An Sci Q and A 2

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ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.

83%) 1
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City

8.A testicle structure which is responsible

ANIMAL SCIENCE for the production of the male sex
a. Cell of leydig
1. Which metabolic process that provides b .Rete testes
energy for the farm animal c. Seminiferous tubules
d. Vasa efferentia
a .Catabolism
b .Anabolism 9.A process of the development of fetal
c. Oxidation of nutrients membranes or extra embryonic
d. Digestion membrane is term as what:

2.This blood vessel carries blood away a .Implantation b Gestation

from the heart to the various body tissues c. Maturation d..Placentation

a. Veins b. Arteries c. Vena d. Heart. 10. Applied to slaughter animals which is

simply the withdrawal of feed but water is
3.The digestive part of farm animal which given ad libitum before slaughtering
serve as the site of the excretion of solid
materials. a. Stress b Hungry
c Fasting d. Starvation
a. Small intestine b. Cecum
c. Large Intestine d .Esophagus 11.The part of mature plant remaining
after the removal of the seed by threshing
4.A stomach compartment of ruminant
animals which is known as “true stomach” a .Straw b. Hay c. Fodder d. Silage
that serve as the site of final digestion.
12.A farm animal which does not have a
a. Abomasum b .Reticulum gall bladder
c.Rumen d.Omasum
a. Horse b. Chicken c .Goat d Cattle
5.A vertebrae column where the pelvis
region is located is called 13.When a pig lying on cold concrete
floor losses heat through the process of
a .Lumbar b Caudal heat dissipation called
c .Thoracic d. Sacral
a. Convection b. Conduction
6. The breakdown of body tissues into c. Radiation d .Evaporation
simpler substances and waste products is
a metabolic process called 14.A descriptive term for the study of
anatomy which means towards the head.
a .Anabolism
b. Catabolism a. Caudal b. Cranial
c .Oxidation of nutrients c. Ventral d. Dorsal
d. Growing Mash
15.The protective covering of the egg.
7. A lipid which is liquid at room
temperature a. Chalazae b. Yolk
c .Germinal Disc d. Shell
a. Mineral b .Fats c .Oil d Protein
16.The cheapest of all nutrient

a. Protein b. Vitamin
c. Water d. Mineral
This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong
ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.83%) 2
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City

17.Mimosine is a toxic substance found in 26.An organic nutrient required by

the: animals in a very small amounts for
regulating various body processes
a .Soybean oil meal b. Ipil ipil meal
c .Cassava leaf meal d. Copra meal a. Vitamin b .Carbohydrates
c .Protein d .Lipids
18.Red blood cell is a type of blood cell
known as what? 27.Primary sex organ of the female farm
a.Erythrocytes b. Thrombocytes
c.Leucocytes d .Neuroocytes a .Ovary b. Vagina
c. Uterus d .Oviduct
19The first cervical vertebrae column is
called : 28.The period during which reproductive
organs first become functional.
a .Axis b. Coccygeal
c. Lumbar d. Atlas a .Puberty b. Maturation
c. .Estrous cycle d. Gestation
20.A type of animal tissue which is
specialized in contraction: 29.A period of sexual activity in estrous
cycle when the female will permit mating.
a .Epithelial tissue b. Muscle tissue
c .Nervous tissue d .Connective tissue a .Proestrus b.Metestrus
c. Diestrus d. Estrus
21.A fleshy patch of bare skin below each
ear of chicken is called what? 30.Fats contain more energy than
carbohydrates by:
a. Comb b. Wattle
c. Earlobe d. Snood a. 2.0 times b. 2.25 times
c. 2.5 times d. 3.0 times
22.Snood is found in what poultry
species: 31.The largest of the four stomach
compartment of ruminant animals where
a .Chicken b .Duck billions of microorganism resides which
c. Swan d .Turkey called also as “paunch” is known as
23.The protective covering of the penis
which is also known as prepuce a. Abomasum b. Reticulum
c. Omasum d.Rumen
a. Scrotum b. Spermatic
c. Sheath d .Urethra 32.A rumination process which refer to
the flowing back of bolus of feeds from
24.The only organic nutrient that always rumen to the mouth.
contain nitrogen
a. Reswallowing b. Regurgitation
a .Protein b .Vitamin c .Remastication d. Reinsalivation
c .Mineral d .Lipids
33.Site of nutrient digestion of the
25.A testicle structure which function for digestive system.
the production of spermatozoa.
a .Cell of leydig a. Small intestine b. Large intestine
b. Vasa Efferentia c. Stomach d .Ceca
c. Seminiferous tubules
d .Rete testes

