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The Washington Post - July 13, 2024

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T-storm 91/76 • Tomorrow: Partly sunny, hot 95/76 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness saturday, july 13 , 2024
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. $3

100 million ELECTION 2024

customers’ Biden
AT&T call trains
data stolen
fire on
Records could provide
criminals a relationship
web to target victims
new passion at
BY J OSEPH M ENN Michigan rally

hackers stole records detailing Aims to stem tide of calls

the phone contacts of almost all asking him to leave race
aT&T wireless customers in one
of the most serious breaches of
sensitive consumer data in recent BY Y ASMEEN A BUTALEB
years, the company disclosed in a AND C LEVE R . W OOTSON J R.
securities filing Friday.
The cache includes the num- DETROIT — President Biden,
bers called or texted by more than turning up the volume on his case
100 million customers between for another term, delivered his
May 1 and oct. 31, 2022, as well as most forceful defense yet of his
one day in January 2023. it con- candidacy in a fiery rally here
tains the numbers themselves as Friday, charging that Republican
well as the frequency and com- Donald Trump was receiving a
bined durations of the interac- “free pass” and unspooling a list of
tions, but not the customer names factors he said rendered Trump
or the content of those communi- unfit to serve as president again.
cations, aT&T said. Before a crowd of more than
since most numbers can be SaRaH l. VOiSin/THe WaSHingTOn pOST
2,000 enthusiastic supporters
tied to real names, such records chanting “Don’t you quit” and
illuminate who is close to whom. “we’ve got your back,” Biden ac-

After Maui’s fires, a battle

That would provide a road map cused journalists and pundits of
for criminals who could imper- fixating on his verbal slip-ups
sonate a friend or relative to trick while ignoring Trump’s criminal
a victim. Texts from financial in- conviction and the accusations of

for a town’s sacred water

stitutions could be mimicked to sexual assault and rape against
get an account holder to divulge him.
passwords, and workplace rela- “Mr. Trump raped her,” Biden,
tionships could reveal the identi- emphasizing the word “raped” as
ty of U.s. spies. he read from a judge’s ruling in a
“This data could be used by case in which Trump was found

spies, scammers and other bad civilly liable of defaming writer e.
actors to target specific people or ong before Lahaina burned to the its most precious resource — has only Jean Carroll after she accused him
to improve the feasibility of scams ground, canals crisscrossed the Locals see a chance grown more intense. The fire has forced a see bIden on a4
by impersonating the numbers of community. spring-fed pools and reckoning over the ways outside interests
people you regularly call,” said taro patches dotted downtown. to restore the have historically exploited the island’s Eclipsed: Democrats worry good
technologist Cooper Quintin of
the electronic Frontier Founda-
The seat of the hawaiian Kingdom was a
small island in the middle of a sacred pond
ancient ecosystem natural environment. But for those who
want change, Lahaina’s wholesale de-
news on economy being buried. A5

tion. off modern-day Front street. of Lahaina, once struction has presented an unprecedented Losing Clooney: The fundraiser
The ability of U.s. intelligence so much water coursed through Lahai- opportunity to reimagine the town from
to access similar calling records na, on its path from the mountains to the flush with wetlands. the groundwater up, a chance to restore
where some say Biden was frail. A6

was one of the most alarming and

see at&t on a14
ocean, that early european visitors chris-
tened it the “Venice of the Pacific.”
It won’t be easy. the wetlands and the hallowed site at their
MsNBC leans forward: “Morning
Joe” plays arbiter of Biden fray. C1
But over two centuries, everything “Right now, believe it or not, even
changed. american colonizers landed on BY R EIS T HEBAULT in Lahaina, hawaii though people say our town is gone, i look
hawaii and flocked to Lahaina. sugar at it as the opposite,” said Ke‘eaumoku

Baldwin’s plantations and land developers followed,

steadily siphoning and diverting, draining
the area dry. wetlands were buried under
Kapu, standing outside the charred re-
mains of his na ‘aikane o Maui Cultural
Center, near the now-buried wetlands.
‘Rust’ case parks and parking lots. The town was
transformed into a tinderbox.
when flames finally came for the old
Kapu is part of a growing group of
native hawaiian leaders, local advocates
and elected officials who are pushing to
tossed out Lahaina town in august, they killed at
least 101 people and destroyed thousands
of homes.
ke‘eaumoku kapu stands near
the site of his na ‘aikane o
Maui cultural center, which
revive the town’s pre-colonial ecosystem.
The campaign could eventually lead to a
showdown with powerful private firms
to accuser
by judge since then, Maui’s oldest struggle — for burned down in august. see LahaIna on a8
via text
Ruling says prosecutors Woman who alleges
improperly hid potential
H AHN Maryland invented the es the drink’s ascension — but that
might just be ruffling a few old he groped her calls his

evidence from defense Bay-scented feathers. message ‘disingenuous’
Unlike so many other storied “Meet you at the boardwalk at
cocktails, the orange Crush’s ori- noon,” joked Derek Brown, a

gins are undisputed. without the washington-based drinks expert
BY S AMANTHA C HERY fog of centuries obscuring which who grew up in Maryland. Brown BY P ETER J AMISON
AND M ARÍA L UISA P AÚL monocle-sporting bartender first was careful to say that while many
coined the term or which long- Delaware bars make a good crush, independent presidential can-
alec Baldwin’s “Rust” shooting closed Gilded age establishment bragging rights for the drink didate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has
trial was dismissed Friday, after a first served the drink, the crush’s rightly belong to his native state. privately apologized to a woman
judge ruled that prosecutors im- biography is well known: once “on one side, i do recognize that who accused him of sexual assault,
properly withheld potential evi- upon a time (1995, in fact), at the Delaware has that claim — they’ve saying he does not remember the
dence from the defense team. The harborside Bar & Grill in ocean made a good orange Crush,” alleged incident and that any
ruling was a shocking end to the City, Md., bartenders came up Brown said. “however, this legis- harm he caused was “inadvertent.”
emmy award-winning actor’s with a concoction of vodka, fresh- lation is a little like saying, ‘i went in a story published last week in
years-long effort to clear his name ly squeezed oranges and triple sec, to your house and stole something Vanity Fair, the woman, eliza
after a prop gun discharged in his which they topped off with a and it’s mine now.’ saying that Cooney, described inappropriate
hand on a film set in 2021, releas- splash of lemon-lime soda. possession is nine-tenths of the behavior and sexual advances
ing a live bullet that killed cinema- so begins the history of the law doesn’t make it so.” from Kennedy when she worked
tographer halyna hutchins and orange Crush, a drink whose pop- The bill establishing the drink as his family’s weekend nanny in
wounded the film’s director.
Judge Mary Marlowe sommer
ularity quickly spread, making it a
summertime staple at bars and Now Delaware in the First state’s firmament, ad-
opted by the legislature late last
the late 1990s, including an inci-
dent in which Kennedy ap-
said in her ruling that prosecutors
had failed to properly inform de-
fense lawyers of live ammunition
crab shacks not just in Maryland
but all along the Mid-atlantic
coast. nearly 30 years on, its leg-
is claiming it. month and now awaiting the gov-
ernor’s pen, does not — exactly —
attempt to rewrite the drink’s his-
proached her from behind and
allegedly groped her in a pantry.
at the time, Cooney was 23. Ken-
in their possession, which may end has reached a new inflection tory. “The orange Crush cocktail nedy was 45 and married, with five
have been connected to the shoot- point. Thanks to swift legislative is claimed to have been originated children.
ing. “The state’s woeful withhold- action this summer, the orange by bartenders in ocean City, “i have no memory of this inci-
ing of this information was inten- Crush is set to become the official Maryland in 1995,” the legislation dent but i apologize sincerely for
tional and deliberate,” she said. cocktail of the great state of … states (the added emphasis is anything i ever did that made you
The actor had been on trial for Delaware. see orange crush on a9 feel uncomfortable or anything i
involuntary manslaughter since Yes, the state located less than did or said that offended you or
Tuesday, as prosecutors argued 10 miles north of the drink’s actual MAkE yOur OwN hurt your feelings,” Kennedy
that his reckless handling of a cradle was the one to give it this Rey lOpez fOR THe WaSHingTOn pOST;
fOOD STyling By liSa CHeRkaSky The recipe for the Harborside wrote in a text message to Cooney
prop gun on the set of the low- distinction, a move that recogniz- fOR THe WaSHingTOn pOST Orange Crush Cocktail. A9 sent at 12:33 a.m. on July 4, two
see baLdWIn on a14 see kennedy on a10

in the news ThE ECONOMy

the biden administra-
the district received
an ex-nats prospect
BusINEss NEws.........................A13
tion unveiled a $1.7 bil- mixed reviews from finds his calling as part OpINION pAgEs..........................A15
cosmic surprises The latest dazzling image ThE NATION ThE wOrLd lion push to boost pro- residents and business of the barnstorming TELEvIsION .................................. C3

from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope rudy giuliani’s bank- a security force has duction of electric vehi- owners over its handling Savannah Bananas, who wOrLd NEws ............................. A11

ruptcy case was thrown been in Haiti just weeks, cles by retooling 11 auto of the NATO summit come to D.C. tonight. D1
shows two intertwined galaxies nicknamed out, opening the door for but citizens already factories. A13 that just wrapped up. B1 at Wimbledon, Carlos CONTENT © 2024

the Penguin and the Egg. A10 seizure of his assets. A3 doubt its efficacy. A11 as consumers reject compass coffee’s Alcaraz and Novak The Washington Post
Year 147, No. 53911
at the alamo, restora- cease-fire talks hit higher prices, snack hiring spree is an anti- Djokovic advanced to
a local music maven dies Joe Lee was a tion has sparked conflict snags as Israel and giants PepsiCo and union tactic to dilute Sunday’s men’s final, a
dealer of obscure albums whose store was over how a new museum Hamas neared a deal, Conagra confront recent next week’s vote, some rematch of the thriller
will portray slavery. A3 officials said. A12 revenue declines. A14 workers say. B1 they staged last year. D1
the informal center of the D.C. scene. B1
A2 eZ re the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

Tax-funded youth treatment centers are ‘warehouses of neglect,’ report finds

“Your tax dollars example in the report was the hearing, Wyden said it is
at work” was 2020 death of 16-year-old “overwhelmingly … clear that the
never meant to Cornelius Frederick, who, as a operating model for these
include child video shows, was killed by staffers facilities is to warehouse as many
abuse. at Lakeside Academy in kids as possible while keeping
But that’s the Kalamazoo, Mich. After he threw costs low to maximize profits.
Federal odious image a sandwich at other youth in the This means intentional
Insider presented in a new cafeteria, he was knocked to the understaffing with people who
Joe Senate report, floor by a staffer and multiple have zero experience or
davidson whose title employees piled on. Two staffers qualifications to provide the care
describes pleaded no contest to involuntary these children need. … It also
numerous youth manslaughter. Another pleaded means facility conditions are
residential treatment facilities no contest to third-degree child often unsanitary and dangerous,
(RTF) that receive federal abuse. and feel more like a prison than a
funding as “warehouses of More than 100 former safe place to help a child get
neglect.” residents of the facilities, and through a difficult time. In these
Bipartisan oversight their family members, attended conditions, children can’t get the
legislation is now planned, after a the hearing and a preceding news care they need, like high-quality
Senate Finance Committee conference, while others and individualized treatment.”
hearing last month on the two- submitted statements to the Shawn Coughlin, president
year congressional investigation committee with their personal and CEO of the National
into facilities caring for children horror stories. Association for Behavioral
with a range of issues: emotional, Sasha Oates’s statement said Demetrius Freeman/tHe WasHington Post Healthcare, a trade group for the
mental, behavioral and she was placed in a Utah facility “American tax dollars are funding this abuse,” said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chairman of the Senate facilities, supported his member
occasionally criminal. Instead of when she was 14 because of Finance Committee, which issued a report on problems at youth residential treatment facilities. companies, saying, “The
getting the care they need, mental health and self-harm comprehensive information,
according to the report, in too issues. PTSD, and a loss of self.” taxpayer money going to the invitation to testify. In an email to statistics, and insights they
many cases children are injured, “I was sexually assaulted by a Christina “Chrissy” Clark- facilities, but the committee The Washington Post, UHS — provided were not reflected at all
psychologically and physically — staff member, restrained in a Atkins said she was assigned to a estimated that the tab is in the which operates facilities around in the Committee’s one-sided
at times fatally — while the violent manner that led to facility where she received “no billions, and Wyden said some the nation — said the committee’s report. The report describes all
government pays the bill. multiple injuries, isolated in a real mental health care” for RTFs receive more than $1,200 report “is incomplete and residential treatment facilities
Committee Chairman Ron concrete room without clothing severe emotional and per day per child from Medicaid. misleading and provides an (RTFs) as the same, and it fails to
Wyden (D-Ore.) accused a or my eyeglasses or even a psychological stress. After being “We’re talking about child inaccurate depiction of the care acknowledge that our members’
number of facility operators of bathroom, gassed by mixed called a liar by staff, then refusing welfare dollars,” Wyden said and treatment provided” by RTFs offer clinical treatment
“profiting off rampant abuse” cleaning chemicals that caused their instructions, “I, at 16 and 95 during an interview, as he extrapolating “certain incidents programs and educational
while “American tax dollars are permanent scarring in my lungs pounds, was suddenly yanked off complained that “federal and survey reports into a false services that have helped
funding this abuse.” to the point I was taken to the my bed and thrown face down oversight has significant gaps and narrative. … We vehemently thousands of kids who need
The committee’s investigation hospital,” she recalled. “I was and laid on by 3 adults. Then deficiencies.” dispute this characterization of behavioral health care services —
found that treatment facility called a number, 316, instead of more came piling through the He expects his legislation, our facilities.” and, in many cases, saved lives.”
residents “suffer harms such as my name. I was dehumanized and door,” Clark-Atkins wrote. “I had which he has not yet introduced, In a letter to Wyden declining Wyden does not claim all
the risk of physical, sexual, and forced to stand or sit in stress about 5-6 adults by the end fully to seek improved health and the invitation, a UHS lawyer said operators are equally guilty.
emotional abuse at the hands of positions. I was forcibly tube-fed, holding me down and pressing safety standards, oversight, and the company provided 12,000 “The industry is a multibillion-
staff and peers, improperly one of the worst experiences of their collective weight on me. enforcement, as well as more pages of documents responding dollar sector … and they get
executed and overused restraint my life multiple times. I was over- Then, I was suddenly stuck with a resources for community-based to committee requests. UHS was billions of taxpayer dollars in
and seclusion, inadequate medicated, including chemical needle and injected with services. concerned, the letter added, that Medicaid, child welfare,” he said.
treatment and supervision, and restraint, and forced through something into my hip, which I When Wyden cited several the panel was creating “an “These kids ought to get good-
non-homelike environments.” conversion therapy. This later found out was likely companies in his opening incomplete picture” and that the quality care. And yet in too many
Industry representatives reject treatment had a profound Thorazine, to sedate me.” remarks, he singled out Marc hearing “will not provide the instances … not in every facility,
the broad allegations, although negative impact on me, including Government Accountability Miller, president and CEO of opportunity to fully respond to but in too many instances, they’re
documented cases are chilling. nightmares, chronic asthma from Office and Finance panel staffers Universal Health Services (UHS), complex situations.” getting abuse rather than good-
A particularly egregious the scars in my lungs, severe could not provide the amount of for refusing the committee’s But in his remarks at the quality care.”

In Congress, a stando≠ over the $1.5 trillion farm bill
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Lawmakers can’t agree
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Congress could promise farm-
MAIN PHONE NUMBER ers new guaranteed minimum
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TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM ers sweeping new agriculture leg-
metro: 202-334-7300; islation. Or lawmakers could pro-
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national: 202-334-7410; needy families afford to buy food.
[email protected] But they don’t seem to be able
Business: 202-334-7320; to agree on doing both.
[email protected] In the latest draft of a $1.5
sports: 202-334-7350; trillion measure known as the
[email protected] farm bill, Republicans in Con-
investigative: 202-334-6179; gress have plans to spend $50
[email protected] billion over the next decade to
style: 202-334-7535; raise price floors for major agri-
[email protected] cultural products such as corn,
wheat, soybeans, cotton and pea-
nuts. But to pay for those new
letters to the editor:
[email protected] or call prices, the House version of the
202-334-6215 bill would scrap a 2018 change in
opinion: the law that allowed presidents to
[email protected] increase benefits in the Supple-
Published daily (issn 0190-8286). mental Nutrition Assistance Pro-
Postmaster: send address changes to
the Washington Post, 1301 K st. nW, Washington,
gram, formerly known as food
D.C. 20071. stamps, which subsidizes grocer-
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and ies for nearly 42 million Ameri-
additional mailing office.
cans each month. President
Biden used that authority in 2021 Carolyn Van Houten/tHe WasHington Post

to boost funding by the largest A woman in Binghamton, N.Y., calculates the cost of her groceries to make sure she’s within her monthly budget. House Republicans want
c ORR E cT I ONS amount in the program’s history. to scrap a law that lets presidents increase the benefits of SNAP, which subsidizes groceries for nearly 42 million Americans each month.
Now Congress is locked in
negotiations over whether to to cut funds the Agriculture De- ral Republicans with a tacit pay agricultural producers a sub- subsidies.
the Washington Post is committed to send money to food producers or partment has traditionally used agreement: Money shifted from sidy to make up the difference. Congress has also relaxed rules
correcting errors that appear in the food consumers, as the current to help small farmers survive one side’s priority won’t be used That smooths over some of the about which crops farmers must
newspaper. those interested in farm bill is set to expire Sept 30. market shocks. The GOP propos- to fund a priority for the other. price volatility, agro-economists grow to claim subsidies. Legisla-
contacting the paper for that purpose Farm lobbyists say the farm als, advanced by Thompson and But the spending dispute over say, and can help keep farmers tion in 1996 divorced crop re-
Email: [email protected].
bill already dedicates much fund- Sen. John Boozman (Ark.), would food assistance and commodity afloat after a rough growing sea- quirements from price support,
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be ing to nutrition programs and not cut SNAP benefits, which prices threatens to fray that alli- son. encouraging growers to “farm the
connected to the desk involved — farmers are struggling. would continue to receive annual ance. Those floors have not in- market” instead of “farming the
national, Foreign, metro, style, sports, “It’s really that farm safety net automatic cost-of-living adjust- Using SNAP funds to pay for creased since 2014, and inflation reference price.” Producers no
Business or any of the weekly sections. that’s been left behind,” said Joe ments to keep up with inflation. higher price floors is “a trade-off has increased dramatically since longer have to match the crop
Comments can be directed to the Gilson, director of governmental But the bill would prevent the that none of us Democrats are then, essentially leaving pro- they grow on a base acre to the
Post’s reader advocate, who can be affairs for the American Farm president from recalculating willing to make,” Sen. Cory Book- ducers with a lower price guaran- subsidy they receive.
reached at 202-334-7582 or Bureau Federation. “Farmers are benefits outside of budgetary er (D-N.J.) told The Washington tee. For example, a farm can grow
[email protected]. just asking for an increase for the limits. Post. Booker said Congress But price guarantees only kick more price-stable soybeans on
reference price, a modest in- That would prevent $30 billion should address SNAP and refer- in for a subset of commodity land set aside for long-grain rice,
Download The crease, that can address some of in future food assistance expan- ence prices as independent is- farmers. Producers are eligible which regularly receives govern-
the concerns that they’ve seen in sions, according to the Congres- sues. for the guarantees if they farm on ment support. That farm would
Washington Post app their production over the past sional Budget Office, a red line in The standoff could force law- “base acres,” land set aside in get subsidies based on the rice
stay informed with award-winning five or six years.” negotiations for Democrats and makers to extend the current 1985 for crop-specific farming. market, even though it’s growing
national and international news, A bill from House Agriculture anti-poverty groups. farm bill again, either to consider Congress has gradually added soy.
Plus complete local news coverage Committee Chairman Glenn “The farm bill has a great legislation after November’s elec- acres to the allotment, but the A Senate companion bill has
of the D.C. metro area. Create Thompson (R-Pa.) would raise responsibility to the health and tions or after a new Congress designation only covered 244 yet to be released.
customized news alerts, save price guarantees for 14 commod- viability of our agricultural econ- takes office in January. Without a million acres of the United States’ To nutrition advocates, a new
articles for offline reading in my ity crops. The proposal raises omy and also authorizes the na- farm bill, U.S. commodity and 879 million acres of farmland in investment in commodity pro-
Post, browse the daily print edition “reference prices,” the federally tion’s foremost and effective anti- dairy markets could face massive 2023. So reference prices tend to ducers feels like it comes at the
and scroll through the For you tab to guaranteed minimum price, for hunger programs. It shouldn’t be upheaval. mainly help larger industrial expense of families in financial
find stories that interest you. Free to
those products by up to 20 per- a choice between those two,” said Reference prices are the main farm operations, which over time straits, said Johnson from the
cent. It also includes a 15 percent Vince Hall, chief government re- method policymakers use to keep have consolidated ownership of Center for Science in the Public
download on the app store and Play
crop insurance subsidy for new lations officer for Feeding Ameri- agricultural commodity prices much of those acres. Interest. Biden’s SNAP benefit
store, subscribers enjoy unlimited farmers, up from the current 10 ca, a leading anti-hunger advoca- stable and help withstand global “It’s a lot of money going to a boost wasn’t an overzealous ex-
access. percent; those policies can pro- cy group. “We have a responsibili- shocks. U.S. growers compete very small number of farmers, pansion, said Hall of Feeding
tect specialty crops and livestock ty to do both as a country.” with international producers in representing a very small num- America; the move just helped
that lack commodity price pro- Republicans have countered an industry that experiences ber of counties in the U.S., who food assistance keep pace with
tections. that without these changes, a more price fluctuation than already are receiving significant the cost of a healthy diet.
“It’s risk management. It pro- future GOP president could use many other goods-producing in- payments anyway from this pro- “We all accept that SNAP ben-
tects against market volatility. the same authority Biden lever- dustries, economists say. Favor- gram,” said Joelle Johnson, depu- efits should be adjusted for infla-
Crop insurance protects against aged to boost SNAP benefits to able soybean growing conditions ty director at the Center for tion,” he said. “And we have to be
weather,” Thompson said. “What unilaterally cut them. in Brazil, for example, could tank Science in the Public Interest. equally accepting of the fact that
we put together is really what the “They could abuse it signifi- the price U.S. growers can de- The advocacy organization En- nutritional guidance, societal
American farmer is asking for.” cantly,” Thompson said. mand for their product. But by vironmental Working Group, for norms around food, the availabil-
To balance that spending, Re- Now, the farm bill’s future is in the same token, a drought in instance, found in 2021 that the ity of food products, the way in
publican proposals would pre- jeopardy. Previous farm bills have India could boost American rice largest 10 percent of farms re- which we prepare food are also
vent the White House from flex- passed with bipartisan support export prices. ceived 81 percent of reference things which should be account-
ing power to increase future food from nutrition-conscious urban If the market price falls below price payouts. The largest 20 ed for to ensure that SNAP recipi-
assistance. Lawmakers also plan Democrats and farm-focused ru- the reference, taxpayer dollars percent received 91 percent of the ents are not losing ground.”
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post EZ rE A3

Politics & the Nation

Rehab of Alamo sparks fight over portrayal of slavery’s role in battle

Nearly 200 years after the his-

toric battle, Texans are still fight-
ing over how exactly to remember
the Alamo.
Officials in San Antonio are
preparing to break ground on a
$550 million project that will
transform the site of the 300-
year-old former Spanish mission.
In addition to restoring the centu-
ries-old church and convent, a
new 100,000-square-foot visitor
center and museum, decked out
with a 4D theater and a rooftop
restaurant, is being built across
the street.
But amid all the fanfare, one
question has plagued the project
for years: Will it fairly and accu-
rately portray the role slavery
played in the Texas war for inde-
pendence against Mexico?
For many in the state, the Ala-
mo is a sacred place where brave
revolutionaries were slaughtered
by the Mexican army in 1836. For
generations, the battle has been
used as shorthand for Texas
pride. That is how the Alamo
should continue to be remem-
bered, some officials say.
If the new museum focuses too
much on slavery or other unsa-
vory aspects of Texas history, it
may deter visitors to one of the
state’s most popular tourist at-
tractions, Jerry E. Patterson, a
Republican who served as Texas
Land commissioner from 2003 to
2015, said. “If we make it a mu-
seum about all the bad things and
whatever, nobody’s going to go Eric GAy/AP

there,” he said. A member of the San Antonio Living History Association waits to deliver William B. Travis’s “Victory or Death” letter during a historical reenactment at the Alamo in San
But some historians say the Antonio in 2016. The site is about to undergo a $550 million restoration project that will add a new visitor center and museum.
story of the Alamo is more com-
plicated than the legend por- what she described as a left-wing over the monument. said Jarmon, who runs the San accurate, Rogers said. tually accurate and did not in-
trayed in movies and it’s time to attempt to rewrite the state’s his- The Trust and city leaders ulti- Antonio African American Com- The Trust and the committee clude all players that needed to be
recognize that preserving slavery, tory. In his endorsement of Buck- mately agreed not to move it. munity Archive and Museum. “To are walking a political tightrope. included,” he said.
which had been banned in most ingham, former president Donald There was also a fight over the think that an enslaved person is San Antonio and surrounding But some people are trying to
of Mexico, influenced many of Trump said she was running “to Woolworth Building, one of three there willfully fighting for Texas Bexar County are a blue dot in a force an overcorrection, Patter-
those fighting for independence. protect the great legacy of Texas buildings the Trust purchased to independence is delusional.” sea of red in Texas. About 60 son said.
Presenting the full history is im- including defending the Alamo house the new museum. Some But other committee members percent of the county’s residents “The undercurrent here is not
portant to understanding the which, like all other amazing in- Black San Antonio residents orga- argued that including the musket are Latino, 30 percent are White so much about the Alamo, it’s
state’s current racial inequalities, stitutions, is under siege.” nized to save the building, which was an important part of adher- and 7 percent are Black, accord- about those who believe that the
they say. Among Buckingham’s first ac- was a key site in the city’s integra- ing to the historical record. Joe ing to census data. President 1836 rebellion of Texas was about
“Slavery was maybe not the tions in office was to request tion of lunch counters during the himself told others that he was Biden won it by a nearly 20-point slavery and candidly, that is”
spark of the revolution, but it was nearly $400 million from state 1960s civil rights movement. To armed, though his motivations margin in 2020. wrong, he said.
the underlying tension that could lawmakers for the then-flagging end the dispute, the Alamo Trust for carrying a weapon were un- Most of the project’s $550 mil- Texans fighting for independ-
not be reconciled,” Chris Tomlin- Alamo makeover. The site, the agreed to add a civil rights exhibit clear, Patterson, the former land lion budget is being covered by ence didn’t believe slavery was at
son, co-author of “Forget the Ala- most visited destination in the to the museum. commissioner, said. the millions approved by the Re- risk, Patterson said, noting that
mo: The Rise and Fall of an state with about 2 million visitors The latest fight has been over a “By his own words, Joe carried publican-controlled legislature. other non-slave Mexican states
American Myth,” said. a year, hasn’t been updated for planned statue of a man named a musket during the battle,” said State Republicans have called for were also in rebellion. The Texas
The fight over the Alamo decades and is need of major Joe. Patterson, who also serves on the the new museum to focus narrow- Declaration of Independence did
comes as the story of America’s renovations, supporters of the Most aspects of Joe’s story are museum planning committee. ly on the famous battle. not mention slavery among its
racial history, from slavery to Re- project have said. undisputed. He was an enslaved “The question is what was that The city of San Antonio and grievances, he notes.
construction, is the subject of a “In the past, an average visit to Black man who was at the Alamo for? Was it self preservation, or other Democratic-controlled lo- Though, Patterson said, the
fierce political battle in Texas and the Alamo was only minutes during the famous 1836 battle was he fighting for the Texas cal governments are providing Texas constitution, which was
around the country. In 2021, Tex- long,” Buckingham said in a state- with his owner, William B. Travis, Revolution? We will never know about $60 million for the effort, written at the same time, “was
as lawmakers passed legislation ment. “We’re ensuring a visit to a commanding officer among the the answer, but it’s a wonderful and say the new museum should about as proslavery as you can
restricting how public school the Alamo is worthy of the signifi- Texas revolutionaries. As one of question.” explore topics like the area’s Na- get.”
teachers could discuss race and cance of the events that took place just a handful of survivors, Joe The committee’s meetings are tive American history and the But not all historians agree.
racism in American society. After there.” has gone down in history as the private and the Trust requires role of slavery in sparking the Slavery was regularly under at-
the New York Times’ 1619 Project Last year, lawmakers approved battle’s key eyewitness. When tell- members to sign nondisclosure Texas Revolution. tack at the time and a key issue for
launched a national debate over $400 million to restore the site, ing the tale he repeatedly referred agreements. News of the fight “The staff at the Alamo have those fighting for Texas inde-
the legacy of slavery and its role in which was built in 1724 for Span- to being armed during the con- over the statue of Joe only became expressed to me that they want to pendence, said Tomlinson, co-au-
the nation’s founding, Texas law- ish missionaries converting local flict, according to several histori- public when Jarmon wrote a let- deal with controversial issues, thor of “Forget the Alamo.”
makers established the 1836 Proj- Indigenous people to Christiani- cal accounts. ter to the San Antonio Express but I don’t think they’re free to do There’s still a long battle ahead
ect, a nod to the year of the ty, and construct a new visitor What divided the Alamo Mu- News saying that she was “serving so,” said Tommy Calvert (D), a to ensure slavery is incorporated
historic battle at the Alamo, “to center and museum, which are all seum Planning Committee, over- under protest” after the commit- commissioner in Bexar County. into the story of the Alamo as
promote patriotic education and scheduled to be finished in 2027. seen by the Alamo Trust, was tee initially voted to feature Joe “Much like we’re in a heart and plans for the renovation and the
increase awareness of the Texas But even with bipartisan sup- whether Joe’s statue should show armed in his statue. soul battle for America, we’re in a new museum continue, some
values.” port for the plan, the project has the enslaved man with a musket. Nondisclosure agreements are heart and soul battle for Texas, planning committee members
The job of the Alamo Trust, repeatedly been drawn into the Displaying Joe armed would common in museum planning and the Alamo is at the center of and local officials said.
which is overseeing the renova- state’s culture war over history. falsely give the impression that he and the goal is not to limit trans- that.” “The genie is out of the bottle,
tion project, and its museum It was nearly derailed after the and other enslaved Black people parency but to offer a space where Patterson acknowledges that they’re not going to be able to put
planning committee is to arrive at Alamo Trust endorsed a proposal fought freely for Texas independ- members can speak freely, Rog- Texas has long held on to a sani- this story out there without peo-
the truth, said Kate Rogers, exec- to move the Alamo Cenotaph, a ence and their continued bond- ers, the Trust’s executive director, tized version of history. Growing ple knowing that there’s another
utive director of the nonprofit. 60-foot-tall monument honoring age, some Black committee mem- said. up, his view of the Alamo and version of what really happened,”
“We’re at a time in our country those who fought in the famous bers argued. The planning committee re- Texas independence was influ- Mario Marcel Salas, a retired po-
where history can be a hotly de- battle. “If his contribution to this bat- cently reached a compromise. enced by movies like Disney’s litical science professor and au-
bated topic and we’re a historic During Black Lives Matter pro- tle was he told the story, let’s show The bronze statue, which was “Davy Crockett: King of the Wild thor of “The Alamo: A Cradle of
site so some conflict is to be tests in 2020, the Cenotaph was him doing that,” said Deborah modeled after a local college stu- Frontier” and the 1960 film “The Lies, Slavery, and White Suprem-
expected,” Rogers said. spray painted with the words Omowale Jarmon, one of nearly dent, will not show the enslaved Alamo,” starring John Wayne, he acy,” said.
In 2023, Texas Land Commis- “white supremacy,” prompting 30 members of the planning com- man armed. Instead, he will be said. “Eventually,” said Salas, a na-
sioner Dawn Buckingham (R) armed members of This is Texas mittee. depicted in his role as a survivor “The bottom line is for about tive of San Antonio, “maybe not in
rode into office promising to pro- Freedom Force, a conservative “But the next thing we know, of the battle and an eyewitness. 100 years, Texas taught, believed my lifetime, but eventually, San
tect the image of the Alamo as a group that the FBI calls an “ex- Joe has a gun now and they’re That compromise will honor and supported a narrative of his- Antonio will be ready to give up
“Shrine of Texas Liberty,” against tremist militia,” to stand guard saying he’s an Alamo defender,” Joe while remaining historically tory that was not completely fac- the myth of the Alamo.”

Judge throws out Giuliani’s bankruptcy case, opening path for asset seizure
BY H OLLY B AILEY Giuliani, called the decision “yet All are part of a committee of sive goal.” matters with uncertain out- idly diminishing retirement ac-
another example of the effort to “unsecured creditors” that had Citing suspicions that Giuliani’s comes.” count. But creditors have repeat-
A federal judge in New York on punish” Giuliani. “We will contin- sought relief in the bankruptcy stonewalling was an attempt to In court documents, Giuliani edly complained that Giuliani has
Friday threw out Rudy Giuliani’s ue to pursue justice and we are case. hide money, lawyers for the credi- has listed roughly $153 million in not filed a complete picture of his
bankruptcy case, paving the way confident that — in the long run — A committee of other Giuliani tors hired investigators made up debts to at least 20 people and net worth, as is required in bank-
for a litany of creditors, including our system of justice will be re- creditors had pressed for the of former CIA and FBI officials to businesses, including Moss and ruptcy proceedings.
two former Georgia election work- stored and the mayor will be total- bankruptcy case to continue and look for hidden assets. They Freeman. A list of top creditors Both creditors and the judge
ers who won a $148 million defa- ly vindicated,” he said in an email. for a trustee to be appointed to sought to question individuals filed in February said Giuliani criticized Giuliani for blowing off
mation claim against him, to pur- Lane’s written ruling came oversee Giuliani’s finances. They who Giuliani has done business owes more than $3.7 million in court deadlines and filing incom-
sue and potentially seize his as- amid claims by Giuliani’s credi- argued it would be the only way to with. And they have suggested unpaid legal fees to three law plete and inconsistent monthly fi-
sets. tors that the former New York get a full and accurate picture of they could sue parties that Giu- firms — though he is disputing nancial disclosures that have
The decision by U.S. Bankrupt- mayor and personal lawyer to for- Giuliani’s cash and assets after liani claims owe him money as some of those bills — and more raised questions about his spend-
cy Judge Sean Lane in the South- mer president Donald Trump had months in which the former may- part of their effort to recover debts than $1 million in state and feder- ing and income. In response, Giu-
ern District of New York comes used the proceedings to hide de- or filed inconsistent and incom- — potentially including Trump. al taxes. liani’s lawyers have cited adminis-
almost seven months after Giu- tails about his assets and avoid plete financial statements and In a February court hearing, The former mayor and federal trative struggles, including prob-
liani sought bankruptcy protec- paying the former election work- failed to turn over financial infor- Giuliani claimed Trump still owes prosecutor has claimed about $11 lems hiring an accountant.
tion after he was ordered to im- ers. mation about his businesses and him “about” $2 million in unpaid million in assets — including an “Since day one, Giuliani has re-
mediately pay millions in damag- Friday’s order would allow other holdings. legal fees related to his work seek- estimated $5.6 million New York garded this case and the bank-
es to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Freeman and Moss and other But in his Friday ruling, Lane ing to overturn Trump’s 2020 elec- apartment and a Palm Beach, Fla., ruptcy process as a joke, hiding
Moss, two Georgia women he creditors to pursue legal remedies rejected that proposal, saying tion loss — though he suggested condo he has valued at $3.5 mil- behind the facade of an elderly,
falsely accused of helping to steal to collect money owed to them by there was “little reason to con- that debt is with the Trump cam- lion. While Giuliani has put his doddering man who cannot even
the 2020 presidential election. Giuliani. It also allows other pend- clude” that Giuliani’s “uncoopera- paign or the Republican National New York property on the market, remember the address for his sec-
In his 22-page order, Lane cited ing lawsuits against the former tive conduct will change” even Committee. But in a Feb. 27 court he has so far successfully resisted ond multimillion dollar home and
Giuliani’s “continued failure to mayor that had been frozen by the with the appointment of an out- filing, Giuliani noted a possible selling his Florida home, with one claims impending homelessness if
meet his reporting obligations bankruptcy proceeding to re- side trustee. claim against Trump personally of his lawyers claiming the sale he must sell that second multimil-
and provide the financial trans- sume, including defamation suits “Mr. Giuliani has failed to pro- for unpaid legal fees. could render the former mayor lion dollar home,” Philip C. Dub-
parency required of a debtor in by the voting machine companies vide an accurate and complete In dismissing the case, Lane “homeless.” lin, an attorney for the committee
possession” and called his behav- Dominion Voting Systems and picture of his financial affairs in cited the potential challenges of A financial disclosure report of creditors, wrote in a July 8 court
ior “troubling.” It restricts Giu- Smartmatic and a sexual harass- the six months that this case has trying to recoup fees Giuliani says filed last month said Giuliani had filing that accused Giuliani of
liani from seeking bankruptcy ment and wage theft claim by for- been pending,” the judge wrote. he is owed by Trump and the RNC, less than $100,000 in the bank at treating the bankruptcy process
protection for one year. mer Giuliani associate Nicole “Transparency into Mr. Giuliani’s describing the investigation and the end of May and was funding “with utter disrespect and without
Ted Goodman, a spokesman for Dunphy. finances has proven to be an elu- potential recovery as “complex his living expenses through a rap- accountability.”
A4 eZ SU K the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024


Biden, in fiery speech, promises to shine a ‘spotlight’ on Trump’s missteps

biden from A1 Petterson was followed later in paign well before the June debate:
the day by Levin. “making this Arab Americans, muslims and lib-
of assaulting her years ago. “many statement is not easy,” said Levin. erals deeply angered by his re-
people understand the word “I have deep respect for President sponse to Israel’s war in Gaza.
‘rape.’ ” Biden’s five-plus decades of public many have said they will withhold
Biden doubled down on his in- service … But I believe the time their votes because of his failure to
sistence that he would remain in has come for President Biden to call for a permanent cease-fire
the presidential race, reiterating pass the torch.” and cut off U.S. military aid to
that Democratic primary voters House minority Leader Israel.
had chosen him and complaining Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), in a let- more than 38,000 Palestinians
that “elites” were trying to undo ter to colleagues friday, said he have died in the enclave in the
their will. “You’ve probably no- had met privately with Biden the past nine months, according to
ticed there’s been a lot of specula- previous night to discuss the elec- the Gaza Health ministry. Israel
tion lately: ‘What’s Joe Biden go- tion and convey the sentiments of launched a punishing military as-
ing to do? Is he going to stay in the his fellow Democratic lawmakers. sault in Gaza after Hamas mili-
race? He’s going to drop out,’ ” Jeffries did not specify what he tants crossed the border into Isra-
Biden said. “Here’s my answer: I had told the president or how el on oct. 7, killing 1,200 people
am running, and we’re going to Biden had responded, but his let- and taking about 250 hostage.
win.” ter notably did not urge Biden to michigan is home to the coun-
Biden cited an NPr/PBS News- stay in the race or say that House try’s largest Arab American popu-
Hour/marist poll that found the Democrats were behind his candi- lation, with about 300,000 people
presidential race virtually un- dacy. who claim ancestry from the mid-
changed after the June 27 presi- At friday’s rally, Biden signaled dle East or North Africa. michi-
dential debate, in which Biden his intent to lean harder into the gan’s Arab and muslim communi-
repeatedly made verbal stumbles, argument that whatever his own ty overwhelmingly supported
prompting a growing number of flaws, Trump is beyond the pale of Biden in 2020, when he won the
Democrats to call on him to end American politics. He contended state by 154,000 votes.
his bid for reelection and allow that Trump has escaped scrutiny Abdullah Hammoud, the may-
someone else to head the ticket. for his numerous liabilities: a Sarah rice For The WaShingTon PoST
or of Dearborn, mich. — where
“I’m the only Democrat or re- criminal conviction, a judicial Workers vacuum the carpet in preparation for President biden’s appearance at Renaissance High Arab Americans make up the ma-
publican who has beaten Donald declaration that he is civilly liable School in detroit on Friday. This is biden’s fourth trip to Michigan this year. jority of the population — said he
Trump ever. And I’m going to beat of sexual assault, the loss of a has not spoken to White House
him again,” Biden said. “I know fraud case and ongoing investiga- dacy, an implicit response to Dem- promise you I’m okay.” Earlier in mistakenly referred to Vice Presi- officials for several months about
him. Donald Trump is a loser.” tions into his attempt to over- ocrats who have worried he no his remarks, as he touted his ad- dent Harris as “Vice President his constituents’ concerns over
Still, the speech came as Biden throw the 2020 election. longer has the vigor or forceful- ministration’s accomplishments Trump,” a verbal slip that elicited the war in Gaza. Even as Gaza
faced a continuing drip of state- “They hammer me because I ness for a hard-fought campaign. on health care, the economy and audible gasps in the room and receded from the headlines in re-
ments from Democrats urging sometimes confuse names. I say But the combination of Biden’s manufacturing, he joked that he frustration from already-nervous cent weeks, Hammoud said, the
him to step aside. Two more law- that’s Charlie instead of Bill,” determination and his fellow was “270 years old.” Democrats. situation on the ground has con-
makers joined the calls for him to Biden said. “But guess what? Don- Democrats’ doubts left the land- rep. Debbie Dingell (D-mich.) He took issue with a report that tinued to worsen and residents
end his candidacy friday, under- ald Trump has gotten a free pass.” scape where it has been for some said that despite troubling polls he had told a group of supporters have not lost focus on the issue.
lining that this week’s high-stakes He recalled that Trump had mixed time: A Democratic Party deeply for Democrats in michigan, a state he needed to end his days at 8 p.m. “Earlier this year, the president
news conference had not up his former republican oppo- divided over the path forward, Biden almost certainly must win “What I said was, instead of my sent his senior White House offi-
squelched concerns in the party nent, former South Carolina Gov. with the prospect of a second to retake the White House, the every day starting at 7 and going to cials to listen to the constituency
that he would struggle to defeat Nikki Haley, with former Demo- Trump presidency, which most state remains “competitive.” bed at midnight, it would be he sought support from four years
Trump. cratic house speaker Nancy Pelosi. Democrats consider catastrophic, Some Democrats said they smarter for me to pace myself a ago, and there have been no mean-
The two defectors — reps. Brit- “Today we’re going to shine a hanging over every move. were looking forward to Trump’s little more,” Biden said. “Instead ingful steps since. Things have
tany Pettersen (D-Colo.) and mike spotlight on Donald Trump,” The president also continued imminent announcement of a of starting a fundraiser at 9 only gone backward,” Hammoud
Levin (D-Calif.) — joined three of Biden said. “The press so far his behind-the-scenes effort to running mate and to the republi- o’clock, start it at 8 o’clock — said, referring to a feb. 8 meeting
their Democratic colleagues who hasn’t. I think they’re going to shore up his support, joining a can National Convention taking people get to go home by 10 in which senior national security
had asked Biden to pull out Thurs- soon. We’re going to say who he is.” virtual meeting with BoLD PAC, a place next week, hoping that o’clock. That’s what I’m talking officials visited Dearborn and met
day night after the news confer- About 30 minutes into his re- group affiliated with the Congres- would shift some of the nation’s about.” with the mayor and other officials.
ence concluded. In all, 21 House marks, Biden laid out a vision for sional Hispanic Caucus. Biden focus to the GoP’s own vulnerabil- Biden also delivered lengthy, “We’re looking for a president
members had urged the president the first 100 days of a second term, also delivered remarks and took ities, including Trump’s own mis- complex answers to a range of with the backbone to call for a
to reconsider his candidacy as of a response to criticism that he has questions during a virtual meet- statements and often rambling foreign policy questions and ar- cease-fire,” Hammoud added.
late friday — about 10 percent of been vague about what he would ing with leaders from the Con- speeches. gued forcefully that he is the most “This is not the president that was
all House Democrats — as well as do if reelected. Nearly all of the gressional Asian Pacific American Biden’s aides hoped the speech qualified person to defeat Trump promised to us four years ago.”
one senator, Peter Welch of Ver- president’s priorities would re- Caucus and members of that would mark another step in and govern the country. Aides most public polls show Biden
mont. quire passage by Congress, in- bloc’s political arm. Biden’s effort to recover from his seized on those answers, saying trailing Trump in michigan,
“Joe Biden saved our country cluding making Roe v. Wade fed- on the way to the rally, Biden stumbling debate performance, they should lay to rest any ques- which is key to the president’s
once, and I’m joining the growing eral law, signing the John Lewis stopped by a campaign organizing following a news conference tions that may have arisen after narrowing path to victory — he
number of people in my district Voting rights Act into law, ex- event in a Detroit suburb, joking Thursday when he displayed a the debate about the president’s has few, if any, paths without it.
and across the country to ask him panding and strengthening Social twice about his age and ending his sophisticated command of for- intellectual capacity and mental The Biden campaign argued in
to do it again,” she said friday Security and medicare and ban- 14-minute remarks by reassuring eign policy and global economics agility. a memo obtained by The Wash-
morning. “Please pass the torch to ning assault weapons. organizers that he’s “okay.” but continued to make verbal mis- The president’s visit to michi- ington Post on Thursday that it
one of our many capable Demo- The president’s impassioned “That’s why I’m running to fin- steps. gan, however, highlighted an- can win by focusing on the “blue
cratic leaders so we have the best delivery was in a sense its own ish this job. There’s more to do. I Early on in the question-and- other key political vulnerability, wall” states of michigan, Wiscon-
chance to defeat Donald Trump.” pitch for Biden’s continued candi- know I’m only 41,” Biden said. “I answer session, for example, he one that was bedeviling his cam- sin and Pennsylvania.

Schumer maintains his devotion to Biden but leaves plenty of room for doubt
BY L IZ G OODWIN ty if Biden is ousted from the and angry large-dollar donors
AND L EIGH A NN C ALDWELL White House. who want Biden to step aside are
“President Biden’s bad debate in a holding pattern, hoping to
Senate majority Leader performance raised serious ques- pressure the president out of the
Charles E. Schumer has been tions about whether he’s up for race, according to multiple peo-
firmly repeating one simple the job for the next four years,” ple who are responsible for court-
phrase when asked about wheth- Tester said in a statement after ing large campaign contribu-
er President Biden should step the meeting. “He needs to prove tions. Donor anxiety is trickling
aside from his campaign: “I’m to the American people, and me, down to at least one Senate cam-
with Joe.” that he can do it.” paign and to the anti-Trump su-
But behind the scenes, the New Nonetheless, Schumer is urg- per PAC American Bridge 21st
York Democrat has left himself ing senators to be cautious and Century, which have both seen
plenty of room to maneuver as he hold their fire as he guides them the effects of a fundraising freeze,
faces immense pressure from through a politically perilous mo- according to two people familiar
some Democratic senators and ment with an unclear endgame. with the fundraising.
donors to convey a message to But he is also taking in public and Schumer, who raised hundreds
Biden to abandon his campaign private polling and data showing of millions of dollars to win the
after his faltering debate per- Biden’s effect on key swing state Senate, has seemed to share do-
formance two weeks ago. A Senate races, according to people nors’ concerns at times. Some
Thursday evening news confer- familiar with his thinking. It has donors said they believed the ma-
ence in which Biden elaborated all left some in the Senate — as jority leader was open to a change
on foreign policy questions, well as some donors — with the at the top of the ticket, Axios
though stumbled over some an- impression that the majority reported.
swers, hadn’t publicly changed leader is keeping the door open to “As I have made clear repeated-
much as of midday friday. a change at the top of the ticket. ly publicly and privately, I sup-
“I think Chuck Schumer’s in a Schumer is a skilled fundraiser port President Biden and remain
unique position,” said Sen. Alex who helped build and maintain committed to ensuring Donald
Padilla (D-Calif.), one of Biden’s the Democratic Senate majority. Trump is defeated in November,”
loudest supporters in the Senate, Now he has to figure out how to alliSon robberT/The WaShingTon PoST Schumer said in a statement this
when asked if he believes Schu- preserve it — or as much of it as he Senate Majority Leader Charles e. Schumer (d-n.Y.) in Washington on Thursday. behind the scenes, week.
mer wants Biden to stay in the can — with Senate Democrats and there are signs that his position may be shifting on whether President biden should stay in the race. multiple major donors have
race. “He uniquely among Senate challengers already wary of being communicated that they are in-
Democrats is also working to en- dragged down by Biden in key Democrats began floating replac- ate races “holding steady or even isolated from the reality of the creasing their commitment to
sure we maintain the majority states where they are outperform- ing Biden with Vice President moved a little in our direction in situation, Hill Democrats said. Senate Democrats and have sent
this November. In my opinion, ing him. Harris, Schumer encouraged sen- the last two weeks,” indicating Biden has also made it clear new six-figure donations, one na-
those two things are not at odds. At times, Democratic senators ators to wait for more data before that voters are prepared to split that only hard data will convince tional Democrat with knowledge
… The way Chuck Schumer thinks have not been exactly clear where reacting publicly. their ticket between races for him to leave the race, not the of Senate races said. one major
about it might be slightly differ- he stands on the path forward for “It’s a more complicated calcu- president or Senate. opinions of Hill Democrats, Sen. donor increased their support to
ent.” the party. Schumer has mostly lus for him because you have to Initial data had suggested sen- Chris Coons (D-Del.), the cam- the Democratic Senatorial Cam-
A naturally cautious leader, been in listening mode, they said. balance what the top of the ticket ators in montana, ohio and Ne- paign’s co-chair, has told his col- paign Committee following the
Schumer didn’t publicly com- The usually press-happy politi- is — Biden or Harris — and then vada would not be helped by hav- leagues. And Democrats are debate by 50 percent, this person
ment following Biden’s news con- cian has avoided the spotlight on you have to go race by race,” said ing Harris instead of Biden run- aware that ultimately the deci- said. Part of the motivation be-
ference. And unlike House Demo- Biden’s fate as well, as he finds one person close to Senate leader- ning at the top of the ticket, two sion to step aside is Biden’s to hind the increased giving was the
cratic leader Hakeem Jeffries himself in the uncomfortable po- ship, who — like others in the people close to Senate leadership make. Supreme Court’s decision on
(N.Y.), he did not go to the White sition of no longer being closely article — spoke on the condition said. The political situation is in- At the news conference, Biden presidential immunity and the
House to personally deliver a aligned with a president who he’s of anonymity to discuss private credibly fluid, however, and it will said he would only drop out if the Senate’s role in confirming high
message to the president about worked hand-in-glove with over conversations. “He wants the ben- take time to see the full picture. data says that “there’s no way” he court justices.
where his members stood. But as the past four years to pass an efit of clarity instead of the fog of “I don’t think anything he does can win. Schumer invited top Biden
time wears on and Biden’s politi- ambitious liberal legislative agen- war.” right now to add to the panic is “They’re not saying that,” campaign officials ricchetti,
cal crisis continues, there are da. Schumer obtained data points useful,” a second person in con- Biden said. “No poll says that.” mike Donilon and Jen o’malley
signs that Schumer’s stance may “With something as complex as that show Biden’s shrinking path stant contact with senators and So far, just one senator, Peter Dillon to talk to his angry caucus
be shifting. this situation, his inclination is to 270 electoral votes after the aides said. Welch (D-Vt.), has called on Biden so that they could make their
In a private lunch Tuesday, two not to stake out a bold position debate, according to three people The majority leader is in fre- to step aside — although a majori- concerns known directly to the
of Schumer’s most vulnerable in- and then cajole the caucus to familiar with his thinking. quent contact with White House ty of the caucus is concerned the inner circle of the campaign. In
cumbents up for reelection — come along,” said matt House, a But it takes more time to get Chief of Staff Jeff Zients and ad- president cannot win in 2024, the tense meeting Thursday, sev-
Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-ohio) former top aide to Schumer. “He enough information from swing viser Steve ricchetti but has only according to multiple senators eral senators expressed their deep
and Jon Tester (D-mont.) — blunt- likes to listen to his members very states to analyze how taking the spoken directly with the presi- and aides. concern that Biden could be a
ly told the caucus that Biden carefully, likes to facilitate discus- dramatic step of changing a presi- dent once since the debate, ac- As donors and senators bom- drag on Democrats’ chance to win
would lose to former president sion, and he prefers caucus unity dential ticket less than four cording to a person familiar with bard Schumer with their con- the Senate.
Donald Trump, according to wherever possible.” months before an election would the outreach. Congressional cerns, he’s urged them to directly “The polling is really what’s
three people familiar the meet- Schumer’s top priority is pro- impact different Senate incum- Democrats have complained contact the White House, rather driving this discussion,” one na-
ing. one senator made the point tecting the five vulnerable Demo- bents in diverse states. about the lack of contact from than offering to be their messen- tional Democratic official said.
that even if all of Democratic cratic senators running for reelec- Christie roberts, the Demo- Bidenworld in the debate’s im- ger, according to two people fa- “Chuck is leaning more into the
incumbents won their tough rac- tion, and that’s made him wary of cratic Senatorial Campaign Com- mediate aftermath, though com- miliar with the conversations. position of making clear to Biden
es, that would still only produce a rushing into action on Biden, sev- mittee’s executive director, told munication has increased. There Donors are more focused on what his problems are.”
50-50 Senate, which means re- eral people close to him have said. Bloomberg News that internal is a sense that the White House Schumer’s expensive battle to
publicans would have the majori- In the days after the debate, as data since the debate shows Sen- and Biden’s top aides are too save his narrow majority. Angsty Paul Kane contributed to this report.
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A5


Black women are backing Biden. But Harris excites them more.
As calls mounted for the president to bow out, Essence Festival attendees voiced anxieties about the upcoming vote and fears of a Trump victory
BY H OLLY B AILEY “hard one” to watch, recalling
AND A MBER F ERGUSON how she felt herself “cringing” at
Biden’s struggles and wanting to
NEW ORLEANS — April Sheris leap from her couch through the
plans to vote for Joe Biden in television to help him.
November. Her two college-age She remembered how Biden
daughters, Camari Knox and Ami- had run in 2020, presenting him-
aya Bridgewater, both voting in self as a calm, steady force who
their first presidential election, could undo the chaos of the
will be, too, as will her mother, Trump presidency. She worries
Diamond Ryan. The three genera- that lingering questions over
tions of Black women vigorously Biden’s health undermine public
oppose Donald Trump’s bid for a confidence and risk reopening the
second term in the White House door to Trump and the daily stress
and feel all Democrats have a duty she felt during his presidency
to cast their votes to stop him. about his chaotic approach to
But as the women, who are governing.
from Santa Fe, N.M., made their “If he remains in the election,
way into the Essence Festival of it’s going to be a hard election,”
Culture in New Orleans this week- Richardson said of Biden. She
end, all four shared varying levels pushed back against Democrats
of enthusiasm for Biden amid who have suggested Harris can-
growing questions about his age not defeat Trump. “She is capable.
and stamina that have led some She is qualified,” she said. “Biden
Democrats to suggest the 81-year- would not have picked her if she
old president should drop out of wasn’t.”
the race and allow someone else to Harris took the stage on Satur-
run. day evening to Beyonce’s “Free-
Vice President Harris, who dom” for a “Chief to Chief” con-
made her own appearance at Es- versation with Caroline A. Wanga,
sence Fest on Saturday, is among the president and CEO of Essence.
those most frequently mentioned Although Harris didn’t mention
as a replacement — a prospect the calls for Biden to step aside,
that makes Sheris, 41, and her the appearance illustrated many
daughters light up. of her strengths in this moment.
“Obviously, I support them Though Biden mostly reads
both. I probably would be more short speeches off a teleprompter,
excited if she was at the top of the Harris answered questions for 25
ticket,” Sheris said. Both Bridge- PhoTos By chrisTiana BoTic for The WashingTon PosT
minutes. Though Biden looked
water, 18, and Knox, 20, nodded in ABOVE: Attendees pose for a photo at the Essence Festival of Culture in New Orleans on July 5. BELOW: Jaevin Reed, of Dallas, puts on a pale and frail during the debate,
agreement. pin after registering to vote at the festival. Black women have long been the Democratic Party’s most dedicated and reliable voting bloc. Harris was loose and energetic,
But while Ryan, 61, praised frequently smiling and making
Harris and said she would be Instead, she explained why this is at all. they were “absolutely certain to “I am a Democrat, and I’m eye contact with a friendly crowd
thrilled at the prospect of a Black “the most significant election of “Black women are top entre- vote” — down from 74 percent in faithful, and I believe 100 percent as she emphasized elements of
female president, she worried our lifetime” and why Trump can- preneurs. They are leading in edu- June 2020. in Biden,” said Holley Murphy, 57, her own biography. Though Biden
that a change to the ticket four not be reelected. cation and in the economy. So I One of the steepest drops in from Augusta, Ga. “We do have has struggled to articulate the
months out from Election Day Still, even as women said they don’t think ‘Can a Black woman be enthusiasm was among Black some concerns, and we know case against Trump, Harris did so
might be too risky. like Harris and believe her capa- president?’ should be the ques- women, who fueled Biden’s ascent things are up in the air right now, with the precision and sharpness
“How many voters will actually ble of the presidency, some also tion,” said Lydia Myers, 42, a to the White House four years ago. but I was always told you go with of a practiced prosecutor.
support Kamala?” she asked. said they fear racist and sexist communications specialist from According to the poll, 61 percent the person who can win, and I still Asked to introduce herself,
Those anxieties were shared by vitriol could upend her campaign Washington, D.C. “The question is of Black women said they were think Biden is our best pick.” Harris smiled and simply said:
some of the tens of thousands of and possibly lead to a second whether she’s capable of running “absolutely certain to vote” in Several women at the festival “The vice president of the United
Black women from across the Trump term. the country. Is she qualified?” 2024 — compared with 80 percent acknowledged they felt less pas- States of America.”
country who descended on New “People have a hard enough In Myers’s view, Harris is “abso- in June 2020. The numbers were sionately about voting for Biden After the laughter and applause
Orleans for this massive annual time respecting Black people, and lutely” qualified and “a better more dire among Black women now than they did four years ago, died down, she continued: “And I
gathering celebrating Black cul- they have a hard time respecting choice than Biden’s Republican ages 18 to 39, where certainty to when the country was amid a deep am a wife, and we have children. I
ture. Black women have long been Black women,” said Alexandria counterpart.” vote went from 69 percent in 2020 reckoning over race and policing am a godmommy. I am an auntie. I
the Democratic Party’s most dedi- Henderson, 22, from Denver. “I to 39 percent this year, according in the aftermath of George Floyd’s am a best friend. I am a good cook.
cated and reliable voting bloc — would love for her to win, but I’m Worries about Black voter to the poll. murder. … And I am a fighter for the
and they will likely be key to just scared that our nation isn’t turnout That generational divide was Now, the economy feels precar- people. I care about the people.”
deciding the winner of the 2024 ready yet.” The turmoil engulfing the clear at Essence Fest. Many older ious; rent and costs for things like Harris delivered a vigorous
election. But even as they acknowledged Democratic Party comes at a mo- voters reaffirmed their support groceries have gone way up. pitch on the Biden administra-
Polls consistently have shown that a Harris-led ticket was sure to ment when party officials were for Biden and defended his debate ShaQuayla Henderson, 33, from tion’s achievements for Black
Biden losing some ground to spark ugly attacks from Trump already anxious about turnout performance as a bad day that did Dallas, was raised to believe that Americans, including efforts to
Trump among Black voters since and his allies, who have already among Black voters, especially not reflect the strength of his Democrats were for low-income improve Black maternal health,
the 2020 election. Maximizing stepped up their targeting of Har- Black women. candidacy. But many younger people, but sometimes she doesn’t lower the cost of insulin and other
support among Black voters and ris, many expressed frustration A Washington Post-Ipsos poll women expressed a desire to see know if she believes that anymore. prescription drugs, cancel billions
ensuring they cast ballots will be that the question of whether a conducted in April of more than someone else on the ticket, even Biden has done some things she of dollars in student debt and
essential for Biden to win, or for Black woman could win the presi- 1,300 Black adults found that 62 as they said they would vote for likes — like canceling student confront housing costs and short-
Harris should she replace him as dency was a part of the discussion percent of Black Americans said Biden if he remained in the race. loan debt — but she struggled to ages.
the presidential nominee. name any other policies that she is She acknowledged that politi-
In a series of interviews, more enthusiastic about. cians say every election is the
than a dozen Black female voters, “We’re not for Trump,” Hender- most important but insisted that
young and old, expressed growing son insisted, standing with her 2024 really is “the most signifi-
fear that Trump could retake the sister. But she isn’t happy with cant election of our lifetime.” She
White House. They said they still Biden, either — an unease that spoke of Trump’s praise for dicta-
support Biden despite his shaky existed well before the debate. But tors, his promises of revenge
and halting debate performance she doesn’t know who could suc- against his political enemies, and
late last month, which has cessfully replace him at this point. the Supreme Court’s recent deci-
prompted party-wide concern She longs for a hopeful figure sion opening the door to wider
and fueled calls for him to step like Barack Obama — and she isn’t presidential immunity. She point-
aside. sure Harris is that person. “I will ed to his support for the rollback
But several admitted they say, four years ago, Black people of Roe v. Wade, saying he is proud
would be more enthusiastic if were for her because she looked “of the fact our daughters will
Harris were atop the ticket, de- like us,” Henderson said. But she have fewer rights than their
scribing her as a fresh face who has been surprised by Harris’s low grandmothers.”
could appeal to newer genera- profile in the administration. “At At a time when some voters
tions of voters and potentially this point, it’s like, what are you think both presumptive nominees
make history as the nation’s first doing in office to show us that you are too old and out of touch, Har-
Black and Asian American female are for us?” she said. ris spoke in personal terms about
president. the challenges she has faced as an
Harris drew rapturous ap- ‘It’s going to be a hard ambitious woman of color.
plause from hundreds of Black election’ “People in your life will tell you:
women during her appearance Across the festival, some at- ‘It’s not your time. It’s not your
Saturday — though she was not tendees visibly cringed when turn. Nobody like you has done it
asked about, nor did she mention, asked how they felt about the before,’” Harris said. “Don’t you
the controversy swirling around 2024 presidential campaign. ever listen to that.”
Biden and his future on the ticket Tijuana Richardson, 54, from In the audience, an older wom-
or what that might mean for her. Houston, said the debate was a an shouted, “YES!”

