South African History

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 The history of South Africa covers the republic of South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana,
Namibia, Zimbabwe and part of Angola.
 However, reference is even made on part of central Africa and South Africa.
 In South Africa, relief determined S much the settlement of people in the area.
 On assertion to climate, land and soil, this was full of materials, like diamond and gold.
 That’s why people who started in South Africa were cultivators.
 Inhabitants were pastorals who lived a semi nomadic life e.g. the Bantu who were later taken by
the Europeans, occupied Transvaal and Orange Free states.
 It was as a result of conducive condition that big towns like Johannesburg grew up.
 South Africa has had three major races these are Africans, Europeans and Arabs (Asians).
 The Europeans include French, Dutch, British and Portuguese.
 The Asians mainly were found in natal since were brought in South Africa as workers in an
attempt to construct roads, railway and to work in plantations.
 The Africans were the Khoikhoi, san and Bantu.
The earliest inhabitants in South Africa were the san followed by the khoi khoi and later the Bantu joined
Explain the migration and settlement of the san or
Who were the sans?
 The sans were people who were also called the hunters, bushmen, Twa or Roa.
 They were short, yellow or brown skinned people
 They are known to be the first inhabitants of South Africa.
 They had a click sound in the language with limited vocabulary
 The sans were believed to have migrated from east and central Africa.
 Their migration is believed to have started at around AD 1000
 This is due to the evidence got from rock paintings, which were found in South Africa similar to
those found in Tanganyika.
 In reaching South Africa they settled around dammar land and Batlapin.
 In south Africa they lived a hunting life in and around Kalahari Namibia deserts
 They also occupied highland areas or Brakenstein, Camdembo, Winterberg and Drankensberg.
 They also settled around rivers e.g. river orange, Vaal, Kei and Tugela.

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 By the end of the 19th century, the sans were living in summerset of Cradock.
 Today the sans are living in the drier areas of Botswana, Namibia, Angola and the republic of
south Africa even though their population is too small.


Describe the migration and settlement of the san
Why did they move from their cradle land?
How were they organized before the 18th century in South Africa?
 Over population in their cradle land caused their migration
 Outbreak of diseases like malaria in their cradle land.
 Hostile neighbors in their cradle land.
 Shortage of hunting grounds
 Misunderstandings among the san in their cradle land
 They needed to know beyond their homeland.
 Lack of enough food
 Some moved because their friends moved e.t.c


The sans were organized politically, economically and socially as below;
Social organization of the san
 The sans were peace loving and friendly people.
 The sans could only fight and became fierce when their hunting grounds are interfered.
 They lived in caves temporally sheltered wall decorated with beautiful painting.
 They enjoyed early marriages where by girls of 7-8 years marry boys of 14 – 15 years.
 After marriage, boys were to join the girl’s family and work for them until birth of the first born.
 Polygamy was highly practiced irrespective of the difference in age.
 Even though they practiced polygamy, they did not believe in having so many children because of
tiresome or tedious way of life.
 Dancing was very common especially in initiation and after catching the game.
 They lived in small groups of about 25 – 70 people.
 They lived a nomadic way of life whereby they moved from one plane to another.
 They boys under the san underwent initiation at puberty level were their hunting skills were
tested experience in natural herbal.

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 They celebrated important days like birthdays, wedding and death.
 They were grate artists and used to paint their rocks, stones and ostrich egg shells
 They were story tellers.
 They used to wear ornaments made out of shells and ostrich eggs.
 During ceremonies `they used to drink fermented juice.
 They used to celebrate new as well as old moon.
 They used traditional healing herbs as medicine.
 They believed in their creator god called kaggen whom they prayed at through mantis.
 The san offered prayers to heavenly body including the moon.
 They never cared about the sick people and old ones.
 They had division of labour e.g. men hunted while ladies fished.
 They believed in their ancestors.
Economic organization
 They were hunters as well as food gatherers
 They used poisoned arrows for defense
 They dug pits for trapping bigger animals
 They gathered wild roots, fruits, and insects like caterpillars, locusts e.t.c
 They kept dogs as domestic animals for hunting
 They were fisher men who used to fish from rivers e.g. vaal, kei, tugera e.t.c.
 They were cattle raiders from neighbors like the Bantu
 They lived a nomadic way of life and they couldn’t practice agriculture.
 The hunting grounds were guided seriously because it was a key for their economic survival.
 They carried out pottery and they made pots for cooking
 They used arrows, bows and poison and dogs to trap animals for their survival.
 They used to dig ditches were big animals could be trapped.
Political organization
 They lived in small settlement each inhabitant like tribes.
 Each settlement was independent from each other.
 The sans were divided into three major groups i.e. southern san, central san, and northern san.
 Each settlement among the san was had a leader called the headman.
 A headman was helped by a council of elders to settle disputes amongst the tribes.
 Regular council meetings were held to handle important matters
 Membership to the council meeting was to open to all adult males.
 The youth were responsible for the security of their settlement from their neighbors.

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 They kept dogs as domestic animals for defense.


Qn. Who were the khoi khoi?
Qn. Describe the origin, migration and settlement of the khoi khoi into south Africa
 Like the san these were also brown skinned people but taller than the san.
 The khoi khoi were also called the hottentoes or the herders.
 They had a click sound in their language, which was even richer in vocabulary than that of the
 They were also called men of men because they felt stronger than the other men.
 They were also divided into groups e.g. the western Khoikhoi.
 By the time the Portuguese arrived in South Africa the khoi khoi were living in the surrounding
 Like the san the khoi khoi are also believed to have been in east or central Africa before they had
migrated in South Africa.
 Because of various factors they were forced to head/ face south wards up to South Africa were
they reached at around 13th and 14th…
 They occupied in South African areas around Atlantic Ocean coast up to buffalo coast on Indian
 However, some khoi khoi settled far away from the coast in an attempt to search for fresh water.
 At around 14487 during the Portuguese invasion in South Africa, the khoi khoi were living at
saladanh bay, Table Bay mossel bay.
 By 1650 some khoi khoi were living at the cape along the banks of river orange, the coast of
natal, Zulu land and coast of Namibia.
 Today the khoi khoi are living in present day republic of South Africa and Namibia.


 The khoi khoi were also organized socially, politically and economically.
 However, politically the khoi khoi were much stronger than the san as below.
 They lived in lager groups of about 500 and above people.
 Each group were the khoi khoi consisted so many clans.
 Each group made up a village which operated independently as a political unity.
 The elders in each clan were responsible to settle the group disputes.

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 In settling disputes, political meetings were held in publics and all people were free to make
 During meetings a chief was to take over the control.
 The chiefs were also responsible for the safeness of their groups.
 After the meetings, common suggestions were implemented.
Economic organization
 They had sheep of long and big tails.
 They were herders and kept cattle of long horns.
 The dogs were also kept as domestic animals.
 They were fishermen and carried out fishing especially in seasons of famine.
 They slaughtered their animals during important days e.g. for celebration.
 They practiced iron working and pottery.
 The khoi khoi had a lot of minerals than the sans.
 Milk constituted and dominated their diet.
 Their was division of labour between the khoi khoi e.g. men were hunters and women were food
 They hunted using oxen and used them as mode of transport.
 They carried out trade especially with the Bantu.
 The khoi khoi lived in simple homesteads each consisting of bee hives shaped like huts made out
of reed mats.
 Initiation ceremonies were held done on boys as a preparatory stage to child hood.
 Marriage was done after initiation.
 It was a taboo to marry from the same clan or tribe.
 The bride and groom were required to stay with the boy’s family till the birth of the first born.
 After the first born, they were set free to establish their own families.
 They practiced polygamy.
 They encouraged many children.
 Several important ceremonies were practiced like birth, puberty, marriage and death.
 Cerebrating people were sprinkled with blood of sacrificed animals and wore animal intestine.
 Magicians were highly valued for their advice in times of crisis e.g. wars, death, earth quakes
 They believed in power of ancestral e.g. ghosts.
 Ghosts would create danger in case they were annoyed.

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 They used healing herbs as medicine and they taught them to young ones.
 The boys were circumcised.
 They sacrificed for rain because they lived in dry areas.

Qn. Compare and contrast between the khoi khoi and the san.
 The khoi khoi were taller than the san.
 The khoi khoi spoke a language full of cliques and wider vocabulary compared to the san.
 The khoi khoi lived in camps while the san lived in caves.
 Marrying from the same clan between the khoi khoi was a taboo that was not the case among the
 The khoi khoi never had clan leaders while the san had a clan leader.
 The khoi khoi reared sheep and cows as domestic animals while the san reared dogs as domestic
 The khoi khoi had strong family ties as compared to the san.
 The khoi khoi believed in magic powers while the san never believed in magic power.
 The san prayed to the god kaggen while the khoi khoi prayed to tsuigoab.
 They both practiced polygamy
 They had cliques in the language
 They never cared for the sick and old people.
 They were both hunters and food gatherers
 They carried out fishing to supplement their diet.
 They both stayed to the women’s family until the birth of their first born.
 They both cerebrated important days like new moon.
 They both used bows and poison to kill big animals.
 They both lived a nomadic way of life.

 Bantu is a linguistic word of black people who have a common word NTU or NDU in their
 These people originated from the west sudanic area (West Africa) i.e. Niger Congo basin.

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 When they reached in South Africa, they were considered a largest group of people in South
 They were composed of 4 major groups i.e. the, Shon, Sotho – Tswana, the Nguni- Tsonga and
Aherero Ambo Ovambo Herero.
 Their arrival in South Africa is not certain but it is sayed they reached in South Africa in the 10 th
 The different groups of Bantu reached south Africa in different places at different times.
 Increase in population in their homeland made them look for vacant areas.
 They were searching for water of their animals.
 They wanted fertile land where they could practice agriculture.
 They had internal conflicts among the various Bantu groups.
 The development of iron working which created a need to be exported beyond their homeland.
 They were looking for food because famine had hit them.
 Much of the grass had withered therefore they were looking for pasture for their animals.
 They faced external attacks from luo pygmies’ people, which made them to migrate.
 Diseases like nagana, sleeping sickness that attacked made them to look free disease and pest
areas attacked them.
 Bandwagon influence. Some migrated because they saw others doing so.
 They wanted to adventure beyond their homeland.
 They wanted to trade their produced iron equipment including knives, spears and arrows.
 Natural calamities like flood, locusts, earthquakes which hit them made them to live the
 Development in their political administration necessitated them to go and rule others.
 They were nomadic in nature that practiced shifting cultivation therefore without drought they
had to migrate from their home land.
 Oppressive leadership in their societies.


 Little is known about their migration
 What is known is that they migrated in four major groups i.e.
 These groups were named according to the areas were they migrated to where they settled.
 These groups were Shone, Sotho –Tswana the Nguni and Aherero Ambo

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 They moved in south Africa in the 19th century
 They are part of the Bantu people who started moving in 2000 years ago.
 They started moving from West Africa and Katanga areas.
 They moved southwards from the central Africa.
 They later reached the present day Zimbabwe and formed the Zimbabwe culture.


 This is the second wave of the bantu migration
 They were the central wave of the bantu migrating people
 They entered south Africa through lake Tanganyika and Nyasa (Malawi)
 They settled in the present day Lethoso and rivers Orange And Vaal
 By the 17th century they had given birth to group of Sotho, Tswana among others.
 The Tswana settled in the present day Botswana
 Kalahari desert hindered their westward expansion
 in the 18th century, the Sotho had expanded and settled in the present day Zulu land and
 They were in the areas where they are now by the 13th century


 These moved eastwards from great lakes region
 They moved through low veld until natal region and Eastern Cape.
 They settled along the natal coastal plain by the 16th century.
 By the 18th century, they had separated and formed groups of people like Xhosa, thembu, pondo
Zulu, mthetwa, ngwane, and Swazi Ndebele etc.
 They separated and developed groups that spoke language of the same dilate.
 They settled in central Zulu land
 Because of development in pottery, Xhosa expanded up to river Umtata and umuzimbuvu
 The Xhosa expanded in the 17th century.
 In the next 200 years, they expanded up to Fish River.
 The Tsonga remained in the present Mozambique area.
 Due to such separation different languages developed between the major and lesser Bantu groups.

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 They were the Ovambo Herero people of southern Africa
 They left their homeland at around the 16th century
 From their homeland they took south eastern direction of Congo basin
 When the ambo reached ambo land they settled
 Their settlement was influenced by the san and khoi khoi whom they found their
 The average rainfall of about 500mm influenced their settlement because it could allow
agricultural pastoralism
 The Herero moved west of ambo land.
 They passed through koakoveld up to the dry Namibian plateau
 They settled near Kalahari Desert in Herero land.
 Today the Bantu are the most wide spread group of people in southern Africa and numerous.


The organization of the Bantu was manly divided into viz, ngoni-tsonga and Sotho –Tswana


 They were commonly known as nguni people
 The nguni were part of bantu speakers of south Africa
 They had a clique sound in their language.
 The Nguni belonged to the southern group of people.
 They moved from Congo basin between the 13th and 16th century
 Later in the 17th century they gave birth to tribes like Xhosa, Zulu, ngwane Ndebele, thembu
ndwandwe e.t.c
 These developed after their separation from the mother group for a period of about 200 years.
 They settled in areas between Indian Ocean and drankensberg mountains.
 They were the war worriers of Bantu in south Africa.
 They specifically settled in natal region east of cape.


 Like any other group of people, they were politically, socially and economically organized as

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 Economically they practiced gathering for their welfare.
 They hunted wild animals.
 They carried out some fishing from rivers and Indian ocean
 They grew crops like millet, beans, yams, sorghum, pumpkins and calabashes
 They were pastoralists who reared cattle. Goat and sheep.
 They traded with whites based at natal for example the Portuguese.
 They practiced iron working and made knives and arrows among others.
 They raided their neighbors for wealth
 Land was owned communally
 Cattle as a sign of prestige and used as food, pay bride price.
 Family was the most important smallest unit amongst the Nguni.
 They had extended family which included the father, mother, children, aunt, grandparents e.t.c
 They mostly practiced polygamous families.
 Elders were very important in settling disputes.
 The elders gave cattle to those who reached maturity.
 Initiation ceremonies were very important e.g. circumcision.
 A tribal chief headed each tribe.
 All elders belonged to the clan councils, which settled disputes in the society.
 The clan elders assisted the tribal chiefs on matters concerning the society.


Qn. Who were the Sotho - Tswana?
 They were also bantu speakers
 They were the second Bantu group into South Africa.
 They moved from Congo basin in the period of 13th century and 16th century
 Their ancestors were man ape.
 They entered South Africa through lakes Tanganyika and nyasa.
 They were the people whose settlement was determined by tsetse fly.
 This settlement took place in the areas between river Limpopo, Molopo and hart.
 They were people who formed groups/tribes like bapedi, basuto, tswana sotho etc.
 These people were part of Negroid race in west Africa before their migration.
 In south Africa they settled eastern basuto land in the 13th and 14th centuries.
 Later in the 19th century, they formed their separate basuto state because of mfecane.
 Chief mosheshe headed the establishment of basuto state.

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 They were cultivators who grew crops like millet, yams e.t.c
 They were pastoralists who kept cattle and sheep.
 They practiced iron smelting from copper.
 Hunting was also their activity.
 They traded with their neighbors in form of barter trade
 They were also gatherers
 Cows were raided frequently from their neighbors.
 They also fished from their neighboring rivers, swamps, and other water bodies.
 They practiced weaving.
 Land was owned communally.
 Elders settled disputes.
 The central clan and family provided the chief of the society.
 Initiation ceremonies were carried out especially with boys.
 Tribe chief was the commander of judicially, religion and military.
 Indunas assisted the chief amongst the Sotho.
 The chief governed with the agreement of the senior members of the clan.
 Indunas were to keep the chief informed on affairs of the clan.
 Powerful indunas were appointed from families outside the ruling family to avoid interference.
 A clan amongst the Sotho was made up of a number of lineages
 The clan leader always overthrew the unpopular chief.
 They held the first fruit ceremonies were political matters were discussed and bad people killed.
 Each clan amongst the Sotho is thought to have had a common ancestor.
 The strongest son produced by the chief was to be his heir.
 The biggest political unit of the Sotho was the tribe.
 The chief’s daughter was the head of the women regiments and the same to men.
 A council called pitso discussed community issues.
 Initiation was done every after six or seven years.
 Sons who were initiated with chief’s sons were to become his (chief’s son) adviser,
representatives, messengers, and worriers.
 Every year initiation was to take place the king had to make sure that he had a son to initiate.


O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

Qn. Explain the relationship between Khoisan and the Bantu in South Africa. Or
How did the Bantu migration affect the original inhabitants of South Africa?
 They intermarried hence giving new tribe thembu.
 They traded with each other.
 The khoisan copied iron smelting from the bantu.
 The khoisan were pushed in drier areas of Kalahari desert.
 Famine grew up within the khoisan
 The Bantu raided the khoikhoi over time.
 The khoisa were enslaved by the bantu
 Because of raiding the khoikhoi suffered from misery poverty
 There was a lot of insecurity amongst the khoisan because of the bantu invasion
 The Khoisan were forced to lose their independence.
 Khoisan leaders lost their authority to the bantu
 The Bantu introduced new crops to the Khoisan like pumpkins, millet and beans.
 The Khoisan lost their lives during the Bantu raids.
 The Khoisan were defeated and conquered by the Bantu.
 The Khoisan were deculturised by the Bantu.
 The Khoisan copied the Bantu clicks sound from their language the Khoisan lost their property to
the Bantu and were depopulated.


What were the common features between the Bantu and the Khoisan?
 They were the early occupants of South Africa.
 They were both hunters.
 They carried out fishing.
 They kept cattle as a source of wealth.
 The practiced polygamous marriage.
 They had a click sound in their language.
 Both carried initiation ceremonies especially with boys at puberty stage.
 Both had tribal chiefs and clan elders.
 All their migration settlement is not clear.
 They intermarried each other.
 They traded wit neighboring communities especially Europeans.
 They sacrificed to their gods.

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 Land was owned communally in their societies.
 They counter raided each other.
 They cerebrated important days like death, puberty and marriage.
 Other similarities are the causes of their migration.
 They both married because of internal conflicts.


