988066-Laeroths Tear 2.0

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An orog spirit shaman discovers an ancient artifact in the caves near Red Larch

An Adventure for 4-6 4th level characters

Introduction: This short adventure is set in the Forgotten Realms campaign set-
ting; it may be run as a standalone adventure, or as a side trek for a larger mod-
ule . Alternatively, this adventure may be inserted into any campaign setting.
Trouble is brewing near the town of Red Larch; specifically, in the caves near
Lance Rock. A few good adventurers are needed to investigate the increased orc
and ogre sightings in the area.

By S.B. Bean

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if the encounter with the PCs is not going well for
Never trust an orog that speaks to spirits of Mardak, then he may try to flee and join up with his
the dead. half-brother in the sequel. Mardak is able to cast a
Grimshak Skullusk, meld with stone spell, which may allow him to hide
until the party leaves the caves; however, it would
Memoirs of an Orc Chieftain, 1379 DR take ten minutes to cast that spell as a ritual. You may
decide to tweak the spell list of Mardak to give him a
better chance to escape. A copy of the spirit shaman
class would be needed if running this scenario as a
Dungeon Master’s Brief progressive part of a larger campaign, so that Mardak
This adventure is set in the caves near Lance Rock could advance in level accordingly; the class is availa-
on the outskirts of Red Larch in the Forgotten Realms ble on the Dungeon Masters Guild website.
campaign setting. The map of the caves and detail Adventure Background
about Lance Rock and Red Larch are contained in the
Princes of the Apocalypse (PoTA) module. The maps The town of Red Larch has seen its share of trou-
used are located in Chapter 6 in the Alarums and Ex- bles lately, but none may be as dire as those brewing
cursions section of PoTA; specifically, the map of Red within the caves near Lance Rock. An orog spirit
Larch and the surrounding area is located on page 150, shaman named Mardak and his band of renegade orcs
and the map of the Necromancer’s Cave is located on have moved into the caves and uncovered an ancient
page 151. I have also included a map of the caves in source of elemental power. The shaman received vi-
case you do not own PoTA, but would like to insert sions of Lance Rock and the nearby caves from a wa-
this adventure into your campaign. ter spirit he had bonded with during a ritual. Mardak
believed that the spirit was guiding him to the place to
This short adventure was designed to be run as an
discover an ancient source of power that he could use
excursion or side trek for four to six characters of
to unite and gain control of the surrounding orc tribes;
fourth level. Each individual encounter within the
he would then unleash fury on Red Larch and other
caves should present a medium to hard challenge for 4
nearby settlements.
-6 characters if they use a very cautious approach;
however, the adventure could become deadly if the Shortly after arriving at the caves, Mardak ordered
characters do not carefully consider their actions while an excavation that uncovered a secret chamber that
exploring the caves. While each individual encounter was hidden for millennia. The chamber is a circular
within the caves should not be overwhelmingly diffi- room with a well at its center. Upon approaching the
cult, if an alarm is raised, and creatures from multiple well, a powerful elemental guardian attacked Mardak,
encounters are able to organize into a cohesive and he barely escaped the chamber with his life. The
fighting force, then one or more characters could die, wise shaman knew that he was not powerful enough to
or even the entire party. unlock the chamber’s secrets, so he sought out the
council of his half-brother, an ogrillon spirit shaman
Consequently, the difficulty of this adventure may
named Gromok. The ogrillon is not specialized in ele-
be adjusted as a dungeon master (DM) sees fit. If the
mental spirits, like his brother, but he is older and wis-
party is unusually strong, the players are experienced,
er, having bonded with many spirits of the dead.
or several characters have powerful magic items, then
Gromok communed with his ancestral spirits, and af-
the DM may add extra orcs, an orog, or even an ogre
ter several days, he eventually unlocked some of the
to each encounter. Also, there may be additional
secrets and history behind the secret chamber and its
glyphs of warding added along with alarm spells
throughout the caves. It is the intention of Dragon
Rock Games to design a sequel to this module that
involves Gromok, the half-brother of Mardak, who is
an ogrillion spirit shaman of much higher level. Thus,
The Well of Water Shaping friend and neighbor, Therin Irkell, was killed in the
giant attack, and he bids characters visit Red Larch
