BCEM Previous Year

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t· X :\ \1 lr-.r\' t lON, Jun<'.20 B

(( ouunoo fot' 1\ll Hrachc,)
Hl\~,lt' «:&VIL 1''.:N(aNEl-:IUN<;
l~ I·~( ;1 N1.. LHIN(; Ml·:CIIA NICS {UE-201)

\ll'1 I,vr quc . ., t i()I\', . l11tc:rnal cl1oi< c j,l i~ivc:n with c • t

I1 ii IIr I ' l I 'f
~ o.. 1111.1li c \ ata I a11y
' . -,\ (, n
-~ll\)l\ , 1 '
/\ , •• 11111 I'-> 1T11';'1ln ~~ or rni·,i,rint
•ill • •
,h,1111 \')\J
-1 '
11 mk1~t:1nd
. .
hy lah .1c'., t a11d f 1dd ·re·,t '! l>v , r'iri" v·•r·1, 1 ... ,
. . • ·-
,1 \ , 1,
.~t, :ipph~d on In 1t k'i to JIH lg<; th1.: q11al11y qf hrn.. b . , ,, Jc.i,
,· j1C 1• l. 7
(Ste lloit•-1, Pa;{t H , ,).17)
oilh:i(nliatc between _th~ following
lll p\.i,\l:rinr, and pom\mg (See Unit-I, l'a~c f>~l, ().7'1J
lll ) (
' oncrctc and mortar. (Src lJnit-1. Page 31, ()J'.J)
- l)dinc the tcnn workabi lity. Discuss various factors which affect
:-(l li)
\\orkabi\ity of concrete. (Sec Unit-I, Pa:4c 31, Q.42) 7
Differentiate between following - 7
(i) Footing and foundation (See Unit-I, Page 46, Q.63J
(ii) Bleeding and segregation. (See Unit-I, Page 39, Q.51)
l2) State various methods of plane table surveying. Explain any one method
in detail. (See Unit-II, Page 155, Q.64J 7
(b) A 20 m chain was used to measure a distance of 8000 m. After
1•• measuring 3500 m. lt was found that the chain was 3 cm too long
which was correct in the beginning of the work. Again it was found
at the end of the work that chain was 6 cm too long. Calculate the
correct distance measured. (See Unit-II, Page 11 7, Prob..3) 7
. fa) Explain the following - 6
EDM method
(i) (See Unit-II, Page 162, Q.72)
(ii) Reciprocal levelling. (See Unit-II, Pal?,e 130, QA2)
(b) The following consecutive readings were taken with a level and a
4.0 m staff on a continuously sloping ground at common intaval of
30 m. 0.780, 1.535, 1.955, 2.430, 2.985, 3.480, 1.155, l.960, ~.365,
3.640, 0.935 , 1.045, 1.630 and 2.545 . The reduc\!d levd of the first
point' A' was 180.750 m. Rule out a page of a level tidu book and
enter the above readings. Calculate the reduced kvcls of all th-:
points and apply proper check for calculation. ~
(St•c lJnit-ll, \la~,- U ?, P-rob. l? ~

t r , - · > ·1""' ·trwrtrse·

fJ :11.1,. c,.,1, r flrprir,,,,;,, ~
-_ _ , .
s1,11t' l"d ,,r(lvl' Ilic tl ir11rrro of' n·,r ill j _ , 'J ~ t,4,;,~o -
I /'' ' (' ,Ii/ '◄ • •;, f i /f , ,

\\I .ll ,.,, 1•1, , .1, ,_,, 1, ,'.· 1·,·1,l\1 11111,h,,t 111clhPd, 111 ~l'lll nlll in,, · I (l..,d nif V 1
•r11111w I I,r pnnup c ln<HJH:nt <11 • . , Pait, , , ,. ,
r, r \,1 '1 ,!P~ ,n, ·11, 1 ,,_-111'1' h, 1.J 1,I tl'lll1 111Hllf ., ·-~) pi: I l f h
Jr,1· r11-:1 "" ' •J II 1
c, l ~ ,er: 1,,n .,
. hr l(l~ :dio ut ll"i centrr,,d. All din
("•,'Cl nil -111 . l'A gr 17J. Q.l t; JI!,!· IICtl ,11,n·, ti f f ,-1,n, 'l :;.
100 - 1n mm
1h) .\ r::,'I, n C':P'' i·;J,.11 1,·•11 1, 1: "'" 11k l lw ~·n,11111I 1, Ind tn lhr ilin•c- ti n, 7
t ·:-,~ ,,,e :,·
11,, ,Yflt 1 :,,,c l ,11 , 111.11,· th, ,1 h1m,: n 111lni th·J in 8
r1 :,•:'r,!- !·) tnr, -,"d.11 ,1'1,1 i' INlll'ld,11 ruk. 1Ctht· ~1 dc :-.lope is l ~:I 5!)0
Th· ~-..:-~ ., y '--,,/·· .it :, 1 m 111ta,,1I :in.' J.7 m . .2 6 111. 4.0 m, 3.4 in, 2 _
r:, ~ l' m. : : n. \~'el nit- HI. Pa!!c 187, Proh.7

f',. , a\ D.,:·~·-.c ,'i<' i.'Ik\\ inf 1_-m1-, r.:-btcd tt1 l'L'tHour

Ii . C,•Pt,'"Jf
, ,; l H,~'."'...::0:1ial ~u1,-dknt
\i·J) Cl:l Or (Stt lnit-\!, Paoe ~ < p
., _,, J.
1 ;, l (' (1:-.wur in ten al
, , ) G:-.de c,Jnt0ur a) Show with the help of neat sketches the various .
[ Joa mgs. . 1
type'; of De:arn.s a~d
d ,,
( \ I Gba.l tr:1,er.
Draw the shear force and bending moment diain- r
(See Unit-ID, Page 171, Q.11 (b) · fi b I 5l am 10r tte beara
loaded ass h own m g. e ow. Clearly mark the posit;o f . ,,
1bl \\ 'i::a do :,ou understand by survey stations ? Discuss requirement bending moment and determine its value. · n °· ma~:.r;,;~
cf a good sun ey station. (See Unit-III, Page 184, Q.23) l
hpla::i the followin g in deIBil -
l:, \ "arignon ·s theorem (See Unit-IV, Page 203, Q.22

Ch )
(i1) Conditions of equilibrium. (See Unit-Iv, Page 214, Q.39
A mad:ine component of length 2.5 m and height I mis carried upstau
4lm Lei lm 2m Im l
tf Im ~~·~~
by iv. ·o men, v. ho bold it by the front and back edges of its lower face
If the JT1.achine component is inclined at 300 to the horizontal and weight:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
JOO".\, find how much of the weight each man shares. -~ B.E. (First/Second Semmer)
(See Unit-IV, Page 208, Prob.l EXAMINATIO~, Dec. 2013
(Common for all Braches)
Or • • BASIC ffi1L E~Gl~EElilliG
8. ( a) What is couple ? Differentiate between moment and couple. &ENGTh~ERING~ffCR~~CS
(See Vnit-IV, Page 205, Q.25 (BI-204)
(h) A beam AB uf 6 m span is loaded as shown in fig. below. Detennin
the reacti(Jns at A & B. 'ite : (i) Attempt all questions.
(ii) Internal choice is given\\ ith each question.
411 ~
(iii) All questions carry equal marks. ,
.v) Any data m1ssmg
(1 . . but essent1a . I ma,v be as~uml!d su1raolv .l!ld J •

A should stated. .
C I)
(a) What is concrete and how 1s . . d ,, Also mt:ntion factors affc-~nng
1t ma c · .. p Q 48)
~ 2m--l- 2 m - f - - 2m (Set l,011-I. agt 37 , ·
strength of concrete.
(See L nit-V, Page 302, Proh.2)
(2) (3)
C . 202'.J)
ti~ G / '.V , Cl Ti flpr,I . Dar;Jr. c;.,11 F
. .
,\)) p,,,crit,c ),rwt1, \he t,·,h \ •I \ ('rh . I-Yr~ . _/\ 1'11n.,c 1nclincd at an an vie of , ' . ngil'!eu,,in ~
' · · ·
tn \\ ni. ' •1 tl "~ mny l,c 11111 h
. tS 0·
4 . 'J ¼,1-,"Jr,1,;,,
\hl!m 1i,, C't1p1ll'1.'t ,n~ J'IH1'l''-.:l-- · thC 1pioimutn force lo mr1ve the hlo1 k 1 I~ ftr1.. ,ri~ rm th,. f,1, i.
Cfnrl' -' ·

(J (S(' l' \ iniH , I' , 1pw:mj 1 .

