Achievement Test 3 (Word)

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ROADMAP™ A1 Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

1 Recording 1 Listen to the podcast by Tessa
and choose the correct answers, a, b or c.
1 Tessa often eats a . 3 I no have breakfast at home.
a at home b in restaurants c in cafés
2 Tessa’s friend, Alice eats at home.
a always b sometimes c never
3 From Monday to Friday, Alice has breakfast 4 I works for a computer company.
a at home b at a café c at work
4 Alice usually has for lunch.
a fish b a salad c a cup of tea 5 Can he uses a camera?
5 Alice goes to the town centre by .
a bus b taxi c bike
6 can’t cook.
a Alice b Tessa c Alice’s parents 6 She hasn’t leave home at 8.30.
2 Recording2 Listen to the conversation and
write true (T) or false (F). /5
1 Karim now lives with Maggie and Joe. T
6 Choose the correct words, a or b.
2 Joe does jobs in the house on Mondays. 1 They a in a big house.
3 Joe cleans the bathroom and a live b lives
the bedrooms. 2 She early.
4 Maggie works on Saturdays. a gets up b gets
5 Joe often cooks dinner. 3 What can you ?
6 Joe never goes to the supermarket. a cook b cooks
/5 4 she play football?
3 Recording2 Listen again and complete the a Does b Do
sentences with one word from the 5 We work at 8 o’clock.
conversation. a doesn’t start b don’t start
1 Joe usually cleans the bathroom. 6 She never the kitchen.
2 Maggie does jobs on Sunday . a cleans b clean
3 Maggie cleans the living room. 7 How do you eat cakes?
4 Karim can . a often b many
5 can wash the dishes. 8 Where she work?
6 Maggie goes to the every week. a is b does
/5 9 He doesn’t TV every day.
a watch b watches
10 What jobs around the house you do?
a do b are
4 Complete the questions with the correct 11 She can’t at night.
words. a study b studies
1 What time do you leave work?
2 you make a salad?
3 Can he football?
4 Do you TV every day? Vocabulary
5 she go to school by train? 7 Match the sentence halves.
6 How many languages can he ? 1 We always have a
/5 2 They work from
5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences and 3 I usually have
questions. 4 We sometimes draw
1 They drink never coffee. 5 My brothers wash
6 I talk to my parents every
They never drink coffee.
a pictures at night.
2 How you do travel to work?
b the dishes.
c 9 to 5, Monday to Friday.
e week.

© Pearson Education Limited 2021
ROADMAP™ A1 Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

f lunch at work. f No problem .

g cup of tea at 4p.m. /15

8 Choose the wrong word or phrase in each

group, a, b or c. Reading
1 go to
a bed b the supermarket 11 Read the text messages. Choose the correct
answers, a or b.
c the sandwich
Yumi: Hi, Sara! How are you and Nacho?
2 clean
Sara: Hi, We’re fine. Australia is great! How are you?
a the kitchen b the dinner c the bathroom
Yumi: Fine. But England is cold! What time is it in
3 go by
a car b bus c drive
Sara: 10.30.
4 make
Yumi: In the morning?
a the bedroom b clothes c a cake
Sara: No! It’s night here. But that’s OK, it’s
5 in the
Saturday tomorrow.
a evening b weekend c morning
Yumi: Oh! What do you usually do at the
6 walk
weekend? Do you swim?
a the dog b a train c to work
Sara: Yes, I sometimes do, but Nacho can’t swim!
/5 He often plays football.
9 Choose the correct alternatives. Yumi: Do you have dinner at home on Saturdays?
At / Every the weekend, on Saturdays or Sara: No, we don’t. We have lunch at home, but
Wednesdays / Sundays, I 3go / get up at 8a.m. we always go to a Thai restaurant in the evening.
I have a cup of 4chicken / coffee and 5feed / cook Yumi: Great!
the dog. Then I 6clean / wash the living room and Sara: We get up late on Sundays. Then in the
make / do the washing. 8At / In the afternoon, I afternoon we do jobs in the house and walk the
sometimes 9drive / ride a horse in the park, or dog.
fly / take a taxi into town. I always 11go / go to Yumi: OK. Do you work every day from Monday to
home at 6p.m. Friday?
/10 Sara: Yes, I do. I work at a big food company. But
Nacho studies at home on Wednesdays.
Yumi: OK. Ah! It’s 8.45 now. I usually leave home
Function at 8.30! Bye!
10 Complete the sentences with the words in 1 Who is in Australia?
the boxes. Then match questions 1–6 with the
a Sara b Yumi
replies a–g.
2 What time is it in Australia?
Can like much What Would you a 10.30 at night b 10.30 in the morning
3 What day is it tomorrow?
1 Can I use your phone, please? f a Monday b Saturday
2 How is that? 4 Who can’t swim?
a Nacho b Sara
3 Can cook the dinner, please? 5 When do they walk the dog?
a In the afternoon b In the morning
4 Would you black or white coffee? 6 Where does Nacho study?
a At university b At home
5 you like a drink? /5
6 would you like?
12 Read the text messages again. Write true (T)
Black like No problem sorry That’s or false (F).
1 Yumi is in England. T
a £4.25, please. 2 Sara swims on Sundays.
b I’d a salad, please. 3 Nacho can’t play football.
c thanks. 4 Sara and Nacho have lunch at home
d I’m , I can’t. on Saturdays.
e , please.

© Pearson Education Limited 2021
ROADMAP™ A1 Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

5 Sara and Nacho usually go to a Spanish

restaurant. Writing
6 Sarah and Nacho get up early on Sundays. 13 Rewrite the sentences with the words in
7 Sarah and Nacho do jobs in the house in brackets in the correct place.
1 I get up at 6.30. (usually)
the morning.
8 Sara works every day, Monday to Friday. I usually get up at 6.30.
9 Yumi works for a food company. 2 I cycle to work. (always)
10 Nacho studies on Wednesdays.
11 Yumi usually leaves home at 8.30.
3 The football club is. (fun)

4 There is a café near my house. (good)

5 On Saturdays, I play football. (sometimes)

6 I go to the market. (never)


© Pearson Education Limited 2021
ROADMAP™ A1 Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

14 Write a blog post about your Saturday

 Talk about things that you do and when you
do them.
 Use adjectives (good, cheap etc.).
 Use frequency adverbs (always, sometimes
Write 50–70 words.


© Pearson Education Limited 2021

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