The chamber and well were created by an ancient and deliver the sad news to Therin’s sister Kaylessa
elven wizard of Illefarn named Laeroth Keanon, who Irkell. Kaylessa runs the Swinging Sword inn, and
specialized in a now lost arcane elemental art. The knows about most newsworthy events around Red
well may be used to summon water elementals, but Larch. She suspects that there is evil brewing near
only while performing special rituals during specific Lance Rock, and will ask the characters to investigate.
days and times of the year – each holiday of the Dale
reckoning calendar at midnight. Mardak would be able Alternatively, dungeon masters may decide to in-
to perform the rituals, but not before he gains more sert this adventure into any setting that has the appro-
experience; he must bond with several more elemental priate terrain types with small towns or cities nearby.
spirits. Also, Gromok was able to uncover the secret to Orcs and ogres abound in almost any Dungeons &
the well’s power - a specially crafted king’s tear lyingDragons setting. This adventure should be a great fit,
at the bottom. and easy to customize per the style of play present in
any campaign. When considering this adventure for
Mardak’s Rise in Prominence your campaign, it may be fine for characters to ignore
the situation developing at the caves near Lance Rock.
Mardak has allied with Gromok to recruit both
However, for every level the characters gain, Mardak
orcs and ogres to their cause. Together, they are form-
should also gain a level, and the challenges at the
ing a new order that should increase the importance
caves should be adjusted accordingly.
and influence of orcs and ogres in the region. They
call their new order “Blackdawn.” Mardak’s segment The Caves
of Blackdawn has moved into the caves near Lance
Rock. They plan to set up a base of operations and These are the same caves detailed in PoTA on
protect the caves from intruders at all costs. Mean- page 151. The caves are physically the same except
while, the spirit shaman continues to lead recruiting for the secret chamber uncovered by Mardak’s exca-
efforts as well as conduct raiding missions against in- vation. The characters should investigate the area near
subordinate orc bands. So far, Blackdawn has left Red Lance Rock and find humanoid tracks with a DC 10
Larch alone while setting up a greater power base survival check. If the result of the check is a 15 or
within the region. Mardak’s main goals are to gain higher, the characters can determine that there are two
more experience and power while building the ranks sets of several pairs of tracks, some large and some
of Blackdawn before unleashing its chaos and destruc- small, and they lead toward the hills where the necro-
tion on Red Larch. mancer’s cave lies. If there is a ranger in the party fa-
miliar with plains, then a successful survival check as
Adventure Hooks outlined above should reveal that two ogres, an orog,
and a half dozen orcs passed through the area in the
This adventure may be inserted into either the
middle of the night coming from the caves and then
Princes of the Apocalypse (PoTA) or Storm King’s
returned a few hours later. As the characters approach
Thunder (SKT) modules as a side trek. In PoTA, the
the caves, they may notice the tracks from a couple of
characters may be familiar with the caves near Lance
different parties, one heading north, and the other
Rock after defeating the necromancer that lived there.
south. These parties both consisted of two ogres, six
When revisiting Red Larch after a foray into the Tem-
orcs, and an orog. The parties are out looking for other
ple of Elemental Evil, the characters hear about the
orcs and ogres to recruit, or to fight. Once the charac-
increased orc and ogre activity near Lance Rock; all
ters have entered the caves, they have about two hours
faction representatives are concerned about this, and
before one of the parties returns, and another two after
may ask the characters to investigate the area.
that until the last one returns. L1, L2, and L3 are dark,
For an SKT side trek, at the end of “A Great Up- but the remainder of the numbered areas have lighting
heaval,” Morak will give the characters another op- provided by torches in wall sconces.
tional quest called the “Red Larch Quest.” Morak’s
The trail leading to the cave mouth is covered with for ten minutes. Any characters caught within the
bushes and tangled with overgrowth. As the party ap- spike growth will be surprised by the orcs if the mas-
proaches, read the following passage. tiffs were aware of the party. If the characters some-
how carefully avoid the glyph, deactivate it stealthily,
The cave mouth ahead is about twenty-feet and are able to sneak up on the orcs standing guard in
wide and fifteen feet high. There is no L2, then read the following passage once they are
light coming from within—only darkness. within visual range.