This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong
ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.83%) 3
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City

34.A special system of blood circulation 42. Splanchnology is the study of the
which supplies blood to the liver following system except:

a. Hepatic circulation a. Integumentary b. Respiratory

b. Renal circulation c. Urinary d.Reproductive
c. Fetal circulation
d .Cerebral circulation 43. A branch of anatomy which is also
known as Histology is called:
35.Sucrose to hydrolyzes to form what ?
a. Gross Anatomy
a. Glucose + Galactose b. Comparative Anatomy
b. 2 Glucose c .. Microscopic Anatomy
c. Glucose + Maltose d. Embryology
d .Glucose + Fructose
44.Angiology is as systematic anatomy
36. A female reproductive organ which which study the:
serves as the organ of copulation at
mating and as the birth canal at a. Endocrine system
parturition. b. Circulatory system
c. Digestive system
a. Vagina b. Uterus c .Ovary d. Vulva d. Sensory system

37.A term for the first milk secretion after 45. Mineral is the only inorganic nutrient
parturition which contain high nutrient and because they do not contain
a .Oxygen b. Hydrogen
a. Fresh milk b. Colostrum c. Nitrogen d. Carbon
c. Special milk d. Skimmilk
46.Tocopherol is known as “Anti Sterility”
38.Hormone for estrus period vitamin , this vitamin is called what?

a. Estrogen a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B

b. Progesterone c. Vitamin E d. Vitamin K
c. Follicle Stimulating Hormone
d. Prolactin 47.These are nutrients essential for teeth
and bone development except:
39.The release of the egg from the ovary
is called: a .Calcium b .Phosphorus
c .Vitamin K d. Vitamin D
a. Gestation b .Incubation
c. Ovulation d Implantation 48.Glycogen is otherwise known as what:

40.Hormone for proestrus period a .Milk sugar b .Animal Starch

c. Food Sweetener d. Dextrose
a. Estrogen
b. Progesterone 49.Pneumatic bones is the only bones
c. Follicle Stimulating Hormone found in what farm animal/s
d. Relaxin
a .Poultry
41.The science which deals with the form b. Cattle / Carabao
and structure of all organism is called. c. Goat/Sheep
d .Horse
a. Physiology b .Embryology
c. Anatomy d. Pharmacology

This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong
ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.83%) 4
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City

50.Reticulum is also known as what? 58.When female does not show any signs
of heat , the animal is said to be
a, Paunch b. Honeycomb
c .Manyplies d. True stomach a. Anestrus b. Constant heat
c .Silent heater d. Estrus
51.A female cattle born co twin to a bull
is called 59. Giving birth to cattle is called

a. Hermaphrodite b. Freemartin a. Kidding b. Lambing

c. Cryptorchid d. Impotent c. Calving d. Foaling

52.This placental membrane is known as 60.Stomach compartment of ruminant

the “first bag” and acts as a urinary and animals which is called as “ manyplies”
solid waste of the developing embryo.
a. Omasum b. Abomasum
a .Amnion b. Chorion c. Rumen d. Reticulum
c. Allantois d. Fetal membrane
61. The exchange of heat between two
53.The average incubation period of object that is not touching is called
turkey is about
a Evaporation b. Conduction
a. 21 days b. 42 days c. Convection d. Radiation
c. 27 days d. 29 days
62.Digestive part of the chicken which
54. By product in the manufacture of characterized by the presence of small
sugar from sugarcane is called stone used for grinding feed is called