Democrats fear Biden drama may squander ‘Goldilocks’ economy

BY J EFF S TEIN ance in the debate, which has the economy is set to grow by 2 ing think tank. “As long as there Trump administration, said wag- the top of the ticket.
spurred a wave of calls for him to percent in the second quarter this are concerns about Biden’s health, es adjusted for inflation remain “They’ve had trouble getting
The inflation report released step aside in favor of another year. Wage growth is up, and the the economic news will not be down by about 3 percent since the credit for other good economic
Thursday represented virtually party standard-bearer. The White number of weekly jobless claims front and center, no matter how end of 2020 for Americans who news, too, so it’s a constant frus-
everything the White House has House appeared unable to stanch ticked down again to the lowest good it is.” had not changed their jobs. He tration for the White House and
been hoping to see for years. New the bleeding again on Thursday, level since May, suggesting the In a statement, the Biden cam- also pointed to the approximate Democrats,” Kamarck said. “The
and used vehicle prices fell. Rent as more Democrats in Congress economy can keep growing even paign said voters would focus on doubling of the cost of mortgage controversy is about his mental
finally moderated. Overall prices called for the president to step as inflation falls. the president’s economic policies payments on the new median state — not his handling of the
dropped on a monthly basis for aside amid intensifying concerns The Bureau of Labor Statistics when voting this November. home, as housing prices exploded economy.”
the first time in four years, raising about his capacity for the job. reported Thursday that prices “When Americans across the following the pandemic. Still, the positive economic
the prospect that the Federal Re- “There is broad frustration in rose at a 3 percent annual pace, country head to the ballot box, “It’s pretty patronizing to lec- data could intensify the sense of
serve could cut interest rates be- the building that there will not be one of the lowest since Biden’s they’ll be focused on kitchen table ture Americans about how they frustration about the election.
fore the November election. a political news cycle about this first year in office and close to the issues like rent and food prices, should be feeling based on the Democrats already believe that
And yet Democrats inside and data,” said one person who talked Federal Reserve’s goal inflation and how the next president’s pol- quirks of measurement of eco- Trump lucked out in his first term
outside the administration could to senior White House officials, benchmark. The better-than-ex- icies will impact their everyday nomic data,” Miran said. “There’s in presiding over the economic
only greet the data with a feeling speaking on the condition of ano- pected report bolsters hopes for a lives,” Biden campaign spokes- more to measuring well-being growth that liberals attribute to
of exasperation, knowing the nymity to describe private conver- September interest rate cut, man Seth Schuster said in a state- than looking at the one-month President Barack Obama’s pol-
news would be overshadowed by a sations. “Everyone feels the bringing long-awaited relief to ment. “Joe Biden is fighting to inflation data.” icies. Now, Democrats are bracing
second week of turmoil over Pres- strong inflation data is just get- millions of borrowers throughout lower costs for American families It’s also not clear the extent to for the prospect that Trump could
ident Biden’s fitness to lead the ting lost in the political news right the economy. and is delivering — lowering infla- which replacing Biden at the top again inherit an economy they
presidential ticket. Compounding now. You can easily imagine an “Democrats had a strategy for tion, creating new jobs, and mak- of the ticket would give Demo- believe is booming due to the
their fears is the prospect that alternative political universe this campaign, and it was touting ing the wealthy pay their fair crats a chance to improve voters’ policies passed during their time
former president Donald Trump, where this is the top story from Biden’s accomplishments on the share.” perceptions of their economic in government.
if victorious in November, could the campaign.” economy, which are becoming Conservatives strongly dispute stewardship. Elaine Kamarck, di- “Until this is over, it’s going to
for a second time inherit a grow- The controversy has raised the clearer by the day. We’re not hear- the idea that Biden deserves cred- rector of the Center for Effective be very hard for anything else to
ing economy that Democrats be- prospect that Democrats could ing about that, and Democrats are it for the economy, arguing his Public Management at the Brook- break through,” said Bill Galston,
lieve they deserve credit for fixing. fail to take advantage of a spate of worried it undermines their $1.9 trillion 2021 stimulus pack- ings Institution, a Washington- who served as a policy aide to
The missed opportunity to economic news that would other- whole strategy for the campaign,” age spurred additional inflation based think tank, said the eco- President Bill Clinton. “For heav-
capitalize on the inflation report wise be expected to buoy the pres- said Dean Baker, a liberal econo- that eroded worker earnings. Ste- nomic numbers are unlikely to en’s sake, when the sun is out, the
highlights the political fallout ident’s electoral prospects. In ad- mist at the Center for Economic phen Miran, who served in the significantly impact the party’s stars are invisible. And right now,
from Biden’s disastrous perform- dition to moderating inflation, and Policy Research, a left-lean- Treasury Department during the decision about who should run at the Biden situation is the sun.”
A6 eZ su the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024


GOP Senate candidate wants Wis. college town’s drop boxes watched
BY P ATRICK M ARLEY have to have — make sure that think in Madison, let me assure The city has 14 drop boxes at or that elderly people should vote. news conference before The Post
there’s somebody standing by a you, we’ve got to make sure that near fire stations. They are under “Mr. Hovde seems determined obtained the recording of Hovde’s
MADisON, Wis. — The top Repub- drop box everywhere.” there’s somebody standing by that 24-hour video surveillance. to insult every group of voters in comments and did not mention
lican running for the Senate in Hovde faces nominal opposi- drop box literally 24 hours a day, A spokesman for Hovde de- Wisconsin one after the other,” launching a drop box monitoring
Wisconsin this week suggested tion in next month’s Republican you know, for, you know, 45 days to clined to comment Friday but said Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes- program in line with what Hovde
without evidence that absentee primary and is expected to handi- make sure that you don’t have he may weigh in later. A spokes- Conway said in a statement. “Drop promoted.
ballot drop boxes could be stuffed ly win the nomination to face Sen. people just jumping, jamming man for Baldwin declined to com- boxes, whether in Madison or Ash- Ballot drop boxes were widely
with fake ballots, and he called for Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) in No- fake ballots.” ment on Hovde’s remarks. land, Milwaukee or Eau Claire, are used in 2020 in Wisconsin, as vot-
monitoring them around-the- vember. A businessman with By raising the prospect of fake Hovde lives just outside Madi- a safe, secure and convenient way ers turned to absentee voting in
clock in one of the state’s most banking and real estate holdings, ballots, Hovde leaned into a dis- son, and public records show he for eligible voters to return their large numbers in response to the
Democratic cities. Hovde has seeded his campaign credited theory at the center of the has voted absentee three times in ballots.” Monitoring drop boxes 24 covid-19 pandemic. In 2022, con-
Republican Eric Hovde made with $8 million from his personal right-wing film “2000 Mules,” recent years — in the 2018 mid- hours a day for a month and a half servatives who then controlled the
the comments to supporters on fortune. which focused on ballot drop box- term elections and in the 2021 and would require dozens of volun- state Supreme Court barred the
Wednesday, five days after the He made his remarks at a cam- es in 2020. Salem Media Group, 2023 elections for state offices. teers and would divert crucial use of drop boxes because state
Wisconsin Supreme Court’s liber- paign stop in Ashland, in far which produced the film in part, Hovde floated the possibility of GOP resources away from contact- law does not specifically authorize
al majority reversed a two-year- northern Wisconsin, and said he removed it from its platforms last fake ballots three months after ing voters and making sure they go them. Last week, the liberals who
old decision and allowed the use of wanted to focus the monitoring in month in response to a lawsuit. suggesting that nursing home to the polls. now hold a majority reversed that
ballot drop boxes this fall. Madison, home to the University Hovde offered no evidence that residents shouldn’t be allowed to Brian Schimming, the chair- decision, saying depositing ballots
“Who’s watching to see how of Wisconsin and one of the most fake ballots were used in Wiscon- vote. “If you’re in a nursing home, man of the state Republican Party, in drop boxes is the equivalent of
many illegal ballots are being Democratic areas in the swing sin or anywhere else. There were you only have a five-, six-month said Thursday he didn’t like the turning them in personally in the
stuffed?” Hovde said, according to state. no reports of fake ballots in Wis- life expectancy,” he said. “Almost court ruling on drop boxes but offices of election officials.
a recording of his remarks ob- “It’s probably not a risk up here consin in 2020 after recounts, law- nobody in a nursing home is in a believes that Wisconsin voters can The latest ruling allows cities to
tained by The Washington Post. in this part,” Hovde said of north- suits and a detailed review by a point [in life] to vote.” After facing have confidence in the results this use drop boxes but does not re-
“Look, we’re probably going to ern Wisconsin. “But, you know, I conservative nonprofit law firm. blowback, Hovde said he believes fall. He made his remarks at a quire them to do so.

The glitzy Hollywood

fundraiser where
Biden lost Clooney
decline shocking.
“It felt like he was still the
Some there say president smart, witty guy we’ve all fol-
was frail and slow, lowed for many years, but the
volume and speed are turned
presaging debate setback way down — to an alarming
level,” said one longtime Demo-
cratic supporter who, like several
BY D AN D IAMOND, others, spoke on the condition of
S AMUEL O AKFORD anonymity to discuss her person-
AND C AROL D . L EONNIG al experience meeting the presi-
dent after she and her husband
Hollywood executives, per- donated $100,000.
formers and thousands of other Making small talk with the
Californians filed into a Los An- current and former presidents
geles theater last month, expect- while preparing for a photo, the
ing a star-studded fundraiser for donor said that she and Obama
President Biden, backed by ac- shared a brief joke that Biden
tors George Clooney and Julia initially seemed to miss. The
Roberts, that would inject mil- current president only attempt-
lions of dollars into Biden’s static ed a retort “in a barely audible
campaign and launch him on a voice” after the photo was over
path to beat Donald Trump in and others had moved on, she
November. said.
Instead, many attendees — led Biden campaign staff and al-
by Clooney — now say they lies have characterized the criti-
watched a dud and a preview cism as unfair and retroactive Kevin LamaRque/ReuteRs

screening of what the nation saw second-guessing, pointing to the From left, late-night talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel, President Biden and former president Barack Obama at the Peacock Theater in Los
two weeks later in Biden’s prime- president’s travel and his stami- Angeles on June 15. The fundraiser brought in more than $30 million for Biden’s campaign.
time debate against Trump. na through the roughly three-
“I said to my wife, either he’ll hour-long event. They note, too, I think he did a fantastic job.” Attendees and campaign staff bis — and contrasted him with raiser who spent $1,000 on seats
do great at the debate, and we’ll that the Kimmel portion of the described several reception areas “Orange Julius Caesar,” one of for himself and his wife, said he
realize he was just tired tonight, evening was open to the media. Hunting Hollywood cash backstage at the theater, includ- several mocking references to left the fundraiser worried about
or he’ll perform like this and “Several reporters were pre- Air Force One touched down at ing one area filled with high-pro- Trump. the president’s ability to galva-
then the whole country will be sent for the President’s interview Los Angeles International Air- file actors, and another where Kimmel also referenced the nize voters — particularly given
talking about it,” said Jon with Jimmy Kimmel at the L.A. port around 5 a.m. on June 15, donors mingled with Democratic Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to Biden’s contrast with Obama.
Favreau, an Obama White House fundraiser,” Lauren Hitt, a cam- with the president and his team elected officials including Cali- overturn Roe v. Wade and end “You juxtapose those two, and
speechwriter who attended the paign spokesperson, said in a fresh from meetings with world fornia Gov. Gavin Newsom and the constitutional right to abor- it’s night and day,” said McIntosh.
event. statement. “None of them report- leaders and the pope in Fasano, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass. tion. The Biden campaign later “I didn’t walk out of there think-
Reflecting on the June 15 event ed out anything like this at the Italy, and a brief layover outside Guests were eventually invited to released a clip of one exchange, ing, ‘oh, we got the right guy.’”
at L.A.’s Peacock Theater, some time.” of Washington, D.C. queue up for a photo opportunity showing Biden forcefully arguing
donors said this week that they The donor said she and her The red-eye flight had re- with Biden and Obama. the Supreme Court “has never The fallout
noticed Biden seemed slow. He husband were asked by friends quired crossing 10 time zones, Emerson — whose husband been as out of kilter as it is today,” Twelve days later, Biden’s poor
appeared frail. As he greeted after the event about Biden’s but the Saturday night fundrais- served as ambassador to Ger- citing an opinion written by performance in the debate
donors lined up for photos, he condition and “struggled to an- er promised to be lucrative and many under Obama — said she Justice Clarence Thomas that against Trump unlocked frustra-
trailed off or spoke too quietly in swer them honestly,” fearful of exciting, representing a glamor- had a pleasant experience meet- suggested the court should re- tions across Hollywood, with
small-talk conversation to be eroding Biden’s support. ous break from Biden’s political ing Biden and Obama in the consider other decisions that es- some longtime Democratic do-
heard. “We were worried that if we battles. VIP donors and political photo line. tablished rights to contracep- nors venting that they’d been
The lingering doubts among told the truth — that President staff could mingle with Clooney “I mentioned how much we tion, as well as same-sex rela- privately reassured that Biden
Biden’s closest supporters that Biden was stiff, slow and dare we — who has helped organize Dem- enjoyed hosting Jill at our home tions and marriage. remained sharp even as millions
evening help explain why sup- say it, fragile — that we risked ocratic fundraisers for years, a few weeks earlier. He immedi- “Not on my watch. Not on my of television viewers discovered
port for him has collapsed so losing their support for the presi- such as a $15 million event for ately lit up and said, ‘She told me watch,” Biden said to applause. the opposite.
quickly in the days after the June dent,” said the donor. “It was Obama at Clooney’s home in about it!’ and squeezed my But Biden also stumbled over Biden “gave us a bunch of
27 presidential debate: The de- painful to be deceptive. Now, we 2012 — and other Hollywood hands,” she wrote in a text mes- some questions, even as Kimmel malarkey, and I’m really pissed,”
bate confirmed many voters’ realize we were not alone in stars. sage. and Obama interjected with said Ari Emanuel, CEO of enter-
long-held suspicions that the el- withholding what we experi- Biden would also share the But other Hollywood donors quips and support. Asked why tainment conglomerate WME,
derly president was not up to the enced.” stage with Kimmel, one of his and attendees said that they were some Republicans continue to speaking at the Aspen Ideas
task of campaigning. The reac- Another donor said he focused staunchest — and wittiest — disappointed by their glimpses of oppose the Affordable Care Act, Festival the day after the debate.
tions among attendees of the on what he considered the eve- supporters in Hollywood. The TV Biden, particularly when they the president offered a meander- Emanuel — whose brother,
event also raise questions about ning’s high points, such as host is a reliable Democratic compared the president with the ing reply. Rahm, was picked by Biden to be
why Biden’s allies did not speak Biden’s rousing slam on the Su- donor who has also given to younger and more energetic “I was able — and I was able to ambassador to Japan — suggest-
up sooner about their concerns, preme Court’s recent rulings. Senate candidates such as Mis- Obama standing next to him. expand it to — and save another ed that donors should stop giving
allowing his campaign to insist “You want to believe in the souri attorney Lucas Kunce and “He just seemed so worn out,” 8,000 buck — 800 bucks a year to the president’s campaign. The
for months that Biden was vigor- possible,” he said. Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego, ac- said one donor who hadn’t seen for them,” Biden said, according Biden campaign or White House
ous and sharp behind the scenes, The fundraiser appears to cording to Federal Election Com- Biden in person in several years. to an official White House tran- hasn’t contacted him since his
when many now say that was not have been a breaking point for mission data. Several members of Congress, script. “But here’s the deal. The criticism, Emanuel said in an
their own experience. Clooney. In an op-ed in the New While L.A. is a deep-pocketed who interact more often with fact is that these guys don’t seem interview Wednesday.
Measured by dollars, the eve- York Times on Wednesday, he and reliably liberal enclave — Biden than the Hollywood to care. They somehow — and, by “Let’s go with the bullpen
ning was a success: It brought in wrote that he loved and support- Biden won Los Angeles County crowd, were in attendance and the way, it’s not — it’s saving the please. Let’s go with relief,” Da-
more than $30 million for ed Biden — but that he believed by a nearly three-to-one margin said they found the president’s country money. It’s not wasting mon Lindelof, the producer and
Biden’s campaign, setting a rec- Biden should drop out of the over Trump four years ago — the performance underwhelming, money. All the cost — it would — showrunner behind TV shows
ord for a single political fundrais- race, in part because of what he president’s campaign had been but little different from what if — this — if it — what — what’s “Lost,” “The Leftovers,” and
er. The president, who had just had observed at the event. late to fully tap Hollywood’s they’re accustomed to in Wash- — it’s about, I guess, 40 million “Watchmen,” wrote in a column
flown in from Italy that morning, “It’s devastating to say it, but checkbooks given entertainment ington. people would be affected.” for Deadline last week, calling for
first met with top donors and the Joe Biden I was with three industry strikes last year. “I’ve been with him. I know “Millions of people would be a “DEMbargo” on donations until
allies in a two-hour-plus series of weeks ago at the fund-raiser was Now the campaign was work- what to expect,” said one law- affected,” Obama quickly fol- Biden drops out.
private receptions and photos not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden ing to make up for lost time. The maker, speaking on the condition lowed up. “And the reason that Clooney’s column in the New
before taking the stage with of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Los Angeles Times reported that of anonymity to describe the the Republicans say they’re op- York Times this week went fur-
former president Barack Obama Biden of 2020,” Clooney wrote. access to the most exclusive VIP fundraiser and other private ex- posed to it is because we did it.” ther, calling on Democrats in
and talk show host Jimmy Kim- “He was the same man we all perks, including the photo line, periences. “It’s hard to think he’s Monica Zierhut, a 55-year-old Congress to speak out and help
mel in the 36-minute main event. witnessed at the debate.” reception and after-party, cost our best chance to beat Trump.” music supervisor who spent push for a new nominee.
But even with Kimmel posing A spokesperson for Clooney $500,000. The cheapest tickets Meanwhile, onstage, Barbra $250 on her seat, said she was “The dam has broken. We can
softball questions, and Obama declined to elaborate on the to the public portion of the event Streisand, Kathryn Hahn, Jason impressed by Biden, particularly put our heads in the sand and
frequently interjecting to pro- actor’s interactions with Biden at required a $250 donation to the Bateman and other performers when accounting for his age and pray for a miracle in November,
vide support, Biden struggled to the fundraiser. campaign. entertained the packed crowd. travel. or we can speak the truth,”
explain key parts of his campaign Others who attended said they The campaign was also look- “When democracy is at stake, “I felt he was very articulate Clooney wrote.
platform, with attendees saying felt Biden had been engaging and ing for a boost of energy. As Jack Black answers the call,” the when he was talking,” Zierhut Other Biden supporters at the
that the president frequently energetic, particularly given the Biden arrived in California, polls actor said, endorsing Biden in said. “He wasn’t, you know, a fundraiser have stayed with the
stumbled over his remarks, circumstances. showed the presidential race American-flag overalls and a meandering old man.” president. Hahn, who performed
trailed off or was simply confus- “You’d be tired too after two closely tied or with Trump hold- “Dark Brandon” T-shirt. But for Favreau, who was sit- at the event, joked about calls for
ing. overseas trips to Europe in a ing a slight edge, and that many Around 7:45 p.m., Biden took ting close to the stage, the eve- Biden to drop out of the race
Some attendees said it was matter of days, plus just getting Americans were deeply dissatis- the stage alongside Obama. The ning was an opportunity lost. when she guest-hosted Kimmel’s
even worse at the smaller recep- off an 11-hour flight with a nine- fied with both major candidates. two men bantered with Kimmel Rather than convey a strong and show on Monday.
tions before Biden took the stage. hour time zone change, standing Giving Biden time to recover about how traffic-congested Los inspiring reelection message, “Here’s the thing: I would vote
Greeting hundreds of supporters and shaking 200 hands for a from his international travel, the Angeles roads can miraculously Biden’s performance “was slow, for a skeleton over Donald
for grip-and-grin photos, the couple of hours, and then head- president had no scheduled open once you’re president. halting, and hard to follow,” Trump,” she said.
president stumbled over small ing into a giant event to per- events until around 5:15 p.m., The conversation then turned Favreau said. “In fact,” she said, “I may
talk and seemed frail, according form,” said Kimberly Marteau when his motorcade arrived at more serious, as Kimmel rattled Other attendees said they too literally be voting for a skeleton.”
to six attendees. For high-level Emerson, an attorney whom the Peacock Theater, driving past off Biden’s accomplishments as left the theater with grave con-
donors who were meeting the Biden appointed to the United a smattering of demonstrators president — such as lowering cerns but tried to shove them tyler Pager, aaron schaffer, shawn
81-year-old Biden for the first States Holocaust Memorial protesting about the Israel-Gaza prescription drug costs for sen- aside. Bedford McIntosh, a 69- Boburg and michael Kranish
time, several said they found his Council last year. “Given all that, conflict. iors and decriminalizing canna- year-old retired education fund- contributed to this report.
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A7

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A8 eZ re the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

sArAH L. voisin/tHe wAsHington Post

Freed from the constrictions that long suppressed its flow, water returns to Lahaina’s burn zone in January — five months after the fire — giving community leaders hope that a larger restoration is possible.

Lahaina opportunistic developers bought

large tracts of land from failing
sugar companies, hoping to lure

sees signs
more tourists and well-heeled
residents to maui.
these plantation successors
continued to divert water to new

of natural luxury housing and hotel devel-

opments, filling swimming pools
and greening golf courses.

the economic transition
sparked a new era of confronta-
tion over water rights.
native Hawaiian tradition has
LAHAinA from A1 long held that water is part of the
public trust and should be pro-
and large landowners, who have tected and conserved for future
long benefited from the water generations, a principle en-
that would flow back into the shrined in law by the Hawaii con-
renewed wetlands. stitution and the state water code.
Such a project might take and yet, in West maui, the local
years, and it would have to clear government controls less than a
many practical and political hur- quarter of the water, while private
dles. But with Lahaina reduced to utility companies manage the
ashes, some of the state’s most rest.
influential voices, from politi- this setup, a vestige of the
cians to tourism groups, are sig- plantation era, has led to years of
naling their support for restora- conflict.
tion, an early indicator that the Several such entities are con-
effort may have more momentum nected to the maui real estate
than ever. mogul peter martin and his devel-
in the burn scar, the water itself opment company, West maui
is already making a statement. Land, both a magnet for contro-
freed from the constrictions that versy in recent years. martin and
long suppressed its flow, it is seep- his empire have been accused of
ing back. in once-dry ditches and HAwAiiAn Mission Houses Historic site And ArcHive overdrawing water, disturbing sa-
abandoned fields, beneath piles An 1850s daguerreotype of Loko ‘o Mokuhinia and Moku‘ula, the fishpond and 40,000-square-foot island near the center of Lahaina that cred burial sites and trying to
of twisted metal, rubble and archaeologists say is one of the most sacred sites in Hawaii. The area has become a focal point of the town’s wetland restoration effort. force native Hawaiian families off
charred ruins, the water is return- their land.
ing all on its own, a sign, experts HA MAUI
moku‘ula was the domain of Kiha- that diverted water to their crops. Kapu, the cultural center
say, that restoration is ecological- w wahine, the freshwater deity who this had widespread consequenc- founder, has spent decades fight-
ly possible. i M A U I lived in the pond and protected es: a brutal famine swept through ing with martin’s companies in

in a now-abundant stream run- the island. Lahaina in the 1860s, when fields court over land and water rights
ning alongside Kapu’s demol- in the 19th century, when La- that grew traditional staple foods around his family’s homestead in
ished cultural center, fish darted haina was the capital of the Ha- went dry. mokuhinia gradually the verdant Kaua‘ula Valley, nes-
beneath a thick layer of water waiian Kingdom, King Kame- became stagnant and swamp- tled in the foothills above Lahai-
plants, all in the shadow of a Lahaina hameha iii lived on moku‘ula in a like. the pond soon turned into a na.
burned-out car and mounds of complex of grass and stone build- breeding ground for mosquitoes, now, a case involving one of
debris. ings. the kingdom’s first constitu- and an official from the u.S. gov- martin’s companies in front of
“the land,” Kapu said, “is heal- tion was signed there, in 1840. ernment — which backed an over- Hawaii’s public utilities commis-
ing itself.” “this was the center, this was throw of the monarchy and an- sion is the first sign that
the long process — and poten- wainee the jewel, this was the piko,” said nexed Hawaii in 1898 — said it moku‘ula’s restoration could be-
tial fight — is going to be a crucial Janet Six, maui county’s archae- should be filled in and covered. come contentious.
piece of the larger debate over ologist who spent years working moku‘ula and mokuhinia were in the proceeding, which began
how to rebuild a place with so at moku‘ula, using the Hawaiian buried a few years later, after local before the fire, Kapu is arguing
much cultural, spiritual and eco- Damage assessment word for umbilicus, the place businessmen claimed the pond that Launiupoko irrigation co. —
nomic significance. the outcome destroyed 1/2 MiLe where life begins. was a health risk and eyed it as a a subsidiary of West maui Land —
will shape Lahaina’s future. fed by both underground development opportunity, said should stop pumping from a plan-
springs and a network of streams, anthropologist p. christiaan tation-era well in Lahaina be-
‘The piko’ moku‘ula and mokuhinia an- Klieger, who wrote “moku‘ula: cause it will impede mokuhinia’s
of all the places where water chored a wetland system that con- maui’s Sacred island.” restoration.
once flowed in Lahaina, none was veyed water through Lahaina the territorial government attorneys for the irrigation
more important than a 17-acre town. in this lush environment, then replaced the revered island company have denied that its
area near the center of town, not taro patches thrived and native with a classic symbol of american pumping impacts the historic

far from the pacific ocean. fish swam freely. overhead, imperialism: a baseball field. pond and have contended that,

this was a fishpond known as breadfruit trees provided shade the park’s first game featured a because mokuhinia “presently

Loko ‘o mokuhinia, and in the Banyan Tree from the punishing sun that gave matchup between the “town does not exist and must be re-

middle of it sat a small island Lahaina its name. the wetlands, team” and a group of players from stored,” restricting pumping
called moku‘ula, which measured scientists say, probably provided a nearby plantation, the maui “would not protect an existing

about 40,000 square feet. Both Lahaina protection from fires and floods. news reported in 1918. the plan- public trust purpose.”


are now buried beneath feet of Harbor then came the sugar planta- tation side won. nonetheless, glenn tremble,

dirt, but cultural practitioners tions. an executive with both West maui

and archaeologists say it is one of

Present-day founded largely by the families Water wars Land and the irrigation company,

the most sacred sites in all of Malu Ulu O of american christian missionar- the burial of moku‘ula sent a said he supports restoring
Hawaii. following the fires, it has Lele Park —Mokuhinia ies, sugar companies quickly be- message. moku‘ula and mokuhinia. But he
become the focal point of the gan to dominate maui. and, as Because water is integral to maintained that the pumping will
ambitious wetland restoration ef- carol Wilcox outlines in her book Hawaiian life, erasing moku‘ula not affect those efforts, a position
fort. Moku‘ula Island— “Sugar Water,” the cane is a thirsty and the surrounding wetlands in echoed by a hydrologist hired to
“as we rebuild moku‘ula, we crop. the wake of the overthrow was testify on the company’s behalf. if
rebuild Lahaina,” said archie it takes 500 gallons of water to “both a means of asserting con- Launiupoko irrigation co. is
Kalepa, a legendary waterman produce one pound of sugar, a trol and a symbol of the control forced to stop using the well,
and local community leader. million gallons per day to irrigate that was being asserted,” said tremble said, it may have to shut
for Hawaiians, moku‘ula con- 100 acres, and many thousands Jonathan L. Scheuer, co-author of down, jeopardizing water deliv-
tains layers of religious, political were being farmed. from the mid- “Water and power in West maui.” ery to its customers.
and cultural importance, sus- 1800s into the 1900s, increasingly “it is the historic physical heart the state’s division of consum-
tained by oral history and spirit- powerful plantation corporations of Lahaina,” Scheuer said. “But it er advocacy, which argues on be-
ual tradition. over the centuries, Water and wetlands siphoned a prodigious amount of is also deeply, deeply symbolic of half of utility users, appears to
600 Feet
moku‘ula was said to be the pal- in the late 1800s surface and groundwater, build- the way in which water is central agree with Kapu, recommending
ace of kings, home to a powerful ing a booming economic empire to who controls Hawaii and who in a filing late last year that the
lizard goddess and used as a sa- while the wetland ecosystem suf- Hawaii is for.” company be banned from pump-
cred burial site of maui royalty. fered. after the plantation system col- ing, at least temporarily, while
sources: FeMA, satellite imagery from vexcel imaging us via google earth
Well before Europeans arrived, as plantations proliferated, so lapsed under the pressure of an restoration efforts are consid-
according to traditional accounts, tiM MeKo/tHe wAsHington Post did the ditches, tunnels and wells increasingly competitive market, continuEd on nExt pagE
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post ez re A9

from preVious page that there will be enough water

for restoration — a project she
ered. considers so important that “ev-
separately, Kapu and his cul- eryone has to be willing to com-
tural center filed a permit appli- promise.”
cation with the state, asking for it’s too early to know just how
access to water to begin the long, expensive it would be, Chang said,
complex restoration process. but there will probably be cost-
all this paperwork could be an sharing among government and
early test of how much sway La- private entities. she also hopes
haina’s influential developers will her agency can fast-track the nor-
have over the town’s rebuild. mar- mally interminable permit appli-
tin did not respond to requests for cation process.
comment and has not spoken “if it’s going to happen for any
publicly about moku‘ula’s resto- issue, this is probably it,” she said
ration. He told a reporter late last of the hurdles that restoration
year that preserving water for must clear. “This is a worthy ini-
Native Hawaiian cultural practic- tiative for all of us to stand be-
es was “a crock of s---.” at the same hind.”
time, he said, activists were un- officials said they believe
fairly characterizing him as “a moku‘ula can be restored without
colonialist.” sacrificing opportunities for eco-
There has been little overt pub- nomic revival, which they said
lic opposition to the moku‘ula will be plentiful in other parts of
project, which will largely take Lahaina.
place on government-owned “We recognize those are two
land. However, if future plans different worlds: There’s the reali-
involve private parcels, the proc- ty of cultural reverence and the
ess could become more combat- reality of economic revitaliza-
ive. tion,” said mahina martin, maui
Large developers have long en- County’s head of public affairs,
joyed outsize influence over West who worked for friends of
maui’s water policy, and advo- moku‘ula before joining the gov-
cates expect they won’t relinquish phoToS by Sarah l. VoiSin/The WaShingTon poST ernment. “There doesn’t have to
it easily, said Kapua‘ala sproat, Ke‘eaumoku Kapu, left, and wife u‘ilani Kapu examine a Lahaina restoration plan from the 1960s to help guide today’s renewal effort. be any tension because they are
the director of the university of two different things.”
Hawaii’s Ka Huli ao Center for The knowledge that the island most of the land entombing the
excellence in Native Hawaiian has survived centuries of turbu- pond and island belongs to the
Law. lence, even if underground, gives state, while the rest is county-
“in Hawaii, we have a saying: her hope. owned, and officials have begun
‘Whoever controls water controls “at the end of the day,” feiteira identifying other parcels they
the future,’” said sproat, who said, “moku‘ula will always be might acquire for restoration.
helped Kapu file his restoration there.” since modern zoning codes could
permit. “That’s really at bottom organizers are still in the early make rebuilding difficult for
what this is about. This is a fight stages of mapping out a restora- oceanfront businesses, local lead-
for the soul of Hawaii. mokuhinia tion plan, but Kapu wants to start ers have a chance to reclaim land
is going to be a proving ground.” small. if his water permit is grant- that was home to other historical-
ed, he would begin by restoring a ly important Native Hawaiian
‘Mauka to makai’ modest section of mokuhinia and sites.
Blossom feiteira knows it will reestablishing a fishpond and a restored historic district
be hard. taro patch on the site, surrounded could eventually become a uNes-
The lifelong maui resident, by native trees. Co World Heritage site, which
whose ancestors resided on increasingly, political leaders would open up new funding, said
moku‘ula, was the last director of are getting on board, along with six, the county archaeologist.
a nonprofit that first popularized the formidable hotel and tourism such steps should be Hawaiian-
the idea of restoring the sacred industries. in april, Hawaii gov. led, she said, and could provide a
island. Josh green (D) announced he sense of what maui was before the
Before friends of moku‘ula would use executive powers to plantations and development.
dissolved in 2017, the group held restore moku‘ula. Dawn Chang, “if you restore it,” six said, “it
community meetings and reject- the first Native Hawaiian woman might give people the real story.”
ed a plan that would have turned to chair the powerful Department standing in the burn zone,
the area into a tourist destina- of Land and Natural resources, which is still tightly controlled,
tion, which they said would defile Ke‘eaumoku Kapu in January at the Lahaina unity gathering, put on to mourn the burned town. said the state would support a Kapu can look out over what used
a place of immense spiritual and community-led restoration plan. to be moku‘ula and mokuhinia,
cultural importance. “Now the question of the day still trying to rebuild their lost need to be navigated, a sensitive Chang, whose department is- and he can picture the future. it’s
at the time, feiteira estimated is: Can the restoration really hap- homes, would need to have a matter for Native Hawaiians who sues water-use permits, said there the Lahaina he wants for his chil-
the restoration project would pen this time?” feiteira said. delicate discussion about what distrust a government that his- are at least six applications possi- dren, and their children. and
cost up to $100 million. But after it’s possible, she added, but moku‘ula would look like and torically shut them out of deci- bly competing for water in the coursing through it all: water.
butting heads with the county, there are many roadblocks. it who would be allowed to enter a sion-making. Direct descendants vicinity of moku‘ula, including “from mauka to makai,” he
the nonprofit lost its funding, would be massively expensive place that was historically re- of the buried must be involved in Kapu’s, which means a protracted said — from the mountains to the
and moku‘ula lost its momen- when the island’s economy is still stricted. every step of the process, feiteira legal dispute could be ahead. ocean. “everybody sees it’s a pos-
tum. reeling from the fires. residents, and burial grounds would said. even so, she said she’s optimistic sibility now.”

A Maryland Harborside Orange

Crush Cocktail
neighbor’s 1 serving (makes 1 drink)
freshly squeezed juice is a

crushing must for the orange Crush, a

refreshing summertime quaff.
The Harborside Bar & grill in

declaration ocean City, md., is generally ac-

cepted as the cocktail’s birth-
place, but since its 1995 creation,
the drink has spread among the
ORAnge cRusH from A1 beachside bars and crab shacks of
the mid-atlantic coast. Delaware
ours). But it goes on to make has now moved in on the crush
bolder pronouncements: “The or- and is set to name it the state’s
ange Crush has been made fa- official cocktail.
mous and become synonymous Total time: 5 mins
with Dewey Beach, Delaware,” it adapted from Harborside Bar
reads. and it calls out a legendary & grill in ocean City, md., from
beach-town establishment. “The punch.
starboard in Dewey Beach, Dela-
ware perfected the orange Crush Ingredients
and serves the most orange Crush l ice
cocktails of any bar in Delaware l 2 ounces orange vodka, such as
every beach season,” it continues. smirnoff
But even that last claim isn’t l 2 ounces triple sec
sitting so well with certain mary- l fresh juice of 1 orange (about
landers. “Well, we’ve had it per- 1/ cup)
fected since 1995,” said Lauren l Lemon-lime soda
rolleston, a server at the Harbor-
side Bar & grill who described steps
l fill a pint glass with ice, then
herself as a born-and-bred mary-
lander. rolleston seemed miffed add the vodka and triple sec.
about the neighboring state’s add the orange juice, top with a
move on the signature cocktail, rey lopez for The WaShingTon poST; food STyling by liSa CherkaSky for The WaShingTon poST splash of soda, and serve im-
but she stopped short of trash Delaware’s legislature passed a bill last month to make the Orange crush — invented in Maryland — the official state cocktail. mediately.
talk. “if Delaware wants to take nutrition | per drink: 178 calories, 26g
carbohydrates, 0mg cholesterol, 0g fat, 0g
credit for it, well i don’t know how allowed. the Cape Codder, a similarly sim- montgomery says. straight-up orange Crush — espe- fiber, 1g protein, 0g saturated fat, 5mg
we feel about that,” she said, with it’s not like maryland could ple mixture of vodka and cranber- rolleston concurs. “That,” she cially when the price drops to $7 at sodium, 24g sugar
a tone that suggested she pretty ever hide the crush’s light under a ry juice. That drink, which also says, “is just a screwdriver.” happy hour. recipe tested by lisa Cherkasky; email
much did know how to feel. crab bushel, anyway. since its in- has strong geographic associa- after The post published this 801 Florida Ave. NW. questions to [email protected]
sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-md.) vention, the drink (which is not to tions, hails from the mid-1960s. story online, the governors of both 801dc.com
struck a generous note — with just be confused with Crush soda) has “The orange Crush just isn’t yet states got in on the action. gov. Lyman’s Tavern: The owners of
the barest hint of shade. “mary- crept up and down the eastern old enough to be considered clas- John Carney (D-Del.) invited gov. the Columbia Heights pinball bar
landers aren’t shy about our state seaboard, with sightings on sic,” he said. “a lot more people Wes moore (D-md.) to come try are regular visitors to Dewey grapefruit version at the venera-
pride — we happily share what we menus from florida to New York. have to know it and like it.” what he said is a superior version. Beach, and it shows in their dedi- ble m.r. Ducks, paired with wa-
have to offer with the nation,” he it’s most often found in water- over the years, the drink has “my good friend @govWesmoore cated crush menu. Choose from terfront sunset views.
told The Washington post in an front and beach towns, but it has seen its variants multiply. grape- should visit the starboard in Dew- classics like orange and grape- 311 Talbot St., Ocean City. mr-
emailed statement. “That’s why i begun soaking its way into land- fruit crushes are popular. old- ey Beach, and we’ll have the best fruit, or try the strawberry Crush, ducks.com.
consider it a compliment that our locked regions, too. fashioned crushes might swap orange Crush you can find,” he which adds juice from muddled
eastern shore neighbors like our and Delawareans are attempt- bourbon for the vodka. a “skinny” posted on X. moore responded in fruit to lime vodka and soda. Delaware
orange Crush so much. But to get ing interstate diplomacy — to a crush uses club soda instead of kind. “They say imitation is the 3720 14th St. NW. lyman- The starboard: some might
the real thing, everyone knows point. “We know we didn’t invent sweetened. highest form of flattery,” he re- staverndc.com. argue whether the starboard
that you have to come to mary- it,” says steve “monty” montgom- one thing drink-slingers on ei- plied. “good to know Delaware “perfected” the orange Crush, but
land — i’d be happy to host my ery, the longtime co-owner of the ther side of the state line can agree has a crush on our crushes! Y’all Maryland there’s no denying that the Dewey
Delaware colleagues anytime so starboard. “We’ve just grown it on? a crush absolutely must be are welcome to try the real mcCoy Harborside Bar & grill: The Beach hotspot makes a lot of
they can find out for themselves!” and grown it.” made with fresh juice. That makes anytime, @JohnCarneyDe!” spiritual home of the orange them. for something different, try
in other words, the gentlemen perhaps maryland simply it a more time-consuming drink it’s fun to argue about the me- Crush sits next to a row of boats the mexican Catapult with tequila
from Delaware are oh-so-politely should have moved faster to claim to serve (and expensive, too, given chanics of the orange Crush. it’s along a West ocean City pier. The and freshly squeezed ruby red
invited to get crushed. dibs on the drink. The state does rising prices on everything, in- more fun to drink one. in the no-frills dock bar is packed with grapefruit juice.
The matter even came up on not currently have an official cluding citrus). But it’s essential, spirit of community, here are six customers sipping an endless 2009 Coastal Hwy., Dewey
Capitol Hill: During a Wednesday cocktail of its own, although in according to marylanders and of our favorite places to get stream of crushes while listening Beach. thestarboard.com.
hearing about the march collapse 1998, it designated a state drink: Delawareans alike. Crush con- crushed — in ocean City, at the to live music. Big chill Beach club: Located
of Baltimore’s francis scott Key milk. noisseurs know to look for an Delaware beaches and in D.C., too. 12841 S. Harbor Rd., Ocean above the sand in the Delaware
Bridge, Van Hollen brought up the With the orange Crush’s popu- old-fashioned metal juicer sitting City. weocharborside.com. seashore state park, the Big
issue of the cocktail, calling out larity and increasing reach, it’s atop the bar as a good sign that an D.c. M.R. Ducks: ocean City has Chill’s offerings include a Jack
sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.). “sena- possible that it might someday establishment is serving true-to- 801: a sister bar to Dewey’s adopted the crush as its own, and Daniels-based crush — think of it
tor Cardin and i are willing to take a spot in the pantheon of style drinks. starboard and Bethany’s mango’s, you’ll find juicers atop bars at as a whiskey-and-orange on vaca-
forgive this transgression by the classic american cocktails. But “people try to copy them and the rooftop bar at 801 features a Boardwalk haunts (Hammer- tion — and a refreshing cherry
state of Delaware since you’re co- that status might take more time make them with orange juice on a juicer front and center. While heads) and biker-friendly dives vodka with lime.
operating with us as a good neigh- to attain, Brown says. He found gun or a can — and i laugh, there are variants made with mez- (the Bearded Clam). on a recent 27099 Coastal Hwy., Bethany
bor on other issues,” Van Hollen parallels between the crush and because that’s not a true crush,” cal or limes, nothing beats a trip, no crush satisfied like a juicy Beach. bigchillbeachclub.com.
A10 EZ rE the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

Trump allies declare 2024 election illegitimate

mention of Trump’s efforts to integrity operations. Heritage and ultimately another January
overturn his 2020 loss. Instead it foundation President Kevin rob- 6.”
Presentation at Heritage offered that conclusion as justifi- erts spoke at the end of the event. Howell said the election
assumes administration cation for doubting the outcome The Heritage foundation, a threats project was devised in
of the 2024 election and trying to longtime bastion of conservative response to a 2020 bipartisan
has conspiracy underway reject anything other than a orthodoxy that has more recently group of academics, former offi-
Trump victory. Trump himself reinvented itself for the Trump cials, journalists and others that
has repeatedly declined to say he era, has become a lightning rod in tried to anticipate and prepare
BY I SAAC A RNSDORF will accept the results or rule out the campaign because of its role for ways that then-President
a violent response. He has told his in convening “Project 2025.” That Trump might try to disrupt the
Barbra Streisand kidnapped by supporters that he can only lose project published detailed policy election or the peaceful transfer
Hamas. Antifa-BLm protesters through cheating. proposals for every federal agen- of power. Their report raised
taking over a migrant detention Howell said the exercise would cy, ready for the next republican concerns about violence but did
facility. The fBI arresting Donald lead Heritage to file more litiga- administration to implement. not imagine the deadly riot at the JABIN BoTSford/ThE WAShINgToN PoST

Trump two days after winning the tion over election procedures. He Some of the most controversial U.S. Capitol that temporarily dis- Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told
election. also said it should help the public ideas including banning abortion rupted the certification of Joe accuser Eliza Cooney that he has “no memory of this incident.”
These were among the far- resist “psychological operations” medication, facilitating White Biden’s win.
fetched scenarios imagined by a
simulation of threats to the 2024
election showcased Thursday by
that he claimed were used in
2020 and are being used again.
He didn’t say who supposedly ran
House involvement in law en-
forcement and rolling back legal
protections for LGBTQ+ Ameri-
Both that effort and the 2024
project used tabletop exercises,
also known as “war games,” that
RFK Jr. texted apology
the right-wing Heritage founda-
tion. The presentation, delivered
at the foundation’s Washington
the operations.
“The upshot is that we will see
a contested election the likes of
As some of those proposals
have garnered scrutiny, Trump
assign participants various roles
to simulate how they might inter-
act. In the 2024 project at Heri-
to woman who accused
headquarters, stated as a given
that the Biden administration
was already engaged in a sweep-
which we’ve never seen,” said
Adam Ellwanger, a rhetoric pro-
fessor at the University of Hous-
and his campaign have repeated-
ly distanced themselves from the
effort. many of the proposals
tage, President Biden was played
by former senator robert G. Tor-
ricelli (D-N.J.). Those war games
him of sexual assault
ing conspiracy to use multiple ton-Downtown who helped lead were written by alumni of his included contemplating surprise
forms of federal power to influ- the simulation. “If we see the kind administration and are likely to emergencies such as the Strei- KEnnEdy from A1 divorce proceedings with her hus-
ence the presidential election. It of manipulations that we saw in be appointees if he wins another sand kidnapping. (In the war band.
did not supply any evidence. 2020, I wonder if average Ameri- term. game, she was rescued the next days after her accusations became Weeks after she started, Cooney
“As things stand right now, cans who are supporters of the The republican National Com- day.) public. “I never intended you any said, she was sitting in the kitchen
there’s a zero percent chance of a president [Trump] will swallow mittee has its own election integ- Howell accused the Biden ad- harm. If I hurt you, it was inadver- with Kennedy and a riverkeeper
free and fair election,” said mike that so easily as they did in 2020.” rity operations, including litiga- ministration of a “coordinated tent. I feel badly for doing so.” volunteer when Kennedy began
Howell, executive director of Her- The simulation, known as the tion. invasion over our southern bor- He added, “If you feel comfort- running his hand up and down her
itage’s oversight Project. “I’m for- “2024 Transition Integrity Proj- Attendees on Thursday walked der for the purposes of impacting able, Id like to tell you this by leg beneath the table. She said she
mally accusing the Biden admin- ect,” is technically independent of past a mobile billboard criticizing this election.” As evidence, he said phone, and preferably, face to face. batted his hand away but that he
istration of creating the condi- the Heritage foundation but in- Trump and Project 2025, which a camera crew went door to door I recognize that this might not be persisted throughout the conver-
tions that most reasonable poli- cluded multiple Heritage employ- the Democratic National Com- in an apartment complex outside possible. I have no agenda for sation.
cymakers and officials cannot in ees. The full list of participants mittee positioned outside Heri- Charlotte, asking people whether sending this text other than mak- They never spoke about it after-
good conscience certify an elec- was withheld, which Howell said tage’s headquarters. Biden cam- they were noncitizens registered ing the most sincere and ernest ward, but Cooney wrote about the
tion.” was for their safety. Another par- paign spokesman James Singer to vote, with 10 percent respond- amends.” experience at the time in her jour-
The report said a key finding ticipant present Thursday was called Thursday’s presentation ing yes. Howell said his team did reached by phone on Thursday, nal, which she showed to The Post.
was that the sitting president is Josh findlay, who was until re- “nothing more than an attempt to not verify those registrations. Kennedy declined to comment on “It seemed like he thought I was
the greatest danger to the peace- cently the republican National justify their efforts to suppress Noncitizen voting is extremely Cooney’s allegations or to elabo- somebody else or wasn’t paying
ful transition of power, with no Committee’s director of election the vote, undermine the election, rare. rate on his message to her. attention,” she wrote. “Like he
“The text message speaks for would come to every once in a
itself,” he said. while and snap out of it or I would
The message, which Cooney move away. It was like he was on

Webb telescope keeps delivering cosmic wonders provided to The Washington Post
and which The Post verified was
sent from Kennedy’s cellphone
something or really tired or was
missing mary or testing me.”
Not long after that, she said,
number, has not previously been Kennedy showed up shirtless in
BY J OEL A CHENBACH reported. It represents the candi- her room one day with a large
date’s most detailed reaction to bottle of Kiehl’s, an expensive
The latest made-ya-look image Cooney’s accusations. body lotion, and asked her to rub it
from the James Webb Space Tele- In an interview with The Post, into his back — explaining, she
scope has arrived, and it looks like Cooney, now 48, voiced increduli- said, that his wife believed it to be
… a penguin. A giant penguin in ty that Kennedy would claim not the best brand of moisturizer.
space. to remember the incident and said Cooney said the request made her
NASA officials on friday she believed his efforts to contact uncomfortable but that she
marked two full years of scientific her were meant as damage control obliged, and he left afterward.
results from the telescope with the rather than a genuine expression on a third occasion, she said,
release of the image, which actual- of remorse. she was in the kitchen pantry after
ly shows a pair of intertwined “It was disingenuous and arro- yoga class, looking for food to
galaxies, known as Arp 142, and gant,” Cooney said of his message. make lunch, when Kennedy si-
nicknamed the Penguin and the “I’m not sure how somebody has a lently approached her from be-
Egg. The first is a spiral galaxy; the true apology for something that hind and placed his hands on her
second is an elliptical galaxy. they don’t admit to recalling. I did hips.
“The galaxies’ ‘dance’ gravita- not get a sense of remorse.” She said he then ran his hands
tionally pulled on the Penguin’s She said she was also disturbed up her body and along the sides of
thinner areas of gas and dust, by Kennedy’s suggestion that they her breasts.
causing them to crash in waves meet in person. “I remember being like, ‘oh my
and form stars,” NASA said in a “meet ‘face to face?’ What wom- God, what is even happening right
news release. “Look for those ar- an wants to do that?” Cooney said. now?’ ” Cooney told The Post. “It’s
eas in two places: what looks like a Kennedy, the son of former at- very much like being quiet be-
fish in its ‘beak’ and the ‘feathers’ torney general robert f. Kennedy cause you’re hiding from some-
in its ‘tail.’” and nephew of former president body under the bed or something,
The Webb telescope has done John f. Kennedy, is poised to play you know? That’s how I felt.”
everything that astronomers had an influential role in this year’s At that moment, she said, a man
hoped it would do, notably look- volatile presidential election. An working on renovations in the
ing deeper into space and further independent candidate known for house came into the kitchen and
back in time than any previous his conspiracist worldview and made his presence known to Ken-
telescope. And it has produced anti-vaccine activism, he has nedy, saying something along the
pretty pictures. The universe as drawn a relatively small but pas- lines of, “Don’t do anything I
captured by the Webb’s mirror sionate following among Ameri- wouldn’t do” or, “Don’t do any-
and suite of instruments is beauti- cans who say they’re disenchanted thing you wouldn’t want your wife
ful, dazzling, flamboyant. These with their major-party ballot al- to know about.”
grabby images demonstrate the ternatives. About 9 percent of reg- Cooney never spoke of the inci-
remarkable resolution of the istered voters nationally support dent afterward with Kennedy, al-
Webb telescope, NASA’s $10 bil- his candidacy, polls show. though she continued living in the
lion successor to the still-operat- Despite his famous name, other house for several months and
ing Hubble Space Telescope. prominent members of his family worked at the Pace Law clinic for
But the primary reason the have disavowed his campaign, another few years, completing a
Webb exists is to do something saying they fear he could divert project on the history of the Hud-
Hubble can’t do: look far into the crucial votes from President Biden son river.
infrared portion of the spectrum, in a close election. “I felt as though if I walked
enabling scientists to analyze the After Cooney’s story appeared away, all the investment I put in
highly red-shifted light emitted by in Vanity fair, Kennedy twice would be for naught,” she said. “It
galaxies when the universe was called her cellphone on July 3 and was my first job. I didn’t want that
very young. sent her a text the same day asking to be a failure. And it was for
That has produced a major sur- that she call him. Shortly after Bobby Kennedy, who was at the
prise. Astronomers had assumed midnight he sent a second text time a prominent environmental
that the early galaxies would be message with his apology, accord- lawyer, which was the work I
small and faint. That’s not what ing to screenshots from her phone. wanted to go into.”
the Webb saw. Cooney — who has not had con- But Cooney did not ultimately
Instead there is a remarkable tact with Kennedy for years — said pursue such a career, she said, in
array of big, bright galaxies, many she was unsure how he obtained part because of her negative ex-
containing supermassive black her number. She said she has not periences with Kennedy.
holes, that emitted their light just responded to his calls and messag- Several years ago, amid the
300 million years or so after the es. #meToo movement’s onslaught of
big bang. (The best estimate for NASA/ESA/cSA/STScI Kennedy deflected last week revelations, she shared her story
the age of the universe is 13.8 A pair of intertwined galaxies nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg. Known as Arp 142, the when asked about the incident. for the first time with her mother,
billion years.) The processes of phenomenon is made up of a spiral and elliptical galaxy that have been pulled together by gravity. “I am not a church boy,” he said Holly Cooney, who told The Post it
star formation and the assem- on the Breaking Points podcast. “I was “horrifying to hear about, es-
blage of galaxies were faster, more theory of the universe that we do it,” rigby said. “I think we can temperature observations in the had a very, very rambunctious pecially with your own child.”
efficient or just different from have,” Straughn said. find potentially habitable plan- infrared portion of the spectrum. youth. I said in my [campaign] Last summer Cooney consulted
what theorists had assumed. The Webb has looked at the ets.” one of the telescope’s 18 hexag- announcement speech … I have so Elizabeth Geddes, a former feder-
This is how science is supposed nearby universe as well, including Garth Illingworth, an astrono- onal mirrors took a nasty strike many skeletons in my closet that if al prosecutor now in private prac-
to work: A new instrument with a observations of the intriguing mer at the University of California from a micrometeoroid, but that they could all vote I could run for tice. Geddes said the unwanted
novel way of looking at nature Trappist-1 planetary system, at Santa Cruz who was among the had limited impact. NASA has king of the world.” Pressed on touching of her breasts that
puts hard data where previously where a swarm of rocky planets people who dreamed up the Webb since tried to lower the risk of such whether he denied Cooney’s alle- Cooney described constituted sex-
there had been only theories, com- orbits a red dwarf star. This plan- in the late 1980s, said the tele- impacts by flying the telescope gations, Kennedy said, “I’m not ual assault, but that the criminal
puter models and notions. etary system is about 41 light- scope has assembled a vast with the mirrors facing away from going to comment on it.” statute of limitations had passed.
“The biggest impact we’ve had years away, within our own galaxy amount of data on exoplanets — the direction of travel. Cooney said she went to work Cooney was still eligible — for a
so far is in understanding the first and virtually next door in the the worlds that orbit distant stars. “We’re sort of flying it so that it’s with Kennedy in the fall of 1998 limited time — to bring a civil
billion years. That was the eleva- cosmic scheme of things. That data still needs to be assem- not facing, quote unquote, into after babysitting over the summer complaint under New York state’s
tor pitch to sell the telescope, and An ongoing astrobiological bled into a coherent picture, he the rain,” Straughn said. for some of his nieces and neph- Adult Survivors Act, but decided
it’s been gratifying to me how well question that the Webb might an- added. The telescope has also pointed ews on Cape Cod. A recent gradu- not to do so, concerned about the
we’ve delivered,” said Jane rigby, swer is whether red dwarf stars “It is a little like an alien walk- itself at the worlds we know best, ate of Pomona College, she was costs and duration of a lawsuit, as
the senior scientist for the Webb. are too stormy to allow nearby ing through an earthly zoo, look- in our own solar system. Jupiter’s interested in a career in environ- well as the potential blowback for
“The universe cooperated.” planets to hold on to an atmos- ing at the vast range of animals icy moon Europa, long known to mental law. Kennedy was then the herself and her family.
The unexpected number of big, phere and seem plausible as a and then trying to assemble the have a deep subsurface ocean, is top attorney at riverkeeper, one of Geddes said this week that she
bright galaxies early in the uni- place where life could prosper. relationships and common as- leaking carbon dioxide fitfully, the New York’s premier environmen- considered Kennedy’s efforts to
verse doesn’t mean the Big Bang “So far, we haven’t found a pects,” he said. Webb discovered. And the tele- tal organizations. reach out directly to Cooney high-
Theory is wrong, Webb scientists rocky planet like ours with a life- The Webb rocketed into space scope saw a 6,000-mile plume of Cooney said she worked week- ly unusual.
hasten to add. sustaining atmosphere,” plan- on Christmas morning 2021 and water erupting from Saturn’s days as an intern at an environ- “This is something that perhaps
“We have this deluge of data, we etary astronomer Heidi Hammel spent six months getting into moon Enceladus, which like Euro- mental litigation clinic Kennedy might make an offender feel better
have all these interesting things said in an email. “That may re- shipshape as it orbited the sun pa has a hidden ocean under the led at Pace Law School, and over about doing it,” Geddes said. “But
that we’re finding, and we don’t quire an even bigger telescope.” roughly a million miles from crust of ice, Hammel said. the weekends would look after his it’s hard to imagine that an apolo-
quite understand why,” NASA as- Could this telescope find the Earth. The big headline from that “The next 20 years are only kids. She lived in the expansive gy such as this could provide any
trophysicist Amber Straughn said. first incontrovertible evidence of period was that the telescope going to be even more exciting as home in mount Kisco, N.Y., that closure or other solace to some-
But this does not represent the alien life? That seems unlikely, overcame 344 potential single- we really push the capabilities of Kennedy shared with his second body who was sexually assaulted
discovery of “new physics” or any- rigby said. point failures, including the de- this fantastic tool into the un- wife, mary richardson Kennedy, in the workplace.”
thing so revolutionary, she said. “Personally I don’t think Webb ployment of a tennis-court-sized known and unexpected,” Hammel who more than a decade later
“The Big Bang is still the best is going to find life. It’s not built to sun shield necessary for the cold- said. would die by suicide amid bitter Alice crites contributed to this report.
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post EZ rE A11

The World
Kenyan police on patrol in Haiti, but gangs appear unfazed
After almost 3 weeks, citizens are growing frustrated at the lack of action or an apparent plan to take on the heavily armed criminals

PORt-aU-PRiNCE, Haiti — For

Irvika François, navigating life in
this gang-plagued city requires a
series of precautions. The Haitian
educator and feminist has moved
her family. She never travels more
than a mile from home.
Several hundred Kenyan police
officers have deployed to this
Caribbean nation, the first mem-
bers of a U.N.-backed security
mission to beat back the heavily
armed paramilitaries that control
80 percent of the capital, allow
new elections and give Haitians
like François a chance to breathe.
The Kenyans, better armed and
equipped than Haitian police,
have joined their hosts on street
patrols. The gangs, who warned
they would resist the deployment,
appear unperturbed. They’re still
setting homes ablaze, attacking
police stations and killing with
“I don’t feel the effect of the
Kenyans’ presence,” said Fran-
çois, whose cousin was kid-
napped by a gang last year. “Noth-
ing has changed in my life, and I
don’t have increased confidence
in my security. … I don’t under-
stand why the Kenyans are here.”
It’s been nearly two years since
Ariel Henry, then the prime min-
ister, first called for an interna-
tional security force to help re-
store stability. During the long
wait, gangs tightened their grip
on the capital, busting open pris-
ons, shutting down seaports, tak-
ing over fuel terminals and the
international airport.
Now, less than three weeks af-
ter the first officers arrived, frus-
tration is growing. Haitians say oDELyn JoSEPh/aP

the deployment has had no dis- As part of a U.N.-backed mission, a Kenyan officer patrols near Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince. Kenyan forces arrived in Haiti on June 25.
cernible effect on security. Police
officers say they haven’t been children ahead of the foreigners’ 2017 was marred by allegations of roughly 2,500 members. Several ficials have said. But several Hai-
looped into a plan to restore or- arrival, allegedly “to leverage po- “I can’t say much about abuse and blamed for a cholera countries from the Caribbean, Af- tian police officers said they re-
der. tential incidents against children outbreak that killed more than rica and Asia have pledged per- main confused about how that
“Haitians have high expecta- involving mission personnel in the Kenyans yet. They 10,000 people. Haitians said the sonnel, but it is unclear when they will work.
tions of the foreign force,” said order to undermine the presence troops did little to maintain secu- will send them to Haiti. The officers, who spoke to The
Diego Da Rin, an analyst with the of those personnel in Haiti.” haven’t taken any bold rity; they branded them “turis- Kenyan officials have said the Washington Post on the condition
International Crisis Group. “They Haiti has had a long and diffi- tas.” mission needs about $600 mil- of anonymity because they were
say that if … the mission doesn’t cult history of international inter- actions so far. The The United States backed Hen- lion, but international donors not authorized to discuss the mat-
start conducting operations soon ventions. The United States in- ry’s October 2022 call for interna- have contributed just $21 million. ter publicly, said the Kenyans are
that lead to tangible changes and vaded in 1915 and occupied the armed groups think it’s tional help but had difficulty find- The U.N. office here said last better-armed and receive a much
victories against the gangs, they nation for 19 years, establishing a ing a country to lead it. The U.N. month that the mission would be higher salary while the Haitians
might start to frown upon [its] system of forced labor, training just a bluff.” Security Council greenlighted the unable to complete a 12-month are expected to shoulder most of
presence.” the notoriously abusive gendar- mission last October, but plan- deployment without more money. the risk.
Stanley Julien, forced from
Officials from Haiti, Kenya and merie and executing dissidents. ning, staffing and funding have Haitian police are to lead oper- “We are going to be at the
his home by gang violence
the United States, which says it Most recently, a U.N. peace- been slow. ations against gangs with mission forefront, but with what weap-
won’t send troops but is by far the keeping mission from 2004 to The mission could grow to personnel providing support, of- ons?” one Haitian police officer
mission’s largest financial backer, said. “Who will give the orders?
counter that the effort is proceed- How can we defend ourselves? We
ing as it should. don’t know anything.”
Rameau Normil, the new head “The Kenyans shouldn’t be pa-
of the Haitian National Police, trolling the streets,” said another.
told reporters this week that he “They should be attacking the
has met with his Kenyan counter- gangs. They have the resources
parts several times for “evalua- we lack, including firepower.”
tion and planning.” Stanley Julien is among the
“There is neither a set day nor several hundred thousand people
time for operations,” Normil said. who have fled their homes to
“The population may wake up one escape the violence. He used to
day to find that operations have sell drinks near Haiti’s National
taken place and bandits have Penitentiary but is now sheltering
been stopped or neutralized. For in a school. He hopes the police
strategic reasons, we cannot re- mission “will bring security and
veal how this will happen.” order.”
A Kenyan police officer here “I can’t say much about the
said the force is waiting for more Kenyans yet,” he said. “They
equipment to arrive before begin- haven’t taken any bold actions so
ning operations. He did not know far. The armed groups think it’s
when that would be. just a bluff.”
“We’re ready,” said the officer, Meïka Decime, an economics
who spoke on the condition of student at the University of Port-
anonymity because he was not au-Prince, runs a small business
authorized to speak publicly. “We selling cocktails in the capital.
have more training than the But the security crisis makes it
gangs. We have the capacity to hard to deliver to many neighbor-
kick them out. We’re going to hoods, she said, and sales have
attack the gangs where they are dropped 40 percent since Decem-
hidden.” ber. Many of her teachers, mean-
Gangs killed at least 3,250 peo- while, have fled, and her classes
ple in Haiti from January to May, have been canceled.
the U.N. office here reports, up She’s withholding judgment on
more than 30 percent from the the international force, she said,
previous five months. U.N. offi- while giving it “space and time” to
cials say gangs are reportedly pay- do its work. She hopes it will
ing people to stay in their commu- foster long-lasting stability.
nities so they can serve as human “I love my country and don’t
shields during police operations. MEntor DaviD LorEnS/EPa-EFE/ShuttErStock want to leave,” Decime said. “I
They say they have received Kenyan officers stand guard near the U.S. Embassy. The mission is meant to beat back the violent gangs that control 80 percent of Port-au- can’t imagine spending my life
reports of gangs trying to recruit Prince and to clear the way for elections. But the gangs are still setting homes ablaze, attacking police stations and killing with impunity. outside of Haiti.”