What were the differences between the Bantu and the Khoisan in South Africa?
 The Khoisan had two tribes i.e. the Khoikhoi and the san.
 The Bantu had four groups.
 The Bantu arrived late in South Africa while the Khoisan were the first to arrive in South Africa.
 The khoisan reached south Africa at around 1000 – 13000 AD
 The bantu reached south Africa at around 1300-1800 AD
 The bantu were militarily stronger than the khoisan
 The Bantu had tribal chiefs.
 The khosan had clan chiefs.
 The Khoisan leadership was no hereditary as that of the Bantu.
 Unlike the Khoisan the Bantu had women regiments headed by chief daughters.
 The khoisan depended on gathering
 The bantu depended on cultivation
 The Bantu had well built up bodies unlike the Khoisan.
 The khoisan loved a nomadic way of life
 The Bantu had permanent settlements.
 The Bantu had a suffix “NTU or NTU” in their language, which was not the case with the
 The bantu originated fro the west Africa (Congo basin)
 The Khoisan came from the east and central Africa.
 The Bantu dealt much in trade wit the foreigners compared to the san.


Qn. Explain the political, social and economic organization of the Bantu in South Africa.
 They all spoke bantu language
 They belonged to the negroid race of west Africa
 They moved to south Africa about 2000 years ago

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 They shared a suffix “ndu and ntu” in their language.
 Their leadership was hereditary
 The chiefs had absolute control over the land, religion and economic welfare of the state.
 They all established a standing army during the period of mfecane
 Family was the smallest unit among them
 They carried out initiation ceremonies like circumcision every after six or seven years.
 They considered the spirit of the dead so much.
 Land was communally owned in their societies.
 The societies were built up basing on military power
 They were cultivators who grew millet, pumpkins and calabashes.
 They carried out cattle raiding.
 They were pastorals who reared cattle, sheep and goats.
 They trade with their neighbors especially the Europeans
 The chiefs had a council of advisers formed by elder men.
 Tribe made their biggest social unit.
 A council of elders which was made up of all elder people, practiced justice in their society.
 Europeans like the Dutch, British affected their political, social and economic life.
 Circumcision of boys was vital at the age of 6 and 7 because it initiated them to adulthood.


Show the differences between the Sotho and the Bantu in South Africa?
 The Sotho belonged to the Sotho –tswana bantu group of people
 The nguni belonged to the nguni Tsonga group of bantu people
 The Sotho were the central wave of bantu migrates.
 The Sotho settled around areas of rivers Vaal and orange.
 The Nguni settled in the areas of natal.
 The Sotho entered south Africa from lake Tanganyika and Malawi (nyasa)
 The Nguni entered South Africa from south of great lakes region.
 The population of the Nguni was bigger than that of the Sotho by the period of mfecane.
 The Nguni were warriors group of people.
 The Sotho were hospitable ad peace loving people.
 Unlike the Sotho, the nguni copied a click sound from the khoikhoi into their language
 The Sotho were more skilled in iron smelting, tin, copper, and iron than that of the Nguni.

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 The Sotho were introducers of the age regiment system in South Africa and the nguni just copied
from them.
 The Sotho entered South Africa earlier than the Nguni i.e. in 13th – 14th century.
 In administration, the Nguni had ndunas as advisers to the chief.
 The Nguni assimilated and absorbed the conquered and refugees people to retain much of their
power. The Nguni had ambitious and warriors like shaka.
 The Sotho had diplomatic heads/ leaders like mosheshe.
 The Nguni had a decentralized administration.
 The Sotho had a centralized administration.


 Europeans have been in South Africa for over 300 years ago.
 The Portuguese were the first Europeans to enter into south Africa under Bartholomew Diaz in
 He was being encouraged by Prince Henry the navigator.
 The aim for Portuguese voyages/navigation was to make more geographical discoveries
 They wanted to preach against Moslem crusades.
 They were searching for valuable minerals such as gold, ivory e.t.c. on the west coast.
 They were looking for an alternative sea route to India.
 They wanted to gain control over the spice trade from Arabs and Italians
 Diaz after reaching the Atlantic coast he erected a pillar at ludertz (Namibia) and at algoa bay to
act a landmark.
 They paved way for vascodagamas’ voyage to India in 1497 – 9
 The Portuguese now set up an empire in the Indian Ocean because of dagama’s reports.
 The Portuguese progress attracted the Dutch and the British to take over hence becoming
Portuguese rival in the 17th century.


QN. Why was the cape important to the Dutch in 1652? Or
Why did the Dutch settle at the cape in 1652 – 1700 0r
Why were Europeans interested in South Africa?
 The Dutch appeared in south Africa in the 17th century
 They were attracted by the Portuguese success in the far east trade

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 The need to establish a calling or resting place by the Dutch
 The wreckage of the Dutch ship Harlem at table bay in 1647
 The mis- location of the cape between Europe and Asia attracted their settlement
 The favorable reports given to Netherlands by Harlem crew survivors.
 The need to establish a repairing and refueling station for the Dutch ships
 Availability of food, water and meat in South Africa which had ceased from Helena were the
Europeans were getting them.
 The need to revenge on the Spanish leadership which had led them for over 70 years in the 16 th
 They wanted to break the Portuguese and Spanish supremacy in the Indian and Atlantic trade.
 They wanted to take over the spice trade from the Portuguese
 They wanted to compete out with English traders
 The need to set up a hospital at the cape to treat the Dutch sailors
 Presence of good habours where the Dutch ship could anchor
 The existence of a lot of unoccupied land at the cape attracted them to settle their.
 The conducive welcome given to them by the Khoikhoi at the coast of South Africa.
 Presence of the Mediterranean climate which was conducive for their settlement made them to
 The presence of fertile soils for the proper growth of vegetables and fruits in South Africa.
 They wanted to set up a defensive post in South Africa against their rivals.
 The presence of good leadership like from Jan van Reinbeck who headed the settlement process.
 The need to carry out trade with the Khoikhoi in South Africa made them to settle there.
 The Portuguese first discovered the direct sea route to India in the 15 th century
 The Portuguese took a lead in the Far East and later declined in the 16th and 17th centuries.
 This attracted the Dutch also to participate in the same trade
 In 1647, there ship Harlem that they were using to Far East got wrecked around the Table Bay i.e.
near the cape.
 The survivors of Harlem for marooned for six months at the Table Bay.
 While they were at the Table Bay, they experienced good and suitable climate, soil for growing
fruits, vegetables and for trade.
 On their return to Netherlands, they gave favorable/good reports to their government.
 For a long time the Dutch merchants, they were thinking about a way of competing with the
English trade.

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 The Dutch merchants now united and formed the united Dutch East Indian Company.
 In April 1652, the directors of the Dutch east India Company sent Jan van Reinbeck at the cape
with three ships.
 He arrived at the cape with 120 people.
 Their work was to build a wooden building for sick people, grow vegetables for sailors and treat
the Khoikhoi kindness.
 The company was responsible for the above activities and looking after settlers.
 That proved to be expensive to the company and in 1671, it was agreed that the area be left for
the colonist farmers.
 In 1676, commissioner’s verberg agreed to set up a Dutch colony.
 The company now released nine soldiers and allowed them to start colonization.
 In 1680 and 1687, new settlements were set up at Stellenbosch and de pearl respectively.
 The nine soldiers were not to pay taxes for 12 years and they were given 13 and half acres of land
 Later two hundred French Protestants were allowed at the cape.
 By 1685, the colony had 150 families.
 In 1700, the colonialists were over 1300 people at the cape.
 The company legal strict policies over the setters like being the only buyer of cape products,
made the settlers to extend their farms beyond the cape.
 By 1795, the colony had over 1500 settlers.
 The colony had even expanded up to Fish River.
 The colony now had districts of swellendam, graaf reinet, Stellenbosch and the cape.

 The expansion of the cape colony started with the Dutch occupation at the cape.
 Their settlement at the cape was accidental in 1647
 It took place because of Harlem wreckage that gave the 1st landing site at the cape.
 In 1652, the Dutch merchants sent Jan van Reinbeck to set up settlement at the cape.
 Three ships of the Dutch merchants sent with 120 people.
 They settled along river lies beck.
 The settlement proved to be expensive on the side of the Dutch merchants.
 In 1657, they agreed to colonize the cape and nine soldiers were the ones to start it.
 The soldiers were given land at lies beck valley and each soldier was to have 13 and a half acres
 By then the colony was still small with little people.

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 In 1665, commissioner verberg started expanding the colony and he set up new settlement beyond
the cape.
 The population now increased up to 150 families
 By 1700, the colony was 55 miles in radius
 By 1750, the colony expanded to 255 miles in radius
 The colony reached 500 miles radius in 1775
 It reached fish river by 1780
 The colony expanding northwestwards and eastwards.
 During the expansion of the colony the Dutch were establishing the local commando defense unit
to protect them against Africans.
 In 1785, the colony had four major stations, i.e. Cape Town, Stellenbosch, swellendam and
graafreinet each forming a district.
 Cape Town had been established in 1652.
 In between 1680 – 1700, they established Stellenbosch
 In 1746, they established swellendam.
 Graafreinet was established between 1778 – 1786.
 The expansion of the cape colony was in phases and through force under the initiative of the
Dutch farmers but not the company.

BY 1795?
 The expansion of the cape colony was not planned or coordinated.
 Its expansion was du to economic, political and social reasons
 Firstly it was due to the discontent of the Boer farmers at the cape.
 The Dutch farmers wanted to get large pieces of land to increase their wealth.
 The existence of unoccupied land in the interior of South Africa created the expansion.
 The fixing of low prices to agricultural commodities by the company.
 The need to adventure in the interior of South Africa.
 Increase in population at the cape created a need for more land.
 Military weakness of the Africans who could be defeated by the Boers
 The nomadic and pastoral nature of the Dutch made them to expand up to the interior of South
 The soils at the cape had grown infertile therefore they wanted the interior that had more fertile

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 The Dutch had adopted new methods of agriculture like shifting cultivation and extensive
farming that they had to expand.
 The occurrence of diseases like small pox which weakened the Africans to resist against the
Dutch expansion
 The Dutch farmers wanted to be independent from the company.
 Many farmers had run bankrupt therefore they wanted to try their luck else were.
 Absence of good social services at the cape made them to look for better ones by expanding.
 They wanted to create friendship with Africans because the company had failed to protect the
Dutch against the Africans.
 The company’s failure to discourage the farmers from expansion made them to expand.
 The Dutch military superiority against the Africans made them to expand.
 They were looking for favorable climate because that of the cape had become unfavorable due to
decline in soil fertility.
 They were looking for food because theirs had been spoilt the 17th century locust invasion.
 The policy of paying 10% of their cattle to the British made them to expand.
 The unfair policies of denying the Dutch farmers freedom of trade, free land for settlement
limited market facilities made them to go away from them.
 The company had taxed the Dutch farmers heavily therefore the opposed them by expanding into
the interior
 The Dutch pioneers had arrived at the cape with big families therefore as early as they arrived
they encouraged their family members to get land for settlement beyond the cape.
 Absence of natural barriers like higher mountains made the Dutch to expand their colony.
 The company had conflicted with the settlers who moved away in protest that’s why they just
 Denial to grow profitable crops like tobacco made them to expand the colony.


QN. What were the challenges faced by the early Dutch settlers at the cape?
 Jan van Reinbeck and his followers faced the following problems in their social and economic
 They suffered from homesickness because they were very far from home.
 Absence of adequate geographical knowledge about the cape area.
 Unexpected weather and climate changes like long periods of drought brought famine to them.

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 The occurrence floods which brought discomfort to them by sweeping away the temporary huts
and tents
 The pioneers had poor accommodation facilities i.e. wooden leaking houses
 There was hostility with the bantu, khoikhoi due to competition over land for grazing
 The pioneers ran short of funds hence bringing shortage in the supplies
 They lacked enough and sufficient land for farming and settlement
 The soils were not fertile enough to facilitate high yields of cop production.
 They lacked enough education facilities for their children at the cape.
 The language differences between them and the khoikhoi limited them from getting what they
 Poor transport and communication facilities at the cape.
 Inadequate marriageable women which led to homosexuality.
 Inadequate market for their produced commodities.
 Rivalry from European countries like Britain and France.
 The invasion of locusts in the cape colony in the years around 1685 proved disastrous.
 The high amount of land rent charged from them by the company.
 They were few in number so they suffered from boredom.
 They lacked enough medical facilities fro the sick people
 Many Dutch settlers ere ex-soldiers therefore they yielded little due to little knowledge about
 They were restricted from growing profitable crops like tobacco.
 Inadequate labour force in their farms.
 Crop production costs were too high because crops like barley, wheat needed a lot of care hence
getting low profits.


Qn. Describe the achievements of the united Dutch East Indian Company.
 They intermarried with Africans and imported orphan girls from their homeland hence reduced
 They built elementary schools under the Dutch reformed church to teach their children.
 They constructed water reservoirs which were to provide water during the dry seasons.
 Corrupt governors like Wilhelm Adrian were dismissed.
 In 1707 many hospital were built to treat the sick people.
 Farmers were allowed to sell their products to passing ships in increase of the market base.

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 Slaves were imported from countries like Madagascar to increase on labour force.
 The prices of agricultural commodities were increased in 1658 to boost farmers’ revenue.
 In 1657, many settlers were freed from company control and set up their independent farms.
 The cape colony was expanded from about 55 miles to over 500 miles.
 Many people were armed to provide defense to the villages.
 Settlers were allowed to raid Africans and enslave them.
 Interpreters were trained and one language was encouraged
 A large castle was built for defense under the commander Simon derstel.


Qn. How did the Dutch east Indian company govern the cape colony between 1662 and 1795 or
How the cape was organized under the Dutch East Indian Company (DEICO)
 The cape colony was organized in the interest of DEICO
 It had four major instruments i.e. the council of policy, defense, justice and the Dutch reformed
 As a colony was under the governor who was being supervised by the company directors.
 The governor was responsible for planning and administering the cape and other territories in Far
 The governor resided at Batavia and was assisted by the council policy
 The council of policy was made up of 17 people including seven senior officials e.g. Jan van
Reinbeck, Simon van der – stel, willen Adrian-der-stel e.t.c.
 The council was charged with supervision of judicial, executive, social and economic affairs of
the cape.
 It was also charged with all officials working for the company
 It debated, considered and passed bills in the interest of the company.
 The council of policy failed to represent the settlers and African interest in the cape colony.
 It was the highest executive and legislation authority.
 The council of justice was appointed and approved by the council of policy.
 The council of justice had its headquarters at the cape colony.
 It acted as the main court of appeal.
 The governors at the cape never attended its meetings.

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 The magistrates were not independent and presided over local courts in each district.
 In courts there was no justice because lawyers and judges were ignorant, unintelligent,
inexperienced or corrupt because they were just appointed to fulfill the company’s interests.
 In the interior, a matrimonial court was set up to advice the young Boers who wanted to marry
them selves.
 The chief of police acted as the prosecutor.
 The defense council had Boer commando unit to defend the coast from foreign attacks.
 The settlers formed burgher local military units to protect the settlers internally against Africans.
 The Dutch reformed church was responsible for performing baptism and confirmation
 It also confirmed the belief that the Africans were harm and the whites were sham as per the book
of genesis
 It controlled literacy and education at the cape colony.

QN.what was the activities of the company at the cape?
 Before 1795, the DEICO. Had practiced so many activities at the cape colony
 It carried out vegetable growing and citrus juice.
 It used to keep goats, sheep like merino.
 They used to steel their commodity and sell their belongings to the resting ships.
 The company collected taxes from the Dutch merchants
 It forced Africans to provide forced labour in crop production.
 In 1795, the British moved to the cape and took over administration.
 It faced a lot of liberty from other European countries like France and Britain.
 Their was a lot of corruption among the DEICO offices hence incurring loses.
 The company had weak administration like willem don stol who failed to administer the
resources hence the company failure.
 The company official failed to establish good relationship between Africans settlers and officials
which contributed to the failure of the company.
 The company instituted policies which made so many settlers tofeel fed up of the place hence its
 The transfer of financial head quarters from Amsterdam (Holland) to London in Britain made the
company incur losses hence its decline

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 The increase in technological nock out especially of Britain made her to out compete the DEICo
hance its failure
 The british occupation at the cape in the late 18 th century between 1802-10 made the company to
 The empire was big for the companies administer hence the company’s failure
 The French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars caused insecurity in trade between European and
countries like India, which affected the DEICO’s activities
 British determination to take over cape might have resulted the company’s decline
 The gaining of military superiority of Britain, which she to out compete the dutch at the cape
 French inversios of Holland in 1793 gave Britain excuse to take over the cape from the dutch
hence the decline
 The fying of king William V of Netherlands to England who requested the british to take over the
 The british occupation on the cape in 1795 reported favorable ground for the DEICO decline


Qn What were the impacts of DEICo to the people of South Africa?
 During the Dutch occupation at the cape of South Africa had the bantu, khoikhoi and san as
 Thus the dutch occupation made them to be affected socially, economically,politicaly positively
and negatively
 New diseases like STDs came up with the ducth settlers like smoking which cost so many
people’s lives
 There was intermarriages between the Africans and the dutch which gave new races like
 Africans lost land to their whites
 Africans copied bad behaviours from the ducth settlers like smoking,boosing, prostitution corning
 Africans were hunted by whites which made them to migrate to isolated places eg Kalahari
 Many wars rose up in an attempt for the Africans to protect their land , independent and other
 Africans adopted western cultures like religion, dressing etc
 Africans made to be slaves in dutch farms

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 Some Africans traded with the ducth people hence giving wealth
 Africans lost traditional didnity to the dutch hence decline in africna culture
 The dutch took khokhoi and san hunting grounds
 African women were raped by the dutc giving rise to new races like coloured
 Africans became pooer and for the first time became beggars hence depending on whites for
 Africans suffered from famine
 The boers and the dutch made Africans defeated
 Africans suffered from misery and anarchy due to expansion wars of the dutch
 The dutch enslaved Africans
 They carried out trade with the whites in commodities like beads, tobacco and threads
 Africans lost their cattle to dutch during raids
 Because of raids famine increased amongst Africans


Qn Describe the relationship between the Dutch and the Africans at the cape
 The African groups in southern afican by the time of dutch presence at the cape were the san
Khoi-khoi and the bantu
 The ducth in southern African had a competitive life with Africans groups
 The dutch rivaled with the Africans for land ownership
 The dutch increased population on the africans’s land
 The dutch displaced the Africans like Khoi-khoi northwards and eastwards
 The san were made to have a desperate and heroic life because were pushed to isolated and
upland areas
 The san raided the Dutch for survival because their game areas were taken
 The san were not respected by the Boers and ever were hunted like animals
 The captured san were enslaved in Boers farms
 Survivors from the boers hunt ran to desert margins and mountains where they were shoot
 The khoi-khoi lost their grazing land to the boers
 The boers changed the Africans policy of feudal ownership of land to private
 The boers onforce exchanged Khoikhoi cattle into beads , tobacco, and alcohol

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 Many Africans were impoverished and became independent to the dutch
 The ducth destroyed the khoikhoi harder’ groups into smaller groups of people
 The khoikhoi who ran as the ducth were arriving copied their way of dressing
 They also copied their religion
 The khoikhoi also acquired ducth pastoral life and language
 The ducth in areas like Griqual,Namibia etc made many African refugees
 The bantu frequently raided the ducth for the cattle because the dsucth used to live in isolated
small villages


 This was a demonstration in the districts of Swellendam and Graafreinet
 The Boer farmers were opposing the company activities at the cape
 The declaring of their independence as republics from the company
 The policy of regarding Africans as human being was unfair to the Dutch
 Trade restrictions on the Dutch farmers
 Lack of protection to Dutch farmers and yet they thought that it was their right
 The dislike of Dutch farmers to be under authority outside puritanical community.