There is no noise coming from the cave entrance, As you stealthily approach down the natural
since it is unoccupied at the moment. If the characters winding stone corridor, you see it ends in a
move forward carefully to investigate, they will notice cave opening nearly fifteen-feet wide with
the faint odor of death coming from the cave. two canine looking forms standing at the
entrance; there are a few humanoid looking
L1. Main Entry to the Caves forms standing in the darkness beyond,
The description of this cave is the same as listed in
PoTA on page 151. The smell of death is still faint due
to Mardak ordering all the bodies from the aftermath L2. Guard Cave
of the Necromancer to be thrown into the corpse cave
Four orcs and two mastiffs stand guard in this
at L3. Peering into the cave from the entrance is about
cave. The mastiffs will notice anyone entering L1
sixty feet to the back wall, and the characters will no-
without a 19 or better on a stealth check; the mastiffs
tice a passageway heading to the West. The cave is
will issue a soft growl and whine to alert the orcs of an
natural, irregularly shaped, and empty except for loose
intruder’s presence. Once the orcs are aware of intrud-
gravel on the natural sandy floor.
ers in L1, they will stealthily approach to within visual
The characters must be careful upon entering this range (60 feet in the darkness) to attack with javelins.
cave. Mardak has cast a glyph of warding near the If the glyph has been activated, the orcs will throw
center of the cave. If the glyph is detected using a de- two javelins at any characters within range before re-
tect magic spell, it will radiate abjuration magic. How- treating back to the weapon rack in L2 to grab more,
ever, while searching, If the party does not use stealth, and then return to fire another two javelins until all
or if they cannot beat a passive perception of 18 have been used.
(mastiffs have advantage), the mastiffs in L2 will no-
Each orc carries two javelins, and there are an ad-
tice, and alert the orcs guarding L2; if alerted, the orcs
ditional 12 javelins on a rack located on the cave’s
will use stealth to approach about halfway down the
back wall. Once all of the javelins have been exhaust-
corridor leading to L1 ready to attack when the glyph
ed, the orcs may retreat to warn their brethren in L4,
is activated. The characters will find it difficult to no-
and then regroup for a final attack on the adventurers.
tice the glyph if using stealth due to the lack of light in
The newcomers from L4 each have two javelins,
the cave. Discovering the glyph without using magic
which they will throw at any adventurers within range.
requires a DC 15 investigation check from a character
Once the glyph expires, the orcs will enter melee with
no further than 15 feet from the cave’s center; the
their greataxes; the mastiffs will join and attempt to
check will be at a disadvantage if no light source is
bite and trip any characters engaged with their han-
used (DC 20).
Consequently, if the glyph is not discovered and
Treasure: Each orc carries 15 gold pieces.
deactivated, and a member of the party moves more
than 10 feet into the cave, the glyph will activate and Once the characters enter the cave, read the passage
cast a spike growth that covers the entire interior of located at the top of on page 6.
the cave’s floor (20’ radius). The spike growth lasts

L4. Orcs Lounge
You see a semi-round natural cave with a few There are always at least six orcs in the main cave
small piles of rubble along the walls in rolling bones or relaxing. They each have two javelins
various places, A large boulder and a few and a greataxe. The orcs are usually engaged in a
large rocks are piled near the center of the game of knucklebones, which should allow characters
cave. There is a weapon rack on the far wall to surprise them with a stealth roll of an 11 or better.
about 40 feet away. However, the orcs would hear if there were a large
battle in L2. If the party is able to enter the caves and
There are two narrow exits, one leads to the
dispatch the orcs at the guard cave without alerting the
North, and another leading to the Southwest.
orcs here, then read the following passage.
There is a strong odor of death coming from
the passage to the North. The faint flicker of
torchlight can be seen coming from the
As you make your way through this narrow
Southwest passage.
passageway, the flickering of torchlight ahead
brightens as you notice a cave opening. You
If the party decides to investigate the passage to can make out humanoid shadows moving
the North, then read the passage for L3; if they decide about, and you hear the sounds of a half-dozen
to investigate the passage to the Southwest, then read or so orcs carousing around a table at the
the passage for L4. center of the room. There are two exits, a
narrow passageway to the Southwest, and
L3. Corpse Cave another to the Northwest.