IJ s 1
Ill!\' l.l, I.) I
· ' ' t. 11 f, ,nq
I )r
.. • 1'
a) \\li , ~•'-' the rcqmrcnK
·nl~ l'r o \!l11ld ~,air ? Discuss
· ( <<-i
r., • ~-
l.n,t -JV Pi,
' ;,-2~ 1. t>r,,!iJ ~I
., •
~ . , 11 1rn1 in d, . I i,c terig,th ()r cad1 memb er of the
(Sl'l' l lnit -1 p ct;i, ho wn in fig. I l'. > 4m . Loads
\b\ c; , ca \is.t m:itcnal~ ,, hKh • Ilg{' 711 n rt1SS s
1 are cnn11nL1nly u~c d as Ooo ri , ' '<·'Jt f zkN and 4kN are .
a t,ncf dc~1.·np1, 0n 11f cal'h mat · l ngs and o applied at
c1:a . (St'<' Unit-I, Pag d C f
~. The f,,lJ,,wmi; ~011 ~c-..:ut1, e staff l' gi ·oints ~ an th t
,o _ e rus s.
rl·ad1~gs we re taken with a leve61 1
ie,·dirc. <.t.Jff on a continuously l a;·' . beterrn1ne _th e _magllnitudeb
sll1ppmg gro und at a commo n -, and A ~- -- ~~ !. .-
. . ._ l;:_l;, l --~,
-~·111 , . . • ---- '· 1 8(' 10 :!.575. 0.240. 0.9 15 1.935 2 875
. d · ature of fo1ces ma rncm
ers of ~
• l 8111 lerva l !1th truss . Both ends are simply
The R L 0 f the ftrst point was ' , · , . 25 2 7' e
a•1d ente-r the abo\'e read mg
192.120. Rule a page of a leve
s. Calculate the reduced levels
l fieic b~
t sup por ted.
_ ig.
f' l
and abo the gradient of the line of th . .
joining the first and last points. (See t nit•I V Paie 2, ... p
e poi for a circular P1?e 0 ~ 150
(See Unit-II, Page 145 p mm ex_tern~I diame:er and 120 ~-
Or diameter, de te~ e (1) 1;.;: ;::1
' rob.J of gyration and (111) themoment of mert1a about its diameter (ii) the ra<l· ,·
4. polar moment of inertia.
(al \\'"hat is the basic diff .~s
erence between temporary and
adjustments of a theodolite? Or (Seelnit-\',PageID.Prol>.121
(See Unit-II Page 151
1b ) What are the different met ' , Q.~ Dra w the she c db d.
ar 1orce an en mg moment diag
hods of 'plane tabling' ? Describ · rams for
of tbem fully wit- h neat sketche •
e the . fi the beams ·h
s. (See Umt-II, Page 155 Q C Ul 1g. 2 · ) ov,n
5. ( a) With reference to
civil engineering practive explain ' •6 ~ 10 ll.'i
the foll ov.,ing : what is meant 40 kN 10 k.'11/m
1~- m \ \
(i) Trapezoidal and Prismoidal A • B
rules. (ii) Prismoidal corrections 2 1
C \ D
. -- m
(See Unit-ID, Page 183, Q.2 m • • m
{b ) Describe briefly the
remote sensing and its applica
80 kN
(See Unit-ID , Page 190, Q.2
60 kN-m 120 kN-m
6. The following perpendicular offs
ets in m are measured from a
line to an irregular boundary at strait
regular intervals of 10m . 2m 2m
h1 = 8.25 , ~ = 13.85, h = 12.25,
1¾ =16.85,~= 14.95,h 3 =17J5, h4 ==20
h I0.85, h = 12.25, ¾= 13.6
5 0, h-, = 15.:
Compute the area included betw 11 .05,h = 15.90, h =1225, h = 12. Fig. 2
een the straight line , the irre 13
gular bou14ndary _ _ _ _ _ _ (See l'ni . Page 298. 299, Prob.20
(i) Trapezoidal rule , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t-V _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Cii) Simpson's one-third rule ~ B.E. (First/Second Semester)
(a) using h as the first offset,
as the last orn.et. 1 (b) using •
(See Unit- UI, Page t 86, Prob EXAML"IATION,JunelOU
7• (a} Obtain an expression for • BASIC CM L ENG1NEERL.'iG
minimum force required to mov
e a body
a horizontal plane.
(See Uni t-IV, Page 245, Q.6 & ENGINEERING MECIW'1CS
(b) A b_lock of 300N weight (BE-204)
is resting
horizontal, the coefficient of fric on a plane inclined at 30" to 1,te: . . .
tion between the block and the pla each. uestionpartA,B,Ciscompulsor
(t) Answer five que_Stions. lln y
and D part has mtema ch01ce . q
JI 1)
flw11,. f,ivi/
r '1 ,
'./''''1'1rlr,1 t ,~ . a
' 1' ll(:r,t,tm,,,
_,,,v.fl/11 1:111 .,tc,ry 11otr: 1111 Hp/ 1! 11.,ri JfJfi 'l , f .
, • jl' ;11' ( ;< 11 f'Jfl/_1t{' 'lf'7h. ,

,,,, nrv /I 1
wr' . (\... r. n,'t lff, . 'kJ,. ·,
~ l ....
,,11l.1r Pl ot ;1l,ul f,,r,n<, !111~ pLmc rrf ~ tr ', ~(, J'"t, 'J H,
l • '• I I ~' l' /i I Yi 7

I l , -,p~•, ··, •_: ,~ A·' ,1, I'

£1.~$-C (11·, '. . h · .1lll'l11{'ll'l) ill O il (' pl
. (I ,p Il l' It ' w·t 1110, . "r,1 'r,,,rr1· 11 . , ,1,r

ii \ ll 1'-''1~ l'I l..,, h q11• . :, n1,.,,~ ,,111 ,,f \1 h11 h pa,t /\ i111 ,.,, 1 1' I) /\ I it r i" P"'"' of ,ntr.r ,c, tir,n ,,f1'1ed1;1~',t:;,h r·,,1,' I ;r,2 f -in ,1~
, w lnl11,wir,g <htlil
1 1
. rn ,·,1 11 • 1 (M , (1 (lll fl · ., , ,,,rw_ •l '
11 1 11 11
·· i\ll.J''"'l!t' 11 " , ,~,p11ll'(~b x l()O \.\•o11 1,) . ' ,,;;11 11111' , . ..
1111 l , P'' • 111.1 7 ia ,ry cJ<c,t R r.. 7
. 111 ,llh ~. I/ (' ,I
~,1,1, 111 - l • ' (l(1\11•1,bl1,111y
. · P t\l,l\ ' l 1'(' 1" 1' 4'i 2 4 ,
47 2
t'lll~'-. l'- 111 __ , ~p , , ,1111 ,11 . l'\ ·,11~n:111 dllrnwi11 g l•I(- . ,t1l cv1;lll (rn · 'J~ 512
,t t1li•l1 1111 11 •
11 1
'1 j 1 ()Ii 'Ill•
n 42/, ~0 J 4,,, ~,.
l \1 lj
\I\ I 1 t\1 ~tl Ll'"' 1(11' . 'I' .1111 , 11cvt.: IS m .
,• \:! l \\ h:I\ 11, 1 , ,,,,
, •in''
1 1' · (Sl'c l 1nil I. f'11J!r Jll I\ l;·1nn . i -J lcngth ah "" 50 m and be -:- Y,f) rn.
l ~ •v.'!i pro vir c
, ic,t, ,, lud1 111ay w_ 1w_ r onncd ii, riIC·Id (~ r,""'.fif. ,._~ , J'l<. P..I..1 ,.1
, , I k,11 ·tl, 'L I11 l ,
·'· r "
111, , ,- ··,; r,r.

h\ [-:1i.111,·r,i1, ,t 11 ' · • t _, \St't' l nl1 -I. Pagr lJ Q I 1 Or - 1

1'tl\ ,,1 l\lL (\\ , I • 4)