Explain the causes of Kaffir wars.
 There were several conflicts between the bantu Xhosa and the boers of the dutch
 They were also called wars of dispossession
 These series of war took place between 1770-1857
 These conflicts were because of boer’s extension of their colony to the interior (Cape colony)
 Many people also called them eastern frontiers/ eastern question of south Africa/ xhosa wars
 They were about 9 wars during that period
 The Xhosa leaders were many which include Tyali, Noklami, Nanqusi etc
 They were fought between Keiskamma and fish river
 The increased in population in both Xhosa people and the Boer caused the wars

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 The expansion of the xhosa south , north and eastern wards threatened boer settlement hence
Kaffir wars
 The constant raid of cattle by both the Xhosa and the Boers caused the war
 The African need to protect their land from being taken by the white people
 The Dutch policy of taking Xhosa wives annoyed them hence the war
 The out break of drought and occurrence of locusts which made them to run short of food, water
and pastures
 The Boers’ riches coupled with living in isolated places impress the Africans to share the same
 Abuse of African cultures and traditions by the Boers caused the Kaffir wars
 Enslavement of the Africans by the Boers caused wars
 Absence of proper boundaries between the xhosa and boers caused the wars
 Disunity among African chief cause a series of wars
 The raise of African prophet and divine e.g. the Rarabe caused the wars
 The British policy of colonialism caused the last kaffir wars
 Owning of large herds of cattle and practice of agriculture, which eroded large places of land
from Africans caused Kaffir wars


Qn Explain the organization of Kaffir wars
 The Xhosa wars took place in possessions
 The first Kaffir wars took place in 1775-1781 and was led by the Xhosa chief called Halambe
 The 2nd war took place in n1789-1803
 It was also between the Xhosa and the Boers
 It was the 6th war to dispossession in south Africa
 It occurred on the eastern boarder on the cape ie between Koiskamma and fish river
 The major wars of disposition were mainly due to cattle rustlers to the Xhosa
 Because of that there was raiding and counter raiding from the Boers and the Xhosa inspired by
chiefs like Macono, Tyali etc
 The Xhosa warriors of about 20,000 attached the Boers
 Such an attack to the Boers cost so many lives of them
 Properties too were also destroyed eg cattle of about 30 pounds were lost from the boers
 However at the end the Xhosa were military defeated and droved out of the territory

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 The achievement of driving away the Xhosa was a combination of the boers and british under
 Having lost much property the boers began to think of compensation from the british
 Surprisingly after sending away the Xhosa governor-Durbanset up a new district in the area
called province of Queen Adelaide [this was named after the visit of Australian queen in south
 This was named after the boers thought they are going to receive a peace of mind and thought
that this territory is theirs
 Unfortunately under the influence of John Ohilip, the british colonial secretary lord Gienelg
nullified that conquest
 This was due to the excessive imperialism practiced by the british governor at the expense of the
Africans and he returned it to the Africans
 That annoyed the boers and had no nay other chance but trekking into interior of south Africa


Qn Explain the effects of Kaffir wars on the people of south Africa
 In the process Xhosa and the boers lost many people
 There was depopulation in the area due to loss of people’s lives that were estimated to be 20,000
 Properties were lost from both the xhosa and the boers especially cattle
 The xhosa were forced to migrate from their customally areas
 Africans economic system was destroyed and they had to rely on the whites for survival
 Enslavement of the Africans was increased amongst the xhosa
 By the end of the war, the xhosa had been defeated
 It led to massive movement of the boers into the interior of south Africa
 It increased discrimination of Africans by the boers increased
 Africans lost their land
 More colured people were born from the intermarriage between the boers and the Africans


How did the British try to end the Boer-Bantu conflict in 1770-1856?
 The british administration was interested in keeping peace at the eastern volunteer and therefore
many attempts were made to solve the problem
 In as much as the attempts were made they lacked lasting solution to the problems

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 Several strategies were put in place between 1812 &1834 when the great trek took place
 In 1812 the british did this by building Garrisons and fonts between the boers and the bantu tribes
 The british also made an agreement with chief Gaika by giving more land but Ndhalambi’s group
was not favoured
 This made the british to create a no man’s land between River Kie &Keiskamma
 However that attempts also failed because the boers and the bantu wanted also to use that fertile
 This made the british to allow british settlers to occupy the conflicting areas between the boers
and the Africans
 1835 a new governor of british Sir Benjamin Durban decided toexpand the cape 100 miles north
 He assured the boers that there going to be compensated for their lost property ie pounds 300,000
 They also promised to help the bantu so as long as they were to respect british laws
 Durban was forced to establish the province of Queen Adelaide which John Philip disagreed with
 This marked the beginning of great tre
 Therefore the boers were not compensated at the end also the province wasn’t declared and
conflict continued hence the boers exit


Why the Africans did lost the 1770-1850 wars?
 There were military weak and not well trained
 Had inferior weapon like bow and arrows yet the Boers had strong guns
 The Africans lack clear and strong leaders who could effectively mobilize them
 Disunity amongst the Africans eg Ndhalanbi and Gaika
 Africans lack financial support because of the peasantry way of life
 Africans had no external support yet the Boers received it from the British
 Drought , famine and locusts which had it Africans made them, depend against the Boers
 Africans had spent some years fighting the wars hence they felt exhausted and withdrew
 The determination of the Boers that what come may they must defeat the Xhosa
 The brutality of the Boers against African resistance made them to win the war
 The Africans believed in devube powers, which made them to be defeated


O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

Why the British occupied the cape colony?
 British occupied South Africa two times
 She first occupied South Africa in 1795 and its rule was short lived
 Because in 1802 it left it for the Dutch after peace treaty of Amiens
 By the time the British left South Africa in 1802 they left much of nothing done
 South Africa then received a new government called Batavian republic
 The Batavian republic was now under the leadership of Jan-William Janssen
 They wanted to carry out trade at the far east
 Fear of Napoleonic wars which were to spread up to the south Africa & interfere British interest
 The request made by William V to the British to occupy the cape
 The French invasion of Holland in 1793 threatened the Dutch and the British made her to occupy
the cape
 Presence of trade items like spices
 The strategic location of the cape which was between Europe and India
 The cape was good for defense and protection for the British ships
 The British wanted to protect the many white farmers who had occupied the cape
 The British wanted to gain prestige
 Britain was looking for market for her industrial commodities
 Britain wanted areas where she could put the excess population of her hence occupying the cape
 The defeat of France in 1814 made the cape to be rewardered to the British
 Presence of good natural harbors where the British ship merchants could archer
 Fertile soils which could enable the growing of crops for British sustenance


Qn How Jan William Janssen administered the cape?
Describe the achievements of J.W.Janssen for the cape between 1803-1805.
 After the peace treaty of Amiens the cape colony was put under the Batavian rulers
 The Batavians were liberals who were being influenced by the French revoluntinalists
 When they were at the cape reforms in law, freedom of worship and development of education
were observed
 They reduced conservation in administration and made efficient

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 General J.W Janssen and commissioner Jacob Demist Abraham were the chief administration of
the cape by then
 High courts of appeal were set up which were independent from the executive
 Free & fair laws were enhanced during their period
 Districts were subdivided each under a special ruler
 The districts were under representatives called land roosts who acted as magistrates at that level
 They were also responsible to assist the land roosts during civil cases
 The special rulers who headed the subdivisions of the districts were called Veld Kotnot
 They also performed duties like those of the land roosts
 Trade restrictions were removed from the Dutch settlers
 The khoi-khoi regained some of their lost land during the Batavian rule
 Enslavement of the Africans was discouraged
 New agricultural projects were encouraged & that’s when Merino sheep were introduced in south
Africa from Spain
 Africans were opened to education


Qn Explain the changes introduced by the British at the cape
What steps were made by the British to make the cape colony at a better place?
 In 1806 Britain occupied south Africa because of Napoleonic wars in France
 In 1805 the Batavian rulers refused to hand in power to Britain
 Britain had to conquer it with around 61 ships
 They were compensated with 16m pounds for having lost the cape
 During 1806 the British adopted different reforms in economics, languages, education, press,
judiciary administration, church and slavery
 In 1825 new paper money was introduced based on British pound, which replaced Dutch rax
 Salaries of government officials were reduced because of the increased value of money
 Farmers were given chance to sell there produces to any company which would offer high prices
 The priests were now being paid and now became pubic servants
 Expenditure on public works was reduced and financial assistance which was extended to
immigrants was stopped

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 Many small retail shops were established at the cape 1811
 Englsh was declared the official language and replaced the dutch language
 Incentives were given to people who were ready to teach English in the area
 Public schools were put up eg swollen dam, tulbag
 In 1828 freedom of praise was granted
 In the same year all interested new printers were requested to deposit 300 dollars before getting
 By 1835 many papers had been printed like Grahamston,Journal,Zuid afrikaan and commercial
 Supreme courts were put up under judiciary which were free & fair to all people
 Trials by jury was established through the charter of justice
 Judges were to be appointed bythe british andthey were to be paid by the government
 The non whites frequently did translations in the courts
 Only proffessionla judges and lawyers were allowed to judges cases and work in courts of law
 Judges were to be independent and own offices so long as they were normally up right
 From 1806-1825 cape was under the colonial secretary of London as the governor
 A council of advisers set up in 1825 which consisted of the governor, chief justice and the
colonial secretary
 Freedom of worship was extended to all religious denominations
 In 1834, a legislative council was set up (Pariament) wahich was to debate on the country’s issues
& laws
 All religious denominations leaders (priests) were to enjoy state privileges
 The dutch reformed churches received liberty in 1824 & government representatives were
stopped attending synods
 In 1834 slave had to be abolished working hours of slaves were reduced
 In 1816 slaves had to be registered and pardoned
 Slaves were given Sundays and attending prayers and as a resting day
 All land was to be marked,surveyed, fenced and owners be given land tittles
 Pass books were not to be carried forward any more
 The right to cain slaves by their hear complaints from slaves an dtheir maters
 Schools for slaves children were to be put in place

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Explain the importance of British changes at the cape.
 Africans gained more liberty and freedom
 Africans acquired their land back from the boers
 Africans received payments due to their labour offered to the whites
 Africans level of education was uplifted through mission centres
 The Kho-khoi remained as the slaves techinically sice they were regarded as servants in law
 Free movement of Africans was achieved after the pass book being withdrawn
 Blacks became interpreters in courts and usually reported their masters because of ill treatment
 Africans were hated more by the boers/ducth which resorted them into the great trek
 Africans accommodation was improved

How did the Boers respond to British presence at the cape?
 The boers were not all happy about british reforms because it intervened their way of life
 This made the boers to have certain response to the british between 1806-1835
 The boers on the eastern and northern boaders became unsatisfied
 In 1795, they revolted against the british administration at the Graafrient and swaollen dam
 Boers rebelled after the slatchers neck incident where the boers were hanged
 The boers disliked the british for having over taxed them and giving them few services
 They hated English laws, which gave equality to all races in south Africa
 The boers opposed abolition of slave trade & slavery
 It caused hatred with the boers especially because of missionary works like Monrovian
 The boers became suspicious about the britishg plans of improving ministers from Scotland
instead of the ducth church monsters
 They resorted being brought to the court and being accused by themselves
 They didn’t allow the British act of educating Africans and preaching of brother hood
 They also ignored the new education system based on English as the only language used in
 They condemned the british for having failed to protect them against the cattle rushers ie the
Xhosa on the eatern volunteer
 They rejected the abolition of the dutch rax dollar

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 They avoided British interference by trekking into the interior of south Africa in 1835
 The Boers opposed new policies of land introduced by British & the Boers did not accept the
using English languages i.e. in parliament and all public sectors



 The great trek is also a white revolution, which took place in 19th century
 It was the movement of the boers into the interior of south Africa
 It took place as a revolt against the british liberal policies which the boers became satisfied with
 It took place under different leaders like Piet Retief at different occasions
 It involved about 14000 trekkers who moved with Ox wagons carrying all movable property
 Presence of un occupied land in the interior of south Africa made the boers to move in force
 The boers didn’t want to be under the leadership of the brtish
 The boers were pastorals who wanted water, pasture for their animals
 Shortage of land at the cape due to increased population made them to trek
 Many boers trekked because of adventure
 The british publication of the cape colony
 The cape land had lost fertility therefore they were looking for fertile land in the interior
 Presence of weak African socities in the interior like Khoi-khoi made the boers to victorious in
their trek
 They wanted to preserve their culture since they considered themselves God chosen race
NB. Add the british reforms in south African as causes for the great trek eg
 Land mapping
 Emancipation of slavery
 Introduction of black circuits courts
 Paying dutch priest salaries
 English legal court
 Introduction of English pound
 Nullification of the province of queen Adelaide


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 The great trek began in 1835 in the district of Grafreiner, Swollen dam at the eastern frontier of
the cape
 It took place in 3 major groups
 The main leaders who led these groups are Piete,Portgieter Hendrick and Pretorious
 They used ox wagons to carry their property
 In most cases they avoided coastal crowded areas and followed the middle grassland
 In the interior they mostly settled on a western side of Drankeberg Mountain
 Lousi Trgardto led the first group
 He moved and crossed with his group R.Caledon and R.Orange
 They continued and crossed plains Orange Free state towars river Vaal
 They settled in Zoutpansbeg of Transvaal
 During their movement many Boers died
 Those who remained established small temporary settlement
 Van Reinsbeg grou later joined this group
 The two groups tried to make attempt to capture the Potuguese territory at Delagoa Bay near the
coast but failed
 Out of the 100 families moved during this journey 27 survived
 Later this group was forced to establish the Transvaal republic
 Hedrick Potgieter led the 2nd group with colliers
 Mauritz from Graafreint later joined this group
 They also crossed R.Vaal to Orange Free state.
 This group started moving in 1836
 During their movement Ndebele under Mzilkazi attacked them at the battle which came to be
called Vegkop in 1836
 During this battle many Boers lost their lives even though they won the war
 This forced Ndebele to move northwards the present day Zimbabwe
 In addition this group was left at orange free state to establish the republic
 Piete Retief led the 3rd group in 1837
 Retief was 57 years of age and he had been appointed as a president of United Lager
 His aim of movement was to occupy the natal land, which he had heard from the hunters and the
 He moved via Drankensberg mountains crossed orange river and reached Zulu land

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 When he reached Zulu land found dingane as the king and asked him for land
 Dingane told him that he was only to give them land after rescuing their cattle which had been
stolen by Sekonyela of Tlokwa
 Retief tried and got back the cattle from sekonyela
 After Retief getting back their cattle, dingane made him a beer party
 Here dingane tricked Retief and killed him at beer party
 Now andries Pretorius was appointed as the boer commander in 1838 to replace Retief
 Later pretorious organized the revenge to dingane at the battle of blood river
 Dingane was defeated because his brother Mpande had given assistance to Pretorius group
 Dingane was forced to hand in natal republic was established
 Later in 1839-43 the natal republic was established
 In 1843 the British had followed the Boers and chased them out of natal
 Pretorious led the chased Boers and joined their friends in Transvaal in 1852 which crowned up
the great trek


Show the problems faced by Boer trekkers.
 Resistance from Africans e.g. the Ndebele
 Many trekkers lost their lives like Piet Retief
 There was starvation during the journey because they were ill prepared for it
 They experienced slow movement during their journey because of the activities they were
carrying out e.g. cattle rearing, looking for food etc
 Some Boers were followed by the British e.g. at Natal
 Diseases like fever, wild sickness attacked the trekkers
 The military weakness of the Boer made them less defensive against the nature of unforeseen
circumstances e.g. wild animals, wars etc
 They received inadequate education to their children due to short time in an attempt to get
 Poverty became the order of the day during trekking hence lack of necessities
 Communication amongst the Boers was also difficult especially in an attempt to get assistances

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 Frequent quarrels among themselves this is evidenced when Transvaal once was separated into
five units amongst Boers
 Poor accommodation facilities characterized by grass hatched houses which were even linking
 Some of the Boers experienced remoteness areas especially where they settled eg Zoutpansberg


 This was a conflict between the Ndebele and the Boers
 It originated because of great trek
 It started in October 19th 1836
 Portieter ,Sarel Cilliers, Gerritz Maritz, were the leaders of the Boers during the war
 He wanted to maintain the independence of the Ndebele that is why he fought
 Need to maintain the value and culture of Ndebele people from being eroded by the intruders
 Cattle rustling/stealing by both the Boers and the Ndebele from each other caused the conflicts
 Boers fought because they wanted to solve the problem of cattle rustling
 Both the Ndebele and the Boers wanted to get more cattle
 Need for more land by both the Ndebele and the Boers for pastrolism and settlement
 The courage given to the Boers by chief Moloka made them to fight against Mzilikazi
 The Ndebele had natural haterage against foreign intrusion
 The killing of Erasmus and Liebenberg made the Ndebele to think that the Boers were militarily
weak hence the war
 The Boer wanted to rescue the 3 American missionaries who had been kidnapped by the ndebebe
 The ndebebe and the Boers wanted to get food from the area that is why they fought
 The Boers considered the Ndebele to be backwards, uncivilized that is why they fought them.


Explain the course of Veg kop war.
 The chief commander of the boers was portigieter and the Ndebele ahd Mizilikazi
 The war started because of Ndebele destroying of th boer group of trekkers that was led by
Erasmus and Liebenberg

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 When the boers were crossing the Ndebele land were not careful because they did not manage to
avoid the Ndebele patrols
 When the boers smell about an attack from the Ndebele
 They made their wagons in a circular form and the gaps,which remained in between the laager,
were filled with horny bushes
 The Ndebele failed to pass through the laager to attack the boers because even they were well
equipedwith guns and gun powder
 The Boers later managed to join their friend nuder the leadership of Maritz
 In addition it was decided that revenge should be taken to the Ndebele
 The Boers now organized a surprise attack to the Ndebele kraal under the leadership of
 This was successful because around 7000 cattle a number of lost wagons and 3 American
missionaries were rescued or received
 Because of continued defeat of the Ndebele, they decided to vacate organge free state and occupy
the present day of Zimbabwe.


