Murphy Comparison

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Exercises .. 105
liliillll' Complete the sentences using a comparative form (older I more important etc.) .
1 lt's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere qlA~ ..... ?
2 This coffee is very weak. I like it .. . ...... .. .... ... . ....................................... ......... .
3 The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be .. . ....... ..................... ......... ....... . ..................... .
4 The hotel was surprisingly chea p. I expected it to be .. . ..... ................. .... .... ...................... .
5 The weather is too cold here. I'd like to live somewhere ......... .... .......................... ...................... ..................... .
6 My job is a bit boring sometimes. I'd like to do something .. ... .... .... . ..... ....... . .
7 lt's a shame you live so far away. I wish you lived ...... ........................................ ....................
8 I was surprised how easy it was to get a job. I thought it wo uld be ..... ......... ... ...... .. .......
9 Your work isn't very good. I'm sure you can do .... ........ ..... . ...... . ..... . .. ................ .
10 Don't worry. The situation isn't so bad. lt could be ....... .. ..................................
11 I was surprised we got here so quickly. I expected the t rip to take ........ .... .. .. .
12 You 're talking very loudly. Can you speak ............................................. .. .... ................................ ?
13 You hardly ever call me. Why don't you call me . . ........ ... ..... ............ ...... .. ................ ?
14 You're standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit .............................................................. away?
15 You were a little depressed yesterday, but you look .............. ...... . ........ ...... ......... ..... . .. today.

• •" Complete the sentences. Use the comparative forms of the words in the box. Use than
where necessary.

big crowded early easily high important

interested peaceful reliable serious simple thin

1 I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed .~li&.r t}:l_(bn . usual.
2 I'd like to have a .r:·r.q.r~ r~.Le..... car. The one I have keeps breaking down.
3 Unfortunately her illness was . ..................... .... ......... .... .......... ... .... . ..... we thought at first.
4 You look ...... ...... . .......... ... ......... . ....... . ......... .. ...... . Have you lost weight?
5 I want a ... ............ ... ...... ......... .. .. ............................. ......................... . apartment. We don't have enough space here.
6 He doesn't study very hard. He's ...... ..... ............ ........ .... . ..... ...... .. . .... .. ...... .... in havi ng a good time .
7 Health and happiness are ............................................. ................................................... money.
8 The instructions were very complicated. They could have been ....... . .... .. ................. .
9 There were a lot of people on the bus. lt was . ....... . ......... .................. ... ........ ........ ....... ...... usual.
10 I like living in the country. lt's ....... .... . .................................................................................. living in a town.
11 You'll find your way around the town ..... . ... ......... . ......... .... . .... . . if you have a good map.
12 In some parts of the country, prices are ...... ............................................... ................................................. in others.

- Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use a comparative form (-er or more ... ).
1 Yesterday the temperature was six degrees. Today it's only three degrees.
lt's ....~l4&r....t9.~ -ch..QJ1 ...... it was yesterday.

2 The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.
lt takes .................. ........ . ....... ......... .................. ........... ....... .. ....... ............. . ......... by car.

3 Dan and I went for a run. I ran ten kilometres. Dan stopped after eight ki lometres.
I ran .............................. ......... ..................................... ................................................................................................................................................ Dan.

4 Chris and Joe both did badly in the test. Chris got 30 %, but Joe only got 25%.
joe did . .. ..... .. .... . . ....... ..... ... ...... . ........... ..... ...... .. . ...... .... Chris in the test.
5 I expected my friends to arrive at about 4 o'clock. In fact they arrived at 2.30.
My fri ends ...................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ I expected .

6 You can go by bus or by train. The buses run every 30 minutes. The trains run every hour.
Th e buses ........ ....... .. .... . ..... .......... .. ....... .. ....... ....................................................... ................................................................ the trains.

