DLL English-3 Q1 W1

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: AUG. 28, - SEPT. 1, 2023 Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standard Listening Comprehension Grammar Grammar Phonics and Word Writing/ Composition
B. Performance Standard To activate prior knowledge Demonstrate right use of To identify the sentences. Knowing the correct spelling Able to make a simple sentences.
grammar/ sentences. of the words.
C. Learning Competency/s: Activate prior knowledge based Distinguish sentences from Identifies sentences. Read words with short o Draw and write sentences about one’s
on the stories to be heard. non-sentences EN3G-Ia-b-1 sounds in CVC pattern and drawing.
EN3LC-Ia-j-2 EN3G-Ia-1.1 phrases and sentences EN3WC-Ia-j-4
containing these words.
II CONTENT Literature: Crow and the Pitcher Sentences from Non- Sentences Short O Sounds in CVC Drawing and Writing Sentences
Sentences pattern
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p. 36 of 170
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from Internet Internet Internet Internet
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, copy of story Charts,powerpoint,strips of Videos,powerpoint,laptop,speaker Pictures, laptop, projector Pictures, laptop, projector
cartolina,activity sheets
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Unlocking/Vocabulary & Can you still remember the Sentences from Non- Sentences Sentences Short-O Sounds in CVC pattern.
presenting the new lesson Concept Development story “The Crow and the ( Mix and Match )
(crow, beak, pitcher, narrow, Pitcher?” What happened
thirsty, water) to the crow?
B. Establishing a purpose for the What do you do when you feel Read number one in column Show some pictures.Let the pupils What is the name of the fox Play a game “mandala”. Pupils will draw
lesson thirsty? A. Read make a sentences out of the in the sentences you learned a thing that will match their character.
number one in column B. pictures presented. yesterday? Let them share it to the class
Which tells more
about the crow?
C. Presenting Examples/instances Read the story aloud. Stop at Present the following phrase Show a powerpoint video about Present videos about Short – Show some illustration to the class and
of new lesson indicated point, to ask the cards and have children read sentences. O sounds in CVC pattern. ask questions.
children what they think will them. - baby sleeping on the crib
happen next in the story. Explain that Sox is the name - apples fall down the trees
of a town. - car moving fast
Say: Look at the sentence. - Mother baking a cake.
Does it give a complete
Yes, it does. But there is
something wrong with the
sentence. Can you tell?
What should we do to make
it correct?
(Make the word “the” begin
with a capital letter. Add a
period at the end of the
D. Discussing new concepts and . At the beginning of the story, What is differences between - What is sentences? - What letter did the word - How do you know the events in the
practicing new skills #1 what did the thirsty crow do? two columns? sounds? pictures?
2. Where did he find water? - What is the sound of the Original File Submitted and Formatted
3. Could he drink right away? letter? by DepEd Club Member - visit
Why not? depedclub.com for more
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment)
G. Finding Practical applications of Group the pupils into three. Divide the class into small Divide the class into three.Provide Give them activity sheet to Group the pupils into three. Provide
concepts and skills groups. Each group will an activity that will enhance the perform in group activity drawings to them .Let them form a
combine phrases to make pupils’ grammar. regarding short-o sounds in sentences out of the drawing.
sentences. Each group CVC pattern.
should write two sentences.
The sentences should make
Each sentence should begin
with a capital letter and end
with a period.
The big pot is so hot.
The water is so hot.
Two cops go to Sox.
The crow and the fox go to
Two cops are in the lot.
The crow and the fox are in
the lot.
Have groups present their
outputs. Guide the class in
giving feedback on whether
thesentences formed make
H. Making generalizations and What lesson did you learn? What is sentences? How do we read words? What did you learned today?
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning LM - Activity 2 on page 3 for the Refer the pupils to LM – Put a check if the ff.is a sentence Name the following pictures. Post some drawing. Ask them to make a
Writing to Learn activity. Activity 3 , page 3 for and cross mark (X) if it is not. ( Teachers’ discretion ) simple writings about the drawing.
another guided practice 1. Thelma is a cute girl.
exercise. 2. saw a two big house.
J. Additional activities for Draw the favorite part of the Provide assignment to them. Cut- out pictures and make a Draw or cut out pictures with Study your lesson well.
application or remediation story. sentences out of it. short o sounds in CVC
pattern.Make a sentences
out of it.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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