\ maps can be u11ed to draw wr; 1- ca,._,.r_•,,,r,mr:g. ~Pf!
a,,c . . , th,· ~11 • ' · ., t,dit, lif th(' n111cn.:tc ? Explain aho ,,,·n hoW contour
, ,n r, \\ l1 1l\ ,l • Ill l1 ,E)<.P l... · f ·
..i \\ hJt.i,, ~•,iu ni, • . · ,
f ·Pt'• alk1·ttn~ · 11
\Sl'l' l init-l, Page 31 Q42
. . ' • )
to find out cap~c1tyh o a resfcrvm_r. (See tnit-HJ, 1'12, Q; P~t 1,;;
, :ir1,111, 31. ' • . t· pni, i<ling fou11dn11011 Ill the build· and explal.II t eorem o vangnon. ·
, the ,,l.':1.'l'lt' c~ llf . . tng state 2
,Jl \\ h:11 art · f RlY circular column footing with detail s , (ll ) . (~Lnit-JV,P1~21\J.Q.Z-Z,
, t -~ctL·h 0
(See Unit-I, Page 55 Q 7 ' on a body can be replaced by an i'm
DrJ" a n, 3 • ShO WboW a force actmg
' · 0) .. --,UJn,errt
lunu1 anJ rC'de~tal. (Seel mt-IV~ P1ge 20"'. Q.29) 2
'-' '
Or (b) force couple_ system. ..
. , ct :irs considered while choosing location J-IoW deterrrunacy and stability of a frame can be asc-er'~;ned? 3
\k:-it10 n the , am'U5 1a l . , . (See [ nit-IV, Page !U, Q.JI);
. . _1; Draw neat sketch of Dog-legged sta1r showii (c)
st..nr m a t:,u11wng. . petermine axial forces m the members CF, FD, IXi, GE and EB of
. n's of the stair. (See Umt-1, Page 82, Q.96)
yanous compone "' . . (d) sunply supported loaded truss as shown in fig. 1. 7
by transit and non transit theodolite ?
1. (al \\nat do vou · mean (See Unit-II, Page 146, Q.S- 900kN
.. 2m
(b \\ bat are the Yarious fundamental Jines in a theodolites/level and wh
is the desired relation among5t tbem ?
(c) Pro,e that th.e curvature and refraction errors are eliminated
reciprocal levelling. (See Unit-II, ~age 130, Q.42)
ld Following consecutive readings were taken on a contmuously slopir
ground at regular interval of 30 m. Find the gradient joining first ar
last point (using 5 m reveling staff) 1.370 m, 2.055 m, 2.760 r (See Unit-IV.Page 23o.l'rob.U)
Fig. l.
0.455 m, 1.110 m, 1.875 m, 2.57 m, 0.305 m, 0.995 m, 1.685 r
Enter the above readings in a page of field and level book. Deduce R
A Prismatic bar of length 2.1 m and weight 365 N rests withm a
of intermediate points using HJ. method.
(See Unit-II, Page 142, Prob.I: hemispherical bowl of radius 0.7 m as sho\\n in fig. 2. Determine
Or angle a for position of equilibrium. 7
Explain bow planing can be done by plane table surveying usir
method of traversing. Mention step by step procedure.
(See Unit-II, Page 156, Q.6~
3. (a) Explain the factors on which contour interval depends.
(See Unit-JU, Page 171, Q.H
(b) Draw contours of ridge and a valley line assigning suitable values 1
(See t1nlt-lV, Page 209, Prob.3)
the contour shown in the figure (in your answer). Fig. 2.
(See Unit-III, Pagi' 169, Q.J (7)

(R Gp V.. B.Tech I Yi 1.2023) Basic c·tv1·1 Enginee

~1~8 11 - - - -
.. - ear) ring & M
~- , s) \\lMt do y,,u me.in l:-) J'\'hr mt,mcnt urmc (iii) All questions carry equal mark
rua? &chanu:s
2 (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, out of ,wh ic h part A
(Sc!' l nit -\", Page 265, Q 14) and B
\M \\ "bat are tbc ,·ariou~ types of supports of a bl:arn carry 3 marks , part D (Max. 40~- pa: C (Max. 100
? words)
· 2 (iv) Except numericals , Derivation D .~or 8) carry
(Sl>el1nit-V,Pagc291 , Q.31) 7 marh .
~l \ \\'bat d,, you undersrand by second moment of area Unit-( ' es1gn and Drawin g etc.
G~Tati l,n -~ £\plain . and radiu
(See Unit-\!, Page 269, Q,2;)~f (~) How workability of
concrete can be increased?
tc1 Detem1me the centroid of the sector of the circle
:i.rrroaches. (Fig. 3). using two diffe . (See Unit-I Page 31 Q
re;t (b) What is white cement? How is it manufactur
ed? ' , .40)
. (See Unit-I, Page 15 Q 22
(c) What are the vanous field tests carried out for bnc• ks. ' · )
. . . . (See Unit-I, Page 13. Q.l 4I
(d) Descnbe vanous defects m tlffiber with the help of t k h
nea s etc es.
(See Unit-L Page 25, Q.32)
Explain t~e method of plastering on wall. Also write the
of plastenng. (See Unit-I, Page 60, Q.75)
Fig. 3. (See Unit-V, Page 259, Prob.2) Unit-II
Or (a) Stating various types of bench marks, define G. T.S. bench mark.
Draw the shear force and bending moment diagra
m for beam as (See Unit-II, Page 136. Q.48)
shown in Fig. 4.
7 (b) State various conventional methods of distance measurement.
IOkN two advantages and two disadvantages of conventional
method s of
2kN-m measurement.
(c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of plane table surveying ?

\° (d) Toe follow ing conse cutive readings were
(See Unit-II, Page 152, Q.61)
taken with a level and a 4.0 m
2m Im lm
staff on a continuously sloping groun d at a common interva
l of 30 m.
0.780, 1.535, 1.955. 2.430, 2.985, 3.480, 1.555, 1.960, 2.265,
Fig. 4. (See Unit-V, Page 302, Prob.24) 3.640,
0.935, 1.045 , 1.630 and 2.545.
The reduced level of the first point Awas 180.750 m. Rule
out a page
B.E. (First/Second Semester) oflevel field book and enter the above readings. Calculate th red
. e uced
EXAMINATION, Dec. 2014 levels of the pomts by the co 111.matton
ystem Also calculate the
· .
BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING gradient of the line joining the firS! and tbe laSt point.
&ENGINEER.ING MECHANICS (See Unit-11, Page 143, Prob.15l
(BE-2 04)
!'lote : (i) Answer five qu es tion s. In each quest Explain reciprocal levelling in deta1·1· (See Unit-JI . Page 130, Q.42)
ion part A, B, C is
compulsory and D part has internal choice. Unit-lH
(a) What are the . . Of
(ii) All parts of each question are to be attempted
at one place. selection cntena survey station ?
. . Ill Page 1114 Q.22)
(See t 1n1t- , '
(/~. G f> V El .,..
'l'f'/J.. ,. ,,,,. /!i
• ?:J)
"fl (
and Wci,,ht 2 ~, .
A srnoPth ~phcre of radiu~ JS cm ,.,,,...,m£:r,.,i in
·11 ,1,.t wilh a :,,mooth vertica · l wa ll hy a <fr,"ng \I/ h,~ I~ ~•ir,.
. · ' · •· th os,e Ieng, rh er.ru..1,
a P'iin(,...
1s of c;phcre . The stnngjoin~
ICndr1 "
.,., e w~IJ and a P'•tnt
t 11 ' of
f;phcre . Wo rko ut inclination a d L •