The narrow passageway bends around to the

West and opens into a grisly sight. At least a The party should be able to gain surprise with an
dozen corpses (humans, elves, halflings, and opposed stealth roll against the orcs’ passive percep-
orcs) are piled up in this semi-circular cave, tion of 10; however, only five orcs will engage the
which is about twenty-five feet in diameter party, and one will run off down the Southeastern pas-
with ceilings about 15 feet overhead. The sage to alert the Eye of Gruumsh and Orog in the bar-
center of the corpse pile begins to shift as you racks/temple area in L5. If the characters decide to
realize that something large and alive is investigate the Southwest passage, then read the fol-
underneath! lowing:

The narrow passage to the North leads to the

corpse cave. Once the Necromancer was purged from This long narrow natural stone passageway
the cave, Mardak had all of the corpses rounded up, leads off to the Southwest into total darkness.
and thrown into the cave. The orcs had not gotten About 80 feet into the passage, it winds
around to disposing of the corpses, and a carrion around to a slight bend and you notice an
crawler moved in. The carrion crawler is buried in a opening to a small cave about 30 feet ahead.
pile of corpses and feasting to its heart’s content. Alt- As you approach, you can barely make out
hough it has a very keen sense of smell, it may not no- the faint trace of two chests lying on the floor
tice the party if they approach stealthily (passive per- near the back wall across this 30 -foot by 20-
ception 13). If the party investigates further, then roll foot semi-circular cave.
for initiative, and apply a surprise round if they are
able to maintain stealth. There is no treasure in the
The Southwestern passage leads to a small cave ern is a large one-eyed orc chiseling away at a large
that has two iron chests that contain Blackdawn’s stone slab, which he plans to turn into a statue of Gru-
treasure; the trap door above the chests is temporarily umsh. Next to him is a formidable looking orog wear-
out of service. Instead, a displacer beast has allied ing plate mail, and wielding a greataxe.
with the spirit shaman, and has agreed to guard the The Orog is one of the Blackdawn’s sergeants. He
treasure. The displacer beast here is unlikely to be sur- will attack any intruders on sight. The other orc is an
prised; its passive perception is usually an 11, but it eye of Gruumsh. His shield is slung over his back, and
has advantage, so the DC is 16. If the beast is aware of his spear leaning against the stone slab. His usual tac-
the party, it will attempt to hide along the Northeast tics are to cast spiritual weapon, and then call for the
wall, and spring to attack the first party member as he blessings of Gruumsh (bless) before entering battle.
or she enters the room. It will attack anyone approach-
There are no other orcs in this cavern. The rest of the
ing the chamber without Mardak, the eye of Gruumsh,
orcs are out on various missions.
or the orog. If the characters engage in combat with
the displacer beast, the eye of gruumsh and orog locat- Treasure: Both orcs carry 30 gold pieces.
ed in L5 should hear the battle and respond. By the Once the party dispatches the orc and orog in this
second round, the eye of gruumsh should have room, they will be able to freely investigate the cav-
climbed the steps in L5 to view the battle from above ern, which should take some time. However, there are
with 3/4 cover; he then casts spiritual weapon to aid war parties out, and some may arrive if the party stays
the beast. Meanwhile, the orog should arrive on the too long. If they decide to pass through the cavern,
fourth round to cut off the party’s escape. and enter the large tunnel heading North at the back of
Treasure: The two chests are not locked. One chest the cavern, then read the following:
contains 750 gold pieces, and the other holds a potion
of hill giant strength, a potion of greater healing, and
This tunnel is 20 feet wide with a ceiling
a scroll of see invisibility.
about 20 feet high; it leads Northward for
L5. Barracks / Temple about 30 feet until it reaches a large
stalagmite formation that briefly splits the
Most likely the party has alerted the eye of Gru- passage in two and then merges again into a
umsh and orog working in L5; however, if by some small clearing. After another ten feet, the
chance, the party has not alerted these two, then read tunnel splits into two passages, each about 10
the following: feet wide.

This dark passageway leads Southeast for The spirit shaman has prepared for any possible
about 80 feet or so, and then turns sharply intrusions; he has cast an alarm ritual at the mouth of
towards the Southwest. As you turn the the tunnel that will send a mental alert if anyone other
corner, you can hear the sound of a chisel than an orc, orog, or ogre enters the tunnel. In addi-
tapping on stone. About 35 feet ahead, you tion, if the party has had an exceptionally easy time,
see the opening to a huge cavern; the smell you can place a glyph of warding near the clearing
of burning incense permeates the air - after the first stalagmite formation that casts a spike
torchlight dimly lights the cavern from growth in a 20-foot radius; it would trigger when any-
sconces along the walls. one other than the designated creatures enter the small
clearing near the first split in the cavern. Once trig-
This large cavern is no longer the workshop of a gered, the spell would last for 10 minutes, which
mad necromancer. It is now a barracks and meeting should give Mardak the time needed to prepare for the
hall for the orcs of the Blackdawn, and a temple dedi- party’s arrival, or to cast a meld into stone spell , and
cated to Gruumsh. Standing near the center of the cav- hide.

