DLL 5 Week 8 Science

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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (Week 8) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards Materials undergo changes due to oxygen and heat

B. Performance The learner uses local, recyclable solid and/ or liquid materials in making useful products.
C. Learning Design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/ or liquid materials in making useful products. S5MT-Ih-i-4
( Write the LC code
for each)
I. CONTENT Designing a Product Out of Local and Recyclable Materials
( Subject Matter)
• Design products out of recyclable solid or liquid materials to make useful products
A. References
1. Teachers Guide
2. Learners Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from LRDMS
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing past Summative test
lesson or Presenting
the new lesson
( Drill/Review/ Unlocking
of Difficulties)
B. Establishing a Ask Ask Ask
purpose of the new
lesson a. Collect solid wastes 1. Which of these 1. Why do we need to
(Motivation materials are still useful to recycle?
from the pupils into a
us? Which of these are 2. What are some other
corner of a room. cannot be things we can do apart from
b. Seat the pupils around reused? recycling?
the pile of solid waste 2. How are you going to
c. Call 3 pupils to sort the dispose these materials?
materials from the pile of
C. Presenting Our lesson for this Our lesson for this morning Our lesson for this morning Our lesson for this morning
Examples/ instances morning is about is is about is designing a is about is designing a is about is designing a
of the new designing a product out product out of local and product out of local and product out of local and
lesson( Presentation) of local and recyclable recyclable materials recyclable materials recyclable materials
D. Discussing new Materials around us Waste Management refers to the Directions: On a separate
concepts and undergo changes. Some practice of proper waste disposal. What items can and cannot be sheet of paper, draw the
practicing new skills might be noticeable Waste Management is recycled? items that can be placed in
implemented anywhere to clean your
no.1.( Modeling) while others are not. the environment. The kind of Almost all materials can be recycle bin. Are all the
These materials change waste recycled depending upon its waste materials
at certain circumstance. management we follow nowadays physical condition – recyclable?
If is the 5Rs in Waste Management wet or dry, whole or broken/cut to
found to be not useful, (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, pieces, fragile or durable, among
most of these are just and Recover). others.
disposed. Improper
The ultimate goal of the 5Rs waste Items that can be cut into pieces
disposal of
management is to free planet include paper, glass bottles/jars,
these materials lead to Earth from any kind of garbage, plastics,
negative effects on our referred to as zero waste. Each “R” clothes, metal cans, etc.
environment. focuses on a way to achieve “zero Meanwhile, items that can’t be
As a young individual, waste”. recycled include used plastic
can you do something wraps or bags, disposable diapers,
worthwhile to aid in Designing a product out of local syringe or medical waste, broken
recyclable solid and/or liquid
waste materials in bulbs, etc.
management and turn making useful products is an
stones to diamonds? How application of waste management. Waste segregation is important
With this technique, because it reduces the impact the
should we minimize the 5Rs in Waste Management will waste has
waste? also be applied, which is more on on the environment and also the
recycling. health issues that can occur from
Recycling the materials to a new disposal of waste and toxins.
product design reduces waste as Waste segregation helps us
much as organize the waste and we
possible. Non-biodegradable can easily take the materials for
materials such as plastic, metals, recycling and those materials
cans, and rubbers will applicable for the
be reduced through reusing and other 5Rs technique.

Recycling is one of the simple

things that you can do which
results to a positive
impact for the environment.

Recycling is important to the

natural environment and
us. We must act fast as the
amount of waste we create is
increasing all the time.

E. Discussing new A. Directions: Classify Directions: Read each item Here are other 3 Rs that will Repair
concepts and the different materials carefully and choose the help in waste management To repair means to fix
practicing new skills found in the word pool correct answer. slightly broken things to
no.2( Guided below as useful 1. Which of the following is Reduce make them useful again.
Practice) NOT a phase change?  Take reusable bags to the Repairable materials
or harmful. Write your a. corrosion b. deposition c. store when shopping. include furniture,
answers in a similar table evaporation  Reduce or eliminate the appliances, and clothes.
below. 2. What phase change shows use of paper plates and cups. Instead of discarding
a change from gas to solid?  Store leftover foods in broken or busted materials,
a. deposition b. evaporation reusable containers instead they can be checked for
c. freezing of single use plastic bags or reparability. If still
3. What will happen if a Polystyrene foam containers. repairable,
liquid will be exposed to a  Reduce or minimize use of these should be repaired
very low temperature? plastic bags and Polystyrene instead of buying new
a. It will melt. foam. materials to replace them.
b. It will freeze.  Donate unwanted, slightly Chair like this can be
c. It will evaporate. used clothing, furniture and repaired.
4. What causes rust to form? other household items to
a. reaction of iron to heat local non-profit
b. reaction of iron to force organizations.
c. reaction of iron to oxygen  Take advantage of the
5. Which of the following many curb side and drop-off
will produce rust when wet? recycling opportunities.
a. a ball b. a comb c. a nail  Surround your yard with
6. It is a form of energy and native plants and non-
is described as how high the watering landscapes.
temperature is.  Compost yard waste
a. heat b. sunlight c. which also helps enrich the
temperature soil and reduces water run-
7. What is used to measure off
temperature?  Purchase foods in bulk or
a. fire b. matter c. those which use less
thermometer packaging
8. Which of the following is  Purchase fruits and
an example of physical vegetables that are not pre-
change? packaged in containers and
a. melting butter plastics.
b. cooking adobo
c. rusting of iron
9. Which of the following is
an example of chemical
a. melting ice
b. burning wood
c. crumpling paper
10.What change took place
when ice cubes are heated?
a. chemical change b.
physical change c. both a and

