ML Fundamentals

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In a machine learning interview with Progressive Leasing, you can expect questions that

cover fundamental concepts as well as practical applications of machine learning

techniques. Here are some key topics and example questions that could be asked:

1. Basic Concepts:
Definition of Machine Learning: Explain what machine learning is and how it differs from
traditional programming.
a. Programming Paradigm: In traditional programming, explicit instructions and rules and
logic are hard coded.
vs. Machine Learning: Algorithms are designed to learn patterns and rules from data rather
than being explicitly programmed

b. Programming has little flexibility: Fixed, without rewriting code

vs. Machine Learning - Models can adapt and improve their performance over time , by
generalizing patterns from the training data

c. Feedback Loop:
Traditional Programming: Feedback on the performance of a traditional program is typically
based on how well it adheres to predefined requirements and specifications.
Machine Learning: Feedback in machine learning is based on the accuracy of predictions or
decisions made by the model on new data. This feedback loop is crucial for improving the
model's performance through iterative training and adjustment of parameters.

Types of Machine Learning: Understand the difference between supervised, unsupervised,

and reinforcement learning.

Example Question: "Can you explain the difference between supervised and unsupervised
learning? Provide examples of each."

Bias-Variance Tradeoff: Explain the concept of bias and variance in machine learning
models and how they affect model performance.

Example Question: "What is the bias-variance tradeoff? How do you balance bias and
variance in machine learning models?"

Two different sources of error .
Bias refers to the error introduced by approximating a real-world problem with a simplified
model. A high bias means the model is too simplistic and fails to capture the underlying
patterns in the data

Variance refers to the sensitivity of a model to the specific noise or fluctuations in the
training data. A high variance means the model is highly sensitive to noise and changes in
the training data.
Bias-Variance Tradeoff Curve: Evaluate different models and understand their bias-variance
tradeoff. Typically, as model complexity increases (e.g., adding more features or increasing
model capacity), bias decreases but variance increases.

A. Bias refers to the error introduced by the simplifying assumptions made by a model. It is
usually assessed by comparing the average prediction of the model to the true values in the
training set.
i. Compute the bias as the average of differences between predicted vs. actual:
bias = np.mean(predictions_train - y_train)
print(f"Bias: {bias}")

ii. For a BINARY TARGET, If the model has high precision but low recall, it might
be biased towards predicting emails as non-spam (false negatives are higher).

B. Calculate Variance: Compute the variance as the average variance of predictions across
different folds or subsets of the training data.
i. For a BINARY TARGET, use variance of Predicted Probabilities: For each
instance in the validation set, the classifier outputs a probability score indicating the
likelihood of belonging to the positive class.

C. High Bias: If the bias is significantly non-zero, it indicates that the model is underfitting
the training data and is not capturing the underlying patterns well enough.

D. High Variance: If the variance is high, it suggests that the model is overly sensitive to the
noise in the training data and may be overfitting
Balancing bias and variance involves finding the optimal level of model complexity that
minimizes both sources of error

2. Model Evaluation and Metrics:

Evaluation Metrics: Understand common metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall,
F1-score, ROC-AUC, and when to use each.

Example Question: "What metrics would you use to evaluate a binary classification model?
Explain why you would choose those metrics."

Cross-Validation: Explain the purpose of cross-validation and its importance in model


Example Question: "Why is cross-validation important in machine learning? Describe a few

types of cross-validation techniques."
Importance of Cross-Validation:
Performance Estimation:
Cross-validation provides a more reliable estimate of model performance compared to using
a single train-test split. It helps in assessing how well the model generalizes to unseen data
by averaging performance metrics across multiple validation sets.

It aids in selecting optimal hyperparameters (e.g., regularization strength, learning rate) by

repeatedly training and evaluating the model on different subsets of data. This helps in
choosing hyperparameters that generalize well.

