NPD Paint Final....
NPD Paint Final....
NPD Paint Final....
{Paint Tablet]
Presented 1o
5ir 4omir 6u/toor
Presented 8y
nofit 5hohbot 4krom
Muhommod 4hmod
M84 {15 yeor)
Executive Summary
We were in the search oI innovation and worked hard Ior years to launch an innovative
business in Lahore. We are going to launch the My Paint Co. paint tablets in Lahore. Paint is an
attractive market Ior investors and new entrant. We want to do something diIIerent. So we
decided to go in the paint market but with totally diIIerent shape. We did not launch the liquid
paints, instead oI liquid paints we decided to launch paint in the Iorm oI tablets. We have
changed our competitors into distinct competitors by changing the shape oI the product.
We are going to start the business in the Sheikhupura industrial area with the head oIIice
at Al-Malik Plaza Davis Road, Lahore. Starting the new business is quite a task but a business
with the innovation is not diIIicult but more risky and hard work demanding. The composition oI
chemicals are same as in liquid paints but the percentage oI Acrylic Copolymer is increased
which has helped us to convert the paint into the tablet Iorm. Acrylic copolymer and pigments
are the basic ingredients oI the paints. Most oI the material is purchased Irom the Pakistan Ior the
production oI paint tablets except some machinery and generator. We will provide 4 tablets;
80gm each, in a single pack which will be converted into the liquid Iorm beIore application by
the consumers. Conversion is easy; only 4 liter water is required to convert Iour tablets into the
liquid Iorm.
We have Iinanced a huge amount Ior the success oI business as we have to start the
business plus we have to diIIuse the innovation among the target audience which requires heavy
advertising campaigns. Our product will provide convenience with low application cost and
better quality. Beside this customer can use the product according to the requirement and need oI
the area. In liquid paint it is always worry to preserve the unneeded paint, in tablets you can put
it at any dry place and it can be used aIterwards when needed. Proper planning and hard work oI
our researchers and engineers are involved in the implementation oI this business.
%able of Contents
BrieI introduction:..................................................................................................................... 05
Explanation oI Innovation ......................................................................................................... 06
DiIIerentiation .......................................................................................................................... 08
Need Gap Analysis ................................................................................................................... 08
Deep List Analysis .................................................................................................................... 10
Corporate Intent ........................................................................................................................ 12
Competitive Analysis ................................................................................................................ 14
Marketing Plan ......................................................................................................................... 16
Target Market Analysis ............................................................................................................. 17
Customer ProIile ....................................................................................................................... 18
The 7P`s Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 19
Product .................................................................................................................................. 19
Features .............................................................................................................................. 20
Attributes ........................................................................................................................... 20
BeneIits .............................................................................................................................. 20
Placement Strategy ............................................................................................................. 23
Intensive Distribution ......................................................................................................... 23
Promotion Strategies .......................................................................................................... 24
Above The Line Advertising............................................................................................... 25
Advertising Objectives ....................................................................................................... 24
Advertising Theme ............................................................................................................. 25
Reach ................................................................................................................................. 25
Frequency ........................................................................................................................... 25
Pulse and Wave .................................................................................................................. 25
Media Vehicle .................................................................................................................... 26
Advertising Budget Allocation ........................................................................................... 26
POS Terminals ................................................................................................................... 27
Participation in Trade Fairs or Exhibitions .......................................................................... 27
Brochures and LeaIlets ....................................................................................................... 27
Banners and Hoardings ....................................................................................................... 27
Price ................................................................................................................................... 27
Cost Plus and Competitor Indexing ..................................................................................... 28
Price Elasticity and Customer Sensitivity ............................................................................ 28
People ................................................................................................................................ 29
Process (Product Acquirement)........................................................................................... 30
Physical Evidence............................................................................................................... 30
Market Entry Strategies ...................................................................................................... 30
Other Strategies and Approached Used ............................................................................... 31
Core Competencies ............................................................................................................. 31
KSF .................................................................................................................................... 31
SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................. 31
Financial Analysis .............................................................................................................. 32
Conclusion and Wrap up..................................................................................................... 38
ReIrences ........................................................................................................................... 39
rief introduction:
Paints are being used Irom centuries Ior diIIerent purposes in diIIerent Iorms. The name
used in old times Ior paints may be diIIerent but the basic Iunction is same that is to provide a
cover Ior diIIerent reasons. There are many huge companies in the paint market who have
captured the share oI market and have created their brand name in the minds oI the target
customers. The Iamous companies working in Pakistan are:
Berger Rubilac
Master Paints
These companies are producing diIIerent types oI paints like:
Emulsion Paints
Enamel Paints
Gloss Finish Paints
Warnish Paints
We have decided to bring the innovation which could bring revolution in the paint
market. Many developments have been seen in the paint market since last two decade like the
introduction oI weather sheet and sun-rays protected paints. We want to make the liIe oI people
easier and comIortable by producing the same paint in diIIerent Iorm and that is; Paint %ablets.