Di g eS t

NePAL against him, denying him the POLAND element in Tusk’s program of Kenya’s police boss resigned north-central Nigeria, trapping
majority required for him to hold reversing policies of the previous Friday, the latest attempt by the about 120 students and teachers,
Prime minister loses on to power. Dahal is now the Lawmakers reject ease right-wing government that have country’s president to respond to and setting off a frantic search
confidence vote leader of a caretaker government of abortion limits drawn massive protests. growing concerns of police for those missing. Authorities
until a new one is formed. However, some lawmakers of brutality in response to protests are yet to confirm the number of
The Nepalese prime minister Dahal had to move a The Polish Parliament on the wider ruling coalition — triggered by a proposed tax hike. students and teachers killed in
lost a vote of confidence in confidence motion in parliament Friday narrowly rejected a law most of the agrarian Polish Protesters stormed Parliament Saints Academy college in
parliament on Friday after the after his main ally in that would have eased the People’s Party — voted against on June 25 after a tax bill was Plateau state’s Busa Buji
largest party in his governing government, the Communist country’s strict antiabortion law, the change, exposing cracks in passed, forcing lawmakers to flee community. Nigeria’s National
coalition withdrew its support, Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist handing a defeat to Prime the governing bloc. through an underground tunnel. Emergency Management Agency
forcing him to step down from Leninist) decided to pull out Minister Donald Tusk and his Left-wing lawmakers, who Police responded by opening fire said rescue and health workers
office after 19 months in power. their support last week and join centrist coalition government. promoted the draft, vowed to on protesters in the streets. The as well as security forces are at
Pushpa Kamal Dahal failed to hands with the Nepali Congress The vote was 218-215. Tusk repeatedly resubmit until it is protests have morphed into calls the scene. It said that “several
get the support of more than half — the largest party in the and his liberal Civic Coalition adopted. But conservative for President William Ruto to students” had been killed. The
the members of the lower house country — to form an alliance. It parliamentary caucus supported President Andrzej Duda, who resign. On Friday, he accepted state government blamed the
of parliament needed to win the has already announced that the draft that would have lifted was allied with the previous the resignation of inspector tragedy on the school’s “weak
vote. Parliament Speaker Dev Raj Khadga Prasad Oli, the leader of the punishment for people right-wing government, said this general Japhet Koome. structure and location near a
Ghimire announced that Dahal the Communist Party, will be the aiding women in abortion. They week he won’t sign the proposal. riverbank.” It urged schools with
received 63 votes in his favor new prime minister. face up to three years in prison. — Associated Press A two-story school collapsed similar issues to close down.
while 194 other members voted — Associated Press The proposal was a key during morning classes Friday in — From news reports
A12 eZ su the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

israel-gaza war

Gaps remain as Israel, Hamas inch closer to reaching deal

BY K AREN D E Y OUNG White House national security ad- The families of dozens of hos- of Palestinian prisoners held in lined in the framework plan. Hamas.
viser Jake Sullivan also cited “pos- tages who remain in Hamas cap- Israel. Palestinians would also While Egypt and Israel were said Two days after the Israeli mili-
Israeli Prime Minister Benja- itive” signs, but said that “‘opti- tivity have been at the forefront of have free passage to return to to be close to an agreement on tary issued a sweeping directive
min Netanyahu’s office on Friday mistic’ is always a hard word to escalating demonstrations in Isra- their homes in areas that have adjustments to border security to for all Palestinians to leave Gaza
dismissed as “absolute fake news” use in a sentence around this trag- el demanding that Netanyahu long been blocked by Israeli prevent Hamas smuggling, in- City, suggesting intensified mili-
a report it is negotiating with ic conflict.” complete the deal, with some ac- troops. cluding electronic and physical tary operations to come in what
Egypt over withdrawing its troops “I think there’s still miles to go cusing him of holding back to Assuming no violations oc- barriers, an Israeli military pres- was once the northern population
from the eight-mile corridor di- before we close, if we are able to keep his government from falling curred, the six-week cease-fire ence there would also violate pre- hub, the families that remained
viding the two countries as part of close,” Sullivan said. in the face of pressure from ex- would continue indefinitely as the existing border agreements. there were sheltering in bomb-
ongoing talks over a Gaza cease- U.S. and Arab officials said that treme right-wing coalition part- parties negotiated a second phase Far from a permanent cease- and bullet-slashed buildings, Lou-
fire and hostage-release deal. while the two sides were closer ners who oppose an agreement. that calls for a “permanent” truce, fire, Netanyahu insisted Israel be ise Wateridge, a spokesperson for
“The Prime Minister insists than they have been, Israel had The ongoing war has also shifted which would include a complete able to “return to the fight” follow- the United Nations agency for Pal-
that Israel remain on the Philadel- interjected new conditions to the attention away from corruption Israeli withdrawal and the release ing the release of hostages “until estinian refugees, said Friday.
phi Corridor,” as the area is proposal’s broad outline and both charges that also threaten his hold of remaining hostages. A third all the objectives of the war are After nine months of war, the
known, a statement from Netan- sides had balked on some of the on power. phase would begin international- achieved.” city is one of the most deprived in
yahu’s office said. It came in re- details during talks that took Netanyahu is scheduled to trav- ly financed Gaza reconstruction, Negotiators were said to be try- Gaza — mostly cut off from inter-
sponse to a Reuters report that place this week in Cairo and Doha. el to Washington to address a joint new Palestinian governance for ing to find a way around his insis- national aid deliveries, and with
Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza The officials spoke on the condi- session of Congress on July 24, the enclave and the eventual es- tence that Israel would “not allow entire streets flattened by Israeli
side of the border was the focus of tion of anonymity about the sensi- and it is unclear whether Biden, tablishment of an independent the return of armed terrorists and airstrikes.
negotiations throughout the day tive negotiations. whose relationship with the Is- Palestinian state. the entry of war materiel to the Wateridge said that families
in Cairo. Meanwhile, Israeli media, re- raeli leader has become more While the administration has northern Gaza Strip” in order to she met there were living in dire
Insistence that Israeli troops flecting ongoing tension between strained as the war’s civilian toll long accused Hamas of holding up permit hundreds of thousands of conditions. Several women she
will remain in the corridor is one Netanyahu and the leadership of has grown, will hold a formal a deal that it said Israel had al- Gazans who fled Israeli attacks in spoke with described traumatic
of several snags that have damp- the Israel Defense Forces, quoted meeting with him. “We believe ready agreed to, the militant lead- the north earlier this year to re- births without health care; girls
ened last week’s optimism that an anonymous military officials ac- that they will have some engage- ership late last week dropped a turn home, as the proposed agree- spoke of enduring their periods
agreement to stop the fighting cusing the prime minister of in- ment,” White House spokeswom- demand that an end state of per- ment stipulates. without access to clean water or
could be imminent. Egyptian tentionally seeking to stall the en Karine Jean-Pierre told report- manent cease-fire and full Israeli “We may have moved from the any sanitary products.
state television, citing an uniden- process. ers Friday. “I just don’t have any- withdrawal be guaranteed before performative phase of negotia- As the United Nations convoy
tified official, said that “disputed “The ball is in Netanyahu’s thing to announce at this time.” it would enter the first phase. The tions — each side trying to pin the approached the city, its aid work-
points go beyond what was previ- court,” said a former senior Egyp- “He’s going to use his U.S. visit Biden administration character- collapse of the deal on the other — ers saw some Palestinian families
ously agreed upon with the medi- tian official with knowledge of the to salvage his political situation ized the move as a “significant to something that is actually head- leaving on foot, apparently in
ators,” which include the United negotiations. “Netanyahu does internally as much as he can,” an adjustment” in Hamas’s negotiat- ed to an agreement,” said Aaron search of refuge further south.
States, Qatar and Egypt. not want peace. That is all. He will Arab official said. “He’s going to ing position and sent its chief David Miller, a former U.S. adviser They held their hands in the air as
President Biden, at his Thurs- find excuses … to prolong this war keep his coalition together until negotiator, CIA Director William and negotiator in the Middle East. they walked toward Israeli mili-
day news conference marking the until 5 November,” the date of the he finds some allies that could J. Burns, back to the region. “The danger now is that each side, tary checkpoints, she said. The air
conclusion of this week’s NATO U.S. presidential election. Polls come along and compensate if he Burns has now returned to especially Netanyahu, will ask for was baking, and there was little
summit, voiced confidence that a show Biden trailing his opponent, needs to.” Washington. Brett McGurk, the too much and create a self-rein- shade. “Every group we saw had
deal was within reach, saying the former president Donald Trump, The three-phase plan an- National Security Council’s Mid- forcing race to the bottom and a young children. And the children
“framework” of the cease-fire plan whose Republican Party has been nounced by Biden on May 31 in- east chief, continued talks in Cairo cratering of the entire process.” were often carrying white flags on
he laid out six weeks ago “is now less critical of Israel’s conduct in cludes a six-week initial stage with Friday. Meanwhile, the war that shift- sticks, made out of whatever
agreed on by both Israel and the war. a cease-fire and a surge in human- Israel’s Philadelphi Corridor ed in early May from northern white fabric that they were able to
Hamas.” While “there are still In a statement Thursday, itarian aid. Israeli forces would demand, among several Israeli Gaza to Rafah in the far south, find,” she said.
gaps to close,” Biden said, “we’re Hamas accused Netanyahu of withdraw from all populated ar- red lines Netanyahu announced where at least 1.5 million Palestin-
making progress, the trend is pos- “procrastination to buy time with eas, and female, elderly and in a Thursday speech to newly ians had taken refuge, has now Louisa Loveluck in London, Heba
itive.” the aim of thwarting this round of wounded hostages held in Gaza graduating IDF officers, would returned to northern areas that Mahfouz in Cairo and Lior soroka in
Just hours before Biden spoke, negotiations.” would be exchanged for hundreds appear to violate conditions out- Israel had once declared clear of Tel Aviv contributed to this report.

Freed Israeli hostage recalls joy of rescue, depression in captivity

prehending the hostages’ suffer-
ing, Kozlov said.
‘I was a really lucky guy,’ One day when the hostages
says Andrey Kozlov, were visibly upset, the guards
asked what was wrong.
released in June 8 raid “I don’t see sun, I don’t see
nothing, I only see you guys,”
Kozlov responded. “Maybe you
BY S HIRA R UBIN will kill us in one hour. And you
ask, why so sad? Because of this.
raMaT GaN, Israel — Andrey Because of all of this that you did.”
Kozlov woke up on the morning Early in the war, during a brief
of June 8 preparing to endure cease-fire in November, there was
another day in Hamas captivity. some hope among the hostages
But by the afternoon, he had been that they would be included in
whisked out of Gaza, rescued by the release. Hamas transferred
undercover Israeli commandos 105 captives to the International
after eight months of war. Committee of the Red Cross,
“Andrey! You’re going with which transported them back to
me!” an Israeli soldier shouted as Israel. Israeli authorities also re-
he entered the apartment in the leased 240 Palestinian detainees.
Nuseirat refugee camp where But when the bombing re-
Kozlov was held. sumed, Kozlov and his fellow
Now he is back in Israel with captives knew they wouldn’t be
his family, struggling to make going home and entered “the
sense of the ordeal and advocat- deepest depression,” he said.
ing for the hostages still languish- It was in December when a
ing in Gaza. “I understand I was a guard who called himself Mo-
really lucky guy,” he said, adding hammad brought them to the
that even as he recalled his ex- home in Nuseirat, where they
perience, it felt distant. “I feel I would stay for the next six
am healthy, but some emotions months. The apartment belonged
are locked.” to the Aljamal family, according
The rescue operation, carried to the Israeli military.
out in a crowded neighborhood And Mohammad was actually
in broad daylight, was one of the Abdallah Aljamal, an editor at the
deadliest and most dramatic of Palestine Now news agency, ac-
the war. Thousands of Israeli cording to the Hamas-run gov-
troops trained for months for the HeIdI LevIne for THe WAsHInGTon posT ernment media office in Gaza. He
mission to save Kozlov, 27, and Andrey Kozlov, with mother Evgeniia Kozlova. The Russian immigrant was working security at a musical festival when Hamas attacked on was also a freelance contributor
three other hostages: Shlomi Ziv, Oct. 7. His mother feared he would return scarred after eight months in Gaza. “But I saw ... he is my Andrey,” she said. “He didn’t change.” to the Palestine Chronicle, a web-
Almog Meir Jan and Noa Arga- site operated by a U.S. nonprofit.
mani. and blindfolded and grouped to- Earlier this week, Jan filed a
But when the raid was under- gether with Almog Meir Jan, also lawsuit in U.S. federal court alleg-
way and their getaway car stalled, abducted from the festival. “It ing that the organization paid
a fierce battle with Hamas fight- was really scary,” Kozlov said. “We Aljamal while he held the three
ers broke out. Israeli warplanes were us three, with the guard, hostages.
pummeled the camp so they who didn’t talk. On one side, was The Israeli military later de-
could escape. The bombardment a big stick. On the other side, a big scribed him as a Hamas “opera-
left more than 270 Palestinians knife.” tive.” He was killed with his wife
dead, according to the Gaza On one of the first days, a guard and father during the raid.
Health Ministry, which does not removed Kozlov’s blindfold and At the beginning, Aljamal
distinguish between civilians and said through gestures and in Ara- joked and played cards with the
combatants but says the majority bic: “I — tomorrow — you — film hostages. But as time passed, his
of those killed in the war are — kill you.” mood darkened. He confined
women and children. “I thought that would be the himself to the cramped room
Kozlov said he laughed and end of my story,” he said. where they were held, Kozlov
cried after boarding the helicop- But the next day, the guards said, and his punishments be-
ter that would take them home, swapped their metal chains for came “really creative.”
watching through the window as rope and the same guard ap- One day in May, Kozlov mistak-
Gaza’s sandy beaches, concrete proached, with a new message: “I enly used a few drops of drinking
buildings and sprawling tent cit- — love — you.” water to wash his hands. Aljamal
ies disappeared over the horizon. “What? Are you crazy?” Kozlov became enraged and ordered
“Real superheroes,” Kozlov recalls thinking. “What are you Kozlov to lie down on a mattress,
said of the troops who rescued doing? What’s going on?” he said. He then forced Ziv and
him, in an interview at a hotel in Over the course of the next Jan to help him cover Kozlov with
Ramat Gan in central Israel, eight months, the three men were several thick blankets, making
where he is now living with his moved to seven homes, some him stay there for more than an
mother and brother. with Palestinian families and oth- hour in 90-degree weather.
The commandos were euphor- ers in abandoned buildings. The Kozlov’s mother, Evgeniia, said
ic, he said, flashing bright smiles ILIA yefIMovICH//dpA/pICTure ALLIAnCe/GeTTy IMAGes rotating guards occasionally she had heard testimonies from
and shaking the hostages’ hands. Kozlov arrives by helicopter at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, central Israel, after the Israeli brought them food or packs of other hostages describing physi-
“It was wow, wow,” Kozlov said, raid that freed him and three others. Of the troops who rescued them, he said: “Real superheroes.” cards. They asked questions in cal, psychological and sexual tor-
adding that he felt like he was in broken English and boasted ture, and worried that her son
“the main role” of an “incredible His Hebrew was still rudimenta- in a T-shirt and jeans approached unit. about the high death toll on would return to her broken.
film.” ry, and as Hamas fighters began them, saying, “Come, come.” But when he asked the beard- Oct. 7. Israel estimates about “I was very afraid to see what
But after the first few days of to attack, he struggled to follow Kozlov breathed a sigh of relief ed man if he had another gun so 1,200 people were killed in the person returned to me,” she said.
freedom, as the euphoria and what was going on. and thanked the man, thinking that Kozlov could help kill the attack. More than 250 others “But I saw in a few minutes that
adrenaline faded, he started All he could make out, he said, they were about to be saved. Then militants advancing through the were dragged into Gaza as hos- he is my Andrey. He didn’t
wrestling with the series of events was “b’hatzlacha,” or good luck, a another man with a beard, fa- music festival, everyone in the tages. change.”
that caused him to end up in a phrase the partygoers shouted at tigues and a Kalashnikov rifle car looked at him in utter disbe- The guards also told their cap- Kozlov said that his time in
refugee camp in Gaza. one another as they ran for their appeared from behind a tree. He lief. He soon realized that they tives that Israel had given up on captivity taught him to survive. In
It all started on Oct. 7 when lives. Kozlov also ran, searching shuffled the two Israelis into a were headed to Gaza, the Pales- them, saying Kozlov’s mother was the early months, he cried often.
Kozlov, a recent immigrant from for shelter in the open desert. He Toyota Lexus. Kozlov remembers tinian enclave controlled by vacationing abroad and Ziv’s wife “But with time, human beings,
Russia, was working security at a joined Ziv, another security thinking that the men must be Hamas. was dating other men. In general, their tears run out,” he said. “I
music festival near the border. guard, and they fled until a man members of an Israeli undercover Once there, they were chained they seemed incapable of com- spent all of my emotion.”
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A13

Economy & Business

Biden wants to turn
old auto factories
into makers of EVs
Georgia — by helping auto compa-
nies retool, reboot and rehire in
$1.7 billion plan focuses the same factories and communi-
on shuttered facilities ties.”
Without mentioning Trump by
or ones at risk of closing name, Biden added that these
communities “were left behind by
my predecessor and are now mak-
BY M AXINE J OSELOW ing a comeback with the support
of my policies.” In his campaign,
The Energy Department on Trump has accused Biden of off-
Thursday unveiled $1.7 billion for shoring U.S. jobs and has prom-
retooling 11 auto factories to make ised to “take jobs out of China and
electric vehicles and their compo- bring jobs back to Michigan.”
nents, with a focus on facilities The funding announced Thurs-
that have shuttered or could close day is not final and is conditional
without federal help. upon successful negotiations with
The funding underscores how the companies. If awarded, it
the Biden administration is rac- could create more than 2,900 jobs
ing to get climate money out the while saving more than 15,000
door before the November elec- union positions at risk of being
tion, even as it faces criticism for eliminated, the Energy Depart-
not moving faster on green lend- ment said.
ing. Should former president “This announcement is a hall-
Donald Trump win a second term, mark of the Biden administra-
he could try to scrap billions of tion’s industrial strategy, which is
dollars’ worth of federal spending a strategy to bring manufacturing Nic ANTAyA for The WAshiNgToN PosT

aimed at accelerating America’s jobs back to America after years of A battery moves beneath a Chevrolet electric utility vehicle at Orion Assembly in Lake Orion, Mich., in 2021. Racing to dole out climate
shift to clean energy and electric offshoring,” Energy Secretary Jen- money before this year’s election, President Biden unveiled funding to make other auto factories capable of manufacturing such vehicles.
vehicles. nifer Granholm said during a
Much of this money comes Wednesday call with reporters Hyundai Mobis, to make plug-in clean energy companies, however, Valley. But it faced fierce criticism nologies such as solar panels, heat
from President Biden’s signature previewing the announcement. hybrid electric cars and trucks in say a crucial office within the from congressional Republicans pumps and more.
2022 climate law, the Inflation The funding comes amid Toledo. Energy Department has made less in 2011, when the solar panel man- “EPA continues to work quickly
Reduction Act, which also pro- mounting anxiety in Washington Many of these facilities faced a progress than they had hoped ufacturer Solyndra filed for bank- and prudently to design, open for
vides tax credits of up to $7,500 for about China’s dominance of glob- real risk of closure without the toward issuing green loans, rather ruptcy after receiving $535 mil- competition, select for award, and
consumers to buy EVs. Trump has al supply chains for EVs and their infusion of federal cash, said Sam than grants. lion in federal loan guarantees, obligate these funds,” EPA spokes-
falsely claimed that EVs don’t components. In a bid to prevent a Abuelsamid, an EV expert at the The climate law empowered leaving 1,100 people out of work man Tim Carroll said in an email.
work, and he vowed to gut Biden’s flood of low-cost Chinese EVs market intelligence firm Guide- the Loan Programs Office to lend and taxpayers on the hook. “The Agency anticipates that
EV policies during an April meet- from hurting domestic manufac- house Insights. an additional $200 billion to next- Trevor Dolan, senior industry more than $32 billion in funds
ing with oil industry donors. turing, Biden in May quadrupled “Assuming we have continued generation energy projects, in- and workforce policy lead at Ever- will be obligated by the end of the
The 11 factories are scattered tariffs on Chinese EVs to 100 per- uptake of EVs, there will be less cluding solar farms, hydrogen green Action, an environmental year.”
across eight states, including bat- cent. and less need for manufacturing plants and lithium mines. So far, group, said the Biden administra- The $1.7 billion announced
tleground states in the 2024 elec- The announcement also comes capacity for the components that the office has approved a little tion faces an inherent tension Thursday comes from the Domes-
tion such as Georgia, Michigan, as major automakers chip away at are specific to internal combus- more than $27 billion, and it still when doling out climate money. If tic Manufacturing Conversion
Ohio and Pennsylvania. All of the Tesla’s once-commanding share tion engine vehicles,” Abuelsamid has an estimated $215.7 billion agencies move too slowly, a sec- Grants program, which ranks in
facilities are unionized, unlike of the U.S. EV market. For the first said. left to lend. ond Trump administration could the top third of Inflation Reduc-
many EV plants in Southern time, Tesla’s share of the market Energy Department spokes- claw back unspent funds. Too tion Act programs in terms of size,
states less friendly to union labor. fell below 50 percent in the second A race against the clock woman Charisma Troiano said it quickly, and Biden could face a said a White House official who
Facing pressure from his own quarter of this year, even as over- Beyond the Energy Depart- took time for the Biden adminis- Solyndra-like scandal or leave spoke on the condition of ano-
party to drop his reelection bid, all EV sales set a record, according ment, agencies across the federal tration to hire more staff for the communities and workers be- nymity because he was not au-
Biden has sought to showcase his to estimates released Tuesday by government are rushing to award office, which was largely dormant hind. thorized to comment publicly.
enduring support from unions, a the research firm Cox Automo- the rest of their climate cash be- under the Trump administration. “We know that a Trump presi- A second Trump administra-
critical Democratic constituency. tive. fore the end of Biden’s first term. It also takes time for the office to dency poses an existential threat tion would have trouble clawing
The president met Wednesday The largest chunk of money John D. Podesta, senior adviser conduct a rigorous analysis of to climate action, so getting out back this money once it is formal-
with the executive council of the announced Thursday — $500 mil- to the president for international each loan application, she said. this funding between now and the ly awarded. But if Trump repeals
AFL-CIO, the country’s largest lion — will help General Motors climate policy, said some Inflation “Thanks to President Biden’s election is crucial,” Dolan said. Biden’s policies aimed at spurring
federation of trade unions, al- convert its plant in Lansing, Reduction Act money is reserved Investing in America agenda, LPO “. . . But agencies are putting ex- EV adoption, it could still cast a
though that invitation was ex- Mich., from producing internal for future years. But he said is firing on all cylinders now and tensive due diligence into this. pall of uncertainty over recipients
tended before his disastrous de- combustion engine vehicles to around 92 percent of major grant the office’s application pipeline is They’re not pushing money out of this funding, said Karl Brauer,
bate performance last month. EVs. The Energy Department said programs have launched and stronger than ever, helping sup- the door without regard for creat- executive analyst at iSeeCars.com.
“Building a clean energy econo- the investment is expected to al- nearly 60 percent of grants have port all aspects of the nation’s ing good jobs or advancing broad- “This is where the downside of
my can and should be a win-win low the plant to retain more than been awarded. clean energy manufacturing ren- er goals.” our four-year election cycle rears
for union autoworkers and auto- 650 jobs while creating 50 jobs. “The agencies have done an aissance,” Troiano said in an At the Environmental Protec- its ugly head,” Brauer said.
makers,” Biden said in a state- An additional $89 million will extraordinary job of launching email. tion Agency, $27 billion went out “Whether or not you like EVs, it’s
ment Thursday. “This investment help Harley-Davidson retool its what are brand-new programs,” Under President Barack the door in April. The money really wasteful to plow money
will create thousands of good-pay- factory in York, Pa., to manufac- Podesta told reporters Tuesday on Obama, the Loan Programs Office comes from the Greenhouse Gas into EVs for four years and then
ing, union manufacturing jobs ture electric motorcycles. And the sidelines of a climate event at had a high-profile success when it Reduction Fund, which seeks to have another four-year time
and retain even more — from $32.6 million will go to American the Canadian Embassy. loaned $465 million to Tesla to leverage public and private dol- frame where you change direc-
Lansing, Michigan to Fort Valley, Autoparts Inc., a subsidiary of Some climate advocates and open its first factory in Silicon lars to invest in clean energy tech- tion.”

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket suffers

engine failure during satellite launch
BY C HRISTIAN D AVENPORT that is “designed to further en- workhorse of a rocket that has
hance public safety, determine the upended the industry by launch-
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket suf- root cause of the event, and identi- ing frequently. Last year, SpaceX
fered an upper stage engine fail- fy corrective actions to avoid it launched it nearly 100 times. The
ure after lifting off from Vanden- from happening again. The FAA rocket is also reusable, flying back
berg Space Force Base late Thurs- will be involved in every step of the to a landing pad on the coast or to
day, a setback on a mission with- investigation process and must a ship at sea.
out astronauts on board that will approve SpaceX’s final report, in- But it has had problems in the
likely delay upcoming human cluding any corrective actions.” past. In 2016, a Falcon 9 exploded
spaceflight launches while the It added that, “no public inju- on its launchpad during an engine
company investigates what went ries or public property damage test. The year before, another Fal-
wrong. have been reported.” con 9 blew up as it was carrying
The problem occurred during NASA relies on SpaceX and its cargo and supplies to the space
the launch of a batch of Starlink fleet of Falcon 9 rockets to launch station. No one was hurt in either
satellites, used to beam the inter- people as well as cargo to the failure and the FAA ultimately
net to ground stations and cell- International Space Station. The cleared the company to continue
phones. The company said that company was scheduled to launch flying.
since the “second stage engine did a group of private citizens to orbit It was not immediately clear if
not complete its second burn” the on July 31 in a mission funded by the Starlink satellites launched
satellites “were deployed into a billionaire entrepreneur Jared Thursday would stay in orbit or
lower than intended orbit.” Isaacman. Then, in mid-August, it fall back into the atmosphere.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk wrote was scheduled to fly three NASA Musk wrote that the “satellites
on X that the engine failed “for astronauts and a Russian cosmo- thrusters need to raise orbit faster
reasons currently unknown. Team naut to the International Space than atmospheric drag pulls them
is reviewing data tonight to un- Station for a six-month stay. Those down or they burn up.” The rock-
derstand root cause.” missions will likely be postponed et’s first stage appeared to fly nor-
JoNAThAN NeWToN/The WAshiNgToN PosT In a statement, the Federal while SpaceX investigates the mally. It returned to Earth and
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket at Cape Canaveral in Florida on Nov. 13. Thursday’s failed launch did not Aviation Administration said it engine failure. landed on a ship at sea after sepa-
have astronauts on board, but is likely to delay upcoming human spaceflight missions. would require an investigation The Falcon 9 has been a reliable rating from the second stage.

D i g est

stoCK MARKet quarter profit was lifted by Industrial Average rose 260.02 U.S. District Judge Lorna has cooperated with the is a California-based eVTOL
rising investment banking fees. points, or 0.65 percent, to Schofield in Manhattan late investigation since it began manufacturer. eVTOL stands for
Wall Street higher on However, shares of the world’s 40,013.77. Thursday rejected Amazon’s three years ago and disagreed electric vertical takeoff and
bets for Fed rate cut largest bank dipped. — Reuters claims that the Equal with the EEOC’s landing aircraft.
Wells Fargo tumbled after the Employment Opportunity characterization of its conduct.
Wall Street stock indexes lender missed estimates for online RetAil Commission subpoena was too (Amazon founder Jeff Bezos The price of first-class U.S.
closed higher Friday, on bets quarterly interest income, while broad and sought irrelevant owns The Washington Post.) mail stamps will rise Sunday to
that the Federal Reserve will cut Citigroup fell despite reporting Amazon must comply information. — Reuters 73 cents from 68 cents, the
interest rates in September, a surge in investment banking with bias probe The EEOC is seeking data on latest of several price hikes. The
while big banks fell after revenue. requests that pregnant workers Also in Business plan raises overall mailing
reporting mixed results. According to preliminary A New York federal judge has at five U.S. warehouses made for Southwest Airlines has signed service product prices by 7.8
Some of the market’s most data, the S&P 500 gained 31.92 ordered Amazon to comply with accommodations such as limits an agreement with Archer percent. So-called Forever first-
valuable companies bounced points, or 0.57 percent, to end at a subpoena from a U.S. civil on heavy lifting and additional Aviation to develop operational class stamps can be used at any
back after dipping in the 5,616.46 points, while the rights agency investigating breaks, and whether Amazon plans for electric air taxi time — even after prices rise.
previous session, with rallies by Nasdaq Composite gained 113.58 claims that the online retailer granted or denied them. networks at the California — From news services
Apple and Nvidia. points, or 0.62 percent, to discriminated against pregnant Amazon spokesman Sam airports the Dallas-based air
JPMorgan Chase’s second- 18,396.98. The Dow Jones warehouse workers. Stephenson said the company carrier flies at. Archer Aviation
A14 EZ Su the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

Food companies feel the pain as consumers reject higher prices

array of combinations” of prod- Lower-income consumers, in
ucts, such as variety packs of particular, have struggled with
Snack giants PepsiCo snacks, and a wider range of years of inflation, said Connor
and Conagra confront prices. It also plans to lean into rattigan, an analyst covering
offerings branded as healthier, food at Consumer Edge. “There’s
recent revenue declines which continue to sell well, such definitely still some sticker shock
as PopCorners, Smartfood and going on, since prices have in-
Bare, and build out its foreign creased so quickly, so fast,” he
BY J ACLYN P EISER snack lines, including mexican said.
AND A ARON G REGG brands Sabritas and Gamesa. over the past six months, food
Also Thursday, Conagra re- companies such as Conagra have
Grocery inflation is slowing, ported a 2.3 percent sales decline tried to use temporary discounts
and the companies that make the and a 1.8 percent decrease in to sell more products, Bank of
food are starting to sweat. volume during its mostly com- America analyst Peter Galbo
As part of their quarterly earn- pleted quarter. The soft sales said.
ings reports Thursday, snack numbers were driven by “contin- “But a lot of the promotional
powerhouses PepsiCo and Con- ued lower consumption trends,” activity that they’ve put in place
agra Brands reported lower rev- according to the company, whose hasn’t really worked,” Galbo said.
enue and unit sales, pointing to brands include Slim Jim, Ban- “So now it becomes a question of
cost-conscious consumers push- quet, Vlasic, Swiss miss and Dun- whether they need more perma-
ing back on prices. And govern- can Hines. nent reductions on price.”
ment data reflects the trend: The food companies have been one of the growing threats for
Bureau of Labor Statistics re- seeing “value-seeking behavior” packaged goods companies like
ported that food prices rose only over the past year, among lower- PepsiCo and Conagra are retail-
slightly last month. income and higher-income cus- ers’ private-label brands. Interest
“We’re seeing consumers be tomers alike, Conagra chief exec- in store-brand grocery items in-
very price sensitive,” said Bobby utive Sean Connolly told analysts creased during the pandemic,
Gibbs, a partner in the retail and Thursday. and customers have stuck with
consumer goods division of the dAvId PAul MoRRIS/blooMbERG NEWS “Part of that is grounded in them as the quality improved.
marketing consulting firm oliver PepsiCo’s report of lower unit sales suggests that consumers frustrated by rising prices are now reality — people needed to make Walmart, which already has a
Wyman. “Consumers are cherry spending less on established brands. the company said it will try a wider range of prices. their household budgets work handful of brands, unveiled in
picking promotional prices more for them — and part of it was April a new private label lineup
and retailers are putting out Prices for some key budget items percent in the second quarter customers are hungry for better principle,” Connolly said. “Even of “chef-inspired food” mostly in
more promotional pricing than are already falling: fruits and and saw unit sales shrink. Vol- deals. higher-income customers on the $5-and-under range. Wal-
they have in the last few years.” vegetables are down 0.5 percent, umes in North America fell 4 “for particular consumers, we principle didn’t like the prices greens last month said it plans to
And while the economy is and cereals and bakery products percent for frito-Lay, one of the need some new entry price they were seeing in the basket expand its line and has already
technically strong, prices for are down 0.1 percent. company’s more prolific snack points and probably some new and they would trim on purchas- removed eight national brands
many goods remain higher than PepsiCo’s and Conagra’s re- businesses, and 3.5 percent for promotional kind of mechanics es.” from its health and wellness
before the pandemic and house- sults suggest that consumers PepsiCo Beverages. that don’t expect for the consum- Those pressures are expected categories. Aldi and Lidl, Germa-
hold debt has risen. Grocery frustrated by rising prices are Some retailers have already er to invest so much cash in a to wane throughout the year as ny-based value grocery chains
prices are up 18 percent since now spending less on established responded. Target, Aldi, Amazon purchase of salty” snacks, he consumers grow accustomed to that expanded rapidly during the
2020, but the latest inflation brands, particularly in the snack and Walmart announced in may said. “So there’s adjustments that the higher price points, Connolly pandemic, specialize in private-
report released Thursday shows and soda aisles. that they were rolling back prices we have to make. … There is said. The company’s sales of label products, though they also
them leveling off. PepsiCo, which makes not only on many grocery items. some value to be given back to snacks and frozen foods are now carry popular national brands.
overall costs for “food at its namesake sodas but also other PepsiCo chief executive ra- consumers after three or four essentially flat, for example. A
home” rose only 0.1 percent in drinks, frito-Lay snacks and mon Laguarta acknowledged in a years of a lot of inflation.” year ago those categories were in Rachel Siegel contributed to this
June over the previous month. Quaker cereals, raised prices by 5 call with analysts Thursday that PepsiCo said it will try “a vast a steep decline. report.

AT&T says hackers stole call records

of ‘nearly all’ wireless customers
At&t from A1

impactful revelations by federal

contractor Edward Snowden a
decade ago. Now a large swath of
it might be for sale to criminals
and other governments.
AT&T said it had not detected
the material being made public,
and it said one person had been
arrested. The company said it
learned of the theft in April but
delayed disclosing it — as re-
quired under recently adopted
Securities and Exchange Com-
mission regulations — at the re-
quest of law enforcement, for na-
tional security or public safety
reasons, the first time such a
delay has been disclosed.
Justice Department spokes- MATT RouRkE/AP

man Joshua Stueve confirmed the hackers accessed the numbers called or texted between May 1
that the fBI had invoked the legal and Oct. 31, 2022, as well as one day in January 2023. RAMSAy dE GIvE/AFP/GETTy IMAGES

provision allowing the delay, and Alec Baldwin hugs a member of his legal team Friday after his trial on involuntary manslaughter
said AT&T had aided the investi- company said. It said affected Snowflake, Google Cloud’s man- charges at Santa Fe County District Court was thrown out by the judge.
gation. He did not say how the consumers would be notified and diant unit, said the hackers had
breach could have affected na- provided with resources to help used log-in credentials initially
tional security. The federal Com-
munications Commission said it
was also investigating.
protect their information.
“We sincerely regret this inci-
dent occurred,” AT&T said. It did
obtained by what are called infos-
tealers — specialized malware
that spirits away sensitive data
Judge blames prosecutor misconduct
While Social Security and cred- not respond to questions about from corporate or personal devic-
it card numbers were not includ- whether the relevant Snowflake es that have been compromised BALDWIN from A1 Sommer questioned the techni- based on a firearm enhancement
ed in the breach, the identity of account had two-factor authenti- through other means. cian, it was revealed that at least law that was passed months after
cell towers for an undisclosed cation. mandiant said that some of the budget Western made him re- one of the bullets was similar to a the shooting.
number of customers was, and AT&T generates so much data, infected devices had downloaded sponsible for the fatal shooting. dummy round found on the “rust” About a month later, the charg-
those would point to their physi- and uses it for so many things, games or pirated software, a com- The dismissal — which fol- set. es against the actor were dropped
cal locations. that it is closely watched for the mon vector for malware. lowed a slew of dramatic twists After the judge sent the jury after “new facts were revealed that
Even without that location technology it picks. AT&T has The hack marks the latest inside the courtroom — essential- home friday to look into the mat- demand further investigation and
data, hackers could work out rela- boasted in Snowflake marketing large-scale security incident for ly ends the threat of criminal pun- ter, special prosecutor Kari mor- forensic analysis,” prosecutors
tionship webs, experts warned. material that it cut costs by 84 AT&T. In late march, the company ishment for Baldwin, one of Amer- rissey called herself as a witness, said at the time, noting that the
Someone targeting a criminal percent when it moved to Snow- disclosed that account informa- ica’s best-known actors, whose ca- in an unusual move. She testified charges could be refiled.
prosecutor or police officer might flake. tion from 73 million current and reer was derailed by the shooting. that the ammunition in question In January, a grand jury indict-
be able to identify a close relative former customers had been He’s lauded for his Emmy-win- did not match live ammunition ed Baldwin with involuntary man-
and then use that number to find leaked to the dark web. ning impressions of Donald collected from the “rust” set, and slaughter once again, leading to
out where they live. Spurned ro- The incidents underscore the Trump on “Saturday Night Live” had never been brought to New the trial that was tossed out friday.
mantic partners could do the “This data could be massive reach of one of America’s and his role as Jack Donaghy in mexico — let alone the film set — The case stemmed from an inci-
same. largest wireless carriers and the “30 rock.” before the shooting. dent that occurred when some
Because those in contact with used by spies, scammers vulnerability of calling data. Pri- Baldwin — who had for much of The defense was aware of the cast and crew of “rust” were re-
AT&T users also have their num- vacy advocates noted that smart- the proceedings maintained an ammunition in question, morris- hearsing at Bonanza Creek ranch
bers listed, “just about EVErY- and other bad actors phone apps are less likely to face unfazed and calm demeanor — sey argued, but the rounds weren’t near Santa fe, N.m., on oct. 21,
oNE in the US who uses SmS or similar breaches and that some, put his face in his hands when he formally presented to the defense 2021. When Baldwin’s revolver
voice telephony is likely repre- to target specific people such as WhatsApp and Signal, heard the judge’s decision, then team as evidence because they did went off, it released a live round
sented to some degree,” tech secu- offer full end-to-end encryption, embraced his attorneys and wife. not appear to match the rounds that hit Hutchins in the chest and
rity expert matt Blaze wrote on or to improve the meaning that no one can obtain He later left court without taking that were found on the set of the director Joel Souza in the shoul-
the social media platform mast- contents of a message unless they questions from the dozens of re- western. “This has no evidentiary der. Hutchins was airlifted from
odon. feasibility of scams have access to a device participat- porters the case had drawn to New value whatsoever,” she said. the scene and pronounced dead at
A major concern is that the ing in the conversation. mexico. But Sommer thought other- a hospital in Albuquerque, while
data could be used to locate U.S. by impersonating the They also urge consumers to Baldwin’s lawyers filed a mo- wise, and the judge excoriated the Souza was expected to make a full
government workers employed use an app for authenticating tion to dismiss the case late Thurs- prosecution in her ruling. recovery.
abroad, or people communicat- numbers of people you themselves to a bank or other day, alleging that prosecutors hid “If this conduct does not rise to Baldwin, who is also a producer
ing with the government, said service provider, instead of text evidence that could have helped the level of bad faith, it certainly on the still-unreleased film, has
David Berteau, president of the regularly call.” messages that can be intercepted. determine the source of the live comes so near to bad faith as to denied pulling the gun’s trigger.
Professional Services Council, Cooper Quintin, a technologist at AT&T said “nearly all” of its round found in Baldwin’s revolver, show signs of scorching preju- Though he is now out of criminal
which represents contractors em- the Electronic Frontier Foundation wireless customers had been af- on a film set where only blanks dice,” she said in her ruling. She jeopardy, he still faces civil litiga-
ploying security-cleared workers. fected. An employee speaking on were supposed to be used. said that Baldwin’s defense team tion related to the shooting —
“Given what we know now, the condition of anonymity for The potential evidence in ques- should have been made aware of including a lawsuit alleging negli-
there is clearly a risk to anybody But Snowflake has come under discussing private information tion was a collection of rounds in the ammunition earlier, and it was gence and intentional infliction of
who has a [security] clearance heavy criticism from security ex- said about 110 million wireless the possession of Troy Teske, a now too late for them to incorpo- emotional distress filed by
who might have called anybody perts for denying all responsibili- customers had data exposed. friend of the “rust” armorer’s rate it into their defense. There- Hutchins’s father, mother and sis-
who has an AT&T phone. Which is ty for previous data breaches and Brad Jones, the chief informa- stepfather, Thell reed. Teske gave fore, not even the declaration of a ter.
probably anybody with a clear- being slow to aid customers. re- tion officer at Snowflake, said the the live rounds to personnel at the mistrial could remedy the situa- In october 2022, Baldwin,
ance,” Berteau said. lated major breaches hit Ticket- company hasn’t seen evidence Santa fe County Sheriff’s office tion; the case had to be dismissed along with the film’s production
AT&T said the attack began master and Advance Auto Parts. that Snowflake itself was earlier this year, after armorer with prejudice — meaning Bald- companies and several crew mem-
with illicit access to one of its Snowflake told The Washing- breached, though it has con- Hannah Gutierrez-reed’s invol- win cannot be retried. bers, reached a settlement after
accounts with a major but low- ton Post on friday that it was still firmed a “targeted threat cam- untary manslaughter trial con- The dismissal marks the prose- Hutchins’s husband, matthew,
profile cloud data storage compa- working on a process that would paign” against some customers. cluded with her conviction. The cutorial team’s second major mis- and son sued for the cinematogra-
ny, Snowflake. more than 100 of allow customers to require two- “We have not identified evi- defense claimed that knowledge step in Baldwin’s case. He was pher’s wrongful death. As part of
that company’s corporate cus- factor authentication. dence suggesting this activity was of the rounds had not been shared initially charged, along with Guti- the agreement, matthew
tomers have been compromised Previous Snowflake customer caused by a vulnerability, miscon- with them, despite their request to errez-reed, of two counts of invol- Hutchins was made an executive
in the past few months. Snow- data dumps have been offered for figuration, or breach of Snow- examine all ballistic evidence. untary manslaughter in January producer of “rust.”
flake says most if not all of the sale in online criminal forums, flake’s platform,” Jones said, add- When the concerns were 2023 — more than a year after the Baldwin told CNN in 2022 that
victims were not using multifac- indicating that the hackers mak- ing that this was confirmed by brought up in court on friday, the shooting. However, Baldwin’s the “rust” fallout “has taken years
tor authentication. ing the most of the security weak- mandiant and CrowdStrike. judge donned a pair of blue gloves, charges, which initially carried a off” his life.
“The incident was limited to an ness have been motivated by AT&T said the hack wouldn’t cut open the manila packet con- mandatory five-year sentence,
AT&T workspace on Snowflake’s money. be material to its operations or taining the ammunition and were later downgraded to 18 William Triplett in New Mexico
cloud platform and did not im- In an earlier report, one of the negatively affect its financial re- asked for a crime-scene technician months after his defense lawyers contributed to this report. This article
pact AT&T’s network,” the phone security companies hired by sults. to identify each of the rounds. As successfully argued that they were has been updated.
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A15

Free For All

There goes the ‘neighborhood’ Meanness:
I question Jeffrey H. Smith’s description of the
Caribbean, and possibly the entire Western Hemi- That’s what it’s all about
sphere, as “our neighborhood” in his June 28 op-ed,
“Russian warships off Cuba risk 1962 all over again.” Although I often disagree with Kathleen
If these sovereign nations are “our neighborhood,” is Parker on social and political issues, I have
Ukraine, and possibly all of Eastern Europe, Russia’s always respected her viewpoints. This changed,
neighborhood? We can’t have it both ways. however, upon reading her July 7 op-ed, “How
Gabriel Sucher, Rockville Joe Biden got trapped.” Many commentators
have expressed dismay at the fact that Jill Biden
appears to be enabling her husband in denying
An 1880 bison is no match his apparent cognitive decline. Though this
criticism is legitimate, Parker’s op-ed was unnec-
for a 1980 Ram essarily mean-spirited. Her suggestion that the
first lady is pushing her husband to stay in the
It’s long past time to jettison “Mark Trail.” The race because she is “probably not eager to retreat
narratives and drawings are desultory, and the to Delaware with … a stranger content to watch
“facts” too often wrong. The June 30 strip contained dust particles do the hokey pokey in a shaft of
two errors: sunlight” is an insult to those experiencing
1. “The bison is the largest mammal in America by declining cognition as well as to the loved ones
mass. Males can weigh up to 2,000 lbs. while caring for them. Is this how she would react,
females weigh 1,000 lbs. — larger than a car.” should she find herself in a similar situation in
Actually, the average car weight in the Environmen- the future?
tal Protection Agency’s 2023 Auto Trends Report Joan Katz, McLean
was just over 4,000 pounds, or twice the male
bison’s maximum weight. (The average subcompact
weighed about 2,500 pounds; the lightest car for
sale in the United States, the Mitsubishi Mirage,
weighed 2,095 pounds, about equal to a bull bison.)
2. “Bison used to number in the millions in the
U.S., but that was before humans hunted them to
near extinction in the late 1900s.” Actually, the nadir
of the bison population in the United States came in bob daUgherty/ap

the 1880s (some sources specify 1884) — a century President Lyndon B. Johnson at the White House on March 30, 1968.
earlier than the late 1900s. (“The late 19th century”
would have been correct.)
Cartoonist Jules Rivera or a Post editor could do
some fact-checking, I suppose, but the comic strip
Don’t give Biden
the Johnson treatment
really isn’t worth it. tom brenner For the WashIngton post

John Blodgett, Jefferson First lady Jill Biden applauds President Biden
during an Independence Day celebration at
the White House on July 4.
Almost as cartoonish A 75-year-old liberal, I’m the child of two liberal how Lyndon B. Johnson’s withdrawal gave us Richard
parents. Because my mother was a columnist who M. Nixon. Nixon was a small-time crook whose
I hate it when The Post gets cute with animated became the lead editorial writer for the Houston Post, criminal activities were preschool antics compared
articles, such as July 6’s “What would happen if I have always looked first to the opinion pages. I with those of the felon who might take the presidency Geez, Lincoln really ripped off
Russia detonated a nuclear bomb in space?” The Post grieve to see The Post’s Editorial Board and op-ed next. And, in those days, there were honorable,
could at the very least give the option of a plain text writers succumb to the deadly liberal habit of eating patriotic Republican lawmakers who persuaded Nix- Everlast singing ‘then you really
article. I get that the paper needs to engage new our own. on to resign. Not one such person will represent the might know what it’s like’
audiences, but keep this up and you will lose After three years of superb governance that re- GOP in Congress next year.
subscribers. It was a short article of little substance, stored our standing in the world and gave us the best Elections are always a choice between flawed In his June 30 op-ed, “The nation deserves a
and the required scrolling didn’t make it any better. economy in decades, President Biden had a bad night human beings, each of whom could form a govern- better debate. Or does it?,” George F. Will beauti-
Glenn Riley, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii at the debate. Doesn’t The Post owe its readers a sense ment. Biden has done that admirably. Is The Post fully encapsulated what I have struggled to
of perspective? Instead of taking a breath, cutting him really ready for Project 2025? understand about the opposing party.
some slack for a day or so, The Post rushed like Susan Barnes, Newport, R.I. By quoting Abraham Lincoln, during the first
Sending ’em up, knocking ’em down lemmings to call for him to step down. Where was Lincoln-Douglas debate, in Ottawa, Ill., Will
commensurate coverage of his unworthy opponent? Reading David Von Drehle’s July 1 op-ed, “For succeeded in turning on a lightbulb above my
In extolling the talents of Martin Mull, the June 30 Has The Post become so inured to Donald Trump’s Biden, the LBJ lesson,” I was shocked Von Drehle head.
obituary “Wry comedic master was unbound by any deranged rants and outrageous lies? Have they made no comparison regarding timing. President Lincoln said of Southerners, “They are just
one medium” [Metro] and Geoff Edgers’s July 1 become so “ordinary” that The Post’s writers won’t Lyndon B. Johnson’s surprise announcement that he what we would be in their situation.”
Appreciation, “Mull’s subversive genius was pitch- call him out for a performance that insults the office? would not run for reelection was on March 31, 1968, Instantly, my demonization of the other party
perfect” [Style], left one I guess it wasn’t “news” like Biden’s fatigue-plagued giving the Democratic Party seven months’ notice. ceased. I was able to see my party more clearly in
out: his ability to handle performance. With four months till Election Day, President Biden is the same light.
hecklers. I saw Mull The Post’s writers might be too young to recall the running for reelection, approval ratings be damned. Thank you, Mr. Will, for restoring some sanity
open for Fairport Con- last time Democrats hounded a sitting president into Mr. Von Drehle: Our dude will not abide! and humanity to these chaotic times.
vention in the late 1970s, stepping out of the race. But they should consider Nanc R. Hawkins, Arlington Linda Trytek, Deerfield, Ill.
and while most of the
audience was enjoying
his hilarious set, a few
loudmouths began clam-
oring for the main act.
Without missing a beat,
Do give diners the silent treatment
Mull, with a gleam in his Why are restaurants so loud? In snar- carpeted floors, acoustical ceilings, cov-
eye, and his half-angelic/ kier moments, I’ve conjectured that ar- ered walls and high booths, Quiet Place
evan agostInI/InvIsIon/ap half-wicked smile, began chitects and restaurant owners despise locations would offer people a cozy
Martin Mull in New riffing on their outbursts those of us with hearing loss. As de- space for relaxed, intimate conversa-
York on May 14, 2018. to the thorough delight scribed by the July 2 Health & Science tion, confidential meetings and quiet
of the crowd. A casual article “What science tells us about noisy reading.
observer could be forgiven for thinking Mull had restaurants,” hard, reverberant surfaces, Restaurants that offered a noise-
planted them to provide grist for his jokes. Realizing reduced experience would, judging
they were losers in this battle of wits, the hecklers from customer noise complaints, likely
finally displayed a bit of judgment that until then be popular, especially among the grow-
had been absent: They shut up. ing number of us hearing-challenged
Jeffrey Hamilton, Jessup folks who struggle to isolate one voice
from a cacophony.
Entrepreneurs, take note: If you build
‘I’ll have a bed. Make it a double.’ it, we will come.
David G. Myers, Holland, Mich.
After reading the June 16 Travel article “The
world’s coolest hotels want to tell you a story,” I was The article about noisy restaurants
reminded of the time about 20 years ago when I met was excellent and long overdue. As the
up with my best friend for cocktails at the recently authors pointed out, the problems don’t
opened Standard on the Sunset Strip. Dressed in our challenge only older people like me. Tom
coolest club outfits, we walked in to see the beautiful Sietsema made a small step in 2008
people lounging in low-slung seats, sipping marti- when he began to publish decibel levels
nis. We stood at the end of the long black bar trying in his reviews. He could make a huge
to catch the bartender’s eye. Only two other guys difference by publishing a ranking, per-
were at the other end of the counter, also not getting haps semiannually, of restaurants by
any attention. After 10 minutes of attempting to noise categories: “conversation is easy,”
procure a drink and wondering whether we weren’t “must speak with a raised voice,” “ex-
cool enough to get served, we waved a $20 bill at the photos by béatrIce de géa For the WashIngton post tremely loud,” etc. I suspect that older
gentleman behind the bar. He finally walked over Barroom conversations are toast. adults are a disproportionate percent-
and in a low voice said, “Ladies, this is the front desk. age of your readers, and we will especial-
The bar is in the next room.” often with music blaring, are just the ly appreciate this. Such a prominent
Victoria Borton, Arlington design for making people raise their ranking would not only please diners
voices to be heard, which only adds to but also give restaurants added incen-
the auditory chaos in a vicious cycle of tive to take steps to reduce their noise
That’s our own goal decibels. levels. They can compete on the dining
I have fantasied an alternative: a na- experience they offer as much as the
I’m 12 years old, and I’m writing because I think it tionwide chain of tea rooms and coffee food they serve.
would be super awesome if The Post included Euro- houses to be called the Quiet Place. With Mary Jo Deering, Bethesda Seeing double, hearing treble.
pean soccer scores in the Sports section.
Lots of my friends and I follow European soccer
leagues and players including Cristiano Ronaldo, and
a lot of kids my age are really into sports from all over
the world, not just the ones here in the United States. Pawprints (and handprints)
on our hearts
We follow our favorite players on social media and
watch highlights online. Including European soccer
scores would make us want to read the newspaper
more because it covers something we love and follow
closely. The headline on the July 4 Local man connection.
There are also some really great American players Living article “Why a pet’s death can Penny Suritz, Ocean View, Del.
in European soccer leagues, among them Christian hurt worse than losing a human
Pulisic, Weston McKennie and Giovanni Reyna, and loved one” stopped me in my tracks. The article on pet loss was a
we always want to know how they are doing. Seeing Yes, we love our pets and their loss valuable service to the millions of
their scores and achievements in The Post would be hurts our hearts. I certainly loved the people struggling and feeling guilty
exciting and make us feel proud of our American little dog I had for 17 years. about the extent of their grief over
players. But did her death in any way losing their pet, especially a dog or
Adding European soccer scores might also bring compare to the death of my father cat.
more people to read The Post. There are lots of people way too early, my mother at five I would have liked to see a word or
from different countries living in the United States months less than 100 or my husband, two about the variability in the
who love European soccer. They would probably love who was unwell but whose death still length of time a person grieves —
to see their favorite teams and players covered in the was a devastating and unexpected from a month or so to a year or so —
newspaper. Plus, The Post might get some cool ads shock? and their readiness to acquire an-
from soccer brands that want to reach more fans. Well, no. other dog or cat. So often, I hear
Finally, I think including European soccer scores I wanted to empathize with the people say, “I should be over it by
would show that The Post cares about what’s popular premise, and indeed I did, but my now.” In our relationships with peo-
and interesting to a lot of people. Soccer is the most pity for people whose lives appar- ple — family and others — there are
popular sport in the world, and it’s getting bigger here ently haven’t held much human typically both positive and negative
in the United States, too. By covering it more, The Post love or kindness certainly out- experiences. In the human-animal
would be keeping up with what a lot of readers, marvIn Joseph/the WashIngton post
weighed that emotion. I am sorry bond, it’s all positive with rare
especially younger ones like me, are really into. Fur and a pawprint, keepsakes of Xochi, a dog for your loss but more sorry that you exceptions.
Peter Dziekan, Washington euthanized in her home in Oxon Hill on Feb. 14. have not had as comforting a hu- Sheila L. Cohen, Chevy Chase
a16 eZ re the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024



For Mr. Biden, some answers but even more questions

NEWS conference Thursday did not pro- In short, Mr. Biden’s mixed reviews prolong the 36 percent. Just 14 percent of adults think Mr. Biden about June 27,” said former representative Tim Ryan
duce the clarity many were looking for as to Democratic Party’s predicament, as evidenced by has more of the mental sharpness it takes to (D-Ohio).
President Biden’s ability to campaign for disparate statements from elected officials after the effectively serve as president than Mr. Trump. To repeat: What makes Mr. Biden’s cognitive
reelection and to serve four more years. The news conference. Some declared that he should Of course, Mr. Biden’s defenders are right to insist decline especially damaging is that he and his aides
president managed to discourse knowledgeably on leave the race, while others said the time had come on more attention to the dangers Mr. Trump poses. have systematically failed to level with the public
the questions posed to him, which were mostly to close ranks behind him. With time running out We’ve made that point many times and will about it. This undercuts Democrats’ efforts to
polite requests for reassurance about his mental or before the Democratic National Convention opens continue to do so. The 78-year-old presumptive GOP contrast their commitment to facts and science with
physical health, or general queries about foreign Aug. 19, Mr. Biden and his inner circle of advisers Mr. Trump’s lies and flights of demagoguery —
policy, not tough challenges regard- seem to be playing for time. Indeed, based on his however worse morally those might be.
EdiTOriaL ing the gap between reality and the comments Thursday, Mr. Biden seems to be some- Tellingly, Mr. Trump and his top advisers appear
White House’s upbeat portrayal of what oblivious to the political furor surrounding Mr. Biden seems to be somewhat to prefer to face Mr. Biden than a fresher face. No
his fitness over the past year. him and in denial about his frailty, personally and party as dispirited and divided as the Democratic
And yet there were moments in which Mr. Biden politically. oblivious to the political furor Party is right now is likely to win the presidency —
veered toward the same kind of embarrassing The president and his team argue that everyone or do well down ballot. Mr. Biden has a distressingly
mistakes he had made during the June 27 debate should focus on his record of accomplishment and surrounding him and in denial about narrow path to victory that requires winning
with former president Donald Trump, including a brightening news on both the foreign and domestic Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, plus the
cringeworthy reference to Vice President Harris as fronts: easing inflation, plummeting border cross- his frailty, personally and politically. single electoral vote from the congressional district
“Vice President Trump.” That came just a few hours ings and reports that a Gaza cease-fire agreement is that includes Omaha. This would be a challenge for
after Mr. Biden, in a different setting, had mixed up within reach. They have a point. Yet the terrible even the best politicians at their peak. Mr. Biden
the names of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zel- irony is that the best way to ensure that a GOP nominee rambles, rants, lies and makes verbal denies he is in political trouble and rejects negative
ensky and his Russian antagonist, Vladimir Putin. victory does not undo this progress might be to flubs, such as confusing Nikki Haley for Nancy polling results. We suspect Democratic fortunes
(He corrected himself in that case.) Mr. Biden also hand the reins to a successor more capable of Pelosi. But the best way to keep Mr. Trump away would improve with a new national ticket.
boasted of having “created 2,000 jobs just last week” making the case than the president himself. from the Oval Office is by offering a strong Mr. Biden said on Thursday he’s “not in this for
in reference to a jobs report that showed more than Eighty-five percent of Americans now say Biden alternative. Democratic warnings that Mr. Trump my legacy.” Well and good. What, then, is he in it for?
200,000 new jobs last month. He claimed that five is too old to serve four more years as president, poses an existential threat to democracy cannot be The only right answer is the good of the country.
other presidents had worse poll numbers than his in according to a Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll published squared with insistence that the best person to run And those with influence and access to the presi-
an election year, neglecting to mention that most this week, and 56 percent of Democrats say he against him is Mr. Biden. “The voters will not dent need to explain forcefully and candidly what
lost their reelection bids. should end his candidacy. His approval rating is believe us about January 6 if we don’t tell the truth that calls for now.

