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Afterpay Brand Guidelines 2024

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Afterpay Brand Guidelines


of contents.
Introduction, 02 RTB Expresssions, 60
Brand digest, 08 Imagery (FPO), 73
Core brand codes, 16 Applications, 83
Color, 19
Plates, 20
Typography, 28
Iconography, 47
Product extractions, 53
Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023



Root in product. 

We're creating a simple, scalable and more

sophisticated visual system that is rooted in the

Afterpay product, to align with a broadening brand

audience and evolving product offering.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

What you'll

see today:
Brand Digest - an overview of our brand's

foundational elements and architecture

Our brand codes and usage guidelines

RTB Expressions - how our brand codes and

colors can be used to differentiate our key

product themes.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

What’s next:

Updated tone of voice and messaging guideline

Photography/imagery guideline

Expanded RTB Expression/feature tool kits.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


We’re Afterpay.
Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Our belief.

We believe in the


power of a financially
well world.
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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Our mission.

So we’re on a 

We are the catalyst, the inspiration and

mission to power 

the energy for a fairer system and are

building the products and services that

ensure it can thrive.

an economy in which 

When we succeed, we create a flywheel effect in which

everyone wins.
people have more freedom and control, merchants trade

better, the burden of consumer debt is eradicated from society

and our investors see stronger and more ethical returns.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Our game plan.

Maximize access

and flexibility at

every step of the

consumer journey.
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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

The credit industry remains fundamentally broken. It’s an industry

Our ethos. that needs you to lose for them to win, and it can only survive by

pushing the next generation into the same cycles of debt. 

We see the world differently. 

We trust in the next generation and share a vision of a more

accessible and sustainable world in which people are

rewarded for doing the right thing. 

So we started a movement in which everyone can win—

shoppers, retailers and society. 

By increasing access to the things people need, and providing

meaningful choice at checkout, we empower the next

generation to both enjoy today and thrive tomorrow - free from

the pernicious debt, sneaky fees, and lack of transparency that

inspired a new way forward. 

There was before, and now there’s Afterpay.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines Au gust 2023

Our brand on a page.

Our Belief

We believe in the future-

changing power of a

financially well generation.

Our Belief

Our reason for being.

Our Mission

Power an economy in which

Our Mission everyone wins.

Our belief in action.

Our Superpower

Expanding access and maximizing flexibility at

Our Superpower every step of the shopping journey - unlocking the

possibilities that will unlock the future we’re after.

How we’ll get it done.

Access Flexibility
Our Product Narrative

Discovery Value Control Peace of Mind

More places, products, Deals + rewards + tools that The ability to choose how you No interest (in 4). No fees (on
categories, experiences - increase access to the things pay, wherever you check out. ) Transparency + security.
time .

from exclusives to essentials. and experiences we’re after.

Our Product Themes

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Afterpay Brand G uidelines August 2023

Discovery & Value Control & Peace of Mind

Product ecosyste m :
Shop feed: Search: Card tab: My Afterpay:

More than pay in 4. Homebase for shopping

and discovery
Inspiration, content and


Payment tools and exclusives. 

 Budgeting and


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Gift cards for you

a s p lash a s p lash a s p lash a s p lash

S mall business s p otli g ht

Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Brand design essentials.

The Pill The Loop Bondi Mint


The Wordmark

Warm Mint



Deep Mint

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Core brand codes.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Afterpay wordmark.
The Afterpay wordmark is anchored by
the Afterpay loop - interconnected
triangles that represent the win-win
relationship Afterpay unlocks between
consumers and merchants.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Afterpay badge.

When encased in the pill, our wordmark becomes

our badge - commonly used on merchant digital

commerce platforms and throughout our brand


Black on Bondi Mint Bondi Mint on Black

Badge Construction

White on Black Black on White

Clearpay variant for the European

market follows the same rules.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Wordmark misuse.
To maintain a strong brand presence, our logo
should always show up consistently. We don’t
alter the logo or add visual treatments.

Do not use the wordmark without the loop. Do not rotate the logo. Do not rearrange elements of the logo.

Do not outline the logo. Do not add a drop shadow or glow to the logo. Do not colour the logo or place images
inside of the logo.

