tha^ which man that is a Jew, to keep compa-
God hath cleansed, do not thou call ny or to come unto one of another
common. nation : God hath shewed to me,
16 And this w as done thrice
to callno man common or unclean.
and presently the vessel was taken 29 For which cau.*e, making no
up into heaven. doubt, I came when I was sent for.
17 Now whilst Peter was doubt- I ask therefore, for what cause you

ing within himself, "what the vision have sent for me ?

that he had seen should mean Be-
: 30 And Cornelias raid: Four
hold the men who were sent from days ago, unto this hour, I was
Cornelius, inquiring for Simon's praying in my house, at the ninth
house, stood at the gate. hour, and behold a man stood before
18 And when they had called, me in white apparel, and said :

they asked, if Simon, who is sir- 31 Cornelius, thy player is heard,

named Peter, were lodged there. and thy alms are had in remem-
19 And as Peter was thinking of brance in the sight of Gr d.
the vision, the spirit said to him : 32 Send therefore to Joppe, and
Behold three men seek thee. call hither Simon, who is sirnamed
20 Arise therefore,' get thee Peter, he lodgeth in the house of
down, and go with them, doubting Simon a tanner by the sea shie.
nothing: for I have sent them. 3.3 Immediately therefore I sent
21 Then Peter going down to the to thee and thou hast done well in

men, said Behold I am he whom

: coming. Now therefore all we are
you seek ; what is the cause, for present in thy sight, to hear all
which you are come ? thi igs whatsoever are commanded
22 Who
said : Cornelius a cen- thee by th j Lord.
turion, a just man and one that 3-4 And Paer opening his mouthy

feareth God, and having good testi- said In very deed I perceive that

mony from all the nation of the God not a respecter of persons.

Jews, received an answer of an 3-5 But

in every nation, he that
holy angel, to send for thee into his feareth him, and worketh justice, is
house, and to hear words of thee. acceptable to him.
23 Then bringing them in, he 3(J God sent the word to the child-
lodged them. And the day folio w- ren of Israel, preaching peace by


Tesus Christ : (he is Lord of all.)
37 You know the word which
AND the
who were
and brethren,
Judea, heard that
hath been published through all Ju- the gentiles also had received the
dea ; for it began from Galilee, after word of God.
the baptism which John preached. 2 And when Peter was come up
38 Jesus of Nazareth how God
: to Jerusalem, they that were of the
anointed him with the Holy Ghost, circumcision contended with him,
and with power, who went about 3 Saying : Why
didst thou go in
doing good and healing all that to men uncircunaciscd, and didst eat
were oppressed by the devil, for with them ?
God was with him. 4 But Peter began and declared
30 And we are witnesses of all to them the matter in order, saying
things that he did in the land of the 5 I was in the city of Joppe pray-
Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they ing, and I saw in an extasy of mind
killed, hanging him upon a tree. ajvision, a certain versel descending,
40 Him God raisedup the third day, as it were a great sheet let down
and gave him to be made manifest, from heaven by fcur corners, and
if Not to all the people, but to it came evemunto me.
witnesses pre-ordained by God, 6 Into which looking I consider-
even to us, who did eat and drink ed, and saw four-footed creatures
with him after he arose again from of the earth, and beasts, and creep-
the dead. ing things and fowls of the air.
42 And he commanded us to 7 And I heard also a voice saying
preach to the people, and to testify to me : Arise, Peter, kill, anCfl eat.
that it is he who was appointed by 8 And I said : Not so, Lord ; for
God to be judge of the living and of nothing common or unclean hath
the dead. ever entered into my mouth.
43 To him all the prophets give 9 And the voice answered again
testimony, that by his name all re- from heaven : What God hath made
ceive remission of sins, who believe clean, do not thou call common.
in him. 10 And was done three times:
44 While Peter was yet speaking And all were taken up again into
these words, the Holy Ghost fell on heaven.
all them that heard the word. 11 And behold, immediately there
45 And the faithful of the cir- were three men come to the house
cumcision, who came with Peter, wherein I was, sent to me from
were astonished, for that the grace Cesarea.
of the Holy Ghost was poured out 12 And the Spirit said to me, that
upon the gentiles also. I should go with them, nothing
46 For they heard them speaking doubting. And these six brethren
with tongues, and magnifying God. went with me also and we enter-:

47 Then Peter answered : Can ed into the man's house.

any man /orbkl water, that these IS And he told us how he had
should not be baptized, who have re- seen an angel in his house, standing"
ceived the Holy Ghost as well as and saying to him ; Send to Joppe,
we ? and call hither Simon, who is sir-
48 And he commanded thern to be named Peter,
baptized in the name of the Lord 14 Who shall speak to thee words,
Jesus Christ. Then they desired whereby thou shait be saved, and
him to tarry with them some days. all thy house.
CHAP. XI. 15 And whenI had 'begun to
Mamj are converted at Armock, speak,theHo!y Ghost fell upon them,
8 ,

The ACTS. 161

as upon us alsonn the beginning. over the whole world, which came
16 And 1 remembered the word to pass under Claudius.
nf the Lord, how that he said John
: 29 And the disciples, every man
indeed baptized with water, but you according to his ability, purposed
shall be baptized, with the Holy Ghost, to send relief to the brethren who
17 If then God gave them the dwelt in Judea :

same grace, as to us also who be- 30 Which also they did, sending
lieved in the Lord Jesus Christ : it to the antients by the hands of

who was Ijthatcouldwithstand Gear Barnabas and Saul.

1 Having heard these thiugs,they CHAP. XII.
held their peace and glorified God,
: Herod's persecution,
saying : God then hath also to the 4 ND at the same time Herod the
gentiles given repentance unto life. -^ king stretched forth his hands
19 Now they who had been dis- to afflictsome of the church*
persed, by the persecution that a- 2 And he killed James the bro-
rose on occasion of Stephen, went ther of John with the sword.
about as far as Pheniee and Cyprus 3 And seeing that it pleased the
and Antioch, speaking the word to Jews, he sd to take up
?jone, but to the Jews only. Peter also. Now it was in the
20 But seme of them were men days nes.
of Cyprus and Cyrene, who when 4 And when he had apprehended
they were entered into Antioch, him, he cast him into deliver-
pi rson 5
spoke also to the Greeks, preach- - tiles of soh tiers to
ing the Lord Jusus. be kepi, in! .iter the pasch
21 And the hand of the Lord to bring him forth to the people.
was with them: and agreat number 5 i :! was kept in
believing was converted to '.he Lord. prison. '
was made m ith-
2i And the tidings carue to the out c< . m to G< d
ears of the church that was at Jeru- for him.
salem, touching these things and
: (j And when Herod would hare
they st nt Barnabas as far as Antioch. brought him forth, I

23 Who when he was come, and Peter was two

had seen the grace of God, rejoiced: soldiers, bound with two chains:
and he exhorted them all with pur- and the keepers before the dooi kept
pose of heart to continue in theLord. the prison.
2-i For he was a good man and 7 And behold an Angel of the
full of the Holy Ghost and of faith. Lord stood by him and a light shin-:

And a great multitude w as added ed in the room and he striking Petet


to the Lord. on the side raised him up, Baying:

25 And Barnabas went to Tarsus, Arise quickly. And the chains tell
to set k Saul : whom when he had off from his, hands.
found, he brought to Antioch. 8 And the Angel said to him ;

26 And they conversed there in Gird thyself, and put on thy sandals.
the church a whole year ; and they Ai d he did so. And he said to
taught a great multitude, so that at him Cast thy garment about thei

Antioch the disciples were first and follow me.

named Christians. 9 And going out he followed him,
2? And in these days there came and he knew not that it was true
prophets from Jerusalem to Antioch, which was done by the Angel: but
28 And one oi them named Aga- thought he saw a vision.
bus, rising up signified by the Spirit 10 And passing through the first
that there should be a great family and the second ward, they came Uj

3 62 The ACTS.
the iron gate that leadeth to the city, 21 And upon a day appointed,
which opened to them. And
of itself Herod being arrayed in kingly ap-
going out, they passed on through parel, sat in the judgment-seat, and
one street: and immediately the made an oration to them.
Angel departed from him. 22 And the people made accla-
11 And Peter coming to himself, mation saying It is the voice of a

said: Now I know in very deed god, and not of a man.

that the Lord hath sent his Angel, 23 And forthwith an Angel of the
and hath delivered me out of the Lord struck him, because he had
hand of Herod, and from all the ex- not given the honour to God and

pectation of the people of the Jews. being eaten up by worms, he gave

12 And considering, he came to up the ghost.
the house of Mary the mother of 24 But the word of the Lord in-
John, who was sirnamed Mark, creased and multiplied.
where many were gathered together 25 And Barnabas and Saul re-
and praying. turned from Jerusalem, having ful-
13 And when he knocked at the filled their ministry, taking with
door of the gate v a damsel came to them John who was sirnamed Mark.
hearken, whose name was Rhoda. CHAP. XIII.
14 And as soon as she knew Pe- San! and Barnalas are sent forth.
ter's voice, she opened not the gate ^QW
^ there were in the church
for joy, but running in she told that which was at Antioch, prophets
Peter stood before the gate. and doctors among whom was Bar-
15 But they said to her Thou art
: nabas, and Simon, who was called
mad. But she affirmed that it was Nigar, and Lucius of Cyrene, and
so.Then said they: It is his Angel. Manahen, who was the foster-bro*
But Peter continued knocking.
1(5 ther of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
And when they had opened, they 2 And as they were ministering
saw hirn, and were astonished. to the Lord, and fasting, the Holy
17 But he beckoning to them Ghost said to them Separate me

with his hand to hold their peace, Saul and Barnabas, for the work
told how the Lord had brought him w hereunto I have taken them.
out of prison, and he said Tell : 3 Then they fasting and praying,
these things to James and to the and imposing their hands upon
brethren. And going out he arent them, sent them away.
into another place. 4 So they being sent by the Holy
18 Now when day was come, Ghost, went to Selucia, and from
there was no small stir among the thence they sailed to Cyprus.
soldiers, what was become of Peter. 5 And when they were come to
19 And when Herod had sought Salamina, they preached the word of
for him, and found him not ; having God in the synagogues of the Jew9.
examined the keepers, he command- And they had John also in their
ed they should be put to* death ministry.
and going down from Judea to Ce- 6 And when they had gone
sarea, he abode there. through the whole island as far as
20 And he was angry with the Paphos, they found a certain man
Tyrians and the Sidonians. But a magician, a false prophet, a Jew,
they with one accord came to him, whose name was Bar-jesu.
and having gained Blastus who was 7 Who was/ with the pro-consul
the king's chamber'ain, they desired.' Sergius Paulus a prudent man. He
peace because their countries were sending for Barnabas and Saul, de*
nourished by him, sired to hear the word of God.

The ACTS 163

8 But Ely mas the magician (for things he gave unto ihem judges,
so his name is interpreted) with- until Samuel the prophet.
stood them, seeking to turn away 21 And after that they desirtd a
the proconsul from the faith. king : and God gave them Saul the
9 Then Saul, otherwise Paul, son of Cis, a man of the tribe of
filled with the Holy Ghost, looking Benjamin, forty years.
upon him, 22 And when be had removed him,
10 Said: of all guile, and of
full he raised them up David to be king:
all deceit, child of the devil, enemy to whom giving testimony, he said :

of all justice, thou ceasest not to I have found David the son of Jesse,
pervert the right ways of the Lord. a man according- to my owti heart,
11 And now behold the hand of who shall do all my wills.
the Lord is upon thee,'and thou shalt 23 Of this man's seed God ac-
be blind, not seeing the sun for a cording to his promise hath raised
time. And immediately there fell a up to Israel a saviour, Jesus.
mist and darkness upon him, and 24 John first preaching before his
going about he sought some one to coming the baptism of penance to
lead him by the hand. all the people of Israel.
12 Then the proconsul, when he 25 And when John was fulfilling
had seen what was done, believed l»iscourse, he said : I am not he,
admiring at the doctrine of the Lord. whom you think me to be : but be-
13 Now when Paul and they that hold there Cometh one after me,
were with him had sailed from Pap- whose shoes of his feet I am not
hos, they came to Perge in Pam- worthy to lotfse.
philia. And John departing from 26 Men brethren, children of the
them, returned to Jerusalem. stock of Abraham, and whosoever
l4But they passing through Perge, among you fear God, to you the
came to Antioch in Pisidia and en- : word of this salvation is sent.
tering into the synagogue on the 27 For they that inhabited Jeru-
6abbath-day, they sat down. salem, and the rulers thereof, not
15 And after the reading of the knowing him, nor the voices of the
law and the prophets, the rulers of prophets which are read every sab-
the synagogue sent to them, say- bath Judging bim have fulfilled them
ing Ye men brethren, if you have
: 28 And finding no cause of death
any word of exhortation to make to in him, they desired of Pilate, that
the people, speak. they mfgl t kill ban.
16 Then Paul rising up, and with 29 Atk! when they had fulfilled
Inshands bespeaking silence, said : all things that were written of him,
Ye men of Israel, and you that taking him down from the tree, they
fear God, give ear. laid him in a sepulchre.
1? The God
of the people of Israel 30 But God raised him up from
chose our fathers, and exalted the the dead the third day :

people when they were sojourners in 31 Who

was seen for many days,
the land of Egypt, and with an high by them who came up with him from
arm brought them out from thence. Galilee to Jerusalem, who to this pre-
18 And for the space of forty years sent are his witnesses to the people.
endured their manners in the desert. 32 And we declare unto you that
19 And
destroying seven nations the promise which was made to our
in the land of Canaan, divided their father?
land among them, by lot. S3 This same God hath fulfilled
20 As it were after four hundred to our children, raising up Jesus, as
and fifty years ; and after these in the second Psalm alio is written :
1«4 Ths ACTS.
Thou art my son, this day have I hold we turn to the gentiles.
begotten thee. 47 For so the Lord hath com-
34 A; id to shew that he raised manded us / have set thee to be the

him up from the dead not to return light of the gentiles ; thai thou mayst
now any more to corruption, he he for salvation unto the utmost pari
said thus / will give you the holy
: of the earth.
ih ings of Da v id fat i'ftfn I. 48 And the gentiles hearing it
35 And therefore in another place were glad, and glorified the word of
also he saith Then shalt not suffer
: the Lord and as many as were or-

thy holy one to see cor: vpiiori. dained to life everlasting, believed.
36 For David when he had served 49 And the word of the Lord was
in his generation according* to the published throughout the whole
will of God, slept: and was
laid unto country.
his fathers,and saw corruption. oO But the Jews stirred up religi*
37 JBut he whom God hath raised ous and honourable women, and the
from the dead saw no corruption. chief men o^ the city, and raised per-
38 Beit known therefore to you, secution against Paul andBarnabas;
men brethren, that through him and cast them out of their coasts.
forgiveness of sins is preached to si But they, shaking oiFthe dust
you And from all the things from
: of their feet against them, came to
which you could not be justified by Iconium.
the law of Moses. 52 And the disciples were filled
39 In him every one that be- with joy and with ihe Holy Ghost.
lieve th, is justified.
40 Beware therefore lest that
Paul is stoned.
come upon you which is spoken in
the prophets.
\ ND it came to pass in Iconium,
'^^ that they entered together into
.41 Behind ye desmsers, and wonder,
and perish : for I work a work in your the synagogue of tue Jews, arid so
days,a work walch yon will not believe, spoke, that a very great multitude
if any man shall tell tt-ytw* both of the Jews and of the Greeks
42 And *as they went out, they did believe.
desired them that on the next, sab- 2 But the unbelieving Jews, stir-
bath they would speak unto them red up and incensed the minds of
these words. ihe gentiles against the brethren.
43 And when the synagogue was U A long time therefore they abode
broken up, many of the Jews, and there, dealing confidently in the
of the strangers who served God, Lord, who gave testimony to the
followed Paul and Barnabas; who word of his grace, granting signs and
speaking to them persuaded them wonders to be done by their hands.
to continue in the grace of God. .
4 And the multitude of the city
44 But the next sabbath- day the was divided : and some of them in-
whole city almost came together to deed held with the Jews, but some
hear the word of God. with the apostles.
45 And the Jews seeing the mul- 5 And when there was an assault
titudes, wfre filled with envy, and made by the gentiles and the Jews
contradicted those things which with their rulers, to use them con-
were said by Paul, blaspheming. tumeliously, and to stone them :

46 Then Paul and Barnabas said 6 They understanding it, fled to

boldly To you k behoved us first
: Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lvcac-
to speak the word of God : but be- uia, and to the whole country round
cause you reject it, and judge your- m
about, and were there preaching
selves unworthy of eternal life ; be- the gospel.
The ACTS. 165
7 And there sat a certain
at man departed with Barnabas to Derbe.
Lystra impotent in bis feet, a crip- 20 And when they had preached
ple from his mother's womb, who the gospel to that city, and had
never had walked. taught many, they returned again
8 This same heard Paul speaking. to Lystra and to Xeonium, and to
Who looking upon him, and seeing Antioch :

that he had faith to be healed, 21 Confirming the souls of the

9 Said with a loud voice Stand : disciples.aia! exhorting them to con-
upright on thy feet. And he leaped tinue in the faith and that through

up and walked. many tribulations we must enter

10 xlnd when the multitudes had into the kingdom of Ge»d.
seen what Paul had done, they lifted 22 And when they had ordained
up their Lycaonian
voiee in the* to them priests in every church,
tongue, saying: The gods are come and had prayed with fasting', they
down to us in the likeness of men. commended them to the Lord, in
11 And they called Barnabas, whom they believed.
Jupiter: but Paul, Mercury; be- 23 And passing through Pioidia,
cause he was chief speaker. they came into Pamphylia,
12 The priest also of Jupiter that 24 And having spoken the w ord r

was before the city, bringing oxen of the Lord in Perge they went
and garlands before the gate, would down into Attalia :

have offered sacriheewith the people 25 And thence they sailed to An-
L3 Which when the apostles Bar- tioch, from whence they had been
nabas and Paul had heard, rending delivered to the grace o: God, unto
their clothes, they leaped out among the work which they accomplished.
the people crying, 2o' And when they were come,
14 And saying: Ye men, why and had assembled the church, they
do ye these things ? We also are related what great things God had
mortals, men like unto you, preach- done with them, and how he had
ing to you to be converted from these openedthe doorof faith to thegentiies.
vain things, to the living God who 2? And they abode no small time
made the heaven, and (lie earth, with the disciples.
and the sea, and all things that are CHAP. XV.
inthem : A dissent i;>n about circumcision.
15 Who in times past suffered ail
nations to walk in their own ways. A *SD some coming down from

Judca, taught the brethren :

16 Nevertheless he left not him- That except you be circumcised

self without testimony, doing good after the manner oi Moses, you can-
from heaven, giving rains, and fruit- not be saved.
ful seasons filling our hearts with 2 And when Paul and Barnabas
food and gladness. had no smah ontest with then,tiiey
17 And speaking these things, determined that Pain and Barnabas,
they scarce restrained the people ana certain others of the other side
from sacrificing to them. should go up to the apostles and
18 Now there came thither cer- priests to Jerusalem, about this
tain Jews from Antioch and Iconi- question.
um : and persuading the multitude, 3 They therefore being brought on
and stoning Paul, drew him out of j
their way by the church, passed
the city, thinking him to be dead. through Phenice and Samaria, re-
19 But as the disciples stood round lating the. conversion of the gentiles;

about him, he rose up and entered and they caused great joy to all the

into the city, and the next day he brethren. i

1(56 The ACTS,
4 And when they were come to Lord who doth these things.
•Jerusalem, they were received by 18 To the Lord was his own
the church and by the apostles and work known from the beginning of
antients, declaring- how great things the world.
God had done with them. 19 For which cause I judge that
5 But there arose some of the they, who from among the gentiles
sect of the Pharisees that believed, are converted to God, are not to be
saying: They must be circumcised., disquieted.
and be commanded to observe the 20 But that we write unto them
law of Moses. that they refrain themselves from
6 And
the apostles and antients the pollutions of idols, and from for-
assembled to consider of this matter. nication, and from things strangled,
7 And when there had been much and from blood.
disputing, Peter rising up said to 21 For Moses of old time hath in
them Men brethren, you know that
: eVery city them that preach him in
in former days God made choice the synagogues, where he is read
among us, that by my mouth the every sabbath.
gentiles should hear the word of the 22 Then it pleased the apostles and
gospel, and believe. antients with the whole church, to
8 And God who knoweth the chuse men of their own company,
hearts, gave testimony, giving unto and to send to Antioch with Paul
them the HolyGhost as well as to us. and Barnabas, namely Judas, who
9 And put no difference between was sirnamed Barsabas, and Silas,
us and them, purifying their hearts chief men among the brethren,
by faith. 23 Writing by their hands. The
10 Now therefore why tempt you apostles and antients brethren, to
God, to put a yoke* upon the necks the brethren of the gentiles that are
of the disciples, which neither our fa- at Antioch and in Syria and Cilicia
thers nor we have been able to bear? greeting.
11 But by the grace of the Lord 24 Forasmuch as we have heard
Jesus Christ we believe to be sav- that some going out from us have
ed, in like manner as they also. troubled you with words : subvert-
12 And all the multitude held ing your souls, to \\ horn we gave
their peace : and they heard Barna- no commandment:
bas and Paulteliingwhat great signs 25 It hath seemed good to us, be-
and wonders God had wrought ing assembled together, to chuse out
among the gentiles by them. menjaud to send them unto you with
13 And atter they had held their our well beloved Barnabas and Paul
peace, James answered, saying: 26 Men that have given their
Men brethren, hear me. lives for the name of our Lord Je-

14 Simon hath related how God sus Christ.

take of the gentiles a
first visited to 2? We have sent therefore Judas
people to his name. and Silas, who themselves also will
15 And to this agree the words by word of mouth tell you the same
of the prophets, as it is written :
16 After these things I will return, 28 For it hath seemed good to

und will rebuild the iubcrnctcle of David, the Holy Ghost and to us, to lay
which is fallen down, and the ruins no farther burden upon you than
thereofI will rebuild,and I will set it up. these necessary things :
17 That the residue of men may seek 29 That you abstain from things
after Ike Lord, and all nations upon sacrificed to Idols, and from blood,
whom- my name is invoked, suith the and from things strangled, and fro*
The ACTS. 167
jomication,from which things keep- son of a Jewish woman that belie-
ing yourselves, you shall do well. ved, but his father was a gentile.
Fare ye well. 2 To this man the brethren that

30 They therefore being dismis- were in Lystra and Iconium, gave

sed went down to Antloch and : a good testimony.
gathering together the multitude, 3 Him Paul would have to go along
delivered the epistle. with him: and taking him he circum-
31 Which when they had read, cised him, because of the Jews who
tkey rejoiced for the consolation : were in those places. For they all
32 But Judas ana Siks, being knew that his father was a gentile.
prophets, also themselves, with 4r And as they passed through

many words comforted the brethren, the cities, they delivered unto them
and confirmed them. the decrees for to keep, that were
33 -And after they had spent decreed by the apostles and antients
some time there, they were let go who were at Jerusalem.
with peace by the brethren, unto .5 And the churches were confirm-
them that had sent them. ed in faith, and increased in num-
34 But it seemed good unto Silas ber daily.
to remain there : and Judas alone G And when they had passed through
departed to Jerusalem. Phrygia and the country of Galatia,
35 And Paul and Barnabas continu- they were forbidden by the Holy
ed at Antioch, teaching and preach- Ghost to preach the word in Asia.
ing with many others the word of 7 And when they were come in-
the Lord. to Mysia, they attempted to go in-
36 And after some days, Paul to Bithynia,and the Spirit of Jesus
said to Barnabas, let us return, and suffered them not.
visit our brethren in al! the cities, S And when they had passed through
wherein we have preached the word Mysia, they went down to Troas :

of the Lord, to see how ihey do. 9 And

a vision was shewed to
37 And Barnabas would have ta- Paul in the night, which was a man
ken with them John also that was of Macedonia standing and beseech-
surnamed Mark : ing him, and saying Pass over in- :

38 But Paul desired that he (as to Macedonia, and help us.

having departed from them out of 10 And as soon as he had seen
Pamphylia, and not gone with them the vision, immediately we sought
to the work) might not be received. to go into Macedonia, being assured
39 And there arose a dissension, that God had called us to preach
so that they departed one from ano- the gospel to them.
ther, and Barnabas indeed taking 1 1 And sailing from Troas we came
Mark sailed to Cyprus. with a straight course toSamothracia
40 But Paul causing Silas depar- and the day following to Neapolis
ted, being delivered by the brethren ISAndfrom thencetoPhiUppi, which
to the grace of God. is the chief city of part of Macedo-
4f And he went through Syria and nia, a colony. And we were in this
Cilicia, confirming the churches : city seme days conferring together.
commanding them to keep the pre- 13 And upon the sabbath-day, we
cepts of the apostles and the antients went forth without the gate by a ri-
CHAP. XVI. ver side, where it seemed that there
Paul visits the churvh.es. was prayer i and sitting down we
ANDhe came to Derbe and Lys- spoke to the women that were as-
^tra. And behold there was a sembled*
certain disciple named Timothy, the 1% And a cert..!n woman named

l€S The ACTS.

Lydia, a purple of the ci-
seller of great earthquake, so that the foun-
ty of Thyatira, one that worshipped dations of the prison were shaken.
God, did hear whose heart the
: And immediately ah the doers were
Lord opened attend to those
to opened : and the bands of all were
things which were said by Paul. loosed.
15 And when she was baptized, 27 And the keeper of the prison
and her household, she besought us, awaking out of his sleep, and see-
saying: If you have judged me to ing the doors of the prison open,
be faithful to tne Lord, come into drawing his sword, would have kil-
my house and abide there. And led himself, supposing that the pri-
she constrained us. soners had been fled.
16 And it came to pass as we went to 2S But Paid cried with a loud
prayer, a certain girl, bating a py- voice, saying Do thyself no harm,

tbonical spirit, met us, who brought for we all are here.
toher masters much gain by divining 29 Then calling for a light, he
1 This same following Paul ami us, went in, and trembling fell down at
cried out saying These men are the
: the feet of Paul and Silas.
servants of the most high God, who SO And bringing them out, he
preach unto you the way of salvation said : Masters, what must I do,
18 And this she did many days. that I may be saved ?
But Paul being grieved turned and 31 But they said : Believe in the
said to the spirit I command thee
: Lord Jesds and thou shalt be

in the name of Jesus Christ to go saved, and thy house.

out from her. And he went out 32 And they preached the word
the same hour. of the Lord to him and to all that
19 But her masters seeing that the were in his house.
hope of their gain was gone, appre- 33 And he taking them the same
hending Paul and Silas, brought hour of the night, washed their
them into the market-place to the stripes: and himself was baptized
rulers. and all his house immediately.
20 And presenting them to the 34 And when he had brought
magistrates, they sa :d These men :

: them into his own house, he laid the

disturb our city, being Jews : table for them, and rejoiced with
21 And preach a fashion which all his house, believing God.
it is not lawful for us to receive, nor 35 A Hd when the day was come,
observe, being Romans. the magistrates sent the Serjeants,
22 And the people ran together saying : Le those men go.
against them and the magistrates
: 36 And the keeper of the prison
rending off their cloaths command- told these words to Paul The ma-:

ed them to be beaten with rods. gistrateshave sent to let you go now :

23 And when they had laid many therefore depart and go in peace.
stripes upon them, they cast them S7 But Paul saad to them They :

into prison, charging the gaoler to have beaten us publicly, uncondem-

keep them diligently. ned } men that are Romans, and
2i Who having received such a have cast us into prison and now

charge, thrust them into the inner do they thrust us out privately ?
prison, and made their feet fast in Not so, but let them come,
the stocks. 38 Andlet us out themselves. And
25 And midnight Paul and Si-
at the serjeants told these words to the
las praying, praisedGod. And thej magistrates. And they were afraid,
that were in prison heard them. heana^ that they were Romans.
26 And suddenly there was a 39 And coming they besought

The ACTS. 169

them ; and bringing them out they unto Berea. Who when
they were
m to depart out of the city.
desired tht come thither went into the svna-
40 And they went out of the pri- goeue of -the Jtn ». s

son, and entered into the house of 11 Now.tl ese were more noble
Lydia and having seen the bre-
: than those in Thessalonica, who re-
thren, they comforted them, and eeived th "' >id with all eagerness,

departed. dkViV searghid ° *ne scriptures, whe-

CHAR XVII. thei these thii;:rs were so.
Paul preaches to the Thessalonians, 6[c. 12 And maqy indeed of them be-
AND when they
through Amphi
had passed
polls and ApoJ-
lieved, and of honourable women
that were gentiles, and of men not
lonia, they came to Thessalonica, a few.
where there was a synagogue of the 13 And when the Jews of Thes-
Jews. salonica had knowledge that the
2 And Paul according to his cus- word of God was also preached by
tom went in unto them ; and for Paul at Berea, they came thither
three sabbath days he reasoned with also,stirring up and troubling the
them out of the .scriptures. "

3 Declaring and insinuating that 1 And then immediately the
the Christ was to suffer and to rise brethren sent away Paul, to go unto
again from the dead: andthat this the sea but Silas and Timothy re*

is Jbsus Christ, whom I preach m« ined there.

to you. 15 And they that conducted Paul,
4 And some of them believed, and brought him as tar ;^s Athens, and
were associated to Paul and Silas, ring a commandment from him
and of those that served God aud'o to I
is and Timothy, {that they
the gentiles a great multitude, and should come to him v. ith all speed,
of noble women not a few. they departed,
5 Bufthe Jews moved with envy, 16 Now whilst Paul waited for
and taking unto them some wicked thorn at Athens, his spirit was stir-
men of the vulgar sort, and making red within him, seeing the city
a tumult, seethe city in an uproar : wholly given to idolatry.
and besetting Jason's house, sought 17 He disputed therefore in the
to bring them out unto the people. synagogue with the Jews, and with
6 And not finding them, they them that served God, and in the
drew Jason and certain brethren to market-place, every day with them
the rulers of the city, crying: They that were there.
that set the city in an uproar are 18 And certain philosophers of
come hither also, the Epicureans and of the Stoicks
7 Whom Jason hath received, disputed with him, and some said :
and these all do contrary to the What is it that this word sower
decrees ofCesar, saying that there would say ? But others lie scem- :

is another king, Jesus. eth to be a setter forth of new gods;

8 And they stirred up the peop! .•?, because he preached to them Jesus
and the rulers of the city hearing and the resurrection.
these things. 19 And taking him, they brought
9 And having taken satisfaction him to Areopagus, saying: May
of Jason, and oi the rest, they let we know what this new doctrine is
them »o. which thou speakest of?
10 But the brethren immediately 20 For thou bringost in certain
sent away Paul and ^ilas by night new things to our ears. We would
: :

170 The ACTS.

know therefore what these things the resurrection of the dead, same
mean. indeed mocked; hut others sain:
21 (Now all the Athenians, and We will hear thee again concerning
strangers that were there, employ- this matter.
ed themselves in nothing else but S3 So Paul went out from among
either in telling or in hearing some them.
new thhig.) 34- But certain men adhering to
22 But Paul standing in the midst him, did believe among whom wna

of Areopagus, said Ye men of

: also Dionysius the Areopagite, at»d
Athens, I perceive that in ail things a woman named Damaris,and others
jk)u are too superstitious. with them.
23 For passing by and seeing CHAP. XVIII.
your idols, I found an altar also on Paul founds the church of Corinth.
which was written To the unknown
: AFTER these things, departing
God. What therefore you worship, •** from Athens, he came to Corinth,
without knowing it, that I preach 2 And finding a certain Jew,
to you. named Aquila, born in Pontus, late
24 God who made the worldaud ly come from Italy, with Priscilla
all things therein. He being Lord his wife(because that Claudius had
of heaven and earth dwelleth not hi commanded allJews to depart from
temples made with hands, Piome,) he came to them.
25 Neither is he served with men's 3 And because he was of the
hands as though he needed any thing, same trade, he remained with them,
seeing it is he who giveth to all life, and wrought (now they were tent

and breath, and all things makers by trade.)

.26 And hath made of one, all 4 And he reasoned in the syna-
mankind, to dwell upon the whole gogue every sabbath, bringing in
face of the earth, determining ap- the name of the Lord Jesus, and he
pointed times, and the limits of their persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.
habitation. 5 And when Silas and Timothy
27 That they should seek God, if were come from Mac#rloiiia, Paul
happily they may feel after him or was earnest in preaching testifying to
find him ; although he be not far the Jews that Jesus is the Christ.
from every one of us 6 But they gainsaying and blas-
28 Forjnhim welive and move and pheming, he shook his garments,
»e ; as some also of your own poets and said to them Your blood be:

$iid, For ive are also his offspring. upon your own heads I am clean ; :

29 Iking therefore the offspring from henceforth I will go unto the

3f God, w e must not suppose the
iTivinity to be unto gold or sil-
like 7 And departing thence, he en-
ver, or stone, the graving of art tered into the house of a certain
and device of man. man, named Titus Justus, one that
30 And God indeed having winked worshipped God, who.se house was
at the times of this ignorance now adjoining to the synagogue.
declareth unto men that all 8 And Crispus ths ruler of the
should every where do penance, synagogue believed in the Lord
31 Because he hath appointed a with all his house and many of the

day wherein he will judge the world Corinthians hearing believed, and
in equity, by the man whom he hath ware baptized.
appointed, giving faith to all, by 9 And the Lord said to Paul in
raising him up from the dead. the night by a vision Do not fear

32 And when they had heard of but speak ; and hQld not thy peace.
: :

Tw ACTS. 171
10 Becnuse I am
with thee and no: through the country of Galatia and
man shall set upon thee to hurt thee : Phrygia, in order, confirming all
for I hare much people in this city. the disciples.
11 And he stayed there a year 2i Now a certain Jew, named
and six months, teaching among Apollo, born at Alexandria, an elo-
them the word of God. quent man, came to Ephesus, one
12 But when Gallio was pro- mighty in the scriptures.
consul of Achaia, the Jews with 25 This man was instructed in the
nneaceord rose up against Paul, and way of the Lord and being fer- :

brought him to the judgment seat, vent in spirit spoke, and taught dili-
13 Saying: This man persuadeth gently the things that are of Jesus,
men to worship God contraiy to the knowing only the baptism of John.
jaw. 2(3 This man therefore began to

14 And when Paul was beginning speak boldly in the synagogue.—-

to open his mouth, Gallio said to Whom when Priscilla and Aquija.
the Jews: If it were some matter had heard, they took him to therm
of injustice, or an heinous deed, and expounded to him the way of
you Jews, I should with reason the Lord more diligently.
bear with you. 27 And whereas he was desirous
1.5 But if they be questions of to go to Achaia, the brethren ex-
-word and names, and of your law, honing wrote to the disciples to re-
look you to it I will not be judge
: ceive him. Who, when he was come,
of such things. helped them much who had believed,
16 And he drove them from the 28 For with much vigour he con-

judgment seat. vinced the Jews openly, shewing by

17 And all laying hold on 5fc>s- the scriptures, that Jesus is the
thenes the ruler of the synagogue, Christ.
beat him before the judgment seat XIX. CHAR
and Gallio cared for none of tho*e Paul establishes the church at Eplt-esus.
18 But Paul when he had stayed
it came to pass
while Apollo
at Corinth, that
Paul hav-
yet many days, taking his leave of ing passed through the upper coasts
the brethren, sailed thence into came to Ephesus, and found certain
Syria, (and with him Priscilla and disciples
Aquila,) having shorn his head in 2 And he said to them: Have
Cenchra. For he had a vow. you received the Holy Ghost since
19 And he came to Ephesus, and ye believed ? But they said to him:
left them there. But he himself en- We have not so much as heard
tering into the synagogue, disputed whether there be a Holy Ghost.
with the Jews. 3 And he said In what [then

20 And when they desired him, wore you baptized ? Who said.: In
that he would tarry a longer time, John's baptism.
he consented not, 4 Then Paul said John baptized :

21 But taking Ws leave, and say- the people with the baptism of pe-
ing: I will return to you again God nance, saying: That they should
willing, he departed from Ephesus. believe in him who wus to come
22 And going down to Cesarea, after him, that is to say, in
he went up /o Jerusalem, and salu- 5 Having heard these things they
ted the church, and so came down Were baptized in the name of th3
to Antioch. Lord Jesus.
13 And after he had spent some 6 And when Pan! had, imposed
time there, he departed, and went his hands on therm the Holy Ghost
came upon them, and they spoke followed curious arts, brought to-
with tongues and prophesied. gether their books and burnt them
7 Ana all the men were about before all : and counting the price
twelve. of them they found the money to be
g And entering into thesynagogue, fifty thousand pieces of silver.
he spoke boldly for the space of three 20 So mightily grew the word
months, disputing and exhorting of God and was confirmed.
concerning the kingdom of God. 21 And when these things xvere
9 But when some were hardened, eaded, Paul purposed in the spirit,
snd believed not, speaking evil of when he had passed through Ma-
the way of the Lord before the mul- cedonia and Achaia, to go to Jeru-
titude, departing from them, he se- salem, saying: After L have been
parated the disciples, disputing daily there I must see Rome also.
in the school of one Tyrannus. 22 And sending into Macedonia
10 And this continued for the space tvvo of them that ministered to him,
of two years, so that all they who Timothy and Erastus, he himself
dwelt in Asia heard the word of the remained for a time in Asia.
Lord, both Jews and Gentiles. 23 Now at that time there arose
1 1 And God wrought by the hand no small disturbance about the
of Paul more than common miracles. way of the Lord,
12 So that even there were brought 2* For a certain man named De-
from his body to the sick handker- metrius, a silversmith, who made
chiefs and aprons and the diseases silver temples for Diana, brought
departed from them, and the wicked no small gain to the craftsmen,
spirits went cut of them. 2S Whom he calling together,
13 Now some also of the Jewish with the workmen of like occupa-
exorcists whowent about attempted tion, said Sirs, you knew that our

to invoke, over them that had evil gain is by this trade ;

spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus, 26 And you see and hear that this
saying: I conjure you by Jesus fc
Paul by persuasion hath drawn
whom Paul preacheth. away a great multitude, not only
14. And there were certain men, of Ephesus, but almost of ail Asia,
seven sons of Sceva a Jew, a chief saying : They are net Gods which
priest, that did this. are made by hands.
15 But the wicked spirit answering, 27 So that not only this our craft
said to them : Jesus 1 know, and is in danger to be set at nought, but

Paul I know but who are yor ?

: also the templetof great Diana shall
16 And the man in whom the be reputed for nothing, yea and her
wicked spirit was, leaping upon majesty shall begi: to be de-troyed,
them, and mastering them both, whom all Asia and the world wor-
prevailed against them, so that they shipped.
tied out of that house naked and US Having heard these things
wounded. they were full c>f auger, and cried
17 And became kuown to
this out saying Great is Diana of the

all the Jews and the gentiles that Ephesians.

dwelt at Ephesus and fear fell on
: 29 And the whole city was filled
them all, and the name of the Lord with confusion, and having caught
Jesus was magnified, Gaius, and Aristarchus, men of Ma-
18 And many of them that be- cedonia, Paul's companions, they
lieved, came confessing and declar- rushed with one accord into tke
ing their deeds. theatre.
19 And many of thena who had 30 And when Paul would have kk
ACTS. 173
tered in unto the people the di*ci-
pius suffered him not.
after the
calling to him the disci-
tumult was ceased,

31 And some also of the rulers of ples, and exhorting them, took his
Asia, who were big friends, sent leave, and set forward to go into
unto l(R desiring that he would
not venture himselfintb the theatre: 2 And when he had gone over
32 Now some cried one thing", these parts, and had exhorted them
some -;v;h \ Fo» the assembly with many words, he came inSo
was i and the greater part Greece :

kue. not for what cause they were 3 Where when he had spent
come together three months, the Jews laid wait
33 Ami they drew forth Alexan- for him, as he was about to sail
der out of the multitude, the Jews into Syria so he took a resolution

thrusting him forward. And Alex- to return through Maeeoonia.

ander beckoning with his hand for 4 And there accompanied mm
e would have given the people Sopater the son of Pyrr&uS', of Be-
satisfaction. rea and of the Thessalonians, A-

S I But as soon as they perceived ristarchus, and Secundus : and Gai-

him to he a Jew, all with one voice, ns of Dei be, ai.d Timothy and of :

for the space of about two hours. Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus,
Out Great is Diana of the
: 5 Taese going before, stayed for
Ephcsians. us at Tire
35 And when the town-clerk had ap- C Btrt we sailed from Phiiippi
peased thernultitndt .he said: Ye men after the days of the azymes, and
of Ephesus, what man is there thai c< me to them toTroas in rive days,
knoweth not that the city or' tl e E- e we ah- ode seven days.
phesians is a worshipper of the great 7 And an the first day of the
Diana, and of Jupi er's ofrVpiing. week. ed to
36 For as much therefore as .
break bread, Paul discoursed wtta
things cannot be gainsaid. yon i tl.em, being to depai mor- I

to be quiet and to do nothing rashly. row: and he continued his speech

37 For you have brought hither until i

these men, who are neither gnilty 8 And there were a great num-
of sacrilege nor of blasphemy a- ber of lamps in chamber '

gainst your goddess. we were assembled.

63 But if Demetrius and the craf'.s- At d a cert: in young man nam- d
men that are with him, have a matter I

against any man, the courts of jus- with I a dei

tice are open, and there are pi (as Paul was long pn
suis ;let them accuse one another. casi m of his bleep, feh from the third
39 And if you enquire after any loft down, and was I

other matter, it may be decided in 10 To whom when Paid bad gone

a lawful assembly. down, he laid himself up.
40 For we are even is danger to icing him sain not trou- he

be called, in question for this day's bled, f r him.

his sowl is in
uproar: there being no man guilty 1 i Then going up and breaking
(of whom we may give account) of . >g, and hai
ti is concourse. And when i ed a 1 . to them until day-
said these things, he dh . light, so he departed;
assembly. 12 And they brought the yout
CHA?. XX. live, and were not a little comforted.
Paul passes through Macedonia. 13 But we going aboard the ship,

174 Tne LCTB.

sailed to Assos, being there to take preaching the kingdom of God, shall
in Paul ; for so he had appointed, see my face no mora.
himself purposing to travel by la-id. 26 Where lb re I take you to wit-
14 And when he had met with us ness this day that I am clear from
at Assos, we took him in ana came the blood of all men.
to Mitylene. 27 For I have not spared to declare
1.5 And sailing thence, the day fol- unirt you all the counsel of God.
lowing we came over-against Chios; 28 Take heed to yourselves and
and the next day we arrived at Sa- to the whole flock wherein the Holy
moa and the day following we
: Ghost hath placed you bishops, to
tame to Miletus. rule the church of God, which he
1G For Paul had determined to sail hath purchased with his own blood,
byEphesus, lest he should be stayed 29 I know that after my depar-
any time in Asia. For he hasted, ture ravening wolves will enter in
if it were possible for him, to keep among you, not sparing the flock.
the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem. SO And of your own selves shall
17 And sending from Miletus to E- arise men speaking perverse things,
phesus, he called the an.tients of the to draw away disciples after them.
church. 31 Therefore watch, keeping in
18 And when they were come to memory, that for three years I cea-
him, and were together, he said to sed not with tears to admonish
them : You know from the first day every one of you, night and day.
that I came into Asia, in what man- 32 And now 1 commend you to God
have been with you for all the time.
lier I and to the word of his grace, who is
19 Serving the Lord with all Hu- able to build up, and to give an in-
mility, and with tears, and tempta- heritance among all the sanctified.
tions, which befel me by the con- 33 I have not coveted any man's
spiracies of the Jews. silver, gold or apparel, as
20 How I have kept back nothing 34 You yourselves know : for
that was profitable to you, but have such things as were needful for me
preached it to you, and taught you and them that are with me, these
publicly, and from house to house. hands have furnished.
21 Testifying both to Jews and 3.5 I have shewed you all things,
gentiles penance towards God, and how that so labouring, you ought
faith inour Lord Jesus Christ. to support the weak, and to remem-
22 And now behold, being bound ber the word of the Lord Jesus, how
in the Spirit, I go to Jerusalem h,esaid : It is a more blessed thing
not knowing the things which shall to give, rather than to receive.
befal me there. 36 And when he had said these
23 Save that the Holy Ghost things, kneeling down he prayed
in every city witnesseth to me say- with them all.
ing : that bands and afflictions wait 37 And there was much weeping
for me at Jerusalem. among them all ; and falling on the
2i But I fear none of these things, neck of Paul, they kissed him,

neither do 1 count my life more pre- 28 Being grieved most of all for the
cious than myself, so that I may word which he had said, that they
consummate my course and the mi- should see his face no more. And they
nistry of tiie w ord which 1 received brought him on his wav to the ship.

from the Lord Jesus to testify the CHAP. XXI.

gospel of the grace of God. Paul goes up to Jerusalem.
2$ And now behold I know that A NO
when it came to pass that
all you among whom I have gone
-" being parted from them we set

Tke ACTS. 175

? ailj we came with a strait course to afflicting my heart? For I am
CooSj and the day following to ready not only to be bound, but to
Rhodes, and from thenceto Patara, die also in Jerusalem, for the name
2 And when we had found a of the Lord Jesus.
b\ ij sailing ever to Phenrce, we li And when we could not per-
went d and set forth.
a ' : suade him, we ceased, saying The :

3 And when we had discovered will of the Lord be done.

Cynrr leaving it on the left hand,
, 15 And after those days, being
we ai I into Syria, and came to prepared, we went up to Jerusalem.
7; re for there the ship was to un«
: 16 And there \rerA also with us
lade her burden. some of the disciples from Cesarea,
4 md rinding disciples,, we tar- bringing with them one Mnason a
ried there seven days who said to : Cyprian an old disciple, with whom
Fan] through the Spirit, that he we should loo.^t.
should not go up to Jerusalem. IT And when, we were come to
And the days being expired.
.•> Jerusalem, the brethren received us
departing we went forward; they ah gladly.
bringing us on our way, with their IS And
the day following Paul
wives and children, till we were out went with us mrto James
ill and :

of the city: and we kneeled down all the antienta were assembled.
on the shore, and we prayed. 19 Whom
when he had saluted,
6 And when we had Lid one a- he related particularly what things
n other farewell, we took ship ; and God had wrought among the gen-
they returned home. tiles by his ministry.
7 But we having- finished the voy- 20 But they hearing it, glorified
age by sea, from Tyre came down God, and said to him : Thou seest,
to Ptolemais and saluting the bre- : brother, how many thousands there
thren, wc abode one day v, ith tin m. are among the Jews that have be-
8 And the next day departing lieved and they are all zealots for

we came to Cesarea.
entering And the law.
into the house of Philip the evan- 21 Now they have heard of thee
gelist, who was cue of the seven, we that thou tea-chest these Jews, who
al. ode with him, are among the depart
9 And he had four daughters from Moses: saying that they ought
virgins, who did prophesy. not to circumcise their children,
10 And as we tarried" there for nor walk according to the custom.
some days, there came from Judea a 22 What is it therefore ? the mul-
certain prophet, named Agabus. titude must needs come together
11 Who when he was come to us, for they wnl bear that thou art come.
took Paul's girdleand binding his : 23 I) j there! re this that we say
own and hands he said; Thus
feet to thee. We
have four men, who
saith the Holy Ghost : The man have a vow on them.
whose girdle this is, the Jews shall 24 Take these and sanctify thy-
bind in this manner in Jerusalem, self with them and bestow on them

and shall deliver him into the hands that they may shave their heads :
of the gentiles. and all will know that the things
12 Which when we had* heard, which they have heard of thee, are
both we and they that were* of that raise but that thou thyself also

place, desired him that he would walkest keeping the law.

not go up to Jerusalem. 25 But as touching the gentiles
13 Then Paul answered, and said : that believe, we have written, de-
What do you mesoi weeping and creeing that they should only re-
: . )

176 The ACTS.

frain themselves from that which 25 And when he was come to the
has been offered to idols, and from stairs, out that he w^s car-
it fell

blood, and from things strangled, ried by the soldiers, because of the
a;d from fo
i m
c at ion
i violence of the people.
26 Then Paid took the men, and 36 For the multitude of the
the next day being purified with people followed after crying Away :

them entered into the temple, giv- with him.

ing notice of the accomplishment of 37 And as Paul was about to be
the days o£ purification, until an brought into the castle, be saith to
oblation should be offered for every the tribune May I speak some-

ene of them. thing to thee? Who said: Canst

21 But when the seven days were tbcu speak Greek ?
drawing to an end those Jews that 38 Art not thou that Egyptian
were of Asia, when they saw him who hefjre these days didst raise a
in the temple, stirred up all the tumult, and didst lead forth into the
people, and laid hands upon him, desalt four thousand men that were
crying out murderers ?
28 Men
of Israel, help this is the
: 39 But Paul said to him I am :

man that teacheth ail men every a Jew of Tarsus in Cilieia, a citizen
where against thepeople,and the law of no mean city. And I beseech
and this place and moreover hath
: thee suffer me to speak to the people*
brought iii gentiles into the temple, 40 And when he had given him
and hath violated this holy place. leave, Paul standing on the stairs,
29 (For they had seen Trophi- beckoned with his hand to >the
sms the Ephesian in the city with people. And a great silence being
him, whom they supposed that Paul made, he spoke unto them in the
had brought into the temple.) Hebrew tongue, saying:
30 And the whole city was in an CHAP. ±^L1I.
uproar and the people ran to-
: Paul's hvitory of his conversion.
gether. And taking 'Paul, they II f EN, brethren, and fathers, hear
drew him out of trie temple, and HA ve {jjg acc ouiit which I now
immediately the doors were shut. give unto you.
31 And as they went about to 2 (And when they heard that he
kill him, it was told ihki tribune of spcke to them in the Hebrew tongue,
the band, ThaJ all Jerusalem was they kept the more silence.
hi confusion. 3 And he saith I am a Jew, born

32 Who
forthwith taking with at Tarsus in Cilieia, but brought
hrm soldiers and centurions, ran up in this city at the feet of Gama-
down to them. And when they liel, taugfit according to the troth of

saw the tribune and the soldiers, the law of the fathers, zealous for
they krt oil heating Paid. the law, as also all you are this d?;y :
S3 Then the tribune coming near 4 Who persecuted this way unto
tock him, and commanded him to death, binding and delivering into
be bound with two chains and de- : prisons both men and women.
manded who he was, and what he- 5 As the high-priest doth bear
had done. me witness, and all the ancients:
34< And some cried one thing, from whom also receiving letters to
some another) among the multitude. the brethren, I went to Damascus,
And when he could not know the that 1 might b ing them:
bound from
certainty for the tumult, he com- thence to Jerusalem to be punished.
manded him to be carried into 'the 6 And it came to pass, as I was
castle. goip.?. and drawing nigh to Bamas-

TnE ACTS, 11'1

cus at mid-day. that suddenly from every synagogue them Chat be-
heaven there shone round about me lieved in thee.
a great light 20 And when the blood of Ste-
7 And falling on the ground, I phen thy witness was shed, I stood
heard a voice saying to me : Saul, by and consented, and kept the gar-
Saul, why persecutes! thou me? ments of them that killed him.
8 And I answered Who art : 21 And he said to me: Go, for
thou, Lord ? And he said to me : unto the gentiles a-far of! will I
I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom send thee.
thou persecutest. 22 And they heard him until this
9 And they that were with me, word, and then lifted up their voice,
sawr indeed the light, but they iaeard saying A>vay with such an one

not the voice of him that spoke from die earth for it is not fit that

with me. he should live.

10 And I said: What shall I do, 23 And as they cried out and
Lord ? Lord said to me
And the : threw off their garments, and cast
Arise and go to Damascus; and dust into the air,
there it be told thee of all
shall 24 The tribune commanded him
things that thou must do. to be brought into the castle, and
] 1 And whereas I did not see for that he should be scourged and tor-
the brightness of that light, being lured ; to know for what cause they
led by the hand by my companions, did so cry out against him,
I came to Damascus. 25 And when they had bound
12 And one Ananias, a man ac- him with thongs, Paul saith to the
cordingto the law. having testimony centurion that stood by him Is it :

of all the Jews who dwelt ihere, lawful for you to scourge a man
13 Coming to me, and standing that is a Roman, and uncon-
by me, said to me : Brother Saul, demn ed ?
look up. And I the same hour look- 26 Which the centurion hearing*
ed upon him, went to the tribune, and told him,
14- But he said The God of our
: saying What art thou about to do ?

fathers hath pre-ordained thee that For this man is a Roman citizen.
thou shouldst know his will, and see 27 And the tribune coming, said
the Just One, and shouldst hear to him Tell me, art thou "a Ro-

the voice from his mouth. man ? But he sai \ Yea. :

For thou shalt be his witness

1.5 28 And the tribune answered I :

to all men, of those things which obtained the being free of tins city
thou hast seen and heard. with a great sum* And Paul said i
1(3 And now why tarriest thou ? But I tvai burn so.
Rise up, and be baptized, and wash 29 Immediately therefore they
away thy sins, invoking his name. departed from him that were about
17 And it came to pass when I to torture him. The tribune also
was come again to Jerusalem, and was afraid after he understood that
was praying in the temple, that I he was a Roman citizen, and be-
was in a trance, he had bound him.
18 And saw him
saying unto me : So But on the next day meaning
Make haste and get thee quickly to know more diligently, for what
but of Jerusalem because they : cause lie vva> accused by the Jews,
wul not receive thy testimony con- he loosed him, aud commanded the
cerning me. priests to come together and afl the
19 And I said Lord, they know
: big forth rant*
that i cast into prison a&d I . tie set fore them*
178 The ACTS.
CHAP. XXIII, 12 And when day was come,
Paul stands before the council, some of the Jews gathered together,
A NDPaul looking upon the conn- and hound themselves under a curse,
•"" cil, said Men brethren, I have
: saying that they would neither eat,

conversed with all good conscience nor drink, till they killed Paul.
before God, until this present day. 13 And they were more than forty
2 And the high-priest Ananias men that had made
this conspiracy.,
commanded them that stood by him 11 Who came to the chief priests
him on the mouth.
to strike and the antients, and said: We
3 Then Paul said to him : God bound ourselves under a great
thai! strike thee, thou whited wall. curse, that we will eat nothing till
For sittest thou to judge me accord- we have slain Paul.
ing to the law, and contrary to the 15 Now therefore do you with the
law commandest me to be struck ? council signify to the tribune, that
4 And they that stood by said : he bring him forth to you, as if you
3>ost thou revile the high-priest of meant to know something more cer-
God? tain touching him. And we, before
5 And Paul said : I knew not, he come near, are ready to kill him.
brethren, that he is the high-priest. 16 Which when Paul's sister's
For it is written* Thou shalt not spea: son had heard, of their lying in
evil of the prince of thy peeple. wait, he came, and entered into the
6 And Paul knowing that the one castle and told Paul.
part were Saddueees, and the other 17 And Paul calling to him one
Pharisees, cried out in the council: of the centurions, said Bring this

Men brethren, I am a Pharisee, the young man to the tribune, for he

son of Pharisees: concerning the hath something to tell him.
hope and resurrection of the dead I IS And he taking him, brought
am called in question. him to the tribune, and said ; Paul
7 And when he had so said, there the prisoner desired me to bring
arose a dissension between the Pha- this young man unto thee, who
risees and the Sadducees ; and the hath something to say to thee.
inultitude was divided. 19 And the tribune taking him
8 For the Saducees say that there by the hand, went aside with him
is no resurrection, neither angel, nor privately and asked him What is

spirit but thePharisees confess both

; it that thou hast to tell me ?

9 And there arose a great cry. 30 And he said: The Jews have
And some of the Pharisees rising agreed to desire they, that thou
up, strove saying: We
find no evil wouldst bring forth Paul to-morrow
in this man. What if a spirit hath into the council, as if they meant to
spoken to him, or an angel ? enquire something more certain.
10 And when there arose a great touching him,
dissension, the tribune fearing lest 21 But do not thou give credit to
Eaul should be pulled in pieces by them ; for there lie in wait for him
them, commanded the soldiers to more than forty men of them, who
go down and to take him by force have bound themselves by oath nei-
Jrom among them, and to bring ther to eat nor to drink till they have
him into the castle. killed him and they are now ready,

11 And
the night following the locking for a promise from thee.
Lord standing by him, said : Be 22The tribune therefore dismissed
constant ; for as thou hast testified the young man, charging him that
<af me in Jerusalem, so must thou he should tell no man that he had
bear witness also at Kome. made known these things unto him.
The ACTS. 179

23 Then having called two cen- \ ND after five days the high-
turions, he said to them Make
£** priest Ananias came down,
ready two hundred soldiers to go with some of the antients, and one
as far as Cesarea, and seventy horse- Tertullus an orator, who went to
men, and two hundred spear-men the governor against Paul.
for the third hour of the night. 2 And Paul being called for,
24 And provide beasts, that they Tertullus began to accuse him, say-
may set Paul on, and bring him ing: Whereas through thee we live
gafe to Felix the governor. in much peace, and many things
2.5 (For he feared lest perhaps are rectified by thy providence,
the Jews might take him away by 3 We accept it always and in all
force and kill him, and he should af- places, most excellent Felix, with
terwards be slandered as if he was all thanksgiving.
to take money.) And he wrote a 4 But that I be no further tedi-
letter after this manner. ous to thee, I desire thee of thy
20 Claudius Lysias to the most clemency to hear us in few words, j

excellent governor Felix, greeting. 5 We have found this to be a pes-

27 This man being taken by the tilent man, and raising seditions
•Tews, and ready to be killed by them, among all the Jews throughout the
I rescued coming in with an army, world, and author of the sedition
understanding that he is a Roman: of the sect of the Nazarenes.
28 And meaning to know the cause 6 Who also hath gone about to
which they objected unto him, I profane the temple whom we hav-* :

brought him forth into their council. ing apprehended would also have
29 Whom I found to be accused judged according to our law.
concerning questions of their law 7 But Lysias the tribune coming

but having nothing laid to his charge upon us with great violence took,
worthy of death or of bands. him away cut of onr hands.
30 And when I was told of am- 8 Commanding his accusers to-
bushes that they had prepared for come to thee of whom thou mayest

him, I sent him to thee, signifying thyself, by examination, have know-

also to his accusers to plead before ledge of all these things, whereof
thee. Farewell. we accuse him.
SlThen the soldiers,iccordingasit 9 And the Jews also added, and
waf commanded them, taking Paul, said that these things were so.
brought him by night to Antipatris, 10 Then Paul answered, (the
39 And the next day leaving the governor making a sign to him to
horsemen to go with him, they re- spea,k :) Knowing that for many
turned to the castle. years thou hast been judge over
33 Who when the}7 were come tins nation,.] will with good courage
to Cesarea, and had delivered the answer for myself.
letter to the governor, did also pre- 11 For thou mayest understand
sent Paul before him. that there are yet but twelve days,
Si And when he had read it and since I went up to adore in Jerusalem
had asked of what province he was: 12 And neither in the temple did
and understood that he was ofCilicla: they find me disputing" with any
35 1 will hrar thee, said he, when man, or causing any concourse of
thy accusers come. And he com- the people, neither in the synago*
manded him to be kept in Herod's gues, nor in the city :

judgment-hall. 13 Neither can tiiey prove untc

CHAP. XXIV. thee the things whereof they now
Fault defence before Felix.. accuse me,
: : .