No matter there are remarkable developments but no one has even imagine like this. We will
produce the paints in the Iorm oI tablets and right now we will start this innovation in the
emulsion category and will be decided later on to enter in to the Iurther category oI paints.
Explanation of Innovation
As we have said earlier that we are going to produce paints in the Iorm oI tablets. A lot oI
research has been done by our R&D department to convert one liter liquid paint into an 80gm
tablet. And we are providing the Iour tablets Ior making 4 liter liquid paint which is Ior
standardized size room. The basic chemicals which are used in the composition oI the tablets are
same which are used in the liquid paints. The names oI the chemicals are:
Pigments which provide colors
Acrylic Resins Ior solidity
We have shrink and dried the liquid Iorm into a tiny tablet. The making oI paint tablets
was not an easy task to perIorm. It almost took long time to produce these tablets. The main
problem was to combine the chemicals all together, so that at the end they could take a Iorm oI a
At the start oI process all the essential chemicals were gathered to perIorm some
chemical test on them. AIter the successIul testing and neutralizing the reactive properties,
chemicals were passed under the drying process to take the shape oI powder. The drying process
was very diIIicult as it takes long time and requires heavy machinery. AIter drying the problem
was to make them solid and combine them in a round shape. Huge Iurnaces were used to serve
this purpose and the round shape was given to the tablets. Now the last step was leIt which was
to leave the tablets in the color solution Ior three days beIore the Iinal test. The tablets have
properties to absorb the one liter oI color solution in it and like this diIIerent color shades were
given to each tablet.
Finally the tablets were ready Ior testing and this process was completed in one year
because we need to test the quality and reliability oI our paint tablet. Then the paint tablets were
dissolved in the water to give them the dense liquid Iorm. These tablets have properties to
dissolve into the liquid and then make the liquid dense similar to the simple emulsion bucket
paints available in the market. These converted liquid paints were then tested in a huge
laboratory on walls and panels, under diIIerent weather conditions which were created
temporary. Every day these paints were tested iI there is any Ilaw leIt in them. AIter successIul
one year it was Iinally decided to launch our innovative paint tablets in the market.
We entered into the paint market to provide the best quality paints with maximum
satisIaction and ease. And Ior this purpose we went into this innovation. As we know that there
are diIIerent paints exists in the market but there was no paint in this shape that we have
introduced. It is easy to carry and this is the main beneIit oI our paint. Other beneIit includes the
selection oI color. Customers have to look into paint shade book Ior color selection in liquid
paints but in our case our paint tablet itselI work as a shade book because our paint tablet itselI
provides the real color which will remain same aIter converting it into liquid Iorm by customers.
Whereas in liquid paints the shades change little bit aIter applying them on walls.
The process oI converting paint tablet into liquid Iorm is very simple; it requires nothing
but one litter water to convert it into liquid paint and you can use all your Iour tablets Ior making
4 liter paint or as required and you can save the tablets Ior Iuture need.. Now comes the problem
oI viscosity, our paint have such chemicals in it that when you mix it in water Ior application, it
makes the water viscous. Actually the paint tablet and water when combined turns the solution
into thick emulsion mixture which is then very much ready Ior application.
The total cost oI our paint tablet is less than the cost oI liquid paints as it provides more
comIort, better quality and more choices oI color shades but the carriage cost and the application
cost is less than the cost oI the liquid paints. Our paint tablets have some other qualities which
are not available in liquid paints. Like our paint tablets aIter conversion into liquids are washable
and as we have already told that the reactive properties were neutralized so it is not harmIul iI
comes in contact with human body. It is easy to apply and do not require double coating as other
paints does. So overall this innovation will bring a change into the paint market, we have to
develop an atmosphere oI trust in our target market about our paint tablets. Sometimes it is not
Ior people to accept innovation especially in Asian countries whereas in west innovation is
usually accepted. No doubt it will take some time in the diIIusion oI innovation and this could be
happen by our convincing advertising campaigns and some promotional activities.
Paints are being Irom many years in houses, buildings, Iactories and everyplace you see.
The people who will buy our paint tablets include the household customers who want to paint
their house and let it look more attractive. Then comes the corporate customers who want to
paint their buildings, plazas, Iactories, banks, hotels, restaurants, Schools, colleges, universities,
hospitals, museums, amusement parks, malls, markets, and other places like these. The
inIluencer in household paints will be the whole Iamily and the male oI the house will have more
inIluence, but now the trend is little bit changing and in some houses Iemales have more
inIluence in buying household things. Children also plays important role in the decoration oI
house, especially the own rooms oI children are decorated by their choice.
