USA History

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In Singapore I took a taxi and went to t1
I completed checked in I then completed me
Immigration then boarded the flight and took off

IN THE flight
I got of the flight and went to a spa there they allow us to bath
there then we ate something and bought dates and then took a
train to then rushed to the flight I boarded and took off

I landed in New York then we took a taxi and went to then hotel
that day we went to time square and we went to Nat geo
ocean and we saw many things in the Nat geo ocean then we
ate pasta it was fun on the first day in NYC
The next day we went to see a memorial of two buildings and one
world trade center and could see the whole NEW YORK center it
was 257 feet high and then we went to Brooklyn and crossed the
whole bridge then went to the hotel .The next day we went on a
bus ride the bus ride was great I went to the history museum and
saw dead animal which is stuffed and saw something then we
went on the bus to central park there we took some photos and
then took the bus back to the street and we went at night on the
bus my mother bought my father a jacket the bus started it
became were cold and when we got of I was shivering then we
bought a jacket then we went to taco bell . the next day I went for
Shopping and we bought lot of cloths and the same day we went
to the Statue of liberty and took lots of photos and had fun on the
boat to the liberty and the way back I had fun In NY the next day
we woke up at 8:00am and took a train to WASHINGTON DC.
IN WASHINGTON DC I went to my uncle’s house and went to the
game room played table tennis and went for swimming and had lot
of fun and also went shopping that day. The next day I went to
capital hill it was big and tall we took lot of photos and then walked
to botanical garden over there we saw many flowers and then we
walked to Earth and space museum and over there we went
around and it was cool it showed many part of a space
ship ,missiles of

Russia and USA I had fun then we walked so much to find a

restaurant and then we went to another museum and found there
café and we went to GEORGE WASHINGTONS memorial and we
were walking to the world war 2 memorial and then went back
home .
Then the next day we went for shopping and then we stayed home
packing for the next day. The next day we went to the car and
started our journey to Niagara.

To and in NIAGARA
ON my way to Niagara I stopped at corning glass making place
there we bought tickets and saw how to make glass then we saw
how they design it then we went to the glass braking demo 1,2,3
broke normally but the last one was hard to break so he gave a
small rod and it broke and then on the way we bought Ice
cream .The same

day we reached Niagara and saw the fire works by Canada

and went an had a buffa and went to the hotel. The next day we
went to Niagara and we were looking for the ticket counter for the
Maid of mist it was closed due to lot of water then we saw
American falls and booked tickets for the cave of wind then had Ice
cream then had lunch there were seals around our table the we
were walking around then it was our turn to go to cave of wind
and we had to wear there shoes and then wait a long line it was so
long it took 30 min time then took a lift down and we had to wear
rain coat and we went over there my raincoat was torn so I was
soaking wet I had lot of dun then we could not go to the car so we
bought new cloths and took a tram ride and saw horse shoe falls it
was big then we went to the car and went to Anchor bar and we
started a 5 hour drive to Hearsays’ factory.

I went to the ride there they show us how to make hearsay’s
chocolate and we went to by tickets for make your own chocolate

And unwrap and a video so we went to the video first and then
unwrap and make your own chocolate and we bought many kiss
and went home .2 days later we went on a flight 6 hour to san

San Francisco
We got off the flight and then we took a train and we took
another train and came back and booked a taxi to the hotel and
we went to Powell tram
and went to fishermen Warf and we ate and we went to girdle ice
cream and we walked half way to crooked street but it was to high
and we booked a taxi back to fisher men Warf and we went to see
lions and we wanted to go to Alcatraz but we were tiered so we
went on another boat ride called lady bug and the boat was low
and I got a turn to drive the boat and went to the hotel and I
noticed that there is no ac so we went to the best buy and there
was no fan then we went to buy dinner then the next day bought
breakfast we went to new Delhi for lunch and we rented a car we
went to Oakland and rested over there.

I went to the car park and then we saw the water fall and so many
mountains and we walked and saw that they are camping there is
something called as mirror lake and we then ask how to go then we
went on a trail which was so long on way we saw a person walking
so fast and at the same speed came back so we saw a bear then we
threw stones then we walked and continued then we reached all
and we kept our leg in it and we cannot keep our leg for long its so

and we took a shuttle to the parking lot and went to Fresno

WE WENT TO SANTAMONICA beach then we had so much fun so
we went on the board walk and we also had Ice cream then we
took a 1:25 min drive to the hotel and we ate in a restaurant .The
next day we went to DISNIY LAND and had fun we went on the
mountain splash it was like a roller coaster and the next ride we
went to a winy and poo then we went to a train ride then we
went to a submarine ride and hide lunch and went to haunted
mansion ride then a show and ate caramel popcorn and we saw
parade cand saw Beauty and the Beast show the car
ride was the best then the cannel ride and the fireworks and then
we the next day I went to the swimming and then we left.

We went to hotel it’s not a hotel it’s another house it has a living
room ,a bathroom, and a 2 bed,1 room it’s so cool then we went to
VANISHIAN it’s not so great as our hotel but it works we ate there
and then came back we slept and the next day we had breakfast
and then we went to the car and then we started to go to GRAND

We were on our way and we stopped at HOVER DAM and we took
photos and we went to buy magnets and we went 5 hour to
Grand Canyon and we went to a Imax show and it was bad
then we ate pizza and we went .The next day we went to take
the shuttle and we went to the main area we saw that the
canyon is so long we
look the red bus and we took many photo and we finished
the ride and went back then took the main area and ate lunch
and we took the orange line AND WE CONINUED Taking
photos and we had fun we went back to the hotel and we
went to LAS VAGES.

We went shopping to the outlets and we went to eat Chipotle and
we went to PARISIAN
hotel and
we played casino and I and my father went to by juice and we
went to the hotel and returned the car then we went to the
airport and we played casino and boarded.

We went to Washington we went to buy toys and we went to
Walmart and Costco and my mother bought jeans at night for
me then the next day we started 5-hour drive to JFK
international airport.


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