Adas Testing

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Electronique Embarquée
1. Introduction:
In this summary, we will delve into various types of testing methods and understand their
functionality, how the various ADAS functions are tested, and what the available testing
methods are.

Each ADAS test type is important since it ensures the safety, compliance, reliability, and
consumer acceptance of ADAS systems in modern vehicles. By investing in robust testing
practices, automotive manufacturers can uphold high standards of safety and quality while
driving innovation in the rapidly evolving field of automotive technology.

2. Test types:

The Advanced Driver Assistance Systems tests are typically classified into two types:

Indoor testing: Testing that can be done with a computer (using software tools, virtual
simulation), inside a laboratory/indoors (Hardware in loop testing, driver in loop testing,
vehicle in loop testing etc.), or anything that can be done inside a building.

 Advantages: Lower cost than doing the test outdoors, detecting errors early avoiding
making changes on the prototype, more flexibility to test multiple test cases, less
dangerous than outdoor testing, components can be tested for multiple ADAS
 Disadvantages: Lack of realism, limited accuracy.

Outdoor testing: Normally this can be done if the indoor testing was successful and obtained
satisfactory results. Outdoor testing can be performed on dedicated test facilities and tracks,
or in a real environment where more realistic results are acquired since it’s subject to real
time variables.

 Advantages: Testing performance in a real environment, improved accuracy, realistic

situations, eliminating uncertainties.
 Disadvantages: High cost of maintenance, risk of failure and accidents, having to take
permission from the government for test drive, following strict guidelines.

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3. Indoor virtual testing:
The Virtual testing is the process of using computer-generated simulations to evaluate the
performance, functionality, and safety of ADAS systems in a virtual environment. This
testing approach involves creating realistic digital representations of driving scenarios, road
conditions, traffic situations, and environmental factors to assess how ADAS technologies
respond under various circumstances.

In virtual environment simulation testing, engineers use specialized software and simulation
tools to replicate diverse driving conditions, including urban, highway, and off-road
scenarios, as well as adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, fog, and glare. These
simulations enable comprehensive testing of ADAS features such as adaptive cruise control,
automatic emergency braking, lane-keeping assistance, pedestrian detection, and collision
avoidance systems.

Here we will take a look on the different steps of virtual testing which are: Software-in-the-
Loop, Hardware-in-the-Loop and Driver-in-the-Loop.

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 Software in the Loop (SIL):

Software-in-the-loop (SIL) is a method of testing and validating code in a simulation

environment in order to quickly and cost-effectively catch bugs and improve the quality of
the code. Typically, SIL testing is conducted in the early stages of the software development

 Hardware in the Loop (HIL):

A Hardware in the Loop (HIL) test system enables the engineer to build a realistic test
environment and integrate real hardware components with the model environment
and validate the real hardware components as well as the software together.

‍For an ADAS system all major components that will be connected to the central control unit
could be stimulated by the test environment and the output of the central control unit could be
fed back into the HIL test rack input interface, thus a complete loop test is achieved. Finally,
we can compare if the output is what we expected or if we need to debug.

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 Driver in the Loop (DIL):

DIL simulation happens when real people drive a simulated vehicle that has controls similar
to a real vehicle and operates in a virtual environment. This approach supports using input
from human drivers for the development of ADAS even before the actual car is ready.

4. Outdoor testing:
The complex technologies behind ADAS must be tested, and not just in software models, but
on the ground, with vehicles and human drivers interacting on real roads under realistic
conditions. For that, high-end Data acquisition hardware and software need to be installed
inside these vehicles.

For vehicles to be capable of 100% autonomous driving under all conditions, they must be
able to detect and adapt to a wide variety of conditions; The expected and unexpected
movements of other vehicles, pedestrians in the lane of travel and crosswalks, debris and
unexpected matter in the lane of travel, undocumented temporary changes due to construction
or roadway modifications etc.

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 Test tracks:

 Soft targets:
ADAS vehicle targets aka “soft targets” are designed to resemble vehicles and other objects
on the road, including cyclists and pedestrians. They are realistic enough to convince the
camera and other sensors in the test vehicles that they are real. But colliding with them does
not destroy them, or damage expensive test vehicles.

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 Pedestrian Soft Targets:
These targets are remotely controlled human-shaped dummies. Some of these human targets
are also articulated, which means that their legs move like human beings as they move along
the road on the test track. Available in both adult and child sizes.

 Driving robot:
They are used for the computerized operation of motor vehicles. They are typically designed
so that they can be fitted onto a standard car, truck, or bus without the need to remove the
steering wheel or modify the vehicle in any significant way.

Driving robots provide a level of repeatability that human drivers are simply not capable of
doing. They can execute the same exact manoeuvres time after time. This means that tests are
conducted according to standards, and that test results can be more easily compared and

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5. Conclusion:
ADAS testing involves simulating real-world scenarios to assess the system's response and
performance in various driving conditions. It encompasses a range of tests, including sensor
calibration, object detection and recognition, collision avoidance, lane keeping, and adaptive
cruise control assessments. Through rigorous testing, ADAS systems can be fine-tuned,
verified, and validated before deployment, ensuring their reliability and effectiveness in a
seemingly infinite amount of real-world driving scenarios.

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