180 The ACTS

14 But this I confess lo thee that which cause a! so oftentimes sending
according to the sect, which they forhim, he spoke with him.
call heresy, so 1 serve the Father 27 But when two years were
and my God, believing all things ended, Felix had for successor For-
which are written in the law and tius Festus. And Felix being' wil-
the prophets ling to shew the Jews a pleasure,
15 Havinsr hope in God, which left Paul bound.
these also themselves look for, that CHAP. XXV.
there shall be a resurrection of the Paul appeals io Cesar*
just and unjust. j^OW when Festus was come in-
16 And herein do I endeavour to ^ to the province, after three
have always a conscience without of- days he went up to Jerusalem from
fence toward? God and towards men. Cesarea.
17 Now after many years I came 2 And the chief priests, and prin-
to bring alms tc my nation and of- cipal men of the Jews went unto
ferings and vows. him against Paul: and they be-
18 In w hich I was found puri-
sought him,
fied in the temple: neither with 3 Requesting favour against him,
multitude, nor with tumult that he would command him to be
19 By certain Jews of Asia, who brought to Jerusalem, laying wait
ought to have been here before thee to kill him in the way.
and io accuse, if they had any thing 4 But Festus answered, that Paul
against me: was kept in Cesarea and that he

SO Or let these men themselves himself would very shortly depart

say, they found
if in me any iniquity, thither.
when standing before their couneiJ, 5 Let them therefore, saith he,
21 Except it be for this one voice among you that are able, go down
only that I cried standing among with me and accuse him, if there
them, concerning the resurrection of be any crime in the man.
the dead am I judged this.day by you. 6 And having tarried anions: them
22 And Felix put them off, hav- no more than eight or ten days, he
ing most certain knowledge of this went down to Cesarea, and the next
way, saying : When Lysias the tri- day he sat in the judgment seat and •

bune shall come down I will hear yon commanded Pawl to be brought.
23 And he commanded a centu- 7 Who being brought, the Jews
rion to keep him, and that he should stood about him, who were come
be easy, and that he should not pro- down from Jerusalem, objecting.
hibit any of his friends to minister many and grievous causes which
unto him. they could not prove ;

24 And after some days, Felix 8 Paid making answer for him-
coming with Drusilla his wife, who self, Neither against the law of the
was a Jew, sent for Paul, and Jews, n©r against the temple, nor
heard ©f him the faith, that is in against Cesar have I offended in
Christ Jesus.. any thing.
2o Andas he treated of justice, 9 But Festus willing to shew the
and chastity and of the judgment Jews a pleasure, answering Paul,
to come, Felix being terrified, an- said Wilt thou go up to Jerusa-

swered For this time go thy way;

lem, and there be judged of these
but when I h^ve a convenient time things h-efore me ?
I will send for thee. 10 Then Paul said: I stand at
26 Hoping aI*o withal,, that money Gesarsjudgrtient-seatrwherelou^fht
should be given him by Paul;, for io be judged: To the Jews I have

done no injury, as thou very well To-morrow, said he, thou shalt
knowest. hear him,
11 For if I hare injured them, or 23 And on the next day when
have committed any thing worthy Agrippa and Bernice were come
el* death, I refuse not to die. But if with great pomp, and had entered
there be none of these things, where- into the hall of audience with the
of they accuse me, no man may de- tribunes and principal men of the
iver me to them I appeal to Cesar.
: city at Festus's commandment Paul
12 Then Festus having conferred was brought forth.
with the council, answered: Hast 24 And
Festus said: King A-
thou appealed to Cesar ? To Cesar grippa, and ail ye men who are here
shalt thou go. present with us, you see this man,
13 And after some days king about whom all the multitude of {he
Agrippa and Bernicecame down to Jews dealt with me at Jerusalem,
Cesarea to salute Festus. requesting and crying out that he
14 And as they tarried there ought not to live any longer.
many days, Festus told the king of 25 Yet have I found nothing that
Paul, saying A certain man was
: he hath committed worthy of death.
leftprisoner by Felix. But for as much as he himself hath
15 About whom when I was at appealed to Augustus, 1 have de-
Jerusalem, the chief priests and the termined to send him.
antients of the Jews came unto me, S5 Of whom I have nothing cer-
desiring condemnation against him. tain to write to my lord. Fur which
16 To whom I answered : It is cause I have brought him forth be-
not the custom of the Romans to fore yon, and especially before thee,
condemn any man before that he O king Agrippa, that examination
who is accused have his accusers being made,Imayb&vewhat to write.
present, and have liberty to make 2? For it seemetfa to me unrea-
his answer, to clear himself of the sonable, to send a prisonerjaftd not to
things laid to his charge. signify the things laid to his charge.
17 When therefore they were CHAP. XXVI.
come hither, without any delay, on Paul gives an account of' hir life. fyc.
the day following, sitting in the npHEN Agrippa said to Paul:
"udgment-seat, 1 commanded the * Thou art permitted to speak
man to be brought. for thyself. Then Paul stretching
18 Against whom, when the accu- forth his hand, began to make his
sers stood up, they brought no accu- answer.
sation of things which I thought ill of; 2 I think my self happy, O king
19 But had certain questions of Agrippa, that I am to answer for
their own superstition against him, myself this day before thee, touch-
and of one Jesus deceased, whom ing ali the things whereof I am ac-
Paul affirmed to be alive. cused by the Jews,
20 I therefore being in a doubt of 3 Especially as thou knowest all,
this manner of question, asked him both customs and questions that are
whether ha would go to Jerusalem, among the Jews: wherefore I be-
and there be judged of these things. seech thee to hear me patiently.
21 But Paul appealing to be re- 4. And my lire indeed from my
served unto the hearing of Augustus, youth, which was from the begin-
I commanded him to be kept, till I ning among my own nation in Je-
might send him to Cesar. rusalem, all the Jews do know :

22 And Agrippa said to Festus : 5 Having known me from the be-

*I would also hear the man myself. ginning (if they will give testimony)
iS3 The ACTS.
that according to the most sure sect people, and from the nations unto
of our religion I lived a Pharisee. which now 1 send thee,
6 A:)d now for the hope of the pro- 18 To open their eyes, that they
mise that was made by God to the fa- may be converted from darkness to
thers,do I stand subject to judgment: light,and from the power of satan
7 Unto which, our twelve tribes, to God, that they may receive for-
serving night and -day, hope to come. giveness of sins, and a lot among
For which hope, O king, 1 am ac- the saints by the faith that is in me.
cused by the Jews. 19 Whereupon, O king Agrippa,
8 Why should ft be thought a I was not incredulous to the heaven-
thing incredible, that God should ly vision :

raise the dead ? 20 But to them first thac are at

9 And I indeed did formerly think Damascus^and at Jerusalem, and un-
that I ought to do many things con- to all the country of Judea, and to
trary to the name of Jesus of Na- the gentiles did I preach, that they
zareth. should do penance,and turn to God,
10 Which also I did at Jerusalem, doing works worthy of penance.
and many of the saints did I shut 21 For this cause the Jews, when
up in prisons, having received au- I was in the temple, having appre-
thority of the chief priests : and hended me, went about to kill me.
when they were put to death, I 22 But being aided by the help of
brought the sentence. God, I stand unto this day, witness-
1 1And oftentimes punishing them, ing both to small and great, saying
in every synagogue I compelled no other thing than those which the
them to blaspheme; and being yet prophets and Moses did say should
more mad against them I persecut- come to pass:
ed them even unto foreign cities. 23 That Christ should suffer,
12 Whereupon when I was going and that he should be the first that
to Damascus with authority and should rise from the dead, and should
permission of the chief priests, shew light to the people and to the
13 At mi d-d ay, king, I saw in gentiles.
the way a light from heaven above 21 As he spoke these things and
the brightness of the sun, shining made his answer, Festus, said with
round about me and them that were a loud voice Paul, thou art beside

in company with me. thyself: much learning doth make

14 And when we were all fallen thee mad.
down on the ground, I heard a 2.5 And Paul said : I am not
voice speaking to me in the Hebrew mad, most excellent Festus, but I
tongue Saul, Saul, why persecut-
: speak words of truth and soberness.
est thou me ? Jt ts hard for thee to 26 For the king knoweth of these
kick against the goad. things, to whom also I speak with
15 And I said: Who
art thou, confidence. For I am persuaded
Lord ? And the Lord answered : I that none of these things are hidden
am Jesus whom thou persecutest, from him. For neither was any of
15 But rise up and stand upon these things done in a corner.
thy feet for to this end have I ap-
: 27 Believest thou the prophets,
peared to thee that I may make thee king Agrjppa ? 1 know that thou
a minister and a witness of those believest.
things which thou hast seen, and of 28 And Agrippa said to Paul in :

those things wherein I will appear a little thou persuadest me to be-

to thee, come a Christian.
17 Delivering thee from the . 29 And Paul said : I would to God:
: :


that both in a little and in much, past, Paul comforted them,
not only thou, but also all that hear 10 Saying to them: Yemen, J
me this day, should become such as see that the voyage beginneth to be
I also am, except these bands. with injury and much damage, not
30 And the king rose up, and the only of the lading and ship, but also
governor, and Bernice, and they of our lives.
that sat with them. 11 But the centurion believed
31 And when they were gone the pilot and the master of the ship,
aside, they spoke among themselves, more than those things which were
saving, This man hath done nothing said by Faul.
worthy of death or of bands. 12 And whereas it was not a
32 And Agrippa said to Festus commodious haven to winter in, the
This man might have been set at li- greatest part gave counsel to sail
berty, if he had not appealed to Cesar. thence, if by any means they might
CHAP. XXVII. reach Phenice to winter there, which
Paul is shipped for Rome. is a haven of Crete looking towards

AND when
that he should
was it determined
sail into Italy,
the south-west and north-west.
13 And the south wind gently
and that Paul with the other pri- blowing, thinking that they had
soners should be delivered to a cen- obtained their purpose, when they
turion, named Julius, of the band had loosed from Asson, they sailed
Augusta. close by Crete.
2 Going on board a ship of Ad- 14 But not long after there arose
rumetum, we launched, meaning to against it a tempestuous wind cal-
sail by the coasts of Asia, Aristar- led Euru-aquiio.
chus the Macedonian ofThessaionica 15 And when the ship was caught,
continuing with us. and could not bear up against the
3 And the day following we came wind, giving up the ship to the
to Sidon. And Julius treating Paul winds, we were driven.
courteously permitted him to go to 16 And running under a certain
hisfriends,and to take carcof himself. island that is called Cauda, we had
4 And when we had launched from much work to come by the boat.
thence we sailed under Cyprus be- : 17 Which being taken up, they
cause the winds were contrary. used helps, under-girding the ship,
5 And sailing over the sea of Ci- and fearing lest they should fall in-
licia and Parnphilia, we came to to the quick sands, they letdown the
Lystra which is in Lycia: sail -yard, and so were driven.
6 And there the centurion finding 1:^ And we being mightily tos-
a ship of Alexandria sailing into sed with the tempest, the next day
Italy, removed us into it. they lightened the ship
7 And when many days we
for 19 And the third day they cast
had and were scarce
sailed slowly, out with their own hands the tack-
come over against Guidus, the wind ling of the ship.
r.ot suffering us, we sailed near 20 And when neither sun nor stars
Crete by Salmone appeared for many days, and no
8 And with much a-do sailing small storm lay on us, all hope of
by if, we came into a certain placv our being saved was now taken away
which is called Good-havens, nigh 21 And after they had fasted a long
to which was the city of Thalassa. time, Paul standing forth in the
9 And when much time was midst of them, said You should in-

spent, and when sailing now was deed, O ye men, have hearkened un-
dangerous; because the fast was now to rr.e, and not have loosed from


Crete, and have gained this harm and when he had broken it, he Lf*
and loss. gan to eat.
29 And now I exhort you to be 36 Then were they all of better
of good cheer. For there shali he cheer, and they also took some meat.
no loss of any man's life among 37 And we were in all in the
yon, but only of the ship. ship, two hundred three score and
23 For an angej of G;)d, whose sixteen souls.
I am, arid whom I s-jrve, stood by 38 And when they had eaten
me this night, enough, they lightened the ship,
24- Saying : Fear
not, Paul, thou casting the wheat into the sea.
must he brought before Cesar : and 39 And when it was day, they
behold God hath given thee all them knew not the land : but they dis-
that with thee.
sail covered a certain creek that had a
U5 Wherefore, Sirs, be of good shore, into which they minded, if
cheer: for I believe God, that it they could, to thrust in the ship.
shall so be, as it hath been told me, 40 And when they had taken up
25 And we must come unto a the anchors, they committed them-
certain island. selves to the sea, loosing withal the
27 But after the fourteenth night rudder-bands: and hoisting up the
was come, as we were sailing in main-sail to the wind, they made
Adria about midnight the ship-men towards shore.
deemed that they discovered some 41 And when we were fallen
country. into a place where two seas met,
2S Who also sounding, found they run the ship a ground :• and
twenty fathoms and going on a lit-
: the fore-part indeed, sucking fast,
they found fifteen fathoms.
tle further remained immoveable : but the hin-
29 Then tearing lest we should der part was broken with the vio-
fall upon rough places, they cast lence of the sea.
four anchors out of the stern, and 42 And the soldiers counsel was,
wished tor the day. that they should kill the prisoners
SO But as the ship-men sought to lest any of them, swimming out,
fly out of the ship having let down should escape.
the boat into the sea, under colour 43 But the centurion willing to
?S though they would have cast an- save Paul, forbade it to be done
chors outof the fore-part of the ship, and he commanded that they who
31 Paul said to the centurionland could swim, should cast themselves-
to the soldiers Except these stay
: first into the sea, and save them-
in the ship, you cannot be saved. selves and get to land :

32 Then the soldiers cut off the 44 And the rest, some they car-
; and let her fall off.
ropes of the boat ried on boards, and some on those
SS And when it began to be light, things that belonged to the ship.
Paul besought them all to take meat, And so it came to pass, that every-
saying: This day is the fourteenth soul got s^fe to land.
day that you expect and remain CHAP. XXVIII.
fasting, taking nothing. Paid arrive* at Home.
34 Wherefore I pray you to take A ND when we had escaped, then
some meat for your health's *ake : -^ we knew that the island was
for there shall not an hair of the called Melita. But the barbarians
head of any of you perish. shewed us no small courtesy,
35 And when he had said these 2 For, kindling a fire, they re-
things, taking bread, he gave thanks freshed us ail, because of the pre-
to God in th^ sight of them all'; sent rain and oi* the cold,
1 ;

The ACTS. 185

3 And when Paul had gathered 15 And from thence when the bre-
together a bundle of sticks, and thren had heard of us, they came to
had laid them on the fire, a viper meet us as far as Appii forum, and
coming out of the heat, fastened on the three taverns, whom when Paul
his hand. saw, he gave thanks to God, and
4 And when the barbarians saw took courage.
the beast hanging on his hand, they 16 And when we were come to
said one to another: Undoubtedly Rome, Paul was suffered to dwell by
this man is a murderer, who though If with a soldier that kept him,

he hath escapee! the sea, yet ven- 17 And after thi 7 he call-
geance doth not suffer him to live. ed together the chief of the Jews
.5 And he indeed shaking off the And whe were assembled, he
beast into the fire, suffered no harm. said to them : Men brethren, I hav-
6 But they supposed that he the people.
wou-d begin to swell up, and that or the custom of out lather?. was de-
he would suddenly fall down and livered prisoner horn Jerusalem in-
die. But expecting long-, and seeing to the hai . Ren ans a
that there came no harm to him, 18 v examined
changing their minds they said, that . ie,for that
he was a god. t^ere was . oh in me.
7 Now in these places were pos- 19 But the J, .
i . ; dieting it,

sessions of the chief manthe is-

ft? 1 was constrained to appeal unto
land named Publius, who receiving r, not that i ha I any thing u>
us, for three days entertained us accuse my nation uf.
courteously. 20 For tins eause therefore I de-
8 And it happened that the fatlu r sired to sec you and to speak to yon.
of Publius lay sick of a fever and of Because tl hope of Israel,
a bloody flux. To whom Paul en- I am bow s chain.
tered in :and when he had prayed, 21 But tl him nei- : We
and laved his hands en him, he ther received lettersc <

healed him. I >m Jndea, neither d'd any of the

9 Which being done, all that brethren that came hither, relate or
had diseases in the island came, and speak any evh of thi .

were healed : 22 But we desire, to hear of thee

10 Who honoured us with
also what thou tbinkest : for as concern-
many honours, and when we were ing this sect, we know that it is
to set sail, they laded us with such -said every where.
things as were necessary. 23 And when I appointed
1 And after three months we him a day, thtr- many
sailed in a ship of Alexandria, that j lodgings
had wintered in the island, v he expounded, the king-
sign was the Castors. dom oi God
persuading them and.
12 And when we were ccme to Sy- concerning Je?i<, out of the law
racuse, we tarried there three i of Moses and the prophets from
13 From thence compassing by morning until evening.
the shore, we came to Rbegium: 21 And some believed the things
and after one day the south Wind that were said: but some believed
lug, we came the second day not.
to Puteoli. 25 And when they agreed not
14 Where finding brethren, we among themselves, they departed,
-were desired to tarry with them se- Paul speaki r thi ? word : Well
ven days and so we went to Rome.
: did tiie Huiy Ghost speak to our
: .

.86 1\) THE RCtt TANS.

fathers by Isaias the prophet, 28 Be it known therefore to you
2d Saying Go to this people,
: that this salvation of God is sent to
and say to them With the ear you
: the gentiles, and they will hear it.
shall hear, and shall not understand: 29 And when he had said these

and seeing you shall See, and shall things, the Jews went out from
nut perceive. nira, having much reasoning among
27 For the heart of this people is themselves.
grown ^rosy.and with their ears have 30 And he remained two whole
they heard heavily, and their eyes years in his own hired lodging and :

they Jmve shut: test perhaps they he received all that came m
to him,
should see with their eyes> and hear 31 Preaching the kingdom of God,
uith their ears, and understand with and teaching the things which con-
tlieir heart, and should be converted, cern the Lord Jesus Christ with
and I should heed them. all confidence, without prohibition


CHAP, I. length I may have a prosperous
He commends the faith of the Ro- journey by the will of God, to
mans. come unto you,
"OAUL a servant of JesusChkist, 11 For I long to see you, that I
* called to be an apostle, sepa- may impart unto you some spiritual
rated unto the gospel of God, grace, to strengthen you :

2 Which be had promised before 12 That is to say, that I may be

by his prophets in the holy scriptures. comforted together in you by that
3 Concerning his Son who was which is common to us both, your
made to him of the seed of David faith and mine.
according to the flesh, 13 And I would not have you
4 Who was predestinated the Son ignorant, brethren, that 1 have often
of God in power according to the purposed to come unto you (and
spirit of sanctification, by the re- have been hindered hitherto) that I
surrection of our LordJESUiCiiRisT might have some fruit among you
from the dead, also, even as among other gentiles.
5 By whom w e have received
14 To the Greeks and to the Bar-
grace and apostle-hip for obedience barians, to the wise and to the un-
to the faith in all nations for his name*. wise, I am a debtor.
6 Among whom are you also the 15 So (as much as is in Trie) 1
called of Jesus Christ : am ready to preach the gospel to
7 To all that are at Rome the you alio that are at Rome.
beloved of God, called to he saints, 16 For I am not ashamed of the
Grace to you and peace from God gospel. For it is the power of God
our Father, and from the Lord Je- unto salvation to every one that be-
sus Christ. lieveih, to the Jew first and to the
8 First I give thanks to my God Greek.
through Jesus Christ for you all, 1? For the justice of God is re-
because your faith is spoken of in vealed therein from faith unto faith:
the whole world. as it is written The just man liv-

9 For God is my witness, whom eth by faith.

I serve in my spirit in the gospel of 18 For the wrath of God is re-
his Son, that without ceasing I vealed from heaven, against all un-
make a commemoration of you. godliness and injustice of those
10 Always in my prayers, making men that detain the truth of God in
request, if by any means now at injustice
To the ROMANS. IS?
19 Because that which is known contumelious, proud, haughty, in-
of God is manifest in them. For ventors devil things, disobeai^ut to
God bath manifested it unto them. parents.
20 For the invisible things of him SlFool'rh, dissolute, without
from the creation of the world are aftecdon, without fidelity, without
clearly seen, being understood by mercy.
the things that are made his eter- :
3£ Who, haring known the jus-
nal power also and divinity : so tice of God, did not understand
that they are inexcusable. that they, who do sv.-Sh inhigs, are
21 Because thai, when they knew worthy of death and not only they:

God, they have nut glorified him as that do them, but they also that
God, or given thanks but became
consent to them that do them.
vain in their thoughts, and their CHAP. II.
foolish heart was darkened. The Jews are censured.
22 For professing themselves to ^THEREFORE thou art inex-
be wise they became fools. ™ ™ cusabie, roan, whosoever
23 And they changed the glory of thou art that judgest. For where-
the incorruptible G-od, into the like- in thou judgest another, thou qow*
ness of the image of a corruptible demiiest thyself. For thou dost
man, and of birds arid of four-footed the same things which thou judgest.
beasts and of creeping things. 2 For we know that the judg-
24 Wherefore God gave them ment of God is according to truth
up to the desires of their heart, un- against them that do such tilings.
to uncleanness, to dishonour their 3 Ana thinkest thou this, man,
own bodies among themselves .-

that judgest them who do such

25 Who changed the truth of God thing:', and dost the same, that thou
into a lie and worshipped and
shaft eseane the judgment of (Jod ?
served the creature rather than the 4 Or despisest thou the riches of
Creator, who is blessed for ever. his goodness, and patience, and
Amen. long-suffering? knowest thou not
26 For this cause God delivered that the benignity of G^d leadeth
them up to shameful affei thee to penanc _ ?
For their women Lave channel the o U>it according to thy hardness
natural use, into that use which is and impei irt, thou trea-
against nature. surest up to th] th, against
27 And in like manner the men the d. ;
th and revelation of
also, leaving the natural use oi the the just judgment of God.
women, have burned in their lusts Who render to every man
one towards another, men with men -
g to his
working that wnich is filthy, and 7 To the iii indeed, who accord-
receiving in themselves the recom- ing to patience in good work, seek
mence which was due to their error. glory and honour and incorruption,
28 And as they liked not to have etern d life :

God in their knowledge ; God de- 8 But to them that are conten-
livered them up to a reprobate tion.., and who obey not the truth,
sense, to do those things winch are but give credit to iniquity, wrath
not convenient, and indignation.
29 .Being rilled with all iniquity, 9 Tribulation and anguish upon
mahee, fornication, avarice, v. icked- every soul oi man that worketh evil,
ness, full or envy, murder, conten- of the ocw first and also of the
tion, deceit, malignity, whisperers, Greek :

2i) Detracted hateful to God, 10 But glory and honour and

1 : :

188 To the ROMANS.

peace to every ope that worketh tiles, as it is written.)
good, to the Jew first and also the 25 Circumcision profiteth indeed
Greek. if thou keep the law but if thou be :

1 For there is no respect of a transgressor of the law, thy cir-

persons with God. cumcision is made uncircumci, on.
12 For whosoever have sinned 26 If then the uncircumcised
without the law, shall perish with- keep the justices of the law: shall
out the law and whosoever have
: not this uncircumcision be counted
sinned in the law., shall be judged for circumcision ?
by the law, 27 And shall not that which by
13 For not the hearers of the nature is uncircumcision, if it fulfil
law, are just before God : but the the law, judge thee, who by the
doer.s of the Jaw shall be justified. leUer and circumcision art a trans-*
14 For when the gentiles who •r of the law ?

have not the law, do by nature those 28 For it is not he is a Jew, that
things that are of the law ; these is so outwardly, nor is that circum-
having not the law, are a law to cision which is outward in the flesh,
themselves : • 29 But he is a Jew that is one
15 Who shew the work of the inwaraiy ; and the circumcision is
law written in their hearts, their that of the heart, in the spirit, not
conscience bearing witnes to them, in the letter whose praise is not of

and their thoughts between them- men, but of God.

selves accusing, or also defending CHAP. III.
one another, The advantages of the Jews.
16 In the day when God shall l^TIAT advantage then hath the
judae the secrets of men, by Jesus * * Jew, or what is the profit of
Chri>t, according to my gospel. circumcision?
17 But if thou art called a Jew, 2 Much every way. First indeed,
and res test in the law, and makes! because the words of God were
thy boast of Ggq, committed to them.
18 And knowest his will, and ap~ 3 For what if some of them have
provest the more profitable things, not believed ? shall their unbelief
feeing instructed by the law, make the faith of God without ef-
19 Art confident that thou thy- fect? God forbid,
self art a guide of the blind, alight 4 But God is true : and every man
of them that are in darkness. a liar, as it is written That thou :

20 An instructer of the foolish, a may est be justified in thy words, and

teacher of infants, having the form may est overeovie when thou artjudged
of knowledge and of truth in the law. 5 But if our injustice commend the
21 Thou therefore that teachest justice of God, what shall we say ?
another, teachest not thyself: thou is God unjust, who executeth wrath.
that preaches t that men should not 6 (I speak according to man.)
Steal, stealest God forbid ; otherwise how shall
22 Thou that sayest, men should God judge this world ?
not commit adultery, committest 7 For if the truth of God hath
adultery ; Thou that abhorrest more abounded through my lie, un-
idols, committest sacrilege to glory, why am I also yet
23 Thou that makest thy boast judged as a sinner ?
of the law, by transgression of the 8 And not rather (as we are slan-
law dishonourest God. dered, and as some afh'rm that we
24 (For the name of God through say) let us do evil, that there may
you is blasphemed among the gen* come good? whose damnation is just
9 What tfren ? Do we excel them ? in this time: that he himself may be
No, not so. For, we have charted just, and the justifier of him who is
both Jews and Greeks, that they of the fttith of Jesus Christ.
are all under sin : 27 Where is then thy boasting?
10 As it is written There is It is excluded. By what law? Of

not any man just, works ? No, but by the law of faith.
11 There is none thai under standeth, 28 For we account a man to be
there is none that scekeik after God. justified by faith without the works
12 All have turned out of the way, of the law.
they a/re become unprofitable toge- 9.9 Is he the God of the Jews

ther there is none that doth good,

only ? Is he not also of the gentiles ?
there is noi so much as one, Yes, of the gentiles also.
13 Their throat is an open sepul- 30 For it is one God that yustifi-
chre, with their tongues they have eth circumcision by faith and un-
dealt deceitfully. TJk venom of asps circumcision through faith.
is under their lips. 31 Do we then destroy the law
14 Whose mouth is full of cursing through *faith ? God forbid : but
and bitterness : we establish the law.
15 Their feet swift to shed blood. CHAP. IV.
lf> Destruction and misery in Ahraliam was not justified ly works
their ways : \^ HAT shall we e y then that
* * Abraham hath found, who is
17 And the way of peace they
have not known : our father according to the flesh ?
18 T'.ei e is no fear of God Ufore 2 lor if Abraham were justified
their cues. by w( tks, he hath whereoi to glory,
19 Now we k:ow that what things but not before God.
soever the law speaketh, it speaketh 3 For what saith the scripture ?
to them that are in the law that : Abraham believed God9 *n4 it teas n-
every mouth may be stopped, and puted to iiim unto justice*
all the w oriel may be made subject 4 Now to him, that worketh, the
to God. reward is not reckoned according
2(3 Because by the works of the law to grace, but according to debt.
rio flesh shall be justified before him. 5 But to him that worketh not, yet
For by the law is the knowledge of sin bejieveth in him that justifieth the
21 But now without the law the jus- ungodly, his faith is reputed to jus-
tice of God is made
manifest: being tice according to the purpose of the
viinessed by the lawand theprophets grace of God.
23 Even the justice of God by 6"
Afi David also termeth the
faith of Jesus Christ, unto all and blessedness of a man, to whom God
.ipon all them that believe in him : reputeth justice without works :
for there is no distinction. 7 Blessed are they, whose iniquities are
23 For all have sinned; and do forgiven, and whose tins are covered.
aetd the glory of God. 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord
2i< Being justified freely by his hath not imputed sin*
grace, through the redemption 9 This blessedness then doth it
that is in Christ Jesus, remain in the circumcision only, or
23 Whom God hath proposed to be in the uncircumcision also ? For
a propitiation, through faith in his we say that unto Abraham faith
u>loodj to the shewing of his justice, was reputed to justice.
ior the remission of former sins, 10 How then was it reputed ?
2G Through the forbearance of When he uas in circumcision, or in
God, for the shewing of his justice uncircumcision ? Not in circumci-
1 :


sion, but uncircumcision.
in soever he has promised, he is able
11 And he received the sign of also to perform.
circumcision, a seal of the justice of 23 And therefore it was reputed
the faith which he had being uncir- to him unto justice.
cumcised that he might be the
: 23 Now it is not written only for
father of all them that believe being him, that it was reputed to him unto
uncircumcised, that unto them also justice,
it may be reputed to justice : 24 But also for us, to whom it
12 And might be the father of shall be reputed, if we believe in
circumcision, not to them only that him that raised up Jesus Christ
are of the circumcision, but to them our Lord from the dead,
also that follow the steps of the 25 Who was delivered up for our
faith that is in the uncircumcision sins, and rose again for our justifi-
of our father Abraham. cation.
13 For not through the law was CHAP. V.
fcbe promise to Abraham, or to his The grounds tec hare for hope in Christ.
seed, that he should be heir of TOEING justified therefore by
the world ; but through the justice -" faith let us have peace with God
of faith. through our Lord Jesus Christ.
14 For if they who are of the law, 2 By whom also we have access
be heirs ; faith is mace void, the through faith into this grace, where-
promise is made of no effect. in we stand, and glory in the hop©
15 For the law worketh wrath. of the glory of the sons of God.
For where there is no law ; neither 3 And not only so; but we glory
is there transgression; also in tribulations, knowing tha
16 Therefore is it of faith, that tribulation worketh patience
according togTace the promise might 4 And patience trial ; and trial hope.
be firm to all the seed, not to that 5 And hope confoundeth not be- :

only which is of the law, but to that cause the charity of God is poured
also which is of the faith of Abraham, forth in our hearts, by the Holy
who is the father of us all. Ghost who is given to us.
17 (As it is written : I have made 6 For why did Christ, when as
thee a father of many nations J be- yet we were weak, according to
fore God, whom he believed, who the time, die for the ungodly ?
quickeneth the c*ead ; and calleth 7 For scarce for a just man will
those things that are not, as those ore die ; yet perhaps for a good man
that are. some one would dare to die.
IS Who against hope believed 8 But God commendeth his cha-
in hope ; that he might be made rity lo wards us : because when as
the father of many rations, accord- yet we were sinners, according to
ing to that which was said to him : the time,
So shall thy seed he. 9 Christ died for us : much more
19 And he was not weak in faith; therefore being now justified by his
neiiher did he consider his own blood, shall we be saved from wrathr
body now dead, whereas he was through him.
almost an hundred years old, nor 1 For if, when we were enemies,
the dead womb of Sara. we were reconciled to God by the
20 In the promise also of God he death of his Son much more being

sfca^geFed not by distrust ; but w as reconciled, shall we be saved by his


strengthened in faith, •lory \iie.

tO God ; 1 And not only so but also wc


21 Most fully knowing that what- glory in God, through our Lord
To the ROMAKS. 191
Jesus Christ, by whom we have 2 God forbid, For we that are
now received reconciliation. dead to sin, how shall we live any
12 Wherefore as by one man sin longer therein ?
entered into this world, and by sin 3 Know you net that all we,
death and so death passed upon all
: who are baptized in Christ Jesus,
csen in v. horn all have sinned. are baptized in his death ?
13 For until the law sin was in 4 For we are buried together
the world but sin was not imput-
: with him by baptism into death :
ed, when the law was not. that as Christ is risen from the dead
14 But death reigned from Adam by the glory of the Father, so we
unto Moses, even over them also also may walk in newness of life.
who have not sinned after the simi- 5 For if we have been planted
litude of the transgression of Adam, together in the likeness of his death,
who is a figure of him who was to we shall be also in the likeness of
come. his resurrection.
15 But not ns the offence, so also 6 Knowing this, that our old
\he gift. For if by the offence of man is crucified with him, that the
3i.e many died : much more the body of sin may be destroyed, to
grace of God and the gift, by the ihe end that we may serve sin no
grace of one man Jesus Chkist, longer.
hath abounded unto many 7 For he that is dead, is justified
16 And not as it was Ly one sin, from sin.
so also is the gift. For judgment 8 Xow if we be dead with Christ,
indeed was by one unto condemna- we believe that we shall live also
tion : but grace is of many offences, together with Christ.
unto justification. 9 Knowing that Christ rising
1? For if by one man's offence again from the dead, dietfa now no
death reigned through one much : more, death shall no more have do*
more they who receive abundance minion over him.
of grace, and of the gift, and of jus- 10 For in that he died to sin he
tire, shall reign in life through one died once: but in that he liveth, he
Jesus Chkist. liveth m i to God.
lb Therefore as by the offence of 11 So do you also reckon that
one, unto all men to condemnation : you are dead to sin, but alive unto
so also by the justice' of one, unto God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
all men to justification of life. 12 Let not sin therefore reign in
19 For as Ly the disobedience of your mortal body, so as to obey
one man, many were made sinners; the lusts thereof.
so also by the obedience of one, 13 Neither yield ye your mem*
many shall be made just. bers as instruments of iniquky unto
20 Now the law entered in, that sin :but present yourselves to God
sin might abound. And where sin as those that are alive from the
abounded, grace did more abound. dead, and your members as instru-
21 That as sin hath reigned to ments of justice unto God.
death so also grace might reign b y
: 14 For sin shall not have domi-
justice unto life everlasting, through nion over you for you are not un-

Jesus Christ our Lord. der the la^, but under grace.
CHAP. VI. 15 What then ? Shall we sin,
The Christian must die to sin, because we are not under the law,
"Vt, r HATshall we say then? shall but under grace ? God forbid.
T " m we continue in sin that grace 16 Know you not, that to whom
may abound ? you yield yourselves servants to

193 To the ROMANS,

obey, hi? servants you are whom belong- to another, who is risen
you obey, whether it be of sin, unto again from the dead, that we maj
death, or of obedience, unto justice. bring forth fruit to God.
17 Bat thanks be to God. that 5 For when we were in the flesh,
you were the servants of sin, but the passions of sins which were by
have obeyed from the heart, unto the law, did work in our members,
that form of doctrine, into which to bring forth fruit unto death.
you have been delivered. 6 But now we are loosed from
^18 Being then freed f on sin, we the law ox death, wherein we were
have been made servants of justice. detained : so that we should serve
19 I speak an human thing, be- in newness of spirit, and not in the
cause of the infirmity of your flesh. oldness of the letter.
For as you have yielded your mem- 7 What shall we say then ? Is
bers to serve uneleauness and ini- the law sin ? God forbid. But I
quity, unto iniquity so now yield
; did not know sin, but by the law ;
your members to serve justice, un- for I had not known concupiscence,
to sanctifieation, if the law did not say : Thou shalt
20 For when you were the ser- not covet.
vants ofsin, you were free men to 8 But sin taking occasion by the
justice. commandment wrought in me all
21 What had you manner of concupiscence.
fruit therefore For
then in those things, of which you without the law sin was dead.
are now ashamed ? For the end of 9 And I lived some time with-*
them is death. out the law. But w hen the com* T

22 But now being made free from mandment came, sin revived.
sin, and become servants to God, 10 And I died. And the com*
you vour fruit unto sanetifica- mandment, that was ordained to

tion, and the end life everlasting. life, the same was found to be upto

23 For the wages of sin, is death. death to me.

But the grace of God, life everlast- li For sin, taking occasion by
ing, in Christ Jesus our Lord. the commandment seduced me, and
CHAP. VII. by it killed me.
We ore released by Chrhifrmn ih e la w 12 Wherefore the law indeed is
you not, brethren, (for I holy, and the commandment holy,
-*T speak to them that know the and just, and good.

law) that the Jaw hath dominion 13 Was that then which is good,
over a man, as long as it liveth? made death unto me ? God forbid.
2 For the woman that hath an But sin, that it may appear sin, by
husband, whilst her husband liveth that which is good, wrought death
is bound to the lav/. But if her in me: that sin by the command-
husband be dead, she is loosed from ment might become sinful above
the law of her husband. measure.
3 Therefore, whilst her husband 14* For we know that the law is

liveth, she shall be called an adul- spiritual, but I am carnal, sold un-
teress, if she be with another man : der sin.
but her husband be dead, she is
if 15 For that which I work, I un-
^delivered from the law of her hus- derstand not, for 1 do not that
band so that she is not an adul-
: good which I will, but the evil
teress if she be with another man : which I hate, that I do.
4 Therefore, my brethren, you 16 If then I do that which I will
also are become dead to the law by not, I consent to the la w, that is good.
the body of Christ; that you may |[
17 Now then it is no more I that


Jo it but sin that dwelleth in me.
cording to the spirit, mind the things

18 For I know that there dwelleth that are of the spirit.

not in me, that is to s^y, in my flesh, 6 For the wisdom of the flesh, is
that which is good. For to will, hs death : but the wisdom of the spirit,
present with me, hut to accomplish is life and peace.
that which is good, I find not. 7 Because the wisdom of the flesh
19 For the good which I will I is an enemy to God: for it is not
do not but the evil which I will
; sul ject to the law of God, neither
not, that I do. can it be.
20 Now if I
do that which I will 8 A nd they who are in the flesh,
not, it is no more I that do it, but cannot please God.
sin that dwelleth in me. 9 But you are not in the flesh,
21 then a law, that when
1 find but in the spirit, if so be that the^
I have a will to do good, evil is spirit of God dwell in you. Now
present with me. if any man have not ths spirit of

22 For I am delighted with the law Christ, he is none of his.

of God, according to the inward man: lOAnd if Christ be in you; the body-
23 But 1 see another law in my indeed is dead because of sin, but the
members, fighting against the law of spirit liveth because of justification,
my mind, and captivating me in the 11 And if the Spirit of him, that
-aw of sin, that is in my members. raised up Jesus from the dead,
24 Unhappy man that I am, who dwell in you he that raised up Jesus ;

shall deliver me from the body of Christ from the dead, shall quicken
this death ? also your mortal bodies, because of
25 The grace of God by Jesus his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
Christ our Lord. Therefore I 12 Therefore, brethren, we are
myself, with; the mind, serve the debtors, not to the flesh, to live ac-
lav/ of God ; but, with the flesh, the cording to the flesh.
law of sin." 13 For if you live according to
CHAP. VIIT. the flesh, you shall die. But if by
There is no condemnation of them the spirit, you mortify the deeds of
that ate in Christ. the flesh, you shall live.
npHEKE is now therefore no con- 14> For whosoever are led by the

demnation to them that are in SpiritofGod,th©yarethesonsofGod

Christ Jesus, who walk not accord- 15 For you have not received the
ing to the flesh. spirit of bondage again in fear ; but
2 For the law of the spirit of life, you have received the spirit of
in Christ Jesus, hath delivered me adoption of sons, whereby we cry
from the law of sin and of death. Abba, (Father.)
3 For what the law could not do, 16 For the Spirit himself giveth
in that it was werk through the testimony to our spirit, that we are
flesh God sending his own Son, in
; the sons of God.
rite likeness of sinful flesh, and of IT And if sons, heirs also : heirs
sin hath condemned sin in the flesh, indeed of God, and joint heirs with
4 That the justification of the law Christ y*t so if we suffer with him,

wight be fulfilled in us who walk that we may be also glorified with

not according to the flesh, but ac- him.
cording to -the spirit. 18 For I reckon, that the suffer*
& For
that are according to
tltey ings of this time are not worthv to be
the $es&, mind the things that are compared with the ^iory to come,
of the flush; but they that are ac hat shall be revealed in »%
: : J :

154 To the R OMANS

19 For the expectation of the isagainst us ?
creature, waiteth for the revelation 32He that spared not even his
of the sons of God. own Son but delivered him up for

20 For the creature was made us all, how hath he not also, with
subject to vanity, not willingly, but him, given us all things ?
by reason of him that made it sub- 33 Who
shall accuse against the
ject, in hope elect of God? God that justitieth.
21 Because the creature also itself 34 Who
he that shall condemn?

shall be delivered from the servitude Christ Jesus that died, yea that is
of corruption, into the liberty of the risen also again, who is at the right
glory of the children of God. hand of God, who also maketh in-
22 For we know that every crea- tercession for us.
ture groaneth, and travaileih hi pain 35 Who then shall separate us
'ven till now. from the love of Christ? shall tri-
23 And not only it, but ourselves bulation ? or distress ? or famine ?
also, who have the first fruits of the or nakedness? or danger ? or per-
spirit, even we ourselves groan secution ? or the sword ?
within ourselves, waiting for the 36 (As it is written For iky sake

adoption of the sons of God, the we are put io death all ihe day long.
redemption of our body. We are accounted as sheep fir the
24 For we are saved by hope. slaughter.
But hope that is seen, is not hope. 37 But in all these things we over-
For what a man seeth, why doth he come because of him that hath loved
hope for. us.
25 But if we hope for that which v/e 38 For I am sure that neither
see not: we wait for it with patience. death, nor life, nor Angels, nor prin-
26 Likewise the Spirit also help- cipalities, norpowers, nor things pre-
cth our infirmity. For, we know sent, nor things to come, nor might,
not what we should pray for as we 39 Nor height, nor death, nor
ought: but the Spirit himself asketh any other creature shall be able to
for us with unspeakable groanings. separate us from the love of God,
27 And he that searcheth the which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
hearts, knoweth what the Spirit de- CHAP. IX.
sireth because he asketh for the
: The apostle 's concern for ihe Jews.
*aints according to God. ¥ SPEAK the Truth in Christ, I
<!« And we know that to them * lie not, my
conscience bearing
»nat love God, all things work to- me witness in the Holy Ghost,
gether unto good, to such as ac- 2 That have great sadness and
cording to his purpose are called io continual sorrow in my heart.
be saints. 3 For I wished myself to be an
29 For whom he fore-knew, he anathema from Christ, for my bre-
also predestinated to be made con- thren, who are my kinsmen accord-
formable to the image of his son ing to the flesh,
that fee might be the first-born 4 Who are Israelites, to whom be-
among many brethren. longeth the adoption as of children,
30 And whom he predestinated : and the glory, and the testament,
them he also calted. And whom he and the giving of the law, and the
called ; them he also justified. And service of God, and the promises
whom he justified; them he also 5 Whose are the fathers, and of
glorified. whom is Christ according to the
Si What shall we then say to flesh, who is over all dungs, God
&ese things? li God be for us, who blessed for ever, Amen.

To the ROMANS 19?

6 Not as though the word of make one vessel unto honour, and
God hath miscarried. For, all are another unto dishonour ?

not Israelites that are of Israel : 22 What if God, willing to shew

? Neither are all thev, that are the his wrath, and to make his power
seed of Abraham, children but in : known, endured with much pa-
Idaic shall thy seed he colled tience vessels of wrath, fitted for cie*
8 That is to say, not they that struction,
are the children of the flesh, are the 23 That he might shew the riches
children o God hut they, that are
: of his glory on the vessels of mercy,
the children of the promise, are ac- which he hath prepared unto glory?
counted for the seed. 24 Even us, whom also he bath
9 For this is the word of promise: called, not only of the Jews, but aU
According to this time will I come ; so of the gentiles,
and Sara shall have a son. 2.5As in Osee he saith: will I
10 not only she. But when
And call,that which -ens wot vuj people, my

Hebecca also had conceived at once, pecpie ; and her, that was not beloved^
beloved : and her, that hud not obtained
Df Isaac our father.
mercy, one ihai hath obtained mercy.
J 1 For when the children were
26 And it shall be, in the glace where
not yet born, nor had done any good
it wok said unto them, you are rc I

or evil (that the purpose of God ac-

people : there they shall be called Uic spns
cording to election might stand.)
of the living God.
12 Not of works, but of him that 27 And Isaias crieth out con-
calleth, it was said to her The :
cerning Israel: tf the number of the
elder shall serve the younger, children of Israel be as the sand of
13 As it is written Jacob I have
the sea ; a remnant shq.ll he saved.
loved, but Esau I have hated. 28 For he shallfinish his word, and cut
14- What shall we say then? Is
it short in justice^ because a s: :nr! wv.d

there i; justice with God? God forbid. ahull the Lord make upon the ear
15 For he saith to Mosgs : I will 29 An as Isaias foretold
I £>- :

have mercy en whom I will have mercy ; lesi the Lord of Sabmoth had Irfi vs a
and I will shoe mercy to whom J will aerd, xce had been made as Sodom, and
there mercy. we had been Wee icnt) G^morrha ?
16 So then it is not of him that SO What then shall we say?
willeth, nor of him that runneth, That the geutHes, who followed not
but of God that sheweth mercy. after justice,have attained to jus-
17 For the scripture saith to tice,even the justice that is of faith.
Pharao : To this purpose have I rais- 31 Eut Israel, Ly following after
ed thee, that I may shew my power the law of justice, is not come unto
in thee ; and that my name may he the law of justice.
declared throughout all the earth. 32 Whyso ? because they mrnght
18 Therefore he hath mercy on it rot by faith, hut as it were of

whom he will ; and, whom he will works. For they stii;.L>!_d at the
he hardeneth. stumbling stone.
19 Thou wilt say therefore to 33 As it is written B<-ho'd L liy:

me why doth he then find fault ?

: in Sion a stnntbleng stone l <

for who resistefh his will ? of scandal: and irhosoevci beHeveth

20 O man, who art thou that re- in him, .-ha not be, <«• ' un led.
phest against God ? shall the thing CHAP. X.
formed say to him that formed it, The end of th.- law is faith in O
why hnst thou made me thus? f^HiTHRL-.N, the wiii of my
21 Or hath not the potter power '-*-* heart,
over the clay, of the same lump, to to God, [ox u em unto salr v. i \
7 : >

19G To tfie ROMANS.

2 Fori bear them witness, that pel. For Isaias saith: Lord,
they have a zeal of God, but not ac- hath believed our report ?
cording to knowledge. 1 Faith then cometh by hearing
3 For they not knowing the jus- and hearing by the word of Christ.
tice of God, and seeking to establish 18 But 1 say Have they not

their own, have not submitted heard ? Yes, verily, their sound
themselves to the' justice of God. hath gone forth into all the earthy
4- For the end of the law is and their words unto the ends of the
Christ, unto justice to every one whole world,
that helievetk. 19 But 1 say: Hath not Israel
5 For Moses wrote, that the jus- known ? First Moses saith : / will
tice which is of the law, the man provoke you to jealousy by that which
that shall do it shall live by it. is not a nation ; hy a foolish nation
6 But the justice which is of I will anger you.
faith,speaketh thus ; Say not in thy 20 But Isaias is bold, and saith :
heart, Who shall ascend into hea- / was found by them, that did not seek
ven ? that is, to bring Christ down me : I appeared openly to them that

7 Or who shall descend into the deep ? asked not after me.
that is, to bring up Christ again 21 But to Israel he saith:
the day long have I spread my hands ie
from the dead.
8 But what saith the scripture ? a people, that belicveth not, and contra*
The ivord is nigh thee, even in thy dicteth me,
mouth, and in thy heart. This is CHAP. XI.
the word of faith which we preach.
God hath not cast off all Israel.
9 For if thou confess with thy T SAY then Hath God cast away :

his people ? God forbid. For

mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe
I also am an Israelite of the seed of
in thy heart that God hath raised
him up from the dead, thou shalt Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
be saved. 2 God hath not cast away his
foreknew. Know
10 For, with the heart, we believe people, which he
unto justice ; but, with the mouth, you not what the scripture saith of
Elias^ how he calleth on God
confession is made unto salvation.
1 1 For
against Israel ?
the scripture saith :

Whosoever lelkveih in him, sJtallnot 3 Lord, they have slain thy prophets
they have dug dozen thy altars : and I
be confounded.
12 For there is no distinction of
am left alone, and they seek my life.
4 But what saith the divine an-
the Jew and the Greek: for the
1 have left me seven,
same is Lord over ah* rich unto all swer to him ?
thousand men, that have not bowed
that call upon him.
their knees to Baal.
13 For whosoever shall call upon
the name of the Lord, shall he saved.
5 Even so then at this present
14 How then, shall they call on time also, there is a
remnant saved
according to the election of grace.
feim, in whom they have not be-
lieved ? Or how shall they believe 6 And if by grace it is not now
nim, of whom they have not heard ? by works otherwise grace is no

And how shall they hear, without more grace.

a preacher? 7 W
hat then ? That which Israel
15 And how shall they preach un- sought he hath not obtained but ;

less they be sent? as it is written

the election hath obtained it, and

How leaniiful are the feet of them that the rest have been blinded
preach the gospel of peace, of them that 8 As it is written God hath given :

fying glad tldhigs of good things. them the spirit of insensibility ; eyes that
a?ni cars that they
36 But all de not obey the gos- they should not see,
To the ROMANS, 197
sJiot.'ld not hear ; until this -present day. but towards thee, the goodness o£
And David saith Let their table
Q : God, if thou abide in goodness,
DCmade a snare, and a trap* and a siupi- other wise thou also shalt be cut off.
llhg block, and a reeompence unco thein* 523 And they also, if they abide
10 Let their eyes be darkened, that not still belief, shall be grafted
they may not ate : and b&w iiowtt their
in. For God is able to graft them
laek always.
in again.
] 1 I say then, have
they so
24 For if thou wert cut out of
stumbled, that they should tall? the wild olive tre#, which is natural
God forbid. But by their offence,
to thee : and contrary to nature,
salvation U come to the gentiles,
were grafted into the good olive
that they may be emulous
of them.
tree ; how much more shall they,
12 Now
if the offence of them
that are the natural branches, be
be die riches of the world, and the grafted into their own olive tree ?
diminution of them, the riches of 25 For I would not have you
the gentiles; how much more the ignorant, brethren, of this mystery
fulness of them ?
(lest you should be wise in your
15 For I say to you gentiles ; as own conceits) that blindness in part
long indeed as I am the apostle of has happened in Israel, until the ful-
the gentiles, I will honour my mi- ness of the gentiles should come in.
nistry, 26 And so all Israel should be
14 If by any means I may pro- saved, as it iswritten There shall

voke to emulation them who are my co me out ofSipn, he that shall deii~
fiesh, and may save some of them.
per, and shall turn aauy ungodliness
15 For if the loss of them be the from Jacob.
reconciliation of the world ; what 27 And this is fo them my cove-
shall the receiving of them be, but when
nant : I shall take away their.
life from the dead ?
16 For if the first fruit be holy, 28 As concerning the gospel, in-
so is the lump also and if the root :
they are enemies for your
be holy, so are the branches. sake but as touching the election,
17 And if some of the branches they are most dear for the sake of
be broken, and thou being a wild the fathers.
olive, art ingrafted in them, and art
29 For the gifts and the calling
made partaker of the root and ol of God are without repentance.
the fatness of the olive tree. SO For as you also in times past
1 S Boast not against the branches.
did not believe God, but now have
But if thou boast thou bearestnot :
obtained mercy, through their un-
the root, but the root thee. belief; -
19 Thou wilt say then: The 31 So these also now have not
branches were broken off that I believed, for your mercy, that they
might be grafted in. alio may obtain mercy.
20 Well because of unbelief
32 For God hath concluded all
they were broken off. But thou in unbelief, thathe may have mer-
standest by faith : be not high- cy on all.
minded but fear.
O the depth of the riches of
21 For if God hath not spared the wisdom and of the knowledge
the natural branches ; lest perhaps of God How
incomprehensible are

he ah:o spare not thee. his judgments, and how unsearch-

22 See then the goodness and able his ways ?
the seventy of God towards them :
For who
34- hath known the
indeed that are fallen, the sererity mind of the Lord? Or who hath
1 —
U8 To the ROMANS.
been his counsellor ? si ties of the saints. Pursuing hos-
3.5 Or who hath first given to him, pitality.
and recompence shall be made him ? 14. Bless them that persecute
36 For of him, and by him, and you : and curse not.
hi him are all things 4o him be
: 15 Rejoice with them that re-
flory for ever. Ainen. joice, weep with them that weep.
CHAP. XII. 16 Being of one mind one to-
Lessons of Christian virtues. wards another. Not nrnding high
BESEECH yen therefore, breth- things, but consenting to the humble.
I ren, by the mercy of God, that Be not wise in your own conceits.
you present your bodies ^a living 17 To no man rendering evil for
sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, evil. Providing good things not
your reasonable service. only in the sight/ of God. but also
2 And he not conformed to this in the sight of all men.
world ; but be reformed in the new- 18 If it be possible, as much as is
ness of your mind, that you may in you, having peace with all men.
prove what is the good, and the ac- 19 Not revenging yourselves, my
ceptafre.and the perfect will of God. dearly beloved, but give place unto
3 For I say, by the grace that is wrath, for it is written : Revenge to
given me, to all that are among me ; I repay , saith the Lord.
von, not to he more wise than it 20 But if thy enemy be hung y give ,

behoveth to be wise, but to be wise him to eat : if he thirst, give him drink.
unto sobriety,[and according as God For, doing this, thou shall heaj> coals of
hath divided to every one t the mea- fire upon his head.
sure of faith. 21 Be not overcome by evil, but
4 For as in one body we have overcome evil by good.
many members, but ail the mem- CHAP. XIII.
Lessons of obedience to superiors.
bers have not the same office :

1" ET every soul be subject to

5 So we being many, are one
in Christ, and every one mem- "
higher powers for there is no

bers one of another.

power but from God and those :

that are, are ordained of God.

6 And having different gifts, ac-
cording to the grace that is given 2 Therefore he that resisteth the
power, resisteth the ordinance of
us, either prophecy, to be used ac-
cording to the rule of faith.
God. And they that resist, purchase
to themselves damnation.
7 Or ministry, in ministering or ;

3 For princes are not a terror to

he that teacheth, in dontrine.
the good work, but to the evil.
8 Ketbatexhorteth in exhorting,
Wilt thou then not be afraid of the
he that giveth with simplicity, he
that ruleth with carefulness, he that power? Do that which isjrncd and :

thou shalt have praise from the same

gneweth mercy with cheerfulness.
4 For he is God's minister to thee,
9 Let love be without dissimula-
tion. Hating that which is evil, for good. But if thou do that which
is evil, fear: for he beareth not the
cleaving to that which is good.
10 Loving one another with the
sword in vain. For he is God's
minister an avenger to execute
charity of brotherhood, with honour

preventing one another. wrath upon him that doth evil.

1 In carefulness not slothful. In 5 Wherefore be subject of neceg^
Serving the Lord. sity, not only for wrath, but also
spirit fervent.
conscience sake.
\% Rejoicing in hope. Patient in for
Instant in prayer. 6 For therefore also you pay tri*
bute. For they are the ministers of
13 Communicating to the neces-
To the ROMAN?. 19
God, serving unto this purpose. 5 For one judgeth between day
7 Render therefore to all men and day and another judgeth every

their dues} Tribute, to whom tri- day let every man abound in his

bute is due : custom to whom cus- own sense.

tom : fear to whom "fear : honour to 6 He
that regardeth the day,
whom honour. regardtth it unto the Lord. And
8 Owe no man any thing, but to he that eateth, eateth to the Lord :

love one ariofher. For he that loveth for he giveth thanks to God. And
his neighbour, hath fulfilled the law. he th*t eateth not, to the Lord he
9 For Thou shalt not commit adul- eateth not,and giveth thanks to God.
fary, Thou shalt net kill, Thou shalt 7 For none of us liveth to him-
m*: steal, Tliou shall not hear false self; and no man dieth to himself.
•aUnes?, Thou shall not covet, and 8 For whether we live, we live
If there beany other commandment, unto the Lord ; or whether we
it is comprised in this word, Tliou die, we die unto the Lord. There-
shall lave th// neighbour as thyself. fore whether we live or whether we
10 Tlie love of our neighbour die, we are the Lord's.
worketh no evil. Love therefore is 9 For to this end Christ died and
the fulfilling of the law. rose again ; that he might be Lord
i 1 And that knowing the season :
both of the dead and of die living.
that it is now the hour for us to rise 10 But thou, why judgest thou
from sleep. For now our salvation thy brother ? or thou why dost thou
is nearer than when we believed.
despise thy brother ? For we shall
12 The night is passed, and the all stand before the judgment seat
day is at hand. Let us therefore of Christ.
cast off the works of darkness, and ] I For it is written As I live, :

put on the armour of light. saiththe Lord, every knee shall boat
13 Let us walk honestly as in the to me ; and every tongue shall con-
day, not in rioting and drunkenness, fess to (iod.
not in chambering and imparities, 1-2 Therefore every cue of us shall
not in contention and envy :
render account to God tor himself:
14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus 13 Let us not therefore judge one
Christ, and make not provision another any more. But judge this
for the flesh in its concupiscences.
rather, that you put not a stum*
CHAP. XIVr . bling-block or a scandal in your
TJie strong mast bear with the weak. brother's way.
lyOW him, trnit is weak in faith, I know and am confident, in
* ' take unto you ; not in disputes theLord Jesus, that nothing is un-
about thoughts clean of itself but to him that es*
2 For one believeth that he may teemeth any thing to be unclean,
eat all things but he that is weak
: to him it is unclean.
lethim eat herbs. 15 For if, because of thy meat,
3 Let not him, that eateth, de- thy brother be grieved; thou vvalk-
Fpise him that eateth not and he, : est not now
according to charity 7

that eateth not, Itt him not judge destroy 'not him with thy meat,
him that eateth. For God hath for whom Chii t died.
taken him to him. 16 Let not then our good be f»vil
4 Who art thou that judgest spoken of.
another man's servant? To his 1 ? For the kingdom of God is tint
own Lord he standi th or falkth.-— meat and drink ; but justice, and
And he shall stand for G is atle : A peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
to make him stand. lb For he, that in this serve th
Christ, pleaseth God, and is ap- 9 But that the gentiles are to
proved of men. glorify God for bis mercy, as it is
19 Therefore let us follow after written : Therefore will I confess to
tlie things that are of peace and
: thee, O
Lord, among the gentiies y and
keep the ihing9 that are of edifica- will shig to thy name.
tion one towards another. 10 And again he saiih Ihjoiee :

20 Destroy not' the work of God ye gentiles with his people.

for meat. AH things indeed are 11And agaiif.- Praise the Lord,
dean : but it is evij for that man alt ye gent ilea ; and magnify him
who eateth with offence. all ye people.
21 It is good not to eat flesh, 12 And again Isaias saith There :

and not to drink wine, nor any shall be a mot of Jesse ; and he ihat
thing whereby thy brother is offeuif- shall rise up to ride the gentiles, hi him

ed, or scandalized, or made weak. the gentiles shall hope.

22 Hast thou- faith? Have it to 13* Now

the of God hope fill you
thyself before God. Blessed is he with all joy and peace in believing :

that condemneth not himself in that you may abound in hope, and
that which he alloweth. inthe power of the Holy Ghost.
23 But he, that discerneth, if he U And I myself also, my bre-
eat, is condemned ; because not of thren, am assured of you, that you
faith, For all that is not of faith is sin. also are full of love* replenished
CHAP. XV. with knowledge, so that ycu are

He exhorts them to be all of one mind. able to admonish one another.

TW'OW we that are stronger, ought 15 But I have written to you,
brethren, more bokliy in some sort,
T to bear the infirmities of the
weak, and not to please ourselves. as it were putting you in mind:
2 Let every one of you please his because of the grace which is given
neighbour unto good, to edification. me from God,
S For Christ did not please him- 16 That I should be the minister
self, but as it is written The re-
of Christ Jesus among- the gentiles:
proaches cf ihem tltat reproached thee, sanctifying the gospel of God, that
fell upon me. the oblation of the gentiies may be
4 For what things soever were made acceptable and sanctified in
written, were written for our learn- the Holy Ghost.
ing : that through patience and the 17 I have therefore glory in
comfort of the scriptures we might Christ Jesus towards God.
have hope. 18 For I dare not to speak of any
5 Nowthe God of patience and of those things which Christ worketh
of comfort grant you to be of one not by me, for the obedience of the
mind one towards another, accord- gentiies, by word and d^cd,
ing to Jesus Christ : ID By the virtue of signs and
6 That with one mind, and wdth wonders, in the power of the Holy
one mouth,you may glorify God and Ghost: so that from Jerusalem
the Father of our Lord Jesus round about as far as unto lilyri-
Christ. cum I have replenished the gospel
7 Wherefore receive one another; of Christ.
as Christ also hath received you un- 20 And I have so preached this
to the honour of God. gospel, not where Christ was nam-
8 For I say that Christ Jesus was ed, Jest 1 sjiauld build upon another
minister of the circumcision f< r the man's foundation.
truth of God, to confirm the pro- 21 But as it is written : They to
mises made unto the fathers. whom he was not spoken of, shah

see, and they that have not heard, try of the church that is Cenchra;" m
aha!? understand, 2 That you receive her in the
22 For which cause also I was hin- Lord as becometh saints : and that
dered very much from comimr to you you assist her in whatsoever busi-
and have been kept aw ay till now. r
ness she shall have neeaol'you. For
23 But now having no more place she also hath assisted many, and
in these countries, and having* a myself also.
great desire these many years past 3 Salute Prisca and Aquila my
to come unto you : helpers in Christ Jesus,
24 When I shall begin to take my 4 (Who have for my life laid
journey into Spain, I hope that as down their own necks: to whom
I pass, I shall see you, and be not I only give thanks, but also ail
brought on my way thither by you, if the churches of the gentiles)
fi: shairhave enjoyed you.
st/in part,I 3 And the church which is hi
25 But now
I shall go to Jerusa- their house. Salute Epenetus my
lem, to minister unto the saints. beloved!: who is the first fruits of
26 For it hath pleased them of Asia in Christ.
Macedonia and Achaia to make a 6 Salute Mary, who hath labour-
contribution for the poor of the ed much among you.
saints that are in Jerusalem. 7 Salute Andronicus and Jur.ias
27 For it hath pleased them and ; my kinsmen and feHow-prisoners :

they are their debtors. For if the who are of note among the apostles,
gentiles have been made partakers of who also were in Christ before me.
their spiritual things; theyought also 8 Salute Amp-iatus most beloved
in carnal things to minister to them. to me in the Lord.
28 When therefore I shall have 9 Salute Urbanus our helper in
accomplished this, and consigned to Christ Jesus, and Slachys my be-
them this fruit, I will come by you loved.
into Spain. 10 Salute Apelles approved in
29 And I know, that when I come Christ.
to you, I shall come in the abun- 11 Salute them that are of Aris-
dance of the blessing of the gospel tobulus's household. Salute Hero-
of Christ. i diai J my kinsman. Salute them
30 I beseech you therefore, bre- that are of Narcissus's household,
thren, through our Lord Jesus who are in the Lord.
Christ, and by the charity of the 12 Salute Tryphena and Trypho-
Holy Ghost, that you help me in sa. who labour in the Lord. Sa-
your prayers for me to God. lute Persis the dearly beloved, who
31 That I may be delivered from hath much laboured in the Lord.
the unbelievers that are in Judea, 13 Salute llufus elect in the
and that the oblation of my service Lord, and his mother and mine.
may be acceptable in Jerusalem to 14. Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon,
the saints. Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the
32 That I may come to you with brethren that are with them.
joy, by the, will of God, and may 15 Salute Philologus and Julia,
be refreshed with you. Xereus and his sister, and Olym-
33 Now the God of peace be with pias; and all the saints that are
you all. Amen. with them.
CHAP. XVI. 16 Salute one another with an
He concludes with salutations. holy kiss. All the churches-of Christ

" ND A
I commend to you Phebe,
sister,' who is in the minis-
salute you.
17 Now I beseech you, brethren,


to mark them who make dissensions epistle, salute you in the Lord.
and offences contrary to the doe- 25 Caius, my host, and the whole
triru- which you have learnt, and church, saluteth you. Erastus, the
to avoid them. treasurer of the city, saluteth you,
18 For they that are such serve and Quartus, a brother.
not Christ our Lord, but their own 24- The grace of our Lord Jesus
belly : and by pleasing speeches, Christ, be with you all. Amen.
and good words seduce the hearts 25 Now to him that is able to
of the innocent. establish you, according to my gos-
ly Fur your obedience is publish- pel and the preaching of Jesus
ed in every place, I rejoice there- Christ, according to the revelation
fore in you. But I would have you of the mystery, which was kept se-
to be wise in good,and simple in evif. cret from eternity,
20 And the God of peace crush 26 (Which now is made manifest
satan under your feet speedily. The by the scriptures of the prophets,
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be according to the precept of the eter-
with you. nal God, for the obedience of faith)
21 Timothy my fellow labourer known among ail nations.
saluteth you, and Lucius, and Ja- 27 To God the w\0 through
son, and Sosipater, my kinsmen. Jesus Christ, to whom oe honour
22 I Tertius who wrote this and glory for ever, and eve". Amen.
The first Epistle of St. PAUL to the CORINTHIANS.
CHAP. I 9 God is faithful by whom you

He reproveth their disscnsiont. are called unto the fellowship of his

PAUL called to be an apostle of son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus Christ, by the will of 10 Now I beseech you, brethren,
God, and Sosthenes a brother, by the name of our Lord Jesus
2 To the church of God that is at CHRlfT, that you all speak the same
Corinth, to them that are sanctified thing, and that there be no schisms
in Christ Jesus, called to Sesairils, among you but that you be per-

with all that invoke the name of fect in the same mind, and in the
our Lord Jesus Christ in every same judgment.
place of theirs and ours. 11 For it hath been signified un-
3 Grace to you, and ppice from to me, my
brethren, of you, by them
God our Father, and frons the Lord that are of the house of Chloe, that
Jesi s Christ. there are contentions among you.
41 give thanks to my Goxl always 12 Now this I say that every one
Jbr yon fcr the grace of God that of you sarth I indeed am of Paul

is g.ven you in Christ Jesus. and I am of Apollo : and I of Ce-

5 That in all things you are made phas : and I of Christ.
rich in him, in all utterance, and in IS Is Christ divided ? Was Paul
in all knowledge. then crucified for yon ? or were you
6 As the testimony of Christ baptized in the name of Paul ?
was confirmed in y m, 1 i I give God thanks, that I bap-
7 So that nothing is wanting to you tized xione of you, but Crispus and
in any grace, waiting for the mani- Cams :

festation of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 Lest any should sey that you
8 Who also will confirm you un- were baptized in my name.
to the end without crime, in the 16 And I baptized also the house-
day of the coming- of our Lord hold of Stephanas besides I know

Jbjsus C^jurx. i not whether 1 baptized any other.


I. To the CORINTHIANS. 203

17 For Christ sent me not to bap- 31 That, as it is written, ffethat
tize, but to preach the gospel not : glorUth, may glory in ihe Lord*
in wisdom of speech, lest the cross CHAP. II.

of Christ should be made void. His preaching was not in loftiness

18 For the word of the cross, to of words.

them indeed that perish, is foolish- 4 XD brethren, when I came
x -"to you, came not in kjitmess oi
ness : but to them that are saved,
that is, to us, it is the power of God. speech or of wisdom ; declaring un-
19 For it is written I will destroy
: to you the testimony of Christ.
the icisdom of the tclse ; and the pru- 2 For I judged not myself to know
dence of the prudent I will reject. any thing among you but Jesus-
20 Where is the irise ? Where is Christ: and him crucified.
the scribe 1 TV/tere is the disyiUcr of 3 And I was with you in weakness,
this woild?Hath not God made and in fear, and in much trembling.
foolish thewisdom of tins world ? 4 And my speech and my preach-
M\ For seeing that in the wisdom ing was not in the persuasive words
of God the world by wisdom knew f human wisdom, but in shewing
not God it pleased God by the
oi the spirit and power :

foolishness of out preaching to save 5 That your faith might not

them that believe. stand on the wisdom of men, but
22For both the Jews require signs, on the power of God.
and the Greeks seek after wisdom :
G Howbeit we speak wisdom a-
23 But we preach Christ crucified; mong the perfect yet not the wis-

unto the Jews indeed a stumbling dom of this world, neither of the
block, and unto the gentiles, fool- princes of this world, that come to
ishness :
nought :

2t But unto them that are called 7 But we speak the w'sdorn of
both Jews and Greeks, Christ the God hi a mystery, a wisdom which
power of God and ihe wisdom of G< d« is hidden, which God ordained be-
2.5 For the foolishness of God, is fore toe world, unto our glory :

wiser than men and the weakness

8 Which none of the princes of
of God. is stronger than men. this world knew :'
for if they had
26 For see your vocation, bre- known it, would never have
thren, that there are not many wise crucified the Lord of gl^ry.
according to the flesh, not many 9 But, as it is written Thai :

mighty, not many noble *.

cu'hath not seen, nor car i^crd^ neither

27 But the foolish things of the hath it entered into the heart of jnan^
world hath God cnosei»,that he may "ucJmt things God hut h ;;i cpared for them

confound the wise and the weak

: that love him.
things of the world hath God chosen, 10 But to us God hath revealed
that he may confound the strong : them, by his Spirit. For the Spirit
28 And the base things of the seurchelh all things, yea the deep
world, and the things that are con- things of God.
temptible hath God chosen, and 11 For what man knoweth the
things that are not, that he might things of a man, but the spirit of a
bring to nought things that are : man that is in him ? So the things
29 That no flesh should glory also that are of God no man know-
in his sight. eth, but the Spirit of God.
30 But of him are you in Christ 12 Now we have received not the
Jesus, who of God is made unto us spirit of this world, but the Spirit
wisdom, and justice, and sanctifica- that is of God that we may know

tktti, and redemption the thing* that_are given us IromGod,

13 Which things also we speak, and another buildeth thereon. But
not in the learned w»rds of human let every man take heed how he
wisdom ; but In the doctrine of buildeth thereupon.
the Spirit, com p. -.ring spiritual 1 For other foundation no man

things with spiritual. ca?j lay, hut that which is laid;

li< But the sensual man pereei- whkh is Christ Jesus.
veth not these things that are of the i% Now if any man build upon
Spirit of God : for it is foolishness to this foundation, go!d, silver, preci-
kirn and he cannot Understand lc- : ous stones, wood, hay, stubbie.
cause it is examined.
spiritually 13 Every man's work shall be
1.5 But the spiritual man judgeth manifest: for the day of the Lord
all things: and he himself is judged shall declare it, because it shall be
©f no man. reveaiedinfire: and the fire shall try
1 6 For who hath known the mind of every man's work, of what sort it is.
the Lord_, that he may instruct him ? 14 If any man's work abide,
But we hare the mind of Canst. which he hath built thereupon : he
CHAP. Ill, shall receive a reward.
'Theymnstnot conte net about theirt dickers. 15 If any man's worK burn, he
AND I, brethren, could not speak
to you as unto spiritual, hut as
shall suffer loss but he himself

shall be saved, yet so as by fire.

unto carnal. As unto little ones in IS Know you not that you are
Christ. the temple of God, and that the
2 I gave you milk to drLk, not Spirit of God dwelieth in you.
meat for you were not able as yet.
: 17 But if any man violate the
But neither indeed are you now temple of God; him shall God de-
able ; for you are yet carnal. stroy. For the temple of Gud is
3 For, whereas there is among holy; which you are.
you envying and contention, are 18 Let no man deceive himself:
youmot carnal, and walk according if any man among you seem to be
to man ? wise in this world, let him become
4 For while one sajthj I indeed a fool that he may be wise.
am of Paul ; and another, 1 am of 19 For the wisdom of this world
Apollo ; are you not men ? What is foolishness with God. For it is
then is Apollo, and what is Paul ? written ; / will catch the wise in
5 The ministers of him whom you their own craftiness.
have believed ; and to every one as 20 And again The Lord know-

the Lord hath given. eth the thoughts of the wise, thai
6 I have planted, Apollo water- they are vain.
ed, but God gave the increase. t\ Let no man therefore glory in
7 Therefore neither hethatplanteth men.
is any thing, nor he that watereth ; 22 For ail things are yours, whe-
hut God that giveth the increase. ther it be Paul, or Apoilo, or Ce-
8 Now he that planteth, and he phas, or the world, or life, or death,
that watereth are one. And every or things present, or things to comet
man shall receive his own reward for all are yours :

according to his own labour. 23 And you are Christ's : and

9 For we are God's coadjutors :Christ is God's.
you are God's husbandry, you are CHAP. IV.
God's building. Gotti ministers are not to be judged!
10 According to the grace of God, ¥ ET a man so account of us as of
that is given to me, as a wise archi- *" the ministers of Christ, and the
tect, I have laid the foundation: dispensers of the mysteries of God


2 Here now required among
it is in treat we are made : as the re-fuse
the dispensers,, that a man be found of this world, the off-scour u'g of
faithful. all even until now.
3 But to me it is a very small It write not these things to con*.

thing to be judged by you, or by found you ; but I admonish you as

man's day but aeitSer do I judge
: my dearest children :

my own self. lo For if you have ten thousand

4 For Inot conscious to my-
am instructors in Christ, yet not many
self of any yec am I not
tiling, fathers. For in Christ Jesvs by the
hereby justified: but he that judg- gospel I have begotten you.
eth me, is the Lord. 16 Wherefore I beseech you, be
5 Therefore judge not before the ye followers of me, as 1 also am of
time; until the Lord come, who Christ.
both will bring to light the hidden 17 For this cause have T sent to
things of darkness, and will make you Timothy, who is my dearest
manifest the counsels of the hearts : .-on and faithful in the lord; who
and then shall every man have praise will put you in mind of my ways,
fiom God. which are in Christ Jesus; as I teach
6 But these things, brethren, I every where in every church.
hare in a figure transferred to my- 18 As if I would not come to
self and to Apollo, for your sakes : you, so some are puffed up.
that in us you may learn, that But I will come to you short-

one be not puffed up against the ly, ifthe Lord will and will know, :

other for another, above that which not the speech of them that are put-
is written. ted up, but the power.
7 For who distinguisheth thee ? 20 For the kingdom of God is
Or what hast thou that thou hast not in speech, but in power.
not received ? And if thou hast re- 21 What will you? shall I come
ceived ; why dost thou gidy, as ti to you with a rod or in charity, ;

thou hadst not received ii$ and in the spirit of meekness ?