(~e tiniHV P ~
the :,,urfacc . n Inc ten, mn in· fl--.e
or . rea , . n ot' thc wall.
, ctio
sirr ng and , a.,, 216, Prob~1.
Uhi··t ,,
troidlC.G of follow I
Wh al remain s the position of cen
· (" r · . 1noa
9 mina1 ?1
guJar sect ion (iii) CircuJ ,ech;,n fr,,11
Rectangular section 11) nan . ar
(l 50 J00 150 200
Semi circ . le (v) Herrus . phere (vr) Uniform rod. 1
D1 , tance ( m)
166 .8 167 167.2
R. l.(n1) lt--U 165.2 (Set l'nit-V, Pa.ie 255, Q.SJ
axis theo rem . (See lnit-V, Pa~ ~ . Q,l l)
inage is 166 m. Calculate th (b) Sta te perpendic 64give the
The f,,m1a1ion kYt:I of zero cha .) and Bending moment (B .\f.)
oidal rule and Pris moidal ruI
:. Vofuin (c) Defining sh~ar force (S.F
of eanh \\ ork by using Trapez B.M. . (~e Loit-\-; Page 291,
QJ l)
sign conventions for ~-I. and ed as show n in
(See Unit-ID, Page 18? ptob,8 ram for canttlever beam load
Or , (d) Draw S.I. and B.M. diag traflexu re.
position of point of con
red by a plan iine t . figure below. Also locate the
was measu
TheI area of square of 10 cm side d b ...ia1and final readingerwit
. t out s1.de th e fi1gu re an t e m1t 1:l'i [4 kN!m
anc 1or pom
foun d to be 6.852 and 8. 704
respectively. With tbe same se
ar fig 0 C
point out side , another irregul
tbe tracting an.n and the anchor s Were
i-2 m -1 +- 2m
v. as tra\•ersed clock wise
and ~e initial and final reading
If the pla n scale is I cm"" IO rr (See Unit-\: Page 296, Ptob.17)
8.626 respreecti vely.
to be 2.378 and in m . Or
Calculate the area of figu 2
tia about centroidal axes x-x and
Unit-JV Detennine the moment of inerwn in figure below.
of the channel section as sho
4. ~
(a) %a t redundant frame
? (See Unit-Iv, Page 224, Q.<,
, Page 19~ Q.1 .,_._ _ 10 cm -- -I
s of fo,ces ? (S. . Unit-IV
lb) What ace the Various type
a fram e? Ji..stm
(c) \\'hat are the assum
ptions made while analysing
(See Unit-Iv,esPag e 222, Q,42
and nat ure of various forc in the variou 1 cm
(dJ Determine the magnitud ported as shown i
memb ers of the triangular truss loaded and sup
the figu re belo w.

C 40cm
1.S m

A 0
30 kN J1..scm
'-2 m 1° 2m --1 L- --, o-c _m__ __=:i
(See Unit-IV, Page 233, Prob.I( (S« Unit-\', Page 278, Prob.10
(10) (11)
(R Gp V
C I "(}?3)
/1lfl() . ;,
Br,,:,/~ l',iv)I t
n?Jr,.,,r,n'J ,. 'At,,;
., -•.- , , - i I I ·,""t'C'"'!1 & M1-,•1i,11111 s ~ - . B T"ch. I 15/1 . t 1in1t; nl w,1~ 11h1 ft<:d after fr,1m.h ;;• I • -~anu;4
:'~•~':...,..:..-- ~- : : : - - : : ; : : ~ : : : : - -......... • · Y11 f.frJ JII' ,ar ,n \cvl:I honk and cakul:ite R.L i,ff ,'l":<:~.,.fh

: n \- . \I· h ~, 1:-, i'I ond ~rmt•,11..-) a
, · r'.w,:-,ibl
. I ) 41I pt,rnt, h-
v, f,,.!tr ,~
co t
(< X \ 1\ 11 l'i ,\ l IO N, ,Jtrne 20 I' if the ftr<:.I reading wa~ taken c,n [I M lf)(, fl m 11 a.r.yrm,:, ;rc'r;,,<'.
<').., I ni'-JJ. pJ••• I') p
& EM~INl•,1':RI NG 1
m :CIIANlcs ... -1 •. r,,1u1ri
What is local attraction ? How rt is c!cr.cct d
e arocl '.eTnf,ve;1 ,
. r 1i, c questions. ln each question part A .,,
' •*· : 1n ns\\e
A . al h . , o c, l~tl11lts1J,Pj9elJ~f ~
con1pu I~ory and D pai, has mtem c 01ce. ' is Define the following terms - ~ ~. J.1.,1
\ 1i) All parts of each questions are to be attempted at one Place
3. (a)
(i) Horizontal equivalent (5tt lnit-ITJ, p~~ l"ll, Q,l2J
(iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A an~ 13 (ii) Survey station. /)e , . .
. . • . . , 1..n.1t- 0.Pa2t99.Q.11r
(Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C (Max. 100 words) ca With reference to c1v1I eng:meenno0 practice -pl : .
(b) a:n ~hat is meam
3 marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks. rry . . , '"' '
by the pnsmo1dal rule ? (See lnit-m p ~ I"' ·
. · a4 o~Ql~
(b) Except numericals, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.
(C) Show with neat .
sketches the characteristic features 0 f
cw..-iur 11!:.es
1. ( a) Explain the function of adding gypsum in the manufacture ofportlanct for the followmg -
cement. (i) A ridge (ii) A vertical cliff.
(b) What are the good qualities of first class bricks ?
(See lnit-fil PJgt169,Q.ZI
(See Unit-I, Page 11 Q (d) The following offsets were taken from a chain line to hedge_
. . . ' ,9)
(c) Define cement concrete and mention its properties.
. (See Unit-I, Page 30, Q.37)
Distance (m) 0 20 40 60 80 120 160 I 220 280

(d) Explain, with the help of sketches, vanous types of spread footing. Offset (m) 9.4 10.8 13.6 112 9.6 8.4 75 6.3 4.6
(See Unit-I, Page 46, Q. 64(i)] Compute the area included between the chain line and t.l1e offset by
Or (i) Mid ordinate rule (ii) Simpson's rule.
State the circumstances under which you use the following types of (See Lnit•III.Ptge 185. Prob.2)
stairs -
(i) Dog legged stair (ii) Spiral stair.
Explain in brief the various methods of m~urement of area by offsets
(See Unit-I, Page 80, Q.95) from the base line. (See l!nit-lll, Page 177, Q.17)
2. (a) What are the main functions of a theodolite? 4. (a) What is the difference between collinear and concurrent forces ?
(See Unit-II, Page 146, Q.S0) (See l'nit-1\', Pllge 196, Q.8)
(h) Convert the following W.C.B. into Q.B. -
(b) State and explain the law of polygon of forces.
(i) N 35°10' W (ii) S 88°30' E. (See ron-1':Page 200, Q.16)
(See Unit-TI, Page 118, Prob.4) (c) A body of weight W is resting on a rough inclined plai_i~- ~raw free
(c) Explain the principle of electronic distance measurement. body diagram of the body. Write also equations of eqwltbnum.
(See Unit-II, Page 161, Q.70) (See Unit-IV, Page 211, Q.32)
(d) The following consecutive reading were taken by a level 0.975, 1.225, (d) Find the forces in the members AB and AC of the truSS shown in fig.
1.465, 1.025, 1.825, 1.355, 0.785, 0.235, 2. I 35, 1.225, 3.160. The
using method of section.
(12) (13)
◄ ,.zn? I) fJw,/r
, . f nr1/r1<it:tr,nq t M,.,
, (./•fi/ 1
I' , V . 13 fPrll , /. ''~ ,1,/l rJ I
~/1 ,. , t•; ol ccJL I quc•,t10n ~ fire . .t,!Jn1< 1
''-'fir) (i i) '' 11 1111 .
he, 11 •
:! '.rrrp, .. !J 4 1

,. IIqu c•, lIons c.irry equ al rnarh ·, ut f. · r,r.,.
•' i ) ' ' I ) pl:1r ...
( II (M :1K sowof (', · ' ,, Nlw h p
carry 2 mark i, partC (" , '/jf'!A 'l;'),f (1
1 n1u1 k s, par t [) (M ax 4f(J ,vi~ ~ i'Jl'Jwr ,.
. . 1 I l WCJTCh) c.· rr 7
., y m~rh . ir,_.,,, ,.,.r~,
) l.'.."-ccpl numcr i ca s, Jeriva11on , Design and ,..
<; at do yo u 11ndcrs land by building mater, · I ? 0
(ll) 11, r',' _.nrin~ l:lc
a ~. . r1 ,e ~).arr,pt~,
" rh •i t is the mean o f c unng (<lee linlt- 1 PJl(I! 1 r
(b) vv ~ ? Al ~o state the . • -- J.J,
pnnc1pl e beliwl ,he
curing . . (~e Lnit-f
List out various method s of seasoning ofTnnber. Pao 311 (
(c) · .,e , ,l .!OJ
tSee l 1nit-\V, Page 238, Prob_ ) I
(d) Wh al is slump ? A so explatn · (~e l:nit-f Pa~t2~ QJ 4
13 differen t types of foundation. 1• 1