At corporate level one who inIluence is the owner oI the place or sometimes it is the
combine suggestion oI partners or the color theme associated with the brand name have
sometime more inIluence. Many buildings and plazas here are build by contractors who
themselves decide which paint to use.
My Paint` is diIIerent Irom other products in many aspects like it is clear Irom its
existence in the Iorm oI tablet. And due to its solid nature it provides many beneIits to consumers
or we can say that its diIIerentiation is backed by its solid shape. `My Paint` is making
diIIerentiation in carriage aspect like it is easy to carry and low cost on carriage. It is easy to
apply and also costs low on application. My Paint` is diIIerent as it provides more color
selection and shades.
Need Gap Analysis
There are some gaps which exist in the paint market. These gaps were discovered aIter
the thorough analysis oI the paint market. We do not have direct competitors but our indirect
competitors and substitutes do exist and they lack among some attributes which are given below.
All these gaps have been Iound by the thorough analysis oI market and the questionnaires Iilled
by our target audience. We have entered into the paint market with intentions to cover all the
Iollowing gaps.
We are providing convenience in terms oI carriage. Lives oI people are getting busier day
by day and they have less time to consume on such decisions. ComIort has more value than
money and this is how we are providing convenience. The paints available in the markets are in
the bucket Iorm. And there are problems to carry them especially when corporate customers need
paint, they need in a bulk amount, and they don`t have to hire vans Ior carrying the buckets.
Then there are problems oI disposal in bucket paints, in our paint tablet there is no problem oI
disposal. You can use any sort oI bucket present at your home, because this paint is washable
Irom plastic and metallic surIaces. Otherwise the painters usually have their own buckets and our
customers are also Iree Irom cleaning the Iloor hardly aIter paint. Because a single wipe can
remove the paint Irom the Iloor whereas bucket paint requires hard wiping.
As people are getting more educated they are learning more about quality. Every
company is promoting its product on the basis oI quality. The Iirst question asked by the
customer is about the quality oI product. We provide the better quality in many aspects like we
use biocides in our paint tablets which stop the reaction and prevent the walls Irom bacteria. Our
paint has long last durability with very Iine quality.
The trend oI counterIeit is very common in Pakistan. CounterIeits oI our distinct
competitors and substitutes are available in Pakistan. We have considered counterIeit and Iormed
a team oI some experts which will continuously work to prevent the counterIeit. On the other
hand we have some special chemicals in our paint tablet which are not easy to imitate.
We have talked earlier about the convenience in respect oI carriage. Transportation and
carriage costs will be low. In Iact we can say that transportation cost will be nil in our case.
People have problems while putting the paint buckets at the back oI their car seats. We have
solved this problem through our innovation.
Our total cost will be low; because our carriage cost is low as well as the application cost
is low. People are Ied up oI paying the labor Ior double coating oI paints. Our paint requires only
single coating and like this gap oI high application cost is will be IulIill by our paint tablets.
eep List Analysis
BeIore the launch oI any business deep list analysis is necessary Ior the successIul launch
as we are preparing a marketing plan oI a paint tablet we have to be careIul about every deep list
Iactors. Omission oI any Iactor can lead a whole business towards the wrong path.
We have to be aware oI the demographics oI the paint market. We have to see that which
age group people inIluence in the buying patterns. It will include the age group above 10 and
onwards because wall paints is a matter which is inIluenced by the maximum number oI house
members. Income patterns oI Lahore`s demographic also inIluence the buying. Everybody
cannot aIIord the emulsions in their house. Focus is on upper level and middle socio economic
class, income ranges Irom 15000 and above. Lahore is the 30
largest city oI the world with
thousands oI industries. And having 8,000,000 citizens.
We have to be aware oI the general economic conditions oI Lahore as the economy tells
that whether the individuals are able to aIIord such expenses oI emulsion and house decoration
or there are no savings Ior such expenses. Economic condition oI Pakistan is critical still the
middle class and upper class can aIIord the emulsions in their homes.
InIlation 13.04(Pakistan)
GDP by PPP $ 28 million (Lahore)
Growth Rate 5.9 (Lahore)
city in growth rate
The concept oI green environment and environment Iriendly products are in Iavor by the
public and government authorities both. First concern is about the packaging oI product. People
are more conscious about the environment and in developing countries this concept is also
becoming common. Education trends are in boom in Lahore, we have to beware that product will
not harm the environment. Second is the disposal problems, same liking packaging it must be
considered. Chemicals used in our paints are not harmIul when ready Ior application. So there is
no harm to consumers and the gases and wastage will be properly disposed oII so the
environment will remain Iree Irom the hazardous gases and poisonous water.
