Xi Notes

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TERM - I : 2024-25

STUDENT’S NAME ___________________________________________________ROLL NO.:__________
Std. XI DATE: 20/06/2024

1.What is the software?

Ans. Software is a set of instructions that directs the computer to process information
These instructions called programs.

2. What are the differences between hardware and software?

Ans. Computer hardware is any physical device, something that you are able to touch.
Software is a collection of instructions and code installed into computer and cannot be touched
For. Example. the computer monitor you are using to read this text on and the mouse you are
Using to navigate this web page is computer hardware The internet browser that allowed you
To visit this page and the operating system that the browser is running on is software.

3. What are the main types of software?

Ans. There are two main types of software: system software and application software.

4. What is an operating system?

Ans. An operating system is software that manages computer hardware and software. It supplies an
interface for the user and important utilities for managing the computer.

5. Differentiate between system software and application software. Give examples of each type of software.
Ans. System Software. The software that controls internal computer operations is called as system software.
For example, Operating Systems, Interpreters, Compilers, Assemblers, Utility programs, etc.
Application Software. This is the group of programs that carry out specific application for user.
For example, payroll systems, financial accounting, word processing, etc.

6. What is compiler and compilation?

Ans. Compiler is a software which converts high level language into machine level language.
And this process is known as compilation. It translates a source program that is usually written in a high level
language by a programmer into machine language. For each high level language, the machinerequires a separate
7. Give some reasons for studying operating system.
Ans. Some reasons for studying OS are:
(a) User interacts with the computer through operating system in order to accomplish his task
since it is his primary interface with a computer.
(b) It helps users to understand the inner functions of a computer very closely.
(c) Many concepts and techniques found in operating system have general applicability in other applications.
8. What are the functions of the following:
(a) Assembler (c) Interpreter(b) Compiler
Note: Write at least two functions of each (above given).
Ans. (a) Assembler. Assembler is a set of programs used to convert the program written in assembly language
into machine language.
(b) Compiler. A compiler translates the entire source programs into an object programs and is
not involved in its execution. A compiler can translate only those source programs, which
have been written in the language for which the compiler is meant. For example, a FORTRAN
compiler is only capable of translating source programs, which have been written in FORTRAN.
(c) Interpreter. Interpreter is a language processor/interpreter which converts a HLL program
into machine language by converting it line-by- line. If there is any error in any line, it reports
it at the same time and program execution cannot resume until the error is rectified.

9. What is system software?

Ans. System software program coordinates the operation of the various hardware components of the computer.
The system software or operating system program helps the user to actually operate the computer system. They
are an interface between the user and the computer.

10.Define the following:

(a) Source program
(b) Object program
Ans. (a) Source program. A program written by a programmer in a high-level language or assembly language,
which is to be converted into machine level language, is called a source program or source code.
(B) Object program. The source program is converted into machine level Instructions of b The executions. The
source is converted is called an object program or object code

11. Define utilities.

Ans. The OS uses Applications called utilities which allow the user to manage the com they are many different
Applications called utilities which allow across operating systems. They are oth

accessed via a special menu or control panel in the OS.

12. What activities does OS play as resource manager?

Ans. a resource managers play and resource performs the following activities:
(a) Monitoring the different resources.

(b) Decide which resource get what, when and for how much time.
(c) Allocate the resources.
(d) Reclaim the resources.

13. What is parallel computing ?

Ans. Parallel computing is the concurrent use of multiple processors (CPU) concurrently instead of using
One processor exclusively. parallel computing is use of two or more processors (cores of computer)
in combination To solve a single problem.
14. What is the cloud computing?
Ans. Cloud computing means sorting and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of your computer’s
Hard drive the cloud is just a metaphor for the internet.
15. State two benefits of cloud computing
Ans. Two benefits are:
a. Increased security at a much lesser cost.
b. Easy to maintain.
16. What are libraries?
Ans. Libraries are collection of function and objects that serves one particulars purpose libraries (module) provide
Us with useful data types, functions and tools for making even better programs they are mad so you do not have
to re-write something someone else has already written for you.
17. State the advantage of compiled languages over interpreted languages?
Ans. The major advantage of compiled languages over interpreted languages is their execution speed because
Languages converted directly into machine code the run significantly faster and more efficiently than interpreted
languages especially considering the complexity of statement in some the more modern scripting languages
Which are interpreted

18. Write few characteristics of Cloud computing?

Ans. Characteristics cloud computing as follows:
a. On-demand self-service by consumers
b. Broad access via the network
c. Resources pooling of physical and virtual resources
d. Rapid scaling of capacity
e. Enhanced transparency of usage via metrics

19. Differentiate between cloud computing and grid computing?

Ans. CLOUD COMPUTING: its is a Client-server computer architecture uses centralized approach.
GRID COMPUTING: its is distributed computing architecture uses decentralized approach.

20. Who coined the term artificial intelligence?

Ans. The term "artificial intelligence" actually goes back many decades, dating back to the year 1955 when John
McCarthy first coined the term.

21. What are the various areas where Al (Artificial Intelligence) can be used?
Ans. Artificial Intelligence can be used in many areas like Computing, Speech recognition, Bio-informatics,
Humanoid robot, Computer software, Space and Aeronautics etc.

22. Which is not commonly used programming language for AI?

Ans. Perl language is not commonly used programming language for Al.

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