Baccetti 2005
Baccetti 2005
Baccetti 2005
The present study introduces a further modified version of the Cervical Vertebral Maturation
(CVM) method for the detection of the peak in mandibular growth, based on the analysis of the
second through fourth cervical vertebrae in a single cephalogram. The morphology of the
bodies of the second (C2 – odontoid process), third (C3), and fourth (C4) cervical vertebrae
were analyzed in 6 consecutive cephalometric observations (T1 through T6) of 30 orthodon-
tically untreated subjects. Observations for each subject consisted of two consecutive
cephalograms comprising the interval of maximum mandibular growth (as assessed by
means of the maximum increment in total mandibular length, Condylion –Gnathion: Co-Gn),
together with two earlier consecutive cephalograms and two later consecutive cephalo-
grams. The analysis consisted of both visual and cephalometric appraisals of morphological
characteristics of the three cervical vertebrae. The construction of this new modified
version of the CVM method was based on the results of both ANOVA for repeated
measures with post hoc Scheffé’s test (P < 0.05) and discriminant analysis. The new
clinically improved CVM method is comprised of six maturational stages (cervical stage 1
through cervical stage 6, ie, CS1 through CS6). CS1 and CS2 are prepeak stages; the peak
in mandibular growth occurs between CS3 and CS4. CS6 is recorded at least 2 years after
the peak. The use of the CVM method enables the clinician to identify optimal timing for the
treatment of a series of dentoskeletal disharmonies in all three planes of space.
Semin Orthod 11:119 –129 © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1073-8746/05/$-see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 119
120 T. Baccetti, L. Franchi, and J.A. McNamara
phase that coincides with the peak in mandibular Subjects and Methods
growth in the majority of subjects.
2. No need for additional x-ray exposure. The total sample (n ⫽ 706) that comprises the cephalometric
3. Ease in recording. files of the University of Michigan Elementary and Secondary
4. Consistency in the interpretation of the data. The inter- School Growth Study was evaluated.23 Due to the longitudi-
examiner error in the appraisal of the defined stages or nal nature and aim of the present investigation, subjects with
phases should be as low as possible. less than six consecutive annual cephalometric observations
5. Usefulness for the anticipation of the occurrence of the (n ⫽ 492) were excluded from the study. Total mandibular
peak. The method should present with a definable stage length (Co-Gn) was measured on the longitudinal sets of
or phase that occurs before the peak in mandibular lateral cephalograms for each of the 214 remaining subjects
growth in the majority of subjects. at yearly intervals. The lateral cephalograms were analyzed
by means of a digitizing tablet (Numonics, Lansdale, PA) and
The main features of the Cervical Vertebral Maturation digitizing software (Viewbox, version 3.0, D. Halazonetis,
(CVM) method as described previously by Franchi and co- Athens, Greece). The maximum increase in Co-Gn between
workers18 included: two consecutive annual cephalograms was used to define the
1. In nearly 95% of North American subjects, a growth peak in mandibular growth at puberty in the individual sub-
interval in CVM coincides with the pubertal peak in jects. Two consecutive cephalograms comprising the interval
both mandibular growth and body height. of maximum mandibular growth, together with two earlier
2. The cervical vertebrae are available on the lateral cepha- consecutive cephalograms and two later consecutive cepha-
logram that is used routinely for orthodontic diagnosis lograms, had to be available for each subject and were in-
and treatment planning. cluded in the study. This limited the investigation to 30 sub-
3. The appraisal of the shape of the cervical vertebrae is jects (18 males, 12 females).
straightforward. The morphology of the bodies of the second (C2 – odon-
4. The reproducibility of classifying CVM stages is high toid process), third (C3), and fourth (C4) cervical vertebrae
(⬎98% by trained examiners). were analyzed in the six consecutive annual observations (T1
5. The method is useful for the anticipation of the puber- through T6). The analysis consisted of both visual and ceph-
tal peak in mandibular growth. alometric appraisals of morphological characteristics of the
cervical vertebrae.
