Unit 1 Introduction To Managers and Management
Unit 1 Introduction To Managers and Management
Unit 1 Introduction To Managers and Management
2. Middle Managers:
These managers manage the work of first-line
managers. Titles usually used for middle
managers are regional manager, project leader,
division or store manager.
3. First-Line Managers:
Low level of managers. Manage the work of
non-managerial employees who involved in
producing organization products and services.
First-line managers are known as supervisors, shift managers, department manager or office manager.
What is Management?
Management is a coordination and supervision of work activities of other so that their activities are completed
efficiently and effectively.
Efficient means “doing things right”. Get most output from least input. Effectiveness can be described as
“doing the right things”. Completing activities and doing those work that help achieving organizational goals.
Characteristics of management
Goal Oriented
Universal Activity
Dynamic Activity
Distinct Process
Both Science & Art
Multidisciplinary in Nature
• It is concerned with all those activities that are
designed to encourage a subordinate to work
efficiently and effectively.
• It is concerned with instructing, guiding and
inspiring subordinates to achieve organizational
• Directing includes following:
1. Supervision: It refers to the direct and
provide guidance to the subordinates to
ensure the execution of assigned work.
2. Motivation: It is a psychological and human
aspect. It is the process of stimulating subordinates to achieve predetermined goals.
3. Leadership: It is the art of influencing the behavior and performance of subordinates.
4. Communication: It is the process of transmitting ideas and information from one person to another.
5. Coordination: It is a process of integrating all the units and departments of an organization.
Controlling: Controlling is a process of:
setting standards
measuring actual performance
identifying deviation between planned and actual performance
analyze the causes of deviation
taking corrective action to achieve determined goals
Managerial Skills: Managerial skills are the knowledge and ability of the individuals in a managerial position to
fulfill some specific management activities or tasks. Different level of management requires different skill. There are
three types of skills as per management level:
Top management → Conceptual skills
Middle management → Human skills
Lower management → Technical skills
1. Conceptual Skills: The mental ability to analyze and diagnose (identify) complex situation. Top level management
need this skill to conceptualize the environment and take a broad view of organization while taking decisions.
2. Human Skills: The ability to work with others, understand and motivate other people individually or in group. It is
mainly required in middle level management. It is important to communicate, motivate, lead, inspire and trust
3. Technical Skills: The ability to apply specialized knowledge and expertise such as civil engineer or surgeons. It is
important for first line or lower-level management for providing training to the subordinates and answering their
work-related problems.
Management Roles
The term managerial role refers to the specific category of managerial behavior.
A. Interpersonal Roles (Communications Roles): Interpersonal role is concerned with maintaining formal and
informal relation with employees and public at large. It consists of following roles:
1. Figurehead: Managers play this role when they have to perform duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in
2. Leader: Managers play this role when they have to perform official functions.
3. Liaison: Managers play this role when they have to act like a connecting link between their organization and
outside world.
B. Informational Roles: Informational role of a manager consists of receiving, collecting and circulating non-
routing information. It consists of monitor, disseminator and spokesperson.
1. Monitor: This role involves receiving information about internal performance of the organization as well as
external events.
2. Disseminator (person who spread news): This role involves transmitting relevant information to the
members of organization.
3. Spokesperson: Represent the organization to outsides, serve as expert on organization industry.
C. Decisional Roles: Decisional role is concerned with choosing the best solution of problem from many
1. Entrepreneur: This role involves initiating change or acting as change agent and taking risks for better
2. Disturbance Handler: It involves handling disturbances like strike, feud between subordinates etc.
3. Resource Allocator: It involves allocating resources like money, people, time and equipment to different
4. Negotiator: It involves bargaining for the resources or anything to get advantage for the unit in an