LETTErs TO ThE EdiTOr draWing bOard no difference.

In the decades after the 1950s, educational
Does Arlington need more people? “reformers” successfully converted grading into the
present system based on student behavior, which at
Regarding the July 8 front-page article its worst made preserving a student’s self-esteem its
“Homeowners sue over zoning changes”: goal rather than assuring they learned anything.
The article about Arlington County’s “missing Now, this present system is being replaced by the
middle” litigation clearly outlines two critical issues 1950s system posing as a new model.
in the case. Did the county analyze whether its I will not be around to see it, but I would be willing
sweeping Expanded Housing Options (EHO) to bet that, 20 years from now, after the model based
ordinance was the best way to create more on mastery of subject matter has become the
reasonably priced housing units? And did it analyze “traditional” grading system again, it will be
how building more multifamily dwellings would challenged by educational “reformers” wishing to
affect Arlington’s infrastructure? In my view, these replace it with a new grading model based on
impacts have the potential to be devastating. student behavior, participation and study habits.
The Post is technically correct that multifamily Roger Burkhart, Gaithersburg
units must be “almost” identical in design standards.
But this focus on aesthetics misses an important Regarding the June 27 Metro article, “Va.,
point: These EHO projects are allowed to build on a Md. bicker over blue crab dredging”:
larger percentage of a lot than the single-family Imagine it. Friends and family gathered around a
houses they replace. For many years before this table, picking blue crabs, rehashing the age-old
policy was proposed, civic associations, argument about J.O. seasoning vs. Old Bay and
environmental groups and others in Arlington had teaching the youngest of the crowd how to extract the
been pressing the county to revisit its existing, overly prized lump meat. This summer, this scene is likely to
generous, lot-coverage limits for single-family play out thousands of times across Virginia and
homes. Recognizing this concern, the County Board Maryland, where the iconic blue crab is as much a
assured Arlingtonians in 2022 that lot coverage for part of the cultural fabric as it is the economy.
these new developments would be at parity with Gary Markstein
Now, imagine a scenario in which the blue crab
those generous existing limits for single-family fishery, the watermen who fish them and crab-picking
homes. Yet the county ultimately allowed developers gatherings are a thing of the past. Because of last
of EHO projects to build on an additional 5 percent month’s decision by the Virginia Marine Resources
of the lots where the projects are sited, an exception Commission, that tragedy could be our future.
available only to those few single-family homes that The VMRC recently voted to overturn a 15-year
include detached rear garages. closure of Virginia’s blue crab winter dredge fishery,
As the county’s interim EHO report confirms, which operated historically from December through
those EHO developers not waiting for the outcome March. The ban went into effect in 2008 because of
of the litigation have already taken full advantage of severe declines in blue crab numbers, linked to the
this extra 5 percent allowance in their designs. Their overharvesting of female crabs — the key to
projects would destroy mature trees, exacerbating population sustainability. The winter dredge fishery,
heat islands and other climate effects; pose more because of where and when it operates, takes
stormwater management challenges, which are predominantly adult female crabs before they spawn
already considerable given the increased frequency in the spring. Estimates indicated that when the
and severity of flash floods; result in the teardowns dredge fishery was operating, it harvested 34 percent
of smaller and less expensive homes; cast shade that of all adult female crabs in the bay each year, and
makes it harder for surrounding homes to generate along with them, the millions of juvenile crabs they
solar power; and disrupt the reasonable would have produced if they had been left to spawn.
expectations of quiet enjoyment by neighbors Today, the outlook for the bay’s blue crab
identified in the article. population is once again worrisome, with scientists
The county board refused to consider proposals to racing to understand the latest challenges limiting
defer Expanded Housing Options until it had finally crab reproduction and the impact of new threats
addressed this lot-coverage problem. But it has only such as blue catfish. A new stock assessment, which
now directed staff to begin a study of how to address will produce a statistical model that estimates crab
these concerns. How promptly the county proceeds abundance and sustainable harvest rates, is
will be critical, as developers continue to tear down currently underway. Yet the VMRC chose now to
so many of Arlington’s smaller homes week by week Mike luckovich/atlanta Journal-constitution
open the possibility of additional harvest, against
and the county allows even more generous lot the best available science, the advice of its own staff
coverage for EHOs to go forward. scientists and the conservation efforts of its
William R. Richardson Jr., Arlington neighboring jurisdictions.
The writer is president of the Crab lovers in both states are rightfully upset by
Donaldson Run Civic Association. gentrification, greedy developers, whether the adherence to this new law might soon be tested in this decision. The VMRC’s verdict is concerning,
housing will be affordable, and if all else fails, Arlington, with the current pending Local Historical premature and not based on science. There is still
As I read the June 8 front-page article about process and procedure. Come clean, “missing District review for the former Nelly Custis school site time to convince the commission to walk back this
Arlington residents feuding with their government, I middle” opponents; you simply want to protect your in South Arlington, which is at serious risk of being unwise decision and not reopen the fishery this
looked for but couldn’t find the reason why the slice of heaven. It’s okay, we all do! But at least be demolished. December. That’s exactly what we urge them to do.
Arlington government feels obliged to cram more honest about it. Preservation advocates such as myself will be Ann Swanson, Annapolis
people into the city. Jeffrey Denny, Washington watching closely, here and around the whole state of Donald Boesch, Annapolis
Is there a law that stipulates Arlington city Virginia, for proper compliance with this historic Emmett Hanger, Mount Solon, Va.
officials, whether elected or employed, must enable The July 1 Metro article “New laws set to take new legislation. The writers are, respectively, former director of the
more housing? And without citizen approval? If so, effect” neglected a significant new law in Virginia: Tom Dickinson, Arlington Chesapeake Bay Commission, president emeritus at
then when is Arlington “full”? Surely, Arlington House Bill 1395, “Historic Preservation; filing of a the University of Maryland Center for
government officials realize that, just as they allow a historic district designation,” which I proposed with I was amused by the dark humor in the July 2 Environmental Science and a former Republican
defined number of people to occupy a space, be it a John Reeder, and which was diligently championed Metro article “Fairfax County schools to change senator in the Virginia General Assembly.
school room, cafe or stadium, there’s a limit to how by Del. Patrick Hope in the face of four years of grading policy.” Once you cut the educational jargon
many human beings, along with their cars and relentless opposition from Arlington County. away, the change is just another illustration of how
possessions, can fit into the boundaries constituting This new law is necessary and important, as it will “what goes around comes around” in education.
Arlington. prevent the debacle that occurred in Arlington in Fairfax school leaders have solemnly announced guest opinion submissions
Who’s in charge in Arlington anyway, the public or 2021 with the destruction of the historic Febrey- they are changing their grading system from a the Washington Post accepts opinion articles on any
their public servants? Lothrop-Rouse estate on Wilson Boulevard. This “traditional” method that takes into account topic. submit a guest opinion at [email protected]
Jimm Roberts, Alexandria unique antebellum mansion, numerous historic “student behavior, participation, and study habits” or read our guide to writing an opinion article at wapo.st/
outbuildings and 91/2 acres of open land were all to new models that “prioritize” student performance guestopinion.
I found the June 8 article about a lawsuit against approved for demolition by Arlington County, prior on projects, tests, homework and quizzes.
Arlington’s Expanded Housing Options program to the completion of an in-progress review for Local In the 1940s and ’50s when I was passing through Letter submissions
hilarious. It seems that comfortable, liberal NIMBYs Historic District designation for the entire site, public schools, the traditional method of grading letters can be sent to [email protected].
are so conflicted by their desire to support affordable which was also in the county’s hands. was based on student performance on tests, submissions must be exclusive to the Post and should
housing as long as it’s built somewhere else, they The new law requires full completion of the entire homework, quizzes, and projects. Sounds familiar, include the writer’s address and day and evening
need to turn their narrow private interests into Local Historic District review and approval process doesn’t it? In fact, other than students back then telephone numbers. We are unable to acknowledge
broad public interests. It never fails: They will bring prior to the issuance of any demolition permit by the having to demonstrate mastery in a more rigorous submissions; writers whose letters are under
up concerns about schools, streets, sewers, children, government entity involved. It is possible that way than those under Fairfax’s new model, there is consideration for publication will be contacted.

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saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A17



Biden can have his legacy

and bequeath it, too
e was called “Der Alte” (“the old one”) by convention victories not worth having: Humphrey,
people mourning the death of Konrad Carter and Bush went down on Election Day —
Adenauer, West Germany’s first chancellor. though Humphrey came close to Richard M. Nixon in
Adenauer had been out of office for almost the popular vote.
three years when I arrived in West Germany during Which is to say, waiting to sort out Biden’s fate at
the summer of 1966 to serve at the U.S. Embassy in the Democratic convention next month is both short-
Bonn. But I witnessed his state funeral the following sighted and self-defeating. The only winner in a
year in Cologne and saw leaders from more Democratic food fight would be Trump — who must
than 100 countries, including President Lyndon be praying, “Don’t go, Joe.”
B. Johnson, gather to honor the man considered the I believe present-day Biden — though wrinkled
father of West Germany. and gray, and slower with elocution skills — is fully
Most observers would agree that Adenauer’s se- aware of the state of political play: that by even the
niority and depth of experience had been strengths in most optimistic reading of polling data, his path to
developing partnerships with the United States and victory is narrow and getting narrower.
other Western allies. Those same enabling features Biden also knows, as party leader and a creature of
were on display this week at the NATO summit in Congress, that when a presidential candidate is taken
Washington, where President Biden worked the down at the polls, some down-ballot candidates go
world stage with the best of them. If not the com- with him. Does Biden want to be the president who
manding figure, Biden stood out as a forceful oppo- helped Republicans reinforce their hold on the
nent of tyranny and a forceful advocate of democratic House and turn the Senate red? Will that be part of his
principles. legacy? Does he want that on his conscience? Or do
As Adenauer had done, Biden loomed large in the the naysayers want it on theirs?
global arena and as an elder statesman. Ironically,
however, he also echoed the condition Johnson found
himself in in 1967: namely, a U.S. president bathing in
the esteem of an international setting but flounder- The president must know he doesn’t
ing in the swamp of a domestic disturbance.
Massive Vietnam War protests were the source of have much time to make his case.
Johnson’s troubles. For Biden, it is disputes within
the Democratic Party over whether he should aban- But he does have time to make
don his reelection bid in the wake of a dreadful debate
performance and the slippage in support that has a good case for a path forward.
Different hazards; same political territory.
Johnson resolved his problem by stepping aside Biden is doing what he can to demonstrate his
before being asked or forced to. Biden says he’s viability, that he has command of the job and that he
staying in the race to “finish the job because there’s so can win again. And he must know he doesn’t have
much at stake.” much time to make his case. But he does have time to
The response to Biden over the past several days make a good case for a path forward.
has ranged from mawkish to mean to maniacal. Ron Klain, Biden’s longtime adviser and former
Convinced that Biden will lose to former president White House chief of staff, maintains that the presi-
Donald Trump in November, a growing number have dent still offers the party’s best chance of defeating
hit the panic button and called for his prompt exit Trump. In a text message to The Post, he wrote:
from the race. “[Biden] wins in 2024 as he did in 2020 — because his
Maybe it’s time for a few political realities. personal values and character ultimately prevail
Yes, there’s the possibility of Trump winning if a against Trump.” ’Tis maybe true, in Klain’s mind.
still-weak Biden is on the November ballot. There’s a school of thought, however, that holds
But consider the consequences of dumping the that Biden won in 2020 in significant part because of
putative Democratic nominee within weeks of the something Hillary Clinton didn’t do in 2016. Her
Democratic National Convention. Think of the gift vanilla ticket with Tim Kaine paled against the hue
given to Trump if there is raucous convention fight of the Biden-Harris ticket that faced off with Trump
over the selection of a new Democratic ticket with four years later. That ticket energized and mobilized
loads of losers licking their wounds. How enthusias- the Democratic Party’s base, especially Black and
tic will they be, come November? young voters. Little wonder that in celebrating his
Consider, too, the damage done to down-ballot 2016 victory against Clinton, Trump mockingly
candidates if a newly constituted Democratic ticket thanked Black voters for their low turnout. Think
leaves the Chicago convention without the united about it.
support of Democratic Party mainstays. There is a path forward for Biden’s legacy. The
The last thing Biden, as well as the Democrats who contributions he has made, and has set in motion, can
want him gone, needs is a convention that ends up live on in a well-conceived Democratic ticket that he,
anything like the intensely divided 1968 convention between now and the convention, can do much to
that produced presidential nominee Hubert create. He could step back gracefully, ceding his role to
H. Humphrey. Or the 1980 convention, where hun- Vice President Harris, who can carry on his democrat-
dreds of Sen. Ted Kennedy’s supporters walked out ic ideals, while he helps select the kind of smart, strong
after President Jimmy Carter was renominated. Or and energetic running mate she will need.
even the 1992 Republican convention that renomi- “Der Alte,” at the peak of Germany’s rise from a
nated incumbent George H.W. Bush but featured an ruinous war to a state of prosperity, agreed to turn
inflammatory speech by his defeated challenger, over the reins to new leadership. His indomitable
conservative columnist Pat Buchanan. spirit and reputation never died.
In all three cases, the nomination clashes made So, too, can Biden’s, if he decides wisely.

At 79, master of the house

— and student of the piano

s a quarterback in high school and college, I
played in front of large crowds. I got butter-
flies before each game. As a 26-year member
of Congress from Michigan, I gave hundreds
of speeches to audiences small and large. I was
always nervous. At age 79, performing “Ol’ Man
River” during a recital in front of other students and
my family?
Well, if you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking
up too much room. That has always been one of my
favorite expressions.
Why did I decide to learn to play the piano in my
late 70s? Because I’ve always wanted to.
In fact, this is my second try. In 1963, I was
awarded a football scholarship to the University of
Iowa, and that presented an opportunity. There, in
the fall of 1964, I registered for a piano class. A piano
in the lounge of my dorm made it easy. All I had to do
was withstand the catcalls from friends and team-
mates moseying through while I practiced.
Midway into the semester, I received a notice to
report to the athletic director’s office. Was my schol- gREg KAHN FOR THE WASHINgTON POST
arship on the line? For me, no scholarship meant no The author practices on his keyboard at his home
school. I arrived panicked at the office, where a fella in Port Republic, Md., on June 14.
who looked like an accountant asked about my piano
class, then bluntly informed me that the athletic eyes and head were in constant motion between the
department was not going to pay for my lessons. sheet music and the keys. I struggled to find where I
I was broke, so that was that, or so I thought was on the sheet music. The result was an agonizing-
through the Air Force, marriage, family, social work, ly halting performance.
politics, Congress and retirement. Wrong. For Christ- But it is such a good thing, this living on the edge.
mas in 2020, my wife, Judy, surprised me with a Piano challenges my mind. The left hand doing its
full-size Yamaha keyboard. My granddaughter Alina thing while the right hand plays the melody. It’s good
was my first teacher. Now I learn from Susan Yoe, a brain aerobics. Playing is also relaxing. I practice
26-year pro. every day and often wander over to the keyboard to
At 79, I am not in good shape for piano playing. work on part of a song that’s giving me trouble. It
Years of bad snaps under center jammed my now-ar- requires my full attention. I force myself to focus on
thritic fingers. My hands are also disfigured from each step in the learning process. It’s a way to
Dupuytren’s contracture. My mind and memory practice mindfulness.
wander out of focus, needing constant corralling. I also find it gratifying to read music — it’s like
My first recital this past winter was disappointing. learning another language. And I have become a
There I was, an old man performing with little kids better listener. Now, when I hear music, I think of the
who were often better than me. My teacher and I notes or combination of notes that make up the
worked on “Bye Bye Blackbird” and “Rainbow Con- piece. I can hear the separate sounds coming from
nection” from “The Muppet Movie.” If I had been instruments in a band or orchestra. All of this adds to
graded, I would have been lucky to get a C-minus. a fuller appreciation and enjoyment of music.
Emphasis on the “minus.” I have not conquered, and might never conquer,
Our spring recital brought another chance. This my fear of playing in front of an audience. But I
time, I chose “Ol’ Man River,” music by Jerome Kern remain undaunted. It is such a joy to be playing. I’ll
and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein. I have been fond of just keep rolling along.
this song ever since hearing the great Paul Robeson’s
performance in the 1936 film “Show Boat.” The tempo The writer represented Michigan in the House of
is slow, which I thought might be easier for me. Representatives from 1977 to 2003. He served as
Wrong again. Those nerves reared. As I played, my Democratic whip from 1991 to 2002.
A18 EZ RE the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

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METRO saturday, july 13 , 2024 eZ re K B

approx. 5 p.m.
a California man on a Police release video of the shelley Duvall, 75, drew in
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
91° Capitol tour stole four aftermath of sen. John 1970s moviegoers before
Precip: 45% congressional staffers’ fetterman’s collision into leaving a dark, lasting
77 83 88 86
° ° ° ° Wind: S
4-8 mph cellphones, police say. B2 another vehicle on i-70. B3 mark in “The shining.” B4

skeptical of
hiring boom
Coffee chain CEO denies
trying to dilute vote


In the weeks since workers at

seven Compass Coffee locations
announced plans to unionize, the
Washington-based company has
gone on a hiring spree that orga-
nizers and labor experts say is a
traditional tactic to try to dilute
pro-union votes.
Compass co-founder and chief
executive Michael Haft said the
company has hired workers to fill
empty positions and prepare for
new store openings, including
three more locations expected to
open by the end of the year. But
union organizers have alleged
that the recent swelling of the
ranks is unlike any they’ve seen,
and that some new hires appear
to be company plants or vulner-
able people who would be reluc-
tant to support a union at the risk
of losing their jobs.
The high-profile clash between
the coffee company’s leadership

An uneasy peace with NATO

and disenchanted employees will
come to a head on Tuesday, when
elections will be held at seven
stores to determine if the workers
can unionize. It’s the latest move
by coffee workers in D.C. and
nationwide who seek union cards
to improve working conditions,
boost wages or improve benefits.
Residents, business owners give “I have faith in our organiza-
tion,” said union organizer and
D.C. mixed reviews on its handling store supervisor Cameron Call.
of this week’s high-stakes summit “But if all else fails I do have
confidence that the [National La-
bor Relations Board] will have
BY E LLIE S ILVERMAN our back because what we’ve seen
from Compass is just so egregious
streets were blocked off by non-scalable and blatant union-busting.”
security fences and Humvees were parked in Haft categorically denied that
the middle of roads — all to accommodate the Compass was hiring workers to
dozens of European heads of state and thou- dilute a union vote.
sands of other attendees for the first NATO “No, we didn’t pad the vote,” he
summit hosted by the District in 25 years. said.
some residents simply avoided the chaos. Haft and Harrison suarez, two
“We live right on the border of this war former U.s. Marines, opened their
zone,” Eric Lee, a 38-year-old government con- first Compass shop and roastery
sultant, said Wednesday while working re- in 2014 in the shaw neighbor-
motely with his wife at For Five Coffee Roasters hood. (suarez left Compass more
near 10th and K streets NW. than three years ago.) since those
D.C. hosted the high-stakes NATO summit early days, Compass has grown
from Tuesday to Thursday at the Walter E. into one of Washington’s most
Washington Convention Center, with addi- recognizable coffee brands, with a
tional events at the Mellon Auditorium and the warehouse-size roastery in Ivy
White House. With it came the closure of the City and 17 shops around the D.C.
Federal Triangle and Mount Vernon square area.
Metro stations. More than 20 bus routes were The unionization effort started
tOP: a woman walks toward a security checkpoint set up near the Walter E. Washington detoured. some business owners in the Mount in October 2022 as organizers
Convention Center during the summit this week. aBOVE: Security fencing surrounds the Vernon neighborhood near the convention demanded that the company re-
convention center, and a sign marks a closed bus stop. More than 20 routes were detoured. sEE NatO ON B2 instate credit card tipping, which
Compass eliminated in 2020; bol-
ster benefits; and improve other

Murder case’s mistrial JOE LEE 1947-2024

was error, judges say Music maven was proprietor of a record paradise
BY M ATT S CHUDEL Joe Lee in 2009 at Joe’s Record
of secondhand rumor-sharing Paradise. In his distinguished
that is typically not allowed at Joe Lee, an internationally rec-
Man cannot be retried trial. ognized dealer in obscure blues,
Maryland family, he “marched
to a different drumbeat.”
in pair of 2018 killings, Walker’s lawyers accused pros- rock and jazz recordings and
ecutors of trying to sabotage their whose Montgomery County shop,
appellate panel finds own case to get a judge to declare Joe’s Record Paradise, became an whole different orchestra,” his
a mistrial — which would give informal center of the D.C. music brother Blair Lee IV told the Wash-
them a chance to present the scene, died July 4 at a hospice ington Times in 1990. “He pro-
BY K EITH L . A LEXANDER evidence again with an unfair center in Rockville. He was 76. vides a lot of spark to our family. …
advantage, having learned the de- He had throat cancer, said his Joe helps us take ourselves not too
The murder case against Al- fense’s trial strategy. Judge Rain- son, Johnson Lee. seriously.”
phonso J. Walker was already ey R. Brandt determined the only Mr. Lee was the admitted black After studying art and working
“shaky” when a D.C. superior way forward was a complete do- sheep of a distinguished Maryland in a Los Angeles record store, Mr.
Court judge made an error, a over. family, with two ancestors who Lee returned to Maryland and
three-judge D.C. Court of Appeals That decision was the wrong signed the Declaration of Inde- opened Joe’s Record Paradise in
panel said. one, the appeals court panel pendence. His father, Blair Lee III, Takoma Park in 1974. The shop has
In the higher court’s view, pros- wrote in a 51-page decision last was a Maryland state legislator moved to several other locations
ecutors’ presentation through month. And it means Walker can- and lieutenant governor who in Montgomery County over the
nine days of trial relied on “ex- not be brought to trial again over served as acting governor in the BiLL O'Leary/THe WasHingTOn POsT years and is now operated by his
tremely problematic witnesses” the killings, the panel ruled. 1970s. son in silver spring.
in the 2018 shooting deaths of The order left relatives of the Other members of the Blair-Lee other relative. he received two weeks of deten- In every location, Joe’s Record
Antone Brown, 44, and Dalonte slain men feeling as if they had family were senators, governors, This highbrow legacy held little tion for telling dirty jokes while Paradise was a cluttered hodge-
Wilson, 23. Then a woman being been denied justice based on a presidential advisers and military interest for the charismatic but nominating a high school friend podge of music memorabilia,
questioned by the government technicality: If prosecutors can’t leaders, including Robert E. Lee. irascible Mr. Lee, who was kicked for class treasurer. posters and books, but mostly an
relayed neighborhood talk that put on trial those they believe The Blair House, across from the out of prep school in his teens. His “Joe’s always marched to a dif- eclectic collection of vinyl LPs,
Walker was the killer — the kind sEE tRIaL ON B2 White House, was named for an- political involvement ended when ferent drumbeat, in fact, to a sEE LEE ON B4
B2 eZ Re the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

D.C. gets mixed grades for its handling of summit


Man stole
NaTO fRom B1

center decided to close. Commut-

ers bemoaned traffic, and some
joked about the need to “disman-
tle” NATo because of all the driv-
at Capitol,
ers honking.
But a biker said it was easy to
navigate the city, calling the secu-
police say
rity perimeter “perfectly logical in
how it’s designed.” A business
owner lamented a drop in sales
but conceded it was the price of
He was arrested 2 other
opening up a restaurant near the times, including at D.C.
convention center.
“There’s not much blame to go
Walmart, days later
around,” said Gareth Croke, the
owner of fossette focacceria and
All-Purpose, both of which saw BY T OM J ACKMAN
significant revenue blows this
week. “It is what it is.” A California man on a public
This kind of disruption, many tour of the U.S. Capitol last
said, was part of living in the month was arrested after police
nation’s capital, where an unex- allege he veered down a hallway
pected motorcade or protests in and stole the cellphones of four
the streets could make a commut- congressional staffers, then tried
er late for work. Getting around to steal a car from behind Capitol
this week just took a little extra Police headquarters. The phones
planning and a lot more patience, were recovered, and authorities
especially in the sweltering heat. said no information is believed
Still, Alexander Padro, a long- to have been stolen.
serving advisory neighborhood The sequence of events began
commissioner and executive di- around 12:30 p.m. on June 17, the
rector of Shaw main Streets, said Capitol Police said Thursday. A
he heard from business owners man on a public tour on the
complaining about how the secu- House side of the Capitol took an
rity measures were significantly elevator from a public area to a
affecting revenue. Padro said it’s hallway on the fourth floor
“way past time” for officials to where a secure compartmented
create a fund to offset revenue pHotos by Robb Hill foR tHe WAsHington post
information facility was located
losses for businesses. for a subcommittee of the House
“I wish I could say that it went At Pearl’s Bagels on Seventh Appropriations Committee that
better than the previous events, Street NW, oliver Cox, who owns oversees the budget for the Pen-
but the reality is that it was just as the business with his wife, Allee tagon.
devastating as it has been in the Cox, decided to stop offering deliv- Anyone who enters such a
past,” Padro said. “It’s very incon- ery. The manager hand-delivered room, where classified informa-
venient for neighbors, but it’s dev- four orders because delivery driv- tion is often held, may not take
astating for businesses.” ers and bikers were unable to get their personal devices inside and
Events DC President and CEo through the security checkpoints. so staffers had placed theirs in an
Angie m. Gates said she’s open to The summit, oliver Cox said, unsecured box outside of the
hearing suggestions from busi- was “catastrophic” for business. room, police said. When the staff
nesses on possible improvements, Revenue was down 42 percent members emerged from the
but said the city’s performance this compared with an average mon- room at 1:40 p.m., six work and
week amounts to a “job well done.” day through Thursday, he said. personal iPhones from the four
Gates said she is looking for- Despite city officials urging staffers were gone, according to
ward to debriefing residents and residents to use public transit, an affidavit filed by Capitol Po-
businesses. for now, her message Tasha Stiger, a 42-year-old event lice in Superior Court.
to them is: “Thank you for your planner, said she saw many cars. meanwhile, surveillance cam-
patience. Thank you for your While she was biking downtown eras showed that, at 1:15 p.m., a
grace. Thank you for your support on Tuesday, she said she thought man had entered an unlocked
during this historic moment in to herself, “I feel like I’m going to Jeep Cherokee in a parking lot on
time.” get hit by a car.” D Street NE and was quickly
There were no threats or “sig- “Hectic” is how Abraham Alex- confronted, the police affidavit
nificant security incidents” relat- andria, 31, described navigating states. The man ran from the lot,
ed to the summit as of 4:30 p.m. on the city while pushing his two then sat down behind a wall on
Thursday, according to a state- sons, ages 1 and 3, in a stroller massachusetts Avenue and was
ment from the National Special alongside his wife. The family vis- arrested.
Security Event Joint Information ited the U.S. Capitol on Wednes- When officers working the
Center. There were four arrests day, and Alexandria said what attempted auto theft learned
near the security perimeter that should have been a 10-minute about the stolen cellphones, they
officials do not believe were di- walk home turned into a 40-min- retraced the man’s steps as he
rectly related to the summit. FROM TOP: across from ute journey. fled and found all the phones
Gerren Price, president and the Walter E. Washington “It’s a hot mess out here, literal- and other property in some
chief executive of the Down- Convention Center, Fossette ly,” is how Rose Preston, 64, de- bushes on first Street, police
townDC Business Improvement Focacceria owner Gareth scribed it while standing near the said.
District, heard mixed feedback Croke said business slowed corner of 10th and m streets NW The committee has since in-
from downtown businesses, in- by 50 percent during the on Wednesday afternoon after stalled lockboxes outside the
cluding hotels that saw increased NaTO summit. abraham walking for nearly two hours try- room, Capitol Police said.
business with sold-out rooms; res- and Magdalena alexandria, ing to get to the Veterans Affairs David octavius Daffin, 36, of
taurants and retailers with em- who live near the office at Eighth and I streets NW. Granada Hills, Calif., was
ployees who struggled to get to convention center, took Preston said she was in a car charged with felony unauthor-
work because of the traffic; and their children to the Capitol accident while in a taxi earlier that ized use of a vehicle, according to
others who were located far on Wednesday to get away day, something she attributes to court records. At his first court
enough away from the security from the summit. Tasha the road closures, traffic and driv- appearance on June 18, a Superi-
zone that they didn’t realize the Stiger walked down Blagden ers distracted by not knowing or Court magistrate judge or-
summit was happening. alley NW to try to find her where to turn. dered him to stay away from the
“There’s an unspoken cool fac- way around the security “I think they did a wonderful Capitol Building, grounds and all
tor in all of this,” Price said, adding fencing set up for the NaTO job accommodating NATo more congressional buildings as part
that he watched people take pho- summit. She was worried than they did the residents,” Pres- of his conditions of release from
tos of the presidential motorcade she would be hit by a car ton added, referring to city offi- jail.
this week. “In some ways, I think while biking downtown. cials. “I can’t say how many people on June 22, at a Walmart in
it’s part of what makes us unique I saw walking around that were upper Northwest D.C., Daffin
and what makes D.C. so special.” lost and live right here.” was arrested again. Police allege
he shoplifted and groped a store
employee. He was charged with
misdemeanor sex abuse and

Prosecutors’ mistake didn’t warrant mistrial, appellate panel says theft, and jailed until a detention
hearing on July 3, when court
records show he was released.
The following day, court rec-
TRIaL fRom B1 said her brother did not use drugs of Appeals got this exactly right.” case against Walker, citing wit- actually tested the weapon. ords show, Daffin approached an
but began selling them to support A judge can typically declare a nesses who were drug users and The woman whose testimony officer at the Capitol and said he
were responsible, how can his three daughters, the youngest new trial only under unusual cir- who he said might have lacked upended the trial said Walker had needed help going to psychiatric
anyone be held accountable? of whom was an infant when he cumstances, such as inappropri- credibility with some jurors. confessed to her the night of the services. The officer found that
“I’m just numb,” said Charlotte was killed. “I don’t condone sell- ate actions by a juror or if a jury At trial, one of the prosecu- killings in his truck. There, she Daffin was banned from the
Boyd, Brown’s sister. “I am dis- ing drugs, but I understand why cannot reach a verdict, Hashimo- tion’s witnesses told police and a told jurors, she took a call from a Capitol and arrested him. He is
gusted. The judicial system failed he had to do it, to take care of to said, adding that the constitu- grand jury that she was unable to friend who told her “everyone” now being held in the D.C. jail
us. It failed the families.” himself and his daughters,” she tional protection against double identify the shooter, but that she was saying Walker had just killed with no bond, pending a hearing
Legal experts say the decision said. jeopardy applies as soon as the later changed her account after two men. GPS data provided by scheduled for friday morning.
— rooted in a constitutional pro- Walker’s public de- jury is sworn in and be- learning of a $50,000 reward for Walker’s lawyers during trial Elliott Queen, a lawyer repre-
tection that prevents people from fenders argued their cli- gins hearing evidence. information leading to the shoot- showed that his truck was not in senting Daffin on the sex abuse
being tried twice for the same ent was not the killer. In a statement, U.S. At- er’s arrest. Also revealed at trial, the District at the time she alleged and trespassing charges, de-
offense — is likely to reverberate The defense said that, in torney matthew m. according to the appellate judges, they met up, the ruling states. clined to comment. No lawyer is
inside the walls of the D.C. court- fact, one of the prosecu- Graves defended his that same witness had a prior Defense lawyers wanted all of listed for Daffin on phone and
house, putting judges on notice tion’s witnesses who was prosecutors and said ju- perjury conviction for falsely her testimony stricken from the car theft charges.
that they should think carefully in the house at the time rors should have had a identifying a person to protect a record; prosecutors wanted out The New York Times first
before declaring a mistrial when of the shooting and iden- chance to hear the full drug dealer after someone offered only the secondhand portions. reported the theft of cellphones
defense attorneys don’t want tified Walker as the killer case. her $300 to identify another per- Brandt tried to word an in- at the Capitol.
them to, experts said. had conspired with an- Dalonte “our prosecutors tried son. struction to the jury to disregard
Ultimately, a mistake from other suspect, unlocked Wilson this case with the utmost Prosecutors in the U.S. attor- the testimony. But she and Walk- Keith l. Alexander and paul Kane
prosecutors shouldn’t have de- the door of the house and integrity in their efforts ney’s office routinely argue that er’s attorney did not agree on the contributed to this report.
nied Walker the right to have his let the shooter inside. to get justice for the vic- while many individuals who wit- language of the instruction.
case heard, the judges found. By the time the wom- tims. our hearts go out to ness violent crimes might have “This was a law school hypo-
“When a defendant prefers to an whose testimony de- mr. Wilson’s and mr. criminal backgrounds them- thetical come to life,” said Adam
proceed against the headwinds of railed the proceedings Brown’s families as they selves, that does not mean their Kurland, a professor with the
unfair prejudice introduced took the stand, the jury will never know what a accounts are false. Howard University School of Law.
against them at trial and opts to had heard from 25 other jury would have done Graves defended the witnesses Kurland said that prosecutors
risk years of imprisonment rather witnesses. She effective- had it been allowed to and praised them for coming for- made a “pretty huge mistake” in
than immediately starting anew, ly told the jury “everyone consider the evidence.” ward. “our office believed in the introducing the hearsay testimo-
we see no adequate justification was saying” Walker com- Brandt, who serves as citizens who were brave enough ny, but that Brandt “gagged and
for stripping them of that choice,” mitted the killings, the antone the court’s deputy presid- to come to court to testify. While choked” by declaring the mistrial
appellate Judge Joshua Deahl ruling states, prompting Brown ing judge of the criminal all witnesses are humans with instead of just telling the jury to
wrote. a flurry of objections division, declined to imperfections, we believed a jury disregard the testimony, even if
At trial, prosecutors argued from Walker’s lawyers and pros- comment on the ruling through a would have reached the same the defense attorneys disagreed
that on the evening of April 25, ecutors that Brandt attempted to court spokesman. The District’s conclusion we did,” he said. with the language of the instruc-
2018, the 47-year-old Walker, of compromise over with a specific Public Defender Service, which Prosecutors also called a fire- tion.
Washington, fatally shot Wilson instruction to the jury about what represented Walker, also declined arms expert who testified that the “This case,” Kurland said, “is
and Brown in the head inside a they should disregard — before to comment on the decision. gun found in Walker’s apartment now a great teaching tool for
home in the 400 block of 61st ultimately calling it all off. In his opinion, Deahl — a for- eight months after the shooting evidence professors and advance
Street NE where people gathered “I have never seen anything mer attorney with the Public De- appeared to match the gun used criminal procedure professors” MiCHAel A. MCCoy foR tHe WAsHington post

to buy, sell and use drugs. Both like this before,” said Georgetown fender Service before President in the killings. But the expert, on the type of trial errors that a California man is accused of
men were unarmed, prosecutors Law professor Erica Hashimoto, Donald Trump appointed him to according to the appellate judges’ should — and should not — result stealing several congressional
said. director of the school’s Appellate the bench in 2019 — wrote that ruling, admitted in court he only in a mistrial. staffers’ cellphones and then
Boyd, who sat through the trial, Litigation Clinic. “The D.C. Court prosecutors had a challenging “eyeballed” the gun and had not entering an unlocked vehicle.
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re B3

Compass workers al meetings at the Ivy City roast-

“If people want to ask me ques-
tions, I’ll answer questions, and

say hiring spree I’ll share my views on why I don’t

think this is a good thing for
people or for Compass. But it’s not
mandatory. You don’t have to

is anti-union tactic come. There won’t be lawyers. It’s

just going to be me.”
Companies may not need to
influence some new employees if
those workers, such as people on
UNION From B1 friend of his knew Compass exec- parole or probation, feel grateful
utives and had heard that the just to have a job, notes Givan.
The fight took a different turn company was looking to hire a lot Such employees “will not take
after may 31 this year, when work- of new people quickly. any risks that they feel might lead
ers at seven stores officially de- The voter rolls represent work- them to lose their job, including
clared their intent to unionize. In ers who, potentially, are eligible speaking up or advocating for a
the weeks after, organizers said, to participate in Compass union union, because that can actually
they noticed droves of new hires elections. But the names could send them back to being incarcer-
being added to the payroll. orga- change, as the final lists are not ated again,” Givan said.
nizers distributed a list to the due to the NLrB until Sunday, David Black, 48, was hired at
media of new employees includ- and according to stipulated elec- Compass more than a month ago
ing the co-founder and other ex- tion agreements signed by Com- despite not holding a job for near-
ecutives of Union Kitchen, the pass and the union, they will ly three decades. He was released
D.C. food-business accelerator include employees who have from federal prison in August
with its own history of union worked at least 52 hours in the 13 after serving 26 years on a murder
troubles; a federal-affairs em- weeks prior to July 14. Craig hudSon for The WaShingTon PoST conviction. Black isn’t certain if
ployee with Uber; and the wife “Any details about the list be- Compass Coffee founder Michael Haft at the company’s roastery in April. His wife and mother-in-law the conditions of his release de-
and mother-in-law of Haft. fore that date are irrelevant, and were among the wave of new hires at Compass since a unionization effort was announced May 31. mand that he hold a job, but he
Union organizers initially com- focusing on this list is a distrac- said having one “makes you look
piled a list of more than 100 new tion,” Haft told The Post. businesses shortly after workers good. It lets the judge know that
hires using the staff directory, but A supervisor at Compass’s announced plans to unionize. As you plan to be a productive citi-
they can’t verify the exact number Georgetown location, meier-Sil- workers started organizing at zen when you return to society.”
of newcomers because the staff’s verman said 11 people worked at Starbucks outlets, the coffee giant Black said he wasn’t sure yet
access to the directory was re- her cafe before the unionization was accused of, among other tac- how he would vote in the election:
voked. Haft said access was taken efforts. The proposed voter list tics, hiring more workers to dilute “I got to weigh all my options. …
away because “information was names 40 employees at the a vote. It’s all about what’s best for me.”
being abused.” Some were using it Georgetown store, a 264 percent Companies typically follow the Union organizers fear that
to solicit workers, including po- increase. Haft denied the George- same playbook — created by Compass will fire vulnerable
tentially for union organizing, he town shop has that many work- union-busting law firms, says re- workers like Black after the vote if
said. ers, but he declined to specify. becca Kolins Givan, an associate unionization efforts fail. “our
When union organizer Penina Compass, Haft said, has been professor in the School of man- concern is they’re going to make
meier-Silverman first noticed the hiring more workers for all 17 agement and Labor relations at them eligible for the vote, and
slew of new hires on June 9, she locations, not just the seven look- rutgers University. then as soon as the vote happens,
saw that they were listed as direct ing to unionize. And the company Unionizing smaller workplaces they’re gone,” Babin said.
reports to Compass’s chief rev- has been hiring and training peo- is a relatively new phenomenon, Haft said he has no such inten-
enue officer and had been as- ple for new store openings, in- says Givan. As such, there isn’t a tion. Compass, he says, is invest-
signed to work at the seven cafes cluding one on 14th Street NW, in lot of evidence to show whether ing time and money to train work-
attempting to unionize, not any of the former space of the Wydown small companies like Compass ers. He wants them to succeed.
the company’s other locations, Coffee Bar, which abruptly closed have the capital to go on a hiring What’s more, Haft has met Black,
she said. in may after workers there an- binge to dilute a vote. When com- whose hiring was just like every-
“It was pretty clear to us right nounced a plan to unionize. high-profile hires such as Haft’s Haft said budgets can be a panies do hire large blocs of work- one else’s in Washington: Com-
off the bat, given that these people “Some of it is seasonal. Spring wife or the CEo of Union Kitchen reasonable justification to freeze ers, Givan says, it’s not a given pass couldn’t ask Black on his
were exclusively assigned to and summer, those are good (who did not respond to a request hiring if a particular store’s sales that the newcomers will vote application — or in his interview
unionizing cafes, that this was an months for coffee. A lot of our for comment) will work the stipu- are slow. The cafes in downtown against a union. — if he had a criminal conviction
attempt to pack the cafes and students leave for the summer,” lated number of hours before the Washington, he said, are still Then again, the new workers (though the company can ask
sway the election,” meier-Silver- Haft added. “We’re always hiring election. The hires who have re- down about 50 percent compared “they don’t necessarily have any once it has extended a conditional
man said. new people in the summer.” ported to work are of more inter- with their pre-pandemic sales. relationship with their co-work- job offer).
Some of the high-profile names Haft declined to share details est to the organizers. Though or- ers who have likely been organiz- Black “told me that we helped
disappeared from the tentative about the number of new workers ganizers believe that these em- ing. They haven’t established him sign for a new apartment,”
voter rolls that Compass submit- hired since may 31. For the most ployees were brought in to dilute trust with them,” Givan told The Haft said. “We were able to pro-
ted to the National Labor rela- part, he also declined to talk union support, Babin said they “Spring and summer, Post. “They haven’t learned about vide a reference and we could
tions Board on June 18. But the about individual hires. think they can persuade many of some of the challenges in the submit his paycheck, and this is
list still names more than 100 At least one of the workers them to vote for unionization. those are good months workplace that have led workers the first time he’s had a job that’s
barista apprentices, including a listed on the tentative voter rolls “They’re just stuck in the mid- to want to organize in the first willing to do that. So I feel pretty
number of new employees that has already left Compass. Liz dle of an unfortunate battle be- for coffee. … We’re place.” good about hiring David.”
The Washington Post confirmed “Tizzy” Brown, a federal-affairs tween us and Compass, so we are managers will often hold man- As Tuesday’s election draws
via phone calls. They include a employee for Uber, told The Post actively trying to organize them always hiring new datory companywide meetings — near, union organizer Call said he
single mother from Southeast in an email that she attended a before our election.” known as “captive audience meet- remains undeterred. Call said he
Washington working to support June 9 training “alongside several Babin said the new hires ini- people in the summer.” ings” — to try to persuade new has worked in the food service
her 1-year-old son; a man who other new hires at Compass.” tially left him bewildered because Michael Haft, chief executive and veteran employees alike to industry for nearly a decade and
does not speak English; and at “However, I never worked a he had repeatedly pleaded with of Compass Coffee vote against a union, Givan said. has repeatedly left bad jobs in
least one person who was recently shift beyond that initial training, management for more help at the The company may hire anti- hopes the next one would be
released from prison — which and as soon as this all came to two stores he supervises near the union consultants or attorneys to better. Now, at Compass, he’s tired
union organizers say is a depar- light I reached out to Compass White House — and was told the The accusations lodged against help with the task. But Compass, of merely hoping for better — he’s
ture from the people they’ve typi- and asked to be removed from company did not have the budget. Compass come during an unprec- Haft says, has refrained from demanding better.
cally seen on staff. their employment system,” she “The majority of us were doing edented wave of unionization ef- mandatory meetings and has re- “It’s been a long, long ride, and
At least one new employee who noted. the work of two to three people,” forts at coffee shops across the lied on its long-standing law firm, I’m glad it’s finally coming to
spoke to The Post, 20-year-old Union organizer and store su- said Babin, who said his store has country. Some shop owners, in- Venable, to guide the company fruition,” Call said. “I’m not will-
Daniel Chehayeb, said he did not pervisor Joseph Babin said the been without a manager since cluding one who started a small through elections. Haft, however, ing to just give up at the finish
have to apply for the job. He said a union doubts that most of the December. Pittsburgh chain, closed their said he plans to host information- line.”


Video of aftermath of Fetterman’s June crash released by Maryland police


maryland State Police officers

who responded to a car crash
involving Sen. John Fetterman
(D-Pa.) discussed how the law-
maker was speeding when he
collided with another vehicle,
according to body-camera foot-
age released for the first time
Thursday. The video from the
June crash captured heavy dam-
age to Fetterman’s black Chevro-
let Traverse and the back of a red
Chevrolet sedan.
“The black car is, it’s actually, I
think a senator of Pennsylvania
— that real big, tall guy. . . . He
just ran into that red car,” a first
responder is heard saying in the
video. Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), above, rear-ended a Chevrolet
The same officer recounting a Impala, left, the morning of June 9 on Interstate 70 near
witness statement later says: “He Hagerstown while driving west “well over the posted speed limit,”
iMageS froM video froM Maryland STaTe PoliCe
was flying, and she wanted to the police report said, citing a witness.
merge, and he just smashed her.”
The footage, released by the treated for a shoulder injury, and then checked himself into a med- people familiar with his travel. were redacted by maryland offi- joke about how badly Fetter-
state police on Thursday under he and his wife were taken to the ical facility for depression treat- He often drives himself much of cials. maryland law says certain man’s SUV is damaged.
maryland’s Public Information hospital by ambulance, accord- ment shortly after coming to the way to and from his home- information is not considered “Gonna need a tow for this
Act and redacted in some in- ing to a police report and infor- D.C., has cut an outsize figure on town of Braddock, Pa., and D.C. public such as personal address- one, too, I guess,” one says.
stances, shows Fetterman an- mation from his office. No cita- Capitol Hill. He wears his signa- The crash put a spotlight on es and phone numbers. “Yeah, this one’s definitely not
swering questions politely. The tions were given at the scene, the ture hoodies at formal events previous unsafe driving by The video and audio record an gonna move,” the other respond-
senator didn’t announce his police report said. Fetterman and in the Capitol, sparking a Fetterman. He has received two otherwise routine wreck for po- er replies.
identity as he and his wife and brushed off the wreck afterward, debate about the Senate’s dress speeding tickets for violations of lice, medics and firefighters. At
another driver gathered on the brandishing a bag of frozen peas code. at least 24 mph above the speed one point, as two of them stand liz goodwin contributed to this
side of a highway in Washington and Tylenol in a video with his limit, one in 2016 and one in next to the damaged cars, they report.
County last month. wife, thanking people for their march, according to Pennsylva-
A first responder on the scene, well wishes. nia state records. After the ticket
talking to state troopers some Fetterman’s office did not im- “This was an this year, when he was driving 34
distance away from Fetterman, mediately respond to a request mph over the limit, he was re-
described how he recognized
for comment Thursday after-
noon, but in a statement last
unfortunate accident ... quired by the state to complete a
driver’s improvement course, ac-
“As soon as I walked up, I saw month, Fetterman said he would and I’m relieved and cording to a person familiar with
him in the shorts and the sweat- drive more slowly in the future. the outcome who spoke on the ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS
shirt, and [I said], ‘Good morn- “This was an unfortunate acci- grateful that there were condition of anonymity to de-
ing, Senator,’” he recalled. “In 20 dent on Sunday, and I’m relieved scribe the episode. Neither rec- RELIGIOUS SERVICES DIRECTORY
years of doing this, I’ve never, and grateful that there were no no serious injuries.” ord said exactly where he was
never had a politician.” serious injuries,” he said then. Fetterman, in June after the wreck driving or how fast he was going. Advertise your
This crash occurred the morn- “I’ve been driving for almost 40 In response to questions from * Weekly Services * Special Events
ing of June 9 on Interstate 70 years, and I’ve gotten a small The Washington Post about the * Guest Speakers & Lectures * Bible Study
near Hagerstown, according to handful of tickets. When I sped, I While serving as lieutenant accounts of his driving, a spokes- * Volunteer Openings
the state police. Fetterman rear- was held accountable. I need to governor of Pennsylvania for two man for Fetterman called them *Church & Pastor Anniversaries * Retreats * Concerts
ended a Chevrolet Impala while do better and do it slower — and I years, Fetterman had a security “gossip and inaccurate” but de- * Employment Listings & More
driving west “well over the post- will.” detail that drove him around the clined to address any specifics.
ed speed limit,” the police report Fetterman, a 6-foot-8 fresh- state. But as a senator, he often Some portions of video and To advertise, email:
said, citing a witness. man senator who survived a drives himself, especially around audio that appear to detail per- [email protected]
After the crash, Fetterman was stroke on the campaign trail and the Keystone State, according to sonal or medical information
B4 eZ re the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024


In ‘New Hollywood’ of the 1970s, a new kind of leading lady

BY H ARRISON S MITH (1987), a “Cyrano de Bergerac”
retelling starring Steve martin.
Shelley Duvall, the waifish, Increasingly, she focused on
wide-eyed actress who beguiled producing over acting. Drawing
audiences in acclaimed 1970s on her love of illustrated chil-
films such as “Nashville” and dren’s books (she owned about
“3 Women,” then delivered an 3,000, according to a Washington
unforgettable performance in Post report), she launched chil-
“The Shining” while chased by an dren’s anthology shows, lovingly
ax-wielding Jack Nicholson, died re-creating classic stories on her
July 11 at her home in Blanco, Tex. series “faerie Tale Theatre,”
She was 75. which premiered on Showtime in
Publicist Gary Springer, a 1982. The show’s episodes were
friend of ms. Duvall’s, said the directed by filmmakers including
cause was complications from francis ford Coppola and Tim
diabetes. Burton; Williams, her “Popeye”
Beginning in 1970, when she co-star, starred in the pilot as the
made her screen debut in robert frog Prince.
Altman’s black comedy “Brewster ms. Duvall received two Emmy
mcCloud,” ms. Duvall established nominations as a producer of two
herself as one of the most versatile follow-up shows, “Tall Tales &
and distinctive performers of the Legends” and “Shelley Duvall’s
“New Hollywood” era. She had no Bedtime Stories.” While playing
acting training or experience, but Little Bo Peep on another chil-
it hardly seemed to matter: At a dren’s project, the Disney Chan-
time when Altman and other di- nel movie “mother Goose rock ’n’
rectors were making personal, rhyme,” she met and fell in love
idiosyncratic films that ran coun- with actor and musician Dan Gil-
ter to the studio mold, she repre- roy, who became her partner of
sented a new kind of leading lady, 35 years.
winning over viewers with her In addition to Gilroy, survivors
doe eyes, lilting voice and natural- include three brothers.
istic style. Beginning in the early 2000s,
“There are no forebears or in- ms. Duvall stepped away from
fluences that would help to ex- aFP/geTTy images acting and retreated from public
plain Shelley Duvall’s acting; she Shelley Duvall with Robin Williams in the 1980 film “Popeye,” in which she played Olive Oyl. In praising her work in the film, critic life, inspiring rumors and specu-
doesn’t seem to owe anything to Pauline Kael wrote: “There are no forebears or influences that would help to explain Shelley Duvall’s acting; she doesn’t seem to lation about what had happened
anyone,” film critic Pauline Kael owe anything to anyone.” Ms. Duvall brought her naturalistic style to films by Robert Altman and Stanley Kubrick, among others. to her. She made a rare appear-
wrote in the New Yorker, review- ance in 2016, when she was inter-
ing Altman’s 1980 film “Popeye.” viewed on the talk show “Dr. Phil,”
ms. Duvall, who starred opposite millie, especially the parts I don’t built, and partly from the direc- est of four children, was born in ciates, she told Interview maga- discussing her struggles with
robin Williams as the cartoon- care to see, all the vanities and the tor’s exacting approach. Kubrick fort Worth on July 7, 1949, and zine, where they passed on the art mental health. “I’m very sick. I
strip character’s exasperated love mundane things, such as millie’s had his actors run through doz- grew up in Houston. Her father but asked if she wanted to be in a need help,” she said, before issu-
interest olive oyl, “may be the fondness for tuna melt sand- ens of takes, including for shots in was a cattle auctioneer turned movie. ing bizarre statements about evil
closest thing we’ve ever come to a wiches, and Scrabble, and the which ms. Duvall was shown cry- lawyer, and her mother worked in “I thought, ‘oh, no, a porno forces and messages from beyond
female Buster Keaton,” she added. color yellow,” ms. Duvall told the ing and running through the ho- real estate. film,’ because I’d been ap- the grave.
“Her eccentric grace is like his — it New York Times, estimating that tel, waving a baseball bat at her Early on, there were few signs proached for that when I was 17 in The talk-show episode was
seems to come from the inside she wrote about half the charac- demonic husband or carrying her ms. Duvall would go into acting. a drugstore.” widely criticized as exploitative.
out.” ter’s lines herself. young son (Danny Lloyd) in her Performing Joyce Kilmer’s short The film was “Brewster mc- In its wake, ms. Duvall vanished
ms. Duvall started her career The film built to an agonizing arms. poem “Trees” at a sixth-grade tal- Cloud,” in which she played an again from the spotlight, return-
working almost exclusively with scene in which millie is forced to “That was a life experience like ent contest, she stumbled over the Astrodome tour guide who hooks ing to her home in the Texas Hill
Altman, becoming a staple of his deliver a stillborn baby. ms. Du- the Vietnam War probably was for words, left the stage in tears and up with a reclusive, flight- Country. She appeared on screen
dialogue-rich, ensemble-driven vall later said that her eerie, un- veterans,” she told the Los Ange- declared that she would never obsessed young man (Bud Cort) one last time in “The forest Hills,”
movies. She played a mail-order settling performance inspired di- les Times in 1991, looking back on show her face at school again. trying to build a pair of wings. It a 2023 indie horror film co-star-
bride in the western “mcCabe & rector Stanley Kubrick to cast her the production. “It was grueling “I heard my parents outside my kicked off a happy and fruitful ring Edward furlong.
mrs. miller” (1971), the mistress to as Wendy Torrance, the terrorized — six days a week, 12- to 16-hour closed bedroom door that night,” collaboration with Altman, whom The New York Times reported
a bank-robbing Keith Carradine wife and mother in “The Shining” days, half an hour off for lunch, she told the Los Angeles Times, she nicknamed “Pirate” because in April, in a profile of ms. Duvall,
in “Thieves Like Us” (1974), the (1980). “I like the way you cry,” he for a year and one month. The role “saying, ‘Well, I guess she’s just of his swashbuckling appearance. that her extended hiatus from
wife of President Grover Cleve- told her in a phone call. demanded that I cry for, whew, at not talented.’ Isn’t that a classic?” “His first and only piece of real acting seemed to have been
land in “Buffalo Bill and the Indi- “The Shining,” based on a best- least nine of those months. Jack ms. Duvall vowed that she advice was never to take myself caused by “the emotional impact
ans” (1976) and a distracted selling novel by Stephen King, had to be angry all the time, and I would become a scientist, and seriously,” she said. of two events: the 1994
young groupie in “Nashville” opened to mixed reviews, with had to be in hysterics all the time.” was a straight-A student until her Around that same time, ms. Northridge earthquake, which
(1975), a rollicking portrait of ce- some critics dismissing ms. Du- Later in life, ms. Duvall was junior year of high school, when Duvall married Sampson. They damaged her Los Angeles home,
lebrity culture, presidential poli- vall’s performance as awkward, quick to note that she had happy she discovered “emotions and moved to Los Angeles and di- and the stressful toll of one of her
tics and country and gospel music even cartoonish. But the film has memories from the set, where she boys.” Her grades suffered, and vorced after four years. She later brothers falling ill, which
that was praised as one of the since been hailed as a horror and Kubrick would play chess she went on to attend a local lived in New York with singer- prompted her return to her native
year’s best films. classic, with admirers defending between scenes. But she also not- junior college, taking classes in songwriter Paul Simon; accord- Texas three decades ago.”
She received additional ac- her portrayal of an abused and ed that the experience took a toll. nutrition and diet therapy, before ing to People magazine, they met ms. Duvall also seemed pained
claim for Altman’s “3 Women” traumatized spouse, trying to sur- “After a while, your body reb- dropping out and getting a job while they were both working on by the trajectory of her career. “I
(1977), a dreamlike psychological vive as her husband (played by els,” she told the reporter in 2021. selling cosmetics at a foley's de- Woody Allen’s 1977 film “Annie was a star; I had leading roles,”
drama — also starring Sissy Nicholson) loses his mind while “It says: ‘Stop doing this to me. I partment store. Hall,” in which ms. Duvall had a she told the newspaper, shaking
Spacek and Janice rule — that working as the caretaker of a don’t want to cry every day.’ And Around 1970, she met a couple small role as a rolling Stone writ- her head. “People think it’s just
brought her the best actress prize Colorado hotel. sometimes just that thought of Altman’s crew members at a er. (“Sex with you is a really Kaf- aging, but it’s not. It’s violence.”
at the Cannes film festival. Her By many accounts, the film’s alone would make me cry. To Houston party for her boyfriend, kaesque experience,” she tells Al- “How would you feel if people
character, millie Lammoreaux, production was as nightmarish as wake up on a monday morning, so artist Bernard Sampson. Dressed len’s neurotic protagonist.) were really nice, and then, sud-
works at a senior center in the its story. The movie took 56 weeks early, and realize that you had to in patched jeans and a mexican ms. Duvall later had support- denly, on a dime, they turn on
California desert and passes the to shoot, according to the Holly- cry all day because it was sched- blouse, with bells jingling around ing roles in Terry Gilliam’s “Time you?” she continued. “You would
time paging through magazines, wood reporter — an extraordi- uled — I would just start crying. her waist, she showed off Samp- Bandits” (1981), Steven Soder- never believe it unless it happens
collecting recipes that she orga- narily long time that resulted I’d be like, ‘oh no, I can’t, I can’t.’ son’s paintings, trying to interest bergh’s “The Underneath” (1995), to you. That’s why you get hurt,
nizes by cooking time. partly from a fire that required And yet I did it.” the visitors in a sale. They set up a Jane Campion’s “The Portrait of a because you can’t really believe
“I put so much of myself into the overlook Hotel set to be re- Shelley Alexis Duvall, the old- meeting with other Altman asso- Lady” (1996), and “roxanne” it’s true.”