a. Dried whey b. Pollard a., Crop b. Ceca

c. Molasses d. Tallow c. Gizzard d. Proventiculus

55.The group of organs that convey 63.This stage of estrous cycle is known
oxygen, nutrients and body fluids to the as a period of preparation and sometimes
cells and carry wastes from the cells to referred to as the “first and build up
the excretory products stage”

a .Cardiovascular system a. Anestrus b. Proestrus

b. Nervous system c .Metestrus d .Diestrus
c. Endocrine system
d. Sensory system 64. A male gametes is called

56.A bony core that protects from the a. Sperm b. Semen

frontal bone of the skull c. Zygotes d egg

a. Hooves b. Scale c. Horns d. Claws 65.The primary function of the ovary is

the production of what?
57.The neck of the uterus that is tightly
closed except during estrus and a. Egg b. Estrogen
parturition with a heavy smooth sphincter c .Progesterone d. Corpus Luteum
muscle is called

a. Uterine horn b.Corpus

c. Oviduct d.Cervix

This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong
ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.83%) 5
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City

66.The process whereby the new embryo 74.All are causes of dystocia except
becomes established at a development
site in the uterus where it will then a. Hydrocephalus b .Siamese twins
developed and become a fetus c. Multiple birth d .Monstrosites

a. Placentation b. Implantation 75.Site of sperm maturation in the male

c. Maturation d .Development reproductive system

67.The failure of mature follicle to rupture a. Epididymis b . Ampullae

will result to : c. Vasa efferentia d. Rete testes.

a. Silent heat b. Constant heat 76.Cowper’s gland is also known as

c. Anestrus d. Estrus what ?
68.Thermo-regulatory organ of the male a .Seminal vesicle
reproductive system is called b. Sebaceous gland
c .Pituitary gland
a. Vas deferense b. Ampullae d. Bulbo-urethral gland
c. Spermatic cord d. Scrotum
77.The cutting of carcasses into standard
69 .Systematic circulation which supplies and retail cuts is called
arterial blood to the kidney
a Retailing b. Fabrication
a. Cerebral circulation c. Slaughtering d. Evisceration
b. Splanchnic circulation
c. Renal circulation 78. A hormone produced from the corpus
d. Hepatic circulation luteum of the ovary used to maintain
70.Site of protein synthesis in the cell
a Estrogen b. Progesterone
a. Ribosomes c. Prolactin d. Relaxin
b. Endoplasmic reticulum
c. Lysosomes 79. Hormone for ovulation
d .Golgi apparatus
a .Prostaglandins b. Progesterone
71.All are belong to the general purpose c. Luteinizing hormone d. Prolactin
type chicken , except
80. A male reproductive organ which
a. Hampshire serve acts as a valve to prevent urination
b. Plymouth Rock while the male is sexually excited
c. Blue Andalusian
d. Rhode Island Rock a. Epididymis b. Ampullae
c. Penis d. Vasa Efferentia
72.Produced only in mammary gland and
commonly referred to as “milk sugar” 81.Abnormalities in the male reproductive
tract due to the absence of one or both
a. Sucrose b. Maltose testes
c. Lactose d. Dextrose
a. Cryptorchid b. Scrotal hernia
73.The act of giving birth in goat c. Impotency d. Freemartin

a .Lambing b. Calving
c. Foaling d. Kidding

This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong
ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.83%) 6
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City