A subsequent study by our group19 provided a few im-
provements of the original CVM analysis to make the method Visual analysis. The morphology of the three cervical verte-
easier and applicable to the vast majority of patients: brae (C2, C3, C4) on the six consecutive cephalograms (T1
through T6) was evaluated by visual inspection. Two investi-
1. A more limited number of vertebral bodies was used to
gators (LF and TB) performed the appraisal independently.
perform the staging (as suggested by Hassel and
The percentage of interexaminer agreement was 96.7%. Two
Farman20). In particular, the method included only
those cervical vertebrae (C2, C3, and C4) that can be sets of variables were analyzed:
visualized when a protective radiation collar is worn by
the patient. 1. Presence or absence of a concavity at the lower border
2. Definitions of stages were not based on a comparative of the body of C2, C3, and C4; and
assessment of between-stage changes, so that stages can 2. Shape of the body of C3 and C4. Four basic shapes were
be identified easily on a single cephalogram. considered:
trapezoid (the superior border is tapered from posterior to
A series of investigations performed in different parts of the anterior);
world have confirmed the validity of the CVM method, rectangular horizontal (the heights of the posterior and
mostly by comparing it with the hand and wrist method. anterior borders are equal; the superior and inferior bor-
Pancherz and Szyska found that the cervical vertebral matu- ders are longer than the anterior and posterior borders);
ration method has level of reliability comparable to the hand squared (the posterior, superior, anterior, and inferior bor-
and wrist method.21 By replacing the hand-wrist method ders are equal); and
with the CVM method, an additional radiograph can be rectangular vertical (the posterior and anterior borders are
avoided, thus reducing the patient’s total radiation dose. longer than the superior and inferior borders).
Grave and Townsend also have confirmed the validity of the
CVM method in Australian aborigines.22 Cephalometric analysis. On the lateral cephalograms, the
The aim of the present article is to present a further mod- following points for the description of the morphologic char-
ified and refined version of the CVM method and its validity acteristics of the cervical vertebral bodies were traced and
for the appraisal of mandibular skeletal maturity in the indi- digitized (Fig 1):
vidual patient in light of the findings of recent studies in
which the CVM method has been used to assess optimal C2p, C2 m, C2a: the most posterior, the deepest, and the
timing for the treatment of malocclusions in the transverse, most anterior points on the lower border of the body of
sagittal, and vertical planes of space. C2.
The CVM method and treatment timing 121
14 (46.7%) 16 (53.3%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
15 (50%)
15 (50%)
of the subjects. The observation at T2 is characterized also by
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
the absence of a concavity at the lower borders of C3 (with
the nonsignificant exception of 7% of the subjects) and of C4.
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
15 (50%)
15 (50%)
nificant exceptions of 3% and 13% of the subjects showing
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
1 (3.3%)
18 (60%)
12 (40%)
0 (0%)
or rectangular horizontal.
29 (96.7%)
30 (100%)
12 (40%)
18 (60%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
2 (6.7%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
30 (100%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
2 (6.7%)
27 (90%)
15 (50%)
15 (50%)
remaining subjects.
28 (93.3%) 28 (93.3%)
3 (10%)
4 (13.3%) 15 (50%)
26 (86.7%) 15 (50%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
30 (100%)
6 (20%)
30 (100%) 4 (13.3%)
30 (100%) 2 (6.7%)
30 (100%) 1 (3.3%)
2 (6.7%) 28 (93.3%)24 (80%)
30 (100%) 0 (0%)
30 (100%) 0 (0%)
30 (100%) 0 (0%)
30 (100%) 0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
C3 shape: rectangular
C4 shape: rectangular
C3 shape: rectangular
C4 shape: rectangular
C3 shape: trapezoid
C4 shape: trapezoid
border of C3
border of C4
Table 2 Results of Quantitative Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Statistical Comparisons (ANOVA for Repeated Measurements with Post Hoc Scheffe’s test) on the
have a ratio of approximately 1:1, an indication that both C3
and C4 vertebral bodies are rectangular horizontal in shape.
T5 and T6 are characterized by decrements of the ratio
between the length of the base and the anterior height of the
T6 vertebral bodies (C3BAR and C4BAR). The mean values for
these measurements indicate that the vertebral bodies be-
come progressively more squared in shape. At T6, one third of
the cases show a rectangular vertical shape of one or both C3
and C4 vertebral bodies.