Do not add a gradient fill to the logo. Do not distort the logo. Do not use colours not specified for the logo.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Letter-casing in
“A” for Afterpay.
In our wordmark, afterpay is spelled with a
lowercase "a". 

 Check off your list now.
All other instances treat Afterpay as a proper Pay it in 4 interest-free payments.
noun - with an uppercase "A".

Capitalize at the start

of sentences. Afterpay has everything
you need for ________.

Just dropped: Sam’s Club.

Tackle your supply list and Afterpay it.

Capitalize within subcopy.

Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Loop construction.
The Loop represents how Afterpay connects
consumers and brands in a win-win relationship -
increasing purchase power and flexibility on one side
and boosting sales on the other. 

Its curves, connectivity and flow are visual cues that

show up across our brand ecosystem.



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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Stroked loop.
Stroked loops can be used to frame, dimensionalize
and add texture to compositions.


For consistency, the stroke weight should always be

0.2% of the longest dimension of the artboard.

So for a 2000x500px digital billboard, the stroke of the

oversized loop would be:

0.2% of 2000 = 4px

For a 320x250px display banner:

0.2% of 320 = 0.64px

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Loop sticker.
For more subtle branding moments, or for use in tight
spaces, the loop sticker can stand in as our primary brand
mark. Where possible, opt for the full Afterpay badge.

Black on Bondi Mint Bondi Mint on Black

Sticker construction Black on White White on Black

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The app icon.

Our app icon follows the same spacing
rules as our loop sticker.

Black on Bondi Mint Bondi Mint on Black

Sticker construction

Black on White White on Black

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Loop supersized.

Zoom in and frame the segment of the loop that best fits your


Attempt to recreate the shape or its curves.

5. Stretch, warp or tamper with the loop.

We can zoom in and crop the loop to create a

wide array of on-brand loop abstractions for use
in backgrounds, plates and beyond.



Examples of possible zooms


Example of repetition and connection of twoloop segments


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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

The pill.

The Afterpay pill is a simple shape pulled directly from the

Afterpay product. From search bars and CTA buttons to

the Afterpay badge, the pill is used across canvases for

both product and brand proud expressions.

Bondi Mint Black

Badge Construction


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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Stroked pill.
The stroked pill can frame product and lifestyle
photography, emphasize copy, play search bar and
much more.

To ensure Pill stroke remains consistent throughout

any execution, the following measurements

are recommended:

Stroke weight = 0.5% of height


For consistency, create a pill with a height of 100px

and a stroke weight of 1.5px - then scale this up or
down for any artwork size.

This will mean that the stroke weight of any pill will
be 1.5% of the height.

Stroke weight = 1.5% of height

Stroke weight = 5% of height

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023



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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Color Palette.

We’ve created

our very own

color with Pantone :

Afterpay Bondi Mint.

It’s bold, fresh, energetic, confident, and nods to our

beachy roots in Bondi Beach, Australia. When people

see Bondi Mint, they think of Afterpay.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August

Afterpay Bondi Mint


Bondi Mint is our most distinctive brand identifier -

a color inspired by the beach town Afterpay was

born in.

Screen use only. Print use only.

For all digital applications, use the screen

formulation. For print, use the print formulation and RGB

Afterpay Bondi Mint

the Pantone swatch to calibrate for reproduction.

178 252 228 on Coated Stock.

Colour reproduction must visually match swatch.

The below formula is a guide for printing.

Certain end use requirements may necessitate


Licensed Printing Ink Manufacturer should be consulted.


PANTONE Yellow 012


PANTONE Trans. White 86.10


PANTONE Colour Data System QC # AFT001

4 colour simulation: C 38, M 0, Y 23, K 0*

CMY K values change depending on printer and substrate.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Primary palette.

Our primary palette is the core of our brand

identity, and should be used on any branded Bondi Mint White Black
materials. The palette consists of Bondi Mint, RGB 178 252 228
RGB 255 255 255
RGB 000 00 000


white and black.

The proportion and ratio below indicates the

recommended balance and usage of our

primary palette.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Secondary palette.

