Form One History- End of Term3 2023MARKING SCHEMESECTION A (25 MARKS).
1. Defne the ollowing terms?(2mk)a)History-
is an account of events that took place in the past.
b)Pre-History- r
efers to the unrecorded history;those acvies that humans engaged in before wring and drawing were invented as ways of storinginformaon.
2. State any two arms o the government. (2mks)
Legislature(Parliament),Execuve, Judiciary
3. Disnguish between absolute and constuonal monarchy.(2mks)
In the absolute monarchy, the king or queen rules with absolute and total power whereas in a constuonal monarchy the king or queen has limited powers since they rule along with a parliament or a governing body
4. Which human species invented fre?(1mk)
Homo erectus
5. Name one sub-species o Homo Sapiens?(1mk)
Rhodesian Man, Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon
6. Ideny two hominids in the evoluon o Man beore the Australopithecus?. (2mks)
Aegyptopithecus, Dryopithecus Africanus, Kenyapithecus (Ramapithecus)
7. Ideny two theories that aempt to explain the origin o Agriculture.(2mks)
Diusion theory, Independent theory.
8. Name the two rivers that surrounded Mesopotamia. (2mks)
Euphrates, Tigris
9. What is the name given to the Maasai and Samburu? (1mk)
Maa Speakers
10. Name the Highland Nilotes in Mt. Elgon.
Tugen, Nandi, Sabaot,Marakwet
11. State any group o Bantu who circumcised boys only. (1mks)
Akamba, Abaluhya
12. Ideny two earliest visitors to the East Arican Coast? (2mks)
Greeks, Romans, Persians, Chinese, Arabs
13. Ideny two posive impacts o Portuguese rule on the East Arican Coast. (2mks)
The Portuguese built Fort Jesus at the coast in Mombasa in1592/3 which became a fortressand
Later a tourist aracon for centuries.
They enriched the Swahili language with an addion of 60 words e.g. emeza meaning tableand Pesa meaning money.
They introduced new crops from South Africa of which many have become staple diet for many
East Africans e.g. cassava, pawpaw, maize, oranges, sweet potatoes, guavas, pineapples and Mangoes
They made an improvement in ship building. During their stay on the coast, many architects came In from India and Europe.
There was establishment of closer trading links between the coast and India.
They introduced new farming methods for example they encouraged the use of cow dung as Manure.
They led to the coming of more European and Asian traders and crasmen especially thosewho
Helped in the building of Fort Jesus.
They broke the Muslim- Arab monopoly of the Indian Ocean Trade.
14. Ideny one earliest visitor to the East Arican Coast?(1mk)
Vasco Da Gama, David Livingston, Ludwig Krapf
15. Name one rights provided in the Kenyan Bill o Rights? (1mk)
Right to life
Equality and freedom from discriminaon
Right to privacy Human dignity
Freedom from slavery,Servitude
16.Name one responsibilies o a good cizen.(1mks)
Every person has a responsibility to contribute to posive development in the country by workingHard and honestly, irrespecve of the type of work or profession one is in.b. Every cizen is expected to parcipate in the democrac process. One has the moral responsibilityto vote and even present him/herself to be voted for provided he/she fulls all the requirements of the posion.c. A responsible cizen should acvely contribute views on maers aecng the community. Thisincludes taking Part in naonal debates.d. A responsible cizen must be mindful of other peoples’ welfare. For example guiding visitors,assisng the disabled, the aged, children, as well as the less fortunate members of the society in ways in which they need the assistance.
e. A good cizen should report law breakers, and even those suspected of having intenons to break the law to the relevant authories.f. A responsible cizen should ensure proper ulizaon of public and private facilies includingtoilets, water points, post oces, public telephone Booths etc. g. A responsible cizen must maintain high moral and ethical standards. One must refrain from telling lies.
17. What is Naonal integraon?(1mk)
Naonal integraon refers to the process by which various components of a naon are brought together into a whole leading to naonal unitySECTION B (45 MARKS)
Instrucons to candidates: Answer any three quesons from this secon in the spaces provided
18a) State fve ways in which the discovery o fre by the early Man improved his way o lie. (5mks)
The re was used to roast/cook thus he stopped eang raw food
Fire was used to provide warmth at night when it was cold
Fire was used to provide light in the dwelling/ sites/caves
Fire improved hunng as man could use it to push animals to conned areas thus kill them easily.
Fire was used to frighten animals from man’s dwelling places thus improved security
Tool making was improved through the use of re to harden sharpen ps of tools
Communicaon between people living at dierent places was made possible by the of re and smoke signals
Early man preserved food by drying it over the re
Fire enabled man to harden poery which was used for storage /cooking/ trade
b) Describe fve actors that led to the development o Agriculture in America beore 1800?(10mks)
European immigraon into the region led to populaon increase and demand for food.
European immigraon introduced new methods of farming
Introducon of new crops
Availability of slave labour to clear forests and to farm
Suitability of climate for agriculture
Presence of suitable soils for dierent types of crops
Selement of enterprising European emigrants who wished to make a living through agriculture.
Availability of indigenous crops
Use of river for irrigaon
19a) Outline 5 changes marking agrarian revoluon in Britain. (5mks)
The land enclosure system (fencing and hedging of plots), which replaced the Open Field system in 1750.
Mechanizaon, i.e. use of new farming methods, which required large farms as opposed tothe previous small strips.
Abolion of fallows. Farmers could no longer leave the land fallow to regain its ferlity as was the tradion. Increase in populaon meant demand for more food, which required most of the land to be put to use.
Introducon of crop rotaon. Lord Viscount Townsend developed a four-course rotaon system called the Norfolk, which consisted of barley, clover, turnips and wheat on the same plot of land over a four-year period, by which land retained or gained but would not lose its ferlity.
The introducon of inter cropping. It was discovered that growing crops like maize and beans on a given piece of land at the same me enabled land to regain ferlity, since such crops did not require the same nutrients from the soil and they gre w well if planted together.
Use of ferlizer. This was pioneered by Lord Viscount Townsend, who recommended manuring of land to increase yields per hectare.
Use of machines. This changed agriculture from a small scale subsistence acvity to a large scale business for both subsistence and commercial purposes.
Selecve breeding of livestock. This was invented between 1725-1795 by Robert Bakewell.
Introducon and all-me availability of cale feed, which helped ensure supply of fresh meat all the year round.
b) Explain fve remedies to ood shortages in Kenya. (10mks)
Reclaiming more land would increase the area for farming thereby producing more food.
Adopng irrigaon which would ensure food producon throughout the year.
Government should formulate/adopt food policies which would give strategies of achieving food security in the Countries.
Encouraging farmers to grow food crops that are drought resistant,require lile rain tall.
Farm inputs/seeds/ferlizer/pescides should be highly subsidized in order to make them aordable to the farmers.
Storage facilies should be improved to minimize loss/wastage before and aer the harvest.
Modern/scienc farming methods such as arcial inseminaon should be pracced in order to improve agricultural yields. Transport infrastructure should be improved/constructed for ecient movement of farm inputs/produce to and from markets.
Encouraging agro-forestry which would ensure food producon alongside forestry.
20a) Outline fve reasons or the migraon o the Arican communies during the 19
C. (5mks)
Hosle neighbours in their homeland
Succession disputes/ feuds/ family conicts
Search for pastured for their livestock.
Natural calamies such as drought/disease
Spirit of adventure.
Populaon pressure
External aacks
Outbreak of diseases