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2. I use social networking sites to stay in touch with friends and family, and to follow my favorite pages and

1. What percentage of employers research candidates online?
According to the article, 70% of employers research candidates online.
2. Which social-networking sites are mentioned?
The article mentions the following social-networking sites:
3. Who do Peter Cullen and Farhan Yasin work for?
Peter Cullen works for Microsoft, and Farhan Yasin works for Careerbuilder.co.uk.

a) Complaining about your job could lose you your job

Make your career:
You can use social-networking sites to connect with people in your field and learn about new job
You can use social-networking sites to promote your personal brand and showcase your skills and
You can use social-networking sites to build relationships with potential employers and recruiters.
Break your career:
Employers are increasingly using social-networking sites to research job candidates.
If you have inappropriate or unprofessional content on your social-networking profiles, it could hurt your
chances of getting a job.
If you post negative comments about your current or former employer on social media, it could lead to
disciplinary action or even termination.

From CD1.4:
She describes her current company as "CSC Media Limited, Chart Show Channels Group," which is the
largest independent television business in the UK, with a mixture of 16 channels, including music,
children's, and movie channels.
Her previous job was as the Finance Director of a chocolate-pudding business, which is very different from
her current role in television.
It's easy to move from sector to sector in the finance world because the basic skills required are similar in
each case.
From CD1.5: "When I was a student, although I was studying chemistry, I thought I would like to do
something different afterwards, and I actually did a summer internship with one of the big accountancy
firms, which was an excellent way to get an understanding of what the job would be like. I started off as an
auditor, and it was through that experience that I got my first job."
From CD1.6: Melissa mentions the advice in the following order:
do not overcomplicate things
maintain clarity
be able to see the key point and the key decision you have to make
From CD1.7: "What is the key difference between people who work in finance and those who work in

1. In the future, I hope to advance in my current career path, taking on more challenging roles and
leadership positions.
2. I believe that the ideal career for me is one that aligns with my passions and allows me to make a
meaningful impact on others. It's not necessarily about a specific job title but more about the sense of
purpose it provides.
3. The best advice I've received is to always keep learning and adapting to change. Continuous self-
improvement and staying open to new opportunities have been key to my career success.


Here are the matches between the questions (1-9) and the interviewee's answers (a-i):
1. Question: Can I get you a drink?
Answer: d) Thank you. A cup of tea, please.
2. Question: Could you confirm your e-mail address?
Answer: e) The address is correct, but I've got a new mobile number.
3. Question: Can you use spreadsheets?
Answer: b) Not very well, but I'm doing a course next week.
4. Question: Can you speak any other languages?
Answer: h) Yes, I can speak Korean and Japanese.
5. Question: Could you tell us more about your present job?
Answer: g) Well, I'm currently supervising an HR project.
6. Question: Could you tell me your current salary?
Answer: a) It's €60,000 a year.
7. Question: Could you let us know your decision as soon as possible?
Answer: c) I can let you know next week.
8. Question: When can you start?
Answer: i) My notice period is two months.
9. Question: Would you like some more tea?
Answer: f) I'd love some. Thank you.

A What kinds of phone calls do you make in English? What useful telephone
expressions do you know?

Personal calls: making arrangements with friends and family, booking appointments
Professional calls: calling clients, scheduling meetings, etc
Customer service calls: calling companies to inquire about products or services, or to resolve problems

B CD1.8 - First Call:

1. What is the purpose of the call?
The purpose of the call is to inquire about a job advertisement and request an application form.
2. Do the callers know each other?
It's not clear from the conversation whether the callers know each other. The call is primarily business-
CD1.9 – Second Call
The purpose of the call is for the caller (Johan) to inform Giovanna about his inability to attend a training
course on Saturday and to provide his contact information in case there's any issue.
CD1.10 - Third Call:
1. What is the purpose of the call?
The purpose of the call is for Karl to request a phone number for Workplace Solutions from Matt because
he's having trouble reaching them.
2. Do the callers know each other?
It seems that Matt and Karl are colleagues or acquaintances because they address each other by their first
names and engage in a brief, friendly conversation.