Cross-validation helps compare different models or algorithms effectively. By applying the

same cross-validation procedure to multiple models, you can identify which model performs
best on average across different validation sets.

It maximizes the use of available data. Instead of splitting the data into a single train-test
set, cross-validation allows each data point to be used for both training and validation
across different folds.

3. Feature Engineering:
Definition and Importance: Explain what feature engineering is and why it is crucial in
machine learning.

Example Question: "What is feature engineering, and why is it important in machine


Techniques: Describe common feature engineering techniques such as encoding

categorical variables, handling missing data, scaling numerical features, etc.

Example Question: "How would you handle missing data in a dataset before applying
machine learning algorithms?"

4. Model Selection and Tuning:

Model Selection: Understand different types of models (e.g., linear regression, decision
trees, SVMs, neural networks) and their strengths and weaknesses.

Example Question: "When would you choose a decision tree model over a support vector
machine (SVM)?"

Choosing between a decision tree model and a support vector machine (SVM) depends on
several factors related to the dataset, problem requirements, and computational
considerations. Here are some scenarios where you might prefer a decision tree over an

When to Choose a Decision Tree:


Requirement: If interpretability of the model is crucial, decision trees are often preferred.
Decision trees provide clear, interpretable rules that can be easily understood and
visualized. Each node in the tree represents a decision point based on a feature, making it
straightforward to explain how predictions are made.
Feature Importance:

Need to Rank Features: Decision trees inherently rank features by their importance in the
classification or regression task. This can provide insights into which features are most
relevant for making predictions.
Handling Non-linear Relationships:

Non-linear Data: Decision trees can model complex non-linear relationships in the data
without requiring explicit transformation of features. They can capture interactions between
variables effectively.
Handling Missing Values:

Robustness to Missing Data: Decision trees can handle missing values in the dataset by
making decisions based on available information at each node. This reduces the need for
imputation techniques.

Scalability to Large Datasets: Decision trees can handle large datasets efficiently, especially
with modern algorithms like random forests and gradient boosting machines, which
aggregate multiple decision trees for improved performance.


High-Dimensional Space:

Complex Feature Space: SVMs perform well in high-dimensional spaces, where the number
of dimensions (features) is large compared to the number of samples. They are effective in
scenarios such as text classification or image recognition where feature spaces can be
Linear Separability:

Linearly Separable Data: SVMs work best when the data is linearly separable or can be
transformed into a linearly separable space using kernel methods (e.g., polynomial kernel,
radial basis function kernel).
Generalization Performance:

Optimal Margin: SVMs aim to find the hyperplane that maximizes the margin between
classes, leading to good generalization performance and robustness against overfitting,
especially in scenarios with limited training data.

Control over Overfitting: SVMs offer a regularization parameter (C parameter in SVM with
linear kernel) that allows controlling the trade-off between achieving a low training error and
maximizing the margin.
Small to Medium-Sized Datasets:
Efficient Training: SVMs can efficiently handle small to medium-sized datasets with
moderate computational resources, especially when using efficient implementations such as
SVM with linear kernel.
Considerations for Choosing:
Data Complexity: Assess the complexity of your dataset, including the number of features,
presence of non-linear relationships, and data size.

Model Requirements: Consider whether interpretability, feature importance ranking, or

handling of missing values are critical for your application.

Computational Resources: Evaluate the computational cost and scalability of each model,
especially with respect to large datasets or real-time prediction requirements.

In summary, choose a decision tree model when interpretability, feature importance, and
handling of non-linear relationships are priorities. Opt for an SVM when dealing with
high-dimensional spaces, linearly separable data, and the need for optimal margin and
regularization. Understanding these differences helps in selecting the appropriate model
based on the specific characteristics and requirements of your machine learning problem.

Hyperparameter Tuning: Explain the concept of hyperparameters and techniques like grid
search and random search for tuning them.

Example Question: "How does hyperparameter tuning improve model performance?

Describe a method you would use to tune hyperparameters."

