Let Z1 , . . . , Zn be independent and identically distributed, real-valued, zero-mean random variables. Let m(τ ) =
E e τ Z 1
be the moment-generating function of these random variables and ψ(τ ) = log m(τ ) be the cumulant-
generating function. We use the notation m0 , m00 and m000 to denote the first three derivatives of m(τ ). Similarly,
ψ 0 , ψ 00 , and ψ 000 denote the first three derivatives of ψ(τ ).
A random variable Z is said to be lattice if it is supported on the points b, b ± h, b ± 2h, . . . for some b and h. A
random variable that is not lattice will be referred to as nonlattice. Throughout, we will focus only on nonlattice
random variables. Finally, we will denote by Q(·) the Gaussian Q function:
Z∞ 2
1 u
Q(x) = √ exp − du.
2π 2
for some γ > 0, in the regime in which both the central-limit theorem and the large-deviation bound provided by
Chernoff inequality provide loose estimates.
The saddlepoint method [1] yields such an accurate estimate. The resulting expansion is given below. A self-
contained proof (for a slightly more general setup) can be found in, e.g., [2, App. I.A].
Theorem 1 (saddlepoint approximation): Let the zero-mean i.i.d. random variables {Z` }n`=1 be nonlattice. Suppose
that there exists a τ > 0 and a τ < 0 such that
sup m000 (τ ) < ∞
τ ∈[τ ,τ ]
inf ψ 00 (τ ) > 0.
τ ∈[τ ,τ ]
Then, if γ ≥ 0 and the solution to the stationary equation ψ 0 (τ ) = γ gives a τ ∈ [0, τ ], we have
" n #
X K(τ, n) 1
n[ψ(τ )−τ ψ 0 (τ )]
P Z` ≥ nγ = e Ψ(τ, n) + √ +o √ . (1)
n n
ψ 00 (τ )
Ψ(τ, n) = en 2 Q u nψ 00 (τ )
ψ 000 (τ ) 1 u2 nψ 00 (τ ) 3 00 3/2 3/2
K(τ, n) = −√ + √ − u ψ (τ ) n Ψ(τ, n)
6ψ 00 (τ )3/2 2π 2π
√ √
and o(1/ n) comprises terms that vanish faster than 1/ n and are uniform in τ , i.e.,
o(1/ n)
lim sup √ = 0.
n→∞ τ ∈[0,τ ) 1/ n
A. Remarks
Here is the intuition behind the saddlepoint approximation. One performs the usual exponential tilting on the
distribution of Z that is needed to prove the achievability of large-deviation exponent [ψ(τ ) − τ ψ 0 (τ )] (see e.g., [3,
Ch. 5.11]). This allows one to pull out of the integral the exponential term. The pre-exponential factor is computed
by approximating the distribution of the average of the tilted random variables by a Gaussian distribution using the
central-limit theorem.
can be easily evaluated numerically. We want to compare the approximation obtained using the saddlepoint method,
as well as the normal approximation resulting from the central limit-theorem
" n #
X n(µ − γ)
P Z` ≥ nγ ≈ Q √ (2)
nσ 2
where µ = E [Z1 ] and σZ2 = Var[Z1 ], and the Chernoff bound
" n #
X 0
P Z` ≥ nγ ≤ en[ψ(τ )−τ ψ (τ )] (3)
[1] J. L. Jensen, Saddlepoint approximations. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.
[2] A. Lancho, J. Ostman, G. Durisi, T. Koch, and G. Vazquez-Vilar, “Saddlepoint Approximations for Short-Packet Wireless Communications,”
IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2020.
[3] G. R. Grimmett and D. R. Stirzaker, Probability and Random Processes, 3rd ed. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. Press, 2001.
Tail probability
10−7 Pn
P[ `=1 Z` ≥ nγ]
normal approx.
Chernoff bound
10−8 saddlepoint approx.