ALIZ IFA生理解剖模拟试题 简 (第一回)解答

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(Wherever possible please answer directly on the exam paper. If needed, use extra sheets,
ensure that you enter your name for each. )
1. Answer quesGon 將以下各題作答: 1. a);1. b);1. c);1. d);1. e)
1. a) Label the diagram provided below 在下图填上各标签的名称. (15 Marks 15分)
1. b) Give the name of 4 synovial joint and give 1 example for each. (4 marks 4分)
Example : ball and socket hip bone and femur
例如 : 忤臼关节 髋骨和股骨连接
1. c) Name the most common abnormal curvatures of the spine:
举出最普遍的脊柱异常弯曲状态:(3 marks 3分)
1. d) Name two areas of body funcGon which may be affected by poor posture.

列出两种受不良姿势影响的身体功能。(2 marks 2分)

1. 椎间盘突出
2. 骨盆倾斜
1. e) Which bone cells are responsible for the renewal of bone Gssue? (2 marks 2分)
1. 蚀骨细胞(破骨细胞)
2. 造骨细胞(成骨细胞)
2. Briefly describe the acGon of the muscles listed below:
简单描述下列各肌肉所产生的动作:(6 marks 6分)
1. 外展肌 将肢体远离身体中线ex拇长外展肌
2. 内收肌 将肢体靠近身体中线ex长内收肌
3. 伸肌 通常为增加关节前面之角度,有些为增加后面之角度ex尺侧腕伸肌
4. 屈肌 通常为减少关节前面之角度,有些为减少后面之角度ex桡侧腕屈肌
5. 旋后肌 旋前前臂ex旋后肌
6. 旋前肌 旋后前臂ex旋前圆肌
3. Which area of the body is protected by the muscles listed below?
下列各肌肉保护身体哪范围?(1 marks 1分)
A. External oblique; B. Internal oblique; C. Rectus abdominis
A. 外斜肌 5-12肋软骨 → 髂嵴&白线
B. 内斜肌 9-12肋软骨 → 髂嵴&腹股沟
C. 腹直肌 髂嵴 → 剑突、白线、耻骨

4. a) Label the diagram below 在下图填上各标签的名称 (10 marks 10分)

4. b) Difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, narrowing of airways and Gghtness of

chest, are symptoms of which condiGon? (Gck correct answer below) (1Mark)
(在下面四个选择中“剔”出正确的一项)。 (1分)
A.asthma 哮喘 C.bronchiGs 支气管炎
B.emphysema 气肿 D.tuberculosis 结核病
4. c)When the diaphragm contracts what phase of venGlaGon is taking place?

5. a) What is the name of the process that converts foods into absorbable
将食物转化成可被吸收之营养素的过程叫什么名称? (2 marks 2分)
5. b) Match the terms below 將下列左右兩組資料作配對: (4 marks 4分)
a. Bread and pasta 面包和面食 c. Carbohydrates 碳水化合物
b. Meat 肉类 a. Proteins 蛋白质
c. Vegetable oil 植物油 d. Fats 脂肪
d. Fruits 水果 b. Fructose 果糖
6. Explain why massage can help the condiGons listed below.
解释为何按摩有助改善下列状况。 (5 marks 5分)
1. Muscular spasms in upper back 上半背部肌⾁肉痉挛:
2. Irritable mood 易易激的情绪:
3. Cold hands and feet ⼿手脚冰冷:
4. Muscle atrophy in lower leg ⼩小腿下部肌⾁肉萎缩:
5. Headache caused by sGff neck 因颈梗引致头痛:
7. List 4 precauGons you would take to prevent infecGons in your clinic: (4 marks)
例出4项预防措施防⽌你的诊疗所发⽣感染: (4 分)
1. 确保诊疗室通风良好。
2. 使用精油后,在不同个案疗程之间,皆需彻底洗净双手。
3. 注意个案是否有传染病。
4. 个案衣物、被单使用后即需清洗消毒
8. Which of the condiGons below are parGal or complete contra-indicaGons of
massage?(Gck the correct answers and write your explanaGon for it in space
below) (4 marks)
释你的选择) (4 分)
a. Herpes zoster(shingles) 带状疱疹 b. Lumbago 腰痛
c. Neuralgia 神经痛 d. Ankylosing spondiliGs 强直性脊椎炎
9. Name 2 serious infecGous diseases for which you would have to refer clients to
health authoriGes. (2 marks)
列出两种严重的传染病,是你需要将此病患的顾客转介到卫⽣当局。 (2分)
10. List 4 benefits of Massage: (4 marks)
列出4项按摩的益处: (4分)
11. Which of the following massage type has provided the terminology used to
describe massage strokes? (1 marks)
哪一种按摩已提供了描述按摩动作的专用词? (1分)
a. Swedish Massage瑞典式按摩 c. TherapeuGc Massage治疗性按摩
b. LymphaGc Massage淋巴按摩 d. HolisGc Massage整全性按摩
12. Which of the following working environments is the most difficult to maintain
professional boundaries? (1 marks)
以下哪一种工作环境最难维持专业界线? (1分)
a. Massage therapist clinic按摩治疗师的诊 c. Client’s own home顾客的家中
所 d. Hospitals 医院
b. Place of client’s work 顾客的工作地方
13. Fill the table below 完成以下列表 (10 marks 10分)
Name of Part of hand used to Part of Body FuncGon of stroke
Massage Stroke perform stroke where it is best 这动作的效用
按摩动作名称 施行这动作所运用手的 applied
哪一部分 最适合接受这

