Informational Reading Comprehension Spotlight On Geography Chile

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Spotlight on Geography: Chile
Read the text below, and then answer the questions.
The South American country of Chile is a land of contrasts and extremes. Chile is
a narrow ribbon of land that extends from the dry Atacama Desert in the north to
the wet, windswept fjords and glaciers of Tierra del Fuego in the south. One of the
longest countries in the world, spanning about 2,700 miles from north to south, Chile
is also one of the narrowest, averaging only 110 miles from west to east; its widest
point is only about 220 miles.
Chile is a land dominated by both ocean and mountains. All along Chile's western
border lies the vast Pacific Ocean. Marking Chile's eastern border with Bolivia and
Argentina are the towering, snow-capped peaks of the Andes Mountains. These
are the highest mountains outside of Asia. Additionally, there are smaller mountain
ranges along the coastline, creating a narrow valley in the center of the country. The
interactions of ocean and mountains of varying heights contribute to the variety of
geographic regions that can be found in Chile.

The Far North

In Chile's Far North region lies the Atacama Desert, one of the driest
places on Earth. In some areas of the desert, no rainfall has ever been
recorded. Yet even in this harsh environment, there are oases and
lagoons that support desert blooms and waterfowl, including three
species of flamingos. This is partly because of the Andean plateau, or
Altiplano, a sliver of which lies on the eastern side of the Atacama. In
contrast to the dry desert, the rain is plentiful at certain times of year
The Atacama Desert's extreme aridity is due in part to its location
between the Andes and the Chilean Coast mountain ranges, in the plateau region. The water trickles down to the desert, forming
creating a two-sided rain shadow effect. temporary oases and fertile river valleys.

The Near North

Three of Chile's highest mountains lie within Chile's semi-arid
Near North region, south of the Atacama Desert. In this rugged,
mountainous region, the coastal ranges and the Andes Mountains
merge in places, creating narrow valleys running east to west from
the Andes to the coast. The Elqui Valley, famous for its vineyards, is just
one example of lush green valleys growing next to high, barren desert
peaks. The high mountains also help create temperate rain forests Irrigation from the Elqui River and the fertile soil of the valley
support the numerous vineyards in the region.
along the coast.

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Spotlight on Geography: Chile
Continue reading. Then answer the questions on the next page.

Central Chile
Unlike the mountains in the Near North, which run east to west, the
Andes Mountains and coastal ranges in Central Chile run north to
south. These parallel ranges contain the wide Central Valley between
them. Temperatures here are relatively mild; the temperate climate is
similar to that of much of California and the Mediterranean regions of
Europe. Summers are dry and generally hot; winters are cool and rainy.
This region is also home to Chile's richest agricultural lands. Because of
the mild climate and plentiful food and fresh water, the Central Valley
Santiago lies in a relatively flat basin in the Central region
contains the three largest metropolitan areas—including the capital city surrounded on all sides by towering mountains.
Santiago—and the majority of the Chilean population.

Southern Zone
South of Chile's Central Valley lies the Southern Zone of Chile, also
known as the Lake District. Because it sits at a lower elevation than
the Central Valley, water from hundreds of rivers flowing down
from the Andes collects here to form magnificent lakes. This part of
Chile, in contrast to the dry Atacama, is one of the rainiest areas in
the world. In winter, it can rain for weeks. The land is lush, covered
with ferns, wildflowers, and forests. In fact, Conguillío National Park
in the Lake District is home to ancient forests of towering Araucaria
An Araucaria Tree rises above trees and shrubs by a lake at the foot
trees. The Araucaria, more commonly known as the Monkey Puzzle
of Llaima Volcano in Conguillío National Park. Tree, is the national tree of Chile.

The Far South

Chile extends all the way to Cape Horn, the headland of the
Tierra del Fuego archipelago. In the Far South region of Chile, the
Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean meet. At Cape Horn, the
Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans converge. It is generally cold and
windy here. This area is a land of tiny islands, fjords, channels,
glaciers, and ice fields. It is, literally and figuratively, a long way
from the Atacama Desert of Chile's Far North. The soaring granite peaks of los Cuernos del Paine, or "the Horns of
Paine," are one of the many attractions for tourists in Chile's Patagonia
region in the Far South.

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Spotlight on Geography: Chile
Answer the questions about “Spotlight on Geography: Chile."
1 The author wants to create text features that will support the information in the text. Complete the table in Part A
and label the map in Part B using details from the text.

A. Complete the table below with at least two B. Label the map with the following locations.
features from each geographic region.
Santiago Atacama Desert
Tierra del Fuego Elqui Valley
Region Features
Conguillío National Park
1. It is one of the driest places
Far North on Earth
2. It contains oases and lagoons
1. Three of Chile’s highest moun-
tains are located in the
Near North semi-arid Near North region.
2. It has many lush green valleys
which grow next to the mountain peaks
1. It is home to Chile's richest agricultural
Central Chile lands
2. the temperate climate is similar to
California and the Mediterranean regions
1. It is one of the rainiest
Southern areas in the world
2. Water from many rivers flow down from
Zone the Andes and
collect in the Lake District to form lakes

1. Chile extends all the way to Cape Horn, the

Far South headland of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago

2.Cape Horn is a land of tiny islands, fjords,
channels, glaciers, and ice fields.

2 Write one advantage of presenting the information about Chile's geography in each of the following formats:

Paragraph text: It will be quite informative

Summary table: It will be more organized, as the text will be categorized
Labeled map: The diagram will help make it a little more interesting

3 The author states that “Chile is a land of contrasts and extremes.” Describe three ways in which the geography of
Chile represents great contrasts or extremes. Cite parts of the text in your answer.
The contrasts of the text are that the Northen
region is hot, dry and sunny whereas the central
and southern regions are cool and rainy. Both
have mountains even though they have extremely
opposing climates.
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