8 You are now full you are now : CHAP. V.
become rich you reign without us;
: lie excommunicates the incestuous.
and I would to God you did reign, T T absolutely heard that there

that we also might reign with you. is among you, and

9 For I think that God hath set such fornication, as the like is not
forth us apostles, the last, as it among the heathens ; that one
were men appointed to death we : should have his father's wife.
are made
a spectacle to the world, 2 And you are puffed up; and
and to Angels, and to men, have not rather mourned, that he
10 We
are fools for Christ's sake, might be taken away from, among
but you are wise in Christ we are : you, that ha:h done this i]ei'd.
weak, but you are strong; you are 3 1 indeed absent in body, but
honourable, but we without honour. [.resent in spirit, have already judg-
11 Even unto this hour we both ed, as though I were present, him
hunger, and thirst, and are naked, that hath so done,
and are buffeted, and have no fix- 4 In the name of our Lord Je-
ed abode, sus Christ, you being gathered to-
12 And we labour working with gether and my spirit, with the
our own hands we are reviled, : power of our Lord Jesus ;
and we bless : we are persecuted, 5 To deliver such a one to satan
and we surfer it. for the destruction of the flesh, that
13 We are blasphemed, and we the spirit may be saved in the d.
1 ;

406 I. To the CORINTHIANS.

of our Lord Jr-us Christ. 5. I speak to ycur shame. Is it 30
6 Your
glorying is not good. that there is not among you any
Know you not that a little leaven one wise man, that is able to judge
corrupteth the whole lump ? between his brethren ?
7 Purge out the old leaven, that 6 Rut brother goeth to law with
you may be a new paste, as you are brother and that before unbelievers?

unleavened. For Christ, our pasch, 7 Already indeed there is plainly

is sacrificed. a fault among you, [that you have
8 Therefore let us feast, not with lawsuits one with another. Why do
the old leaven, nor with the leaven you not rather take wrong ? why
of malice and wickedness, but with do you not rather suffer yourselves
the unleavened bread of sincerity to be defrauded ?
and truth. 8 But you do wrong and defraud ;
9 I wrote to you in an epistle, not and that to your brethren.
to keep company with fornicators. 9 Know you not that the m just
10 I mean not with the fornica- shall not possess the kingdom of
tors of this world, or with the co- God? Do not err: Neither fornica-
vetous, or the extortioners, or the tors, nor idolaters', nor adulterers.
servers of idols : otherwise you IJLJ Nor the effeminate, nor Hers
must needs go out of this world. with mankind, nor thieves, nor co-
11 But now I have written to vetous, nor drunkards, nor raiiers,
you, not to keep company, if any nor extortioners shall possess the
man that is named a brother be a kingdom of God.
fornicator, or covetous, or a server 1 And such some of you were
of idols, or a railer, or a drunkard, but you are washed, but you are
or an extortioner : with such an sanctified, but you are justified ia
one not so much a to eat. the name of our Lord Jf.sus Christ,
12 For what have I to do to and the Spirit of our God.
judge them that are without? Do 12 All things are lawful to me,
not you judge them that are within? but all things are not expedient. Ail
13 For them, that are without, things are law ful to me, but I will not
God will judge. Put away the evil be brought under the power of any.
one from among yourselves. 13 Meat for the belly, and the
CHAP. VI. belly for the meats; but God shall
He blames them for going to law before destroy both it and them but the :

unbelievers. body is not for fornication, but for

TT& ARE any of you, having a mat- the Lord, and the Lord for the body.
-*^ ter against another, go to be 14 Now God hath both raised up
judged before the unjust, and not the Lord, and will raise us up also
before the saints ? by his power.
2 Know you not that the saints Iv5 Know you not, that your bo-
shall judge this world? And if the dies are the members of Christ ?
world shall be judged by you : are Shall I then take the members of
you unworthy to judge the smallest Christ, and make them the mem-
matters ? bers of an hariot ? -God forbid.
3 Know you not that we shall 16 Or know you
not, that he
judge angels ? how much more who joined to an harlot, is made
things of this world. one body ? For they shall be, saith
4 1^ therefore you have judgments he, two in one flesh.
of things pertaining to this world, 17 But he, \vho is joined to the
set them to judge, who are the Lord, is one spirit.
most despised in the church.. lb rdy fornication. Every sin
that a man doth, is without the bo- remain unmarried, or be reconciled
dy: but he that committc tk fornica- to her husband. And jet not the
tion, binneth against his own body. husband put away his wife.
19 Or know you not, that your 12 For to the rest I speak, not
members are the temple of the the Lord. If any brother have a
Holy Ghost, who is in yon, whom wife that oelieveth not, and she
you hrive from God ; and you are consent to dwell with him ; let trim
not your own not put her away.
20 For you are bought with a 13 And if any woman have a
great price. Glorirv anil bear God husband that believeth not,' and he
in your body. consent to dwell with her; let he«
CHAP. VII. not put away her husband.
I^essons relating to marriage > S'C. 14. For the unbelieving husbaiu
l^TOW concerning- the things is by the believing wife
whereof you wrote to me: It and the unbelieving wife is sancti-
is good for a man not to touch a fied by the believing husband :

woman. otherwise your children should b*

2 But for fear of fornication, let unclean but now they ure holy.

every man have his own wife, and *lo But if the unbeliever depart, let
let every woman have her own hub- him depart. For a brother ur sister
band. is not under servitude in such casea

3 Let the husband render the But God hath called us in peace.
debt to his wife, and the wife also 16 For how knowest thou, O wife,
in like manner to the husband. whether thou shalt save thy hus-
4 The wife hath not power ct her band? or how knowest thou, 6 man,
own body ; but the husband. And" whether thou shalt sav* thy wife ?
in like manner the husband also 17 But a* the Lord hath distribu-
hath not r>ow«- ? nis own body ; ted to every one, as God hath ealkd
but the wife. 'every one, so It- 1 him walk and so :

5 Defraud not one another, in all churches I teach.

except, perhaps, by consent, for a L I* any man called being circumci-
time, that you may give yourselves sed? let him not procure uneircumci-
to prayer; and return together sion? Is any man called in uncircum-
again, lest satan tempt you for your cision ? let him not be circumcised.
incontinence. 1 9 Circumcision is nothing", a? id uncir-

6 But I spe .k this by indulgence, cumcision is nothing: but the obser-

not by commandment, vation or the commandments of God.
7 For I would that all men were 2G Let every man abide in the
even as myself: but every one forth same calling in which he was called.
his proper gift from God one after
; 21 Wast thou called, being a b. un-
this manner, and another after that. man ? care not for it but if thou :

8 But I say to the unmarried, and mavest be made free, use it rather.
to the widows it is good for them
: 22 For he that is called in the Lord,
if they so continue, even as I. being a bond man, is the freeman of
9 But if they do not contain them- theJLord. Likewise he th-t is oiled
selves, let them marry. Fur it is being free, is the bond-man of Christ
better to marry than to be burnt.. 23 You are bought w th a price, :

10 But to them, that are mar- be not made the bond slaves of men.
ried, not I, but the Lord command- 2i Brethren, let every man where-
eth, that the wife depart not from in he was called, therein abide with
her husband. God.
11 And it. she depart,, that she 2o Now concerning virgins, 1 have
: ' ::


no commandment of the Lord : but
she marry.
I give counsel, a:? baring obtained 37 For he that hath determined
mercy of the Lord, to be faithful. being stedfast in his heart, having
26 I think therefore that this is no necessity, but having power of
froed for the present necessity, that his own will ; and hath judged this
it is good for a man so to be. in his heart, to keep his virgin,
27 Art thou bound to a wife ? doth well.
geek not to be loosed. Art thou 38 Therefore both he that giveth
loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. his virgin in marriage, doth well
28 But if thou take a wife, thou andlie that giv eth her not,doth better
hast not sinned. And if a virgin 39 A woman is bound by the
marry, she hath not sinned; never- law as long as her husband liveth :

theless, such shall have tribulation but if her husband die, she is at
of the flesh. But I spare you. liberty let her marry to
: whom she
29 This therefore 1 say, brethren: will : only in the Lord.
the time is short it remaineth,
: 40 But more blessed
shall she be,
that they also who have wires* be if she so remain, according to my
as if they had none :
counsel: and I think that I also
30 And they that weep, as though have the spirit of God.
they wept not and they that re-
joice, as if they rejoiced not ; and Thing's offered to idols not to be eaten.
they that buy, as though they pos- VOW
^ concerning those things
sessed not that are sacrificed to idols, we
31 And they that use this world, know that we all have knowledge.
as if they used it not for the fa- : Knowledge pufTeth up ; but charity
shion of this world passeth away. edifieth.
32 But I would have you to be 2 And if any man think that he
without solicitude. He that is with- knoweth any thing, he hath not yet
out a wife, is solicitous for the known as he ought to know.
things that belong to the Lord, 3 But if any man love God, the
how he may please God. same is known by him.
33 But he that is with a wife, is 4 But as for the meats that are
solicitous for the thingsof the world, we know that an
sacrificed to idols,
how he may please his wife and : idol nothing in the world, and

he is divided. that there is no God, but one.

34 And the unmarried woman 5 For although there be that are
and the virgin thinketh on the things calkd gods, either in heaven, or on
of the Lord : that she may be holy earth (for there be gods many, and
both in body and in spirit: But she lords many :)
that is married thinketh on the 6 Yet but one God,
to us there is
things of the world, how she may the Father of whom are all things,
please her husband. and we unto him and one Lord :

35 And this I speak for ycur pro- Jesus Christ, by whom are all
fit : not to cast a snare upon you, things, and we by him.
but for that which is decent, and 7 But there is not knowledge in
which may give you power, toattend every one. For some until this
upon the Lord, without impediment. present with conscience of the idol,
36 But if any man think that he eat as a thing sacrificed to an idol
seemeth dishonoured with regard and their conscience, being weak,
is above
to his virgin, for that she is defiled.
the age, and it must so belet him : 8 But meat doth net commend
do what^he will he sianeth not, if
: us to God. For neither, if we eat,


shall we have the more :nor if we 10 Or doth he say this indeed for
eat not, shall we have the less. our sakes ? For these things are ..

9 But take heed lest perhaps this written for our sakes that he thai :

your liberty become a stumbling ploweth should plow in hope: and hi

block to the weak. that thresheth, in hope to receive
10 Por if a man see him that£atfc fruit.

knowledge, sit at meat in the idol's 1 If we have sown unto you

temple ; shall rot his conscience, be- it a great matter
spiritual things, is
ing weak,l>e emboldened to eat thuse if we reap your
carnal things ?
things which are sacrificed to- idols? 12 If others be partakers of this
11 And through thy knowledge power over you ; why not we ra-
shall the weak brother perish, for ther? Nevertheless we have not
whom Christ hath died ? used this power: but we bear all
12Now when you sin thus against things, lest we should give any hin-
the brethren, and wound their weak drance to the gospel of Christ.
consciences, you sin against Christ. 13 Know you not, that they who
13 Wherefore if meat scandalize work in the holy place, eat the
my brother, I will never eat flesh, things that are of the holy place :

lest I should scandalize my brother. and they that serve the altar, par-
CHAP. IX. take with the altar ?
Running in race, Sec. 14> So also the Lord ordained
A not I free ?
]\I I not an Am that they who preach the gospel,
""* apostle? Have not I seen should live by the gospel.
Christ Jesus our Lord ? Are not 15 But I have used none of these
you my work in the Lord ? things. Neither have I written
2 And if unto others I be not an these things, that they should be so
apostle, but yet to you I am. For done unto me : for it is good for me
you are the seal of my apostleship to die, rather thaw any man should
in the Lord* make my glory void.
3 My defence with them that do 16 For if 1 preach the gospel it :

examine me is this. is no glory to me for a necessity


4- Have not we power to eat and lieth upon me for wo is unto me if


to drink ? I preach not the gospel.

5 Have we not power to carry 17 For if I do this thing willingly,

about a woman a well as
sister, as I have a reward but if against my

the rest of the apostles, and ,the will, a dispensation is committed

brethren of the Lord, and Cephas? to me.
6 Or I only and Barnabas have IS Whatis my reward then ? That

not we power to do this? preaching the gospel, 1 may deliver

? Whoserveth as a soldier at any the gospel without charge, that I
time, at his own charges ? Who abuse not my power in the gospel.
planteth a vineyard, and eateth not 19 For whereas I was free as to
of the fruit thereof? Who feedeth all, I made myself the servant of
a flock, and eateth not of the milk all that I might" gain the more.

of the flock? 20 And I became to the Jews a

8 Speak I these things according Jew, that I miaht gain the Jews.
to man ? Or doth not the law also 21 To them
that are under the
say these things ? law, as were under the law
if 1
9 For it is written in the law of (whereas myself was notunder the
Moses: Thou shaft not muxzle the law) that I might gain them that
month of the ox that tmadeih out the were under the law. To them that
com. l)oth (i'*d Rke care for oxen ?
| were without the law, as if I were

£10 I. To the CORINTHIANS.

withou* the law (whereas I was 8 Neither let us commit form-
not without the law of God, but cation, as some of them committed
was iu the law of Christ) that I fornication, and there i'e}] in one
might gain them that were with- day three and twenty thousand.
out the law. 9 Neither let us tempt Christ:
22 To the week I became weak, as some of them tempted, and
that I might gain" the weak. I be- perished by the serpents.
came all things to ail men, that I 10 Neither do you murmur: as
might save all. some of them murmured, and were
23 And I do all things for the destroyed by the destroyer.
gospel's sake that I may be made
: 11 Now all these things happened
partaker thereof. to them ill figure and they are

24 Know you not that they that written for our correction, upon
run in the race, all run indeed, but whom the ends of the world are come.
one receiveth the prize ? So run 12 Wherefore he that thinketh
that you may obtain. himself to stand, let him take heed
25 xiiid every one that striveth for lest he fall.
the mastery, refraineth himself from 13 Let no temptation take hold
all things : and they indeed that they on you, but such as is human. And
may receive a corruptible crown God is faithful, who will not snfFer
but we an incorruptible one. you to be tempted above that which
26 I therefore so run, not as at you are able but will make also

an uncertainty I so right, not as

: with temptation issue, that you may
cue beating the air : be able to bear it.

27 But I chastise body, andmy 14- Wherefore, my dearly belov-

taring it into subjection: lest perhaps, ed, fly from the service of idols.
when I have preached to others, I 15 I speak as to wise meiu judge
myself should become a cast-away. ye yourselves what I say.
CHAP. X. iG The chalice of beirerlicticn,
We are to fij from the service of idols. which we bless, is it not the com-
XpOR I would not have you ignof munion of the blood of Christ ? And
rant, brethren, that cur fathers the bread, which we break, is it not
were all under the cloud, and all the partaking of the body of the Lord?
passed through the sea. 17 For we being many are one
2 And ali in Moses were bap- bread, one body, all that partake of
tized, in the cloud, and in the sea : one bread.
3 And did all eat the same spi- IS Behold Israel according to
ritual food. the flesh.: are not they, that eat of
4 And drank the same spiri-
all the sacrifices, partakers of the altar?
tual drink (and they drank of the 19 What then? Do I say, that
spiritual rock that followed them, what is offered in sacrifice to idols,
and the rock was Christ,) is any thing ? Or that the idol is
5 But with the most of them any thing ?
God was not well pleased: for 20 But the things which the
they were overthrown in the oVsart. heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to
(j Now these things were done devils,and not to God. And I
in a figure of us, that we should not would not that you should be made
covet evil things, as they also coveted partakers with devils.
7 Nekhe- become ye idolaters, 21 You cannot drink the chalice
as some of them as it is written
: : of the Lord, and the chalice of devils:
The people satdown iu tat anddj ink, you cannot be partakers of the table
and rose up to play* ui the Lord,and of the table of devils.
: , :

I. To the CORINTHIANS. 211

92 Do we provoke the Lord to 4 Every man praying or pro-
jealousy? Are we stronger than phesying with his head covered, dis-
he? All things are lawful forme, graceth his head.
but all things are not expedient. 5 But every Woman praying or
23 All things are lawful for me, prophesying with her head not
but all tU'ngs do not edify. covered, disgvaceth her head: for it
24 Let no man seek his own, is all one as if she were shaven.

but that which is anothers. 6 For if a woman be not covered;

25 Whatsoever is sold in the let her be shorn. But if it be a shame
shambles, eat: asking no question to a woman to be shorn or made
for conscience sake. bald, let her cover her head.
26 The earth is the Lord's, and 7 The man indeed ought not to
the fulness thereof. cover his head, because he is the
27 If any of them that believe image and glory of God ; but the
not, invite you, and you be willing woman is the glory of the man.
to go ; eat of any thing that is set 8 For the man is not of the wo-
before you, asking no question for man, but the woman of the man.
conscience sake. 9 For the man was not created fot
4& But if any man say This has
: the woman, but the woman for the
been sacrificed to idols ; do not eat man.
of it for his sake that told it, and 10 Therefore ought the woman
for conscience sake. to have a power over her head be-
29 Conscience, I say, not thy own, cause of the Angels.
but the other's. For why is my 11 But yet neither is the man
liberty judged by another man's con- without the woman, nor the wo-
science ? man without the man, in the Lord.
30 If I partake with thanksgiv- 12 For as the woman is of the
ing; why am I evil spoken of for man, so also is the mail by the wo-
lhat for which I give thanks? man but ail things of God.

31 Therefore whether you eat or 33 You yeuiselws judge: doth

drink, or whatsoever else you do; it become a woman, to pray unto
do all to the glory of God. God, uncovered?
32 Be without offence to the 14 I)>»th not even nature itself
Jews and to the gentiles, and to the teach you, that a man indeed, if he
church of God nourish his hair, it is a shame unto
33 As I also in all things please him :

all men, not seeking that which Is jJ But if a woman nourish her
profitable to myself, but to many ; hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair
that they may be saved. is given to her for a covering.

CHAP. XL 16 But if any man seem to be

Women must have a covering over their contention^, we have no such cus-
heads. tom, nor the church of God.
BEamye followers of me, as I also
of Christ.
17' Now
this I ordain: not prais-
ing you, that you come together not
2 Now I praise you, brethren, for the better, but for the worse.
that in all things you are mindful J 8 For first of all I hear that
of me: and keep my ordnances as when you come together in the
1 have delivered them to you, church, there are schisms among
3 Bui I would have you know, you, and in part I believe it.
that the head of every man is Christ: 9 For there must be also heresies

and the head of the woman is the that they also, who are approved,
man: and the head of Christ is (grod. may be made manifest among you.
: : :


20 When you come therefore to- 33 Wherefore, my brethren,
gether into one place, it is not now when you come together to eat,
to eat the Lord's supper. wait for one another
21 For every one taketh before 34 If any man be hungry, let
his own supper to eat. And one in- him eat at home; that you come
deed is hungry, and another is drunk. not together unto judgment. And
22 What, have you not houses the rest I will set in order, when I
to eat and to drink in? Or despise come.
ye the church of God: and put them CHAR XII.
to shame that have not? What shall Of the diversity of spiritual 'gifts,
I say to you ? Do I praise you ? In "^OWconcerningspiritual things,
this I praise you not? my^ brethren, I would not
23 For have received of the
I have you ignorant.
Lord which also I delivered
that 2 You know that, when you
unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the were heathens, you went to dumb
same night in which he was betray- idols, according as you were led.
ea\, took bread, 3 Wherefore I give you to under-
24- And giving thanks, broke, and stand, that no man, speaking by the
said: Take ye and eat: this is my spirit of God, saith Anathema to
body which shall be delivered for Jesus. And no man can say, the
you this do for the commemor-
: Lord Jesus, but by the Holy Ghost.
ation of me. 4 Now there are diversities of
25 In like manner also the chalice, graces, but the same Spirit.
after he had supped, saying: This o And there are diversities of
chalice is the new testament in my miuisteries, but the same Lord.
blood : this do ye, as often as you 6 And there are diversities of
shall drink, for the commemoration operations, but the same God, who
of me. worketrrall in all.
26 For as often as you shall eat 7 And the manifestation of the
this bread, and drink the chalice, Spirit is given to every man unto
you shall shew the death of the profit.
Lord, until he come. 8 To one indeed, by the Spirit, is

27 Therefore whosoever shall eat given the word of wisdom and to :

this bread, or drink the chalice of another, the word of knowledge, ac-
the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty cording to the same spirit
of the body and of the blood of the 9 To another, faith in the same
Lord. Spirit: to another, the grace of
28 But let a man prove himself healing" in one Spirit
and so let him eat of that bread, 10 To another, the working of
and drink of the chalice. miracles : to another, prophecy*: W>
29 For he that eateth and drink- another, the discerning of spirits to :

eth unworthily, eateth and drinketh another, diverse kinds of tongues :

judgment to himself, not discerning to another, interpretation of speeches
the body of the I^ord. 11 But all these things one and
30 Therefore are there many in- the same Spirit worketh, dividing
firm and weak among you, and to every one according as he will.
many sleep. 12 For as the body is one, and
31 But we would judge our-
if hath many members ; and all the
seJveSj, we
should not be judged. members of the body, whereas they
62 But whilst we are judged, we are many, yet are one body ; so
are chastised by the Lord ; that we also 2.5 Christ.
be not condemned with this world. 13 For in one Spirit were we all

I. To the CORINTHIANS. 213

baptized into one body, whether 28 And God indeed hath set
Jews, or gentiles, whether bond, or some in the church, first apostles,
free : and in one Spirit we have ail secondly prophets, thirdly doctors,
been made to drink. after that miracles, then the graces
14 For the body also is not one of healings, helps, governments,
member, but many. kinds of tongues, interpretations of
15 If the foot should say, be- speeches.
cause I am not the hand, I am not 29 Are all apostles ? Are all
of the body: is it therefore not of prophets ? Are all doctors?
the body ? SO Are all workers of miracles ?
16 And if the ear should say, be- Have all the grace of healing? Do
cause I am not the eye, 1 am not of all speak with tongues ? Do all in-
the body : is it therefore not of the terpret ?
body!? 31 But be zealous for the better
17 If the whole body were the gifts. And I shew unto you yet a
eye where would be the hearing? more excellent way.

If the whole were hearing: where CHAP. XI1T.

would be the smelling ? Charity preferred before other gift*.
18 But now God hath set the TF I speak with the tongues of
members every one of them in the men, arid of angels, and have
body as it hath pleased him. not charity, I am become as sound-
19 And if they all were one mem- ing brass or a tinkling cymbal.
ber, where would be the body ? 2 And if I should have prophecy,
20 But now there are many and should know all mysteries, and
members indeed, yet one body. all knowledge, and if I should have
21 And the eye cannot say to the all faith, so that I could remove
hand I need not thy help , nor mountains, and have not charity, I

again the head to the feet : I have am nothing.

no need of you. 3 And it I should distribute all
22 Yea much more those that my goods to feed the poor, and if I
seem to be the more feeble members should deliver my body to be burn-
of the body, are more necessary ed, and have not charity, it pro-

2^ And such as we think to be fitcth me nothing.

the less honourable members of the I Charity is patient, is kind
body,-, about these we put more Charity envyeth not, dealeth not
abundant honour: and those that perversely is not purled up, :

are our uncomely parts, have more 5 Is not ambitious, seeketh net
abundant comeliness. her own, is not provoked to anger,
24 But our comely parts have thinketh no evil,
no need : but God hath tempered 6 Ilejoiceth not in iniquity, but
the body together, giving to that rejoiceth with the truth :
which wanted, the more abundant 7 Beareth all things, believeth all
honour, things, hopeth ail things, endureta
£5 That there might be no schism all things.
in the body, but the members might 8 Charity never falleth away
be mutually careful one for another. whether prophecies shall be .made
26 And if one member suffer any void, or tongues shall cease, ^or
thing, all the members suffer with knowledge shall be destroyed.
it : or, if one member glory, all the 9 For we knowr in part, and we
members rejoice with it. prophesy in part.
27 Now you are the body of 10 But when that which is per
Christ, and members of member. feet is come, that which is in part
1 :

shall be done away. ter by the tongue plain speech, how
1 When
I was a child, I spoke shall it be known what said ?
as a child, I understood as a child, For you shall be speaking into the
I thought as a child. But when I air.
became a man, I put away the 10 There are (for example) so
things of a child. many kinds of tongues in this world
12 We
see now through a glass and none is without voice.
in a dark manner: but then face to 11 If then I know not the power
face. Now
I know in part but : of the voice, I shall be to him, to
then I shaii know even as I am whom I speak, a barbarian, and he
known. that speaketh, a barbarian to me.
13 And now there remain, faith, 12S you also, forasmuch as you

hope, charity, these three but the : are zealous of spirits, seek to
greater of these is charity. abound unto the edifying of the
CHAP. XIV." church.
The gift of prophesying to be preferred, 13 And therefore he that speaketh
I^OLLOW alter charity, be zea- by a tongue, let him pray that he
*- lous for spiritual gifts but : may interpret.
rather that you may prophesy. 11 For if I pray in a tongue, my
2U For he that speaketh in a spirit prayeth, but my understand-
tongue, speaketh not unto men, but ing is without fruit.
unto God for no man heareth.
: 15 What is it then ? I will pray
Yet by the spirit he speaketh mys- with the spirit, I will pray also with
teries. the understanding I will sing with

3 But he that prophesieth, speak- the spirit, I will sing also with the
eth to men unto edification and understanding,
exhortation and comfort. 16 Else if thou shalt bless with
4 He that speaketh in a tongue, the spirit, how shall he that hoid-
ediheth himself; but he that pro- eth the place of the unlearned say,
phesieth, edifieth the church. Amen, to* thy blessing? because he
5 And I would have you all to knoweth not what thou sayest.
speak with tongues, but rather to 17 For thou indeed givest thanks
prophesy. F.;r greater is he that well, but the other i§ not edified.
P'ophesleth; than he that speaketh 18 I thank my God I speak with
with tongues : unless perhaps he all your tongues.
interpret, that the church may re- 19'But in the church I had ra-
ceive edification. ther speak five words with my un-
6 But now, brethren, if I come derstanding, that I may instruct
to you, speaking with tongues, others also; than ten thousand
what shall I profit you, unless I words in a tongue.
speak to you either in revelation, or 20 Brethren, do not become
in knowledge, or in prophecy, or in children in sense, but in malice be
doctrine. children, and in s*ense be perfect.
7 Even things without life that 21 In the law it is written: In
give sound, whether pipe or harp, other tongues and other lips I xvill
except they give a distinction of speak people ; and neither #«
to this
sounds, how shall it be known what iciU they hear «#<?, saith the Lord.
is piped or harped ? 22 Wherefore tongues are for a
8 For if the trumpet give an un- unbe-
sign, not to believers, but to
certain sound who shall prepare lievers but prophecies, not to un-

himself to the battle ? believers, but to believers.

9 So likewise you, except you^ut- 23 If therefore the whole church
I. To the CORINTHIANS. 215
come together h; to ene place, and all that 1 write to you, that they are
speak with tongues, and there come the commandments of the Lord.
in unlearned persons or infidels, 38 But if any man know not, he
will they net say that you are mad ? shall not be known.
24 But if all prophesy, and there 39 Wherefore, brethren, be zea-
come in one that helieveth not, or- lous to prophesy and forbid not to :

an unlearned person, he is convinced speak with tongues.

of all, he is judged of all. 40 But let all thkigs be done de-
25 The secrets of his heart are cently and according- to order.
made manifest, and so, falling* down CHAP. XV.
on his face, he will adore God, af- Chrisfs resurrection and Curt.
firming- that God is among you in- "VTOW I make known unto you,
deed. gospel which I
brethren, the
26 How is it then, brethren ? preached to you, which also you
When you come together, every have received and wherein you stand.
one of you hath a psalm, hath a 2 By which also you are saved,
doctrine, hath a revelation, hath a ifyou hold fast after what manner
tongue, hath an interpretation let : I preached unto you, unless you
all things be done to edification.
: have believed in vain.
27 If any speak with a tongue, 3 For I delivered unto you first
let it be by two, or at the most by of all, which I also received: How
three, and in course, and let one that Christ died for our sins accord-
interpret. ing to the scriptures :

28 But there be no interpreter,

if 4 And
that he was buried, and
lethim hold his peace in the church, that he rose again the third day ac-
and speak to himself and to God. cording to the scriptures :

29 And let the prophets speak, 5 And that he was seen by Ce-
two or three and let the rest judge.
: phas ; and after that by the eleven.
30 But if any thing be revealed 6 Then was he .yen by more
to another sitting, let the first hold than five hundred brethren at once :

his peace. of whom many remain until this

31 For you may all prophesy present, and some are faden asleep.
One by one; that all may learn, 7 After that, he was seen by
and all may be exhorted: James, then by all the apostles.
32 And the spirits of the prophets 8 And last of all, he was aeerx
are subject to the prophets. also by me, as by one born out of
33 For God is not the God of due time.
dissension, but of peace as also I : 9 For I am the least of the apos-
teach in all the churches of the saints. ties, who am not worthy to be called
34 Let women keep silence in an apostle, because I persecuted
the churches for it is not permit-
: the church of God.
ted them to speak, but to be sub- 10 Br: by the grace of God, I
ject, as also the law saith. am what I am ; and his grace in
33 But if they would learn any me hath not been void, but I have
thing, let them ask their husbands laboured mjore abundantly than all
at home. For it is a shame for a they yet not I, but the grace of

woman to speak in the church. God with me.

36 Or did the word of God come 11 For whether I, or they, so we
out irom you ? Or came it only preach, and so you have believed.
unto you? 12 Now if Christ \>e preached
37 If any seem to be a prophet, that he arose again itum the dead,
or spiritual, let him know the things how do some among you say, that


there is no resurrection of the Jead ? him that put *dl things under him,
13 But it i here be no resurrection that God may be all in all.
of the dead, then Christ is not risen 29 Otherwise what shall they do
again. that are baptized for the dead, if
14 And if Christ he not risen the dead rise not agfdu at all ? why
again, then is our preaching vain, are they then baptized for them ?
and your faith U also rain. 30 Whyalso are we in danger
15 Yea, and we are found false every hour.
witnesses of God : because we have 311 die daily, I protest by your
given testimony against God, that glory, brethren, which 1 have in
he hath raised up Christ; whom he Christ. Jesus our Lord.
hath not raised up, if the dead rise 32 If (according to man) I fought
not again. with beasts at Ephesus, what doth
16 For if the dead rise not again, it profit me, if the dead rise not
neither is Christ risen again. again ? Let us eat and drink for to-
17 And if Christ be not risen morrow we shall die.
again, your faith is vain, for \ou 33 Be not seduced : Evtt commu-
are yet in your sins. nicattons corruptgood manner i.
18 Then they also, that are fallen 34 Aw ake ye just, and sin not.

asleep in Christ, are perished. For some have not the knowledge
19 If in this life only we have of God, I speak it to' your shame.
hope in Christ, we are of all men 35 But some man will say How do :

most miserable. the dead rise again ? or with what

20 But now Christ is'Tisen from manner of body shall they come ?
the dead, the first-fruits of them 36 Senseless man, that which
that sleep : thou sowest is not quickened, ex-
SI For by a man came death, cept it die first.
and by a man the resurrection of 37 And that which thou sowest,
the dead. thou sowest not the body that shall
22 And a? in Adam all die, so also be; but bare grain, as of wheat, or
m Christ all shall be made alive. of some of the rest.
23 But every one in his own or- 38 But Gbd giveth it a body as he
der :the first-fruits Christ, then wilhand to every seed it-s proper body.
they that are of Christ, who have 39 All flesh is not the same flesh
believed in his coming. but one is the flesh of men, another
24 Afterwards the end, when he of beasts, another of birds, another
shall have delivered u-p the kingdom of fishes.
to God and the Father, when he shah 40 And there are bodies celestial,
have brought to nought all princi- and bodies terrestrial : but, one is
pality, and power, and virtue. the glory of the celestial, and ano-
25 For he must reign, Until he ther of the terrestrial.
hath put all his enemies under his feet 41 One Hs the glory of the sun,
26 And the enemy death shall be another the glory cf the moon, and
destroyed last, For he hath put all another the glory of the stars. For
things under hisfeet. And whereas star differeth from star in glory ;
hesaith, 42 So also is the resurrection of
27 All things are put under him ; the dead. It is sown in corruption,
undoubtedly, he is excepted, who it shall rise in incorruption.
put all things under him. 43 It is sown in dishonour, it

28 And. when all things shall be shall rise in glory. It is sown in

subdued unto him ; then the Son weakness it shall rise in power.

also himself shall be subject unto 44 It is sown a natural body; it


I, To the CORINTHIANS. 817

If there T^TCAV concerning
snail rise a spiritual body. _

be a natural body, there is also a

^ the collections
that are made for the saints,
spiritual body, as it is written : as I have given order to the church-
45 The first man Adam was made es of Galatia, so do ye also.

into a living soul: the last Adam 2 On the first day of the week let
into a quickening spirit. every one of you put apart with
46 Yet that was not first which is himself, laying up what it shall
spiritual, but that which is natural well please him, ; that when I
afterwards that which is spiritual. come, the collections be not then to
47 The first man was of'the earth, be made.
earthly : the second mam from hea- 3 And when I shall be with you ;

ven, heavenly. whomsoever you shall approve by

48 Such as is the earthly* such letters, them will I send to carry
also are the earthly : and such as is your grace to Jerusalem.
the heavenly, such also are they 4 And if it be meet that I also go,
that are heavenly. they shall go with me.
49 Therefore as we have born 5 Now I will come to you, when
the image of the earthly, let us bear I shallhave passed through Mace-
also the image of the heavenly. donia. For i shall pass through
50 Now this I say, brethren, that Macedonia.
flesh and blood cannot possess the 6 And with you perhaps I shall
kingdom of God neither shall cor-
: abide, or even spend the winter :

ruption possess incorruption. that ycu may bring me on my way

51 Behold I tell you a mystery. whithersoever I shall go.
We,shall all indeed rise again but
: For
7 I will not see you now by
we shall not all be changed. the way, for I trust that I shall a-
52 In a moment, in the twink- bide with you some time, if the
ling of an eye, at the last trumpet: Lord permit.
for the trumpet shall sound, and 8 But I will tarry at Ephesus
the dead shall rise again incorrupti- until pentecost.
ble : and we shall be changed. 9 For, a great door ami evident
53 For this corruptible must put is opened unto me : and many ad-
on incorruption ; and this mortal versaries.
must put on immortality. 10 Nowif Timothy come, see
54 And when this mortal hath that he be with you without fear,
put on immortality, then shall come for he worketh the work of the Lord,
to pass the saying that is written as I also do.
Death is swallowed up in victory. 11 Let no man therefore despise
65 O death, where is thy victory f him, but conduct ye him on his
O death where is thy sting ? way peace
in that he may come

56 Now the sting of death is sin : to me. For I look for him with the
and the strength of sin is the law. brethren.
57 But thanks be to God who 12 And touching our brother
hath given us the victory through Apollo,* I give you to understand,
our Lord Jesus Christ. that I much intreated him to come
58 Therefore, my beloved bre- unto you with the brethren and :

thren, be ye stedfast and immove- indeed it was not his will at all to
able ; always abounding in the work come at this time. But he will
of the Lord, knowing that your la- come when he shall have leisure.
bour is not vain in the Lord. 13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith,
CHAP. XVI, do manfullv, and be strengthened,
Of'Collection ffalrns. K
8 : : :


14 Let all your things be done in therefore that are such.
charity 19 The churches of Asia salute
15 And I beseech you, brethren, you. Aquila and Priscilla salute
you know the house of Stephanas, you much in the Lord, with the
and of Fortunatus, and of Achaicus, church that is in their house : with
that they are the first fruits of A chaia, whom I also lodge.
and have dedicated themselves to £0 All the brethren salute you.
the ministry of the saints : Salute one another in a holy kiss.
16 That you also be subject to 21 The salutation of me Paul,
such, and to every one that work- with my own hand*
eth with us, and laboureth. 22 If any man love not our Lord
17 And I rejoice in the presence Jesus Christ, let him be anathe-
of Stephanas and Fortunatus, and ma, maranatha,
Achaicus, because that which was 33 The grace of our Lord Jesus
wanting on your part, they have Christ be with you.
•supplied. 2-1 My charity be with you all
1 For they hare refreshed both in Christ Jesus. Amen.
my spirit and yours. Know them


CHAP. I. partakers of the sufferings, so shall
He speaks of his troubles in Ana-. you he also of the consolation.
*UAULan apostle of Jesus Christ 8 For we would not have you
*• by the will of God, and Timothy ignorant, ^brethren, of our tribula-
our brother to the church of God
: tion, which came to u.s in Asia,
that is at Corinth, with all the saints that we were pressed out of mea-
that are in all Achaia sure above our strength, so that we
2 Grace unto you and peace from were weary even of life.
God our Father, and from the Lord 9 But we had in ourselves the
Jesus Christ. answer of death, that we should
a Blessed be the God and Father not trust in ourselves, but in God
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the who raiseth the dead,
Father of mercies, and the God of 10 Who
hath delivered and doth
nil comfort, deliver us out of so great dangers
4 Who comforteth us in all our in whom we trust that he will yet
tribulation ; that we also may be also deliver us.
able to comfort them who are in all 11 You
helping withal in prayer
distress, by the exhortation where- for us that for this gift obtained

with we also are exhorted by God. for us, by the means of many per-
5 For as the sufferings of Christ sons, thanks may be given by many
abound in us : so also by Christ inour behalf.
doth our comfort abound* 12 For our glory is this, the tes-
6 Now whether we be in tribu- timony of our conscience, that in
lation, it is for your exhortation and simplicity of heart and sincerity of
salvation : or whether We be com- God, and not wisdom, but
in carnal
forted it is for your consolation, or in the grace of God, we have con*
whether we be exhorted, it is for versed in this world and more

your exhortation and salvation, abundantly towards you.

which worketh the enduring of the 13 For we write no other things
same sufferings which we also suffer. to you, than what you have read and
7 That our hope for you may be known. And I hope that you shall
•ttdfast s knowing that as you are know unto the end
7 : ;

II. 219
14 As also you have known us confidence in yon all that my joy
in part, that we are your glory, as is the joy of you all.

you also are ours in the day of our 4 For out of much affliction, and
Lord Jesus Christ. anguish of heart .1 wrote to you
15 And confidence I had
in this with many tears :not that you
a mind to come to you before, that should be made sorrowful ; but that
you might have a second grace you might know the charity I have
16 And to pass by you into Ma- more abundantly towards you.
cedonia, and again from Macedonia 5 And if any one have caused grief,
to come to you, and by you to be he hath not grieved me; but in part,
brought on my way towards Judea. that I may not burden you all.
1 Whereas then I was thus mind- 6 To him that is such a one,
ed, did I use lightness ? Or the things this rebuke is sufficient, that is
that I purpose, do I purpose accord- given by many :

ing to the flesh, that there should 7 So that contrariwise you should
be with me, It is, and, It is not. rather pardon and comfort him,
18 But God is faithful, for our lest perhaps such an one be swal-
preaching which was to you, was lowed up with over much sorrow.
not, It is, and It is not. 8 For which cause I beseech you
19 For the Son of God Jesus that you would confirm your cha*
Christ, who was preached among rity towards him.
you by us, by me, and Sylvanus, 9 For to this end also did I write,
and Timothy, was not, It if, and, that I may know the experiment of
It is not, but, It is, was in him. you, whether you be obedient in all
20 For all the promises of God things.
are in him, // h
therefore also by
: 10 And to whom y©u have par-
him, amen to God, unto our glory. doned any thing, I also. For, what
21 Now
he that conflrmeth us I have pardoneJ, ii I have pardon-
with you in Christ, and that hath ed any thing, for your sakes have I
anointed us, is God. done it in the person of Christ,
22 Who
also hath sealed us, and 11 That we be not overreached
given the pledge of the Spirit in our by satan. For we are not ignorant
hearts. of his devices.
23 But I call God to witness up- 18 And when I was come to
on my soul, that to spare you, I Troas for the gospel of Christ, and
came not any more to Corinth not : a door wa-s opened unto me in the
because we
exercise dominion over Lord.
your faith but we are helpers of
: 13 I had no rest in my spirit,
your joy: for in faith you stand. because I found not Titus my bro-
CHAP II. ther, but bidding them farewell, I
lie grants a pardon to the incesiuousman. went Macedonia.
T>UT I this with my-
determined 14 Now thanks be to God, who
-*-* not to come to you again
self, always maketh us to triumph m
in sorrow. Christ Jesus, and manifesteth the
2 For if I make you sorrowful ; odour of his knowledge by us in
who is he then that can make me every place.
glad, but the sanre who is made 15 For we are the good odour
sorrowful by me ? of Christ unto God, in them that
3 And I wrote you this same',to are saved, and in them that perish.
that I may when
come, have
not, I 16 To the one indeed the odour
sorrow upon sorrow, from them of of death unto death but to the

whom I ought to rejoice having ; others the odour of life unto Sfc
: :


And for these thing's who is so suf- we use much confidence
ficient ? 13 And not as Moses put a veil
17 For we are not as many, upon his face that the children of
adulterating the word of God, but Israel might not stedfastly look on
with sincerity, hut as from God, the face of that, which is made void.
before God, in Christ, we speak. 14 But their senses were made
CHAP. III. dull. For, until this present day,
He needs no commendaibry letters. the self-same veil, in the reading of
TT|0 we begin again to commend the old testament, remaineth not
-*^ ourselves ? Or do we need (as taken away (because in Christ it is
some do) epistles of commendation made void.)
to you, or from you ? 15 But even until this day when
2 You are our epistle, written Moses is read, the veil is upon their
in our hearts, which is known and heart.
read by all men 16 But when they shall be con-
3 Being manifested, that you are verted to the Lord, the veil shall be
the epistle of Christ, ministered by taken away.
us, and written not with ink, but 17 Now the Lord is a Spirit. And
with the Spirit of the living God : where the Spirit of the Lord is,
not in tables of stone, but in the there is liberty.
ileshy tables of the heart. 18 But we all beholding the glory
4 And such confidence we have, of the Lord with open face, are
through Christ towards God. transformed into the same image
5 Not that we are sufficient to from glory to glory, as by the Spi-
think any thing of ourselves, as of rit of the Lord.
ourselves ; but our sufficiency is CHAP. IV.
from God. I The sincerity of his preaching.
6 Who also hath made us fit mi- rriHEREFORE seeing we have
nisters of the new testament, not in according as
this ministration,
the letter but in the spirit. For the we have obtained mercy, we faint
letter killeth : but the spirit quick- not,
en eth. 2 But we renounce the hidden
7 Now if the ministration of things of dishonesty, not walking in
death, engraven with letters upon craftiness,nor adulterating the word
stones, was glorious, so that the of God, but by manifestation of the
children of Israel could not sted- truthcommending ourselves to every
fastly behold the face of Moses, man's conscience,in the sight of God.
for the glory of his countenance, 3 And if our gospel be also hid } -

which is made void : it is hid to them that are lost,

8 How shall not the ministration 4 In whom the god of this world
of the spirit be rather in glory ? hath blinded the minds of unbeliev*
9 For if the ministration of con- ers, that the light of the gospel of
demnation be glory, much more the the glory of Christ, who is the image
ministration of justice aboundeth in of God, shouldnot shine unto them.
glory. 5 For we preach not ourselves,
10 For even that which was glo- but Jesus Christ our Lord and ;

rious in this part was not glorified, ourselves your servants through
by reason of the glory that excelleth. Jesus.
11 For if that which is done 6 For God who commanded the
away, was glorious much more
: light to shine out of darkness, hath
that which remaineth is in glory. shined in onr hearts, to giv« the
12 Having therefore such hope, light of the knowledge of the gl&vj
1 : :


cf God, in the face of Christ Jesus. solved, that we have a building oi
7 But we have this treasure in God, a house not made with hands,
earthen vessels., that the excellency eternal in heaven.
may be of the power of God, and 2 For in this also we groan, de-
not of us. siring tobe clothed upon with our
8 In all things we suffer tribula- habitation that is from heaven :

tion, but are not distressed we are : 3 Yet so, that we be found cloth-
straitened, but are not destitute : ed, not naked.
9 We suffer persecution, but are 4 For we also, who are in this
not forsaken : we are cast down, tabernacle, do groan being burthen-
but we perish not ed because we would not be un-

10 Always bearing about in our clothed, but clothed upon, that

body the mortification of Jesus, that which is mortal may be swal-
that the life also of Jesus may be lowed up by life.

made manifest in our bodies. 5 Nowhe, that maketh us for

1 For we who live are always this very thing, is God, who hath
delivered unto death for Jesus' given us the pledge of the Spirit.
sake that the life also of Jesus
: 6 Therefore having alwT ays con-
may be made manifest in our mor- fidence, knowing that, while we are
tal flesh. in the body, we are absent from the
12 So then death worketh in us, Lord.
but life in you. 7 (For we walk by faith and not
13 But having the same spirit of by sight.)
faith, as it is written : I believed, for S But we are confident and have
which cause I have spoken we also : a good will to be absent ra'ther from
belike, for which cause we speak also: the body, and to be present with
,14 Knowing that he who raised the Lord.
up Jesus, will raise up us also 9 And therefore we labour, whe-
with Jesus and place us with you. ther absent or present, to please him.
13 For all tilings are for your 10 For we must all be manifested
sakes: that the grace abounding before the judgment seat of Christ,
through manymayabounu in thanks- that every one may receh e the pro-
giving unto the glory of God. per things of the body, according as
16 For which cause we faint not he hath done, whether it be good or
but though our outward man is cor- evil.
rupted yet the inward man is re-
: 11 Knowing therefore the fear of
newed day by day. the Lord, we use persuasion to
17 For that which is at present men: but to God we art manifest.
momentary and light of our tribu- And I trust also that in your con-
lation, worketh for us above mea- sciences we are manifest.
sure exceedingly an eternal weight 12 We commend not ourselves
of glory. again to you, but give you occasion
18 While wT e look not at the to glory in our behalf: that you may
things which are seen, but at the have somewhat to cnsictr them who
things w hich are not seen. For the
glory in face, and not in heart.
things which are seen, are temporal: 13 For whether we be ^trans-
but the things which are not seen, ported in mind, it is to God or :

are eternal. whether we bo sober, it is for you.

CHAP. V. 14- For the charity of Christ
His charity for the Corinthians. presseth us judging this, that if

TC*OR we know, if our earthly one died for all, then all were dead,
•• house of this habitation be dis- 1 5 And Christ died for all thai ;
: : 1 : .


they also, who live, may not now power of God ; by the armour o*
live to themselves, but unto him justice on the right hand and on
who died for. them and rose again. the left,
16 Wherefore henceforth we 8 By honour and dishonour, by
jcnowj no man according to the evil report and good report: as de-
flesh. And if we have known Christ ceivers, and yet true : as unknown,
according to the flesh but now we and yet known

know him so no longer. 9 As dying, and behold we live;

17 If then any be in Christ a new as chastised, and not kiiled.
creature the old things are passed
: 10 As sorrowful, yet always re-
away, behold all things are made joicing: as needy, yet enriching
new. many: as having nothing, and pos-
18 But all things are of God, who sessing all things.
hath reconciled us to himself by 1 Our mouth is open to you, O
Christ :and hath given to us the ye Corinthians, our heart is enlarged
ministry of reconciliation. 12 You are not straitened in us:
19 For God indeed was in Christ but in your own bowels you are
reconciling the world to himself, straitened.
not imputing to them their sins, 13 But having the same recom*
and he hath placed in us the word pense (I speak as to my children)
of reconciliation. be you also enlarged.
20 For Christ therefore we are 14 Bear not the yoke with unbe-
ambassadors, God as it were ex- lievers. For what participation
horting by us. For Christ, we be- hath justice withir justice ? Or what
seech you, be reconciled to God. fellowship hath light with darkne&ss?
21 Him, that knew no sin, for us 1.5 And what concord hath Christ

he hath made sin : that we might with Belial ? Or what part hath
te made the iustice of God in him. the faithful with the unbeliever?
CHAP. VI. 16 And what agreement hath the
He exhorts them to a correspondence temple of God with idols ? For you
•with God's grace. are the temple of the living God as :

A ND we
helping do exhort you, God saith: I will dwell in them, and
•"" that you receive not the grace walk among tftem, and I will be their
of God in vain. God, and they shall be my people.
% For he saith : In an accepted 17 Wherefore, Go out pom among
time have I heard thee ; and in the them, and be ye separate, saith the
day of salvation have I helped thee. Lord, a?id touch not the unclean thing
Behold, now is the acceptable time 15 And I will receive you : and
behold now is the day of salvation. I will be a Father to you : and you
3 Giving no offence to any man, shall be my sons and daughter st saith
that our ministry be not blamed the Lord almighty.
4 But in all things let us exhibit chaV. vii.
ourselves as the ministers of God, The Apostle's affection for the Cor in*
in much patience, in tribulation, in thians.
necessities, in distresses, F¥AVIMG therefore these pro-
o In stripes, in prisons, in sedi- ** mises, dearly beloved, let us
tions, in labours, in watchings, in cleanse ourselves from all defile-
fastings, ment of the flesh and of the spirit,
6 In chastity, in knowledge, in perfecting sanctificatiou in .the fear
long-suffering, in sweetness, in the of God.
Holy Ghost, in charity unfeigned, 2 Receive us. We
have injured
7 In the word of truth, in the no man, we havecorrupttd no man,,
:: ;


we have overreached no man. 13Hefore God: therefore we
3 I speak not this to your con- were comforted. But in our conso-
demnation. For we have said be- lation we did the more abundantly
fore, that you are in our hearts, to rejoice for the joy of Titus, because
die together, and to live together. his spiritwas refreshed by you all.
A Great is my confidence
with 14 And if I have boasted any
you, greatis my glorying- for
you. thing to him of you, I have not been
I am filled with comfort; I ex- put to shame, but as we have spoken
ceedingly abound with joy in all all things to you in truth, so also

our tribulation. our boasting that was made to

5 For also when we were come Titus, is found truth.
into Macedonia, our flesh had no 13 And his bowels are more abun-
rest,, but we suffered all tribulation : dantly towards you : remembering
combats without, fears within. the obedience of you all, how with
6 But God who comforteth the fear and trembling you received him.
humble, comforted us by the coming 16 1 rejoice that in all things f
of Titus. have confidence in you.
7 And not by his coming only, CHAP. Vllf.
but also by the consolation, where- He exhorts them to relieve the poor,
with he was comforted in you, re- "VTOW we make known unto you,
lating your desire, your
to ufr .^ brethren, the grace of God,
mourning, your zeal for me, so that that hath been given in the churches
I rejoiced the more. of Macedonia,
8 For although I made you sor- 2 That in much
experience of
rowful by my epistle, I do not re- tribulation they havehad abundance
pent and if
: I did repent, seeing of joy, and their very deep poverty
that the same epistle (although but hath abounded unto the riches of
for a time) did make you sorrowful their simplicity.
9 Now
I am glad : not because 3 For according to their power
you were made sorrowful ; but be- (I bear them witness) and beyond
cause you were made sorrowful their power, they were willing.
unto penance. For youjwere made 4. With much intreaty begging
sorrowful according to God, that of us the grace and communication
you might suffer damage by us in of the ministry that is done toward
nothing. the saints.
10 For the sorrow that is ac- 5 And not as we hoped, but they
cording to Gcd worketh penance gave their own selves first to the
stedfast unto salvation : but the Lord, then to us by the will of God
sorrow of the world workeih death. 6 Insomuch, that we desired
11 For behold this self-same Titus, that as he had begun, so also
thing, that you were made sorrow- he would finish among you this
ful according to God, how great same grace.
carefulness it worketh in you : yea 7 That as in all things you
defence, yea indignation, yea fear, abound in faith, and word, and
yea desire, yea zeal, yea revenge knowledge, and all carefulness
in all things you have shewed your- moreover also in your charity to-
selves to be undefiled in the matter. wards us, so in this grace also you
12 Wherefore although I wrote may abound.
to you, it was not for his sake that 8 I speak not as commanding:
did the wrong, not for him that but by the carefulness of others,
suffered it but to manifest our
: approving also the good disposition
carefulness that w e have for you,
of your charity.
1 ::

284 II. To this CORINTHIANS.

9 For you know the grace of cur many things
often proved diligent in
Lord Jesus Christ, that bein^ I
but now much more diligent, with
rich he became poor, for your much confidence in you,
sakes ; that through his poverty 23 Either for Titus, who is my
you might be rich. companion and fellow-labourer to-
10 herein I give my advice:
And wards you, or our brethren, the
for this is profitable for you, who apostles of the churches the glory
have begun not only to do, but also of Christ.
to be willing, a year ago : 24 Wherefore shew ye to them
1 Nowtherefore perform ye it in the sight of the churches, the
also in deed; that, as your mind is evidence of your charity, and of our
forward to be willing, so it may he boasting on your behalf.
also to perform, out of that which CHAP. IX.
you have. A further exhortation to almsgiving,
12 For if the will be forward, it ipOR concerning the ministry, that
is accepted according to that which *- is done towards the saints, it is
a man hath, not according to that superfluous forme to write unto you,
which he hath net. 2 For I know vour forward mind
13 For I mean not that others for which I boast of you to the
should be eased, and you burthen- Macedonians. That AcLaia also is
ed but by an equality.
; ready from the year past, and your
14 In this present time let your emulation hath provoked very many
abundance supply their want that ; 3 Now I have sent the brethren,
thek abundance also may supply that the thing, which we boast of
your want, that there may be an concerning you, be not made void
equality, in this behalf, that (as I have said)
15 As it is written He that had
; you may be ready ;

much, had nothing over : and he 4 Lest, when the Macedonians

that had little had no want, shall come with me, and find you un-
16 And thanks be to God, who prepared, we (not to say ye) should
hath given the same carefulness for be ashamed in this matter.
you in the heart of Titus. 5Therefore I thought unnecessary to
17 For indeed he accepted the desire the brethren that they would
exhortation but being more careful,
: go to you before, and prepare this
of his own will, he went unto you. blessing before promised, to be ready,
18 We have sent also with him so as a blessing, not as eovetousness.
the brother, whose praise is in the 6 Now this I say He who sow-

gospel through all the churches : eth sparingly, shall also reap spar-
19 And not that only, but he was ingly and he who soweth in bles-

ako ordained by the churches eom- sings, shali^also reap of blessings.

panion of our travels, for this grace, 7 Every one as he hath deter-
which is administered by us to the mined in his heart, not with sadness
glory of the Lord, and our deter- or of necessity. For God loveth a
mined will: cheerful giver,
20 Avoiding this, lest any man 5 And God is able to make all
should blame us in this abundance grace abound in you : that ye al-
which is administered by us. ways having all sufficiency in all
21 For we forecast what may be things may abound to every good
good not only before God, but also work,
before men. 9 As it is written He hath dis* :

. 22 And we have sent with them persed abroad, he hath given to the
our brother also, whom we have poor : his justice rema'methjbr ever.


1 And
he that ministereth seed trust to himself, that he is Christ's
to the sow^r, will both give you let him think this again with himself
bread to eat, and will multiply your that as he is Christ's so are we also.
seed, and increase the growth of 8 For if also I should boast some-
the fruits of your justice : what more of our power, which
11 That being enriched in all the Lord hath given us unto eoinV
things you may abound unto all and not for your destruc-
simplicity, which worketh through tion I should not be ashamed.

us thanksgiving to God. 9 But that I may not be thought

12 Because the administration of as it were to terrify you by epistles,
this office doth not only supply the w ant
10 (For his epistles indeed, say
of the saints, but aboundeth also by they, are weighty and strong but ;

many thanksgivings in the Lord. his bodily presence is weak, and

13 By the proof of this ministery,glo- his speech contemptible.)
rifying God for the obedience of your 11 Let such a one think this,
confession unto the gospel of Christ, that such as we are in word by
and for the simplicity of your commu- epistles, when absent ; such also
nicating unto there, and unto all. we will be indeed, when present.
14 And in their praying for you, 12 For we dare not match, of
being desirous of you because of the compare ourselves with some, that
excellent grace of God in you. commend themselves: but we mea«
15 Thanks be to God for his un- sure ourselves by ourselves, and
speakable gift. compare ourselves with ourselves*
CHAP. X. 13 But we will not glory beyond
He sctsforih the power of his apos titship. our measure : but according to the
^ I Paul myself beseech you,
by the mildness and modesty
measure of the rule, which God
hath measured to us, a measure to
of who in presence indeed
Chris't, reach even unto you/
am lowly among you, but being 14 For we stretch not out our-
absent am bold toward you. selves beyond our measure, as if we
2 But I beseech you, that I may reached not unto you. For we are
not be bold when I am present, come as far as to you in the gos*
with that confidence wherewith I pel of Christ
am thought to be bold, against 15 Not glorying beyond measure
some, who reckon us as if we walk- in other meii's labours but having

ed according to the flesh. hope of your increasing faith, to be

S For though we walk in the flesh, magnified in you according to our
wedonot war according to the flesh. rule abundantly,
4 For the weapons of our warfare 16 Yea unto those places that
are not carnal, but mighty to God are beyond you, to preach the gos-
unto the pulling down of fortifica- pel, not to glory in another man's
tions, destroying counsels, rule in those things that are made
5 And
every height that exalteth ready to our hand.
itself against the knowledge of 17 But he that glorieth let him
God, and bringing into captivity glory in the Lord.
every understanding unto the obe- ] 8 For not he, who commendetb

dience of Christ, himself, is approved, but he whom

6 And having in readiness to God commendeth.
revenge all disobedience, when your CHAP. XL
obedience shall be fulfilled, He is forced tocommend hmself.
7 See the things that are according \¥7 0ULD to God you could beai
to outward appearance. If any man * * with some little^of my folly


but do, bear with rite. 14 And no wonder for satan :

2 For I am jealous of you with himself transformed! himself into

the jealousy of God. For I have an angel of light.
espoused you to one husband, that 15 Therefore it is no great thing
I may present you as a chaste vir- if his ministers be transformed as
gin to Christ. the ministers of justice whose end :

3 But I fear lest, as the serpent shall be according to their works.

seduced Eve by his subtilty, so 16 Again I say (let no man think
your minds should be corrupted, me to be foolish, otherwise take me
and fall from the simplicity that is as foolish, that I also may glory
in Christ. a little,)
4 For he that cometh, preach-
if 17 Tnat which I speak, I speak
eth another Christ, whom we have not according to God, but as it were
not preached; or if yout'receive in foolishness, in this matter of
another Spirit, whom you have not glorying.
received ; or another gospel, which 18 Seeing that many glory ac-
you have not received ; you might cording to the flesh, I will glory also.
well bear with him, 19 For you gladly suffer the fool-
£ For I suppose that I have done ish : whereas yourselves are wise.
nothing less than the great apostles. 20 For you suffer if a man bring
6 For although I be rude in you into bondage, if a man devour
speech, yet not in knowledge but : you if a man take from you, if a man
in all things we have been made be lifted up, if a man strike you
manifest to you. on the face.
7 Or did I commit a fault hum- 21 I speak according to disho-
bling myself, that you might be nour, as if we had been weak in
exalted ? Because I preached unto this part. Wherein if any man dare
you the gospel of God freely ? (I speak foolishly) I dare also.
8 I have taken from other 22 They are Hebrews so am L :

churches, receiving wages of them They are Israelites : so am I. They

for your ministery. are the seed of Abraham : so am I.

9 And when I was present with 23 They are the ministers of

you, and wanted, I was chargeable Christ : (I speak as one less wise)
to no man: for that, which was I am more : in many more labours,
wanting to me, the brethren sup- in prisons more frequently, in stripes
plied who came from Macedonia above measure, in deaths often.

and in all things I have kept myself 24 Of the Jews five times did I
from being burdensome to you, receive forty stripes, save one.
and so I will keep myself. 25 Thrice was I beaten with iods,
10 The truth of Christ is in me, once I was stoned, thrice I suffered
that this glorying shall not be broken shipwreck a night and a day I was:

off in me inthe regions of Achaia. in the depth of the sea.

1 Wherefore ? Because I love 26 In journeying often, in perils
you not ? God knoweth it. of waters, in perils of robbers, in
12 But what I do, that I will do, perils from my own nation, in perils
that I may cut off the occasion from from the gentiles, in perils in the
them that desire occasion, that city, in perils in the wilderness, in
wherein they glory, they may be perils in the sea, in perils from
found even as we. false brethren.
13 For such fake apostles are de- j
27 In labour and painfulness, in

ceitful workmen,transformingthen> much watchings in hunger and thirst,

gelves into the apostles of Christ. I m fas iings often,In cold and nukednes

28 Besides those things which are 9 And he said to me: my grace

without my daily instance, the
: is sufficient for thee : for power is

solicitude for all the churches. made perfect in infirmity. Gladly

29 Who is weak, and I am not therefore will I glory in my infir-
weak ? Who is scandalized, and 1 mities, that the power of Christ
am not on fire ? may dwell in me.
SO If I must needs glory : I will 10 For which cause I please my-
glory of the things that concern my self in my infirmities, in reproaches,
infirmity. in necessities, in persecutions, in
31 The God and Father of our distresses for Christ. For when I
Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed am weak, then am I powerful.
knoweth that 1 lie not.
for ever, Ill am become foolish : you have
32 At Damascus the governor of compelled me. For I ought to have
the nation under Aretas the king, been commended by you for I have :

guarded the city of the Damas- no way come

short of them that
cenes to apprehend me : are above measure apostles : al-
33 And through a window in a though I be nothing.
basket was I let down by the wall, 12 Yet the signs of my apostle-
and so escaped his hands. ship have been wrought on you, in
CHAP. XII. alFpatience, in signs and wonders,
His rapture $ and revelations. and mighty deeds.
must glory not expedient 13 For what is there that
IF I (it is
come you have had less than the other
indeed:) but I will to the
visions and revelations of the Lord. chinches ^buc that I myself was not
2 I know a man in Christ above burthensome to you ? Pardon me
fourteen years ago (whether in the this injury.
body I know not, or out of the bo- 14 Behold, now the third time I am
dy, I know not, God knoweth) ready to come to you ; and I will
such an one rapt even to the third not be burthensome unto you. For
heaven. I seek not the things that are yours,
3 And I know such a man (whe- but you. For neither ought the
ther in the body, or out of the body, children to lay up for the parents,
I cannot tell God knoweth)
: but the parents for the children.
4 That he was caught up into pa- 1 j But I most gladly will spend

radise; and heard secret words, and be spent myself for your souls-,
whichitisnot granted toman to utter although, loving you more, I be
o For such an one I will glory : loved less.
but for myself I will glory nothing, 16 But be it so I did not burden

but in my infirmities. you: but being crafty, I caught

6 For though I should have a you by guile.
mind to glory, I shall not be fool- 17 Did I over-reach you by any
ish: for I will say the truth. But I of them whom I sent to you ?
forbear, lest any man should think 15 I desired Titus, and I sent with
of me above that which he seeth in him a brother. Did Titus over-reach
me, or any thing he heareth from me you ? Did we not walk with the
7 And lest the greatness of* the same spirit did we not in the

revelations should exalt me, there same Step&.f

was given me a sting of my flesh, 19 Of old, think you that we ex-
an angel of satan, to buffet me. cuse ourselves to you ? We speak
8 For which thing thrice I be- before God hi Christ: but all things
ought the Lord, that it might de- (my dearly beloved) for your edl-
art from me, '
223 To the GALATIANS.
20 For I fear lest perhaps, when wards you.
I come, I shall not find you such 5 Try your ownselves if you be
as I would and that I shall be
: in the faith prove ye yourselves.

found by you such as you would Know you not your own selves
not. Lest perhaps contentions, en- that Christ Jesus is in you, uu«
vyings, animosities, dissensions, de- less perhaps you be reprobates.
tractions, whisperings, swellings, 6 But I trust that you shall know
seditions, be among you. that weare not reprobates.
21 Lest again, when I come, God 7 Now we pray God, that you
humble me among you : and I may do no evil, not that we may
mourn many of them that sinned appear approved, but that you may
before, and have not done penance do that which is good, and that we
for the uncleanliness and fornica- may be as reprobates.
tion and lasciviousness, that they 8 For we can do nothing against
have committed. the truth ; but for the truth.
CHAP. XIII. 9 For we rejoice, that we are
He threatens the impertinent. weak, and you are strong. This
BEHOLD, this is the third alsowe pray for, your perfection.
time I am coming to you : In 10 Therefore I write these things
the mouth of two or three witnes- being absent, that, being present, I
ses shall every word stand. may not deal more severely, accor-
2 I have told before, and foretel, ding to the power which the Lord
US present, and now absent, to them hath given me unto edification, and
that sinned before and to all the not unto destruction.
j?est, that if I come again, I will 11 For the rest, brethren, rejoice, be
not spare. perfect, take exhortation, be of one
3 Do you seek a proof of Christ mind, have peace; and the God of
that speakethin me, who towards you peace and of love shall be with you,
is not weak, but is mighty in you ? 12 Salute one another in a holy
4, For although he was crucified kiss. All the saints salute you.
through weakness ; yet he liveth by 13 The grace of our Lord Jesus
the power of God. For we also are Christ, and the charity of God, and
weak in him : but we shall live the communication of the Holy
with him by the power of God to- Ghost be with you all. Amen.

The Epistle of St. PAUL to the GALATIANS.

CHAP. I. ever. Amen.
The apostle's calling. 6 I wonder that you are so soon
PAUL an apostle, not of men,
neither by man, but by Je-
removed from him that called you
into the grace of Christ, unto ano-
sus Christ, and God the Father, ther gospel.
-who raised him from the dead, 7 Which is not another, only
g And all the brethren who are there are some that trouble you,
•with me, to the churches of Galatia. and would pervert the gospel of
3 Grace be to you and peace from Christ.
God the Father, and from our Lord 8 But though we, or an angel
Jesus Christ, from heaven, preach a gospel to you
4 Who gave himself for our sins, besides that which we have preach-
that he might deliver us from this ed to you, let him be anathema.
present wicked world, accoi ding to 9 As we said before, so now I
the will of God and our Father: say again If any one preach to

5 To whom is glory forever and you a gospel, besides that which

: : : .

