Siprotec 7sa86 Profile

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Distance protection

The SIPROTEC 7SA86 distance protection has been de-
signed specifically for the protection of lines. With its mod-
ular structure, flexibility and the high-performance DIGSI 5
engineering tool, the SIPROTEC 7SA86 device offers fu-
ture-oriented solutions for protection, control, automa-
tion, monitoring, and Power Quality – Basic.
Main function Distance Protection
Interoperability of SIPROTEC 4 and SI-
PROTEC 5 line protection devices
SIPROTEC 5 Device with Expansion Module
Tripping 3-pole, minimum tripping time: 9 ms  Detection and recording of power-quality data in the
Inputs and out- 12 predefined standard variants with 4/4
mediumvoltage and subordinate low-voltage power
puts or 8/8 current transformers/voltage trans- system
formers, 5 to 31 binary inputs, 8 to 46 bi- Functions
nary outputs
DIGSI 5 permits all functions to be configured and com-
Hardware Flexibly adjustable I/O quantity structure bined as required.
quantity within the scope of the SIPROTEC 5 modu-
structure lar system  Minimum tripping time: 9 ms
Housing width 1/3 × 19 inch to 2/1 × 19 inch  6 independent measuring loops (6-system distance
 Several distance-protection functions can be selected:
 Detection and selective 3-pole tripping of short cir- Classic, reactance method (RMD), impedance protec-
cuits in electrical equipment of star networks, lines tion for transformers
with infeed at one or 2 ends, parallel lines, and open-
circuited or closed ring systems of all voltage levels  Directional backup protection and various additional
 Detection of ground faults in isolated or arc-suppres-
sion-coilground systems in star, ring, or meshed ar-  Detection of ground faults of any type in compensated
rangement or isolated electrical power systems using the follow-
ing functions: 3I0>, V0>, transient ground fault, cos
 Serial protection communication with SIPROTEC 5 and φ, sin φ, dir. detection of intermittent ground faults,
SIPROTEC 4 devices over different distances and physi- harmonic detection, and admittance measurement
cal media, such as optical fiber, two-wire connections,
and communication networks  Ground-fault detection using the pulse-detection
 Backup protection for differential protection devices of
all kind for lines, transformers, generators, motors,  Adaptive power-swing blocking, out-of-step protection
and busbars
 Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)
Efficient and modular

 Detection of current-transformer saturation for fast  Serial protection communication via optical fibers,
tripping with high accuracy two-wire connections, and communication networks
(IEEE C37.94 and others), including automatic switch-
 Fault locator plus for accurate fault location with inho-
over between ring feeder and chain topology
mogenous line sections and targeted automatic over-
head line section reclosing (AREC)  Reliable data transmission via PRP and HSR redun-
dancy protocols
 Arc protection
 Extensive cybersecurity functionality, such as role-
 Automatic frequency relief for underfrequency load
based access control (RBAC), logging of security-re-
shedding, taking changed infeed conditions due to
lated events, signed firmware, or authenticated IEEE
decentralized power generation into consideration
802.1X network access.
 Power protection, configurable as active or reactive-
 Simple, fast, and secure access to the device via a
power protection
standard Web browser to display all information and
 Directional reactive-power undervoltage protection diagnostic data, vector diagrams, single-line and de-
(QU protection) vice display pages
 Detection of current and voltage signals up to the  Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) for synchrophasor
50th harmonic with high accuracy for selected protec- measured values and IEEE C37.118 protocol
tion functions (such as thermal overload protection)
 Time synchronization using IEEE 1588
and operational measured values
 High-performance fault recording (buffer for a max.
 PQ – Basic: Voltage unbalance; voltage changes:
record time of 80 s at 8 kHz or 320 s at 2 kHz)
overvoltage, dip, interruption; TDD, THD, and harmon-
ics  Auxiliary functions for simple tests and commissioning
 3-pole automatic reclosing function  Flexibly adjustable I/O quantity structure within the
scope of the SIPROTEC 5 modular system
 Control, synchrocheck, and switchgear interlocking
protection Benefits

 Graphical logic editor to create high-performance au-  Safety due to powerful protection functions
tomation functions in the device  Purposeful and easy handling of devices and software
 Single-line representation in the small or large display thanks to a user-friendly design

 Fixed integrated electrical Ethernet RJ45 interface for  Cybersecurity in accordance with NERC CIP and BDEW
DIGSI 5 and IEC 61850 (reporting and GOOSE) Whitepaper requirements

 Up to 4 optional, pluggable communication modules,  Highest availability even under extreme environmen-
usable for different and redundant protocols (IEC tal conditions by standard coating of the modules
61850-8-1, IEC 61850-9-2 Client, IEC 60870-5-103,  Full compatibility between IEC 61850 Editions 1, 2.0,
IEC 60870-5-104, Modbus TCP, DNP3 serial and TCP, and 2.1
 Virtual network partitioning (IEEE 802.1Q - VLAN)

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