7 We were very busy in the office today. We' re not usually so bu sy.
We .......... ................................................................................. ................ .. . ..... .............. ....... .............. usua l in the office today.

lilifl# Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use much I a bit etc. + a comparative
form. Use than where necessary.
1 Her illness was .....J00..9.':l ... m9.r.~ . -~-~-~(.A.?____t¥19--YI we thought at first. (much I serious)
2 Th is bag is too small. I need something ............. ... ... ... ............. .. ......... ........... ...... ... .... (much I big)
3 I liked the museum. lt was ........ ........ ........ ................................ I expected. (much I interesting)
4 lt was very hot yesterday. Today it's ...... ........ ............... ............ ............ ........................... . (a bit I cool)
5 I'm afraid the problem is ........ ......... . .. . ... . .. ...... . ..... . ..... .......... . ..... it seems. (far I complicated)
6 You're driving too fa st. Can you drive .......................................... . ........ ............... ? (a bit I slowly)
7 lt's . . . ... to learn a language in a country where it is spoken. (a lot I easy)
8 I thought she was younger than me, but in fact she's ...................... . ............ ........... ...... . (slightly I old)

. . . ., Complete the sentences using any/no+ comparative. Use than where necessary.
1 I've waited long enough. I'm not waiting ..... @H ..W.Yl9.~ ---·· ..
2 I'm sorry I'm a bit late, but I couldn't get here ........ . ...... ........ ....... ......... .......... ............... .
3 This shop isn't expensive. The prices are ......... .... . ....... ....... ... ....... ................ .... .. ....... . ..... anywhere else.
4 I need to stop for a rest. I can't walk ... ....... .. ........ . ............. ... . .......... .......... . . .... .. .
5 The traffic isn't particularly bad today. lt's ........ ......... .. ........... .......... ........................................... ......... .. usual.

••~ Complete the sentences using the structure in Section C ( ... and ... ).
1 lt's getting .... r:tJC?.r~ M~....m.9.r.~ . Jj,f:h&M._Lt. ... to find a job. (difficult)
2 That hole in your sweater is getting . ............ .............. . ...... ...... . .... . (big)
3 My bags seemed to get .................. .... ...... ................. ..... ....................................................... as I carried them. (heavy)
4 As I waited for my interview, I became ............... ............ . ..... ... ......... ........... ............. .. ........ ...... ..... ..... . (nervous)
5 As the day went on, the weather got ..... .............. . ........... .............. ........... ............................ .......... ......... . (bad)
6 Health care is becoming .......... .......... ................. ......... ........... ........... .. ........ ..... ............ .. . (expensive)
7 Since Ann a went to Canada, her English has got ... ..... . .......... ..................... . .............................. .... . (good)
8 As the conversation went on, Paul became ....................................................................................... .................... . (talkative)

._. .11' Complete the sentences using the structure in Section D (the ... the .. . ).
1 I like warm weather.
The warmer the weather, [email protected]. f~. . (feel)
2 I didn't really like him when we first met.
But the more I got to know him, ... .......... ......... ......... .... . (like)
3 If you're in business, you want to make a profit.
The more goods you sell, ... ..... ... . . .... ... .......... ............................. ........ ........... ................................ . ..... . (profit)
4 lt's hard to concentrate when you're tired.
The more tired you are, ...... ...... . . ...... . . . (hard)
5 Kate had to wait a very long time.
The longer she had to wait, ..... .................................................................................................................. . (impatient I become)

---- ---- ------------------------,

1 I like to travel light. The ... J~?..?....... luggage, the better. any
2The problem is getting ....................................... and more serious. I better
3The more time I have, the ...................................... it takes me to do things. elder
4I'm walking as fa st as I can. I ca n't wa lk ... ..... faster. less
5The higher your income, ............................................ more tax you have to pay. Less
6I'm surprised Anna is only 25. I thought she was ........ .. .............................. . Longer
7jane's ........ ................. sister is a nurse. more
8I was a little late. The journey took ..... ... longer than I expected . no
9We have a lot to discuss. We need to start the meeting .............................. later older
than 9.30. slightly
10 Don't tell him anything. The .................... ......... ... he knows, the ............................................ .
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - ________
the _j