Explain the effects of the Vegkop war.
 The Ndebele were defeated at Mosega
 The war forced the Ndebele to cross, R.Limpopo and settle in the present day Zimbabwe
 It formulated a back ground for the formation of Orange free republic
 Laager military way of fighting was adopted
 Many people lost their lives e.g. Erasmus, Liebenberg etc
 Over 10,000 heads of cattle were lost
 Because of death during the war, depopulation in the area was registered
 Insecurity in the area and surrounding in the area was common especially in Transvaal
 Agriculture and trade came to a stand still because energetic people were fighting
 Famine was registered because of decline in agriculture
 Poverty became the order of the day because the Boers injected a lot of finance in the war
 It created way for further wars like the Anglo Boer wars , blood river war.


 Lack of effective mobilization from Mzilikazi

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 The Africans were militarily weak because of the inferior weapons they had like arrows, bows
 The Africans were not militarily trained therefore were unfit for battle frontier
 Disunity amongst the Africans who couldn’t support each other
 The Africans were so poor therefore they couldn’t sustain in the war for so long
 The betraying of the Ndebele by chief Moroka who reported the Ndebele hide outs
 The boers were very determined to defeat the Ndebele
 The good plans and preparation, which the Boers made before attacking the Ndebele ,made the
later defeated
 The surprise attack made by the Boers to the Ndebele may loose the war
 New military fighting ge use of larger by the Boers
 The Boers were warriors because they had moved a long distance from the cape


How did the 1837-8 war took place?
 Lack of effective mobilization from Mzilikazi
 The Africans were not militarily trained therefore were unfit for the battle frontier
 Disunity amongst the Africans who couldn’t support each other
 Africans were so poor, therefore they couldn’t sustain in the war for so long
 The betraying of the Ndebele by chief Moroka who reported the Ndebele hide outs
 The boers were very determined to defeat the Ndebele
 The good plans and preparation,w hich the boers made before attacking the Ndebele , made the
later to be defaeated
 The surprise attack made bythe boers to the Ndebele mae them to loose the war
 The boers were many in number and yet the Africans were few
 New military fighting eg use of laager by the boers
 The boers were warriors because they had moveda long distance from the cape.


Explain the impacts of Blood River.
 The zulu land gave rise to a new king Mpande

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 Dingane raised his cattle, which were stolen by Sekonyera
 The Boers acquired large parts of Natal district
 Dingane was humiliated and expelled by his people from Zulu land
 It led to massive killing o f Zulu people by the Boers
 Due to continuous support to the Boers natal republic was established
 It also led to the killing of Piet Retief at a beer party by the Zulu people
 Dingane’s plans to attack the Boer camps failed
 After the death of Piet,Pretorious was appointed as new commander of the Boer to replace Retief
 Peoples property were destroyed e.g. cattle
 It laid foundation for the down fall of Zulu nation

Why Dingane failed to win the battle?

 Dingane failed to unite his people at first
 The local rulers gave support to Mpande
 He was not a trained soldier
 He neglected military training
 Increased number of Boers in Zulu land weakened him
 He was brutal ruler that people hated
 Mpande’s collaboration with the Boer created Dingane’s defeat
 Failure to return the Zulu refugees created low population in his land
 His royal family members did not support him
 His relaxation of age regiments weakened his support
 He was weak and lazy leader
 Arrival of Portuguese at natal coast
 Break away of small states like Queba
 He created hatred with his neighbors like Swazi
 He gave away land to the boers
 He always danced and womanized which made him unpopular


Describe the significance of great trek in the history of south Africa
 Africans like zulu lost their land to boer trekkers

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 During the so many wars fought eg Vegkop war Africans lost their lives
 Properties were destroyed including cattle of over 17000 heads
 Great trek made the Africans divided ge Mpande who separated from Dingane
 Africans leaders were killed like Dingane
 Africans were now enslaved in the boer’s farms
 Africans language ws put in writing
 Africans chiefs like Mpande acquired guns from trekkers
 Africans acquired western culture like dressing , religion etc
 Africans socities were displaced from their original land eg the Ndebele were pushed to
 The interior was opened to europeann settlement
 It was the boer trekking that led to the discovery of minerals in south Africa eg Gold,Diamond etc
 It led to the establishment of boer republic like Natal,Organge Free state, Transvaal

Impacts of the trek on whites

 It mad the whites to increase in the interior of south Africa eg the British
 The whites to an accession of Natal by the British in 1843
 It was the great trek which led to Anglo Boers war in south Africa
 It increased British interests of protecting Africans
 Racial segregation increased since the Boers didn’t mix with the Africans in the interior
 Boer’s culture and integrity continued to stay after separating from the British at the cape

Qn Describe the relationship between the Boer trekkers and the British.

 At first the British didn’t stop the Boers from trekking later in 1836 laws were passed that Boers
were under the British
 In addition this made the British to take over Natal in 1843
 Between 1845-52 governor Sir Harry Smith of the British tried also to enter into the affairs of
orange free state and Transvaal
 He managed to acquire the land between orange river and river Vaal but had enough force to
control the area
 In 1852 the sand river convention was signed this gave Transvaal republic independence

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 In 1854 Bloemfontain convention was concluded and gave orange free state independence
 Therefore at the beginning of their relationship was hostile
 The British felt insecure at natal because could be attacked from the north


Describe the establishment of Natal by the Boers
 Boer trekkers who came from the cape established natal
 The way in which it was developed can better be understood by the coarse of blood river war
 At the end of blood river war zulu land became in the hands of the boers and captured thousands
of cattle
 Refer to the coarse of blood river and put the coarse of blood river here
 They set up their capital in 1839 at Piet Maritz burg
 A council of people called volks rand was elected
 It consisted two executive, legislative and judicial powers
 A president was elected and the council of people was to act as court of appeal
 However natal republic was short leaved because the british took it over in1843


Why did the British get interested in Natal after great trek?
 The british never wished the boers to live as independent political organization
 The british wanted to control the boers politically at natal
 Traders set up port Durban that is at the coast of Natal was too poor there should be assisted by
 Britian feared that boers could join with Africans and attack them
 Boers were enslaving Africans again which the british did want
 Britian wanted to use natal as a center for her imperialism
 Natal had very fertile soils, which the british wanted to use
 Rumuors spread to the british that natal was gifted / endowed with a lot of minerals the british to
take over natal
 Britian felt that natal was strategic point also protect her sea route to india against the boers
 The boer administration at natal was weakening that is why the british took over natal

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 The british thought that the boers were military weak therefore wanted to protect them from
strong Africans
 The british wanted to stop the extending of racism
 The existence of so many wars on the eastern frontier or boarder of the cape made the british to
occupy natal as a way of solving them
 The british wanted to discourage further boer trekking by providing that also the british can reach


Why did the British get interested in natal after great trek?
 The boer republic of Natal ended
 Natal became part of the cape colony
 Many boer settlers were forced to leave natal to countrywide
 It led to clashes between the migrating boers from natal with Africans
 Africans were made to leave their land to the boers
 Wars between the British and the boers became invetibale because enmity increased the boers and
the british
 British occupation of natal led to the establishment of natal sugar plantation
 It led to the signing of sand river and Bloemfontein convention between the boers and the british
 Since the boers were given orange free state and Transvaal rascism increased
 Africans were made to leave their property to the boers like cattle
 It led to the introduction of british culture, language, education


What were the impacts British occupation of natal?
 The Boer republic of Natal ended
 Natal became part of the cape colony
 Many Boer settlers were forced to leave Natal to countryside
 It led to clashed between the migrating Boers from Natal with Africans
 Africans were made to leave their land to the Boers
 Wars between the British and the Boers became inevitable because enmity increased the Boers
and the British
 British occupation of Natal led to the establishment of Natal sugar plantation

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 It led to the signing of sand river and Bloemfontein convention between the Boers and the British
 Since the Boers were given orange free state and Transvaal racism increased
 Africans were made to leave their property to the Boers like cattle
 It led to the introduction of British culture, language, education etc


Describe the foundation of the Orange Free State Or
How was the Orange Free State established?
 The Boer trekkers established this
 The organge free state was established between river vaal and orange
 At first it was reffered to as orange river colony
 It was established after the defeat of the Ndebele who were under Mzilikazi
 The defeated Ndebele were chased away from the areas in 1836
 In 1843,more boers joined orange free state from Natal
 In the same year, Napier (the Boer leader) met Moshesh of Basuto and fixed the southern
boundaries of the state
 In 1844 the constitution was drawn and the parliament was set up in the area
 Pontigietor was the chief engineer in constitutional making and remained the commander of the
 However after making the constitution the Boers at the Boers at the orange free state
 In 1852 the Boers went to sir George cathcat (the British officer) and requested for their
 In 1854 the Boemfontein convention was signed and gave the Boers their independence
 Joshua Hoffman became the first president and later was replaced by “ Jacob Boshaff”
 The British allowed the Boers to have guns but not to sell them to Africans
 The orange free state was now recognized


 The Boer trekkers were the founders of the republic
 At first, it was established near River Lipopo but later another place was chosen across river Vaal
 The founders of the place were military trekkers from the cape

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 They regarded themselves as political refugees
 A group led by colliers acquired land between Vaal and Kei rivers
 The land was stolen from chiefs Makwena and more was got from the Ndebele after a serious
 Cillers pritorius and maritz now started fighting for leadership
 To eliminate conflicts among them selves for commanders were elected
 Later colliers and maritz drew up a constitution, which was to establish the Transvaal republic
 Towns where built like Ohrigstad, Rydenberg etc
 The parliament was now elected with the council of judicial power
 The British also took over the new Transvaal and made it part of their colony
 During the sand, river convention the British expected to give the Boers their independence
 Pretorious became the first president who was the son of Andris Pretorious and later was taken
even by the Paul Krugger


 After long stay in Africa, the Boers started calling them selves Afrikaner
 Before 1850 the Dutch speaking people called themselves the Boers
 Their languages, pastoral culture and religion were near to be phased out by the English culture
 The development of new Afrikaner language made their crowd
 The Boers priority that they didn’t join Africans
 The gaining of equal rights to no rights by the British encourages their unity
 The signing of sand river convention and Bloemfontain gave self-rule to the Boers
 The closeness of Orange Free state and Transvaal encouraged their unity
 The annexation of Griqualand by the British with the aim of stealing Boers diamond form orange
free state gave them to unite
 The fear from African attacks like the Zulu, Bapedi made them to unite over their enemies
 The discovery of minerals in Boer states made them to unite so that they can protect them

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What Is Mfecane?
 This can also be called an upheaval that took place to south Africa
 Mfecane were conflicts between the eastern bantu tribes of south Africa
 The world mfecane was an Nguni word” meaning a period of trouble that existed between 1800
and 1850
 It was characterized by untold suffering, destruction of property and loss of human lives
 The Sotho tribe called it Defcane”
 It was a period of forced migration in south Africa
 It can also be described as the period of terror starvations and crushing of people
 It was a period of crisis among the zulu, Mthetwa, Ndwande , Ndebele , Sotho and other tribes
 Mfecane came up during the first half of 19th century in Natal region
 It was a period when new powerful states emerged like Zulu empire
 This is the period when stronger powerful men like Shaka came into the existence
 Mthetwa of Dingiswayo , Zwide of Ndwandwe and Sobhuza of Ngwane started it
 It was capitalized and reached to its worst state during the period of shaka


Describe the organization of South Africa before Mfecan.
 Mfecan took place on the eastern side of south Africa.The present day of natal region and zulu
 The natal people were organized on clan basis
 The population was too small much land was not occupied
 By 1760, over 200 chiefdoms existed
 Because of the much chiefdom, internal instabilities, fraction and disagreements existed among
 Most of the societies were cattle keepersand cattle were as important for dowry, food, clothes and
 Marriage from the same clan was a taboo but they encouraged intermarriages amongst the clans


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Why did the great upheaval take place?
The people began with dingiswayo , sobhuza and zwide and accelerated by shaka
 The increased population around natal areas made them to fight for land
 The rise of how political chief dom like Mthetwa, Ndwandwe and Ngwane
 The increase in animal population made them to scramble for pasture
 The conflicts that had long existed between nzwide and dingiswayo
 They needed to create large political power unit
 The need to control trade activities that existed at the delagoa bay
 The boer activities that blocked the nguni line expansion
 Dingiswayo’s was encouraged to attack his neighbor by the use of guns that he had learnt from
Roben Cowern
 The attack made on Tlokwa, Ngeto and Ndwandwe that made them to be defeated and shifted to
other places where they caused problems
 The emergence of shaka of the Zulu state caused mfecane because of his policies
 The training of strong army by shaka led to the fighting of his neighbors societies
 The introduction of cow horned type of fighting
 The introduction of assegai that was the weapon of mass destruction
 Shaka’s policy of destroying of living and non- living thing while fighting worsened the mfecane
 The death of shaka’smother Nandi intensified the situation in 1827
 Many people were killed for having mourning in adequately at the death of Nandi
 The killing of over 3000 old women being accused for Nandi’s death
 The making of cultivation ,drinking of milk illegal and not to play sex for over 3 moths after
Nandi’ s death made mfecane

Explain the impacts of Mfecane in South Africa
 Loss of property like cattle
 Increased insecurity and fear among people
 There were famine because people were denied agricultural the death of Nandi
 Many people were forced to migrate from Natal region
 Zuu state expanded

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 New states were formed eg swazi , basuto etc
 Small states like Ndwadwe were defeated
 Shaka became the fierce man in south Africa
 Poverty became a slogan of a day
 Shaka’s policy of fighting was acquired that is to say assengai by other states
 Many tribes were dissolved especially to zulu people
 It gave new people on the international scene like Mosheshe, sobhuza etc
 Many people like dingiswayo died
 People suffered from misery, starvation etc
 It made the interior vacant which attracted the boers hence great trek
 Famies disintergrated


Explain the course of mfecane.
 Mfecane took place in phases
 It started in 18th century for the control of resources
 The major societies were Mthetwa Ndwadwe and Ngwane
 Between 1800-1888 Mthetwa fought with other kingdoms
 Later zwide with sobhuza also fought were sobhuza was defeated
 The defeated sobhuza decided to move northwards and settled in the presence day of Swaziland
 Here he started a new nation that came to be called Swaziland nation
 Another conflict rose up between dingiswayo and zwide
 Dingiswayo was defeated and killed at the hiitop by the zwide’s men
 The courageous trained man shaka picked the defeated disappointed dingiswayo army and took
 Shaka united the dingiswayo’s army with his father’s army of zulu
 He trained the united army and used it to defeate the zwidde
 This brought the end of mfecane because the people who had started it had been finishes


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 Zulu nation was located in southeast Africa, east of Drankensberg Mountains
 Today it is the modern natal province of south African republic
 The ngoni migrants started it as small chiefdom
 By the 18th century Senzakona led it
 In the 19th century the place had bared so many chiefdoms and clans
 In the same century a military leader shaka united them and became a Zulu nation
 The king became the head of all aspects of life that was even despotic
 The army was the source of power under Ndunas
 The ndunas helped the king
 The king had the power of appointing and dismissing ndunas
 The title of kingship was hereditary from father to son or brother
 The kingdom was characterized by civil wars between the loyalists
 In the kingdom, the army were placed in various places and kept in different colors of cattle for
east identification
 Women acted as spies to the king
 The Zulu were divided into true Zulu and amazulu
 The king was not to be questioned or looked in eyes
 The ndunas were not to hold meeting without the king’s permission
 The king was a chief priest and chief judge
 The conquered people were absorbed into the Zulu culture
 The captured kings were to remain leaders of their people as long as they respected the zulu king
 Ndunas were always appointed from the commoners but on merit
 The Zulu king had representatives in areas where conquered people settled
 The Zulu grew pumpkin, calabash, maize and peas got from whites
 Cattle , sheep were also reared
 They carried out hunting
 It had numerous clans
 Routed wealth was shared among the regiments
 The Zulu people were organized in age regiments
 The carried out black smithing [smelting] and made spears, knives

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 They raided their neighbors like Xhosa for cattle
 The king was the owner of the land
 They carried out trade in order to get guns from guns from whites
 They had a common language and cultures which they copied from the san
 They believed in Mwali as their mighty God
 The old and disabled people were always put to death
 The initiation ceremony marked the entry into a new age set [regiment]
 Marriage was after retirement at the age of 40 years


How did Shaka create and expand the Zulu nation?
What were the causes of Mfecane?
What factors were responsible for the growth and expansion of Zulu kingdom
 Shaka was a son of Senzagakona and mothered by Nandi
 He was born as a bastard around 1783
 He grew up under his maternal uncle because his father’s family had rejected him
 During his childhood, he had a miserable life and being looked at always by his peers
 That made him grow up with a fierce determination, carriage, intelligence and strong vision
 He started his youthful stage as intelligent soldier of Dingiswayo’s army
 While in Dingiswayo’s army his father died
 He was later promoted as a commander in the Dingiswayo’s army
 He went and killed the successor of his father Segujane and became the chief of the Zulu
 Later Dingiswayo’s enemies killed him during mfecane period
 His army was collected by Shaka and incorporated in Zulu nation
 Trained the two armies together
 Introduced short stabbing spear called assegai
 Traditional leaders were dismissed and Ndunas were appointed on merit to replace them
 Soldiers received constant highly disciplined trainings
 He created permanent age regiments
 Soldiers were not allowed to marry up to the age of 40 years
 Soldiers were not trained bare footed
 The army stayed in permanent settlement like Bukuza , Berebere

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 Introduced cow horned type of fighting
 He introduced scouts and spies to report their enemies
 He recruited the conquered youth into the army
 He made the old people and their wives be killed and the children be put in the army
 He employed medical workers and assistants to help the seriously wounded and take away the
dead bodies during the battle
 He gave soldiers very big shields for protections
 He created women army
 He abolished all un necessary ceremonies like circumcision
 He benefited the British who supplied him with guns
 He introduced surprise attack of fighting
 He attacked and defeated the neighbors eg Ngwane, Zwide Tlokwa etc
 He forced the Zulu language to be spoken by all people in the Zulu land
 He ensured food security in the kingdom


