Subject: Information and Communications Technology
Subject Description: ICT stands for technologies that offer telecommunications-based information access. ICT 9 education makes data organizing easier and more effective using computers. It consists of a wide range of technology resources and techniques that are used to exchange, produce, distribute, store, and manage information. Additionally, this subject offers skill that can be applied to greater and more varied career chances. Grade Level: 9 Date of Performance: October 12, 2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content standard The learner demonstrates understanding of one’s PECs in computer hardware servicing. The learner recognizes his/her PECs and prepares an activity plan that aligns with the PECs of a Performance standard practitioner/entrepreneur’s in the computer hardware servicing business. Performance task Infographics Successful entrepreneurs have a sense of curiosity that allows them to continuously seek new Values Integration opportunities. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSFER GoalRoleAudienceSituationProductStandards To create a simple infographics that contain understanding of PECs of practitioner/entrepreneur in the computer hardware G servicing business R Entrepreneur/Practitioner and graphic designer A Students and Teacher As a responsible practitioner or entrepreneur, you are assigned to create an infographic that contains the correct PECs of a S practitioner or entrepreneur in the computer hardware servicing business that will help and equip others with the right PECs in the field they choose. The infographics also contain a success story research from online or your interview on activity 5. P Infographics S Content, creativity, organization/neatness. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUBRICS Excellent Very good Good Fair 15 10 5 3 Content Information are fully Information are complete Some main points are Information is not complete and is and appropriate detail is complete and details are complete and greatly enhanced by accurate enhanced. missing. lacking in details. and appropriate detail. Creativity Has a relevant theme Has an average level of The used of strategies A below average that captivated a high strategies and lead to satisfaction but strategy that needs more level of attraction. impressions. still needs improvement. improvement. Organization/Neatness The activity is presented The activity is presented The activity is presented The activity appears in a neat, clean, and in a neat and organized in a neat and organized sloppy and unorganized. organized new fashion fashion that is easy to fashion but maybe hard It is hard to know what that is very easy to read. read. to read. information goes together.
Prepared by: MONICA B. LACEDA
Subject Teacher
Academic Affairs Coordinator
Acting Principal
MDOCS Service Excellence Respect Virtue Empathy Vivire servire