An extended Bondi Mint family has been

created to diversify and elevate brand

Light Mint Warm Mint Sage Eucalyptus Deep Mint
expressions across both print and digital.

RGB: xxxxx
RGB: 144 228 200
RGB: 91 158 155
RGB: 54 128 113
RGB: 45 63 57

HEX: #BFEFDF HEX: #90E4C8 HEX: #5b9e9b HEX: #368071 HEX: #2d3f39

Product Link

RGB: 45 63 57

HEX: #255A4F

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Tertiary palette.

An expressive tertiary color palette has also been

created for thoughtful, sophisticated accents

Tide Jacaranda Dune
where needed. Like Bondi Mint—Tide, Jacaranda

and Dune are inspired by the natural Australian RGB: 89 126 173
RGB: 171 142 200
RGB: 196 186 147

HEX: #597eab HEX: #ab8ec8 HEX: #c4ba93


Tint Tint Tint

RGB: 170 189 212

RGB: 212 198 226
RGB: 225 220 200

HEX: #aabdd4 HEX: #d4c6e2 HEX: #e1dcc8

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


Our grayscale have a small percentage of

Bondi Mint freshness. This creates a clear and

Gray 00 Gray 01 Gray 02 Gray 03 Gray 04 Gray 05
accessible visual hierarchy, and makes us

distinct by adding hints of our brand colours. HEX # F2F2F2 HEX # E5E6E5 HEX # D7DAD7 HEX # BDC2BD HEX # 889188 HEX # 565D56

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Color usage.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Visual ratio of

color-flooding usage.
Evergreen. Seasonal.

Mint / White / Black color flooding with hold equal weight with each Mint Shades can also be used for color Use seasonally and only
other as long as a form of the mint badge logo is also represented.

flooding to diversify and elevate expressions.

in cases where Afterpay

owns the channel.

Channels & Usage:

Channels & Usage:

Afterpay App | Afterpay website

Afterpay App | Afterpay website
Channels & Usage:

Afterpay App & website

Organic & Paid Social
 Organic & Paid Social

Out of Home Media
 Out of Home Media Organic Social

Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Optimal text-to-
background pairing.


Where possible, we restrict our copy colors to the core palette, using
secondary and tertiary colors as backgrounds and containers.


WCAG 2.0 defines four types of “incidental” text that canbe exempt from
meeting the contrast requirements.


Inactive: An inactive element that’s typically identified visually by its lower-

contrast state. For example, a disabled Submit button.

Pure decoration: Decorative text that is not meant to be read. For
example, a picture of a bookshelf on a library homepage, where the titles
of the books may be intentionally unreadable.

Not visible to anyone: Text mean to be hidden, like an invisible skiplink. Tertiary
Unless the text becomes visible, it wouldn’t need to meet any contrast

Part of a picture that contains significant visual content: Text that isn’t an
important part of the information in the image, like someone’s name tag in
a photo of a party.


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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


palette example.

Mint Afterpay badge.

Bondi mint pops in composition.
Black or white primary text.
Product extractions provide addition Afterpay cues.
Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Secondary palette &

highlight pairings.

More for your

More for your
More for your
More for your
More for your

money. money. money. money. money.

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Pills in Bondi,
black and white.

More for your

More for your
More for your
More for your
More for your

money. money. money. money. money.

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No tertiary 
 More for your

More for your
More for your
More for your
More for your

pill fills. money. money. money. money. money.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023



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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Using the Afterpay loop and core

palette, we can create a wide

variety of brand-proud plates.

Simple Gradients Macro Loop Rippled Loop

= Page includes motion element

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Simple gradients.

Bondi Mint + Warm Mint Bondi Mint + Sage Bondi Mint + Eucalyptus Eucalyptus + Deep Mint



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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Macro loops.

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Rippled loop palette.

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Ghosted rippled loop palette.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023



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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

The Afterpay typographic system

is built to be informative, expressive

and easily adaptable. 