Discriminant analysis revealed that the forming concavity
C3BAR (ratio)
C4BAR (ratio)
C3PAR (ratio)
C4PAR (ratio)
Figure 2 Schematic representation of the stages of cervical vertebrae according to the newly modified method.
stages in vertebral development consisted of a noncompara- The peak in mandibular growth will occur during the year
tive definition of morphological characteristics at each obser- after this stage.
The findings of both the visual (qualitative) and cephalo- Cervical stage 4 (CS4, Fig 6). Concavities at the lower bor-
metric (quantitative) analyses revealed that a statistically sig- ders of C2, C3, and C4 now are present. The bodies of both
nificant discrimination can be made between the initial two C3 and C4 are rectangular horizontal in shape. The peak in
stages in cervical vertebral maturation only according to the mandibular growth has occurred within 1 or 2 years before
difference in depth of the concavity at the lower border of the this stage.
second cervical vertebra. A definite concavity at the lower
border of C2 is present in 80% of the subjects at cervical Cervical stage 5 (CS5, Fig 7). The concavities at the lower
stage 2. borders of C2, C3, and C4 still are present. At least one of the
The appearance of a visible concavity at the lower border of bodies of C3 and C4 is squared in shape. If not squared, the
the third cervical vertebra is the anatomic characteristic that body of the other cervical vertebra still is rectangular hori-
mostly accounts for the identification of the stage immedi- zontal. The peak in mandibular growth has ended at least 1
ately preceding the peak in mandibular growth (cervical year before this stage.
stage 3). The distinction among Cvs 4, Cvs 5, and Cvs 6 as
defined in the former CVM method is possible only by using
the shape of the bodies of C3 and/or C4 as a discriminant
Cervical stage 1 (CS1, Fig 3). The lower borders of all the
three vertebrae (C2-C4) are flat. The bodies of both C3 and
C4 are trapezoid in shape (the superior border of the verte-
bral body is tapered from posterior to anterior). The peak in
mandibular growth will occur on average 2 years after this
Figure 4 Cervical stage 2 (CS2): two clinical examples. Application to Dentofacial Orthopedics
The clinical application of the method to dentofacial ortho-
pedics becomes relevant for those treatment protocols that
benefit from the inclusion of the period of accelerated man-
Cervical stage 6 (CS6, Fig 8). The concavities at the lower dibular growth. CVM method can be useful as a maturational
borders of C2, C3, and C4 still are evident. At least one of the index to detect the optimal time to start treatment of man-
bodies of C3 and C4 is rectangular vertical in shape. If not dibular deficiencies by means of functional jaw orthope-
rectangular vertical, the body of the other cervical vertebra is dics.25,26 It has been demonstrated that the effectiveness of
squared. The peak in mandibular growth has ended at least 2 functional treatment of Class II skeletal disharmony depends
years before this stage. strongly on the biological responsiveness of the condylar car-
tilage, which in turn is related to the growth rate of the man-
Figure 5 Cervical stage 3 (CS3): two clinical examples. Figure 7 Cervical stage 5 (CS5): two clinical examples.
126 T. Baccetti, L. Franchi, and J.A. McNamara
mandibular length
Pubertal Class II Treatment (treatment includes the pubertal peak in
Net increase in
over untreated
*The appraisal of treatment timing in individual studies was based upon chronologic age, hand and wrist, or CVM method. All data are short-term and refer to controlled studies.
