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Teaching Practice IV TPS3703

Tutorial Letter 101/0/2021

For doing Teaching methodology 2 FET

(Grade 10-12)
Year module

Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies

This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.

Unique Number: 749538
Lindelo Perfect Zindela
Student no: 64588963

First week of your Teaching Practice, you are expected to observe the school, classroom and
teaching and learning activities. Please fill in these templates fully. For day 2-5, you fill a
separate template for each day. This activity is very important as you get a chance to observe
an experienced teacher whilst planning your own way/style of teaching. Use this opportunity to
pave your own teaching career. This assignment should be submitted at the end of the first
week of your teaching practice.


Date of observation: __10 March 2021_______________Grades: 10

School Enrolment: 1056 Boys: 526 Girls: 530

Respond to questions and provide explanations for question 3 and from 14 to 20.

1. Name of the school Qhobo Junior Secondary contact details 072 149 3162

Email address [email protected]

2. Category (public, independent etc.) Public school

3. Quintile 1

Explain why the school falls under this quintile

The school is situated under poor communities

4. Emis number: 209098

5. Examination number (FET): 3411240

6. Name of the principal: Mrs T.T. Lwandle

7. Name of the SGB chairperson: Miss B.N Dlamini

8. Name of the ward: Ward 1

9. Name of the circuit : Nqutu

10. Name of the district: UMzinyathi

11. Name of the region: Southern region

12. Name of the province: KwaZulu Natal

13. Name of the country: South Africa

14. Describe or make a drawing of the classroom where observation took place (Table,
desks arrangement, cupboards, teaching aids, walls).

Desks are arranged in pairs, everyone faces the front. There are no cupboards, teaching aids are
placed on the teacher’s tables and walls are full of papers pasted.

15. Describe the seating arrangement of the classroom with regards to grouping.

The seating arrangement is very organized and comfortable for each and every learner. Learners are
grouped ion pairs.

16. Discuss whether the classroom is conducive to learning.

(Classroom atmosphere, environment of the classroom, mood).

The classroom is conductive to learning, learners are able to express themselves and they are
always in a mood of learning.

17. Outline how discipline is managed in the classroom.

(Learner’s behaviour, teacher’s and learner’s language, choice of words in questions
and responses)

Learners are well managed, they behave in good manners and they maintain a high standard
of discipline when they talking to each other.

18. Elaborate on contextual factors (internal and external influences), which interrupt the

No contextual factors.

19. Discuss how time is managed with regards to the length of lessons, start and finish of
periods, bells and after break period,

Time table is used for time management to identify the starting and ending time of the periods, break time
and the bell is used to change periods.

20. Describe the relationships between learners themselves and between the teacher and
learners. Are they positive or negative? (Humour, calling of names, favouritism,
tasks/roles distribution).
Relationships between learners themselves, the teachers and the learners is positive, there is no
calling of names, favouritism or humour. Tasks or roles are distributed equally.

(1X20=20 marks)



Date of observation: 11/03/2021 Grade: 12

Subject: Life Science Lesson theme: DNA replication

Total number of learners: 36 Boys: 12 Girls: 24

Provide an answer and explain to show understanding of the context (1 mark each)

1. Provide evidence that the lesson was planned and prepared in a school template?

The lesson plan was stamped from the office which means it was planned and prepared in a
school template.

2. Outline whether the activities of the lessons presented were clear, logical and showed a
sequence with particular reference to the subject that is being observed.
(Background, introduction, new content and summary)

They were clear and logical because the teacher first introduced the topic, gave learners a background
of the topic and finally summarised the lesson.

3. Discuss the content knowledge of the particular subject being used in the lesson.
(Expert, terminology, explanation of the content towards understanding)

Learners takes explanatory notes of the content towards understanding and terms are being explained
for more clarity.

4. Discuss whether resources (audio, visual, audio-visual, printed media) were used
effectively and efficiently.

Only printed media was used effectively and efficiency.