\\ ..i;._3.1 &.i"C' ih·C d di

".~·r'nl method s.. of ana lysis of a perfect frame ?"" . Or (~e l!nit-1. Page 51. Q,6'1)
• ' VVlllC1
0ne 1..: u,.......d " h''" \Yh)' ? (See Umt-fV, Page 224n 1 L ist o ut variou s types of doors and window s with suitable

l:f l · · .
·h ,h. . '""l.· 47) sketch.
[) l~t tnlT\.! \:-- pi;:,,~t:.._ centre of grrav1ty and cen troid.
L -~n
- • . . (Seel.:nit-l,Page7~.Q.86J
(See Umt-V, Page 253, Q, ) (a) L ist out ofvano us survey mg mstruments Also show th-~ a - •
3 ' ~u pp11cat1on.
E ,rla tn the fcllowm g t.::m1s -:-- (See
Ii) Pnoc1pala.xes (ii) Rad1us ofgyra uon. ::
. ~[ (b) What is local attract ion? And how it is detecteUoit-ll. Paoe 99 Q llJ
d at a station ?. ·
tSee C oit-\'. Page 285, Q .27) -- (See l'oit-U, Page I IS.Q33 )
(c) E:-..p\a in the wnn •suppor t reactio n ' . Whal
(c) Define -
!j (i) Be~g of a line_
are the differe nce types of suppor t 7 (See Unit-11, Page llJ. Q.27)
~ (ii) Recipr ocal levelm g.
(See ti nit-V, Page 290, Q .30) (See Unit-11, Page no. Q.~:n
(d) What is theodo lite ? And where is it used ? Also give its full sketch
(di find the momen t of inertia of a ho llow w ith variou s parts.
section . shown in figure about a n ax is (See Unit-fl. Pag, 148. Q.S~)
pas~ing Llirough its C.G. and paralle l to X-X 20 cm -l Or
Fig. The follow ing reading s were observe d successively with
a.x.is. a kvel the
instrum ent having been moved after third, sixth and eighth
(See U nit-V, Page 270, Prob.4) readings -
2.220, 1.616, 0.978, 2.090, 2.764, l.622, 0.602, 1.983,
1.045. 2.654
Or metres .
A beam 5.0 m long and simply supported at each end, Enter the above reading in a page of a level book and
has a unifonnly calculate the
distributed load of l 000 N im extending from the left to R.L. of points if the first reading was taken with a staff
a point 2.0 m held on a
away. There is also a clockwise couple of 1500 N-111 applied bench mark of 400 m. (See Unit-D. Page Ul. Prob.91
at the centre I. What do you unders tand by the tenn ..mapping" and ··sensin
o f the beam. Dniw the S.F and B.M. diagram for the beam. (a) g" ?
(b) What is contou r and contour interval ? (See Unit-Ill, Pagt!
I 7tl. Q.8)
(See Unit-V, Page 300, Prob.22) (c) Briefly discuss the properties of contour. (See Unit-Ill. Pagt
170. Q.~)
(d) List out with details of various methods to calculate area
and volume
B.E. (First/ Second Semes ter) in survey ing. (See L'uit-lll. Page 183. Q.Jq)
EXAM JNATI ON, Dec. 2015 Or
What is remote sensing'? Give its application to ch·il enginee
(Stt Unit-Ill , Page 190. Q..l-1)
4. (a) What are different statically equilibriumconditi~ns: Explain .
(BE-20 4) (See l 'mt-1\, PagL' 214. Q.Jq)
J\ote : {i) Answe r five qu esti ons. In each questi on part A, (b) Dcline -
B, C is (i) Coplan ar forces (ii) Concurrent forces.
compu lsory and D part has interna l choice . (See l'nit-lV. Page 194. Q.5)
(14) (15)
· 1 ,,, 11-in 1'1 lln,'C f, ,1·1 l'~ .
I ' 1,, 1• I 11''1' 1 1\
:-,1111· lil, I ' (:O,n-(l ni1-l\.ral!1'l l"
- t l I w, t.111,I h 1'1'1111'' ,,r ~1 .,, 1ty ? . 'Q,40
~- I
' \\ l' 11 ,I,, \ 1'\l l l 1 1
' •~= \ 1111'1 , . p8
, . '" - • Define -
• , •1 l~l'I' l 1nit-1\, Pao 2" •Q.I •
1t--• \\ t,, 11 , , ..,,,',id ,,1 in,111.1 "'"' n2,Q,2' (i) Plaslcnn ga nd pointi ng
\' ) D,·i1.,1· 11\,',i ,-,,1.lm J',ll .ilk I :l'\l~ llKnr,'1~. l ' 't V r . (u) Elements of building con,trucf1on ',~ 1., n'.r-J. P1~p :?, r,.7s1
(,.,rr •Ill - • age 21._1_ Q d <l .. r ,.
,,., 11 (11 ) What o you un erstand by plane tab!· we ln . ,,- , naP42JJ ¾,
,rl' \..~i, rn a tn;1,\£ll 1,1r r,1111 ', 1·1111 ma as ~hown f in whicb ~ srnal
:Iin figure · · z, e surveying ?
11 1 11 1 O
r, •--e-.il,1; ra~ ,.111 h: ,ut • the nJ,l ~ J k each aim. Calculat, (b) What do you understand by the term '~E~.D\~~i'.-IJ. ~a~e 151.!J 5?;
~ • '.
me> rt 1.,, JI' •,,11 the a,is AH ot given plane hollow la,,,1·n ,ind o-annry• ,,f ~
~''•"'TI m f,!_:ure 1:ifkn\
-----,- "' a a
1·me? vi
= "' .
(S.:e L'nit-TT P•ge J ISi) 111
(c) What is reciprocal levelling? Also definer ' • · : Q.li"', z~,
8 . (~el nit-TT, Page 13i, Q .p
00 (d) What .are• vanous steps of temporary adiustment f ,t. ~A . ' · • J
~ o u;e,No 1te ,., Abo
explarn its uses. (See lnit-11 p O 1 •
, age U9, Q.56",
The following staff readings were taken with a fe· ·el ·hi h
· ft th th th v. 'C was
shifted a er 4 , 7 and 10 reading - 2.235 1.616' o960 , C:W
2.840, .1.622, 1.930, 1.9~3, 1.045, 2.150, 2.370, •2.654 ~-~;es:
Assummg the R.L. of startmg point as 350.00 m, enter the readin!?S
(See Unit-V, Page 272, Prob.6 in the form of level book page and calculate the R.L. of po!r.ts. ¥
Deduce an expression for centr~idal moment o~ inertia of X-X an, • (a) What is survey (See t:nit-ll, Page 142. Prob. 11 )
3 station ? Where this tenn use ?
y.y axes of a circular plane !aroma. (See Umt-V, Page266, Q.t6
(See Lnit-0, Page 99. Q. IJ)
(b) What do you understand by GPS?
B.E. (First/Second Semester) (c) Enumerates various properties of contour.
(Set l'nit-In, Page 170., Q..·o
BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING (d) A series of offsets were taken from a chain line to a curved boundary
& ENGl.!' iEERING MECHANl[CS line at intervals of 15 min the following order - 0.00, 2.60. 3.85.
(BE-204) 3.98, 4.12, 4.95, 5.80 metre. Compute the area between the chain
line and the curved boundary the end offset by -
".\ofe: (i) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, C i (i) Simpson's rule (ii) Trapezoidal rule.
compulsory and D part has internal choice. (See Unit-lil,Page 186,Prob.4)
(Li) All parts of each questions are to be attempted at one place.
(iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and l
Define and describe remote sensing and its various applicativns in
(Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C (Max. 100 words) carr · ·1engmeermg.
· ·
c1V1 (Set
• [nit-III, Page 190. Q.24)
3 marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
(iv) Except numericals, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc. **Now, according to new revised syllabus ofR.GP.V., it is not included in S) llabus
(16) (17)
(i) Answer any five question,.
(ii) /\I I questions carry equal marh_
(iii) Assume suitable data if necev-;ary.