What were the impacts of Shaka’s reforms in South Africa?
 He made the Zulu kingdom to be feared and most respected
 He united the Zulu people against the neighbors
 He imparted loyalty among the Zulu people
 A common language was introduced (Ngoni)
 Many people lost their lives
 He led and intensified Mfecane period
 Many people became refugees during his regime
 His policies led to the collapse of the kingdom
 He introduced tax payments
 There was destruction of cattle and other properties
 He contributed to massive migration of people e.g. the Nguni up to East Africa
 There was famine because food that was grown was not enough to feed the population
 Cow horned type of fighting was taken to other societies
 Suffering , anarchy , misery was spread to so many peoples due to force migration

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 Many strong states like Basuto, Swazi cam into existence in an attempt to defend them against


Explain the factors for the decline of Zulu kingdom.
 The great man of Zulu was killed on 24th December 1827
 It was in abroad day light
 His aunt Mkabayi (Senzakona’s sister)plotted his death
 The aunt had suspected Shaka to have killed his mother Nandi and therefore wanted to make
 Dingane and Muhalangane who were soldiers in shaka’s army supported Mkabayi and they were
brothers to shaka
 On 24th December shaka sent the amry to go and stop Soshagane who were running away from
shaka’s policies
 The two brothers stopped in the way and return to shaka’s palace where he was shoot defenseless
 This was because he had sent all the soldiers to for Soshangane
 Dingane returned to his brother Muhalagane and killed him
 From there, dingane became the king and promised the soldiers to have a period of rest after the
so many years of fighting
 Therefore the kingdom which had grown bigger and powerful came to a stand still because shaka
who had kept the army active had died
 The mfecane period made many people to migrate from Zulu land hence decrease in population
 Mpand’s peaceful policy that had not trained as a soldier couldn’t defend the society from
 The succession wars made the state defenseless because the royal kraal was divided
 Out break of diseases and pests attacked the citizens and made them defenseless
 The prolonged drought brought in famine and made the Zulu people to ask assistance from whites
 The discovery of minerals in south Africa made the whites to ensure all resentful states in south
are defeated first
 Disunity amongst African societies who couldn’t defend the Zulu against the whites eg basuto ,
 The military weaknesses of Zulu people against white man’s gun

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 The great trek made the Zulu to fight with the Boer trekkers e.g. at blood river led the Zulus to be
 Zulu’s collaboration with the whites made the later to defeat the Zulu
 The 19th century was a period of scramble and partition that had to leave the Zulu down
 The dictatorship of shaka made the Zulu state unpopular hence its collapse
 The death of shaka’s mother and the childish way of reaction by shaka
 The migration of able generals like Zwangendaba, Mzilikazi from Zulu
 The expansion and vastness of Zulu kingdom made it difficult to control
 The British annexation of Natal in 1843 made her to loose control to the British
 The defeat of Centeswayo and the battle of Ulundi in 1879 covered the Zulu in the basket
 Centeswayo’s killing of the white missionaries alarmed the British over Zulu’s stubbornness’s
 Dingane ‘s failure to acquire guns from the Boer trekkers weakened the state
 The denial of people to take milk, play sex and have a period of unhappiness plus the killing of
700 people by shaka led to collapse of Zulu kingdom


Explain the career and achievement of Dingiswayo of Mthetwa
 Dingiswayo was a son of Jobe of Mthetwa chiefdom
 Dingiswayo grew up with his father in the royal kraal of Mthetwa
 At his youthful stage, he planned to kill his father so that can take over leadership
 The plot failed and was forced to fled in Hlubi were he spend most his youthful time
 He was trained military technique by Robert Cowen while in exile
 When he ws in exile his father died and was succeeded byMawawe
 Around 1797 Dingiswayo returned to Mthetwa land and dispose Mawawe
 Mawawe was forced to fly into muto
 While he was in exile was tricked and returned to Mthetwa where he was put to death from
 Dingiswayo now became a full leader of Mthetwa
 As a leader he protected his people against enemies liekZwide of Ndwandwe
 He set up a strong army and divided it into Ntanga
 Each Ntanga was to have different spear and shield color and shape

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 At the beginning the soldiers increased he set up a standing army
 He created friendly relationship with conquered people and employed them in the army
 He forced the defeated tribes to pay him attributes
 He allowed the conquered people to remain with their leaders eg the zulu remained with
 In order to increase loyalty in his kingdom he gave cattle, land to conquered people
 He encouraged marriageor intermarriages amongst clans
 He made his people to trade with Europeans
 He set up a skin and hide industry were they tried to make wools like those from Europe
 He promoted people people on merit eg Shaka even thought were not from Mthetwa land
 He relied more on ideas from traditional elders and Ndunas
 He expanded the Mthetwa to around 200 miles diameter
 In 1818 Zwide of Ndwadwe killed him during the mfecane period.


Qn Explain the career and achievements of Dingane between 1828-1840
 Dingane was a son of Senzagakona
 He took over power of the Zulu people from his brother Shaka in 1828
 He ruled Zulu nation between 1828-1840
 To take over power he collaborated with Muhalagene whom they are associated with Shaka
 Then the Zulu army came back while tired from Soshangane’s war he promised them a rest
 Therefore unlike Shaka’s regime Dingane’s regime had many weaknesses
 Dingane at 1st abolished hard military training
 He abolished age regiments
 He allowed soldiers to marry even if they are not yet 40 years
 He stopped adventure and raids in the army
 Because of such idleness many soldiers started going to Natal to work in white farms
 Dingane forced to remilitarize the Zulu to prevent his over throw
 During his regime Quebe under the chief Ngeto break away from the zulu people
 Dingane was forced to fly up to Swaziland where he was murdered
 He attacked the Portuguese and killed some
 He solicited support of guns from whites at Natal

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 He fought with boer Trekker, Dingane signed an agreement with capital allen Gardner
 Later Dingane was attacked by pretorious ( a new boer trekker leader) with assistance of his
dingane’s brother Mpande where he was defeated
 His brother Mpande now took over the leadership.


What were the problems faced by Dingane 1830-1840.
 He failed to unite people into a purposeful militarism
 He was naturally a weak leader
 He trained a weak army
 He signed a bogus/ silly treaty with the boers that gave boers some of his land
 He lost his cattle during his regime to Tolkwa
 The boers took his land
 He lacked support from the royal family
 The Portuguese threatened his leadership because they wanted to occupy his land
 The boers took his land
 He lacked support from theroyal family
 Many tribes/ clan broke away from the zulu
 Idleness of the army, which made it to look for other alternative jobs
 He faced taxation wars
 The growth of Mpande and his collaboration with the boers
 He relaxed discipline in the army
 He was a brutal rule eg he killed his brother
 Population increased to peaceful situation
 Solders hatred his extra peaceful ways
 He was hatred by his neighbors eg swazi
 Faced attacks from Boers eg battle of blood river

MPANDE OF THE ZULU (1840-1872)

Show the importance Mpande in the Zulu kingdom
Explain the career and achievements of Mpande of the Zulu people.
 Mpande was a son of senzagakona

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 He was a brother of Shaka and Dingane
 In 1838, Dingane was fought by the Boer trekkers and defeated by them at the battle of Blood
 Mpande had assisted the Boers to defeat his brother Dingane
 Because of his assistance in 1840 Pretorius proclaimed/ crowned him the Zulu king
 He ruled the zulu kingdom from 1840-1872
 He became Dingane’s successor
 During his leadership, the Zulu enjoyed prosperity and peace
 He received a lot of support from the Boers
 He avoided wars with the other people
 He made the people who were refugees to return in their homesteads
 He forgot that the Zulu state had been set up out of war
 He didn’t aim at expanding the Zulu kingdom like his brothers
 He had a dull youthful time
 He hatred wars like Dingane and his sons longed for his death
 He allowed whites to come and settle in the Zulu land
 He made the army to be idle which they hated
 After the discovery of diamond in 1867, he allowed the whites to exploit it
 Mpande was a puppet of the Boers
 He made all that in order to recover the nation from the wounds of Mfecane and blood river
 Because of that boring reign/ regime and his old age he made his sons Cetshwayo and Mbulazi
succession war
 This weakened his powers and that of a state
 In 1872 Mpande died
 Cetshwayo had defeated Mbulazi and became a successor of his brother
 Mpande had left little and remarkable history compared to his brother Shaka.


Qn Describe the achievements of Cetshwayo of the Zulu people
Cetshwayo was a son of Mpande
 He was a nephew of Shaka
 He took over the Zulu leadership in 1856 after defeating his brother Mbulazi

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 He was crowned in 1873, as the Zulu king by sir Theophialus Shepstone [ a british secretary] for
nation affairs
 Cetshwayo as a winner was assumed a responsibility of leadership before the death of his father
in 1872
 He began political activities in 1856 until the death of his father in 1872
 As a leader, he first remilitarized the zulu people
 He revived the age regiments
 He made diplomatic contacts with the Portuguese with the aim of acquiring guns
 He encouraged peace by being a fair leader
 Later he encouraged ttrade with Portuguese at Mozambique
 He preserved the zulu independence for seven years ie between 1872-79
 In January 1879 was attacked by the british
 He fought them at the battle of Isandlwana and defeated them
 In 1879 july the british retreated for Cetshwayo and the later was defeated at the battle of Ulundi
 He was exiled to London in 1882
 Later was brought back and restored as a ruler with little privileges
 Cetshwayo was also put in a reserve were he died in 1884
 His son Dinizulu succeeded him.


Qn Why did the Zulu fight with the Boers in 1879?
 This can also be called the battle of Isandlwana / Battle of Ulundi
 It took place between the Zulu and the British
 Cetswayo led the Zulu and lord chelmford led the British
 It was fought on two battles ie Isandlwana and at Ulundi
 13,000 british soldiers attacked the zulu impi
 Cetshwayp’s determination to revive the zulu military culture annoyed the British hence a war
 Cetshwayo’s age regiments up lifted the zulu’s nationalism which caused the war
 The increase in Zulu’s soldiers up to 30,000 alarmed the British hence war
 The Zulu were defending themselves from foreign invaders who were coming in their land eg the

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 The Zulu and the British were fighting for the area around the blood river as a way of defending
the Boers interest
 The rumors that the Zulus had murdered white missionaries increased the war fever
 The British occupation of Natal in 1840s made the war an avoidable because of their
 It was periods of imperialism therefore the Zulu were to fight the war or to collaborate
 The decline of Transvaal and Natal, which the British feared that the Zulus were to attack them,
therefore Zulu had to be attacked before
 The landless youth Zulu people wanted to shift the Zulu boundary beyond fish river hence the
 The disrespect of African leaders by the whites
 The Zulu’s refusal to disarm the age regiments as it had been requested by lord Chelmsford
 The murdering of the two adulterous women by the British in natal caused the war
 The uncompromising nature of Cetshwayo and Chelmsford
 Famine and drought that affected the British made them to raid the Zulu in order to get what to
 The need to federate south Africa by the British caused the war
 The discovery of minerals in 1867 created the need to defeat the Africans so that they can fully be


What were the effects of 1879 war between the Zulu and British?
 The effects of the war were political, social and economic
 Cetshwayo was defeated and exiled to London were he was later picked and put to death in 1884
 It exposed Dinizulu in the politics of south Africa
 Zulu’s military mighty was defeated and since then had never resurrected
 Zulu’s nation was disintergrated nad divided in 13 white districts
 Zulu’s loyal clan members lost their respect to levels of commoners
 There was distraction of property like cattle
 Poverty emerged
 The zulu lost their land to the whites
 Famine set in due to stand still in agriculture.

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 Dinizulu became a mere chief of Usutu village
 Many people were displaced
 Due to loss of lives, there was depopulation
 It I ncreased African nationalism
 It formulated a back ground for Bambatha rebellion of 1906
 The zulu nation was finely colonized
 Africans were forced to provide forced labour to the whites
 Suffering and misery set in among the zulu people because they fought during drought period.

Qn Why did the Bambatha conflict with the British in1906?
 Bambatha rebellion was a conflict which took place between the Zulu of zondi reserve and
 The Zulu were under the leadership of Bambatha chief
 The rebellion took place during the regime of king Dinizulu
 It took place after the discovery of minerals in south Africa that made many Africans to be put in
reserves get land for exploitation
 Mineral discovery changed the economic social life of Africans eg youth Africans took up
temporary settlements in urban centres
 Bambatha was dismissed for having failed to pay / raise the whites tax
 This made him to re-organise the zulu people against the whites
 The Africans used the bambatha opportunity to raise the anger/ annoyance about Cetswayo’s
 This portrayed long term haterage, suspicion and mistruct between the whites and the zulu hence
the war
 In addition to the above they said that they want their independence
 The heavy taxes imposed from the zulu people of about 1 pound per head caused the war
 The making of the zulu people landless and putting them in infertile reserves caused the rebellion
 The making of the Zulu people tenants on their motherland and increase of land rent
 The disrespect of Dinizulu since they treated him as mere headsman but not as a king
 The granting of Zulu land to the hands of British administrators at natal caused the rebellion
 Forced labor and low payment to the Zulu people in urban centers led to the war

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 The brutal and unfair methods of collecting tax caused the war
 The descending of British troops in Zulu land that led to cattle grabbling angered the zulu the
 The rise of Africa nationalism due to the coming up of independent churches
 The success of Anglo-Zulu war at the battle of Isandlwana inspired the bambatha war
 The wide spread of famine caused need to route each other’s property [food] for survival hence
the conflict
 The outbreak of floods, earth quakes, diseases etc were interpreted as misfortunes that the whites
come wit therefore a need to be chased a way
 The deculturalisation of the zulu especially by British missionaries annoyed the zulu so much
 The role of African traditional region increased the war stigma
 The Anglo boer wars that the British lost inspired the Africans hoping to defeat them also


 The war started in 1906 in Grey town
 Bambatha chief of the zondi people led ti
 It started when bambatha was told to appear personally at Grey town to pay pole tax together with
the people
 He failed to comply to majestic order with his men
 He was told the second time to appear before court but his headman Nhlorihlo refused him
 Since then became a hunted man
 During his hunting process reached Usutu the palace of king Dinizulu and got aroung 303 guns
and ammunitions
 During these ambushes of bambatha many policemen were killed and others were wounded but
none of bambatha was killed
 He used them in ambushes and managed to kill over 36 people who were sent to collect him
 This gave confidence confidence to zulu people
 It made many to join the war in order to fulfil the property that can not be killed by the bullet of
whites man
 Bambatha proceeded with his move up to zulu while being hunted by the natal police
 On 10th of june 1906 was trapped with his followers at mengo George
 They were not given chance to surrender and no prisoner of war was held

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 Over 600 bambatha people were put to death
 However other zulu people proceeded with the struggle
 Those who continued with the struggle were over 40,000 pf which 2000 were killed
 Bambatha was also put to death that ended the war
 It marked the major event against colonial rule before the act of union


 It led to the appointing of 4 white people to represent the interest of Africans in LEGCO
 Many Africans became refugees in unfavorable places, which brought to human suffering
 British took over full control of zulu land and colonise it
 Properties were destroyed and others looted like cattle in order to weaken the zulu
 It led to the increased spread of independent churches all over south Africa
 It led to the signing of 1910 act of union for proper discrimination of Africans
 Since the British were forced to make some changes in their administration e.g. through the
passing of the 1908 bill
 It made Africans to get deeply involved in the politics of south Africa
 Many Africans became refugees
 African cattle were lost
 It gave rise to the growth of African nationalism eg led to the formation of African national
 African lost trust in their traditional leaders
 Traditional leaders lost the authority
 Dinizulu and other political leaders were arrested as suspects for Bambatha supporter
 The british became stricter over the political freedom of the Africans
 The African people were put into reserve camps
 The Africans people lost their independence
 The land of the African people was taken
 Europeans discrimination of the Africans increased/ I ntensified
 Famines lost the war therefore they didn’t achieve their aim or goal
 There was depopulation because of the killing of many people
 Bambatha was put to death also at Memo Gorge

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 The Africans were not united e.g. only one Zondi of zulu fought
 Africans had poor methods of fighting
 Africans had inferior and outdated weapons
 Africans did not have battle leaders eg Bambatha was not a professional soldier
 Africans were poor therefore they couldn’t facilitate the war
 Many Africans had been hit with drought and diseases therefore they were unfit for the war
 The Africans didn’t plan the rebellion very well, therefore they didn’t partipate in the war fully
 The British were ready and determined to colonize south Africa therefore they were supposed to
defeat the Africans
 Dinizulu’s failure to support the Bambatha brought the war failure
 Over dependency on traditional powers brought the war failure


 He gave gifts to his strong and powerful neighbors like Shaka who could fight him
 He obtained advise from evangelical mission
 He acquired guns and horses to strengthen his military power
 He avoided attacks from British e.g. one day wrote a letter and sent it to the British governor
apologizing for defeat the British
 He maintained pitso council where discussions were held openly about the state
 He sent away Boer trekkers
 He signed treaties with british eg in 1848 and in 1860
 He encouraged the basuto culture and made all the cattle to belong to him
 He promoted marriage alliance for unit purpose
 He grew up with special qualities hence qualifying him to be a candidate for future leadership
 The name Mosheshe meant a shaver
 He was a man who used to shave captured cows hence his name
 He grew up under the guidance of Motloni
 He used the guidance patience and peace to unite the various tribes within the nation
 He gave land and cattle to his people
 He obtained ideas from evangelical missions

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 He united the people who had been dispersed by the Mfecane period
 He restored freedom peace and order in the kingdom
 He used diplomacy in dealing with his neighbors
 He used hilltops for security interests
 He was born around 1786 to Makachane
 Mokachane was a minor chief of Kwena
 Mosheshe ruled basutu nation between 1815-1870
 He became popular during the period of Mfecane
 He cooperate all refugees and gave them land and cattle

Explain the factors for the growth and expansion of Basutu nation between 185-1870.
 Presence of able leaders like mosheshe
 Strong and good personalities who were foresighted and intelligent
 Existence of flat topped hills which were for security purposes
 Well protected fortreses eg Butha mountains and Thaba Bosiu
 Strong and good personalities who were foresighted and intelligent
 Existence of flat –topped hills which were for security purposes
 Well protected fortresses eg Burtha mountains and Thaba bosiu
 Strong defensive programe of nation building and after mfecane
 Assimiliation of various fleeing groups in sotho culture
 Peace, patience and understanding of mosheshe
 Good relationship with the neighbors
 Presence of mounted horse soldiers who strengthened the military movement of the state the
 Military advise provided by Europeans
 The state was small and easy to control from internal and external aggression
 Marriage alliances were encouraged to build strong nationalism and unite
 Local affairs were left in the hands of provincial leaders that brought effieciency
 Using internal treats people were united they realized that they had a common problems and
 Mosheshe avoided conflicts with the whites that promoted the relation between them and basuto
 There was plenty of food which protected people from famine and external raids for food

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 Mosheshe’s policy of giving gifts to neighbors like cattle which kept them in good relationship
like the zulu

 He created unity amongst the basuto
 He encouraged marriage from each community
 He allowed refugees to come back
 He promoted trade between basuto and Europeans
 He trained a very strong army equipped with guns and horses
 He created one language within the basuto
 He prevented the Boers and the british from taking away the basutu nation
 He maintained peace and stability within the nation
 He created unit amongst the basuto despite the fact that they were many tribes within the area
 He gave land and cattle to his people
 He allowed missionaries to settle in his area and civilize his people
 He avoided wars with others tribes
 Mosheshe was noted to be one of the greatest leaders in the history of south Africa
 He constructedp a new and safe capital and Thaba-Busiu
 By the time he died he had protected the basuto community from white imperialism
 He protected the independence of the Basuto
 He led the state through a trouble some period Mfecane
 He led a foundation for the present day Lesotho nation
 He transferred his capital to Thaba busiu
 He encouraged civilization in his nation by the missionaries


 The king headed the state
 The post of kingship was hereditary
 Mosheshe provided the strongest personality of leadership within the state
 It was made up of small independent chiefdoms
 He placed each small ethnic group (Chiefdoms) under the contract of his family member
 The bigger unit was given their own leaders who were too royal to the king

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 He got tributes from conquered states
 He used some of his family members as spies to the conquered chiefs
 The basuto had not centralized standing army
 The general assembly called Pitso was to discuss the major issues within the state
 Pitso discussed the powers of chiefs to avoid dictatorship
 Pitso was made out of adult male
 The king sent gifts to the neighboring powerful states
 The king was the religious , judiciary and civil prefects
 They grew crops for food staffs and reared animals
 The land belonged to the whole community and the chief was custodian of it
 Basutu state had clans organized under clan leaders
 Marriage alliance was encouraged to strengthen until in the kingdom
 The Sotho had initiation ceremonies etc

Qn Why Mosheshe requested for British protection in 183-1860.