CD1.8 - Completion of Expressions:
Can I talk to ... ? I'd like to speak to ...
Just a moment ... Thank you Hold on.
I'll connect you. I'll put you through.
Am I speaking to Carina Molenaar? Hello can I speak to Corina Molenaar?
Yes, it's me. Speaking.
The reason I'm calling is ... Yes, I'm phoning about your advert
Can I have your name and address? Can I have some details

D CD1.9 - Completion of Extract:

A: Hello, could I speak to Giovanna, please? B: I'm afraid she's not here at the moment. Can I take a
message? A: Yes, please. This is Johan from Intec. Could you tell her I won't be able to make the training
course on Saturday? She can call me back if there's a problem. I'm on 0191 498 0051.

CD1.10 - Phrases Used:

Karl: Hi, Matt. Karl here.
Matt: Oh, hello, Karl. How are you?
Karl: Fine, thanks. Listen, just a quick word.
Karl: Do you think you could let me have the other number for Workplace Solutions? I can't get through to
them. Their phone's always engaged.
Matt: I've got it here. It's 020 9756 4237.
Karl: Sorry, I didn't catch the last part. Did you say 4227?
Matt: No, it's 4237.
Matt: No problem. Bye.
в методичці ст. 101-103

EXCERCISE 1 The caller in the first, fifth, and sixth sentences has followed all the rules of telephoning
etiquette. They have introduced themselves, spoken clearly and politely, used proper language, and
remained cheerful. They have also asked for permission before putting someone on hold or transferring a
call, and ended the conversation on a positive note.
The caller in the second, third, and fourth sentences has not followed the rules of telephoning etiquette.
They have been rude, impatient, demanding, and interruptive. They have not introduced themselves, used
proper language, or listened actively. They have also not asked before putting someone on hold or
transferring a call, and ended the conversation abruptly.

1 The name of the company
2 It is the first impression
3 All of the above
4 The person who called
5 You shouldn't have any distractions of any kind
6 In case the call gets disconnected
7 Tell your colleague to wait
8 By the second ring
9 The person who initiates the original call
10 No
11 Take permission from people involved to answer the call
12 Absolutely not
13 By his or her title. (i.e. Good morning Mr. Brown, Good afternoon Ms. Sanders).
14 Be brief and clear
15 Yes
16 Practice, Privacy, and Professionalism
17 Yes
18 Enunciate and Speak Clearly

В Маркет Лідер сторінки 14-16.

Self-employment: Being self-employed means you have full control over your business and career. It can be
a fulfilling choice if you are entrepreneurial and want to pursue your own ideas and vision. However, it also
comes with a significant level of risk, responsibility, and the need to manage all aspects of the business. It
requires a high degree of self-motivation and discipline.
Telecommunications/Media: Kyivstar (Telecommunications)
Banking and Finance: PrivatBank (Banking)
Food and Drink: Roshen (Confectionery and Food)
Engineering: Motor Sich (Aircraft and Engine Manufacturing)
Transport: Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) (Airline)
Retailing: ATB Market (Retail Chain)
Pharmaceuticals/Chemicals: Farmak (Pharmaceuticals)
Manufacturing: Kharkiv Tractor Plant (Agricultural and Industrial Equipment)
Another Service Industry: Rozetka (E-commerce)
Construction: Kievmiskbud (Construction and Development)
IT/Electronics: EPAM Systems (IT and Software Development)
Tourism: Join UP! (Travel and Tourism Agency)
Company Main Activity Nationality
American Express Travel and financial services provider American
Container-ship operator Shipping and logistics Japanese
Fashion/retail Fashion retail Korean
Nokia Telecommunications Finnish
Oil and gas Oil and gas exploration and production Brazilian
Roche Pharmaceutical Swiss
Toyota Car manufacturer Japanese

1. The amount of money a company receives from sales in a particular period is called its turnover.
2. The money a company makes after taking away its costs and taxes is its net profit.
3. A company that owns another company is called a parent company.
4. The employees in a particular country or business are called the workforce.
5. The percentage of sales a company has in a particular market is its market share.
6. The main building or location of a large organization is its head office.
7. The cost of a company's shares is its share price.
8. A company that is more than 50% owned by another company is called a subsidiary.

