Mock Test 28 With Answer Key

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Mock Test- 28

Q.1 Select the correct direct form of the given Q.7 Select the option that can be used as a one-word
sentence. substitute for the given group of words
She said that she could not believe him. Allowance given to a wife from her husband on
a) She said, “You cannot believe him.” separation
b) She said, “I may not believe him.” a) Allegory b) Alimony
c) She said, “I cannot believe him.” c) Affidavit d) Advocacy
d) She says, “I could not believed him.” Q.8 Select the option that expresses the given sentence
Q.2 Select the most appropriate synonym of the in passive voice.
underlined word in the given sentence. The secretary was noting down the dictation.
The next move of the opponent was anticipated a) The secretary noted the dictation.
by the team. b) The dictation was noted down by the secretary.
a) Forgotten b) Predicated c) The notes were noted by the secretary.
c) Suspected d) dreaded d) The dictation was being noted down by the
Q.3 Select the most appropriate option to fill in the secretary.
blank and complete the collocation. Q.9 Fill in the blank with the correct collocation.
Akshay always gives ______ to Johana for his Holm, a Danish traveller, had made a/an
success. ________ replica of the tablet, which in 1908
a) blame b) chance was deposited in the Metropolitan Museum of
c) opportunity d) credit Art, New York.
Q.4 Select the most appropriate synonym of the a) Wild b) Obscure
underlined word in the following sentence. c) Corrupt d) Exact
The way Sheetal imparts knowledge to her Q.10 Rectify the sentence by selecting the correct
students is really praiseworthy. spelling of the underlined word.
a) discloses b) transmits She is a nuisanse to her family.
c) exposes d) admits a) nuisince b) niusance
Q.5 Select the most appropriate meaning of the c) newsance d) nuisance
underlined idiom in the given sentence. Q.11 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Nobody in the conference seemed to believe the bracketed words to fill in the blank.
cock and bull story about such a major movie The lights ________ (lighting up) the artwork on
star. the walls of the museum were looking beautiful.
a) Factual story a) enlightening b) illuminating
b) Wildly exaggerated or falsified story c) trafficking d) mesmerizing
c) Interesting story Q.12 Select the most appropriate meaning of the
d) Secretive story underlined idiom that can be substituted in the
Q.6 Select the sentences that contains no spelling following sentence.
errors. The game is now in full swing.
a) My mother asked me to purchase two bread a) very passive
knives having serrated edges. b) very uninteresting
b) My mother asked me to purchase two bread c) playing on the swings
knives having seerated edges. d) very active
c) My mother asked me to purchase two bread Q.13 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
knives having serratted edges. highlighted word in the following sentence.
d) My mother asked me to purchase two bread The managing director produced cogent reasons
knives having serated edges. for the change in HR policies.
a) Compelling b) Unconvincing
Kataria Plaza, Shella By Pass, Rohtak (Ph. 7082220004, 7082220005)
c) Pertinent d) Unexpected c) His son avoided football tournament.
Q.14 Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct d) His son avoids football tournament.
order. Q.19 Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Thorium has the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
P. and is part of a nuclear programme in India there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
Q. of nuclear reactor in countries including substitution’.
R. been tested as a fuel in other types She lived in well-resourced surroundings.
S. the United States, Germany and the United a) luxurious b) luxuriousness
Kingdom, c) luxury d) No substitute
a) RQSP b) RPQS Q.20 Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct
c) PSQR d) SPQR order.
Q.15 The following sentence has been split into four The Google doodle
segments. Identify the segment that contains a P. with a cup of green tea, beaker and
grammatical error. Q. Tsujimura working in her laboratory
You must / be hurry, / otherwise you will / miss R. some green tea leaves by the side
the train. S. features a graphical representation of
a) miss the b) be hurry a) RSPQ b) PQSR
train. c) RPQS d) SQPR
c) You must d) otherwise you will Q.21 Select the option that expresses the given
Q.16 The following sentence has been split into four sentence in passive voice.
segments. Identify the segment that contains a The patient remembers his son taking him to the
grammatical error. temple.
The boy had run away / because he couldn’t a) The patient remembers he was taken to the
stand / his father beat him / for one more day. temple by his son.
a) his father beat him b) The patient remembers taken to the temple by
b) because he couldn’t stand his son.
c) The boy had run away c) The patient remembers himself being taken to
d) for one more day the temple by his son.
Q.17 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in d) The patient remembers being taken to the
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the temple by his son.
correct order to form a meaningful and coherent Q.22 Select the option that can be used as a one-word
paragraph. substitute for the given group of words.
A. Poor posture may strain neck muscles, Formal forgiveness of a person’s sins
whether you're leaning over your computer or a) Ablutions b) Absolution
hunching over your workstation. c) Absolutism d) Forgiveness
B. However, neck pain may occasionally be an Q.23 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
indication of a more serious issue. underlined word.
C. Neck pain is a frequent problem among many It is undesirable to invest a part of your earnings
people these days. for future use.
D. If your neck pain is accompanied by a) advisable b) foolish
numbness or lack of strength in your arms or c) unadvisable d) meek
hands, or if you experience shooting pain into Q.24 Select the sentence with the appropriate use of
your shoulder or down your arm, you should preposition.
seek medical attention. a) Ashok was in the bus stop.
a) CADB b) CABD b) Ashok was to the bus stop.
c) BDCA d) ABDC c) Ashok was on the bus stop.
Q.18 Select the correct active form of the given d) Ashok was at the bus stop.
sentence. Q.25 Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Football tournament was being avoided by his underlined idiom in the given sentence.
son. The MD of the company let the cat out of the
a) His son is avoiding football tournament. bag by telling her secretary, who got the much
b) His son was avoiding football tournament. coveted promotion.
Mock Test- 28
a) openly confess a) Accept something as it looks without thinking
b) Creating a false story about whether it might, in fact, not be quite