To the GALATIANS. 229

you have received, let him be ana- CHAP. II.
thema. He grants a pardon to the incestuous.
JO For do I now persuade men, man.
or God ? Or do I seek to please ft* H EN after fourteen years I went
men ? If I yet pleased men, I should
J - up again to Jerusalem with
not be the servant of Christ. Barnabas, taking Titus also with me
11 For I give you to understand, 2 And 1 went up according to
brethren, that the gospel which wa^ revelation: and conferred with
preached by me is not according to them the gospel which I preached
man. among the gentiles, but apart wita
12 For neither did I receive it of them who seemed to be something
man, nor did I learn it ; but by the lest perhaps I should run, or had
revelation of Jesus Christ. run in vain.
13 For you have heard of my 3But neither Titus, who was with
conversation in time past in the me being a gentile, was compelled
Jews religion how that beyond
: to be circumcised.
measure I persecuted the church 4 But because of false brethren
of God and wasted it. unawares brought in, who came in
14 And I made progress in the privately to spy our liberty, which
Jews religion above many of my we have in Christ Jesus, that they
equals In my own nation, being might bring us into servitude.
more abundantly zealous for the 5 To whom we yielded not by
traditions of my fathers. subjection, no not for an hour, that
1& But when pleased him, who
it the truth of the gospel might con-
separated me my mother's
from tinue with you.
womb, and called me by his grace, 6 But of them who seemed to be
16 To reveal his Son in me, that something, (what they were some
I might preach him among the gen- time, it is nothing to me. God ac-
tiles,immediately I condescended cepteth not the person of man) for
not to flesh and blood. to me, they that seemed to be some-
17 Neither went I to Jerusalem thing added nothing.
to the apostles who were before 7 But contrariwise when they had
me : but I went into Arabia, and seen that to me was committed the
again I returned to Damascus. gospel of the uncircumcision, as to
18 Then, after three years, I Peter was that of the circumcision.
went to Jerusalem to see Peter, and 8 (For he who wrought in Peter
I tamed with him fifteen days : to the apostleship of the circumci-
But other of the apostles I
19 sion, wrought in me also among the
saw none ; saving James the bro- gentiles.)
ther of the Lord. 9 And when they had known the
20 Now
the things which I write grace that was given to me, James
to you; behold before God, I lie not. and Cephas and John, who seemed
21 Afterwards I came into the to be pillars, gave to me and Barna-
regions of Syria and Ciiicia. bas the right hands of fellowship :
22 And 1 was unknown by face that we should go unto the gentiles,
to the churches of Judea which and they unto the circumcision
were in Christ 10 Only that we should be mind-
23 But they had heard only: ful of the poor which same thing

He, who pesecuted us in times past, also I was careful to do.

doth now preach the faith which 11 But when Cephas was come
Qnce he impunged to Antioch, I withstood him to the
24 And they glorified God in me. face, because he was to be blamed-
1 :

330 To the GALATIANS.

12For before that some came from been set forth, crucified among you.
James, he did eat with the gentiles : 2 This only would I learn of you :

but when they were come, he with- Did you receive the Spirit, by the
drew and separated himself, fearing works of the law, or by the hearing
them who were of the circumcision. of faith ?
13 And to his dissimulation the 3 Are you so foolish, that, where-
rest of the Jews consented, so that as you began in the Spirit, you
Barnabas also was led by them would now be made perfect by the
into that dissimulation. flesh?
14 But when I saw
that they 4 Have you suffered so great
walked not uprightly unto the truth things in vain ? If it he yet in vain?
of the gospel, I said to Cephas be- 5 He therefore who giveth to you
fore them all If thou, being a Jew,
; the Spirit, and worketh miracles
livest after the manner of the gen- among you doth he do it by the

tiles* and not as the Jews do, how works of the law, or by the hearing
dost thou compel the gentiles to of the faith*
live as do the Jews. 6 As it is written Abraham be-

15 We by nature are Jews, and lieved God, and it was reputed to

not of the gentiles sinners. him unto justice.
16 But knowing that man is not 7 Know ye therefore that they
justified by the works of the law, who are of faith, the same are the
but by the faith of Jesus Christ; children of Abraham.
we also believe in Christ Jesus, that 8 And the scripture foreseeing
we may be justified by the faith of that God justifieth the gentiles by
Christ, and not by the works of the faith, told unto Abraham before:
law : because by the w orks of the
In thee shall all nations be blessed.
law no flesh shall be justified. 9 Therefore they that are of faith,
17 But if while we seek to be jus- shall be blessed with faithful Abra-
tified in Christ, we ourselves also ham.
are found sinners is Christ then the
; 10 For as many as are of the
minister of sin ? God forbid. works of the law, are under a curse.
18 For if I build up again the For it is written : Cursed is every
things which I have destroyed, I one, that abideth not in all things,
make myself a prevaricator. which are written in the book of the
l&For I, through the law,am dead law, to do them.
to the law, that 1 may live to God ; 1 But that in the law no man is
with Christ I am nailed to the cross. Justified with God, it is manifest:
20 And 1 live, now not I ; but because the just man liveth by faith.
Christ liveth in me. And that I live 12 But the law is not of faith :
now in the flesh ; I live in the faith 0*, but, He that doth those things, shaU
the Son of Cyed, who loved me, and live in them.
delivered himself for me. 13 Christ hath redeemed us from
21 I cast not away the grace of the curse of the law, being made a
God. For if justice be by the law, curse for us : for it is written
then Christ died in vain. Cursed is every one that hangeth on
CHAP. III. a tree :
The blessing promised to Abraham Com- 14 That the blessing of Abraham
eth by faith. might come on the gentiles through

O SENSELESS Galatians, who Christ Jesus : that we may receive

hath bewitched you, that the promise of the Spirit by faith.
you should not obey the truth, be- 15 Brethren (I speak after the
fore whose eyes Jesus Christ hath manner of man) yet a man's testa-

To the GALATIANS. 231

ment, be confirmed, no man
if it !
despiseth, nor ackleth to it. 29 And if you be Christ's ; then
16 To Abraham were the pro- are you the seed of Abraham, heirs
mises made and to his seed. He according to the promise.
saith not, And to his seeds, as of ma- CHAR IV.
ny but as of one, And
: to thy seed> Christ has freed us from the servi-
which is Christ. tude of the law.
17 Now this I say, that the tes- ~VTOW I say ; As long as the heir
tament which was confirmed by - is a child, he differeth nothing

God, the law which was made after from a servant, though he be Lord
four hundred and thirty years, doth of all
not disannul, to make the promise 2 But is under tutors and go*
©fno effect. vernors until the time appointed by
18 For if the inheritance be of the father :

the law, it is no, more of promise. 3 So we also, when we were chil-

But God gave it to Abraham by dren, were serving under the ele-
promise. ments of the world.
19 Why then was the law? It 4 But when the fulness of the time
was because of transgressions,
set was come, God sent his son made
until the seed should come,to whom of a woman, made under the law :

he made the promise, being ordain- 5 That he might redeem ihem

ed by angels in the hand of a me- who were under the law ; that wa
diator. might receive the adoption of sons.
20 Now a mediator is not of one: 6 And because you are sons, God
but God is one. hath sent the Spirit of his Son into
21 Was the law then against the your hearts, crying Abba, Father.

promises of God ? God forbid. For 7 Therefore now he is not a ser-

if there had been a law given which vant, but a son. And if a.son, an
could give life, verily justice should heir also through God.
have been by the law. 8 But then indeed, not knowing
22 But the scripture hath con- God, you served them who by na-
cluded all under sin, that the pro- ture are not gods.
mise by the faith of Jesus Christ 9 But now, after that you have
might be given to them that believe. known God, or rather are known
23 But before the faith came, we by God : how turn you again to
were kept under the law shut up, the weak and needy elements, which
unto that faith which was to be re- you desire to serve again ?
vealed. 10 You observe days, and months,
24 Wherefore the law was our and times, and years.
pedagogue in Christ ; that we might Ill am afraid of you lest per-
be justified by faith. haps I have laboured in vain among
25 But after the faith is come, we you.
are no longer under a pedagogue. 12 Be ye as I, because I also am
26 For you are all the children as you ; brethren, I beseech you:
of God by faith in Christ Jesus. you have not injured me at all.
27 For as many of you as have 13 And you know how through
been baptized in Christ, have put infirmity of the flesh I preached the
on Christ. gospel to you heretofore and your :

28 There is neither Jew nor temptation in my flesh*

Greek there is neither bond nor
: 14 You despised not, nor reject-
free, there is neither male nor fe- ed but received me as an angel of

male. For you are all one hi Christ God, evea as Christ Jcs^,
: ; ' 1


15 Where is then your blessed- also it is now.

ness ? For I bear you witness, that, SO But what saith the scripture ?
if it could be done, you would have Cast out the bond- woman and her
plucked out your own eyes, and son : for the son of the bond-woman
would have given them to me. shall not be heir with the son of the
16 Am I then become your ene- free-woman.
my, because I tell you the truths? 31 So then, brethren, we are not
17 They are zealous in your re- the children of the bond- worn an,
gard not well : but they would ex- but of the free: by the freedom
clude you, that you might be zea- wherewith Christ has made us free.
lous for them. CHAP. V.
IS But be zealous for that which He exhorts Hum to stand to their Chris*
is good in a good thing always and: tian liberty.
notonly when I am present with you* ^TAND fast, and be not held
19 My little children, of whom I ^ again under the yoke of bondage*
am in labour again, until Christ be 2 Behold I Paul tell you that, it
formed in you you be circumcised, Christ shall
20 And I would willingly be pre- profit you nothing.
sent with you now, and change my 3 And I testify again to every
voice: because I am ashamed for you. man circumcising himself, that he
2J Tell rne, you that desire to be is to do the whole law.
a debtor
under the law, have you not read 4 You are made void of Christ,
the law ? you who are justified in the law ;
22 For it is written that Abraham you are fallen from grace.
had two sons: the one by a bond- wo- 5 For we in spirit, by faith, wait
man, and theotherbya free-woman. for the hope of justice.
S3 But he who was of the bond- 6 For in Christ Jesus neither
woman, was born according to the circumcision availeth any thing, nor
flesh: buthe of the free-woman, was uncircumcision but faith that work-

by promise. eth by charity.

24 Which things are said by an 7 You did run well, who hath
allegory. For these are the two hindered you that you should not
testaments. The one from Mount obey the truth ?
Sina, engendering unto bondage 8 This persuasion is' not from
which is Agar him that calleth you.
25 For Sina is a mountain in 9 A little leaven corrupteth the
Arabia, which hath affinity to that whole lump.
Jerusalem w hich now is, and is in
10 I have confidence in you in
bondage with her children. the Lord that you will not be of an-

&6 But that Jerusalem, which is other mind but he, that troubleth

above, is free; which is our mother. you, shall bear the judgment, who-
27 For it is written Rejoice thou
: soever he be.
barren, that bear est not : break forth 1 And I, brethren, if I yet preach
and cry y thou that travailest not : for circumcision, why do I yet suffer
many are the children of the deso- persecution ? Then is the scandal
late, more than of her that hath a of the cross made void.
husband. 12 I would they were even cut
28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac off, who trouble you.
was, are the children of promise. 13 For you, brethren, have been
29 But as then he, that was born called unto liberty : only make not
according to the flesh, persecuted liberty an occasion to the flesh, but
him that was after the spirit : so by charity of the spirit serve one
To the GALATIANS. 233
another. and so you shall fulfil the law of
14 For all the law is fulfilled in Christ.
one word : Thou shalt love thy 3 For if any man think himself
neighbour as iky self. \
to be something, whereas he is no-
15 But if you bite and devour thing, he deceiveth himself.
one another take heed you be not
: 4 But let every one prove his own
consumed one of another. work, and so he shall have glary
16 I say then walk in the spirit, in himself only, and not in another.
and you shall not fulfil the lusts of 5 For every one shall bear his
the flesh. own burden.
17 For the flesh lusteth against 6 And let him, that is instructed in
the spirit: and the spirit against the word, communicate to him, that
the flesh; for these are contrary instrueteth him, in all good things.
one to another so that you do not
: 7 Be not deceived, God is not
the things that you would. mocked.
18 But if you are led by the spi- 8 For what things a man shall
rit, you are not under the law. sow, those also shall he reap. For
19 Now the works of the flesh he that soweth in his flesh, of
are manifest, which are, fornication, the flesh also shall reap corrup-
uneleanness, immodesty, luxury, tion. But he, that soweth in the
20 Idolatry, witchcrafts, enmities, spirit, of the spirit shall reap life
contentions, emulations, wraths, everlasting.
quarrels, dissensions, sects. 9 And in doing good, let us not
21 Envies, murders, drunken- fail. For in due time we shall reap
ness, relettings, and such like. Of not failing.
the which I foretell you, as I have 10 Therefore, whilst we have
foretold to you, that they who do time, let us work good to all men,
such things shall not obtain the but especially to those who are of
kingdom cf God. the household of the faith.
22* But the fruit of the Spirit is, 11 See what a letter I have writ-
charity, joy, peace, patience, benig- ten to you with my own hand.
nity, goodness, longanimity, 12 For as many as desire to
23 Mildness, faith, modesty, con- please in the flesh, they constrain
tir.ency, chastiFy. Againstsuch there you to be circumcised, only that
is no law. they may not suffer the persecu-
9A And they that are Christ's tion of the cross of Christ.
have crucified their fle>h with the 13 For neither they themselves
vices and concupiscences. who are circumcised. ke< p the law:
25 it we live in the Spirit, let us but they will have yon to he cir-
also w;?!k in the Spirit, cumcised, that they may glory in
26 Let us not be made desirous your flesh.
of vain glory, provoking one an- U
But God forbid that I should
other, euvvii g one another. glory, save in the cross of our Lord
CHAP. VI. Jesus Christ; by whom the world
He exhorts to charily, humility, £c. is crucified to me, and I to the world.
-|JRETHREN, and if a man be 15 For in Christ Jesus neither
*•* overtaken in any fault, you circumcision availeth any thing, nor
who are spiritual, instruct such an uncircumcision, hut a new creature.
onejn the spirit of meekness, con- 16 And whosoever shall follow
sidering thyself, lest thou also be this rule, peace on them, and mercy,
tempted. and upon the I&rael of God.
2 Bear ye one another's burdens!: Yi From henceforth let no man
: : 87

234 To the EPHESIANS.

be troublesome to me. For I bear 18 The grace of our Lord Jesus
the marks of the Lord Jesus in my Christ be with your spirit, bre-
bodv. thren. Amen.
CHAP. I. had heard the word of truth (the
Christ is the head of the church. gospel of your salvation :) in whom
I^AUL an apostle of Jesus Christ also believing you were signed with
by thewill of God, to all the the h<\ly Spirit of promise.
saints who are at Ephesu.s ; arid lo 14 Who is the pledge of our inhe-
the faithful in Christ Jesus. ritance, unto the redemption of ac-
2 Grace be to ycu and peace from quisition, unto the praise of his glory
God the Father, and from the Lord 1.5 Wherefore I also hearing of your

Jesus Christ. faith that is in the Lord Jesus, and

3 Blessed be the God and Father of your love towards all the saints,
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath 16 Cease not to give thanks for
blessed us with spiritual blessing's you, making commemoration of
in heavenly places, in Christ you my
4< As he chose us in him before 1 That the God of our Lord
the foundation of the world, that Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
we should be holy and unspotted may gnr e unto you the spirit of wis-
iu his sight in charity. dom and of revelation^ in the know-
5 Who hath predestinated us'un- ledge of him,
to the adoption of children through 1 The eyes of your heart enlight*
Jesus Christ unto himself \ accord- ened, that you may know what the
ing to the purpose of his will: hope is of his callings and what are
6 Unto the praise of the glory of the riches of the glory of his inheri-
his grace, in which he hath graced tance in the saints,
us in his beloved Son. 19 And what is the exceeding
7 In whom we have redemption greatness of his power towards us,
through his blood, the remission of who believe according to the opera*
sins, according to the riches of his tion of the might of his power,
grace. 20 Which he wrought in Christ,
8 Which hath super-abounded in raising him up from the dead, and
us in all wisdom and prudence, setting him on his right hand in the
9 That he might make known heavenly places,
unto us the mystery of his will, ac- 21 Above all principality, and
cording to his good pleasure, which power, and virtue, and dominion,
he hath purposed in him, and every name that is named not
10 In the dispensation of the ful- only in this world, but also in that
ness of times, to re-establish all which is to come.
things in Christ, that are in heaven 22 And he hath subjected all
and on earth, in him. things under his feet: and hath
11 In whom we also are called by made him head over all the church,
lot, being predestinated according 23 Which is his v.ody, and the ful-
to the purpose of him who vvorketh ness of him, who is filled all in aft.
all things according to the counsel CHAP. II.
of his will. All our good comes through Christ*
12 That we may be unto the A NDyou, when you were dead
praise of his glory, we who before in your offences and sins,
hoped in Christ 2 Wherein in time past you walk-
13 In whom you also, after you ed according to the course of this
: :

To -,he EPHESIANS. 233

world, according to the prince of the mandments contained in decrees:
power of this air, of the spirit that that he might make the two in himself
now worketh on the children of un- into one new man, making peace,
belief, 16 And might reconcile both to
3 In which also we all conversed in God in one body by the cross, kill-
time past, in the desires of our flesh, ing the enmities in himself.
fulfilling the will of the flesh and of 17 And coming, he preached peace
our thoughts, and were by nature to you that were afar off, and peace
children of wrath, even as the rest to them that were nigh.
4 But God (who is rich in mercy) 18 For by him we have access
for his exceeding charity where- both in one Spirit to the Father.
with he loved us, 19 Now therefore you are no more
5 Even when we were dead in strangers and foreigners but you :

sins, hath quickened us together in are fellow-citizens with the saints,

Christ, (by whose grace you are and the domestics of God.
caved,) 20Built upon the foundation of the
6 And hath raised us up toge- apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ
ther, and hath made us sit together himself being the chief corner-stone:
in the heavenly places through 21 In whom all the building be-
Christ Jesus. ing framed together, groweth up
7 That he might Shew in the ages into an holy temple in the Lord.
to come the abundant riches of Lis 22 In whom you also are built
grace, in his bounty towards us in together into an habitation of God
Christ Jesus, in the Spirit.
8 For by grace you are saved CHAP. III.
through faith, and that not of your- The hidden mystery discovered to the
selves, for it is the gift of God ; apoillc
9 Not of works that no man may l^OUthis cause,! Paul the prisoner
glory. * of Jesus Chi ist,for you gentiles:
10 For we are his workmanship, 2 If yet you have heard of the
created in Christ Jesus in good dispensation of the grace of God,
works, which God hath prepared which is given me towards you :

that we should walk in them. 3 How that according to reve-

1 1 For which cause be mindful that lation, the mystery has been made
you being heretofore gentiles in the known to me, as I have written
ilesh, who are called uncircumcision above in few words :

by that which is called circumcision 4 As you reading may understand


in the flesh, made by hands. my knowledge in the mystery of

12 That you were at that time Christ,
without Christ, being aliens from 5 Which in other generations was
the conversation of Israel, and not known to the sons of men, as it
strangers to the testament, having is now revealed to his holy apostles,
no hope of the promise, and with- and prophets in the Spirit.
out God in this world. 6 That the gentiles should be
13 But now in Christ Jesus, you, fellow-heirs and of the same body
who some time were afar ofF, are and copartners of his promise in
made nigh by the blood of Christ. Christ Jesus by the gospel
14 For he is our peace, who hath 7 Of which I am made a minister
made both one, and breaking down according to the gift of the grace of
the middle wall of partition, the God, which is given to me accord-
enmities in his flesh : ing to the operation of his power.
15 Making void the law of com- 8 To me, the least of all the
1 : : : :

236 To the EPHESIANS.

saints, is given this grace, to preach walk worthy of the vocation in
unong the gentiles the unsearch- which you are called.
able riches of Christ, 2 With all humility and mildness,
9 And to enlighten all men that with patience, supporting one ano-
they may see what is the dispense* ther in charity,
tion of the mystery which hath been 3 Careful to keep the unity of the
hidden from eternity in God, who Spirit in the bond of peace.
created all things 4 One body and one spirit : as you
10 That the manifold wisdom of are called in one hope of your calling.
God may be made known to the 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
principalities and powers in the hea- 6 One God and Father of all,
venly places through the church, who is above all, and through all,
1 According to the eternal pur- and in us all,
pose, which he made in Christ 7 But to every one of us is given
Jesus our Lord. grace according to the measure of
12 In whom we have boldness the giving of Christ.
and access with confidence by the 8 Wherefore he saith: Ascending
faith ofhim. on high he led captivity captive : he
13 Wherefore I pray you not to gave gifts to men,
faint at my tribulations for you, 9 Now that he ascended, what is
which is your glory. it, but because he also descended

14. this cause I bow my

For firstinto t'he lower parts of the earth?
knees to the Father of our Lord 10 He that descended is the same
Jesus Christ, also that ascended above all the
15 Of w hom all paternity in hea-
heavens, that he might fill all things.
ven and earth is named. 11 And he gave some apostles,
16 That he would grant you, ac- and some prophets, and other some
cording to the riches of his glory, to evangelist, and other some pastors
be strengthened by his Spirit with and doctors. "
might unto the inward man. 12 For the perfecting of the saints,
17 That Christ may dwell by faith for the work of the ministry, for
in your hearts that being rooted
: the edifying of the body of Christ
and founded in charity, 13 Until we all meet into the
IB You may be able to compre- unity of faith and of the knowledge
hend, with all the saints, what is of the Son of God, unto a perfect

the breadth, and length, and height, man, unto the measure of the age
and depth. of the fulness of Christ
19 To know also the charity of 14 That henceforth we be no more
Christ, which surpasseth all know- children tossed to and fro, and car-
ledge, that you may be filled unto ried about with every wind of doc-
all the fulness of God. trine by the wickedness of men, by
20 Now to him who is able to do cunning craftiness by which they
all things more abundantly than we lie in wait to deceive.
desire or understand, according to 15 But doing the truth in charity,
the power that worketh in us we may in all things grow up in him
21 To him be glory in the church, who its the head, even Christ.
andin Chris! Jesus, unto all genera- 16 From whom the whole body
tions world without end. Amen. being compacted and fitly joined
CHAP. IV. together, by what every joint sup-
He exhorts them to unity, plieth, according to the operation in
T THEREFORE, a prisoner in the measure of every part maketh
** the Lord, beseech you that you increase of the body unto the edify

To the SPHESIANS. 237

ing of itself in charity. merciful, forgiving one another, e7eu
17 This then I say and testify in as God hath forgiven vou in Christ.
the Lord: that henct forward you CHAP. V.
walk not as also the gentiles walk Exhortation to a virtuous life.
in the vanity of their mind. D£
" ye therefore followers of God,
18 Having their understanding as most dear children
darkened, being alienated from the 2 And walk in love, as Christ also
life of God through the ignorance hath loved us and hath delivered him-
that is in them, because of the self for us, an oblation and a sacri-
blindness of their hearts. fice to God for an odour of sweetness.
19 Whodespairing, have given 3 But fornication and all unclean-
themselves up to lasciviousness, ness, or covetousness, let it not so
unto the working of all uncleanness, much as be named among yen., as
unto covetousness. becometh saints :

20 Butyou have not solearnedChrist: 4- Or obscenity, or foolish talking,

21 If so be that you have heard or scurrility, which is to no pur-
him, and have been taught in him, pose : but rather giving of thanks.
as the truth is in Jesus. 5 For know ye this and under-
22 To put off, according to your stand that no fornicator, or unclean,
former conversation, the old man or covetous person (which isa serv-
who is corrupted according to the ing of idols) hath inheritance in the
des re of error.
kingdom of Christ and of God.
23 And be renewed in the spirit 6 Let no in an deceive you with
of your mind : vain words. For because of these
2i And put on die new man, who. things cometh the anger of God
according to God, is created injus- upon the children of unbelief.
tice, and holiness of truth. 7 Be ye not therefore partakers

2.5 Wherefore putting away lyi Jg, with them.

speak ye the truth every man with 8 For you were heretofore dark-
his neighbour : for we are members ness, but now light in the Lord.
one of another. Walk then as children of the light.
26 Be angry and sin not. Let not 9 For the fruit of the light is in
the sun go down upon your anger. all goodness, and justice, and truth:
27 Give not place to the devil. 10 Proving what is well-pleasing
28 Hethat stole, lethim now steal to Ged :

no more : but rather let him labour 11 And have no fellowship with
working with his hands the thing the unfruitful works of darkness,
which is good, that he may have but rather reprove them.
something to give to him that sui- 12 For the things that are done
fereth need. by them in secret, it is a shame even
29 Let no evil speech proceed from to speak of:
your mouth: but that which is good 13 But all things that are reprov-
to the edification of faith, that it may ed, are made manifest by the light,
minister grace to the hearers. for all that is made manifest, is light.

30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit 14- Wherefore he saith Rise thou:

of God : whereby you are sealed that deepest, and arise from tlie dead :
unto the day of redemption. and Christ shall enlighten thee.
3 J Let all bitterness and anger, 15 See therefore, brethren, how* you
and indignation and clamour, and walk circumspectly : not as unwise,
blasphemy be put away from 16 But as wise: redeeming the
you, with all malice. time, because the days are evil.
32 And be ye kind one to another, 1? Wherefore become not un*
: : : :

238 To the EPHESIANS.

wise, but understanding what is the husband.
will of God. CHAP. VI.
18 And he not drunk with wine, Duties of children and servants.
wherein is luxury, but be ye filled /CHILDREN, obey your parents
with the holy Spirit, ^ in the Lord: for this is just.
19 Speaking to yourselves in 2 Honour thy father and thy mo-
psalms and hymns, and spiritual ther which is the first command-
canticles, singing and making me- ment with a promise
lody your hearts to the Lord:
in 3 That it may he well with thee, and
20 Giving thanks alwayr for all thou mayst be long-lived upon earth.
things, in the name of our Lord Je- 4 And you fathers, provoke not
sus Christ, to God and the Father. your children to anger : but bring
21 Being subject one to another them up in the discipline and cor-
in the fear of Christ. rection of the Lord.
22 Let women be subject to their 5 Servants, be obedient to them
husbands, as to the Lord :
that are your lords according to the
23 Because the husband is the flesh, with fear and trembling, in

head of the wife: as Christ is the the simplicity of your heart, as to

head of the church. He is the sa- Christ
viour of his body. 6 Net serving to the eye, as it
24 Therefore as the church is sub- were pleasing men, but, as the ser*
ject to Christ, so also let the wives vants of Christ, doing the will of
be to their husbands in all things. God from the heart,
25 Husbands, love your wives, 7 With a good will serving, as

ss Christ also loved the church, and to the Lord, and not to men.
delivered himself up for it 8 Knowing that whatsoever good
26 That he might sanctify it thing any man shall do, the same
cleansing it by the laver of water shall he receive from the Lord,
in the word of life. whether he be bond, or free.
27 That he might present it to 9 And you masters, do the same
himself a glorious church not hav- things to them, forbearing threaten*
ing spot or wrinkle, or any such ings knowing, that the Lord both

thing,but that it should be holy of them and you is in heaven : and

and without blemish* there is no respect of persons with
28 So also ought men to love their him.
wives as their own bodies. He that 10 Finally, brethren, be strength-
loveth his wife, loveth himself. ened in the Lord, and in the might
29 For no man ever hated his own of his power.
flesh : but nourisheth and cherisheth 11 Put you on the armour of God,
it, as also Christ doth the church that you m«y be able to stand
30 Because we are members of against the deceits of the devil.
his body, of his flesh, and of his 12 For our wrestlingis not against
bones. flesh and blood : but against prin-
31 For this cause shall a man leave cipalities and powers, against the
his father and mother : and sftall cleave rulers of the world of this darkness,
to his ivife^ and they shall be two in one against the spirits of wickedness in
fiesh. the high places
32 This is a great sacrament : but 13 Therefore take unto you the
I speak in Christ and in the church. armour of God, that you may be
33 Nevertheless let every one of able to resist in the evil day, and to
you in particular love his wife as stand in all things perfect.
. himself : and let the wife fear her 14 Stand therefore having your
: : : :

To the PHILIPPIANs. 239

olns girt about with truth, and hav- 20 For which I am an ambassa-
ing- on the breast-plate of justice, dor in a chain, so that therein I may
15 And your feet shod with the be bold to sneak according as I ought
preparation of the gospel of peace : 21 But that you also may know
16 In all things taking the shield the things that concern me, and
of faith, wherewith you may be what I am doing, Tychicus, my
able to extinguish all the fiery darts dearest brother and faithful minister
of the most wicked one. in the Lord, will make known to
17 And take unto you the helmet you all things
of salvation and the sword of the
: 22 Whom I have sent to you for
spirit (which is the word of God,) this same purpose, that you may
18 By all prayer and supplication know the things concerning us, and
praying at all times in the spirit that he may comfort your hearts. .

and in the same watching with all 23 P- ace be to the brethren and
instance and supplication for all the charity with faith, from God the
saints : Father, and the Lrord Jesus Christ.
19 And for me, that speech may 24 Grace he with all them that
be given me, that I may open my love our Lord Jesus Christ in in-
mouth with confidence, to make corruption. Amen.
known the mystery of the gospel,


CHAP. I. Jesus Christ.
Tlie apostle s affection for the Philip- 9 And this I pray, that your cha-
pians. rity may more and more abound in
PAUL and Timothy, the servants knowledge and in all understanding;
of Jesus
Christ, to all the 10 That you may approve the
saints in Christ Jesus, who are at better things, that you may be sin-
Philippi, with the bishops and dea- cere and without offence unto the
cons. day of Christ,
2 Grace be unto you and peace 11 Filled with the fruit of justice
from God our Father, a. id from the through Jesus Christ, unto the
Lord Jesus Christ. glory and praise of God.
3 Igive thanks to my God in eve- 12 Now, brethren, I desire you
ry remembrance of you, should know, that the things which
4 Always in all my prayers mak- have happened to me have fallen
ing supplication for you all, with joy; out rather to the furtherance of the
5 For your communication in the gospel
gospel of Christ from the first day 13 So that my bonds are made
until now. manifest i:i Christ, in all tie court,
6 Being confident of this ver> r
and in all other places ;
thing, that he, who hath begun a li And many of the brethren in
good work in you, will perfect it the Lord, £7owmi£-co!iri\lent by my
unto the day of Christ Jesus. bands, are much moreboM to speafe
7 As it is meet for me to think the word of God without fear.
this for you all for that I have you
: 15 Some indeed even out of envy
in my heart and that in my bands,
; and contention but some aho for

and in the defence, and confirmation good- will preach Christ

of the gospel, you all are partakers 16 Some out of charity: know-
ofmy joy. ing that I am set for the defence
8 For God is my witness, how f of the gospel.
long after you all in the bowels of 17 And some out cf ccmention
: 1 :


preach Christ not sincerely: sup- CHAP. II.
posing that they raise affliction to He recommends to them unity, $c.
my bands. TF there be therefore any consola-
18 But what then ? So that by all tion in Christ, if any comfort of
means,, whether by occasion, or by charity, if any society of the spi-
truth, Christ be preached : in tins rit, if any bowels of commisera-
also f rejoice, yea and will rejoice. tion ;
19 For I know that this shall fall 2 Fulfil ye my joy, that you be
out to me unto salvation, through of one mind, havjng the same chari-
your prayer, and the supply of the ty, being of one accord, agreeing
Spirit of Jesus Christ, in sentiment.
20 According to my expectation 3 Let nothing be done through
and hope ; that in nothing I shall contention, neither by vain-glory :
be confounded, but with all confi- but in humility, let each esteem
dence, as always, so now also shall others better than themselves r
Christ be magnified in my body, 4 Each one not considering the
whether it he by life, or by death.. things that are his own, but those
21 For to me, to live is Christ that are other men's.
and to die is gain. 5 For let this mind be in you,
22 And if fo live in theilesh tms which was also in Christ Jesus ;
is to me the fruit of labour, and 6 Who
being in the form of God,
what I shall chuse 1 know not. thought it not robbery, to be equaj
23 But I am straitened between with God
two: having a desire to be dissolv- 7 But emptied himself, taking
ed and to be with Christ, a thing by the form of a servant, being mads
far the better. in the likeness of men, and in habit
24 But to abide still in the flesh, found as a man.
is needful for you. 8 He humbled himself, becoming
25 And having this confidence, 1 obedient unto death: even to the
know that I shall abide, and conti- death of the cross,
nue with you all, for your further- 9 For which cause God also hath
ance and joy of faith : exalted him, and hath given him a
26 That your rejoicing may name which is above all names :

abound in Christ Jesus for me, by 10 That in the name of Jesus

my coming to you again. every knee should bow, of those
27 Only let your conversation be that are in heaven, on earth, and
worthy of the gospel of Christ: that, under the earth.
whether I come and see you, or be- 1 And that every tongue should
ing absent may hear of you, that confess that the Lord Jesus Christ
you stand fast in one spirit, with one is inthe glory of God the Father.
mind labouring together for the 12 Wherefore, my
dearly belov-
faith of the gospel. ed, (as you have always obeyed)
28 And in nothing be ye terrified not as in my
presence only, but
by the adversaries: which to them much more now in my absence,
is a cause of perdition, but to you with fear and trembling work out
of salvation, and this from God : your salvation.
29 For unto you it is given for 13 For it is God who worketh in
Christ, not only to believe in him, you both to will and to accomplish,
but also to suffer for him, according to his good will.
30 Having the same conflict as 14 And do ye all things without
that which you have seen in me, and murmurings and hesitations.:
now have heard of me. 15 That you may bel>iameless,
7 :


and sincere'children of God, with- without sorrow.
out reproof, in the midst of a crook- 29 Receive him therefore with
ed and perverse generation among : all joy in the Lord: and treat with
whom you shine as rights in the honour such as he is.
world, SO Because for the work of Christ,
16 Holding forth the word of he came to the point of death de- :

life to my glory in the day of Christ, livering his life, that he might fulfil
because I have not run in vain, nor that which on your part was wanting"
laboured in vain. towards my service.
1 Yea, and if I be made a vic- CHAP. ITT.
tim upon the sacrifice and service He xvarncthihem against false teachers,
of your faith, I rejoice and congra- AS
to the rest, my brethren, re-
tulate with you all. joice in the Lord. To write the
18 And for the self-same thing same things to you, to me indeed is
do you also rejoice, and congratu- not wearisome, but to you is neces*
late with me. sary.
19 And I hope in the Lord Je- 2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil
sus, to send Timothy unto you workers, beware of the concision.
shortly, that I also may be of good 3 For we arc the circumcision,
comfort, when I know the things who in spirit serve God and glory :

concerning you. in Christ Jesus, not having confi-

20 For 1 have no man so of the dence in .the flesh.
same mind, who with sincere affec- 4 Though I might also have con-
tion is solicitous for you. fidence in the flesh. If any other
21. For all seek the things that thiuketh he may have confidence in
are their own : not the things that the flesh, I more,
are Jesus Christ's. 5 Being circumcised the eighth
22 Now know ye the proof of him, day, of the stock of Israel, of the
that as a son with the father, so hath tribe of Benjamir, an Hebrew of
he served with me in the gospel. the Hebrews : according to the law,
23 Him therefore I hope to send a Pharisee :

unto you immediately, so soon as I 6 According to zeal, persecuting

shall see how it will go with me. the church of God: according to the
24 And I trust in the Lord that I justice that is in the law, conversing
myself also shall come to you shortly without blame.
25 But have thought it necessary
I 7 But the things that were gain
to send you Epaphroditus my
to to me, the same I have counted loss
brother and fellow-labourer and fel- for Christ.
low-soldier, but your apostle, and he 8 Farthermore I count all things
that hath ministered to my wants. to be but los?, for the excellent know-
€6 For indeed he longed after ledge of Jesus Christ my Lord:
you all and was sad, for that you
: for whom I have suffered the loss
had heard, that he was sick. of all things, and count them but
27 For indeed he was sick nigh as dung, that I may gain Christ
unto death but God had mercy on
: 9 And may be found in him, not
him and not only on him, but on
: having my justice, which is of the
me also, lest I should have sorrow law, but that which is of the faith of
upon sorrow. Christ Jesus, which is of God, jus-
28 Therefore 1 gent him the more tice in faith :

speedily: that, seeing him again, 10 That I may know him, and the
you may rejoice, and I may be |
power of his resurrection, and the
7 ;


fellowship of his sufferings, being Syntyche to be of one mind in the
made conformable to his death, Lord.
11 If by any means i may attain 3 And I intreat thee also my sin-
to the resurrection which is from cere companion, help those women
the dear!, that have laboured with me in the
12 Not as though I had already gospel with Clement and the rest of
attained, or were already perfect : my fellow-labourers, whose names
but I follow after, if I may by any are in the book of life.
means apprehend, wherein I am also 4 Rejoice in the Lord always ;
apprehended by Christ Jesus. again, I say, rejoice.
13 Brethren, I do not count myself 5 Let your modesty be known to
to have apprehended. But one thing all men. The Lord is nigh.
/ do : forgetting the things that are 6 Be nothing solicitous : buc in
behind, and stretching forth myself every thing by prayer and suppli-
to those that are before, cation with thanksgiving let your
14. I press towards the mark, to petitions be made known to God.
the prize of the supernal vocation 7 And the peace of God, w
hich sur-
of God in Christ Jesus. passed all understanding, keep your
15 Let us therefore, as many as hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
are perfect, be thus minded and if : 8 For the rest, brethren, whatso-
in any thing- you be otherwise mind- ever things are true, whatsoever
ed, this also God will reveal to you. modest, whatsoever just, whatso-
15 Nevertheless whereunto we ever holy, whatsoever lovely, what-
are come, that we be of the same soever of good fame, if there be any
mind, let us also continue in the virtue, if any praise of discipline,
same rule. think on* these things.
1 Be followers of me, brethren, 9 The things which you have
and observe them who walk so B as both learned, and received, and
you have our model. heard, and seen in me, these do ye,
18 For many walk, of whom I and the God of peace shall be with
have told you often (and now tell you.
you weeping) that they are enemies 10 Now I rejoiced in the Lord
of the cross of Christ ; exceedingly, that now at length
19 Whose end is destruction : your thought for me hath flourish-
whose God is their belly : and ed again, as you did also think
whose glory is in their shame who : but you were busied.
mind earthly things. 11 I speak not as it were for
20 But our conversation is in hea- want. For I have learned, in what-
ven from whence also we look for
: soever state I am, to be content
iba Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, therewith.
21 Who will reform the body of 12 I know both how to be brought
our lowness, made like to the body low, and I know how to abound :
glory, according to the ope-
<§f his (every where, and in all things I
rationw hereby also he is able to
am instructed) both to be full, and
subdue all things unto himself. to be hungry ; both to abound, and
CHAP. IV. to suffer need.
He exhorts them to perseverance, 13 I can do all things in him who
WHEREFORE, my dearly belo- strengthened me.
* ved brethren, and most desired, 14 Nevertheless you have done
my joy and my crown: so stand well, in communicating to my tri-
fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved. bulation.
2 I beg of Euiodia, and I beseech

15 And you also know, Philip-

: :

To the COLOSSIAST5. 243

pians, that in the beginning o. the able sacrifice, pleasing God.
gospel, when I departed from Ma- 19 And may my God supply all

cedonia, no church communicated your want according to his riches,

with me as concerning giving and in glory, in Christ Jesus.
receiving, but you only : 20 Now to God
and our Father
16 For unto Thessalonica also, be glory world without end. Amen.
you sent once and again for my use. 21 Salute ye every saint in Christ
17 Not that I seek the gift, but Jesus.
I seek the fruit that may abound 22 The brethren, who are with
to your account. me salute you. All the saints sa-
18 But I have all, and abound : lute you: especially they that are
I am filled, having received from of Cesar's household.
Epapljroditus the things you sent, 23 The grace of our Lord Jesus
an odour of sweetness, an accept- Christ be with your spirit. Amen.


CHAP. I. may be filled with the knowledge
He gives tlianks for the grace bestowed of his will, in all wisdom, and spi-
upon the Colotsians, <Jc. ritual understanding
PAUL an will
apostle Jesus Christ,
of God, and Timo-
of 10That you may walk worthy
God, in all things pleasing: being
by the of
thy a brother : fruitful in every good work, and en-
2 To the saints and faithful bre- creasing in the knowledge of God :

thren in Christ Jesus, who are at 11 Strengthened with all might

Colossa, according to the power of his plory,
3 Grace be to you and peace in all patience and long-suffering
from God our Father, and from the with jov.
Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks 12 Giving thanks to God the
to God, and the Father of our Lord Father, who hath made us worthy
jESusChrist,praying always for you: to be partakers of the lot of the
4 Hearing your faith in Christ saints in light:
Jesus, and the love which you 13 Who hath delivered us from
have towards all the saints. the power of darkness, and hath
5 For the hope that is laid up translated us into the kingdom of
for you ill heaven, which you hare the Son of Ins love,
heard in the word, of the truth of 1-1 In whom we have redemp-

the gospel, tion through his blood, the remis-

6 is come unto you, as
Which sion of sins :

also the whole world, and

it is in 15 Who is the image of the in-
bringeth forth fruit and groweth, visible God, the first-bom of every
even as it doth in you, since the creature
day you heard and knew the grace 16 For in him were all things
of God in truth, created in heaven, and on earth, Vi-
7 As you learned of Epaplvras sible, and invisible, whether thrones,
our most beloved fellow-servant, or dominations, or principalities or
who is for you a faithful minister powers all things were created by

of Christ Jesus. him and in him :

8 WhcaJso hath manifested to 17 And before all, and by

he is

us your love in the spirit. him things consist.

9 Therefore we also, from the 18 And he is the head of the
day that we heard it, cease not to body, the church, who is the begin-
pray for you, and to beg that you ning, the first-born from the dead \
: ; ; : :

9il To the COLOSSI ANS.

S that in all things, he may hold the you and for them that are at Lao-
primacy : dicea, and whosoever have not seen
ID Because in him, it hath well- my face in the flesh :

pleased the P ather, that all fulness 2 That their hearts maybe com-
should dwell forted, being instructed in charity,
20 And through him to reconcile and unto ail riches of fulness of un-
all unto himself, making
things derstanding, unto the knowledge of
peace through the blood of his cross, the mystery of God the Father and
both as to the things on earth, and of Christ Jesus :
the things that are in heaven. 3 In whom are hid all the trea-
21 And you, whereas you were sures of wisdom and knowledge.
some time alienated and enemies in 4 Now
this I say,that no man may
mind, in evil works : deceive you by loftiness of words.
22 Yet now he hath reconciled 5 For though I be absent in body,
in the body of his flesh through yet in spirit I am with you ; rejoic-
death, to present you holy and un- ing, and beholding your order, and
spotted, and blameless before him : the stedfastness of your faith which
23 If so ye continue in the faith, is in Christ.
grounded and settled, and immove- As therefore you have received
able from the hope of the gospel JEsusChrist theLord,walkyein him
which you have heard, which is 7 Rooted and built up in him,
preached in all the creation that is and confirmed in the faith, as also
under heaven, whereof. I Paul am you have learned, abounding in
made a minister. him in thanksgiving.
24 Who now rejoice in my suf- 8 Beware lest any man cheat you
ferings for you, and fill up those by philosophy, and vain deceit ; ac-
things that are wanting of the suf- cording to the tradition of men, ac-
ferings of Christ, in my
flesh for his cording to the elements of the
body, which is the church world, and not according to Christ.
25 Whereof I am made a minis- 9 For in him dwelleth all the ful-
ter according to the dispensation of ness of the Godhead corporally
God, which is given me towards you, 10 And you are filled in him, who
that I may fulfil the word of God. is the head of all principality and

26 The mystery which hath been power

hidden from ages and generations, 11 In whom also you are cir*
but now is manifested to his saints, cumcised with circumcision not
27 To whom God would make made by hand in despoiling of the
known the riches of the glory of this body of the flesh, but in the circurrn
rnystery among the gentiles, which cision of Christ
is Christ, in you the hope of glory, 12 Buried with him in baptism,
28 Whom we preach admonishing in whom also you are risen again by
every man, and teaching every man the faith of the operation of God, who
in all wisdom, that wT e may present hath raised him up from the dead.
every man perfect in Christ Jesus. And you, when you were dead
29 Whereinalso I labour, striv- in your sins, and the uncircumci-
ing according to his working which sion of your flesh, he hath quicken-
he worketh in me in power. ed together with him ; forgiving
CHAP. II, you all offences :

*tt warns them against the impostures 14 Blotting out the hand- writing
of the philosophers. of the decree that wr as against us,
ipOR I would have you know, which was contrary to us. And he
* what manner of care I have for ,
hath taken the same out of the way
: 7

To the COLOSSIANS. 245

fastening it to the cross : For which things trie wrath of
1.5 And despoiling the principa- God cometh upon the children of
litiesand powers, he hath exposed unbelief.
them confidently in open shew, 7 In which you also walked some
triumphing over them in himself. time, when you lived in them.
16 Let no man therefore judge 8 But now lay vow also all away :
you in meat or in drink, or in respect anger, indignation, malice, blasphe-
of a festival day, or of the new my, filthy speech out of your mouth.
moon, or of the sabbaths : 9 Lie not one to another strip- :

17 Which are a shadow of things ping yourselves of the old man with
to come, but the body is Christ's. his deeds,
38 Let no man seduce you, will- 10 And putting on the new, him
ing in humility, and religion of an- who is renewed unto knowledge,
gels, walking in the things which according to the image of him that
he hath not seen, in vain puffed up created him.
by the sense of his flesh, 1 Where there is neither gentile
19 And not holding the head,from nor Je w,circumcision nor uncircum-
which the whole body, by joints cision, Barbarian nor Scythian, bond
and bands being supplied with nou- nor free. But Christ is all, and in all.
rishment and compacted, groweth 12 Put ye on therefore, as the
unto the increase of God. elect of God, holy, and beloved, the
20 If then ycu be dead with bowels of mercy, benignity, humi-
Christ from the elements of this lity, modesty, patience :

world ; why do you yet decree as 13 Bearing with one another,

living in the world ? and forgiving one another, if any
21 Touch not,taste not,handle not: have a complaint against another.
22 Which all are unto destruction Even as the Lord hath forgiven you,
by the very use, according to the so you also.
precepts and doctrines of men. 14 But above all these things
23 Which things have indeed a have charity, which is the bond of
shew of wisdom in superstition and perfection :

humility, and not sparing the body, 15 And let the peace of Christ-
not in any honour to the filling of rejoice in your hearts, wherein also
the flesh. you are called in one body and be :

CHAP. III. ye thankful.

The and husbands, <Jr.
duties of wives 16 Let the word of Christ dwell
npHEREFOKE, if you be risen in you abundantly, in all wisdom :

* with Christ, seek the things teaching and admonishing one ano-
that are above; where Christ is sit- ther in psalms, hymns, and spiritual
ting at the right hand of God canticles, singing in grace in your
2 Mind the things that are above, hearts to God.
not the things that are upon the earth 1 All whatsoever you do in word
3 For you are dead ; and your or in work, all things do ye in the
life is hid with Christ in God. name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
4 When Christ shall appear, who giving thanks to God and the Fa«^
is your life ; then you also shall ap- ther by him.
pear with him in glory. 18 Wives, be subject to your hus-
5 Mortify therefore your mem- bands, as it behoveth in the Lord.
bers which are upon the earth, for- 19 Husbands, love your wives,
nication, uncleanness, lust, evil con- and be not bitter towards them.
cupiscence, and covetousness, ft hich 20 Children, obey your parents
is the service of idols. in all things : for this is well-j?leas*
: 1


ing to the Lord. that he may
this same purpose,
21 Fathers, provoke not your know
the things that concern you,
children to indignation ; lest they and comfort your hearts,
be discouraged. 9 With Onesimus, a most beloved
22Servauts, obey in all tilings your and faithful brother, who is one of
masters according to the flesh, not you. AH things that are done here,
serving to the eye, as pleasing men, they shall make known to you.
but in simplicity of heart, fearing God 10 Aristarchus my fellow-prisoner
23 Whatsoever you do, do it saluteth you, and Mark the cousin-
from the heart as to the Lord, and german of Barnabas, touching whom
not to men you have received commandments :
24 Knowing that you shall receive if he come unto you, receive him :
©f the Lord the reward of inheri- 1 And Jesus that is called Jus-
tance. Serve ye the Lord Christ. tus who are of tlie circumcision :

25 For he that doth wrong, shall these only are helpers in the my
receive for that which he hath done kingdom of God: who have been a
wrongfully: and there is no respect comfort to me.
of persons with God. 12 Epaphras saluteth you, who is
CHAP. IV. one of you,a servant of Christ Jksus,
He recommends earnest prayer, who is always solicitous for you in
"Mf ASTERS, do to your servants prayers, that you may stand perfect
*** that which is just and equal, and full in all the will of God.
knowing that you also have a mas- 13 For Lbear him testimony that
ter in heaven. much labour for you, and
he hath
2 Be instant in prayer them that are at Laodicea> and
; watching for
in it in thanksgiving. them at Hierapolis.
3 Praying withal for us also, that 14Luke, the most dear physician , -

God may open unto us a door of saluteth you, and Demas.

speech to speak the mystery of 15 Salute the brethren who are
Christ (for which also 1 am bound) at Laodicea and Nymphas, and ;

4 That I may make it manifest the church that is in his house.

as I ought to speak. 16 And when this epistle shall
5 Walk with wisdom towards have been read with you, cause that
them that are without, redeeming it be read also in the church of the
the time. Laodiceans and that you read :

6 Let your speech be always in that which is of the Laodiceans.

grace seasoned with salt that you 17 And say to Archippus
; Take :

may know how you ought to an- heed to the ministry which thou
swer every man. hast received in the Lord, that thou
7 All the things that concern me, fulfil it.
Tychicus, our dearest brother, and 18 The salutation of Paul with
faithful minister, and fellowlservant my own hand. Be mindful of my
in the Lord, will make known to you, bands. Grace be with you. Amen.
8 Whutn I have sent to you for

The first EPISTLE of Si. PAUL, to the THESSALONIANS.

CHAP. I. in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He gives thanks for the graces Icstoued c
2 Grace be to you and peace. We
upon the Thestalonians, give thanks to God always for you
"OAUL and Syivanus and Timo- all ; making a remembrance of you
•*- to the church of the Thes-
thy : in our prayers without ceasing,
fcalQiiians, in God the Fa -her, and 3 Being mindful of the work of
your faith, and labour, and charity, as pleasing men, but God, who
and of the enduring of the hope of proveth our hearts.
our Lord Jesus Christ before God 5 For neither have we used, at
and our Father ; any time, the speech of flattery, as
4 Knowing, brethren beloved of you know; nor taken an occasion
God, your election : of covetousness, God is witness :

5 For our gospel hath not been 6 Nor sought w e glory of men,

unto you in word only, but in pow- neither of you, nor of others.
er also, and in ihe Holy Ghost, and 7 Whereas we might have been
in much fulness, as you know what burdensome to you, as the apostles
manner of men we have been among of Christ but we became little ones

you for your sakes. in the midst of you, as if a nurse

6 And you became followers of should cherish her children :
us, and of the Lord receiving the
; 8 So desirous of you, we would
word in much tribulation, with jo> gladly impart unto you not only the
of the Holy Ghost: gospel of God, but also our own
7 So that you were made a pat- souls : because you were become
tern to all that believe ill Macedo- most dear unto us.
nia and in Achaia. 9 For you remember, brethren,
8 Fc;r from you was spread abroad our labour and toil working night :

the word of the Lord,' not only in and day lest we should be charge-
Macedonia and in Achaia, but also able to any of you, we preached
in every place, your faith which is among you the gospel of God.
towards God, is gone forth, so that 10 You are witnesses, and God
we need not to speak any thing. aho, how holily, and justly, and
9 For they themselves relate of without blame, we have been to
us, what manner of entering in we you that have believed :

had unto you and how jou turned

; 11 As you know in what manner,
to God from idols, to serve the liv- entreating and comforting you, (as
ing and true God. a father doth his children.)
10 And to wait for his Son from V2 We testified to every one of
heaven (whom he raised up from you that you would walk worthy
the dead) Jesus, who hath deliver- of God, who hath called you unto
ed us from the wrath to come. his kingdom and glory.
CHAP. II. we also give thanks
13 Therefore
lie warns them against the impostures to God without ceasing because :

of the philosophers. that when you had received of us

I^OR yourselves know, brethren, the word of the hearing of God, you
our entrance in unto you, that received it not as the word of men,
it was not in vain: but (as it is indeed) the word of
2 But having suffered many things God, who worketh in you that have
before, and been shamefully treated believed.
(as you know) at Philippi, we had 14 For you, brethren, are become
confidence in our God, to speak un- followers of the churches of God
to you the gospel of God in much which are in Judea, in Christ Jk-
carefulness. sug for you also have suffered the

3 For our exhortation was not same things from your own coun-
of error, nor of uncleanness, nor in try-men, even as they have from
deceit, the Jews,
4 But as we were approved by 15 Who both killed the Lord Je-
God that the gospal should be com* sus, and the prophets, and have per-
mitted to us; even so we speak, not J seeuted us, and please not God, and
: :

£48 I. To the TillISSALGNIANS.

are adversaries to all men, 8 Because now we live, if you
16 Prohibiting us to speak to the stand m the Lord.
gentiles that they may be saved, to For what thanks can we return
Sllup their sins always for the : to God
for you, in all the joy
wrath of God is come upon them to wherewith we rejoice for you be-
the end. fore our God,
17 But we, brethren, being ta- 10 Night and day more abun-
ken away from you for a short dantly praying that we may see
time, in sight, not in heart, have your face, and may
hastened the more abundantly to those things that are wanting to
see your face with great desire. your faith ?
„ 18 For we would have come unto Now God himself and our
you, I Paul indeed, once and again Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ
but satan hath hindered us. direct our way unto you.
19 For what is cur hope, or joy, 12 And may the Lord multiply you,
or crown of glory ? Are not you, and make you abound in charity
in the presence of our Lord Jesus towards one another, and towards
Christ at hrs coming ? all men: as we do also towards you,
20 For you are our glory and 13 To confirm your hearts with-
out blame, in holiness before GorL
CHAP. III. and our Father, at the coming of
The apostles concern for the Thes- our Lord Jesus Christ with all his
salonians. saints. Amen.
Tf^OR which cause forbearing no CHAP. IV.
* longer, we thought it good to He recommends earnest prayer.
remain at Athens, alone : WTf OR the rest therefore brethren,
2 And wesent Timothy our bro- -*- we pray and beseech you in the
ther, and the minister of God in the Lord Jesus, that as you have receiv-
gospel of Christ, to confirm ycu and ed of us, how you ought to walk,
exhort you concerning your faith. and to please God, so also you
3 That no man should be moved would walk, that you may abound
in these tribulations for yourselves
: the more.
know, that we are appointed there- 2 For you know what precepts I
unto. have given to you by the Lord Jesus
4 For even when we were with 3 For this is the will of God,
you, we fore-told you that we your sanctirleation: that you should
should suffer tribulations, as also it abstain from fornication,
is come to pass, and you know. 4 That every one of you should
5 For this cause also I forbearing know how to possess his vessel in
no longer, sent to know your faith; sanctification and honour
lest perhaps he that tempteth, 5 Not in the passion of lust, like
should have tempted you, and our the gentiles that know not God :
labour should be made vain. 6 And that no man overreach, nor
6 But now when Timothy came circumvent his brother in business :

to us from you, and related to us because the Lord is the avenger of

your faith and charity, and that all these things, as we have told
you have a good remembrance of you before, and have testified.
us always, desiring to see us, as we 7 For God hath not
called us unto
also to see you : uncleanness,but unto sanctification.
7 Therefore we were comforted, 8 Therefore he that despiseth
brethren, in you, in all our necessity, these things, despiseth not man but
and tribulation, by your faith, God : who also hath given his holy


Spirit in us. and security then shall sudden de-

9 Bat as touching the chanty of struction come upon them, as the

brotherhood, we have no need to pains upon her that is with child,
Write to you : for yourselves have ana they shall not escape.
learned of God to love one another. 4 But you, brethren, are not hi
10 For indeed you do it towards darkness ; that that day should
all the brethren in all Macedonia. overtake you as a thief,
But we entreat you, brethren, that 5 For all you are the children of
you abound more : light, and children of the day :we
11 And that you use your endea- are not of the night nor of darkness.
vour to he quiet, and that ycu do 6 Therefore let us not sleep as others.
your own business, and work with do :but let us watch and be sober.
your own hands, as we commanded 7 For they that sleep, sleep in
you and that you walk honestly
: the night and they that are drunk,

towards them that are without; and are drunk in the night.
that you want nothing of any man's. S Eut let us, who are of the day,
12 And we will not have you be sober, having on the breast-plate
ignorant, brethren, concerning them of faith and chanty, and for a hel-
that are asleep, that you be not met, the hope of salvation.
sorrowful, even as others who have 9 For God hath not appointed us
no hope. unto wrath, but unto the purcha-
13 For- if we believe that Jesus sing of salvation by our Lord Jesus
died and rose again, even so them Christ,
who have slept through Jesus, will 10 Who
died for us that : whe-
God bring with him. ther or sleep, we
we watch may
14. For this we
say unto you In live together with him.
the word of the Lord, that we who 11 For which cause comfort one
are alive, who remain unto the co- another: and edify one another^ as
ming of the Lord, shall not prevent you also do.
them who have slept. 12 And we beseech you, brethren,
15 For the Lord himself shall to know them who labour among
come down from heaven with com- you, and are over you in the Lord,
mandment, and with the voice of an and admonish you :

Archangel, and with the trumpet 13 That you esteem them more
of God and the dead who are in
: abundantly in charity for their
Christ, shall rise first. work's sake. Have peace with them.
16 Then we who are alive, who 14 And we beseech you, brethren,
are left, shall be taken up together rebuke the unquiet, comiort the
with them in the clouds to meet feeble-minded, support the weak,
Christ, into the air, and so shall we be patient towards all men.
be always with the Lord. 15 Ste that none render evil for
17 Wherefore comfort ye one a- evil to any men but ever follow

nother with these words. that which is good towards each

CHAP. V. other, and towards all men.
Exhortations to several duties. 16 Always rejoice.
TO UT of the times and moments, 17 Pray without ceasing*.
•*-* brethren, you need not
that 18 In all things give thanks
v/e should write to you. for this is the will of God in Christ
2 For yourselves know perfectly, Jesus concerning you all.
that the day of 'the Lord shall so 19 Fxtinguish not the spirit.
come, as a thief in the night. 20 Despise not prophecies.
£ For when they shall say, peace 21 But prove ail things; hold.
: ;


fast that which is good. you, who also will do id.
22 From all appearance of evil 25 Brethren pray for us.
refrain yourselves. 26 Salute all the brethren in a
23 And may the God of peace him- holy kiss.
self sanctify you, in all things : that 27 I charge you by the Lord
your whole spirit, and soul, and bo- that this epistle be read to all the
dy, may be preserved blameless in holy brethren.
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 28 The grace of our Lord Jjsus
24 He is faithful, who hath called Christ be with you. Amen.


CHAP. I. wonderful in all them who have be-
JIc gives thanks God for their faith.
to lieved because our testimony was

PAUL and Sylvanus and Timo- believed upon you in that day.
thy, to the church of the Thes- 11 Wherefore also we pray always
salonians in God our Father and for you: that our God would make
the Lord Jesus Christ. you worthy of his vocation, and ful-
2 Grace unto you and peace from fil all the good pleasure of his good-

God our Father and from the Lord ness'and the work of faith in power.
Jesus Christ. 12 That the name of our Lord Je-
3 We are bound to give thanks sus may be glorified in you, arid you
always to God for you, brethren, as in him, according to the grace of our
it is fitting, because your faith God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
groweth exceedingly, and the cha- CHAP. II.
rity of every one of you toward each The Apostle s traditions are to be
other aboundeth observed.
4 So that we ourselves also glory A ND we beseech you, brethren,
in you in the churches of God, for *™ by the corning of our Lord Je-
your patience, and faith, and^ in all sus Christ, and of our gathering to-
your persecutions, and tribulations, gether unto him ;
which you endure. 2 That you be not easily moved
$ For an example of the just from your mind, nor be frighted,
judgment of God, that you may be neither by spirit, nor by word, nor
counted worthy of the kingdom of by epistle as sent from us, as if the
God, for w hich also you sutler.
day of the Lord were at hand.
6 Seeing it is a just thing with 3 Let no man deceive you by any
God, to repay tribulation to them means : for unless there come a re-
that trouble you : volt first, and the man of sin be re-
7 And to you who are troubled, vealed, the son of perdition,
rest with us when the Lord Jesus 4 Who
opposeth, and is lifted up
shall be revealed from heaven with above ail that is called God, or that
the angels of his power is worshipped, so that he sitteth in

8 In a flame of fire yielding ven- the temple of God, shewing himself

geance to them who know not God, as if he were God.
zn& who o^ey not the gospel of our 5 Remember you not, that when
Lord Jesus Christ. I was yet with you, I told you these
9 Who shall pu-
suffer eternal things?
nishment from the
in destruction, 6 And now you know what with-
face of the Lord and from the glo- holdeth,. that he may be revealed in
ry of his power : his time.
10 When he shall come to be glo- 7 For the mystery of iniquity al-
rified in bis saim-s, and to be made ready worketh : only that he who
: : 1


now do hold, until he be
holder!), cerning you in the Lord, that the
taken out of the way. things which we command, you
8 And then that wicked one shall both do, and will. do.
be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus 5 And the Lord direct your
shall kill with the spirit of his hearts in the charity of God, and
mouth and shall destroy with the
; the patience of Christ.
brightness of his coming him, : 6 And we charge you, brethren, in
9 Whose coming is according to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the working of satan, in all power, that you withdraw yourselves from
and signs, and lying wonders, every brother walking disorderly,
10 And in all seduction of ini- and not according to the tradition
quity to them that perish because
: which they have received of us.
they received not the love of the 7 For yourselves know how y on
truth that they might be saved. ought to imitate us for we were :

Therefore God shall send them the not disorderly among you :

operation of error, to believe lying: 8 Neither did we eat any man's

11 That all may be judged who bread for nothing, but in labour and
have not believed the truth, but in toil we worked night and day,
have consented to iniquity. lest we should be chargeable to
12 But we ought to give thanks any of you.
to God always for you, brethren 9 Not as if we had not power":
beloved of God, for that God hath but that we might give ourselves a
chosen you first-fruits unto salva- pattern unto you, to imitate us.
tion, in sanctificatioir of the Spirit 10 For also when we were with
and faith of the truth you, this we declared to you, that,
13 Whereunto also he hath called if any man will not work, neither

you by our gospel, unto the pur- lethim eat.

chasing of the giory of our Lord 1For we have heard there are
Jesus Christ. some among you who walk disor-
14 Therefore, brethren, stand derly, working not at all, but cu-
fast; and hold the traditions which riously meddling.
you have learned, whether by word, 12 Now we charge them that
or by our epistle. are such, and beseech them by the
15 Now our Lord Jesus Christ Lord Jesus Christ, that, working
himself, and God and our Father with silence, they would eat their
who hath loved us, and hath given own bread.
us everlasting consolation, and good 13 But you, brethren, be not
hope in grace, weary in well-doing.
16 Exhort your hearts and confirm 14 And if any man obey not otir
you in everv good work and word. word by this epistle, note that man;
CHAP. III. and do not keep company with
He begs (heir prayers* him, that he may be ashamed.
T^OH the res*, brethren, pray for 15 Yet do not esteem him as an ene-
* us, that the word of God may my, but admonish him as a brother.
run and may be glorified events 16 Now the Lord of peace himself
among you give you everlasting peace in every
2 And that we may be delivered place.. The Lord be with you all.
from importunate and evil men ; 17 The salutation of Paul with
for all men have not faith. my own hand : which is the sign in
3 But God is faithful, who will every epistle. So I write.
strengthen and keep you from evil. 18 The grace of our Lord Jesus
4 And we have confidence con- Christ be with vou ail. Amen.
2«52 I. To TIMOTHY.
CHAP. I. counted me faithful, putting me in
He puts Timvihy in mind of his the ministry.
charge. 13 Who before w as a blasphemer

PAUL an apostle of Jesus Christ and a persecutor and contumelious.

according to the commandment But I obtained the mercy ofGod be- 5

of God our Saviour, and of Christ cause I did it ignorantTyin unb. lief.
Jesus our hope :
14 Now the grace ofour Lord hath
2 To Timothy his beloved son abounded exceedingly with faidi
In faith. Grace, mercy, and peace and love which is in Christ Jesls.
from God the Father, and from 1.5 A faiihful saying, and worthy
Christ Jesus our Lord. of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus
3 As I desired thee to remain at came into this world to save sin-
Ephesus when I wentMaeedo*
into ners, of whom I am the chief.
nia, that thou mighest charge some 15 But for this cause have 1 ob-
not to teach otherwise, tained mercy that in me first Christ

4> Nor to give heed to fables and Jesus might shew forth all patience,
genealogies without end which :
for the information of them that shall
minister questions rather than the believe in him unto life everlasting.
edification of God which is in faith. 17 Nov/ to the king of ages, immor-
5 Now
the end of the command- the only God,be honour
tal, invisible,
ment is charity from a pure heart, and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
and a good conscience, and an un- ISThis precept I commend to thee,
feigned faith. son Timothy according to the

6 From which things some going prophecies going before on thee, that
astray, are turned aside unto vain thou war in them a good warfare,
babbling. 19 Having faith and a good con-
* 7 Desiring to be teachers of the law, science, which some rejecting have
understanding neither the things made shipwreck concerning the faith
they say, nor whereof they affirm. 20 Of whom is Hymeneus and
8 But we know that the. law is Alexander : whom 1 have delivered
good, if a man use it lawfully : up to satan, that they may learn
9 Knowing this that the law is not to blaspheme.
not made for the just man, but for CKAR II.
the unjust and disobedient, for the Prayers are to he said for all men.
ungodly, and for sinners, for the T
A Desire therefore first cf ail that
wicked and defiled, for murderers supplications, prayers, interces-
cf fathers and murderers of mo- sions and thanksgivings be made
thers ; for man-slayers. for all men,
10 For fornicators, for them who 2 For kings and for all that are in
defile themselves with mankind, for high stations that we: may lead a
men-stealers, for liars, for perjured quiet and a peaceable life in all
persons, and whatever other thing piety and chastity
is contrary to sound doctrine, 3 For this is good and acceptable
11 Which is according to the in the sight of God our Saviour.
gospel of the glory of the blessed 4 Who will have all men to be
God; which hath been committed saved, and to come to the know-
to my trust. ledge of the truth.
12 I give him thanks, who hath 6 For there is one God, and one
strengthened me, even 'to Christ mediator of God and men, thejnan
Jesus our Lord, for that he hath Christ Jesus;
I To XI MOTHY. 2o3
6 Who gave himself a redemption Moreover he must have a good
for all, a testimony in due times. testimony of them who are with-
7 Whereunto I am
appointed a out lest he fall into reproach and

preacher and an apostle (I say the the snare of the devil.

truth, I lie not) a doctor of the gen- 8 Deacons in like manner chaste,
tiles in faith and truth. not double-tongued, not given to
8 I will therefore that men pray much wine,notgreedy of filthy lucre:
in every place lifting up
: pure 9 Holding the mystery of faith,
hands without anger and contention. in a pure conscience.
9 In like manner women also in 10 And let these also first be
decent apparel: adorning themselves proved and so let them minister,

•with modesty and sobriety, not with having no crime.

plaited hair, or gold, or pearls or 11 The women in like manner
costly attire, chaste, not slanderers, but sober,
lOBut as it becometh women pro- faithful in all things.
fessing godliness, with good works. 12 Let deacons be the husbands
1 1 Let the woman learn in silence, of one wife: who rule well their
with all subjection. children, and their own houses.
12 But I suffer not a woman to 13 For they that have ministered
teach, nor to use authority over well, shall purchase to themselves a
the man but to be in silence.
: go<>d degree, and much confidence
13 For Adam was first formed ; inthe faith which is in Christ J j- .

then Eve. 14 These things I write to thee,

11 And Adam was not seduced : hoping that I shaii come to thee
but the woman being seduced, was shortly.
in the transgression. 15 "Bat if I tarry long, that thou
15 Yet she shall be saved through mayest know how thou o ugh test to
child-bearing: if she continue in behave thyself in the hpuse of God,
faith and love and sanctificaticn which is the church of the living
with sobriety. God, the pillar and ground of the
CHAP. III. truth.
The church is the pillar of truth. 16 And evidently great is the
A Faithful saying. If a man de- mystery of godliness, which was
fire the office of a bishop, lie manifested in the flash, was justified
desireth a good work. In the spirit, appeared unto Angels,
2 It behoveth therefore a bishop hath been preached unto the gen-
to be blameless, the husband of one tiles,is believed in the world, is
wife, sober, prudent, of good be- taken up in glory.
haviour, chaste, given to hospitality, CHAP. IV.
a teacher, He warns him against heretics.
3 Not given to wine, no striker,
but modest, not quarrelsome, not
VOW the Spirit manifestly saith,
^ that in the last times some
covetous, but shall depart from the faith, giving
4- One that ruleth well his own heed to spirits of error, and doc-
house, having his children in sub- trines of devils,
jection with all chastity. 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and
5 But if a man know not how to having their conscience seared.
rule his own house, how shall he 3 Forbidding to marry, to abstain
take care of the church of God ? from meats, which God hath creat-
6 Not a neophyte lest being : ed to be received with thanksgiv-
puffed up with pride, he fall into ing by the faithful, and by them
the judgement of the devil. that have known the truth.
: 1

254 I. To TIM OTHY.

4 For every creature of Gorl is dows indeed.
good, and nothing to be rejected 4 But if any widow have chil-
that Ls received with thanksgiving: dren grand-children; let her
5 For it is sanctified by the word learn first to govern her own house,
of God and prayer. and to make a return of duty to her
6 These things proposing to the parents for this is acceptable be-

brethren, thou shalt be a good mi- fore God.

nister of Christ Jesus, nourished 5 But she that is a widow in-
up in the words of faith and of the deed and desolate, let her trust in
good doctrine which thou hast at- God, and continue in supplications
tained unto. aid prayers night and day.
7 Eut avoid foolish and old wives 6 For she that liveth in pleasures,
fables and exercise thyself unto
: is dead while she is living.

godliness.. 7 Andgive in charge, that

8 For bodily exercise is profit- they may be blameless.
able to little but godliness is pro-
: 8 But if any man have not care
fitable to all things, having promise of his own, and especially of those
of the iiie that now
is, and of that of his house, he hath denied the
which is come.
to faith, and is worse than an infidel,
9 A faithful saying and worthy 9 Let a widow be chosen of no less
of all acceptation. than threescore years of age, who
10 For therefore we !^bour and hath been the wife of one husband,
are reviled, because we hope in the 10 Having testimony for her good
living God, who is the Saviour of works, if she have brought up chil-
a\] men,, especially of the faithful. dren, if she have received to har-
11 These things command and bour, if she have washed the saints
teach. feet, if she have ministered to them
12 Let no man despise thy youth that suffer tribulation, if she have
but be thou an example of the faith- diligently followed every good work.
ful, in word; in conversation, in 1 But the younger widows avoid.
charity, in faith, in chastity. For when they have grown wanton
come, attend unto read-
13 Till 1 in Christ, they will marry :

ing, to exhortation, and to doctrine. 12 Having damnation, because

14 Neglect not the grace that is they have made void their first faith.
in thee, which was given thee by 13 And withal being idle they
prophecy, with imposition of the learn to go about from house to
hands of the priesthood. house: and are not only idle, but
15 Meditate upon these things, tatlers also and busy bodies speak-
be wholly it) these things; that thy ing things which they ought not.
profiting may be manifest to all. 141 willtKerefore that the younger
16 Take heed to thyself, and to should marry, bear children, be
doctrine: be earnest in them. For mistresses of families, give no occa-
in doing this thou shalt both save sion to the adversary to speak evil.
thyself and them that hear thee. 1 5 For some are already turned

CHAP. V. aside after satan.