We have to deeply analyze the political condition oI Pakistan. As Pakistan is going under
worst political conditions, we have watched all the political instabilities in Pakistan and designed
our launch and business operations to meet any Iuture uncertainty. Politics oI operating country
always have large eIIect on the businesses. Like iI the government changes again and again, the
policies also changes. These policies include taxes on import and business laws. As we have to
import some machinery parts, this will aIIect our business.
There are many restrictions on businesses by the government which includes tariIIs,
monetary barriers, standards and much more. Importing heavy machinery parts and some
chemicals Ior the production is usually required. There are sometimes restrictions by the
government to use certain chemicals which are considered harmIul. All legal aspects have been
seen and studied beIore entering the market.
InIormation about the operating environment is heavily required. Production requires
diIIerent type oI chemicals and other helping materials. Logistics must be strong enough and
reliable. All inIormation was gathered to make our operations more reliable.
Every company must be socially responsible. On the other hand social events happenings
in the country must be considered like what are the Irequencies oI such events in the country.
Eid Iestivals
Basant Even
Marriage Functions
Every company has ethical responsibilities, people oI Lahore are becoming ethical concern and
such issues must be addressed. Social participation by diIIerent countries in Pakistan will aIIect
our business and it will be necessary to take part in social events aIter some time, otherwise it
can be harmIul Ior the business.
Technology is rapidly changing day by day. Product is also backed by technology, so we
have to be updated and improve our product by any Iuture technological advancement. Like this
we can make product more reliable and develop customer`s trust in product. And what are the
technology advancements not being used by us and what are the technologies being used by
other companies.
Corporate Intent
Mission Statement
My Paint` company, brings innovation, colors, comIort, partnerships, and provides
superior product that improves the quality oI liIe and satisIy customer needs ,and better customer
services and to provide employees with meaningIul work and advancement opportunities, and
investors with superior rate oI returns, and society with better living standards being socially
Corporate Goals
Provide maximum satisIaction with convenience.
To attain the maximum attention oI the customer.
To gain the maximum proIits in the paint market.
To capture the huge market share
Delivering better quality with low application cost.
To remain update with technological advancements
Corporate Objectives
Our goal is to provide maximum satisIaction with convenience. Objectives required
accomplishing this goal we require expertise in our manuIacturing department with high
skills, like this our customer will be highly satisIied. In our real tablet shade book we will
provide most suitable color schemes and paint schemes in rooms which will be the
another reason oI satisIying customers. Convenience could be in the Iorm oI less carriage
cost, easy to carry and low weight oI paint tablets. These objectives can be accomplished
by its manuIacturing in small size, that`s what we are doing. For all this achievement we
require sigma 6 by the end oI our Iirst Iinancial year. We need 3 to 4 highly qualiIied
chemical engineers Irom a renowned institute.
In start we will allocate 30 advertising and promotional oIIering budget on Cost Based
Method Ior the Iirst Iinancial year.
Our objective is to capture the 10 share oI the market in the Iirst Iiscal year.
Sale goals and objectives
To increase our sale through diIIerent channels
To capture 10 oI market share in Iirst quarter
To distribute our product to maximum shops.
To increase our market share up to 20 in wedding season that is start oI winter.
Major Market %rends
Market trends are changing day by day and knowledge about the market rends are very
necessary Ior the start oI a new business and implementation oI a marketing plan. For the last
decade the liIe styles, business individuals, service individuals, literacy rate, number oI working
people in a Iamily all are changing and all these trends shapes the market trends.
Market oI Pakistan is moving towards more customization. People are getting more
educated and they demand more. As our product is paint tablet, we have made our product
according to the upcoming market trends. So that in Iew upcoming years our product should not
become obsolete and we must be ready in Iuture to shape our product according to the desire and
needs oI people.
As Iar as paint is concern in old times, the number oI inIluencers was low but now every
member in home act as inIluencers. Children want colors oI their own choice in their rooms. We
are providing diIIerent color schemes Ior diIIerent age groups which suites their liIestyles.
People are becoming social; iI we talk about color schemes in corporate sectors, Iew years back
it was not given that much importance. Now every corporate sector is identiIied by their own
colors. Like UBL with blue, Warid with red and MCB with green.
Competitive Analysis
istinct Competitors
ICI Paints (Dulux)
Berger Rubilac
Master Paints
Wall Sheets
%oughest %ime
ICI will give us the toughest time because believe on the brand name and think ICI as the
better paint quality wise. We have done survey on this and asked people about their Iavorite
brand name in paint industry.