5. Identify the style of teaching/ teaching methods/ teaching strategies

(Role of the teacher, participation of learners associated with the strategy)

The teaching method used was direct teaching where the teacher was directing the class activities and
the students were participating by asking questions and answering questions asked by the teacher.


6. Describe the types of questions posed to learners.

(Level of difficulty, did they vary, learner’s response’s, teacher’s responses

Questions posed to learners they were varying and learners and learners were responding according to
their understanding after that the teacher gives his own responses.

7. Identify the types of assessment activities that were conducted.

(Which classroom exercises, group or individual assessments)

Learners did an individual assessment which the teacher used to check whether learners did
understand what they were learning.

8. Describe which alternative enrichment and remedial activities for diverse learners
were accommodated in this lesson. (Inclusivity)

Learners were given an extra activity where they were expected to do a research based on what they
were learning.

9. Explain how aims and objectives of the lesson were achieved?

Learners were able to do what they could not do before the lesson.

10. Do learners move to other classes or do teachers rotate between classes? Is it working

Teachers rotate between classes and it is working effectively because it doesn’t disturb any
other learning or teaching in progress.

(1X10=10 marks)


Classroom activities (1)

Discuss what activities were learners involved/exposed to?

Learners were involved in class activities (classwork) where they were differentiating DNA and RNA.

Learner participation (2)

State whether learners participated during the lesson. Learners did participate during the lesson.
Justify your answer.

They were asking questions and those who had understood were answering their fellow’s questions.
Classroom environment (2)
Was the learning space conducive to learning? Yes the learning space was conductive to
Support your answer above.

The physical space allows everyone to be free without any disturbance.

Inclusivity (2)
Learners have different learning abilities. Describe how all learners were accommodated during
the lesson.

The teacher made sure that all learners are actively involved in the classroom by allowing them for a
free exchange of ideas. The teacher also avoids interruption while teaching is in progress.

Assessment (1)
Elaborate on the new skills & knowledge learnt from the lesson.

Learners learned new skills of identifying DNA and its structure.

Reflection (2)
What have you learnt from the lesson as a student teacher?

I have learnt that students learn better when the teacher provides with an examples and when he is
using different strategies of leaching.

(10 marks)

Lesson presentation (10 marks) + Learner observation (10 marks) = 20 marks



Date of observation: 12/03/2021 Grade: 10

Subject: life sciences Lesson theme: Plant and Animal cell

Total number of learners: 89 Boys: 37 Girls: 52

Provide an answer and explain to show understanding of the context (1 mark each)

11. Provide evidence that the lesson was planned and prepared in a school template?

The lesson plan was planned, prepared and checked by the HOD.

12. Outline whether the activities of the lessons presented were clear, logical and showed a
sequence with particular reference to the subject that is being observed.
(Background, introduction, new content and summary)

The activities of the lesson were clear and logical, the teacher started from the introduction and finally
summarised the content of the lesson.

13. Discuss the content knowledge of the particular subject being used in the lesson.
(Expert, terminology, explanation of the content towards understan

The teacher wrote down all the terminologies that were important for the particular lesson and explained
the content towards understanding.

14. Discuss whether resources (audio, visual, audio-visual, printed media) were used
effectively and efficiently.

Printed media (textbooks) were used effectively and efficiently.

15. Identify the style of teaching/ teaching methods/ teaching strategies

(Role of the teacher, participation of learners associated with the strategy)

Cooperative learning where students were given an opportunity to work with others.

16. Describe the types of questions posed to learners.

(Level of difficulty, did they vary, learner’s response’s, teacher’s responses

Questions posed to learners were difficult but learner’s responses were very good showing their ability
to memorize and recall terms. Teacher’s responses were based on correcting where learners were
failing to answer.
17. Identify the types of assessment activities that were conducted.
(Which classroom exercises, group or individual assessments)

Performance-based assessment was the only activity that was conducted where leaners working
collaboratively performing a drama they were reading.

