Class 1holidays Homework202425 Final

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Theme: Let’s Embrace Nature

Class 1
Session: 2024-25

Oh wonderful nature!
I wonder how you are so beautiful,
with green trees,
and buzzing bees.
The grass is so green,
and everything so clean.
The wandering butterflies,
makes my thoughts fly.
The waterfalls are so cool,
just like a swimming pool.
I love nature,
that is so tall in stature!

1. Read books, fables or comics. Surf the imaginative world and go

on a fantasy tour.
2. Run, exercise, sweat, cycle! Channelize energy, build team spirit,
enjoy sports and games.
3. Enhance communication skill by conversing in English with family
and friends.
4. Watch Discovery channel, Animals Planet, etc. to enhance your
5. Explore your artistic skills and express through dance, yoga or
6. Drink lots of water and juices to fight the scorching heat of the
7. Wear sunglasses and caps while you are out.
8. Observe and feel the beauty of nature with an early morning walk.
9. Limit your screen time and engage in activities, play board games
and solve puzzles.

Have fun! Have a great vacation time!

Dear Parent
Kindly refer to the suggested educational links for a variety of stories,
rhymes and phonics material. Exploring these resources will provide
valuable insights and enhance children’s learning experiences.
Let’s nourish our garden of English with ENGLISH

“Look deep into Nature, and then you will

understand everything better.”
Albert Einstein

Activity 1: Blend Flower

Let’s nourish our garden differently this time with the
Consonant Blend Flowers. Choose any two blends (fl, gl,tr,
cl, br) and write the blend in the centre of the flower. You
can write different words starting with the chosen blend
and even draw pictures in each of the petals. Decorate the
flowers with colours, glitter, stickers or any material of your
choice. Let your exploration of Nature blossom with these
beautiful flowers!
The Blend Flower sheet is attached on the next page.

Blend Flower
Blend Flowers
Activity 2: Reading Time
Books are your best friends. Reading develops vocabulary and
increases attention span. Enjoy reading minimum three books/
as many books as possible and create a reading corner in your
room. You can visit a bookstore around your house and select
books of your choice. Some suggested books are:
*All Set to Read- Level-1- OM Books International (you may
pick any one of these and explore more)
a. HAHA and HEHE have fun
b. The Cat and the Rat (A Phonic Reader)
c. Bob and the Funny Log
*Read it Yourself with Lady Bird- Level 1

Your favourite characters

from the book you have
1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________

Activity 3: VISIT TO THE ZOO

Let’s explore “The Zoological Park” and have a first-hand experience
on the life of animals. Let us observe them carefully and learn about
their habitats, eating habits, their sounds etc. Do remember to click
a picture with your favourite animal and fill the details in the format
given on the next page.
PS: In case you are not able to visit the zoo then please draw or
paste a picture of your favourite animal.

Visit to the “The Zoological Park”
Activity 4: Blends Search
Let’s help Sam identify the blend words found in
nature and write them in the boxes given below.
Activity 1:fn, x, fp=¨aa d¨ igpkudj [kkyh LFkku esas
mudk igyk O;atu fyf[k, v©j 'kCn iwjs dhft, A

cky dFkk,¡ किताबें हर छात्र िे जीवन में एि महत्वपूर्ण भूममिा

ननभाती हैं, उन्हें िल्पना िी दनु नया से पररचित िराती हैं,
बाहरी दनु नया िा ज्ञान प्रदान िरती हैं, उनिे पढ़ने, मिखने
और बोिने िे िौशि में सध
ु ार िरती हैं और साथ ही
स्मनृ त और बुद्चध िो बढ़ाती हैं।

uhps fn, x, fyad dh lgk;rk ls vkWuykbu dgkfu;k¡ if<+, A
Activity 2:vkvks dqN cuk,¡
vaxwB¢ dh Nki ls vki viuh ilan d¢ pkj fp=
cukb, vkSj mud¢ ukeksa d¢ igy¢ v{kj fyf[k, A
Activity 3: uhps fn, x, [kkyh LFkku¨a esa
fp=¨a dk igyk Loj@O;atu fyf[k, A
hpsfn, x, [kkyhLFkku¨aesafp=¨a dk igykLoj@O;atufy
Activity 4:Lojksa dh lokjh
xksy vkdkj ds nl dkxt+ dkVdj mUgsa chp esa ls eksM+
ysaA Åij ds vk/ks xksys ij Loj ¼v ls vkS½ fy[kas vkSj
vanj ml Loj ds pkj&pkj 'kCnA
vius ilan dk i'kq ;k i{kh dk cM+k lk fp= cukdj
mls dkV yas vkSj ml ij vk/ks xksys fpidk,¡ vkSj
dqNfp= mnkgj.k ds fy, %
Activity 1: Let’s Decode the message
Use the code given below to find the animals name.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