JSkN ( Explain the different types of cement ,~

a) .
(b) Exp lain briefly the factors that affect ·thew etn1t-lPa~el~rz
kb · t 11
or a ,1tty (Jf c.onc;t'.e.
(See l nit-(, P~e 33, Q,JJ)
(a) Explain various types of foundations. (~
•"" l nit-I, Pa<1e -46. Q-64
(b) Explain the seasoning of timber. ,~-- ,. •t P "' '
-~ \-Ill - 1, l~t!i,Q.34;
(a) Draw a neat sketch of door and window and ex.plai·n ·,ts
Hinge Roller (Seel nit-I. Page 7-4, Q.S-7)
Support Support (b) Explain various types of test that can be conducted on bricks.
Fig. 1.0 (See lnit-L Page U, Q.18)
( a) Explain different types of theodolite. (Seer n.it-fl, Page 146. Q.31)
(See Unit-Iv, Page 231, Prob.9) · (b) Explain reciprocal levelling. (See Unit-II. Page 130, Q,,UJ
(a ) \\'bat is shear force and bending moment? (a) Explain survey station and its importance. (See loit-fl, Pag, 91J, Q.13)
(See Unit-V, Page 291, Q.32) · (b) Explain the importance of remote sensing in civil engmeering.
(b) Define radius of gyration and its uses. (See Unit-V, Page 269, Q.20) (See (nit-ID. Pllge 19!. Q.25)
(c) Enumerate the expression for perpendicular axis theorem. (a) Explain the method of joints. (Seel'nit-IV.Page225.Q."8)
(See Unit-V, Page264,Q.13) · (b) What do you mean by free diagram and force diagram?
(d) Draw shear force and bending moment diagram for a cantilever beam (Stt l:nit-1\·, Page 21.?, QJ3)
loaded as shown in fig. 2.0 below.
. (a ) Explain radius of gyration of any se~tion with a neat sletch.
(Stt llnit-V, Page 269. Q.lOl

(b) Wb t do you mean by support reacti on. explain shear force and
bending moment ? (See Unit-\~ Page 292, Q.3J)

Write short notes on (any three) -

Fig. 2.0 (See Unit-V, Page 298, Prob.19) (a) Couple (Stt Unit-I\', Page 206, Q.26)
Or (See Unit-IT, Page 162, Q.72)
(h) EDM method
(18) (19)
1 ;•() ,! II
l knir. r_,,v/J( ~
fl'flrr,t'lrlnq & I .
• , 1 ~ ~ 11' fl l ', ' 1/?(;/'V , /17,,1/1 / I ,,,111\l fl ih'f';law ll,y ll w k r,n • w L
e:1~ ;..~ Cn I I rh ·, ,,,, L, Jl . A•tr; ~ tJr,ii; fJ .
' '(, ,,, 11.tl ( I I 1,t, 1IJi111 . ,,[
• ' . \\ l r '( I' l11n
• li11W\\-!'C iln!hlr·, 1wr,1hl
(d ,\1ttt 1l\i1 l' l lt'I I tl ( ,, ., 111 t Ill , J'ng,, . ,
1 1 1, , li dI ty• (\ / ,,,;r,u,-1~"·11. . ,,,.
('-r,· \ nlf 1 1, 11 1 1111 1 , ,t ex p1:1111
· · . .,., 1•nrtl ,,.
111 v:111 01 1~ t: t, pJtit. i·mi p . ~2" •41,r,.-.
, 11r.,I'~() ( 111·1'"' - , j'J r,, p•rf ff-:~ rrf i.1 1rJ r ' 1J
(1'rr { 111 11 I r"nr . ' J 7, . . I./ ,rir_,. t
1d l\•1nl 11 ~.

I\ t . ~1 11~ ll 1\1 ,\)
, ,., ,_ -.c)
· , ().7,
v,,'r fl l' '•
1i 11 i1 nok 'i <1 11 nny f11 11 r c, f tlic r, , 'J
' J 11 t1~
(\t-f' I -
n,t,J, Pii• fl 'Hi

Ill! - -~ u :d ull i,u 111,n ,~ . ' •
't1 h , h.. ', 1P-t
. "' I ( ll l 1 ( rr
' \ ' \1l'\\l ldN,Hl•tl01 7
• mo n , Howdilt. h's rule
(h) , ·~i hcorcrn
,.. ,. I nit
,~ ·. . · if'~ p p
It~ ,, 1~,
1 t. lwi,l l\;1i..t'tJ l , i ll , 11 "'''fl nt (( R(;\) (d [ ,1111 1 . .
ft< f 1111-IJ. J>;il!l'I JJJJ21,
''".tl nit-1 \1 P· . '
lH ~I( Cl\ 11 l i\c ,t~LHHN(; (cl) Fore bea ring and back hc<1 rin g <,fa line · ~1!_,, 21~, fJ AIJ,
i I ,'\. FM ~l'l ..- ,uM; ~IF('ll \ Nies ()f.
1.:Jll orcscencc. ·" l,nlt-H. P~i,, Jll fJ 1/.
"1('!\ : 1il .\11,,h'\ ,111) tiH~quc:-tll'll' , (C) " - · 11
(\eetnit-t, p~ , 12 .f).12;
p1 ) \\! q11~~1i,,11:- (an~ l',jllJl maiks . ~- B'J-2004 (CBGs, -
\ ii i \ .\,~11mt' :-mt.1l-k j ,11a if mi~~mg or necessary. ~ B.Tech., I & IJ Semester
\ '71,~1 .1., ,,,u lli1Lkr:,1.111J by the tl.'nH 'Trusses·•? Also explain Vario • • EXAMINATIO~. Mav2018
1. , " ~- Choice Based Grading System fCBGS
meth-,J, ;0 :m,1lyses a tru:-s with thetr advantages and disadvantages. BASIC CIVIL ENGf1''ttRll'i'G& ~
(See Unit-IV, Page 226, Q.s: ENGINEERING MECHA \lCS
" Cakubir 1he M\,ment oflnertia of hollow rectangular section, in Which te . Attempt any five questions out of eight questions.
trianfUbr section cut from a re~tan~lar_ section (fig. l.O~. Detennii° (:) What_do you u~derstand by concurrent and coplanar forces ? Also
Moment of lnertia about A-B axis which is base of the section. descnbe resolution of coplanar forces. (See tn.it-IV, Page l')8.. QJT J
(b) What are various methods to analyse a truss? Discuss limitatior.s of
} - - 6.9cm -l
each method. (See l'nit-I\: Page 226-Q..51)

T . A hollow rectangular lamina as shown in figure given below -


Fig. 1.0 (See Unit-V, Page 271, Prob.

3. What are the various Laws of Machines ?
Explain Principle Axes and Principle Moment of Inertia.
(See Unit-V, Page 284, Q.2:
4. List out various field test and laboratory tests of Cement. Explain any t\l
tests in details. (See Unit-I, Page 20, Q.2:
5. \\That do you understand by the term "Contour"? Also show the properti
of contours. (See Unit-Ill, Page 167, Q.
Determine the moment of Inertia about the base A-8.
**~ow, according to new revised syllabus of R.G.P.V., it is not included in syllabi (See {!nit•\', Page 280. Prob.1l)
(20) (21)
List of various field and laboratoriy t t f C
. ,es '1 ,ernent Di-- . -
tests in detail. . · ,c...;,i ii.J two
l\,·w,·iic th..:- ar,'a hct\\~cn the .:bam li11c and the curved b . . l:"ll!rt L nit-J, Pi~e .u,, Q.1~,
t, . • , • ounda Discuss plastenng and pointing in cr,il ,..
,,ff'.-,'1 b\ S1111rs@ s rule. (Sl'C l 1mHll. Page 185 p T)
t'k' t'T'J (b) eng; ..eenr.g c.:-IT15r.rr.·~
· . . ' rob,3) works. ... ,..
i s1 \\ r~tt 1.; k"\1:JI ;:i:tractit,n ? How 1t 1s detect at any station ? ('>et Lnrt--1. P~t- 59. Q.·,~
(See Unit-II, Page 11 5 Q z. (a) What. do
you understand by "ED\,f' ? Also di ·- ;
. .
,. .
!.SCk,S its apii ll~•'.ifl.S
, ,33)
in C1V1l Engmeenng. (See t it n P
1 I•I Dcfi:1e - · o - • ~e 16'l,Q~1
li) Trne beanng and magnetic bearing (See Unit-II, Page 112 Q (b) Draw a neat sketch of "Theodolite,. with its nomenclan.'Te of a.1I
, .28)
\.i1) For sight and back sight (See Unit-II, Page 135, Q. ) parts. (Set llrit-ll,P~e U".",Q..5Zi
l ll I \\ liat do you understand by Good bricks ? Also list out various fielc3, (a) What do you understand by the term ,,.Contour" : Also disc,.JS5 tts
test of g()()d brick. (See Unit-I, Page 13, Q,lS) properties. (Seer nit-ID, P1ge m. Q.t)
(h I \\ 'hat is the composition of cement ? Briefly define.
(b) What is "remote sensing"? Oearly explain its working and uses 111
(See Unit-I, Page 19, Q.24) civil engineering. (See (nit-Ill, Page 19@. Q.!~}
(a, \\ bat do you understand by the tenn "Workability of concrete" ~
How it is detect ? (a) What do you understand by reciprocal levelling ? Explain.
(See Unit-I, Page 41, Q.54) 4.
(b J \\ 'hat are various tests of cement ? Explain any two in details. (Seel nit-IL P.ge IJO. Q..C)
(See Unit-I, Page 20, Q.25) (b) Discuss various types of Doors and \Vmdows.
8. Write short notes on any four of the following -
(See lnit-L Page 74.. Q.86)
(a) Principal axes (See Unit-V, Page 284, Q.26)
(a) Define "Free Body Diagram''. Also explain Bow 's notation.
(b) Law of machines ** S.
(c) Planimeter
tStt f nit-1\', Page! 12. Q.36)
(See Unit-II, Page 158,Q.66)
(d) Bowditch's rule (See Unit-II, Page 11 1, Q.26) (b) Define method of joint and method of section ro analyze a plane
truss with suitable example. (Ste Unit-IV, Page 116, Q.50)
M Reciprocal levelling (See l Jnit-II, Page J30, Q.42)
(f) Nominal concrete. (See Unit-I, Page 33, Q.44) 6. (a) Detennine Support reactions for a simple supported beam loaded as
shown in figure 1.0 below.
**Now, according to new revised syllabus of' R.GP. V., it is not included in syllabus
(22) (23)
~'=· (f
I •II / I)
r>r ·/1 • I Y,,l),.l ,,,
1 ~'~ ,' V ,~ 1