While simple, it contains a diverse

range of gestures and techniques,

that allow for more impactiful 

type-based executions.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


Italian Plate

No2 Expanded.
Our primary typeface is bold, modern, Montserrat.

classic and friendly. It works as This is our internal only, digital

typeface. We only use it when

functional typography across digital Italian Plate No2 Expanded is not

available (Google docs etc).

platforms and print materials.

= Page includes motion element

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Primary typefaces.

Italian Plate No2 Expanded Regular Styles & Weights
Our primary typeface is Italian Plate No2

Expanded. As a sans-serif, it is bold and

modern. Its geometry is balanced and its soft

angles express friendliness .


The family of styles & weights allows for abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Regular Italic

flexibility in usage.

0123456789 {[(&)]}*,.:;¿¡?!/|\•¶@®©™ Demibold

«»‹›“”‘’‚„”’… -–—_†‡¬+<=>≠≤≥±÷−×∞~≈°

$¢£¥€§#%‰ Black

Italian Plate No2 Expanded Bold


0123456789 {[(&)]}*,.:;¿¡?!/|\•¶@®©™
«»‹›“”‘’‚„”’… -–—_†‡¬+<=>≠≤≥±÷−×∞~≈°


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Afterpay Brand August 2023

Type specimen

ideal stack.

In most contexts, we format our text in 

“Sentence-case” with punctuation. 

This gives us an authoritative, 

conversational tone. 


To ensure legibility and

Italian Plate No. 2 Expanded Bold

Size: 48 pt / Leading: 50pt

Stop paying to use money.

comprehension, we follow the

hierarchy displayed on the right. H2

Italian Plate No. 2 Expanded Regular Take a peek at the new brands on Afterpay—handpicked for you.
Size: 24 pt / Leading: 28pt

We’re making it easier to get what you want, when you want it.
Italian Plate No. 2 Expanded Bold
Shop now. Pay later. Always interest-free.
Size: 14 pt / Leading: 17pt

Caption copy

Caption / Attribution Copy

Vestibulum maximus imperdiet metus sed suscipit. Nunc eros

Montserrat Bold / Regular / Italic orci, scelerisque semper ex eget, commodo laoreet enim.

—Nulla gravida finibus ipsum

Size: 6 pt / Leading: 9pt

Hero H

Italian Plate No. 2 Expanded Bold A short headline. Montserrat is our internal only, digital typeface. We only use it when
Size: 24 pt / Leading: 2 6pt

Italian Plate No 2 Expanded is not available such as Google docs.

Hero P

A short paragraph of text. Lorem ipsum

Italian Plate No. 2 Expanded Regular
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
Size: 12 pt / Leading: 1 6pt
elit. Nulla tempor eros ac laoreet

rhoncus. Sed ac bibendum lectus.

CTA Text

Italian Plate No. 2 Expanded Regular Get started

Size: 10 pt

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Expressive type.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023
Waterfall pills.

This approach can be used for list-style

headlines to showcase breadth of products

and categories.





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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Pill emphasis.

We can use the stroked pill to add Sentence Case

Weight: Bold

Payments with

emphasis. One word, product or feature

Tracking: 0

per pill, with few exceptions. Leading: 1.25x type size Left-align

benefits. Includes


Text aligns, not the pill stroke

Check off your list.


Pay over time.

Pills are flush & stroke weight is 1.5% of height.

Max 3-4 words in consecutive pill treatment.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Pill padding 

and alignment.

Pill size is determined by type size. Padding is

then determined by optically balancing the

baseline and characters’ cap height.

Pill alignment is determined by the first and last

characters of the word within the Pill and is

aligned to the exact curvature points of the Pill

itself. This creates a natural centered alignment

between the two elements.

The size of the padding is determined by the 

size of the headline. Using the character “x”

ensure the padding is an equal x above and

below the copy.

The stroke weight will be 1.5% the 

height of the pill.

Pill edge & first letter of word

space should be a semi-circle.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Our motion language is

anchored in smooth, efficient,

and simple movements that

underscore the frictionless

experience of using Afterpay. 

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Motion language.

Our three core motions are grounded by real-world physics or natural

human movement. The pace and flow of these inform all other

aspects of motion.

Drop Horizontal Swipe Vertical Swipe

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


Our stylized bounce curve adds a touch of character, while obeying (30fps) 


the laws of physics,adding a layer of realism to the animation.