 Increased white famers in basuto land made him to look for experienced advisors who were the
 The increased number of refugee groups had complicated the basuto
 The unwillingness of the white farmers to be part of the basuto nation
 The white farmers were not satisfied with the land which mosheshe had given them therefore they
were to interfere his leadership
 Wardens attempts to break mosheshe’s power of basuto land
 The defeat of wardern by mosheshe made the later to request protection to avoid retaliation
 The fine of 10,000 cattle imposed from mosheshe by governor George Cathcart for having
defeated wardern
 The capture of 4,000 cattle from basuto by cartcart was a sign of defeat to mosheshe therefor had
to request protection
 The quarrel between the organge free state and mosheshe forced the basuto to seek for british
 He wanted to unite the different groups of basuto land into one nation
 He wanted to protect his land

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 He wanted to prevent more of the boers from coming into basuto territory
 Mosheshe wanted to protect his people from further humiliation and starvation
 He wanted to protect the independence of basuto


Qn How the European cooperated with mosheshe?
 The white missionaries were the first people to deal with mosheshe
 Their relationship was both bad and good
 He gave the French missionaries land where to set mission station
 They became the advisers of him over European matters
 Later the Boers arrived in the state who were in need of land and gave them that land for
 They settled there, used it for grazing and considered it theirs
 They also refused to recognize his presence as the authority
 Because of that act he had to sign a treaty in 1843 that came to be known as Napier treaty
 It gave a warning to the Boers that they shouldn’t steal basuto’s land
 The Boer remained deaf and continued to threatened basuto
 In 1846 mosheshe requested the British to intervene and stop the Boers threats
 A British representative was appointed and based in Bloemfountein to solve the problem
 He found it difficult to chase away the Boers because they had set up farms
 In the same year the British gave more land to Boers from the Basuto but the problem persisted
 In 1884 British governor Sir Harley Smith decided to annex orange river territory in order to stop
the basuto Boer conflict or threats
 Later major Wardern (the british officer in charge of basuto Boer conflict) drew a line to separeta
the Boers from the basuto
 During that scandal/ process that basuto ended up losing 32km of land to the boers and british
 Many British were encouraged to come and settle in that land but they refused because they
couldn’t leave their farms that they had set aside
 The Boers were now encouraged to fight an attack from the basuto where the later own
 The British now became annoyed and sent George Carth cart to destroy the basuto once and for
 He first paid 3500 and asked more time to pay for the other

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 Carth cart refused to prolong the deadline and decides to attack the basuto forcefully but he was
 However the basuto managed to loose some cattle to carth cart
 Mosheshe now wrote a letter to carthcart begging not to be attacked again and that didn’t intend
win them
 Still mosheshe requested for British protection and was granted to him by carth cart in 1868
 In 1870 mosheshe died a happy man for having protected his people from Boer imperialism


 This was a war between the British at the cape and the basuto
 It was also called the Anglo –Basuto war
 It was a war where the Africans fought the whites
 Chief Moroosi led the Africans
 It was caused by long held suspicious between the Africans and the whites
 The British under mining of Africans leaders eg imprisoning them annoyed the basuto
 The need bythe british to colonise the basuto land created war
 Heavy taxes imposed from Africans annoyed them hence a war
 The taxes had poor methods of collection employed by British
 The outbreak of famine amongst the basuto caused the war
 Africans wanted toprotect their independence
 Forced labour the basuto were forced to work in british farms while they were under paid
 Presence of strong leaders like chief Letsie and his son who had ambiscious characters like
 The death of mosheshe who was a diplomatic man
 The earlier success of the basuto against the British gave them courage to fight them
 The role played by the chief moroosi and lerothodi who inspired many people to join the war
 The need to protect the basuto land, which was being targeted by the whites
 The Africans also hated the newly appointed white magistrate amongst the Puthi
 The magistrate Mr.hope never recognized the basuto culture e.g. paying bride price
 The 1878 peace preservation treaty which was signed by the British cased the war
 The need to disarm the basutu prepared ground for the war

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 The killing of Moroosi wehen he was trying to resist the imprisonment of his son and diarment
 The Basuto refusal to hand in guns tot the British sparked off/ lint on the war fever


 The war was fought in only seven months
 It started in 1880 when the paramount chief Letsie made formal protest
 Nevertheless, before that chief Moroosi in the early 1880 had mobilized Africans to resist the
 Chief Moroosi was a leader of Puthi tribe in Lesotho
 The real fighting broke out in September in 1880 led by Letsei ‘s son his uncle Masupha ,
 The leaders looked for flat topped mountains eg maseru, morijja , thaba busiu etc which they used
easily to defend themselves
 Letsie’s son made people to join the war because his characters were like those of Mosheshe
 The whites that invaded the basuto on the hills were seriously defeated
 In January 1881 the cape forces tried to attack Thaba Busiu but they were defeated
 The war finally ended in April 1881 when the cape government asked for peace
 The war proved to be very expensive in terms of money for the British and the treaty was signed
in April that finally ended the war
 It gave a guarantee that the bausto were to remain with their guns
 Therefore the Africans had won the war by 1881.


 The origin of basuto as a defensive nation with out question had to defeat the British
 The basuto were determined to preserve their independence
 The British planned for basuto attack eg in 1878 preservation treaty which met the bsuto also get
prepared for the war
 The basuto were very many in number compared to the British troops, therefore they out weighed
 The British were not used to climbing hilly areas where the basuto hid themselves that is why
they were defeated
 Many of the British were from the cape therefore they were not used to basuto climate
 The basuto fought on their motherland therefore they had their home advantage

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 They were tactical in war ie they avoided direct low land and they hid themselves in mountainous
 The basuto were annex with guns and horses
 Good leaders of Letsie’s son , Lerothoid etc


 The Africans won the war and the cape colony lost the war
 Many cape troops were killed that is why they requested for a peace treaty in April 1881
 The basuto were to retain registered and licensed guns
 The British failed to enforce the Africans to hand in the guns
 It led the basuto land to receive British protectorate in 1884
 It increased African nationalism to fight for more wars
 It made the cape government to request for British invasion in Basuto land
 Many agricultural plantations were put don/ destroyed during fighting
 Famine grew up
 The British suffered great humiliation
 It led Lesotho to be left out in the federation of south Africa
 The basutu were isolated in less mineralized palce and as a result many people started seeking for
jobs in other parts
 It led the British intervention in cape affairs because the cape had run bankrupt during fighting s


 The swazi were bantu speaking people found in north of Natal province
 They formed the nation during and because of Mfecane
 The Ngwane belonged to Nkosi Dlamini clan of the Nguni speaking people
 Sobhuza founded the swaziland
 He led his group of people northwards in the present day swaziland
 He moved because Zwide had defeated him
 During his movement he crossed river Pongola and annexed Nguni and Sotho
 Later more eight clans joined him when they were running away from Shaka’s indunas/ policy
 He welcomed them and gave them food and land
 He assimilated them into his people and ensured that his old chiefs supervised them

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 He treated all soldiers fairly
 He organized all men into age regiments
 Such organization enabled him to conquer all disorganized clans and people of Zwide and Shaka
 The mountaneous areas were he settled gave him safety against his enemies
 At the beginning of the 19th century he avoided wars with his neigbours
 He created friendship which neighbours like Shaka through giving him cows
 To strengthen ties which his neighbours he married Zwide’s daughter
 By the end of the 19th century swazi had grown bigger and stronger


 It was a centralized nation under leaders like Sobhuza I, Mswati etc
 Leaders were despotic over their people
 The nation was divided into a number of Chieftainships [provinces]
 The chief kept peace with three neighbors especially which Zwide and Shake
 They gave their neighbors gifts in form of cows and guns to maintain proper leaderships
 The leadership of swazi was hereditary eg after the death of Sobhuza his son Mswati took over
 All chiefs were answerable to the top most leaders eg the king
 The nation had two councils that were to assist the king in administration ie the council of elders
and the larger assembly
 The council of elders discussed national matters
 While the council of larger assembly was made up of all adult men and was to check on king’s
arrogance and chiefs
 The society was also under age regiments for easy protection of swazi
 The queen mother was also given position and highly respected
 She had influenced over the king and the kingdom
 The king had a palace in each of the towns in the kingdom
 The kingdom recruited young men for loyal regiments but it was not permanent
 It could just be called in ease of a trouble
 The king married from different sections of the kingdom to ensure alliance
 Young people catered for king’s cow in days of peace
 The king pleased commoners by appointing them as commanders of age regiments

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 The swazi practiced rituals [initiation ceremonies]
 They also believed so much in africanreligion foreexample mwari as their God approachied
through their ancestors
 The swazi were farmers who grew crops like pumpkins, yams, cassava, and beans
 They were pastoralists that are why Dingane raided them so much
 In hours of peace , they practiced trade with their neigbours especially whites
 They practiced iron smelting which they copied from Sotho and made equipments like hoes,
knives etc
 The king people progress controlled all economic activities
 They raided their friends for example Soshangani for activities
 Polygamous marriages were practiced.


 Sobhuza is regarded as the founder of Swazi nation
 He belonged to the royal Ngwane ethinic group
 He migrated and settled in the present day Swaziland because of Zwide’s policies
 More clans joined him and he accepted them
 Like Mosheshe he established Swazi nation as a defensive state on the mountains of Swaziland
 He accepted refugees and gave them land, caves, food among others
 He accepted loose political control in his nation were different groups were allowed to own their
 He lived in peace with other powerful neighbors eg he married Zwide’s daughter in order to have
a relationship
 He gave out young princesses to shake in order to maintain peace since they were gifts for him
 Shaka murdered them when they became pregnant to avoid succession wars
 Sobhuza maintained a period of peace and prosperity because didn’t even revenge tosuch bad acts
 Sobhuza received more attacks from Dingane compared to those received from Shaka
 Sobhuza had maintained peace until the battle of Blood River when he fought Dingane and the
later was forced out of Swaziland and killed by Ngwane in 1839
 Sobhuza I also in 1840 died and in the same year his son Mswati took over the leadership.

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Qn Explain the career and achievements of Mswati I between 1840-1868.
 Mswatti was a son of Shobhuza he ruled swazi nation for 28 years and his period was of a
blessing and don’t
 Mswati had foreign policies that are more aggressive
 The Swazi received more strength and dev’t during his reign than his father
 He had successful aggressive foreign policy
 He had gained control over his neighbor either through collaboration or military adventures
 He controlled the Boers and collaborated with them through giving them land that belonged to the
Basuto people
 He called the Boers to give him assistance against the strongest neighbors and travelers
 Between 1840-1850 different clans in Swaziland developed into small kingdoms with clear
national elements and accepted them
 He copied unique policies and ideas from the Sotho and Zulu
 In 1862 he drew boundaries to separate Swazi kingdom and Shagane kingdom of Moazambique
 He went ahead with his father’s programs of national building based on diplomacy
 By 1868 the Swazi nation had grown bigger requested and recognized as the strong defensive
state of southern African Bantu
 However in the same year he died
 Wars of succession were fought where the Boers were even involved
 They ended when Mbandzenio was the leader after being supported by the Boers
 He controlled the Swazi nation from 1868 until he died
 Now the Swazi queen regent seriously requested for British protection and became under
Europeans control


(Relationship between Mswatti and Europeans)
 Mswatti was one of the influential leaders of Swaziland
 He is known as one of the people who gave the kingdom a name [to be known so much]
 He succeeded his father in 1840 and ruled until 1868
 He was a son of Sobhuza and Zwide’s daughter
 He transferred Swazi state into a powerful one through introducing political and administrative
 It was during such reform that he got contacts with Europeans e.g. Boers and British

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 The Boers were interested in taking th fertile Swaziland that they received from Mswati
 Mswati gave the Boers land and even appointed a white chief for them
 However much he did that the Boers refused to be assimilated by Mswati and failed to recognize
his presence
 Mbandzeni signed the mining right trading right and the internal affair of Swaziland to the Boers
 Mswati convinced his people to allow the Boers to graze their animals in the country
 In 1864 the Swazi and the Boers allied or combined and defeated Poko who were disturbing them
 The population of the Boers increased due to birth rate that worried Mswati and his people
 Because of increased population, the Boers attacked the Swazi in order to get more land
 Shepstone led the committee to solve the Swazi Boer problem but the Boer became more
 The boer demanded the taking of Swaziland to Transvaal that the British refused
 By 1868 mswat had died and had managed to maintain a peaceful environment with the Boers
 The boers remained very much interested in annexing Swaziland because it could provide a sea
route to Indian ocean
 Finally the Boers annexed Swazi because they supported Mbandezeni in successions wars that he
 When Mbandzeni died in 1889 the queen regents requested for London protection
 In 1892, the British started taking influence in Swazi affairs and finally in 1902 they declared


 Swaziland was first annexed by Transvaal in 1894
 In 1899-1902 a war was fought between the boers and the british which mad the british to take
over Swaziland because:-
 The increased number of boers in Swaziland was threatening the british interests
 The annexing of Swaziland and increasingly becoming stubborn [boers] made the british to take
over swaziland
 The british feared the boers expansions policy in Swaziland
 It was just a fortune to the british because of the committee set up to handle white and other
provisional government
 The boer farmers had began encroaching the high yield pasture after the death of Mswati
 The british were just asked by the Swazi because so they laer feared boer attack

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 The arresting of Mbanzeni by the boers attracted british occupation of Swaziland
 The long negotiation involved into between Swaziland and the british made them to annex her
 The outbreak of the Anglo boer was in 1899-1902 formulated the final rule of the boers in
Swaziland hence being taken up by the british
 The death of Mbandseni who had given boers influence in Swaziland made their rule to decline
 The role of queen regents who requested London protection.
 Little is known about the history of Bostwana
 It is known to have been a place of swand people
 Others say the three sons of Masilo ie Kwena, Ngwato and Ngwaketse named places in Botswana
according to their names
 Masilo was a greatly king of Sotho in the mid 17th century
 The 3 brothers were giving names according to the main tribes that settled in Bechuanaland
[Botswana ]
 The first tribe was Bangwaketse and settled in Kanye of modern Botswana
 Bamangwato settled around Shosongo also in modern Botswana
 Bakwena they settled around the neighborhood of Molepolole


How did chief Khama respond to the European in Bechuanaland?
 Khama III was a leader of Bamagwato in Botswana
 He dominated the politics of Botswana in the 2 nd half of 19th century after coming to power in
 He grew up in a normal environment and being brought up in a true Africa setting and norms
 He was a son of the chief and respected his father so much
 Later he was taken to attend Lutherana mission school in Bamagwato
 This provided insight to him and recognizes the growing white interests in the areas
 In his early 20s he was baptized in the Christian faith
 Here, he learnt western values like religion, culture which created confusion to both missionaries
and non converts
 Because of his convert, he conflicted with his family for having been westernized so much in a
black skin
 He disobeyed his father’s command of having the second wife

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 He refused to take alcohol that made him popular among the whites
 Because of his popularity his father and the family felt jealous and made attempts to kill him
 Khama reacted with charity and never lost his respect over such issues
 The family and his father later loved him and changed their negative attitudes
 In 1875 he succeeded his father and became the chief of Bamagwato
 As a chief he made reforms in the society immediately
 Alcoholic drinks were abolished, bride price was forbidden
 The killing of one of the twin children was stopped
 Witchcraft was banned
 He invited London missionary society to establish a school at the royal kraal
 As a clever and fore sighted man he incorporated western cultures and values into his society
 He set up a telegraph office
 He recognized the threat of Boer greed for Swaziland
 He requested for British protection of Botswana in 1876
 NB The British at first refused to respond to his request
 Later with they chiefs of Botswana like Sebele I of Bakwena and Bathoen of Bangwaketse
lobbied the British parliament and gave Botswana protection
 He prevented Cecil Rhodes to take over Botswana under the guys co rule
 After lobbying the British parliament Cecil Rhodes was allowed to take a strip of land where he
constructed the railway line
 At the end of the 19 th century Khama had succeeded in preventing the Boers from taking
Botswana land
 Khama finally his characters were compared to those of Mosheshe
 Generally he was a leading collaborator
 They fought against racial segregation in 1934 they advocated for emancipation of slaves

What were the causes of British annexation of Bechuanaland in 1865?