Exercises 107
lilll• Complete the sentences using as ... as.
1 I'm tall, but you are taller. I'm not .... ~s ~ ~.?. ...~9.~....... .
2 My salary is high, but yours is higher. My salary isn't . . .. ............ .. ..... . . ...... .. .............. . .. ....... ............................. .
3 You know a bit about cars, but I know more.
You don't ................................................. ...................................................................................................................... ................ ..... .
4 We are busy today, but we were busier yesterday.
We aren't ... . ......... ................. .............. ..... . ......... .. .. ............................................... ................................... .................................................... .
5 I still feel bad, but I felt a lot worse earlier.
I don't .................................................................................. ......... ................................................................................................................ .
6 Our neighbours have lived here for quite a long time, but we've lived here longer.
Our neighbours haven't ....... ..... ............ . ....... ............ .... ....... ........ ... .................. ....... . ........... .. ......................................................... .
7 I was a little nervous before the interview, but usually I'm a lot more nervous.
I wasn't ........ . ........... ................................. . ........ ........ ........ ... ......... . ............. ...... ........................ ... .... ........... ....... . ....... .... . .......... .

G Write a new sentence with the same meaning.

1 jack is younger than he looks. jack isn't ..... ~? .. o.~ ..~?..... b.~....~P.k.?....
2 I didn 't spend as much money as you. You .. ?P.~l'}t ... ~P.r:~ ...~P-~.~ .. J?:!®... ~ ~ .. .
3 The station was nearer than I thought. The station wasn't .............................................................................................. .
4 The meal didn't cost as much as I expected. The meal cost .............................. ...... ................................................ .
5 I go out less than I used to. I don't ......... ............ .......................................................................................... ......... ....... .
6 Karen's hair isn't as long as it used to be. Karen used to ............................................................................................. .
7 I know them better than you do. You don't .... .......................... ............ .. ....... ............................. .. ...... . ........... ................... .
8 There are fewer people at this meeting than at the last one.
There aren 't ....... ... ......... .................... ........... ........... ......... . . ....... . ..... ......................................................................................... .

- Complete the sentences using as ... as+ the following:

bad comfortable fast hard Long often quietly soon well

1 I'm sorry I'm late. I got here . ... ~?. .... f~?..t. ~..... I could.
2 lt was a difficult question. I answered it .... . . ......... ..... .... .. .... ... I could.
3 'How long can I stay with you?' 'You can stay ..................................................................................... you like.'
4 I need the information quickly, so let me know .. .... ..... ....................... ............. ........ ... ....... possible.
5 I like to keep fit, so I go swimming ..... . ..... .................................................. I can.
6 I didn't want to wake anybody, so I came in ......................... ......................................... . I could.

In the following sentences use just as .. . as.

7 I'm going to sleep on the floor. lt's ............ ........ ... ............... .............. ..... the bed.
8 You always say how tiring your job is, but I work ........................ .................................... ..................................... you.
9 At first I thought he was nice, but really he's ............................................................................................ everybody else.

- Write sentences using the same as.

1 David an d james are both 22 years old. David ...... ~?. .. .. ~-~....~.?........ james.
2 You and I both have dark brown hair. Your hair ........... ....... .. .......... ........................................................... .............. mine.
3 I arrived at 10.25 and so did you. I arrived ............................................... ....................................... .
4 My birthday is 5 April. lt's Tom's birthday too. My birthday ........................................................................... Tom's.

- Complete the sentences with than ... or as ... .

1 I can't reach as high as you. You are taller ..... t.t!.@.. J'fl ~..... .
2 He doesn't know mu ch. I know more ................... ........ ...................................... .
3 I don't work particularly hard. Most people work as hard ....................................................................... .
4 We were very surprised. Nobody was more surprised ..................... .................................................... .
5 She's not a very good player. I'm a better player ................................................................. .
6 Th ey've been very lucky. I wish we were as lucky ............................................................................ .