5. Deployment and Production Considerations:

Model Deployment: Understand considerations for deploying machine learning models into
production, including scalability, monitoring, and maintenance.

Example Question: "What are some challenges you might face when deploying a machine
learning model into production?"

6. Practical Applications and Case Studies:

Real-world Problem Solving: Be prepared to discuss how you would approach a specific
machine learning problem or case study related to Progressive Leasing's business domain
(e.g., credit risk assessment, customer segmentation).

Example Question: "How would you build a machine learning model to predict credit risk for
leasing transactions? What data would you use, and how would you evaluate the model's
Building a machine learning model to predict credit risk for leasing transactions involves
several key steps, from data preparation to model evaluation. Here’s a structured approach
to achieve this:

1. Data Collection and Preparation:

Data Sources: Gather relevant data such as customer demographics (age, income,
employment status), credit history (credit score, past defaults), transaction details (lease
amount, duration), and any other relevant financial indicators.

Data Cleaning: Preprocess the data to handle missing values, outliers, and ensure
consistency. Perform feature engineering to create new features if necessary (e.g.,
debt-to-income ratio, loan-to-value ratio).

Feature Selection: Select features that are most predictive of credit risk based on domain
knowledge and exploratory data analysis.

2. Model Selection and Training:

Model Choice: Depending on the nature of the data and problem, consider models like
logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, gradient boosting machines (GBM), or
even neural networks.

Train-Validation Split: Split the dataset into training and validation sets (e.g., 70% training,
30% validation) to train the model and evaluate its performance.

Model Training: Train the chosen model on the training dataset using appropriate
techniques such as cross-validation for hyperparameter tuning to optimize model

3. Model Evaluation:
Performance Metrics: Evaluate the model’s performance using appropriate metrics for
binary classification problems:

Accuracy: Overall correctness of predictions.

Precision and Recall: Precision measures the accuracy of positive predictions, while recall
measures the coverage of positive instances.
F1-Score: Harmonic mean of precision and recall.
ROC-AUC (Receiver Operating Characteristic - Area Under the Curve): Measures the
model's ability to discriminate between classes across different thresholds.
Confusion Matrix: Analyze the confusion matrix to understand true positives, true negatives,
false positives, and false negatives.

Imbalanced Data: Address class imbalance if present by using techniques such as
oversampling minority class, undersampling majority class, or using class-weighted models.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

concerning data privacy and fairness in credit assessments.

Model Interpretability: For regulatory reasons or customer transparency, consider using

interpretable models (e.g., logistic regression, decision trees) rather than black-box models
like neural networks.

Business Metrics: Consider business-specific metrics like profit curves or cost-benefit

analysis if applicable (e.g., financial cost of misclassifications).

4. Model Deployment and Monitoring:

Deployment: Deploy the trained model into a production environment where it can make
real-time predictions on new leasing transactions.

Monitoring: Continuously monitor the model’s performance over time to ensure it remains
accurate and reliable. This may involve periodic retraining with new data or model updates.

5. When should u use random forest regression v. linear regression

Deciding between Random Forest Regression and Linear Regression depends on the
characteristics of your data, the nature of the relationship between variables, and the
specific goals of your predictive modeling task. Here’s a guideline on when to use each:

Use Random Forest Regression when:

1. Non-linear Relationships:

a. Requirement: Your data exhibits complex, non-linear relationships between the

features and the target variable.
b. Reason: Random Forests can capture non-linearities and interactions between
features more effectively than linear regression, which assumes a linear relationship.

2. Feature Importance:

a. Requirement: You need to understand the relative importance of different

features in making predictions.
b. Reason: Random Forests provide feature importance scores, allowing you to
identify which features contribute most to the prediction.

3. Robustness to Outliers:

a. Requirement: Your dataset contains outliers or noisy data points.

b. Reason: Random Forests are less sensitive to outliers compared to linear regression,
which can be heavily influenced by extreme values.