7 9 18 1 6 6 5

5 12 5 16 8 1 14 20

4 9 14 15 19 1 21 18

26 5 2 18 1

7 15 18 1 12 12 1

15 3 20 15 16 21 19

16 12 1 20 25 16 21 19

20 9 7 5 18
Activity 2: Let’s add and colour
Let’s solve and colour as per the colour code
Activity 1: Diorama
Let’s expLore the meaning of Diorama
Diorama- A diorama is a small, three-dimensional model
that represents a scene often depicting nature or a
specific concept. It’s like mini world inside a box or on a
platform. Dioramas give students hands on experience to
understand or visualise different topics. You might make a
jungle canopy for animals, an underwater scene for water
animals, Flower Garden as a Diorama etc.

Let’s follow these easy instructions to make any fantastic model

(Diorama) of the Animals habitat under adult’s guidance and supervision.

➢ Material required

• Shoebox or any box

• Glue stick or fevicol
• Scissors
• Animal toys or puppets or cut-outs
• Artificial Flower, grass, trees etc
• Set of decoration supplies to build your diorama
• Small slips or cut-outs for labelling

❖ Encourage your ward to do research work and use eco-friendly

waste materials or materials easily available at home to create
Diorama. For instance, shoe box, old ribbons, stickers, stars etc.
❖ Pictures of Dioramas shared above are for the reference, kindly
encourage your ward to use their creativity.
➢ Instructions

• Create diorama assigned as per roll number.

• Lay the lid of your shoebox on a table with the inside showing.
• Put glue on one side of the shoebox and stand it up on the lid.
• Decorate your shoebox so that it looks like the mini world of your
chosen topic.
• Once your diorama is decorated, you can place your flowers, animal,
birds or butterflies cutouts inside.

➢ Students will make their Diorama based on the following

categories assigned as per roll numbers.

Categories Roll Numbers

Aquatic Animals 1-8

Butterfly Garden or Garden of 9 - 16
Forest Animals 17 - 24
Aerial Animals (Birds) 25 - 32

➢ Key considerations for students while making Animal

Habitat Diorama

• Learning about habitats is important for children because it is

a great way to introduce them to their environment around
them and make them aware that certain animals need certain
conditions to live.

Dioramas are a student favourite project work because they enable

students more freedom, curiosity and creativity by displaying three
dimensional scenes.
Activity 2: Daddy and Baby on Board ?
Nature is the purest portal to the inner peace. Let’s nurture the nature
so that we have a better future.
With knowledge comes power, so let’s complete an assignment which will
provide us the understanding on how to plant a seed and help our mother
The child can perform this activity of planting seeds with his/her father as a
token of love on Father’s Day. (16th June 2024)
Directions : Using the words in the box, fill in the blanks below:

sunshine water pot soil

seeds hole fingers plants

1. Place some into a

_________ __________

2. Make a with your

_________ __________

3. Drop some into the

_________ __________

4. Cover the with

_________ __________

5. Pour into the

_________ __________

6. Give your lots of

_________ __________

7. Wait for your to grow.

Activity 3: What can we do to care for our environment?
Write or draw two things that you can do to help your
Instead of throwing trash in surroundings, we should …..
Instead of throwing trash in surroundings, we should …..

Instead of cutting trees, we should…..

Instead of cutting trees, we should…..

Instead of leaving the water tap running, we should……

Instead of leaving the water tap running, we should……

Submission of Holiday’s Homework-
• Compile all A4 sheets (Worksheets of English, Hindi , Math
and GSM) in a handmade folder. Label the same with your
ward’s name, class and section and submit it on
Wednesday, 3rd July, 2024. Kindly send coloured print out of
the same.

• Diorama should be submitted on Thursday, 4th July, 2024.

• Swaro ki Sawari should be submitted on Friday, 5th July, 2024.

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