AGMSS Edited Proposal

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Federal Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institute

Textile and Apparel Fashion Technology Division

B.Sc. Leather and Leather Products Technology

Proposal On

Production Of Prototype Heat Activated Machine






A thesis proposal submitted to the Leather and Leather Products Technology

Department in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in
Leather and Leather Products Technology (in Technical Teacher Education)

Jan, 2020
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

1. Abstract...........................................................................................................................................3
2. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................3
3. Background and Justification...........................................................................................................4
4. Literature of survey.........................................................................................................................5
a. Heat activating machine..................................................................................................................5
b. Adhesive used for sole attaching.....................................................................................................5
c. Surface Treatments.........................................................................................................................6
d. Joining Process.................................................................................................................................6
5. Statement of Problem.....................................................................................................................7
6. Project Objectives............................................................................................................................8
 General Objectives...........................................................................................................................8
 Specific Objectives...........................................................................................................................8
7. Scope of study.................................................................................................................................9
8. Methodology on Data Collection.....................................................................................................9
9. Work plan......................................................................................................................................10
10. Expected out puts from the project...............................................................................................11
11. Benefits and Beneficiaries of This Research Results.....................................................................11
12. Project marketability.....................................................................................................................11
13. Financial Requirements of the proposed research project............................................................12
14. References.....................................................................................................................................13

1. Abstract

Heat activation process is the basic operational process in footwear

manufacturing industries for attaching sole to the lasted upper. In Ethiopian small
scale enterprise’s product or manufactured by using manual attaching method
which is commonly carried out by using glue and hammer and it is activated by
cylinder or bottle gas.

This project will give an alternative heat activation process for the Ethiopian
small scale manufactures to make easy and simple way of production. This project
aim to develop a simple heat activation machine which is easily kept in the lasting
zone. So that the adhesive are reactivated for both lasted upper and sole, then the
sole attaching process is carried out.

In this project the working system of the heat activation is fully electrical
system, but the gluing and hammering system is operated manually by the workers.
The heat activation machine will make the lasting work process easy and
productive by reducing time consumption, material consumption, and labor

2. Introduction

The footwear industry sector is one of the fast-growing economic sectors in

Ethiopia. The Ethiopia footwear industry has grown from two factories in 1991 to
21 today. In this sector we are using many types of machine as well as manpower.
Today the small enterprises are producing different types of shoes. Shoe making
activity passes through different operations. One of the operations is lasing. In
lasting operation different processes are done one of the major process is attaching
the lasted upper on the sole by using of adhesive and heat activating machine. In
shoe making sole attaching with lasted upper is a vital technical operation. Surface
preparation of upper and sole, nature of adhesive, application of adhesive, heat
activation, attaching, pressing and curing are the factors decides the quality of shoe
with respect to sole attaching. Failure in any one of the operations will lead to sole
opening in manufacture and in wear. About 60 % of complaints and returns from
the customers are for sole opening problem of shoes.
3. Background and Justification

Heat activating is a machine which is used to activate the coated upper and
sole with in suitable temperature. Today the 21 factors are used the heat activation
Machine but in the small enterprise they are using for activating the coated upper
and soles are by using cylinder (bottle gas).

Heat activation technique is currently followed for sole attaching. In this

process adhesive applied sole is generally activated at 70C to 80oC for 15 - 20
seconds and attached with upper (pre heated at 60C to 70oC). After attaching the
shoe is pressed for 20 to 25 bars pressure for 15 to 20 seconds. The shoes are
subjected to chilling operation in Chill Master maintained at -5 to -10C for 5
minutes for bond setting of adhesive. In this technique heat has thermal effect on
the sole in heat activation process as heat energy heats all the work material
available in the heating environment. Therefore, there may be chances of material
deterioration due to thermal effect. In spite of protection facilities available in heat
activators, heating of surrounding is taking place while handling the materials.
Loss of energy in this process is unavoidable and will take some resources.

The purpose of this project is production of the prototype of heat activated

machine with useful details concerning the application of heating technique in sole
attaching process in Foot wear Industry. This project will deal with a few points
that seem in a peculiar way to characterize the use of heat activation. In most case
it was seen evident that the reactions were more rapid, clean and with an easier
workup of the final product, saving a great deal of time.

We are hoping to solve that by introducing a new prototype of heat

activating machine and that is easily affordable by the sectors that are using
cylinder (bottle gas).

4. Literature of survey

a. Heat activating machine

PU adhesive reactivating machine is an instantaneous infrared light source,

enabling rapid reheating of the adhesive coated part of the sole and shoe. This
system has the advantage of preventing excessive softening of the sole. This
machine is available in manual and automatic operation. The existing machine is
equipped with devices to allow adjustment of the following:
 Time for switch the lamp
 Reactivation time
 Shoe reactivation temperature
 Distance of sole from lamp
 Tilt angle of sole-holder carriage
 Dimensions: cm 60 x 70 x 137
 Net weigth: kg 95 (209 lbs)
 Gorss weigth with crate: kg 140 (308 lbs)
 Gross weigth with cage: kg 165 (363 lbs)

b. Adhesive used for sole attaching

Solvent-based adhesives are composed of a polymer dissolved in an organic

solvent or mixture of solvents. They are currently the most commonly used
adhesives in the footwear industry and hence are the ones subject to more attention
in this work. Solvent-based PU adhesives are characterized by their flexibility and
performance at low temperatures, the excellent adhesion and cohesion strength,
and also for rapid curing. These adhesives have good wettability in a wide variety
of materials. They form covalent bonds with substrates that have active hydrogen
atoms on the surface.

