BPR 130 0002 Tuesday and Thursday Syllabus Fall 2022

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Fayetteville Technical Community College

Fall, 2022

Course Title: Print Reading for Construction
Prefix and Section Number: BPR 130 0002
Day(s) and Time(s): Tuesday & Thursday 3:00 p.m. till 4:20 p.m.
Delivery Method: Face-to-Face with Online Components
Class Begins: August 15, 2022 Class Ends: December 10, 2022

Class Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Clinic Hours: 0 Credit Hours: 3

To Contact the Instructor:

Instructor: Troy Whitcome
Office Location: Cumberland Hall 334
Office Hours: Monday 1:30 p.m. till 3:00 p.m., Tuesday 1:00 till 2:00 p.m., Wednesday
1:30 p.m. till 3:00 p.m., Thursday 1:00 till 2:00 p.m.

Phone: (910) 678-8524

Email: [email protected]

Course Description:
This course covers the interpretation of blueprints and specifications that are associated
with the construction trades. Emphasis is placed on interpretation of details for
foundations, floor plans, elevations, and schedules. Upon completion, students should
be able to read and interpret a set of construction blueprints.

Course Prerequisites:

Course Co-requisites:

Course Objectives:
At the completion of this course, the student will have:
1. An understanding of information presented on trade blueprints.
2. Develop an understanding in the interpretation of trade blueprints.
3. Express ideas graphically through the use of freehand sketches.

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Required Textbook and Companion Homework Site:
Information about the FTCC Bookstore (opens in new window) [URL:
https://bookstore.faytechcc.edu/] is available on the FTCC college website. To make
textbook purchases online, select “Textbook Lookup” on the FTCC Bookstore web

HYPERLINK "https://bookstore.faytechcc.edu/print-reading-residential-construction-
6TH Edition [PROCTOR] (9780826904942)

Other Required Materials/Software:

The recommended browsers are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari in the
most updated version.

Microsoft Office 365 (Office 2021) is available to currently enrolled students at FTCC.
The Microsoft Office 2021 app is available for download on up to five (5) computers
and/or mobile devices. Direct link to download Office 365:
https://login.microsoftonline.com (opens in new window).

Username: [email protected] (example:

[email protected]). Password: Active Directory (Self-Service) password (if
you have not created an Active Directory password, you will need to do this first).

Blackboard Technical Support is available at any time, seven days a week by calling 1-
866-829-9660. Assistance on specific trouble-shooting topics are found at Blackboard
Help Online (opens in new window) [URL: https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student].

Students will need a 3-sided architects scale and a simple calculator for the course.

Grading Scale:
Each grade is assigned a “grade-point equivalent” in quality points for each term credit
hour scheduled. The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total of
quality points earned by the number of term hours scheduled.

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Equivalent Grade Point Equivalent

90-100 A-Excellent 4 grade points per credit hour
80-89 B-Good 3 grade points per credit hour
70-79 C-Average 2 grade points per credit hour
60-69 D-Below Average 1 grade point per credit hour
0-59 F-Failure 0 grade point

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The complete grading scale description may be found in the current FTCC Student
Handbook under “Academic Information.” For assistance with calculating GPA, use the
GPA Calculator (opens in new window) [URL:

Course Requirements/Methods of Evaluation:

Categories Weight
Tests 35%
Review Questions 30%
Discussion Boards 10%
Final Exam 25%
Total 100%

Departmental Policies:
. Fayetteville Technical Community College is committed to student success, retention,
and progression. The College believes that when students participate in class regularly,
they are demonstrating responsibility and commitment to their education. Active
participation includes, but is not limited to the following academically related activities:
 Attending a synchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity,
physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the
instructor and students;
 Submitting an academic assignment;
 Taking or submitting an assessment, test, exam, lab activity, or quiz;
 Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-
assisted instruction;
 Participating in a study group or group project, whether in person or online, that
is assigned by the instructor;
 Participating in a discussion in the class or posting in a discussion forum online
regarding academic matters;
 Interacting with or emailing an instructor about the academic subject studied in
the course.
Students who do not actively participate in at least 80% of the course may be withdrawn
by the faculty member.

