Class VI Computer Chapter - 1

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Chapter 1


A computer is an electronic device which consists of hardware and software.

Hardware components describe the physical parts of the computer and software
controls hardware and run the operating system, different programs &
applications like Microsoft Windows, Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel etc.

History of Computer-

Blaise Pascal has credited the first digital computer in 1642.

ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator)

Basic components of Computer-





Input Unit-

The devices which are used to input the data and programs in the computer are
known as "Input Devices". Input unit accepts instructions and data from the user
and converts these instructions and data in computer acceptable format which are
sent to computer system for processing.

1. Keyboard: Keyboard is most common input device. The data and instructions
are input by typing on the keyboard.
2. Mouse: It is a pointing device. The mouse is rolled over the mouse pad,
which in turn controls the movement of the cursor in the screen.
3. Scanner: Scanners are used to enter information directly in to the computer
memory. This device works like a Xerox machine.
4. Track Ball: Track ball is similar to the upside- down design of the mouse.
5. Light Pen: This is an input device which is used to draw lines or figures on a
computer screen.
6. Optical Character Reader (OCR): It is a device which detects alpha numeric
characters printed or written on a paper.
7. Bar Code Reader: This device reads bar codes and coverts them into electric
pulses to be processed by a computer. A bar code is nothing but data coded
in form of light and dark bars.
8. Voice Input Systems: It converts spoken words to machine language form. A
microphone is used to convert human speech into electric signals.
9. Digital Camera: It converts graphics directly into digital form. An electronic
chip in used in camera, when light falls, on the chip though the lens, it
converts light waves into electrical waves.

Output Unit

Output Device produces the final results of computer into human

understandable form. Output unit accepts the results produced by the
computer which are in coded form and it converts these coded results to
human readable form.
1. Monitor: The monitor looks like a television screen. There are colored as well
as black and white monitors. They are Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor and
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitor.
2. Printer: A printer is used for transferring data from the computer to the
paper. There are colour printers as well as black and white printers. The
different types of printers are Dot Matrix Printers, Inkjet Printer and Laser
3. Touch Screen: A touch screen is a display screen that is sensitive to human
4. Plotter: Plotter is very large in size and is used to produce graphical output
on papers. It uses single or multi color pens to draw pictures as blue print,
posters etc.

Storage Unit-

The Storage Unit or the primary / main storage of a computer system is

designed to do all these things. It provides space for storing data and
instructions, intermediate results and for the final results.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)-

The main unit inside the computer is the CPU. This unit is responsible for all
events inside the computer. It consists of Control Unit and Arithmetic and Logic
unit. The CPU is the brain of any computer system. In a computer system, all
major calculations and comparisons are made inside the CPU and it activates
and controls the operations of other units like Hard disk, Printer etc. of a
computer system.

i. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU): The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) is the
part where actual computations take place. It consists of circuits that
perform arithmetic operations (e.g. addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division over data received from memory and capable to compare
numbers (less than, equal to, or greater than etc).
ii. Control Unit: The control unit acts as a central nervous system for the
components of the computer. The control unit directs and controls the
activities of the internal and external devices.
Computer software also called program is a set of instructions that directs a
computer to perform specific tasks or operations. Computer software consists of
computer programs and libraries.
Types of Software

System Software Application Software

Operating System Device Driver General Purpose Customized Software

 System software: Software that directly operates the computer hardware to

provide basic functionality needed by users and other software and to
provide a platform for running application software. System software
 Operating system (OS): Operating system manages resources of

computer system like memory, CPU, hard disk, printer etc. also
provides an interface between user and computer system & provides
various services to other software

 Device drivers: All the devices like mouse, keyboard, modem etc needs
at least one corresponding device driver. A device driver is a program
that controls a device.

 Application software: Software that performs special functions or provides

entertainment functions beyond the basic operation of the computer itself.
There are many different types of application software.

 General purpose: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, MS PowerPoint

 Customized: Airline Reservation System
 Utilities: Antivirus
Computer Memory-

A memory is just like a human brain. It is used to store data and instructions.
Computer memory is the storage space in computer where data is to be processed
and instructions required for processing are stored.

Memory is primarily of three types

 Cache Memory
 Primary Memory or Main Memory
 Secondary Memory

1. Cache Memory: Cache memory is a very high-speed semiconductor

memory which can speed up CPU. It acts as a buffer between the CPU and
main memory.
The advantages of cache memory are as follows:
• Cache memory is faster than main memory.
• It consumes less access time as compared to main memory.
• It stores the program that can be executed within a short period of time.
• It stores data for temporary use.
The disadvantages of cache memory are as follows:
• Cache memory has limited capacity.
• It is very expensive.
2. Primary Memory (Main Memory): Primary memory is also known as main
Characteristics of Main Memory
• These are semiconductor memories
• It is known as main memory.
• Usually volatile memory.
• Data is lost in case power is switched off.
• Faster than secondary memories.
• A computer cannot run without primary memory.