Joe Lee, 76 His father was first elected to

the maryland legislature in 1954

A builder of ‘community’ and to the state Senate in 1966. He

was elected lieutenant governor in
1970 and again four years later as

around his record store the running mate of Gov. marvin

mandel (D). Blair Lee III was act-
ing governor from June 1977 to
January 1979, when mandel was
LEE from B1 reer of foster macKenzie III, a Yale recovering from a stroke and on
graduate better known as wild- trial for corruption.
compact discs, tapes and videos of man singer root Boy Slim. After being expelled from
every description: country and During the late 1970s and early Georgetown Prep, Joe Lee gradu-
hip-hop; Tejano and comedy; alt- ’80s, root Boy Slim and the Sex ated from Springbrook High
rock and punk; jazz, including Change Band — often backed by School in Silver Spring. He later
from pianist and composer Thelo- the rootettes — drew enthusiastic graduated from the maryland In-
nious monk. crowds to their shows, with root stitute College of Art in Baltimore.
At the center of it, as resident Boy wearing capes and collapsing He celebrated his 22nd birthday at
raconteur, impresario and all- onstage, as fans sang along to “my the Woodstock music festival in
around music maven, was mr. Lee, Wig fell off” and “Boogie Till You 1969.
a nonstop talker who knew where Puke.” In high school and college, mr.
each of the 100,000-odd titles in mr. Lee helped arrange a major- Lee played drums in bands before
his shop could be found. label deal with Warner Bros., moving to Los Angeles, where he
“A lot of your record store own- which released one album by root worked for about two years in a
ers are crazy,” he told The Wash- Boy Slim, then paid him $40,000 record shop. He occasionally act-
ington Post in 1988. “They can’t not to record a second album. He ed in music videos and under-
tell you their kids’ names, but they died in 1993. ground films that were not widely
can tell you the sidemen on some many of mr. Lee’s other ven- distributed.
blues guy’s first 78 rpm record.” tures into music management in- His marriage to mary Catherine
from the beginning, musicians, cluded concerts, reunion gather- Pepper ended in divorce. In addi-
writers, obsessive collectors and ings and fundraisers for ailing mu- tion to his son — whose full name
rebel teens began to drop by. Some sicians. In 1984, he brought to- is robert Johnson Lee, after the
went to work for mr. Lee; others gether several eccentric Delta blues musician — of Aspen
met like-minded souls and formed performers at the Psyche Delly for Hill, survivors include a daughter,
bands together. music fans from a concert billed as — thanks to a matilda Lee of Chevy Chase; six
Britain and Japan sometimes misspelling by a designer — “Pri- siblings; and four grandchildren.
bought hundreds of albums at a mative Night.” Frank JohnsTon/The WashingTon PosT mr. Lee lived in mount Airy
time. In 1989, after new corporate Joe Lee in 2000. Mr. Lee opened Joe’s Record Paradise in Takoma Park in 1974. The shop moved before settling on a mountaintop
“There was a whole community ownership fired longtime DJ Da- to several other locations in Montgomery County and is now run by his son in Silver Spring. near moorefield, W.Va. He turned
around that man and that store,” mian Einstein of WHfS-fm, mr. Joe’s record Paradise over to his
Zev feldman, a producer and rec- Lee organized an all-star concert son in 2008.
ord label executive who grew up in that drew some 8,000 listeners to height of the 1960s British Inva- 1962.” mr. Lee spent about two years He briefly opened a branch of
montgomery County, said in an a parking lot in Silver Spring and sion, led by the Beatles and rolling The sound was pristine. Ka- cataloguing Kagarise’s music and the store in Baltimore but closed it
interview. “It was a barbershop won a reprieve for Einstein. He Stones. garise was a reclusive recording helping arrange for its commer- after the fire department demand-
sort of environment. I went there promoted a performer he dubbed mr. Lee made one of his greatest engineer who had made thou- cial release. Several albums have ed payments for “highly flamma-
several times a week. I got an “Blelvis” — for Black Elvis — who discoveries in the late 1990s, when sands of hours of tapes of live been produced, and others are on ble” items. Content with just one
education in music by hanging knew every song recorded by Elvis a friend told him about Leon Ka- country music shows and broad- the way. location, mr. Lee refused all offers
around that place.” Presley. garise, who had amassed thou- casts throughout the 1960s. to launch a chain of franchises.
mr. Lee began to book music mr. Lee spearheaded a revival of sands of records at his home in “Here was an unreleased re- Embracing art and music “You’d lose that thing we have,”
acts at the Psyche Delly, a club in the orioles, a doo-wop group from Towson, md. While sorting cording of Johnny Cash in his Joseph Wilson Lee was born he told Billboard magazine in
Bethesda, and friendship Station the 1950s, and coordinated the through the collection — “You prime, sounding as if it was record- Aug. 17, 1947, in Silver Spring. His 1991. “You spread out, pretty soon
in the District. Always drawn to reunion of the British Walkers, a walk like a crab to get to one room” ed yesterday,” mr. Lee told the New mother, the daughter of a diplo- you’re hiring the typical know-
performers on the fringes of re- group from Arlington who adopt- — mr. Lee saw a tape recording York Times in 2001. “I just couldn’t mat, managed a household of nothing, dysfunctional minimum-
spectability, he managed the ca- ed fake English accents during the labeled “Johnny Cash, maryland believe what I was hearing.” eight children. wager. No, I don’t want that.”
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE B5


DONALD P. HICKEY rated football players in Oberlin history. He
Donald P. Hickey, 74, of Clayton, NC and
Manahawkin, NJ, passed away peacefully played both offense and defense and as
the team’s quarterback he set numerous
VIc SEIXAS, 100 on June 17, 2024 in Durham NC with family
passing records that took decades to break.
at his side.
Born in Omaha, Nebraska on July 28, 1949, Oberlin remained near and dear to Kev’s
he was one of six children of Air Force heart: he was a founder and later president
Colonel John J., and Gertrude E. Hickey. He of the Oberlin Heisman Club and the gen-
was a 1967 graduate of Bishop O’Connell erous benefactor of several student schol-
High School in Arlington, Virginia. arship funds.
Donnie excelled in many sports but was Upon graduation from Oberlin in 1951, Kev
exceptional in baseball. He was chosen as was immediately recalled to military service
one of the nation’s top high school players in the Korean war. The Army recalled him
and played in the Orioleland Game at Bal- for his “special airborne qualification” and
timore’s Memorial Stadium in 1967. He at- assigned him to the 187th Airborne Regi-
tended High Point College and was named mental Combat Team. As a paratrooper, Kev
to the 1969 NAIA First Team All American made several combat jumps, including in
squad after his sophomore year. He was Haean Basin, known as the Punchbowl. Fol-
the Most Valuable Player in several of the lowing his service in Korea, Kev began a suc-
leagues he participated in; most notably cessful career in marketing: he was a senior
the Shenandoah Valley League where he marketing executive at a major government
CLARICE AMANDA MOZIE CRUMB played for the first place team in Luray. He MICHELINE KOWALCZYK contractor in California, and then in 1972 he
“Tiny” KEVNEY JOHN O’CONNOR JR. (Age 98) founded his own marketing consulting firm
was drafted in the 7th round by the Bal- NEE GOURDON Kevney John O’Connor Jr. “Kev” passed away in Alexandria, Virginia.
We miss you and we love you, Tiny. timore Orioles in 1970, reaching Triple A 1931 – 2024
Rochester, where he had two strong years peacefully on July 3, 2024, at the age of 98. Kev remained passionate about athletics his
Love, Your Husband, Ernest Crumb; Born in Paris, Fr., she married Sidney Kow- Kev was a longtime resident of Arlington, entire life. He was a competitive and accom-
children; grandchildren; before an injury cut short his promising ca- alczyk in 1966 and moved to the US. A
reer. He is a 2002 inductee into the Bishop Virginia. Kev is survived by his sons, Andy plished tennis player until the final decade
great-grandchildren devoted wife and mother, and successful and Rod O’Connor; step-children, Eve Murty of his life. Some of his closest friendships
O’Connell Athletic Hall of Fame. entrepreneur having owned Micheline’s
Donnie was affectionately known as “Doc” (Jim), Kelly Baker (Whitney Ellerman), and were formed on the tennis courts of Wash-
Antiques in Alexandria, VA for 35 years. Charlie Baker (MaryAnne); grandchildren, ington Golf & Country Club in Arlington, Va.
by many of his friends in NJ. He was a life Visitation on Monday, July 15, 8:30 a.m. to
member of the Manahawkin Elks Lodge Michael and Jacob; and eight step-grand- Kev was always extremely fit and worked
10 a.m. at Demaine Funeral Home, 5308 children and nine step-great-grandchildren. out daily until the final years of his life. When
#2340. Backlick Rd., Springfield, VA, followed by
Surviving is his son Sean P. of Clayton, NC He is preceded in death by his parents, many men his age were entering retirement
a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 a.m. at Kevney Sr. and Margaret O’Connor; his six age, Kev would entertain friends by doing
and his former wife, Robbin of Sea Girt, NJ. St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 7401 St. Mi-
AP He also leaves behind his three brothers, siblings; and the love of his life, Pamela (nee push-ups from a handstand position.
chael’s Lane, Annandale, VA. Kendrick). Kev was a member of Washington Golf for
John (Sue), Robert (Lynn) and Brian. His
Vic Seixas at Wimbledon in two sisters, Barbara Sickler (Jim) and Pa- Kev was born on January 14, 1926 in Scars- 45 years. It was the center of his active so-
tricia McIntosh (Frank) and many nieces dale, NY. He graduated from Scarsdale High cial life and is where he met his wife, Pam.
1953, when he won the singles and nephews. He is described by family School, where he was a star athlete and an Kev and Pam had many close friends at
Eagle Scout. Immediately upon graduating Washington Golf and they enjoyed traveling
title. He played in what is now members as loyal, fun loving, extremely
in 1943, Kev enlisted in the US Army to fight and playing golf around the world with a
competitive, exceptional athlete, master
the U.S. Open 28 times. carpenter and mentor, talented musician, in World War II. After attending Officer Can- number of them. Kev was also actively in-
loving brother and uncle with an infectious didate School, Kev was commissioned as volved in the Wounded Warriors Project, and
laugh. In the words of his niece, “We lost a the youngest 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army. he would regularly entertain injured veter-
As an airborne officer, he was supposed to ans and their families at dinner.

strong one, Uncle Donnie. You were loved
despite your rough edges. Go swing for the be sent to Europe, but instead he was sent A funeral service is scheduled for 10 a.m.
fences.” to fight in the jungles of the Philippines as a on Saturday, July 27 at St. Mary’s Episcopal
You are deeply missed by all. company commander in the Army’s elite 6th Church, 2609 N Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA with
Ranger Battalion. His Battalion saw heavy a reception to follow at Washington Golf &
A Celebration of Life will take place at a DEATH NOTICES

later time. fighting and it conducted the successful raid Country Club. In lieu of flowers, please con-
DEATH NOTICE MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
to free American POWs s from the Japanese
prison camp at Cabanatuan in 1945 (the
sider a donation to Lawyers for the People,
an organization dedicated to protecting the
To place a notice, call: “Ghost Soldiers” rescue). legal rights of children with disabilities.
Following the war, Kev enrolled at Oberlin For more information and to leave condo-

career of
800-627-1150 ext 4-4122 College, where he played both football and lences for Kevney’s family, please visit:
EMAIL: lacrosse. Kev was among the most deco- www.murphyfuneralhomes.com
[email protected]
In loving memory of Zena Mercedes Dullum

tennis ace
Email and faxes MUST include
who passed peacefully on July 2, 2024, at name, home address & home phone #
her home in Merritt Island, Florida. She
was 99 years old and is cherished by her
three children David, Jim and Mercedes,
of the responsible billing party.
Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
Phone-In deadline
their respective spouses Marcia, Valerie
and Bob; her seven grandchildren Carina, TUNIS 4 p.m. M-F
3 p.m. Sa-Su
Stacy, Mercedes, Stephanie, Brandan, Gen-
A SSOCIATED P RESS evieve and Elizabeth, her 12 great-grand- OSCAR “BUZZY” TUNIS CURRENT 2023 RATES:
children; and her younger brother Arthur On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, Buzzy
Lyons. Tunis of Rockville, MD passed
Vic Seixas, a Wimbledon win- Mercedes, also known as Matto, was born away. Beloved husband of Judy MONDAY-SATURDAY
Black & White
in Kingston, Jamaica on April 19, 1925 to Tunis, devoted father of Susan
ner and tennis Hall of Famer who Alan and Carina Lyons. She was married to Tunis and Nancy Tunis, cher- 1" - $160 (text only)
2" - $370 (text only)
was the oldest living Grand Slam Murph Dullum of Silverton, Oregon of over ished grandfather of Joshua 3" - $525
50 years. Matto was a successful business and Jonah Tunis. Graveside services will
champion, died July 5 at 100. and community leader including President be held on Sunday, July 14, 2024, 12 p.m.
4" - $575
5" - $725
The International Tennis Hall of the Montego Omnibus Co., President of
the Montego Bay Inner Wheel and a Justice
at King David Memorial Gardens. Memorial ------
Contributions may be made to the Hebrew SUNDAY
of Fame announced Mr. Seixas’s of the Peace presiding over family court. Home of Greater Washington. Black & White
death based on confirmation As the matriarch of the family, Matto will www.sagelbloomfield.com 1"- $191 (text only)
be missed deeply by her family and is re- 2" - $405 (text only)
from his daughter, Tori. No cause membered by everyone she touched for 3" - $580
her grace, calm demeanor and welcoming 4" - $610
was noted. personality. A memorial service will be 5" - $790
Mr. Seixas was inducted into announced at a later date and the family
6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
requests in lieu of sending flowers or gifts,
the tennis Hall of Fame in 1971 please send donations in memory of Mer- $160 each additional inch Mon - Sat THEODORE B. SALAZAR “TED”
$191 each additional inch Sunday Theodore (Ted) B. Salazar passed away May 20, 2024, in Reston, Virginia. He was born in
after a career that included the cedes Dullum to: St. Francis Reflections -------------------- Consumers, Utah April 18, 1930, to Maria Aurelia Martinez and Eudoro Salazar, the fourth of
Hospice through their website: reflection-
1953 Wimbledon singles title. He slsc.org/donate/
six children. Ted spent his early childhood in the canyons and coal mining camps of central
Utah before the family moved to Price, Utah. In Price, he attended Notre Dame School and
also won the U.S. Championships 3" - $670 Carbon County High School; class of 1948, where he was a member of the basketball, foot-
4" - $725
— now the U.S. Open — in 1954.
Mr. Seixas (pronounced SAY- EAGAN IN MEMORIAM 5" - $885
ball, and track teams. While still in school, he began working as an engine dispatcher for the
Denver Rio Grande Western Railroad in Helper, Utah.

shuss) stood out for his longevity In 1951 Ted Salazar was drafted into the US Army and was stationed in Japan as part of the
3" - $710 transportation unit. He attained the rank of corporal and received an honorable discharge
in the sport and played in the U.S. David M. Eagan, 88, of New Kent, and pre-
viously Centreville, VA died June 14, 2024
4" - $810 in 1953. After his service, he came to Washington, DC to attend the Catholic University of
Championships a record 28 times 5" - $985 America, earning his Bachelor of Arts in 1958 and Master of Fine Arts degrees, in 1963.
at his home after a long fought battle with
between 1940 and 1969, the last Parkinson. He is survived by his wife and 6"+ for ALL color notices Ted Salazar met his wife, Lois Ann Mortashed, in an art class at Catholic University and they
best friend, Lin of 41 years; daughter, Kelly $268 each additional inch Mon - Sat were married in 1961 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Ted was devoted
time when he was 45. He was also Bailey; grandsons, Kyle and Tanner Kirby. $299 each additional inch Sunday to his two children, Teddy and Maria and actively supported them and the community as
Dave, an active member of AA, had 64+
a mainstay in the Davis Cup, years of sobriety which he credited to the Notices with photos begin at 3"
cub scout den parent, youth soccer coach, PTA president Lake Anne Elementary School,
and president of the Herndon High School Band Boosters. Ted and Lois were also arts and
where he helped the United support of friends, consistent attendance (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
crafts counselors at Camp Winnebago in Fayette, Maine during the mid-70s, introducing
of meetings as well as his deep faith. His
States reach seven straight finals passions were, golf, woodcarving and “fix- ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID campers to a wide range of craft skills and art.
between 1951 and 1957. ing things”. A Memorial Service will be held
MEMORIAL PLAQUES: From 1960 to 1967 Ted Salazar was chairman and teacher, Art Department at Washington,
at the Centreville United Methodist Church
The Americans faced Australia on Saturday, July 20 at 11 a.m. All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque
DC public schools, and taught at Woodson Jr. High and Ballou Sr. High Schools. From 1967
to 1993 he was an assistant professor of art at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC and
in all of those finals and only won taught a broad range of art disciplines. He also served as Chairman of the Art Department
Additional plaques start at $26 each from 1983 to 1989.
one, in 1954, when Seixas won one and may be ordered.
singles match and the doubles All Paid Death Notices
In retirement Ted taught English and US Citizenship at the Neighborhood Resource Center in
Herndon, Virginia, using his fluency in Spanish to help many new arrivals learn English and
together with Tony Trabert. appear on our website through helped over 40 people obtain their US citizenship.
He also won five Grand Slam
Ted Salazar was an accomplished artist creating numerous drawings and paintings in mul-
titles in doubles and eight in LEGACY.COM
Included in all death notices tiple mediums including portraits, figures, landscapes and abstracts; sculptures made from
mixed doubles. LAURA BETH EILERS Optional for In Memoriams welded steel, carved wood, and ceramics; ceramic pottery; and jewelry using precious met-
IN MEMORIAM als. Ted and Lois were active in the nascent Reston art community in the 1970s as founding
After his playing career, he March 6, 1969 – July 13, 2023 members of the Reston Craft Guild and the Greater Reston Art Center (GRACE). Ted was
A year has passed since Laura died follow-
served as the tournament referee ing a traumatic brain injury. She is deeply
PLEASE NOTE: commissioned to design and create public art works including stoneware baptismal and
holy water fonts, and chalice for St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Church and The Good Shep-
during the 1971 U.S. Open and missed by her family—mother, brother, sis- Notices must be placed via phone or herd Lutheran Church in Reston, and a commemorative sculpture made of welded steel and
ter, niece, and nephew--and a worldwide email. Photos must be emailed. You can ceramic plaques for the Reston-Herndon Fairfax County Regional Library. He also exhibited
was a three-time Davis Cup cap- network of friends who cherish her and no longer place notices, drop off photos his art at individual and group shows at Gallaudet, Northern Virginia Community College,
tain. grieve her loss every day. Laura pursued
knowledge and connection her entire life.
and make payment in person.
Payment must be made via phone with
GRACE, and Virginia Craft Council shows.
Elias Victor Seixas Jr. was born She earned advanced degrees in cyber- debit/credit card.
Ted Salazar is survived by his wife Lois (Reston, VA); children Teddy (Sarah Meyer) (Durham,
in Philadelphia on Aug. 30, 1923. security, studied Mandarin, founded Send NC) and Maria (Catharpin, VA); sister Virginia (Salt Lake City, UT); grandchildren Izzy and
Something, which connected people who Theo.
His father owned a plumbing loved writing and receiving letters, rescued
homeless kitties, and played the bassoon.
supply company and played ten- She will be forever mourned and missed.
Services scheduled for a later date.
nis at a local court, where Vic first DEATH NOTICE Memorial contributions may be made in Ted’s name to the Herndon Neighborhood Re-
picked up a racket when he was a DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE source Center at https://www.cornerstonesva.org/ways-to-give/
He served as a pilot in the Army
Air Forces in the Pacific during
World War II. He then studied at War conflict. WILENSKY
the University of North Carolina Joan’s interests were many and varied in- Bush as the head of the Health Care Financ-
and played on the tennis team, cluding literature, history, travel, art, sports, ing Administration, where she both shaped
graduating in 1949. bridge, and national and global affairs. She important legislation and oversaw its imple-
is survived by four of her five children and mentation. Her leadership within HHS was
He was a tennis director for the their spouses; Carol Nolan Klatt (Michael E. followed by a senior White House appoint-
Klatt), Kelly Nolan Spencer (Robert T. Spen-
Greenbrier resort in White Sul- cer), Richard C. Nolan (Mary Bentz Nolan),
ment during the final year of the Bush pres-
idency. During her governmental tenure, Dr.
phur Springs, W.Va., and at a hotel and Patricia Nolan McNeill (John Christopher Wilensky focused on physician and hospital
McNeill). Son John E. Nolan III passed away
in New Orleans. In 1989, he in 1980.
payment reform, health care performance
improvement, the enactment of crucial im-
moved to the San Francisco area provements in Medicaid coverage of chil-
Surviving grandchildren include; David Nolan dren, and reforms that ultimately enabled a
and started a tennis program at a Klatt (Kate Hannum), Andrew M. Klatt (Faith historic expansion of the nation’s community
Marin County racket and beach Williams Klatt), Elizabeth Spencer Rouen
(Derrick X. Rouen), Michael F. Spencer (Ann
health centers.
Over the years, Dr. Wilensky assumed dozens
club (now the Club at Harbor Schmidt Spencer), John “Jack” Nolan (Caitie of leadership and advisement roles including
Point). RICHARD ERIC GREENE (Age 78) Meyer), John Nolan McNeill (Rachel Rocha), participation in the Congressional Physician
Richard Eric Greene of Fairfax, VA died Kelly M. Nolan, and Henry F. McNeill. Payment Review Commission, the Congres-
A complete list of survivors on July 6, 2024. Born June 21, 1945; to sional Medicare Payment Review Commis-
was not immediately available. Leon and Mary Greene in Jackson, MI, he JOAN DOBBINS NOLAN Joan’s three great grandchildren, all of whom sion, the President’s Task Force to Improve
is survived by his wife, Janet; sons, Todd On Saturday, June 29, 2024, Joan Dobbins were born in the 10 months prior to her Veterans’ Health Care, the Department of
(Christy), and Eric (Katherine); daughter, Nolan passed away after a brief illness at her passing, are Robert H. Rouen, Nolan Quinn GAIL WILENSKY PHD Defense Task Force on the Future of Military
Jennifer Abbruzzese (Matthew); grandsons, home in Maplewood Park Place in Bethesda, Hannum-Klatt, and Nathan W. Spencer. Dr. Gail Wilensky, PhD, a seminal Health Care, and the Defense Health Board.
Gus, Ben, and Sam Abbruzzese and Jason Maryland. Joan was the wife of Washington figure in U.S. health policy, was Indicative of her dedication to improving the
Greene; and his granddaughter, Kimberly DC attorney John E. Nolan Jr., who preceded Joan will be interred alongside her husband devoted to ensuring affordable health care of our country’s service mem-
Greene. her in death on November 18, 2017. John, at the US Naval Academy in Annapo- and accessible health care for all bers, Dr. Wilensky traveled to military hos-
Richard was the U.S. Customs Service’s lis in a private ceremony. Contributions, in Americans while also improving pitals in Iraq and Germany to gain firsthand
first Director of Television Operations, and Joan was born on Long Island, New York on the name of Joan D. Nolan, may be made to health system performance and knowledge about ways to improve the mili-
served as Acting Assistant Commissioner July 22, 1926 to Richard and Sarah Cassidy World Central Kitchen at: http://wck.org/ efficiency, died in her home on July 11, 2024, tary’s health care system. Dr. Wilensky also
of Public Affairs for U.S. Customs and Bor- Dobbins, attended local grammar and high donate at the age of 81. She is survived by Robert, served on numerous private, public, char-
der Protection, Department of Homeland schools and received her BS in Biology from her loving husband of 60 years; her broth- itable, and foundation boards, was a much
Security. Notre Dame of Maryland University, in Balti- er Gary Roggin; her son Peter, her daughter sought-after lecturer in advanced health pol-
A visitation will be held on July 14, 5 to 8 more. She was married to her husband, John Sara, and her five grandchildren. icy programs at leading academic centers.
p\.m., at Adams-Green Funeral Home. On Nolan in 1950, upon his graduation from the A health economist by training, Dr. Wilensky She was elected to the National Academy of
July 15, a funeral will be held at St. Tim- US Naval Academy prior to his departure as gained early recognition for her work in de- Medicine in recognition of her contributions
othy’s Catholic Church in Chantilly, at 10 a Marine Corps first lieutenant in the Korean veloping what ultimately became one of the to U.S. health policy.
a.m., followed by interment at Fairfax Me- nation’s most important ongoing surveys of Dr. Wilensky was devoted to her alma mater,
morial Park, in Fairfax. health insurance coverage, health care ac- the University of Michigan, where she earned
cess, and health care utilization: the National her BA in Psychology and PhD in Economics
DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE Medical Care and Expenditures Survey. Of and served on the Dean’s Advisory Commit-
particular importance, this survey system, tee for the Univ. of Michigan’s College of Lit-

which remains a core feature of U.S. policy- erature, Science and the Arts (and met her
making, was designed to capture crucial eco- husband, Robert!). She was thrilled to create

When the Cable Television Association, the American

nomic and demographic information about
Americans; its findings yielded some of the
earliest evidence regarding health care in-
an endowed chair in Applied Economics and
Public Policy to help future researchers at
Michigan continue her important work.
Retropolis need arises,
Gas Association, and AARP.
Loving and thoughtful Peggy was an artist
equality among low income people and
minoritized communities. Over five decades,
the results from this survey have served as
Graveside services will be held Sunday, July
14,2024, 2 p.m., at Judean Memorial Gar-
dens, 16225 Batchellors Forest Rd., Olney,
The past, rediscovered and avid storyteller whose passion was the basis for major health policy reforms MD 20832. The Family will be sitting Shiva
wpost.com/retropolis let families crafting text and photos into memory books
for family and friends. She and Kip loved gar-
dening, hikes, golf, good food, and nature.
championed by Democrats and Republicans
alike, including foundational improvements
in Medicare and Medicaid, and ultimately, in
following the burial, 6 p.m. at the Wilensky
residence. Anyone wishing to honor Dr.
Wilensky’s life is encouraged to send a gift

find you in the

enactment of the Affordable Care Act. to either Project HOPE or the Ford School of
In addition to her husband, she is survived Dr. Wilensky spent over three decades of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.
by her siblings Cathy Hotka (Michael), Mar- her career at Project HOPE, a leading global Services entrusted to Sagel Bloomfield Dan-
ilyn Hannan, and Tom Hannan (Cheryl); and

Funeral Services
health and humanitarian organization. She zansky Goldberg Funeral Care.
her sisters-in-law, Carole Laramie, Maria was appointed by President George H.W. www.sagelbloomfield.com
Laramie, Joy Laramie (Jamie Nicholas) and
several nieces and nephews. She is pre-

deceased by her parents, Patrick J. and
Margaret T. Hannan and brother-in-law, Joe


Special thanks to Alex Spira, M.D. and NEXT
Oncology Virginia for extending Peggy’s life
by enrolling her in a series of clinical re- POST YOUR
S0364 1x4 Margaret Hannan “Peggy” Laramie, 67, search trials that sought to achieve FDA-ap-
beloved wife of, John K. “Kip” Laramie, proved cancer treatments. The family also
Funeral Services moved to her new heavenly home on July
7, 2024, after bravely battling a rare form
wishes to acknowledge the wonderful care
given at VHC Health and all the other med-
Directory, please call of non-smoker’s lung cancer for more than
two years.
ical professionals who cared for her along
the way. Now death notices on
More tech? paid Death Notices She attended Immaculata Preparatory High Friends are invited to pay their respects at washingtonpost.com/obituaries allow you
There’s a newsletter— at 202-334-4122.
School, then graduated with honors in jour-
nalism from Loyola University in New Orle-
1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 13 at Queen of
Apostles Church, 4401 Sano St., Alexandria,
to express your sympathy with greater ease.
or several—for you. ans, LA. She started her career as press sec-
retary for U.S. Representative Lindy Boggs
VA 22312. A requiem Mass will follow at 2
Visit today.
wpost.com/newsletters (D-LA). Well-organized and with a keen mind
for details, Peggy then worked for more
than 30 years in public information and ex-
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be
made to the Little Sisters of the Poor, 4200 GHI
N0302 1x1.5

ecutive communications for the National Harewood Rd. NE, Washington, DC 20017.
B6 eZ re the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

The Weather
washingtonpost.com/weather . x: @capitalweather . facebook.com/capitalweather

Partly cloudy, with chance of rain Today Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday O FFICIA L REC ORD
T‑storm Partly sunny, T‑storm Very hot Partly sunny, heavy
Clouds could be a little slow to hot around hot t‑storms Temperatures aVerage reCorD aCTUaL ForeCasT

depart, but we’ll see more rays, given

time. The best chance for additional
showers is east of Interstate 95,
especially by midday and afternoon.
Partly sunny or better by late afternoon. Highs
end up making the upper 80s to lower 90s. Winds
should be light and variable. 91° 76 ° 95° 76 ° 97° 77 ° 101° 78 94° 76 ° ° 84° 69 °

FeeLs*: 99° FeeLs: 104° FeeLs: 104° FeeLs: 107° FeeLs: 102° FeeLs: 86°
ChnCe PreCiP: 45% P: 0% P: 40% P: 40% P: 25% P: 75%
WinD: S 4–8 mph W: NW 4–8 mph W: WSW 6–12 mph W: W 6–12 mph W: WSW 6–12 mph W: N 6–12 mph
hUMiDiTy: Very High h: High h: High h: High h: High h: High
M Tu W Th F sa su M Tu W Th F sa su M
statistics through 5 p.m. Friday

REGIO N N ATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
high 83° 5:00 p.m. 80° 5:00 p.m. 81° 1:00 p.m.
Low 76° 11:19 a.m. 70° 7:22 a.m. 72° 1:51 a.m.
harrisburg Philadelphia
85/74 normal 90°/73° 88°/67° 89°/68°
93/73 record high 99° 1908 97° 1986 97° 1908
hagerstown record low 53° 1895 47° 2002 53° 2002
89/74 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +3.4° yr. to date: +3.1°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PreVioUs year norMaL LaTesT
Washington annapolis
84/61 91/76 78/70
86/73 oCean: 70°

Charlottesville ocean City

92/70 78/71
oCean: 70°
87/73 Virginia Beach
82/76 National Dulles BWI
norfolk oCean: 76°
84/77 Past 24 hours 0.12" 0.28" 0.06"
Total this month 0.51" 1.34" 0.26"
kitty hawk
normal 1.75" 1.62" 1.60"
oCean: 75° Total this year 20.20" 19.33" 21.95"
normal 22.18" 23.26" 22.92"
Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Good
grass Moderate Dominant cause: ozone
Trees Moderate
Weeds Low UV: Very High Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Moderate 9 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 5:54 a.m. 8:34 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, partly sunny; hot in northern parts. Moon 1:17 p.m. 12:11 a.m.
T-storms rain showers snow Flurries ice Cold Front Warm Front stationary Front July 13 July 21 July 27 Aug 4
high 75 to 83. Winds northwest 4–8 mph. Tonight, clear to Yesterday's National World
First Full Last new
Venus 6:45 a.m. 9:15 p.m.
partly cloudy; humid. Low 64 to 68. Winds north 4–8 mph. High: China Lake, Ca 114° High: amarah, iraq 125° Mars 2:07 a.m. 4:16 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Fairplay, Co 33° Low: La Quiaca, argentina 10° Jupiter 3:01 a.m. 5:35 p.m.
sunday, mostly sunny; hot in northern parts. high 77 to 85. for the 48 contiguous states excludes antarctica Saturn 11:21 p.m. 10:48 a.m.
Atlantic beaches: Today, mainly cloudy, humid. a NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 93/75/t 98/74/s Oklahoma City 96/73/pc 96/73/pc WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 92/78/t 92/78/s Rio de Janeiro 76/70/pc 77/70/pc
thunderstorm; a couple of showers, a thunderstorm in the Detroit 87/69/pc 88/73/t Omaha 97/75/pc 100/74/s Addis Ababa 69/56/r 71/56/sh Istanbul 91/76/s 91/75/s Riyadh 115/89/pc 112/86/pc
north. Watch for and avoid life–threatening rip currents. Albany, NY 91/67/s 94/68/s El Paso 100/75/s 100/75/pc Orlando 92/77/t 94/76/t Amsterdam 64/57/r 69/57/pc Jerusalem 89/70/s 84/70/s Rome 89/68/s 90/66/s
high 78 to 84. Winds south 7–14 mph. Tonight, mainly clear, Albuquerque 97/70/c 96/70/s Fairbanks, AK 69/55/c 66/49/c Philadelphia 85/74/t 95/75/t Athens 99/79/s 99/79/s Johannesburg 73/47/s 72/37/s San Salvador 89/69/t 89/69/s
humid. Low 70 to 77. Anchorage 57/52/r 59/50/r Fargo, ND 94/67/t 92/68/t Phoenix 113/89/pc 110/89/t Auckland 57/45/s 59/53/pc Kabul 86/65/s 87/65/s Santiago 62/32/s 63/33/s
Atlanta 96/76/s 96/76/s Hartford, CT 87/69/t 94/69/pc Pittsburgh 90/69/s 93/72/t Baghdad 111/86/pc 107/86/pc Kingston, Jam. 91/82/pc 90/82/t Sarajevo 101/63/s 100/62/s
Austin 89/76/t 93/74/pc Honolulu 88/76/sh 87/76/s Portland, ME 84/65/t 84/65/s Bangkok 91/79/t 91/80/t Kolkata 93/82/t 92/81/t Seoul 91/74/pc 87/76/t
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, a stray morning Baltimore 89/74/t 96/76/s Houston 86/76/t 90/76/t Portland, OR 93/60/s 88/59/s Beijing 80/70/sh 86/70/c Kyiv 97/74/s 100/75/s Shanghai 86/77/t 84/79/t
thunderstorm, clouds breaking. Wind southeast 4–8 knots. Waves Billings, MT 97/65/s 100/64/c Indianapolis 88/72/t 91/73/t Providence, RI 81/70/t 91/70/s Berlin 75/56/sh 78/60/pc Lagos 84/76/r 85/76/r Singapore 89/80/t 88/80/t
under a foot. • Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, mostly Birmingham 97/74/s 97/76/pc Jackson, MS 96/76/pc 94/75/t Raleigh, NC 90/75/t 98/76/t Bogota 65/48/r 67/48/pc Lima 65/58/pc 65/59/pc Stockholm 72/59/pc 69/56/sh
cloudy, a thunderstorm. Wind south 6–12 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on Bismarck, ND 91/64/t 95/64/t Jacksonville, FL 95/76/t 96/75/t Reno, NV 101/70/pc 91/65/t Brussels 66/53/r 73/53/pc Lisbon 77/59/s 77/66/pc Sydney 65/47/pc 62/45/s
Boise 106/74/s 103/70/pc Kansas City, MO 95/74/c 97/75/s Richmond 87/73/t 95/73/pc Buenos Aires 53/43/s 52/46/pc London 67/53/c 71/54/pc Taipei City 97/79/t 98/79/t
the Lower Potomac; 1–3 feet on the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages:
Boston 84/72/t 86/73/s Las Vegas 111/88/t 106/86/pc Sacramento 92/65/pc 99/58/pc Cairo 99/80/s 95/80/s Madrid 93/66/pc 90/67/pc Tehran 98/78/s 98/77/s
The stage at Little Falls will be around 2.70 feet today, with no Buffalo 86/66/s 87/70/t Little Rock 96/75/pc 96/75/s St. Louis 96/78/t 98/78/s Manila 91/79/t 89/79/t Tokyo 86/77/r 85/76/c
Caracas 78/64/t 78/64/t
change of 2.70 sunday. Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 85/67/s 89/70/s Los Angeles 85/65/pc 82/65/pc St. Thomas, VI 90/81/t 91/80/t Copenhagen 65/58/r 68/60/pc Mexico City 73/55/r 75/56/r Toronto 86/66/s 86/71/t
Charleston, SC 93/78/t 96/77/t Louisville 92/75/s 96/76/t Salt Lake City 105/80/c 100/75/pc Dakar 86/79/pc 87/79/pc Montreal 85/68/s 87/69/s Vienna 84/66/pc 87/67/pc
Charleston, WV 93/69/s 92/69/t Memphis 96/76/pc 95/77/s San Diego 76/67/pc 75/68/pc Dublin 65/50/sh 66/50/sh Moscow 83/67/pc 78/66/pc Warsaw 83/63/t 78/61/t
Today’s tides (high tides in Bold)
Charlotte 94/74/t 96/74/t Miami 91/81/t 94/82/t San Francisco 73/58/pc 74/58/pc Edinburgh 58/53/c 68/54/c Mumbai 83/79/t 84/80/t
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 1:57 a.m. 8:41 a.m. 2:12 p.m. 8:38 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 97/63/pc 97/65/pc Milwaukee 85/74/t 92/74/t San Juan, PR 90/81/t 90/79/t Frankfurt 74/53/pc 79/56/pc Nairobi 73/54/c 76/52/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 90/75/t 94/75/t Minneapolis 91/72/t 92/72/t Seattle 87/59/s 84/55/s New Delhi 97/83/pc 99/85/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 5:23 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 5:26 p.m. none Geneva 75/54/pc 79/61/c
Cincinnati 91/70/s 92/73/t Nashville 98/73/s 98/73/s Spokane, WA 99/66/s 96/66/c Oslo 79/59/c 66/58/r sources: AccuWeather.com; Us army Centralized
Ocean City 1:07 a.m. 7:27 a.m. 1:42 p.m. 7:59 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 85/77/s 84/77/s allergen extract Lab (pollen data); airnow.gov (air
Cleveland 85/68/pc 88/75/t New Orleans 94/79/t 92/79/t Syracuse 88/64/s 90/69/pc Helsinki 78/60/s 71/57/sh Ottawa 86/64/pc 88/68/s quality data); national Weather service
Norfolk 3:01 a.m. 9:12 a.m. 3:38 p.m. 10:06 p.m. Dallas 96/78/s 96/80/pc New York City 82/74/t 92/78/s Tampa 91/79/t 93/78/t Ho Chi Minh City 88/76/t 86/76/t Paris 72/53/pc 75/55/c * accuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 1:38 a.m. 7:01 a.m. 1:17 p.m. 8:12 p.m. Denver 102/66/pc 104/69/pc Norfolk 84/77/t 91/77/t Wichita 101/74/pc 102/75/s Hong Kong 94/85/t 96/85/t Prague 76/59/pc 79/60/c measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

Punishing heat wave that blasted the West is poised to hit the East Coast
BY I AN L IVINGSTON nas. through Sunday. Chris Bianchi, a make it feel even hotter. A huge
Even as the intensity of the broadcast meteorologist for swath from the central Plains to
After blasting the western heat in the West lessens, it will 9News in Denver, described the the Mid-Atlantic and southward
United States for the past 10 days, remain warmer than normal. heat wave as “very unusual and can anticipate heat indexes,
record heat is poised to shift into “Much of the nation will experi- serious” in a post on X. which takes humidity into ac-
the eastern United States over the ence above-average temperatures count, of 100 to 105. The steami-
weekend and early next week. next week,” the Weather Service Where the heat is headed est locations could flirt with 110.
Some parts of the east could wrote. next By Wednesday, the most ex-
see their hottest weather of the Record warmth takes a road treme heat should sink south-
summer so far. “Widespread rec- Where the worst heat is now trip from the west to the east over ward, allowing more pleasant air
ord values” are predicted as it Much of the western United the weekend, where it will linger to spread over the Midwest and
becomes “dangerously hot for States faced one more day of for a few days before returning Northeast.
many,” the National Weather widespread extreme heat that westward.
Service wrote in a discussion Fri- could break numerous records Monday and Tuesday appear to The long-range forecast
day. even while its intensity began to be the hottest days of the upcom- After this next bout of high-end
Records highs in the east were diminish some in the Pacific ing stretch. Records are likely heat in the eastern United States,
possible Friday and Saturday in Northwest. from the South into New Eng- computer models project temper-
parts of Georgia and the Caroli- Excessive-heat warnings cover land. atures near or even below normal
nas. From Sunday through much of California, Nevada and Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, in about a week but hotter-than-
Wednesday, record heat will ex- portions of surrounding states. riCky CarioTi/The WashingTon PosT N.C., and Knoxville, Tenn., are normal weather is predicted for
pand to cover much of the East Much of the Desert Southwest Folks cool off from temperatures close to 100 degrees at a pool at forecast to flirt with record highs the Mountain West.
Coast. and California Central Valley Baker Park in Frederick, Md., on Tuesday. near 100 Sunday and Monday. By late July, the most reliable
The Weather Service’s Heat- reached 110 degrees or higher Highs in the mid-90s to around long-range weather models sug-
Risk product shows numerous Thursday and did so again Friday. wide margin, easily surpassing parts of Wyoming, eastern Mon- 100 will also reach the Mid-Atlan- gest that large parts of the Lower
eastern cities reaching “extreme” Palm Springs, Calif., hit 119 on the previous mark of 115.1 in 2005. tana and western Nebraska. The tic on Monday, including D.C. Its 48 states may have to contend
Level 4 heat — the highest level Thursday, while Las Vegas Elsewhere, Salt Lake City rose heat will also extend to the Hous- forecast high of 101 would be the with above-average temperatures
on its 0-4 scale — for at least a day reached 118, its record sixth near 105 Friday, while Sacramen- ton area, where hundreds of thou- hottest of the year so far. again, except perhaps for parts of
or two through early next week. straight day making it to at least to soars to 110. sands remain without power af- Highs well into the 90s should the South.
The extreme heat will be most 115 degrees. Its average high of Heat advisories also extend ter Hurricane Beryl. also spread over much of south-
persistent and widespread from 116.9 degrees over the past week eastward, covering parts of east- In Denver, highs were expected ern New England. Jason samenow contributed to this
southern Louisiana to the Caroli- was the highest on record by a ern Colorado, including Denver, to rise near and above 100 Friday High levels of humidity will report.

THE DISTRICT rounding the return were not 4000 block of South Capitol The other teens who police say
immediately clear. Street SW. Court documents say escaped were a 14-year-old male,

4 youths escape psychiatric facility D.C. police said the four teens
remained missing as of Friday
evening. The Department of
Dawley was trapped in the vehi-
cle at the time of the crash and
police found a handgun in his
a 15-year-old male and a 16-year-
old female. It was not clear what
particular allegations they faced

after attacking staffer, memo says Youth Rehabilitation Services did

not immediately return calls
seeking comment.
breast pocket. He was charged
with unauthorized use of a vehi-
cle, carrying a pistol without a
that got them involved with the
Department of Youth Rehabilita-
tion Services, which deals with
Bonita Bolden, a spokeswom- license and possession of a high- children accused of violent and
BY K EITH L . A LEXANDER the custody of the District’s De- the facility about 9 p.m. Thurs- an for the Psychiatric Institute of capacity feeding device. nonviolent offenses, before they
partment of Youth Rehabilitation day, police said. Washington, said such incidents At the time of his February ended up at the hospital. The Post
D.C. police on Friday were Services, with at least one ac- According to a memo hospital were “infrequent” but declined to arrest, Dawley was also wanted generally does not identify
searching for four youths who cused of carjacking, according to officials sent to the Department offer additional comment on the for armed carjacking and robbery youths charged as juveniles.
escaped from an acute psychiat- a person familiar with the matter, of Youth Rehabilitation Services teens absconding, citing patient for an incident in November. Thursday’s events occurred
ric care facility in Northwest speaking on the condition of ano- on Friday morning and reviewed confidentiality laws. At a brief hearing Friday in just as a new report from the
Washington after allegedly as- nymity to discuss juvenile cases. by The Washington Post, five One of the youths, 16-year-old D.C. Superior Court over the al- District’s disability rights watch-
saulting an employee and fleeing After psychiatric evaluations, “adolescent” patients lured a hos- Andre Dawley, had been charged leged absconding, Dawley’s attor- dog, Disability Rights D.C., al-
with the person’s badge, keys and they were transferred to the Psy- pital staffer into a patient’s room. as an adult by federal prosecutors ney Rachel Cicurel said she was leged systemic abuse and neglect
other belongings, according to chiatric Institute of Washington They then assaulted the person after he was arrested in February. worried about her client, who at the Psychiatric Institute of
authorities and a memo sent by on Wisconsin Avenue NW for and left, the memo alleged. Authorities allege he stole a vehi- suffered from “serious mental Washington.
hospital officials. treatment, though it was not One of the five teens, the memo cle and led police on a chase from health challenges.” Judge Errol Bolden, the hospital’s spokes-
The four minors, ranging in immediately clear how long each said, was returned to the hospital, Prince George’s County into the Arthur issued a warrant for Daw- woman, declined to comment on
age from 14 to 16, had been put in had been at the hospital. They left though the circumstances sur- District before crashing in the ley’s arrest. the July report.

Enter for the chance to win a pair of tickets to O.A.R. Summer Tour ’24
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modern production and thought-provoking lyrics…” (victrola.com).
See details at washingtonpost.com/entertainment/events/lists/388

saturday, july 13, 2024

Style Ez rE c
Faye 

A soft-focus
portrait of a
movie star

Faye Dunaway took risks,

racking up three best actress
Oscar nominations (and one
win) for playing a string of
problematic women who dared
the audience to have their backs.
In turn, Dunaway herself was
equally admired and feared, and
she rarely felt the public’s warm
embrace. so it’s understandable
that after decades of polarizing
press, the now-83-year-old feels
safe revealing herself only to
Laurent Bouzereau’s friendly
and defanged documentary
“Faye” — a far gentler portrait of
a difficult woman than every-
thing else on her résumé.
Honestly, it’s pleasant to wit-
ness Dunaway getting the kid
gloves treatment. In lieu of harsh
questions, Bouzereau pokes af-
fectionate fun at her foibles with
B-roll of their sit-down. The film,
premiering saturday on HBO,
opens with her taking control of
his production before, it seems,
she was aware that the camera
was recording. Dunaway wants
to angle her shoulders just so;
WaSHInGTOn pOST IlluSTraTIOn; dIa dIpaSupIl, cIndy Ord/GETTy ImaGES; dEmETrIuS FrEEman/THE WaSHInGTOn pOST; ISTOck
she wants a glass of water, not a
bottle; and she wants to start
shooting now because she’s

Couched in ‘Morning Joe’

ready to go. Once the tape is
rolling, she volunteers that she’s
difficult — in fact, she admits it,
comfortably — empowering Bou-
zereau and the editor Jason sum-
mers to splice in these bits as

acknowledgment. Yes, Dunaway
MSNBC show snBC heavyweight Joe scarborough took to his eponymous
“Morning Joe” show on Thursday with a message: It was time to end
is headstrong, because she wants
everyone else on a set to match
hosts a family the Democratic civil war over President Biden’s debate perfor- her fastidiousness and iron will.
therapy session mance, one way or another.
Quoting Abraham Lincoln and the Gospel of Matthew, a solemn scarbor-
Later, there’s a montage of
Dunaway’s addiction to lip balm,
for the Biden ough called for a team of congressional power players to meet with the Biden a time-wasting tic that aggravat-
conundrum family to hash out whether he should stay in the race.
“‘We shall not fail if we stand together,’” scarborough said, as Mika
ed Hawk Koch, the assistant
director of “Chinatown.” (“Pain
Brzezinski — his co-host of 17 years and wife of six — nodded in affirmation in the ass,” he grumbles in his
BY W ILL S OMMER beside him. “Because so said Lincoln then, and so says a watchful and very interview.) still, Koch is also the
AND J EREMY B ARR worried nation now.” one to balance the scale with a
The past two weeks have demonstrated the formidable role that scarbor- story about the time Roman
ough and Brzezinski’s MsnBC morning show has played during the Biden Polanski was so irritated by Dun-
administration. A show that has always spoken to the lives and egos of political away’s cowlick that he ripped out
power brokers has put itself ever more firmly at the center of the discussion, as her hair. Yet, Polanski’s obsessive
high-profile guests hold forth on the president’s debate performance and the perfectionism got him anointed
sEE ‘MOrNiNg JOe’ On c2 as a genius.
Bouzereau knows these
From left, MSNBc co-host Joe Scarborough, President Biden and MSNBc co-host Mika Brzezinski. behind-the-scenes stories well;
he’s delivered dozens of docu-
mentaries on the making of leg-
endary films, including “China-
town,” “Bonnie and Clyde” and

Is Biden becoming Trumpified? “network.” As he doesn’t appear

to have had that much time with
Dunaway, he pads “Faye’s” run-
ning time with digressions on
Some aspects Armand Domalewski was at a Fourth of July weekend barbecue in Los Angeles
when he unlocked his phone and saw a ripple of clips on his social media feeds.
the cultural impact of her hits.
sEE ‘Faye’ On c4
of president’s There was Joe Biden, looking cool in a pinstripe shirt with a couple of buttons
image mimic undone, sitting across from ABC news anchor George stephanopoulos for a
damage-control interview after an awful debate against Donald Trump.
the shade of something struck him. The president looked a little … different. He showed the
his GOP foe phone to his girlfriend nearby.
“she immediately flagged it, like, ‘Why is he orange?’”
Domalewski, a data analyst from san Francisco, started thinking about the
BY J ESÚS crab. specifically, about a weird natural phenomenon that scientists have been
R ODRÍGUEZ observing for a while now, that certain species, over millions of years, eventually
develop hard shells and take on the body shape of crabs.
“now it’s like, between the orange tan, the fact that his son who has a
controversial reputation has become a key adviser, and the whole doubling down
and attacking the media … is it like every politician eventually evolves into
sEE TruMPiFieD On c2

Faye Dunaway in 1968, just

after she found fame with her
role in “Bonnie and clyde.”


Shining a light on narrative of Duvall

BY A MY N ICHOLSON course, her husband, Jack (Jack even see one until the last 10
nicholson). smarmily deferen- minutes of the film. Duvall, who
Almost nothing said about tial to his employers, the alcohol- died this week at 75 of diabetes
shelley Duvall’s Wendy Torrance ic novelist is cruel to his wife — complications, claimed she nev-
in “The shining” is the truth. The “the old sperm bank,” he sneers er even glimpsed the film’s infa-
lies start as soon as she enters — even before he starts dream- mous identical twins until she
the Overlook Hotel and the cook, ing of chopping her and Danny screened a final cut.
Dick (scatman Crothers), calls into pieces. At the Overlook stanley Kubrick, the 1980
her son Danny (Danny Lloyd) by Hotel, he’s the salaried caretaker, film’s director, didn’t believe in
his nickname, “Doc.” Dick fibs but she’s the one doing the work: ghosts. He was into familial tor-
that Wendy must have said it trying to repair the phone lines, ture. (One of his preproduction
aloud. she hasn’t, and in the next tinkering with the boiler, con- touchstones was David Lynch’s
scene, Dick tells the boy private- tacting the forest rangers, draft- “Eraserhead.”) To the pique of
ly that they’re both psychic. But ing the family’s emergency es- original novelist stephen King,
no one ever clues in Wendy — she cape plans. In return, Jack Kubrick shifted Wendy’s charac-
just absorbs more lies — and by blames her for his writer’s block ter from a sunny blonde to a
the end of the movie, she’s en- and, using his most fiendishly damaged brunette and, for the
dured a literal and metaphorical rational voice, tries to convince psychotic husband, cast the actor
snow job. her that their bruised and trau- who’d won an Oscar playing a
The worst offender is, of matized son must have strangled mental patient in “One Flew Over
himself. the Cuckoo’s nest.” Grumbled
One of Shelley Duvall’s most Actually, it was a ghost. But to King, “The audience automati-
notable roles was in the 1980 Wendy, “The shining” is barely a cally identified him as a loony
horror film “The Shining.” ghost story at all — she doesn’t sEE aPPreciaTiON On c3
C2 eZ re the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

Democrats work through Biden feelings on ‘Morning Joe’

‘Morning Joe’ from C1 was grilled about American poli-
political firestorm it has created. “morning Joe” which sprawls
“It’s the get-together of all the across four hours of the morning
thought leaders in the country,” (plus a crack-of-dawn hour host-
said Donny Deutsch, a former ed by Lemire) may take up as big
advertising executive and long- a part of the Democratic Party’s
time mSNBC pundit who has headspace as it does the mSNBC
used his recent appearances on schedule, with clips from the
the show to call for Democrats to show rocketing across social me-
replace Biden on the ticket. dia as partisans try to turn the
“right now it’s the ultimate interviews to their advantage.
political town hall meeting for The show was launched in
America with what’s going on.” 2007 as an emergency schedule
A day before Scarborough’s filler after veteran host Don Imus
monologue, the political uni- was fired for making racially
verse was glued to the show to insensitive comments. Its view-
see the morning’s top guest, ership, while robust, has never
former House speaker Nancy been as central to its staying
Pelosi, call on Biden “to decide if power as its audience, which
he is going to run.” includes some of the most impor-
of course, Biden has already tant decision-makers in Ameri-
made up his mind that he is can politics.
running, something he made am- “‘morning Joe’ revolutionized
ply clear in his own appearance, morning TV because viewers
via phone, on monday’s show, quickly came to appreciate the
when he launched an offensive show’s authenticity,” said Chris
against restless Democratic do- Licht, the show’s founding execu-
nors, pundits and elected offi- tive producer and the former
cials who have publicly cast chief executive of CNN. “If you
doubt on his abilities. want to make news, you go on the
“I’m getting so frustrated by program. If you want to learn
the elites,” the president told his what’s happening behind the
hosts, before quickly adding: scenes, you watch. It’s no sur-
“Now, I’m not talking about you prise that ‘morning Joe’ is front
guys.” and center at this critical mo-
Granted, Scarborough, a for- ment in our nation’s history.”
mer republican congressman NoaM galai/geTTy iMageS While Pelosi’s “morning Joe”
(now an independent), and “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough expressed some doubt appearance bolstered Biden’s
Brzezinski, a television news vet- about President Biden immediately after his debate performance, party critics, the show has also
eran and the daughter of a but he has shifted back to being supportive. He and co-host Mika become a regular stop for his
former national security adviser, Brzezinski, right, are regular visitors to the White House. NaThaN CoNgleToN/MSNBC supporters. Democratic National
are about as elite as it gets in Committee chairman Jaime Har-
media-political circles. And they to the White House in the Biden view.) on Thursday’s show, Scar- “The role they’ve played is just on Wednesday, Pelosi seemed rison told worried Democrats to
seem determined to use their administration, according to vis- borough floated a theory from doing the bidding of the Biden to help revive the movement to “lock your knees and stiffen your
status to assist some compro- itor logs. But after Biden’s highly the president’s camp that former White House and the Biden cam- oust Biden with her curious word spines” in their support of Biden.
mise or consensus about what criticized debate performance, president Barack obama is “qui- paign,” said one Democratic con- choice about awaiting Biden’s on Thursday, former mSNBC
should happen to Biden’s candi- the show has emerged as a etly working behind the scenes” sultant close to the White House, “decision.” “Hardball” host Chris matthews
dacy. therapy session-cum-gladiatorial to undermine him. who spoke on the condition of “Do you want him to run?” predicted that Biden would tri-
Not unlike “fox & friends” arena, where shaken Democrats While Brzezinski has been a anonymity to protect relation- Jonathan Lemire, a “morning umph in the party civil war.
during the Trump administra- grapple with what could be more reliable supporter of Biden ships, who called it a “safe Joe” regular, asked Pelosi. “This elite-fashioned attack on
tion, “morning Joe’s” relevance is Biden’s final days as a presiden- staying in the race, she, too, choice” for the White House to “I want him to do whatever he him, they’re going to pay for it,”
derived in part from the influ- tial candidate. called the debate “an unmitigat- put Biden on “morning Joe.” decides to do,” Pelosi said — a matthews said. “But in the end,
ence of one particular power- Scarborough himself has ap- ed disaster by any measure” — But Deutsch said there has sound bite that sent shock waves they’re going to end up voting for
watcher: the president of the peared to be on a journey as well. joining a chorus of criticism from been no pressure to take a partic- through Washington at a time him.”
United States, who watches the The morning after the debate, he a group of mSNBC hosts who are ular stance on Biden. The show’s when the effort to push Biden In his final moments on the
show most mornings, often while took pains to praise Biden as a normally sympathetic to Biden. voices have ranged from Brzezin- had seemed to ebb. show on monday, with the fate of
he is working out. “man I love” — before declaring on Wednesday, Brzezinski ski, with her supportive posture, While Pelosi’s decision to ap- his presidency on the line, Biden
“The fact that we know the that a CEo of any major corpora- told Pelosi that the party was to former Council on foreign pear on “morning Joe” that day pledged to be a regular presence
president is a reliable viewer tion would be fired if he turned facing “depression” over the relations president richard N. struck some political watchers as on “morning Joe” — if the hosts
means content from their show in a similar performance. president’s performance. Haass, who has said he does not significant, her spokesperson will have him.
gets outsize attention,” said a In recent days, however, prom- With a steady supply of guest think Biden can beat Trump. said the interview had been “Let’s make this a thing,”
Democratic strategist who spoke inent Democrats who spoke with appearances by members of “You see different opinions on booked weeks ago, timed to the Brzezinski said.
on the condition of anonymity to The Post said they believe that Biden’s campaign team, the show the show and you don’t always NATo summit. Belarusian oppo- “I’m not going away,” Biden
share candid thoughts. Scarborough has moved back is perceived as a reliable support- see that on television, and I think sition leader Svetlana Tikha- replied. “If you’re willing to hear
Both Scarborough and Brzez- into Biden’s column. (The hosts er of the president and his pol- that’s what viewers respect about novskaya appeared on the show from me, I’m willing to talk to
inski have been regular visitors declined a request for an inter- icies. it,” Deutsch said. with her, sitting quietly as Pelosi you.”

As Biden digs in, some Palmer, the only Democrat who

has beaten Biden at anything this
year by winning the primary in
throw our democracy, promises to
jail and prosecute his enemies,
and threatened violence when he
step down, the way the president
and his supporters have reacted to
the threat to his candidacy (and,
ture, “and kind of present his mes-
sage in a way that he could control,
that it was more unfiltered — not

detect a tinge of Trump American Samoa before dropping

“Donald Trump sometimes gets
loses the election — anyone engag-
ing in this false equivalency has
truly lost the plot.”
possibly, his legacy) underscores
how unusual and distressing this
is for a career politician who has
relying on journalists or anyone
else to convey his message, but
trying to take ownership of it.”
into a bluster and just says, ‘I’m the And at his news conference, always exhibited a decorous re- The question is whether this
truMPified from C1 down, an echo of Trump’s habit of only one that could do it.’ And Biden also said “there are other spect for Washington institutions particular way of trying to own the
calling into “fox & friends” or some of the sentences I heard from people who could beat Trump, and political relationships. It narrative would work for Biden.
Trump?” “Hannity” to let loose on his topic Joe Biden in the George Stephano- too,” but that it would be “awful” to speaks to the desperate spot Biden It’s one that his future in the race
Scientists also estimate the of choice. Granted, he has ac- poulos interview sounded like, start from scratch. is in, he says. depends on.
Earth to be some 4.5 billion years knowledged his failure at the de- ‘I’m the only one who can keep meanwhile, some Democrats “Any leading politician who’s If Biden were to step down,
old, but at the present moment, bate (not very Trumpy), but some NATo together, can protect the have been airing their real facing a rebellion from within Beutler envisions a much more
Biden, in his 82nd year of life, is people also see him clinging to a free world.’ You know, thinking thoughts about the president in their own party is going to reach diplomatic exit than what you’d
facing the most crucial decision of stubborn belief that, to quote a you’re the only person is not the anonymous quotes in the press deep into their bag of tricks for expect from Trump. He can’t really
his 54-year political career. Since certain someone, I alone can fix it. right way to run for president.” while declining to break with him ways not to lose control of the imagine Biden taking down
the president’s halting, lo- At a news conference Thursday, (No, Palmer won’t run again if publicly — yet another echo of situation,” Beutler says, “and that’s names and trying to get members
w-energy debate performance in Biden — who 85 percent of regis- Biden drops out.) Trump days past and present, what Biden’s doing.” of Congress to lose their primaries
late June, there have been calls tered voters think is too old to In his interview after the debate when republicans would behave Still, any comparisons to Trump — the type of vengeance Trump
from his fellow Democrats, in- serve another term as president, debacle, Stephanopoulos put a likewise. “I wish I was more brave,” are limited. Whatever counsel he has sought against republicans
cluding 22 members of Congress, according to a Washington Post- fine point on it: “The heart of your an anonymous Democratic state might be getting from his son, it’s who have gone against him. “He
for the president to relinquish the ABC News-Ipsos poll — said he case against Donald Trump is that party chair reportedly admitted to not like Biden is trying to give will do it the way he’s kind of done
ticket and allow someone else to wouldn’t step down from the tick- he’s only out for himself, putting NBC News this week. Hunter a security clearance and everything: by accommodation
face Trump in November. et even if his advisers were to give his personal interests ahead of the Let’s be clear. None of these naming him senior adviser, Beut- and in a considerate way,” Beutler
At least to some, the way Biden him data that showed Vice Presi- national interest. How do you re- people think Biden and Trump ler pointed out, as Trump did with says. “And the parallel between
has responded to this self-inflicted dent Harris outperforming him spond to critics who say that by can be compared to each other in his son-in-law Jared Kushner. him and Trump then will totally
wound to his candidacy, and the against Trump. (That poll still has staying in the race, you’re doing terms of policy, character or their meeting criticism with defiance break down.”
slow mutiny within his party, has him in a dead heat nationwide the same thing?” vision for the America they’d like and bravado arguably worked for for now, Biden is staying in.
borne a resemblance — skin-deep, with Trump, who 60 percent of “oh, come on,” Biden respond- to run. Their conflict comes from a Trump, who is cruising to the former president Trump, calling
perhaps, but noticeable — to his respondents said was too old.) “I ed with a chuckle. “Well, I don’t place of fundamental agreement: nomination and remaking the into one of his own favorite cable
78-year-old rival. think I’m the most qualified per- think those critics know what that a man like Trump — actually party in his own image. In Trump’s shows this week, offered his own
Biden phoned into mSNBC’s son to run for president,” Biden they’re talking about.” like him — should not occupy the case, the idea was “to bypass the analysis of the situation.
“morning Joe,” a favorite show for said. “I beat him once and I will Lauren Hitt, a Biden campaign oval office. republican Party,” says Kathryn “He’s got an ego,” Trump said,
members of the party and himself, beat him again.” spokesperson, wrote in an email for Brian Beutler, who writes Cramer Brownell, an associate sounding very much like his own
to rail against “the elites in the “He’s being Trump-like in that statement, “Donald Trump is a the Substack newsletter off mes- professor at Purdue University critics. “And he doesn’t want to
party” for urging him to step he’s not listening,” says Jason convicted felon who tried to over- sage and would like to see Biden who studies politics and pop cul- quit.”