Rf 2ho4 . .
· ;·:· ~ M
.ft.'l tch J & P.l.:,~f
• li,'XAMJ~Ai ,o~ r8'-fhhter
,. C'hoke lla11et1 , . '''"'ember Z011
_ _ fJASf<:< IVJJ Ji,NC,INJ~t~n,\ ,Y•tun (CR(,~,
MF.{ ff.A.~J(: li,~GINt. tfO\f,
l'tfill(' I .l) ( !-it'(' l 11 i1 -Y. l'nc,· 29(\ ,. - ( i) Att empt any five qtic<.li< 1n
• •oh ,tf,)
101e : ._ <i 01 11 ,,f eight
(ii) All q11e~L1on.:;carrycqu,1J tn;irk
(h) D 1.. !u)~
--: . . ,llh
. 1 ,,1 1.vl .• •:rn c,r;,-,,1(,n 1'01 Pa1;1lk l A xt s throrc,
, i - 1l~
Define Copla nar and Concurrent fore Al
( '° '' <' l ,ni1 - \ ·, 1':,g<' 2
61 Q with -; uiwb Ic practical example~. C'I vi explain c
. · ' -l I) r.- · · 0nc 1mer,t f,;n'!'\
D d,·1n11
- ,, , , 1, ,,,1, ,·nt ,,, f1t 1'"•niJ. of ~~i, ...·n plane la mina ns shown in fi1~rc
::1c .,1._
. of following plan L <~e t nit-JY• Pa gr J'.1 JJ t:,
~.O h.:h,,, . .;~,..it ,ts c,, 11 fCt'tfl'1dJI a \.l s. 1
" Cale the centroid
e am1nas- 4

1-- a :--f
(i) Rectangular Plane Lamina
(ii) Hemisphere Plane Lamina
(ill) Semicircular Plane Lamina ct'\
(iv) Cylindrical Plane Lamina ---0----------u JIr
l---1 1-- .,

(See l'oit-\~ Pag-r 2.56. Q.6)

Figure 2.0
(See Unit-V, Page 273, Prob.7) What do you understand by reversible and irreversible machines ? Also
8. Write short notes on any four of the following - give various example of simple machine. **
(a) Workability of Concrete List out various instruments used in chain surveying. Also explain principk
(See Unit-I, Page 3 1, Q.40) of surveying. (See l'nit-ll, Pagt> 99, Q.ll)
(b) Shallow and deep foundation
(See Unit-I, Page 51, Q.65) What do you understand by the tenn "Levelling" ? Also give name of
(c) Survey stations various instruments used in levelling. (See l 'nit-ll, Pagel 24. Q.J1)
(See Unit-II, Page 99, Q.13)
(d) Coplanar and concurrent forces Give various properties of "Bricks". Also give a list of various test of
(See Unit-IV, Page 194, Q.5) " Bricks". (See l 1nit-l. Page 13. Q.16)
(e) Radius of G,rntion.
( See Uni t-V, Page 269, Q.20)
- - -according
'*Now, ---- to- . rev isedsvUabusofR.GP.\:,itisootiocludedinsyllabus
new •
(24) (25)
I '\• fl 'I'
,,, '• ' , )(\
( ' ' . 1 , I I , If f ' )
' .. ,: I fl r ', it ' .\ l ,.
,,, ,, f ' (I l\

' '.,,, '\ t' . f) 1\ 1

H l -~l' J \Cll( i~)

H 1 ,'{·" ·· 1 I .~ 1t ~rmc -.h•r)
n . \'11'\
\1Hl~.~tn)'20 19
l H""''d Grading System (CBGS)
I· ,r;1, rrRli'\G MECHANICS
I~ l nit-TV Pi1 e 2411
s. Write short notes on any fo ur of the ~ [l . · ' , P,,,nb. H i
, l \ ... c, 4"'1 a;,~ fne quc~twns out of eight. ' 0 owing-
( a) Elements of building construction
-\ :_: quc,;t1011-. carry equal marks,
(b) EDM method of surveying
...... ,_,.,..,,
l nJt-1., Pao•.S., " • .t:.

L l 1'-l c.1u1 , ,lfh'U'- BuilJuH! materials used in construction work Alsop . · 01n1 lSee l rut-ll P:ioe ·, ...,,
16"-.. r<· ~,
- '
ou· a d:" c-cnce ~t¥·ccn concrete and mortar. (See Unit-I, Page 31, Q,JS) (c) Radius of Gyration
(Seel njt-V, Pa~e 21)1), Q.10}
\\ ,1e :he a,irlicatwm of following equipments - (d) Shear force and bending moment
(Seelnit-V, Paa,.,~
,. - 1. Q.3.,- t
, ; ; n.e,1dulite ( e) Load and couple,
(See l nit-IY, Pa~ 2%. Q.r')
rt:1 r;anetablcs
,;; 1 Compa~s BT-204 (CBGS)
Also gi,·e the definition of chain surveying and compass surveying B.Tec~~ (I & II Semester)
E ~IINATION, Novemher 2819
(See Unit-II, Page 151 , Q.60) Chotee Based Grading Sysma (CBC.,)
\\·'hat do you understand by the use of remote sensing and how it is wod
m the field of civil engineering ? Explain clearly,
(See Unit-Ill, Page 190, Q.24~Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
4. \\'hat are various types of Doors and Windows ? Explain with nea (ii) All questions carry equal marks,
5,ketch es, 1. What do you understand by the term ''Workability of concrete" ? Also
(Sec Unit-I, Page 74, Q.86: explain properties of good quality bricks. (Stt l'nit-L Page Jl, QA l)
Explain followi ng terms - 2. What do you understand by ''Surveying" ? Also explain ..EDM''.
(i J Coplanner forces (Sec Unit-IV, Page 194, Q.S (Stt Unit-II. Page 161. Q.69)
(ii) Free body diagram (See Unit-IV, Page 211 , Q.313, Define -
{iii) Bow·~ notatiom; (See Uni t-IV, Page 212, Q.34 (a) Reciprocal levelling (See Unit-Il, Page 130, Q.42)
(iv) Concurrent forces. (See llnit-l V, Page 194, Q.5 (b) Compass surveying, (See Unit-Il, Page 108, Q.23)
(26) (27)
F!:.1· Ir r/ J/ t
· .,, v, c nr1,rtt,,:,,1nri & I.AP,,
·, · .r1:,nrcs

f'•N { n·it IV. 'l>.11•,, ~4 , ii

I re•· 1,ndy d1r1 1•r 1111 .. 1. ,,J.-,,

f.',r>1> f ltf
I . f
Jl• •raadll.(pJ)
(111) ll1nv '-, nnl,111011 <\
"'" 1 nit-l\ . J>.:wt212 f
(n 1 ('1 ,11\ 11rrc1,1 f11rn· t1. " · )~l41
l· 1 , \. , . , , 11 , , 1 \'-11· h1i1 \ , l'ncl'lhl,Q.ll) . f1..,,,, I n1Lf\ , p~~• l'J-.l f ~-
Wh, d ,II(' \.', lfl()IJ, type<, of d11or\ an,1 wwlow, ') [ J ' J .)
1 J. · ~r ,lln ~1th lie,!{ ,~.-:~he~
1: ,.' · '!- ,, , .!C~, :; •,111 t "rd 'nil -\ . 1111:,1· 2<,'I, Q,lO)
,. , 1 ,·, -..,-:, ,1.K 1,,:n l:-.,·r lni1 -l\.1't\J.!l'211.Q.~I) ''<·,lnit-1, P.,zt"-4< .
4. Wl111t do you 1111(kr,ta11J hy "~urvcy,ng" '> \I • ) Ml)
• I '1(1c:v p1Jln "(D',r.
,, 1 : ~,,,, ·-. 'h't • ''"' l~ l'(' l 1ni1 -1', l':,j.!l' 212. Q.l t)
i.'r. rn , 1,l' . l ;,,r,..: ;>.:hi 1'--:-n,l-i,~: 1111,nwnt di,1~ram f1. 1r a given cantilever (~t{ n.it-11.P:a'.!t lfil.().J.91
What do you un<krsland hy the term •·contour"? ~1 ·
~- ,·r ,1, , 11,' " •1 m 1\!ur.' I 0 · :·'\ ~ e,plJm prnn.,
of contour li ni.:s. ,s.- t . ' ,,:Mic1
· t n,r- 1II. PJ(!t167,(J..l)