He gives him lessons concerning widows. 16 If any of the faithful have

AN ancient man rebuke not but

intreat him as a father :

widows, let him minister to them,
and let not the church be charged ;
men, as brethren :. that there may be sufficient for
2 Old women, as mothers: young them that are widows indeed.
women, as sisters, in all chastity. 17 Let! the priests that rule well,
3 Honour widows, that are wi- be esteemed worthy of double hon
i. To in:IOTHV. 951
our especially they who labour in
: 5 Conflicts of men corrupted in
the word ar,d doctrine, mind, and who are destitute of the
18 For the scripture saith Thou : truth, supposing gain tobe goutiness.
shalt not muzzle the ex thai tread- 6 But godliness with content-
eih out the corn : and, The labourer ment is great gain.
is xcorthy of his reward, 7 For we brought nothing into
19 Against a prie&t receive not this world and certainly we can

an accusation, but under two or carry nothing out.

three witnesses. 8 But having food, and where-
20 Them that sin reprove before with to be covered, with these we
all :that the rest also may have fear. are content.
21 1 charge thee before God, and 9 For they that will become rich,
Christ Jesus, and the elect angels, fall into temptation, and into the

that thou obserye these things with- snare of the devil, and into many
out prejudice, doing nothing by de- unprofitable and hurtful desires,
clining to either side. which drown men into destruction
22 Impose not hands lightly up- and perditi n.
on any man, neither be partaker of 10 For the desire of money is the
other men's sins. Keepthy self chaste. root of all evils ; which some co-
23 Do not still drink water but : veting have erred from the faith,
use a little wine for thy stomach's and have intangled themselves in
sake, and thy frequent infirmities. many sorrows.
24 Some men's sins are manifest, 11 But thou, O man of God, fly
going before to judgment and : these things ; and pursue justice,
some men they follow after. godliness, faith, charity, patience,
25 In like manner also good deeds mildness.
are manifest : and they that are 12 Fight the good ficrht of faith:
otherwise, cannot be hid. lay hold on eternal life whereunto
CHAP." VI. thou art called, and hast confessed
Duties of serva?it$. a good confession before many wit-
^T*7 HOSOEVER are servants un- nesses.
™ " der the yoke, let them count 13 I charge thee before Goil who
their masters worthy ofhonour
all quickeneth all things, and before

lest the name of the Lord and his Christ Jr.su s who gave testimony
doctrine be blasphemed. under Pontius Pilate, a good con-
2 But they that hare believing fession,
masters, let them not despise them, 14 That thou keep the command-
because they are brethren, but serve ment without spot, blameless, unto
them the rather, because they are the comingof our Lord Jesus Christ,
faithful and beloved, who are par- 15 Which in his times he shall
takers of the benefit. These things shew uho is the Blessed and only
teach and exhort. Mighty, the King of kings, and
3 If any man teach otherwise, Lord (fiords.
and consent not to thesr und words' 16 Who only hath immortality,
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to and inhabiteth light inaccessible,
that doctrine which is according to whom no man hath seen, nor can
godliness, see, to whom be honour and em-
4 He is proud, knowing nothing, pire everlasting. Amen.
but sick about questions and Strifes 1? Charge the rich of this world
cf words from which arise envies,,
: not to be high-minded, nor to trust
contentions, blasphemies, evil sus- in the uncertainty of riches, but in
picious,, the liting God (who giveth us
256 II. To TI tfOTHY.
abundantly all things to enjoy.) 20 Timothy, keep that which
18 To do good, to be rich in iscommitted to thy trust, avoiding
good works, to give easily, to com- the prophane novelties of words,
municate to others, and oppositions of knowledge false-
19 To lay up in store for them- ly so called.
selves a good foundation against 21 Which some promising have
the time to come, that they may erred concerning the faith. Grace
lay hold on the true life. be with thee. Amen.
The Second EPISTLE of St, PAUL to TIMOTHY.
CHAP. I. 10 But is now made manifest by
He admonisJtes him not to be discou- the illumination of our saviour Js-
raged at his sufferings, sus Christ, who hath destroyed
"DAUL an apostle of Jesus Christ death, and hath brought to light
-^ by the will of God, according lifeand incorruption by the gospel:
to the promise of life, which is in 11 Wherein I am appointed a
Christ Jesus. preacher, and an apostle, and teach-
2 To Timothy my dearly beloved er of the gentiles.
son, grace, mercy, and peace from 12 For which cause I also suffer
Gcd the Father, and from Christ these things: but I am not asha-
Jesus our Lord. med. For I know whom I have
3 I give thanks to God, whom I believed, and I am certain that he is
serve from my forefathers with a able to keep that which I have com-
pure conscience, that without cea- mitted unto him, against that" day.
sing I have a remembrance of thee 13 Hold the form of sound wcrus
in my prayers, night and day. which thou hast heard of me iu
4 Desiring to see thee, being faith, and in the love which is in
mindful of thy tears, that I may be Christ Jesus.
filled with joy, 14 Keep the good thing commit-
5 Calling to mind that faith which ted to thy trust by the Holy Ghost,
is in thee unfeigned, which also who dweiieth in us.
dwelt first in thy grand-mother 15 Thou knowest this,, that all
Lois, and in thy mother Eunice, and they who are in Asia, are turned
I am certain that in thee also. away from me : of whom are Phi-
6 For which cause I admonish gellus and Hermogenes.
thee, that thou stir up the grace of 16 The Lord give mercy to the
God, which is in thee by the impo- house of Onesiphorus because he :

sition of my hands. hath often refreshed me, and hath

7 For God hath not given us the not been ashamed of my chain :

the spirit of fear

: but of power, and 17 But when he was come to
of love, and of sobriety. Home, he carefully sought me, and
8 Be not thou therefore asha- found me.
med of the testimony of our Lord, 18 The Lord grant unto him to
nor of me his prisoner but labour find mercy of the Lord in that day.

with the gospel according to the And in how many things he minis-
power of God, tered unto me at Ephesus, thou vciy
9 Who hath delivered us, and cal- well knowest.
led us b}r his holy calling, not ac- CHAP. II.
cording to our works, but accor- He exhorts him to diligence in his
ding to his own purpose and grace, office,
which was given us in Christ Jesus npHGU therefore, my son, be
before the times of the world. * strong in the grace which is m
: : :


Christ Jesus : 17 And their speech spreadeth
2 And the things, which thou like acanker of whom are Hyme-

hast heard of me by many witnes- neus and Philetus

ses, the same commend to faithful 18 Who have erred from the
men, who shall be fit to teach truth, saying, that the resurrection
others also. is past already, and have subverted

3 Labour as a good soldier of the faith of some.

Christ Jesus. 19 But the sure foundation of
4 No man being a soldier to God, God standeth firm, having this seal
intangleth himself with secular bu- the Lord knoweth who are his; and
sinesses ; that he may please him letevery one depart from iniquity
to whom he hath engaged himself. who nameth the name of the Lord.
5 For he also, that striveth for 20 But in a great house there are
the mastery, is not crowned except not only vessels of gold and of silver,
he strive lawfully, but also of wood and of earth and :

6 The husband-man, that lahour- some indeed unto honour, but some
reth, must first partake o'i the fruits. unto dishonour.
7 Understand what I say : for 21 If any man therefore shall
the Lord will give thee in all things cleanse himself from these, he shall
understanding. be a vessel unto honour, sanctified
8 Be mindful that the Lord Jesus and profitable to the Lord, prepared
Christ is risen again from the dead, unto every good work.
of the seed of David, according to 22 But flee thou youthful desires,
my Gospel. and pursue justice, faith, charity,
9 Wherein I labour even unto and peace with them that call on
bands, as an evil doer but the : the Lord out of a pure heart.
word of God is not bound. 23 And avoid foolish and un-
10 Therefore 1 endure all things learned que- ions, knowing that
for the sake of the elect, that they they beget strifes.
also may obtain the salvation, which 24- Eut the servant of the Lord
is in Christ Jesus, with heavenly
must not wrangle: but be mild, to-
wards ail men, apt to teach, patient,
11 A faithful saying. For if we 25 With modesty admonishing
be dead with him, we shall live them that resist the truth if per- :

also with him adventure God may ^ive them re-

3 2 If we suffer, we shall also pentance to know the truth,
reign with him. If we deny him, 26 And they may recover them-
he will also deny us. selves from the snares of the devil,
13 If we believe not, he continu- by whom they are held captive at
eth faithful, he cannot deny himself. his will.
14 Of these things put them in CHAP. III.
mind, charging them before the The, character of heretics of latter days.
Lord. Contend not in words, for 17^
NOW also this, that, in the last
it is to no profit, but to the subver- days, shall come on dange.ious
ting of the hearers. times.
15 Carefully study to present thy- 2 Men be lovers of them-
self approved unto God, a workman selves, covetous, haughty, proud,
that needeth not to be ashamed, blasphemers, disobedient to pa-
rightly handling the word of truth. rents, ungrateful, wicked,
\G But shun profane and vain 3 Without affection, without
babblings : for they grow much to- peace, slanderers, incontinent, un-
wards ungodliness. merciful, without kindness,
; . 4 : ::


4 Traitors, stubborn, puffed up, ing, and his kingdom :

and iovers of pleasures more than 2 Preach the word : be instant in

of God: season, out of season : reprove, in-
o Having an appearance indeed treat, rebuke in all. patience and
of Godliness, but denying the power doctrine.
thereof. Now
these avoid. 3 For there shall be a time, when
6 For of these sort are they who they will not endure sound doc-
creep into houses, and lead captive trine: but according to their own
sillywomen loaden with sins, whp desires they wi-1 heap to themselves
are led away with divers desire : teachers, having itching ears,
7 Ever learning, and never attain- 4 And indeed turn away
ing to the knowledge of the truth. their hearing from the truth, but
8 Now as Janr.es and Mambres will be turned unto fables.
resisted Moses, so these also resist 6 But be thou vigilant, labour in
the truth, men corrupted iri mind, all things, do the work of an evan-

reprobate concerning the faith. thy ministry. Be sober.

gelist, fulfil
9 But they proceed no far-
shall 6 For I am even now ready to
ther for their foily shall be mani-
: be sacrificed : and the time of my
fest to all men, as theirs also was. dissolution is at hand.
10 But thou hast fully known 7 I have fought a good fight, I
my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, have finished my course, I have
faith, iong-sufTering,love, patience, kept the faith.
11 Persecutions, aifiictions; such 8 As to the rest, there is laid^up
as came upon me at Antioch, at for me a crown of justice, which
Iconium, and atLystra: what per- the Lord the just judge will render
secutions I endured, and out of to me in that day : and not only to
them all the Lord delivered me. me, but to them also that love his
12 And ail that will live godly in coming. Make haste to come to
Christ J »sus,shall sufferpersecution me quickly.
13 But evil men and seducers 9 For Demas hath left me, lov-
shall grow worse and w orse r
: err- ing this world, and is gone to Thes-
ing, and driving into error. salonica
14 But continue thou in those 10 Crescens into Galatia, Titus
things which thou hast learned, into Dalmatia.
ami which have been committed 11 Only Luke is with me. Take
to thee knowing ef whom thou
. Mark, and bring him with thee
hast learned them for he is profitable to me for the
It And because from thy infancy ministry.
thou hast known the holy scrip- 12 But Tychkus I have sent to
tures, which can instruct thee to Ephesus.
salvation, by the faith which is in 13 The cloak, that Heft at Troas
Christ Jesus. with Carpus, when thou comest,
16 All scripture inspired of God, bring with thee, and the books, es-
is profitable to teach, to reprove, pecially the parchments.
to correct, to instruct in justice, 1 Alexander the coppersmith hath
IT That the man of God may be done me much evil the Lord will :

periect,furnished to e very good work. reward him according to his works

CHAP. IV. ] 5 Whom do thou also avoid, for

His charge to Timothy, he hath greatly withstood our words.

T CHARGE thee before God and 16 At my first answer no man
Jlsus Christ, who shall judge stood with me, but all forsook me
the living and the dead, by his com- 1 may it not be laid to their charge.
: : :

To T ITTJS. 259
17 But the Lord stood by me, 19 Salute Ffisca ana Aquila, and
and strengthened me, that by me the household of Onesiphorus.
the preaching may be accomplish- gfj Erastus remained at Corinth,

ed, and that all the gentiles may And Trophimus 1 left sick at Miletus.
hear and I was delivered out of
: 21 Make haste to come before
the mouth of the lion. winter. Eubulus and Pudeos and
18 The Lord hath delivered me Linus and Claudia, and all the bre-
from every evil work and will pre-
: thren salute thee.
serve me unto his heavenly king- 22The Lord Jesus Christ be with
dom, to whom be glory for ever and thy spirit. Grace be with you.
ever. Amen. Amen.


CHAP. I. 10 For there are many disobe-
What kind of men hcis to ordain priests. dient, vain-talkers, and seducers,
PAUL, a servant of God and an especially they of the circumcision.
apostle of Jesus Christ, acord- 11 Who must be reproved who :

ing to the faith of the elect of God subvert whole houses, leaching the
and the acknowledging of the truth, things which they ought not, /or
which is according to godliness. filthy lucre's sake.
2Unto the hope of life everlasting, 12 One of them said, a prophet of
•which God, who lyeth not, hath pro- their own, The Cretiuns are aluays
mised before the times of the world : liars, evil beasts, slothful bellies.
3 But hath in due times mani- 13 This testimony is true. "Where-
fested his word in preaching, which fore rebuke thorn sharply, that they
is committed to me according to the may be sound in the faith,
commandment of God our Saviour : 14 Not giving heed to Jewish
4 To Titus my beloved son, ac- fables and commandments of men,
cording to the common faith, grace, who turn themselves away from
and peace from God the Father, the truth.
and from Christ Je>l s our Saviour.
15 All things are clean to the
5 For this cause I left thee in clean but to them that are defiled,

Crete, that thou shonldest set in and to unbelievers, nothing is clean

order the things that are wanting, but both their mind and their con-
and shonldest ordain.priests in every science are defiled.
city, as I also appointed thee 1
0' They profess that they know
6 If any be without crime, the God but in their works they deny

husband of one wife, having faith- him; being abominable, and incre-
ful children, not accused of riot, or dulous, and to every good work
unruly. reprobate.
7 For a bishop must be without CHAP. II.
crime, as the steward of God not : Hozi' he Is to and young.
instruct both old
proud not subject to anger, not
- "|>U r speak thou the things that
given to wine, no striker, not greedy -" become sound doctrine :
of filthy lucre 2 That the aged men be sober,
8 But given to hospitality, gentle, chaste, prudent, sound in faith, in
sober, just, holy, continent: love, in patience.
9 Embracing that faithful worn 3 The aged women, in like man-
which is according to doctrine, that ner, in holy attire, not false accu-
he may be able to exhort in sound sers, not given to much, wine:
doctrine, and to convince the gain- teaching well,
say ers. 4 That they may teach the joung
: 1 : :

260 To TITUS.
women to^g wise, to love their hus. 3 For we ourselves also were
band*?, to love their children, sometime unwise, incredulous, er-
5 To be discreet, chaste, sober, ring, slaves to divers desires and
having a care of the house, gentle, pleasures, living in malice and envy,
obedient to their husbands, that the hateful, hating one another.
word of God be not blasphemed. 4But when the goodness and kind-
6 Young men in like manner ex- ness of God our Saviour appeared ;

hort that they be sober. 5 Not foy the works of justice,

7 In all things shew thyself an which we have done, but accord-
example of good works, in doctrine, ing to his mercy he saved us, by
in integrity, in gravity, the laver of regeneration and reno-
8 The sound word that cannot vation of the Holy Ghost,
be blam #1 that he, who is on the
: 6 Whom hs hath poured forth
contrary part, may be afraid, hav- upon us abundantly through Jesus
ing no evil to say of us. Christ our Saviour
9 Exhort servants to be obedient 7 That, being justified by his
to their masters in all things pleas- grace, we may be heirs, according
ing, not gainsaying to hope, of life everlasting.
10 Not defrauding, but in all 8 It is a faithful saying and these

things shewing good fidelity, that things I will have thee affirm con-
they may adorn the doctrine of stantly: that they, who believe in
God our Saviour in all things. God, may be careful to excel in
11 For the grace of Sa- God our good works. These things are
viour hath appeared to all men. good and profitable unto men.
12 Instructing us that, denying 9 But avoid foolish questions,
ungodliness and worldly desires,, and genealogies, and contentions,
we should live soberly, and justly, and strivings about the law. For
and godly in this world. they are unprofitable and vain.
33 Looking for the blessed hope 10 A man that is an heretic, after
and coming of the glory of the the first and second admonition
great God and our Saviour Jesus avoid
Christ, 1 Knowing that he, that is such
14 Who gave himself for us, that an one, is subverted, and sinneth,
he might redeem us from all iniqui- being condemned by his own judg-
ty, and might cleanse to himself a ment.
people acceptable, a pursuer of 12 When I shall send to thee
good works. Artemas or Tychicus, make haste
15 These things speak and ex- to come unto me toNicopolis. For
hort, and rebuke with all authority. there I have determined to winter.
Let no man despise thee. 13 Send forward Zenas the
CHAP. III. lawyer and Apollo with care, that
Other instructions for life and doc- nothing be wanting to them.
trine* 14 And let our men also learn to
4DM0NISH them to be subject excel in good works for necessary
princes, and powers, to
to uses : that they be not unfruitful.
obey at a word, to be ready to every 15 All that are with me, salute
good work, thee: salute them that love us in
2 To speak evil of no man, not the faith. The grace of God be
to be litigious, but gentle :shewing with you all. Amen.
all mildness towards all men.
: :

He commends the faith of Philemon. 13 Whom I would have retained
PAUL a prisoner ot Christ jfe- with me, that in thy stead he might
have ministered to me in the bands
sus, ana Timothy a brother
to Philemon our beloved and fellow- of the gospel:
labourer. 14* But without thy counsel I
£ And to Appia our dearest sis- would do nothing that thy good

ter, and to Archippus our fellow- good deed might not be as it were
soldier, and to the church which is of necessity, but voluntary.
\n thy house. 15 For perhaps he therefore de-
3 Grace to you and peace from parted for a sea>on from thee, that
God our Father, and from the Lord thou mightesi receize him again for
Jesus Christ. ever:
4 I God, al-
give thanks to my 16 Not now as a servant, but
ways making a remembrance of thee instead of a servant, a most dear
in my prayers. brother, especially to me: but how
5Hearing of thy charity and much more to thee boih in the ilesh
faith which thou hast in the Lord and in the Lord ?
Jesus, and towards all the saints. 17 If therefore thou count me a
6 That the communication of thy partner ; receive him as myself.
faith may be made evident in the 18 And if he hath wronged thee
acknowledgment of every good in any thing, or is in thy debt, put
work that is in you in Christ Jesus. that to my account.
7 For I have had great joy and 19 1 Paul have written it with
consolation in thy charity because my own hand I will repay it: not

the bowels of the saints have been to say to thee, that thou owest me
refreshed by thee, brother. thy evrnself albO.
8 Wherefore though I have much 20 Yea, brother. May I enjoy
confidence in Christ Jlsus, to com- thee in the Lord. Refresh my bow-
mand thee that which is to the els in the Lord.
purpose 21 Trusting in thy obedience, I
9 For charity sake I rather be- have written to thee, knowing that
seech, whereas thou art such an thou wilt also do more than I say.
one, as Paul an old man, and now 22. But withal prepare me also a
a prisoner also of Jusus Christ. lodging. For I hope that through
10 I beseech thee for my son your prayers, I shall be given unto
whom have begotten in my bands,
I you.
Onesimus, 23 There salute thee Epaphras my
11 Who hath been heretofore fellow-prisoner in Christ Jesus.
unprofitable to thee, but now is 24 Mark, Aristarchu^ Demas.
profitable both to me and thee, and Luke, my fellc w-labourers.
12 Whom I have sent back to 25 The grace or our Lord Jesus
thee. Aid do thou receive him as Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
my own bowels :


CHAP. I. past to the fathers by the prophets,
God spoke of old, by his prophets, last of all,
butnow by his Sun. 2 In these days hath spoken to
#^OD, who at sundry times and us by his Son, whom he hath ap-
" divers manners spoke in times
pointed heir of all things, by whom
: : :

262 To the HE BREWS.

also he made the world. which we have heard : lest perhaps
3 Who brightness of we should let them slip.
being- the
his glory, and the figure of his sub- 2 For if the word, spoken by an-
stance, and upholding all things by gels, became steadfast, and every
the word "f his power, making pur- transgression and disobedience re-
gation of sins, sitteth on the right ceived a just recornpence of reward :
hand of the majesty on high 3 How
shall we escape if we neg-
4 Bfing made so much better lect so great salvation ? whit h
than the Angels, as he hath inherit- having begun to be declared by the
ed a more excellent name than they. Lord, was confirmed unto us, by
5 For to which of the Angels hath them that heard him,
he said at any time, Thou art my 4 God also bearing them witness
son, to-day have I begotten thee? by signs, and wonders, and divers
And again, I will be to him a father, miracles, and distributions of the
and he shall be to me a son. Holy Ghost according to his own

6 And again when he bringeth will.

in the first begotten into the world
& For God hath not subjected
he saith And let all the angels of unto angels the world to come,

God adore him, whereof we speak.

7 And to the angels indeed he 6 But one in a certain place hath
saith: He that maketh hisangels, spi- testified, saying What is man, that

rits: and his ministers aflame offire. thou art mindful of him: or the son
8 But to the son : Thy throne, Oof man, that thou visitesi him ?
God, is for ever and ever : a sceptre 7 Thou hast made him a little lo*ver
ofjustice is the sceptre of fhykingdom than the angels; thou hast crowned him
9 Thou hast loved justice, and with glory and honour, and hast set him
hated iniquity : therefore, God, thy over the works of thy hands,
God hath anointed thee with the oil 8 Thou hast subjected all things under
ofgladness above thy fellows. his feet. For in that he hath subject-
10 And: Thou in the beginning, ed all things to him, he left nothing
O LfOrd, didst found the earth: and not subject to him. But now we see
the works of thy hands are the heavens. not as yet all things subject to him.
11 They shall perish, but thou shall 9 But we see Jesus, who was
continue : and they shall all grow made a little lower than the an-
old as a garment. gels, for the suffering of death,
12 And as a vesture shalt thou crowned with glory and honour :

change them, and they shall be -chang- that through the grace of God he
ed : but thou art the selfsame, and might taste death for all.
thy years shall not fail. 10 For it became him, for whom
13 But to which of the angels are ail things, and by whom are all
said he at any time : Sit on my things, who had brought many chil-
right hand until I make thrne ene- dren into glory, to perfect the author
mies thy footstool of their salvation, by his passion.
14 Are they not all ministering 11 For both he that sanctifitth,
spirits, sent to minister for them, and they who are sanctified, are all
who shall receive the. inheritance of of one. For which cause he is not
salvation ? ashamed to call them brethren
CHAR II. saying
The transgression of the precepts of 12 I will declare thy name to my
the Son of God condemnahle. brethren ; in the midst of the church
HpKEREFORE ought we more will I praise thee.
X diligently to observe the things 13 And again : / will put n

To tit- HEBREWS. «s3

trust in him. And again Beho'd
ofa 1 Tc-auy if you shall hear his voice 9
and my chidren, whom God hath ^8 Harden not your hearts as in
g-.venme. the provocation /jn the day of
14 Therefore because the chil- temptation i% the desart,
dren are partakers of flesh and Mood., 9 Where your fathers tempted me,
he also himself in like manner hath proved and saw my works,
been partaker of the same that, : 10 Forty years : For which cause
through death, he might destroy him I was offended with this generai;rn,
who had the empire of death, that and said: They always err hi heart .
is to say, the devil And they have not known my ways,
15 And might deliver them who 11 As T have sworn in my wrath :
through the fear of death were ali If they shall enter into my rest.
their life time subject to servitude. 12 Take heed brethren, 'lestf

16 For no where doth he take perhaps there be in any of ycu an

hold of the angels but of the seed : evil heart of unbelief, to depart from
of Abraham he taketh hold. the living God.
17 Wherefore it behoved him in 13 But exhort one another every
all things to be made like unto his day, whilst it is called to day, that
brethren, that he might become a none of you be hardened through
merciful and faithful high- priest be- the deceitfuluess of sin.
fore God, that he might be a propi- 14 For we are mace mart* partakers
tiation for the sins of the people. of Christ yet so if we hold the be-

IS For in that, wherein he him- ginning of his substance firm unto

self hath suffered and been temp- the end.
ted, he is able to succour them also 15 While it is said, To day
that are tempted. shall hear his voice harden no\
chap. in. hearts as in that provocation.
Christ is more excellent than Moses. 16 For some who heard did
XVHEREFOKE, holy brethren, provoke : but not ail that came out
* * partakers of the heavenly vo- oi Egypt by Moses.
cation, consider the apostle and And with whom was he of-
high-priest of our confession Jesus. fended forty year,? Was it hoi
2 Who is faithfu tohim that with them that sinned, whose carca-
made him, as was also Moses in all ses were overthrown in the desart ?
his house 18 And to whom did he swear
3 For this man was counted wor- that they should not enter into his
thy of greater glory than Moses, by rest : but^ to them that were in-
so much as he that hath built the credulous ?

house, hath greater honour than J 9 And we see that they cculd
the house. not enter because of unbelief.
4 For every house is built by CHAP. IV.
some man but he that created afi
: The Christian's rest.
things, is God. t ET
us fear therefore lest the
£ And Moses indeed was faithful <" promise being left of entering
house as a servant, for a
ki all his into his rest, any of you should i*.
testimony cf those things which thought to be wanting.
were to be said : 2 Fur unto us also it hath bee*
6 But Christ
as the Son in his declared, in like manner as unto them
own' house which house are we,
: But the word of hearing did not
if we hold fast the confidence and profit them, not being mixed with
glory of hope (into the end. faith of these things they hear!.
"Ire,astht H6lyGHbstsaUh :
3 For we, who have believed.
: :


shall enter into rest; as he said in seasonable aid.
As I have sworn in tny wrath : If they CHAP. V.
shall enter into my rest ; and this in- The office of a h$gh-priejt.
deed when the works from the foun- jpOR every high priest taken from
dation of the world were finished. -* 1
among men, is ordained for men
4 For in a certain place he spoke in the things that appertain to God,
of the seventh day thus And God that he may offer up gifts and sa-

retted the seventh day from all his works. crifices for sins
5 And in this place again : If 2 Who can have compassion on
they shall enter into my rest. them that are ignorant and that err:
6 Seeing then it remaineth that because he himself also is compas-
some are to enter into it, and they, sed with infirmity :
to whom it was first preached, did 3 And therefore he ought, as for
not enter because of unbelief: the people, so also for himself, to
7 Again be limiteth a certain day, offer for sins.
saying in David, To day, after so 4 Neither doth any man take
long a time, as it is above said To :
the honour to himself, but he that
day if you shall hear his voice ; liar* is called by God, as Aaron was.
den not your hearts. 5 So Christ also did not glorify
8 For if Jesus had given them himself that he might he made a
rest he would never have after-
high-priest: but helhat said unto
wards spoken of another day. hirn, Thou art my Son, this day have I
9 There remaineth therefore a oegoiten thee.
day of rest for the people of God. 6 As he saith also in another place:
10 For he that is entered into Thou art a priest for ever, according to
his rest, the same also hath rested the order of Melchhedech.
from his' works, as God did from his. 7 Who in the days of his flesh,
11 Let us hasten therefore to en- with a strong cry and tears, offer-
ter into that rest: lest any man fail ing up prayers and supplications to
into the same example of unbelief. him that was able to save him from
12 For the word of God is living death, was heard for his reverence.
and effectual, and more piercing 8 And whereas indeed he was the
than any two-edged sword and : Son of God, he learned obedience by
reaching unto the division of the the things which he suffered :
fatal and the spirit, of the joints also 9 And being consummated, he be-
and the marrow, and isa discerner tf came, to all that obey him, the
the thoughts and intents of the heart. cause of eternal salvation.
13 Neither is there any creature 10 Called by God a high-priest ac-
invisible in his sight : but all things cording to the order of Melchisedech
are naked and open to his eyes, to 11 Of whom we have much to
whom our speech is. say, and hard to be intelligibly ut-
14 Having therefore a great high- tered : because* you are become
priest that hath passed into the hea- weak to hear.
vens, Jesus the Son of God : let us 12 For whereas for the time you
hold fast our confession. ought to be masters ; you have
15 For we have not a high-priest, need to be taught again what are
who cannoufcave compassion on our the first elements of the words of
infirmities but one tempted in all
: God and you are become such as

things like as we are, without sin. have need of milk, and not of
16' Let us go therefore with con- strong meat.
fidence to the throne of grace: that 13 For every one, that is a par-
we may obtain mercy, and find grace taker of milk, is unskilful in the
18 ;

To thu HEBREWS. 265

word of justice : for he is a little 1 And we desire that every one
child. of you shew forth the same careful-
14 But strong meat is for the ness to the accomplishing of hope
perfect, for them who by custom unto the end :

have their senses exercised to the 12 That you become not sloth-
discerning of erood and evil. ful,but followers of them, who
CHAP. VI. thiough faith and patience shall in-
He warns them of the danger of falling herit the promises.
by ape stacy. 13 For God making promise ta
/HEREFOREleavingtheword Abraham, because he had no one
of the beginning of Christ, let greater by whom he might .swear,
us go on to things more perfect, not swore by himself,
laving again the foundation of pe- li Saying Unless hkssing I

nance from dead works, and of shall bless thee, and multiplying I
faith towards God, shall multiply thee.
2 Of the doctrine 'of baptisms, 15 And so patiently enduring lie
fcnd imposition of hands, and of
the obtained the promise.
resurrection of the dead, and o£ ] 6 For men swear by one greater

eternal judgment. than themselves and an oath for


3 And this will we 'do, if God confirmation is the end of all their
permit. controversy.
4 For it is impossible for those, 17 Wherein God meaning more
who were once illuminated, have abundantly to shew to the heirs of
lasted also the heavenly gift, and the promise the immutability'of his
were made partakers of the Holy counsel, interposed an oath :
Ghost, 1 That by two immutable things,
Have moreover tasted the good
5 in which it is impossible for God to
word of God, and the powers of the lie, we may have the strongest com-

world to come, fort, who 'have fled for refuge to

6 And are fallen away ; to be re- hold fast the hope set before us.
newed again to penance, crucifying L9 Which we have as an anchor of
again to themselves the son of God, the soul, sure and firm, and which
and making him a mockery. entereth in even within the veil
7 For the earth that drinketh in 20 Where the fore-runner Jesua
the rain, which cometh often upon is entered for us, made a high-priest
it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for ever, according to the order .of
for them by whom it is tilled : re- Melchisedech.
ceiveth blessing from God. CHAP. VII.
8 But that which bringeth forth Tlie priesthood of Christ excel* theJLt*
thorns and briars, is reprobate, aHd vitlcdl priesthood.
very near unto a curse, whose end T^OR Melchisedech icas king
this 1

is to be burnt. *• of Salem, priest of the most

9 But, my dearly beloved, we high God, who met Abraham re*
trust better things of you, and turning from the slaughter of the
nearer to salvation ; though we kings, and blessed him.
speak thus. 2 To whom also Abraham di-
10 For God is not unjust, that vided the tithes of all who first :

he should forget your work and the indeed by interpretation is king of

love which you have shewn in iiis justice and then also king of Sa- :

name, you who have ministered, lem, that is, king of peace,
and do minister to the saints. 3 Without father, without mother,
: : .:

2«6 To tub HE BREWS.

without genealogy, having ne'ther other priest,
beginning of days nor end of life, 16 Who is made not according
but likened unto the Son of God, to the law of a carnal command-
conthmeth a priest for eveft ment, but according to the power
4 Now consider how great this of an indissoluble life :

man is, to whom also Abraham the 17 For he testified! Thou ari a i

patriarch gave tithes out of the priest for ever, according io the
principal thing*. order of Melc k is edec h
5 And indeed they that are of the 18 There is indeed a setting
sons of Levi, who receive the priest- aside of the Former commandment,
hood, have a commandment to take because of the weakness and un-
tithes of the people according to the profitableness thereof
law, that is to say, of their brethren 19 (For the law brought nothing
though they themselves also came to perfection) but a bringing in of
cut of the loins of Abraham. a better hope, by which we draw
6 But he, whose pedigree is not nigh to God.
numbered among them, received 20 And in as much as it is not
tithes of Abraham, and blessed:him without an oath, (for the others in*
that had the promises. deed were made priests without an
7 And without all contradiction, oath ;

that which is less, is blessed by the 21 But this with an oath, by him
better. that said unto him : The Lord hath
8 And here indeed, men that die, sworn, and he iviil no4 repent, thou
receive tithes : but there he hath art a priest for ever. J
witness, that he liveth. 22 By so much is Jesus made a
9 And (as it may be said) even surety of a better testament.
Levi who received tithes, paid tithes 23 And the others indeed were
in Abraham : made many priests, because by rea-
10 For he was yet in the loins of son of death they were not suffered
his father, when Melcliisedech met to continue
him. 24 But this, for that he continu-
11 If then perfection was by the eth for ever, hath an everlasting
Levitical priesthood (for under it priesthood,
the people received the law) what 25 Whereby he is able also to
further need was there that another save [for ever them that come to
priest should rise according to the God by him always : living to make
order of Melchisedech, and not be intercession for us,
called according to the order of 26 For it was fitting that we
Aaron ? should have such a high priest,
12 For the priesthood being trans- holy, innocent, undefiled, separated
lated) it is necessary that a transla- from sinners, and made higher than
tion also be made of the law. the heavens :

13 For he, of whom these things 27 Who needeth not daily (as the
are spoken, is of another tribe, of other priests) to offer sacrifices first
which no one attended on the altar. for his own sins, and then for the
14 For it is evident that our peoples for this he did once in of-

Lord sprung out of Juda in which fering himself.


tribe Moses spoke nothing concern- 28 For the law maketh men
ing priests. priests, who have infirmity but :

15 And it is yet lav more evi- the word of the oath, which was
dent if according to the similitude since the law, the Son who is per-*
: |

cf Melchisedech there aiiseth an« fee ted for evermore,

: : : :

To the HEBREWS, 26J

CHAP. VITT. greatest of them .•

Excellence of the priesthood of Christ. 12 Became I will le merciful to theii

T^TOWof the things which we have iniquities, and their sins I will remem-
-^ spoken this is the sum We :
ber no more,

have such an high- priest, who is 13 Sow in

saying a new, he hath
set on the right hand of the throne mad? former old. And that,
of majesty in the heavens. which decayeth and groweth old, is
2 A minister of the Holies, and near its end.
of the true tabernacle,, which the CHAP. IX.
Lord hath pitched, and not man. The sacrifices of the law inferior to
3 For every high priest is ap that of Christ.
pointed to offer gifts and sacrifices: HHHE former indeed had also jus—
wherefore it is necessary that he also tifications of divine service, and
should have something to offer :
a worldly sanctuary.
If then he were on earth, he 2 For there was a tabernacle
would not be a priest : seeing that made the first, wherein were the
there would be others to offer gifts candlesticks, and the table, and the
according to the law, setting forth of loaves, which is call-
5 Who serve unto the example ed the Holy.
and shadow of heavenly things. As 3 And after the second veil, the
it was answered to Moses, when he
tabernacle,which is called the Holy
was to finish the tabernacle see :
of Holies
(bays he) that thou make all things 4 Having a golden censer, and
according to the pattern which was the ark of the testament covered
shewn thee on the mount. about on every part with gold, in
6 But now he hath obtained a which was a golden pot that had
better ministry, by how much also
manna, and the rod of Aaron that
he is a mediator Jof a better testa-
had blossomed, and the tables of
ment, which is established on bet-
the testament,
ter promises.
5 And over it were the cheru-
7 For if that former had been
bimfl of glory overshadowing the
faultless, there should not indeed a
propitiatory: of which it is not
place have been sought for a second.
needful to speak now particularly.
8 For finding fault with them,
6 Nowthese things being thus
he saith: Behold the days shall come,
ordered, into the first tabernacle the
saith the Lord : and I wift perfect unto
priests indeed always entered, ac-
the house of Israel, and unto thcJiouse of
Juda, a new testament complishing the offices of sacrifices.
9 Not according to tlie testament, 7 But into the second, the high
which I made to their fathers on the day priest alone, once a year not with- :

when I took them by Vie hand to lead out blood, which he oflcreth for his
them out of the land of Egypt : because own, and the people's ignorance
they continued not in my testament : and 8 The Holy Ghost signifying this,
J regarded them not, saith the Lord that the way into the Holies was
10 For this is the testament which I not yet made manifest, whilst the
will make to the house of Israel after former tabernacle wa* yet standing,
those days saith the Lord : I will give 9 Which is a parable of the time
my laws into their mind, and in their present: according to which gifts
heart will I write them ; and I will be
and sacrifices are offered, which
their God, and they shall be my people;
cannot, as to the conscience, make
11 And they shall not teach every
man his neighbour, and every man his him perfect that servetb, only in
brother, saying : Know the Lord: for meats and in drinks,

all shall Jcfw& me from the least to the 10 Ami divers washing's, and
: :

^68 To the HEBREWS.

justices of the flesh, laid on them blood: and without shedding Oi
until the time of correction. blood there is no> remission.
11 But Christ being come an 23 It is necessary therefore that
high priest of the good things to the patterns of heavenly things
come, by a greater and more per- should be cleansed with these but 4

fect tabernacle riot made with hand, the heavenly things themselves with
that is, not of this creation : better sacrifices than these.
12 Neither by the blood of goat?, 2-fc For Jesus is not entered into

or of calves, but by his own blood, the Holies made with hand, the
entered once into the Holies, having patterns of the true but into hea-

obtained eternal redemption. ven itself, that he may appear now

13 For if the blood of goats and in the presence of God for us.
of oxen, and the ashes of an heifer 2.5 Nor yet that he should offer
being sprinkled, sanctify such as are himself often, as the high-priest en-
defiled, to the cleansing of the flesh: tereth into the Holies, every year
14 How much more shall the with the blood of others :

blood of Christ, who by the Holy Z6 For then he ought to have

Ghost offered himself unspotted un- suffered often from the beginning
to God, cleanse our conscience from of the world : but now once at the
dead works, to serve the living God? end of ages, he hath appeared for
15 And therefore he is the me- the destruction of sin, by the sacri-
diator of the new testament : that fice of himself.
by means of his death, for the re- 27 And as it is appointed unto
demption «f those transgressions, men once to die, and, after this, the
which were under the former testa- judgment
ment, they that are called may re- 28 So also Christ was offered
ceive the promise of eternal inherit- once to exhaust the sins of many,
ance. the second time he shall appear
16 For where there is a testa- without sin to them, that expect
ment; the death of the testator him, unto salvation.
must of necessity come in: CHAP. X.
17 For a testament is of force He exhorts them to perseverance.
after men are dead : otherwise it "I^QR the law having a shadow
is as yet of no strength, whilst the • of thegood things to come, not
testator liveth* the very image of the things : by
18 Whereupon neither was the the selfsame sacrifices, which they
first indeed dedicated without blood.offer continually every year, can
19 For when every command- never make the comers thereunto
ment of the law had been read by perfect
Moses to all the people, he took the 2 For then they would have ceavS*
blood of calves and goats with wa- ed to be offered because the wor-

ter and scarlet wool and hyssop, shippers once cleansed should have
and sprinkled both the book itself no conscience of sin any longer :
and all the people, 3 But in them there is made a
SO Saying : This is the blood of commemoration of sins every year.
the testament, which God hath en* 4 For it is impossible that with
Joined unto you, the blood of oxen and goats sins
21 The tabernacle also and all should be taken away.
the vessels of the ministry, in like 5 Wherefore when he cometh into
•©anner, he sprinkled with blood": the world he saith Sacrifice and

$2 And almost all things, accord- oblation thou wouldest not: but a body
teg to the law, are cleansed with thou hast fitted to me i
: : : :

To the HEBREWS.. 269

^Holocausts for sin did nat please thee science, and our bodies washed with
7 Then said I: Behold I come : in clean water.-
the head of the book it is written of?nc 23 Let us hold fast the confession-
that I should do thy will, O God. of our hope without wavering (for
8 In saying before, Sacrifices, and he is faithful that hath promised)
oblations, ana holocausts for sin thou f4 And let us consider one ano-
wouldest not, neither are they pleas- ther to provoke unto charity and to
ing to thee 9 which are offered ac- good works
cording to the law. 25 Not forsaking our assembly,
9 Then said i, Behold I come to as some are accustomed, but com-
do thjf will, O God he taketh away:
forting one another, and so much
the first, that he may establish that the more as you see the day ap-
which folio weth. proaching.
10 In the which arewill, we 26 For if we sin wilfully a rrer
sanctified by the oblation of the having the knowledge of the truth,
body of Jesus Christ once. there is now left no sacrifi;
1 i And every priest indeed stand- 27 But a certain drc
eth daily ministering, and often of- tation of judgment, a je of
fering the same sacrifices, which a fire which sic.. rie the ad-
can never take away sins ; versaria?.
12 But this man offering one 28 A man making void the law
sacrifice for sins, for ever sitteth on of Moses, dieth without any mercy
the right hand of God. under two or three witnesses :

13 From henceforth expecting, 29 Flow much more, do you

until his enemies be made his foot- think he deservet«h worse punish-
stool. ments who hath trodden under foot
14 For by one oblation he hath the Son of God, and hath esteemed
perfected for ever them that are the blood of the testament unclean,
sanctified. by which he was sanctified,, and
15 And the Holy Ghost also doth hath offered an affront to the Spirit
testify this to us." For after that of grace ?
he said SO For we know him that hath
1G And this is the testament which I said: Vengeance bekmgeth to met
•soiU make unto them after thotc days, and J will repay, A«*i r..;".:..
saith t}\£ Lord. I will gize my II
juora sltall jun pie.
their heartsy and on their minds will 1
31 It a tearful thing to fall
Write them:
into the hands oi the living God.
17 And their sins and iniquities!
will remember no more. 32 Eut call to mind the former
18 Now where there is a remis- days wheretn,beingilluminated,you
sion of these, there is no more an endured a great light of afflictions.
oblation for fin. S3 And on the one hand indeed,
19 Having therefore, brethren, a by reproachesand tribulations weft!
confidence in the entering into the made a gazing stock; and on the
Holies by the blood of Christ :
became companions of them
20 A new and living way which thatwere used in such sort.
he hath dedicated for us through 34 For you both had compassion
the veil, that is to say, his flesh, on them that were in bands, and
21 And a high priest over the took with joy the being stripped of
house of God your own goods, knowing that you
22 Let us draw near with a true have a better and a lasting substance.
heart in fulness of faith, having our 35 Do not therefore lose your con--
hearts sprinkled from an evil con- Gdence, which hath a great reward

870 To the HEBREWS.

36 For patience is necessary for 9 By faith he abode
in the land,
you thai, doing the will of God,
: dwelling in cottages, with Isaac
you may receive the promise. and Jacob the coheirs ©f the same
3? For yet a little and a very promise.
little while, and he that is to come, 10 For he looked for a city that
will come, and wilk not delay. hath foundations whose builder

3-8 But ray just man liveth by and maker God.


faith but if he withdraw himself

: 1 i By faith Sara also herself, be-
lie shall not please my soul. ing barren, received strength to con-
39 But we are not the children ceive seed, even past the time of
of withdrawing unto perdition, but age because she believed that he

©f faith to the saving of the soul. was who had promised.

CHAP. XI. 12 For which cause there sprung
What is faith, even from one (and him as good as
l&JQW faith is the substance of dead) as the stars of heaven iii
^ things to be hoped for, the evi- multitude, and as the sand which is
dence of things that appear not. by the sea-shore innumerable.
2 For by this the antients ob- IS All these died according to
tained a testimony. faith not having received the pre-
3 By faith we understand that the mises, but beholding them, a-far oflfc
world was framed by the word of and saluting them, and confessing
God ; that from invisible things that they are pilgrims and strangers
visible things might be made. on the earth.
4 By faith Abel offered to God a 1 For they that say these things,
sacrifice exceeding that of Cain, by do signify that they seek a country.
which he obtained a testimony that 15 'And truly if they had beer
he was just, God giving testimony mindful of that from whence they
to his gifts, and by it he being dead came out, they had doubtless time-
yet speaketh. to return.
5 By faith Henoch was trans- 16 But now they desire a better,
lated, that he should not see tfeaih, that is to say, a heavenly country.
and he was not found, because God Therefore God is not ashamed to be
had translated him For before his called their God : for he hath pre-

translation he had testimony that pared for thern a city.

he pleased God. i? By faith Abraham, when he
6But without faith it is impossible was tried, offered Isaac: and he
to please God. For he that cometh that had received the promises, of-
to God, must believe that he is, and fered up his only begotten Son.
is a re warder to them that seek him. 18 (To whom it was said: In
7 By faith Noe having received Isaac shall thy seed be called. )
an answer concerning those things 19 Accounting that God is able
which as yet were not seen, moved to raise up even from the dead.
with fear framed the ark for the Whereupon also he received *him
saving of his house, by the which for a parable.
he condemned the world and was : 20 By faith also of things to
instituted heir of the justice which come,Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau.
is by faith. 21 By taith Jacob dying blessed
8 By faith he that is called Abra- each of the sons of Joseph, and
ham, obeyed to go out into a place adored the top of hisVod.
which he was to receive for an in- 22 By faith Joseph, when he was
heritance: and he went out, not dying made mention of the going
knowing whither he went. out $f the children of Israel and •
: : :

To the HEBREWS. 271

gave commandment concerning his S'3 And others had trial of moc-
bones. keriesand stripes, moreover also of
23 By faith Moses,, when he was bands and prisons:
born,, was hid three months by his 37 'Thev were stoned, they were
parents :because they saw he wT as cut asunder, they were tempted,
a comely babe, and they feared net they were put to death by the
the king's edict. sword, they wandered about in
24 By faith Moses, when he was sheep-skins, in goat-skins, being in
grown up, denied himself to be the want, distressed, afSicted
son of Pharao's daughter : 38 Of whom the world was not
25 Bather clausing to be afflicted worthy ; wandering in desarts, in
with the people of God than to have mountains, and in dens, and in
the pleasure of sin for a time. caves of the earth.
26 Esteeming the reproach of 39 And all these being approved
Christ, greater riches than the trea- by the testimony of faith, received
sure of the Egyptians.. For he not the promise.
looked unto the reward. 40 God providing some better
27 By faith he left Egypt, not thing for us, that they should not
fearing the fierceness of the king be perfected without us
For he endured as seeing him that CHAP. XII.
is invisible.- Exhortation to constanoy?
28 By faith he celebrated the k NDtherefore we also having so
pasch, and the shedding of the -™ great a cloud of witnesses ove^
blood : that he, who destroyed the our head, laying aside every weight
first born, might not touch them. and sin which surrounds us, let us
29 By faith they passed through run by patience to the fight pro-
the Red Sea as by dry land : which posed to us
the Egyptians attempting were 2 Looking on Jesus the author
swallowed up. and finisher of faith, who having

30 By faith the walls of Jericho joy set before him, endured the
fell down by the going round them cross, despising the shame, and now
seven days. sitteth on the right hand of the
31 By faith Kahab the harlot throne of God.
perished not with the unbelievers, 3 For think diligently upon him
receiving the spies with peace. that endured such opposition from
32 And what shall I yet say ? sinners against himself: that you
For the time would fail me to tell be not wearied, fainting in your
of Gedeon, Barac, Samson, Jepthe, minds.
David, Samuel, and the prophets : 4 For you have not yet resisted
33 Who by faith conquered king- unto blood, striving against sin :

doms, wrought justice, obtained pro- 5 A; id you have forgotten the

mises, stopped the mouths of lions, consolation, which speaketh to you,
34 Quenched the violence of fire, as unto children, saying: son, My
escaped the edge of the sword, re- neglect not the discipline if the Lord i
covered strength from weakness, neither be thou wearied whilst thou
became valiant in battle, put to art rib uked by him.
flight the armies of foreigners : 6 For whom the Lord loVeth, he
35 Women received their dead chastiseth ; and he scourgeth every
raised to life again. But others son whom he receiveth,
were racked, net accepting deliver- '
7 Persevere under discipline. God
ance, that they might find a better dealeth with you as with his sons :

resurrection. for what son is tltere, whom the

272 To the HEBREWS.
father doth not correct ? to them :

8 But if you be without chastise- 20 For they did not endure thai
ment, whereof all are made par- which was said And if so much a.i

takers ; then are you bastards, and a beast shall touch the mount, it shall
Dot sons. be stoned.
9 Moreover we have had fathers 21 And so terrible was that which
of our flesh for instructors, and we was seen. Moses said; I amfrigh-
revr erenced them ; shall we not ted and tremble.
much more obey the father of spi- 22 But you are come to mount
rits, and live ? Sion, and to the city of the living
10 And they indeed for a few God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and
clays according to their own plea- to the company of many thousands
sure instructed us but he, for our : of angels/
profit, that we might receive his 23 And to the church of the first-
sanctiflcation. bom, who
w ritten in the hea- are r

11 Now all chastisement for the vens, and to God the judge of ail,
present indeed seemeth not to bring and to the spirits of the just made
with it joy but sorrow : but after- perfect,
wards itwill yield, to them that are 24. And to Jesus the mediator
exercised by it, the most peaceable of the new testament, and to the
fruit of justice. sprinkling of blood which speaketh
1% Wherefore lift up the hands better than that of Abel.
which hang down, and the feeble 2j See that you refuse him not
knees, that speaketh. For if they escaped
13 And make
straight steps with not who refused him that spoke up-
your that no one, halting,
feet : on earth, much more shall not we,
may go out of the way ; but rather that turn away from him that speaks
he healed. eth to us from heaven.
14 Follow peace with all men, 26 Whose voice then moved the
snd holiness without which no
: earth; butnowhepromiseth, saying:
man shall see God :
Yet once more ; and I will move not on*
15 Looking diligently lest any ly the earthy but heaven also,

WSan be wanting to the "grace of 27 And in that he saith, Yet once

God: any root of bitterness
lest more, he signineth the translation of
springing up do hinder, and by it the moveable things as made, that
many be denied, those things may remain which are
16 Lest there be any fornicator, immoveable.
or profane person as Esau : who for 28 Therefore receiving an immo-
one mess sold his first birth-right. veable kingdom, we have grace :
17 For know ye that afterwards whereby let us serve pleasing God,
when he desired to inherit the be- with fear and reverence.
nediction, he was rejected for he : 29 For our God is a consuming fire,
found no place of repentance, al- CHAP. XIII.
though with tears he had sought it. Divers admonitions, fyc.
18 For you are not come to a ET the charity of the brother-
mountain that might be touched, f'^ hood abide in you.
and a burning fire, and a whirl- 2 And do not forget,
wind, and darkness, and storm, for by this some, being not aware
19 And the sound of a trumpet, of it, have entertained angels.
%nd the voice of words, which they 3 Remember them that are in
*hat heard excused themselves, bands, as if you were bound with
that the word might not be spoken them and them that labour, as
1 ; 6

St. J AMES. 273

being yourselves also in the body, j
God, that is to say, the fruit of lips

4 Marriage honourable in all, and confessing to his name.

the bed undenled. For fornicators

i 1 And do not forget to do good

and f duiterers God will judge. and impart ; for by such sacrifi*
5 Let your manners be without ces God's favour is obtained.
covetousness, contented with such 17 Obey your prelates, and be
things as you have ; For he hath subject to them. For they watch as.
said : i" will not leave thee trntftef will being to render an account of your
I forsake thee. souls that they may do this with

6 So that we may
confidently say: joy, and not with grief. For this
T!ie Lord is my helper : I will not fear is not expedient for you.
ichai man shall do to me. 18 Pray for us. For we trust
7 Remember your prelates who we have a good conscience, being
have spoken the word of God to willing to behave ourselves well m
you whose faith follow, consider-
: all things.
ing the end of their conversation. And I beseech you the more
8 Jesus Christ yesterday and to to do this, that I may be restored
day and the same for ever.
: to you the sooner.
9 Be not led away with various 20 And may the God of peace,
and strange doctrines. For it is best who brought again from the dead
that the heart be established with the great pastor of the sheep, our
grace not with meats : which have Lord Jesus Christ, in the blood of
not profited those that walk in them. the everlasting, testament,
10 We
have an altar, whereof 21 Fit you in all goodness, that
they have no power to eat who you may do his will : doing in you
serve the tabernacle. that which well pleasing in his

1 For the bodies of those beasts, sight, through Jesus Christ : to

whose blood is brought into the whom is glory for ever and ever.

Holies by the high-priest for sin, Amen.

are burned without the camp. 9,-1 And I beseech you, brethren,
12 Wherefore Jesus also, that that you Buffer th'it word of conso-*
he might sanctify the people by his lation. have written to you
For I
own blood, suffered without the gate in a few words.
13 Let us go forth therefore to 23 Know ye that our brother Ti*
him without the camp ; bearing motby is set at liberty with whom: :

his reproach. (if he comes shortly) I will see you.

14. For we have not here a last- 24 Salute all your prelates, and
ing city but we seek one that is
: allthe saints. The brethren from
to come. Italy salute you.
15 By him therefore let us offer U5 Grace be with you all. Amen.
the sacrifice of praise always to

The Catholic EPISTLE of St. JAMES the Apostle.

CHAP. I. 3 Knowing that the trying of
of tribulation?.
benefit your faith worketh patience.
1 AMES the servant of God, and 4 And patience hath a perfect
** of cur Lord Jesus Christ, to the work that yen may be perfect and

twelve tribes which are scattered entire, failing in nothing.

abroad greeting. 5 But if any of you want wisdomy
2 My
brethren, count it all joy let him ask of God who giveth to
when you shall fail into divers all men abundantly, and upbraidetk
temptations not : and it shall be given bihu

ftli St. JA\ ES.

6 But him ask in faith, nothing
let cth not the justice of God.
havering. For he that wavereth, is 21 Wherefore casting away all
like a wave of the sea, which is mo- uncleanness, and abundance of
ved and carried about by the wind. naughtiness, with meekness revive
7 Therefore Jet not that man the engrafted word, which is able
think that he shall receive any thing to save your souls.
of the Lord. 22 But be ye doers of the word,
8 A double minded man is in- and not hearers only, deceiving your
constant in all his ways. own selves.
9 But let the brother of low coa- 23 For if a man be a hearer of
lition glory in his exaltation : the word and not a doer: he shall
10 And the rich, in his being low, be compared to a man beholding
because as the flower of the grass his own countenance in a glass.
shall he pass away. For he beheld himself, and
11 For the sun rose with a burn- went his way, and presently forgot
ing heat, and parched the grass, and what manner of man he was.
the flower thereof fell oft', and the 25 But he that hath looked into
beauty of the shape thereof peri- the perfect law of liberty, and hath
shed : so also shall the rich man continued therein, not becoming a
fade away in his ways. forgetful hearer, but a doer of the
12 Blessed is the man that endu- work ; this man shall be blessed in
reth temptation for when he hath
: his deed.
been proved, he shall receive the 26 Andif any man think himself
erown of life, which God hath pro- to be religious, not bridling his
mised to them that love him. tongue^ but deceiving his own heart,
13 Let no man, when he is temp- this man's religion is vain.
ted, say that he is tempted by God. 27 Religion clean and undefiled
For God is not a tempter of evils, before God and the Father, is this,
and he tempteth no man. to visit the fatherless and widows
14 Brit every man is tempted by in their tribulation : and to keep
his own concupiscence, being drawn one's self unsootted from this world.
away and allured. CHAP. II.
15 Then when concupiscence hath Against respect of persons.
B»t sin,

bringeth forth sin.
it is completed, be-
MY brethren, have not the faith
of our Lord Jesus Christ of
getteth death. glory with respect of persons.
16 Do not err therefore, my dear- 2 For if there shall come into
est brethren. your assembly a man having a
17 Every best gift, and every golden ring, in fine apparel, and
perfect gift, is from above, coming there shall come in also a poor man
down from the Father of lights, in mean attire,
with whom there is no change, nor 3 respect to him
And you have
shadow of alteration. that cloathed with the fine appa-
rel, and shall say to him : Sit
15 For of his own will hath he
begotten us by the wr ord of truth, here well : but say, to the poor man:
that we might be some beginning Stand thou there, or sit under my
of his creature. footstool
19 You know, my dearest bre- 4 Do you not judge within your*
thren. And let every man be swift selves, and are become judges of
to hear, but slow to speak, and unjust thoughts ?

slew to anger. 5 Hearken, my dearest brethren:

20 For the anger of man work- hath not God chosen the poor in
St. JAMES, 27&
this world, rich in SO But wilt thou know, O vain
faith, and heirs
of the kingdom which God hath man, that faith without works is

promised to them that love him ? dead ?

6 But you have dishonoured the 21 Was not Abraham our father
poor man. Do not the rich oppress justified by works, offering up Isaac
you by might; and do not they his son upon the altar ?
draw you before the judgment seats? 22 Seest thou that faith did co-
7 Do not they blaspheme the good operate with his works and by :

name that is invoked upon you ? works faith was made perfect ?
8 If then you fulfil the royal law, 23 And the scripture was fulfilled,
sccording to the scriptures, Thou saying: Abraham believed God, and
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: itwas reputed to him to justice, and.
you do wej] : hewas called the friend of God,
9 But if you have respect to per- 24 Do you see that by works a
sons, you commit .sin, being reprov- man is justified ; and not by faith
ed by the law as transgressors. only ?

10 And whosoever shall keep the 25 And in like manner also Ra-
whole law, but offend in one point, hab the harlot, was not she justified
isbecome guilty of all. by works, receiving the messen-
11 For he that said, Thou shalt gers, and sending them out another
not commit adultery, said also, way ?
Thou shalt not kill. Now if thou 26 For even as the body without
do not commit adultery, but shalt the spirit is dead so also faith :

kill thou are become a transgres-

: without works is dead.
sor of the law. CHAP. III.
12 So speak ye, and so do, as Of the evils of the tongue.
being to be judged by the law of TPE ye not many masters, my bre-
liberty. -"• thren, knowing that you re-
13 For judgment without mercy ceive ihv greater judgment
tohim that hath not done mercy. 2 For in many things we all of-
And mercy exalteth itself above fend, li' any man offend not in
judgment. word ; the same a perfect man.

14 What shall it profit, my bre- He is able also with a bridle to lead

thren, if a man say he hath faith, about the whole bo «y.
but hath not works ? Shall fain be 3 Fur if we put bits into the
able to save him ? mouths of horses, that they may
15 And if a brother or sister be obey us, and we turn about their
naked, and want daily food : whole body.
16 And one of you say to them : 4 Behold also ships, whereas they
Go in peace, be you warmed and are great, and are driven by strong
filled yet give them not those
: winds, ytrt are they turned about
things that are necessary for the with a small helm, whithersoever
body : what shall it profit ? the force of the governor willeth.
So faith also, if it have not
i 7 5 So the tongue also is indeed a
works, is dead in itself. little member, and boasteth great
IS But some man will say : Thou things. Behold how small a fire
hast faith, and I have works shew : what a great wood it kindleth ?
me thy faith without works ; and I And the tongue is a fire, a
willshew thee> by works, my faith.
world of iniquity. The tongue is
19 Thou believest that there is placed among our members, winch
one God. Thou dost well the de- : derileth the whole body, and inflam-
vils also believe and tremble.. eth the wheel of our nativity, being

276 St. JAMES.

set on. tire by hell. kill and envy, and cannot obtain.
7 For every nature of beasts, and You contend and war, and you have
of birds, and of serpents, and of the not, because you wtk not.
rest, is tamed and hath been tamed 3 You ask and receive not: be-
by the nature of man : cause you ask amiss that you may :

8 But the tongue no man can consume it on your concupiscences.

tame, an unquiet evil, full of dtadly 4* Adulterers, know you not that
poison. the friendship of this world, is the
9 By it we God and the enemy of God ? Whosoever there-
Father : and by it we curse men, fore will be a friend of this world,
who are made after the likeness oi becometh an enemy of God.
God. 5 Or do you think that the scrip-
10 Out of the same mouth pro- ture saith in vain To envy doth the

ceedtth blessing and cursing. My spirit covetwhich dwelleth in you %

brethren, these things ought not so 6 But "he giveth greater eracc.
to be. Wherefore he .saith God reslsteth :

11 Doth a fountain send forth, the prowl, and giveth grace to the
out of the same hole, sweet and hii??:t>!.-.

bitter water? 7 Be subject therefor? to G d,

12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, but resist the devil, and he will fly
bear grapes or the vine, figs ?
: So from you.
neither can the salt water yield sweet 8 Praw nigh to God, and he wi'i
13 Who is a wise man and endu- draw nigh to you. Cleanse yGur
ed with knowledge among you ? hands ye sinners ; and purify your
Let him shew, by a good conver- hearts, ye double minded.
sation, his work in the meekness 9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and
of wisdom. weep: let your laughter be turned
U But if you have bitter zeal, into mourning, and your joy, into
and there be contentious in your sorrow.
hearts ; glory not and be not iiers 10 Be humbled in the sight of
against the truth. the Lord, and he will exalt you.
15 For this is not wisdom de- 1 Detract not one .another, my
scending from above but earthly, : brethren. He that detracteth his
sensual, devilish. brother, or he that judgeth his bro-
16 For where envying and con- ther, detracteth the law, and judg-
tention is, there is inconstancy, and eth the law. But if thou judge the
every evil work. law, thou art not a doer of the law,
17* But the wisdom, that is from but a judge.
above, first indeed is chaste, then 12 There is one law-giver, and
peaceable, modest, easy to be per- judge, that is able to destroy and
suaded, consenting to the good, full to deliver.
of mercy and good fruits, without 13 But who art thou that judgest
judging, without dissimulation. thy neighbour? Behold, now you
18 And the fruit of justice is sown that say : To-day or to-morrow we
in peace,, to them that make peace. will go into such a city, and there
CHAP. IV. we will spend a year, and will traf-
Admonitions against pride, S^c. rick, and make our gain.
TpROM whence are wars and con- 14 Whereas you know not what
-*- tentions among you ? Are they shall be on the morrow.
not hence, from your concupiscences, 15 For what is your life ? It is a
which war in your members ? vapour which appeareth for a little
2 Y$u covet, and have not you : while, and afterwards shall vanish
: :

I. Of St. PETER. 277

way. Far that you should say ample of suffering evil, of labour

If the Lord will ; and, if we shall and patience, the prophets, who
live, we will do this or that. spoke in the name of the Lord
16 But now you rejoice in your 1 1 Behold we account them bless-

arrogancies. All such rejoicing is ed who have endured.

