Business Studies Yr09 2021

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Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes
Educational Assessment Unit
Annual Examinations for Schools 2020


Name: _____________________________________ Class: _______________




QUESTION 1–5 6 – 15 16 17 18 19 - 21

MARKS 5 10 10 25 25 10 15 100



Answer all questions.

Non-programmable calculators may be used.

The clear presentation of your work is important.

Business Studies – Year 9 – 2020 Page 1 of 5

SECTION A [5 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.
Tick () the correct answer in the space provided.

1. Barter is the system where

(a) people buy and pay by cheque.
(b) people buy and pay at a later date.
(c) one good is exchanged for another.
(d) goods cannot be exchanged.

2. The sectors of production are the

(a) Extractive, manufacturing and services sectors.
(b) primary, secondary and extractive sectors.
(c) primary, secondary and manufacturing sectors.
(d) Tertiary, services and retail sectors.

3. Scarcity is
(a) when the grocer does not have a good we need.
(b) when there is poor harvest from farmers.
(c) when a couple doesn’t have the cash to buy a house.
(d) the inability to satisfy all wants at one go.

4. The span of control shows

(a) how instructions are passed on from one level to another.
(b) how the firm is organised into different departments.
(c) the number of levels which fall under the authority of an official.
(d) the number of people under the authority of an official.

5. Which of the following is the best transportation method to carry cars from
Germany to Malta?
(a) Air transport.
(b) Sea transport.
(c) Pipelines.
(d) Road transport.

SECTION B [10 marks]

Underline the correct answer from the square brackets in each sentence.

6. In a [planned / free-market / mixed] economic system the private sector

makes production decisions.

7. The government controls the economy in a [planned / free-market / mixed]

economic system.

8. A [planned / free-market / mixed] economy is an economic system where

the private sector and the public sector are of relatively equal importance.

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9. The state is likely to provide [groceries / public transport / roads] in any
type of economic system.

10. A product which is produced by the private sector is [civil protection / beer /
the police force].

11. One of the advantages of the free-market is that [dangerous products / the
most wanted goods / non-profitable goods] are produced.

12. One of the disadvantages of the free-market is that [non-profitable goods /

the most wanted goods / all necessary goods] are not produced.

13. In a centrally planned economy priority is given to [luxuries / needs /


14. One of the disadvantages of a centrally planned economy usually there is

[great choice / excess production / lack of variety].

15. In a mixed economy the state [supplements / competes with / abolishes]

private firms.

SECTION C [10 marks]

16. Match the following terms by writing down the appropriate letter in
the middle column. The first one has been done for you. There is an
extra term in the column to the far right.

(a) Choice Recruitment

(b) Employment Decentralisation
(c) Hygiene factors Percentages
(d) Partnership Profits
(e) Aim of a business Specialisation
(f) Delegation Buying on credit
(g) Maturity Luxuries
(h) Wholesaler (a) Opportunity cost
(i) Invoice Product life cycle
(j) Pie charts Maslow
(k) Indirect production Buying in bulk
Share of profits


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SECTION D [50 marks]
Answer both questions in this section on the foolscaps provided. Each
question carries 25 marks.

17. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that
Maria is the owner of a small business and employs 10 persons with her.
From time to time Maria makes a meeting with her staff to discuss matters
that relate to the business and the employment and work of her staff.

One of her staff is a customer relations officer, in charge of dealing with

clients, especially with their complaints and suggestions. This officer passes
on such complaints and suggestions to Maria. Maria, in turn, discusses
these suggestions and complaints with her staff.

(a) What do you understand by the term communication? (1 mark)

(b) Why is communication important in a business? (2 marks)

(c) Explain the difference between one-way communication and two-

way communication. (2 marks)

(d) What kind of communication system does Maria use, one-way or two-
way? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

(e) Mention and explain the four elements of communication. (6 marks)

(f) Explain the following terms and give an example for each:
(i) verbal communication (2 marks)
(ii) written communication (2 marks)
(iii) non-verbal communication (2 marks)

(g) Mention and explain three (3) problems that can

occur in
communication. (6 marks)
[Total for Question 17: 25 marks]

18. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that

One of the important departments in a business is the Marketing

Department. This department is one way how the business tries to reach
customers and the market in general.

(a) Briefly explain the marketing concept. (3 marks)

(b) Why is the marketing department a “way how the business tries to
reach customers and the market in general”? (5 marks)

(c) Mention the 7Ps of the marketing mix. (7 marks)

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(d) Explain five (5) of the 7Ps you mentioned in your answer to question
(c), above. (10 marks)

[Total for Question 18: 25 marks]

SECTION E [10 marks]

Choose ONE of the following and answer all related parts on the foolscaps

19. (a) Explain what is a sole trader business. (2 marks)

(b) Explain what is a partnership. (2 marks)

(c) Mention and explain two (2) advantages of a sole trader. (4 marks)
(d) Mention and explain one (1) disadvantage of a sole trader. (2 marks)

[Total for Question 19: 10 marks]


20. (a) Briefly explain the main functions of the Human Resources Department.
(4 marks)

(b) Explain the following terms:

(i) job specification (2 marks)
(ii) job description (2 marks)
(iii) the curriculum vitae (CV) (2 marks)

[Total for Question 20: 10 marks]


21. (a) Why is research important for a firm? (2 marks)

(b) Mention and explain four (4) areas of responsibility of the Research and
Development Department. (8 marks)

[Total for Question 21: 10 marks]


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