18. Describe which alternative enrichment and remedial activities for diverse learners
were accommodated in this lesson. (Inclusivity)

The teacher related learning to new areas and constructed question and answer sessions to ensure
every student receive individual attention.

19. Explain how aims and objectives of the lesson were achieved?

Aims and objectives were achieved by assessment to prove that the students have met the
desired outcomes.

20. Do learners move to other classes or do teachers rotate between classes? Is it working

Teachers rotate between the classes and work effectively to avoid noise and interruptions.

(1X10=10 marks)

Classroom activities (1)

Discuss what activities were learners involved/exposed to?

Learners were given class activity to complete individually.

Learner participation (2)

State whether learners participated during the lesson. Learners did participate during the lesson.
Justify your answer.

Learners asked questions during the lesson and they were also exchanging their points of views with
each other.

Classroom environment (2)

Was the learning space conducive to learning? No the learning space was not conductive to
Support your answer above.

Every possible area of the class is used to create an atmosphere that encourages participation and
learning but the class was over crowded.

Inclusivity (2)
Learners have different learning abilities. Describe how all learners were accommodated during
the lesson.

The teacher knew the different learning styles/abilities then he gave them the freedom to work on their
own pace.

Assessment (1)
Elaborate on the new skills & knowledge learnt from the lesson.

Learners gained new skills and knowledge on how to label and differentiate between the plant and the
animal cell .

Reflection (2)
What have you learnt from the lesson as a student teacher?

As a student teacher I have learned that it is more important to understand your learners and their
learning styles to be able to accommodate them all.

(10 marks)

Lesson presentation (10 marks) + Learner observation (10 marks) = 20 marks



Date of observation: 15/03/2021 Grade: 12 _____

Subject: _ Life Science Lesson theme: Meiosis

Total number of learners: 36 Boys: 12 Girls: 24

Provide an answer and explain to show understanding of the context (1 mark each)

21. Provide evidence that the lesson was planned and prepared in a school template?

The lesson plan was checked and stamped by the HOD.

22. Outline whether the activities of the lessons presented were clear, logical and showed a
sequence with particular reference to the subject that is being observed.
(Background, introduction, new content and summary)

The lesson was clear and logical because the teacher started from the introduction where described
meiosis, gave them background and made a summary notes.

23. Discuss the content knowledge of the particular subject being used in the lesson.
(Expert, terminology, explanation of the content towards understanding)

Terms based on the content were explained towards understanding to improve an understanding of the

24. Discuss whether resources (audio, visual, audio-visual, printed media) were used
effectively and efficiently.

Textbooks (printed media) were the only resource used effectively and efficiently.

25. Identify the style of teaching/ teaching methods/ teaching strategies

(Role of the teacher, participation of learners associated with the strategy)

The teacher used differentiated instruction to adjust the curriculum for a lesson and learners were all
participating to show their engagement.

26. Describe the types of questions posed to learners.

(Level of difficulty, did they vary, learner’s response’s, teacher’s responses

Questions posed to learners did vary and learner’s responses showed that they understand while the
teacher was responding to difficult questions.

27. Identify the types of assessment activities that were conducted.

(Which classroom exercises, group or individual assessments)

Learners were grouped and given a class test from their textbooks to discuss about it.

28. Describe which alternative enrichment and remedial activities for diverse learners
were accommodated in this lesson. (Inclusivity)

Learners were given extra activities to complete at home.

29. Explain how aims and objectives of the lesson were achieved?

Learners were tested individually to check their understanding.

30. Do learners move to other classes or do teachers rotate between classes? Is it working

Teachers rotate between classes and it is working effectively on preventing any disturbances.

(1X10=10 marks)

Classroom activities (1)

Discuss what activities were learners involved/exposed to?

Learners were involved in class activities where they were responding to questions based on meiosis.

Learner participation (2)

State whether learners participated during the lesson. Learners did participate during the lesson.
Justify your answer.