Lonely, phone-distracted parent struggles to be fully present with toddler

Adapted from an temporary-ish. We are stuck here when you drive an hour just so wondering). I’d set up couch
online discussion. for another season at least. I use your kid can go up and down, cushions like slices of bread and
my phone a lot to talk to friends over and over, on an escalator. cheer on the kid to run into
Hello, Carolyn: and family, which gets me on it. In our rural area, many kids them and bounce off. You can do
Any advice on — Distracted again are home-schooled, so the this over and over until a 2-year-
how to be more nearest library can sport a old says, “I’m tired.”
Carolyn present as a distracted again: okay. So: If packed house at story time or I’d lie down on the couch,
Hax parent? I worry there’s any kid-friendly during school hours. exhausted, and dare her to push
that I am institution, then push yourself At the church thrift store, for or pull me off the couch. She
distracted and out there for whatever program a buck, I could fill a grocery bag tried and tried. I was getting a
sometimes distant with my there is — as much for you as for with children’s books, spreading sort-of massage, and she was
toddler. I try not to be on my him. If not, then scour the land out the times I was asked to read wearing out.
phone all the time but for fellow parents of littles. “Ulysses.” (I kid.) I included her in loading the
sometimes catch him trying to And schedule your calls with A walk to “nowhere” can yield dishwasher, folding sheets (yes, I
get my attention and feel awful. illuSTraTioN By NiCk galifiaNakiS for The WaShiNgToN PoST longer stretches in between. a fun time: name this bird, name had to refold them, so what) and
And I’m not great at playing And humor me as I hand this that squirrel, name this house, even sweeping the floor with her
with him in an active way. I don’t be WITH him and present and dangerously, depressingly over to Nick Galifianakis, the name that deer (and that and scaled-down cleaning tools. Kids
want him to grow up feeling like not somewhere else in my head? isolated. And you’re trying to do cartoonist for my column and that and that one). I often want to be included.
his mom is only half there. I am — Distracted an exhausting job, alone, that also my ex, who shared this wondered why anyone bothered
the lone caregiver — my partner humans throughout time have about being a toddler dad in a going into the woods at dawn to Write to Carolyn hax at
works long hours — we have no distracted: What is with all that done collectively. remote area with a child-care hunt deer when they could just [email protected]. get her
family or friends around, and it’s isolation? Is that fixable? If you can’t move (closer) to a shortage: sit in my living room, open a column delivered to your inbox each
a half-hour drive to activities like Anything else, like putting village, then I hope you have at window and bonk one on the morning at wapo.st/gethax.
playgrounds or play groups, so it your phone in a different room, least some materials around for This was me for months. The head.
seems especially important that which I urge you to do — beg — building one. nearest playground was 50 We would play I Spy or vote  Join the discussion live at noon
I be present for him, since I’m would just be tweaking things at minutes away. You know you’re on the prettiest bricks fridays at washingtonpost.com/live
essentially all he’s got. How do I the margins. You sound Carolyn: The isolation is in an isolated part of the world (Baltimore bricks, in case you’re -chats.
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re C3

“When the film was finished, I

told Stanley I’d probably never
cry again,” Duvall told the Los
Angeles Times before “The Shin-
ing’s” release. “But four days
later, when it came time for me
to leave, I was weeping all over
the place. It had been such an
intimate experience working
with him. There was such love
over the years, Duvall’s de-

As Wendy, scriptions of working with Ku-

brick never changed. She always
praised their results — and she

Duvall was always said she wouldn’t do it

again. Still, the myth persists
that Kubrick triggered Duvall’s

an actress, mental health issues that be-

came apparent after she retired
to Texas, and that he was per-

not a victim haps the reason she’d quit act-

ing. Never mind that Duvall said
with amusement that “The Shin-
ing” and her subsequent level-
appreCiaTioN from C1 ing-up in star status “really has
only affected me in the way that
the first scene.” it takes longer to go grocery
King fought to preserve “The shopping.” our images of Wen-
Shining” as a horror story (fam- dy’s harrowing ordeal have
ily Sees Ghouls!) while Kubrick’s merged with our images of Du-
version skews closer to tragedy vall herself, much like how Dick
(Browbeaten Housewife refuses describes the psychic residue of
to See Her Husband Is the the overlook Hotel: “When
Ghoul!) Duvall’s Wendy is suffer- something happens, it can leave
ing a real-world nightmare: everett collection a trace of itself behind, say like if
What happens when your Shelley Duvall received harsh reviews for her role opposite Jack Nicholson in Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” when it came out in 1980. someone burns toast.”
spouse sobers up and he’s still a Duvall maintained her truth.
violent jerk? As recently as 2021, So what’s it going to take to
Duvall would tear up watching woman, not an actress — a directed by Vivian Kubrick, “He pushed me and it hurt believe her?
the scene where Wendy wards pitiable figure little different Stanley’s then-17-year-old and I resented him for it,” Duvall Let’s look again at Duvall’s
off Jack with a baseball bat: “I than a dancing chicken on a hot daughter. It’s online, and if you says at the end of the documen- “simpering hysteric” — or as
can only imagine how many metal plate. want to witness Kubrick the tary. Nevertheless, she adds, “I King called her, “one of the most
women go through this kind of This victimization narrative tyrant, he’s in there reacting really respect him and really like misogynistic characters ever put
thing,” she told the Hollywood seems to be a well-intentioned sarcastically when Duvall shows him, both as a person and as a on film. She’s basically just there
reporter. way to champion Duvall while him that her hair is falling out director. I’m amazed. He’s to scream and be stupid.” once
And that’s merely what’s on- countering the harsh reviews Shelley Duvall and ordering his crew to show taught me more than I’ve she accepts that her husband is
screen. Duvall was double- her performance received upon her no sympathy. In one tense learned in all the other pictures dangerous, she clobbers him un-
crossed again by the stories the film’s release. (Variety called insisted that “The confrontation, he bawls her out I’ve done.” She knew who he was conscious in two blows, drags
behind the film’s production. I’m her “a simpering, semi-retarded for missing a cue. and what they’d made. She even his body to the pantry, resists his
not just referencing Kubrick’s hysteric.”) Her turn as Wendy Shining” was an Look closer, however, and knew (and loathed and accept- manipulations to let him out,
antics: his well-documented was nominated for a 1981 razzie you’ll see that Duvall refuses to ed) Kubrick’s use of an unflatter- saves her son by pushing him
mental and emotional bullying award for worst actress. The artistic collaboration, cower. She insists that he — not ing 18mm lens for the sole out the window, stands her
during the 13-month produc- organization voided her nomina- her — bungled that take by purpose of distorting her face to ground with a knife, and finally
tion, a reported 127 takes of the tion in 2022, writing that “Du- that together, she and prematurely calling cut, and look squished and alien. executes the escape plan she’d
baseball bat scene, the docu- vall's performance was impacted rolls her eyes at his petty chest- Then, and up until she died, already hatched, driving to safe-
mentary footage (from 1980’s by Stanley Kubrick's treatment Stanley Kubrick had thumping. When she questions Duvall insisted that “The Shin- ty in the middle of the night, in
“making the Shining”) of Duvall of her.” I’m no fan of Kubrick’s the timing of a line, Kubrick at ing” was an artistic collabora- the middle of a storm, on a
sprawled on the floor attempt- tactics — to me, if a filmmaker forged a unique first tries to steamroll her and tion, that together, she and Ku- snowcat.
ing to quell an anxiety attack. makes an actor do something 127 then, in a sign of fragility, chang- brick had forged a unique hero- Duvall does not break. The
I’m thinking about how fans of times, that’s a failure of their heroine. es the boundary lines of their ine — a battered-wife character hotel does not win. Ironically, a
Duvall (and hers were genera- own direction — so I’ll simply argument (“I honestly don’t deemed repellent because Du- woman-hating ghost (played by
tional, as her weird-girl energy note that Kubrick’s own razzie think the lines are going to make vall channeled fear so profound- Philip Stone) is the only charac-
made her a TikTok sensation nomination for “The Shining” an awful lot of difference if you ly that she was painful to watch. ter who accurately describes the
decades after she left Holly- still stands (equally unde- get the right attitude”) before When awful things happen, Ku- woman we’re watching. “Your
wood) interpreted these facts to served). suggesting they take their con- brick’s screenplay simply reads, wife appears to be stronger than
mean that Duvall herself was much of our impressions of versation somewhere else, as “Wendy reacts.” That gulping we imagined, mr. Torrance,” he
hardly acting, that what we’re “The Shining” set come from though self-conscious of being goldfish terror sprang from Du- says.
seeing in the film is an abused that 1980 documentary short, disagreed with on camera. vall. Yes, she was.

lA tiMes CRossWoRD By Ricky sirois tel ev is ion

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getting a 4 Wasteful (5:30) Movie: Top Gun Movie: My Cousin Vinny +++ (1992) An inept lawyer tries to free Movie:
breakthrough project Paramount +++ (1986) his cousin from a Dixie jail. Goonies...
role, perhaps 5 Reduce (6:20) Movie: Zero Dark Thirty +++ (2012)
Paramount+Sho Elite operatives hunt Osama bin Laden.
Movie: Memory (2023) (P) (:45) Movie: Martha
Marcy May Marlene (...
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(6:15) Movie: Forty Movie: Elmer the Great +++ Movie: Eight Men Out +++ (1988)
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page? 10 Shortcut, of TNT Hour 3 + (2007) ++ (2019)
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successful 11 Precious TruTV Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes American
collaboration 12 Foo Fighters TV Land Mike Mike Kids' Choice Raymond Raymond Raymond Seinfeld
56 Conan O’Brien’s power ballad TV One Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford
first talk show that was the USA Network Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chi. Fire
58 End theme song VH1 (5:30) Movie: Lethal ... Movie: Lethal Weapon 3 +++ (1992) Movie: Lethal Weapo...
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sitcom “Ed” LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs + High Definition
Movie Ratings (from TMS) ++++ Excellent +++ Good ++ Fair + Poor No stars: not rated
C4 eZ re the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

Film shows Dunaway’s roles often echoed her life

‘Faye’ from C1 emerge.) robbing banks with est”). makes it doubly moving when
Warren Beatty’s Clyde Barrow Dunaway says she felt an Dunaway speaks frankly about
We’re always glad to listen to film made her famous, and the paral- “enormous kinship” to Joan her own bipolar disorder diagno-
scholars like mark Harris, Dave lels between her on- and off- Crawford. Even so, she now be- sis and efforts to find stabilizing
Itzkoff and Columbia professor screen lives continued to mount. lieves that playing her in “mom- medication. “I don’t mean to
Annette Insdorf, but there’s no Dunaway was a workaholic mie Dearest” was a mistake. The make an excuse about it,” she
need to take up space inserting a taskmaster in a male-dominated film has become such a camp says. “I’m still responsible for my
clip of Howard Beale’s “mad as entertainment industry (“Net- classic that one forgets it de- actions.”
hell” speech that doesn’t even work”), a self-destructive alco- railed Dunaway’s career. She from there, the film struggles
show Dunaway’s face. holic (“Barfly”), an underfed thought it was a serious drama; to find an appropriate ending for
But maybe those classics are fashion icon in love with her the director, frank Perry, treated a woman who’s itching to get
her biography. Early on, Dun- photographer (both Jerry it like a grotesque opera. back to work. Dunaway wants —
away’s son, Liam o’Neill, says, “I Schatzberg, who was her boy- Sharon Stone, appearing in and deserves — a triumphant,
think she’s all of her characters,” friend when he directed her in the documentary as both Dun- career-capping role in the hands
a point that comes to feel in- “Puzzle of a Downfall Child,” and away’s friend and a credible of a director steeled to bring out
creasingly true. Like Bonnie Terry o’Neill — Liam’s father — advocate for misconceived ac- her best. As her son says, “If she
Parker, Dunaway was an ambi- who snapped that iconic morn- tresses, is blunter: “If the direc- wasn’t in that much pain, would
tious Southerner who believed ing-after shot of her Academy tor puts the artist in that posi- she have been that good?”
she was destined to become a Award win) and, although her tion, shame on the director.”
star. (one of the wonders of her son avoids getting into specifics, furthermore, fans of Crawford Faye Dunaway in 1977, the
childhood archival footage is an emotionally volatile movie felt queasy poking into the su- morning after she won the best
watching those cheekbones star mother (“mommie Dear- perstar’s mental illness — which actress Oscar for “Network.” Terry o’sneIll/IconIc Images/HBo

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Saturday, July 13, 2024

DISTRICT MARYLAND Horizon: An American Saga

Chapter 1 (R) CC: 5:30-9:45
Sound of Hope: The Story of
Possum Trot (PG-13) 9:10-12:35-
Kingdom of the Planet of the
Apes (PG-13) 8:50
Kingdom of the Planet of the
Apes (PG-13) 9:10
Princess Mononoke - Studio
Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Longlegs (R) XD: 7:00-9:40
Indian 2 10:00
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:20-
AMC Georgetown 14 AFI Silver Theatre Cultural Touch (R) CC: 10:30-1:25-4:20- 3:50-7:05 Kalki 2898 AD 5:10-9:20 Kalki 2898 AD 3:20 AMC Potomac Mills 18 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:20- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:40-12:00-
Center Regal Ballston Quarter
3111 K Street N.W. 7:15-10:15 Indian 2 9:10 Longlegs (R) 12:30-2:50-5:30- Longlegs (R) 11:45-2:20-5:00- 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 3:10-6:00 1:20-4:00-5:20-6:40-8:00-9:20
8633 Colesville Road 671 North Glebe Road
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC:
North by Northwest (1959) 9:15
Thelma (PG-13) CC: 10:40-1:10- The Lion King 30th Anniversary 7:10-8:10-10:50 7:40-10:15 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00AM; Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:00-1:40- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Princess Mononoke - Studio
11:45-7:40-10:10 3:40-6:15-9:00 (G) 9:10-11:45-2:15-4:45-7:10 Kill (R) 10:05 Horizon: An American Saga 6:30 3:00-3:20-4:20-5:45-7:00-9:10- Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:05
Funny Girl (1968) (G) 1:00 9:50 11:10-1:50-4:50-7:40-10:20
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Kalki 2898 AD 3D 10:25AM Horizon: An American Saga Chapter 1 (R) 10:45-7:50 Longlegs (R) 5:40 Indian 2 2:50-7:10
On the Town (NR) 11:45AM 1:15-3:45-6:15-8:45 MaXXXine (R) 12:30-3:35-6:45- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00-
CC: 9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) Chapter 1 (R) 11:05-3:05 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 11:00- Indian 2 5:30-9:30 11:30-12:30-1:00-1:30-2:10- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:20-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 7:00 A League of Their Own (PG) 4:00 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX 9:20-9:40-9:50-10:00-11:10- Kalki 2898 AD 12:50 1:35-4:05-6:45 9:45 1:00-3:40-6:20-9:00
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:30-2:00- Thelma (PG-13) OC: 5:00 Experience (PG) CC: 11:45-2:30- 12:10-12:20-12:30-1:20-1:40- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Despicable Me 4: The IMAX 11:10-1:30-4:20-7:10-10:30 7:30-8:30-9:10-9:40-10:10 Inside Out 2 (PG) 2:40
4:30; 2:40-5:10-7:20-9:40 A Free Soul (1931) (NR) 11:00AM 5:15-7:45-10:15 2:20-2:40-3:00-4:10-4:50-5:10- 11:50-3:40-6:50-10:10 Experience (PG) 12:00-2:30-5:05- 11:45-3:10-6:30-8:35-10:00 Indian 2 10:10-9:50
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30- Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:40-1:20-
MaXXXine (R) CC: 2:10-5:30- Godzilla (Gojira) (1954) (NR) 7:15 Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 9:30 5:30-6:30-6:40-7:20-7:40-8:00- Sarfira 12:10-4:40-9:00 7:45-10:20 CC: 10:30 3:20-4:20-6:20-7:20-9:20-10:00
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 11:00-1:20-4:15-7:15-10:05 Regal Manassas
8:10-10:30 The Green Border (Zielona Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 9:50-10:10; 10:30 Indian 2 11:20AM Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:30- Longlegs (R) 12:05-2:05-5:05- MaXXXine (R) 11:25-2:20-5:10-
12:20-3:40-6:50-10:00 11380 Bulloch Drive
Kingdom of the Planet of the granica) 2:05 10:30-1:30-4:30-7:30-10:30 Longlegs (R) 9:15-11:55-2:35- The Lion King 30th Anniversary 3:00-5:30 8:00-10:45
Apes (PG-13) CC: 9:50 Last Summer (2023) 1:45-4:05- Dandelion (R) CC: 2:45-5:45-8:45 5:15-7:55-10:35 (G) 10:50-1:10-3:50-6:20 Dandelion (R) 8:50 8:00-8:55-10:55 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 8:20
The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: Kingdom of the Planet of the A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
The Bikeriders (R) CC: 4:40 6:45-9:00 Sound of Hope: The Story of Pos- Princess Mononoke - Studio Princess Mononoke - Studio The Lion King 30th Anniversary 1:20-4:00 Angelika Film Center Mosaic Apes (PG-13) 4:00-8:10
Longlegs (R) CC: 12:10-2:40- Thelma (PG-13) 7:05-9:10 sum Trot (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:40 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 (G) 10:50-1:40-4:10-6:40 2911 District Ave
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 8:00; Longlegs (R) 11:20-2:00-5:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:50-
5:15-7:50-10:20 AMC Academy 8 Hijack 1971 (R) 12:20 Indian 2 10:30-2:30-6:35 Indian 2 3:30-7:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:15-12:50- 11:20-12:30-2:15-4:45-7:15- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 7:50-10:40
Horizon: An American Saga Indian 2 10:50-6:15 Inside Out 2 (PG) 3:20 3:25-6:00-8:25 12:40-2:20-3:10-5:40-7:20-8:10
6198 Greenbelt Road Cinépolis Gaithersburg 9:45 10:40-3:25-5:45-8:00-10:25 Horizon: An American Saga Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:30-4:30-
Chapter 1 (R) CC: 7:30 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 10:30- 629 Center Point Way Regal Hyattsville Royale Kalki 2898 AD 11:30-7:30 MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:40-2:30- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:00- Chapter 1 (R) 11:45AM
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 1:00-3:30-6:00-8:30 Princess Mononoke - Studio 7:00
Touch (R) CC: 1:20-4:20-7:15- 1:00-4:00-6:50-10:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:15- 6505 America Boulevard 5:10-7:45-10:20 12:15-2:30-4:45-7:05-9:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:40
10:00 The Lion King 30th Anniversary Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 MaXXXine (R) 12:20-3:20-6:40-
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 3:30-6:45-10:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Kingdom of the Planet of the Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:30-12:45- Kinds of Kindness (R) 6:00-9:50 9:15
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: (G) CC: 11:00-1:30-4:00-6:30 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Apes (PG-13) CC: 10:00 3:00-5:15-7:30-9:45 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
CC: 1:40-4:20-6:45-9:15 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 12:00-3:30-6:30-9:10 11:15-1:50-4:30-7:10-9:45 Kingdom of the Planet of the
12:45-5:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 1:30- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 10:15-1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00- The Bikeriders (R) CC: 8:15 MaXXXine (R) 2:35-5:00-10:00 12:20-3:50-7:10-10:30
Despicable Me 4: The IMAX CC: 11:15-12:15-3:00-5:30-7:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:00- Apes (PG-13) 8:30
4:00-6:30-9:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:15-2:00- 11:50-12:40-1:40-2:30-3:20- Longlegs (R) CC: 11:30-2:00- Touch (R) 11:00-1:45-4:30- Sound of Hope: The Story of
Experience (PG) CC: 12:15-2:45- 8:15 10:35-12:30-1:05-3:05-3:35-5:35- 4:30-7:00-9:30 7:10-9:55 Longlegs (R) 12:50-3:40-6:20-
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 2:00-7:00 4:45-7:30-10:15 4:20-5:10-6:10-7:00-7:50-8:40- 6:15-8:10-10:45 Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:50AM 8:50
5:20-7:45-10:15 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:45- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:45-1:45- 9:40-10:30 Horizon: An American Saga Thelma (PG-13) 10:15-1:00-7:25 Princess Mononoke - Studio
MaXXXine (R) CC: 2:20-4:50-7:20 1:45-4:15-6:45-9:15 Inside Out 2 (PG) 4:25 Kill (R) 10:50-5:20
Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 11:20- Longlegs (R) CC: 2:00-4:40-7:30- 4:45-7:50-10:45 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:20-12:20- Chapter 1 (R) CC: 11:40-9:20 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00
6:20-9:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:30-2:00- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 10:25-11:30-1:15-4:10-7:00- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 4:50
9:30-10:20 MaXXXine (R) 11:45-6:30-9:30 1:00-1:30-2:10-3:10-4:00-4:50- Regal Dulles Town Center
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 4:45-7:15-9:45 6:00-6:50-7:40-8:50-10:40 12:35-3:10-5:45-8:30 1:00-3:30-6:00-8:30 9:50 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Longlegs (R) OC: 11:15AM Longlegs (R) 10:30-1:45-4:45- 21100 Dulles Town Circle Experience (PG) 11:00-1:30-
1:10-4:10-7:00-10:00 5:15-7:45-10:10 7:45-10:45 MaXXXine (R) 12:30-3:40-6:40- Xscape Theatres Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Longlegs (R) 12:30-3:05-5:30-
Sound of Hope: The Story of Princess Mononoke - Studio 9:30 Brandywine 14 Experience (PG) CC: 11:30-2:00- 8:00-10:20 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 4:00-6:30-9:00
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 6:20-9:10 Kalki 2898 AD 1:20-7:50
Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 1:30 1:10-4:10-7:10-9:50 12:00-3:30-7:00-10:30 Kingdom of the Planet of the 7710 Matapeake Business Drive 4:30-7:00-9:30 CMX Village 14
Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: AMC Magic Johnson Apes (PG-13) 10:20 The Goonies (PG) 1:00-4:00-7:00 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: Despicable Me 4 (PG) Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
Sound of Hope: The Story of Sound of Hope: The Story of 1600 Village Market Boulevard 10:50-11:40-12:30-1:30-2:20- 11:20-2:40-6:00-9:10
3:20-8:20 Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 2:10 Capital Center 12 Possum Trot (PG-13) 2:45 Kalki 2898 AD 7:20 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 11:35- 11:30-2:45-6:00-9:15
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 11:45- 3:10-4:20-5:10-7:00-7:50-8:50- Sarfira 2:50-7:10
Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 800 Shoppers Way Longlegs (R) 11:40-2:20-5:00- 12:15-2:10-3:45-4:45-6:45-7:25- Dandelion (R) CC: 3:40-6:30 2:40-5:30-8:25
CC: 4:45-7:10 Greenbelt Cinema 9:25-10:05 Sound of Hope: The Story of 9:50-10:40 Dandelion (R) 11:10AM
4:30-9:30 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 129 Centerway
8:10-10:50 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) MaXXXine (R) 1:10-4:00-6:50-
The Lion King 30th Anniversary 2:30-5:15-8:00-10:45 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:10- Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 12:20- 12:30-3:05-6:00-8:45-9:40 Sound of Hope: The Story of
(G) CC: 11:50-2:30-4:50-7:15 AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Robot Dreams 7:45 11:50-1:40-2:20-4:05-4:40-6:20- 3:40-6:45-9:50 9:30 Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:40AM
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 11:30-2:50-6:20-9:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00- Longlegs (R) 11:10-1:50-4:30-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:10- 1020 Annapolis Mall Road Janet Planet (PG-13) 5:15 7:00-8:40-9:20 Indian 2 1:40 Indian 2 11:45-3:50-8:05
CC: 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:40-10:10 Dandelion (R) 11:10-1:50-4:40- 11:35-12:20-12:45-1:20-2:50-
4:00-6:30-9:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Kinds of Kindness (R) 4:45-8:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:00-12:50- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 11:45- 3:20-3:50-5:20-5:45-6:20-7:00- 7:10-10:00 The Lion King 30th Anniversary
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 7:30-10:45
Horizon: An American Saga
MaXXXine (R) OC: 12:00 11:10-2:00-4:50-7:40-10:40 3:45-6:15 Landmark Sound of Hope: The Story of 1:30-3:10-3:50-5:30-6:10-7:50- 1:45-4:10-6:40-9:10 (G) 10:55-1:10-3:30-6:10
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 12:00-2:30- 7:40-8:15 Chapter 1 (R) 11:00AM
Princess Mononoke - Studio Bethesda Row Cinema Possum Trot (PG-13) 4:10 8:30 Bull Street (R) 6:50-9:40 MaXXXine (R) 2:20-4:50-7:30- Inside Out 2 (PG) 2:00
Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 CC: 9:30; 11:50-2:30-5:00-7:30- 5:00-7:30-10:00 MaXXXine (R) 11:55-2:25-4:55- The Lion King 30th Anniversary 10:05 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:50 Princess Mononoke - Studio
7235 Woodmont Avenue The Lion King 30th Anniversary
Despicable Me 4 (PG) OC: 1:30 11:00 MaXXXine (R) CC: 12:00-4:30- (G) 12:10-2:40-5:20-8:00 7:30-10:00 (G) CC: 11:15-1:30-3:45-6:00- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 1:00- Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Longlegs (R) 12:00-2:30-5:00- 4:10-7:20-10:30
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:45- 7:10-9:45 12:55-3:10-5:30-7:45-10:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 11:45- Longlegs (R) 12:10-2:30-5:00- 8:15
2:10-4:35-7:00 8:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Regal Springfield Town Center
OC: 12:30 Kingdom of the Planet of the Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:30- 7:10-10:10 7:20-9:40 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Horizon: An American Saga 6859 Springfield Mall
Inside Out 2 (PG) OC: 12:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:15- Apes (PG-13) CC: 10:05 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 11:50-2:20-4:50-7:20-10:00 11:30-2:10-4:50-7:40-10:20
1:30-2:45-3:45-5:00-6:00-7:15- Kalki 2898 AD 9:20 Chapter 1 (R) 11:05-3:00-6:50 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:30-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00AM 11:00-12:30-1:30-3:00-4:00- Longlegs (R) CC: 2:30-5:00- Princess Mononoke - Studio 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:20-12:40-
9:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 2:00- 2:00-3:30-4:40-6:00-7:30-8:40- 3:30-6:40
6:30-9:00 7:30-10:00 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 Sound of Hope: The Story of 11:15-12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - MaXXXine (R) CC: 12:40-3:10- Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:00-1:15- 4:25-9:30 10:10 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
DC Bryant Street A Quiet Place: Day One: The 2:15-3:15-4:30-6:55-8:15-9:45 Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:25-2:15- 9:00-10:00 Inside Out 2: The IMAX Experi-
5:45-8:20-10:50 Regal Laurel Towne Centre
5:15-8:25 Princess Mononoke - Studio 11:40-2:20-7:40-10:20
630 Rhode Island Ave NE IMAX Experience (PG-13) CC: Touch (R) 12:05-3:30-6:30-9:25 14716 Baltimore Avenue Princess Mononoke - Studio ence (PG) 11:20-1:10-2:10-3:40-
Kingdom of the Planet of the A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30-
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:30- Apes (PG-13) CC: 6:50 9:10 Thelma (PG-13) 12:35-2:50-5:20- 4:40-7:10-8:35
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 7:35-9:50
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:50- 1:05-3:25-5:55-8:15-9:45 AMC Shirlington 7 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Regal Fairfax Towne Center 11:00-11:30-12:00-1:10-1:40-
1:30-4:45-7:45-10:15 Longlegs (R) CC: 12:10-2:45- 2:00-4:50-7:40-10:30 2:10-2:40-3:50-4:20-5:20-6:30-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 1:00-3:20- 4110 West Ox Road
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 5:20-7:00-8:00-9:20-10:30-11:25 12:45-3:15-5:45-8:15-10:40 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 1:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30- 5:40-8:00
2772 South Randolph St. 1:10-4:15-6:10-7:20-9:15- 7:00-7:30-8:00-9:10-9:40-10:40
12:30-3:30-5:30-6:30-8:15-11:00 Horizon: An American Saga Despicable Me 4: The IMAX 4:00-5:15-7:00-8:30-9:15 11:00-11:40-12:40-1:15-1:50- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 10:25 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:50- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:40-11:10-
Experience (PG) CC: 1:45- The Lion King 30th Anniversary 1:50-4:35-7:20-10:05 Sound of Hope: The Story of 12:10-1:30-2:50-4:10-5:30-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:45-1:30- Chapter 1 (R) CC: 5:30-10:10 Landmark at 2:30-3:20-4:00-4:40-5:15-6:45- (G) 12:30-2:40-4:50-7:10-9:30 11:50-1:20-1:50-4:00-6:50-9:30-
4:15-7:00 4:15-6:45 7:30-8:00-8:50-9:30-10:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Possum Trot (PG-13) 12:10-3:30- 6:50-9:20
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) Annapolis Harbour Center 10:00
Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:30-12:00- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 MaXXXine (R) 11:45-2:40-5:20- iPic Pike & Rose CC: 12:05-2:40-5:10-7:40-10:10 6:40-9:50 MaXXXine (R) 1:50-4:30-7:30- MaXXXine (R) 11:20-2:00-5:10-
10:00AM 4:10-6:45-9:50 10:10
2:30-3:00-6:00-6:45-10:45 Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 10:20 Sound of Hope: The Story of Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 4:30 8:10-10:50 11830 Grand Park Avenue Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:30- The Lion King 30th Anniversary 8:10-11:00
MaXXXine (R) 12:15-6:15-9:15 Longlegs (R) 10:40-1:30-4:15- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 4:30-9:20 (G) 11:25-1:45-4:05-6:30-8:45 Project Silence 11:20-2:00-
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 7:15 Sing (PG) 11:00AM 7:00-9:40 Longlegs (R) 10:50-1:30-4:40-
Longlegs (R) 10:00 10:00-1:00-4:10-7:20-10:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 7:00-9:40-10:40 11:30-3:30-7:00-9:45-10:15 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:55-3:00- Cinema Arts Theatre 5:10-7:50-10:50
Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 1:00- Horizon: An American Saga Despicable Me 4 (PG) (!) 12:00- 8:00-10:25 Horizon: An American Saga
Kinds of Kindness (R) 2:45 Sound of Hope: The Story 3:30-6:00-8:30 2:15-4:50-7:20-9:50 9650 Unit 14 Main St.
Chapter 1 (R) 11:50AM Horizon: An American Saga
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00- of Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:10- Chapter 1 (R) 8:30 12:30-3:00-3:45-6:00-6:45-9:00 MaXXXine (R) CC: 2:20-5:00- The Bikeriders (R) 2:25-7:15 Chapter 1 (R) 8:20
Bull Street (R) 8:45 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 6:00 MaXXXine (R) (!) 1:15-4:30-7:30- 7:40-10:20 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 8:10
4:30-9:45 12:20-3:30 The Lion King 30th Anniversary 12:10-1:25-2:25-3:40-4:40-6:00- Daddio (R) 4:30-9:30 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 4:50
MaXXXine (R) 3:15 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 11:30AM 7:00-8:15-9:15 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 10:45 Longlegs (R) CC: 11:20-2:10- Janet Planet (PG-13) 9:45-12:10- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
(G) CC: 3:05-5:25-7:45 11:50-3:10-6:30-9:50 Longlegs (R) (!) 1:45-4:45-7:45- 4:40-7:10-9:40 11:30-12:30-3:40-7:10-10:20
Longlegs (R) 11:45-2:00-5:00- The Lion King 30th Anniversary Despicable Me 4 (PG) OC: 1:15 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:30-12:30- 4:45-7:20-9:25 Hijack 1971 (R) 11:10-12:00- 12:20-3:40-7:10-10:30
7:15-8:00-9:00-9:30-11:00 (G) CC: 10:05-1:55-4:20 1:45-2:45-5:00-6:15-7:15-8:35- Sound of Hope: The Story of 11:00 Thelma (PG-13) CC: 11:40AM Horizon: An American Saga Princess Mononoke - Studio
Longlegs (R) OC: 12:00 Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:30- Inside Out 2: The IMAX Experi- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 6:40
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 1:45 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:45- Princess Mononoke - Studio 9:30 Chapter 1 (R) 9:45-1:00 Escape 6:00-8:20-10:30 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00
1:10-3:35-6:00-8:30-9:40 Longlegs (R) 12:05-2:20-4:45- 6:10-9:20 ence (PG) 12:15-3:15-6:15-9:30 2:00-7:00 Touch (R) 9:40-12:00-2:30-5:00-
Angelika Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) (!) Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 7:30-9:45 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:40 Regal Virginia Gateway
Pop-Up at Union Market AMC Center Park 8 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 7:05-9:25 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
Horizon: An American Saga 10:50-1:40-4:30-7:15-10:10 11:15-2:45-6:30-10:00 11:10-1:20-4:20-7:30-10:30 Ghostlight (R) 9:50-12:05-2:35-
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E 4001 Powder Mill Rd. OC: 12:00 10:40-1:20-4:00-7:20-10:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 11:30-
Chapter 1 (R) 3:00-8:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:20-12:20- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 5:05-7:40-9:50
Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:45-2:10-
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC:
The Lion King 30th Anniversary
(G) OC: 12:45 Thelma (PG-13) 12:45-3:30- 3:00-3:50-5:45-6:20-9:00 VIRGINIA 12:30-5:30 Thelma (PG-13) 10:00-12:15-
Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:00-1:40-
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
6:45-9:55 Princess Mononoke - Studio AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 AMC Tysons Corner 16 2:20-4:40-7:10-9:10
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) AMC Montgomery 16 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 2:50 Kalki 2898 AD 8:40 10:30-1:20-4:20-7:20-10:10
12:00-2:30-4:30-7:25-9:50 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 2150 Clarendon Blvd. 7850e Tysons Corner Center Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Kalki 2898 AD 2:30-4:40-9:30
CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00-10:00 7101 Democracy Boulevard 10:10-1:00-4:00-7:00-9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:50-
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:00-1:30-4:20-7:10-9:00 Regal Rockville Center Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Princess Mononoke - Studio 1:40-2:40-4:30-7:10-8:10-10:00-
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 199 East Montgomery Avenue 11:10-2:00-4:50-7:40-10:25 10:35-1:50-4:45-7:50-10:45 Cinemark Centreville
11:00-12:00-2:30-5:00-6:45- 2:15-5:00-7:45-10:30 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 11:00
7:30-10:00 3899 Branch Avenue A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 6201 Multiplex Drive The Garfield Movie (PG) 12:00
Avalon Theatre A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) CC: 10:55 Regal Fox
5612 Connecticut Avenue Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:30-1:15- CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00-10:30 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:35- 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:40-10:20 CC: 11:20-1:50-4:30-7:00-10:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:35- 22875 Brambleton Plaza Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:20-11:20-
3:45-6:15-9:00 3:30-6:45-9:35 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:05- 1:25-4:15-7:10-10:05
Thelma (PG-13) 12:00-2:15- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 3:10-5:45-8:20 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 1:10-2:10-4:00-5:00-6:40-7:40-
4:35-7:00 MaXXXine (R) CC: 1:45-4:00- 11:00-1:30-2:45-4:00-6:30-7:45- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 12:00-12:30-12:45-1:30-2:30- 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00-10:30
The Garfield Movie (PG) CC:
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
10:50-1:30 9:30-10:15
6:30-9:00 12:05-2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 3:15-4:00-5:00-5:40-6:30-7:00- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:45- 9:45-12:20-2:55-7:30-10:10;
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 9:00-10:10 7:30-8:10-9:00-9:30-10:10 10:30-1:10 Indian 2 4:55-9:00 MaXXXine (R) 10:40-1:50-5:10-
Longlegs (R) CC: 11:15-2:15- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:10- 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-9:30 5:55 8:00-10:50
11:00-1:50-4:45-7:45 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:30- Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:10-12:20- MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:30-2:00- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 12:40 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:40-11:10-
4:45-7:15-9:45 12:15-2:00-4:30-5:15-7:00-9:30 1:20-2:30-3:45-4:45-6:05-7:05- 1:40-4:10-5:50-6:40-8:20-9:10 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:20- Kingdom of the Planet of the
Landmark 4:40-7:20-9:55 MaXXXine (R) CC: 10:10-3:45- 10:50-12:50-1:20-3:50-6:20- 2:00-3:20-6:00
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:15-2:00- 9:30 MaXXXine (R) 2:30-5:10-7:50- Apes (PG-13) 9:20
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema 4:15 MaXXXine (R) 11:20-2:10-4:40- Longlegs (R) CC: 12:30-3:00- 6:15-9:05 8:50
807 V Street Northwest 4:45-7:30-10:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:30-3:00- 7:10-10:00 Kingdom of the Planet of the 10:40 Longlegs (R) 11:10-2:00-4:50-
Sound of Hope: The Story of 5:30-8:00 5:30-8:00-10:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:00-11:00-
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 12:45 Longlegs (R) CC: 11:00-1:45- Kalki 2898 AD 4:50 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Apes (PG-13) CC: 9:35 12:15-1:05-1:30-2:25-2:50-4:05- Kalki 2898 AD 3:10-10:00; 2:15- 7:30-10:30
4:30-7:15-10:20 Longlegs (R) 12:05-2:30-5:00- Longlegs (R) 11:50-2:20-5:20- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:10-1:45- 5:25-6:40-9:15; 3:20 6:25-8:40-9:40 Horizon: An American Saga
1:50-4:20-7:30-9:40 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 7:30-10:00 12:30-5:30
7:50-10:30 4:25-7:00-9:30 Longlegs (R) 8:45 Chapter 1 (R) 10:10-6:20-10:25
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 2:00-4:30- 1:00-4:00-7:00-9:15 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: MaXXXine (R) 5:00-7:40-10:20
11:15-1:15-4:15-7:20-10:00 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 2:00 1:10-4:10-7:10-10:10 Kalki 2898 AD 3:05-6:50-10:35 Kill (R) 10:40 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:30
7:20-9:30 11:00-8:35 Kalki 2898 AD 3:40
AMC Columbia 14 Kalki 2898 AD 8:50 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: The Bikeriders (R) CC: 12:10 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
Inside Out 2 (PG) 1:15-2:15-3:50- AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 Horizon: An American Saga 11:40-3:30-7:00-10:20
5:00-6:40-7:40-8:50-9:50 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway 11115 Mall Circle Regal Cinemas Majestic Kinds of Kindness (R) 11:45- 3:00-8:00 Longlegs (R) CC: 11:15-1:55- Experience (PG) 12:20
Chapter 1 (R) 10:25AM
MaXXXine (R) 4:10-7:10-9:20 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:00AM Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Stadium 20 & IMAX 6:10-9:40 AMC Hoffman Center 22 4:35-7:15-10:00 Sound of Hope: The Story of Inside Out 2: The IMAX Experi- Sound of Hope: The Story of
900 Ellsworth Drive Possum Trot (PG-13) 3:00-
Longlegs (R) 1:30-4:00-7:00-9:10 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 1:15-4:00-6:45-9:30 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Horizon: An American Saga Possum Trot (PG-13) 9:50AM ence (PG) 9:50AM
MaXXXine (R) 1:40 12:05-2:25-6:20-9:45 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:50- 11:40-2:50-6:20-9:20 Chapter 1 (R) CC: 6:30-10:25 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00-8:30- 3:45-6:45-10:05 Blue Lock The Movie -Episode Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:00 Touch (R) CC: 10:00-12:55-4:00- 12:30-3:45-7:00-10:15 11:45-4:10-6:40-10:20 The Lion King 30th Anniversary
Landmark E Street Cinema CC: 8:40 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Nagi- (PG-13) 3:40 Indian 2 7:00-10:45 6:55-9:55 Sarfira 4:25 (G) 11:00-1:30-4:10-6:50
555 11th Street Northwest 10:30 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Sarfira 9:50
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 6:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 2:15- 11:35-1:35-2:15-4:10-4:55-6:55- Sound of Hope: The Story of Thelma (PG-13) CC: 12:55 Indian 2 12:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:00-
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:30- 11:20-2:00-4:40-7:20-10:00 Indian 2 8:00 12:50-3:40-6:30-9:10
4:45-7:15-9:45 7:40-9:40-10:35 Possum Trot (PG-13) 2:45 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Kalki 2898 AD 3D 8:30 Ucha Dar Babe Nanak Da
(R) 11:55 1:00-3:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30AM A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 11:50-2:25-4:55-7:30-10:10 11:05-1:20 Princess Mononoke - Studio
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 12:10-2:40- CC: 9:00; 10:00-11:15-12:30- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 9:30-12:00-
The Room (R) 11:55 MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:25-2:05- 5:10-7:40-10:10 11:30-12:05-1:40-2:10-2:40-4:15- Princess Mononoke - Studio Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Indian 2: The IMAX Experience Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 2:50
Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:15-1:15- 1:45-3:00-4:15-5:30-6:45-8:00- 1:50-4:20-6:50-7:20-9:20
4:35-7:10 MaXXXine (R) CC: 12:15-2:45- 4:45-5:15-7:00-7:30-8:00-9:45- Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 Experience (PG) CC: 12:45 2:50-6:40-10:40 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:50AM
3:30-4:30-7:15-9:30 9:45-10:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 11:20-
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:10-1:40- 5:15-7:45-10:15 10:15-10:45 Inside Out 2: The IMAX Experi- 2:15-4:50 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Reston, VA -
MaXXXine (R) 12:45-7:45-10:00 4:10-6:55-9:10 Regal Waugh Chapel Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 6:30
Longlegs (R) CC: 12:00-2:30- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:20-11:20- 1419 South Main Chapel Way ence (PG) CC: 10:15-3:35 Longlegs (R) 9:35-11:35-2:30- 4:45-7:15-10:35 LOOK Dine-in Cinema
Touch (R) 1:00-7:10-9:45 Longlegs (R) CC: 11:10-1:50- 12:55-1:55-4:30-6:10-7:20-9:10- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:00- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 5:10-7:50-10:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:00- 11940 Market Street
5:00-7:30-10:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:40- 1:30-4:00
Thelma (PG-13) 1:25-4:15-6:30- 4:30-7:10-9:00-9:40-10:00 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 10:00 11:45-2:55-6:10-9:20 Indian 2 5:30-9:30 11:00-11:30-12:00-12:40-1:40- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 2:15-
10:15 Horizon: An American Saga 12:45-6:00 MaXXXine (R) 10:10-1:15-4:00- 3:30-6:40-9:40; 11:05 MaXXXine (R) CC: 1:00-3:30- Sound of Hope: The Story of 4:20-7:00-10:10 5:00-8:30-10:15
Kinds of Kindness (R) 12:00-3:00- Chapter 1 (R) CC: 9:10 6:50-10:10 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 6:00-8:30-11:00 Cinemark
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 12:00-2:30-5:20-8:10-9:50- Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 6:35 Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:30-7:20- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
7:00-8:00-9:00 Touch (R) CC: 12:25-6:20-9:30 Kingdom of the Planet of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Indian 2 6:45-10:40 Fairfax Corner and XD 10:05
12:00-3:00-6:00-10:00 10:40 Apes (PG-13) CC: 9:15 11900 Palace Way 12:15-2:45-5:15-7:45-10:15
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Thelma (PG-13) CC: 10:00AM Sound of Hope: The Story of Apes (PG-13) 9:05 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 12:00- MaXXXine (R) 11:20AM Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30-
12:30-1:30-3:45-7:30-8:30-10:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 12:15- Longlegs (R) 11:50-12:25-2:30- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:50-
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:00- 2:40-5:25-8:00-10:30 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:10- Longlegs (R) 11:15-2:05-4:50- 1:00-3:30-6:00-8:30
MaXXXine (R) 3:15 3:10-5:10-6:15-7:50-9:30-10:30 12:20-2:45-3:30-5:15-7:45-10:15 The Lion King 30th Anniversary 1:15-7:10-10:30
2:30-7:30 3:30-6:45-9:00 10:35 7:40-10:25 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:45-12:30-
Touch (R) 4:45 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Horizon: An American Saga Project Silence 11:30-4:20 (G) CC: 11:35-2:00-4:40-7:05 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Jatt & Juliet 3 11:40-2:45-6:10- 3:00-5:30-8:00-10:25
Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 3:20 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:40-1:50- The Bikeriders (R) CC: 11:20-
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 5:00 Experience (PG) CC: 11:00-1:30-
Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD
Chapter 1 (R) 10:55-9:20 3:10-4:30-7:10-8:20-10:10- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 9:30-12:10-5:30-8:10-10:50 9:20 MaXXXine (R) 12:00-2:40-5:20-
4:00-6:30-9:00 A Quiet Place: Day One: The 2:05-4:50-7:40-10:25 CC: 10:45-1:20-4:05-6:40-9:15- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 9:45-10:15-
Regal Gallery Place 7000 Arundel Mills Circle 11:00 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 10:30- 8:00-10:00
Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 9:00 IMAX Experience (PG-13) 8:45 Longlegs (R) CC: 10:45-12:00- 10:05 10:55-12:45-2:45-3:15-5:45- 1:10-3:50-6:30-9:10
701 Seventh Street Northwest A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) MaXXXine (R) 1:30-4:10-7:00- 1:15-2:30-3:45-5:00-6:15-6:50- Kalki 2898 AD 2:30
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:30- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: XD: 9:30; 9:00-11:35-2:15-4:55-
Touch (R) 11:10-2:05-5:05-8:05 10:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:00- 7:45-10:15 Indian 2 1:50-5:50-9:50 Longlegs (R) 2:00-4:30-7:00-
Thelma (PG-13) 10:15-4:20- 7:30-8:45-9:20-10:00 1:30-4:10-6:40-9:10 Inside Out 2 (PG) 9:25-11:05-
6:40-9:50 11:50-3:00-6:10-9:15 Kingdom of the Planet of the Despicable Me 4 (PG) 2:10- 10:15
5:25-7:35-8:05-10:15-10:45 7:10-9:55 Kill (R) CC: 8:45 MaXXXine (R) OC: 12:10 1:40-2:35-5:10-6:50-7:50-9:25-
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Sarfira 5:05 Despicable Me 4 (PG) XD: 9:00- Apes (PG-13) 11:20-2:40-6:20 Horizon: An American Saga 10:25
7:30-8:00 Thelma (PG-13) 10:35-1:05-
12:10-1:10-2:50-5:20-5:50-6:50- Dandelion (R) CC: 9:25 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 3:40- Horizon: An American Saga Princess Mononoke - Studio Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:00 3:35-6:05-7:50-10:30
11:30-2:00-4:30-7:00 6:20-9:00 Chapter 1 (R) CC: 11:00AM Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 MaXXXine (R) 9:25-12:05-5:25-
7:50-8:20-9:20-10:25-10:50 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 11:40- Inside Out 2 (PG) 9:25-10:45- Chapter 1 (R) 9:35 Touch (R) CC: 11:15-4:45-7:30- 8:05-10:45 Princess Mononoke - Studio Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00- 2:20-4:50-6:40 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Longlegs (R) 10:35-11:30-2:10- AMC Worldgate 9 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 11:00-1:15-4:15-7:15-9:30
11:05-12:00-1:20-1:40-2:35- Experience (PG) 10:00-12:40- 10:30 Kalki 2898 AD 6:25-9:45
12:00-12:30-1:30-2:30-3:00-6:30- The Lion King 30th Anniversary 3:55-4:15-5:10-6:30-6:50-7:45- 4:50-7:30-10:20 Thelma (PG-13) CC: 11:10- 13025 Worldgate Drive Longlegs (R) 9:20-12:00-5:20- Regal Kingstowne Sound of Hope: The Story of
8:10-9:00-10:40 (G) CC: 12:00-2:20-4:40-7:10 3:15-6:00 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 3:40 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC:
9:25-10:25 1:35-4:00 8:00-8:15-10:40-10:55 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:45AM
Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:50-12:40- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Indian 2 10:35 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Despicable Me 4: The IMAX 11:15-2:00-4:45-7:30-10:15
12:10-3:25-6:40-9:50 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 12:15- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 1:50- Indian 2 6:15
1:40-3:10-4:10-6:10-7:10-8:40- CC: 11:20-1:55-4:25-7:05-9:40 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 11:00- Experience (PG) 10:50-1:40-4:20- 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 A Quiet Place: Day One 1:25-3:55 4:40-7:30-10:25 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30-
9:40-11:10 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: Dandelion (R) 10:05AM 6:50-9:30 (PG-13) CC: 11:45-2:45-5:15- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
Sound of Hope: The Story of Despicable Me 4: The IMAX A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30; 11:15AM
MaXXXine (R) 11:40-2:20-5:00- 11:30-12:15-2:00-4:30-5:00- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Experience (PG) CC: 10:10-12:30- 7:45-10:10 9:35-12:50-6:30-7:20-10:05- 7:00-9:40
7:00-9:30 Possum Trot (PG-13) 1:20 10:25-12:20-3:50-7:20-10:30 Smithsonian -
7:40-10:15 11:10-1:50-4:30-7:10-9:55 3:00-5:30-8:00-10:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:30- 10:35 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 1:40-4:20 Airbus IMAX Theater
Kingdom of the Planet of the Touch (R) OC: 3:20 Indian 2 12:30-4:35-8:40 Sound of Hope: The Story of Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 6:30 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30
Inside Out 2 (PG) XD: 9:05-11:40- Sound of Hope: The Story of Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:00AM 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
Apes (PG-13) 8:50 Princess Mononoke - Studio 2:20-4:55 The Lion King 30th Anniversary Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:40- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:00-1:30- Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:00AM
Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 (G) 10:35-1:10-3:50-6:25 MaXXXine (R) 3:55-6:45-9:30- Journey to Space 10:20-3:00-
Longlegs (R) 11:10-1:50-4:40- MaXXXine (R) 9:20-12:00-2:40- 6:30 11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00-11:00 6:30-9:45 Indian 2 10:00-2:00-6:00 11:00
Inside Out 2 (PG) 3:30 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 12:10- MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:00-1:30- 5:05
7:30-10:10 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 5:20-8:00-10:40 Sarfira 10:05 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 12:00 Kingdom of the Planet of the
Horizon: An American Saga 9811 Washingtonian Center Princess Mononoke - Studio 5:40 4:00-6:30-9:00 Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
Kingdom of the Planet of the Dandelion (R) CC: 6:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 4:10 Apes (PG-13) 10:40 Seas 12:40
Chapter 1 (R) 10:35-2:40 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Apes (PG-13) 9:05 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:20AM Sound of Hope: The Story of Kalki 2898 AD 11:10-2:15-8:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Longlegs (R) 10:50-1:30-4:30- Deep Sky: The IMAX Experience
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 11:30- 11:30-2:15-5:00-8:00-10:45 Kalki 2898 AD 2:25-6:40-10:40 Indian 2 12:15-4:25-8:20 Princess Mononoke - Studio Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 10:10- Longlegs (R) CC: 11:45-2:15- 2:50 6:30-7:20-10:10-11:10
2:00-4:30-7:05-9:30 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 4:45-7:15-9:45 10:55-1:20-3:40
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Longlegs (R) XD: 7:30-10:10 Regal Germantown 1:15-4:20-7:25-10:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 5:15 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 11:40- To Fly! 4:30
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 10:45 Horizon: An American Saga 20000 Century Boulevard Regal Westview Lumina (R) 10:10 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Inside Out 2 (PG) 4:15 5:00-10:20
12:20-3:40-7:20-10:20 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 8:15 Chapter 1 (R) 9:25-1:25 12:30-3:00-5:30 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 7:20- 5243 Buckeystown Pike Indian 2 11:00-3:00 MaXXXine (R) 2:45 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) (NR) 11:45AM
Dandelion (R) 10:20AM If (PG) CC: 11:20AM Touch (R) 9:40-12:40-3:45- 10:25; 11:40AM Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:40- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 11:15- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: Longlegs (R) 2:40 10:30-12:10-3:30-6:50-10:00
The Lion King 30th Anniversary Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 12:15- 6:45-9:45 6:15-8:45 12:15-3:15-6:15-9:15 The Dream is Alive 2:10
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 1:30-4:20-7:20-10:10 Princess Mononoke - Studio Sarfira 2:10
(G) 10:40-1:20-3:50-6:20 3:00-5:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 10:50- 12:00-2:40-5:20-8:00-10:40 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Bull Street (R) 7:00 Indian 2 6:00-9:00 Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 3:00 Dandelion (R) 10:50 University Mall Theatres
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:00-1:45- 11:50-3:50-6:20-8:50-11:20 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:20; 9:15 The Lion King 30th Anniversary Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 4:00 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Sound of Hope: The Story of 10659-A Braddock Road
4:20 4:30-7:10-10:00 Kalki 2898 AD 9:00 10:55-1:20-3:10-4:00-5:50-6:30- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:20-2:00- (G) CC: 10:00-12:15-2:30-4:45- Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 4:05 Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:20AM A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:30 Kingdom of the Planet of the Kinds of Kindness (R) 9:35 8:30-9:10 4:35-7:15-9:50 7:00 One Loudoun Despicable Me 4 (PG) XD: The Lion King 30th Anniversary 12:30-2:45-5:00-7:30-9:35
Princess Mononoke - Studio Apes (PG-13) CC: 9:00 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:00-12:40- Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:10-1:45- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 2:30- 20575 East Hampton Plaza 9:15-11:50-2:20-4:50-7:20- (G) 10:05-12:40-3:10-5:50-8:10 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:20-
Ghibli Fest 2024 (PG-13) 7:00 The Bikeriders (R) CC: 10:10 9:30-9:55-12:45-1:15-4:00-4:30- 1:30-4:20-6:00-7:00-8:40-9:40 7:05-9:30 5:00-7:30-10:00 Nausicaa of the Valley of the 9:50 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 2:30-4:45-7:15-9:15
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 1:15 Longlegs (R) CC: 2:00-4:45- 7:15-7:45-10:30-11:00 MaXXXine (R) 11:30-2:10-5:00- MaXXXine (R) 11:50-2:40-5:20- MaXXXine (R) OC: 10:30AM Wind (Kaze no tani no Naushika) Inside Out 2 (PG) XD: 10:20- 10:00-11:50-2:30-5:10-7:50- Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:15-2:20-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 4:00 7:30-10:15 Sarfira 10:20 7:40-10:30 8:00-10:40 Touch (R) OC: 2:00 (PG) 11:30AM 12:55-3:30 10:30 4:35-7:00-9:10
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C5




♠ 82
♥ 7543
♦ AQ6532
♣ 3
♠ J 10 9 6 4 ♠ Q75
♥ Q 10 6 ♥ J98
♣ KJ98 ♣ Q 10 6
♠ AK3
♥ AK2
♦ K4
♣ A7542

The bidding:
2 NT Pass 3♣ Pass
3♦ Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♠ J

imple Saturday columns
focus on basic technique
and logical thinking.
Today’s South opens 2NT
on his fine hand and lands
at 3NT after North uses
Stayman. When West leads
the jack of spades, South
may be surprised — and
dismayed — at the sight of
dummy: A contract of five
diamonds might be safer,
and six diamonds would be a
reasonable undertaking.
But the auction is over.
South must focus on the
actual contract, not one he
might prefer. How should he
If the diamonds break 3-2,
South has no worries: He is
sure of six diamonds, two
hearts, two spades and a
club. But what if diamonds LIO MARK TATULLI MIKE PETERS
break 4-1 (a 28% chance)?
After winning the first
spade, South gets an extra
chance by leading the A-K
and a third heart. When the
hearts break 3-3, dummy’s
fourth heart is a winner, and
dummy has a diamond entry.
South wins two spades, three
hearts, three diamonds and
one club.
evenly, South could still hope
for a 3-2 diamond break.
You hold:
Both vulnerable. Your part-
ner deals and opens three
diamonds. The next player
passes. What do you say?
ANSWER: Bid six dia-
5, A Q 10 9 5 3 2, J 3, he will
have 12 tricks. If you want to
gamble, bid 4NT, Blackwood,
and try seven diamonds if
partner has an ace. If he has
the hand above, he might set
up your fifth club for the 13th
trick. But speculative grand
slams are a bad bet.
— Frank Stewart





C6 EZ RE the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024



You have a physical,
approach to life,
which is why you’re
a courageous, daring risk-
taker. It’s important that you
believe you can succeed. New
beginnings, adventures and
major changes will take place
this year. Keep your eyes open
for new opportunities.

or important decisions after
6:30 p.m. today. The Moon is
in Libra.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Enjoy today! Do what you
please. With your strong
focus on home and family,
you might be gardening or
camping. This is also a great
time for children’s activities.
Meanwhile, social outings and
sports events are appealing!
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
to-do list, because fiery Mars
in your sign makes you eager
to have a finger in many pies.
You’re talking to siblings,
relatives and neighbors;
reading and writing; plus some
of you are taking a short trip.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
This is a lovely day to
schmooze and enjoy the
company of others. In
particular, you’ll appreciate
your daily surroundings more
than usual, which, let’s face it,
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Although you have strong
energy to do what you want
today (including shopping and
doing financial negotiations),
you’ll love a chance to retire
and hide at home with good
food and comfy surroundings.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
Enjoy schmoozing with others
today, because the Moon
is sitting in your House of
DUSTIN FLASH GORDON you have a strong desire to
talk to others and share your
ideas. You want a meaningful
connection with someone.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Keep things relatively laid-back
today, because it’s easy to
try to do more than you really
can accomplish. Don’t push
the river. Nevertheless, you
are focused on shopping and
earning money, no question.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
because the Moon is in your
sign and the Sun is at the top
of your chart. This puts you in
the driver’s seat. Meanwhile,
relations with friends
(especially younger people and
creative types) will be warm
and friendly.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
You’ll be successful dealing
with parents, bosses and
important people today. People
will listen to you. Meanwhile,
you might be focused on travel
plans or legal or medical
pull in your reins a little.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Your interactions with a friend
might be important today.
Travel will also appeal to you
because you want to explore
new ideas and see new places.
This is hardly surprising since
you’re the traveler of the
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
People notice you today.
LINCOLN PEIRCE BILL HOLBROOK Meanwhile, you will benefit
BIG NATE ON THE FASTRACK financially when dealing
with others today. Money
might come to you. This
is also a playful day!
Competitive sports might
be in the picture.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Shake things up a little today.
You want some adventure.
Perhaps you need to escape
from your home scene
because there’s too much
chaos or activity taking place.
Fortunately, you’re motivated
to work hard, which is why you
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
This continues to be a
playful, fun-loving time for
you. You’re also mentally
energetic, which empowers
your communication skills with
others. Don’t hesitate to roll up
your sleeves and get hands-
on with any job you’re doing.
Jump in.
— Georgia Nicols



More online: washingtonpost.com/comics. Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; [email protected]; 202-334-4775.