c) To allow a secret to be known, usually without what it appears
intending to b) According to the appearance of something
d) secretly confide c) Not laugh or change your expression even
Q.26 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the though you want to laugh
underlined word. Construction plays a central role d) Show that you do not like something by
in transforming the natural environment into the making an unpleasant expression
built environment, and many considerations and Q.31 Select the correct direct form of the given
restrictions can apply before a project is given sentence.
consent to proceed in terms of how it may The secretary assures the audience that he/she is
influence the environment. going to help them.
a) Bickering b) Expulsion a) The secretary said to the audience, “I am going
c) Directive d) Interdiction to help you.”
Q.27 Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled b) The secretary says to the audience, “I am going
order. Arrange the parts in the correct order to to help you.”
form a meaningful sentence. c) The secretary says to the audience, “I was
A great transition / marked / the 20th century / going to help you.”
for mankind d) The secretary says to the audience, “I will be
a) A great transition marked the 20th century for going to help you.”
mankind. Q.32 Select the correct active form of the given
b) The 20th century marked a great transition for sentence.
mankind. My cafe has been revisited by many tourists.
c) A great transition for mankind marked the 20th a) Many tourists revisited my cafe.
century. b) Many tourists did revisited my cafe.
d) For mankind, a great transition marked the 20th c) Many tourists have revisited my cafe.
century. d) Many tourists has revisited my cafe.
Q.28 In the given sentence the underlined word may Q.33 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
have been incorrectly spelt. Identify the option underlined word.
that rectifies the spelling. If there is no error in The actor was ridiculed for her nonchalant
spelling, select ‘No error’. attitude towards her work.
During my time-taking and gradual a) Boisterous b) Unconcerned
convaelescenc after my back injury, my family c) Considerate d) Retrospective
was by my side. Q.34 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
a) convalesaence b) No error given word. Pacify
c) convalecense d) convalescence a) Placate b) Assuage
Q.29 Fill in the blank with the correct collocation. c) Aggravate d) Quell
Brady straightened, the ________ baton in hand. Q.35 Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct
e) charge f) wooden order.
g) swing h) open Kemp's ridleys are
Q.30 Select the most appropriate meaning of the given P. usually found in nearshore and
idiom. Q. inshore waters of the northern
Take something at face value R. Gulf of Mexico, especially in Louisiana
S. which are their primary feeding grounds
Kataria Plaza, Shella By Pass, Rohtak (Ph. 7082220004, 7082220005)
a) SRQP b) QPSR will follow. They’re part of the same journey: our
c) PQRS d) PRSQ story.
Q.36 Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Q.41 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
blank. number 41.
A faint mist _________ over the valley. a) narrow b) slight
a) hung b) swung c) contracted d) vast
c) swayed d) dangled Q.42 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
Q.37 Select the correct indirect form of the given number 42.
sentence. a) rigorously b) severely
She said to me, “You will speak at the c) strictly d) infinitely
conference tomorrow.” Q.43 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
a) She told me that I would speak at the number 43.
conference that day. a) utmost b) slack
b) She told me that I might speak at the c) unmindful d) inattentive
conference the next day. Q.44 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
c) She told me that I will speak at the conference number 44.
the today. a) discarded b) surplus
d) She told me that I would speak at the c) behind d) excessive
conference the next day. Q.45 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
Q.38 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. number 45.
a) Languish b) Altitude a) approach b) path
c) Discusion d) Longitudinal c) manner d) custom
Q.39 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in Comprehension: In the following passage, some words
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and
correct order to form a meaningful and coherent select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank
paragraph. The British king, Charles I, had (46)_____ a very
A. It not only distances the addict from his/her difficult financial situation from his father. His period
social circles but also impacts their productivity saw a very high rate of inflation. He wanted to
badly. (47)____ money. Therefore, he (48) _____ creating
B. People begin drinking just for the sake of it the title of Baronet and selling it to (49) _____
and gradually make it a habit. candidates. However, his decision was (50)_____ by
C. Addiction of any kind, including alcoholic the British parliament.
addiction impacts all aspects of an individual’s Q.46 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
life. number 46.
D. Once it becomes a habit, it does not require a) owned b) inherited
much to change into an addiction. c) devised d) genetic
a) BDAC b) DBCA Q.47 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
c) BDCA d) ACBD number 47.
Q.40 Select the most appropriate option to substitute a) raise b) upraise
the underlined segment in the given sentence. c) bring d) lift
He is in debt due to his judicious tastes and Q.48 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
habits. number 48.
a) affluent b) frugal a) ventured b) started
c) extravagant d) moderate c) continued d) appeared
Comprehension: In the following passage, some words Q.49 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and number 4.
select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank. a) resourceful b) opulent
One’s options in this world are as (41) ______ as the c) healthy d) wealthy
horizon, which is technically a circle and thus (42) Q.50 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
_______ broad. Yet we must choose each step we take number 5.
with (43) _______ caution, for the footprints we leave a) banished b) rejected
(44) _______ are as important as the (45) _______ we c) unaccepted d) abandoned
Mock Test- 28
Answer Key
1. C 26. D
2. B 27. B
3. D 28. D
4. B 29. B
5. B 30. A
6. A 31. B
7. B 32. C
8. D 33. C
9. D 34. C
10. D 35. C
11. B 36. A
12. D 37. D
13. B 38. C
14. A 39. C
15. B 40. C
16. A 41. D
17. B 42. D
18. B 43. A
19. A 44. C
20. D 45. B
21. D 46. B
22. B 47. A
23. A 48. B
24. D 49. D
25. C 50. B

Kataria Plaza, Shella By Pass, Rohtak (Ph. 7082220004, 7082220005)

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