 At first Britain was not interested in the occupation of Bechuanaland
 However, in 1855 she changed her attitude to annex it
 The age of scramble and partition of Africa was of the apex
 Bechuanaland is a former name of Botswana today
 The strategic location of Botswana encouraged Britain

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 The German imperialism in the near by Namibia made the Britain more nervous German interest
 The British feared of a possibility of German/ Boer cooperation to engulf Botswana
 British fear of Boer expansion and imperialism in South Africa made them to act very fast in
 Need for an inland route between Transvaal and Kalahari by the British
 British occupation of Transvaal
 British program of a northward passage from cape –Botswana to northern British colonies
 The rise of an outstanding British imperialist’s and millionaire Cecil Rhodes
 Pressurized for the annexation of the “Second rand”
 He pressurized the British to annex Bechuanaland
 He hoped to get minerals on Botswana
 The role of chief Khama III of the small Bamangwato clan
 Requested the British to take over Bechuanaland in 1875
 He even went a head to lobby the British parliament and queen of England over the same
 His Christian attitude and values encouraged the British
 Even then the British south African company has realized that Botswana had some minerals like
 The British also wished to consolidate her position in south Africa
 The British wanted to protect her settlers and traders in Botswana
 In 1885 British declared a protectorate over Bechuanaland
 Later it extended to where modern Botswana is
 Then by 1895 it had been incorporated in the cape colony
Why were the British not interested in Botswana up to 1885?
 Portuguese occupied Botswana at first
 German was also interested in Botswana
 German traders and missionaries were in Botswana
 British had little funds
 Botswana was not rich country
 German threatened Britain in Botswana
 The Boers were interested in Botswana
 Britain was more occupied with south Africa and Rhodesia
 Transvaal attracted British interests the more

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 Boer settlement in Stelland and Goshen threatened British to occupy Botswana
 Botswana chiefs resisted British
 British lacked missionaries in Botswana
 Communication was difficult


 Missionaries were christen Europeans who came to Africa with the main purpose of spreading
 They either worked as individuals or groups
 The most common groups were Dutch reformed church, London missionary society, free church
of Scotland, British bible society , Wesleyans,Presbyterians, Methodists, Anglicans, Paris
evangelical Roma catholic society etc
 The main indivuals who worked in south Africa were Robert Moffat, Dr Van Der Kemp,Dr John
Philip etc
 He was a Moravian missionary
 The London missionary society also worked amongst the Xhosa and Khoi-khoi
 The free church of Scotland worked in natal , the Dutch reformed church operated with in the
Dutch settlers
 The Paris evangelist missionaries operated among the basuto
 The missionaries advocated for circuit court that led to the passing of 1828 50 the ordinance
 They fought against racial segregation in 1834
 They advocated for emancipation of slaves
 They preached Christianity to Africans
 They constructed mission stations and churches of Christians
 They put up many African languages into writing
 They translated the bible into local languages
 They acted as advisers to African leaders like Moshesh
 They supplied arms to Africans in order to fight against suppression
 They constructed health centers to improve on the conditions of Africans
 They taught Africans skills like carpentry, brick laying, shoe making & repairing
 They traded with Africans in commodities like milk meat in exchange for clothes etc
 They taught against African cultures like sacrificing ,polygamy and witchcraft etc

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 They taught Africans western cultures like dressing, eating etc
 They integrated the different racial groups in south Africa setting up mixed schools
 They taught Africans western languages like English French Dutch
 They ignited colonialism of Europeans in south Africa
 They built technical schools and provided education to Africans
 They settled slaves and gave them help like clothing, eating , housing etc


Qn Show the importance /effects of missionaries in the history of South Africa
 Many Africans became literate
 Africans culture becomes inferior in favour of western cultures
 Africans were christianised
 Africans were divided into groups ie Christians and non- Christians
 African languages were put into writing
 Some Africans intermarried with Africans in order to encourage mixed marriages
 Africans acquired skills like carpentry, shoe m aking etc
 Africans transport and communication were improved and more were constructed
 African standards of living were improved through construction of health centres
 Many Africans acquired professional jobs lke doctors, chief justice, pastors and teachers etc
 Christians abolished slavery and slave trade of Africans
 Missionary work disunited the Africans eg Basuto, Ghana, Korana declared themselves
independent from the Sotho
 Africans gained liberty, equality and fraternity
 Many Africans turned disloyal to their traditional leaders
 Many Africans started going abroad to missionary countries for education
 Africans lost their independence because missionaries facilitated colonialism
 Africans lost their land in an attempt to provide some to missionaries for their activities


 Need to spread Christianity to Africans
 Need to stop slavery and slave trade

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 Need to civilize Africans by promoting formal education
 Need to spread their home governments to facilitate colonialism
 Some occupied south Africa to improve on the health of earlier white settles and Africans through
establishing health centres
 They wanted to settle the freed slaves in south Africa
 Like any other Europeans they also wanted to adventure [ know more about other places]
 They wanted to stop African separation from the boers
 Some came to teach the converts skills like shoe making, carpentry
 They were hated by Africans societies because they gave them inferior education compared to
 Inadequate manpower to fulfill their objectives and aims
 Language barrier affected to widen their work
 High costs incurred in hiring interpreters
 Inadequate essential commodities like food especially in the interior of south Africa
 Poor developed roads and accommodation facilities harden their work
 Opposition from the Boers because they were preaching human equality which the Boers never
 Harsh climate conditions like Kalahari and Namibia desert like conditions touched them
 They were attacked with diseases like malaria, small pox that costed their life
 Natural geographical barriers like rivers, mountains limited their work
 Resistance from African leaders for example from Zulu state, Soga etc
 Sometimes they were denied chances of completing their work by their home governments with
animals like lions
 Conflicts amongst the European missionary groups


QnExplain the role played by the Dutch reformed church in performing missionary activities in
South Africa with in the 19th century
 This was the official church which worked with in the Dutch
 It was also the earliest church in south Africa
 It was the only church society in south Africa which never supported the Africans

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 It took the Dutch race as superior and the Africans races doomed
 It converted and baptized members
 It built schools where the Dutch received their education
 The church preached basing on the old testament which stated that God cursed the Africans
 The church saw killing of Africans by the whites as no sin
 They preserved the cultures of white man
 They gave holly communion to Dutch people around Swelledam and Great Reinet
 It encouraged trade among the Dutch people dealing in
 It greatly isolated the Dutch from Africans
 They took Transvaal of south Africa as their promised land [Canaan of the bible]
 They promoted unity between the Boers
 The Dutch church worked hand in hand with the East Indian Company
 Around 1857 the church introduced a policy of separate racial segregation that gave waya in a
famous great trek


 These are churches which separated from the European on going churches
 Three different independent churches were formed eg Ethiopiansim, Zionism, and Messianic
 Messianic church was led by Isaiah Shembe the Zulu Messiah
 Nathaniel Tile led the Natal Church
 Forming independent churches formed the earliest negative reaction over whites man’s
 They criticized the white man’s exploitation
 They fought against racial discrimination in South Africa
 They encouraged Africans to put up African societies without foreign pollution
 They formed Africans that the white man doesn’t have care and charity towards Africans
 They built schools for Africans and managed by Africans
 They fueled African resistances towards the white man like Namaherero
 They fought against apartheid in South Africa
 They informed people that Africa is for Africans
 They formed Africans to start managing their own affairs
 They led togrowth of African nationalism

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 They encouraged protest against colonialist in form of religion
 They informed Africans that they were under going racial discrimination under the whites


 The conflict between Africans and missionaries over leadership
 Lack of consideration of Africans by whites
 Converting of Africans into Christianity was along process
 The white churches undermined African cultures
 Africans wanted to fight against colonialism using churches
 The Africans formed churches in order to prepare for the coming of black Jesus
 Presence of good leaders like Nathaniel Tile who mobilized Africans
 The gospel of Ethiopianism led to the formation of independent churches
 The Italian defeat of Ethiopianism led to the formation of independent churches
 The Italian defeat of Ethiopians at the battle of Adowa made south Africans to think about the
bible as the way of defeating Europeans
 The need to react about political segregation in south Africa
 The conservation of Africans took so long
 Disrespect of Africans cultures
 The rise of African nationalism
 The role of Africans in Diaspora

 He came to South Africa in 1779.
 He was a member of London Missionary Society
 He worked between the Khoi-khoi and Xhosa on the eastern frontier
 He believed in equality of all races
 He married a coloured who had been produced by a slave
 He was blame for having encouraged laziness and idleness amongst Africans
 Later he encouraged hard working amongst the Africans
 He headed the fight to improve African standard of living

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 He taught people the skills of carpentry, brick making and building etc
 He spread Christianity amongst the south Africans
 He established a mission station at Bethelsdorp
 He built schools for Africans
 He taught the Xhosa and the Khoi-khoi how to read and write
 He condemned the African traditional cultures
 He encouraged equality to al mankind
 He set up a health centre in the area he worked
 He requested the black circuit courts where the Africans were to report their masters
 With him they translated the bible in vernacular languages
 He also introduced printing presses in south Africa
 He was one of the understanding missionaries in south Africa
 He belonged to the London Missionary society of Scotland
 He operated within the Griqua, Khoi-khoi and Banntu
 Boers were condemned for having mistreated Africans
 He encouraged Africans to look for better employments
 He fought for the return of African land of Kei and keiskama from Boers and British
 He discouraged slave trade
 He old Africans to acquire education
 He condemned African traditional ceremonies
 He also added effort on establishing circuit courts
 He condemned whites over grabbing African land like Xhosa
 He requested other missionaries from U.K to assist Africans
 He fought for African rights.


Qn Explain the situation in South Africa before the discovery of minerals.

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 Before the discovery of minerals in South Africa, different groups of people live independently
i.e. the Boers, Africans, and British
 Africans practiced substance agriculture
 African produced commodities for export, e.g. hides, skins, ivory, & slaves etc
 African tribes and societies were united
 They owned their land communally
 They lived in families
 Africans were better than the whites in the interior
 The Boers greatly depended on primitive pastoral
 Boers used rudimentary tools of farming hoes, axe, Ox-Ploughs
 The best manufacturing industries were iron smelting and craft making
 Ox-Ploughs were used as transport vehicles
 Education provided to people was elementary in nature
 Boers were not secure financially and politically
 The Boers had no financial institutions
 The British depended more on wool and wine for export
 They were the richest financially in South Africa
 They were limited and communication networks in South Africa
 The British had little labour to facilitate their activities like sugar plantations
 The African nations like Zulu, Ndebele were stronger politically, military & socially
 The british were advocating for racial equality and taking Africans equal to them
 Africans had strong bonds with their leaders and respected them so much
 The economy was greatly influenced by the Boers


Qn Explain the economic activities in South Africa between 1867-1920
Explain the changes in south Africa between 1862-1890.
 In 1867 diamond was discovered along the banks of river Val (Kimberly]
 In 1885 Gold was discovered on the Witwatersrand in Transvaal
 Cooper was also discovered in Witwatersrand
 Other minerals like coal were discovered in Natal and Springbok Fontein in the cape colony

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 Manganese was also discovered in various parts of south Africa
 Over 4 million pounds were being collected from diamond exports by 1892
 Many cash crops started being grown around the mines to supplement mineral exports
 later plantation agriculture was introduced which boosted on local market
 many Europeans from Britain , Netherlands and other parts of Europe flocked into south Africa
 these came to be called Uitlanders and they did activities of mining , engineering etc
 railways and roads were quickly built e.g. Natal railway and Transvaal railways were constructed
in 1891 and 1887 respectively
 telephone and telegram lines were put in place
 mineral discoveries acted as a solution to beor poverty and therefore their economy was boosted
 companies to deal in mining like De-Beer and the British African company were established
 many areas like Transvaal Johannesburg grew up as cities
 finance institutions were set up like the standard orient bank
 the prices of land rose up
 modern services steamers were put on major water bodies like rivers val and orange
 African also started searching for cash jobs and working in urban centres
 Agricututal processing industries were established around the mines
 Good heath facilities were established to help the workers in mines
 Heavy taxes started to be collected from mining companies like De boers


 Africans agricultural products got market from white mines
 Many Africans got employed in the mines
 Africans turned to be migrants to urban centres in search for money jobs
 Africans lost their land especially where minerals existed
 Many families disintergrated because husbands left them and went to search jobs
 Africans were put into camps and reserves especially those who migrated to towns and cities
 Many Africans lost their lives due to diseases they acquired from camps and reserves
 Many Africans norm and cultures were destroyed because many Africans became money
 Africans acquired bad habits from cities eg prostitution, smoking etc

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 Africans suffered from famine because energetic people went to mines living agriculture for
young ,old and women
 Age marriage was prolonged because many people became busy with minerals
 Some Africans got educated like Albert Luthuli, Walter Sisulu and Nelson Mandela because their
parents got money from mines
 Africans changes their economy into money economy
 African nationalism increased because of elites who emerged
 African minds were changed for example they valued so much now cattle and acres of land
 Many people people became orphans,widows, because their husbands lost their lives in accidents
during mining
 Many Africans got guns because they were paid to them as a reward for their labour in mines
 Many Africans fought with the whites in an attempt to with draw guns from them eg the Basuto
 Africans provided unskilled labour in mines hence employment discrimination
 Africans lost their independence to the whites because of political power changes to whites.
 Boers became recognized internationally because they were seeking minera; abroad
 Boer’s prostitution,theft plus other crimes increased
 Many boers became rich due to income earned from mines
 Boers started buying guns because they now had money
 Boers acquired high standards of education because now strong schools were set up
 Boers healthy increased because their labour shifted to mines
 Boers republics like Transvaal became powerful because they had now threatended due to the
increased number of Uitlands who flocked into mines
 Boers started conflicting with british for example during the 1st Anglo boer war , Jameson raid
 Beor’s pastoral economy declined.

 British got interested into the interior of south Africa after mineral discovery
 They felt a heart of humanity to protect the Uitlands against kruger’s harassment
 The boers humiliated the british when they interfered in their policies
 British abandoned the poicy of supporting the Africans because now became the poorer
 The british started associating with the boers because now were powerful ones

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 British attitude to control south Africa increased
 British capitalists started flocking into the interior of south Africa for minerals
 British now encircled boer states
 British acquired wealth and set up schools, hospitals and banks in south african


 British and Boers became bitter enemies
 Boer’s hatred towards British increased Paul Kruger started mistreating the Uitlands
 The Uitlands were denied their political rights
 The british federation proposal now started growing
 The british and the boers startd going into wars eg anglo boer wars
 Boers and british later united in 1910 during the act of union
 Britian now acquired bostwana, Malawi and Zimbabwe
 In 1899 boer republics allied against the british
 The british at the cape became jealousy to boer republics
 The british annexed Transvaal in 1877.


 Transvaal was a Boer republic
 The Boer trekker in the interior of south Africa ha established it
 It is where Gold fields were discovered
 Then the British took it over in 1877
 Britain intended to expand her influence in to the region
 Britain hoped to discover more minerals in the region
 The defeat of the Boers in the Bapedi war of 1876 which the British used as an opportunity
because Boers were exhausted
 The republic was so bankrupt by then therefore wanted to boost her economy
 The Boers refused to pay taxes which the British used as an opportunity for compensation
 Boer mistreatment of the Africans which the British wanted to rescue
 British taking of Transvaal increased hatred between the two parties which resulted into the 1 st
Anglo Boer war

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Qn What were the causes of the conflict between Paul Krugger and the British in 1880-1
 This was the 1st gentleman’s war in south Africa
 It was a war between the Boers and the British
 Paul Kruger led the Boers
 Paul Kruger was born in the cape colony in 1825
 He went into the interior of south Africa during the period of great trek
 He frequently remembered the death of Piet Retief and felt sorrow
 He felt proud of Boers triumph over Mzilikazi at the battle of Vegkop
 His early life was full of hunting and fighting
 While in Transvaal the British annexed her in 1877 this annoyed him and other Boers and
decided to fight them
 The Pedi war 1876 weakened the Boers which attracted the British also to fight the Boers
 The Boers at Transvaal had so many debts of cape banks which the British took as an advantage
 The discovery of diamond at Kimberly in 1867
 The Boers wanted to protect the independence of Transvaal
 The increase in Uitlanders number in Transvaal republic annoyed Paul Kruger
 The war was inevitable because it was a period of scramble and partition of south Africa


 The war started on 20th Dec 1880
 It started when the british confiscated the boer farmer property
 The farmer had just failed to pay the british tax
 About 300 boers attacked the british in order to take back the confiscated property
 Over 264 british men stood up to defend themselves
 The strength of their defense was weakened by relief force, which was slaughtered by deadly boer
 Half of the british were killed and others wounded
 Generally Colley rushed from natal with troops and began a foolish attack on Laing’s Nek
 The boers had protected this place with over 2000 boers
 The british had under estimated the boer’s efficiency here also

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 They fought up to Majuba hill where the boers defeated 500 british soildiers
 Here 92 british soldiers were killed while the boers suffered casualities only
 British prime minister Gladstone decided toend the way by signing the 1881 Pretoria convention
with the boers


Qn What were the terms of Pretoria Convention of 1881?
 This was a treaty signed between the british and the boers
 It aimed at ending the Anglo Boer war I
 It was signed in August 1881 in Pretoria the capital of Transvaal
 Paul krugger and Joubert signed on behalf of the british
 Lord Carnarvan and Gladstone signed on behalf of the british
 They aimed at uplifting the british federation plans
 Transvaal was to discuss about her political independence
 British were to be the over rulers in Transvaal and Transvaal was granted internal independence
 The foreign affairs of Transvaal were to remain under british hands
 The boers at Transvaal were to accept the british flag
 They were also to reccognise the queen of England
 British goods were to have free entry in Transvaal
 Uitlanders were to receive the civil rights in Transvaal
 Boundaries of Transvaal were defined
 Slavery was to stop in Transvaal
 Equal rights were extended to all people
 Britain was to have limited responsibility for African affairs through a representative in Pretoria


 The boers lost their independence to the british
 Boers remained dissatisfied with their new colonial status because they were under the british
 It made the boers more determined to resist the british federation plans
 It increased boers nationalism in Transvaal
 It increased unity amonst the boers in Transvaal
 It gave rise and to scene Paul Kruger and Joubert in Transvaal

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 Paul kruger became a president of Transvaal boers
 It inspired the boers in Orange free state to unite with their brothers in Transvaal
 It gave birth to other Anglo Boer wars eg Jameson raid, Anglo beor war II
 The boers at the cape felt sympathetic totheir brothers in Transvaal
 It increased more conflicts between the Africans and the boers in order to acquire more resources
outside Transvaal
 It made the boers to ally with the germans and Portuguese against the british
 It increased boers intereference in zulu politics hence losing their independence
 It gave rise of Cecil Rhodes as the british prime minister of the cape
 It led to the signing of 1884 London Treaty between the british and the boers


 The British were defeated militarily at Majuba hills
 Boers at the Orange Free state vowed to unite Transvaal to defend it
 Over 300 british troops lost their live
 Property was destructed eg cattle
 Trade was disrupted
 Famine grew up
 The hostility between the boers and the british increased
 British imperialism increased due to the ned for reveninging to the war
 Boer’s nationalism increased in order to protect the republic
 It led to the signing of 1881, Pretoria convention
 It led to Anglo Boer wars eg Jameson raid
 British were to control Transvaal foreign affairs
 Redefined the boundaries of south Africa with Transvaal
 Transvaal was given self independence
 Slavery was abolished in Transvaal
 British goods were allowed in to Transvaal republic
 Equal rights were granted to all people in Transvaal


Qn What were the causes of Jameson raid in 1895?