1111_, Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most ... )+ a preposition (of or in).
1 Ifs a very good room. lt's tb..~ ... b~?~ rqgm ~. _ the hotel.
2 it's a very cheap restaurant. it's .... ........... . ....... .... ............ ......... .................... ...... ......................................... the town.
3 lt was a very happy day. lt was ................. __ ........ .................. ..................... _ ........... .... ........ ..................... __ my life.
4 She's a very intelligent student. She's .......... ... ............................... ........................................................ the class.
5 it's a very valuable painting. lt's ......... . ........... ....... ... ......... ......... ..................................... the gallery.
6 Spring is a very busy time for me. Ifs ........... . ........................................................ ......................................... the year.

In the following sentences use one of+ a superlative+ a preposition.

7 Ifs a very good room. it's ..... 9.n~ qf. __th~ b._es_~ . r9.9..m?....~ ..... the hotel.
8 He's a very rich man . He's one ............................................ ......................... ............................. ..... ........................... the country.
9 it's a very big castle. it's ........................................ _............. _...................... .............. ........................ ..... _.......... Europe.
10 She's a very good player. She's ............................................................ ....................................................................... the team.
11 lt was a very bad experience. lt was ... .. ............ .. ................................................................................. my life.
12 it's a very famous university. it's ................................................................................................................................... the world.

•lill~ Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most ... ) or a comparative (-er or more ... ).
1 We stayed at . Jh~ ...cYI.~_~stc.... hotel in the town. (cheap)
2 Our hotel was ... QJ.~~-- .... than all the others in the town. (cheap)
3 The United States is very large, but Canada is ........................... . . ........ ........ .... ...... ........... . (large)
4 What's ...... .......... . ..................... ..... .............. .... . ...... _country in the world? (small)
5 I wasn't feeling well yesterday, but I feel a bit .............. ........... . .... . . .. ..... _.......... _ ...... today. (good)
6 lt was an awful day. lt was ................................................................. ......... ............ day of my life. (bad)
7 What is ................... .. ....... ........ .................. . .......... ......... . ......... sport in your cou ntry? (popular)
8 Everest is ............................................................................................ mountain in the world. lt is ...............................................................
than any other mountain. (high)
9 This building is over 250 metres high, but it's not .............................................................................................. in the city.
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. it's ... ............................ ............... .............................................................. . (comfortable)
11 What's ... ........ ........... .... ... ...................... ............ way to get to the station? (quick)
12 Which is .............................................................................................. - the bus or the train? (quick)
13 What's .... . ..... ....... .................. ..... ......... ......................... thing you 've ever bought? (expensive)
14 Sue and Kevin have got three daughters. .................................................... ..................................... is 14 yea rs old. (old)

What do you say in these situations? Use a superlative+ ever. Use the words in brackets (in the
correct form) .
1 You've ju st bee n t o the cinema . The movie was extremely boring. You tell your fri end:
(boring I movie I see) That's .. tn~_J)10~{<___~Qr~_g. _mo_Y.i&... fv.~ .. _ey~__ .?~........ ..... _ .................................... .

2 Your fri end has just told you a joke, which you think is very funny. You say:
(funny I joke I hear) That's ......................................................................................................... ........................................................................ .

3 You're drinking coffee with a fri end . it's really good coffee. You say:
(good I coffee I taste) This ......................................................................................................................................................... .............................. .

4 You are talking to a friend about Sarah. Sa rah is very generous. You tell your friend about her:
(generous I person I meet) She . . ................................. ....................... ...................... ........... .......................... ................................ ..
5 You have just run ten kilometres. You've never run further than this. You say t o your friend:
(far I run) That ................ ................................................. ....... .................................. ............................................. ........ ................................... .

6 You decid ed to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend:
(bad I mistake I make) lt ...................................................................................................................................................................................... .

7 Your friend meet s a lot of people, some of them fa mous. You ask your friend:
(famous I person I m eet?) Who .......................................................................................................................................................................... ?


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