FYP Proposal (Research Analyst System)

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Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Software Engineering

FYP Proposal Form

Project Credentials

a. Project Number:
(For FYP Member use only)
b. Project Title: Research Analyst System
c. Group Members

S. Group Member Name Group Member Roll Number Email (SSUET email
No. address)

d. Project Status

Research Based Project

Product Based / Service Based Project

e. Project Category (Write down the name if not available)

Category Name √ or Category Name √ or

Artificial Intelligence and Big Cloud Computing and Cyber Security

Augmented and Virtual Reality Game Development

E-Health Graphics Animation

E-Commerce Nano Technology

Internet of Things (IoT) Shared Economy

Block Chain Other

f. Project related to SDGs

SDG Name √ or SDG Name √ or

No Poverty Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-Being Quality Education

Gender Equality Clean Water and Sanitation

Affordable and Clean Energy Decent Work and Economic Growth

Industry, Innovation and Reduce Inequalities


Sustainable Cities and Responsible Consumption and

Communities Production

Climate Action Life Below Water

Life On Land Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Partnerships for the Goals

Project Background, Scope and Introduction

The research analyst system is an automated tool designed to analyze multiple research papers by extracting
relevant information such as the research project's concept, uniqueness, methodology, and abstract. This system
aims to facilitate the research process and increase the efficiency of analyzing research papers. By providing an
automated tool that can summarize and highlight key points of a research paper, it will save time and effort for
researchers, especially in the field of academia.

Similar Projects and Literature Review:

There are several similar projects and tools available in the market, such as PubChase, Papers, and Researcher.
These tools allow researchers to search and access research papers and provide features such as citation tracking,
reference management, and highlighting tools. However, there are no tools available that can provide an
automated analysis of research papers.

Problem Statement

The traditional way of analyzing research papers is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort. Researchers have
to read and comprehend each research paper manually, which can take a lot of time, especially when dealing
with multiple papers. There is a need for an automated tool that can provide a quick and efficient analysis of
research papers.

The research analyst system will have the following features:
 Ability to upload multiple research papers at once
 Automated analysis of research papers
 Extraction of relevant information such as the research project's concept, uniqueness, methodology, and
 Highlighting of key points
 Summarization of research papers
 Quick and efficient analysis

Expected Tools and Technology Requirements

The research analyst system will require the use of natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to extract
relevant information from research papers. It will also require machine learning algorithms to improve the
accuracy of the analysis. The system will be developed using programming languages such as Python and will
utilize libraries such as NLTK and Scikit-learn.

Design and Development Methodology

The research analyst system will be developed using the agile methodology, which emphasizes collaboration
between developers, stakeholders, and customers. The development process will involve the following stages:
requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment. Continuous integration and continuous
deployment (CI/CD) will be used to ensure that the system is continuously tested and updated.

Project Planning

The project planning phase will involve the following steps: defining project goals, scope, and deliverables,
identifying project stakeholders, creating a project schedule, allocating resources, and identifying risks and
mitigation strategies. The project schedule will be created using tools such as Gantt charts and will be
continuously updated throughout the development process.


The research analyst system has the potential to revolutionize the way researchers analyze research papers. By
providing an automated tool that can quickly and efficiently analyze research papers, it will save time and effort
for researchers. The system will also provide a more accurate analysis of research papers, as it utilizes machine
learning algorithms to improve the accuracy of the analysis.


 Blei DM, Ng AY, Jordan MI. Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research.

 Jurafsky D, Martin JH. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language
Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall; 2009.

 Manning CD, Raghavan P, Schütze H. Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University

Press; 2008.

Expected FYP Supervisors


FYP Committee Comments (For FYP Use Only)

Decision √ or X Remarks
Project Accepted
Project Accepted with Modifications
Project Needs Major Revision
Project Disapproved

Other Comments and Suggestions.

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