4 .Handling Missing Data:

a. Requirement: Your dataset has missing values that need to be handled effectively.
b. Reason: Random Forests can handle missing data without requiring imputation, as they
use averages of other trees to replace missing values during prediction.

5. Predictive Power:

a. Requirement: You prioritize predictive accuracy over model interpretability.

b. Reason: Random Forests typically offer higher predictive accuracy for complex,
high-dimensional datasets compared to linear regression.

Use Linear Regression when:

1. Linear Relationships:

a. Requirement: The relationship between your features and the target variable is linear or
can be reasonably approximated by a linear model.
b. Reason: Linear regression provides a clear interpretation of coefficients, indicating the
direction and magnitude of the effect of each feature on the target variable.

2. Interpretability:

a. Requirement: You need a model that is easy to interpret and explain to stakeholders.
b. Reason: Linear regression provides explicit formulas to explain predictions, making it
straightforward to understand how changes in input variables affect the output.

3. Computational Efficiency:

a. Requirement: You have a large dataset and computational efficiency is crucial.

b. Reason: Linear regression is computationally less expensive compared to training and
tuning Random Forests, especially on large-scale data.

4. Assumptions of Linearity:

Requirement: Your data satisfies the assumptions of linear regression, such as normality of
residuals and independence of errors.
Reason: Linear regression performs well under these assumptions and can provide reliable
estimates of coefficients and statistical significance.

5. Baseline Model:

a. Requirement: You need a simple baseline model for comparison or as a starting point in
model development.
b. Reason: Linear regression is often used as a baseline model due to its simplicity and
ease of implementation.

Model Evaluation: Always evaluate both models (and potentially others) using appropriate
metrics and validation techniques to determine which performs best for your specific dataset
and objectives.

Hybrid Approaches: In some cases, a hybrid approach where predictions from both models
are combined (ensemble methods) might provide better performance than either model

Domain Knowledge: Consider the domain expertise and interpretability needs of

stakeholders when deciding between these models.
By carefully assessing the characteristics of your data and aligning them with the strengths
of each model, you can make an informed decision on whether to use Random Forest
Regression or Linear Regression for your predictive modeling task.

6. Comparison of Random Forest v. XGBoost during real time predictions:

a. Speed: XGBoost tends to be faster than Random Forests during inference for several

i. XGBoost optimizes the decision tree building process with advanced

techniques like gradient boosting, which improves computational efficiency.
Random Forests may require more computations due to the need to evaluate
predictions across multiple trees independently.

ii.Inference with XGBoost involves sequentially applying each tree in the

ensemble to the input data and aggregating predictions. The computational efficiency during
prediction is generally high due to optimized tree structures and the use of
efficient data structures like column blocks

iii. Both Random Forests and XGBoost can make predictions efficiently, but
XGBoost tends to have a slight edge due to its optimized tree structures and the ability to
perform predictions in parallel when using multi-core processors.

b. Implementation and Optimization: Efficient implementations of XGBoost, such as those

utilizing parallel processing and optimized data structures, can further enhance its speed
compared to standard implementations of Random Forests.

c. Use Case Considerations: While XGBoost is generally faster, Random Forests might still
be preferable in scenarios where interpretability of individual trees or robustness to outliers
is critical.

7. SVM v. Random Forest and XGBoost at prediction turnaround time:

a. SVM is FASTER than both at predictions. It uses the support vectors which are a small
fraction of all datapoints.

b. SVM is SLOWER to train than Random Forest and XGBoost, and requires lots of RAM -
so may not work for bigger datasets.

