Abstract: In this research work, single nucleon wave function of 20Ne has been determined by solving the one-
body Schrӧdinger equation with Harmonic Oscillator potential and Woods-Saxon potential including spin-orbit
interaction. Simultaneously we have calculated the nucleon separation energy levels and wave function of 20 10 Ne
by applying Numerov Method. In our calculation, we consider that a nucleon moves freely in an average potential
well generated by other nucleons. We have investigated the single particle energy levels of 10 Ne to understand the
energy levels and wave function of 10 Ne nucleus. The separation energy and matching eigen function at the
matching point, rc were calculated by using FORTRAN language. The results of nucleon separation energy levels
and wave function of each state in 20Ne nucleus are described.
Keywords: Separation energy levels; Wave function; Wood-Saxon potential; spin-orbit interaction
In this section, we will describe how to
derive energy eigen value and corresponding wave
1.INTRODUCTION function by using Numerov Method.
The nucleon separation energy is the
minimum energy required to remove a neutron or
The time independent Schrö dinger radial equation is
proton from a nucleus. Protons and neutrons tightly
[ ]
bound together in the nucleus, despite the electrical d
2m ℏ l ( l+1 )
repulsion of the protons, because of strong nuclear 2
u ( r ) + 2
E−V ( r ) − u ( r )=0(1)
force acts on nuclear dimensions. The size of dr ℏ 2 m r2
nucleus is very small and nuclear interaction is very The equation (1) can be written as follow:
complicated. In fact the picture of nucleus is still not
clear. In order to understand nuclear structure and d ( ) ( ) ( )
u r +k r u r =0
its properties we use a basic assumption of the single dr
[ ] [ ]
h u (r n ) h u (r n )
2 '' 3 '' ' h 5 2
un+1= u(rn) + hu (rn)+ '
+ + 1+ k ( r n+1 ) u ( r n+1 )= 2 h k ( r n ) u ( r n )−¿
2 6 12 6
4 iv
h u (r n )
[ ]
24 1+ k ( r n−1 ) u ( r n−1 )
(3.a) 12
un-1 = u(rn-h) = u(rn) - hu' (rn) + Then we get the following recursive formulas:
4 iv
h u (r n ) h u (r n ) h u ( r n )
2 '' 3 '' '
− + −¿0h5 (3.b) Forward recursive relation
2 6 24
By summing equation (3.a) and (3.b) 5 2 h
(r ¿¿ n−1
u ( r n +1 )=2[1− h k ( r n ) ]u (r n ) – [1+ k (r n −1 )]u 2
h u (r n)
4 iv 12 12 h
un +1+ un−1=2 u ( r n ) +h u ( r n ) +
2 '' 1+ k (r n
12 12
u (r) = - k(r) u(r) is substituted in above equation.
4 iv Backward recursive relation
2 h u (r n)
un +1+ un−1=2 u ( r n )−h k ( r n ) u (r n )+ 5 2 h
(r ¿¿ n+
12 u ( r n ) =2[1− h k ( r n+ 1) ]u (r n+ 1)– [1+ k (r n+2 )]u 2
12 12 h
h u (r n )
1+ k (
un +1=2 u ( r n )−u n−1−h k ( r n ) u(r n)+ 12
2.1. Calculation of Bound State Energy
We take second order derivative of equation
(3.a) and (3.b). According to the properties of wave
2 3 4
function, uout and uin must be homogeneous at a point
h iv h v h vi
un +1=u ( r n )+ h u ( r n ) + u ( r n ) + u ( r n ) + u ( r n ) + 0 rc called matching point. We must taken
'' '' '' '
2 6 24 normalization at that matching point rc to get the
energy (eigen value) of corresponding wave
En = En-1 + ∆ E (20)
rc rmax
For each En, we have to calculate their Eigen
(f c B)2∫|u o ( r )| dr + B2 ∫ |u i ( r )| dr =1
2 2
function uout and uin at rc point.
0 rc
When we find the energy eigen value, we
denote the outwards and inwards functions directly (21)
obtained from the recursive formulas as u o(r) and
ui(r) respectively, the physical uout(r) and uin(r) eigen 2 1
functions can be written as
(f c ) ∫ |uo ( r )| dr +∫|u i ( r )| dr
2 2 2
[ ui ( r )−ui ( r )
uo ( r )−u'o ( r )
B=f c B
] (25)
u¿ ( r ) =
u i (r ). (26)
(15) √N
where fc = scaling factor. We calculated the energy levels and the
∴uout (r) = Auo(r) = fc B uo (r) inwards and outwards wave function of 10Ne with
(16) FORTRAN language.
Similarly uin (r) = B ui (r) (17) 3. INTERACTION
B is a factor that must be taken into account in the For the study of single particle energy levels
normalization process. of 20Ne, firstly we performed calculation as a single
particle nucleon moving in the average potential
2.2. Normalization well. In this research we used Woods-Saxon
To find the factor B, u out and eigen functions, we use potential including spin orbit interaction. In order to
the normalization condition. compare with Woods-Saxon potential, we have
assumed the harmonic oscillator potential strength
ℏωto be 10.456 MeV and the shape of Harmonic
∫ ¿ u l (r )∨¿2 dr=1 ¿ (18)
oscillator potential form is shown in Fig(1).
rmax rc rmax
3.1. Harmonic Oscillator potential
∫ |ul ( r )| =¿ ∫ dr ¿ uout (r)∨¿ +∫ dr |u ¿ ( r )| ¿ ¿
2 2 2
0 0 rc To test the accuracy of our numerical method
1 (19) we firstly use Harmonic Oscillator potential. One of
the very useful form used in nuclear physics is the 0d 36.6275 36.6275
harmonic oscillator potential given by 0f 47.0925 47.0925
1 2 2 1s 36.6275 36.6275
V(r) = mω r . 1p 47.0925 47.0925
(27) 1d 57.5575 57.5575
1f 68.0225 68.0225
Where m is the nucleon mass and is a According to the results we can see clearly
parameter. Analytical solution for single particle that our calculated results are agree exactly with the
energy levels are given by analytical results and we are going to use this
method in our calculation with Woods-Saxon
Enl = (2n + l + 3/2) potential.