L6. Mardak’s Study appear later in a higher-level adventure.

If the party is able to sneak through the tunnel ap- Treasure: Mardak wears a mariner’s breastplate, and
proaching this location without alerting Mardak, then carries a potion of water breathing. He also carries
read the passage below. two belt pouches, one with 30 gold pieces, and the
other holding 4 bloodstones worth 50 gold pieces
As the stalagmite formation narrows and the
tunnel merges again, you see a brightly L7. Well of Water Shaping
torchlit cave ahead. The cave is about 90 Read the following passage if the party enters this
feet long, and 60 feet wide. An orog sits at a room.
desk near the North wall as he intently
studies the pages of book - a very large wolf
is resting on the floor to his right. This perfectly circular dark room looks out of
place in this natural cave complex. The floor
is made of marble, and the walls are carved
with ancient runes, symbols, and motifs. The
This cave has been claimed by Mardak for his per-
general theme appears to be aquatic. A large
sonal quarters. He is usually found here with his pet
oblong well made of grey carved stone with
dire wolf named “Yuckly,” as he pours through sever-
runes and symbols sits at the center of the
al different books on elemental lore trying to unlock
secrets regarding the well and the king’s tear that lies
beneath. However, none of the books has revealed any
new knowledge. He must continue to consult with This round cave has a diameter of about 35 feet;
Gromok as only the spirits of the dead can unlock the an ancient stone well protrudes from the floor in the
secrets lost in antiquity. center of the room. The well is made of thick stones
that are ornately carved with various water symbols
The party will need to beat a passive perception of (fish, tridents, merman, swirling water figures, etc.);.
18 to surprise the wolf unless their passage is masked The well is extraordinarily preserved considering it is
by a silence spell; they would have also had to find twelve thousand years old, and it strongly radiates
and dispel the magical wards in the tunnel. The tactics conjuration magic. Anyone approaching within 10 feet
that Mardak uses here are up to you. He may cast a of the well will be attacked by its water weird guardi-
fireball and then a lightning bolt before engaging the an (as the Monster Manual entry on page 299, except
party in melee with Yuckly by his side. The shaman is
that it has maximum hit points: 99). While Mardak
not likely to parley with the characters, but if a good cannot control the guardian, he may try to lure charac-
amount of time has passed since the party entered the ters into the cave and position himself so that it can
caves, then he may try to stall until reinforcements attack them, but not him. The water weird will try to
arrive. If the battle isn’t going well for the shaman, grapple and drag a character towards the well. The
then he tries to retreat to L7 and follow along the wall water level in the well is near the top, but the bottom
until he reaches the far side of the room. The water is 80 feet below. The creature will try to drown any
weird there can attack with a reach of 10 feet around grappled characters while plunging to the depths be-
the well; so, Mardak could stand on the far side of the low. If it is severely injured, the water weird will re-
well and cast spells at the characters while the water treat to the depths of the well, and take a short rest. As
weird engages the party in melee. If the party retreats,
long as Laeroth’s tear is in the well, the creature may
and Mardak is significantly injured, he will cast a spend hit dice during a short rest; it can spend up to 9
meld into stone ritual, and wait until the war parties hit dice and add +1 for its constitution modifier for
arrive. Afterwards, he may retrieve the tear lying at each die rolled. The water weird gains all of its hit
the bottom of the well, and travel to meetup with points and half of its spent hit dice as usual for a long
Gromok.; thus ending this scenario. Mardak would rest.
The water weird has been driven insane by its iso- If Mardak escapes with the tear, he will meetup
lation and confinement in the well (Neutral Evil). A with Gromok, and rejoin Blackdawn. They will both
remove curse spell will turn the creature back to Neu- try to unlock the gem’s secrets, and use that
tral Good, but it will still guard the well - seeking to knowledge to threaten the civilized folk of Faerun, or
push intruders away. When Laeroth was alive, the wherever you decide to insert this module.
well was a great source of power that he used for
good. With the tear in the well, he could perform ritu- Mardak
als to summon elder water elementals during full Medium humanoid (Orog), chaotic evil
moons coinciding with certain faerunian holidays. He
Armor Class 18 (Mariner’s breastplate and shield)
could also use the well to open a gateway to the ele-
mental plane of water. Nobody ever knew what hap- Hit Points 84 (10d8 + 20)