You have
wicked. heard of the patience of Job, and
17 To him therefore who know- you have seen the end of the Lord,

eth to do good, and doth it not, to that the Lord is merciful and com-
him it is sin. passionate.
CHAP. V. 13 But above all things, my bre-
A woe to the rich that oppress the poor, then, swear not, neither by heaven
4T*0 to now, ye rich men, weep nor by the earth, nor by any other
^" and howl in your miseries, oath. But let your speech be, yea,
which snail come upon you. yea no, no that you fall not un-
: :

2 Your riches are corrupted der judgment.

and your garments are moth eaten. 13 Is any of you sad ? Let him
3 Your gold and silver is cankered: pray. Is he cheerful in mind? Let
and the rust of them shall be for a him sing.
testimony against you, and shall 14 Is any man sick among you ?
eat your flesh like fire. You have Let him bring hi the priests of the
stored up to yourselves wrath church, and let them pray over him
against the last clays. anointing him with oil in the name
4 Behold the hire of the labourers, of the Lord,
who have reaped down your fields, 15 And the prayer of faith shall
which by fraud has been kept save the sick man and the Lord :

back by you, crieth and the cry of shall raise him up and if he be in
: :

the in hath entered into the ears of sins,they shall be forgiven him.
the Lord of sabaoth. 16 Confess therefore your sins
5 You have feasted upon earth: and one to another : and pray one for
in riotousness you have nourished another, that you may be saved.
your hearts, in the day of slaughter. For the continual prayer of a just
6 You have condemned and put man availeth much.
to death the just one, and he resist- 17 Ellas was a man possible like
ed you not. unto us and with prayer he prayed

7 Bepatient therefore, brethren, that it might not rain upon the

until the coming of the Lord. Be- earth, and it rained not for three
hold, the husband-man waiieth for years and six months.
the precious fruit of the earth pa- : 18 And he prayed again: and
tiently bearing till he receive the the heaven gave rain, and the earth
early and the latter rain. brought forth her fruit.
8 Be you therefore also patient, 1.9 My
brethren, if any of you err
and strengthen your hearts for the : f; om the truth, and one convert him :

coming of the Lord is at hand. 20 He must know, that he who

9 Grudge not, brethren, one causetfa a sinner to be converted
against another, that you may not from the error of his way> shah save
be judged. Behold the judge stand- his soul from death, and shall cover
eth before the door. a multitude of sins.
10 Take, my brethren, for an ex-

The first EPISTLE of St. PETER the APOSTLE,

CHAP. I. |
"OETER an apostle of Jesus
He exhorts to holiness of life. j
*• Christ, to the strangers dispers-
: 1

278 I. Of St. PETER.

ed through Pontus, Galatia, Cappa- desire to look.
docia, Asia, and Bithynia, elect, 13 Wherefore having the loins of
2 According to the foreknow- your mind girt up, being sober,
ledge of God the Father, unto the trust perfectly in the grace which
sanctification of the Spirit, unto obe- is.ofler&d you in the revelation of
dience and sprinkling of the blood Jesus Christ,
of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you 14 As children of obedience, not
and peace be multiplied. fashioned according to the former
3 Blessed be the God and Father desires of your ignorance :

of our Lord Jesus Christ, who ac- 15 But according to him that
cording to his great mercy hath called you, who hath is Holy, be
regenerated us unto a lively hope, you also in all manner of con versa*
by the resurrection of Jesus Christ tion holy :

from the dead, 16 Because it is written: You

4 Unto an inheritance incorrup- shall be holy, for I am holt/,
tible, and undeflied, and that cannot 1? And you invoke as Father

fade, reserved in heaven for you, him who, without respect of per-
5 Who by the power of God, are sons, judgeth according to every
kept by faith unto salvation ready one's work : converse in fear during
to be revealed in the last time. the time of your sojourning here.
6 Wherein you shall greatly re- 18 Knowing that you were not
joice, if now you must be for a little redeemed with corruptible things
time made sorrowful in divers temp- as gold or silver, from your vain
tations ; conversation of the tradition of your
7Thatthe trial of your faith (much fathers.
more precious than gold which is 19 But with the precious blood
tried by the fire) may be found unto of Christ, as of a lamb unspotted
praise and glory and honour at the and undefiled,
appearing of Jesus Christ 20 Fore-known indeed before the
8 Whom having not seen, you foundation of the world, but mani-
love in whom also now, though
: fested in the last times for you,
you see him not, you believe and : 2 Who through him are faithful
believing shall rejoice with joy un- in God, who raised him up from the
speakable and glorified, dead, and hath given him glory, that
9 Receiving the end of your faith, your faith and hope might be inGod.
even the salvation of your souls. 22 Purifying your souls in the
10 Of which salvation ^the pro- obedience of charity, with a bro-
phets have enquired and diligently therly love Lum a sincere heart
searched, who prophesied of the love one another earnestly :
grace to come in you, 23 Being born again not of cor-
11 Searching w hat or what man-
ruptible seed, but incorruptible by
ner of time the Spirit of Christ in the word of God who iiveth and
them did signify : when it foretold remaineth for ever.
those sufferings that are in Christ, 24 For all fie th is as grass : and all
and the glories that should follow : the glory thereof as the flower of grass*
12 To whom it was revealed, that The grass is withered, and the flower
not to themselves, but to you they thereof is fallen away.
ministered those things which are 25 But the word of the Lord en-
now declared to you by them that dureth for ever, and this is the
have preached the gospel to you, word which by the gospel Jiath
the Holy Ghost being sent down been preached unto you.
from heaven j on whom the angels
1 :

I. Of St. PETER. 279

CHAP. II. yon, glorify God in the day of visi-
We are to lay aside all guile. tation.
^im 7 HEKEFOHE laying away in 13 Be ye subject therefore to
* * malice, and all guile, and every human creature for God's
dissimulations, and envies, and all sake whether it be to the king as

detractions, excelling :

2 As new born babes, desire the ra- 14 Or to governors as sent by him

tional milk without guile, that there- for the punishment of evil doers,
by you may grow unto salvation. and for the praise of the good :

3 If so be you have tasted that 1.5 For so is the will of God, that

the Lord is sweet. by doing well you may put to* si-
4 Unto whom corning, as to a lence the ignorance of foolish men :

living stone, rejected indeed by men, 16 As free, and not as making

but chosen and made honourable liberty a cloak for rnaiice, but as
by God : the servants of God.
o Be you
also as living stones 17 Honour all men. Love the
built up, a spiritual house, a holy brotherhood. Fear God. Honour
priesthood, to offer up spiritual sa- the king.
crifices, acceptable to God by Jesus 15 Servants be subject to your
Christ. masters with all fear, not only td
6 Wherefore it is said in the the good and gentle, but also to»
scripture : Behold I lay in Sion a chief the troward.
corner-stone, elect, precious. And he i 9 For this k thanks-worthy, if for
that shall believe in him, shall not he conscience towards Goil, a man en-
confounded. dure sorrows, suffering wrongfully.
7 To you therefore that believe, /20 For what glory is it, it com-
be is honour : but to them that be- mitting sin and being buffeted for
lieve not, the stone which the builders it you endure ? But if doing well
rejected, the same is made the head of you suffer patiently,
this is thanks-
the corner worthy before God.
8 And a stone of stumbling, and 21 For unto this are you called]:
a ''rock of scandal, to them who because Christ also suffered for us,
stumble at the word, neither do be- leaving you an example that you
lieve, whereunto also they are set. should follow his steps.
9 But you are a chosen genera- 22 Who did no sin, neither was
tion, a kingly priesthood, a holy guile found in his mouth.
nation, a purchased people that 22 Who, when he was reviled,

you may declare his virtues, who did not revile when he suffered, :

bath called you out of darkness in- he threatened not but delivered :

to his marvellous light, himself to him that judged him un-

10 Who in time past were not a justly.
people : but are now the people of God.
24 Who
his own self bore our
Who had not obtained mercy : but now sins in hisbody upon the tree that :
have obtained mercy.
we being dead to sins, should live
1Dearly beloved, I beseech you
10 justice: by whose stripes you
as strangers and pilgrims, to refrain
were healed.
yourselves from carnal desires which
25 For you were as sheep going
war against the soul,
astray but you are now convert-
12 Having your
ed to the shepherd and bishop of
good among the that
your souls
whereas they speak against you as
evil doers, they may, by the ffood CHAP. III.
ivorks which they shall behold m\ Hoxvxvives are to behave to their husbands
: ? : : :::

280 I. Of St. PETER.

wives be
like also
to their husbands that
thing for justice sake, blessed are
ye. And be not afraid of their
if "believe not the word, they
any fear, and be not troubled.
may be won without the word, by 15 But sanctify the Lord Christ
the conversation of the wives. inyour hearts, being ready always
2 Considering your chaste con- every one that asketh you
to satisfy
versation with fear. a reason of that hope which is in
3 Whose adorning let it not be you.
the outward plaiting of the hair, 16 But with modesty and fear,
or the wearing of gold, or the put- having a good conscience : that
ting on of apparel whereas they speak evil of you,
4 But the hidden man of the they may be ashamed who falsely
heart in the incorruptibility of a accuse your good conversation in
quiet and a meek spirit, which is Christ.
rich in the sight of God. 17 Far it is better doing w ell (if

5 For after this manner hereto- such be the will of God) to suffer,
fore the holy women also, who than doing ill.
trusted in God, adorned themselves, 18 Because Christ also died once
being in subjection to their own for our sins, the just for the unjust
husbands. thai; he might offer ns to God, being
6 As Sara obeyed Abraham, cal- put to death indeed in the flesh, but
ling him lord: whose daughters enlivened in the spirit.
you are, doing well, and not fear- 19 In which also coming he
ing any disturbance. preached to those spirits that were
"? Ye husbands likewise dwelling in prison
with them according to knowledge, 20 Which had been some time
giving honour to the female as to incredulous, when they waited for
the weaker vessel, and as to the the patience of God in the days of
coheirs of the grace of life that :
Noe, when the ark was a building
your prayers be not hindered. wherein a few, that is, eight souls
8 And in fine be ye all of one were saved by water.
mind, having compassion one of 21 Whereunto baptism being of
another, being lovers of the brother- the like form, now saveth you also
hood, merciful, modest, humble not the putting away of the filth of
9 Not rendering evil for evil, the flesh, but the examination of a
nor railing for railing, but contrari- good conscience towards God by
wise, blessing: for unto this are the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
you called, that you may inherit a 22 Who is on the right hand of

blessing. God, swallowing down death, that

10 For he that will love Up, and see we might be made heirs of life
good day si, let him refrain his tongue everlasting: being gone into heaven,
from evil, and his tips that they speak the angels and powers and virtues
m guile. being made subject to him.
11 Let him decline from evil, and CHAP. IV.
do good: let him seek after peace, and Exhortation to cease from sin.
pursue it:
12 Because trie eyes of the Lord are
C<HRIST therefore having suffer-
ed in the flesh, be you also
upon the just, and his ears unto their
prayers but the countenance of the Lord
armed with the same thought for :

upon them that do evil things.

he that hath suffered in the flesh,
hath ceased from sins
13 And who is he that can hurt
2 That now he may live the rest
you, if you be zealous of good ?
14- But if also you suffer any of his time in the flesh, not after

I. Of St. PETER. ssi

the desires of men, but according sed: for that which is of the honour,
to the will of God. glory and power of God, and that
3 For the time past is sufficient which is his Spirit, resteth upon you.
to have fuliillecl the
will of the gen- 15 But let none of you suffer as
tiles for them who have walked in a murderer, or a thief, or a railer,
riotousness, lusts, excess of wine, or a coveter of other men's things.
revellings, banquetmgs, and unlaw- 16 But if as a Christian, let him
ful worshipping of idols. not be ashamed, but let hiin glority
4 Wherein they think it strange, God in this name.
that you run not with them into 17 For the time is that judg-
riotousness, ment should begin at the house of
the same confusion of
speaking evil of you. God. And if first at us, what shall
5 Who render account to
shall be the end of them that believe not
him, who is ready to judge the liv- the gospel of God ?

ing and the dead. 18 And if the just man shall

6 For, tor this cause was the scarcely be saved, where shall the
gospel preached also to the* dead: ungodly and the sinner appear ?
that they might be judged indeed 19 Wherefore let them also that
according to men, in the flesh but : suffer according to the will of God,
may live according to God in the commend their souls in good deeds
Spirit ; _ _ to the faithful Creator.
m ,
7 But the end of all is at hand. CHAP. V.
Be prudent therefore, and watch in He exhorts loth priests and laity to their

prayers. respective duties*

8 But before all things have a ryMIE antients therefore that are
constant mutual charity among
-* among you, I beseech, who am
yourselves for charity covereth a
: myself also an antient, and a wit-
multitude of sins. ness of the sufferings of Christ, as
9 Using hospitality one towards also a partaker of that glory which
another without murmuring. is to be revealed in time to come :

10 As every man hath received 2 Feed the flock of Godwhich is

grace, ministering the same one to among you, taking care of it not by
another: as good stewards of the constraint, but willingly according
manifold grace of God. to God not for filthy lucre's sake,

11 If any man speak, lei him speak but voluntarily :

as the words of God. If any rxeji 3 Neither as lording it over the

minister, let him do it as of the pow- clergy, but Utdas. n?*de a pattern of
er, which God administereth that : the flock from the heart.
in all things God may be honoured 4 And when the prince of pastors
through Jesus Christ; to whom is shall appear, you shall receive a ne-
glory and empire for ever and ever. ver-fadi ng crown of glory.
Amen. 5 In like manner ye young men
12 Dearly beloved, think not be subject to the antients. And do
strange the burning heat which is ye all insinuate humility one to ano-
to try you, as if some new thing ther, God vesisteth the prvudf
happened to you : but to thehumble he giveth grace.
1 But if you partake of the suf- G Be you humbled therefore under
ferings of Christ, rejoice, that when the mighty hand of God, that he may
his glory shall be revealed you may exalt you in the time of visitation.
also be glad with exceeding joy. 7 Casting all your care upon him,

14 If you be reproached for the for he hath care of you.

name of Christ, you shall be bies* 8 Be sober and watch : because
: : : 1

2S2 II. Of St. PETER.

your adversary the devil, as a roar- 1 To him be glory and empire
ing lion, goeth about, seeking whom for ever and ever. Amen.
he may devour. 12 By Sylvanus, a faithful bro-
9 Whom resist ye, strong in ther unto you, as I think, I have
faith :knowing that the same afflic- written briefly : beseeching and tes-
tion befals your brethren who are tifying that this is the true grace of
in the world. God, wherein you stand.
10 But the God of all grace, who 13 The church that is in Baby-
hath called us unto his eternal Ion, elected together with you, salu-
glory, in Christ Jesus, after you teth you: and so doth my son Mark
have suffered a little, will himself 11 Salute one another with a holy
perfect you, and confirm you, and kiss. Grace be to all you who are
establish vou. in Christ Jesus. Amet


CHAP. I. 9 For he that hath not these
He exhorts them to join all other things with him, is blind, and grop-
virtues with their faith. ing, having forgotten that he was
SIMON Peter, servant and apos- purged from his old sins.
tle them that
of Jesus Christ, to 10 Wherefore, brethren, labour
have obtained equal faith with us in the more, that by good works you
the justice of our God and Saviour may make sure your calling and
Jesus Christ. election. For doing these things,,
2 Grace to you and peace be ac- you shall not sin at any time.
complished in the knowledge of God 11 For so an entrance shall be
and of ChristJESUS our Lord : ministered to you abundantly into
3 As all things of his divine pow* the everlasting kingdom of our Lord
er, which appertain to life and god- and Saviour Jesus Christ.
liness, are given «|, through the 12 For which cause 1 will begin
knowledge of him who hath called to put you always in remembrance
tis by his own proper glory and of these things: though indeed vou
virtue. know them, and are confirmed iu
4 By whom ~ he hath given us the present truth.
most great and precious promises 13 But I think it meet, as long as
that by these you may be made par- I am in this tabernacle, to stir you
takers of the divine nature : flying up by putting you in remembrance*.
the corruption of That concupiscence 14 Being assured that the laying
which is hi the world. away of this my tabernacle is at
6 And you employing ' all care, hand, according as our Lord Jesus
minister in your faith, virtue: and Christ also hath signified to me.
In virtue, knowledge 15 And I will do my endeavour,
6 And knowledge, abstinence:
in that after my decease also, you may
and in abstinence, patience: and in often have, whereby you may keep
patience, godliness a memory of these things.
7 And in godliness, love of bro- 16 For we have not followed
therhood and in love of brother-
: cunningly devised fables, when we
hood, charity. made known to you the power and
8 For if these things be with you, presence of our Lord Jesus Christ:
and abound, they will make you to but having been made eye witness
be neither empty nor unfruitful in of his majesty.
the -knowledge of our Lord Jesus 17 For, he received from God
Christ. the Father, honour and glory ; this
IL Of St, PETER. S33
oice coming down to him from the pie to those that should after act
excellent glory, This is my beloved wickedly.
Son in whom I have pleased myself, 7 And delivered just Lot oppres-
hear $ him. sed by the injustice and lewd con-
IS And this voice we heard versation of the wicked.
brought from heaven, when we 8 For in sight and hearing he was
were with him in the holy mount. just: dwelling among them, who
19 And we have the more firm rrom day to day vexed the just soul
prophetical word: whereunto you with unjust works.
(io well to attend, as to a light that 9 The Lord kuowethhow to de-
shinet.li in a dark place, Until the liver the godly from temptation, but
day dawn, and the day-star arise in to reserve the unjust unto the day
your hearts : of judgment to be tormented:
20 Unders landing this first, that 10 And especially them who
no prophecy of scripture is made walk after the flesh in the lust of
by private interpretation, uncleanness, and despise govern-
21 For prophecy came not by the ment, audacious, self-willed, they
will of man at any time but the fear not to bring in sects, blasphem-

holy men of God spoke, inspired by ing.

the Ploly Ghost. 11 Whereas angels who are
CHAP. IL greater in strength and power,
He vwrns-them against false teachers. bring not against themselves a rail-
BUT there were also false pro- ing judgment.
phets among the people, even 12 But these men as irrational
as there shall be among you lying beasts, naturally tending to the
teachers who shall bring in sects oi snare and to destruction, blasphem-
perdition, and deny the Lord who ing those tilings which they know
bought them bringing upon them- not shall perish in their corruption,

selves swift destruction. 13 Receiving the reward oi their

2 And many shall follow their injustice, counting for a pleasure
riotptisnesses,thrpugh whom the way the delights of a day: stains and
of truth- shall be evii spoken of. spots, sporting themselves to excess,
8 And through covetousness rioting in their feasts with you.
shall '.hey with feigned words make 14 Having eyes full of adultery
merchandize of you. Whose judg- and of sin that cease th not: alluring'
ment now of a long time lingereth unstable souls, having their heart
not, and their perdition slumbereth exercised with covetousness, chil-
not. dren of malediction*:
4 For if God spared not the. an- 15 Leaving the right way they
gels that sinned :but delivered have gone astray, having followed
them drawn down by infernal ropes the way of Balaam of Bosor, who
to the lower hell, unto torments, to loved the wages of iniquity,
be reserved unto judgment: 16 But had a check of his mad-
5 And spared not the original ness, the dumb beast used to the
world, but preserved Noe the eighth yoke, which speaking with man's
person the preacher of justice, bring- voice, forbade the folly of the pro-
ing in the tlood upon the world of phet.
the ungodly. 17 These are fountains without
6 And reducing the cities of the water and clouds tossed with whirl-
Sodomites and of the Gomorrhites winds, to whom the mist of dark-
into ashes, condemned them to be ness is reserved.
overthrown, making them an exam* 18 For, speaking proud words of
: :

284 IT. Or St. PETER.

vanity, they allure by the desires of the word of God.
fleshly riotousness, those who for a 6 Whereby the world that the,'
little while escape, such as converse was, being overflowed with water,
in error perished.-
1 9 Promising them liberty, whereas 7 But the heavens and the earth
they themselves are the slaves of which are now, by the same word
corruption. For by whom a man are kept in store, reserved unto fire
is overcome, of the same also he is against the day of judgment and
the slave. perdition of the ungod'y men.
20 Forif, flying from the pollu- 8 But of this one thing be not
tions ofthe world through the ignorant, my beloved, that one day
knowledge of our Lord and Saviour with the Lord is as a thousand years,
Jescs Christ, they he again entan- and a thousand years as one day.
gled in them, and overcome: their 9 The Lord delayeth not his pro-
latter stateis become unto them mise, as some imagine: butdealeth
worse than the former. patiently for your sake, not willing
21 For it had been better for that any should perish, but that all
them not to have known the way should return to penance.
of justice, than after they have 10 But the day of the Lord shall
known it to turn back from that come as a thief, in which the hea-
holy commandment which was de- vens shall pass away with great
livered to them. violence, and the elements shall be
22 For, that of the true proverb melted with heat, and the earth
has happened to them. The dog and the wr orks which are in it shall
is returned to his vomit : and, The be burnt up.
sow that was washed, to her wal- 11 Seeing then that all these
lowing in the mire. things are to be dissolved, what
CHAP. III. manner of people ought you to be in
Against scoffers denying the second holy conversation and godliness,
coming- of Christ, 12 Looking for and hastening
BEHOLD this second epistle I unto the coming of the day of the
write to you, my dearly be- Lord, by which the heavens being
loved, in which I stir up by way cf on fire shall be dissolved, and the
admonition your sincere mind elements shall melt with the burn*

2 That you may he mind Ail cf i* '"to

he&t *
i-'^l-. ><«•

those words which I told you be- 13 But we look for new heavens
fore from the holy prophets, and of and a new earth according to his
your apostles, of the precepts of the promisesy.in which justice dwelleth.
Lord and Saviour, 14 Wherefore, dearly beloved, see*
3 Knowing this first, that in the ing that you look for these things,
last days there shall come deceitful be diligent that ye may be found un-
scoffers, walking after their own dented and unspotted tohim in peace:
lusts, 15 And account the long suffer-
4 Saying: Where is his promise ing of our Lord salvation, as also
or his coming ? for since the time our most dear brother Paul, accord-
that the fathers slept, all things ing to the wisdom given him, hath
continue as they were from the be- written to you
ginning, of the creation. 16 As also in all his epistles,
5 For this they are wilfully ig- speaking in them of these things ;
norant of, that the heavens were be- in which are certain thirtgs hard to
fore, and the earth, out of water, be understood, which the unlearned
and through water, consisting by and unstable wrest, as they do
: : 1 :

T. Of St. JOHN. 285

also the other scriptures to their stedfastness.
own destruction. 18 But grow in grace, and in the
17 You therefore, brethren, know- knowledge of our Lord and Savi-
ing* these things before, take heed, our Jesus Christ. To him be glory
lest being led aside by the error of both now and unto the day of eter-
the unwise, you fall from your own nity. Amen.

The frst EPISTLE of St. JOHN the APOSTLE.

Saint John is ordered to write io the Directions what to write to the angels
seven churches in Asia. or bishops of Ephesii?, fyc.
^PHAT which was from the be- |%'f Y little children, these things
^ ginning, which we have heard, lf-fl.
J write you that you may
which we have seen with our eyes, not sin. But if any man sin, we
which we have looked upon, and have an advocate with the Father,
our hands have handled, of the Jesus Christ the just
word of the life 2 And he is the propitiation for
2 For the life was manifested our sins and not for ours only, but

and we have seen, and do bear wit- also for those of the whole world.
ness, and declare unto you the life 3 And by this we know that we
eternal which was with the Father, have known him, if w e keep his r

and hath appeared to us : commandments.

3 That w hich we have seen and
4 He who saith that he knoweth
have heard, we declare unto you, him, and keepeth not his command-
that you also may have fellowship ments, is a liar, and the truth is
with us, and our fellowship may be not in him :

with the Father, and with his Son 5 But he that keepeth his word,
Jesus Christ. in him in very deed the charity of
4 And these things we write to God is perfected: and by this we
you, that you may rejoice, and know that we are in him.
your joy may be full, 6 He that saith he abideth in
5 And this is the declaration him, ought himself also to walk,
which we have heard from him, and even as he walked.
declare unto you: That God is 7 Dearly beloved, I write not a
light, and in him there is no darkness. new commandment to you, but an
6 If we say that we have fellow- oldcommandment which you had
ship with him, and walk in dark- from the beginning.The old com-
ness, we lie, and do not the truth. mandment is the word which you
7 But if we walk in the light, as have heard.
lie also is in the light ; we have fel- 8 Again a new commandment I
lowship one with another, and the write unto you, which thing is true
blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleans- both in him and in you because :

eth us from all sin. the darkness is passed and the true
8 If we say that we have no sin ; light now shineth.
we deceive ourselves, and the truth 9 He that saith he is in the light,
is not in us. and hateth bis brother, is in dark-
9 If we confess our sins he is ; ness even until now.
faithful and just, to forgive us our 10 He that loveth his brother,
sins,andto cleanse us from all iniquity abideth in the light, and there is no
10 If we say that we have not scandal in him.
sinned ;we make him a liar, arid 1 But he that hateth his brother,
his word is net in us j is^in darkness, and walketh in dark-
286 I. Or St. JOHN*
ness, and knoweth not whither he the same hath not the Father. He
goeth: because the darkness hath that cnnfesseth the Son, hath the
blinded his eyes. Father also,
1£ I write unto you, little chil- 24 As for you, let that which you
dren, because your sins are for- have heard from the beginning, a-
given you for his name's sake. bide in you* If that abide in you,
13 I write unto you, fathers, be- which you have heard from the be*
cause ^ou have known him, who is ginning, you also shall abide in the
from the beginning. I write unto Son and in the Father.
you, young men, because you have 2.5 And this is the promise which
overcome the wicked one. he hath promised us, life everlasting.
14-1 write unto you, babes, be- 26 These things have I written to
cause you have known the Father. you,coiicerningthem that seduceyou
I write unto you, young men, be- 27 And as for you, let the uncti*
cause you are strong, and the word on, which you have received from
of God abideth in you, and you him, abide in you. And you have no
have overcome the wicked one. need that any man teach you but :

15 Love not the world, nor the as his unction teacheth you of all
things that are in the world. If any things, and is truth, and is no lie. And
man love the world, the charity of as it hath taught you, abide in him.
the Father is not in him. 28 And now, little children, abide
16 For all that is in the world, in him that when he shall appear,

is the concupiscence of the flesh, we may have confidence* and not be

and the concupiscence of the eyes, confounded by him at his coming.
and the pride of life, which is not 29 If you know, that he is just*
©f the Father, but is of the world. know ye, that every one also, wh«
17 And the world passeth away, doth justice, i& born of him.
and the concupiscence thereof. CHAP. III.
But he that doth the will of God, Of the love of God to us,
abideth for ever. BEHOLD what manner
of cha*
18 Little children, it is the last Father hath bestowed
rity the
hour : and as you have heard that upon us, that we should be called,
Antichrist cometh : even now there and should be the sons of God.
are become many Antichrists: where- Therefore the world knoweth not
by we know that it is the last hour. us, because it knew not him.
19 They went out from us; but 2 Dearly beloved, we are now the
they were not of us. For if they the sons of God ; and it hath not
had been of us, they would no yet appeared what we shall be. We
doubt have remained with us but : know, that, when he shall appear,
that they may be manifest, that we shall be like to him because :

they are not all of us. we shall see him as he is.

20 But you have the unction from 3 And every one that? hath this
the Holy one, and know all things. hope in him, sanctifieth himself, as
21 I have not written to you as he also is holy.
to them that know not the truth, 4 Whosoever committeth sin,
but as to them that know it : and committeth also iniquity and sin :

that no lie is of the truth. is iniquity.

22 Who isa liar, but he who 5 And you know that he appear-
denieth that Jesus is the Christ ? ed to take away our sins and in :

This is Antichrist, who denieth the him there is no sin.

Father and the Son. 6 Whosoever abideth in him, sin-
#3 Whosoever denieth tb<» Son, neth not : and whosoever sinneth
I. Of St. JOHN. S87
lath not seen him, nor known him. persuade our hearts.
7 Little children, let no man de- 20 For if our heart reprehend us,
ceive you. He that doth justice* is God is greater than our heart, and
just : even as he is just. knoweth all things.
8 He that committeth sin, is of 21 Dearly beloved, if our heart

the devil : for the devil siimeth from do not reprehend us, we have con*
the beginning. For this purpose, the fidence towards God.
Son of God appeared, that he might 22 And whatsoever we shall ask,
destroy the works of the devil. we shall receive of him because :

9 Whosoever is born of God com- we keep his commandments, and

mitteth not sin; for his seed abideth do those things which are pleasing
in him, and he cannot sin, because in his sight.
he is born of God. 23 And this is his commandment,
10 In this the children of God that we should believe in the name
are manifest, and the children of the of his Son Jesus Christ : and love
devil. Whosoever is not just, is one another, as he hath given com-
not of God, nor he that loveth not mandment unto us.
his brother. 24 And he that keepeth his com-
11 For this is the declaration, mandments, abideth in him, and he
which you have heard from the be- in him. And in this we know that
ginning, that you should love one he abideth in us, by the Spirit which
another. he hath given us.
12 Not as Cain, who was of the CHAP. IV.
wicked one, and killed his brother. What spirits are of God, and xvhat wo'»
And wherefore did he kill him ? Be- NEARLY
| belo\ed, believe not
cause his own works were wicked : *^ every spirit, but try the spirits
and his brother's just. if they be of God because many

13 Wonder not, brethren, if the false prophets are gone out into
world hate you. the world.
14- We know that we have passed 2 By this is the spirit of God
from death to life, because we love known. Every spirit, which confes-
the brethren. He that loveth not, seth that Jesus Christ is come in
abideth in death. the flesh, is of God :

li Whosoever hatethhis brother, 3 And every spirit, that dissol-

h a murderer. And you know that ved Jesus, is not of God : and thia
no murderer hath eternal life abi- is' Antichrist, of whom you have
ding in himself. heard that he ccmeth, and he is now
16 In this we have known fhe already in the world.
charity of God, because he hath 4 You are of God, lit Me children,
laid down his life for us and we
: and have overcome him. Because
ought to lay down our lives for the greater is he that is in you, than he
brethren. that is in the world.
17 He that hath the substance of 5 They are of the world there- :

this world, and shail see his brother fore of the vvorld they speak, and
in need, and shall put up his bow- the world heareth them.
els from him : how doth the charity 6 WJe are of God. He that
of God abide in him ? knoweth^ God, heareth us. He
18 My little children, let us not that is not of God, heareth us not.
love in word, nor in tongue, but in By this we know die spirit of truth,
deed, and in truth. and the spirit of error.
19 In this we know that we are 7 Dearly beioveii, let us love one
> the truth : and* in his sight shall another for charity is of God. And
1 :

see I. Op St. JOHN.

every one that loveth, 5 born of have from God, that he, who lovet
God, and knoweth God God, love also his brother.
8 He that loveth not, knoweth CHAP. V.
BOt God : for God is charity. Of them that are horn of God and of
9 By this hath the chanty of God true charity.
appeared towards us, because God \WHOSOEVER believeth that
hath sent his only begotten Son in- * ™ Jesus is the Christ, is born
to the world, that we may live by of God. And every one that loveth
him. him who begot, loveth him also who
10 In this is chanty: not as is born of him.
though we had loved God, but be- 2 In this we know that we love
cause he hath first loved us, and the children of God when we love

sent his Son to be a propitiation God, and keep his commandments.

for our sins. 3 For this is the charity of God,
11 My dearest, if God hath so that we keep Ins commandments
loved us ; we also ought to love and his commandments are not heavy
one another. 4 For whatsoever is born of God,
12 No man hath seen God at overcometh the world And this is:

any time. If we love one another, the victory which overcometh the
God abideth in us, and his charity world, our faith.
is perfected in us. 5 Who is he that overcometh the
13 In this we know that wT e abide world, but he that believeth that
in him, and he in us ; because he Jesus is the Son of God ?
hath given us of his spirit. 6 This is he that came by water
14 And we have seen, and do and blood, Jesus Christ not by :

testify, that the Father hath sent his water only, but by water and blood.
Son to be the Saviour of the world. And it is the Spirit which^testifieth,
15 Whosoever shall confess that that Christ is the truth.
Jesus is the Son of God, God abid- 7 And there are three who give
eth in him, and he in God. testimony in heaven, the Father,
16 And we have known, and the Word, and the holy Ghost.
have believed the charity, which And these three are one.
God hath to us. God is charity 8 And there are three that give

and he that abideth in charity, testimony on earth : the spirit, and

abideth hi God, and God in him. the water, and the blood, and these
17 In this is the charity of God three are one.
perfected with us, that we may 9 If we receive the testimony of
have confidence in the day of judg- men, the testimony of God is great-
ment : because as he is, we also are er. For this is the testimony of God
m this world. which is greater, because he hath
18 Fear is not in charity: but testified of his Son.
perfect charity casteth out fear, be- 10 He that believeth in the Son
cause fear hath pain. And he that of God, hath the testimony of God
feareth, is not perfected in charity. in himself. He that believeth not
19 Let us therefore love God, the Son, maketh him a liar because

because God first hath loved us. he believeth not in the testimony
20 If any man say, I love God, which God hath testified of his Son.
and hateth his brother ,* he is a 1 And this is the testimony, that
liar. For he that loveth not his God hath given to us eternal life.
brother, whom he seeth, how can And this life is in his Son.
he love God whom he seeth not ? 12 He that hath the Son, hat>
SI And this commandment we life. He that hath not the Soi

II. Op St. JOHN. 289

hath not life. I say not that any man ask.

33 These things I write to you, 17 All iniquity is sin. And there

is a sin unto death.
that you may know that you have
eternal life, you who believe in the 18 We
know that whosoever is
nam-? of the Son of God. born of God, sinneth not but the :

14 And this is the confidence generation of God preserveth him,

which we have towards him That, : and the wicked onetouchethhim'not.
whatsoever we shall ask according 19 We
know that we are of God,
to his will, he heareth us. and the whole world is seated in
] .5 And we know that he heareth wickedness.
us whatsoever we ask we know : 20 And we know that the Son of
that we hare the petitions which Gcd is come and he hath given us

we request of him. understanding, that we may know

16 He that knowcth his brother the true God, and may be in his
to sin a sin which is not to death, trne Son, this is the true God, and
let him ask, and life shall be given eterna 1
life .

to him, who sinneth not to death. 21 Little children, keep your-

There is a sin unto death for that : selves from idols. Amen.

The Second EPISTLE of St. JOHN (he Apostle.

He recommend* -walking in truth, $c. 7 For many seducers are gone
and her
antient to the lady elect
children, whom I love
out into the world, who confess not
that Jesus Christ iscome in the flesh:
m the truth, and not I only, but this is a seducer and an antichrist.
also all they that have known the 8 Look to yourselves, that you
truth, lose not the things which you have
2 For the sake of the truth, which wrought: but that you may re*
dwelleth jin us, and shall be with ceive a full reward.
us for ever. 9 Whosoever revoke th and con-
3 Grace be with you, mercy, and tinued] not in the doctrine of Christ,
peace from God the Father, and hath not God. He that continueth
from Christ Jesus the Son of the in the doctrine, the same hath both
and charity.
Fatlrer, in truth, the Father and the Son.
4 I was exceeding glad, that I 10 If any man come to you, and
found of thy children walking in bring not this doctrine, receive him
truth, as we have received a com- not into the house, nor say to him,
mandment from the Father* God speed you.
5 And now I beseech thee, lady, For he that saith unto him,
not as writing anew commandment God speed you, communicateth
to thee, but that which we have with his wicked works.
had from the beginning, that we 12 Having more things to write
love one another. unto you, I would not by paper and
6 And this is charity, that we ink for I hope that I shall be with

walk according to his command- you, and speak face to face : that
ments. For this is the command- your joy may be full.
ment, that, as you have heard from 13 The children of thy sister
the beginning, you should walk in Elect salute thee.
th° same
290 Of St. JITDE.

The third EPISTLE of St. JOHN the Apostle.

lie f raises Gainsfor his walking in church but Diotrephes who lo»

truth , and for his charity* veth to have the pre-eminence among
T|^HE antient to the deaily belo- them, doth not receive us.
•* ved Gains, whom I love in truth. 10 For this cause, if I come, I
2 Dearly beloved, concerning all will advertise his works which he*
things I make' it my prayer that doth ; with malicious words pra-
thou mayest proceed prosperously^ ting rgainst us. And as if th -se
and fare well, as thy soul doth things were not enough fcr him,
prosperously. neither doth he himself receive the
3 I was exceeding glad when the brethren, and them that do receive
brethren came, and gave testimony them he forbiddeth, and casteth
to the truth in thee, even as thou out of the church.
walkest in the truth. 11 Dearly beloved, follow not
4. I have no greater grace than that which is evil, but that which
this, to hear that my children walk is good. He that doth good, is of
in truth. God : he that doth evil, hath not
5 Dearly beloved, thou dost seen God.
faithfully whatever thou dost for 12 To Demetrius testimony is
the brethren, and that for strangers. given by all, and by the truth itself,
6 Who have given testimony to yea and we also give testimony and :

thy charity in the sight of the thou knowest that our testimony is
church : whom, thou shalt do well, true.
to bring forward on their way in a 13 I had many things to write
manner worthy of God. unto thee: but I would not by ink
7 Because, for his name they went and pen write to thee.
Out, taking nothing of the gentiles. 14 But 1 hope speedily to see
8 We therefore ought to receive thee, and we will speak mouth to
such that we may be fellow-help-
: mouth. Peace be to thee. Our
ers of the truth. friends salute thee. Salute the
9 I had written perhaps to the friends by name.

The Catholic EPISTLE of St. JUDE the Apostle.

He exhorts them to stand to the faith entered in (who were written of
first delivered to them / and to be- long ago unto this judgment) un-
ware of heretics, godiy men, turning the grace of our
JUDE the servant of Jesus Christ, Lord God into riotousness, and de-
and brother of James : to them nying the only sovereign Ruler, and
that are beloved in God the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ.
and preserved in Jesus Christ, and 5 I will therefore admonish you,
called. though ye once knew all things, that
2 Mercy unto you, and peace and Jesus, having saved the people out
charity be fulfilled. of the land of Egypt, did afterwards
3 Dearly beloved, taking all care destroy them that believed not.
to write unto you concerning your 6 And the angels who kept not
common salvation, I was under a their principality, but forsook their
necessity to write unto yon to be- : own habitation,he hath reserved uu*
seech you to contend earnestly for der darkness in everlasting chains,
tlie faith once delivered to the saints. unto the judgment of the grea<:day«
4 For certain men are secretly 7 As Sodom and G anorrha, and
Of St. JOHN. 291
the neighbouring eities > in like man- and of the hard things which

ner, having JfiVeii themselves to for- untrodiy sinners havespoken against

nication, and going after other flesh, God.
were made an example, suffering 16 These are murmurers, full of
the punishment of eternal fire, complaints, walking according to
8 In like manner these men also their own desires, and their mouth
defile the tlesh, and despise domi- speaketh proud things, admirir.g
nion, and blaspheme majesty. persons for gain's sake.
9 When Michael the Archangel, 17 But you, my dearly beloved,
is pitting with the devil, contended
be mindful of the words which have
about the body of Moses, he durst been spoken before by the apostles
not bring against him the judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ,
of railing speech, but said The : 18 Who told you, that in the last
Lord command thee. time there should come mockers
iO But these men blaspheme walking according to their own de-
what ever things they know not : sires in ungodliness.
and what things soever they natu- ] 9 These are they, who separate

rally know, like dumb beasts, in themselves sensual men, having not
these they are corrupted. the Spirit,
11 Wo
unto them, for they have 20 But you, my beloved, building
gone in the way of Cain and after : yourselves upon your most holy
the error of Balaam, they have for faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
reward poured out themselves, and 21 Keep yourselves in the love of
have perished in the contradiction God, waiting for the mercy of our
of Core. Lord Jesus Christ unto life ever-
12 These are spots in their ban- lasting.
auets, feasting together without 22 And some indeed reprove be-
fear, feeding themselves, clouds ing judged :

without water which are carried 23 But others save, pulling them
about by winds, trees of the au- out of the fire. And on others have
tumn, unfruitful, twice dead, pluck- mercy in fear : hating also the spot-
ed up by the roots. ted garment which is carnal.
13 Raging waves of the sea, foam- 24 Now
to him, who is able to
ing out their own confusion, wan- preserve you without sin, and to
dering stars : to whom the j>torm of present you spotless before the pre-
darkness is reserved for ever. sence of his glory with exceeding
14 Now of these Enoch also, the joy in the coming of our Lord Jesus
seventh from Adam, prophesied, Christ,
saying Behold, the Lord cometh
; 2.5 To the only God our Saviour
with thousands of his saints, through Jesus Christ our Lord be
15 To execute judgment upon all, glory and magnificence, empire and
and to reprove all the ungodly for power before all ages, and now, and
all the works of their ungodliness, for all ages of ages. Amen.
whereby they have done ungodly,

The APOCALYPSE of St. JOHN the Apostle.

CHAP. I. things which must shortly come to
Saint John is ordered to write to the pass : and signified, sending by his
seven churehes in Asia. angel to his servant John,
HpHE Revelation of Jesus Christ, 2 Who hath given testimony to
which God gave unto him, to the word of God, and the testimony
make known to his servants the of Jesus Christ, what things soeve
1 ; : 6 :

£33 Of St. JOHN the Apostle.

be» hath seen. 13 And in the midst of the seten
3 Blessed is he, that readeth and golden candlesticks, one like to the
heareth the words of this prophecy Son of man, cloathed with a gar*
and keepeth those things which are ment down to the feet, and girt
written in it. For the time is at about the paps with a golden girdle.
hand. 14A nd his head and his hairs were
4* John to the seven churches white, as white wool, and as snow,
which are in Asia. Grace be unto and his eyes were as a flame of fire.
you and peace from him that is, and 15 And his feet like unto fine brass,
that was, and that is to come, and as in a burning furnace. And his
from the seven spirits which are be- voice as the sound of many waters.
fore his throne. 1 And he had in his right hand
5 And from Jesus Christ, who is seven stars. And from his mouth
the faithful witness, the first begot- came out a sharp two-edged sword:
ten of the dead, and the prince of and his face was as the sun shineth
the kings of the earth, who hath in his power.
loved us, and washed us from our 17 And when I had seen him, I
sins in his own blood. fell at his feel as dead. And he laid
6 And hath made us a kingdom his right hand upon me, saying:
and priests to God and his Father, Fear not. I am the first and the last*
to him be glory and empire for ever 18 And alive, and was dead, and
and even Amen. behold I am living for ever and ever,
7 Behold, he cometh with the and have the keys of death and of hell
clouds, and every eye shall see him, 19 Write therefore the things
and they also that pierced him. which thou hast seen, and which are,
And all the tribes of the earth shall and which must be done hereafter.
bewail themselves because of him. 20The mystery of the seven stars,
Even so. Amen. which tbou sawest in my right hand*
8 I am alpha and omega, the be- and the seven golden candlesticks.
ginning and the end, saith the Lord The seven stars, are the angels of
God, who is, and who was, and the seven churches. And the seven
who is to come, the Almighty. candlesticks are the seven churches*
9 I John your brother and your CHAP. II.
partner in tribulation, and in the Directions what to witc to ilie angels or
kingdom, and patience in Christ bisliops of Eplusus.
Jesus, was in the island, which is TTNTO the angel of the church of
called Patmos, for the word of God, *-^ Ephesus write : These things
and for the testimony of Jesus. saith he, who holdeth the seven
10 I was in the spirit on the stars in his right hand, who walk*
Lord's day, and heard behind me eth in the midst of the seven golden
a great voice, as of a trumpet, candlesticks
1 Saying : What thou seest, 2 1 know thy works and thy la-
write in a book and send to the bour, and thy patience, and how

seven churches which are in Asia, thou canst not bear them that are
to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to evil, and thou hast tried them, who
Pergamus, and to Thyatira, and to say they are apostles, and are not,
Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to and hast found them liars :

Laodicea. 3 And thou hast patience, and

12 And I turned to see the voice hast endured for my name, and
that spoke with me. And being hast not fainted.
turned, I saw seven golden can** 4 But I have somewhat against
dfegticks thee, because thou hast left thy
4 : : .

Of St. JOHN the Apostle. 293

first charity. stumbling block before the children
.5 Be* mindful therefore from of Israel, to eat and commit forni-
whence thou art fallen : and do cation :
penance, and do the first works, IS So hast thou also tbem that
Or else I come to thee, and will hold the doctrine of the Nieolaites
move thy candlestick out of its 1-6 In like manner do penance ;

place, except thou do penance. or else I will come to thee quickly,

6 But this thou hast, that thou and will fight against them with
hatest the deeds of the Nieolaites, the sword of my mouth.
which I also hate. 17 He that hath an ear, let him
? He, that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the
hear what the Spirit saith to the churches To him, that overcom-

churches : To him,
that Gvercom- eth, I will give the hidden manna,
eth, I will give to eat of the tree of and will give him a white counter,
life, which is in the paradise of my and in the counter, a new name
God. written, which no man knovveth,
8 And to the angel of the church but he that receiveth it.
of Smyrna
write These things : 18 And to the angel of the church
saith the First and the Last, who of Thyatira write : These things
was dead, and is alive saith the Son of God, who hath his
9 I know thy. tribulation and eyes like to a flame of fire, and his
thy poverty, but thou art rich feet are like to fine brass.
and thou art blasphemed by them 19 I know thy works, and thy
that say they are Jews and are not, faith, and thy charity, and thy mi-
but are the synagogue of satan. nistry, and thy patience, and thy
10 Fear none of those things last works which are more than
which thou shalt suffer. Behold, the former.
the devil will cast some of you into 20 But I have against thee a few
prison that you may be tried and things because thou sufTerest the

you shall have tribulation ten days. woman Jezabel, who calleth her-
Be thou faithful unto death : and I self a prophetess, to teach, and to
will give thee the crown of life. seduce my servants, to commit
11 He, that bath an ear, let him fornication, and to eat of things sa-
hear what the Spirit saith to the crificed to idols.
churches He that shall overcome,
: 21 And I gave her a time that
shall not be hurt by the second she might do penance, and she will
death. not repent of her fornication.
12 And to the angel of the church 22 Behold, I will cast her into
of Pergamus write These things
: a bed and they that commit adul-

saith he, that hath the sharp two- tery with her, shall be in very
edged 8 WO :
great tribulation, except they do
13 I know where thou dvvellest, penance from their deeds :

where the seat of satan is: and 23 And I will kill her children
thou holdest fast my name, and with death, and all the churches
hast not denied my (kith. Even in shall know that I am he, that
those days uhen Autipas, uas my searcheth the reins and hearts, and
faithful witness, who was slain 1 will give to every one of you ac-
among you, where satan dwelleth. cording to your works. But to
1 But I have against thee a few you I say
things: because thou hast there 24 Av.d to the rest who are at
them that hold the doctrine of Ba- Thyatira Whosoever have not this

laam, who taught BahtCj to cast a doctrine, and who have not known
: ;


the depths of satan, as they say, I of Philadelphia write: These things
will not put upon you any other saith the ho'y one and the true
burthen. one, he that hath the key of David
25 Yet that, which you have, he that openeth. and no man shut-
hold fast till 1 come teth shutteth, and no man openeth
; :

28 And he that shall overcome 8 I know thy works. Behold, I

and keep my works unto the end, 1 have given before thee a door
will give him power over the nations, opened which no man can shut :

27 And he shall rule them with because thou hast a little strength,
a rod of iron, and as the vessel of and hast kept my word, and hast
a potter they shall be broken, not denied my name.
28 As I also have received of 9 Behold, I will bring of the
my Father and I will give him
: synagogue of satan, who say they
the morning-star. are Jews, and are not, but do lie.
29 He that hath an ear, let hirn Behold, I will make them to come
hear what the Spirit saith to the and adore before thy feet. And they
churches. shall know that I have loved thee.
III. 10 Because thou hast kept the
Directions what to write to Sardis, <Jr. word of my patience, I will also
AND to the angel of the church keep thee from the hour of tempta-
*" of Sardis write : These things tion, which shall come upon the
saith he, that hath the seven spirits whole world to try them that dwell
of God, and the seven stars : 1 upon the earth.
know thy works, that thou hast 11 Behold, I come quickly hold :

the name of being alive : and thou fast that which thou hast, that no
art dead, man take thy crown.
2 Be watchful, and strengthen 12 He that shall overcome, I
the things that remain, which are willmake him a pillar In the temple
ready to die. For I find not thy of my God and he shall go out

works full before my God. no more and I will write upon


3 Have in mind therefore in him the name of my God, and the

what manner thou hast received name of the city of my God, the
and heard and observe, and do pe-
: new Jerusalem, which cometh down
nance. If then thou shalt not watch ; out of heaven from my God, and
I will come to thee as a thief, and my new name.
thou shalt *iot know at what hour 13 He that hath an ear, let him
I will come to thee. hear what the Spirit saith to the
4 But thou hast a few names in churches.
Sardis,which have not defiled their 14 And to the angel of the church
garments and they shall walk
: of Laodicea write These things

with me in white, because they are saith the Amen, the faithful and
worthy. true witness, who is the beginning
5 He that shall overcome, shall of the creation of God
thus be cloathed in white garments, 15 I know thy works, that thou
and 1 will not blot out his name art neither cold, nor hot. I would
out of the book of life, and I will thou wert cold, or hot,
confess his name before my Father, 16 But because thou art luke-
and before his Angels. warm, and neither cold, nor hot, I
6 He that hath an ear, let him will begin to vomit thee out of my
hear what the Spirit saith to the month.
churches. 1? Because thou sayest: I am
7 And to the angel of the church rich, and made wealthy, and have
Or St. JOKS the Aposfle. 29^
need of nothing; and knowest not, thunders and there were seven

that thou art wretched, and misera- lamps burning before* the throne,
ble, and poor, arid blind and naked. which are the seven spirits of God.
18 I counsel thee to buy of me 6 And in the sight of the throne
gold tire-tried, that thou mayest be was as it were a sea of glass like to
made rich and mayest be clothed
: chrystal ; and in the midst of the
in white garments, and that the throne and round about the throne
shame of thy nakedness may not ap- were four living creatures full of
pear and anoint thy eyes with
: eyes before and behind.
eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 7 And the first living creature

10 Such as I love, I rebuke, and was like a lion and the second li-

chastise. Be zealous therefore and ving creature like a calf and thev

do penance. third living creature, having the

20 Behold, I stand at the gate, face, as it were, of a man and the

and knock. If any man shall hear fourth living creature was like an
my voice, and open to me the door, eagle flying.
I will come in to him, and will sup 8 And the four living creatures,
with him, and he with me. had each of them six wings: and
21 To him that shall overcome, round about and within they are
I will give to sit with me in my full of eyes. And they rested not
throne as I also have overcome,
: day and night, saying, Holy, Holy,
and am set down with my Father Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was,
in his throne. and who is, and who is to come.
22 lie, that hath an ear, let him 9 And when those living crea-
hear what the Spirit saith to the tures gave glory and honour and be-
churches. nediction to him, thatsitteth on the
CHAP. IV. throne, who liveth forever and ever:
The of the throne of GW, tj^,
virion 10 The four-and-twenty aiitients
AFTER these things I looked, fell down before him that sitteth on
ana behold a door was opened the throne, and adored him that li-
in heaven, and the iirst voice which veth tor ever and ever, and cast
I heard, as it were, of a trumpet their crowns before the throne,
speaking with me, said Come up : saying.
hither, and I will shew thee the 11 Thou art worthy, Lord our
things which must be done hereafter. God, to receive glory, and honour*
2 And immediately 1 was in the and power because thou hast

spirit and behold there was a

: created all things, and for thy will
throne set in heave;), and upon the they were, and have been created.
throne one sitting. CHAP. V.
3 And he thai sat, was to the The book sealed witli seven seals is
sight like the jasper and the sardine- opened by the Lamb.
stone and there was a rainbow

round about the throne, in sight

i saw in the right hand o£
that sat on the throne, a

like unto an emerald. book written within and without,

4 And round about the throne sealed with seven seals.
were four-and-twenty seats: and 2 And I saw a strong angel pro-
upon the seats, four-and-twenty claiming with a loud voice ; Who
antients sitting, clothed in white is worthy to open the book, and to
garments, and on their heads were loose the seals thereof?
crowns Of gold. 3 And no man was able, neither
5 And from the throne proceed- in heaven, nor on earth nor under
ed lightnings and voices, the earth, to open the book, nor to
: : :


look on ft. l
I heard allTo him that sit-
saying :

4 And
wept much, because no
I and to the Lamb,
teth on.the throne,
man was found worthy to open the benediction and honour and glory
bookj nor to see it. and power for ever a* id ever.
5 And one of the antients said to 14* And
the four living creatures
me: Weep not; heboid the lion of' said: Amen.
And the four-and-
the tribe of Juda, the root of David, twenty antients fell down on their
hath prevailed to open the book, and faces : and adored him that livelh
to loose the seven seals thereof. for ever and ever.
G And I saw and behold in the
midst of the throne and of the four What fallowed upon the opening six
living creatures, and in the midst of of the seals.
the antients, a Lamb standing as it
were slain, having seven horns and
AND saw
opened one
that the Lamb had
of the seven seals,
seven eyes which are the seven
: and I heard one of the four living
Spirits of God, sent forth into all creatures, as it were the voice of
the earth. thunder, saying Come and see. :

7 And he came, and took the 2 And saw

and behold a white
I :

book out of the right hand of him horse, and he that sat on him had a
that sat on the throne. a how, and there was a crown given
8 And when he had opened the him, and he went forth conquering
book, the four living creatures, and that he might conquer.
the four-and- twenty antients fell 3 And when he had opened the
down before the Lamb, having second seal, I heard the second li-
every one of them harps, and golden ving creature^ saying: Ccrne, and see
vials full of odours, which are the 4. And there went out another
pnrvers of saints horse that was red and to him that :

9 And they sung a new canticle, sat thereon, it was given that he
saying Thou art worthy, O Lord,
: should take peace from the earth
to take the book, and to open the and that they should kill one ano-
seals thereof: because thou wast ther, and a great sword was given
slain, and hast redeemed us to God, to him.
ill thy blood, out of every tribe, and 5 And when he had opened the
tongue, and people, and nation. third seal, I heard the third living
10 And hast made us to our God creature, saying Come, and see. :

a kingdom and priests, and we shall And behold a black horse, and he
reign on the earth. that sat on him, had a pair of scales
11 And I beheld, and I heard in his hand.
the voice of many angels round a- 6 And I heard as it w ere a voice

bout the throne, and the living in the midst of the four living crea-
creatures and the antients : and tures, saying: Two pounds of wheat
the number of them was thousands for a penny, and thrice two pounds
of thousands. of barley for a penny, and see thou
12 Saying, with a loud voice hurt not the wine and the oik
The Lamb, that was slain, is wor- 7 And when he had opened the
thy to receive power, and divinity, fourth seal, I heard the voice of the
and wisdom, and strength, and ho- fourth living creature, saying
nour, and glory, and benediction, Come, and see.
13 And every creature, which is 8 And behold a pale horse and
in heaven, and on the earth, and he that sat upon him, his name was
under the earth, and such as are in death, and hell followed him. And
the sea, and all that are in them : power was given to him over the

Of St. JOHN the Apostle. 297

four parts of the earth, to kill with comers of the earth, holding the
sword, with famine, and with death, four winds of the earth, that they
and with the beasts of the earih. should not blow upon the earth, ncr

9 And when he had opened the upon the sea, nor on any tree.
fifth seal, I saw under the altar the 2 -And I saw another Angel as-
souls of them that were slain for cending from the rising of the sun,
the word of God, and for the testi- having the sign of the living God ;
mony which they held. and he cried with a loud voice to
10 And they cried with aloud the four Angels, to whom it was
voice, saying : How long, O Lord, given to hurt the earth and the sea,.
(holy and true) dost thou not judge 3 Saying: Hurt not the earth,
and revenge our blood on them that nor the sea, nor the trees, till we
dwell on the earth ? sign the servants of our God in their
11 And white robes were given to foreheads.
every one of them one : and it was 4And I heard the number of them
said to them, that they should rest that were signed, an hundred forty
for a little time, til] their fellow- four thousand were signed, of every
servants, and their brethren who tribe of the children of Israel.
are to be slain, even as they, should 5 Of the tribe of Juds, were
be filled up. twelve thousand signed. Of the
12 And I saw, when he had tribe of Ruben, twelve thousand
opened the sixth seal, and behold, signed. Of the tribe of Gad, twelve
there was a great earth-quake, and thousand signed.
the sun became black as sack-cloth 6 Of the tribe of Aser, twelve
of hair j and the whole moon became thousand signed. Of the tribe of
as biood : Nepthali, twelve thousand signed.
13 And the stars from heaven fell Of the tribe of Manasses, twelve
upon the earth, as the fig-tree thousand signed.
easteth its green figs when it is 7 Of the tribe of Simeon, twelve
shaken by a great wind : thousand signed. Of the tribe of
14 And the heaven departed as a Levi, twelve thousand signed. Of*
book folded up: and every moun- the tribe of Issachar, twelve thou*
tain, and the islands were moved sand signed.
out of their places. 8 Of the tribe of Zabulon, twelve
15 And the kings of the earth, thousand signed. Of the tribe or
and the princes, and tribunes and Joseph, twelve thousand signed.,
the rich, and the strong, and e v erv Of the tribe of Benjamin, twelve
bond-man, and every free-man hid thousand signed.
themselves in the dens and in the 9 After this I saw a great multi-
rocks of mountains. tude, which no man could number,.
16 And they say to the moun- of all nations, and tribes, and peo-
tains and the rocks : Fall upon us, ples, and tongues standing before

and hide us from the face of him the throne, and in sight of the
that sitteth upon the throne, and Lamb, cloathed with white robes,
from the wrath of the lamb : and palms in their hands.
17 For the great day of their wrath 10 And they cried with a loud
iseome and who shall be able to stand? voice, saying: Salvation to our
CHAP. VII. God who sitteth upon the throne,
77,6* number ojthewi that were mark- and to the Lamb.
ed with the seal of the living God. 1 A: .d all the Angels stood round

AFTER these things I saw four about the throne, and the antients,.
Angels standing on the four and the four living creatures : and
1 :

they fell down before the throne and filled it with the fire of the al-
upon their face?, and adored God,
and cast it on the earth, and
12 Saying; Amen. Benediction, there were thunders and voices and
and glory, and wisdom, and thanks- lightnings, and a great earthquake.
giving, honour, and power, and 6 And the seven Angels who had
strength to our God for ever and the seven trumpets prepared them*
ever. Amen. selves to sound the trumpet.
13 And one of the antients an- 7 And the first Angel sounded the
swered, and said to me These that trumpet, and there followed hail

are cloathed in white robes, who and fire, mingled with blood, and it
are they ? and whence came they was cast on the earth, and the third
14 And I said to him My lord, part of the earth was burnt up, and

thou knowest. And he said to me the third part of the trees was

These are they who are come out of burnt up, and all green grass was
great tribulation, and have washed burnt up.
their robes, and have made them 8 And the second Angel sounded
white in the blood of the Lamb. the trumpet : and as it were a great
15 Therefore they are before the mountain, burning with fire, was
throne of God, and they serve him cast into the sea, and the third part
day and night in his temple : and of the sea became blood
he, that sitteth on the throne, shall 9 And the third part of those
dwell over them. creatures died, which had life in the
18 They shall no more hunger sea, and the third part of the ships
nor thirst, neither shall the sun fall was destroyed.
on them, nor any heat. 10 And the third Angel sounded
17 For the Lamb, which is in the the trumpet, and a great star fell
midst of the throne, shall rule them, from heaven, burning as it were a
and shall lead them to the fountains torch, and it ft 11 on the third part of
of the waters of life, and God shall the rivers, and upon the fountains
wipe away all tears from their eyes. of waters :

CHAP. VIII. 1 And the name of the star is

The seventh seal is opened : the called wormwood. And the third
angels with the seven trumpets. part of the waters became worm-
A ND when he ha J opened the wood and many men died of the

~^ seventh seal, there was silence waters, because they were made
in heaven, as it were for half an hour. bitter.
2 And I saw seven Angels stand- 12 And the fourth Angel sounded
ing in the presence of God ; and the trumpet, and the third part of
there were gwen to them seven the sun was smitten, and the third
trumpets. part of the moon, and the third part
3 And another Angel came, and of the stars, so that the third part of
stood before the altar, having a them was darkened, and the day d.id
golden censer and there was given
: not shine for a third part of it, and
to him much incense, that he should the night in like manner.
offer of the prayers of all saints 13 And I beheld, and heard the
upon the golden altar, which is be- voice of one eagle flying through
fore the throne of God. the midst of heaven, saying with a
4 And the smoke of the incense loud voice: Wo, wo, wo to the in-
«f the prayers of the saints ascend- habitants of the earth : by reason, of
ed up before God, from the hand of the rest of the voices of the three
the Angel, Angels who are yet to sound the
5 And the Angel took the censer. trumpet.
: :

Of St. JOHN i Apostle. W&

CHAP. IX. torn! i's pit whose name in He-

Locusts come firth from the bottomless pit brew is Abaddon, and in Greek
A ND h Angel sounded the
the fif Apellyon in Latin Exterminaiis

-"- trumpet, and I s r.v a star fall (that is Destroyer. J

from heaven upon the earth, and 12 One wo is past, and behold
there was given to him the key of there come yet two woes mors
the bottomless pit. hereafier.
2 And he opened the bottomless 13 And the sixth Angel sounded
pit and the smoke of the pit arose,
: the trumpet : and I heard a voice
as the smoke of a great furnace from the four horns of the golden al-
and the sun and the air were dark- tar, which is before the eyes of God,
ened with the smoke of the pit. 14 Saying to the sixth Angel,
3 And from the smoke of the pit who had the trumpet Loose the :

there came out locusts upon the four angels, who are bound in the
earth. And power was given to great river Euphrates.
them, as the scorpions of the earth 15 And the four angels wT ere loos-
have power ed, who were prepared for an hour,
4. And it was commanded them and a day, and a month and a year,
that they should no f hurt the grass . for to kill the tnird part of men.
of the earth, nor any green thing, 16 And the number of the army
nor any tree : but only the men who of horsemen was twenty thousand
have not the sign of God on their times ten thousand. And I heard
foreheads. the number of them.
5 And it was given unto them 17 And thus I saw the horses in
that they should not kill them ; but the vision : and they, that sat on
that they should torment them five them, had breast-plates of iire and
months and their torment was as
: of hyacinth and of- brimstone, and
the torment of a scorpion when he the heads of the horses were as the
striketh a man. heads of lions and from their

6 And in those days men shall mouths proceeded tire, and smoke,
seek death, and shall not find it: and brimstone.
and they shall desire to die, and IS And by these three plagues
death shall from them.
fly was slain the third part of men, by
7 And the shapes of the locusts the fire aud by the smoke, and by
were like unto horses prepared unto the brimstone, which issued out of
battle : and on their heads were as their mouths.
it were crowns like gold aud their : 19 For the power of the horses
faces were as the faces of men. is in their mouths, and in their tails.
8 And they had hair as the hair For, their tails are like to serpents,
of women and their teeth were
: and have heads : and with them
as lions. they hurt.
9 And they had breast-plates *.0 And the rest of the men, who
as breast-plates of iron, and the were not slain by these plagues, did
noise of their wings was as the noise not do penance from the works cf
of chariots of many horses running their hand*, tfcat they should not a-
to battle. dore devils and idols of gold and
10 And they had tails like to sliver and brass and stone and wood,
scorpions, and there were stings in which neither can see, nor hear,
their tails : and their power was to nor walk.
hurt men five mouths. And they 21 Neither did they pena ice
Vad over them from their murders, nor from their
11 A king, the angel of the bot- sorceries, nor feora their fornication.


j) or from (.heir thefts* and it was in my mouth, sweet as
CHAP. X. honey and when I had eaten it, my

The cry of a mighty angel, beily was bitter.

