What Do Pigeons and Crows Think of Each Other
What Do Pigeons and Crows Think of Each Other
What Do Pigeons and Crows Think of Each Other
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Elizabeth Blano
Nature Lover · Author has 758 answers and 1.8M
answer views · 4y
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Agnes Gloken
crows on mind, in sight, heart, ears … · Updated Nov 18
nd soul. · Author has 60 answers and
One acts like its been drinking redwine for 5 days
10.1K answer views
without sleep, and then some coke to top it of.
Disorientated with a wide but blank and mindless stare.
Drivning towards it on bicycle and watching how it
panics and fails in taking decision to make a move in
any direction, if it do make its move, it will often be that
of jumping a little closer in your diection. You'll have to
slow down while observing it in amazement, and often it
doesn't even react, although consistently looking at you
in blank eyed confusion, but to be fair, however it goes
it always, at the very last second, act like a de
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Carl Vagg
Author has 21.2K answers and 3.1M answer views1y
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Anita Gayler
Heavily researches raptors, corvids, parrots, and … · 3y
Related Birds: How can I start a relationship with
the crows that live on my street?
Feeding them is absolutely a way to start it, just keep in
mind the corvid diet. I’ve heard of people that went as
far as obtaining freshly hit smaller roadkill or small
animals that died from heat or cold, local fauna
because they’re still wild animals. Crows are absolutely
omnivorous birds and as much as they love peanuts
they will also tear apart a field rabbit… or your burger
combo meal, because they are scavengers and have a
very broad diet. Google it if you’re not sure but
honestly, if you’re outside
Continuewith food, odds are good that
if you toss it on the lawn, they will eat it. Share your o
Dan Blundon
Former Self Emplyed/ Retired · Author has 1.5K an… · 1y
wers and 584.5K answer views
Related Do crows or ravens make good
Yes! I have known , and know crows in particular , and
crows in the family groups they are found in, for over 25
years in two different provinces. They follow me to the
edge of their territories when I show up . Some will
venture into another's territory, depending on how bold
they are.
When I stop moving , and sit and rest, the older birds
will gather around me. They know that I am harmless ,
safe , and a source lof peanuts. At my cottage, they are
in the yard , whether or not it is feeding time. They rest
in the shade of big Continue
spruce trees
Reading, groom ,vocalize and
do all the things that make them
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Elizabeth Blano
Nature Lover · Author has 758 answers and 1.… · 4y
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Related How do I gain the trust of the crows, I
feed in my backyard?
Keep feeding them. Do it in the same spot, around the
same time everyday or every-other-day, whatever is
best for you. Let them see you put the food down,
glance at them to make sure they noticed, then walk
away. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
You’ll know they trust you more when they fly down to
the food before you even went back inside yet! HUGE
positive step when this finally happens. It took me a
year to get to that point with them, but the sweet
relationship we’ve now built made the wait well worth it.
Elizabeth Blano
Nature Lover · Author has 758 answers and 1.… · 4y
M answer views
Related Why do other birds seem to hate crows so
Because crows will often kill and eat the eggs and
nestling (babies) of other birds if they get the chance.
(Good protein..) Other birds have seen crows do this,
and thus they try to dissuade crows from getting too
close to their young/nests/territories. They mob crows
to drive them away.
Crows mob even larger birds who prey on and kill baby
crows also (Owls, Hawks, Ravens, etc).
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Gigi J Wolf
Cry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of fun! ·… · Updated 6y
Author has 973 answers and 13.2M answ
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picked up a pigeon baby that had fallen
out of its nest. That was about 45 days ago. Will
crows attack this bird when I release it again?
Originally Answered: I picked up a pigeon baby that had fallen out
of it's nest. That was about 45 days ago. Will crows attack this bird
when I release it again?
I don't think he was hurt, but once I'd touched him, his
mom didn't want him anymore. I never reacted like this
when someone held my son when he was a baby.
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Nate Waddoups
with two parrots · Author has 1.4K answers and … · 10y
8M answer views
Related Birds: How can I start a relationship with
the crows that live on my street?
Originally Answered: How can I start a relationship with the crows
that live on my street?
Ragoo Rao
Nature photograpger & Animal behavior study. · A… · 6y
thor has 233 answers and 533.3K answer views
Related Do crows and pigeons communicate?
A majority of Animals on this Planet, communicate
within their Species in many ways. Some by Vocal,
some Body gestures, some by Body Stances and some
communicate by Chemical exchanges.
Eileen Sorensen
Former Free Lance Reporter (1991–1999) · A… · Oct 24
hor has 1.4K answers and 1.6M answer views
They actually agree with each other that some people
are just plain stupid. Example: This questioner.
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