All forms of matter have
energy. There are various
ways of recovering energy
from a certain material. So
how can energy be
recovered from waste?
technology is one way of
generating energy from
plastic wastes. This method
heating plastic wastes in the
presence of water and
processing them to produce
oil. Then, the oil can be used
as a source of energy later
According to American
Chemistry Society, the fuel
from this technology cannot
only significantly reduce the
amount of waste in the
environment but it can also
used as oil and fuel in
generating electricity for
small communities.
Recovering wastes is not
limited to recovering energy.
It also involves
segregation of materials in a
recovery facility. Collected
garbage does not go straight
to dumpsites. Most of the
time, the wastes are
segregated in a Material
Facility (MRF). In an MRF,
collected garbage is
segregated in order to
recyclables and
biodegradable materials that
can be used as compost
Through MRFs, the amount
of waste to be disposed of in
landfills is reduced.

F. Developing Mastery A. Directions: Identify the Directions: Match the product that Directions: Reflect on what you
(Leads to Formative proper technique to minimize can be made from the following have learned and answer the
waste in each situation recyclable materials. following questions
Assessment 3.)
below. Choose your answer on how you can apply waste
( Independent Practice ) from the list of 5R’s in the management at your grade
word below level.
1. How can you help practice
proper waste disposal at home?
1. Danny uses glue to reattach In school?
the sole of his shoes. In the community?
2. Lanie decides to give her 2. What will you do to help
small dresses to her cousin. other pupils be aware of the
3. The Grade 5 class uses grass importance of
clippings for composting. proper waste disposal?
4. Eliza refuses to buy a new 3. Do you believe in the saying,
bag because she has three “There is cash in trash (May
unused new bags. pera sa
5. Mrs. Flores leads a group of basura)?” Why or why not?
women to make flowers out
of candy wrappers
and used plastics.

G. Finding practical
application of
concepts and skills
in daily living

 What is the boy doing?

 Is this a good practice?
Why not?
 How should we
manage our wastes?

H. Making
Generalization and
abstraction about
lesson( Generalizati
I. Evaluating learning B. Directions: Write AGREE if Directions: Draw a design of a Answer each question briefly . Directions: Match the ways on
the statement is a correct and useful product that can be made based on the concept how you can recycle the waste
desirable practice and from any of the materials below to
following recyclable materials:
information you have
DISAGREE if not. the by products. The answer on
➢ Plastic bottles read. the products from recycling can
1. Put your leftover food ➢ Old newspapers/ magazines be
together with other trash. ➢ Cans 1. What is done in an MRF? used more than once. Write the
2. Burn the old tires and ➢ Glass bottles letter only.
broken plastic toys at the ➢ Cardboard 2. What are examples of
backyard. ➢ Plastic containers materials that can be
3. Segregate glass wastes repaired?
➢ Bottle caps
from plastic, papers, and
➢ Old clothes
4. Bury dry leaves and rotten
3. Where should leftovers be
Be guided with the following stored?
fruits and vegetables under questions in designing your
the soil. product.
5. Use the empty mayonnaise 4. Why do we need to reduce
jar as candy jars or food • What material is readily available waste?
storage jars. in the community?
• What tools should I use in 5. How do you reduce water
making the recycled product?
consumption at home?
• What steps should I do in making
the product?
• Will the product be useful?
• How will my recycled product
look like?

J. Additional activities
for application and
remediation( Assign
A. No. of learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of learner who
scored below 80%
( needs remediation)
C. No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share w/other

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