A ND I saw another mighty an- 11 And he said to me: Thou
""* gel come down from heaven, must prophesy again to many na-
clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow tions, and people, and tongues, and
was on his head, and his face was as kings.
the sun, and his- feet as pillars of fire. CHAP. XI.
2 And he had in his hand a little He is ordered to measure the temple.
book open: and he set his right foot A ND therewas given me a reed
upon the sea, and his l^fi foot upon ** like unto a rod and it was :

the earth. said to me

and measure the
: Arise,
3 And hecried with a loud voice temple of God, and the altar, and
as a lion roareth. And when
when them that adore therein.
he had cried, seven thunders utter- 2 But the court, wb Vn is without
ed their voices. the temple, cast out, and measure
4 And when the seven thunders it not because it is given unto the

had uttered their voices, 1 was gentiles, and the holy city they
about to write and I heard a voice
: shall tread uroler foot two-and-
from heaven saying to me Seal up: forty months
the things which the seven thunders 3 And I will give unto my two
have spoken ; and write them not. witnesses, and they shall prophesy
5 And the angel whom I saw a thousand two hundred sixty-days,
standing upon the sea, and upon the clothed in sack-cloth,
earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, 4 These are the two olive-trees,
6 And he swore by him that li- and the two candlesticks that stand
veth for ever and ever, who created before the Lord of the earth.
heaven, and the things which are 5 And if any man will hurt them,
therein ; and the earth, and the fire shall come out of their mouths,
things which are in it ; and the sea, and shall devour their enemies. And
and the things which are therein: if any man will hurt them, in this
That, time shall be no longer : manner must he be slain.
7 But in the days of the voice of 6 These have power to shut hea-
the seventh angel, when he shall be- ven, that it rain not in the days of

gin to sound the trumpet, the mys- theirprophecy and they have pow- :

tery of God shall be finished, as he er over waters to turn them into-

hath declared by his servants the blood, and to strike the earth with
prophets. all plagues as often as they will.
8 And I heard a voice from hea- And when they shall have fi-
ven again speaking to me, and say- nished their testimony, the beast,
ing : Go, and take the book, that is that ascendeth out of the abyss, shall
open, from the hand of the angel make war against them, and shall
who standeth upon the sea and up- overcome them, and kill them.
on the earth. 8 And their bodies shall lie in the
9 And I went to the angel, say- streets of the great city, which is
ing unto him, that he should give called spiritually Sodom and Egypt,
me the book. And he said to me: where their Lord also was cruciried.
Take the book, and eat it up : and 9 And they of the tribes, ai.d
it shall make thy belly bitter, but m peoples, and tongues, and nations,
thy mouth it shall be sweet as honey. shall see their bodies for three days
10 And I took the book from the and a half: and they shall mt sufrei
band of the angel, and eat it up; their bodies to be laid in sepulchres*

Of St. JOHN the Apostle. 501

10 Ami
they that dwell upon the testament was seen temple,and in his
earth shall rejoice over them, and there were lightnings, and voices,
make merry and shall send gifts
: and an earthquake, and great hail.
one to another, because these two CHAP. XII.
prophets tormented them that dwelt 1 he visionof the woman clothed
upon the earth. with the sun.
11 And afterthree days and a
half, the spirit of life from God en- " ND
k a great sign appeared in
heaven A woman clothed with

tered into them. And they stood the sun, and the moon under her
upon their feet, and great fear fell feet, and en her head a crown of
upon them that saw them. twelve stars :

12 And
they heard a great voice 2 And being with child, she cried
from heaven, saying to them Come : travaiiling in "birth, and was in pain
up hither. And they went up to to be delivered.
heaven in a cloud; and their ene- 3 And there was seen another
mies saw them. sign in heaven and behold a great

13 And at that hour there was red dragon having seven heads, and
made a great earthquake, and the ten horns: and on his head seven
tenth part of the city fell and there : diadems,
were earthquake names
slain in the 4 And his tail drew the third
of men seven thousand and the : part of the stars of heaven, and cast
rest were cast into a fear, and gave them to the earth and the dragon:

glory to the God oi heaven. stood before the woman who was
14. The second wo is past: and ready to be delivered ; that, when
behold the third wo will come she should be delivered, he might
quickly. de^ our her son.
J 5 And the seventh angel sounded 5 And she brought forth a man-
the trumpet: and there were great child, who was to rule all nations
voices in heaven saying: The king- with an iron rod and her son was

dom of this world is become our taken up to God, and to his throne,
Lord's and his Christ's, and he shall 6 And the woman fled into the
reign for ever and ever Amen. : wilderness where she had a place
If) And the four-and-twenty an- prepared by God, that there they
tients, who sit on their seats in the should feed her a thousand two
sight of God, fall on their faces and hundred sixty days.
adored God, saying : 7 And there was a great battle
1 We give thee thanks, Lord in heaven, Michael and his angels
God Almighty, who art, and who fought with the dragon, and the
wast, and who art to come : be- dragon fought and his angels :

cause thou hast taken to thee thy 8 And they prevailed not, nei-
great power, and thou hast reigned. ther was their place found any more
18 And the nations were angry, in heaven.
and thy wrath is come, and the time 9 And that great dragon was
of the dead, that they should be cast out, that oid serpent, who is
judged, and that thou shouldest ren- called the devil ai:d satan, who se-
der reward to thy servants the pro- duceth the whole world and he was :

phets and the saints, and to them cast unto the earth, and his angels
that fear thy name, little and great, were thrown down with him.
and should'est destroy them" who 10 And 1 heard a leud voice in
Lave corrupted the earth. heaven saving: Now is come sal-
19 knd the temple of God was vation, and strength, and the king-
opened in heaven; and the ark of his ^dom of cur God "and the power of


his Christ: because the accuser of strength, and great power.
our brethren is cast forth, who ac- 3 And I saw one of his heads as it
cused them before our God day were slain to death and his death's

and night. wound was healed. And all the

11 Aiid they overcame him by earth was in admiration after the
the blood of the Lamb, and by the beast
word of the testimony, and they 4 And they adored the dragon,
loved not their lives unto death. which gave power to the beast:
12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and they adored the beast, saying:
and you'that dwell therein. toWo Who is like to the beast? and who
the earth, and to the sea, because shall he able to fight with him ?
the devil is come down unto you, & And there was given to him a
having great wrath, knowing that mouth speaking great things, and
be hath but a short time. blasphemies and power was given

13 And when the dragon saw that to him do two and forty months.
he was cast unto the earth, he per- 6 And he opened his mouth unto
secuted the woman, who brought blasphemies against God, to blas-
forth the man-child : pheme his name, and his tabernacle,
14 And there were given to the and them that dwell in heaven.
woman two wings of a great eagle, 7 And it was given unto him to
that she might fly into the desert make war with the saints, and to
unto her place, where she is nou- overcome them. And power was
rished for a time and times, and half given him over every tribe, and
a time, from the face of the serpent. people, and tongue, and nation.
15 Andthe serpent cast out of his 8 And all that dwell upon the
mouth woman, water as it
after the earth, adored him, whose names are
were a river : that he might cause not written in the book of life of the
her to be carried away by the river. Lamb, which was slain from the
16And theearth helped the woman, beginning of the world.
and the earth opened her mouth, 9 If any man have an ear, let
and swallowed up the river, which him hear.
the dragon cast out of his mouth. 10 He
that shall lead into cap-
17 And the dragon was angry tivity, shall go into captivity he :

against the woman and went to

r that shall kill by the sword, must
make war with the rest of her seed, be killed by the sword. Here is the
who keep the commandments of patience and the faith of the saints,
God, and have the testimony of 11 And 1 saw another beast
Je-us Christ. coming up out of the earth, and he
18 And he stood upon the sand had two horns, like a lamb, and he
of the sea. spoke as a dragon.
CHAP. XIII. 12 And he executed all the power
Of the beast with seven heads, of the former beast in his sight
A ND I saw a beast coming up and he caused the earth, and them
"^^ out of the sea, having seven that dwell therein, to adore the first
heads and ten horns, and upon his beast, whose wound to death was
horns ten diadems, and upon his healed.
heads names of blasphemy. 13 And he did great signs, so that
2 And the beast, which I saw, he made also fire to come down
was like to a leopard, and his feet from heaven unto the earth in lk0
were as the feet of a bear, and his sight of men.
mouth as the month of a Hon. And 14 And he seduced them that
the dragon gave him his own dwell on the earth, for the signs,
Of St. JOH X ike Aposih. 303
which were given him to do in the whithersoever he goeth. These were
s ght of the beasf, saying to them
purchased from among men, the
that dwell on the earth, that they nVt-fruit? to God and to the Lamb :

should make the image of the beast, 5 And mouth

there was
in their
which had the wound by the sword, found no lie for they are without

and lived. spot before the throne of God:

1.5 And
it was given him to give 5 And I saw another Angel dy-
life image of the beast, and ing through the midst cf heaven,
to the
that the image of the beast should having the eternal go.-pel, to preach
speak: and should cause, that who- uiito them that sit upon the earth,
soever will not adore the image of and over every nation, and tribe,
the beast, should be slain. and tongue, and people :

16 And he shall make all, both ? Sayii g with a loud voice: Feet

little and great, rich and poor, free- the .Lord, and give him honour,
men and bondmen, to have a cha- because the hour of his judgment
racter in their right hand, or on is come and adore ye him, „that

their foreheads. made heaven and earth, the sea and

17 And that no man might buy the fountains of waters.
or sell, but he that hath the charac- 8 And another Angel followed,
ter, or the name of the beast, or saying That great Babylon is fal-

the number of his name. len, is fallen: which made all na-
18 Here is wisdom. He that tions to drink f the wine of the i

hath understanding, let him count wrath of her fornication.

the number of the beast. For it is 9 And the third Angel followed
the number of a man and the them, saying with a loud voice: If

number of him is six hundred sixty- any man shall adore the beast and
six. Ins image, and receive his charac-
CHAP. XIV. ter in his forehead, or in his hand ;

Of the Lamb and of t lie virgins that 10 He also shall drink of the
follow him, wine of the wrath of God, which is

" ND
A I beheld, and lo a Lamb mingled with pure wine in the cup
stood upon mount Sion, and of his wrath, and shall be torment-
with him an hundred forty-four ed with fire and brimstone in the
thousand having his name, and the sight of the holy Angels and in the
name of his Father written on their sight of the Lamb.
foreheads. 11 And the smoke of their tor-
2 And I heard a voice from hea- ments shall ascend up for ever and
ven, as the noise of many waters, ever neither have they rest day

and as the voice of great thunder : nor night, who have adored the
and the voice, which 1 heard, was beast, and his image, and w hoso-
as the voice of harpers, harping on ever receiveth the character of his
their harps. name.
3 And they sung as it were a 12 Here the patience of the

new canticle before the throne, and saints, who keep the command-
before the four living creatures, ments of God, and the faith of
and the antients; and no man could Jesus.
say the canticle, but those hundred 13 And I heard a voice from hea-
forty-four thousand, who were pur- ven, saying to me Write: Bles-

chased from the earth. sed are the dead who die in the
4 These are they who were not Lord. From henceforth now, saith
defiled with women for they are
: the Spirit, that they may rest from
virgins. These follow the Lamb their labours tor their works fol-


Iow them. Moses the servant of God, and the
14 And T saw, and behold a canticle of the Lamb, saying:
white cloud: and upon the cloud Great arid wonderful are thy works,
one sitting like to the Son of 'man. O Lord God Almighty just and :

having on his head a crown of gold, true are thy ways, O King of ages.
and in his hand a sharp sickle. 4 Who
shall not fear thee, Lord,
15 And another Angel came out and magnify thy name ? For thou
from the temple, crying with a only art holy for all nations shall

loud voice to him that sat upon the come, and shall adore in thy sight,
cloud: Thrust in thy sickle, and because thy judgments are manifest.
reap, because the hour is come to 5 And after these things I looked,
reap, for the harvest of the earth and behold the temple of the taber-*
is ripe. nacle of the testimony in heaven
16 And he that sat on the cloud, was opened :

thrust his sickle into the earth, and 6 And the seven Angels came
the earth was reaped. out of the temple having the seven
17 And another Angel came out plagues, clothed with clean and
of the temple which is in heaven, white linen, and girt about the
he also having a sharp sickle. breasts with golden girdles.
18 And another Angel came out 7 And one of the four living
from the who had power
altar, creatures, gave to the seven Angels
over and he cried with a loud
fire : seven golden vials, full of the wrath
voice to him that had the sharp of God who liveth for ever and
sickle, saying Thrust in thy sharp
: ever.
sickle, and -gather the clusters of 8 And the temple was rilled with
the vine-yard of the earth : because smoke from the majesty of God,
the grapes thereof are ripe. and from his power : and no man
19 And the Angel thrust in his was able to enter into the temple,
sharp sickle into the earth, and till the seven plagues of the seven
gathered the vine-yard of the earth, Angels were fulfilled.
and cast it into the great press of CHAR XVI.
the wrath of God : The seven poured out.
vials are
20 And the press was trodden A ND
heard a great voice out of
without the city, and blood came the temple saying to the seven
out of the press, up to the horses Angels: Go, and pour out the seven
bridles, for a thousand and six hun- vials of the wrath of God upon
dred furlongs. the earth.
CHAP. XV. 2 And the first went, and poured
They that have overcome the beast out his vial npon the earth, and
glorify God. there fell a sore and grievous wound
AND saw another
ven great and wonderful
.sign in
seven :
upon men, who had the character
of the beast and upon them that

AngeJshavingthe seven last plagues. adored the image thereof.

For in them is rilled up the wrath 3 And the second Angel poured
of God. out his vial upon the sea, and there
2 And I saw as it were a sea of came blood as it were of a dead
glass,mingled with fire, and them man and every living soul died

that had overcome the beast and in the sea.

his image and the number of his 4 And the third poured out his
name, standing on the sea of glass, vial upon the rivers and the fountains
having the harps of God of waters: and there was made blood
3 And singing the canticle of 5 And I heard the Angel of the
1 :

Of St. JOHN the Apostle. 30 o

waters, saying: Thou art just, O 17 And the seventh angel poured
Lord, who art, and who wast, the out his vial upon the air, and there
holy one, because thou hast judg- came a great voice out of the temple
ed these things : from the throne, saying It is clone.

6 For they have shed the blood IB And there were lightnings,
of saints and prophets, and thou hast and voices, and thunders, and there
given them blood to drink ; for was a great earthquake, such an one
they are worthy. as never had been since men were
7 And I heard another, from the upon the earth, such an earthquake,
altar saying: Yea, O Lord God so great.
Almighty, true and just are thy 19 And the great city was divi-
judgments. ded into three parts : and the cities
8 And the fourth angel poured of the gentiles fell. And great Baby-
out his vial upon the sun, and it lon came in remembrance before
was given unto him to afTliet men God, to give her the cup of the wine
with heat and me : of the indignation of hi3 wrath.
9 And men were scorched with 20 And every island fled away,
great heat, and they blasphemed the and the mountains were not found.
name of God who hath power over 21 And great hail like a talent
these plagues, neither did they pe- came down from heaven upon men :

nance to give him glory. and men blasphemed G >tl for the
10 And the fifth angel poured out plague of the hail ; because it was
his vial upon the seat of the beast exceeding great.
and his kingdom became dark, and CHAP. XVII.
they gnawed their tongues for pain : The description of the great harlot.
1 And they blasphemed the God AND there came one or tlte seven
of heaven, because of their pains "Angels who had the seven vials,
and wounds, and did not penance and spoke with me, saying Come, :

from their works. I will shew thee the condemnation

12 And the sixth angel poured of the great harlot, who sitteth up-
out his vial upon that great river on many waters,
Euphrates: and dried up the water 2 With whom the kings of the
thereof, that a way might be pre- earth have committed fornication :
pared for the kings from the rising and they who inhabit the earth,
of the sun. have been made drunk with the
13 And I saw from the mouth of wine of her whoredom.
the dragon, and from the mouth or 3 And he took me away in spirit
the beast, and from the mouth ot into thedesart And I saw a woman
the false prophet, three unclean spi- sitting upon a scar] t coloured beast,
rits like frogs. full of names of blasphemy, having
11 For they are the spirits of de- seven heads and ten horns.
vils working s'gns, and they go forth i And the woman was clothed
unto the kings of the whole earth to round about with purple and scar-
gather them to battle against the let,and gilt with gold, and preci-
great day of the Almighty God. ous stones and pearls, having a gol-
15 Behold, I come as a thief. den cup in her hand, full of the a-
Blessed is he that watcheth, and bominatiou and liitniness of her
keepeth his garments, le^t he walk fornication.
naked, and they »ce h-s shame. 5 And on her forehead a name was
16 And he shall gather them to- written : A mystery Babylon the

gether into a place, which in He- great, the mother of the fornications
brew is called ArmageJou. and the abominations of the earth*


6 And the woman drunk
I saw shall hate the harlot, and shall make-
with the blood of the saints arid her desolate and naked, and shall
with the blood of the martyrs of Je- eat her flesh, and shall burn her
sus. And I wondered, when i had with fire.
seen her, with great admiration. 17 For God hath given into
! 7 And the angel said to me : Why their hearts, to do that which plea*
dost thou wonder ? I will tell thee seth him : that they give their king-
the mystery of the woman, and of dom to the beast till the words of
the beast which carrieth her, which God be fulfilled.
hath the seven heads and ten horns. 18 And the woman which thou
8 The beast, which thou sawest, sawest, is the great city which hath
was and is not, and shall come up kingdom over the kings of the earth*
out of the bottomless and go pit, CHAR XVIII.
into destruction and the inhabi-
: The fall of Babylon.
tants on the earth (whose names \ ND after these things I saw a-
are not written in the book of life -"- nother angel come down from
from the foundation of the world) heaven, having great power and :

shall wonder, seeing the beast that the earth was enlightened with his
was and is not. glory.
9 And here is the understanding, 2 And he cried out with a strong
that hath wisdom. The seven heads, voice, saying : Babylon the great is
are seven mountains, upon which fallen, is fallen: and is become the
the woman sltteth, and they are habitation of deviis, and the hold of
seven kings every unclean spirit, and the hold of
10 Five are fallen, one is, and every unclean arid hateful bird.
the other is not yet come and : 3 Because all nations have drunk
when he is come, he must remain of the wine of the wrath of her for-
a short time. nication and the kings of the earth

11 And the beast which was, and have committed fornication with
is notthe same also is the eighth,
: her and the merchants of the earth

and of the seven, and goeth into

is have been made rich by the powa
destruction. of her delicacies.
12 And the ten horns which thou 4 A; ,d I heard another voice from
sawest, are ten kings, who have heaven, saying Go out from her,

not yet received kingdom, but shall my people: that you be not parta-
receive power as kings one hour kers of her sins, and that you re-
after the beast. ceive not of her plagues.
13 These, have one design: and 5 For her »ins have reached un!§
their strength and power they shall heaven, and the Lord hath remem-
deliver to the beast. bered her iniquities..
14 These shall fight with the 6 Render to her as she also hath
Lamb, and the Lamb shall over- rendered to you and double unto

come them, because he is Lord of her double according to her works :

lords, and Kings of kings, and they in the cup, wherein she hath ming-
that are with him are called, and led, mingle ye double unto her.
elect, and faithful. 7 As much as she hath glorified
15 And he said to me : The wa- herself, and lived in delicacies, so
ters which thou sawest, where the much torment and sorrow give ye
harlot sitteth, are peoples, and na- to her: because she saith ui her
tions, and tongues. heart; 1 sit a queen, and am no
16 And the ten horns, which widow, and sorrow I shall not see.
thou sawest in the beast: these 8 Therefore shall her plagues
Of St. JOHN the Apostle. 307
come in 13 And cried, seeing the place of
one day, death, and mourn-
ing, and famine, and she shall be her burning, saying What city is :

burnt wiili the fire ; because God like to this great cicy ?
,s strong who shall judge her.

19 And they cast dust upon their

9 And the kings of the earth, heads, and cried, weeping and
who have committed fornication, mourning, saying Alas alas : !

and lived in delicacies with her. that great city, wherein all were
shall weep, and bewail themselves made rich, that had ships at sea,
aver h>r, when they shall see the by reason of her prices for in one :

smoke of her burning : hour she is made desolate.

10 Standing- afar off for fear of 20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven,
jer torments, saying Alas alas
: and ye holy apostles and prophets:
! !

-Jiat great city Babylon, that migh- for God hath judged your judg-
*y city for in one hour is thy ment on her.

judgment come. 21 And a mighty Angel took up

11 And the merchants of the a stone as it were a great mill-
-arth shall weep, and mourn over stone, and cast it into the sea, say-
ner for no man shall buy their ing
: With such violence as this

merchandise any more. shall Babylon that great city be

12 Merchandise of gold and sil- thrown down, and shall be found no
ver and precious stones and of more at all.

pearls and fine linen and purple, 22 And the voice of harpers, and
and silk, and scarlet, and all of musicians, and of them that play
thymewood, and all manner of ves- on the pipe and on the trumpet,
sels of ivory, and all manner of ves- shall no more be heard at all in
sels of precious stone, and of brass, thee and no craftsman of any art

and of iron, and cf marble. whatsoever shall be found any more

13 And cinnamon, andodou:;?-, at all in thee and the sound of the ;

and ointment, and frankincense, mill bhall be heard no more at all

and wine, and oil, and fine flour, in thee :

and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, 23 And the light of the lamp
and horses, and chariots, and slaves, shall shine no more at all in thee ;
and souls of men. and the voice of the bridegroom and
14 And the fruits of the desireof the bride shall be heard no more at
thy sou! are departed from thee, all in thee for thy merchants were :

and all fat and goodly things are the great men of the earth, for a:l
perished from thee, and ey shall nations have been deceived by thy
findthem no more at all enchantments.
The merchants of these things,
1.5 24. And in her was found the
who were made rich, shall stand blood of prophets and of saints,
a-far off from her for fear of her tor- and of all that were slain upon the
ments, weeping and mourning, earth.
16 Arid saying: Alas! alas! CHAP. XIX.
that great city, which was clothed
with fine linen and purple, and Chris?j victory over the beast*
scarlet,and was gilt with gold and A FTEPv these things I heard as
precious stones and pearls. it were the voice of much peo-
17 P'or in one hour are so great ple in heaven saying: Alleluia.
riches come to nought and every : Salvation, and glory, and pow;er is
ship-master, and all that sail into to our God.
the lake, and mariners, and as ma- 2 For true and just are hi 9 judg-
ny as work in the sen, stood a-far off, ments, who hath judged the great


harlot,which corrupted the earth ten, which no man knoweth but
with her fornication, and hath re- himself.
venged the blood of his servants, at 13 And he was clothed with a
her hands. garment sprinkled with blood: and
3 And again they said Alleluia. : his name is called, The word op
And her smoke ascendeth for ever God.
and ever. 14 And the armies that are in
4 And
the four and twenty anti- heaven followed him on white
ents, and the four living creatures horses, clothed in fine linen white
fell down and adored God that sit- and clean.
teth upon the throne, saying : A- 15 And out of his mouth pro-
men : Alleluia. ceedeth a sharp two-edged sword
5 Anda voice came out from the that with it he may strike the na-
throne, saying Give praise to our
: tions. And he shall rule them with
God, all ye his servants ; and you a rod of iron : and he treadeth the
that fear him, little and great. wine-press of the fierceness of the
6 And I heard as it were the wrath of God the almighty.
voice of a great multitude, and as 16 And he hath on his garment
the voice of many waters, and as and on his thigh written. King of
the voice of great thunders, saying, kings and Lord of lords,
Alleluia : for the Lord our God the 17 And I saw an Angel standing
almighty hath reigned. in the sun, and he cried with a
7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and loud voice saying to all the birds
give glory to him for the marriage
; that did fly through the midst of
of the Lamb is come, and his wife heaven : Come, gather yourselves
hath prepared herself. together to the gi^eat supper of
8 And it is granted to her that God:
the should clothe herself with fine li- 18 That you may eat the flesh
nen glittering and white. For the of kings, and the flesh of tribunes,
fine linen are the justifications of and the flesh of mighty men, and
saints. the flesh of horses, and of them tha*
9 And he said to me: Write: sit on them, and the flesh of all
Blessed are they that are called to free-men and bond-men, and of
the marriage supper of the Lamb. of great.
little at,d

And he saith to me: These words 19 And I saw the beast and the
of God are true. kings of the earth, and their armies
10 And I fell down before his gathered together to make war with
feet, to adore him. And he saith him that sat upon the horse, and
to me: See thou do it not: I am with his army.
thy fellow-servant, and of thy bre- 20 And the beast was taken, and
thren who have the testimony ox with him the false prophet, who
Jesus. Adore God. For the tes- wrought signs before him, where-
timony of Jesus is the spirit of pro- with he seduced them who received
phecy. the character of the beast, and who
J 1 And I saw heaven opened, adored his image. These two were
and behold a white horse: and he cast alive into the pool of fire burn-
that sat upon him was called faith- ing with brimstone.
ful and true, and with justice doth 21 And the rest were slain by the
he judge and fight. sword of him that sittethupon the
12 And his eyes were as aflame horse, which proceedeth out of his
of fire, and on his head were many mouth : and all the birds were filled
ciiadems, and he had a name writ- with their flesh.
Of St. JOHN ike Apostle. 309
CHAP. XX. them : and the devil, who seduced
Safa?i is boundfur a thousand years* them, was cast into the pool of fire
AND saw an Angel coming
down from heaven, having the
and brimstone, where both the
key of the bottomless pit, and a 10 And the false prophet shall be
srreatchain in his hand. tormented day and night for ever
2 Andhe laid hold on the dragon, and ever.
the old serpent, which is the devil 11 And I saw a great white throne,
and satan, and bound him for a and one sitting upon it, from whose
thousand years. face the earthand heaven tied away,
3 And he cast him into the bot- and there was no place found for
tomless pit, and shut him up, and them.
set a seal upon him, that he should 12 And I saw the dead great
no more seduce the nations, till the and small, standing in the presence
thousand years be finished. And ot the throne, and the books were

after that, he must be loosed a little opened and another book was

time. opened, which is the book of life !

4 Andsaw seats and they sat

I : and the dead were judged by those
upon them and judgment was
: things which were written in the
given unto them and the souls of
: books, according to their works.
them that were beheaded for the 13 And the sea gave up the dead
testimony of Jesus, and for the that were in it, and death and hell
word of God, and who had not gare up their dead that were hi
adored the beast nor his image, nor them and they were judged every

received his character on^their fore- one according to their works.

heads, or in their hands, and they 14 And hell and death were cast
lived and reigned with Christ a into the pool of fire. This is the
thousand years. second death.
5 The rest of the dead lived not, la And whosoever was not found
till the thousand years were finished. written in the book of fife, was cast
This is the first resurrection. into the pool of fire.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath CHAP. XXI.
part in the first resurrection. In The ivev Jerusalem described.
these second death hath no
the 4 ND saw a new heaven and a
power; but they shall be priests of ^ new

earth, for the first heaven,

God and and shall reign
of Christ ; and the first earth was gone, and
with him a thousand years. the sea is now no more.
7 And whenthe thousand years 2 And 1 John saw the holy city
shall be finished, satan shall be the new Jerusalem coming down
loosed out of his prison, and shall out of heaven, from God, prepared
go forth and seduce the nations, as a bride adorned for her husband,
which are over the four quarters ot 3 And ] heard a great voice from
the earth, Gog, and Magog, and the throne saying: Behold the ta-
shall gather them together to battle, bernacle of God with men, and he
the number of whom is as the sand will dwell with them. And they
of the sea. shall be his people and God him-

8 And they came upon the breadth self with them shall be their God.
of the earth, and encompassed the 4 And Godshall wipe away all
camp of the saints, and the beloved tears from their eyes and death :

city. shall be no more, nor mourning,

9 And there came down fire from nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any
God out of heaven, and devoured more Fdt the former things are passed


away. had a measure of a reed, of gold, to
5 And he that sat mi the throne, measure the city and the gates
said : Behold, I make all tilings thereof, and the wall.
new. And he said to me: Write, 16 And the city lieth in a four-
for these words are most faithful and square, and the length thereof is as
true. great as the breadth : and he mea-
6 he said to me It is done ;
And : sured the city with the golden reed
I amalpha and omega : the begin- for twelve thousand furlongs, and
ning and the end. To him that the length and the height and] the
thirsteth I will give of the fountain breadth thereof are equal.
of the water of life, freely. 17 And he measured the wall
7 He that 'shall overcome, shall thereof an hundred forty-four cubits,
possess these things, and I will be the measure of a man which is of an
his God and he shall be my son^
: angel.
8 But the fearful? and unbeliev- 18 And the building of the wall
ing, and the abominable, and mur- thereof was of jasper-stone : but
derers^ and whoremongers, and the city itself pure gold, like to clear
sorcerers, and idolaters, and all glass.
liars, they shall have their portion 19 And the foundations of the
in the pool burning with fire and wall of the city wese adorned with
brimstone, which is the second all manner of precious stones. The
death-. first foundation, was jasper: the
9 And there came one of the se- second, sapphire ; the third, a chal-
ven angels, who had the vials full cedony : the fourth, an emerald
of the seven last plagues, and spoke 20 The fifth, sardonix the sixth,

with me, saying Come, and 1

: sardius : the seventh, chrysolite:
Will shew thee the. bride, the wife of the eighth, beryl the ninth, a topaz,

the Lamb. the tenth, a chrysoprasus : the ele-

10 And he took me up in spirit venth, a jacinct : the twelfth, an
to a great and high mountain : and amethyst.
he shewed me the holy city Jerusa- 9A And the twelve gates are
lem coming down out of heaven twelve pearls, one to each ; and
from God, every several gate was of one seve-
11 Having the glory of Ood, and ral pearl. And the street of the ci-
the light thereof was like to a pre- ty was pure gold, as it were trans-
cious stone, as to the jasper-stone, parent glass.
even as chrystai. 22 And I saw no temple therein.
12 And it had a wall great and For the Lord God Almighty is the
high, having twelve gates, and in temple thereof, and the Lamb.
the gates twelve angels, and names 23 And the city hath no need of
written thereon, which are the the sun, nor of the moon, to shine
names of the twelve tribes of the in it. For the giory of God hath
children of Israel. enlightened it, and the Larnb is the
13 On the east, three gates: and lamp thereof.
on the north three gates and on 24- And the nations shall walk in

the south, three gates and on the the light of it and the kings of the
; :

west, three gates. earth shall bring their glory and ho-
14 And the wall of the city had nour into it.
twelve foundations, and in them, 25 And the gates thereof shall
the twelve names of the 'twelve not be shut by day: for there shall
apostles of the lamb. be no night there.
15 And he that spoke with rr,e ; 26 And tfcty shall bring the glory
Of St. JOHN the Apostle. SI]
and honour of the nations into it. 10 And he saith to me
Seal not :

27 There shall not enter into it the words of the prophecy of this
any thing defiled, or that worketh book for the time is at hand.

abomination or makelh a lie, but 11 He that hurteth, let faim hurt

they that are written in the book of still : and he that is filthy, let him

life of the Lamb. be filthy still and he that is just,


CHAP. XXII. let him be justified still and he that :

The water and, the tree of life. is holy, let him be sanctified still.

A ND he shewed me a river of 12 Behold, I come quickly, and
^^ water of life, clear as chrystal, my reward is with me, to render to
proceeding from the throne of God every man according to his works.
and of the Lamb. 13 I am alpha and omega, the
2 In the midst of the street there* first and the last, the beginning and
of, and on both sides of the river, the end.
was the tree of life, bearing twelve 14 Blessed are they that wash
fruits, yielding its fruits 'every their robes in the blood of the Lamb :
month, and the leaves of the tree that they may have a right to the
were for the healing of the nations. tree or life, and may enter in by
3 And there shall be no curse the gates into the city.
any more: but the throne of God 15 Without are dogs and sorcer-
and of the L'unb shall be in it, ers, and unchaste, and murderers,

and his servants shall serve him, and servers of idols, and every one
4 And
they shall see his face : that loveth and maketh a lie.
and his name shall be on their J 6 I Jesus have sent my Angel,

foreheads. you these things in the

to testify to
6 And night shall be no more : churches, am the root and stock
and they shall not need the light of of David, the bright and morning
the lamp, nor the light of the sun, star.
because the Lord God shall enlighten 17 And the spirit and the bride
them, and they shall reign for ever say Come. And he that heareth,

and ever. let him say Come. And he that


6 And he said to me : These thirsteth, let him come and he that :

words are most faithful and true. will, let him take the water of life*
And the Lord God of the spirits freely*
of the prophets, sent his Angel to 18 For I testify to every one that
shew his servants the things which heareth the words of the prophecy
must be done shortly. of this book: If any man shall add
7 And Behold
I come quickly. to thesfc things, Gc'd shall add unto
Blessed he that keepeth the words
is him tiie plagues written in this
of the prophecy of this book. book.
8 And I Johq who have heard, J 9 And if any man shall take
and seen these things. And after away from the words of the book of
I had heard and seen, I teU down this prophecy, God shall take away
to adore before the feet of the An- his part out of the book of life, and
gel, who shewed me these things. out of the holy city, and from these
9 And he said to me See thou : things that are written in this book.
do not: for I am thy fellow-ser-
it ^0 He that giv^th testimony of
vant, and of thy brethren the pro- these things saith. Surely I come
phets, and of them that keep the quickly: Amen. C -me, Lord Jesus.
words of the prophecy of this book. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus
Adore God. Christ be with yen all. Aniea.
Printed by K. Coyne, Parliament Street, Dublin : and
Stereotyped by J. McGowan, Great Windmill Street, London*




<27. !?• The Figures at the end of each Kote refer to the page where t!.$

Chapter and Verse will be found*


Chap, Ver. II. In the iransmi-
1. does not only signify repentance and
grntion. That is, about the time they amendment of life, but also punishing
were carried away captives to Babylon, past sins by fasting and such like pe-
nitential exercises, p. 5.
Chap. Ver. 16. The husband of
1. Chap. 5. Ver. 21 In danger of the
Mary. Tlie Evangelist gives us ra- judgment, &c. i. e. Shall be liable to
ther the pedigree of St Joseph, than be brought before the lower court,
that of the blessed Virgin, to conform amo. gst the Jews, which took cogni-
to the custom of the Hebrews, who in zance of such crimes, whereas the
their genealogies took no notice of council or sanhedrim was a higher
women but as they were near a-kin, court, and had greater authority, p. 7,

the pedigree of the one sheweth that Chap. 5. Ver. 22. Raca. A word
of the other, p. I. expressing great indignation or con-
Chap. 1. Ver. 25. Till—first-born. tempt. 2 K 7.
This is a mode of speech common Chap. 5. Ver. 22. Thou fool. This
among the Hebrews ; and only assures was then looked upon as a heinous
us that our blessed Lady was a virgin injury and therefore is here so se«
when she brought forth her son; verely condemned. ;>. 7.
which is the great point the Evangelist Chap 5. Ver. 29. Scandalize thee,
has here in view without alluding That is if it be a stumbling block, or

to any subsequent matter. But by occasion of sin to thee. By which

apostolical tradition we are assured, we are taught to fly the immediate oc-
Ihat she always remained a virgin, casions of sin, though they be as dear
p. I. to Ub, or as necessary as a hand or an
Chap. 5. Ver. 2. Do penance, eye p. 7.
Pcenitentiam agite .= : :.'--Irs, — Chap. 5. Ver 54. Not to swear at
W hich word, according to the use of all. Tis not forbid to swear in truth,

the scriptures, and the holy fathers, justice, and judgment ; to the honour

of God, or our own or neighbours sincerely repent, and bave recourse t#
just defence, but only to swear rashly, the keys of the church. p. 17,
or profanely, in common discourse, Chap. 12. Ver. 52. Nor in the
and without necessity. p t 7. world to come. From these words
Chap. 5. Ver. 59. Not to resist St, Augustine (Be Civ. I. xxi c.
evil, &c. What is here commanded, and St. Gregory ( Dialog. 1. iv. c. 59.
is- a christian patience under injuries
gather, that some sins may be remit-
and affrontsand to be willing even
; ted in the world to come and con-:

so suffer more, rather than to in-

still sequently that there is a purgatory, or
dulge the desire of revenge : but^ a. middle place, p. 17.
what is further added does not strictly Chap. 12. Ver, 56. Every idle
oblige according to the letter, for nei- word. This shews there must be a
ther did Christ nor St, Paul turn the place of temporal punishment here-
other cheek, St. John xviii. and after, where these slighter faults shall
Acts xxiii. p. 8. be punished, p. 17.
Chap. 6. Ver. 2. Amen I say to Chap. 12. Ver. 48. Who is my mo-
you. This Hebrew word Amen, is ther ? This was not spoken by way
bere retained, by the example and of slighting his mother ; but to shew
authority of all the four evangelists, that we are never to suffer ourselves
who have all retained it. It is used to be taken off from the service of
by our Lord as a strong asseveration God, by any inordinate affection to
©r affirmation of the truth. ;;. 8. our earthly parents And that what

Chap, 6. Ver. 1 1 . Super substantial our Lord chiefly regarded in his mo-
tread. In St. Luke the same word ther, was her doing the will of his
is rendered daily bread* It is un- Father in heaven. It may also fur-
derstood of the bread of life, which ther allude to the reprobation of the
we receive in the Blessed Sacrament. Jews, his carnal kindred, and the
y.s. election of the Gentiles, p. 18.
Chap. 10. Ver. 16. Simple* That
Chap. 15. Ver. 55. His brethren.
is, harmless, plain, sincere,These were the children of Mary the
guile, p. 14, wife of Cleophas, sister to our blessed
Chap. 12. Ver. 4. The loaves of lady, (St. Matt* xxvii. 56. St. John
proposition* So were ealled the six. 25.) and therefore, according to
twelve loaves which were placed be- the usual style of the Scripture, were
fore the sanctuary in the temple of called brethren* that is, near relations
Gcd. p* \6* to our Saviour, p. ~0.
Chap. 12. Ver. 51. The blasphemy Chap. 15. Ver. 9, Commandments
ofIke Spirit* The sin here spoken of men. The doctrines and command-
of is that blasphemy by which the ments here reprehended are such as
Pharisees attributed the miracles of are either contrary to the law of God,
Christ, wrought by the Spirit of God, (as that of neglecting parents, under
to Beelxebiib the prince of devils. pretence of giving to God.) or at least
]Now kind of sin is usually accom-
this are frivolous, unprofitable, and no-
panied with such obstinacy, and such ways conducing to true piety, as that
wilful opposing the Spirit of God, of often washing hands, &c, without
and the known truth, that men who regard to the purity of the heart.
are guilty of it are seldom or never But as to the rules and ordinances of
converted And therefore are never
. holy church, touching fasts festivals,
because they will not repent.
lb) given, &c. these are no ways repugnant to,
Otherwise there is r;o sin which God but highly agreeable to God's holy
^ennot, or will not forgive -to such as word, and all christian piety ; neither
are they to ipe counted amongst the cordingly all fullness of ecclesiastical,
doctrinesand commandments of Then; power, signified by the keys of the
because they proceed not from mere kingdom of heaven, p. 24.
human authority, but from that Chap. 16. Ver. 8- Upon this rock,

which Christ has established ia bis &c. The words of Christ to Peter,
church ; whose pastors he has com- spoken in the vulgar language of the
manded us to hear and obey, even as Jews, which our Lord made use of,
himself. St. Luke x. 16. St. Matt. were the same as if he had said in
xviii. 17. p. 22. English, Thou art a rock, and upoYL
Chap. 15. Ver. 11. Not (hat which this rock I will my
build So
goeth in, &c. No uncleanness in that by the plain course of the words,
meat, nor any dirt contracted by eat- Peter is here declared to be the rock
ing it with unwashed hands, can de- upon which the church was to b*
file the soul but sin alono ; or a dis-
: built: Christ himself being both the
obedience of the heart to the ordinance principal foundation and founder of
and will of God. And thus when the same. Where also note that
Adam took the forbidden fruit, it was Christ by building his house, that is,
not the apple, which entered into the his church, upon a rock, has thereby
mouth, but the disobedience to the secured it against all storms and
law of God which defiled him. The floods: like the wise builder. St.
same is to be said if a Jew, in the time Malt, vii, 24, 25. p. 24,
of the old law, had eaten Swine's Chap. 16. Ver. 18. The gates of
flesh or a christian convert, in the hell, &c.
; That is, the powers of dark-
days of the apostles, contrary to their ness, and whatever Satan can do ei- ;

ordinance, had eaten blood or if any ther by himself, or his agents.

; For
of the faithful at present should trans- as the church is here likened to a
gress the ordinance of Gcd's church, house or fortress, built on a rock, so
by breaking the fasts for in all these the adverse powers are likened to a

cases the soul would be defiled not contrary house or fortress

; the gates -

indeed by that which goeth into the of which, i. e. the whole strength and
mouth but by the disobedience of all the efforts it can make, can never

the heart, in wilfully transgressing be able to prevail over the city or

the ordinance of God, or ot those who church of Christ, By this promise
have their authority from him. p. 22. we are fully assured that neither
Chap 16. Ver. 18. Thou art Peter, idolatry, hfresy, nor any pernicious er-
&c« As St Peter, by divine re- ror whatsoever shall at any time pre-
velation, here made a solemn pro- vail over the church of Christ. ;;. 24.

fession of his faith of the divinity of Chap. ]6. Ver 19. Loots on earth.
Christ ; so in recompence of this The loosing the bands of temporal
faith and profession, our Lord here punishments due to sins, is called an
declares to him the dignity to which indulgence the power of which is

he is pleased to raise him, viz. That here granted, p. 24.

he, to whom he had already given the Chap. 16. Ver. 23. Satan. Thts
name Pelcr, signifying a rock, St. word signifies in Hebrew an adver-
John 1, 42. should be a rock indeed, sary ; and is here applied to Peter,
of invincible strength, for the support because he opposed our Saviour's
of the building of the church ; in passion, p. 24.
which building he should be, next to Chap. 18. Ver. 20. There am I
Christ himself, the chief foundation in the midst of them. This is un-
stone, in quality of chief pastor, ruler derstood of such assemblies only as
and governor; and should have ac- are gathered ia ike name and audio-
rily of Christ, ana in the unity of Chap. 26. Ver. 27, Brink ye all of
the church of Christ. St. Cyprian de th s. This was spoken to the twelve
Unitate Ecclesice. p. 26. apostles ; who were the All then pre-
Chap. 25. Ver, 5. Phylacteries, sent ; and they all di ank oj it, says St.
i. c. Parchments, on which they wrote Mark xiv. 23. But it no ways fol-
the ten commandments, and carried lows from these words spoken to the
them on their foreheads before their apostles, that all the faithful are here
eyes : which the Pharisees affected to commanded to drink of the chalice ;
•wear broader than other men ; so to any more than that allthe faithful are
«eem more zealous for the law. p. 55. commanded to consecrate, offer and
Chap. 25. Ver. 9, 10. Call none administer this sacrament ; because
your father— neither be ye called Christ upon this same occasion, and,
masters, &c. The meaning is, that as I may say, whh the same breath,
our Father in heaven is incomparably bid the apostles do so ; in those
inore to be regarded than any father words, St. Luke xxii. 19. Do this
upon earth and no master to be fol-
: jor u commemoration oj me. p. 5S.
lowed who would lead us away from Chap 26. Ver. 28. Blood of the
Christ. But this does not hinder but new testament. As the old testament
that we are, by the law of God, to was dedicated, with the blood of vic-
have a due respect both for our carnal tims, by Moses, in these words ; this
and spiritual fathers, 1 Cor. iv. 15.) is the blood oj the testament, &c. He-
and to our masters and teachers. breius ix. 20. So here is the dedi.
$>. 35. cation and institution of the new tes-
Chap. 25. Ver. 29. Build the se- tament, in the blood of Christ, here
pulchres, &c. This is not here mystically shed, by these words ; fait
blamed, as if it were in itself evil to is my blood oj the new testament, &c.
build or adorn the monuments of the p b8.
prophets ; but the hypocrisy of the Chap. 26 Ver 29. Fruit of the
Pharisees is here taxed ; who, whilst vine. These words, by the account
they pretended to honour the memory of St. Luke xxii. 18. were not spoken
of the prophets, were persecuting even of the sacramental cup, but of the
unto death the .Lord of the prophets. wine that was drank with the paschal
p. 55. lamb. Though the sacramental cup
Chap. 26. Ver. 11. Me
you have might also be called the fruit of the

not always, viz, In a visible manner, vine, because it was consecrated from
as when conversant here on earth ; wine, and retains the likeness and all
and as we have the poor, whom we the accidents or qualities of wine,
may daily assist and relieve, p. 58. p. 5S,
Chap. 26. Ver 17. The Azymes. Chap, 27. Ver, 6. Carbon a. A
The feast of the unleavened bread. place in the temple where the people

p. 58. put in their gifts or offerings., p. 40.

Chap. 26- Ver. 17. The pasch. Chap. 28. Ver. 1 8, &c. All power,
The paschal lamb p. 58. &c. See here the warrant and com-
Chap. 26. Ver. 26. This is my bo- mission of the apostles and their suc-
dy. He does not say, this is the fi- cessors, the bishops and pastors of

gure of my body but -this is my body. Christ's church. Pie received from
his Father all power in heaven and in
(2 Council of Nice, Act. vi ) Nei-
ther does he say in this, or with this is earth and in virtue of this pouter, he

nnj body ; but absolutely this is my lends them (even as his Father sent
body ; which plainly implies fcransub- him, St. John xx. 21,) to teach and
stantiation. p. 38. disciple (J,Q($rjT£QEty i not one, but all

St. LUKE. v

nations, and instruct them in all consummation of the world. How

truths : and that he may assist them then could the Catholic church ever
the execution of this
effectually in go astray having always with her

commission, he promises to be with pastors, as is here promised, Christ

them (not for three or four hundred himself who is the vsay, tha truth, and
years only J but all days, even to the the life* St, John xiv.6. p.4$«


CffAP, 4. Ver. 12. That seeing they be given to this generation. Tfaftt isj

may &c.
see., la punishment of their there shall no sign be given to this
Vilfully shutting their eyes (St Matt. generation, p. 55.
xiii. 15.) God justly withdrew those Chap. 10. Ver. IS. N^ne is good.
lights and graces which otherwise he Of himself entirely and essentially,
would have given them for their ef- but God alone men may be good;

fectual conversion, p. 48. also, but only by participation of

Chap 6. Ver. 5, He could not. God's goodness. ;;. 58.
Not for want of power on his side Chap 13. Ver. 32. Nor the Son.
but for want of a due disposition on Not that the Son of God is absolutely
theirs, p. 51. ignorant of the day of judgment but ;

Chap. 7. Ver, 7. Doctrines and that heknoweth it not, as our teacher-

precepts of men. See the annotations, i e. he knoweth it not so as to teach
Matt, xv 9, 11. p. 55. it to us, as not being expedient, p. 64v

Chap. 8 Ver. 12. If a sign shall


CHAr. 1. Ver. 4S Shall call me For Hdi and Jacob were brothers, by
blessed. These words are a prediction the same mo' her and Heli, who was

of that honour which the church of all the eider, dying wi hour issue, Jic <b t
ages should pay to the blessed Virgin, as the law directed, married his \» i-
Let Protestants examine whether they dow , consequence of which mar-
are any way concerned in this pro- riage his son Joseph was reputed in
phecy. ;;. 71. the law, the son of Heli. p. 15.
Chap. 2. Ver. 7. Her first-born. Chap. 8. Ver. 1. Evangelizing, i. e.
The meaning is not that she had af- Publishing the gospel, or the glad
terwards any other child but ic is a tidings of the kingdom of God. p. 82.
way of speech among the Hebrews, to Chap. 8. Ver. 10. Seeing they may
call them also this first-born) who are not see. See the Annotation, Mark
the only children. ;;. 72. iv. 12 p. 83.
Chap. 2. Ver. 34. For the fall* Not Chap. II. Ver 52. Wo to you law
thatGod sent his Son for the fall of yers* He speaks of the doctors of
any man : but that many by their own the law of Mose commonly called the

perversity in wilfuliy refusing to re- scribes, p. 91.

ceive and obey him, should take oc- Chap 15. Ver. 24. Shall seek, &c
casion of falling, p.lo. Shall desire to be saved ; but for
Chap. 5. Ver. 25. U ho was of Hcli. want of taking sufficient pains, and
St. Joseph, who by nature was the son being thoroughly in earnest, shall not
of Jacob (St. Matt. i. 16 ) in the ac- attain to it. p. 94.
count of the law was son of Hdi. Chap. 15, Ver. 10. Before the An*
By this it is plain that the spi- in consequence of his promise, enti-
heaven have a concern for us
rits in ties them to an eternal reward, p,
below, and a joy at our repentance, 99-
and, consequently, a knowledge of it* Chap. 22. Ver. 19. Bo this for a
97. commemoration of me. This sacrifice
Chap. 15. Ver..9. Mammon of ini- and sacrament is to be continued in
quity* Mammon signifies riches,: they the church, to the end of the world,
are here called the mammon of ini- to shew forth the death of Christ, un-
quity, because oftentimes ill gotten, til he cometh. But this commemo-
ill bestowed, or an occasion of evil; ration or remembrance is by no means
and at the best are but worldly, and inconsistent with the real presence
false, and not the true riches of a chris- of his body and blood, under these
tian, p. 98. sacramental vails, which represent his
Chap. 16. Ver. 9 They may re- death on the contrary, the best way:

ceive. By this we see that the poor we can have of commemorating and
servants of God, whom we have re- celebrating his death, is by offering
lieved by our alms, may hereafter, by in sacrifice, and receiving in sacrament
their intercession, bring our souls to that body and blood by which we
heaven, p. 98. were redeemed, p. 107.
Chap. 16. Ver 22. Abraham's bo- Chap. 23. Ver. 4£. In paradise.
som. The place of rest, where the That is, in the happy state of rest,
souls of the saints resided till Christ joy, and peace everlasting. Christ
had opened heaven by his death. was pleased, by a special privilege, to
p. 98. reward the faith and confession of the
Chap. 17. Ver. 10. Unprofitable good thief with a full discharge of all
servants. Because our service is of his sins, both as to the guilt and pun-
no profit to our master; and he justly ishment ; and to, introduce him im-.
claims it as our bounden duty but mediately after death into the happy

though we are unprofitable to him, society of the saints, p. 110.

our serving him is not unprofitable to Chap. 25. Ver. 54. Parasceve.
its; for he is pleased to give by his That is, the eve, or day of preparation
grace a value to our good works, which, for the sabbath, p. 111.


Chap. 2. Ver 4. What is to me, Sec. himself from the society of Christ and
Our saviour by these words, which at his church, p. 116.
first sight appear harsh, did not intend Chap, 3. Ver. .19. The judgment,.
to rebuke his mother, (at whose re- i. e. The cause of his condemnation,
quest he wrought this first miracle,) p. 116,
but only to give a lesson to his dis- 4. Ver. 20. This mountain.
ciples, that in the functions of their Garizim, where the Samaritans had
ministry, they should not be put out their schismatical temple, p. 117.
of their way by considerations of flesh Chap. 5. Ver. 39. Or, you search
and blood, p. 114. the scriptures. Scrutamini spBWOLTE.
Chap. 5. Ver. 18* Is not judged. 'Tis not a command for all to read
He that believeth, viz. by a faith the scriptures but a reproach to the

working through charity, is notjudged, Pharisees that reading the scriptures

that is, is not condemned : but the as they did, and thinking to find ever-
obstinate unbeliever is judged, that is, lasting life in them, they would not
is condemned already, by retrenching receive him, to whom all those scrio-
St. JOHN. *H

tures gave testimony, and through Christ (which we receive in the blessed
whom alone they could have that true sacrament, with his spirit, that is,
life, pi 121. with his soul and divinity,) profitetb
Chap* 6. Ver. 44. Draw him. nothing. For if Christ's flesh had
Not by. compulsion, nor by laying the profited us nothing, he would new?
free-will under any necessity, but by have taken flesh for us, nor died in
the strong and sweet motions of his the flesh for us. p. 122.
heavenly grace, p. I"22. Chap. 6. Ver. 54. Are spirit and life,
Chap. 6. Ver. 54. Except you By proposing to you a heavenly sa-
eat— and drink, &c To receive both crament, in which you shall receive,
the body and blood of Christ is a di- manner, spirit, grace,
in a wonderful
vine precept, insinuated in this text; and life in its very fountain. ;;. 122.
which the faithful fulfil, though they Chap. 12. Ver. 8. See the Anno-
receive but in one kind because in tation on St. Matthew xxvi, 1 1 p. SS.
: .

one kind they receive both body and ]). J 52.

blood, which cannot be separated from Chap. 12. Ver. 59. They could noi
each other. Hence life eternal is believe. Because they would not,
here promised to the worthy receiving, saith St. August. TV. 33. in Jnni.
though but in one kind, ver. 52. If See the Annotation, St. Mark, iv. 12»
any, man eat of this bread he shall live p, 48. p. 135.
for ever : and the bread that I will Chap. 14. Ver. 16, Purac
give, is my flesh for the life of the That is, a comforter: or also an ad»
world, ver. 58. lie that eate'h me vacate ; inasmuch as by inspiring
shall live by me. ver. 59- He thai prayer, he prays, as it were, in us,
eatelh this bread shall live for ever. and pleads for us. p. 135.
p. 122. Chap. 14. Ver. if. For ever.
Chap. 6. Ver. 65. If then you shall Hence it Is evident that this Spirit of

see. &c, Christ by mentioning his was not only promised to the
ascension, by this instance of his persons or the apostles, but also to
power and would confirm the
divinity, their successors through all gene*
truth of what he bad before asserted ; rations, p. 1 J.
and at the same time correct their gross Chap. 14. Ver. 26. Tench yt
apprehension 6i eating his flesh and things. Note that the Holy Ghost h
drinking his blood in a vulgar and here promised to the apostles and
carnal manner, by letting them know their successors, particularly in order
he should take his whole body living to teach them all truth, and to pre-
with him to heaven and consequent- ; serve them from error, p. 135.
ly not suffer it to be, as they supposed, Chap. 14. Ver. 28. Greater than I.
divided, mangled and consumed upon Christ (.-5 man is inferior to the father:
earth. ;;. J 22. and even at God, has his being from
Chap. Ver. 64. The fle*h profi-
6. him, by an eternal procession but ;

teth nothing. Dead Jlesh separated this without any detriment to his
from the spirit, in the gross manner being perfectly equal, inasmuch as he
they supposed they were to eat his has the self- same divinity p. 156.
flesh, would profit nothing Neither Chap. 15. Ver. 26. Whom I will
doth man? s flesh, that is to say, man's send. This proves against some modem
natural and carnal apprehension Greeks, that the Holy Ghost pro-
(which refuses to be subject to the ceeded from the Son. as well as from
spirit and words of Christ) profit any the Father: otherwise he could not
thing. But it would be the height of be sent by the Son p. 137.
blasphemy, to say the living Jlesh of Chap. 16. Ver. 13. Will teach you


*// truth. See the annotation on See here the commission, stamped by
Chap. xiv. 26.
p 135. p. 137. the broad seal of heaven by virtue of
Chap. 19. Ver. 51. Parasceve. which the pastors of Christ's church
The day of preparation, or eve of the absolve repenting sinners upon their
sabbath, p. 142. confession, pi 143.
Chap. 20. Ver. 19. The doors Chap. 21. Ver. 17- Feed my sheep*
ivere shut. The same power which Our Lord had promised the spiritual
could bring Christ's whole body, en- supremacy to St. Peter ; St. Matt.
tire in all its dimensions, through the xvi. 19 : and here fu fils that promise,
doors, can, without the least question, by charging him with the superinten-
make the same body really present in dency of all his sheep, without ex-
the sacrament though both the one
, ception : and consequently of his
and the other be above our compre- whole flock, that is, of his whole
hension. ;*. 143. church, p. 144.
Chap. 20, Ver. 23. Whose sins, &c.
Chap. 2. Ver, 23. By the deter mi~ of hands and prayer: and how the
Mite* &c. Gi}d delivered up his Son ;
faithful thereby received the Holy
and his Son delivered up himself, for Ghost, p. 155.
the love of us. and for the sake of our Chap. 10. Ver. 35. In every nation^
salvation: and so Christ's being de- &c. That is to say, not only Jews,
liveredup was holy, and was God's but gentiles also, of what nation soever,
own determination 5ut they who are acceptable to God, if they fear
betrayed and crucified him, did wick- and work justice. But then true
edly, following therein their own ma. faith is always to be pre-supposed,
lice and the instigation of the devil without which (saith St. Paul, Heb.
not the will and determination of xi. 6.) it is impossible to please God.
God, who was by no means the au- Beware then of the error of those who
thor of their wickedness though ha would infer .from this passage, that

permitted it ; because he could and men of all religions may be pleasing

<3id draw out of it so great a good, to God For since none but the true

viz. the salvation of man. p. 147. religion can be from God, all other
Chap. 2. Ver. 24.' Having loosed religions must be from the father of
the sorrowsy &c. Having overcome lies ; and therefore highly displeasing
the grievous pains of death, and all to the God of truth. p. 16P.
the power of hell. p. 1 47. Chap. 12. \ er. 3. TheAzymes.
Chap. 7. Ver. 45. Jesus. That is The festival of the unleavened br.ad,
Josue, so called in Greek, p. 154. or the pasch, which answers to our
Chap. 7, Ver. 48. Dwelleth not hi Easter- p* 161.
houses, Sec. That is, so as to stand in Chap. 15. Ver. 29. From bloody
need of earthly dwellings, or to be and jrom things strangled. The use
contained, or circumscribed by them. of these things, though of their own
Though, by his immense divinity, he nature indifferent, was here prohibited,
is in our houses and every where else; to bring the Jews more easily to ad-
and Christ in his humanity dwelt in mit of the society of the gentiles ;
houses and is now on our altars. and to exercise the latter in obedience.

p. 154. But this prohibition was but tempo-

Chap. 8 Ver. 1 7. They laid their rary, and has long since ceased to
hands upon them, &c. See here how oblige ; more especially in the western
the apostles administered the sacra churches, p, 166.
* of confirmation, by imposition Chap. 17. Ver. 11, More noble*

The Jews of Berea are justly com- his dwelling, or any other uses, as
mended for their eagerly embracing the heathens imagined. Yet by his
the truth, and searching the scrip- omnipresence he is both there and
tures, to find out the texts alleged every where, p. 170.
by the apostle which was a far more
: Chap. 21. Ver. 24. Keeping the
generous proceeding than that of law. The law, though now no longer
their countrymen at Thessalonica, obligatory, was for a time observed by
who persecuted the preachers of the the Christian Jews; to bury, as it
gospel without examining the grounds were, the synagogue with honour.
they alleged for what they taught. p. 175.
p. 169. Chap. 22, Ver. 9. Heard not the
Chap. 17. Ver. 24. Bwelleth not voice. That is, they distinguished
in temples- The Deity is not contain- not the words though they heard a

ed in temples ; so as to need them for voice. Acts ix. 7. p. i77.


Chap. 1. Ver. 4. V.edestinatcd, &c. v. 16. In short ajaith which takes
Christ as man was predestinated to be in hope, love, repentance, andihe use
the Son of God and declared to be
: of the sacraments. And the works
so (as the apostle here signifies) J*i7\s£ which he here excludes, are only the
by power, that is, by his working stu- works of the law ; that is such as are
pendous miracles; secondly, by the done by the law of nature, or that of
spirit of sanctijication, that is, by his Mo ess antecedent to the faith of
sanctity or holiness ; thirdly, by his Christ but by no means such as fol-

resurrection, or raising himself from low faith and proceed from it. p.
the dead. p. 186. 189.
Chap 1. Ver. 26. God delivered Chap. 4. Ver. 2. By works. Done
them up. Not by being the authorby his own strength, without the grace
of their sins, but by withdrawing his of God, and faith in him, p. 189.
grace, and so permitting them, in Chap. 4. Ver 2. Not he fore God.
punishment of their pride, to fall into Whatever glory or applause such
those shameful sins. p. 167. works might procure from men, they
Chap. 5. Ver, 4. God only ij es- would be of no value in the sight of
sentially true. All men in their own God. p. 189.
capacity are liable to lies and errors :Chap. 4. Ver. 5. Reputed, &c*
nevertheless God, who is the irutk, By God, who reputeth nothing other-
will make good his promise of keep- wise than it is. However, we may
ing his church in all truth. See St. gather from this word, that when we
jjlin xvi. 13. p. 188. are justified, our justification proceed-
Chap. 3. Ver 10. There is not am/ eth from God's free grace and boun-
man just By virtue either ot the ty, and not from aoy efficacy which
law of nature, or of the law cf Moses, any act of ours could have of its own
but only by faith and grace, p. 1 S9. nature, abstracting from God's grace.
Chap. 3. Ver. 28. Bj f ith, 6cc. p. ,89.
The faith, to which the apostle here Chap. 4. Ver. 4. To aim that work-
attributes man's justification, is not ethj viz. As of his own fund or by
a presumptuous assurance of our his own strength. Such a one, =>ays
being jusiihed, but a firm and lively the auo^tle, challenges his reward as a
belief of all that God has repealed or debt, due to his own performances
promised: Heb. xi. A
faill\ working whereas he who warketh not, that is,
through charity in Jesus Christ, Gal. who presumeth not anon any works
done by bis own strength ; but seek- more, from the prohibition of sin,
ing justice through faith and grace, is p. 191.
freely justified by God's grace, p. Chap. 6. Ver.
6\ Old man body —
289. of sin. Our
corrupt state, subject to
Chap. 4. Ver. 7. Covered, &c. sin and concupiscence, coming to us
This covering,' and not imputing, from Adam, called our old man

means that our sins are quite blotted (as our reformed in and by
out by the blood of the lamb, who Christ, is called the new man.) And
takeik away the sins of the world : the vices and sins, which then ruled
So that we are no longer to be charged in us, are named the body oj sin,
with them, because they are no more. 191.
j). 189. Chap. 7. Ver. 1. It liveth, or as
C^iap. 4. Ver. 9. In the circum- long as he liveth. p. 192.
cision, &c. That only for the
is, is it -Chap. 7. Ver. 8. Sin taking oc-
Jews that are circumcised ? No, says casion* Sin, or concupiscence (which
the apostle, but also for the uncir- is called sin, because it is from sin,

curncised gentiles ; who by faith and and leads to sin) w hich was asleep r

grace may come to justice ; as Abra- before, was wakened by the prohi-
ham did before he was circumcised. bition : the law not being the cause
p. 189. thereof, nor properly giving occasion
Chap. 4. Ver. 14. Be heirs. That to it but occasion being taken by our

they alone who follow the cere"

is, if corrupt nature to resist the command-
monies of the laiv be heirs of the bles- ment laid upon us. p. 1 92.
sings promised to Abraham then Chap. 7. Ver. 13. That it may ap-

that jaiih which was so much praised pear 62tt; or that sin may appear, viz.
in him will be found to be of little to be the monster it is, which is even
value. And the very promise will capable to take occasion from that
be made void, by which he was pro- which is good to work death, p. 192.
mised to be the father, not of the Jews Chap. 7. Ver. 15. I do not that
only, but of all nations of believers, good which I tvill, &c. The apostle
p. 190. here describes the disorderly motions
Chap. 4. Ver. 15. Tlie law work eth of passion and concupiscence ; which
wrath. The law, abstracting from oftentimes in us get the start of rea-
faith and grace, worketh wrath oc- son and by means of which even :

casionally, by being an occasion of good men suffer in the inferior appe-

many transgressions, which provoke tite what their will abhors ; and are
God's wrath, p, 190. much hindered in the accomplishment
Chap. 5. Ver. 12. By one man. of the desires of their spirit and mind.
A dam s from whom we ail contracted But these evil motions (though they
original sin. p. 191. are called the laiv of sin, because they
Chap. 5. Ver. 13, Not imputed, come from original sin, and violently
i. e. Men knew not, or made no tempt and incline to sin) as long as
account of sin neither was it imputed the will does not consent to them are

ta them in the manner it was after- not sins, because they are not volun-
wards, when they transgressed the tary, p* 192.
knowm written law of God. p. 191. Chap. Ver. 16. The spirit him-
Chap. 5. Ver. 20. That sin might self, &c. By
the inward motions of
abound. Net as if the law were gben divine love, and the peace of con-
on purpose for sin to abound but : science. w hich the children of God ex-

that it so happened through man's perience, they have a kind of testi-

^rersitj, taking eccAsioa cf guuung mony of Ge4'& favour •
by which the/
mre much strengthened in their hope twins, and the preference of tha
of their justification and salvation : younger to the elder, the drift Gf ibe
but yet not so as to pretend to an ab- apostle is, to shew that God, in his
solute assurance which is not usually
: election, mercy, and grace, is not tied
granted in this mortal life during ;
to any particular nation, as the Jews
which we are taught to work out our imagined, nor to any prerogative of
salvation with jear and trembling* birth, or any foregoing merits. For
Phil. ii. 12. And that he who thinlcetfi as, antecedently to his grace, he sees

himself to stand must take heed lest he no merits in any, but finds all in-
Jail, 1 Cjr. x. 2. 1See also Ronu volved in sin, in the common lump of
xi. 20, 2], 92. p. 193. condemnation ; and all children of
Chap. 8. Ver. 26. Askelli for u . wrath ; there is no one whom he
The Spirit is said to ask, and desire might not justly leave in that lump :
for the saints, and to pray in us ; in So that whomsoever he delivers from
as much as he inspireth prayer, and it, he delivers in his mercy ; and
teacheth us to pray, p. 1 94. whomsoever he leaves in It, he leaved
Chap. 8. Ver. 20. He also predes- in his justice. As when, of two equally
tinated, &c. That is, God hath pre- criminal, the king is pleased out of
ordained that ail his elect should be pure mercy to pardon one, whilst he
conformable to the image of his Son. suffers justice to take place in che
We must not here offer to dive into execution of the other. p. 195.
the secrets of God's eternal election ; Chap. 9. Ver. 16. Not of him thai.
only firmly believe that all our good, iiiUeLhi &c. That is, by any power
in time, and eternity, flows originally or strength of his own, abstracting
from God's free goodness and a!l ; from the grace of God. p. 195.
our evil from man's fvce will, p. Chap. 9. Ver. 17. To this purpose,
194. &c, Not that God made him on
Chap. 8. Ver. 58. I am sure, that purpose, that he should sin and so be
is, I am persuaded, : as it is in the damned; But foreseeing his obstina-
Greek, wiitzii^OLU p. 194. cy in sin, and the abuse of his own
Chap. 9. Ver. 3. Anathema, a curse. free-will, he raised him up to be a

The apostle's concern and love for his mighty king, to make a more remark-
countrymen, the Jews, was so grea-, able example of him; and that his
that he was willing to suffer even an power might be better known, and
anathema, or curse for their sake ; or his justice, inpunishing him, publish-
any evil that could come upon him, ed throughout the earth, p. 1 95.
without his offending God. p. 194. Chap. 9. Ver. 18. He hardeneth.
Chap. D. Ver. 6. All are not Israel- Not by being the cause, or author of
ites, &c. Not all, who are the car- his sin ; but by withholding his Grace,
nal seed of Israel, are true Israelites and so leaving him in his sin, in pun-
in God's account who, as by his
ishment of his past demerits, p. 1 95.
jree grace he heretofore preferred Chip. 9. Ver- 21. The potter.
Isaac before Ismael, and Jacob before This similitude is used only to shew
Esau, so could, and did, by the like that we are not to dispute with our
fre« grace, election, and mercy, raise Maker ; nor to reason with him why
up spiritual children by faith to Abra- he does not give as great grace to
ham and Israel, from among the gen- one as to another for since the whole

tiles, and prefer them before the car- lump of our clay is vitiated by sin 'tis
nal Jtws. p. 195. owing to his goodness and m c rcy, that
Chap. 9. Ver. 11. Xoi yet born, he makes out of it so many vessels of
£c By this example of these two honour. j &ad 'tis no mere than iust
that others in punishment of their un- be a grace or favour, but a debt But :

repented of sins should be given up to such dead works are indeed of no

be vessels of dishonour, p. 195. value in the sight of God towards sal-
Chap. 9. Ver. 27. A
remnant. vation. It is not ihe same with re-
That is, a small number only of the gard to works done with and by God's
children of Israel shall be converted grace for to such works as these he

and saved. How perversely is this has promised eternal salvation. p9

text quoted for the salvation of men 196.
of all religions, when it speaks only Chap. 11. Ver. 8. God hath given
of the converts of the children of them. &c. Not by his working or
Israel, p. 195. acting in them ; but by permission,
Chap. 10. Ver. 3. The justice of and by withdrawing his grace in pun-
Cod. That is, the justice which God ishment of their obstinacy, jx. 196.
giveth us through Christ ; as on the Chap. 11. Ver. II. That they
other hand the Jews gwh justice is that should fall. The nation of the Jews
which they pretended to by their own is not absolutely and without remedy
strength, or by the observance of the cast off for ever; but in part only
Jaw, without faith in Christ, p. 196. (many thousands of them having been
Chap. 10. Ver. 9. Thou shalt be at first converted) and for a time :
saved. To confess the Lord Jesus> which fall of theirs God has been
and to call upon the name of the pleased to turn to the good of the
Lord ver. 15. is not barely the pro- gentiles. ;?. 1 97.
fessing a belief in the person of Chap. 11. Ver. .0. Then standest
Christ but moreover implies a be- by faith, be not high-minded, but fear.

lief of his whole doctrine, and an obe- We

see here that he who standeth by
dience to his law; without which the faith may fall from it and therefore:

calling him Lord will save no man. must live in fear, and not in the vaia
8LMatt.vn.Ql* p. 196. presumption and security of modern
Chap. 10. Ver. 15. Unless they be sectaries, p. 197.
sent. Note this against all new Chap. 1 1 . Ver. 22. Otherwise thou
teachers, who have all usurped to also shall be cut off. The gentiles
themselves the ministry without any are here admonished not to be proud,
lawful mission derived by succession nor to glory against the Jews ; but to
from the apostles, to whom Christ take occasion rather from their fall to

said, John xx. 21. Asrmy Father hath fear and to be humble, lest they be
sent me, I also send you. p. 196. cast off. Not that the whole church
Chap. 11. Ver. 4. Seven thousand, of Christ can ever fall from him ;
&c. This is very ill alleged by some having been secured by so many di-
against the perpetual visibility of the vine promises in holy writ: but that
church of Christ the more because each one in particular may fall, and

however the number of the faithful therefore all in general are to be ad-
might be abridged by the persecution monished to beware of that, which
of Jezabel in the kingdom of the ten may happen to any one in particular*
tribes ;the church was at the same p. 197.
time in a most flourishing condition Chap. 11. Ver. 32. Concluded all
(under Asa and Josapkat) in the in unbelief. He hath found all na-
kingdom of Judah. p. 196. tions, both Jews and gentiles, in un-
Chap. 11. Ver. 6. It is not now by belief and sin; not by his causing,
works, &c. If salvation were to come but by the abuse of their own free-
fey works t done by nature, without will so that their calling and election

sfaith and grace, salvation would not is purely owing to his mercy, p. 1 97 •
Chap. 14. Ver. 2. Eat all things, such offence, as to endanger the driv-
viz without observing the distinction ing them thereby from the christian
of clean and unclean meats, prescribed religion, p. 199.
by the law of Moses ; which was now Chap. 14. Ver. 5. Between day,
no longer obligatory. Same weak •
&e. Still observing the sabbaths and
Christians, converted from among the festivals of the law. p, 199. •

Jews, as we here gather ftom the Chap. 14. Ver. 23. Discerneth.
apostle, made a scruple of eating such That is, distinguisheth between meats,
meats as were deemed unclean by the and eateth, against his conscience,
law such as swine's flesh, &c. which
; what he deems unclean, 200. p.
the stronger sort of christians did eat Chap. 14. Ver. 23. Of faith. By
without scruple. Now the apostle, faith is here understood judgment and
to reconcile them together, exhorts the conscience ; to act against which is
former not to judge or condemn the always a sin. p, 200.
latter, using their christian liberty; Chap. 15. Ver. 8. Minister of the
I and the latter to take care not to de- circumcision. That is, executed his
spise, or scandalize their weaker bre- office and ministry towards the Jews,

thren, either by bringing them to eat the people of the circumcisi n. pm

what in their conscience they think 200.
i they should not; or by giving them


Chap. 1. Ver. 25; The foolishness. ing upon this foundation gold, silver,
That is to say> what appears foolish to and precious stones signifies the more
the world in the ways of God, is indeed perfect preaching and practice of the
most wise and what appears weak, is
: gospel: the ivood hay, and stubble,

indeed above all the strength of man. such preaching as was tnat of the Co-
p\ 203. rinthian teachers (who affected the
Chap. 2. Ter. 14, 15* The sensual pomp u? words and human eloquence)
man the spiritual 'man. The sen- and such practice as is mixed with
sual man is either he who
taken up is much imperfection, and many lesser
, with sensual pleasures, with carnal sins. Now the day of the Lord, and

and worldly affections or he who ; his fiery trial (in the particular judg-
raeasureth heavenly mysteries by na- ment immediately after death) shall
tural reason, sense and human wisdom make manifest of what sort every
only : now such little or no
a one has man's work has been ; of which during
feeling or notion of the things of God. hard to make a judgment.
this life it is
Whereas the spiritual man, who in the For then the fire of God's judgment
I high points of religion takes not hu- shall try every mans ivork : And they,
man sense for his guide, but divine whose works, like wood t
hay, and
grace, the faith of the church, and' the stubble^ cannot abide the fire, shall
Spirit of God, makes a right judg- suffer loss ; these works being found
ment of all these matters ; and sees to be of no value: yet they them-
and condemns the errors of carnal having built upon the right
men who have no means or right to foundation (by living and dying in the
judge or condemn him, p. 204. true faith, and in tiie state of grace,
Chap. 3, > er. 12. Upon this foun- though with much imperfection,) shall
dation. The foundation is Chris, and be saved, yet so as by fire: being lia-
his doctrine ; or the true faith in him, ble to this punishment, by reason of
working through charity* The build*
the woody hat/, and stubble t which was Chap. Knowledge pvjfelk
8. Ver. 1.
mixed with their building. ;;. 204. up, &c. Knowledge, without charity
Chap. 6. Ver. 7. A fault. Law- and humility, servetli only to puff
suits can hardly ever be without a persons up. p. 208.
fault on one side or the other ; and Chap. 8. \ er. 15. If meat scanda-
oftentimes on both sides, p. 206. lize That is, if my eating cause my

Chap. 7. Ver. 2. Have his own brother to sin. p. 209.

wife. That is, keep to his wife, whieh Chap. 9. \ er. 5. A woman, a sister*
he hath. His meaning is not to ex-, Protestants have not fairly translated*
hort the unmarried to marry on the this text, by rendering it, a sister, a

contrary, he would have them rather wife whereas, it is certain, St. Paul

continue as they are, v. 8. But be had no wife, (Chap, vii-7, 8.) and that
speaks here to them that are already he only speaks of such devout women
married who must not depart from as, according to the custom of the

one another, nor refuse the marriage Jewish nation, waited upon thepreach-
debt one to another, p. 207. ers of the gospel. p. 209.
Chap. 7. Ver. 6. By indulgence* Chap, 9. er. 16. It is no glory. ~\

That is, by a condescension to your That is, I have nothing to glory of.
weakness, p. 207. p. 209.
Chap. 7. Ver. 9. If they do not Chap. 9. Ver. 27. I chastise, &c.
contain, &c. This is spoken of such What will our new sectaries say to
as are free ; and not of such as, by this, with all their presumptuous se-
tow, have given their first faith to curity ? Let them open their eyes
God to whom, if they will use pro- now at least, and see that their faith,

per means to obtain it, God will ne- which excludes all fear, is not the
ver refuse the gift of continency. faith of St. Paul. See chap. x. 12.
The Protestants have corrupted this p. 210.
text, by rendering it, if they cannot Chap. 10. Ver. 2. In Moses. Un-
contain* p. 207. der the conduct of Moses, they re-
Chap 7. Ver. 12. I speak, not the ceived baptism in figure, by passing
Lord, viz. By any express command- under the cloud, and through the sea :

ment, or ordinance. p> 207. and they partook of the body and blood
Chap, 7. Ver. 14. Is -sanctified. of Christ in figure, by eating of the
The meaning is not that the faith of manna, (called here a spiritual food,

the husband or the wife is of itself because it was a figure of the true
sufficient to put the unbelieving party, bread, which comes down from hea-
or their children, in the state of ven,) and drinking the water, mU
grace and salvation but that it : is raculousiy brought out of the rock,
very often an occasion of their sanc- called here a spiritual rock ; because
tificatjon, by bringing them to the itwas also a figure of Christ, p, 210.
true faith, p. 207. Chap. 10. \er, 11. The ends of the
Chap. 7. % er. 56. Let him d'livhat worlds That is, the last ages, p %
he will, he sinneth not, &c. The 210.
meaning is would
not, as libertines Chap. 10. Ver. 15. Or, no temp-
have it, that persons may do what tation hath taken hold of you, or come
they will, and not sin; provided they upon you as >et, but what is human,
afterwards marry but that the father
: or incident to man. p. 210.
with regard to the giving his virgin Chap. 10. Ver. 13. Issue, or a way
in marriage, may do as he pleaseth ; to escape, p. 210=
and that it will be no sin to him if Chap. 10. Ver, 16. Which we blm.
she marry. p a 20b.
Here the apostle puts them in mind by putting and d'ink (contrary to the
of their partaking of the body and original Juj iyr,) instead of or drink.
blood of Christ, in the sacred mys- p. 212.
teries, and becoming thereby one mys- Chap. 11. Yer. 27, 29. Guilty of
tical body with Christ. From whence the body, &c. not discerning the body,
he infers, ver. 21, that they who are &c. This demonstrates the real pre-
made partakers with Christ, by the sence of the body and blood of Christ,
eucharistic sacrifice, and sacrament, even to the unworthy communicant;
must not be made partakers with de- who otherwise could not be guilty of
vils, by eating of the meats sacrificed the body and blood of Christ, or justly
to. them. ;;. ^ 10. condemned for not discerning the
Chap. 10, \ er. 17. One brcfad ; or, Lord's body. p. 212.
as it may be rendered agreeably both Chap. 11. Ver. 28. Drink of the
to the Latin and Greek, because the- chalice. This is not said by way of
bread is ime 3 all we, being many, are command, but by way of allowance,
cne body, ivho partake of that one viz. where and when it is agreeable
bread. For 'tis by our communi- to the practice and discipline of the
cating with Christ, and with one ano- church, p, 212.
ther, in this blessed sacrament, that Chap. 14. Ver. I, Prophesy. That
we are formed into one mystical body; is, to declare or expound the mys-
and made, as it were, one bread, teries of faith, p. 214.
compounded of many grains of corn, Chap. 14. Ver. 2. Not unto men.
closely united together. 210.;;. So as to be heard, -that
is, so as to be
Chap. 11. "Ver. 10. J
power. That understood by them. p. 214.
is, a veil or covering, as a sign that Chap. 14. Ver. 12. Of spirits. Of
she is under the power of her hus- spiritual gifts. p. 2 4. i

band ; and this, as the apostle adds, Chap. 14. Ver. 15. My spirit pray-
because of the Angels, who are present eth, <kc. When the tongue is not
in the assemblies of the faithful, p. known in which 1 pray, though my
211. spirit may then be elevated to God,
Chap. 11. Ver. 19. There must be such a prayer is not so instructive to
heresies, by reason of the pride and myself or others, as when the words
perversity of man's heart not by are understood, p. 214.

