Important Questions For CBSE Class 6 Social Science - Social and Political Life Chapter 2 - Diversity and Discrimination

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Important Questions for Class 6

Social Science - Social and Political Life

Chapter 2 – Diversity and Discrimination

Very Short Answer Questions: 1 Mark

1. Fill in the blanks-

(i) _____ provides that the state shall not discriminate against any citizen on the
basis of religion, race, caste, sex or region.
Ans: Constitution - The Indian Constitution is the country's supreme law. The
constitution establishes a framework that defines the fundamental political code,
structure, procedures, powers, and responsibilities of government institutions, as
well as people' fundamental rights, directive principles, and responsibilities.

(ii) One of the fastest _______ suffers from _______.

Ans: Athletes, Chronic asthma - Jackie Joyner-Kersee is a well-known actress.
Jackie Joyner-Kersee, a UCLA basketball and track player, was diagnosed with
severe asthma. Joyner-Kersee withheld the diagnosis from her coaches because she
was afraid it would impact her athletic performance.

(iii) _____ works as an obstacle in individual’s growth.

Ans: Discrimination - Discrimination has a negative impact on people's
opportunities, well-being, and sense of agency. Individuals who are subjected to
discrimination on a regular basis may internalise the prejudice or stigma aimed at
them, resulting in feelings of shame, low self-esteem, fear, and stress, as well as bad

(iv) Mahars were the _______ settlers in Maharashtra.

Ans: Earliest - Mahars are a caste-cluster, or a collection of several endogamous
castes, who live primarily in Maharashtra and neighbouring states.

2. State true and false.

Class VI Social Science 1

(i) The stereotype society does not allow women and men to share the equal
Ans: True - Men and women are held to different standards when it comes to how
they should dress, act, and work. Men and women's interactions, whether in the
home, the business, or the public sphere, reflect perceptions of women's and men's
talents, qualities, and behaviour.

(ii) Stereotypes think that asthma patients cannot run fast or cannot take part
in sports.
Ans: True - Since airway narrowing during exercise can limit ventilatory capacity
and efficiency, asthma diagnosis is especially important for sportsmen.

(iii) Only influential and high- class people can dream big. Even poor people
can dream big and prove them Trueselves.
Ans: True - It is critical that all people are treated equally because only then will our
society flourish in the genuine sense of the term. It is our right to receive equal

(iv) The stereotypes think that crippled child is good for everything.
Ans: False - Stereotypes can be based on practically any characteristic, including
colour, ethnicity, age, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. Match the following:-

i. Adivasis Diversity

ii. Source of Discrimination Original Habitants

iii. World Disability day Hindu Philosophy

iv. Varna December 3

Class VI Social Science 2

i. Original Habitants - Adivasis are the original residents of the subcontinent, as
their name implies, and once inhabited far bigger areas than they do now.

ii. Diversity - Workers having distinct demographic backgrounds from the rest of
the workforce may feel alienated and may be, or appear to be, subject to outside

iii. December 3 - Its goal is to promote the rights and well-being of people with
disabilities in all aspects of society and development, as well as to raise awareness
about their position in political, social, economic, and cultural life.
iv. Hindu Philosophy - The Dharma-shastras' Varna system divides society into four
varnas (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishya and Shudras).

4. Choose the correct option

(i) Battle of Koregaon was took place between__________.
a) British and Peshwas

b) British and Aurganzeb

c) British and Freedom fighters

d) None of the above

Ans: (a) British and Peshwas - The Battle of Koregaon (also known as the Battle of
Koregaon Bhima) took place at Koregaon Bhima on January 1, 1818, between the
British East India Company and the Peshwa faction of the Maratha Confederacy.

(ii) Teachings of Buddhism is based on the lessons of_________.

a) Gautam Buddha
b) Mahaveer Swami
c) Paigambar Mohammad

Class VI Social Science 3

d) None of the above
Ans: (a) Gautam Buddha - The Buddha's teachings are only intended to free sentient
beings from suffering.

5. Define the Following

(i) Gender Discrimination

Ans: Gender Discrimination is the term used to describe discrimination between
males and females of any age group.

(ii) Economic Disparity

Ans: Economic disparity is defined as the exploitation of the poor by the wealthy.

Short Answer Questions 2 Marks

6. What is prejudice?
Ans: When an individual's or a society's opinion is taken into consideration always
hostile or oppressive toward a person or a group. It's known as prejudice.

7. How does Constitution of India help people?

Ans: The Indian constitution does not compel anyone to abandon their own
language, beliefs, customs, or practises.

8. How does constitution help an individual from being discriminated?

Ans: Every individual in India is free to choose their religion, customs, practises,
occupation, and language, according to the Indian Constitution.

Class VI Social Science 4

9. What is an important aspect of equality?
Ans: Respect for diversity and various people is an important part of equality.