8. ChatGPT
Interpreting coefficients of logistic regression for categorical and boolean variables involves
understanding how these variables are encoded in the model and how their coefficients
relate to the log-odds of the target variable being in a particular category or having a
particular value.
Categorical Variables:
For categorical variables with k levels (or categories), logistic regression typically uses k−1
dummy variables to represent them. Let's denote a categorical variable X with k categories
as X1,X2,...,Xk−1X_1, X_2, ..., X_{k-1}X1,X2,...,Xk−1, where Xi indicates whether the
observation belongs to category i (compared to a reference category, often the first one).
• In logistic regression, when you have categorical variables with more than two
levels (also known as multinomial logistic regression), the coefficients (or parameters)
associated with each category represent the change in log-odds of the target variable being
in that category compared to a reference category, while holding all other variables constant

In summary, in binary logistic regression, the coefficients associated with categorical

predictors indicate the change in log-odds of the target variable being 1 (success)
compared to the reference category of the predictor variable, when moving from the
reference category to each respective category. This interpretation helps understand how
different categories of a predictor influence the probability of the binary outcome.

• Interpretation: Each coefficient βi associated with Xi represents the change in the

log-odds of the target variable for category i compared to the reference category.
Specifically, exp(βi) gives the odds ratio for being in category i versus the reference
category, holding other variables constant.

• Example: If X2 has a coefficient β2=0.5 then exp(0.5)=1.648 This means that the
odds of the target variable being in category 2 are 1.648 times higher than the odds of it
being in the reference category.

Boolean (Binary) Variables:

In short, a coefficient of 0.5 for a binary predictor variable in logistic regression indicates that
setting the binary variable
X to 1 (versus 0) increases the log-odds (and thus the odds) of the target variable being in
category 1 (success)
by 0.5 units or approximately 50%, holding all other variables constant.
When interpreting logistic regression coefficients, the exponentiated coefficient (obtained by
taking the exponential function 𝑒^𝛽 of the coefficient value) gives the odds ratio associated
with the predictor variable

Boolean variables, which take values of 0 or 1, are straightforward in logistic regression:

• Interpretation: The coefficient β associated with a boolean variable X represents
the change in the log-odds of the target variable for a unit increase in X from 0 to 1.
• Example: If X has a coefficient β=0.3, then exp(0.3)=1.349. This means that the
odds of the target variable being 1 (or the event occurring) increase by a factor of 1.349
when X changes from 0 to 1, holding other variables constant.
Overall Interpretation Tips:
1. Sign of Coefficient: A positive coefficient (β>0) indicates that an increase in the
predictor variable is associated with an increase in the log-odds of the target variable being
in the positive category (or category 1 for categorical variables). A negative coefficient (β<0)
indicates the opposite.
2. Magnitude of Coefficient: The magnitude of the coefficient β\betaβ indicates the
strength of the relationship between the predictor variable and the log-odds of the target
variable. Larger magnitudes suggest stronger associations.
3. Odds Ratio (for categorical variables): For categorical variables, exp(βi) provides
the odds ratio comparing the odds of being in category i versus the reference category.
4. Contextual Understanding: Interpret coefficients in the context of the specific
problem and dataset. Consider the scale and nature of the variables to provide meaningful
By interpreting the coefficients of logistic regression in this manner, you can gain insights
into how each predictor variable contributes to predicting the outcome of interest, whether
they are categorical variables with multiple levels or boolean variables.

Numeric variables:
Specifically, 𝛽1 indicates the expected change in the log-odds of the target variable for a
one-unit increase in x.

9. Logistic regression does NOT assume a linear relationship between predictors

(independent variables) and the log-odds of the target variable (dependent variable).
Instead, logistic regression models the log-odds (logit) of the probability of the target
variable being in a particular category (typically 1 in binary logistic regression) as a linear
combination of the predictors.
Linearity Assumption: The linearity assumption in logistic regression means that the
log-odds (logit) of the probability p are modeled as a linear function of the predictors
x1,x2,…,x_1, x_2, x_n. This assumption states that the effect of each predictor on the
log-odds of the target variable is constant and additiv

Logistic regression does not make many of the key assumptions of linear regression and
general linear models that are based on ordinary least squares algorithms – particularly
regarding linearity, normality, homoscedasticity, and measurement level.