Learners were asking questions where they did not understand and those who understood were the one
answering questions.

Classroom environment (2)

Was the learning space conducive to learning? Yes the learning space was conductive to
Support your answer above.

The space between the tables allows a free movement of learners and teachers.

Inclusivity (2)
Learners have different learning abilities. Describe how all learners were accommodated during
the lesson.

The teacher used different learning styles to accommodate everyone.

Assessment (1)
Elaborate on the new skills & knowledge learnt from the lesson.

Learners gained the new knowledge on how chromosomes work and how cell division takes place.

Reflection (2)
What have you learnt from the lesson as a student teacher?

As a student teacher I have learned how to make your classroom conductive to learning, how and where
it helps.

(10 marks)

Lesson presentation (10 marks) + Learner observation (10 marks) = 20 marks



Date of observation: _____16/03/2021____________Grade: 11_________

Subject: _ life sciences Lesson theme: microorganisms and reproduction in plants

Total number of learners: 38 Boys: 21 Girls: 17

Provide an answer and explain to show understanding of the context (1 mark each)

31. Provide evidence that the lesson was planned and prepared in a school template?

The lesson was planned using caps document and it was stamped.

32. Outline whether the activities of the lessons presented were clear, logical and showed a
sequence with particular reference to the subject that is being observed.
(Background, introduction, new content and summary)

The activities of the lesson were clear and logical. The teacher introduced the lesson theme and offered
background to learners.

33. Discuss the content knowledge of the particular subject being used in the lesson.
(Expert, terminology, explanation of the content towards understanding)

The teacher used English language terminology and content explanation towards understanding.

34. Discuss whether resources (audio, visual, audio-visual, printed media) were used
effectively and efficiently.

The teacher used printed media (textbooks) to demonstrate important concepts and a format of a formal

35. Identify the style of teaching/ teaching methods/ teaching strategies

(Role of the teacher, participation of learners associated with the strategy)

Learner cantered approach where learners were engaged in deep thinking.

36. Describe the types of questions posed to learners.

(Level of difficulty, did they vary, learner’s response’s, teacher’s responses

Questions posed to learners were simple and related to the lesson theme. Teachers and learners
responses were very good.
37. Identify the types of assessment activities that were conducted.
(Which classroom exercises, group or individual assessments)

Learners were given a class work activity to complete individually.

38. Describe which alternative enrichment and remedial activities for diverse learners
were accommodated in this lesson. (Inclusivity)

Expansion activities were used to increase learner’s knowledge and skills.

39. Explain how aims and objectives of the lesson were achieved?

Aims and objectives were achieved by enabling learners to present what they have learned and
they did it successfully.

40. Do learners move to other classes or do teachers rotate between classes? Is it working

Teachers rotate between classes and it is working effectively because its avoids the bustle of

(1X10=10 marks)

Classroom activities (1)

Discuss what activities were learners involved/exposed to?

Learners were involved in a class activity where they were doing an individual work.

Learner participation (2)

State whether learners participated during the lesson. Learners did participate during the lesson.
Justify your answer.

They were raising their hands asking questions where they did not understand. They were also
answering questions from the teacher.

Classroom environment (2)

Was the learning space conducive to learning? Yes the learning space was conductive to
Support your answer above.

The classroom space was allowing for free movement and the classroom environment was good for

Inclusivity (2)
Learners have different learning abilities. Describe how all learners were accommodated during
the lesson.

Learners were being attended according to their learning needs. Special attention was given to those
who needed it.

Assessment (1)
Elaborate on the new skills & knowledge learnt from the lesson.

Learners gained a knowledge on how reproduction takes place in plants.

Reflection (2)
What have you learnt from the lesson as a student teacher?

I have learned that it is important to access your learners after teaching in order to see whether your
aims and objectives were achieved.

(10 marks)

Lesson presentation (10 marks) + Learner observation (10 marks) = 20 marks


Total = 91 / 100 (91%)

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