Oceanography Solutions Lyst2871

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changing into liquid droplets or ice

crystals in the atmosphere, forming

clouds and contributing to
precipitation, solidifying its role in the
hydrological cycle.
1. “The continuous movement and
transformation of water between the Earth's _____________________________________________
atmosphere, land, and oceans is known as 2. Arrange the following sources in
the hydrological cycle”. descending order of the percentage of the
Which of the following is not a stage in the total water they contain:
hydrological cycle? 1. Atmosphere
A. Evaporation 2. Ground water
B. Hydration 3. Ice caps
C. Precipitation 4. Rivers
D. Condensation Select the correct answer from the options
Answer: B given below:
A. 1-4-2-3
B. 1-2-4-3
C. 3-2-1-4
D. 3-1-4-2
Answer: C

Evaporation: Water on earth’s surface:

• This is a key process where liquid

water changes into vapour and enters
the atmosphere, making it an essential
part of the hydrological cycle.
• While hydration can be related to
water in the context of living
organisms, it doesn't directly refer to _____________________________________________
the movement and transformation of 3. Consider the following statements about
water within the hydrological cycle. the Continental Shelf:
Precipitation: 1. It is the shallowest part of the ocean.
• This refers to water falling back to the 2. It is characterised by a gentle
Earth's surface in various forms like geomorphic gradient averaging 1° or
rain, snow, sleet, or hail, making it a less.
crucial stage in the hydrological cycle. 3. The shelves can extend for distances up
Condensation: to 1,500 kilometres.
• This process involves water vapour
4. The shelves are particularly narrow Massive sedimentary deposits received
along the coasts of Chile and the west over a long time by the continental
coast of Sumatra. shelves, become the source of fossil
How many of the statements given above fuels.
is/are correct ?
A. One only
B. Two only
C. Three only
D. All four
Answer: D
About Continental Shelf: _____________________________________________

• The continental shelf is the extended 4. The continental shelf typically terminates
margin of each continent occupied by at a very steep slope. Which of the following
relatively shallow seas and gulfs. terms identifies such a slope ?