Potential of New Entrants
Potential oI new entrants is very high because there are no such government restrictions
on entry in paint markets. And there is also no restriction on innovative business. In Iact
government oI Pakistan is inviting investors and also promoting its Iree industrial estates which
attract the investors ever more.
Entry arriers for New Emerging Competitors
The entry barriers will be raised by our specialties which are we using in our product.
The special innovation created by our own highly skilled production team and the combination
oI latest technologies used by us. Entry into the distinct competitor market is easier but entry into
an innovation is a process oI decades.
Marketing Plan
Market Segment
In demographic segmentation we divided market into diIIerent variables such as Age,
Gender, Income and social Class. In age size we will segment the market into kids, young adults,
adults and old people. As we have said that there are many inIluencers in a single Iamily or in a
company who inIluences the main buyer in the selection oI brand and company.
Then we segment our market on the basis oI income oI people. Segmentation will be
done at three levels and our socio economic class will also be cover in this.
1. 10000 to 15000 Lower class
2. 15000 to 40000 Middle class
3. 40000 and above Upper class
Market will be also segmented on gender basis, both males and Iemales. Trends are changing
and Iemales also have equal inIluence in buying households.
In geographic segmentation we will divide the market according to major cities such as
Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. The reason Ior geographic segmentation on these cities is the
population density, more number oI educated people and high business opportunities.
In psychographics segmentation we divided market into values and belieIs such as
diIIerent occasion Eid, weddings and other Iestivals. These are the very strong segments oI
market because people are emotionally attached to such events. When there is any such occasion
people make special preparation in which Iirst and Ioremost work is to make the house clean and
little bit renovation in which most important decision is the wall paints.
Media graphics:
In media graphics segmentation we will divide market into diIIerent media such as
electronic and print media. In print media, there is diIIerent type available like daily news papers,
weekly magazines, monthly magazines, billboard, banner and broacher. In electronic media
TVC`s, Radio. We have asked advertising companies about the maximum number oI viewership
and the best places to Iix our billboards. The newspaper which have been read by large number
oI people so that we can place our ad in such newspapers.
%arget Market Analysis
AIter the market segmentation we will target the market Irom the diIIerent segments in
which we have divided the market. We will choose only such market segments which will be
most attractive and proIitable. Paint tablets are an innovative business so we cannot depend upon
only one target market. Yes, iI it is only about a common liquid paint then single target market
may be enough but not in our business. We need to cater the huge share oI market and also to
cover the cost oI our innovation.
Our target market will be people oI all age group. Our target market includes kids, young
and adults as all inIluence the buying oI paint. It will also include the area oI the target market
residence and the places where construction work is at boom, like central Lahore and the
residential areas where our target market lives. As we have special glittering paint made Ior kids.
We have made beautiIul color schemes Ior children and diIIerent age group people in a Iamily.
Our primary Iocus will be on age group which actually go and will buy our paint tablet. We can
say the person that will buy our product he/she will be the primary target market and the
inIluencers will be the secondary target market.
We are going to start our business Irom Lahore, as this is the best place to do so other
then Karachi. We have selected Lahore because oI its culture, educated people and concept oI
understanding innovation and its advantages. Karachi is a big city and it would be quite diIIicult
Ior us to cover whole Karachi whereas Lahore can be covered. In Iuture we will move towards
other big cities oI Pakistan.
Lahore is also the city oI occasions and diIIerent cultural events. We will launch our paint
tablet in the start oI March because the weddings and other cultural events took place in the start
oI March aIter two holy months oI Islam in which Muslims avoid any such Iunctions. Like this
the march will be best. And aIter summer season weddings Iunctions also come in boom Ior two
to three months oI winter and at that that we will be in market Ior the last Iew months and the
people will beware oI the beneIits oI the paint tablets. And both the Medias will be equally
targeted Ior spreading the innovation.
Customer Profile
As Iar as our paint tablet concern we do not require customer proIiles because we are not
providing product which needs to buy daily. One Iamily will buy a paint tablet aIter one year or
two year minimum and maximum it could be Iive years. We will just collect the little
inIormation about the customers Irom diIIerent paint markets. There will be some verbal
exchanges between our team member and the shopkeeper and Irom there we will get to know the
habits oI customers while they shop Ior paints and what they ask Irom the shopkeepers and
Iinally the selection is done on what basis. And research is also carried out Ior this purpose. Age
groups include kids, young and adults. Our customer proIile includes the area oI the target
market residence and the places where construction work is at boom, like central Lahore and the
residential areas where our target market lives. These areas include:
Model Town
Wapda Town
Liberty Market
Main Boulevard Gulberg
%he 7P`s Analysis
We will provide an 80 gram 4 paint tablet in plastic see through coating and silver peel
oII coating on the back side. We will provide a color shade book with our paint tablet so that
customers can make their choices at home and return to the shops with Iinal selection. And we
will provide a brochure oI color schemes Ior rooms oI diIIerent age group people living in a
single house. For corporate consumer we will provide whole color scheme business model Ior
diIIerent business.