The Effect of Treatment Timing on Supplementary Elongation of the Mandible in Class II Treatment
mandibular growth)
Class II elastics
Acrylic Herbst
Baccetti and Franchi, 200126
Lund and Sandler, 199836
Petrovic et al., 199429
growth spurt is approaching, that is, that the year of the peak
will start approximately 1 year after this stage. CS3 represents
mandibular length
Pre-Pubertal Class II Treatment (treatment ends before the pubertal
over untreated
the intervals from CS4 to CS5 and from CS5 to CS6, respec-
Class II elastics
tient includes the CS3-CS4 interval (growth spurt), the net Treatment Timing for Transverse Maxillary Deficiency
supplementary growth of the mandible in treated samples The issue of treatment timing for maxillary expansion aimed
versus untreated controls ranges from 2.4 mm to 4.7 mm to correct transverse maxillary deficiency has been addressed
(Table 3). The data reported in Table 3 suggest also that in in the past by Melsen44 and by Wertz and Dreskin.45 Melsen
Class II patients, the timing of therapeutic intervention has a used autopsy material to examine histologically the matura-
greater impact on supplementary elongation of the mandible tion of the midpalatal suture at different developmental
than does the type of appliance used. stages.44 In the infantile stage (up to 10 years of age), the
The only long-term study that deals with the evaluation of suture was broad and smooth, whereas in the juvenile stage
the role of treatment timing in Class II correction35 revealed (from 10 to 13 years) it had developed in a more typical
that the use of a Bionator followed by fixed appliances in squamous suture with overlapping sections. Finally, during
contrast with untreated Class II controls is able to induce a the adolescent stage (13 and 14 years of age) the suture was
supplementary elongation of the mandible of less than 2 mm wavier with increased interdigitation. From these histological
when the functional appliance is used before the peak in data, the inference is that patients who show an advanced
mandibular growth, and of about 5 mm when the growth stage of skeletal maturation at the midpalatal suture may have
spurt is included in the treatment interval. These results pos- difficulty in undergoing orthopedic maxillary expansion.
sess significance not only at the statistical level, but also at the Clinical support for the histologic findings by Melsen44 is
clinical level, as the correction of a full cusp Class II molar derived from the results of a study by Wertz and Dreskin45
relationship to Class I represents a 5 to 6 mm sagittal correc- who noted greater and more stable orthopedic changes in
tion at the level of the occlusal plane. young patients (under the age of 12 years). Either group of
researchers, however, did not use any biological indicator of
Treatment Timing for Class III Malocclusions skeletal maturity to define “early” versus “late” treatment.
Early treatment of Class III disharmony has been advocated The use of the CVM method has been applied recently to
for a long time.38 The clinical understanding that Class III the estimate of the effects of different treatment timing on the
malocclusion is established early in life and that it is not a correction of transverse maxillary deficiency.46 A sample of
self-correcting disharmony has led to the recommendation of 42 patients was compared with a control sample of 20 sub-
intervention as early as in the deciduous dentition. Cephalo- jects. Posteroanterior cephalograms were analyzed for each of
metric and morphometric investigations using Class III un- the treated subjects at T1 (pretreatment), T2 (immediate pos-
treated controls have demonstrated that treatment of Class III texpansion), and T3 (long-term observation); films were
malocclusion by means of efficient protocols (eg, maxillary available at T1 and at T3 for the controls. The mean age at T1
expansion and protraction) is more effective in the early than was 11 years and 10 months for both the treated and the
in the late mixed dentition.39-41 control groups. The mean ages at T3 also were comparable
Until recently, however, information about the possible (20 years 6 months for the treated group, and 17 years 8
role of treatment timing on long-term changes after active months for the control group). Following rapid maxillary
therapy for Class III malocclusion was not available in the expansion and retention (2 months on average), fixed stan-
literature.42 At a postpubertal observation (CS5 or CS6), dard edgewise appliances were placed. The study included
when active growth of the craniofacial skeleton is completed transverse measurements on dentoalveolar structures, max-
for the most part, Class III subjects treated with a rapid max- illary and mandibular bases, and other craniofacial regions
illary expander and a facial mask well before the growth spurt (nasal, zygomatic, orbital, and cranial).