• It is the shallowest part of the ocean. A. Abyssal plain

Hence, statement 1 is correct. B. Oceanic trench
• It shows an average gradient C. Shelf break
(geomorphic) of 1° or even less. Hence,
D. Continental rise
statement 2 is correct.
Answer: C
• The width of the continental shelves
vary from one ocean to another. The About the terms:
average width of continental shelves is • Abyssal plain: This is the flat, deep
about 80 km. seabed at the bottom of the ocean
o The Siberian shelf in the Arctic basins.
Ocean, the largest in the world, • Oceanic trench: These are deep,
stretches to 1,500 km in width. narrow depressions in the ocean floor.
Hence, statement 3 is correct.
• Shelf break: The shelf typically ends at
o On the contrary, the shelves are a very steep slope, called the shelf
almost absent or very narrow break. It also marks the abrupt change
along some of the margins like in slope between the gentle gradient of
the coasts of Chile, the west coast the continental shelf and the steeper
of Sumatra, etc. Hence, descent of the continental slope. Hence,
statement 4 is correct. option C is the correct answer.
• The depth of the shelves also varies. It • Continental rise: This is the gently
may be as shallow as 30 m in some sloping area at the base of the
areas while in some areas it is as deep continental slope, where sediments
as 600 m. accumulate before reaching the abyssal
• The shelves are covered with variable plain.
thicknesses of sediments brought down
by rivers, glaciers, wind, from the land
and distributed by waves and currents.
slopes. These are formed due to
underwater currents, sediment
deposition, and tectonic activity.
6. Consider the following statements about
Deep-Sea Plains:
_________________________________________ 1. The plains are largest and most
common in the Atlantic Ocean while
5. Consider the following statements about
being less common in the Indian Ocean.
continental slopes:
2. Deposits of clay and silt cannot be
1. Rich marine life can be found
found in such plains.
throughout the slopes due to the
abundant presence of sunlight. 3. Their formation is primarily attributed
to seafloor spreading and tectonic plate
2. Canyons and trenches are observed in
this region.
Which of the statements given above is/are
Which of the statements given above is/are
A. 1 and 2
A. 1 only
B. 2 and 3
B. 2 only
C. 1 and 3
C. Both 1 and 2
D. All of the above
D. Neither 1 and 2
Answer: C
Answer: B
About Deep sea plains:
Statement 1 is incorrect:
• The depth of the slope region varies
between 200 and 3,000 m. Sunlight
penetration is limited in the deep
waters of the continental slope, which
restricts the growth of phytoplankton
and limits the abundance of marine life
compared to shallower regions.
Statement 1 is correct:
• The plains are largest and most
common in the Atlantic Ocean, less
common in the Indian Ocean, and even
rarer in the Pacific, where they occur
mainly as the small, flat floors of
marginal seas or as the narrow,
elongate bottoms of trenches. In the
Statement 2 is correct:
North Atlantic the Sohm Plain alone
• Submarine canyons and trenches are has an area of approximately 900,000
characteristic features of continental square km (350,000 square miles).
Statement 2 is incorrect:
• Deep-sea plains are covered in fine-
grained sediments like clay and silt,
which settle from the surface waters
over vast periods.
Statement 3 is correct:
• Seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges
is the primary driver behind the
formation of deep-sea plains. As
tectonic plates move apart, new
oceanic crust is created, forming vast,
flat deep sea plains. These are the
flattest and smoothest regions of the
world. The depths vary between 3,000
and 6,000m.
7. Consider the following features: • On the other hand, Bergschrunds are
1. Bergschrund related to glaciers and Inselbergs are
typical of many deserts and semi-arid
2. Guyots
3. Inselbergs
4. Mid oceanic ridges
8. Consider the following statements about
How many of the above are classified as Mid-Oceanic Ridges:
minor relief features which predominate the
ocean floor ? 1. Such ridges are typically composed of
two chains of mountains separated by a
A. One only large depression.
B. Two only 2. The peaks of such ridges can even reach
C. Three only above the ocean's surface, forming
D. All Four
Which of the statements given above is/are
Answer: B
• Mid-Oceanic Ridges, Seamounts,
A. 1 only
Submarine Canyons, Guyots and
Atolls are minor relief features which B. 2 only
predominate the ocean floor. C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: D
Statement 1 is correct:
• Mid-oceanic ridges do have a central
rift valley, a deep valley formed by the
divergence of tectonic plates. _____________________________________________
10. Consider the following statements about
ocean trenches:
1. They are found in most of the major
ocean basin on the planet.
2. They occupy the hadalpelagic zone of
the ocean.

Statement 2 is correct: 3. The trenches formed at the continental-

oceanic boundary are generally
• While the vast majority of mid-oceanic asymmetrical.
ridges lie underwater, some peaks can
Which of the statements given above is/are
rise high enough to break the surface
and form islands. Iceland, a part of the
midAtlantic Ridge, is an example. A. 1 and 2
These islands are volcanic in origin B. 2 and 3
and are a direct result of the tectonic C. 1 and 3
activity at the mid-ocean ridge.
D. All of the above
Answer: D
9. Consider the following pairs:
Statement 1 is correct:
1. Mariana Trench: Indian ocean
• While trenches are found in most
2. Mindanao Deep: Antarctic ocean major ocean basins, the Atlantic Ocean
3. Kermadec Trench: Pacific Ocean has fewer and shallower trenches
4. Puerto Rico Trench: Atlantic Ocean compared to the Pacific Ocean.

How many pairs are correctly matched ? Statement 2 is correct:

A. Two only • The hadalpelagic zone encompasses

the deepest parts of the ocean, and
B. Three only
trenches are a defining feature of this
C. All Four zone.
D. None Statement 3 is correct:
Answer: A • Trenches formed at convergent
The correct pairs are: boundaries between continental and
• Mariana Trench: Located in the oceanic plates (subduction zones) are
Western Pacific Ocean typically asymmetrical, with the
oceanic plate dipping beneath the
• Mindanao Deep / Philippine Trench:
continental plate at a steeper angle.
Located in western North Pacific
Ocean _____________________________________________
• Kermadec Trench: Situated in the South 11. Which of the following descriptions
Pacific Ocean matches with that of “Accretionary wedges”?
• Puerto Rico Trench: Lies in the Atlantic A. Large bodies of slowly moving ice
Ocean found on land.
B. Erosional landforms created by flowing 2. They are made of the shelly and skeletal
rivers. remains of marine microorganisms
with calcareous or siliceous parts.
C. Deep sediments in the ocean floor
marking the subduction of one plate 3. Oozes have a coarse texture containing
beneath another. big sediments.
D. Arid regions with sparse vegetation 4. They can either occur as accumulated
and little rainfall. deposits on the ocean floor or float
Answer: C about in suspension in the water
About Accretionary wedges:
How many of the statements given above
• They form at the bottom of ocean is/are correct?
trenches created at some convergent
A. One only
plate boundaries. The rocks of an
accretionary wedge are so deformed B. Two only
and fragmented they are known as C. Three only
melange—French for “mixture.”
D. All Four
• They form as sediments from the dense,
subducting tectonic plate are scraped Answer: C
off onto the less-dense plate. Sediments Statement 1 is correct:
often found in accretionary wedges
• Oozes are indeed classified as pelagic
include basalts from the deep oceanic
lithosphere, sedimentary rocks from deposits, meaning they accumulate on
the seafloor, and even traces of the ocean floor from organic materials
continental crust drawn into the wedge. that settle from the water column.
The most common type of continental Statement 2 is correct:
crust found in accretionary wedges is
volcanic material from islands on the • Oozes are formed from the hard, shelly
overriding plate. and skeletal parts of tiny marine
organisms like plankton, consisting of
• They are roughly shaped like a triangle
calcium carbonate (calcareous) or silica
with one angle pointing downward
toward the trench. Because sediments (siliceous) parts.
are mostly scraped off from the Statement 3 is incorrect:
subducting plate as it falls into the
• The microscopic remains of these
mantle, the youngest sediments are at
organisms give oozes their
the bottom of this triangle and the
oldest are at the more flattened area characteristic fine flour-like and
above. This is the opposite of most rock powdery texture.
formations, where geologists must dig Statement 4 is correct:
deep to find older rocks.
• Oozes can accumulate in thick layers
________________________________________ on the seabed or exist as suspended
12. Consider the following statements about particles in the water column before
oozes: settling down.
1. These are pelagic deposits. _____________________________________________
13. Arrange the following water bodies in salinity of 250 parts per thousand. Lake
increasing order of their average salinity: Van in Asia Minor boasts the highest
1. Baltic Sea salinity, reaching 330 parts per
thousand, as it is a salt lake where salts
2. Caspian Sea
accumulate from the surrounding
3. Dead Sea shores.
4. Lake Van _____________________________________________
Select the correct answer from the options 14. Consider the following statements about
given below: Atolls:
A. 1-2-3-4 1. Most atolls are low-lying islands.
B. 1-3-4-2 2. They are typically found in tropical and
C. 2-4-3-1 subtropical oceans.
D. 4-3-2-1 3. They can develop around underwater
volcanoes, called seamounts.
Answer: A
4. They can enclose a lagoon of saltwater
The correct order is:
or freshwater.
• Baltic Sea: Around 7 parts per thousand
How many of the statements given above
• Caspian Sea: Around 180 parts per is/are correct?
A. One only
• Dead Sea: Around 250 parts per
B. Two only
C. Three only
• Lake Van: Around 330 parts per
thousand D. All Four
About average salinity in water bodies: Answer: D
• The average salinity of the oceans is Statement 1 is correct:
generally around 35.2 parts per • Most atolls are low-lying due to
thousand, indicating about 35 parts of subsidence.
salt in 1,000 parts of water. Notably,
Statement 2 is correct:
the Baltic Sea exhibits a significantly
lower salinity of approximately 7 parts • Warm waters in tropical and
per thousand due to dilution by fresh subtropical regions are ideal for coral
water and melting ice. Conversely, the reef growth, a necessity for atolls.
Red Sea experiences elevated salinity, Statement 3 is correct:
reaching an average of 39 parts per
• Atolls form around submerged
thousand, attributed to high surface
volcanic mountains or seamounts that
evaporation and reduced influx of
subside over time. First, the volcano
freshwater from rivers.
erupts, piling up lava on the seafloor.
• In enclosed seas, such as the Caspian As the volcano continues to erupt, the
Sea, salinity levels soar to a remarkable seamount's elevation grows higher,
180 parts per thousand. The Dead Sea eventually breaking the surface of the
in Palestine records an even higher water. The top of the volcano becomes
an oceanic island. In the next stage, influence surface temperature
tiny sea animals called corals begin to distribution.
build a reef around the island, forming • Water pollution: Certain pollutants can
an atoll. absorb heat, impacting local
Statement 4 is correct: temperatures.

