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(Clash Interaction Section B&J)

(PANPACI FIESTA was a vibrant celebration of culture, unity and Lecture. The lively atmosphere,
diverse music, games, and a wonderful discussion created a truly unforgettable experience.)



In center of the event there was a tense atmosphere, and getting closer to the entrance of the
Event Center, there were colored banners and a loud noise from the music that made people feel
more welcomed, brought more joy, and made the program more exciting. There were also lovely
and attractive designs in the event center, indicating the start of a celebration that was full of joy
and meaningful. The grand event of the Program with the theme of Fiesta is to be held on June 28,
2024, at the Event Center and is aims to unite the students from the diversity in terms of cultural
background to come closer and acknowledge our common antecedents and cultural ethnicity.
The event theme is FIESTA, which is to bring the rich cultural heritage of Filipinos traditions
closer to the community. Reflecting on the whole concept called the PANPACIFIESTA, we all
strive the propensity and vigor of this project with heterogeneity, and a power that our team was
endowed with
This documentation seeks to present the
summary of the PANPACIFESTA, a cultural
event held in the Panpacific University Event
Center, which aimed to spread the lessons
assigned to our team, share the knowledge we
acquire and the talent they have in teaching the
students, and introduce Filipino heritage and
the cultural fervor of Filipinos as a theme. As
noted earlier, the event contained activities got
included in the event. First, engage the visual
with flashy banners labeled Festa and colored
brightly, associating the filling with joy and
value. It also includes an opening ceremony, a
captivating parade showcasting of traditional
Filipino attire, interviews with purok lakambinis
that entailed the viewers, informative talks by
our distinguished speakers, thrilling games, and a potent harmonious concert of ‘harana’ songs. In
this documentation, the outlines method of delivering the event, important factors considered in
the process, and effects created in terms of cultural change and improved unity.

The theme fiesta chosen by our team, which is Section B&J, the PANPACIFIESTA, demonstrates the cultural
background and enthusiasm of the Filipinos that will held in the Panpacific University Event Center. The
factors of our team work as a venue to present the traditions of the Filipino culture, a performing arts
through dancing and its background together with music, the role of culture, anlectures, and other games
to be more involved in the event. The purpose of this documentation is to establish understanding and
highlight the main elements of the event, as well as show that the event helped encourage a sense of culture
and spirit that students have.


The event will open with a very captivating
dance, which was colorful and paved the
way for that day's festivities since it
involved a mesmerizing display of Filipino
dance. The dancers are having "BILAO" in
both their hands, while the other dancers
were holding a flower in their right hands.
The dance should be moving their hands
in the air while their hands with the
“BILAO”. the BILAO should be moving
upper of their body with their arm stretch
up and turn around while walking. The
dancers with the flower swing their right
hand with a flower while the left hand holding their skirt. The dance that emphasizes on the
elegance of the dancers. The colorful and revealing attire with the color blue, yellow, white skirt
with a floral triangular apron on the side of their hips and the floral sash accompanied by the
floral bandana gives one the anticipation of the upcoming events.


The highlight of the opening ceremony was the “PUROK LAKAMBINI PARADE”, a colorful
procession featuring the representatives from each of the five PUROKS (sections) of the students.
The LAKAMBINIS, adorned with their stunning FILIPINIANA Gowns and Barong Tagalogs,
radiated elegance and grace as they paraded through the event center. The parade served as a
proof to the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines, showcasing the beauty and diversity of
traditional Filipino attire.


It was followed by the dignified Mayor of the PUROKS, Mayor RHENZ
NORIELLE DARANG. A mayor's speech Represent resonate with the
audience at the same time, emphasizing the relevance of such activities
like what we have for the PANPACIFIESTA in giving pride and
belongingness to the participants in this event..


Post-parade interviews with each LAKAMBINIS shared the highlights of
the experience in representation of each PUROK. The accompanying
interviews underlined the importance of event engagement, cultural
pride, and young leadership for preserving Filipino traditions. The active
strength and burning fire which LAKAMBINIS had towards their Purok
needs to be shared with all so that everybody in the audience gets their
hopes up, starts participating, and finds a way to make their Purok better
in the following event program.


The program is still ongoing by announcing the next performer, who will give a nice, lively and
wonderful dance by the two performer which is the TINIKLING and CARINIOSA That will show
the artistry and beauty of a traditional Filipino dance.

The TINIKLING dance is a traditional Philippine folk
dance which originated prior to Spanish colonialism in
the area, And the folk dance will be danced by the two
lucky talented Student, By MR. MARK LAWRENCE
involvement of two students holding a bamboo Poles,
which is Ms. KRISTINA ACLAO KY and MS.
MAEDILEEN BARTOLOME, to follow the beat of the
music, and the dancer will jump between the two poles
when the two poles are going to clapped each other. the dancer’s agility and grace, combined with
the rhythmic tapping of the bamboo poles, amazed and make the student enjoyed watching them
do the Filipino dance.

The CARINIOSA is a Philippine dance of colonial-era origin
from the maria Clara suite of Philippine folk dances, where
the fan or handkerchief plays an instrumental role as it
places the couple in a romance scenario It reflects the
courtship rituals, value, and cultural identity of the Filipino people during the colonial era. This
dance Performed by MR. JENNO GARCIA and MS. JESSICA CAAGUSAN they will dance facing
each other about six feet apart during the dance and perform like hide and seek movements. They
will also use a fan. Fan symbolize the women to communicate flirtatiously with their suitors and
handkerchief symbolize a use as a token of affection and courtship. The dancer’s elegant
movements and expressive gestures beautifully conveyed the essences of the dance that captivate
the audience.


