Datasheet of Inverter

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纯 正弦波逆变 器2 5 2系列
Pure Sine Wave Inverter 252 series

技术 T e c hnolo g y

材料 Material
PWM 或MPPT光伏充电(可选)
Pure sine wave output, low frequency technology 铜条线路,齿型散热器等优良的材料。
enable user connect to all type of loadings.
Adjustable charging voltage and charge current,
enable user using different type batteries and Strong case, enforced base, round transformer,
capacity. Personalizing for different user is double layer PCB, imported IC, cooper metal,
available. well cooling and other high quality material.
Intelligent double CPU control ensures the device
stability and intelligent management of the
batteries and prolong the batteries life. 优势 Advantage
功能 F u n ction 的新时代生活水平。

Advanced technology, stable quality, acceptable

LCD液晶显示屏,用于所有的纯正弦波工频逆变器。 price, perform the good quality product with
宽范围输入电压/频率:AC165-275V. 45-65Hz low cost in new times life level.
应用 Application
备用电源,太阳能光伏逆变电源。 广泛应用于家庭,学校,街道,郊外,边防,军事
LCD display for all models of the pure sine
wave inverter. Wide l y u s e for famil i e s, schoo l s , s t reet s ,
Wide input range, AC 165-275V, 45-65Hz, AVR fron t i e r, defe n s e , milit a r y , pastur i n g a reas e tc .
output 220V+/-5%, inverter output 220V+/-3%,
Charge current 15A-30A,Switching time <4mS.
Mains mode, inverter mode, energy mode, solar
mode priority preferred setting. 产品细节 Product det ail
Charging voltage adjustable, auto adjusting,
using for family, PV solar inverter power.

防护 Pr o t e ctio n

Pr o te ct i on : o v e r l o ad , o ve r v o lta ge , l ow v ol tag e
ov e r t e mp e ra tu r e, s ho r t c i rc u it , o v e rc ha r ge .
ov e r d i sc h ar ge , s ur ge p rot ec t io n.
Au t om at i c t e mp e ra tur e c o ntr ol , o ve r 4 5℃ fan
st a rt , u n d er 3 5℃ f a n s lo w s p eed . O v er 9 0℃
al a rm in g a nd i nv e rt er l ock ed , in tel li gen t
ba t te ry o v er r ec h ar ge a nd d i sc har ge p rot ec t io n.

R e newab l e T e c hnolo g y , H e alth y N e w L i f e

技 术参数 T e ch n i cal P a r amet e r

型 号 Model No. HN-4002 HN-5002 HN-6002 HN-7002 HN-8002 HN-10K02

功率 Rated Power 4KW 5KW 6KW 7KW 8KW 10KW

电池 Battery

电池电压 Rated Voltage 48VDC/96VDC

充电电流 Charge Current 5A-30A (可调) Adjustable

电池类型 Batery Type Lead-acid, GEL, LiFeP04

输入 Input

输入电压 Voltage Range 170-275VAC

输入频率 Frequency 45-65Hz

输出 Output

输出电压 Voltage Range 220VAC; ±3% (逆变模式) Inverter Mode

输出频率 Frequency 50/60Hz ±1% (逆 变模式) Inverter Mode

输出波型 Output Wave 纯正弦波 Pure Sine Wave

转换时间 Convertion Time <8mS (典型负载) Typical Load

效率 Efficiency >85% (80% 电阻负载) Resistive Load

过载 Overload 110-120%/30S; >160%/300mS

电池过压,电池低压,过载,短路,温度过高等保护 Battery Overvoltage Protection, Battery

保护功能 Protection Function Undervoltage Protection, Overload Portection, Short Circuit Protection, Overtemperature
Protection etc.
太阳能控制器 Solar Controller (可选,optional)

MPPT 电压范围 Voltage Range 12VDC:18V~170VDC; 24VDC: 34V~170VDC; 48VDC: 65V~170VDC

PV 功率 PV Power 12VDC-60A(800W); 24VDC-60A(1600W); 48VDC-60A (3200W)

充电电流 Rated Charge Current 30A / 60A

MPPT 效率 MPPT Efficiency >99%

平均充电电压 Boosting Charge

48V/56.8VDC; 96V / 113.6VDC
浮充电压 Floating Charge
48V/55VDC; 96V/110VDC
物理参数 Physical Parameter

工作环境温度 Operation
-0 - +40℃
储存环境温度 Storage
-15 - +50℃
环境湿度 Operation/Storage
0-90% 无凝结 No Condensation

净重Net Weight (kg) 28 32 35 40 45 60

产品尺寸 (长*宽*高)mm
490 x 272 x 435
Product Size: D*W*H (mm)
包装尺寸 (长*宽*高)mm
560 x 340 x 480
Package Size: D*W*H (mm)

Products Specification are subjected to changed without further notice. 11

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