Cubic-bezier notation:

(Based on comp size:1080x1080px

Shape layer: 78px

Segment 1, Frame 0 - 7:

Animating on position Y)

0.17, 0.76, 0.38, 1

Key1, Frame 00: (y) 692

Segment 2, Frame 7 - 12:

Key 2, Frame 07: (y) 657

0.62, 0, 0.83, 0.24

Key 3, Frame 12: (y) 692

Key 4, Frame 15: (y) 677.8

Segment 3, Frame 12 - 15:

Key 5, Frame 17: (y) 692

0.17, 0.76, 0.38, 1

Key 6, Frame 19: (y) 687.6

Key 7, Frame 21: (y) 691.2

Segment 4, Frame 15 - 17:

Key 8, Frame 22: (y) 692

0.62, 0, 0.83, 0.24

Segment 5, Frame 17 - 19:

0.17, 0.76, 0.38, 1

Segment 6, Frame 19 - 21:

0.17, 0.76, 0.38, 1

Segment 7, Frame 21 - 22:

0.62, 0, 0.83, 0.24

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Horizontal Swipe

We are using an S curve with a fast out and slow in to invoke a (30fps) 


physically intuitive transition, as it simulates the behavior of objects in

the real world, which often start fast and slow down due to forces like Cubic-bezier notation:

Based on comp size:1080x1080px

friction or gravity. Shape layer: 78px

Segment 1, Frame 0 - 41:

Animating on position X)

0.33, 0, 0.1, 1

Key1, Frame 00: (x) 607

Key 2, Frame 41: (x) 511

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Vertical Swipe

The swipe up animation curve adds an element of fluidity and (30fps)


dynamism to the design, making it more visually engaging.Per

segment, we alternate between varying degrees of steepness with Cubic-bezier notation:

(Based on comp

our S curves to mimic the variance in the way a user would swipe. size:1080x1080px

Segment 1, Frame 0 - 31:

Shape layer: 78px

0.27, 0, 0.55, 1

Animating on position X)

Segment 2, Frame 31- 64:

Key1, Frame 00: (x) 615.2

0.34, 0, 0.23, 1 Key 2, Frame 31: (x) 525.2

Key 3, Frame 64: (x) 404.2

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Iconography overview.

Our icons are simple storytelling and

wayfinding symbols that take design cues

from the curvature and interconnected

nature of the Afterpay loop. 

Our icons represent both merchant

categories and product features/functions

and can be used in both product contexts

and brand expressions.

Digital Sizes:

Minimum: 16px

Optimum: 20px

Maximum: 24px

= Page includes motion element

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Category icons.
Category icons represent the product, Food & Drink Men’s Fashion Women’s Fashion Beauty & Treatments Department Store Furniture
service and experience categories users
can shop on Afterpay.

Groceries Men’s Shoes Women's Shoes Fragrance Handbags Home

Pets Trainers (unisex) Fashion (unisex) Jewelry & Accessories Designer-Luxury Home Improvement

Travel Baby & Family Events & Experiences Toys & Hobbies Eyewear Garden & Patio

Adult Automotive Health & Wellness Sports & Outdoors Electronics & Devices

Services 1 Services 2
Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Product icons: 

More Filter Close Circle Alert Tick Info

Functional icons represent navigational

elements within the Afterpay interface.

Add Sale Wishlist Lightning

Close Menu Add Caret Left Caret Right Caret Up Caret Down Arrow Left Arrow Right Arrow Up Arrow Down

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Product icons: 

Shop Feed Search My Afterpay In-App Re ward Notification Like


General icons represent functions, features

and navigational elements within the

Afterpay Card Card Wallet Pay Monthly Pay Monthly Gift Card
Card Refresh Refer a Friend

Afterpay ecosystem.

Calendar Calendar Day Check-In Check-Out Shop In-Store in Store Location


Spending Limit Time Safe & Secure

Data Bank Bank Statement Checque / Check

Cart Cart Refresh Basket Basket Refresh Discount 1 Discount 2 Savings Refund

Globe Meter
Merchant Shipping Shipment Tracking Box Order Return

Smart Chat Chatting

Lock Chat Message Write

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Product icons: 

Phone Laptop Work Browser Mobile Banking Loan Money Transfer Payment Settings

general (cont.).