SPORTS saturday, july 13 , 2024 SU D

prO baSkeTball OlympiCS CriCkeT
Jalen brunson takes one for the team, agreeing to a new catarina Macario, a midfielder for the U.S. women’s Major league cricket, which opened its second season
deal that gives the Knicks long-term payroll flexibility. D2 soccer team, will miss the games with a knee injury. D3 this month, hopes to seize on world cup momentum. D6

helps Nats
take down
his old club
nationals 5,
brewers 2
Homer and RBI double
key streak-snapping win


MIlWAUKEE — Jesse Winker rel-

ished every second of his fifth-in-
ning home run at American Fam-
ily Field — the place he had called
home a season earlier. He stood at
the plate as his towering 403-foot
shot carried over the visiting bull-
pen and into the first rows of seats
in right field. He trotted leisurely
around the bases as the boos car-
ried through the park. And when
he finally touched home, he
pointed to the sky before taking a
long look at the crowd behind
The nationals’ 5-2 win, which
snapped a five-game skid, really
couldn’t qualify as a revenge
game for Winker — after all, he
spent just one season in Milwau-
kee — but it furthered a first-half
resurgence and showed his for-
mer team what it’s missing. Wink-
er had two of the nationals’ 12 hits
and drove in two runs. The homer
was his 11th after he managed just
boStoN globE/gEtty iMAgES
one in 61 games last season with
robertanthony Cruz, whose video after he signed with the Nationals in 2021 went viral, plays for the Savannah bananas. He did his signature flip at Fenway Park. the Brewers.
“He had a good swing today.
He’s been doing really well the

A totally Bananas tale

whole first half,” Washington
Manager Dave Martinez said. “It’s
fun to watch when he’s hitting.”
Before Friday’s game, Winker
walked onto the field and greeted
some of his former teammates
with hugs as they took swings in
the batting cage. He later sat on
Cruz, a former Nats farmhand, will make Nationals Park debut with barnstorming Savannah club the steps of the Brewers’ dugout
catching up with team staff mem-
BY S COTT A LLEN “Good Morning America,” received a di- (Coach RAC to his growing fan base) said bers.
rect message from then-nationals star in a video interview this week. “You just Winker, an all-star with Cincin-
on July 13, 2021, Biola University Juan soto welcoming him to the organi- can’t make it up.” nati in 2021, never found his form
infielder RobertAnthony Cruz surprised zation and gained 150,000 new TikTok in Milwaukee, dealing with a back
his dad at work at an auto care shop in followers overnight. becoming Coach raC injury that limited him to a
Riverside, Calif., with the news that the on saturday — exactly three years After being released by the nationals .199 average.
Washington nationals were signing him since that day filled with tears of joy — two weeks into minor league spring “I was here last year, and I
as an undrafted free agent. Perhaps that Cruz will make his nationals Park debut training in March 2022, Cruz drove home didn’t play well,” Winker said. “so
story sounds familiar. before a sellout crowd, not for the nation- to Riverside feeling embarrassed and as a fan of the team, you have
The emotional video of the interaction, als but for the wildly popular barnstorm- unsure of what his future held. Unable to every right to react. I didn’t play
which Cruz’s mom captured on her son’s ing savannah Bananas and their zany sleep a couple of months later, he record- well. That’s part of the game,
phone and he later posted on TikTok, was brand of baseball. ed a video he had put off since he left unfortunately. But there’s so
viewed more than 15 million times over “seeing this thing come full circle, it’s Florida and posted it on TikTok. many people over there that I
the next two days. Cruz appeared on pretty special,” the 25-year-old Cruz see baNaNaS on d5 have great relationships with.”
The injury scared many teams
see NatioNalS on d5
Savannah bananas World Tour | Nationals Park, 7 p.m.
Nationals at brewers
4 p.m., MASN2

An inspired choice for U.S. Coulibaly

is a coach who dreams big readies for
It doesn’t take a
soccer aficionado
allowed to infect his team. It
couldn’t fester further.
his Olympic
to understand
that a coach
should not only
For the U.s. soccer
Federation, this is far from ideal.
The first men’s World Cup on
be in the moment home soil in more than three
barry but should be decades — Mexico and Canada
svrluga encouraging his will also stage some matches —
team to do the is less than two years away. The
After his rookie season,
same. Pick a cliché: Be where hosts would love to be surging Wizards guard is named
your feet are. Control the toward that test with both a
controllables. Whatever. clear direction and decided
to stacked French squad
Yet here was Gregg Berhalter, momentum. Instead, they’re
in the final appearance of what scrambling.
has to be considered a failed Maybe this isn’t only on Matt BY S APNA B ANSIL
second stanza as coach of the Crocker, the U.s. soccer
U.s. men’s national team, telling Federation’s still relatively new Right after one of the biggest
his players the score of a sporting director. It was achievements of his basketball
concurrent match. Perhaps, with Crocker’s decision to bring back career, Bilal Coulibaly’s mind
Uruguay setting up a free kick, Berhalter even after a World Cup KirSty wigglESworth/ASSociAtEd PrESS turned to his family.
the instructions might have been in Qatar in which the Carlos alcaraz beat daniil Medvedev and will face Novak djokovic in Sunday’s Wimbledon final. Growing up in the suburbs of
to defend smartly and solidly, to Americans’ only victory came Paris, the Washington Wizards
be present in the second half of against Iran, which has never guard and his father used to
their final group stage match in
Copa América. Berhalter instead
informed his charges that
advanced out of the group stage.
More than that, the entire affair
was colored by a bizarre
For Alcaraz, the final boss is waiting watch various olympic events —
basketball, of course, but also
track. now, at 19 years old, Couli-
Panama was tied in its match controversy in which the wife of baly had received an olympic
with Bolivia. American legend Claudio Reyna, BY A VA W ALLACE ovic. the first set. opportunity of his own, earning a
That Uruguay scored on the Berhalter’s former U.s. But as 21-year-old Carlos Alcar- Wouldn’t it be fun to just stay spot on the French national team
ensuing free kick, that Panama’s teammate, reported to U.s. WIMBlEdOn, EnglAnd — There az and 27-year-old Daniil Medve- on this level for a while? for the upcoming Paris Games.
goal differential in that other officials allegations that, when is a concept in video games called dev pushed their minds and Third-seeded Alcaraz and When he learned of his selection
match could have had an impact the two were in college, a “final boss,” a character bigger shoulder ligaments to their limits fifth-seeded Medvedev put to- in a text message, he immedi-
on the Americans’ chances of Berhalter had abused the and badder than all the adversar- in Friday’s first semifinal at Wim- gether 2 hours 55 minutes of ately called his parents, both to
getting through to the knockout woman who became his wife — ies a player has faced before, bledon — knowing they were riveting tennis in which each celebrate the news and to settle
round, is immaterial. This accusations Daniella Reyna waiting as the ultimate hurdle vying for the right probably to tried to coax the most their nerves.
wasn’t the sole reason Berhalter brought forth because she was upon reaching the game’s final face Djokovic in sunday’s final — see WiMbledoN on d8 “They were so stressed about
was fired — appropriately — displeased with how Berhalter level. the same thought may have oc- [the roster announcement], so I
Wednesday night. But it was a was employing her son Gio on In men’s tennis these days, that curred to the nearly 15,000 Wimbledon, women’s final had to calm them down,”
symptom of the disease he see Svrluga on d3 character is often novak Djok- packed into Centre Court during 9 a.m., ESPN see WizardS on d3
d2 eZ su the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024


Aberg fires another 64 More venues revealed
to lead Scottish Open for Los Angeles Games
Ludvig Aberg has won on the The 2028 Los Angeles
DP World Tour and PGA Tour in Olympics announced more
the year since he left college, and venue assignments, with Carson
another 6-under-par 64 in the and Long Beach reprising their
Scottish Open in North Berwick roles from previous Games held
on Friday put him in a position in the region.
to win a tournament sanctioned Carson will host track cycling
by both tours. at the velodrome, field hockey in
Aberg kept a clean card on a the adjacent fields, rugby sevens
stunning day of sunshine along in the stadium and tennis at
the Firth of Forth, picking up Dignity Health Sports Park,
four birdies in an eight-hole although the 2028 Games are not
stretch and making it look easy using the existing corporate
along the way. names for stadiums and arenas.
He was at 12-under 128 and Long Beach will be the site of
had a one-shot lead over Antoine rowing and canoe sprint at its
Rozner, who also had a 64 in a Marine Stadium, handball at
strong bid to stick around in Long Beach Arena, marathon
Scotland for another week. The swimming and triathlon along
leading three players earn spots the city’s waterfront, sailing at
in the British Open. Belmont Shore and water polo in
Also in the mix is Rory a temporary pool in the
McIlroy, returning from a three- convention center parking lot, as
week break to digest everything well as artistic swimming, which
that went wrong late in the final was announced earlier.
round at the U.S. Open. His golf The Los Angeles Convention
at the Renaissance Club makes it Center will host fencing, judo,
look as if he is ready to move table tennis, taekwondo and
forward. McIlroy had a 66 and wrestling. Weightlifting will be
for the second day felt like he at a theater across the street.
should have had a few more Golf will be played at Riviera
birdies from chances in the Country Club. Badminton will be
10-foot range. at the University of Southern
“I’m probably standing here California’s Galen Center. ...
feeling like I should be sort of The final appeal hearing to
around Ludvig’s score, if not a decide medals from the 2022
little bit better, after the last Beijing Olympics doping case of
couple days. But I’m still in good Russian figure skater Kamila
position,” McIlroy said. KIM LuDBROOK/ePA-eFe/shuTTeRsTOCK Valieva will be heard days before
Sungjae Im (67) and Matteo the Paris Olympics open.
Manassero (63) were two shots Hang a left A hearing July 22 for eight
behind at 130, while McIlroy was Canadian skaters seeking to get
Riders turn a corner as fans watch Friday during the Tour de France cycling race’s 13th stage, which went from Agen to Pau.
in the large group at 9-under 131 team event bronze medals will be
that included two-time major held in the Swiss city Lausanne,
champion Collin Morikawa (66) the Court of Arbitration for Sport
and Sahith Theegala (65). ... said. The Summer Games
Pierceson Coody followed an formally open four days later,
opening 11-under 61 with a 67 to and the International Olympic
take a two-stroke lead in the SP O TL I G H T: nB A Committee aims to finally
ISCO Championship, with the present medals in Paris for the
weekend cut a PGA Tour-record 8 figure skating team event from
Coody, the 24-year-old
grandson of 1971 Masters
Brunson stays with Knicks on discount deal Beijing before the Closing
Ceremonies on Aug. 11.
That will be 21/2 years after
champion Charles Coody, Valieva helped Russia skate to
birdied three of his final five BY B RIAN M AHONEY when the 2018 second-round pick signed team gold, ahead of the United
holes in his afternoon round to with the Knicks in 2022, with critics won- States, Japan and fourth-place
get to 16-under 128 on Keene NEW YORK — Jalen Brunson quickly Team gets financial flexibility dering whether a player who had mostly Canada. ...
Trace’s Champions Course in agreed to extend his stay with a New York as point guard leaves millions been a backup with the Dallas Mavericks Saudi Arabia and the IOC are
Nicholasville, Ky. Knicks team that has been on the rise was worth more than $100 million. teaming up for their first
The Texan is winless in since his arrival.
on table by not waiting a year Nobody can question Brunson’s new commercial deal together, with
26 career starts on the PGA Tour. Brunson signed a four-year contract deal. The Knicks hadn’t reached the sec- the oil-rich kingdom set to host
Chez Reavie had a 62 to join extension with the Knicks on Friday that a ond round of the playoffs since 2013 be- the Esports Olympics that
Matthis Besard (63) and Rico person with knowledge of the details said continues to show a willingness to sacri- fore Brunson helped them get there in his launch next year.
Hoey (66) in a tie for second in was worth about $156.5 million. fice for this organization, his teammates first season in New York. They nearly The gaming partnership will
the tournament co-sanctioned by Brunson could have earned a much and everyone in the Knicks family,” team went even further last season, falling to be for 12 years “with Olympic
the DP World Tour. ... bigger deal by waiting a year but chose the president Leon Rose said in a statement. the Indiana Pacers in Game 7 of the Esports Games held regularly,”
Steven Alker overcame a extension on the first day it was available The Knicks did not reveal terms of the Eastern Conference semifinals after he the IOC said in a statement.
double bogey on his fourth hole to him. The move provides a financial deal, but they were confirmed to the broke his hand in the second half.
with three birdies on the back benefit to a Knicks team that the point Associated Press on the condition of ano- Brunson’s extension will begin with the COLLEGES
nine at Firestone for a 5-under guard has led to the second round of the nymity. They were first reported by ESPN, 2025-26 season, and his decision to take
65, giving him a one-shot lead playoffs in both seasons in New York. with Brunson’s agent telling the organiza- lesser money now should help the Knicks Pac-12’s bowl deals
over Steve Stricker going into “Jalen has embraced every challenge tion his client chose the extension over a manage their payroll after a busy offsea- lasting through 2025
the weekend at the Kaulig since he’s come to New York and has been five-year, $269 million contract he could son in which they re-signed OG Anunoby
Companies Championship in committed since day one to the vision and have received as a free agent in 2025. on a five-year contract worth more than The Pac-12’s existing bowl
Akron, Ohio. plan we set forth for the future of this Brunson averaged 28.7 points and fin- $210 million and acquired Mikal Bridges game agreements will continue
Kenny Perry (69) and Robert team. Since Jalen joined us two years ago, ishing fifth in NBA MVP voting last sea- from the Brooklyn Nets. through the 2025 football season
Karlsson (66) were three shots he has consistently led by example and son. That was far more than expected — Associated Press despite the league’s breakup, the
behind in the PGA Tour conference announced.
Champions major. ... Among other things, it means
Ayaka Furue held a three-shot that Oregon State and
clubhouse lead at the Evian Washington State, the two
Championship in France before TE LEvISIOn A nd R Ad IO remaining Pac-12 schools after
the second round was suspended the conference collapsed in
because of a risk of lightning. realignment last summer, will
With five holes left to play in MLB GOLF retain their postseason
her second round, Furue was 1 p.m. Los Angeles dodgers at detroit » MLB Network 4 a.m. LPGA Tour: Evian Championship, third round » Golf Channel opportunities. ...
6 under after 31 holes, leading 4 p.m. Washington at Milwaukee » MAsN2, WJFK (106.7 FM), 10 a.m. dP World Tour/PGA Tour: Scottish Open, third round » Golf Channel The NCAA women’s selection
Stephanie Kyriacou and WDCN (87.7 FM) Noon dP World Tour/PGA Tour: Scottish Open, third round » WusA (Ch. 9), committee will release the
4 p.m. new York Yankees at Baltimore » MAsN, Fox sports 1, WIYY (97.9 FM), WJZ (Ch. 13)
Haeran Ryu. Both players were seeding for the entire
WsBN (630 AM) Noon PGA Tour Champions: Kaulig Companies Championship,
at 9 under overall and sat at 7 p.m. Atlanta at San diego » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45), WsBN (630 AM) third round » Golf Channel
tournament field for the first
4 under in their second round. 10 p.m. Toronto at Arizona » MLB Network 2:30 p.m. American Century Celebrity Championship, second round » time next season.
Kyriacou completed 16 holes WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11) The NCAA Division I Women’s
in her second round, and Ryu nBA SuMMER LEAGuE 4 p.m. PGA Tour: ISCO Championship, third round » Golf Channel Basketball Committee
was through 11. ... 4:30 p.m. Milwaukee vs. Chicago » NBA TV announced the change after its
5 p.m. Charlotte vs. new York » esPN2 SOCCER
Carolina Panthers wide summer meetings, meaning the
6:30 p.m. Miami vs. Boston » NBA TV 3:30 p.m. Women’s international friendly: Mexico at united States » TNT,
receiver Adam Thielen took a full seed list for all 68 teams will
7 p.m. detroit vs. Philadelphia » esPN2 TruTV, Telemundo
one-point lead over tennis player 8:30 p.m. Oklahoma City vs. Toronto » NBA TV 7:30 p.m. MLS: nashville at d.C. united » Apple TV Plus, WONK (104.7 FM),
be revealed on Selection Sunday
Mardy Fish after the first round 9 p.m. San Antonio vs. Portland » esPN2 WTsD (1190 AM) as it has been with the men.
of the American Century 10:30 p.m. utah at dallas » NBA TV 8 p.m. Copa América, third-place match: Canada vs. uruguay » Fox sports 1
Celebrity Championship in 11 p.m. Phoenix vs. Golden State » esPN2 MISC.
South Lake Tahoe, Nev. TEnnIS
Thielen had a 24-point round WnBA 9 a.m. Wimbledon, women’s final » esPN Philipsen wins sprint
under the modified Stableford 1 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
new York at Chicago » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2)
Los Angeles at dallas » WusA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13)
11:30 a.m. Wimbledon, men’s doubles final » esPN
in Tour’s 13th stage
scoring system. Players receive a MInOR LEAGuE BASEBALL
point for par, three points for a AuTO RACInG 4 p.m. MLB All-Star Futures Game » MLB Network Jasper Philipsen won the
birdie and six for an eagle, and 10 a.m. nASCAR Xfinity Series: Explore the Pocono Mountains 225, 13th stage of the Tour de France
two points are deducted for a qualifying » usA Network CYCLInG cycling race in a sprint finish,
double bogey or worse. Noon nASCAR Cup Series: Great American Getaway 400, qualifying » 8 a.m. Tour de France: Stage 14 » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11) and two-time champion Tadej
NHL player Joe Pavelski and usA Network
MIXEd MARTIAL ARTS Pogacar kept the yellow jersey.
former major league pitcher 3 p.m. nASCAR Xfinity Series: Explore the Pocono Mountains 225 » Several riders fell in a crash a
usA Network 7 p.m. uFC Fight night, prelims » esPN
Derek Lowe were tied for third 10 p.m. uFC Fight night: Rose namajunas vs. Tracy Cortez, main card »
few hundred meters from the
8 p.m. IndyCar Series: Homefront 250 » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11)
with 21 points. ... esPN line in Pau, but Pogacar, who was
Dean Burmester shot a just ahead, avoided it.
5-under 66 for a one-shot lead GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Philipsen held off Belgian
after the first round of the LIV 4 p.m. Run 4 Roses Classic, finals » esPNu countryman Wout van Aert and
Golf Andalucía tournament on a German rider Pascal
tough Real Club Valderrama Ackermann after 31/2 hours to
course in Sotogrande, Spain. clinch his second stage win this
month, eighth overall on the
SOCCER Tour and 11th in major races.
Pogacar placed ninth in the
Coach defends players players taking matters into their PRO BASKETBALL A’ja Wilson scored 33 points Houston Rockets, 99-80, on the stage and still leads by 1 minute
fighting Colombia fans own hands to protect their loved
Mitchell, Clark shine and grabbed 18 rebounds as the opening day of the NBA Summer 6 seconds over Remco
ones. Las Vegas Aces won for the ninth League in Las Vegas. ... Evenepoel of Belgium and by
Uruguay Coach Marcelo “We are in the United States, as Fever tops Mercury time in 10 games, beating the The Philadelphia 76ers are 1:14 over two-time defending
Bielsa thinks his players deserve the country of security,” Bielsa host Atlanta Dream, 84-70, in keeping at least one player champion Jonas Vingegaard of
apologies, not punishments, for said through an interpreter Kelsey Mitchell scored College Park, Ga. acquired in the James Harden Denmark.
going into the stands at Bank of during an emotional 45-minute 28 points and rookie Caitlin Wilson has scored 30-plus deal, coming to an agreement on Primoz Roglic, the 2020
America Stadium in Charlotte news conference. “How can you Clark had 20 points and points seven times this season, a a two-year, $16 million contract runner-up to Slovenian
and participating in a fight with not defend your mother, your 13 assists for her fifth straight career high. She also tied with forward K.J. Martin, a countryman Pogacar, withdrew
Colombia fans following his sister, a baby? If they did not do double-double as the Indiana Phoenix’s Brittney Griner for person with knowledge of the ahead of the stage a day after a
team’s 1-0 Copa América it, they would have been Fever beat the Phoenix Mercury, the most games with 25-plus deal told the Associated Press. ... crash. ...
semifinal loss. condemned by all of us.” 95-86, in Indianapolis. points and 10-plus rebounds in a Atlanta Hawks General The New York Rangers re-
An angry Bielsa criticized CONMEBOL, South American Kahleah Copper scored 20 of single season with 10. ... Manager Landry Fields took signed veteran defenseman
tournament organizers for not soccer’s governing body, said her 36 points in the fourth Bronny James scored eight another step in reshaping the Chad Ruhwedel to a one-year
doing enough to protect the Thursday that its disciplinary quarter as the Mercury trimmed points on 3-for-14 shooting — team’s roster by signing wing Vit contract. Terms were not
families of players seated behind committee opened an what had been a 31-point third- 0 for 8 on three-pointers — as the Krejci to a four-year, immediately available.
the Uruguay bench and justified investigation. quarter deficit to single digits. ... Los Angeles Lakers lost to the $10.2 million contract. — From news services
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post Ez Su D3

United States’ Macario will miss the Paris Olympics because of a knee injury
BY E LLA B ROCKWAY official roster later in the tourna- The Gotham fC forward was
ment, a change from the typical also originally named an alter-
HARRISON, N.J. — Catarina mac- hard rule of limiting rosters to nate for the 2021 olympics and
ario, one of the top young attack- 18 players. was elevated to the full squad
ers on the U.S. women’s national “I always viewed [the roster] as after rosters were expanded. In
team, will miss the Paris olym- 22, and with the rule changes as her first start at the Tokyo Games,
pics with a knee injury, Coach such, absolutely nothing chang- she had a pivotal goal and an
Emma Hayes said friday. es. What does change is that assist in the United States’ quar-
The 24-year-old midfielder has without Cat, I have to think about terfinal win over the Nether-
“minor irritation” in her right some permutations for the team, lands.
knee and will not recover in time which I’ve already reflected on,” “Everybody here understands
for the Summer Games, which Hayes said. “for us, it’s about now we all have our individual goals
begin later this month. forward looking toward that and making and we have our individual wants
Lynn Williams, who was original- sure that everybody else knows but at the end of the day soccer is
ly an alternate, will replace mac- what those adjustments might a team sport,” Williams said. “You
ario on the 18-player roster. be.” want to be a part of this. You want
macario suffered a torn ACL in macario, who played limited to be able to push this team and
her left knee in June 2022 while minutes in 2021 as the Americans take your special attributes and
playing for french club won a bronze medal in Tokyo, qualities and apply them onto the
olympique Lyonnais and spent figured to play a key role during team. In the past, mine has been
nearly two years away from the this year’s olympic campaign. an alternate, and I have been able
field, missing the 2023 World She has eight goals in 19 appear- to come in and make a mark, and
Cup. In march, she returned to ances, though the majority of her hopefully the same thing hap-
club play with England’s Chelsea, U.S. caps came before her 2022 pens for these olympics.”
where she was coached by Hayes injury. macario twice won the The Americans are seeking
and scored a goal in her first Hermann Trophy as college soc- their fifth olympic gold medal
game back. She played in two U.S. cer’s top player and scored and first since 2012. They will
matches this past spring, record- 29 goals across all competitions play two send-off games before
ing an assist against South Korea during two seasons at European heading to Paris — the first Satur-
in June. powerhouse Lyon. day against mexico at red Bull
“I’m absolutely gutted for Cat, Williams, 31, is the NWSL’s Arena, the second Tuesday
someone I’ve worked hard with tIM nwAchukwu/gEtty IMAgES all-time leading scorer and has against Costa rica at Washing-
in the last 12 months,” Hayes said “Minor irritation” in her right knee will keep u.s. midfielder Catarina Macario out of the Olympics. made 63 appearances for the ton’s Audi field.
at a news conference. “She’s really United States. She has recorded olympic play begins July 25,
put in a shift to get there, but it’s “long-term” injury situation, are ready,” macario wrote on fIfA confirmed Thursday that 18 goals and 12 assists, but much when the U.S. women face Zam-
not to be.” Hayes said, and macario will Instagram. olympic players who suffer mi- of her career since her interna- bia in Nice. The United States will
macario trained with the team return to Chelsea for treatment. Defender Emily Sams will fill nor injuries during the tourna- tional debut in 2016 has been also play Germany (July 28) and
this week but had some irritation “I will be supporting the team Williams’s spot among the four ment can be temporarily replaced spent on the periphery of the core Australia (July 31) in the group
leading up to camp. It is not a every step of the way and the girls U.S. alternates. by an alternate and return to the U.S. squad. stage of the 12-team tournament.

Barry Svrluga

With so much at stake, U.S. Soccer must dream big on Berhalter’s replacement
sVRluGA from d1 territory where it hasn’t
traditionally competed — say,
the team. (Berhalter, who has the quarterfinals of the World
been married for more than Cup. Soccer is no longer an up-
25 years, admitted to the and-coming sport in this
incident, which occurred when country — which isn’t to say it
he was a freshman at North isn’t growing. Quite the contrary.
Carolina.) What it is is established, part
With that, there was baggage of the regular sports discourse, a
— in performance, sure. But in mainstream participation and
leadership as well. viewing endeavor. It is now
In hindsight, Crocker’s standard for American bars to
decision seems clearly wrong. fill with fans, for American
But even in the moment, it felt couches to be occupied for
uninspired at best. That can’t be appointment television, all so
the case this time around. people can watch international
The stakes for the American soccer matches not involving the
program in the coming World American side. Not only has
Cup are significant. There will Copa América provided
be no failure to qualify like the enthralling viewing for this side
2018 disaster that led to of the globe, but flip on the TV
Berhalter’s hiring, because as co- on Sunday afternoon for the
host the United States is Euro 2024 final, which amounts
automatically granted a berth. to the best pregame show ever.
Advancing out of the group England-Spain? Yes, please.
stage — normally a mark of By population and
achievement — has new prominence, the U.S. men’s
meaning. The tournament is national team should be able to
expanding to 48 teams split into reach those levels — where
a dozen groups of four. Instead international fans consider it to
of just the top two in each group be must-see TV. The coming
advancing, so will the eight best World Cup is an opportunity to
third-place teams, and the do just that.
knockout round will start with But to get there, the
32 countries — double the old Americans will need a coach
number. failing to reach that who is focused solely on the
level would be more disastrous group in front of him — on
— and more unlikely — than maximizing talent in the
flopping out of Copa América in moment. Yes, tactics that fit the
group play. personnel will be paramount;
But a performance to be they always are. But at this
proud of is imperative. on major EduArdo Munoz/AgEncE-frAncE prESSE/gEtty IMAgES moment in American soccer,
international stages, Berhalter After firing coach Gregg Berhalter, the u.s. soccer Federation is at a pivotal moment ahead of the 2026 World Cup on American soil. there must be a leader who can
hadn’t provided those. Copa keep the focus on what’s
América — particularly one held step back. deeper or more talented. more unreasonable to expect more And it’s precisely the time in important. That’s winning your
in the United States — was an So … now what? There is a Americans are developing and than Berhalter could get from the sport’s American own game, not worrying about
opportunity to take a bold step line of thinking that the U.S. being tested at the highest levels this group, which includes five development for the American what’s happening somewhere
forward. Instead, it was a clear pool of players has never been of European soccer. It’s not goals in its past five games. team to start forcing its way into else.

Wizards’ Coulibaly prepares for ‘once-in-a-lifetime moment’ at Summer Games

WizARds from d1 Wembanyama and Gobert, alongside Wembanyama and
both 7-footers, along with the 6-8 Gobert, he has been mentored by
Coulibaly said this week from his Coulibaly on the wing, give Ntilikina and four-time olympi-
hotel room in Lyon, where france a formidable defensive an Nando de Colo.
france hosted an exhibition identity as it pursues its first With france expected to make
game against Serbia on friday. olympic gold. It faces stiff com- it out of Group B, the olympics
“… They were proud, so happy. petition from a heavily favored could also be an opportunity for
my mom was yelling. That was a U.S. team featuring LeBron Coulibaly to experience playing
cool moment." James, Stephen Curry and Kevin in high-stakes games against
following a rookie season with Durant. Canada, led by Shai fierce competition.
the Wizards in which he aver- Gilgeous-Alexander, and Serbia, “You’re playing against the
aged 8.4 points and 4.1 rebounds starring three-time NBA mVP best players in the world, so it
and flashed high-level defensive Nikola Jokic, are also among the only can help [your develop-
potential, Coulibaly was one of teams expected to contend for ment],” Coulibaly said. “The rules
12 players named this week to a medals. are a little different, [olympics]
strong french roster that could The french are looking to and NBA, but it’s still basketball.
challenge the United States’ bid build off their showing at the Just playing against the greatest
for a fifth consecutive gold medal Tokyo olympics in 2021, when players [from] each country,
in men’s basketball. they defeated the United States playing for the best coaches …
The precocious wing is the during the group stage but fol- you can only get better.”
youngest member of a squad lowed with an 87-82 loss to the
loaded with NBA talent, includ- Americans in the gold medal Wizards sign veteran Bey
ing reigning rookie of the year game. france settled for its third The Wizards announced fri-
Victor Wembanyama, four-time silver medal and first since 2000. day that they signed veteran
defensive player of the year rudy Coulibaly was 17 at the time. forward Saddiq Bey. According
Gobert and league veterans Nico- MArk SchIEfElbEIn/ASSocIAtEd prESS
He remembers the gold medal to an ESPN report this week, the
las Batum, Evan fournier and Bilal Coulibaly, left, joined a French team that includes Victor Wembanyama, right, and Rudy Gobert. matchup as the game every deal is for three years and
frank Ntilikina. young french basketball player $20 million.
The selection is an opportu- “[It’s] so special,” said Couliba- ing without restrictions. The The 7-foot-4 Wembanyama has was watching. Now he is eying a Bey, 25, is entering his fifth
nity for Coulibaly to represent ly, who turns 20 on July 26, the french team is in the middle of a blossomed into one of the most rematch. NBA season after spending time
his country at its home olympics. same day as the opening Cer- swing of six exhibition games dynamic two-way talents in the “I wish we could change that with the Detroit Pistons and the
The tournament’s group stage, emonies. “It’s a once-in-a-life- leading up to the start of the league. He averaged 21.4 points, [result] this year,” Coulibaly said. Atlanta Hawks.
which pits france against Brazil, time moment. … I’m just proud olympics. 10.6 rebounds, 3.6 blocks and “... I’m focused on our group for The 6-7, 215-pound forward,
Japan and Germany, begins of it and really honored to be one Those games have marked 1.2 steals in his rookie season the moment, but if we pass on who was a first-round pick in
July 27 in Lille, approximately of the players who are playing in Coulibaly’s return to the court with the San Antonio Spurs. [from the group stage], I’ll be 2020 out of Villanova, averaged
three hours north of Coulibaly’s Paris.” while also serving as a reunion “I forgot how easy it was to thinking about the [United] 13.7 points and 6.5 rebounds for
hometown of Courbevoie. Start- Coulibaly’s promising first with Wembanyama. The child- play with him,” Coulibaly said. States. Like I can’t wait to meet the Hawks last season before
ing with the quarterfinal round, season with the Wizards ended hood friends were teammates “... Even with the friendly games, them, you know?” he suffered a torn ACL on march
the tournament moves to Paris. march 16, when he fractured his with metropolitans 92 in he’s been doing his thing, I’ve Coulibaly said the olympic 10.
Coulibaly’s parents and two sis- right wrist against the Chicago france’s top professional league been doing my thing. We just experience has already been Bey was raised in Largo and
ters plan to be in attendance each Bulls. Coulibaly said his recovery before they entered the NBA as complement each other very helpful to his development. Be- played for Dematha and Sidwell
step of the way. progressed well, and he is play- part of the 2023 draft class. well.” sides getting a chance to play friends.
d4 eZ su the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024

national league american league
East W l pCt GB l10 str CEntral W l pCt GB l10 str WEst W l pCt GB l10 str East W l pCt GB l10 str CEntral W l pCt GB l10 str WEst W l pCt GB l10 str
philadelphia 61 33 .649 — 6-4 l-1 Milwaukee 54 41 .568 — 4-6 l-2 los angeles 56 39 .589 — 4-6 W-1 Baltimore 57 37 .606 — 4-6 l-4 cleveland 57 36 .613 — 4-6 l-3 x-seattle 52 43 .547 — 5-5 W-3
x-atlanta 51 41 .554 9 5-5 l-2 st. louis 48 45 .516 5 5-5 l-3 x-san diego 49 47 .510 71/2 4-6 l-4 new York 57 39 .594 1 3-7 W-1 x-Minnesota 53 40 .570 4 7-3 W-1 Houston 50 44 .532 11/2 7-3 W-4
new York 48 45 .516 121/2 6-4 W-4 pittsburgh 46 48 .489 71/2 6-4 W-2 x-arizona 47 47 .500 81/2 6-4 W-2 Boston 51 42 .548 51/2 7-3 l-1 Kansas city 52 43 .547 6 6-4 W-4 Texas 44 50 .468 71/2 6-4 l-2
Washington 43 52 .453 18 4-6 W-1 1/
2 cincinnati 46 49 .484 8 6-4 W-2 x-san Francisco 45 49 .479 10 5-5 l-2 1/
2 Tampa Bay 47 47 .500 10 5-5 W-2 detroit 45 50 .474 13 7-3 l-1 x-los angeles 38 55 .409 13 2-8 l-1
Miami 32 62 .340 29 2-8 l-4 chicago 46 49 .484 8 7-3 W-5 colorado 33 62 .347 23 4-6 l-2 x-Toronto 43 50 .462 131/2 5-5 W-2 chicago 27 69 .281 311/2 3-7 l-2 oakland 36 60 .375 161/2 6-4 W-1
x-Late game x-Late game

nationals 5, Brewers 2 dodgers 4, tigers 3 athletics 6, phillies 2 n ot E s

NAtioNALS Ab r h bi bb So Avg shohei ohtani’s two-out lawrence Butler hom-
Abrams ss...........5 1 1 0 0 2 .270 rBi double gave los ange- ered, shea langeliers
Wood lf ...............4 0 1 0 0 2 .244
Thomas rf ...........4 0 1 1 0 1 .249 les a ninth-inning lead, and drove in a two runs, and pErsonnEl dEpt.
Winker dh ...........4 1 2 2 0 1 .264 it ended a four-game slide. oakland beat philadelphia. Blue Jays: placed four-
Yepez 1b .............4 1 2 0 0 1 .333
García 2b.............4 1 1 0 0 0 .276 The game drew the first Miguel andujar and time Gold Glove oF Kevin
Ruiz c ..................4 0 1 1 0 0 .224 sellout at comerica park Brent rooker also had rBi
Lipscomb 3b........4 0 2 1 0 0 .236 Kiermaier on irrevocable
Young cf..............3 1 1 0 1 2 .254 since the home opener. for the a’s, who are in last
totALS 36 5 12 5 1 9 — place in the al West and waivers.
DoDgErS Ab r h bi bb So Avg
brEWErS Ab r h bi bb So Avg Ohtani dh ................5 0 1 1 0 1 .312 have the fourth-fewest Mariners: right-handed
Smith c ....................4 1 1 0 1 3 .269
Turang 2b ...........2 0 0 0 2 0 .280
Freeman 1b .............5 1 2 1 0 0 .294
wins in baseball. reliever andrés Muñoz
Contreras c .........3 1 0 0 1 1 .289
Yelich dh .............2 0 0 0 1 1 .327
T.Hernández rf-lf ....3 1 1 1 1 1 .258 AthLEticS Ab r h bi bb So Avg replaced fellow rHp and
Rojas ss...................4 0 1 0 0 1 .283 Cameron cf .........2 1 1 0 1 0 .169
Adames ss ..........4
Frelick rf .............4
1 1 0 1 .238
3 1 0 1 .272
Pages cf...................4 0 1 1 0 1 .254 Bleday ph-cf .......2 0 0 0 0 0 .226
teammate logan Gilbert,
Taylor 2b-3b............4 1 1 0 0 1 .158
Hoskins 1b..........4 0 0 0 0 3 .214
Vargas lf..................3 0 0 0 0 1 .250
Andujar lf............5 1 1 1 0 2 .287 who is slated to start
Mitchell cf ..........3 0 0 0 0 0 .174 Rooker dh ...........5 0 2 1 0 3 .281
Bauers ph............1 0 0 0 0 1 .219
Barnes ph ................1
Biggio rf...................0
0 0 0 .259
0 0 0 .189
Langeliers c ........4 0 2 2 0 1 .214 sunday, on the al roster
Ortiz 3b...............4 0 0 0 0 2 .264 Gelof 2b ..............2 1 0 0 2 0 .204
Chourio lf ............4 0 0 0 0 3 .246
K.Hernández 3b.......2 0 0 0 0 1 .190 Nevin rf...............3 0 0 0 0 0 .208 for the all-star Game.
Lux ph-2b ................2 0 0 0 0 0 .212 Butler ph-rf ........1 1 1 2 0 0 .205
totALS 31 2 4 2 4 13 —
totALS 37 4 9 4 2 10 — Alvarez 1b...........3 0 0 0 0 1 .261 pirates: rHp paul
WAShiNgtoN 100 210 100 — 5 12 1
tigErS Ab r h bi bb So Avg
Brown ph-1b .......1
B.Harris 3b..........4
0 0 0 0 .190
0 0 0 1 .154
skenes (6-0, 1,90 era,
MiLWAUKEE ... 000 200 000 — 2 4 0
E: Abrams (10). Lob: Washington 5,
Ibáñez 2b.............3 0 0 0 0 0 .281 Schuemann ss ....3 2 1 0 1 0 .245 11 starts) was chosen to
Keith ph-2b .........1 0 0 0 1 0 .246 totALS 35 6 8 6 4 8 —
Milwaukee 7. 2b: Winker (18), Yepez
Malloy lf ..............2 1 2 1 1 0 .211 start the all-star Game for
(5), Lipscomb (2), Adames (22), Frelick
(12). hr: Winker (11), off Peralta. rbi:
Pérez ph-rf ..........1
Vierling 3b...........4
1 0 1 0 .263
0 0 1 2 .246
phiLLiES Ab r h bi bb So Avg the nl. He will become
Winker 2 (43), Ruiz (28), Lipscomb (10), Schwarber dh .....2 0 1 0 2 1 .252
Thomas (38), Adames (63), Frelick (20).
Greene cf.............4 0 1 2 0 1 .266 Turner ss ............4 0 0 0 0 1 .342 the third rookie to start
Canha dh .............2 0 2 0 2 0 .228
Sb: Abrams (15), Wood (2), Lipscomb
Rogers c ..............4 0 0 0 0 2 .208
Rojas cf...............0
Harper 1b............2
0 0 0 0 .234
1 0 2 0 .300
the Midsummer classic.
(11). cS: Thomas (9).
Báez ss ................4 0 0 0 0 1 .181 Bohm 3b..............3 0 1 0 1 1 .292
NAtioNALS ip h rErbb So NpErA Urshela 1b...........4 0 0 0 0 0 .252 Castellanos rf .....4 0 0 0 0 1 .233 phillies: released utility
Rutledge.........42/3 3 2 2 2 6 894.76 Vilade rf-lf...........3 1 2 0 1 1 .333
Garcia ............11/3 1 0 0 1 3 264.68
Sosa 2b-ss ..........3 0 1 1 0 0 .275 inF Whit Merrifield and
totALS 32 3 8 3 7 7 — Stott ph ..............1 0 0 0 0 1 .243
Law....................1 0 0 0 1 0 143.23 Wilson lf-2b........3 1 1 0 1 0 .143 recalled oF/iF Weston
Harvey...............1 0 0 0 0 2 204.20 L.A. ................. 000 200 011 — 4 9 0 Marchán c ...........3 0 0 0 1 0 .294
Finnegan ..........1 0 0 0 0 2 172.52 DEtroit......... 210 000 000 — 3 8 1 Pache cf-lf ..........3 0 1 1 0 0 .200 Wilson from class aaa.
Marsh ph.............1 0 0 0 0 1 .271
brEWErS ip h rErbbSo NpErA E: Báez (8). Lob: Los Angeles 8, Detroit
10. 2b: Ohtani (23), Greene (19), Canha totALS 29 2 6 2 7 6 —
twins: placed iF Kyle
Peralta ..............5 10 4 4 0 6 924.11
Payamps ...........1 0 0 0 0 0 104.54 (15). 3b: Malloy (1). hr: Freeman (14),
oAKLAND ...... 003 010 020 — 6 8 0
Farmer on the 10-day
off Skubal.
Milner................2 1
Wilson...............1 1
1 1 1 2 374.81
0 0 0 1 144.12 DoDgErS ip h r Er bb So ErA
phiLA............. 011 000 000 — 2 6 1 injured list with a right
Wp: Garcia (1-3); Lp: Peralta (6-5); S: Paxton................32/3 5 3 3 4 1 4.38 E: Turner (10). Lob: Oakland 6, Philadel-
phia 7. 2b: Pache (5). hr: Butler (6), off
shoulder strain.
Finnegan (24). inherited runners- Ramírez .............11/3 1 0 0 0 3 3.04
scored: Garcia 2-0. hbp: Harvey Phillips ................. 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.20
AthLEticS ip h r Er bb So ErA
yankees: recalled iF
(Yelich). t: 2:41. A: 31,967 (41,700). Treinen................. 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.38
Petersen .............. 1 0 0 0 1 1 4.76 H.Harris............... 3 3 2 2 6 0 3.40 Jorbit Vivas, the club’s
hoW thEy ScorED Hudson................. 1 0 0 0 2 2 1.63 Bido ..................... 3 1 0 0 0 2 3.63 15th-ranked prospect,
NAtioNALS FirSt Alexander ............ 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.06
tigErS ip h r Er bb So ErA
CJ Abrams singles. James Wood called Skubal .................. 6 2 2 2 1 8 2.41
McFarland .......... 2/3 0 0 0 1 2 4.33 from class aaa scranton/
Erceg................... 1/3 1 0 0 0 0 2.94
out on strikes. Lane Thomas grounds
out. Jesse Winker doubles, cJ Abrams
Vest ..................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.35 duane Burleson/associaTed press
Miller ................... 1 1 0 0 0 2 2.27 Wilkes-Barre.
Brieske.................2/3 2 1 1 0 1 3.52
scores. Juan Yepez singles. Jesse Wink-
Detroit Rock City
Foley ....................2/3 2 1 1 0 0 3.62 phiLLiES ip h r Er bb So ErA
er out at home. Holton..................2/3 2 0 0 1 0 3.49 Suárez ................. 6 6 4 4 3 6 2.76
Nationals 1, brewers 0
Domínguez .......... 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.86 to d ay
NAtioNALS FoUrth Wp: Petersen (3-0); Lp: Foley (2-3); S:
Jesse Winker strikes out swinging. Hudson (4). inherited runners-scored: Matt Vierling, sporting the Tigers’ City Connect threads, motored home from second base Friday night on Ruiz ..................... 1
Soto ..................... 1
2 2 1 0 4.28
0 0 0 2 3.45
Juan Yepez doubles. Luis Garcia singles. Ramírez 2-0, Foley 2-1, Holton 1-1. ibb:
Juan Yepez to third. Keibert ruiz sin- off Holton (Smith). hbp: Treinen Riley Greene’s first-inning double against the Dodgers. Detroit built a 3-0 lead but eventually lost, 4-3. Wp: Bido (1-1); Lp: Suárez (10-4). in-
nl games
gles, Luis garcia to second, Juan yepez (Greene). t: 2:58. A: 42,060 (41,083). herited runners-scored: Erceg 1-0. t:
scores. trey Lipscomb doubles, Keibert 2:37. A: 42,570 (42,901).
ruiz to third, Luis garcia scores. Jacob NAtioNALS At brEWErS, 4:10

O’s slump continues

Young strikes out swinging. CJ Abrams W-L ErA tEAM
called out on strikes.
Nationals 3, brewers 0
rays 2, Guardians 0 royals 6, red sox 1 reds 7, Marlins 4 yankees 4, orioles 1 Parker (L) 5-5 3.44 8-8
brEWErS FoUrth right-hander Taj Bradley Bobby Witt Jr. and MJ Me- rookie rece Hinds hit yANKEES Ab r h bi bb So Avg Keuchel (L) 0-0 4.61 3-0

in series-opening loss
William Contreras walks. Christian
Yelich flies out. Willy Adames doubles,
limited al central-leading lendez both hit solo home his first career grand slam, LeMahieu 3b-1b ... 5 0 0 0 0 1 .193
cUbS At cArDiNALS, 2:15
Soto rf.................. 5 0 2 1 0 1 .298
William contreras scores. Sal Frelick cleveland to five hits over runs, cole ragans allowed Jonathan india and Jeimer Judge cf................ 1 1 1 1 4 0 .306 Wesneski (R) 3-5 3.68 1-5
doubles, Willy Adames scores. Rhys
Hoskins pops out. Garrett Mitchell seven scoreless innings to one run over seven innings, candelario had first-inning Rice 1b ................. 3 0 0 0 1 0 .243
Lynn (R) 4-4 4.48 10-8
Cabrera 3b............ 1 0 0 0 0 1 .237
grounds out. carry Tampa Bay to victory. and Kansas city beat Bos- solo shots, and cincinnati Torres 2b.............. 1 0 0 0 3 1 .223
Nationals 3, brewers 2 rocKiES At MEtS, 4:10
NAtioNALS FiFth Bradley struck out eight ton for its fourth consecu- beat Miami. Verdugo lf ............ 4 0 0 0 0 1 .239
James Wood strikes out swinging. Lane
Thomas grounds out. Jesse Winker
and walked two in his sev- tive victory. reds starter carson spi-
Volpe ss ............... 4 1
Trevino c .............. 4 2
1 0 0 0 .247
2 1 0 2 .244 Yankees 4, orioles 1 Feltner (R)
Scott (R)
homers. Juan Yepez lines out. enth consecutive strong adam Frazier, Vinnie pas- ers struck out eight of the Wells c ................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .219
Jones dh............... 4 0 1 1 0 3 .263
Nationals 4, brewers 2 start. The red-hot second- quantino and salvador per- first 10 Marlins he faced totALS 32 4 7 4 8 10 — BY J ACOB C ALVIN M EYER MArLiNS At rEDS, 4:10
Jacob Young walks. CJ Abrams strikes year player has surren- ez (with two) all added rBi and finished with a career- Cabrera (R) 1-2 6.84 3-3
orioLES Ab r h bi bb So Avg
out swinging. James Wood grounds out.
dered just five earned runs for the royals, who are high nine. elly de la cruz Abbott (L) 9-6 3.06 11-7
Jacob Young to second. Lane thomas
neck and neck with the red
Henderson ss........ 4 0 1 0 0 2 .288 BALTIMORE — The Baltimore Orioles entered Friday
singles, Jacob young scores. over his past 42 innings stole his major league- Rutschman c......... 3 0 0 0 1 0 .279
night’s pivotal game against the New York Yankees brAvES At pADrES, 7:15
Nationals 5, brewers 2 sox in the wild-card race. Santander rf ......... 4 0 1 0 0 1 .234
this season. leading 46th base. López (R) 7-2 1.71 11-5
O'Hearn dh ........... 4
Westburg 2b......... 4
0 0 0 0 .275
0 0 0 2 .277
mired in a 24-inning scoreless streak.
royALS Ab r h bi bb So Avg Waldron (R) 5-7 3.61 7-11
gUArDiANS Ab r h bi bb So Avg
Frazier dh ............. 5 2 2 1 0 0 .213
MArLiNS Ab r h bi bb So Avg
Kjerstad lf............. 3 1 1 0 0 0 .314 They ended the skid at 25 innings, but when they
Kwan lf................. 4 0 1 0 0 1 .359 Chisholm cf.......... 4 0 0 0 1 2 .252
NAtioNALS’ LEADErS Martínez dh ......... 4 0 0 0 0 2 .263 Witt ss ................. 4 1 2 1 0 0 .327 Edwards ss .......... 5 1 2 0 0 1 .319
Mountcastle 1b .... 4
Mullins cf.............. 4
1 0 0 2 .272
1 0 0 1 .212
take the field Saturday, they will face a new streak. cUbS At cArDiNALS, 8:15
Pasquantino 1b.... 4 0 1 1 0 0 .249
Entering Friday’s game. Ramírez 3b........... 4
J.Naylor 1b........... 3
1 0 0 1 .272
0 0 1 2 .245 Perez c.................. 3 0 1 2 0 0 .280
B.De La Cruz dh ... 4
Bell 1b.................. 4
1 0 0 2 .247
1 0 0 1 .227
Urías 3b ................ 3 0 1 1 0 0 .236 Despite the balmy temperatures in Charm City this TBD ---- ---- ----
batters Avg h 2b hr rbi bb Sb
Yepez .333 10 5 0 2 4 0
Noel rf .................. 4 0 1 0 0 2 .235 Fermin c ............... 0 0 0 0 0 0 .296 J.Sánchez rf......... 4 1 1 3 0 2 .244 totALS 33 1 6 1 1 8 —
week, Baltimore’s bats remained ice cold against Gibson (R) 7-3 3.96 9-8
Giménez 2b .......... 4 0 0 0 0 2 .249 Massey 2b............ 4 0 0 0 0 0 .273 Rivera 3b ............. 4 0 1 0 0 1 .211
Call .313 5 1 0 1 3 1
Schneemann ss.... 3 0 2 0 0 1 .253 Renfroe rf............. 4 0 0 0 0 0 .220 Gordon lf.............. 4 1 2 0 0 1 .231
NEW yorK .... 021 000 001 — 4 7 1
bALtiMorE... 010 000 000 — 1 6 1
Yankees ace Gerrit Cole and his bullpen, failing to
García .276 84 17 10 44 14 12
Abrams .270 93 21 14 46 30 15
Freeman cf ........... 2
Hedges c............... 2
0 0 1 0 .214
0 0 0 1 .145
Melendez lf .......... 4
Garcia 3b .............. 3
2 1 0 1 .196
1 0 0 1 .230
Bruján 2b ............. 4
A.Sánchez c ......... 4
1 0 0 1 .218
2 1 0 0 .250 E: Volpe (9), Santander (2). Lob: New
score in the final seven innings of a 4-1 loss. The nl scores
.264 77 18
.254 67 13
11 43 48 12
1 18 17 20
Fry ph ................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 .286 Isbel cf.................. 2 1 0 0 2 0 .230 totALS 37 4 11 4 1 11 — York 9, Baltimore 7. 2b: Trevino 2 (4). Orioles have scored only three runs over the past four thUrSDAy’S rESULtS
3b: Urías (1). hr: Judge (33), off Pov-
Vargas .251 42 12 1 20 14 6
B.Naylor c............. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .207 totALS 33 6 9 6 2 2 —
ich. rbi: Trevino (27), Jones (3), Judge games — all losses — after entering Friday’s series at N.Y. Mets 7, Washington 0
Thomas .249 65 10 8 38 24 22 totALS 31 0 5 0 2 13 — rEDS Ab r h bi bb So Avg at Cincinnati 8, Colorado 1
Wood .244 11 1 1 6 6 2 rED Sox Ab r h bi bb So Avg India 2b ...............4 1 1 1 1 0 .275
(84), Soto (65), Urías (12). Sb: Kjerstad
(1). cS: Torres (3).
opener having endured consecutive shutouts. Pittsburgh 1, at Milwaukee 0
Lipscomb .236 33 2 1 10 11 11 rAyS Ab r h bi bb So Avg Refsnyder rf........2
Abreu ph-rf .........1
1 0 1 0 .306
0 0 0 1 .264
E.De La Cruz ss ...5 0 3 0 0 1 .255
yANKEES ip h r Er bb So ErA The most fight shown by Baltimore’s offense came at Philadelphia 5, L.A. Dodgers 1
Arizona 1, at Atlanta 0
Ramírez .233 7 1 0 6 0 0 Díaz 1b................5 0 3 1 0 0 .276 Candelario dh......3 2 2 1 2 0 .244
Meneses .231 65 11 3 42 21 2 B.Lowe dh...........3 0 1 0 1 0 .248 Duran lf ...............4 0 0 0 0 2 .275 Steer 1b ..............5 1 1 0 0 0 .244 Cole...................... 6 5 1 1 1 7 5.40 in the ninth inning, when a benches-clearing fracas
O'Neill dh ............4 0 0 0 0 2 .252 Kahnle ................. 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.60 FriDAy’S rESULtS
.225 20 5
.224 55 9
2 7 7 1
6 28 9 1
Arozarena lf........4
Paredes 3b..........3
1 0 0 1 .204
0 0 1 2 .261 Devers 3b ............4 0 1 0 0 2 .289
Stephenson c......4
Fraley lf ..............4
0 0 0 0 .244
1 0 0 1 .278 Weaver................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.52 broke out after Yankees closer Clay Holmes hit Washington 5, at Milwaukee 2
Senzel .209 43 10 7 18 27 1 J.Lowe rf.............4 0 2 0 0 1 .214 Wong c ................4 0 0 0 0 1 .309 Marte 3b .............3 1 1 0 0 0 .172 Holmes ................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.82 Heston Kjerstad in the head with a 96-mph fastball. at Cincinnati 7, Miami 4
at N.Y. Mets 7, Colorado 6
Rosario .183 40 11 7 26 13 8 Siri cf ..................4 0 0 0 0 2 .202 González 1b.........3 0 0 0 0 0 .257 Hinds rf...............3 2 1 4 1 1 .474
Millas .167 5 1 1 1 2 2 Walls ss ..............3 0 0 0 1 0 .169 D.Smith ph ..........1 0 0 0 0 0 .220 Benson cf............3 0 1 1 1 0 .194
orioLES ip h r Er bb So ErA Manager Brandon Hyde appeared to get into a shout- Chicago Cubs 5, at St. Louis 1
.164 23 7
.120 3 0
5 11 21 1
0 2 5 4
Palacios 2b..........3
Jackson c ............4
0 0 1 1 .243
2 0 0 1 .082
Westbrook 2b .....3
Rafaela cf ............3
1 0 0 1 .208
2 1 0 0 .252
totALS 34 7 11 7 5 3 —
Povich............... 51/3
Smith................ 11/3
3 3 5 6 6.27
0 0 0 2 0.00
ing match with someone in New York’s dugout, Atlanta at San Diego, late

Nuñez .077 1 0 0 0 1 3 totALS 33 2 9 1 4 8 — Hamilton ss.........2 0 0 0 1 1 .265 MiAMi............ 000 300 001 — 4 11 1 Akin .................... 2/3 0 0 0 1 0 3.80 causing the benches and bullpens to empty. After the
Baker ................ 11/3 1 1 1 1 1 5.14
totals .238 749 155 78 369 277 124 totALS 31 1 5 1 2 10 — ciNciNNAti ... 214 000 00x — 7 11 1
Pérez .................. 1/3 1 0 0 1 1 3.62 brief delay, Holmes retired the final two batters to seal
pitchers W L ErA r Er bb So
cLEvELAND... 000 000 000 — 0 5 2
KANSAS city 130 100 010 — 6 9 0 E: J.Sánchez (4), E.De La Cruz (17). Lob:
the Yankees’ win. al games
tAMpA bAy .. 001 010 00x — 2 9 0 Miami 7, Cincinnati 9. 2b: Edwards (4), Wp: Cole (2-1); Lp: Povich (1-4); S:
Floro 3 2 2.20 13 11 11 36 boStoN ......... 010 000 000 — 1 5 1
Williams 5 0 2.22 16 14 16 47 E: Schneemann (1), Carrasco (1). Lob:
E: González (1). Lob: Kansas City 6, Bos-
Gordon (10), Benson (15), E.De La Cruz Holmes (21). inherited runners-scored:
Baker 1-0, Pérez 1-1. hbp: Holmes
Baltimore (57-37) is now clinging to a one-game yANKEES At orioLES, 4:05
Finnegan 2 4 2.52 13 11 12 42 Cleveland 6, Tampa Bay 11. 2b: Schnee- (19). hr: J.Sánchez (11), off Spiers; In-
Irvin 7 7 3.13 43 39 26 96 mann (5), J.Lowe (9), Jackson 2 (4), ton 5. 2b: Westbrook (2), Rafaela (16). dia (8), off Chirinos; Candelario (15), off (Kjerstad). t: 3:02. A: 39,566 (45,971). lead over New York (57-39) atop the American League W-L ErA tEAM
4 2 3.23 23 20 16 48
5 5 3.44 40 35 19 74
Díaz (20). hr: Witt (16), off Criswell; Melendez
(11), off Weissert.
Chirinos; Hinds (3), off Chirinos. East after holding a three-game advantage Tuesday. Gil (R) 9-5 3.27 12-6
gUArDiANS ip h r Er bb So ErA MArLiNS ip h r Er bb So ErA
J.Barnes 5 2 3.89 17 15 10 24 Carrasco .............. 5 6 2 1 1 3 5.02 royALS ip h r Er bb So ErA Chirinos ............ 52/3 8 7 7 4 1 5.76
orioLES’ LEADErS Ramón Urías’s RBI triple in the second inning off Rodriguez (R) 11-3 3.52 12-4
Gore 6 8 4.01 53 44 37 116
Harvey 2 4 4.20 24 21 12 50
Herrin ................. 2/3 0 0 0 2 1 1.45 Ragans................. 7 4 1 1 1 7 3.16
Stratton............... 1 1 0 0 1 3 4.74
Chargois ........... 11/3 1 0 0 1 2 1.32 Entering Saturday’s game. Cole, the reigning AL Cy Young Award winner, didn’t gUArDiANS At rAyS, 4:10
Barlow ................ 2/3 2 0 0 1 1 3.52 Faucher................ 1 2 0 0 0 0 3.44 batters Avg h 2b hrrbi bb Sb
Garcia 1 3 4.68 18 17 11 47 Curry................. 12/3 1 0 0 0 3 5.19 N.Anderson.......... 1 0 0 0 0 0 4.15 McKenna .375 3 0 2 2 1 0 just end the Orioles’ scoreless innings streak. It also Williams (R) 0-1 4.82 0-2
Rutledge 0 0 4.76 3 3 2 7 rEDS ip h r Er bb So ErA
Herz 1 3 5.17 20 18 9 41 rAyS ip h r Er bb So ErA rED Sox ip h r Er bb So ErA Spiers .................. 5 6 3 3 0 9 3.83
Kjerstad .314 16 2 3 12
Henderson .288106 18 27 61
6 1
47 14
ended their confounding slump with runners in Littell (R) 3-6 4.44 9-9
0 0 5.40 3 3 3 3
1 9 5.57 69 65 36 73
Bradley ................ 7 5 0 0 2 8 2.90 Criswell................ 6 8 5 2 2 1 4.03 Martinez.............. 3 3 0 0 0 2 3.93 Stowers .286 10 4 1 9 0 0 scoring position. royALS At rED Sox, 4:10
Poche................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.38 Booser.................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.90 Díaz ..................... 1 2 1 1 1 0 4.46 Rutschman .279 99 12 16 59 35 1
Weems 1 1 5.94 28 24 17 29 Adam ................... 1 0 0 0 0 3 1.71 Weissert.............. 2 1 1 1 0 1 4.39 Westburg .277 93 22 15 50 17 6 Baltimore went 0 for 17 in such situations in its Lugo (R) 11-3 2.21 12-7
M.Barnes 0 0 6.75 11 10 4 10 Wp: Spiers (3-2); Lp: Chirinos (0-1). in-
Rainey 0 0 6.84 19 19 16 20 Wp: Bradley (4-4); Lp: Carrasco (3-7); S: Wp: Ragans (6-6); Lp: Criswell (3-4). herited runners-scored: Chargois 2-0. O'Hearn .275 70 10 11 37 23 3 three-game sweep at the hands of the Chicago Cubs Crawford (R) 5-7 3.24 6-12
hbp: Criswell (Witt). Wp: Ragans. t: Mountcastle .272 90 22 12 42 21 2
Gray 0 2 14.04 13 13 5 9 Adam (4). inherited runners-scored:
Barlow 2-0, Curry 3-0. t: 2:29. A: 17,290 2:16. A: 34,894 (37,755).
ibb: off Chargois (Candelario). hbp:
Chirinos (Marte). Wp: Díaz. t: 2:24. A: Hays .259 37 13 3 14 7 0 this week. rANgErS At AStroS, 4:10
totals 43 52 4.09 426 382 262 772
(25,025). 31,326 (43,891). Urías .236 34 7 4 12 11 0 — Baltimore Sun Eovaldi (R) 6-3 3.10 9-6
Arrighetti (R) 4-7 5.96 7-9
Mets 7, rockies 6 pirates 4, White sox 1 astros 6, rangers 3 Mariners 11, angels 0 diamondbacks 1,
nl leaders Braves 0
MAriNErS At ANgELS, 9:38
Jose iglesias and Harri- Marco Gonzales made a Jose altuve hit a three- Late Thursday Kirby (R) 7-6 3.38 9-10
Entering Friday’s games. son Bader each hit two of promising return to the ro- run homer, Hunter Brown cal raleigh homered Late Thursday Soriano (R) 4-7 3.87 5-9
bAttiNg new York’s season-best tation hours after coming struck out five over six in- from each side of the plate Brandon pfaadt out-
Yelich, Mil ........................................ .329 five home runs, and the off the injured list, and nings, and Houston won its for the second time in pitched Max Fried in six
Ohtani, LA ....................................... .314
Profar, SD ........................................ .311 surging Mets held off last- pittsburgh beat chicago for 10th straight home game three days in seattle’s strong innings, Jake Mc- al scores
Arraez, SD ....................................... .308
Betts, LA ......................................... .304
place colorado. its fourth victory in five with a victory over Texas. thrashing of los angeles. carthy made a leaping thUrSDAy’S rESULtS
Mark Vientos also went games. alex Bregman and Jake raleigh’s 19 homers are grab at the wall in the ninth at Detroit 10, Cleveland 1
hoME rUNS at Boston 7, Oakland 0
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 28
deep and drilled an rBi Ke’Bryan Hayes had a Meyers also homered while an ongoing record for a inning, and arizona beat at Tampa Bay 5, N.Y. Yankees 4
Ozuna, Atl ........................................... 24 double as the Mets im- pair of hits and an rBi and Josh Hader converted his Mariners catcher before atlanta. Seattle 11, at L.A. Angels 0
Walker, Ari ......................................... 22 proved to 4-0 on a six-game scored a run for the pi- 18th straight save opportu-
Harper, Phi .......................................... 20 the all-star break. pfaadt was sharp for the FriDAy’S rESULtS
Schwarber, Phi ................................... 19 homestand. rates. nity for the astros, who MAriNErS Ab r h bi bb So Avg fourth straight start, scat- N.Y. Yankees 4, at Baltimore 1
Hernández, LA .................................... 19 at Tampa Bay 2, Cleveland 0
rocKiES Ab r h bi bb So Avg Gonzales allowed one have the majors’ best rec- Crawford ss ........4 3 3 3 0 0 .212 tering three hits while strik- Kansas City 6, at Boston 1
ErA earned run, struck out four ord at 25-11 since June 1. D.Moore ss .........1 0 0 0 0 1 .212 at Houston 6, Texas 3
Blackmon dh .......4 1 1 1 1 2 .256
Rojas 3b ..............4 0 1 1 1 2 .250 ing out four to win after Seattle at L.A. Angels, late
Suárez, Phi ....................................... 2.58 Tovar ss ..............5 1 2 0 0 2 .267
Wheeler, Phi .................................... 2.70 McMahon 3b .......4 0 1 0 0 1 .272 and didn’t walk a batter. rANgErS Ab r h bi bb So Avg Raleigh c .............5 3 3 4 0 0 .215 three consecutive no-deci-
Rodríguez cf .......3 0 3 0 1 0 .259
Sale, Atl ........................................... 2.74 El.Díaz c ..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .291
pirAtES Ab r h bi bb So Avg Semien 2b...........3 1 3 0 1 0 .241
Robles cf.............1 0 0 0 0 0 .348 sions.
Sánchez, Phi .................................... 2.96
Imanaga, Chi .................................... 2.97
Doyle cf ...............4
Rodgers 2b..........3
1 2 0 1 .277
1 1 1 1 .269 McCutchen dh.....5 0 1 0 0 1 .223
Seager ss ............4
Smith 3b .............3
2 3 0 1 .272
0 0 1 3 .292 Raley rf ...............3 1 0 0 0 1 .246
brAvES Ab r h bi bb So Avg
Interleague games
Abbott, Cin ...................................... 3.06 Toglia 1b .............4 1 1 2 0 1 .188 Reynolds lf..........4 0 0 0 0 1 .274 Langford lf..........4 0 0 0 0 0 .262 France 1b ............5 1 2 1 0 0 .232
Joe 1b .................3 1 1 0 1 1 .242 Polanco 2b ..........4 1 2 2 0 0 .204 Kelenic cf ............3 0 0 0 1 0 .266
Fried, Atl .......................................... 3.08 Goodman rf .........3 0 0 0 0 2 .179 García rf..............3 0 1 0 0 0 .216 Albies 2b.............4 0 0 0 0 1 .254 DoDgErS At tigErS, 1:10
Cave ph ...............1 0 0 0 0 0 .257 N.Gonzales 2b ....4 1 1 1 0 1 .272 Lowe 1b ..............4 0 0 0 0 2 .266 Bliss 2b ...............1 0 0 0 0 0 .224
StriKEoUtS Hayes 3b.............4 1 2 1 0 1 .234 Haniger dh ..........3 1 0 0 1 1 .207 Riley 3b...............4 0 2 0 0 2 .262 W-L ErA tEAM
Hilliard lf.............3 0 1 0 1 1 .238 Heim c.................3 0 0 0 1 1 .245 Olson 1b..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .234
Bart c ..................3 1 1 0 1 1 .235 Taveras cf ...........3 0 0 0 0 1 .234 Clase lf................4 1 1 0 0 0 .184 Wrobleski (L) 0-1 7.20 0-1
Glasnow, LA ..................................... 143 totALS 35 6 8 6 3 11 — Ozuna dh.............4 0 2 0 0 1 .298
Triolo ss..............4 0 1 1 0 1 .205 Hill ph .................1 0 0 0 0 1 .262 totALS 38 11 15 11 3 5 —
Cease, SD .......................................... 138 Duvall rf..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .184 Montero (R) 1-2 4.64 2-1
Suwinski rf .........3 0 0 0 1 1 .178 Jankowski dh......3 1 1 0 0 1 .215
Sale, Atl ............................................ 136 MEtS Ab r h bi bb So Avg Rosario lf ............3 0 0 0 0 0 .143
Taylor cf..............3 0 1 1 0 2 .203 Grossman ph ......1 0 0 0 0 0 .219 ANgELS Ab r h bi bb So Avg
King, SD ............................................ 129 Lindor ss .............3 0 1 0 2 1 .249 Murphy c.............3 0 0 0 0 0 .219 pirAtES At WhitE Sox, 2:10
totALS 33 4 8 4 3 10 — totALS 32 3 7 3 3 10 — Rendon dh...........3 0 1 0 1 0 .256 Arcia ss...............2 0 1 0 0 1 .208
Nimmo lf.............5 0 1 0 0 0 .251
More about
Schanuel 1b ........3 0 0 0 1 0 .239 d'Arnaud ph ........0 0 0 0 1 0 .239 Ortiz (R) 4-2 2.95 1-1
Martinez dh ........3 0 0 0 0 3 .270
chicAgo Ab r h bi bb So Avg AStroS Ab r h bi bb So Avg Ward lf................3 0 0 0 1 2 .233
Alonso 1b ............3 0 0 0 1 2 .241 totALS 31 0 5 0 2 6 — Flexen (R) 2-7 4.94 2-15
Pillar rf................3 0 1 0 0 1 .288
al leaders Pham rf.................3 1 1 0 1 1 .260
Alvarez c .............4 1 1 0 0 0 .299 Altuve 2b ............4 1 1 3 0 1 .305
Vientos 3b...........3 1 2 2 1 0 .299 Vaughn 1b.............4 0 1 0 0 0 .240 Bregman 3b ........4 1 2 1 0 1 .257 Adell rf................1 0 0 0 0 0 .180 D'bAcKS Ab r h bi bb So Avg AthLEticS At phiLLiES, 4:05
Iglesias 2b-3b .....4 2 2 2 0 1 .347 Robert cf...............4 0 1 1 0 1 .221 Alvarez dh ..........3 0 2 1 1 0 .300 O'Hoppe c ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .279
Entering Friday’s games. Marte dh .............4 0 2 0 0 0 .286 Spence (R) 5-5 4.29 2-8
McNeil rf-2b........4 1 1 0 0 0 .215 Jiménez dh ...........4 0 1 0 0 0 .236 Diaz c ..................4 0 1 0 0 1 .285 Drury 2b..............3 0 0 0 0 0 .170
Moreno c.............3 0 1 0 1 0 .252
bAttiNg Bader cf...............4 2 2 3 0 0 .278 Sosa 2b .................4 0 0 0 0 2 .240 Peña ss ...............4 0 0 0 0 1 .274 Hiura ph ..............1
Moniak cf............3
0 0 0 1 .250
2 0 0 0 .204 Grichuk lf ............4 0 1 0 0 1 .279 Our newsletters deliver more Phillips (R) 0-0 2.25 0-0
DeJong ss .............4 0 2 0 0 2 .232
Kwan, Cle ......................................... .361 totALS 33 7 10 7 4 7 —
Julks lf ..................2 0 1 0 0 0 .241
Meyers cf............4
Singleton 1b .......4
1 1 0 0 .242
1 0 0 1 .241 Calhoun ph..........0 0 0 0 1 0 .269 Walker 1b ...........3 0 0 0 1 1 .261 of what you’re looking for. tWiNS At giANtS, 7:15
Witt, KC ........................................... .325 Neto ss ...............3 0 1 0 0 1 .251 McCarthy cf-lf ....4 0 1 0 0 2 .278
coLorADo .... 020 000 130 — 6 8 0 Benintendi ph-lf ...1 0 0 0 0 0 .195 Dubón lf ..............3 2 0 0 1 0 .282 Suárez 3b............2 1 1 1 1 1 .210
Correa, Min ...................................... .310
Altuve, Hou ..................................... .306 NEW yorK..... 031 210 00x — 7 10 0 Lee c......................3 0 0 0 0 0 .222 McCormick rf ......3 1 1 0 1 0 .206 Guillorme 3b .......4 0 0 0 0 1 .244
Carroll rf .............2 0 0 0 1 2 .209 wpost.com/newsletters Woods
Richardson (R)
3-1 3.48 11-4
Mendick 3b ...........3 0 1 0 0 1 .197 totALS 31 0 5 0 4 8 — Newman 2b ........3 0 0 0 0 2 .282
Judge, NY ......................................... .304 Lob: Colorado 5, New York 7. 2b: Tovar totALS 33 6 9 6 3 5 —
totALS 32 1 8 1 1 7 — Perdomo ss.........3 0 0 0 0 0 .286 Birdsong (R) 1-0 4.40 2-1
hoME rUNS (26), Alvarez (12), Vientos (11). hr: To- SEAttLE ........ 401 204 000 — 11 15 0
glia (13), off Manaea; Rodgers (6), off tExAS............ 000 002 100 — 3 7 2 totALS 28 1 6 1 4 9 —
pittSbUrgh . 000 022 000 — 4 8 0 hoUStoN ...... 001 113 00x — 6 9 0 L.A.................. 000 000 000 — 0 5 1 bLUE JAyS At DiAMoNDbAcKS, 10:10
Judge, NY ............................................ 32 Manaea; Blackmon (5), off Diekman; chicAgo........ 001 000 000 — 1 8 1
Henderson, Bal ................................... 27 Doyle (14), off Maton; Vientos (12), off E: Guillorme (1). Lob: Seattle 5, Los An- AtLANtA....... 000 000 000 — 0 5 0 Berríos (R) 8-6 3.76 13-6
E: Seager (6), Smith (5). Lob: Texas 6,
Santander, Bal .................................... 23 Gordon; Iglesias (2), off Gordon; Bader 2 E: Lee (4). Lob: Pittsburgh 6, Chicago 5. geles 9. 2b: Crawford (13), Rodríguez ArizoNA ....... 000 010 00x — 1 6 0
Houston 6. 2b: Singleton (5). hr: Sea- Diaz (R) 0-0 1.50 0-1
Ramírez, Cle ....................................... 23 (8), off Gordon; Iglesias (3), off Lambert. 2b: Taylor (5), N.Gonzales (12), Mc- ger (18), off Brown; Meyers (9), off (9), France (13), Neto (21). hr: Raleigh Lob: Atlanta 6, Arizona 7. 2b: Riley
Naylor, Cle .......................................... 22 Cutchen (9), Vaughn (19), Pham (10). Heaney; Bregman (12), off Heaney; Al- (18), off Kochanowicz; Crawford (8), off (20). hr: Suárez (9), off Fried.
rocKiES ip h r Er bb So ErA Rosenberg; Raleigh (19), off Rosenberg.
Soto, NY .............................................. 22 pirAtES ip h r Er bb So ErA tuve (14), off Ureña. brAvES ip h r Er bb So ErA
Gordon ................. 3 8 6 6 2 3 10.6
ErA Lambert ............ 32/3 2 1 1 2 4 5.44 M.Gonzales ......... 5 7 1 1 0 4 2.45 rANgErS ip h r Er bb So ErA MAriNErS ip h r Er bb So ErA
Fried .................... 6 5 1 1 3 7 3.08
Interleague scores
Lawrence .............1/3 0 0 0 0 0 6.27 Mlodzinski........... 2 0 0 0 0 2 3.18 Heaney ................ 5 5 3 2 2 5 3.79 Castillo ................ 6 4 0 0 2 5 3.53 Holmes ............. 11/3 1 0 0 1 1 1.06
Lugo, KC ........................................... 2.21 Mears .................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 6.10 Holderman........... 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.82 Ureña................... 1 3 3 3 1 0 3.13 Baumann ............. 1 1 0 0 1 0 5.51 Minter ................ 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 2.52 thUrSDAy’S rESULtS
Skubal, Det ...................................... 2.37 Bednar ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.01 Hernández ........... 2 1 0 0 0 0 3.67 Bazardo ............... 2 0 0 0 1 3 6.62 Chicago Cubs 8, at Baltimore 0
Burnes, Bal ...................................... 2.43 MEtS ip h r Er bb So ErA D'bAcKS ip h r Er bb So ErA Toronto 5, at San Francisco 3
Blanco, Hou ...................................... 2.53 chicAgo ip h r Er bb So ErA AStroS ip h r Er bb So ErA ANgELS ip h r Er bb So ErA
Manaea................ 7 5 3 3 1 9 3.46 Pfaadt.................. 6 3 0 0 0 4 3.97 at Houston 6, Miami 3
Houck, Bos ....................................... 2.54 Diekman ..............1/3 2 2 2 0 0 5.53 Crochet ................ 2 0 0 0 0 4 3.02 Brown .................. 6 5 2 2 2 5 4.39 Kochanowicz ....... 3 7 5 4 0 1 12.0 Ginkel .................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.48
Maton ..................2/3 1 1 1 0 1 5.40 Cannon ................ 6 7 4 4 2 4 4.41 Abreu................... 1 2 1 1 1 2 3.11 Rosenberg ........... 6 8 6 6 3 4 9.00 Thompson ........... 1 0 0 0 2 0 2.04 FriDAy’S rESULtS
StriKEoUtS Shuster................ 1 1 0 0 1 2 3.52 Oakland 6, at Philadelphia 2
Ed.Díaz................. 1 0 0 0 2 1 4.05 Pressly................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.68 Wp: Castillo (8-9); Lp: Kochanowicz Sewald................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.54
Crochet, Chi ...................................... 146 Hader................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.86 (0-1). hbp: Kochanowicz 2 (Raley, Ra- L.A. Dodgers 4, at Detroit 3
N0302 1x6.25