Trade mark will be a little boy holding a paint brush in his hands and just rubbing the
brush on the paint tablets and then applying it onto the wall very beautiIully.
FA Analysis
As our product is innovative its Ieatures, attributes and beneIits must be innovative and
attractive. Every product has its own FAB depending upon the type and use oI the product. Our
Iew FAB`s will be same like liquid paints available in the market and those will be the basic
beneIit and then there is innovative beneIits that never have been provided by any other paint
company. The basic beneIit is same that is to provide a convenience to our customers but the
other beneIits are related to our product that is easy to use and easy to carry.
Easy to carry
Easy to apply
The size oI the tablet will be 80 gm and each pack will have Iour tablets.
Natural pigments used like clays, calcium carbonate, mica, silica, and talc which makes
the color more lively and don`t use inert materials like lime and barite.
We use biocides in our paints which protects the bacteria growth on walls.
We are producing glittering paint tablets which makes children`s room glitter.
Time saving
Less application cost
Less carriage cost
Better quality
More customized
ey ifferentiating Variables
We diIIerentiate Irom our distinct competitors in many ways. Innovation always brings
diIIerence and that`s what`s on we will promote our paint tablets.
Tablet Iorm (Innovation)
Low application cost
Fast drying process
Low carriage cost
Addition oI biocides which prevents the walls and paint Irom bacteria
Primer which allows durability
More color shades
Color schemes chart Ior corporate customers and households
Quality Function evelopment
The quality oI our innovation is very high; in Iact we are promoting our paint tablets on
the basis oI quality and convenience. Innovation is always expensive and iI innovation does not
have any quality, it`s useless. Quality oI our innovation is very high and our paint tablet is
providing quality more than any distinct competitors.
The attributes which reIlects our quality are our chemicals which are added in our
innovation. Our paint tablet consists oI natural pigments, lacquer, primers and biocides which are
all value added Ieatures in our paint tablets. Pigment is the only chemical which is present in all
paints, but the diIIerence is that we are using natural pigments not the inert materials like lime
and barite, lime and barite decreases the liIe oI the paint whereas silica and talc increases the liIe
and durability oI paint.
We are going to educate our customers properly by telling them the technicalities oI our
product with the advantages oI such quality and by also giving them the guarantee oI long lasting
durability with high quality. This will happen through healthy advertising campaign and
brochures and leaIlets provided with the paints.
Product Positioning Strategy
We will position our product on the basis oI quality and convenience which we are
providing, in the minds oI the target customers. Our positioning statement will be
We are here to bring colors in the lives of individual customers and corporate consumers
with better quality and low total cost and providing them more color choices and lively
schemes which makes your walls talk to you with long lasting durability, never provided
by anyone in the history of paint market.
Product #ange and Product Mix
We have a single product line and consist oI 5 products in our product mix.
IW Emulsion (inner walls emulsion)
WF Emulsion (weather Iriendly emulsion Ior exterior walls)
GS Emulsion (glittering star emulsion Ior kids)
TC Emulsion (two color emulsion, color changes with the sun light and turns to its
original color at night.
WP emulsion (water prooI emulsion Ior wash rooms)
Perceptual Mapping
quality convenience
lcl u
ICI D Dulux
BR Berger Rubilac
Mp Master Paints
DH Double Horse
Placement Strategy
Our product is available Ior wholesaling Irom the Iactory and the dealers. We will
wholesale our product by our Iactory site to the corporate consumers but individual consumers
cannot buy the product Irom the Iactory. Another way oI wholesaling is to buy the product Irom
the dealers and paint shops.
There will be no distributors oI our paint tablets. Our Iactory owned cars and drivers will
distribute our product to the paint wholesalers, dealers and to the paint shops. In Iuture when
business will expand to more cities, we will go into an agreement with distributors to distribute
our product.
Our paint will be available to the every retailer oI Lahore. There will be good retail
package Ior retailers.
Channels of istribution
Intensive istribution
We will use the intensive distribution channel because as this is the new and innovative
product and Iirst oI its type in the market. We want that our product must be available at the
maximum stores so that the customers might not Iace any problem in Iinding our product. We
will not use the exclusive and selective distribution channel.