First, logistic regression does not require a linear relationship between the dependent and
independent variables. Second, the error terms (residuals) do not need to be normally
distributed. Third, homoscedasticity is not required. Finally, the dependent variable in
logistic regression is not measured on an interval or ratio scale.

However, some other assumptions still apply.

First, binary logistic regression requires the dependent variable to be binary and ordinal
logistic regression requires the dependent variable to be ordinal.

Second, logistic regression requires the observations to be independent of each other. In

other words, the observations should not come from repeated measurements or matched

Third, logistic regression requires there to be little or no multicollinearity among the

independent variables. This means that the independent variables should not be too highly
correlated with each other.

**Fourth, logistic regression assumes linearity of independent variables and log odds of the
dependent variable.
Although this analysis does not require the dependent and independent variables to be
related linearly, it requires that the independent variables are linearly related to the log odds
of the dependent variable.

Finally, logistic regression typically requires a large sample size. A general guideline is that
you need at minimum of 10 cases with the least frequent outcome for each independent
variable in your model. For example, if you have 5 independent variables and the expected
probability of your least frequent outcome is .10, then you would need a minimum sample
size of 500 (10*5 / .10).

-One very useful notion of the likelihood of an event is the odds. The odds of an event
is the ratio of the probability of the event occurring to the probability of the event not
occurring. So, for example, if the event has an 80% probability of occurrence, the odds
are 80:20 or 4:1.

10. Progressive Leasing, being a company involved in lease-to-own financing primarily for
consumers with low credit scores, would likely employ and build machine learning models
tailored to various aspects of their business operations. Here are some types of machine
learning models Progressive Leasing might utilize:

Risk Assessment Models:

Logistic Regression: Predicting the likelihood of default on lease agreements based on

customer attributes such as credit history, income, employment status, etc.
Random Forests: Handling categorical variables and interactions between features to
assess credit risk and make decisions on lease approvals.
Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs): Building ensemble models to improve predictive
accuracy for risk assessment by combining multiple weak learners.
Customer Segmentation and Targeting:

Clustering Algorithms: Identifying customer segments based on behaviors, demographics,

or transactional data to tailor marketing strategies or lease offers.
Recommendation Systems: Using collaborative filtering or content-based approaches to
recommend lease options based on customer preferences and historical data.
Fraud Detection and Prevention:

Anomaly Detection Models: Detecting unusual patterns in lease applications or

transactional behavior that may indicate fraudulent activities.
Decision Trees: Building rules-based models to classify transactions as potentially
fraudulent or legitimate based on historical fraud patterns.
Demand Forecasting and Inventory Management:

Time Series Forecasting: Predicting demand for lease products based on historical sales
data, seasonality, and external factors like economic indicators.
Optimization Models: Balancing inventory levels and lease approvals to minimize stockouts
and maximize lease acceptance rates.
Customer Lifetime Value Prediction:
Regression Models: Estimating the expected revenue from a customer over their entire
leasing period based on historical customer behavior and demographics.
Survival Analysis: Predicting the likelihood of customers staying with Progressive Leasing
over time, considering lease renewal patterns and customer churn.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Customer Interactions:

Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing customer feedback, emails, or call transcripts to understand

customer satisfaction and identify potential issues.
Chatbot and Customer Support Automation: Using NLP models to automate responses and
improve efficiency in handling customer inquiries.
Operational Efficiency and Optimization:

Optimization Algorithms: Improving lease approval processes, logistics planning, and

resource allocation using techniques like linear programming or simulation models.
These models would support Progressive Leasing in enhancing customer experience,
mitigating risk, improving operational efficiency, and ultimately driving business growth in the
competitive lease-to-own market.