• Atoll may be a part of the sea (lagoon), • Marine life activity: Respiration of
marine organisms can contribute to
or sometimes form enclosing a body of
heat production in specific areas.
fresh, brackish, or highly saline water.
• Presence of sea ice: Sea ice reflects
sunlight, reducing heat absorption and
15. The distribution of temperature in the influencing regional temperatures.
ocean is not uniform and is influenced by
Therefore, Option D is the correct answer.
various factors. Choose the most relevant
factors from the following options: _____________________________________________
A. Depth, salinity, and sunlight 16. Temperature variations exist between
penetration only enclosed seas and open seas. Consider the
following statements:
B. Latitude, ocean currents, and
prevailing winds only 1. The enclosed seas in the low latitudes
record relatively lower temperatures than
C. Water pollution, marine life activity,
the open seas.
and presence of sea ice only
2. The enclosed seas in the high latitudes
D. All of the above
generally have warmer temperatures than
Answer: D the open seas.
Following factors play a role in shaping the Which of the statements given above is/are
complex patterns of ocean temperature correct?
A. 1 only
• Depth: Temperature generally
B. 2 only
decreases with increasing depth due to
the reduced absorption of solar C. Both 1 and 2
radiation. D. Neither 1 nor 2
• Salinity: Saltier water has a higher heat
Answer: D
capacity, affecting how it absorbs and
retains heat. Statement 1 is incorrect:
• Sunlight penetration: Sunlight warms • Enclosed seas at low latitudes tend to be
the surface waters, and the angle of warmer than the open ocean due to limited
incidence varies with latitude. water exchange, shallow depth, and
continental influences.
• Ocean currents: Warm currents
transport heat from equatorial regions, Statement 2 is incorrect:
while cold currents carry cooler waters • Enclosed seas at high latitudes generally
towards the equator. tend to be colder than the open ocean due to
• Prevailing winds: Winds can cause factors like continentality, sea ice cover that
upwelling of cold deep water and traps cold air and limits heat exchange.
17. Consider the following statements about
the thermocline:
1. It is characterised by a rapid increase in
temperature with increasing depth.
2. About 90 percent of the total volume of
water is found below the thermocline.
Which of the statements given above is/are
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 and 2
Answer: B
Statement 1 is incorrect:
• The thermocline is actually defined by _____________________________________________
a rapid decrease in temperature with 18. Salinity, a measure of dissolved salts in
increasing depth. It separates the seawater, is influenced by several factors.
warmer surface waters from the colder How many of the following factors affect
deep ocean. ocean salinity from the following list?
Statement 2 is correct: 1. Process of precipitation.
• The vast majority of the ocean's 2. Fresh water flows from rivers.
volume lies below the thermocline,
3. Processes of freezing and thawing of
where temperatures are much colder.
4. Wind.
5. Temperature variations.
Select the correct answer from the options
given below:
A. Two only
B. Three only
C. Four only
D. All Five
Answer: D
Factors affecting ocean salinity are
mentioned below:
• The salinity of water in the surface
layer of oceans depends mainly on
evaporation and precipitation. rivers, and circulation patterns.
• Surface salinity is greatly influenced in Statement 2 is correct:
coastal regions by the freshwater flow • The average salinity of the Atlantic
from rivers, and in polar regions by the Ocean is around 36 o/oo. The highest
processes of freezing and thawing of salinity is recorded between 15° and
ice. 20° latitudes. Maximum salinity (37
• Wind also influences salinity of an area o/oo ) is observed between 20° N and
by transferring water to other areas. 30° N and 20° W - 60° W. It gradually
decreases towards the north.
• The ocean currents contribute to the
salinity variations. Statement 3 is incorrect:

• Salinity, temperature and density of • The Arabian Sea has limited

water are interrelated. Hence, any freshwater inflow due to surrounding
change in the temperature or density arid lands and experiences high
influences the salinity of water in an evaporation rates, resulting in higher
area. salinity compared to the Bay of Bengal,
which receives greater freshwater
_____________________________________________ input from rivers.
19. Consider the following statements about
salinity in different oceans:
20. Consider the following statements about
1. The salinity variation in the Pacific
salinity of ocean water:
Ocean is mainly due to its shape and
larger areal extent. 1. Salinity can increase with increasing
depth in some areas.
2. The highest salinity in the Atlantic
ocean is recorded between 15° and 20° 2. Increasing salinity of seawater
latitudes. generally causes its density to increase.
3. The Arabian Sea has lower salinity than Which of the statements given above is/are
the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean. correct ?
Which of the statements given above is/are A. 1 only
correct? B. 2 only
A. 1 and 2 only C. Both 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3 only D. Neither 1 and 2
C. 1 and 3 only Answer: C
D. All of the above Statement 1 is correct:
Answer: A Salinity can indeed increase with depth in
Statement 1 is correct: certain areas due to several factors:
• The salinity variations in the Pacific • Limited freshwater input: In areas with
Ocean is primarily due to its shape and minimal precipitation or river
larger areal extent. Besides, it is also discharge, evaporation concentrates
salts at the surface, and denser saltier
influenced by factors like evaporation,
precipitation, freshwater influx from
water can sink, increasing salinity with 22. Consider the following statements:
depth. Statement 1: The Atacama Desert is one of the
• Deep water formation: In regions driest deserts in the world.
where cold, dense water sinks and Statement 2: Cold ocean currents have a direct
forms deep ocean currents, these effect on desert formation in west coast regions of
currents can carry saltier water from tropical and subtropical continents.
other regions, influencing salinity at
depth. Select the correct answer from the options given
Statement 2 is correct:
A. Statements 1 and 2 are correct and
• As the concentration of dissolved salts Statement 2 is the correct explanation of
(salinity) increases in seawater, the Statement 1.
water becomes denser. Saltier water
B. Statements 1 and 2 are correct but Statement
molecules are heavier than freshwater
2 is not the correct explanation of Statement
molecules, resulting in a higher 1.
C. Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is
_____________________________________________ incorrect.
21. How many among the following currents D. Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is
can be classified as cold currents ? correct.
1. Benguela current Answer: A
2. Canary current Statement 1 is correct:
3. Gulf stream • The Atacama Desert is renowned for its
4. Mozambique current extreme aridity, receiving very little rainfall.
5. Peruvian current Statement 2 is correct and correct explanation for
Statement 1:
Select the correct answer from the options
given below: • Cold ocean currents have a direct effect on
desert formation in west coast regions of
A. Two only
tropical and subtropical continents. Cold
B. Three only ocean currents, like the Peru Current/
C. Four only Humboldt Current off the coast of South
America, can contribute to desert formation
D. All Five in these regions because of:
Answer: B o Reduced evaporation: Cold currents
cool the overlying air, suppressing
evaporation and reducing moisture
available for precipitation.
o Stable air masses: Cold currents
promote the formation of stable air
masses that resist rising and
condensation, further limiting
23. The Kuroshio Current is a major warm ocean Answer: A
current. Choose the most accurate statement from
Statement 1 is incorrect:
the following:
• The Canary Current is a cool current that
A. It flows southward along the eastern coast
flows southward along the western coast of
of South America.
Africa and Europe.
B. It flows northwards on the west side of the
Statement 2 is correct:
North Pacific Ocean near Japan.
• The Labrador Current is a cold current that
C. It carries water northward along the
originates in the Arctic and flows
western coast of North America.
southward along the western coast of
D. It is responsible for the formation of coral Greenland.
reefs in the Indian Ocean.
Statement 3 is incorrect:
Answer: B
• The North Atlantic Drift is a warm current,
an extension of the Gulf Stream, that flows
eastward towards the European coast.