(,. Whal do you understand hy "Tm,~" ? Also e:rnl ·
. · · • am any one mc1.ho<l ·
Lktatls to analyse a plane trn~s. ('-ef t n·t J\' P ' m
, I • • 'l~f !2~. Q .~'J j

~ : 4m------- B 7. What do you understand by reciprocal lc\dlma?

o • E"
. ,pI·am.
(~e l'nit-11. P.a~e Utl, Q..S!i
Fig.un! 1.0 lSl·r llnit-\', P:tgl' 297, Prob.IS)
s. Write short notes on any four of the followi ng _
Bnc~:~ Jd:nc a:1y t~,ur 0f the follow ing - (11) Workability of concrete (Set l'nit-1. P~e J1, Q.--40)
(Si.'(' ll nit-l, Page .H , Q.44)
(b) Shalll>w and deep foundation (Set l'nit-1, Pai-:t 51. Q.t,$)
,t,, Ru,!Jmg m.HcriJ\s USl'd in ct1nstruction work
(c) Surwy stations (Seel nit-It PiA)!t 99, Q.13)
(S,•e l lnit-1. Pa~d . Q.1)
(d) Coplanar and concurrent forces (St't> l' nit-I\: P:a~e- t 94. Q.5)
\C') Pla:-1cring and pomt in~s (Sre Unit-I, Pat!r ~9, Q.74)
( t') Radius of Gyration . (~e t nir-, ·. Page 269. Q.20)
l d• Types l)f ~t:iin:a~cs (St'i.' l lnil-1, Page 78, Q.94)
( t') Cop!.mncr and {\_)ncum.:11t fon:l!s. (S,•e llnit-1\'. Pnge t l)4, Q.:i) BT-204 (GS) .
B.Tech., I & 11 Semester
BT-20-'(CBGS) EXAMINATION, Junt 282.2
B.Tech., I & II Semester Gndlng Sysmn (GS)
Choke Based Gradin~ System (C'BGS) l\1ECHA.~ICS
MECHANICS Noll' : (i) Attt:mpt nny five questilll1S.
~ote : Attempt any five questions.
(i) (ii) All lJUl'stitms carry equal marks.
(_ii) All que~tions carry equal marks. (i ii ) In cnsc of any doubt or dispute the English version question
1. What do you understand by the use of n.:mote sensing and how it is work should be treated as final.
in the fidd of civi l engineering? Explain clearly. l · (u) Deline wqirkability of the concNte and discuss the factor that affect
the workability of the coner~tc. (See\ 'nlt-1, Page 31, Q.42) 7
(Sl.'e l 'nit-lll, PUJ!t' l 90, Q.24)
(28) (29)

! •'"' ,·' 1f,' 1;/' \·. 1111,, '1 I
' "'"/'11)
, \ 1 ,;, , • i, ... 1,'· • ,\i , ,. 1:\ 1, 1'1'• ,,1 IPPt 111 1: 11111 l\pt•, nl 1, \' 1
1 11
" ' • ,1 , , , , ,1 1, t<- 1 ·,1 '
\ ,,,. \ 1111 I• l'n l,' l' 11 11 C)" h,,,, 1I
• '7 .\) ,
•\ l ' .._,,,, ,• ..., ,1 ,•.,· , , 1,,,, 1~1"" ,11,,, 1,,1 1, 1nd111 kd ,,n 1lw ,
lllll\ f\'lc• , '7
\' •'I' l 11 i1 I, l'l!j!.(' 411 '
. . ' ).-;_,)
·"' 1 ,/ ,11 ,11.,,,, 1 ,'"' d, , ,,, 1,11,"I ,,1 tk d11111p~ ln rl \\tlh II llt'nl s~t:lrh.
\~1'd 11i1 II. l'ag,• 12 6 (
,:i;\ t , ~• ,,·,t-•·l.'l\\ih.,h ,11tlh,•d 1lk1\·ntl\ . .
p1's 1itlr,clli111! oi, , - .
' ·-''') .
•· , , . I ·1 l . - r1a1ton
r'-.. h:r,: 1111,1l nth I· , ,., d\111~) u~ ...1 1·1, ~.
1 I· , '--,,, , _,,.,.i,,111,11 1'11
\ ' ' . '- . . ' ' .. u ••ul'\'c
•• 1,, • .-1 .: l \Srl' l nit-ll , P11"r 1 \ 0 Q )6Y
\ • \ ' It.. \ " .. \ • 41
h\ T'· • 1~•·: 1,,,1·1,• :n\' the l·1•n, ,·,·n1i, c r.-,i.ling ,wn: taken with a
' ·-=- · • . . 1eve\
a.,,i 1 .i r, -n.:- k, ,·11 111 1:. ~t.,11 ,,n a cnnttnuous\y slop mg ground
• ' ~ nt a
, ,1,•11~1,1n mt-·n .11 ,,f _; n m. 8
O ~.'.' :\ \ ). l.5J5. 2J35 . 3.11 5. 3.825 , 0.455 , 1.380, 2.055, 2,855
:- -t5~. 11.5~5. l .l)l5 . l.S50. 2.755, and 3.845(B). '
The R.L l1f the tin:.t re.1ding at A was 380.500. Make entries in level (~eel" nit-[\", Page 219, Pr,,h.S,
t'l'."-'k anJ apply the usual check. Dctenniue t?e gradient of AB . The 1. (a) Find the least value of P required to cause the system of blocks
i'lstrJment is shifkd after 5th and 10th reading. shown in fig. to have impending motion to the le~ Tne coefficient
(See Unit-11, Page 142, Prob.l 4) of friction under each block is 0.20.
1al ..\n embJnkment of a \\idth 10 m and side slope of 1.5:1 is required
l0 be mJde on a ground which is level in a direction transverse to
the centre line. The centre line heights at 40 rn intervals are as
follows -
0.90, 1.15, 2.1 5. 2.50, 1.85, 1.35 and 0.85.
Calculate the volume of earth work according to trapezoidal and
prismoidal method. (See Unit-III, Page 187, Prob.6) 6
(See l'nit-f\~Page 250, Prob.15)
(b) The following offset were taken from a line to an irregular boundary
line at an interval of 10 m. (b) Determine the force in members BC, CE and EF shown in fig. using
the method of joints. 8
0, 2.50, 3.50, 5.00, 4.60, 3.20, 0 m.
Compute the area between the chain line, the irregular boundary B
line and the end offsets by -
(i J Mid-ordinate rule
(ii} Average-ordinate rule
(iii} The trapezoidal rule
(iv) Simpson's rule.
(See Unit-Ill, Page 184, Prob.I)
5. (a) What are survey stat ions and how to select a survey station? 5
(See Unit-II , Page 100,Q.14) (Sl-t llnit-l\', Page 234, Prob.11)

(30) (31)

(' ', { r,11 -V, f•t1••::
;, 2(u•1 , ( ) 2,,

(:1) p,,,,f , (~ttlnit-J,Pa~c63, ().i 9,·

<I, ) Curin~ (~cc Lnit-J,Pa~e 3~' ()'-fJ
.·~ ·)'
( C) hJrc.;c di,igram and BrJ·;t\ not;itic,n\ (\te Cnit-IV, Pa~c 212, QJS)
( d) UJnl-Urre:nt and non-c0nc;urrent v,-planar fo rce;~. [
('>C:c C'nit-lV, Page 195, Q.6j


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