Advanced Punctuation
What is
Punctuation plays an important role in organising your written content. In the chapter on basic
punctuation, you studied about using the full stop, the exclamation mark, the question mark, the comma,
quotation marks and capitalisation. In this chapter, we will study and understand the use of
The Semicolon
The Colon
The Apostrophe
Brackets ( ) [ ]
Round brackets ( ) are used to include non-essential information in a sentence. They are also called
Mount Everest (8,848 m) is located in the Himalayas.
Round brackets are also used to enclose the comments of the writer.
Shivani threw tantrums (as a habit) at the launch party.
Semicolon (;)
A semicolon marks a stronger pause than a comma but is weaker than a full stop. A semicolon is used
Grammer | Punctuations
The senior classes are allowed to go to the canteen for lunch; the lower classes must eat in
their luncheon cube.
Colon (:)
A colon is used
To introduce a list after an independent clause
The restaurant specialises in three cuisines: Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese.
Do not use a colon when the listed items are incorporated into a simple sentence.
Correct: The therapist dealt with patients suffering from anxiety, depression and memory loss.
Incorrect: The therapist dealt with patients suffering from: anxiety, depression and memory loss.
Between independent clauses when the second explains or illustrates the first
Terrence has very little time to learn French: his new job starts next week.
All three of her grandchildren are involved in philanthropy: Bernard heads an NGO, Jasmine
donates 20% of her annual income to UNICEF and William teaches blind children for free.
Grammer | Punctuations
My father’s reaction after I told him that the bus school fees would be hiked next month: “Take away all
my money!”
Apostrophe (’)
An apostrophe is used
To show possession
Sujata’s gift was delivered in the morning.
The twins’ parents were worried about the children’s health.
He’d sit on the shore for hours watching his pet dog play with the waves.
He would sit on the shore for hours watching his pet dog play with the waves.
The word ‘it’s’ doesn’t refer to a possessive form. The possessive form is ‘its’ and it
doesn’t take an apostrophe.
The car wasn’t looking bright red anymore. Its colour had started to fade in the sunlight.
This is my car. It’s an SUV. (it’s = it is)
Grammer | Punctuations
Basic Punctuation
What is Punctuation?
Sentence 2 is clearer in readability compared to sentence 1 as punctuation has been correctly used.
Therefore, punctuation is used to clearly communicate the meaning of a sentence.
Let us look at some basic punctuation marks.
Grammer | Punctuations
Basic Punctuation
The full stop is also used when writing time using the British English convention.
British English: 10.30 a.m., 07.15 P.M.
American English: 10:30 am, 07:15 PM
Writing a word with its first letter as a capital letter and the remaining in lower case is known as
Capitalise the first word of every sentence
Prof. Diwan went to the library.
We all would like to wait for the guests.
Grammer | Punctuations
Capitalise the first letter of nationalities, religions, races of people and languages
My uncle is a Turkish man who settled in India.
Dhruv was a Muslim boy adopted by Hindu parents.
My cousin speaks Spanish, Sanskrit and Portuguese fluently.
The skeletal remains belonged to the Mongolian race.
Holi is a festival of colours.
Grammer | Punctuations
Quotation marks (“ ”) (‘ ’)
Use double quotation marks (“ ”) to
Enclose direct speech
“I am going to the departmental store in the evening,” Farhan told Riya.
“William,” Jeremy called out from the library, “Your books are here on the table.”
Grammer | Punctuations
Comma (,)
A comma is used within a sentence to introduce a pause.
Use a comma to
Separate words and word groups in a series
We bought carrots, potatoes, onions and beetroots.
The dying man nominated his son, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brother and nephew as the
inheritors of his estate.
Separate the words like yes or no from the rest of the sentence
Yes, I have finished doing my homework.
No, that is not how you play with your pet.
Separate the date and the year when written in the MMDDYY form
I was born on June 4, 1998.
The full stop, capitalisation, question mark, exclamation mark, quotation marks and comma are basic
punctuation marks used in English. Punctuation marks are used in written text to separate sentences
and mark pauses to make the content clearer in terms of readability.