Example Both hands curved like a Fleshy 改善微血管的循环,从肺部去除
Cupping cup. muscles of 黏液。
例如:吸拍法 兩手掌曲起如杯狀 the body
Effleurage 手掌、指尖或前臂轻柔 淺層肌肉及深 舒缓及催眠,促进睡眠、舒缓疼
安抚法 而规律的推过皮肤 層肌肉 痛。
Kneading 以虎口和手指将肌肉来 肌肉較厚實的 肌肉放松、促进乳酸代谢、增加
捏法 回施压、揉捏 部位 皮肤及肌肉延展性&弹性。
Petrissage 以虎口和手指将肌肉揉 浅层肌肉及深 放松僵硬肌肉、缓解酸痛、促进
搓揉法 捏、按摩 层肌肉 浅层级深层的血液循环、减轻水
FricGons 以手指指腹或掌面施 浅层肌肉及深 促进表皮的血液循环、增加热
摩擦法 力,以大/小扇形或圆 层肌肉 能、可避免及减缓组织沾黏。
Tapotements 以拳头/手刀/手窝快速 身体多肉处 刺激神经末梢及循环、舒缓酸痛
扣敲打法 拍打或敲击 及麻痺感、恢复肌肉弹性、协助

14. List 10 keys health-related quesGons, you would include at the iniGal consultaGon
with a client? (10 marks)
1. 性别/年龄/体重/BMI
2. 三餐情形
3. 一日饮水量
4. 一日的睡眠时数及睡眠品质
5. 排便/排尿情形
6. 身上是否有任何伤口?
7. 罹患任何疾病?如高血压、糖尿病、脏病等…
8. 血小板凝集功能是否正常/是否有不正常出血情形?
9. 是否处于经期?或已停经?更年期情绪及生理状况?
10. 服用药物或健康食品
11. 心情及烦恼事件

15. List 3 possible adverse reacGons to massage: (3 marks)

列出三項按摩可能引致的不良反應: (3分)
1. 皮膚發炎或過敏
2. 皮下出血
3. 骨折
16. Which of the following below would be considered unprofessional conduct on
the part of the massage therapist: (1 marks)
以下那⼀项被认为是按摩治疗师的不专业⾏为: (1分)
a. Trustworthiness 有可靠性
b. ConfidenGality 有保密性
c. Integrity 诚实正直
d. Giving client’s confidenGal details to third parGes without client’s authorizaGon.

17. Which of the following would be considered inappropriate behavior on the part
of the massage therapist towards their clients: (1 marks)
以下哪一项是按摩治疗师对客人的不适当行为: (1分)
a. DicreGon 谨慎周到 c. ConfidenGally 有保密性
b. Physical inGmacy 身体的亲密 d. Professional Touch 专业的抚触

18. When would you replace your massage towels with fresh ones? (1 marks)
你会何时换上干净的按摩毛巾? (1分)
a. at the start of each treatment c. at the start of each workday
每次护理开始之前 每天工作开始之前
b. When soiled with oil d. When towels are showing stains
当毛巾被油弄脏 当毛巾有污渍时

19. Which temperature (below) is the ideal room temperature for receiving a
massage? (1 marks)
温度⼏度(以下)才是接受按摩的理想室温? (1分)
a. 60℉-65℉(16℃-19℃) c. 75℉-80℉(24℃-27℃)
b. 70℉-80℉(21℃-27℃) d. 70℉-75℉(21℃-24℃)

20. When should the therapist not work on clients? (1 marks)

什么时候治疗师不应为客人服务? (1分)
1. 顾客或芳疗师身患高危险的传染疾病时,如开放性肺结核。
2. 顾客对芳疗师意图不轨,有失尊重时。

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