pened to Laeroth; he kept the well a secret, and sealed Speed 30 ft.
the chamber before he disappeared. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Treasure: Laeroth’s Tear (Artifact). This item is a 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)
legendary gem known as a king’s tear. These items are Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +7
coveted by sages throughout the realms, as each has
Skills Animal Handling +7, Medicine +7, Perception
the power to aid in discovering lore. Some king’s +7, Religion +6
tears, such as Laeroth’s tear, have additional powers.
The gem is about six inches at its widest point, and Senses passive Perception 17
about 8 inches long; it is a clear translucent blue color, Languages Common. Orc, Giant
crystalline, shaped like a tear, and glows with a faint Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
bluish light in a five foot radius.
Aggressive As a bonus action, Mardak can move up to
Laeroth was a great moon elf wizard in the early his speed toward a hostile creature he can see.
days of the Illefarn empire. He pursued an arcane ele- Elemental Wrath Mardak may channel spiritual ener-
mental art that has been lost in the depths of time. gy to charge his staff with electricity. On his next hit,
However, a sage with Laeroth’s tear could eventually the target takes an additional 1d8 + 4 lightning dam-
discover its secrets. Any sage in possession of the tear age. He may use this ability once between a short or
long rest. The staff stays charged until a successful hit.
gains advantage on all history and arcana checks to
discover new knowledge. If a character stares into the Reactive Absorption Mardak always has the absorb
stone, he or she will look across a vast and beautiful elements spell prepared and may cast it a number of
times per day equal to his wisdom modifier (4) with-
ocean teaming with elemental life. The gem displays a out spending a spell slot. He may also choose to spend
panoramic view of the elemental plane of water. Laer- a spell slot to cast the spell at a higher level.
oth’s tear is indestructible by any means known by
Warcaster Mardak has advantage on constitution sav-
mortals alive today. However, communing with the ing throws to maintain concentration on a spell when
gods and ancient spirits may eventually unlock its taking damage. He may perform somatic components
mysteries. with a weapon and shield in one or both hands. When
hostile movement provokes an opportunity attack
It is up to you to decide how to handle the situa- from Mardak, he may use his reaction to cast a spell at
tion if the party finds Laeroth’s Tear. Anyone holding the creature rather than making an attack if the spell
the tear will be able to peer into the elemental plane of has a casting time of 1 action.
water. Also, the holder of the gem will gain advantage Spellcasting Mardak is a 5th level spirit shaman. His
on history and arcana checks. A party member could spellcasting ability is wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to
uncover vast knowledge in a library, such as Candle- hit with spell attacks). He has the following spells pre-
keep. However, if a faction elder or an experienced pared.
sage discovers the party in possession of the tear, then Cantrips (at will); fire bolt, shillelagh, shocking grasp
they could deal with powerful forces that desire to ac- 1st level (4 slots); absorb elements, burning hands,
quire it. color spray, thunderwave
Rituals. alarm, detect magic, detect poison and dis-
ease, purify food and drink
2nd level (3 slots); Heat metal, spike growth, shatter
Rituals. locate animals or plants, skywrite
3rd level (2 slots); fireball, lightning bolt
Rituals. meld into stone, water breathing, water walk
Multiattack. Mardak makes two club attacks.
Club (Shillelagh) Melee Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target Hit (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Without
shillelagh: +4 to hit (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage
Fire Bolt Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft.,
one target Hit (2d10) fire damage
Shocking Grasp Melee spell attack: +7 to hit
(advantage if target wearing metal armor), reach 5 ft.,
one target Hit (2d8) lightning, and target cannot take
reactions until start of next turn.
As a spirit shaman, Mardak is able to cast the
granted rituals through the knowledge of his spirits, so
he does not have to prepare them in advance.
Thanks to Wizard’s of the Coast and One Book-
shelf for providing an opportunity to publish content
for the greatest game on Earth. Also, thanks to Arcana
Games for making the image used for the cover avail-
able to DMs Guild creators.
Also, thank you for your interest in this product. I
wish you the best and the most fun running this adven-
ture. Please take the time to review Laeroth’s Tear af-
ter running the adventure, or post any questions in the
product’s discussion page.


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