The program will continue into a series of lectures brought by our
esteemed speakers. MR. MARC JUSTINE TAGANAS and MS. HENA
STEPHANIE REEGUCERA were the emcees for that day, who
introduced the speaker and other events happening within that day.
That Highlighting their expertise make the event look lively with their
wonderful introduction of the event program.


Traditional Learning Strategies are the subject of one of his

lectures and he shares some insights and views on what the
Lecture is all about.


One of her Lecture is about Activity-Base Teaching Strategies,

offering a comprehensive analysis and an understanding of the
topic. Her presentation was very informative and insightful
providing knowledge and perspective to the audience in the event


One of his Topic explored about Computer teaching strategies,

highlighting the importance of How have the computers & the
information age technology affected the educational landscape to
the human education. His presentation was engaging and
informative that help the students at the event center to have
knowledge in the topic discussed by Mr. JENNO.


One of her Lecture focused on Activity-Based Teaching

Strategies, offering a critical examination of their contents which
is introduction and instruction, behavioral objectives, pretest,
learning activities, and posttest. Her presentation was thought-
provoking and insightful to the learners in the event center.

Psychomotor skills teaching question was the focus of one of

his lectures, and he gave an extensive review on Psychomotor
Domain and Methods of Evaluation. His presentation at the event
center was educational and participant-oriented as it provided
some useful information and viewpoints to attendees. To make
this student more engaged in the lecture, for every question he
asked, he will state a point’s if they answer his question or If they follow the topics.


one of his Topic based on Clinical Teaching, describing the

significance of Daily Activities and Conducting Clinical
Laboratory His speech was engaging and made the audience at
the event center to engage in discussions.

The event brainstorm with a fun, engaging games and activities with a questions and answer to
the winner with a surprise bonus points if they answer the question correctly. This activity
designed to foster a sense of teamwork of a group, their knowledge, and competition among the
groups or the PUROK.


The game Catch my egg relay is a Handkerchief version

that engaging and simple game that promotes teamwork,
coordination, and fun. This game is based outdoor game
suitable for players of all ages, the objective for this game
is to group to 10members and will be avail to play the
game. The mechanics for this game is to pass an egg
wrapped in a handkerchief from the start to finish line
without drooping or breaking the egg. As a reward for the
successfully completing the relay, the players must eat the
egg, and the first one will finish to eat the egg will be the
one will gong to answer the question and will be lucky team to get a point. All the student on our
event they are cooperating, having fun and enjoying the game. In the addition of the event that
gives them more joy, are the points reward they get on answering correctly the trivial questions.


After the first game (capture the egg), they

participated in the hula hoop relay. Hula-hoop
relay games are enjoyable and interactive exercises
that can be organized in a variety of ways. Before
the game starts, each team or participant must be
divided into groups. The goal of the relay is to get
the hula hoop from the starting line to the
turnaround point and back again. Set up each team
behind their appropriate beginning hula hoop.
When a participant reaches the turnaround point, they must pass the hula hoop around their
body to the next partner in line. Participants must keep the hula hoop rotating around their
bodies during the run, and when it reaches the last member of the group, he must run to shoot
the hula hoop at the person standing in the middle, and the individual who first shoots the hula
hoop in the middle wins.


For the last part of the event is the Recognition and

award announced by Dr. Virgo for the one who
wearing the best FILIPINIANA and BARONG
Recognizing their elegance and adherence to
traditional Filipino fashion.


The PANPACI FIESTA served as the successful final Project of our team B&J. A variety of the
opening ceremony, the games and other activities made it possible for participants to talk about
the Teaching Strategies and Methodologies For teaching and learning and use a Filipino culture
theme that was characterized by this event.

Moreover, there were some insightful speeches from our various speakers who gave their opinions
on different topic about Teaching Strategies and Methodologies for Teaching and Learning
Though, their Lectures stressed on critical thinking as well as dialogue.

The Filipino artistry was best represented through traditional dance performances. With beautiful
colors of costumes as well as vigorous movements along with a graceful-steps, audience was left in
awe with what they saw during these dances.

The games and activities that took place at PANPACI FIESTA offered a chance to foster friendly
competitions among participants creating a feeling of camaraderie. The main goal in focusing
more on teamwork and togetherness was promoting a sense of belongingness amongst
individuals in society through joint efforts.


The PANPACI FIESTA ended up being an effective output of our team's B&J final project.
Different activities within the fiesta, such as games, addressing questions, and the opening
ceremony, provided the participants with various ways to enjoy themselves, learn, and engage in
those activities, like playing games and answering questionnaires, among other things. The
significance of the occasion did not stop at just this part but rather left a memory in the minds of
the student who’s at the event who made use Filipino culture for our last project, through which
students participate and made to wear traditional Philippine dress, thereby making the entire
thing successful.
Before we ended the class interaction documentation, we first thanked our fellow students for
helping in this event, without them it would not have been successful, but we are also very
grateful to our good instructor DR. Virgo Lopez because without his support we would not be
able to do it and finish it properly, and if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be able to experience this
wonderful activities, we are also grateful to him because he makes us experience different
activities such as these, who give us lessons and experiences. And now I call our kindest
hardworking instructor Dr. Virgo Lopez to give a certificate for our thanks for guiding, supporting
and making us experience such an event.

Dr. Virgo congratulations to the of PANPACI FIESTA to successfully facilitated the clash
interaction this morning. And that culminates our CLASH INTERACTION! THANKYOU and
congratulations to the last two teams who made the event festive and meaningful at the same
time. As Doc. V always say, MAHUSAY!!!


Faculty, Health Education Class Dean, School OF Nursing

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