General icons represent functions, features

and navigational elements within the

Afterpay ecosystem. History Refresh Opening Time Star Bulb Heartbeat Verified Trash

Coins Currency Exchange Handout B-Pay Euro British Pound No Credit Check No Credit Check : UK

Send GPS Pasword Show Password Hide Link Email Download Print

Play Circle Play No Fees Image Camera Attachment Edit Box Arrow Down

Call Settings Exit Grid Copy External Share Pinch

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


scale in circles.

The scale and placement of iconography

within circles should be visually consistent

with our loop sticker.

The padding between the icon and the

circle should be a minimum of 1/6th of the

diameter of the circle.

Iconography scale within the circle

is the same construction ratio as our Loop Sticker.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Use cases.

Our iconography can be used for both Icon Story + Circles Icon Story + Photography Emblematic Icons

functional and brand forward

expressions. Use them alone as an

emblem to speak to a product category,

or chain them together to create

narratives around the Afterpay


Icon Story Grid Icon Story + Pill Radial Icon Story

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Icon misuse.

Never use product icons to represent anything other Functional: Specific General icons: Flexible
than the feature/function they were designed to

Category icons are more flexible for storytelling


Home Home & Garden Travel Vacation

Calendar Seasonal
Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Product extractions.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Product extractions are graphic

elements from our product

ecosystem that we use to sharpen,

simplify and elevate our brand

expressions where needed.

They’re a simple way to sync our

product and brand design worlds.

= Page includes motion element

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Product extractions sticker sheet.

App Extraction + Old Navigation Bar Shop Feed Search Wallet My Afterpay

Old navigation bar New navigation bar Shop Iconography Search Iconography Wallet/Cards Iconography My Afterpay Tab Iconography

Shop In-Store Rewards My Afterpay

Shop Feed Wishlist Search

Insights Bundle Freeze My Afterpay Rewards

Product Tiles Search Bars Cards Rewards Progress Bar


Shop In-Store Rewards My Afterpay

beach chairs beach chairs

Arc’tery x Ralle Jacket

$100.00 X 4

Merchant Circles

Ray-Ban Ray-Ban Ray-Ban


Shop In-Store Rewards My Afterpay

Amazon Amazon Amazon Insights Bundle

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Search bar.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

The search bar helps us speak to

discovery - a portal to all of the

products, brands, services and

experiences on the platform.

= Page includes motion element

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


Search bar.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Phone screens.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

We use a minimalist version of 

our app UI to nod to the app without

overpowering the composition.

= Page includes motion element

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Phone extraction.

Home navigation and the Afterpay badge can Afterpay Search Bar
running shoes
be featured or removed as needed. Badge Extraction



Extraction Corner Radius:


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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023




running shoes

Screen + Icon Story Screen + Lifestyle Photography Screen + Product Cutout

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Turn it to
Pay it in 4.

Afterpay it.
Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Product tiles.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

We use product tiles to spotlight

Afterpayable products, services

and experiences.


Merchant Nike

= Page includes motion element

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Tile treatments 

& construction.

Tiles can be used to create portals, outlines,

cut-outs and windows, so long as they clearly

highlight a product, service or experience

available on Afterpay.


Tile: 300px x 300px

Corner Radius: 30px

The product tile should be as close to a square

as possible. The corner radius of any product

tile should be 10% of the width or height,

whichever is smaller.

The stroke weight should be 1% of the tile height.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Tile “tag” rules.

Expanded Product Description Minimized Description + Icon Tag

Format: Title Case

Weight: Regular

Leading: Height of one “X” icon

Clear Space: Height of three “X” icons

We follow in-app conventions when pairing product

tiles with product and pricing information.

Brand Nike Product Name Nike Air Max Pulse

Product Price $37.50 X 4

Product Name Air Max Pulse

Product Price $150.00

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Like product tiles, Afterpay and

Plus card sillouettes can be used

to highlight the products and

experiences they unlock.