We will put our paint tablets on the large paint shops in DeIence, Model Town, Allama Iqbal
Town and other shops in major areas where our target market lives.
irect Marketing Vs Indirect Marketing
Our company will Iollow the process oI direct marketing. This is due to the type oI our
product. And it is very diIIicult to obtain the customer proIile typically created Ior paint
marketing. Another reason Ior not choosing the direct marketing is the innovative business. First
oI all we have to develop the awareness oI paint tablets in the minds oI the target customers,
without doing so, jumping into the direct marketing will not be IruitIul. Our company will Iollow
the process oI direct marketing aIter some time and then we can send mails to our corporate
customers about our latest upcoming and new arrivals in the Iorm oI paint tablet.
Promotion Strategies
Advertising Strategy
Advertising Objectives
To bring awareness in our target market about our paint tablets.
To communicate about the Ieatures oI our product to our target market.
To educate the target market about the technicalities oI our product.
To make the target audience believe that or product is providing them better value as
compare to our distinct competitors.
To capture the market share.
Large sales at least to come near to our cost.
Above %he Line Advertising
Our company will Iollow the ATL strategy because our target audience is very large and
direct contact with them is not possible. We will use all Medias such as TV, radio, print, banners,
hoardings, billboards, theatre screens, and cinemas. The BTL will be only Ior retailers or
wholesalers who buy certain amount oI paint tablets Irom our company and we will oIIer them
trade discounts.
Advertising %heme
Our theme will be combination oI colors shown all together in every ad.
Our reach will be 115000 audiences per day.
Each member oI our target market will see our ad at least two times a day.
Each member oI our target audience will hear our ad on radio at least three times a day.
60 oI our target audience will comes in contact with our billboards at least twice in a
2 oI our target audience will watch our ad in cinema hall at least three times in a day.
80 oI our target audience will come in contact with our ad in a news paper at least 2
times a day.
20 oI our target audience will come in contact with our magazines ad at least twice a
10 oI our audience will see our ad on theatres screens at least twice a day.
Pulse and Wave
We will Iollow the pulse pattern Ior the advertising according to our resources and
Media Vehicle
Theatre Screens
Advertising udget Allocation
Shown in Iinancial portion.
Life follows colors
Our unique selling preposition will be the 'Paint in the Tablet Form
irect Selling Strategies
Push Vs Pull strategy
Our company will use the push strategy Ior the better Ilow oI product starting Irom the
company towards the customers. Incentives and beneIits will be provided to the wholesalers,
dealers and retailers.
We are bringing an innovation to the market and proper support oI intermediaries is required.
This will be also work as Iree publicity oI our paint tablet and intermediaries will talk good about
our product.
Promotional Materials
POS %erminals
We are not opening any company outlet and store. Our sale will be carried out at diIIerent
paint shops oI Lahore that is 400 including large paint shops and small paint stores.
Participation in %rade Fairs or Exhibitions
We will not participate in any trade Iairs or exhibitions. As the budget we have is already
allocated to other advertising costs and no such activities can be aIIorded.
rochures and Leaflets
We will provide shade book to the customers in which the colors selection will be
displayed and the diIIerent color schemes Ior customers. Cost is given in the advertising
anners and Hoardings
We will place Iour billboards in Lahore. The location will be Gulberg Main Boulevard,
DeIence Main Boulevard, liberty and one at Mall Road. Cost is given in advertising expenses.
We will also place shop Iascia signs as a medium oI advertising.
Market Skimming
We will use the market skimming strategy to maximize our revenues. The reason Ior
choosing the market skimming strategy is that our product quality and its Ieatures support its
price and the competitor will not be able to enter into the paint tablet business easily and
undercut the high price.
Computation of Pricing Methods
Cost Plus and Competitor Indexing
Our company will use the cost plus and competitor indexing, both the methods. We will
charge our price more than the cost oI our product to cover the cost and to touch the break even
point in Iew coming years. Secondly we will use the competitors prices oI paints and charge little
bit higher because our product is delivering better quality with convenience and the customers
total cost will be low because the application cost and carriage cost is less.
Price Elasticity and Customer Sensitivity
Customers are very sensitive to prices in the market and their buying habits and patterns
changes with the change in prices in the markets. We have thoroughly checked the price trend in
the paint market and determined the rite price oI our paint tablet which is aIIordable.
iscounts and #ebated
Our company is not oIIering any discounts to the customers or any intermediary. Only
trade discounts are available Ior the wholesalers, dealers and retailers who will purchase paint
tablets in large amount.
