5.1.4 Enzymes & Temperature - Extended - CIE IGCSE Biology Revision Notes 2023 - Save My Exams

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IGCSE Biology CIE Revision Notes 5. Enzymes 5.1 Enzymes

5.1.4 Enzymes & Temperature: Extended

5.1.4 Enzymes &

Temperature: Extended
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Enzymes & Temperature: Extended

Enzymes are proteins and have a specific shape, held in
place by bonds

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This is extremely important around the active site area as

the specific shape is what ensures the substrate will fit
into the active site and enable the reaction to proceed
Enzymes work fastest at their ‘optimum temperature’ – in
the human body, the optimum temperature is 37⁰C
Heating to high temperatures (beyond the optimum) will
break the bonds that hold the enzyme together and it will
lose its shape -this is known as denaturation
Substrates cannot fit into denatured enzymes as the
shape of their active site has been lost
Denaturation is irreversible - once enzymes are denatured
they cannot regain their proper shape and activity will

Effect of temperature on enzyme activity

Increasing the temperature from 0⁰C to the optimum

increases the activity of enzymes as the more energy the
molecules have the faster they move and the number of
collisions with the substrate molecules increases,
leading to a faster rate of reaction
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This means that low temperatures do not denature

enzymes, they just make them work more slowly

Graph showing the effect of temperature on the rate of

enzyme activity

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