(CS1) present with different long-term changes with respect Treated and control samples were divided into two groups
to Class III subjects treated at a later stage, that is, at the peak according to individual skeletal maturation as evaluated by
in mandibular growth (CS3). Prepubertal orthopedic treat- the CVM method. The early treated and early control groups
ment of Class III malocclusion is effective both in the maxilla consisted of subjects who had not reached the pubertal peak
(which shows a supplementary growth of about 2 mm over in skeletal growth velocity at T1 (CS1 through CS3), whereas
Class III untreated controls) and in the mandible (restriction the late-treated and late control groups were comprised of
in growth of about 3.5 mm over controls), whereas treatment subjects during or slightly after the peak at T1 (CS4 through
of Class III malocclusion at puberty is effective at the man- CS6). The group treated before the pubertal peak showed
dibular level only (restriction in growth of about 4.5 mm over significantly greater short-term increases in the width of the
controls).42 nasal cavities. In the long-term, increments in maxillary skel-
The findings in the maxilla have a biological explanation in etal width, maxillary intermolar width, lateronasal width,
the physiology of the circummaxillary sutures, which are and latero-orbitale width were significantly greater in the
more amenable to orthopedic intervention during the early early-treated group when compared with the corresponding
stages, whereas they become more heavily interdigitated control group. The late-treated group exhibited significant
around puberty.43 On the other hand, the possibility of re- increases in lateronasal width and in maxillary and mandib-
stricting mandibular growth both before and during puberty ular intermolar widths. The use of the CVM method demon-
gives the clinician the chance of resuming facemask therapy strated that rapid maxillary expansion before the peak in
at a later time when correction of Class III relationships is skeletal growth velocity is able to induce more pronounced
only partial after the prepubertal intervention. transverse craniofacial changes at the skeletal level. Treat-
128 T. Baccetti, L. Franchi, and J.A. McNamara
ment changes are more dentoalveolar in nature when expan- effective in the mandible during both prepubertal and
sion is performed during or after the peak. pubertal stages;
3. skeletal effects of rapid maxillary expansion for the cor-
Treatment Timing for Increased Vertical Dimension
rection of transverse maxillary deficiency are greater at
The CVM method also has been applied to the appraisal of
prepubertal stages, while pubertal or postpubertal use
ideal treatment timing for a specific therapeutic protocol for
of the rapid maxillary expander entails more dentoal-
the correction of vertical excess of the face by means of a
veolar effects; and
bonded rapid maxillary expander in association with a verti-
4. deficiency of mandibular ramus height can be en-
cal-pull chincup. One of the goals of orthopedic treatment in
hanced significantly in subjects with increased vertical
subjects with increased vertical dimension is the control of
facial dimension when orthopedic treatment is per-
the vertical growth of the mandibular ramus (expressed
formed at the peak in mandibular growth (CS3).
cephalometrically by the measure Co-Go). Available short-
term data from our research group show that a significantly
To summarize, effects of therapies aimed to enhance/re-
more favorable effect can be obtained when treatment is per-
strict mandibular growth appear to be of greater magnitude at
formed at CS3, that is, at the peak in mandibular growth,
the circumpubertal period during which the growth spurt
when compared with treatment performed at an earlier mat-
occurs in comparison to earlier intervention, while effects of
urational stage (CS1). No significant increase in ramal height
is observed in hyperdivergent subjects treated at CS1, therapies aimed to alter the maxilla orthopedically (maxillary
whereas a significant increase of about 2 mm more than in protraction/maxillary expansion) are greater at prepubertal
untreated controls is recorded in hyperdivergent subjects stages.
who receive orthopedic treatment at CS3. The CVM method can be helpful for the assessment of
completion of active growth in studies dealing with the long-
term effects of orthodontic/orthopedic treatment strategies.
Final Remarks Similarly, the method can be used to identify clinically the
The CVM method is comprised of six maturational stages adequate time for intervention in subjects who need surgery
(cervical stage 1 through cervical stage 6, CS1-CS6), with the for the late correction of facial disharmonies.
peak in mandibular growth occurring between CS3 and CS4. Due to its practical applications, the CVM method appears
The pubertal peak has not been reached without the attain- to be a powerful diagnostic tool. The implementation of the
ment of both CS1 and CS2. In particular, the detection of CS2 method in orthodontic decision making allows for an im-
indicates that the growth spurt is approaching, and it will provement of treatment outcomes by combining effective
start at CS3, which is approximately 1 year after CS2. Active and efficient protocols with optimal treatment timing.
growth is virtually completed when the CS6 is attained.
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