How Do I Sponsor An Employee For U.S. Permanent Resident Status?

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I am an

employer E2

How do I sponsor an
employee for U.S.
permanent resident status?

As an employer (or prospective employer), if you want to • Aliens who are members of professions holding advanced
sponsor a foreign national to become a permanent resident based degrees or the equivalent.
on a permanent job offer, you and the foreign national need to go
EB-3 – Professional or Skilled Workers
through a multi-step process.
• Professionals with a baccalaureate degree;
In most cases, the process begins when the employer obtains an
approved Application for Permanent Labor Certification from • Aliens capable of performing skilled labor (requiring at least 2
the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). After the labor certification has years of training or experience) for which qualified workers are
been approved by the DOL, the employer continues the process by not available in the United States;
filing Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, on behalf of
• Aliens capable of performing unskilled labor for which qualified
the foreign national with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
workers are not available in the United States.
(USCIS). If prior DOL certification is not required, the sponsoring
process will start when you file a Form I-140 with USCIS. Filing EB-4 – Special Immigrants
instructions and forms are available on our Web site at www. • Religious workers; Sometimes, as discussed below, the foreign national
can combine the Form I-140 with a permanent resident application. • Panama Canal Company Employees, Canal Zone Government
For information on all of the filing requirements and fees for a labor Employees, or U.S. Government in Canal Zone Employees;
certification request with DOL, please visit that agency’s Web site at • Certain physicians;
• Certain others.

Which employees may I file for?

What does the petition do for my employee?
A U.S. employer may sponsor a prospective or current foreign
national employee who is inside or outside the United States and Filing a petition shows that you have the intent to hire the employee
who may qualify under one or more of the employment-based upon the approval of the petition. By proving that you will have
(EB) immigrant visa categories. The EB visa categories are divided an employer-employee relationship and that the employee has the
into several preference categories. These EB visa categories are necessary qualifications for the job, you provide the employee with
organized by occupational priorities as mandated by Congress. The a place in line among others waiting to immigrate based on the
first four of these EB visa categories are available to otherwise same kind of EB visa category. When the foreign national employee
eligible foreign nationals sponsored by U.S. employers: reaches the head of the line, he or she may be eligible to apply to
immigrate to the United States.
EB-1­ – Priority Workers
The foreign national’s place in line, known as a “priority date,” will
• Aliens with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, be based on the date you file the labor certification with DOL or, if
business, or athletics; a labor certification is not required, the date your petition is filed
• Outstanding professors and researchers; with USCIS. For this reason, there is an advantage to filing as soon
as you are certain that you wish to permanently employ the foreign
• Multinational executives and managers.
EB-2 – Professionals With Advanced Degrees or Persons
With Exceptional Ability
How do I file for a current or prospective employee?
• Aliens who, because of their exceptional ability in the sciences,
arts, or business, will substantially benefit the national economy, You need to determine if the prospective or current employee meets
cultural, or educational interests or welfare of the United States;

E2—I am an employer…How do I sponsor an employee for U.S. permanent resident status?

M-583B (October 2013) N
the criteria of one of the four preference categories shown above. signed, or filled with incorrect fees, we may have to reject it, or ask
For further information regarding these categories, please call you for more evidence or information, which will delay processing.
Customer Service at 1-800-357-2099. Then, the process begins as Please send all required documents the first time to avoid
follows: delay.
• For category EB-1, file a Form I-140 with USCIS. We will notify you when we make a decision. Normally, when
• For categories EB-2 and EB-3, first file a labor certification we approve the petition, we will send it to the U.S. Department
with the Department of Labor (DOL). Then with the approved of State’s National Visa Center (NVC). Once the foreign national
labor certification, file a Form I-140 with USCIS. Note that, for reaches the front of the line for a visa number, the NVC will
category EB-2, the requirement for labor certification has been notify you and the foreign national, inviting him or her and the
waived for foreign nationals who qualify for a national interest qualifying dependents to apply for immigrant visas. You can get
waiver. more information about immigrant visa processing from the State
Department’s Web site at
• For category EB-4, file a Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian,
Widow(er), or Special Immigrant, with USCIS.
How long will it take USCIS to process my petition?

After I file, how long will it take before the foreign Processing times depend on a number of factors. You can check out
national can immigrate? current processing times on our Web site. Once you file a petition,
we will post an updated estimate of the processing time on the
The combination of high demand and the limits set by law on how USCIS Web site.
many people can immigrate each year under each category and
from a particular country affects the waiting time. For some foreign Where can I find more information
nationals there may be no waiting period, while others may have a about this process?
significant waiting period. For information on all filing requirements and fees for a labor
Generally speaking, if a foreign national entered the United States certification request with the Department of Labor, please visit that
legally and is presently in the United States (and meets certain other agency’s Web site at
requirements), he or she may be able to file an application to adjust For specific information regarding each category or qualifying
to permanent resident status if the employment-based immigrant occupation, please refer to our Web site at, or call
visa category for that foreign national is currently available. Customer Service at 1-800-357-2099.
For other foreign nationals who are on the visa waiting list, once the
foreign national reaches the front of the line, the U.S. Department
of State will contact and invite him or her to apply for an immigrant Key Information
visa. If you are interested in the current waiting periods for visa
numbers, see “Visa Bulletins” on the State Department’s Web site at Key USCIS forms referenced Form # in this guide
Please note: If you are immigrating to the United States and will Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker I-140
be admitted as a lawful permanent resident, you must pay the $165 Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), I-360
USCIS Immigrant Fee. You pay this fee online through the USCIS or Special Immigrant
Electronic Immigration System (USCIS ELIS). We strongly encourage
you to pay this fee after you receive your immigrant visa packet
Other U.S. Government Services–Click or Call
from the U.S. Embassy or consulate abroad (including Canada and
Mexico) and before you depart for the United States. Paying before General 1-800-333-4636
you depart for the United States will ensure that you receive your Information
Permanent Resident Card (commonly referred to as a Green Card) New
without delay. Information about the fee can be found on our Web Immigrants
site at
U.S. Dept.
of State 1-202-647-6575
What about the foreign national’s family? visa
In most cases, when the foreign national’s place in line is reached U.S. Dept www.foreignlaborcert. 1-877-872-5627
and he or she applies to immigrate, the foreign national’s spouse of Labor
and unmarried children under 21 can apply as dependents.
For example: You file a petition on behalf of a prospective
employee. You cannot directly petition for the employee’s spouse
and children. However, the employee’s spouse and children can
apply for immigrant visas (or adjustment of status) at the same
time as your prospective employee when the prospective employee
reaches the front of the line.

What happens after I file a petition on behalf

of a current or prospective employee?
If you file by mail, we will mail you a receipt to inform you that
we have received your petition. If your petition is incomplete, not

E2—I am an employer…How do I sponsor an employee for U.S. permanent resident status?

M-583B (October 2013) N
For more copies of this guide, or information
about other customer guides, please visit

You can also visit to

download forms, e-file some applications,
check the status of an application, and more.
It’s a great place to start!

If you don’t have Internet access at home

or work, try your local library.

If you cannot find what you need, please call

Customer Service at: 1-800-375-5283
Hearing Impaired TDD Customer Service:

Disclaimer: This guide provides basic information

to help you become generally familiar with our
rules and procedures. For more information, or
the law and regulations, please visit our Web
site. Immigration law can be complex, and it is
impossible to describe every aspect of every
process. You may wish to be represented by
a licensed attorney or by a nonprofit agency
accredited by the Board of Immigration Appeals.

E2—I am an employer…How do I sponsor an employee for U.S. permanent resident status?

M-583B (October 2013) N

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