82.All are management of animals prior to 90. A series of curved bones that form a
slaughter except : cage to enclose support and protect the
heart and lung
a. Fasting
b. Mishandling / Stress a. Rib b. Sternum
c. Clean animal c. Flat bones d. Long bones
d. Adequacy of meat preservation
91.The fleshy protuberance on the top of
83.Bleeding as a term for slaughtering the head of the chicken
animal is also called:
a. Snood b. Earlobe
a. Sticking b. Scalding c. Wattle d. Comb
c. Scrapping d. Shroulding
92.A cystoplasmic organelle of the cell
84.Purebreed Poland China mated to which serve as the powerhouse of the cell
purebred Duroc Jersey is a system
breeding known as what? a. Endoplasmic reticulum
b. Golgi apparatus
a. Upgrading b. Purebreeding c. Mitochondria
c. Crossbreeding d. Inbreeding d. Ribosomes

85. Contagious abortion is an infectious 93.An imaginary plane passing through

disease of reproduction of farm animals the body craniocaudally which divides the
which is also known as what? body equal right and left halves

a. Leptospirosis b. Vibriosis a. Frontal plane

c. Brucellosis d. Trichomoniasis b. Equatorial plane
c.Transverse plane
86.Silent heater is common to what farm d. Median plane
animal ?
94.This part of a chicken egg is found in
a.Carabao b. Cattle the center and serves as the sources of
c. Goat d. Sheep nutrient for the developing embryo during
87.A digestive organ which serve as the
site of nutrient absorption by most farm a. Germinal disc b. Chalazae
animals c. Vitelline membrane d. Yolk

a. Stomach b. Small Intestine 95.The most popular poultry species in

c. Large Intestine d .Esophagus the world and in the Philippines

88.The act of swallowing the feed by the a.Chicken b. Turkey

animals c. Duck d. Ostrich

a .Reswallowing b. Mastication 96.A very small bulb –shape structure

c. Prehension d,Deglutition and serve as the basic milk producing
unit of the udder
89.A vertebral column where the chest
and shoulder region are located a. Milk reservoir
b. Teats
a .Cervical vertebrae c. Alveolus
b. Sacral vertebrae d. Suspensory ligaments.
c. Lumbar vertebrae
d. Thoracic vertebrae

This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong
ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.83%) 7
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City

97.A meat from the goat

a. Lamb b. Veal
c. Pork d. Chevon

98.As to the nutritional values, the most

valuable slaughter by products regardless
of species

a. Liver b. Spleen
c. Heart d. Small Intestine

99.The flow of heat from a warm area to

a cooled area through air or water is a
process of heat dissipation is also known

a .Evaporation b. Convection
c. Conduction d. Radiation

100. A bones which function chiefly as a

levers and aid in support and is also
known as ossa longa

a. Long bones b. flat bones

c. Short bones d. Irregular bones

to GOD be the
glory !!!!!!!!!!

This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong
ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.83%) 8
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City



1. C 26 . A 51. B 76. D

2. B 27. A 52. C 77. B

3. C 28. A 53. D 78. B

4. A 29. D 54. C 79. C

5. D 30. B 55.A 80. B

6. B 31. D 56. C 81. A

7. C 32. B 57. D 82. D

8. A 33. C 58. C 83. A

9. D 34. A 59. C 84. C

10. C 35. D 60. A 85. C

11. A 36. A 61. D 86. A

12. A 37. B 62. C 87. B

13. C 38. A 63. B 88. D

14. B 39. C 64. A 89. D

15. D 40. C 65. A 90. A

16. C 41. C 66. B 91. D

17. B 42, A 67. B 92. C

18. A 43. C 68. D 93. D

19.D 44. B 69. C 94. D

20. B 45. D 70. A 95. A

21. C 46. C 71. C 96. C

22. D 47. D 72. C 97. D

23. C 48. B 73. D 98. A

24. A 49. A 74. C 99. B

This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong
ROSER S. BANGCONG MSc(AnSc.)CMU,RPST(80.40%),RAgriculturist (80.83%) 9
Faculty , Agriculture Department , Northwestern Mindanao State College
Labuyo , Tangub City

25. C 50. B 75. A 100. A

This piece of work is humbly dedicated to

My Wife : Monica H. Hilario and my daughters : Mj Trinidad and Manuela Catalina H. Bangcong

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