God's will or appointment ; who ne- Chap 14, Ver. 16. Amen. The
vertheless draws good out of this evil, unlearned not knowing that you
manifesting by that occasion, who are then blessing, will not be qualified to
the good and firm Christians, and join with you by saying Amen to
making their faith more remarkable, your blessing. The use or aouse of
p. 211. strange tongues, of which the apostle
Chap. 11. Ver. 20. The Lord's here speaks, does not regard the public
supper. So the apostle here calls the liturgy of the church (in which strange
charity feasts observed by the primi- tongues were never used) but certain
tive Christians : and reprehends the conferences of the faithful, ver. 26,
abuses of the Corinthians, on these &c. in which, meeting together, they
occasions :which were the more cri- discovered to one another their various
minal, because these feasts were ac- miraculous gifts of the Spirit, common
companied with the celebrating the in those primitive times; amongst
eucharistic sacrifice and sacrament. which the apostle prefers that of pro-
p, 212, phesying before that of speaking
Chap. 11. Yen 27. Or drink. Here strange tongues, because it was more
the Protestant testament is connoted, to the public edification. Where also
note, that the Latin, used in ourlitur- the best known tongue iu the world,
gy, is so far from being a strange or p. 214.
unknown tongue, that it is perhaps


Chap, 2. Ver. 10. / also. The neral resurrection but that in the

apostle here granted an indulgence, or meantime, and whilst they are absent
pardon, in the person and by the au- pom the body, they are present with
thority of Christ, to the incestuous the Lord. p. 221.
Corinthian, whom before he had put Chap. 5. Ver. 10. The proper
under penance which pardon consist-
: things of the body. In the particular
ed in a releasing of part of the tempo- judgment, immediately after death,
ral punishment due to his sin. p. 219. the soul is rewarded or punished ac-
Chap. 3. Ver. 6. The letter. Not cording to what she has done in the
rightly understood, and taken without body. p. 221.
the spirit, p . 220. Chap. 9. Ver, 11, 15. Simplicity,
Chap. \er. 8. Absent from the
5. sincere bounty and charity, p. 225.
hodi), and pre ent with the Lord. This Chap. 13. Ver 7. Reprobates,
demonstrates that the beatitude of That is, without proof, p. 228.
the saints is not deferred till the ge-


Chap, 2. Ver. 1 1« I withstood, &c. Chap. 3. Ver. 28. Neither Jew*
The here noted in the
fault, that is &c. That is, no distinction of Jew,
conduct of St. Peter, was only a cer- &c p. 23 i.
tain imprudence, in withdrawing him- Chap. 4. Ver. 3. Serving under the
self from the table of the gentiles, for elements, &c. That is, under the first
fear of giving offence to the Jewish rudiments of religion, in which the
converts. But this in such circum- carnal Jews were trained up or un-

stances, when his so doing might be der those corporeal creatures, used in
of ill consequence to the gentiles, their manifold rites, sacrifices, and
who might be induced thereby to think sacraments, p. 231.
themselves obliged to conform to the Chap. 4. Yer. 10. You oh erve
Jewish way of living, to the pre- days, &c. He speaks not of the ob-
judice of their christian liberty. Nei- servation of the Lord's day, or other
ther was St. Paul's reprehending him christian festivals ; but either of .the
any argument against his supremacy : superstitious observation of days lucky
for in such cases an inferior may, and and unlueky ; or else of the Jewish
sometimes ought, with respect, ad- festivals, to the observance of which
monish his superior, p. 229. certain Jewish teachers sought to in-
Chap, 3. ^ er. 2*. Pedagogue. duce the Galatians. p. 231.
Schoolmaster, conductor or instructor,
p. 231.


Chap. 1. Ver. 3. In ccelestibus ; in own growth, or from ourselves ;
cf our
heavenly places, or in heavenly things. but as from the grace of God. p*
p. 234. 255.
Chap. 1. Ver. 14. Acquisition, i, e, Chap. 4. Yer, II, 13. He gave
a purchased possession, p. 254. some apostles Until we aU meet,
Chap, 2, Ver. 9. JS ot of works, as &c. Note here, that Christ has left
f .


in his church a perpetual succession to Christ; and can sever fall from
©f orthodox pastors and teachers, to him, or turn an adulteress, p. 238
preserve the faithful in unity and Chap. 6. Ver. 12. High places, or
truth, p. 256, heavenly places. That is to say, ra-
Chap. 5. Ver. 24. As the church is the air, the lowest of the celestial re-
subject to Christ. The church then, gions which is full of these suirks of

according to St. Paul, is ever obedient darkness, p. 2-38.


Chap. Ver. 22. This is to me, &c.
1. Chap. 2. Ver, 12. With fear, &c.
His meaning is, that although his Note this against the false faith, and
dying immediately for Christ would presumptuous security of modern sec-
be his gain, by putting him presently taries, p, 240.
in possession of heaven; vet he is Chap. Ver. 3. Sincere companion.
doubtful what he should chuse be- Protestants render it true yoke* ft
cause by staying longer in the flesh to insinuate that St. Paul here speaks
he should be more beneficial to the to his wife ; whereas he plainly tells
souls of his neighbours, p. 240. us, 1 Ccr* vii. 8, that he had no wife*
Chap, 2. Ver. 7. Emptied funnel % p. 242.
exina.hivity made himself as of no ac-
count, p, 240.


Chap. 1. Ver. 15. The first bnrn, gels and men. Such also was thd
&c. That is, born before the whole worship paid by the ancient heretics,
creation, p. 243. disciples of Simon and Menander, to
Chap. J. Ver. 24. JVanting. the angels, whom they believed to be
There is no leant in the sufferings of the makers and lords of this lower
Christ in himself as head but many
: world. This is certain, that they
sufferings are stiil wanting, or are stiil whom the apostle here condemns did
to come, in his body the church and not hold the head. (v. 19.) that is,
his members the faithful. /;. 244 Jesus Christ, and his mediatorbhip :

Chap. 2. 16. In meat, &c.

Ver. and therefore what he writes here, no
He means with regard tc the Jewish ways touches the catholic doctrine and
observations of the distinction of clean practice of desiring our good angels
and unclean meats, and of their^e - to pray to God for us. through Jesus
tivals, new moons, and sabbaths ; Christ. St. Jerome [Ej iM.ad Algas.]
being no longer obligatory, p, 24.5. understands by the religion or service
Chap. 2. Ver. 13 Willing, &c. of angels, the Jewish religion given
That is, by a self- willed, self-invented, by angels; and supposes all that is
superstitious worship, falsely pretend- here said to be directed against the
ing humility, but really proceeding Jewish teachers, who sought to sub-
from pride. Such was the worship ject the new/ Christians to the obser-
that many of the philosophers (against vances cf the Mosaic law. p. 245.
whom St. Paul speaks, v. 8.) paid to Chap. 2. x er. 21. Touch not, ftfc.
angels or demons, by sacrificing to The meaning is, that Christians should
them, as carriers of intelligence be- not subject themselves either to the
'twixt God and men; pretending hu- ordinances of the old law, forbidding
\miilitu in so doing, as if God was too touching or tasting things unclean :
great to be addressed to by men and ; or to the superstitious inventions of
setting aside the mediatorship of Jesus heretics, imposing such restraints,
Christ; who is the head both of an- under pretence oH wisdom, humility,
or mortification; but without any pel, or of the Holy Ghost in the
warrant, either of Christ in the gos- church. p. 245,


Chap. 2. Ver. 3.This A revolt. It agrees to the great Antichrist, who
revolt, or /falling off, is generally willcome before the end of the world;
derstood, by the ancient fathers, of a but by no means to any Christian bi-
revolt from the Roman empire, which shop, much less to a succession of
was first to be destroyed before tire Christian bishops. Some interpret it
coming of Antichrist. It may per- of Mahomet, p. 250,
haps be understood also of a revolt of Chap. 2. Ver. 4. In. the temple*
many nations from the Catholic Either that of Jerusalem, which some
church which has in part happened
; think he will rebuild ; or in the
already by the means of Mahomet, Christian churches, which he will
Luther, &c. and, as it may be sup- pervert to his own] worship ; as Ma-
posed, will be more general in the homet has dene by the churches of th@
days of \r\tiehrist though even then
: east. p. 2 r 0.
the Catholic church herself, if we be- Chap. 2. Ver. 10* God shall send.

the scriptures and the creed, That is, God shall suffer them to be
never can fall off from Christ, p, deceived by lying wonders, and false
250. miracles,, in punishment of their, not
Chap. 2- Ver. 3. The man of in. entertaining the love of truth. p%
Here must be meant some particular 251.
man, as is evident from the frequent Chap. 2. Ver. 24. Traditions* See-
repetition of the Greek article 0, the here that (he unwritten traditions of
man of sin, ike son of perdition, the the apostles are no less to be received

a> sv rjc,
than their epistles, p. 251.
adversary or op poser
, ; ti v~ ej '<i


Chap, 1. Ver. 9. The law is not, mercy, grace and salvation through
Sec. Lie means that the just man doth Jesus Christ as St. Paul himself
good, and avoideth evil, not as com- often desired the help of the prayers
pelled by the law and merely for ; of the faithful, without any injury to
fear of the punishment appointed the mediatorship of Jesus Christ,
for transgressors but voluntarily and
: p. 252.
out of the love of God and virtue ; Chap. 3. Ver 2, Of one wife.
and would do so, though there were The meaning is not that every bishop
no law. ;;. 252. should have a wife (for. St. Paul

Chap. 2. Yer. 5. One mediator* himself had nonet) but that no one
Christ is the one, and only mediator should be admitted to the holy orders
of redemption ; who gave himself, as of bishop, priest or deacon, who had
the apostle writes in the following been married more than once. y.
verse, a redemption for all. He is 253.
also the only mediatory Chap. 3. Yer 6. A neophyte. That
who stands in
need of no other to one lately baptised, a raw young
recommend his is,

petitions to the Father. But this convert, p. 253 ,

hinders not but that we may seek the Chap. 3. Year, 15. The pillar and
prayers and intercession as well of ground <f the truth Therefore tks .

the faithful upon earth, as of the saints church of the living God can never up^
and angels in heaven, for obtaining
feold error,nor bring in corruption, riage, looks upon it as a most holy
superstition,and idolatry, p, 255. sacrament and forbids it to none but

Chap. 4. Ver. 5> Forbidding to such as by vow have chosen the better
marry, to abstain from meats, &c. He part and prohibits not the use of any

speaks of the Gnostics, the Martian- meats whatsoever in proper times and
ites, the Encratites, the Manicheans, seasons though she does not judge

and other ancient heretics, who abso- ail kind of diet proper for days of

lately condemned marriage, and the fasting and penance. £.253.

use of ail kind of meat because they ; Chap. 5. V er. 12. Their firstfaith*
pretended that all flesh was from an Their vow by which they had engaged
evil principle. Whereas the church themselves to Christ. -.54,

of God, so far from condemning mar-


Chap. 5* Ver. 16. All scripture's ment alone : nor ret with the netr
&c> Every part cf divine scripture is testament . without taking along with
certainly profitable for all these ends. it the traditions of the apostles, and
But, if we would have the whale rulo the interpreta'ion of the church to
of Christian faith and practice, we which the ed both the
must not be content with tho^e scrip- book and the true meaning of it. p»
tures which Timothy knew f-om his 258.
iufaiuy, that is, with the old testa-


Chap. 1. Ver. 6. Of one wife. See sentence of the pastors of the'same
the note upon 1 Tim. iii. 2- p. church. Heretics, more unhappy, run
259. out of the church of their own accord;
Chap. 5. Ver. 11. By his own and, ment and
judgment. Other offenders are judged, sentence agai.iot their own souls, p.
and cast out of the church, by the '260.


Chap. 1. The figure
Ver. o> the happy statj from which th

ya.io.vJ: t^ the express image and


most perfect resemblance. > p. 262. Cha P- 7 Ver 7j Without father,
- - -

Chap. 1. Ver 3. Makingpurgation. &c - Not that he had no fat',:

That is, having purged away our sins but that neither his father, nor his
by his passion, p. 262. ree > r ov his kirth, nor *»s death

Chap. 4. Ver. 8. Jesus. Josue, is se: dowu m scripture, f.
who, in Greek, is called Jl-sus. p. _ Chap. 7. Ver. 55.
264. The apostle notes thi t, be-
Chap. 6. Ver. 1. The ivord of the tween the I s of the law and
beginning* The first rudiments of our high priest Jesus Christ, that
the christian doctrine, p. 265.
removed by death, made
Chap. 6. Ver. 4. It is impossible, way forth.- rsj whereas our

&c The meaning- is, that it is im Lord Jesus is a priest for ever, and
fossibJe for such as haye Fallen after hath no successor but liveth and ;

baptism to be again baptized: and concurreth for ever with his ministers,
very hard for such as have apostatized thc priests of the new testament, in
from the faith, after having received all their functions. 2dly, That no
many great grapes, to return again to «« Pr -^ °* -- UW, ucr .11 of tlisai
. ,

together, could offer that absolute Chap. 10. Ver. 18. There is n$
sacrifice of everlasting redemption, more an oblation for sin. Where
which our one high priest, Jesus there is a full remission of sins, as in
Christ, has offered once and for ever. baptism ; there is no more occasion
p. 266. for a sin offering to be made for such
Chap. 7. Ver. 25. Make interces- sins already remitted and as for sins

sion* Christ, as man, continually mak- committed afterwards, they can only
eth intercession for us, by represent- be remitted in virtue of the one ob-
ing his passion to his Father, p. 266. lation of Christ's death, p. 269-
Chap. 8. Ver. 2. The Holies. That Chap. 10. er 26. If we in »?7*

is, the sanctuary, p. 267. fully- He speaks of the sin of wilful

' Chap. 8. Ver. 17. They shall not apostacy from the known truth ; after
ieaclh &c. So great shall be the light which, as we cannot be baptized again,
and grace of the new testament, that we cannot expect to have that abun-
it shall not be necessary to inculcate dant remission of sins, which Christ
to the faithful the belief and know purchased by his death, applied to our
ledge of the true God, for they shall souls in that ample manner as it is in
fill know him. p. $67. baptism ; but we have rather all man-
Chap. 8. Ver. 15. A
new, supply ner of reason to look for a dreadful
testament, p. 267. judgment ; the more because apostates
Chap. 9. Ver. 12, Eternal redemp- from the known truth seldom or never
tion. By that one sacrifice of his have the grace to return to it. p. 269.
blood, once offered on the cross, Chap. 11. Ver. 8. He that is call-
Christ our Lord paid and exhibited, ed Abraham; or, Abraham being
once for all, the general price and called, p. 270.
ransom of all mankind which no : Chap. 1. Ver. 19. For a parable*

other priest could do and he him-

; That is, as a figure of Christ, slain
self could do but ouce because he
; and coming to life again, p. 270-
could die but once. p. 268. Chap. 11. Ver. 21. Adored the top
Chap. 9. er. 25.

Offer himself of his rod. The apostle here follows
often. Christ shall never more offer the ancient Greek Bible of the 70
himself in sacrifice, in that violent, interpreters, (which translates in this
painful, and bloody manner, nor can manner. Gen. 47. v. 31.) and al-

there be any occasion for it; since by leges this fact of Jacob, in paying a
that one sacrifice upon the cross, he relative honour and veneration to the
has furnished the full ransom, redemp- top of the rod or sceptre of Joseph
tion, and remedy for all the sins of the as to a figure of Christ's sceptre and
world. But this hinders not but kingdom, as an instance and argu-
that he may offer himself daily in the ment of his faith. But Protestants,
sacred mysteries in an unbloody man- who are no friends to this relative
ner, for the daily application of that honour, have corrupted the text, by
one of redemption to our
sacrifice translating it, he worshipped, leaning
souls, p. 268. upon the top of his staff; as if thi>
Chap. 10. Ver. 2. They would have circumstance of leaning upon his staff
ceased. If they had been of them- were any argument of Jacob's faith,
selves perfect to all the intents of re- or worthy the being thus particularly
demption and remission, as Christ's taken notice of by the Holy Ghost.
death is, there would have been no p. 270.
occasion of so often repeating them; Chap. 12. Ver. 17. He found, &c.
as there is no occasion for Christ's That is, he found no way to bring his
dying any more ior our sins. p. 268. father to repent, or change his mind,

with relation to his having given the sanctity of their state, by any liberties,
benediction to his younger brother, or irregularities contrary thereunto.
Jacob. p* 272. 273.
Chap. 13. Ver. 4. Or let marriage Chap. 13. Ver. 13. His reproach*
be honourable in all, It is a warning His cross, p. 273.
to married people, not to abuse the


Chap. Ver. 18. Sortie beginning*
1. observing of all other points will not
That is, a kind of first-fruits of his avail him to salvation for he despises

creatures. *- 274. the lawgiver ; and breaks through the

Chap. 2. Ver. 1. With respect of great and general commandment of
persons* The meaning is, that in charity, which is the fulfilling of the
matters relating to faith, the adminis- whole law. p. 275.
tering of the sacraments, and other Chap. 5. Ver. 14. Let him bring in,
spiritual functions in God's church, Sec* See here a plain warrant of scrip-
there should be no respect of person, ture for the sacrament of extreme
but that the souls of the poor should unction, p. 27
be as much regarded as those of the Chap.
Confess your sins
5« Ver- 16.
rich. p. 2 74. one to another. That is, to the priests
Chap. 2. Ver. 10. Guilty of all. of the church, whom, v. 14, he had
That is, he becomes a tmn-gre^sor of ordered to be called for, and brought
the law, in Luch a manner, that the into the sick, p* 277.


Chat. 3. Ver. 19- Spirits in prison. Chap. 4. Ver. 18. Scarcely* That
See here a proof of the middle state is, not without much labour and dif-
of souls, p. 280. ficulty, p. 281,


Chap. 2. Ver. 20. Know all things*as appears from Rom.
his free-will,
The of God's church, \i. 20. 2
true children .'2. 1 Cor. ix. 27- chap,

remaining in unity, under the guid- x. 12. Philip ii. 12. Revel, iii. 11-
ance of their lawful pastors, partake £.287.
of the unction of the Holy Ghost, Chap. 4. Ver. 1. Try the spirits.
promised to the church and her pas- viz. by examining whether their teach-
tors; and meet here with all necessary ing be agreeable to the rule of the Ca
knowledge and instruction, so as to tholic faith, and the doctrine of the
have no need to seek it elsewhere, church. P'or as he says, v. 6. He that
since it can be only found in that so- knoweth God heareth us (the pastors
ciety of which they are members, p. of the church. ) By this ice know the
286- spirit and
f truth, the spirit of error*
Chap. Ver. 4. Iniquity a* Of&ict 9
3. p- 28 7."
transgression of the law. p. 28 6* Chap. 4. Ver. 2. F very spirit which
Chap. 3. Ver. 6- Sinneth not, viz. confesseth, tec Not
that the confes-
mortally. See chap.i 8. p 28", p. 286. sion of this point of faith alone, is,
Chap. 3. Ver. 9. Conim/tteth not at all times, and in ail ca^es sufficient:
>i)K &c That is. as long as he keep- but that with relation to that time,
eih in himself this seed of grace and and for that part of the Christian
this divine generation, by which he is doctrine, which was then parricularly
born of God- But then he may fall to be confessed, taught, and maintain-
from this happy state, by the abuse of ed, against the heretics of those days ;


this was the most proper token, by one article is of itself sufficient i
which true teachers might be dis- but so as to take along with it its pro-
tinguished from the false, p. 287. per attendants, viz. the faith of all re*
Chap. 4. "Ver. 18. Fear is not in vealed truths, love, repentance, and
charity, &c Perfect charity, or love, obedience to God's law. p. 288.
banisheth human fear, that is, the fear Chap. 5. Ver. 16. sin v.nt* A
of men ; as also all perplexing fear, death* Some understand thisofJi?ia/
which makes men mistrust or despair impenitence, or of dying in mortal
of God's mercy ; and that kind of sin : which is the only sin that never
servile fear which makes them fear the can be remitted.
, But it is probable
punishment of sin more than the of- he may also comprise under this name
fence of God. But it no ways ex- the sin of apostacy from the faith, and

cludes the wholesome fear of God's some other such heinous sins as are
judgments, so often recommended in seldom and hardly remitted: and
holy writ; nor that fear and trem- therefore he gives little encourage-
bling, with which we are told to work ment to such as pray for these sin-
out our salvation. Philip ii. 12. p. ners, to expect to obtain what they
288. ask. p. 289.
Chap. 5. Ver. 1 Is born of God.
. Chap. 5. Ver. 18. Sinnelh not. Sea
That is, is justified and become a child the annotation on chap. iii. 6, &c
»f God. Not that the bare belief of p. 286.^ p> 289.


Chap. 1. Ver, 4. No greater grace. That is, nothing that gives me greater
joy and satisfaction, p. 290.


Chap. 2. Ver. 26. Tower over the heaven : as their bodies are here de-
nations- See here how the saints de- posited under our altars, p. 297.
ceased live with God, and have power Chap. 6. Ver. 10. Bevenge our
given them over countries and nations. Blood. They ask not this out of ha-
p. *i94. tred to their enemies, but out of zeal
Chap. 5. Ver. 8. The prayers of for the glory of God and desire that

saints. Here we see that the saints the Lord would accelerate the gene-
in heaven offer up to Christ the pray- judgment, and.the complete beati-
ers of the faithful upon earth. p> tude of all his elect, p. 297.
296. Chap. 9- Ver. 1. A
star fall. Some
Chap. White horse. He
6. Ver. 2. arch-heretic />. 299.
that sitteth on'' the white horse is Chap. 9. Ver. 3. Locusts. It is
Christ, going forth to subdue the commonly understood of heretics.
world by his gospel. The other They are not aj>le to hurt the green
horses that follow represent the judg- trees ; that is, such as have a lively
ments and punishments that were to faith, working by charity ; but only
fall on the enemies of Christ and his the reprobate: they are represented
church the red horse signifies wars;
: &s prepared to battle; as being ever
the black horse famine and the pale
; ready to contend: they wear coun-
horse (which has death for its rider) terfeitgold on their heads ; for all is
plagues or pestilence, p. 296. but pretence and fiction : in shape
Chap. 6. Ver. 9. Under the altar. they are as -men, in smoothness of
Christ, as man, is this altar, under speech, as women ; in fury and rage,
which the souls of the martyrs liye in againit all that oppose them, as lions


their breasts and hearts are as hard as Chap. 15. Ver. 18. Six hundred
iron : they are full of noise and sixty-six- The numeral letters of his
fling the sting of their pestife-
name shall make up this number, p.
rous doctrine is worse than that of 503.
scorpions but their reign is generally
Chap. 14. Yer. 8. Babylon. It is
but for a short time. £.299- probable that here, by the great Ba-
Chap. 1 1. Yer. 5, My two n^nesses. bylon, is meant the city of the devil,
It s commonly understood of Henoch
i that is the universal society of the
and Eiias. p. 500. wicked as Jerusalem is taken for the

Chap. 12. Ver. 1. woman* The A city and church of God. p. 505.
church of God. It may also by al- Chap. 14. Ver. 13. Die in the Lord*
lusion be applied to our blessed Lady. It is understood of the martyrs, who
£.501. die for the Lord. f>,
Chap. This
15. Ver. "J.
least. A Chap. 17. Yer. 5. Amyste
first with seven heads and ten
beast, That is, a secret, because what fol-
horns, is probably the whole company lows of the name and title of the
of infidels, enemies, and persecutors great harlot is to be taken in a mys-
of the people of God from the begin- tical sense, p. 505.
ning to the end of the world. The Chap. 17. Ver 5. Bahylon. Either
seven heads are seven kings, that U, the city of the devil in general, or,
seven principal kingdoms or empires ; if this place be to be understood of
which have exercised, or shall exer- any particular city, pagan Rome, which
cise tyrannical power over the people then, and for 500 years, persecuted
of God of these five were then fallen,
: the church and was the principal

viz. the Egyptian, Assyrian, Chaldean, seat both of 'empire and idolatry, p %

Persian, and Grecian rnonar 505.

one was present, viz. the empire oi Chap. 17. Ver. 8. The beast i

Rome and the seventh and chiefest

; This beast which sup-

was to come, viz. the great Antichrist the power


and his empire. The ten horns may of the devil which was and is not, be-
be understood of ten lesser persecu ing much
abridged by the coming of
tors, p. 502. but shall again exert itself un*

Chap. 13. Ver. 5. One of his heads, The seven heads of

&c. Some understand this of the mor- this beast are seven mountains or
tal wound which the idolatry of the empin lents of his tyranny ;
Roman empire (signified by the sixth of which five were then fallen, as
head) received from Constantine above. Ch. xiii. 5. I. Hie beast it-

which was as it were healed again by self is said to be the eighth, and of
Julian the apostate, p. 302. the seven because they all act under ;

Chap 15. Ver. 8. Slain from the the devil, and by his instigation, so
Beginning' In the fore-knowledge of that his power is in them ail, yet so
God; and in as much as ail mercy as to make up, as it were, an eighth
and grace, from the beginning, was empire, distinct from them all. p.
given in view of his death and pas- 506.
sion. p.*S02. Chap. 17. Ver. 12. Ten h
Chap. 15. Ver. 11. Another beast. Ten lesser kingdoms, enemies also
This second beast with two horns of the church of Christ: which ne-
maybe understood of the heathenish verthele?s shall be ma meats
priests and magicians ; the principal of the justice of God for the punish-
promoters both of idolatry ment or' Babylon. Some understand
cation, p. 502. this oi the Goths, \andals, Hunus,
and other barbarous nations, that de- tan has been very much abridged by
stroyed the empire of Rome. p. 306, the passion of Christ $ for a thousand
Chap. 19. Ver. 10. I fell down, years; that is, for the whole time of
&c. St. Augustine (1. 20. centra the new testament ; but especially
Faust, c. 21.) is of opinion, that this from the time of the destruction of
angel appeared. in so glorious a man- Bahylon or pagan Rome, till the new
ner, that St, John took him to be efforts of Gog and Magog against the
God , and therefore would have given church, towards the end of the world.
him divine honour, had not the angel During which time the souls of the
stopt him, by telling him he was martyrs and saints live and reign with
but his fellow-seivant. St, Gregory Christ in heaven, in the first resur-
(Horn. 8. in Evang.) rather thinks, rection, which is that of the soul to
that the veneration offered by St. the life of glory as the second resur-

John, was not divine honour, or in- rection will be that of the body, at the
deed any other than what might law- day of the general judgment. p.309 %
fully be given ; but was nevertheless Chap 21. Ver. 1. The first hea-
refused by the Angel, in consideration ven, and the first earth ivas gone,
of the dignity to which our human being changed, not as to their sub-
nature had been raised, by the incar- stance, but in their qualities, p. 309.
nation of the Son of God ; and the Chap. 22. Ver. li. Let him hurt
dignity of St. John, an apostle, pro- still. It is not an exhortation or li-
phet, and martyr. So far at least is cense to go on in sin but an intima-

certain, that the saint knew his dujy tion, that how far soever the wicked
too well to offer the angel any idola- may proceed, their progress shall
trous or supercilious worship. />. 808. quickly end, and then they must look
Chap. 20- Ver. 2. Bound him for to meet with proportionable punish*
a thousand years. The power of Sa- ments. p, 511.
JjLBSOLUTION. The power promised and given to the pas-
tors of the church, St. Matt. chap. xvi. v. 19. xviii. 18. St,
John xx. 22, 23.
Angels. They have a charge over us, St. Matt, xviii. 10- Heb.
i. 14*. See also Exodus xxiii. 20, 21. Psalm xci. ll, If, &c.
They offer up our prayers, Rev. viii. 4. and pray for us, Zech.
i. 12. We have a communion with them, Heb. xii. 22. They
have been honoured by the servants of God, Joshua v. 14. 15*.
and invocated, Gen. xlviii. 1.5, 16. Hosea xii. 4. Rev. i. 4.
Baptism. Ordained by Christ, St. Matt xxviii. 19. Necessary
to salvation. St. Johniii. 5. Administered by the Apostles
in water Acts viii. 36, 38. chap. x. 47. 48. See also Ephes.
v. 26. Heb. x= 22. 1 St. Peter iii. 20, 21. For baptism of
infants, see St. Luke xviii. 16, compared with St. John iii. 5.
Christ. He is the only -begotten, the true, and natural Son of
God, St. Matt. xvi. 16. St. John i. 13. chap. iii. 16. 18 Rom.
viii. 32. 1 St. John iv. 39. The sa?ne God with his Father,
and equal to him. St. John v. 18, 19, 23. chap x. SO. chap,
xiv. 1, 9, &c. chap. xvi. 14, 15. chap. xvii. 10. PhiTp ii.
5, 6. True God, St John
i. 1. chap. xx. 28, 29. Acts xx.
25. Remans ix. 5- Titus ii, 13. 1 St. John iii. 16. chap.
v. 20. See also Isaiah ix. 6. chap, xxxv, 4, 5. St. Matt. i.
23. St. Luke i. 16. 17. Heb. i. 8. He is the creator of ail
things, St. John i. 3, 10, 11. Colos. i. 15, 16, 17- Heb i.

2, 10, 11, 12. chap. The Lord ofglory, 1 Cor. ii. 8.

iii. 4.
The King of kings, and Lord of lords, Rev, xvii. 14. chap,
xix. 16. The first and the last : alpha and omega, the begin-
ning and the end, the Almighty, Rev. i. 7, 8. 17 18, chap. ii. ;

8. chap xxii. 12, 13. He died for all. John iii. 16, 17.
Rom. v. 18. 2 Cor, v. 14. 15. 1 Tim. ii 3, 4, 5, 6. chap,
iv 10. Heb. ii. 9. 1 John ii. I, 2. Evenfor the reprobate*
Rom xiv. 15. 1 Cor. viii. 11. 2 Peter ii. 1.

The Church of Christ stands for ever. St. Matt. xvi. 18. chap.
xxviii. 20. St. John xiv. 16, 17. Ps. xlviii. 8. Ps. Ixxii.
5, 7. Ps. lxxxix. 3, 4, 29, 86,3?. Ps exxxii. 13, 14.
Isaiah ix. 7. chap. liv. 9, 10. chap. lix. £0. 21. chap. Ix. 15,
18, &c. chap. lxii. 6. Jeremiah xxxi. 3.5, 36. chap, xxxiii.
17 &c. Ezekiel xxxvii. 24, 26. Daniel ii. 44.
; The church
is the kingdom of Christ, St. Luke i. 33. Daniel ii. 44. The
city of the great King, Ps xlviii, 2 his rest and his habit a* :

tionfor ever, Ps, exxxii. 13, 14. The house oj ihc living God,
1 Tim. iii. 15. The foli, of which Christ is the shepherd,
John x. 16. The body, of which Christ is the head, Colos. i.
18. Ephes. v. 23- The spouse, of which he is the bride-
groom, Ephes. v. 31, 32 Ever subject to him, and ever faith-

fid to him, v. 24 ever loved and cherished by him, v. 25, 59,


and joined to him by an indissoluble union, v. 31, 32, The

church is the pillar and ground (or strong foundation) of the
truths 1 Tim. in. 15. God's covenant ixiih her is an everlasting
covenant of peace, Ezek. xxxvii. 26 confirmed by a solemn :

oath, never to be altered like that made to Noah, Isaiah Iiv.


9. A covenant like that of the day and night to stand for all
generations, Jeremiah xxxiii. 20, 2t. God shall be her erer-
lastiffg light, Isai. Ix. 18, 19 Whosoever shall gather to-
gether against her, shall fall; and M<? notion thai xviii not serve
her, shall perish, Isai. Ix. 12, 15, 17. The church is always
one, Cantic, vi. 9 10. John x. 16. Ephes. iv. 4, 5. Always
visible, Isai. ii. 2, 3. Micah. iv. 1, 2. Matt. v. 14. Spread
far and near, and teaching many nations, Ps. ii. 8. Ps. xxii,
27. Isai. xlix. 6 chap. Iiv. I, 8. %
Daniel ii. 35, 44. Ma-
lachi i. 11 &c. The church is infallible in matters offaith.
This follows from the premises : particularly see St. Matt.
xvl c^ap. xxviii. 19, 20. St. John xiv. 16, 17, 26. chap.

xvi. 3 1 Tim
3. hi. 14, 15. Isai. xxxv. 8. chap. Iiv. 9, 10.
chap. Hx. IP, £0, 21, &c.
Church Guides, and their authority. Deuteron. xvii. 8, 9, &c.
St. Matt, xviii. i7, 13. chap, xxviii. 18. 19, 20. St. Luke
x. 16 St John xiv. 16, 17, 26 chap. xvi. 13. chap. xx. 21<
&c. Ephes iv. 11 12, &c. Heb. xiiL 7, 17. I John iv.6.
Communion in one kind sufficient to salvation St. John vi. 51,
57, 58, Body and blood of Christ now inseparable, Rom. vi.
9. Mention of one kind alone, Luke xxiv, 30, 81. Acts ii.
42, 46. chap. xx. 7. 1 Corinth, x. 17
Confession of sins, Numbers v. 6, 7. St. Matt hi. 6- Acts xix.
18. St, James v. 6. The obligation of confession is gather-

ed from the judiciary power of binding and loosing, forgiving

and retaining sins, given to the pastors of Christ's church,
St. Matt, xviii. 18/ St- John xx. 22, 2?.
Confirmation, administered by the apostles, Acts viii. 15, 17.
chap. xix. 6. See also 2 Cor. i 2J SB. Heb. vi. 2. ,

Coniinency ; possible. Matt. xix. 11, 12. The vow binding,

Deut. xxiii. 2i. The breach of that vow damnable, 1 Tim.

v. 12. The commended, 1 Cor. vii. 7, 8,
practice 27, 37,
88,40. For reasons which particularly have place in the
clergy ver. 32, 33, 35.
Coimcils of the church, gathered in Christ's name, are assisted
by Christ, St. Matt, xviii, 20. And by the Holy Ghost,

iicts xv. 28. Their decrees are diligently to be observed by

the faithful, Acts xv. 4-1. chap xvi. 4. See Church Guides.
Eucharist. The real presence of the body and blood of Christ,
and Transubstantiation proved from Matt. xxvi. 26. Mark
xiv. 22, 24. Luke xxii, 19. John vi. 51, 52, &c. 1 Cor. x.
16. chap. xi. 24,25, 2?, 29.
Eternity of hell's torments, Matt. iii. 12. chap. xxv. 41, 46.
Mark ix. 43, 44, 45. 46, 48. Luke iii. 17. 2 Thess. i 7, 8, 9.
Jude6, 7. Rev. xiv.10,11 ch. xx. 10. See also lsai.xxxiii.14.
Extreme-unction, James v. 14. 15.
Faith. True faith necessary to salvation Mark xvi 16. Acts
ii. 47 chap. iv. 12. Heb. xi. 6. Faith without good works
is dead, James ii. 14, 17, 20, &c. Faith alone doth not jus-
tify ver. 24.
But faith marking by charity, Gal. v. 6. Faith
doth not imply an absolute assurance of our being in grace ;
much less of our eternal salvation, Rom. xi. 20, 21, 22.
1 Cor.ix. 27. chap. x. 12. Philip, ii. 12. Rev. 3. Ii.

Tasting, commended in scripture, Joel ii. 12. Practised by

God's servants, 1 Ezra viii. 23. Nehem. i. 4. Daniel x. 3, 7,
12, &c. Moves God to mercy, Jonas iii. 5, <xc. Is of great
efficacy against the devil, Mark ix. 29. And is to be ob-
served by all the children of Christ, Matt. ix. 15. Mark ii.
20. Luke v. 35. See also Acts xiii. 3. chap. xiv. 23, 2 Cor.
vi. 5. chap. xi. 27. Christ's fast of forty-days, Matt. iv. 2.
Free vcill, Gen. iii. 7. Deut xxx. 19. Eccles. xv. |'4, &c.
Often resists the grace of God, Prov. i. 24, £\c. Isai. v. 4:
Ezek. xviii. £3. 31, 32, chap, xxxiii. Ii. Matt, xxili. 87.
Luke xiii.34. Actsvii.5l.Heb. 12. 15. 2 Pet. iii. 9. Rev. iv 20.
The Holy Ghost. His divinity, Acts v. 3, 4. chap, xxviii. -25,
26. 1 Cor. ii. 10, 11. chap. vi. 11 j 19, 20 See also Matt,
xii. 31,32. Acts xiii. 2. chap, xx 28. &c. 2 Cor. xiii. 14.

And the solemn form of baptism, Matt xxviii. 19, 20. He

proceeds from the Father and the Son, John xv. _6.
Inmges, commanded by God, Exod. xxv. 18, &c. Numb. xxi.
8, 9. And placed on each side of the mercy-seat in the
sanctuary, Exod. xxxvii 7. And in the temple of Solomon,
2 Chron. iii. 10. 1 (alias 3) Kings vi. 28, 32, S3) And this
by divine ordinance. 1 Chron. xxviii. 18, 19. Relative honor
of holy images authorized, Heb. xi 21. See also 2 Sam. vi.
12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 2 Chron.
v. 2, &c. Ps. xc-ix. 5. Phil.ii. iO.

Indulgences. The power

of granting them, Matt. xvi. 18, 19.
The use of this power, 2 Cor. ii. 6 7, 8, 10.

Mass. The sacrifice prefigured, Gen xiv. \S. Foretold. Ma-

lachi i. 10, 11. Ps. ex. 4- Instituted and ceiebratcd by
B 2
Christ himself, Luke xxii. 19, 20. Attested, 1 Cor. x. 16,
18, 19, 20, 21. Heb. xiii. See Eucharist, &c.
Matrimony. A sacrament representing the indissoluble union
of Christ and the church. Eph v. 32. See also I Thes. iv.
3, 4, 5. Marriage not to be dissolved but by death, Gen. Ei.
24. Matt. xix. 6. Mark x. 11. 12. Luke xvi. 18. Rom.vii.
2. 3. 1 Cor.vii. 10, 11, 39.
Holy Orders instituted by Christ, Luke xxii. 19. John xx. 2?,
23. Conferred by imposition of hands, Acts, vi. 6. chap.
xiii, 3. chap. xiv. 22. Give grace, 1 Tim. iv. 14. 2 Tim. i, 6.
Original sin, Job xiv. 4. Ps li. 7. Rom. v. 12, 15, 16, 17, IS,
19. I Cor. xv. 21, 22. Eph. ii. 3
Penance, a sacrament. See Absolution. Confession.
Pope, or chief bishop. St. Peter, by Christ's ordinance, was
raised to this dignity. Matt. xvi. 18, 19. Luke xxii. 31, 32.
John xxi. 15, &c. See also Mat. x. 2. Acts v. 29. Gal. ii.7, 8.
Prayersfor the dead, 2 Mach. xii. 48, &e.
Purgatory, or a middle state of souls, suffering for a time, on
account of their sins, is proved by those many texts of scrip-
ture, which affirm that God will render to every man accord-
ing to his works ; so that such as die in lesser sins shall not
escape without punishment, for which also see Matt. xii. 86.
Rev, xxi. 2 7. Consult likewise Matt. v. 25, 26. chap. xii.
32. 1 Cor. ii, 13, 14, 15. 1 Pet. iii. IS, 19,20.
Pelicsy miraculous, 2 Kings xiii. 21. Matt. ix. 20, 21, Acts xix.
Saints departed, assist us by their prayers, Luke xvi. 9. 1 Cor,
xiii. 8. Rev. v. 8. We have a communion with them, Heb.
xii. 22, 23. They have a power over nations, Rev. ii. 26,
27. chap, v. 10. They are like to Angels, Matt. xxii. 30.
Luke xx. S6. They know what passes amongst us, Luke xv.
10. 1 Cor. xiii. 12. 1 John iii. 2. They are with Christ in
heaven, before the general resurrection, 2 Cor. v. 1,6,7, 8.
Philip, i. 23, 24. Rev. iv. 4. chap. vi. 9. chap. vii. 9, 14, 15,
&c. chap. xiv. . 1, 3, 4. chap, xix, 1, 4, 5, 6. chap, xx, 4.
For their invocation, consult the texts quoted above with rela-
tion to Angels: and such as testify the great power which the
prayers of God's servants have with him and which au- ;

thorize us to sue for their prayers For which see Exod.


xxxii. 11, 14. 1 Sam. vii. 8, 9, 10. Job xiii. 7, 8. Rom. xv.
SO. Eph. vi. 18, 19. 1 Thes. v. 25. Heb. xiii.J3. James v. 16.
Holy Scriptures, hard to be understood, and wrested by many
to their own destruction, 2 Peter iii. 16. Not of private in-
terpretation, 2 Peter i, $0. Corrupted by Protectants, St.
Matt. xix. 11. i Cor. vii. 9. chap. ix. 5. chap. xi. 27. Gal. v.
17. Heb. xi. 21.
Apostolical Traditions, I Cor. xi. 2. 2 Thes. ii. 15. chap. iii. 6.
2 Tim. i. 13. chap. ii. 2. chap. iii. 14" See also Deut. xxxii.
7. Ps. xix. 5, 6, 7.
Transubstantiation. See Eucharist.
Trinity of persons in God, Matt, xxviii. 19. 2 Cor. xiii. 13.
1John v. 7.
The B. Virgin Mary. Her dignity, Luke i. 28, 42, 43. All
generations of true Christians shall call her blessed, Luke i.
48. See, for her veneration and invocation, what is said
above of angels and saints.
Women, must not preach nor teach, 1 Cor. xv. 34, 85, 37.
1 Tim. ii. ii. .12.
Good Works, meritorious, Gen. iv. 7. chap. xxii. 16, 17, 18.
Ps.xviii. 21, 23,2!-. Ps. xix. 8, 11. Matt. v. 11. 12. chap. x.
42. chap. xvi. 27. 1 Cor. iii. 8. 2 Tim. iv. 8.


A,DVENT, 1 Sund. Epist. Rom. xiii. 11, 14. Gosp. Luke
xxi. 25, 34.
2 Sund. Ep. Rom. xv. 4, 13. Gosp. Matt. xi. 2, 10.
3 Sund. Ep. Philip, iv. 4, 7. Gosp. John i. 19, 28.
4 Sund. Ep. 1 Cor. iv. I, 5 Gosp. Luke iii. 1, 6.
Christmas. 1 Mass. Ep. Tit. ii. 11, 15. Gosp. Luke ii. 1, 15*
2 Mass, Ep. Tit. iii. 4, 8. Gosp. Lukeii. \5, 21.
3 Mass, Ep. Heb. i. 1, 12. Gosp. John i. 1, 14.
St. Steph. Ep. Acts vi. and vii. 54, 59. Gosp. Matt, xxiii.34, 39.
St. John, Ep. Eccl.xv. 1, 7. Gosp. John xxi. iO, 24.
IT. Innocents, Ep Apoc xiv. 1, 6. Gosp. Matt. ii. 13, 18.
St. Thomas Cant. Ep. Heb. v. 1, 7. Gosp. John x. 11, 17.
St. Silvester, Ep. 2 Tim. iv. I, & Gosp. Luke xii. 35, 41.
New year, Ep. Tit ii. i\, 15. Gosp. Luke ii. 21, £2.
Epiphany, Ep. Isai.lx. 1, 7. Gosp Matt, ii. 1, 13.
1 Sund. Ep. Rom. xii, 1, 6. Gosp. Lukeii. 42, 52.
2 Sund. Ep. Rom. xii. 6, 16. Gosp. John ii. 1,12.
Name of Jesus, Ep. Acts iv. 8, \2. Gosp. Luke ii. 21.
3 Sund. Ep. Rbm.xii. 16, 21. Gosp. Matt, viii. 1, 13.
4 Sund. Ep. Rom. xiii. 8, 1 1. Gosp. Matt. viii. 23, 28.
5 Sund. Ep. Colos. iii. 12, 18. Go^p. Matt. xiii. 24, 31.
6 Sund. Ep. l.Thes. i. 2, 10. Gosp. Matt. xiii. 31, 36.
Septuagesima, Ep. Cor. ix. 24. x. 5.
; Gosp. Matt, xx. 1, 17,
Sexagesima, Ep. 2 Cor. xi. 19. xii. 10. Gosp. Luke viii. 4, 16.
Quinquages. Ep. 1 Cor. xiii. 1,13. Gosp. Luke xviii. SI, 43.
Ash -Wednesday, Ep. Joel ii. 12, 20. Gosp. Matt. vi. 16, 22.
1 Lent, Ep. 2 Cor. vi. 1, 11. Gosp. Matt. iv. 1, 12.
2 Lent, Ep. 1 Thess. iv. 1, 8. Go&p. Matt. xvii. 1, 10.
3 Lent, Ep. Ephes. v. 1, 9. Gosp. Luke xi. 14, 29.
4 Lent, Ep: Gal. iv 22, 31. Gosp. John vi. 1,15.
Pass Sunday, Ep. Heb, ix. 11, 15. Gosp. John vjii. 46, 59.
Palm Sunday, Ep. Phil. ii. 5, 11. Gosp. Matt. xxi. 1, 10. and
chap, xxvi.-xxvii.
Maundy-Thursday, Ep. 1 Cor. xi. 20, 33. Gosp. John xiii. 1,15.
Good-Friday, Ep. Exod. xii. 1, 12. Gosp. John xviii. xix.
H. Saturday, Ep. Colos. iii. 1, 4. Gosp. Matt, xxviii. 1, 7.
Easter Sunday, Ep. 1 Cor. v, 7, 8. Gosp. Mark xvi. 1,7.
E. Monday, Ep. Acts xx. 37, 43, Gosp. Lukexxiv, 13, 35.
E. Tuesday, Ep. Acts xiii. 26, 33. Gosp- Luke xxiv. 36, 47.
Low-Sunday, Ep. 1 John v. 4, 10. Gosp, John xx. 19 31.
2 Sunday after Easter, Ep. 1 Pet. ii. 21,25. Gosp.Johnx.il, 16.
3 Sund. Ep. 1 Pet. ii. 11, 18. Gosp. John xvi. 16, 22.
4 Sund, Ep. James i. 17, 21. Gosp. John xvi. 5, 14.
5 Sund. Ep James i. 22, 27- Gosp. John xvi. 22, 30.
Ascension, Ep. Acts i. 1, 21. Gosp. Mark xvi. 14, 20.
6 Sund. Ep. 1 Pet. iv. 7, 1 2. Gosp. John xv. 26, xvi. 4.
Whit-Sunday, Ep. Acts ii. 1, 1 1. Gosp. John xiv. 23, 31.
Whit-Mond. Ep. Acts Gosp. John iii. 16, 21.
x. 42, 48.
Whit-Tuesday, Ep. Acts Gosp. John x. 1, 10.
viii. 14, 17.
Trinity-Sund. Ep. Rom. xi, 33, 36- Gosp, Matt, xxviii. 18, 2),
Corp. Christi Ep. 1 Cor. xi. 23, 29. Gosp. John vi, 56, 59.
2 Sunday, Ep 1 John iii. 13, 18. Gosp. Luke xiv. 16, 2 i.
3 Sunday, Ep. 1 Pet. v. 6 11. Gosp. Luke xv. 1, 10.
4 Sunday, Ep. Rom. viii. 18, 23. Gosp. Luke v. 1, 11.
5 Sunday, Ep. 1 Pet iii. 8, 15. Gosp. Matt. v. 20, 24.
6 Sunday, Ep. Rom. vi.3, 11. Gosp. Mark viii. 1, 10.
7 Sunday, Ep. Rom. vi. 13, 23. Gosp. Matt. vii. 15, 21.
S Sunday, Ep. Rom, viii. 12, 17. Gosp. Luke xvi. 1, 9.
9 Sunday, Ep 1 Cor. x. 6, 14. Gosp. Luke xix. 41, 47.
10 Sunday, Ep. 1 Cor. xii. 2, 11. Gosp. Luke xviii. 9, 14*
11 Sunday, Ep. 1 Cor. xv. 1, 10. Gosp. Mark vii. 3 r, 37.
12 Sunday, Ep. 2 Cor. iii. 4, 9. Gosp. Luke x. 23, 37.
13 Sunday, Ep. Gal. iii. 16, 22. Gosp. Luke xvii. 11, 19.
14 Sunday, Ep. Gal v. 46,54. Gosp. Matt. vi. 24, 33.
15 Sunday, Ep. Gal. v. 25. vi. 11. Gosp. Luke vii. il, 16.
16 Sunday, Ep. Eph. iii. 13, 21. Gosp Luke xiv. 1, 1 1.

17 Sunday, Ep. Eph iv. 1, 6. Gosp. Matt. xxii. 35. 45,

18 Sunday, Ep 1 Cor, i. 4; 9. Gosp. Matt ix 1, 8.
I 19 Sunday, Ep. Eph. iv. 2% Gosp. Matt. xxii. 1, 14.
20 Sunday, Ep. Eph. v. J 5,Gosp. John iv. 46, 53.
21 Sunday, Ep. Eph. vi. 10, 17. Gosp. Matt, xviii. 23, 25.
22 Sundav, Ep. Philip, i. 6, ii. Gosp. Matt. xxii. 15,21*
23 Sunday, Ep. Phil. ill. 17, 21. Gosp. Matt. ix. 18, 26*
24? Sunday, Ep. Col. i. 9, 14. Gosp. Matt. xxiv. 15, 35.



S'T. Andrew, Ep. Rom. x. 10, 18. Gosp. Matt. iv. 18, 22.
! Conception cf B. V. M. Ep. Prov.viii.22, 36. Gosp. Matt. i.i,16.
St. Thomas, Ep Eph. ii. 19, 22. Gosp. John xx. 24, 29.
Conv. Su Paul, Ep. Acts ix. 1, 22. Gosp. Matt. xix. 27, 29.
Candlemas, Er>. Malachi, iiL 1, 5. Gosp Luke ii. 22, £2.
St. Matthias, Ep. Acts i. 15, 26. Gosp, Malt. xi. 25, 30,
St. Joseph, Ep. Eccies. xlv. ] 6. Gosp. Matt. i. 18, 22.

Ladv-day, Ep. Isai. vii. 10, 16. Gosp Luke i. 26, 38.
St. George, Ep. 2 Tim. ii. 8, 10. iii. 10, 12. Gosp. John xv. 1, 7.
St. Mark, Ep. Ezek. i. 10, 15. Gosp Lukex 1. 10.
SS. Philip and James, Ep. Wisd. v. 1, 6. Gcsp. John xiv. 1, 13#
Inv. Cross Ep Philip, ii. 5, 11. Gosp. John iii. 1,15.
St. Barnaby, Ep. Acts xi. 21, 27. Gosp. Matt. x. 16, 22.
St. John Bapt. Ep.Isai. xlix. 1, 8. Gcsp. Luke i. 57, 68.
SS. Peter and Paul, Ep. Actsxii. 1, 11. Gosp. Matt, xvl.13, 19.
Visitation B. V. M. Ep. Cant. ii. 8, 14. Gosp. Luke i. 39, 47.
St. Mary Magd. Ep. Cant. iii. 2, &c. Gosp Luke vii. 37, 50.
St. James, Ep i Cor. iv. 9, 15. Gosp. Matt. xx. <?0, 23.
St. Ann, Ep Prov. xxxi. 10, &c. Gosp. Matt. xili. 44, 52.
Transfiguration, Ep. 2 Pet i. 16, 19. Gosp. Matt. xvii. 1, 9.
St. Laurence, Ep. 2 Cor, ix. 6, 10. Gosp. John xii. 24, 26.
Assumpt. B.V\ M. Ep. Eccl. xxiv. 1 1, 20. Gosp. Luke x 38, 42.
St Bartholomew, Ep. 1 Cor. xii, 27. 31. Gosp. Luke vi. 12, 19,
Nativ. B. V. M. Ep. Prov. viii. 22, 36. Gosp Matt. i. 1, 16.
Exalt. Cross, Ep. Phil. ii. 5, 11. Gosp. John xii. 31, S6.
St. Matthew, Ep. Ezek, i. 10, 15. Gosp. Matt, ix.9, 13.
St. Michael, Ep. Apoc. i. 1, 5. Gosp. Matt xviii. 1, 10.
Angel-guard an, Ep. Exod. xxiii.20, 23. Gosp.Matt.xviii.l, 10.

St. Luke, Ep 2 Cor. viii. 15, 24*. Gcsp. Luke x. J, 9.

SS. Simon and Jude, Ep. Eph. iv. 7. 13. Gosp John xv. 7, 22, 1

All Saints, Ep. Apoc. vii. 2, 12. Gosp. Matt. v. 1, 12.

All Souls, Ep. 1 Cor. xv. 51, 57. Gosp. John. v. e5, 29.
Presentation L>. V. M. Ep. Eccl. xxiv. 14, 16. Gosp. Luke xi.
97 *?Q
ibe world.

\_yHRIST is born at Bethlehem, Dec. 25, Luke ii.

4000 He circumcised, Jan 1 Luke ii.

The wise men come, and adore him, Matt, ii.

Year of
the Lord.
He is presented in the temple, Feb. 2, Luke ii.
St. Joseph and the B. Virgin fly with the child Jesus
into Egypt, Matt. ii.
The massacre of the infants by Herod, Matt. ii. St. Jo-
seph, with the B. Virgin and her Son, returneth from
Efiypt, but for fear of Archelaus, goeth and liveth
at Nazareth in Galilee, Matt. ii.
Jesus is found in the temple disputing with the doctors,
when he was twelve years of age, Luke ii.
St, John Baptist beginneth to preach and baptize,
John i.

Jesus himself is baptized by John. A voice from hea«

ven declareth him the beloved Son of God, the Holy
Ghost cometh down like a dove, Matt. iii. Mark i.
Luke iii,

Christ's first miracle at Cana in Galilee, by turning

water into wine, John ii.

St. John Baptist is cast into prison, and after some time
beheaded by Herod; Matt. iv. and xiv. Mark vi.
Luke ix.
Christ maketh choice of twelve of his disciples, whom
he calls apostles Peter is the first of them, Matt.

x. Mark iii. Luke vi.

Christ's sermon on the mountain. Matt. v. vi. and vii.

He preach eth in Judea and Galilee, casteth out de-
vils, and cureth all manner cf diseases, Matt. xii.
Luke xiv. &c.
He raiseth to life the daughter of Jairus, Matt. ix.
Mark v. Luke viii.
The Son of the widow of Nairn, Luke vii.

He calmeth the sea with his word, Matt viii, Mark iv

Luke viii.

He healeth the man that had been 38 years ill of a

S2 palsy, John v.
He sendeth his twelve apostles to preach, with power
of doing miracles, Matt. x. Mark vi. Luke ix.
He maketh choice of 12 disciples, Luke x.
He feedeth at one time 5000 men with 5 loaves,Mat.xi*.
At another time 4000 with seven loaves, Matt. xv. 33
He restoreth sight to the man born blind and raiseth
: 34
Lazarus to life, John ix. and xi.

He cometh into Jerusalem riding upon an ass, Matt. xxi.

He instituteth the B Sacrament and Sacrifice of his
body and blood, Matt, xxviii.
He is betrayed by Judas and condemned to die.

He is scourged, crowned with thorns, and crucified.

He dieth and is buried.
He riseth from the dead the third day.
He giveth his apostles power to forgive sins, Johnxx.23.
He giveth to St. Peter the charge of his whole church,
John xxi.
He promiseth to be with his church to the end of the
world, Matt, xxviii.
After 40 days he ascendeth into heaven, Acts c. i.
St. Matthias is chosen an apostle in the place of Judas
the traitor, Acts i.
On the day of pentecost the Holy Ghost cometh down
upon the apostles, Acts ii.
They preach the resurrection of Christ, and the ne
cessity of believing in him.
St. Peter converteth on one day 3000, on another
5000, Actsii. 41. and Acts iv 4.
He with St. John cureth the lame beggar, that sat at
the gate of the temple, Acts iii. b.
ThenewChristians have all things m common, Acts iv.32
Ananias and Saphira for reserving some part of the
money of a field sold, and for lying to the H. Ghost,
fall down dead at St. Peter's feet, Acts v.
The election of the seven deacons, Acts vi.
Saul, by virtue of a commission from the chief priests,
persecuted! the Christians, Acts ix.
St. Stephen is stoned, Acts vii. 58.
The disciples being dispersed, preach in Judea and Sa-
maria, &c.
St. Philip converteth the Samaritans. Acts viii.
St. Paul is miraculously converted, Acts ix.
St. Peter cureth Eneas at Lydda, and raiseth to life 35
Tabitha at Joppe, Actsix.
The very shadow of his body cureth all distempers,
Acts v. 15
He receiveth Cornelius the centurion, and other gen S9
tiles into
the churck, Acts x.
42 St. Matthew writeth his gospel.
St. Peter goeth to Rome and foundeth the church there.
St. Barnaby and St. Paul preach at Antioch, where the
believers are first called Christians, Acts xi.
44 Herod Agrippa beheadeth St. James, the brother of
StJohn; and imprisoneth St. Peter, who is mi-
raculousty delivered, Acts xii.
45 St. Paul and St. Barnaby are sent to preach to the
gentiles, Acts xiii. 14.
St. Peter writeth his first Epistle from Rome where :

also St Mark writeth his gospel.

51 A council of the apostles, and ancients at Jerusalem.
53 St. Paul preacheth in Macedonia and Achaia, Acts
xvi. andxvii.
He writeth his first epistle to the Thessalonians, and
the second soon after.
55 He writeth to the Galatians. St. Luke writeth his gospei.
56 St. Paul writeth his first, and soon after his second
epistle to the Corinthians.
58 He writeth to the Romans.
59 He is apprehended
at Jerusalem, Acts xxi.
61 He appealeth to Cesar, and is sent to Rome.
St. James about this time writeth his epistle.
61 St. Paul at Rome converteth Onesimus, and sendetli
him with his letter to Philemon. He writeth to the
Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians.
St. James, Bishop of Jerusalem, is there martyred.
63 St. Paul being set at liberty, writeth to the Hebrews.
St. Luke writeth the acts of the apostles.
St. Paul writeth his first epistle to Timothy : and his
66 epistle to Titus.
St. Peter about this time writeth his second epistle.
St. Peter and St. Paul are imprisoned at Rome.
St. Paul writeth his second epistle «o Timothy.
St. Peter and St. Paul are put to death by Nero.
95 St. John is cast into a cauldron of boiling oil at Rome,
under Domitian, and is banished thence to Patmos.
He writeth the Apocalypse.
96 He returneth to Ephesus under the emperor Nerva,
and there writeth his gospel. The time of the writing
of his epistles is uncertain.
100 He dieth at Ephesus under Trajan, about the year 100.

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