Financial performance
I am pleased to say the parent company has continued its excellent performance. We are changing,
growing and doing well at a difficult time for the industry. Turnover was €57.2 million, an increase of 15%
on last year, and net profit rose by 5% to €6.4 million. We are a highly competitive business. We have
increased our market share to 20%. Consequently, our share price has risen and is now at an all-time high
of €9.6. Increased production and strong demand have had a positive effect on our cash flow, so we are
able to finance a number of new projects. We have successfully moved to our new head office in central
London. We are now planning to start full production at the recently opened Spanish subsidiary in October.
Finally, thanks once again to our loyal and dedicated workforce. Our employees will always be our most
valuable asset.

MonoBank is a well-known Ukrainian company in the banking and financial services sector. The company
has made a significant impact on the Ukrainian banking industry and has gained popularity among
customers for its innovative and user-friendly approach.
MonoBank's main activity revolves around providing modern and convenient financial services to its
customers, which include mobile banking, online payments, and various banking products.
In terms of financial performance, MonoBank has displayed a remarkable trajectory. The company has
witnessed steady growth in its net profit and has been successful in increasing its market share in the
Ukrainian banking sector.
MonoBank's share price reflects its performance and value in the financial market. As a digital bank, it has
attracted a tech-savvy customer base, and its turnover is influenced by the increasing number of customers
and transactions.
The company's strong financial position has allowed it to invest in new projects and expand its services.
MonoBank's presence has extended, and it has managed to maintain a positive cash flow, enabling it to
serve its customers better.
MonoBank has been a notable player in the Ukrainian banking industry, reflecting the country's dynamic
economic landscape. It's clear that the company's success can be attributed to its innovative approach and
dedication to providing top-notch services to its customers. The workforce at MonoBank plays a crucial role
in the company's achievements, and their commitment remains a significant asset for the organization.
Cd 1.18
Nature's Way Foods is a food-manufacturing company based on the south coast of England. They put
chilled product, the majority of which is lettuce and fruit, into various types of packaging for the major
retailers and various food-service companies in the UK. Examples of retailers would be Tesco, Morrisons,
and Waitrose, and in terms of food-service companies, their biggest customer is McDonald's.

Cd 1.19
First reason for success:
Health - desire to eat healthy products.
Convenience - time-poor.
Sustainability - low level of food miles.
Indulgence - diet Monday to Friday, but have several pieces of cake on Friday night.
Second reason for success:
The way they operate the business.
High-volume business.
Produce hundreds of units.
Need to be very efficient in the way they produce them.
Invested heavily in systems and processes.

Cd 1.20
Two things Susan has enjoyed the most when running a company are:
Achieving what she set out to achieve and setting clear goals for the business.
Creating a team ethic and watching people grow, develop, and work together as a team.
Susan does not enjoy the relentlessness of the role as a chief executive. She finds it tiring because you're
never actually off duty, and there's always something to be responsible for and something happening
within the organization. Additionally, she mentioned that it can be quite a lonely role as you have to make
decisions, and sometimes you can't talk to other people about them; they have to be your decisions.

Cd 1.21

"I've learned a lot of lessons from the companies I've worked for. I think the key thing is that you have to
make sure your people in the organization are engaged with the organization and have a clear
understanding of what that organization is trying to achieve. If you can get that clarity of direction and
enthusiasm from the people within the organization, then that will help move the business forward in
This extract summarizes Susan Barratt's key lesson from her experience working for different companies. It
emphasizes the importance of ensuring that employees are engaged with the organization and share a
clear understanding of its goals and direction to drive the business forward.

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