Make-up Policy:
Late academic work submission procedures are as follows:
1. Academic assignments and projects are due by the scheduled/published dates.
2. In general, there is a 10-point penalty for each business day that an assignment
or project is late. For example, if the maximum number of points you can earn on
an assignment or project is 100 points, 10 points will be deducted from your

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grade for each business day your assignment or project is late. If your
assignment is due on Tuesday and you submit on Wednesday, the highest
possible grade you can earn is a 90. With each additional day late, there is a 10-
point reduction in the grade for this example. Assignments may be submitted no
more than one week late without prior approval from your instructor.
3. No late work will be accepted after the 90 percent date of the term without an
incomplete grade approval from your instructor.
4. Certain course activities may not be eligible for late submission after the
conclusion of the week, module, or unit. These include, but are not limited to,
discussion boards, quizzes, and exams.
5. We know that extenuating circumstances can sometime interfere with timely
submission of your work. Be sure to tell your instructor right away if you are going
to be late with a submission.
6. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, personal/family
member hospitalization, family member death, a severe weather event, a natural
disaster, and an active military situation that prevents timely submission of work.
Computer-related issues, internet connectivity, and account blocks are generally
not considered extenuating circumstances.
7. You may request an extension or alternative arrangement, preferably prior to the
due date, but your request does not automatically result in a waiver of the due
date or of the penalties for late submissions. Your instructor may also require you
to provide documentation of the reason. If your instructor determines that an
extension is warranted, they will provide you with the expectations for your

Academic Integrity-Plagiarism:
All FTCC students are expected to comply with the FTCC Student Code of Conduct,
which requires students to practice academic integrity in college courses. Students
demonstrate academic integrity by being honest and responsible in all scholarship and
scholarly activity. Students are not permitted to engage in any form of academic
dishonesty, including the following offenses:
1. Obtaining test information, research papers, notes, and other academic material
without authorization.
2. Receiving or giving help on test, projects, or assignments submitted for a grade
unless specifically authorized by the instructor.
3. Plagiarism, which is taking credit for another’s ideas or works as if they were your

Penalties for academic dishonesty, that may be imposed by the instructor include, but
are not limited to, the following:
1. Rewriting the assignment.

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2. Receiving a “0” on the assignment.
3. Failing the course in which the assignment was submitted.

Penalties for plagiarism and cheating that may be recommended by the instructor
include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Academic probation.
2. Academic suspension.
3. Expulsion from the college.

Additional information regarding academic integrity can be found in the Student Code of
Conduct section of the Student Handbook (opens in new window) [URL:

Institutional Statement:
To ensure a successful start and finish to college, all FTCC students should become
knowledgeable of important policies, practices, and procedures and aware of where that
information is located in the FTCC Catalog, FTCC Student Handbook, and FTCC
Student Code of Conduct. Students should also become familiar with the semester
information concerning key dates, course offerings, and schedules, etc., listed in the
curriculum semester tabloids. All documents can also be found on the FTCC website
(opens in new window) [URL: https://www.faytechcc.edu/].

Course Concerns/Grade Appeals:

Students have the right to inquire about academic issues or other concerns related to
the classroom environment. Inquiries should be directed to the following persons in the
following order:

Course Instructor:
Name: Troy Whitcome
Phone: (910) 678-8524
Email: [email protected]

Department Chair:
Name: Keith Carter
Phone: (910) 678-8475
Email: [email protected]

Name: Pam Gibson
Phone: (910) 486-3930
Email: [email protected]

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
FTCC facilitates the implementation of reasonable academic accommodations,
including resources and services for students with disabilities, chronic medical
conditions, a temporary disability, or other health related conditions resulting in
difficulties with accessing learning opportunities. All accommodations are coordinated
through the Disability Support Services Office located in the Tony Rand Student Center,
Room 127, or call 910-678-8349 or 910-678-8559. Please contact the Disability Support
Services Office (opens in new window) [URL:
https://www.faytechcc.edu/campus-life/accessibility/] as early in the semester as

Title VI, VII, and IX Non-Discrimination Statement:

FTCC does not practice or condone discrimination in any form against students,
employees, or applicants on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, sex,
age, disability, or political affiliation. FTCC commits itself to positive action to secure
equal opportunity regardless of those characteristics.

FTCC supports the protection available to members of its community under all
applicable federal laws, including Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and
1991, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 799A and 845 of the
Public Health Service Act, the Equal Pay and Age Discrimination Acts, the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Executive
Order 11375. For more information, please visit the Title IX and Equal Opportunity
(opens in new window) [URL: https://www.faytechcc.edu/title-ix-equal-opportunity/] page
on the FTCC website.

Syllabus/Schedule Changes:
This syllabus may be changed at the instructor’s discretion, with proper notification to
students. Any changes will be promptly noted in Announcements and emailed to the
student’s FTCC student email account.

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Outline of Instruction

Module Activities and Assignments Due Dates

 Orientation Activities
Orientation  Syllabus Test

 Construction
Module One: Documents

 Working Drawing
Module Two: Concepts
Trade Math
 Symbols and
Module Three: Abbreviations
Plot Plans
 Floor Plans
Module Four:
Floor Plans Test
 Sections
Module Five:
 Trade Information:
Module Six: Foundations, Framing,
and Finishes
 Chapter 12 Final
Module Seven: Examination Review
Course Survey
 Final Examination
Module Eight:
Module Make-up

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