11. Here are some likely interview questions related to recommender systems:

Basic Concepts:

What is a recommender system? Can you explain the main types of recommender

a. Collaborative Filtering: Collaborative filtering methods recommend items based on the
preferences of other users. They do not require item or user attributes but instead rely on
historical user-item interactions

i.User-Based Collaborative Filtering: Recommends items to a user that similar

users have liked or interacted with. It computes similarities between users based on their
item ratings. To recommend items to a target user, UBCF identifies users who are most
similar to the target user based on their historical interactions with items. These similar
users are referred to as neighbors. Items that the neighbors have rated highly or interacted
with positively, and that the target user has not yet interacted with, are recommended to the
target user.

ii.Item-Based Collaborative Filtering: Recommends items that are similar to those

that a user has liked or interacted with in the past. It computes similarities between items
based on user ratings. In short, Construct a matrix M where rows represent users and
columns represent items. For each pair of items i and 𝑗, compute a similarity score based
on their user ratings (via cosine similarity for example). Typically, the k most similar items to
item i are selected based on their similarity scores
--Note that item interaction can include: likes, views, purchases, and RATINGS.
b. Content-Based Filtering: Content-based filtering recommends items based on the
features or attributes of the items themselves and the user's past behavior or preferences.

i. It creates user profiles based on item attributes and recommends items that
match the user's profile.
a. Historical Data: User interactions with items (e.g., ratings,
purchases, views).
b. Explicit Feedback: User-provided ratings or explicit preferences for
certain attributes (e.g., genres they like).
c. Implicit Feedback: Indicators of preference inferred from user
behavior (e.g., time spent on an item page, clicks).

ii.Content-based methods do not require interactions between users and can

handle the COLD START problem (new users or new items). Content-based filtering can
mitigate the cold start problem for new users by recommending items based on their
expressed preferences or attributes they indicate interest in.

c. Matrix Factorization: Matrix factorization techniques model user-item interactions as a

matrix and factorize it into lower-dimensional matrices to capture latent factors.
Matrix Factorization is a specific method within collaborative filtering that focuses on
factorizing a user-item interaction matrix into lower-dimensional matrices that capture latent
factors or features

i. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD): Decomposes the user-item matrix into

three matrices to estimate missing ratings or predict new ratings.
ii. Alternating Least Squares (ALS): Iteratively updates matrices to minimize the
difference between predicted and actual ratings.

To recommend new items to a user:

Matrix factorization predicts the ratings for items that the user has not yet interacted with.
It identifies items that are highly rated (or predicted to be highly rated) by the user's latent
These predicted ratings are used to rank and recommend items to the user.

How would you evaluate the performance of a recommender system? What metrics would
you use?
Offline Metrics:
1. Precision
2. Recall
3. F1- score
4. NDCG -Measures the ranking quality by considering the position of relevant items in the
ranked list.

Business Metrics:
1. Conversion rate
2. Revenue
Collaborative Filtering:

Explain the difference between user-based and item-based collaborative filtering.

How would you handle sparsity and scalability issues in collaborative filtering?
Content-Based Filtering:

Describe how content-based filtering works. What are its advantages and limitations?
How would you handle the cold start problem in content-based filtering?
Hybrid Recommender Systems:

What are hybrid recommender systems? Provide examples of how you would combine
different approaches (e.g., collaborative filtering and content-based filtering).
Matrix Factorization:

Explain matrix factorization techniques such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and
Alternating Least Squares (ALS). How are they used in recommender systems?
Evaluation and Metrics:

How would you measure the accuracy and effectiveness of a recommender system?
Discuss the trade-offs between accuracy and diversity in recommender systems.
Challenges and Practical Considerations:

What are some common challenges you might encounter when deploying a recommender
system in a real-world setting?
How would you handle bias and fairness issues in recommender systems, especially in the
context of financial services like lease-to-own?
Case Studies and Practical Applications:

Can you describe a project or case study where you implemented or improved a
recommender system? What were the key challenges and outcomes?
How would you tailor a recommender system for Progressive Leasing's customer base and
product offerings?

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