HCM 325 Module Six Discussion Worksheet

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HCM 325 Module Six Discussion Worksheet

In this discussion, you will draft your ideas for the Marketing Strategies section (Section IV) of your final project and
receive feedback from your peers before submitting your proposal in Module Seven.

Analyze the pros and cons of two marketing techniques you may use to market your selected service. The marketing
techniques should follow logically from the description and analysis that you have completed thus far and should be
consistent with the mission, vision, and brand identity of the organization. Your selection should be based on the
fundamental marketing principles you have explored throughout the course.

Note: You must include at least one traditional marketing technique (such as public relations, advertising, sales and sales
promotion, direct marketing) and one electronic/social media technique (such as social media, websites, blogs,
podcasts/webcasts, or YouTube).

Complete this worksheet by replacing bracketed text.

Marketing Technique 1
1. Describe the proposed marketing technique (what, where, how, when, and why) including why you think it
would be an appropriate and effective tool to market your selected service to your target market:
The traditional marketing technique chosen for promoting the diabetes management program is Public Relations
(PR). This entails partnering with healthcare professionals, influencers, and media outlets to disseminate
information about the program. Press releases, media interviews, and community events would be utilized to
raise awareness about the program's benefits, effectiveness, and availability. This technique would be
appropriate as it leverages trusted sources in the healthcare industry to endorse the program, enhancing
credibility and reaching a wider audience.

2. Describe three resources that would be required to implement this marketing technique; outline the direct and
indirect costs.


Example Resource:
Website Development
Example Direct Expenses Example Indirect Expenses

Consultant fees for website concept and Meeting and review time for marketing
mock-up director and Executive Team to approve
website concept and mock-ups
Website developer to make required

Resource: PR Agency Services

Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
PR agency to develop press materials, monthly retainer fees and expenses for
pitch stories to media outlets, and travel or event coordination
coordinate interviews
Resource: Media Relations
Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Costs associated with creating press Costs that involve staff time spent on
releases, media kits, and organizing media media outreach and relationship building
events or interviews

Resource: Event Management

Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Costs related to organizing community Costs that involve staff time spent on
events, such as venue rental, catering, event planning and coordination
promotional materials, and speaker fees

3. Explain how you would measure the success of this marketing technique. What sources of data would you
monitor and how would that data be interpreted?
Note: Consider the measurement of both the process and outcome.
I would measure the success of the PR campaign through:

Media coverage: Quantity and quality of coverage in print, online, and broadcast media.
Audience reach: Evaluation of the program's exposure to the target audience through media impressions and
Audience engagement: Tracking of audience responses, inquiries, and feedback generated by media coverage.
Data sources for measurement would include media monitoring tools, website analytics, and social media
engagement metrics. Interpretation of data would involve assessing the impact of media coverage on brand
awareness, program uptake, and community engagement.

Marketing Technique 2
4. Describe the proposed marketing technique (what, where, how, when, and why) including why you think it
would be an appropriate and effective tool to market your selected service to your target market:
The electronic/social media technique chosen is the utilization of a dedicated YouTube channel for the diabetes
management program. This involves creating informative and engaging video content that educates viewers
about diabetes management techniques, lifestyle changes, success stories, and testimonials from program
participants. The channel would serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking information and support
related to diabetes management, thereby positioning the program as a trusted authority in the field.

5. Describe three resources that would be required to implement this marketing technique; outline the direct and
indirect costs:

Resource: Video Production

Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Hiring videographers, editors, and Costs that include equipment rental,
scriptwriters to produce high-quality video location fees, and post-production editing
content software.

Resource: Channel Management

Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Costs associated with channel setup, Costs may involve staff time dedicated to
branding, and ongoing management, content creation and optimization.
including content scheduling, community
moderation, and audience engagement.
Resource: Promotion and Advertising
Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Budget allocation for promoting videos Costs may include ad management fees
through YouTube advertising, influencer and creative development
partnerships, and social media promotion

6. Explain how you would measure the success of this marketing technique. What sources of data would you
monitor and how would that data be interpreted?
Note: Consider the measurement of both the process and outcome.
I would measure the success of the YouTube channel through:

Viewership metrics: Tracking of views, watch time, and audience retention to gauge the popularity and
effectiveness of video content.
Engagement metrics: Analysis of likes, comments, shares, and subscriber growth to assess audience engagement
and interaction with the channel.
Conversion metrics: Monitoring of website traffic, sign-ups, and program inquiries generated from YouTube
Data would be collected from YouTube Analytics, website analytics platforms, and customer relationship
management (CRM) systems. Interpretation of data would involve evaluating the impact of video content on
audience engagement, brand perception, and program enrollment.

7. Now that you have considered two marketing techniques in some detail, list three additional marketing
techniques that you might consider for the Marketing Strategies section of your proposal.
Content Marketing: Publishing informative articles, blog posts, and infographics on the program's website and
social media platforms to attract and educate the target audience.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with health and wellness influencers to endorse the program and reach
their followers through sponsored content and testimonials.
Email Marketing: Implementing targeted email campaigns to deliver personalized content, updates, and
promotions to subscribers interested in diabetes management.

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