c. Surface Treatments

The surface treatment for lasted upper and sole is carried out before adhesive
application in order to get strong between to dissimilar material and the poor
bonding of materials in footwear can lead to complaints, order returns and a loss of
reputation. To ensure a correct level of bond strength, surface treatment is often
necessary and it can be a vital step to guarantee the durability and the quality of the
bonded assembly. To generate a good bond, the adhesive must adhere strongly to
the surfaces. The surface treatment must be carefully selected according to the
material. For this reason, it is important to analyze the type of failure that occurs in
the joint when where is premature failure of a joint.

d. Joining Process

The joining procedure

a. Application of adhesive on the upper
b. Application of adhesive on the sole
c. Allow the adhesive to dry, by solvents evaporation, about 5–10min for
solvent-based PU adhesive. For solvent-based PU adhesive, activate
the adhesive by heat (infrared radiation, IR), approximately between
55 and 80C for 2–6s is required. Activation time depends on material
d. Attach the uppers and soles, placing the desired position
e. Pressing for 4–5s at a pressure of approximately 2–4 bar. The press
depends on material nature and hardness.

5. Statement of Problem

In Ethiopia, the small and medium enterprises are producing a shoe and
manufacture of various types of shoe style. The small and medium enterprises shall
predominantly play a great role on the preparation of leather shoe products. Also,
in Federal Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institute the leather
and leather products technology department it has no heat activation Machine.
Because of that the shoes have its own limitations such as poor adhesive bond
strengthens and poor strength properties of the sole as well as the upper and the
delivering of the teaching and learning process is inadequate because of the
limitations of our Machine.

Therefore, attention is invited on this small and medium enterprises

development and to bring the best market for our Machine. The project proposal
aims at the production of the prototype of heat activated machine in order to
overcome the existing limitations and to improve the strength and durability of the
shoe which is produced by the enterprises and fulfill the education of the

Heat Activator with Cylinder or Bottle Gas

6. Project Objectives

 General Objectives
The main objective of the project is to produce the prototype of heat
activated machine.

 Specific Objectives
Ñ To study about the heat activation machine.
Ñ To design the heat activated machine.
Ñ To develop the designed heat activation machine.
Ñ To check the effectiveness of the machine
Ñ To introduce the machine to the manufacturer or enterprises and the

7. Scope of study

The scope of this study is production and the prototype of heat activated
machine based on the study of heat activated machine and develop one products
and skill development and technology will be transfer.

8. Methodology on Data Collection

The project will be done for the experimental and trial. The primary data
collection includes interviews, observation in lasting department. The secondary
source includes internet, books and photos.


In this project direct observation is conducted to assess methods used in

documentation and production process. Carful observation is done different small
enterprises in lasting department.


The design of the interviews was based on the project. Make direct interview
for personnel involved in the lasting sections of selected small enterprise and
interview with the production manager, operates and the FTVETI leather

9. Work plan
No Months
1 Literature search
2 Draft project proposal
3 Submission project proposal
4 Feedback on project proposal
5 Purchase raw material and
6 Reading literature review
7 Feedback on literature review
8 Complete literature review
9 Conduct the project
10 Progress report
11 Draft initial chapter
12 Feedback on initial chapter
13 Draft on the middle chapter
14 Raw material collection and
15 Start developing the machine
16 Draft on final chapter
17 Feedback on final chapter
18 Complete all chapter
19 Testing the machine
20 Proof reading
21 Printing and binding
22 submission
22 Power point preparation
23 Feedback on power point
24 presentation

10.Expected out puts from the project

The following outputs will be expected after successful completion of this

project work

 New quality implementation techniques will be introduced to the enterprise

 Better work efficiency and higher productivity will be achieved by using this
Project machine.
 Advanced activation procedure and will be increasing the quality standards
of the shoe.
 Ethiopian government also well benefits by this project results.
 Profit at all levels
 Skill and technology transfer.
 Creating job opportunity.
 Worker will get more safety benefit.

11.Benefits and Beneficiaries of This Research Results

Basically, this project is designed in order to replace cylinder (bottle gas)

and making them by using locally available resources.
 FTVETI staff and students will benefit from this project.
 Small and medium enterprises
 Government

12.Project marketability

 The technology would definitely catch the attention of entrepreneurs.

 Would add additional value to the enterprises and FTVETI.
 For TVET training.
 Ethiopian Footwear sectors at all level workers.

13.Financial Requirements of the proposed research project Item specification Measuring Total Unit Total specification
unit amount price(birr) price
1. Sheet metal sheet 2 900 1800 mm

2. Flat bar meter 2 370 740 2*30*30*600cm

3. Tube heater Pices 1 1500 1500

4. wire meter 1 100 100 4mm*400mm

5. Plugs Pices 1 50 50 Single phase

6. Temperature Pices 1 1600 1600

7. Chipod sheet 1 400 400

Total 6190


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