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 This was invasion led by Dr. Starr Jameson against Paul Kruger
 It was a conflict between the british and the boers
 Jameson was a close friend of Cecil Rhodes a british merchants and the prime minister of the
cape – amesonhad been chosen by Cecil to control the De-beer company at Rand mines
 Jameson also sought for colonel Frank Rhodes to be the commander [this was Cecil Rhodes elder
 They fought because Uitlanders had requested their help to acquire their civil rights
 People in south Africa were war hungry therefore believed in war as solution to their problems
 The scramble for mineral wealth in south Africa between the boers and the british
 The british policy of following the boers whenever they went since 1835 caused the raid
 The humiliation of the british during the Anglo boer war I made them to revenge
 The need to colonise and unite the whole of south Africa bythe british caused the raid
 The heavy taxes imposed from Uitlands by paul krugger caused the raid
 The tension created by Cecil Rhodes policy of smuggling fire arms into Transvaal
 The need for equality in Gold mines between the Europeans and the boers in Transvaal which the
boers refused
 Krugger’s policy of denying Uitlanders the right to vote perhaps they were to vote after staying in
 Transvaal for a very long period
 The extension of the voting period from 2to 5 then to 7 years by Paul Krugger annoyed the
 The denial of Uitlanders to speak English on public occasions caused the raid
 Krugger’s policy of giving bigger contacts to only Dutch companies annoyed the british
 The boers and the british hatred each other that is why they fought
 Presence of war engineers like Joseph Chamberlain, Cecil Rhodes and Florence


Qn Explain the course of 1895 Jameson raid
 The Uitlanders in Transvaal appealed help from Cecil Rhodes against boer mistreatment
 They made a plan that the Uitlanders were to revolt against the boers mistreatment
 During the revolt the british soildiers in south Africa with jameson were to match from
 Bechuanaland to Transvaal to withdraw the boer government

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 The british plan was to unite Transvaal with the rest of south Africa after withdrawing the boers
government in Transvaal
 The Uitlanders wanted self governce after withdrawing the boers’ govt in Transvaal
 Therefore the two parties failed to have a common idea
 The Uitlanders now failed to get courage of revolting against the Transvaal government
 In December 1895 jameson began with 385 soldiers living Bechuanaland for Transvaal
 The raid was poorly organized with contraty plans
 The boers also got to know about jameson invasion bythe morning of the 1st day
 The boers surrounded the raiders at doornkop near Krugger’s dorp
 Jameson was forced to surrender with his soldiers
 This marked the end of the raid with jameson as the loser.


 Krugger got know about the raid at its early days
 The Uitlanders and the british failed to coordinate
 The british troops were few in number ie aboput 385 soildiers against the many boers
 The british under estimated the boers strength
 The boers were determined to defend their independence
 It improved techniques fo fighting by the boers ie ambushed the british before reaching their
fighting place
 The Uitlanders minded more about the business therefor disregarded the politics
 Failure to convince Uitlanders to revolt 1st as it had been planned
 The Uitlanders were not united to support the british
 The boers were economically strong because of mining therefore they had trained a very strong
 Jameson raid was not supported by british government eg on 20 th December Rhodes cancelled the
 British failure to smuggle guns and ammunitions to interested Uitlanders in Transvaal


Qn What were the effects of Jameson raid?
 The british were defeated

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 British humiliation was increased
 It laid a background for the Anglo Boer II war because the british were revenging
 Jameson was arrested tried and imprisoned for four months in UK
 It prolonged and increased hatred between the boers and the british
 The german ties with boers increased because Kaizer William I sent a congratulatory message to
Krugger for having defeated the british
 It increased paul krugger’s popularity and prestige amongst the boers
 Cecil Rhodes was forced to resign as the Cape Prime minister because had humiliated the british
 It gave courage to the Ndebele to fight against the british south African company in order to gain
their land
 Uitlanders mistreatment in Transvaal continued and increased
 It made the boers in orange free state to ally with their brothers at Transvaal
 The british were internationally blamed and isolated for having attacked a small state
 Governor Robinson Hercules resigned from his post at the cape


Qn. How did the Boers treat the Uitlanders
 The word Utilanders is a boer terminology meaning foreigners
 Uitlanders were Europeans especially british subjects who joined south Africa during the period
of miners revolution
 They were prospectus miners and money lenders
 They settled mostly in the rand mining area of Transvaal
 They were sympathizers of the british population at the cape
 While they were in Transvaal they were not allowed to take up citizenship
 Some Uitlanders wanted heavy investment in minerals to accumulate wealth
 They posed security threats to the Transvaal Boers who were under Paul Kruger
 Paul Kruger denied them civil and political rights
 They were responsible for the Anglo-Boer conflicts in south Africa
 They were disorganized group of people because they came from different countries of Europe
and didn’t have a leader where they settled
 They were restricted from freedom of association by Paul Kruger
 Kruger heavily taxed them

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 Uitlanders were denied to speak English in public by Kruger and their children were to attend
Dutch school with little privileges
 Increased number of Uitlanders in Transvaal worried Kruger
 He disgruntled Uitlanders appeal to the British he hated Uitlanders


PAUL KRUGGER. [1825-1904]
 Krugger was born in 1825 at the cape
 He was bron slightly before the great trek
 His childhood way adventurous
 He liked hunting and fighting
 He participated in the great trek when was still young
 He frequently sorrowed for Piet Retief’s death at the battle of blood river
 He was looking energetic man, which popularisez him among the boers
 He was strogly opposed by the british because of their imperialism policy
 Nhe believe in beor superiority and purity
 He was an active member in trek wars and by 1880 was a general commander
 He was elected as a president of Transvaal four times 1883, 1888, 1893 and 1898
 He concentrated on keeping Transvaal’s independence
 He had avery forceful personality
 In 1877, he conflicted with the british for having annexed Transvaal
 In 1880-1881 he fought the Anglo boer war I
 He humiliated the british overtime
 He mistreated the uitlanders ie denied them their civil rights
 In 1895 he fought the Jameson raid which gave him more popularity
 He was a very persuasive speechmaker
 He hated Cecil Rhodes and felt happy when he later resigned after Jameson raid
 He fought the Anglo boer war II in 1899 where he was defeated and exiled in Europe
 In August 1904 while in exile he died.


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 Rhodes was born in England as a clergyman
 He was expected to follow his father into the church but his health was too fragile
 He decided to join his brother on a farm in south Africa where he recovered
 In 1881 entered the cape assembly
 In 1890 he was supported by Hofmeyr and became a cape prime minister
 Rhodes and Hofmeyr had much in common but the later was aboer
 With the help of his brother he bought some mines after mineral discovery
 He formed the De-Beers company and consolidated the Kimberly mines
 He became a monopolist of diamonds after buying his rival Barney Batnato
 De-beer became the basis for Rhodes’s political dreams and ambitions
 He supported ther federation of south Africa
 Two countries were named after this man ie southern Rhodesia [zimbabw] and northern
 He wanted so much the british to be the head of federation
 He dreamy of about painting the whole Africa red [filling it with british colour flag]
 He dreamnt of constructing the cape –cairo railway
 He hated portueguese and germans expension into central and southern Africa
 Around 1890 his people clashed with the Ndebele because they occupied the Shona land
 He won the Ndebele and their king fled northwards and turned to the boers in Transvaal
 Cecil was a good friend of Hofmeyr- aboer leader at the cape
 The 1895 raid destroyed their friendship
 He fought for Uitlanders civil rights in Transvaal
 He wanted imperial connection for trade and defense between the boers and the Briton
 In 1902 Rhodes died.

THE BAPEDI WAR 1861-1879

Qn Why did the Africans fight with the whites in 1861-79
 Pedi was a state boarding with Transvaal republic
 Sekwati established it at the end of Mfecane period
 He died in 1861 and his son sekukuni took over the leadership
 Sekukuni first fought with his brother Mampuru whom he won in a power struggle

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 Sekukuni at his early leadership faced refugees escaping from boer invasion
 Swqazi whom he gave at the margins of the territory dominated the refugees
 Sekukumi set up a capital on the top of the lulu range
 He never wanted a white person that is why he fought with the boers and later with the british
 The boer expansion of their territory into the interior of south Africa made them to conflict with
the bapedi
 The bapedi wanted to maintain and protect their independence against whites
 Sekukumi fought because he hated Christian missionaries therefore wanted them to go away
 They need to preserve the pedi which was provided b y hills and ranges to them
 The long held suspicion between the whites and the Africans since the period of great trek
 The british annexation of Transvaal in 1877 made them to conflict with the pedi
 The hope of support from his brother Johannes Dinkoanyane who had established at the bottom
of sekukumi’s capital
 Sekukumi’s expelliong of a missionary –merensky from his mission at maandahshoek made the
whites to fight
 The false report that the bapedi had burnt a german mission persuaded president burgers of
Transvaal to attack the pedi in 1876
 Presidentburger’s need to take pedi land caused the conflict
 Disre[ect of pedi leaders by the whites caused the war
 Increased british impearislim tendency caused the war
 The killing of sekukumi’s son bythe british intensified the conflict
 Pedi’s violation of 1876 peace treaty which was signed between them and the b oers annoyed the
later hence the war
 The enslavement of the Africans caused the conflict
 Increased number of refugees in pedi land who were running away fromboers made the boers to
look for them hence the conflict
 Presence of war mongers like president burgers and major Clarke
 The strategic location of pedi land ie it was near the white territory therefore they had to fight
 The early success of pedi against the boers made them to continue with the british.


How was the Pedi war organized

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 The conflict started when chief sekukumi set away merenisky missionary from Maandagshoek
mission in 1864
 Later rumours passed that the pedi ahd burn german mission
 This forced president burgers of Transvaal to attack Johannesburg in 1876
 Burgers had combined with the Swazi who were defeated by the pedi
 Later Transvaal attacked pedi with 2000 people but they found the counter part more prepared at
 The boer commandeoes resort to demolishing , harassing the pedi and their property
 Ssekumi now feared famine and requested for peace
 After the peace treaty, sekumi always claimed that did not sign the peace and wanted self-
 When the british annexed Transvaal in 1877 sekukumi was allowed to ignored the terms of the
peace treaty
 The british after defeating the zulu they turned to the Pedi
 A combined force of boers ,Swazi and british in 1879 attacked Sekukumi
 The Bapedi were defeated and suffered heavy casualities
 Moroamostshe [Sekukumi’s son] was killed fighting bravely with UMSUTU
 Sekukumi surrendered and imprisoned though released in 1881 after Anglo Boer war I
 That marked the end of the Bapedi war.

 At the beginning , the Africans were successful but later defeated
 The war was fought for a very longtime , which made the Africans exhausted
 Africans had poor fighting weapons
 The Pedi were few in number therefore they couldn’t with stand the growing number of whites
 Africans like Swazi supported the whites hence defeating the Pedi
 Pedi were hit with famine therefore they couldn’t fight bravely
 Divisionalism among the royal family of Bapedi
 The whites were determined to take over the pedi land
 The pedi state was very small therefore the enemy could easily surround it
 The whites hasd got experience in fighting against African resistances eg Kaffir war that is why
they defeated the pedi

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 The white policy of killing Africans like Moroomotshe,Umsuti intimidates other Africans an
stopped fighting
 The war was fought at thgeir land therefore all impacts were immediately felt by the pedi that is
why later were defeated
 The pedi lacked military commander like Major Clark of the british


 Pedi were defeated by the Europeans
 They lost their independence to the british
 People were imprisoned eg Sekukumi
 Many people were killed like Mwampuru,Moroamotshe ,Umsutu
 People’s property were destroyed like farms
 Famine break up to the Pedi people
 Trade was disrupted and hence declined in Pedi area
 Hatred between the Pedi and the b oers increased
 Africans became divided ie collaborators like Swazi and resistors
 The Pedi lost their land to the whites
 It increased the british imperialism in south Africa
 Hostility between the boers and the british also increased
 It gave birth to the Anglo boer wars
 Africans were displaced and became migrants
 African families were disintergrated and many became wifeless and husbandless
 It was so costly toboer side leading to bankruptcy of the Transvaal republic
 It made a step to the closer unin and federation of south Africa
 It led to the signing of peace treaty for example between the Pedi and the boer in 1869


Qn Explain the causes of 1899-1902 war in south Africa?
 This was a crash between the british and the boers in south Africa
 It was called gentleman’s war or the south African war
 It was fought to determine the master of south Africa

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 The Africans participation in the war passive because they just carried arms, clothings, etc for
 It was purely between whites in south Africa b’se they wanted to solve the long misunderstanding
between them
 The violation of Pretoria peace treaty terms by the Boers
 Continued mistreatment of Uitlanders by Paul Krugger after the Jameson raid
 The british wanted to revenge the defeat made to her in 1880-1881 war by the boers
 The british wanted to punish and chase away the british as the zulu had gone in 1879 war
 The failure of the british in 1895 Jameson raid which the british wanted to undo
 The courage given to the boers by German king Kaizer William I of fighting against the british
 The british wanted monopoly in south African mines which caused the war
 Chamberland’s error of judgment of uniting the whole of south Africa by force
 The weakness of Cecil Rhodes who made Jameson’s raid a failure increased tension between
 The appointment of Alfred Milner as the new high commissioner who was determines to liberate
Uitlanders by force
 The high taxes imposed from british goods entering Transvaal , which the british resented
 The cutting of trade by Paul Krugger between the cape and Transvaal boiled the war
 The boers needed to defend their independence against the British
 Presence of warmongers like Paul Krugger and Chamberland intensified the situation
 The banning of English and closing of British schools in Transvaal republic led to the war
 Krugger over taxed and extended the voting period of Uitlnder which the britisd didn’t want
 The alliance of orange free state with Transvaal, which they thought that was strong enough to
defend the opponent
 The long held suspicion between the boers and the british
 The British undermining of krugger’s ultimatum of with drawing her troops from Transvaal
boarders with in 48 hours
 The murdering of uitilander with the Transvaal republic created a way to the war


 The war started when a Boer farmer murdered a Uitlander in Transvaal boarders
 Paul Kruger was told to punish the Boer famers but he refused

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 The british decided to mobilize the police to punish the boer famer on Transvaal boarders
 Krugger told the British to leave the Transvaal boarders within 48 hours
 The British failed to honor krugger’s Ultimatum
 Krugger now commanded a force of over 80,000 men from Transvaal and orange free state
republic to attack the British
 The British also mobilize over 500,000 troops to face the Boers
 This was turning to be along war, which was not expected
 The boers registered success at first but they were unable to follow up their success
 During fighting cruelty was much on both sides
 The british decided to use scorched earth policy , use of concentration camps in order to
weakned the boers
 The war now went on badly for the boers but their leaders were not prepared to give up their
 In March 1990 General Roberts of british had entered Bloemfontein of Transvaal
 In june he entered Pretoria the capital of Transvaal
 Boer commandoes like General de wet , smuts, botha, Herzog continued fighting for 18 months
in british areas of natal and the cape
 The war ended when the boer commandoes met Lord Kitcher of british
 In the meeting, the commandoes agreed t areas of natal and the cape
 The war ended when the boer commandoes met Lord Kitcher of british
 In the meeting, the commandoes agreed to met Lord Kitcher’s ideas which made then to sign the
vereening treaty


 Many people died e.g. over 30,000 Boer soldiers were killed
 Property were destroyed e.g. farms, crops, livestock
 Many people were left homeless especially women and children
 Many people were put into concentration camps
 Diseases were highly spread due to over crowding in concentration camps
 People in camps lacked basic supplies of food and clothing
 Krugger was disappointed and frustrated
 Krugger was captured and exiled in Europe where he died in 1904

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 It led to signing of Vereeniging treaty
 Transvaal and O.F.S developed because they were given rehabilitation funds by Britain
 It led to increase in African nationalism because they indentified themselves group and decided to
 Trade declined because of the scorched earth policy of fighting
 Africans were punished for deserting work during the war
 It paved way to south African apartheid policy
 English and Boer language gained equal status
 The British goods stopped being discriminated by the Boers in Transvaal
 New people came up like Bortha , Christian , smuts etc
 At the end of the war , Boers were defeated


Terms of the vereening treaty
What were the proposals of 1902 agreement in South Africa?
 This was a treaty / agreement, which was signed to end 2nd Anglo Boer war
 It was signed between the British and the Boers
 Transvaal and Orange Free State were to become British colonies
 A responsible government was to be set up in the two colonies
 The damaged properties were to be compensated
 Dutch and English were to be used as official languages
 Africans were neither to vote nor to be voted for
 Prisoners of war were to be released and put in concentration camps
 The Boers were to have a strong internal self government
 Africans with guns were to be disarmed
 The British lost control over the mineral bearing land
 Concentration camps were to be put in order to put Africans together
 Vast sums of money were to be given to countries to restore the damaged property
 British were to with draw all their their troops from the Boer republics immediately
 Boers were favored with is treaty and benefited more from it
 The British stopped supporting the rights of Africans

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

 Africans were denied the rights to vote and to be voted
 Transvaal and Orange free state were made to be British colonies
 Africans were disarmed which created security
 It made the Africans to loose their independence
 English and dutch became the official language
 Concentration camps were put in place, which eroded Africans freedom
 It laid the foundation for the apartheid policy of south Africa
 It hatched the union of south Africa
 White mans citizenship was confirmed in south Africa
 Boer republics of Transvaal and orange free state were given self government in 1907and 1808
 It brought new nationalist on world scene like Bortha, Smuts etc
 Africans were now forced to pay taxes to white race
 It reconciled the two white races that had been enemies
 The words Uitlanders was abolished and were to enjoy their civil rights
 It made the white people to acquire land, which was for Africans in camps
 The British abandoned their humanitarian policy towards the Africans
 After providing way for south African federation, apartheid was legalised

O level history made easy 2020 edition By Dracemari Solomon at SKISS

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