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Neurodivergence (ADHD)

Sham Aldayyat
Faculty of medicine
Ana Gvetadze
European University
July 19
Introduction :
Neurodivergent diseases affecting 15-20% of the world population, are characterized by atypical
neurological development affecting emotional behavioral and cognitive function. causing challenges in
day to day life requirements, these conditions encompass a spectrum of disorders such as ( autism ,
ADHD , schizophrenia ) presenting with unique complexities for individuals and society .

This essay aims to dive into the underlying neurological pathways involved in the development of these
diseases, examining current research results and their implication for diagnosis, treatment, and societal
Understanding and putting more pressure on research centers to keep up with new discoveries about
neurodivergent disease would have a huge impact not only on individual lifestyle but also on the society
overall by challenging prevailing stigmas. Research strives to pave the way for more effective
intervention and support systems.
This essay will begin with the foundations of neurodivergent disease, followed by current diagnostic
approaches and their limitations. It then discusses the result of these approaches along with their impact
on individual lives.

1- How does neurodivegnce brains differ from neurotypical brains

2- similarity between neurodivegnt and neurotypical brains
3- positive look at neurodivegence with high IQ
4- ADHD clinical trials on limitation and progress
5- ADHD clinical trails treatment and results

A lifestyle of a neurodivegent

Neurodivegent brains
While everyone’s brain develops similarly, no two brains function just alike. Being neurodivergent
means having a brain that works differently from the average “neurotypical” person. This may show the
difference is social preference, ways of learning, ways of communicating and /or perceiving the
environment around us. The international classification of disease (ICD-11) classifies these conditions as
neurodevelopmental disorders. “neurodevelopment” means they begin during brain development, that is ,
prior to the age of 18 . taking autism as an example a significant different in patient’s brain is more
folding in the left parietal and temporal lobes which are responsible for decision-making, problem solving
, and social behavior as well as in the right frontal and temporal regions that play a role in language and
memory . for individuals with ADHD recent studies showed the prefrontal cortex mature more slowly
than typically development kids, also it usually smaller in size especially a smaller amygdala. amygdala is
the part of the brain that’s most closely associated with fear, emotions, motivation . although all these
disease lye under the same medical term they do structurally differ , for example autistic individual had
significantly greater cortical volume and thickness in the superior temporal gyrus , where’s individual
with ADHD had significant and widespread decrease in cortical volume and surface area and increase
cortical thickness .

Neurodivegent IQ
High intelligence, often measured by IQ tests, is generally regarded as a desirable trait that brings
advantages in various domains. however, studies by DELTA psychology mentioned that high IQ could be
considered a type of neurodivegent disease considering most individual with neurodivegent disorders
have higher IQ than neurotypical people their age. However large percent of the scientific society doesn’t
agree on this point but yet so many similarity have been found between high intelligence and
neurodivergence .(as its mentioned in DELTA psychology ) on one of the most striking similarities
between high integnlligence and neurodivergnce is the present of cognitive differences. Highly intelligent
individuals often display atypical brain structure and function, with studies showing increased grey matter
volume, enhanced connectivity between brain regions. These neurological differences are thought to
underlie the exceptional cognitive abilities observed in highly intelligent individuals, such as rapid
information processing, advanced problem-solving skills, and heightened perception. Similarly,
neurodivergent individuals also exhibit atypical brain structure and function, which can manifest in
unique cognitive strengths and challenges.
Another area of overlap between high intelligence and neurodivergence is the presence of divergent
thinking and creativity. Highly intelligent individuals are often noted for their ability to generate novel
ideas, make unconventional connections, and approach problems from multiple perspectives. This
divergent thinking style is also a hallmark of many neurodivergent conditions, particularly autism and
AD/HD, where individuals may display exceptional abilities in areas such as pattern recognition, visual-
spatial reasoning, and creative problem-solving. In addition to cognitive similarities, highly intelligent
individuals and those with neurodivergent conditions often share social and emotional characteristics.
Both groups may experience difficulty relating to peers, as they may have different interests,
communication styles, and emotional needs. This can lead to feelings of isolation, alienation, and
difficulty forming meaningful relationships. Highly intelligent individuals and those with neurodivergent
conditions may also experience heightened sensitivity and emotional intensity, which can be both a
source of creativity and a challenge in daily life.
It is also worth noting that there is significant overlap between high intelligence and specific
neurodivergent conditions, particularly autism and AD/HD. Studies have shown that individuals with
autism and AD/HD are more likely to have higher IQs than the general population, and many highly
intelligent individuals display traits that are associated with these conditions, such as intense focus,
sensory sensitivities, and difficulty with social communication.

ADHD Clinical trial impact:

A systematic review followed by meta-analysis was conducted on: (1) randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) assessing the effects of n-3 PUFAs on clinical symptoms and cognition in children and adolescent
with ADHD; and (2) case-control studies assessing the levels of n-3 PUFAs in blood and buccal tissues of
children and adolescents with ADHD. seven RCTs, totalling n=534 randomized youth with ADHD, n-3
PUFAs supplementation improves ADHD clinical symptom scores (g=0.38, p<0.0001); and in three
RCTs, totalling n=214 randomized youth with ADHD, n-3 PUFAs supplementation improves cognitive
measures associated with attention (g=1.09, p=0.001). Moreover, children and adolescents with ADHD
have lower levels of DHA (seven studies, n=412, g=-0.76, p=0.0002), EPA (seven studies, n=468, g=-
0.38, p=0.0008), and total n-3 PUFAs (six studies, n=396, g=-0.58, p=0.0001). In summary, there is
evidence that n-3 PUFAs supplementation monotherapy improves clinical symptoms and cognitive
performances in children and adolescents with ADHD, and that these youth have a deficiency in n-3
PUFAs levels. Our findings provide further support to the rationale for using n-3 PUFAs as a treatment
option for ADHD.

Forbes, J. (2024, April 25). Exploring high intelligence as Neurodivergence — Delta

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Wendt, T. (2022, September 1). Amygdala: What to know. WebMD.

Neurodiversity and Being Neurotypical | Mental Health Academy. (n.d.).


Shahidi, F., & Ambigaipalan, P. (2018b). Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and their health

benefits. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 9(1), 345–381.

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