10. What is the main source of prejudice and discrimination in India?

Ans: India's diversity and cultural distinctions are the primary sources of prejudice
and discrimination.

Short Answer Question 3 Marks

11. How do you think the girl born in stereotype family feel discrimination?
Ans: The prejudices portray girls as a financial burden on their parents. These
stereotypes believe that a girl's image in society can be harmed by a variety of
actions. Girls' mentality is pressed by these actions of inferiority, and they tend to
become introverts. Marriage does not bring them good fortune. These young ladies
are not permitted to make their own decisions. They are unable to dress, eat, read, or
even speak in accordance with their behaviour and needs. They are subjected to
numerous limitations.

12. Define Constitution.

Ans: The Constitution of India is a document written for the benefit of Indian people
and everyone else who lives in India. The Constituent Assembly of India accepted
this book on January 26, 1950. There are various rules and regulations in this book
that apply to both the Indian government and anybody who lives in India.

13. Differentiate between discrimination and prejudice.

Ans: Discrimination can be based on a variety of factors, including language, status,
religion, educational background, and geographic location. It's only natural.
Prejudice is a concept that is influenced by unfavourable attitudes toward those who

Class VI Social Science 5

are different than us. When a person or society assaults a person's or society's
individualism, discrimination occurs.

14. Write any three fundamental duties of Indian citizens.

Ans: The following are the three fundamental duties of an Indian citizen:-
1) Spread the feeling of fraternity among all Indian citizens.

2) Everyone should work to preserve our culture's rich legacy.

3) Everyone should cultivate a scientific mindset and ability to ask questions.

15. What is the importance of directive principal and state policy?

Ans: The directive principal and state policy is a directive issued to the central and
state governments in India to work for the welfare of all Indian citizens without
discrimination. The primary goal of directive principal and state policy is to ensure
that every citizen has their rights and is not subjected to any type of discrimination.

Long Answer Questions 5 Marks

16. List five different effects that a girl suffers by her stereotype family.
Ans: The five affects that a girl experiences in her typical household are as follows:-

1) Even marriage does not always offer good fortune to the girls. While some in-
laws may treat newlywed females well, we frequently discover that they are
mistreated at their in-laws' homes. They are exploited in some way.
2) Girls may become disappointed and lose focus on their schoolwork.

3) Their ambitions to achieve their goals will be destroyed.

4) Even at their parents' house, they would feel helpless because they are not given
sufficient care, love, and affection by the family.

Class VI Social Science 6

5) The girls' poor treatment would cause them to have low self-esteem and
confidence, leaving them mentally weak and reliant.

17. What does the Constitution of India say about equality? Why equality is
Ans: The state is prohibited from discriminating against citizens on the grounds of
religion, race, caste, sex, or area, according to our Constitution. All persons must be
treated equally because only then will our society flourish in the genuine sense of
the word. It is our right to receive equal treatment. It is our right to be treated with
dignity. It is our entitlement to be afforded the same opportunities as others. Our
lives would be a nightmare if we didn't have all of these. Our individuality would be
stifled. As a result, we require equality so that everyone can progress without
restriction. Only then will we be able to contribute to the society's and country's

18. Discuss different types of discriminations.

Ans: Discrimination can be based on a variety of factors, including language, status,
religion, educational background, and geographic location. It's only natural.
Prejudice is a concept that is influenced by unfavourable attitudes toward those who
are different than us. Discrimination occurs when people make disparaging remarks
about different religions and cultures. Making disparaging remarks about a girl's
appearance, behaviour, or customs is also a kind of discrimination. When such topics
are raised, the general public may turn against anyone, and someone out of everyone
who expresses those opinions may be mocked and dismissed.

19. How do stereotype families think that girls are a burden on them?
Ans: The prejudices portray girls as a financial burden on their parents. This has a
variety of effects on the daughter's life. It has an impact on their daily lives and has
the potential to shatter their ambitions and dreams. It also gives individuals a sense
of inferiority and ignorance, as well as a bad feeling. These preconceptions believe
that girls will be unable to assist them in the future while boys will. These stereotypes
believe that a girl's image in society can be harmed by a variety of actions. Girls'

Class VI Social Science 7

mentality is pressed by these actions of inferiority, and they tend to become

20. Differentiate the lifestyle of urban people with rural people.


Rural People Urban People

1. A rural person is someone who lives in 1. A person who lives in a city is referred
a village. to as an urban person.

2. Villages are home to more than half of 2. Except in rural areas, the majority of
India's population. the population lives in cities.

3. People in rural areas are more 3. People who live in cities are far ahead
conservative and conservative. of those who reside in rural areas.

4. Life is much more difficult and 4. Life in the city is easier and more
pressured in rural places. relaxed than in the countryside.

Class VI Social Science 8

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