Assignment Two.

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Mzumbe University

Dar Es Salaam Campus College-Tegeta.

QMS 102: Business Statistics
Group Assignment 2023
1. Answer ALL questions.
2. ALL details of your work must be neatly and clearly shown.
3. The deadline for submission of this Assignment is Thursday 15th June, 2023
4. Make sure you submit the work that is your own, otherwise its cheating
5.The work that will be subjected to P LAGIARISM will strictly be graded as ZERO.

1. a. A 12 person jury is to be selected from a jury pool consisting of 14 men and 16

women. Suppose the 12 jurors are selected randomly, and let E be the event
that the jury chosen has exactly 6 women and 6 men. Calculate P(E).

b. Find the probability that at most 5 defective bolts will be found in box of 200
bolts, if it is known that 2 percent of such bolts are expected to be defective.

c. An individual is picked at random from a group of 52 athletes. Suppose that

26 of the athletes are female of which 6 are swimmers. Also, there are 10
swimmers among male athletes.

i. Given that the individual picked is a female, find the probability that she
is a swimmer.
ii. Given that the individual picked is a swimmer, find the probability that
he is a male.

2. a. Let X be the discrete random variable that takes the values 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16,
each with probability 1/5. Compute

i) The expectation E(X) of X and

ii) The variance V ar(X) of X.

b. Find the probability of getting at most three heads in four tosses of a fair coin.

c. If X is the random variable with probability density function f :

1 − (3 − x)2 if 0 ≤ x < 3

f (x) =



i. The Cumulative Distribution function F (x).

ii. The Expected value of x2 .

iii. The Variance of x.

d. A random variable X has pdf fX (x) where

ax(1 − x)

if 1 ≤ x ≤ 2
f (x) =


i. Find a

ii. Find P ( 21 ≤ x ≤ 43 )

iii. Find cdf FX (.) of X

iv. Calculate E(X) and V ar(X)

3. a. A normal population has a standard deviation of 10. A random sample of size

25 has a mean of 50.0. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the

b. The amount of time in minutes devoted to commercials on a TV channel dur-

ing any half-hour program is a random variable whose mean is 6.3 minutes and
whose standard deviation of 0.866 minutes. What is the approximate proba-
bility that a person who watches 36 half-hour programs will be exposed to over
220 minutes of commercials?

c. An investment Services Company claims that the average annual return on

stocks within a certain industry is 11.5%. An investor wants to test whether
this claim is true and collects a random sample of 50 stocks in the industry
of interest. He finds that the sample average annual return is 10.8% and the
sample standard deviation is 3.4%. Does the investor have enough evidence to
reject the Investment Services Company’s claim?(Use α = 0.05).

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