= Page includes motion element

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Card extractions.

The height of a card should be 60% of the width. 

The radius is 10% of the height

The stroke should be 1% of the height.

Digital Card

remove Visa



Plus Card

Gift Card $253.00

Blank outline

Gift Card*
* Merchant logo to

be updated per use.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Plus Card explore.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Merchant circles.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


Merchant logos are always Search for anything

represented in circles Wishlist On sale Rewards

within the app. We can use Easter's almost

Curry Flow 10 here

these circles to feature

Get dropped!
minute treats at

Shop now

brand logos, or as portals In App Exclusives

into the possibilities each xxx

merchant's products
Walmart Target Amazon Nike

Featured Stores

= Page includes motion element
10% off
Confidential - Do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Afterpay.

Ray Ban Nike

Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Color approach in

merchant circles.

While often required to use merchant logos as

provided, simplified tonal logos should be used

where possible to align more closely with the

Afterpay look and feel.

Ray-Ban Ray-Ban Ray-Ban Ray-Ban

Amazon Amazon Amazon Amazon

Original Merchant Color Tonal: Black / White / Mint

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Merchant circles

as portals.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023




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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

We think of imagery as any

visual device that communicates

a subject or idea.

The tools we use to create

the visuals are:

Feature Imagery Library Imagery

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Feature imagery.

Feature imagery is meant to capture a moment in

time that feels candid, covetable and storied.

We’ll lean into natural lighting and convey a sense of

space and we’ll leave our stamp thorough color and

subtle hits of Afterpay branding.

Feature image is intended to feel heroic and be the

most conceptual version of showcasing a single

category offering or product expression. Usage will

range from OOH to Lifecycle and will typically show

up in evergreen or campaign placements.

Imagery is FPO until brand

shoot in October.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Product imagery library.

Library imagery is a hybrid of icons and feature

imagery. It’s systematic and monochrome approach

allows for pattern and repetition or stand alone

moments. A subtle grain effect adds a human touch

and level of grit and nostalgia. 

Library imagery is meant to be extremely adaptable

for marketing and product and is used most

frequently further down the funnel for shopping. It

solves for messaging abundance as well as singular

focused ideas.

Imagery is FPO.

Development in progress.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Framing devices.

Pill Burst Loop Burst

Photographic cutouts can be used to

break the frame of The Pill and Loop.

These executions can be used to

create a subtle hint of dimension

within a layout.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023

Embedded loop.

Solid Loop

Outlined Loop

The frames below illustrate the optimal crops

when using the Rippled Loop in brand

Crops of The Loop can be used For more subtle

expressions. When cropping, ensure the integrity within merchant photography expressions, you can

of the Rippled Loops are maintained without when increased brand embed the loop as an

ownership is desired.

outlined device to maintain

hurting the legibility of brand messaging.
a level of brand ownership

This execution also provides while still allowing the

photography with a stronger subject of the photograph

sense of depth while still to remain the core focus.

remaining elevated.

Full Loop

Full Loop Outlined

In instances where we want In instances where we want

want to inset photography on inset photography on solid

solid color backgrounds, we color backgrounds, we can

can break the frame of the break the frame of the

image with The Loop.

image with The Loop.

This execution creates depth An outlined instance can be

while also providing a bolder used to create depth while

style brand mechanic. also subtly providing an

additional brand element.

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Afterpay Brand Guidelines August 2023


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Afterpay Logo

Clearpay Logo

Colour Palette




Tone of Voice




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Mommy + Me twinning bucket hats with fur Pay how

flip flops beach chair with cupholder Pay how

you want. you want. you want. you
Sherpa White linen
S/S ‘23 Bug spray
Bucket hat Water wings
Sunscreen Mini cooler
Beach blanket XL tumbler
XS wetsuit Poncho towel

afterpay it. afterpay it.




Afterpay Logo

Clearpay Logo

Colour Palette




Tone of Voice




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Afterpay Logo

Clearpay Logo

Colour Palette




Tone of Voice




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Afterpay Logo

Clearpay Logo

Colour Palette




Tone of Voice




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Thank you.

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