Primary memory can be divided into RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM
(Read Only Memory).

3.Secondary Memory: It is also known as external memory or non-volatile

memory. It is slower than main memory. These are used for storing data or
information permanently. For example: hard disk, CD-ROM, DVD etc.

Characteristic of Secondary memory

• These are magnetic and optical memories

• It is non-volatile memory which is used for storage of data in a computer.

• Data is permanently stored even if power is switched off.

• Computer may run without secondary memory.

• Slower than primary memories.


Printers are output devices which are used to prepare permanent output on
Types of Printers

Impact Non-Impact

Character Printer Lines Printer Character Printer Page Printer

Dot Matrix Ink-Jet Laser

Impact Printers: It uses hammers or pins strike against a ribbon and paper to print
the text. This mechanism is known as electro-mechanical mechanism.

They are of two types:-

i. Character Printer
ii. Line Printer

Character Printer: It prints only one character at a time. It has relatively slower
speed. e.g. Dot matrix printers.

 Dot Matrix Printer: It prints characters as combination of dots.

Line Printer: The line printer is an impact computer printer that prints one entire
line of text at a time.

Non-Impact Printers: There printers use non-Impact technology such as ink-jet or

laser technology. There printers provide better quality of output at higher speed.
These printers are of two types:

i. Ink-Jet Printer: It prints characters by spraying patterns of ink on the paper

from a nozzle or jet. It prints from nozzles having very fine holes, from which
ink is pumped out to create various letters and shapes.
ii. Laser Printer: It utilizes a laser beam to produce an image on a drum. The
light of the laser alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits. The
drum is then rolled through a reservoir of toner, which is picked up by the
charged portions of the drum. Finally, the toner is transferred to the paper
through a combination of heat and pressure.
Identify the following peripherals as INPUT device or OUTPUT device.
1. Monitor __________________
2. Keyboard __________________
3. Scanner __________________
4. Laser Printer __________________
5. Mouse __________________
6. Speakers __________________
7. Digital Camera __________________

Fill in the blank with the correct answer from the box. Some may be used more than once or
not at all.
CPU , BIOS , Power supply , Hard drive , Network card , Motherboard , RAM , USB Port , ROM
, Video card
1. I connect computers and allow them to talk to each other. ___________
2. I wake up the computer and remind it what to do. ___________
3. I am the brain of the computer. ___________
4. Information is stored on my magnetic cylinders. ___________
5. I hold all of the other circuit boards. ___________
6. I handle the graphics that are displayed on the monitor. ___________
7. I am the type of port used by flash drives. ___________

Fill in the blanks with the vocabulary words from the box. Use each word only once.
Information , Flash drive , CD , Primary , DVD , Secondary , Windows , Operating system ,
Graphics , Upgraded , User friendly
1. ___________ memory is stored on chips located on the motherboard.
2. ___________memory is stored on the hard drive.
3. A ___________can hold information greater than a CD or DVD.
4. A ___________usually holds up to 650 to 700 MB.
5. A ___________holds even more information at least 7 GB.
6. The purpose of storage in a computer is to hold ___________ or data.
7. A computer that is easy to operate is called ___________
8. ___________ is the most common operating system for PCs.
9. Operating systems are constantly being ___________ as technology advances.

10.A Graphical User Interface (GUI) uses ___________to help the user navigate within the
computer system.
Chapter 1

Identify the following peripherals as INPUT device or OUTPUT device.
1. Monitor: OUTPUT device
2. Keyboard: INPUT device
3. Scanner: INPUT device
4. Laser Printer: OUTPUT device
5. Mouse: INPUT device
6. Speakers: OUTPUT device
7. Digital Camera: INPUT device
Fill in the blank-
1. I connect computers and allow them to talk to each other. (NETWORK CARD)
2. I wake up the computer and remind it what to do. ( )
3. I am the brain of the computer. (CPU)
4. Information is stored on my magnetic cylinders. (HARD DRIVE)
5. I hold all of the other circuit boards. (MOTHERBOARD)
6. I handle the graphics that are displayed on the monitor. (VIDEO CARD)
7. I am the type of port used by flash drives (USB PORT)
Fill in the blanks-
1. PRIMARY memory is stored on chips located on the motherboard.
2. SECONDARY memory is stored on the hard drive.
3. A FLASH DRIVE can hold information greater than a CD or DVD.
4. A CD usually holds up to 650 to 700 MB.
5. A DVD holds even more information at least 7 GB.
6. The purpose of storage in a computer is to hold INFORMATION or data.
7. A computer that is easy to operate is called USER FRIENDLY.
8. WINDOWS is the most common operating system for PCs.
9. Operating systems are constantly being UPGRADED as technology advances.
10.A Graphical User Interface (GUI) uses GRAPHICS to help the user navigate within the computer system.

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