Price Lining
Price oI our paint tablet`s one pack is Rs.1000. aIter cost and tax deduction our proIit per
pack is Rs.329. one pack includes Iour tablets oI 80 gram each Ior the preparation oI 4 liter
emulsion. Prices oI all the emulsions are same to attract the maximum number oI customers and
same with the cost. Because iI some material is added in one type oI emulsion, some material is
also excluded Irom it due to its nature.
Process (Product Acquirement)
When the product is manuIactured it will be distributed by our company owned cars to
the dealers, wholesalers and retailers oI the Lahore. From there the Iurther retailers and
customers can buy our product. We will distribute the paint tablets to wholesalers because there
are some shops in small areas where it is not possible Ior our distributors to reach. So those
retailers can buy our product Irom these wholesalers. Then the customers can buy the product
Irom dealers, wholesalers and retailers. Corporate consumers can directly buy the paint tablets
Irom Iactory as they need the product in large amount.
Physical Evidence
Land and building
Our Iactory and head oIIice is situated in Industrial Area Gulberg 3.
Location and Site etails
Our Iactory is near the Iactory oI PepsiCo and Seven Up. II you go Irom the jail road, you
have to come in service lane Irom the saddiq trade centre and take a right Irom there and then
leIt. This is the location oI our Iactory. Factory and head oIIice both are situated at a same place.
Market Entry Strategies
Flank Attack
We will use the Ilank attack strategy. Our company will attack its distinct competitors
and substitutes on the weaknesses and will provide better paint with added Ieatures in the market.
We will advertise our product heavily throughout the Lahore. And our technicalities and qualities
will prove the beneIits oI our product.
Launch Plan
We will oIIicially launch our product in the Iirst week oI March.
Event Marketing at Launch Stage
There will be proper orientation at the launch stage. The properties, technicalities,
qualities, beneIits and all the other Ieatures oI our product will be explained. TV channels,
newspapers and personnel Irom the chamber oI commerce will be invited at the launch time.
Publicity and Public #elations Activities
Our company will build public relation as a tool Ior the promotion oI our paint tablets,
and to Iind the better place in the industry through good relationships with other industries. We
will also publish annual reports, articles, brochures and magazines Ior our target market.
Other Strategies and Approached Used
Core Competencies
Low total cost with high quality.
More convenient with more color choices
etter schemes for customers
Germ prevention oI walls
Long lasting durability
Single coating required
Color scheme models
SWO% Analysis
First one to bring innovation in the paint market.
Color scheme models available through which customers can select the combination oI
colors to be applied in the room.
Germs protective paint.
Low application cost.
Low carriage cost.
High durability in paint tablets.
Special paints Ior children
No experience oI market.
Low budget
Company owned distribution so distributing companies can make hurdles
To enter into enamel section
To run out substitutes and distinct competitors with low market share.
Competition with huge market share companies and to Iace diIIiculties to capture their
Low innovation concept among general public.
New entrant into the same market.
Bad word oI mouth by competitors to Iail the innovation.
Financial Analysis
Sales forecasting for our paint tablet
Formula for sales forecasting n x q x p
n our capacity to serve
q number oI buyers
p sales price oI items
Sales forecasting for our product
Total population oI Lahore 10,000,000 (people)
Our target market (income ranging above
Total population who like to buy our
Total population who will surely buy our
Market available 100,000
Our capacity to serve the population (100) 100,000
Sales forecasting n x q x p
Target market x our capacity 100,000
Price oI paint tablet 1296
Sale Iorecasting Ior paint tablet 100,000 x 1296 Rs. 129600000
We conducted small survey Ior our target market and who will surly buy our product
Project startup costs-Onetime expenses in rupee
Land&Building 68400000
Plant & installation 4632000
Furniture & Iixture 12400000
Additional equipment 5000000
Loose tools 150000
%otal 90582000
Sales reakdown-quarterly
March to May (15) $120000
June to August (30) $240000
September to November (35) $230000
December to February (20) $160000
1. Material
a. Pigment
b. Talc
c. Binder
2. FOH
d. Indirect material
e. Fuel &power
I. Insurance
. irect labor
Total labor is 110 and salary oI one labor is Rs.6500 (12month)
4. Marketing Expanse reak down
a. Billboard
b. TV
c. Newspaper
d. Radio
e. Magazines
reak-even analysis
Fixed cost Ior a year 25953200
Price per unit 1296
Cost per unit 1080
reakeven point FC/ P - VC
Conclusion and Wrap up
We are entering into a paint market with innovation. To create awareness among people
about our innovation is very diIIicult task. However this is only possible only through healthy
and heavy advertising. On the other side we need more skilled employees Ior the extension oI
our product line. All in all we are waiting Ior the successIul implementation oI our plan and then
the paint tablets will be launched in large and small cities oI Pakistan.