CBSE Class 11 English Sample Paper Set 4

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CBSE Class 11 English Sample Paper 2021-22


Time allowed: 1 ½ Hrs. M.M. 40

General Instructions
1. This paper is divided into two sections: A & B. All the sections are
2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever
necessary. Read these instructions carefully and follow them.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.
SECTION- A (13 Marks)

Q 1. Read the passage carefully.

For lasting and clear eyesight eyes need care in the form of preventive measures, a continuous
lifelong exercise. Eyes just don’t see, they do the talking also. This is why of all our senses the
most precious is eyesight. Eyes need care in the form of prevention, and knowing some
preventive methods in eye care can make your eyes look bright and healthy and leave you
with excellent eyesight.

How do we keep our eyes bright and healthy? Eat good amount of vegetables, fruits, omega
3 fatty acids, beta carotenes with vitamins A,C and E , enjoy good sleep and avoid direct
sunlight. Therefore good habits and a good general health care play a major role in eye care.
Eyes are a window to the human body; while you look out through this window , we, the eye
doctors, can look in to find conditions such as glaucoma, abnormal blood pressures, diabetes,
heart diseases and other health concerns much before your notice its adverse impacts, and
help you take preventive measures.

It is never too early to begin eye checkups. Throw torchlight from different directions and
look for fixation in new-borns and, if in doubt , take the baby to an eye specialist. By the time
a child is four, it is imperative to have a checkup for squint, signs for opacity brought in by
cataracts and minus and plus powers to decide whether or not glasses are needed. Ultraviolet-
protective sunglasses from childhood can help protect eyes from the harmful UV rays. Once
in the teens , contact lenses can be worn in place of glasses, but never sleep with them on , as
they reduce the supply of air and blood to the cornea and can damage eyes. When in 20’s, you
can get rid of glasses with lasers. Lasik or permanent contact lenses.

An emerging and alarming trend is the Computer Eye Syndrome, which appears to be
catching on in early adult life. We cannot escape the use of computers, but sadly, our eyes are
not designed to cope with these screens, Continuous staring at monitors reduce blinking,
causes strain to the eyes and can lead to dry eyes as well. Therefore, it is always better to take
a break of ten minutes every hour and look at distant objects , such as landscapes or even
Glaucoma or raised pressure in eyes and diabetic retinopathy are silent killers of eyesight.
Therefore , checking eyes once every six months is essential. If afflicted with diabetes, diet,
exercise and drugs are to be remembered in that order to keep the doctor away.

Around the age of 40, more or less everybody requires reading glasses, a condition known as
presbyopia. But now you can get rid of these glasses as well, with lasers called INTRACOT
and SUPRACOR. One can develop cataract, defined as the loss of transparency in the natural
lens of the eye, at any age, but it usually strikes in old age. It is treated by replacing the opaque
lens with an artificial lens called the intraocular lens. The latest in cataract removal techiniques
is called femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery, which is blade free, hands free and makes
the operation precise, safe and accurate.

Based on you understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions given

i) What are the ways suggested to keep our eyes bright and healthy?
ii) By examining the eyes, what are the health conditions that a doctor can detect?
iii) According to the passage, when should eye checkups begin?
iv) Why shuld we never sleep with contact lenses?
v) Why is it imperative to have a checkup every year for a child of four years?
vi) What have doctors advised to prevent our eyes from harmful UV rays?
vii) How does continuous staring at monitors affect our eyes?
viii) What, according to the passage, do you infer from the term ‘presbyopia’?
ix) Why is it essential to check eyes every six months?
x) a) Which word from the passage is similar to ‘precautionary’?
b) Which word from the passage is the opposite to ‘unnecessary’?

Q 2 .Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
There was a village in a kingdom. There was living a milkman. His name was Deenu. He had
built his hut far away from his village, in the woods. He loved the quietness of the woods
rather than the noisy atmosphere of the village. He lived in his hut with his two cows. He fed
them well and took proper care of them. Everyday he took the two cows to a nearby lake to
bath them. The two cows gave more milk. With the milk that the two cows gave, he earned
enough money to live happily.

Deenu was an honest man. Though he was content, at times he would be restless. “There is so
much wrong and evil in this world. Is there nobody to guide the people?" this thought made
his sad every now and then.