24. ‘The North Atlantic Ocean is a dynamic system
influenced by several currents’. In this context, 25. In context of the Sargasso sea, which is often
consider the following statements: in news, consider the following statements:

1. The Canary Current is a warm current that 1. It is an area with very fast flowing surface
flows southward along the eastern coast of ocean current.
North America. 2. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean.
2. The Labrador Current is a cold current that 3. Large amounts of seaweed can be found
originates in the Arctic and flows floating in the region.
southward along the western coast of
How many of the statements given above is/are
incorrect ?
3. The North Atlantic Drift is a cold current
A. One only
that flows eastward towards the European
coast. B. Two only
How many of the statements given above is/are C. All Three
correct ? D. None
A. One only Answer: A
B. Two only Statement 1 is incorrect:
C. All Three • The Sargasso Sea is characterised by a very
D. None calm and slower-moving surface current
compared to surrounding areas. While
there's some water movement, it's not as
strong as currents elsewhere in the ocean
and there is close to no perceptible surface
ocean current in the sea.
Statement 2 is correct:
• The Sargasso Sea is located in the North
Statement 2 is correct:
Atlantic Ocean, enclosed by a circular
pattern of currents. • The prevailing South-East Trade Winds
blowing towards the equator contribute to
Statement 3 is correct:
the movement of surface water offshore,
• The Sargasso Sea is famous for its triggering upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich
abundance of pelagic Sargassum seaweed, water from deeper layers. This upwelling
which floats in large mats due to the slow- process is a key driver of the Benguela
moving currents and creates a unique Current.
27. Consider the following statements regarding
26. Consider the following statements in context tides:
of Benguela Current:
1. In a semidiurnal tide, there is only one high
1. It brings the cold polar waters of the West tide and one low tide during each day.
Wind Drift into tropical latitudes.
2. In a diurnal tide, successive high or low
2. Regular South-East Trade Winds play an tides are approximately of the same height.
important role in driving the current.
3. West coast of India is dominated by tides
Which of the statements given above is/are correct which are mixed with dominant semi-
? diurnal constituents.
A. 1 only How many of the statements given above is/are
B. 2 only correct ?

C. Both 1 and 2 A. One only

D. Neither 1 and 2 B. Two only

Answer: C C. All Three

Statement 1 is correct: D. None

• On reaching the west coast of Africa the Answer:B

South Atlantic current is diverted Statement 1 is incorrect:
northwards as the cold Benguela Current
• Semidiurnal tides have two high tides and
(the counterpart of the Canaries Current). It
two low tides in a roughly 24-hour period.
brings the cold polar waters of the West
Wind Drift into tropical latitudes. Statement 2 is correct:
• Diurnal tides experience one high tide and
one low tide in a roughly 24-hour period,
and the successive high and low tides are
approximately of the same height.
Statement 3 is correct:
• Currents along the west coast of India are
dominated by tides, which are mixed with
dominant semi-diurnal constituents.
28. Consider the following statements:
1. When the sun, the moon, and the earth are
in a straight line the height of some tides
will be higher compared to normal high _____________________________________________
tides. 29. The Bay of Fundy, which is famous for its
exceptionally high tides, is found in which of the
2. Spring tides occur when the sun and the
following oceans?
moon are at right angles to each other.
A. Pacific Ocean
3. A neap tide generally occurs seven days
after a spring tide. B. Atlantic Ocean
Which of the statements given above is/are correct C. Indian Ocean
? D. Arctic Ocean
A. 1 and 2 Answer: B
B. 2 and 3
• Bay of Fundy is the inlet of the Atlantic
C. 1 and 3 Ocean between the Canadian provinces of
D. All of the above New Brunswick (north and west) and Nova
Scotia (south and east).
Answer: C
Statement 1 is correct:
• When the sun and moon are aligned (during
a new moon or full moon), their
gravitational forces combine, resulting in
higher high tides (spring tides) and lower
low tides.
Statement 2 is incorrect:
• Spring tides occur when the sun and moon
are pulling at right angles to each other, not
directly in line. This combined effect
strengthens the tidal forces. Neap tides
occur when the sun and the moon are at
right angles to each other. _____________________________________________
Statement 3 is correct: 30. Guano, a natural fertiliser rich in nitrogen and
phosphorus, is most likely to be present in which
• Neap tides occur roughly one week after or of the following regions?
before spring tides, when the gravitational
forces of the sun and moon partially cancel A. Deep-sea trenches in the Pacific Ocean
each other out, leading to lower high tides B. Temperate rainforests in North America
and higher low tides.
C. Coastal regions of Peru is South America
D. Hot, dry deserts in the Sahara region
Answer: C
• Guano is formed by the droppings of
seabirds, specifically those nesting in large
colonies. These birds require access to
abundant food sources, typically fish, which
are readily available in coastal regions,
especially coastal cliffs and islands near
Peru in South America. Hence, option C is
the correct answer.

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