30 nucleus is
[ ]
r ao ( r −R0 )
l = orbital angular momentum quantum number 1+ exp
Woods-Saxon central potential is in the form
of (33)
term is
-36 1 d
Vso(r) = Vso fo (r)( l⃗ . ⃗s ) and
r dr
we get in the form of
[ ]
( r−R 0 )
Figure 2. Woods-Saxon central potential 1 1 ao
Vso(r) =- Vso ( l⃗ . ⃗s ).
[ ]
r ao ( r −R 0 )
1 1+exp
f o ( r )= a0
(r −R0 ) .
1+ exp [ ] (34)
(32) The scalar product of orbital angular momentum
operator L and the intrinsic spin operator S from the
In above equation, r = radial distance from the
spin-orbit term can be expressed by using total
angular momentum J, as
R0 = the nuclear radius = r0 ( A-1 )1/3
⃗J = ⃗
L + ⃗S (35)
r0 = radius of a single nucleon
J =( ⃗
L + ⃗S ) .( ⃗L+ ⃗S )
A = mass number
a 0 = diffuseness parameter J =L +2 ⃗L . ⃗S+ S
2 2 2
[ ]
2 r ao ( r−R0 )
1 1+ exp
There are two possible conditions such as j = l+ a0
1 (43) And total nuclear interaction between single
and j = l− . particle nucleon and other nucleons inside the core
ℏ l ( l+1 )
1 nucleus is
V ( r )= − +¿
If j = l+ , the equation (38) becomes 2 m r2 ( r−R 0)
2 1+e
L . ⃗S =
2 [( )(
4 )
l+ + 1 −l ( l+1 )− ħ2
] 1
V so (l+1)
1 e
( r−R 0)
. (44)
2 r a0
( 1+ e )
( r− R0) 2
⃗ ⃗ = lℏ 2.
L.S (39)
1 We have calculated the nucleon separation energy
If j = l− , the equation (38) becomes 20
2 levels and wave function of 10 Ne nucleus by
solving one body Schrödinger equation numerically
L . ⃗S =
2 [( )(
1 3
l− +1 −l ( l+1 )− ħ2
2 4 ) ] with Numerov Method. Calculated nucleon single
particle energy levels of 20
10 Ne with different l, j
−1 2
values are described in Figure.3. The results of
= (l+1)ℏ . (40) nucleon separation energy levels are shown in
For j = l+ condition, the equation (32) becomes Table2. Nucleon separation energy levels with
2 Woods-Saxon potential including spin-orbit term for
[ ]
various l, j states.
( r−R 0 )
exp Nucleon separation Nucleon separation
1l 1 ao state energygy(MeV) state energygy (MeV)
Vso(r) = - Vso ℏ2.
[ ]
2 only central potential central + L.S coupling
r 2 ao ( r−R 0 )
1+exp 0s 34.6535 0s1/2 34.6535
(41) 0p3/2 21.80555
0p 20.8549
And total nuclear interaction between single particle 0p1/2 18.96309
nucleon and other nucleons inside the core nucleus
0d5/2 8.80649
is 0d 6.7348
0d3/2 3.985044
1s 6.7348 1s1/2 6.7348 0.7
According to our calculated results, the greater 0.3
orbital angular momentum is given the smaller 0.2
0.1 r(fm)
bound state energy is found. 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
10 0g,1d,2s
single particle energy(MeV)
5 1p 1/2
0s 0p 0d
0 1p 3/2
0f,1p 0d 3/2 0.8
-5 0d 1s1/2 0.6
1s 0.4
-10 0d 5/2
0.2 r(fm)
0p 1/2 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0p -0.4
0p -0.6
0p 3/2
0s 0s 0s1/2 1s 1p 1d
Harmonic Woods-saxon Woods-saxon Figure 4. Wave functions for 20 10 Ne by using
oscillator spin spin-orbit
potential independent potential Harmonic-oscillator potential
central potential
0 r(fm)
-0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
1s 1p
Figure 5. Wave functions for 10 Ne by using
Woods-Saxon potential
According to our calculated results, the greater
orbital angular momentum is given the smaller
bound state energy is found. And we also found that
the wave functions of higher orbital angular
momentum states shift to the outer region. Therefore
we can say that the greater angular momentum, the
probability of finding the nuclear bound state
becomes smaller.
My great thank goes to my teacher Dr Theingi,
Associate professor, Department of Physics,
Mandalay University of Distance Education for her
valuable ideas and advices throughout this research.
I am also deeply grateful to Dr Aye Aye San, Head
of Department of Engineering Physics,
Technological University (Kyaukse) for the
permission to do this research work.
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