One evening, the ignorant man, Deenu was returning home after selling milk in the village.
He saw a saint sitting under a tree and meditating. He slowly walked up to him and waited
for the saint to open his eyes. He was happy to be with the saint for some time. He decided to
wait there itself till the saint opened his eyes.

After a while, the saint slowly opened his eyes. He was surprised to see a man patiently sitting
beside him.

“What do you want?" asked the saint humbly.

“I want to know what the path to Truth and Piety is? Where shall I find Honesty?" asked

The saint smiled and said, “Go to the pond nearby and ask the fish the same question. She
will give you the answer."

Then as asked to do, the ignorant man, Deenu went to the nearby pond and asked the same
question to the fish. The fish said, “O kind man! First, bring me some water to drink." Deny
was surprised. He said, “You live in water. But you still want water to drink? How strange!"

At this moment, the fish replied, “You are right. And that gives you the answer to your
question as well. Truth, Piety and honesty are inside the heart of a man. But being ignorant,
he searches for them in the outer world. Instead of wandering here and there, look within
yourself and you will find them."

This gave an immense satisfaction to Deenu. He thanked the fish and walked home a wiser
man. He changed the way in which he saw this world as well as himself. From that day, Deenu
never felt restless.

He took his best to carry this message to the rest of his fellow human beings. All his friends
accepted him as their master and consulted him to overcome their mental problems. He led
them properly.

i) On the basis of your reading of the passage, make notes on it, using headings and
subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations(minimum 4) (3marks)
ii) Write a summary of the notes prepared, in not more than 80 words (2marks)

SECTION- B (12 Marks)


Q 3. As Shekhar/ Shikha , a responsible resident of Sukna Apartments, design a

poster , drawing attention of the public to maintain proper COVID 19 protocols to
combat the virus. (3 marks)

Q 4. You are Chetan/Chetna of 420 Green Apartments, Gandhi Road, Siliguri. You want want
information about French Language Courses at Foreign Languages Institute , Hill Cart Road,
Siliguri. Write a letter to the director enquiring about the same. (5 marks)

Q 5 Answer any two questions (a, b or c) 2x 2 =4

a) Choose the correct determiner to complete the sentences.

i) It seems we have had (a lot of , many , lots of) assignments in Physical education this year.
ii) (Most , many , a lot of ) Americans do not like George Bush
b) Change the verbs in the verbs into suitable tenses

i) They(drink)_________ coffee when I arrived.

ii) After I (wash)_________ the car I put it in the garage .

c ) Put the jumbled words in order to make it into a meaningful sentence.

i) born/geniuses /not /made/ are

ii) have/in/been/their/ respective/ trailblazers/ fields/ they

SECTION- C (15 Marks)


Read the extract and answer the questions that follow (ANY ONE) (1 x 4= 4)


The concept of sustainable development was popularised in 1987 by the World Commission
on Environment and Development. In its report it defined the idea as “Development that
meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs”, i.e., without stripping the natural world of resources future generations would
need. In the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, there is a cage where the notice reads, ‘The world’s most
dangerous animal’. Inside the cage there is no animal but a mirror where you see yourself.
Thanks to the efforts of a number of agencies in different countries, a new awareness has now
dawned upon the most dangerous animal in the world. He has realised the wisdom of shifting
from a system based on domination to one based on partnership

i. ) When was the sustainable development used by the World Commission on Enviornment
and Development?

ii) How is the idea of sustainable development defined in the report

iii) What did the sign at Lusaka read?

iv) What was inside the cage?

Q 7. When did my childhood go?

Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,

Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven,

Could not be found in Geography,

And therefore could not be,

Was that the day!

i) Name the poet and the poem.

ii) At what age does the poet think that he lost his childhood?

iii) What did the poet realise?

iv) How did the poet conclude that Hell and Heaven were imaginary places?

Q 8. Answer any ONE of the following questions (1 x5 =5)

i) What kind of teacher was Mr Crocker Harris? Do you think Taplow hated him ? Justify your
answer on the basis of your reading the play.

ii) In the chapter ‘Silk Route’ , the author was fascinated by the awesome mastiffs. Why?

Q 9. Answer any THREE of the following questions (2 x 3 =6)

i) How did Einstein’s medical certificate prove useless?

ii) What do Doris and Cyril feel about Mrs Pearson’s changed behaviour?

iii) Why was Joe Morgan so tense and waiting anxiously for Dr Andrew that night?

iv) What would Mrs Pearson like the members of her family to do?

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