Multi-Messenger Astrology
Multi-Messenger Astrology
Multi-Messenger Astrology
to predict the future and excuse an O(1) fraction of our negative personality traits.
I. INTRODUCTION apartments.
Neutrinos are often referred to as ghost particles since,
like ghosts, they rarely interact and are produced in nu- Take, for example, an Aries. In Figure 1, a trained
clear reactors. The weak interactions mean that neu- multi-messenger astrologer can see that this sign also
trinos carry pointing information that would be lost lies within the gamma-ray signal, a persistent neutrino
by gamma-ray/cosmic-ray scattering. In an astrological source, and a potential gravitational wave void. The
sense, this ghostly nature means that those born under common perception of an Aries is that they are natural
neutrinos have a higher sense of spirituality and, more go-getters that are fair and patient in relationships [6].
importantly, are more likely to ghost4 others. Although they may be strong leaders, a more nuanced
A major source of neutrinos is the Sun with a myr- reading reveals their relationships may be more shaky as
iad of fusion processes which power the core. For an their position in the sky is coincident with ire-inducing
example of this effect, look no further than the authors gamma-rays and relationship-rocking neutrinos. The role
of this paper. When the Sun rises, the influx of neutri- of gravitational waves on personalities is still being quan-
nos cause us to ghost our dates from the previous night. tified, but given that they are in a void, they probably
This explanation is favored over the previous hypothesis won’t marry their cousins.
of “commitment issues” by 2.7σ.
Another astrological source of neutrinos are core-
collapse supernovae. The last such supernova close
enough to produce observable neutrinos was in 1987, with
an enormous flux at Earth. This affected many people at A. Dark Matter
the time, although the effects may lie dormant for years.
This is seen in the case our fathers, who took until the Dark matter is a currently undiscovered type of ex-
early 2000s to ghost their respective families. otic matter, proposed to explain galaxy rotation curves,
In recent years, IceCube (the experiment, not the rap- source micro-lensing events, fix marriages, and what-
per) has identified point-sources for high energy neutri- ever else the phenomenologists want to solve that week.
nos. This work is still recent, but in time it will allow Therefore, it is difficult to extract how dark matter de-
astrologers to match up which signs have the most neu- tection could affect one’s personality. One trait for in-
trinos and are most likely to ghost (but let’s be real, we dividuals with directional dark matter detected within
know it’s going to be Virgo). their sign is that they should only rarely interact with
Einstein’s theory of General Relativity predicts waves Axion-like particles (ALPs), are proposed pseudoscalar
of contracting and expanding spacetime propagating at bosons, popularized by the 1980’s TV sitcom of the same
the speed of light. Einstein also married two of his name. Although this particle was originally theorized to
cousins, so he was clearly focused on the wrong type of solve the Strong CP problem and get into wacky weekly
attraction and relativity. hijinks, it has been shown that if they exist, then they
Gravitational waves are the youngest of the astrolog- must be produced in different astrophysical scenarios.
ical messengers, but that does not make them any less Many of the astrological properties of an ALP flux are
loved by astronomers. They are less loved by astrologers, model dependent, and beyond the scope of this paper.
though, because the primary observatory is based out of However, all models include the pseudoscalar nature of
Louisiana, and humidity is murder on our hair. Gravity these lovable-goofball particles, so from this we have de-
is a force which is always attractive, and gravitational termined that being born under a flux of ALPs will make
waves are formed when two objects merge. Therefore, a person more susceptible to pseudoscience. Thankfully,
in an astrological framework, gravitational waves dictate none of the authors of this paper have such a problem.
your attractiveness and your attraction to others. We
think that’s obvious; it’s honestly a little embarassing
that you needed us to explain it to you. V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
fact that destiny and personality is determined by more
than just visual photons. Even with our limited, un-
funded5 work, we have been able to better explain away
many of our personal “flaws” in this new framework. We
highly encourage our colleagues to do the same.