Wp: Manaea (6-3); Lp: Gordon (0-2); S: Wp: M.Gonzales (1-0); Lp: Cannon Wp: Pfaadt (4-6); Lp: Fried (7-5); S:
Ragans, KC ........................................ 134 (1-3); S: Bednar (17). t: 2:11. A: 19,548 ley), Baumann (Neto). t: 2:30. A: 26,747 Pittsburgh 4, at Chicago White Sox 1
Skubal, Det ....................................... 132 Ed.Díaz (10). inherited runners-scored: Wp: Brown (7-6); Lp: Heaney (3-10); S: Sewald (13). inherited runners-scored: Toronto at Arizona, late
Lambert 2-0, Maton 1-1. hbp: Gordon (40,241). Hader (18). hbp: Brown (García). Wp: (45,517). Minter 2-0. ibb: off Holmes (Walker).
Bibee, Cle .......................................... 123 Minnesota at San Francisco, late
(Martinez). t: 2:49. A: 28,852 (42,136). Brown. t: 2:22. A: 39,666 (41,000). Wp: Holmes. t: 2:29. A: 27,101 (48,359).
saturday, july 13 , 2024 . the washington post ez Su d5

Cruz’s Banana Ball journey brings him to Nationals Park

BAnAnAS from D1 son at the Yankees’ spring train-
ing ballpark in Tampa in early
“So I may have played my last february. A month later, they
game without knowing it,” Cruz sold out 41,000-seat minute maid
said, before describing the thrill Park in Houston, the first of six
of sharing a spring training club- major league ballparks on their
house with veteran Nationals in- 2024 tour. Astros legend roy
fielder Dee Strange-Gordon, oswalt, who made a guest pitch-
whom he watched play as a ing appearance along with roger
young Los Angeles Dodgers fan, Clemens, said the crowd noise
and his struggles finding an op- was comparable to World Series
portunity with another major games in which he pitched in the
league team over the ensuing same ballpark.
weeks. The next morning, the Cruz has made his mark in his
video had a half-million views first year as the Bananas’ left
and dozens of supportive com- fielder. He has added a backflip
ments. catch, including one that ended a
Cruz, who had hoped to pro- game in Buffalo last weekend, to
vide his newfound social media his arsenal of trick plays, and got
following with an inside look at a hit while stomping his feet to
the life of an aspiring major Dance Dance revolution steps
leaguer, pivoted to creating con- that were displayed on the score-
tent that would help younger board.
players realize their potential. He Cruz’s parents, Cynthia and
credited Nationals minor league ron, have attended several of his
field coordinator Jeff Garber, a games, including last month’s
10th-round pick in the 1988 mLB exhibition at fenway Park, where
draft out of James madison Uni- Cruz launched home runs in
versity who played 679 games in batting practice, signed the
the minors across eight seasons, Green monster, led a Bible study
for planting the idea of coaching the morning of the game behind
in his head. home plate and signed hundreds
“right before I got released, he of autographs. Bananas owner
basically said if you ever want to and founder Jesse Cole, a.k.a. the
get into coaching, you would be a Yellow Tux Guy, arranged to fly
great coach with the way that you Cruz’s parents out to D.C. for
listen and the way that you’re Saturday’s game.
always trying to learn,” Cruz said “my dad will wear my Bananas
of Garber. “That stuck with me.” jersey everywhere he goes, like
So Cruz, who already owned the grocery store,” Cruz said. “I
professional-quality camera fANS fiRSt eNteRtAiNMeNt think he loves it when people ask
equipment from the wedding RobertAnthony Cruz said getting to play in D.C. after his brief stint in the nationals organization is “better than i could’ve drawn it up.” him questions.”
photography business he started Cruz has continued to grow his
during college, resolved to post Cruz took a job coaching the JV personal brand with the Banan-
one coaching video a day for the team at his former high school as. He has 782,000 followers on
next three months. As the weeks and, with former Biola teammate TikTok, 448,000 followers on Ins-
went on and Cruz became more Anj Bourgeois, created “Not Your tagram and 367,000 subscribers
adept editing with Adobe Pre- Average Baseball Camp,” which on YouTube, where he posts lon-
miere, the production quality of features on-field instruction and ger-form videos.
his content improved. Every time a session on how to use social “It’s been a little harder on the
he finished one video, he got two media. Cruz’s taxes were a mess, road, but it’s definitely been a
or three more ideas. but he was loving life as a full- priority to keep up with the
Cruz’s coaching videos covered time coach and content creator. coaching videos,” he said. “As
a wide range of topics, from drills much as I love playing, it’s help-
he wish he knew when he was Welcome to Bananaland ing me realize I enjoy making
younger to baseball etiquette, for the uninitiated, the Savan- content and coaching even more.
base-running tutorials and ad- nah Bananas travel the country There’s definitely more of that in
vice for baseball parents. In addi- playing exhibition games gov- the future.”
tion to providing tips on proper erned by a unique set of rules Cruz still keeps in touch with
swing mechanics and hand posi- designed to make baseball more some of the Nationals prospects
tioning for infielders, Cruz creat- fun. They include a two-hour he met during his brief time in
ed dozens of videos about the time limit; prohibitions against the organization, including 2021
mental aspect of the game. He bunting, walks, stepping out of draft picks Brady House and
worries the commercialization of the batter’s box and mound visits; Daylen Lile. Ahead of his first trip
youth baseball has increased the and a scoring system that makes to Nationals Park for what he
pressure on young players to every inning count. oh, and if a described as the “most special
perform at the expense of having fan catches a foul ball, it’s an out. game of the year,” it’s not lost on
fun. Games feature constant music, Cruz that he’s connecting with
“So many lessons that I choreographed dances, props, more fans playing in front of
learned when I was [at spring costumes and even a player on RobeRtANthoNy cRuz sold-out crowds and appearing
training] are lessons I’m able to stilts. most of the extracurricular Saturday is the third anniversary of Cruz telling his parents, Cynthia and Ron, the nats had signed him. on ESPN with the Bananas than
share on social media with re- fun is scripted, but the baseball, he would be if he were grinding it
gards to dealing with pressure,” played by former minor league Bananas tryout in nearby orange ceived an invite to the tryout and forever ago. It went really well.” out in the minor leagues.
he said. and college players, is not. fans County, Calif. Cruz was familiar made an impression, both with Three weeks later, the Bananas “I definitely think that this
Cruz tripled his social media can’t get enough. Tickets retail with Banana Ball — Dalton maul- his baseball skills and the back offered Cruz a spot on the team. whole journey has shaped who I
following over the next year. In for $35, but the get-in price on din, one of his former teammates handsprings and tucks he had He left his house in redlands, am, and I’m very thankful for
addition to the nominal pay- the secondary market for Satur- from summer collegiate ball in learned as a gymnastics-obsessed Calif., in January and settled into that,” Cruz said. “It’s a little too
ments he received directly from day’s exhibition in D.C. — the Casper, Wyo., had been with the kid who watched VHS tapes of an apartment with his wife, Gigi, perfect that three years later, on
TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, latest stop on the Bananas’ team since 2021 — but he was the Summer olympics on repeat. in Savannah, Ga., where the Ba- the same day, I get to play at that
he established partnerships with 96-game, 29-city tour — is nearly hesitant. Cruz’s Coach rAC brand “Everything kind of went my nanas will play 23 games this park under a way different set of
baseball gear and lifestyle three times that amount. was taking off, and he didn’t have way,” Cruz said. “I got several hits, year. He has been back to Califor- circumstances than I would’ve
brands, which came with retain- Last summer, a friend encour- much desire to play again. and I was able pull out some of nia only a few days since. expected. … It’s better than I
er fees and commission bonuses. aged Cruz to apply for a spot at a Cruz ultimately applied, re- the gymnastics stuff that I did The Bananas opened their sea- could’ve drawn it up.”

Winker makes a triumphant return to Milwaukee, and Nats end five-game skid
nAtionAlS from D1
n at i o n a l S o n d e C k
away in the offseason. So he got at Milwaukee Brewers
himself into better shape and
signed a minor league deal with Saturday 4:10 MASN2
the Nationals, who hoped that at Sunday 2:10 MASN
least one of their veteran signings
would bounce back. vs. Cincinnati Reds
most of those players haven’t.
Nick Senzel and Eddie rosario, friday 6:45 MASN
two vets who signed similar deals, July 20 6:45 MASN
were designated for assignment
this month. Joey Gallo — still with July 21 1:35 MASN
the team — has been injured and
is hitting just .164 with a .606 oPS. vs. San diego Padres
Winker, however, has been a
bright spot. He is second on the July 23 6:45 MASN2
team in oPS (.816) and home runs July 24 6:45 MASN2
(11) behind CJ Abrams. He’s third
in rBI (43), and barring an injury, July 25 12:05 MASN2
he seems a good bet to be moved
at the upcoming trade deadline. Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM),
In the first inning, Winker WDCN (87.7 FM)
roped a two-out rBI double to
give the Nationals a 1-0 lead.
When he reached first, he pointed allowing a pair of doubles to Willy
at the ground as if to say this was Adames and Sal frelick that cut
his house. Juan Yepez followed up the lead to 3-2.
with a single, but Winker was Winker’s homer made it 4-2 in
thrown out at the plate. the fifth before rutledge encoun-
“He said the fans, they didn’t tered trouble again with two outs
get to see the real him because he in the bottom of the inning, walk-
was hurt,” martinez said of Wink- ing Brice Turang before Abrams
er. “I love the guy, man. He comes made an error to put two on.
ready to play every day. He takes martinez came out to get him,
care of himself, and he’s done turning to robert Garcia. Garcia
great for us.” eventually struck out Willy
The early lead was crucial for Adames to keep it a two-run
Jackson rutledge, who was called game.
up ahead of friday night’s game to Lane Thomas delivered a key
make his first start of the year. two-out single in the seventh to
rutledge — the Nationals’ 2019 score Jacob Young and give the
first-round pick — was one of the bullpen some insurance.
team’s best young arms during note: reliever Jose A. ferrer is
spring training and seemed like a scheduled to pitch Saturday for
viable option to be among the Class AA Harrisburg (Pa.) after
team’s first call-ups. friday’s game was rained out.
But rutledge was hurt when KAylA Wolf/ASSociAted PReSS
ferrer, 24, entered friday with
Josiah Gray went on the injured “He had a good swing today. He’s been doing really well the whole first half,” Manager Dave Martinez, right, said of Jesse Winker. three rehab assignments as he
list in April, so mitchell Parker works his way back from a
debuted and retained his spot in Herz. meanwhile, once rutledge gled with his command. lowed just one hit and consistent- (single) and Trey Lipscomb (dou- strained left shoulder. But his
the rotation. When Trevor Wil- got healthy, he struggled. He post- on friday, though, he hit his ly got ahead. ble) delivered run-scoring hits. appearances this weekend will
liams went on the injured list in ed a 6.66 ErA in 16 starts for Class spots — especially through the His offense gave him a 3-0 lead But rutledge walked William be his first time pitching in back-
June, the Nationals called on DJ AAA rochester (N.Y.) and strug- first three innings, when he al- in the fourth when Keibert ruiz Contreras in the fourth before to-back games.
d6 eZ sU the washington post . saturday, july 13 , 2024




east W l pct gb east W l t pts gf ga sCOttIsH OpeN
New York .................................... 19 4 .826 — Cincinnati ........................15 4 3 48 42 26 At Renaissance Club
Connecticut ................................ 17 5 .773 11/2 Inter Miami CF ................14 4 5 47 51 37 In North Berwick, Scotland
Indiana........................................ 10 14 .417 91/2 Columbus ........................11 3 6 39 40 18 purse: $9 million
Chicago ......................................... 9 13 .409 91/2 New York...........................9 4 9 36 36 27 Yardage: 7,237; par: 70
Atlanta ......................................... 7 15 .318 111/2 New York City FC ............11 9 2 35 33 27 seCOND ROUND
Washington.................................. 6 17 .261 13 Charlotte FC ......................9 8 5 32 24 23
Orlando City ......................7 9 6 27 32 36 Ludvig Aberg, Sweden ....................... 64 64 — 128 -12
Nashville ...........................6 8 8 26 25 31 Antoine Rozner, France ..................... 65 64 — 129 -11
West W l pct gb Sungjae Im, South Korea ................... 63 67 — 130 -10
x-Minnesota ............................... 16 6 .727 — Toronto FC ........................7 13 3 24 30 43
Atlanta..............................6 10 6 24 31 32 Matteo Manassero, Italy ................... 67 63 — 130 -10
Las Vegas ................................... 15 7 .682 1 Alejandro Del Rey, Spain ................... 69 62 — 131 -9
x-Seattle .................................... 14 8 .636 2 CF Montreal ......................5 9 8 23 31 46
New England .....................7 12 1 22 20 38 Rasmus Hojgaard, Denmark .............. 68 63 — 131 -9
Phoenix....................................... 12 11 .522 41/2 Rory McIlroy, Northern Ireland .......... 65 66 — 131 -9
Los Angeles .................................. 5 17 .227 11 Chicago..............................5 11 6 21 28 40
Philadelphia ......................4 9 9 21 36 39 Collin Morikawa, United States ......... 65 66 — 131 -9
Dallas............................................ 5 18 .217 111/2 Alex Noren, Sweden ........................... 65 66 — 131 -9
D.C. United ........................4 11 8 20 30 47
x-Late game Sahith Theegala, United States ........ 66 65 — 131 -9
Corey Conners, Canada ...................... 65 67 — 132 -8
tHURsDaY’s ResUlt West W l t pts gf ga Ugo Coussaud, France ........................ 65 67 — 132 -8
Los Angeles FC................13 4 4 43 43 24 Nicolai Hojgaard, Denmark ................ 66 66 — 132 -8
at New York 91, Chicago 76 Real Salt Lake .................12 3 7 43 48 27 Mackenzie Hughes, Canada ............... 66 66 — 132 -8
fRIDaY’s ResUlts LA Galaxy ........................12 4 7 43 44 30 Matthew Jordan, England .................. 67 65 — 132 -8
Colorado ..........................11 8 4 37 44 37 Robert Macintyre, Scotland ............... 67 65 — 132 -8
at Indiana 95, Phoenix 86 Portland ............................9 8 6 33 45 39 Yannik Paul, Germany ........................ 65 67 — 132 -8
Las Vegas 84, at Atlanta 70 Vancouver .........................9 7 5 32 34 29 Adam Scott, Australia ....................... 67 65 — 132 -8
Minnesota at Seattle, late Seattle ..............................8 7 7 31 31 26 Stewart Cink, United States .............. 66 67 — 133 -7
Houston ............................8 7 6 30 29 26 Thomas Detry, Belgium ..................... 64 69 — 133 -7
satURDaY’s gaMes Austin FC ..........................8 8 6 30 25 31 Max Greyserman, United States ....... 67 66 — 133 -7
New York at Chicago, 1 Minnesota United .............8 9 5 29 35 37 Niklas Norgaard Moller, Denmark ..... 66 67 — 133 -7
Los Angeles at Dallas, 3:30 FC Dallas ...........................6 11 5 23 32 37 Aaron Rai, England ............................. 68 65 — 133 -7
St. Louis City SC ...............4 8 10 22 30 39 Daniel Brown, England ....................... 65 69 — 134 -6
sUNDaY’s gaMes Sporting KC .......................5 13 5 20 37 48 Cameron Davis, Australia .................. 68 66 — 134 -6
Las Vegas at Washington, 3 San Jose............................4 16 2 14 30 56 Tommy Fleetwood, England .............. 65 69 — 134 -6
Phoenix at Connecticut, 1 Ryan Fox, New Zealand ...................... 67 67 — 134 -6
Indiana at Minnesota, 4 satURDaY, JUlY 6 Adam Hadwin, Canada ....................... 69 65 — 134 -6
LM otero/associated Press Atlanta at Seattle, 6 at Orlando City 5, D.C. United 0 Brian Harman, United States ............ 67 67 — 134 -6
at Cincinnati 6, Miami 1 Romain Langasque, France ................ 66 68 — 134 -6
Major League Cricket held its matches last season in two locations, including Grand Prairie, Tex. MONDaY’s gaMes at Columbus 4, Toronto FC 0 Victor Perez, France ........................... 68 66 — 134 -6
No games scheduled. Vancouver 1, at CF Montreal 1 Xander Schauffele, United States ..... 69 65 — 134 -6
New York 0, at Philadelphia 0 Connor Syme, Scotland ...................... 68 66 — 134 -6
Justin Thomas, United States ........... 62 72 — 134 -6

Is this — finally — cricket’s moment?

at Austin FC 2, New York City FC 1 Brendon Todd, United States ............ 65 69 — 134 -6
Aces 84, dream 70 at Real Salt Lake 5, Atlanta 2 Erik Van Rooyen, South Africa .......... 67 67 — 134 -6
at Seattle 2, New England 0 Jorge Campillo, Spain ......................... 68 67 — 135 -5
las vegas ........................... 20 24 13 27 — 84
Eric Cole, United States ..................... 71 64 — 135 -5
atlanta ............................... 15 15 17 23 — 70 sUNDaY’s ResUlts Jens Dantorp, Sweden ....................... 67 68 — 135 -5
las vegas MIN fg ft O-t a pf pts at Sporting KC 3, FC Dallas 2 Ben Griffin, United States ................. 65 70 — 135 -5

Professional league hopes to use recent World Cup as jumping-off point Wilson 37:20 13-23 4-4 2-18 1 2 33 at San Jose 1, Chicago 0 Lee Hodges, United States ................ 67 68 — 135 -5
Young 34:46 6-13 3-4 0-4 6 2 19 at Colorado 4, St. Louis City SC 1 Tom Kim, South Korea ....................... 69 66 — 135 -5
Stokes 14:16 0-0 0-0 0-2 0 2 0 at LA Galaxy 2, Minnesota 1 Ben Kohles, United States ................. 71 64 — 135 -5
C.Gray 31:16 2-9 1-2 0-3 5 1 5 at Portland 4, Nashville 1 Junghwan Lee, South Korea .............. 67 68 — 135 -5
Hao-Tong Li, China ............................. 64 71 — 135 -5
BY G LYNN A . H ILL from the more lucrative broadcast start of the season in July. The first Plum
32:34 4-11 5-5 0-5 7 3 15
20:33 1-5 0-0 0-2 2 2 3
Los Angeles FC at Houston, ppd.
Francesco Molinari, Italy ................... 66 69 — 135 -5
deals that expansive popularity half of their schedule was in Texas, Hayes 18:34 1-4 1-2 0-0 1 0 3 satURDaY’s MatCHes Wu Ashun, China ................................ 67 69
Nick Bachem, Germany ...................... 67 69

For Major League Cricket orga- would invite. the second half in North Carolina, Martin
10:41 2-5 0-0 1-2 0 2 6
200 29-70 14-17 3-36 22 14 84
Nashville at D.C. United, 7:30
Charlotte FC at Cincinnati, 7:30
Wyndham Clark, United States ......... 68 68 — 136 -4
nizers, the timing couldn’t be bet- A promising first season out- then back to Dallas for the play- Atlanta at CF Montreal, 7:30
Harris English, United States ............ 68 68
Matt Fitzpatrick, England .................. 67 69

percentages: FG .414, FT .824. 3-point goals: 12-29, .414
ter. performed the league’s expecta- offs. Netravalkar plays for the (Young 4-8, Wilson 3-4, Martin 2-4, Plum 2-6, Clark 1-3,
Orlando City at New England, 7:30 Grant Forrest, Scotland ..................... 67 69 — 136 -4
Philadelphia at Toronto FC, 7:30 Viktor Hovland, Norway ..................... 67 69 — 136 -4
On the heels of a T20 men’s tions, with games selling out at the Freedom while working as a soft- Hayes 0-1, C.Gray 0-3). team Rebounds: 5. team
turnovers: 1. blocked shots: 7 (Wilson 5, Clark, Stokes). Seattle at Austin FC, 8:30 Maximilian Kieffer, Germany ............ 64 72 — 136 -4
cricket World Cup in which the 3,500-capacity venue in Morris- ware engineer for Oracle in the turnovers: 9 (Plum 3, Young 3, C.Gray, Clark, Martin). New York City FC at Chicago, 8:30 Kurt Kitayama, United States ........... 67 69
Justin Lower, United States .............. 64 72

steals: 8 (Wilson 3, Martin 2, Plum 2, C.Gray). technical LA Galaxy at FC Dallas, 8:30
American co-hosts scored a signa- ville, N.C., outside Raleigh, and Bay Area. He said last year he fouls: None. Minnesota at Houston, 8:30
Richard Mansell, England .................. 67 69 — 136 -4
Thorbjorn Olesen, Denmark ............... 68 68 — 136 -4
ture victory over Pakistan in the those in the stadium in the ventured east only for MLC events atlaNta MIN fg ft O-t a pf pts Vancouver at St. Louis City SC, 8:30 Seamus Power, Ireland ...................... 69 67 — 136 -4
group stage, the domestic cricket 7,200-seat venue at Grand Prairie in Texas and North Carolina. A.Gray 38:22 4-15 3-5 2-7 4 1 11 New York at Colorado, 9:30
Real Salt Lake at Portland, 10:25
Jesper Svensson, Sweden ................. 69 67 — 136 -4
Hillmon 18:00 1-1 0-0 3-9 1 0 2 Nick Taylor, Canada ............................ 65 71 — 136 -4
league hopes to seize on that mo- averaging more than 80 percent Ahead of Year 2, some things Charles 25:46 5-17 2-4 4-12 1 4 12 Columbus at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 Gary Woodland, United States .......... 67 69 — 136 -4
mentum for greater growth. capacity. Saurabh Netravalkar, a have changed. Caldwell
28:46 6-17 0-0 1-3 0 2 13
26:38 1-5 0-0 0-1 2 3 3
Sporting KC at San Jose, 10:30 Julien Guerrier, France ....................... 69 68
Daniel Hillier, New Zealand ............... 66 71

MLC opened its second season breakout star at the World Cup, MLC games were broadcast in Henderson 26:14 4-8 0-0 0-3 5 3 8 WeDNesDaY’s MatCHes Charley Hoffman, United States ....... 70 67 — 137 -3
Max Homa, United States .................. 67 70 — 137 -3
July 5, six days after the World Cup and other players said they were more than 80 countries last year Parker-Tyus
7-9 3-4 1-7 0 0 17
1-5 2-2 1-5 3 1 4
D.C. United at Minnesota, 8:30
New York City FC at Atlanta, 7:30 Si Woo Kim, South Korea ................... 68 69 — 137 -3
final won by India. Organizers pleasantly surprised by the profes- and were shown via Sling TV and tOtals 200 29-77 10-15 12-47 16 14 70 Chicago at Cincinnati, 7:30 Min Woo Lee, Australia ..................... 67 70
Taylor Montgomery, United States ... 66 71

hope the U.S. success helps push sionalism and quality of competi- Willow TV, which streams cricket percentages: FG .377, FT .667. 3-point goals: 2-19, .105
Charlotte FC at Columbus, 7:30
Andrew Novak, United States ........... 66 71 — 137 -3
Toronto FC at Miami, 7:30
the sport — and ultimately the tion. events. Select games aired on CBS (Jones 1-2, Caldwell 1-9, Coffey 0-1, Henderson 0-1, Parker-
Tyus 0-1, A.Gray 0-5). team Rebounds: 9. team turnovers: CF Montreal at New York, 7:30
Shubhankar Sharma, India ................. 69 68
Marcel Siem, Germany ....................... 69 68

league — more deeply into Ameri- “We learned an awful lot,” Geale Sports Network. To expand cover- 1. blocked shots: 4 (Coffey 2, A.Gray, Jones). turnovers: 14 New England at Philadelphia, 7:30 Sam Stevens, United States .............. 69 68 — 137 -3
Austin FC at FC Dallas, 8:30 Davis Thompson, United States ........ 65 72 — 137 -3
ca’s sports consciousness. said. “What’s most pleasing is it age this season, MLC is negotiat- (A.Gray 3, Henderson 3, Jones 3, Caldwell 2, Charles, Coffey,
Parker-Tyus). steals: 4 (Henderson 2, Parker-Tyus 2). Orlando City at Nashville, 8:30
“Cricket has tried and failed in actually worked. You spend three ing partnerships with regional technical fouls: None. a: 3,344 (3,500). t: 1:51. Colorado at LA Galaxy, 10:30
this country for probably 25, years trying to plan and you theo- sports networks in its six cities. Houston at San Jose, 10:30
St. Louis City SC at Seattle, 10:30
PgA Tour
30 years,” MLC director Justin rize, but people actually came, so There will be 25 matches on the Fever 95, Mercury 86 Sporting KC at Vancouver, 10:30 IsCO CHaMpIONsHIp
Geale said. “This is the furthest our crowds were really positive — schedule, up from 19. Teams such phoenix ............................... 16 19 23 28 — 86 Real Salt Lake at Los Angeles FC, 10:45 At Champions at Keene Trace; in Nicholasville, Ky.
purse: $4 million
Indiana ................................ 28 27 26 14 — 95
anyone’s got, so we’ve got to keep and we didn’t help ourselves. as the Freedom are considering satURDaY, JUlY 20 Yardage: 7,328; par: 72
pHOeNIx MIN fg ft O-t a pf pts Houston at Vancouver, 6
that momentum going.” We’re playing in Texas in the mid- how to engage their local fans Allen 25:29 2-10 0-0 0-4 3 1 4 Columbus at Atlanta, 7:30
Cricket’s global popularity may dle of summer.” from a distance — potentially Herbert Harrigan 37:40 4-7 0-2 4-7 2 2 10 Chicago at Miami, 7:30
Pierceson Coody, United States .........
Matthis Besard, Belgium ....................
61 67
67 63

128 -16
130 -14
Griner 10:58 2-6 0-0 0-0 1 0 4
come as a shock to some American The league’s priority now is through clinics, meet-and-greets Copper 34:47 11-2511-13 0-1 1 5 36
Toronto FC at CF Montreal, 7:30
FC Dallas at New England, 7:30
Rico Hoey, Philippines ........................ 64 66 — 130 -14
Chez Reavie, United States ................ 68 62 — 130 -14
sports fans. building venues in other cities to or contests in which winners are Cunningham
36:12 6-13 4-4 1-6 4
30:49 4-6 2-2 2-9 2
3 21
4 10
Cincinnati at New York, 7:30 Angel Hidalgo, Spain ........................... 65 66 — 131 -13
It is the most popular sport in connect with fans in those areas. It flown out to watch games in per- Taylor 24:05 0-3 1-2 0-3 5 0 1 New York City FC at Orlando City, 7:30 Garrick Higgo, South Africa ................
Alex Smalley, United States ...............
67 64
67 64

131 -13
131 -13
Nashville at Philadelphia, 7:30
India, the world’s most populous is a critical but ongoing challenge son. tOtals 200 29-7018-23 7-30 18 15 86
Charlotte FC at Austin FC, 8:30 Hayden Springer, United States ......... 64 67 — 131 -13
country, and enjoys similar appeal that could have teams relying on Despite its stadium struggles, percentages: FG .414, FT .783. 3-point goals: 10-29, .345 St. Louis City SC at Sporting KC, 8:30 Andy Sullivan, England .......................
Johannes Veerman, United States .....
65 66
66 65

131 -13
131 -13
(Cunningham 5-9, Copper 3-11, Herbert Harrigan 2-3, San Jose at Minnesota, 8:30
in parts of the Caribbean and temporary facilities such as the MLC is poised for expansion. Griner 0-1, Taylor 0-1, Allen 0-4). team Rebounds: 7. Real Salt Lake at Colorado, 9:30
Hayden Buckley, United States .......... 66 66 — 132 -12
Lanto Griffin, United States ............... 65 67 — 132 -12
countries such as England, South one used in New York for the Geale said it could add two teams team turnovers: None. blocked shots: 6 (Mack 3, Griner
2, Herbert Harrigan). turnovers: 11 (Mack 3, Allen 2,
Portland at LA Galaxy, 10:30 Neal Shipley, United States ................ 67 65 — 132 -12
Africa and Australia. The Indian World Cup as they work to secure by 2026 and is eyeing potential Copper 2, Herbert Harrigan 2, Cunningham, Taylor).
Los Angeles FC at Seattle, 10:30 Tom Vaillant, France ...........................
Harry Hall, England .............................
66 66
66 67

132 -12
133 -11
steals: 7 (Cunningham 2, Herbert Harrigan 2, Taylor 2,
Premier League, the country’s top more permanent grounds. franchises in Atlanta, Chicago, To- Allen). technical fouls: None. Patton Kizzire, United States ............. 66 67 — 133 -11
Jacques Kruyswijk, South Africa ........ 66 67 — 133 -11
domestic T20 circuit, has grown The Seattle Orcas are develop- ronto, New Jersey and South Flori- INDIaNa MIN fg ft O-t a pf pts nWSL Francesco Laporta, Italy ..................... 65 68 — 133 -11
into one of the world’s most lucra- ing a stadium east of the city in da. Samuelson 27:20 3-8 0-0 1-5 2 1 6 W l t pts gf ga
Ryan McCormick, United States ......... 65 68 — 133 -11
Smith 34:48 6-13 1-2 2-10 0 0 14 Cooper Musselman, United States ..... 71 62 — 133 -11
tive leagues. And the sport, which Redmond, Wash., and the San MLC has a developmental mi- Boston 33:10 10-17 1-3 8-13 5 1 21
Orlando ...........................11
Kansas City .....................10
Lukas Nemecz, Austria ....................... 68 65 — 133 -11
is the second-most watched in the Francisco Unicorns are planning a nor league through which it is Clark
38:26 8-16 2-2 1-6 13 2 20
33:01 11-19 3-3 1-3 0 4 28
Washington ....................11 4 1 34 32 18
Henrik Norlander, Sweden ..................
Brandon Wu, United States ................
67 66
67 66

133 -11
133 -11
world, will return to the Olympics Santa Clara venue the team hopes cultivating young domestic talent. Hull 19:48 0-7 4-4 2-5 1 6 4
Gotham FC ........................9
Portland ............................8
Zac Blair, United States ...................... 70 64 — 134 -10
Spencer Cross, United States ............. 69 65 — 134 -10
in 2028 following a 128-year ab- will become part of a larger sports Over time, the idea is for pro teams Wheeler
1-1 0-0 0-0 1 1
0-0 0-0 0-0 1 1
North Carolina...................8 7 1 25 20 17
Ricardo Gouveia, Portugal .................. 67 67 — 134 -10
Chicago..............................7 7 2 23 23 22
sence. and entertainment hub. The and their players to be more in- tOtals 200 39-81 11-14 15-42 23 16 95 Bay FC ...............................6 10 0 18 19 28
Cody Gribble, United States ...............
Matthew NeSmith, United States .....
69 65
67 67

134 -10
134 -10
Previous attempts to find a Washington Freedom was in nego- volved in their communities percentages: FG .481, FT .786. 3-point goals: 6-31, .194
San Diego ..........................3
Sam Ryder, United States .................. 69 65 — 134 -10
place for cricket in the American tiations with George Mason Uni- through coaching, mentorship (Mitchell 3-10, Clark 2-7, Smith 1-3, Boston 0-1, Hull 0-5,
Samuelson 0-5). team Rebounds: 12. team turnovers: 2.
Angel City .........................4 9 3 15 16 26
Andrew Wilson, England ....................
Jonathan Byrd, United States ............
65 69
70 65

134 -10
135 -9
Houston ............................3 8 5 14 11 23
sports landscape have stalled. versity to build a temporary base- and other forms of outreach. blocked shots: 6 (Boston 2, Clark 2, Smith 2). turnovers: Seattle ..............................2 9 5 11 16 28
Kevin Chappell, United States ............ 68 67 — 135 -9
Luke Clanton, United States ............... 70 65 — 135 -9
Short-lived Pro Cricket operat- ball and cricket stadium on the Then there is the development 16 (Clark 6, Hull 4, Smith 3, Boston 2, Dantas). steals: 8
(Boston 3, Clark, Hull, Mitchell, Samuelson, Smith).
Utah ..................................2 11 3 9 8 28
Patrick Fishburn, United States ......... 66 69 — 135 -9
ed an eight-team league in 2004. It Northern Virginia school’s west of the U.S. men’s and women’s technical fouls: None. a: 17,274 (20,000). t: 1:56. satURDaY, JUlY 6 Bill Haas, United States .....................
Chan Kim, United States ....................
68 67
69 66

135 -9
135 -9
aimed to capitalize on the advent campus, but plans fell through in national teams. Washington 3, at Bay FC 0 Marcus Kinhult, Sweden ..................... 70 65 — 135 -9
at Chicago 1, Houston 0 Russell Knox, Scotland ....................... 67 68 — 135 -9
of professional T20 cricket in the March after students and local The U.S. upset over 2022 T20 TEnniS Orlando 2, at Kansas City 1 William McGirt, United States ........... 68 67 — 135 -9
United Kingdom but folded after residents opposed the project, and World Cup runner-up Pakistan Gotham FC 2, at Angel City 1 Mac Meissner, United States ............. 69 66 — 135 -9
Troy Merritt, United States ................ 67 68 — 135 -9
one season. (T20, or Twenty20, is a the university president later said last month helped the men’s team Wimbledon sUNDaY’s ResUlts Ryan Moore, United States ................ 70 65 — 135 -9
faster, shortened version of the it “does not meet the strategic qualify for the tournament’s sec- At All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club; in London at North Carolina 3, Louisville 1
Utah 1, at Seattle 1
Seung-Yul Noh, South Korea ..............
Ben Silverman, Canada .......................
69 66
67 68

135 -9
135 -9
purse: $19,280,205
sport.) The American Premier objectives and interests of our ond round, called the Super Eight, surface: Grass Roger Sloan, Canada ........................... 67 68 — 135 -9
fRIDaY, aUg. 23 Austin Smotherman, United States ... 67 68 — 135 -9
League, another T20 competition, campus and community and the where the dream run ended. Still, MeN’s sINgles — QUaRteRfINals Orlando at Houston, 8 Callum Tarren, England ....................... 68 67 — 135 -9
failed to launch in 2009, though it Washington Freedom.” Franchises its advancement means it auto- Carlos Alcaraz (3), Spain, def. Daniil Medvedev (5), Bay FC at Utah, 9:30 Dylan Wu, United States .................... 67 68 — 135 -9
Russia, 6-7 (7-1), 6-3, 6-4, 6-4; Novak Djokovic (2),
finally got off the ground in 2021. in New York and Los Angeles also matically qualifies for the 2026 Serbia, def. Lorenzo Musetti (25), Italy, 6-4, 7-6 (7-2), satURDaY, aUg. 24
Major League Cricket debuted are seeking stadiums. edition of the tournament hosted 6-4. Portland at Gotham FC, 2 LPgA Tour
Angel City at San Diego, 4
in July 2023. The league features That’s why teams play in North by India and Sri Lanka. Geale WOMeN’s DOUbles — seMIfINals
Chicago at Louisville, 7:30
Taylor Townsend, United States, and Katerina Siniakova At Evian Resort Golf Club; in Evian-les-Bains, France
six teams — New York, Seattle, San Carolina and Texas, though the believes the team’s success drives (4), Czechia, def. Hsieh Su-wei, Taiwan, and Elise purse: $8 million
Francisco, Los Angeles, Washing- league has mandated each team more attention to the sport and Mertens (1), Belgium, 3-6, 6-4, 6-4; Gabriela Dabrowski, Yardage: 6,527; par: 71

ton and Grand Prairie, Tex. (near secure a home ground by 2028, opens the door for the league to
Canada, and Erin Routliffe (2), New Zealand, def.
Desirae Krawczyk and Caroline Dolehide (7), United
Copa América a-Amateur

States, 6-4, 6-3. sUNDaY, JUNe 30 sUspeNDeD seCOND ROUND

Dallas) — competing in the T20 when Los Angeles will host the negotiate better broadcast oppor- Mexico 0, Ecuador 0 Yu Jin Sung ........................................ 72 63 — 135 -7
format. Bolstered by $120 million Summer Olympics. tunities. MIxeD DOUbles — seMIfINals Mi Hyang Lee ..................................... 69 66 — 135 -7
Jamaica 0, Venezuela 3
Santiago Gonzalez and Giuliana Olmos, Mexico, def. Georgia Hall ........................................ 69 67 — 136 -6
in league investment, those teams “Our biggest challenge is infra- Netravalkar, a bowler for the Maximo Gonzalez, Argentina, and Ulrikke Eikeri, Nor- MONDaY, JUlY 1 Narin An ............................................. 69 67 — 136 -6
include some of the top players in structure. If we had more places to U.S. national team, said MLC al- way, 6-3, 7-6 (7-5); Hsieh Su-wei, Taiwan, and Jan
Zielinski (7), Poland, def. Michael Venus and Erin
United States 0, Uruguay 1
Panama 3, Bolivia 1
Jin Young Ko ...................................... 69 67
Akie Iwai ............................................ 72 65

the world, who are able to play play, we’d go and play, so that’s ready has contributed to that ef- Routliffe (2), New Zealand, 7-6 (7-0), 6-3. Albane Valenzuela ............................. 71 66 — 137 -5
tUesDaY, JUlY 2 Allisen Corpuz .................................... 69 68 — 137 -5
during their offseasons. Games holding back our growth,” Geale fort. Brazil 1, Colombia 1 Celine Boutier .................................... 69 68 — 137 -5
have been contested in Texas and said. “We’re looking to build stadi- “I think Major League the first WTA Costa Rica 2, Paraguay 1 Brooke Henderson .............................. 69 68 — 137 -5
Chanettee Wannasaen ...................... 69 69 — 138 -4
North Carolina only, but organiz- ums as quick as we can in all these season really helped us because NORDea OpeN QUaRteRfINals Sarah Schmelzel ................................ 71 68 — 139 -3
tHURsDaY, JUlY 4 Minjee Lee .......................................... 70 69 — 139 -3
ers say most of the funding will be areas. As soon as we can do that, I that gave us the platform to play At Bastad (Sweden) Tennis Stadium
purse: $115,000 Argentina 1, Ecuador 1; Argentina 4-2 on penalty kicks Jeongeun Lee6 ................................... 69 70 — 139 -3
used for building or upgrading think we can grow quicker, the on quality pitches within the U.S. surface: Red clay
fRIDaY, JUlY 5
Paula Reto .......................................... 73 67 — 140 -2
Maja Stark .......................................... 72 68 — 140 -2
eight venues across the country. season can get longer; we can and to sort of rub shoulders with sINgles — seMIfINals Venezuela 1, Canada 1; Canada 4-3 on penalty kicks Ally Ewing .......................................... 70 70 — 140 -2
Their goal is to grow the sport in really talk to local fans and build a some of the top cricketers across Martina Trevisan (7), Italy, def. Louisa Chirico, United
States, 6-7 (7-5), 6-4, 6-4; Ann Li, United States, def. satURDaY, JUlY 6
Ariya Jutanugarn ............................... 70 70
Rose Zhang ........................................ 72 69

America, ideally beyond the South brand around, say, the Washing- the globe in front of good crowds,” Nuria Parrizas Diaz, Spain, 6-4, 6-4. Colombia 5, Panama 0
Uruguay 0, Brazil 0; Uruguay 4-2 on penalty kicks
Jennifer Kupcho ................................. 71 70 — 141 -1
Mao Saigo .......................................... 71 70 — 141 -1
Asian diaspora. They said they ton Freedom, rather than trying to he said. Aditi Ashok ........................................ 71 70 — 141 -1
don’t want to compete for sports do that over a distance.” “It’s really heartening to see gRaND esta OpeN 88 tUesDaY’s ResUlt Gabriela Ruffels ................................. 69 72
Chiara Tamburlini .............................. 69 72

supremacy with the NFL or the For players, that can mean little that cricket has arrived,” he added. At Tennis Club de Contrexeville (France)
purse: $100,000
Argentina 2, Canada 0 Ryann O'Toole .................................... 67 74 — 141 -1
NBA. MLC aims to capitalize on to no connection to their “home” “We planted a seed for growth, surface: Red clay WeDNesDaY’s ResUlt Emily Pedersen .................................. 67 74
Arpichaya Yubol ................................. 73 69

Colombia 1, Uruguay 0
burgeoning interest in cricket so city for the time being. and Major League being immedi- sINgles — QUaRteRfINals Hannah Green .................................... 73 69 — 142 E
tHIRD plaCe Anna Nordqvist .................................. 72 70 — 142 E
the league can eventually become Last season, Freedom players ately after the World Cup helps a Gao Xinyu, China, def. Margaux Rouvroy, France, 6-4,
7-5; Lucia Bronzetti (4), Italy, def. Elsa Jacquemot (8), satURDaY’s MatCH Jenny Shin .......................................... 71 71 — 142 E
a more casual presence in Ameri- attended a preseason camp in the lot to continue that trajectory and France, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4; Mayar Sherif (3), Egypt, def. Canada vs. Uruguay, 8 Hinako Shibuno .................................. 71 71
Elizabeth Szokol ................................ 71 71

Emiliana Arango (6), Colombia, 6-4, 6-2; Selena Janici-
can sports fans’ lives — and benefit Dallas area a few weeks before the make it even bigger.” jevic, France, def. Dalila Jakupovic, Slovenia, 2-6, 6-2, CHaMpIONsHIp Miyuu Yamashita ............................... 71 71 — 142 E
6-3. sUNDaY’s MatCH Lauren Hartlage ................................. 70 72 — 142 E
IN MIaMI gaRDeNs, fla. Yan Liu ................................................ 71 72 — 143 +1
Argentina vs. Colombia, 8 Nanna Koerstz Madsen ...................... 70 73 — 143 +1
Bronte Law ......................................... 75 69 — 144 +2
CyCLing Jiwon Jeon ......................................... 74 70 — 144 +2
Wichanee Meechai ............................. 74 70 — 144 +2
Leona Maguire ................................... 72 72 — 144 +2
Tour de France European Championship Kristen Gillman .................................. 71 73 — 144 +2
Manon De Roey .................................. 72 73 — 145 +3
13tH stage ROUND Of 16 Nasa Hataoka ..................................... 71 74 — 145 +3
A 102.7-mile race from Agen to Pau. satURDaY, JUNe 29 Bailey Tardy ....................................... 75 71 — 146 +4
1. Jasper Philipsen, Belgium, Alpecin-Deceuninck/BEL, Switzerland 2, Italy 0 Morgane Metraux .............................. 75 71 — 146 +4

3:23:09s. Germany 2, Denmark 0 Azahara Munoz .................................. 73 71 — 146 +4
2. Wout Van Aert, Belgium, Team Visma/Lease a a-Megan Schofill ................................ 73 73 — 146 +4
Bike/NED, same time. sUNDaY, JUNe 30 Celine Borge ....................................... 72 74 — 146 +4
3. Pascal Ackermann, Germany, Israel-Premier Tech/ England 2, Slovakia 1 (OT) Johanna Gustavsson .......................... 72 74 — 146 +4
ISF, same time. Spain 4, Georgia 1 Moriya Jutanugarn ............................ 72 74 — 146 +4
4. Biniam Girmay, Eritrea, Intermarche-Wanty/BEL, Pauline Roussin ................................. 76 71 — 147 +5
MONDaY, JUlY 1 Lucy Li ................................................ 75 72 — 147 +5
same time.
5. Nikias Arndt, Germany, Bahrain Victorious/BRN, France 1, Belgium 0 Cheyenne Knight ................................ 73 74 — 147 +5
same time. Portugal 0, Slovenia 0; Portugal 3-0 on penalty kicks Ana Pelaez Trivino ............................. 71 76 — 147 +5
6. Jasper Stuyven, Belgium, LIDL-Trek/USA, same time. tUesDaY, JUlY 2 Yealimi Noh ........................................ 70 77 — 147 +5
7. Clement Russo, France, Groupama-FDJ/FRA, same Caroline Inglis .................................... 76 72 — 148 +6
Stories of the past, rediscovered. time.
Netherlands 3, Romania 0 Alexa Pano ......................................... 72 76 — 148 +6
Turkey 2, Austria 1 Weiwei Zhang .................................... 72 76 — 148 +6
8. Bryan Coquard, France, COFIDIS/FRA, same time.
washingtonpost.com/retropolis 9. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, same QUaRteRfINals Yewon Lee .......................................... 72 78 — 150 +8
time. fRIDaY's ResUlts Carlota Ciganda .................................. 70 80 — 150 +8
10. Soren Waerenskjold, Norway, UNO-X Mobility/NOR, A Lim Kim ........................................... 76 75 — 151 +9
Spain 2, Germany 1 (OT)
same time. Shannon Tan ...................................... 75 76 — 151 +9
Portugal 0, France 0; France 5-3 on penalty kicks
Linnea Strom ...................................... 77 75 — 152 +10
alsO satURDaY's ResUlts
59. Sean Quinn, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, England 1, Switzerland 1; England 5-3 on penalty kicks
35s behind. Netherlands 2, Turkey 1
75. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Team Visma, 55s. TR A n S ACT i On S
115. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education- seMIfINals
EasyPost, 13:29s. tUesDaY’s ResUlt
Spain 2, France 1 Mlb
OveRall staNDINgs
1. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, WeDNesDaY’s ResUlt Cleveland guardians: Placed LHP Sam Hentges on the
52:40:58s. 15-day IL, retroactive to July 11. Recalled RHP Xzavion
England 2, Netherlands 1 Curry from Columbus (IL).
2. Remco Evenepoel, Belgium, Soudal Quick-Step/Bel,
1:06s behind. fINal Detroit tigers: Optioned OF Akill Baddoo to Toledo (IL).
3. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Team Visma/Lease a sUNDaY’s MatCH Recalled INF/OF Ryan Vilade from Toledo.
Bike, 1:14s. IN beRlIN Minnesota twins: Placed INF Kyle Farmer on the 10-day
S0129-3x3.75 4. Joao Almeida, Portugal, UAE Team Emirates, 4:20s. IL. Recalled C Jair Camargo from St. Paul (IL).
Spain vs. England, 3


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Alcaraz and Djokovic return to the Wimbledon men’s final

WIMbLEDoN from D1 of tricks really is.
The only issue: Playing that
gasp-inducing shot out of the way is exhausting. And unlike
other. But against Alcaraz, that most opponents, medvedev said,
tends to be a losing strategy: He Alcaraz gets a racket on nearly
beat the russian in the semifinals every ball. Not being able to hit
for the second straight year, 6-7 pure winners makes for an inse-
(7-1), 6-3, 6-4, 6-4. cure player.
With the win, he becomes just “The more your opponent hits
the second Spanish man in his- a great shot or I hit a great shot
tory to reach the Wimbledon final against Carlos, and then sudden-
more than once, after rafael Na- ly you receive a passing shot [on
dal, who lifted the trophy here in the return], you’re going to try to
2008 and 2010 and was the run- hit it better,” medvedev said.
ner-up in 2006, 2007 and 2011. “You’re going to doubt — am I
But it might not serve Alcaraz going to go to the net or not? I
to remind the crowd too much of remember there was particularly
his roots Sunday. Hours after the one, I hit a good smash, and he
men’s singles final gets underway, still made it. I had a very easy
England will face Spain in the volley, but I overplayed it just a
final of the Euro 2024 soccer little bit. Yeah, because you are
tournament. Alcaraz has been always questioning what’s the
texting with members of La roja best shot, do I go almost for the
before his matches and made the line or not? It’s not easy to play
unintended gaffe of predicting such players.”
Sunday will be “a good day for the Alcaraz fought back from 3-5
Spanish people” in his on-court down to force a tiebreaker in the
interview friday. first set, the first five points of
It was the only time this tour- which medvedev won with wick-
nament the charismatic Alcaraz ed returns and impeccable shot-
has drawn boos on Centre Court. making that included digging out
“I didn’t say Spain is going to a groundstroke on a ball Alcaraz
win,” he said, laughing. “I just had placed practically on his
said it’s going to be a really fun shoelaces.
day!” Alcaraz won his only point of
fun for Alcaraz and probably the tiebreaker with a 133-mph
everyone watching the match, serve, but he was undeterred.
too. Djokovic, the second seed, medvedev’s level dipped just
defeated 22-year-old Italian enough in the second set for
Lorenzo musetti, 6-4, 7-6 (7-2), Alcaraz to break his serve twice
6-4, in the second semifinal and for a 4-1 lead, then Alcaraz won
returns to Sunday’s final for a heNry NIcholls/aGeNce FraNce-Presse/Getty ImaGes the second and third sets in
redo of last year’s championship Carlos Alcaraz will play for his second consecutive Wimbledon title Sunday at the All England Club, again facing Novak Djokovic. straightforward fashion as the
match that Alcaraz won in five crowd settled in and the match
white-knuckle sets over nearly french open. triumphed at the 2021 U.S. open turned from stunning to predict-
five hours. “I wasn’t sure until three, four and was looking for another able.
While Alcaraz looks to defend days before the tournament chance to claim his second major “The reality is that he is also
his title and claim his fourth whether I’m going to take part in title after falling in the final of the very strong physically. So even
Grand Slam trophy, Djokovic is it. made an extra effort to recover Australian open in January. today when there were a couple of
aiming for history in his 37th ma- as quickly as possible just be- medvedev opened the match tough points and maybe I could
jor final and 10th final at Wimble- cause it was Wimbledon,” Djok- with a set reminding fans that, have lost my breath a little bit and
don. ovic said. “So I’m really, really before Alcaraz came along with maybe dropped my level — it
A win here would give him his happy to make the finals because his preternatural mastery of always drops by 2 percent when
25th Grand Slam title and put I was not thinking about, particu- seemingly every shot in the book, you play a tough opponent — and
him in sole position of the record. larly in the first couple of match- it was medvedev who thrived by usually against other opponents
The Serb is tied with margaret es, of the eventual title match. I keeping opponents guessing. maybe their level drops by 5 per-
Court at 24 major singles titles, was just thinking about moving When he’s at his best, the rus- cent,” medvedev said. “Carlos
though Court won most of hers well, not injuring myself, to be sian makes use of every inch of a doesn’t drop his level.”
before the start of the open era in honest, and feeling more free, so tennis court: where he positions Alcaraz won the fourth set in
1968. to say, in my movement.” himself, how he moves and where much the same manner after
It is improbable enough that Alcaraz was more certain of his he places the ball. Constant breaking medvedev at 3-3 when
he even has the opportunity to own potential. He went into fri- change is his strength, and he the russian sent a backhand
collect another title here. Djok- day’s match with positive memo- seemed at the outset to relish the long. He held serve from there
ovic, 37, had surgery June 5 to ries of this stage from last year aNdrej IsakovIc/aGeNce FraNce-Presse/Getty ImaGes challenge of forcing Alcaraz to and later found himself back in a
repair the medial meniscus in his and a 4-2 record over his fellow Djokovic cruised by Italy’s Lorenzo Musetti in straight sets Friday mutate point by point, as if to familiar spot — facing down
right knee that he tore during the Grand Slam winner — medvedev to give himself a chance at a record 25th Grand Slam singles title. make him prove how deep his bag Djokovic, Wimbledon’s final boss.

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