Paper 35 (17-12-2022)

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1 A restaurant is serving pizza, pasta, baguette and soup and has four sauces to

add to their dishes. The rules applying to the sauces are that:
The tomato sauce can only be added to the pizza or pasta.
Mayonnaise can only be added to dishes that already have aioli sauce.
Chilli sauce and tomato sauce are never added to the same dish.
The soup and the baguette will not share any sauce in common.
Which one of the following is true?
A The pizza and the baguette cannot both have chilli sauce.
B If the pasta does not have tomato sauce then the pizza must have tomato
C If the soup has mayonnaise then the baguette does not have aioli sauce.
D If pizza has chilli sauce then the pasta must have tomato sauce.

2 The flight journey from Canada to Brazil stops at five other countries along the way.
Rachel boarded the flight at Canada and got off at the third-to-last stop.
Peru is located the one country between Ecuador and Chile.
The flight stops at Ecuador directly before Bolivia.
Portugal is somewhere after Bolivia.
Which country did Rachel get off at?
A Bolivia
B Peru
C Ecuador
D Chile

3 A person who has good eyesight is typically better at archery.

Monaro: "Your eyesight is worse than mine, so you must be a worse archer."
Kevin: "No, that's not right. I might be a better archer than you, even though my
eyesight is worse."
If the information in the box is true, whose reasoning is correct?
A Monaro only
B Kevin only
C Both Monaro and Kevin
D Neither Monaro nor Kevin

4 A sports team is keeping track of the skills that their players have. They have found
that if a player can shoot, they can also dribble. If a player can dribble, they can
also pass. No player who can shoot can also tackle.
Based on the above information, which one of the following must be true?
A If a player cannot shoot, they cannot tackle.
B If a player can tackle, they cannot dribble.
C If a player cannot tackle, they cannot pass.
D If a player cannot pass, they cannot shoot

5 A study found that people who exercise regularly are less likely to break a bone
compared to those who don't exercise regularly.

Clara: "This shows that exercising strengthens your bones."

Which one of the following sentences shows the mistake that Clara has made?
A It could be that people who have weaker bones cannot exercise regularly.
B It could be that some people have hobbies they prefer over exercise.
C It could be that people can break their bones from exercising too intensely.
D It could be that some types of exercise are better at preventing broken bones
than others.


1 C
Option A is incorrect because there is no rule against the pizza and baguette both having
chilli sauce. Option B is incorrect because it doesn’t say that at least one of them must
have tomato sauce, it simply says that tomato sauce can only be added to these two
dishes. Option C is correct because if a soup dish has mayonnaise, then using statement
#2, it will also have aioli. Combined with statement #4, if soup has aioli then baguette must
not. Option D is incorrect because there is no such rule for that.

2 A
Draw a diagram like this:
Canada ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Brazil
I would first ignore the Canada and Brazil for now and just consider the order of the five
countries. If Ecuador is before Bolivia, and Peru is between Ecuador and Chile then that
means Peru is before Ecuador and Chile is before Peru:
Chile Peru Ecuador Bolivia
Lastly, Portugal is after Bolivia. Now that we have our complete diagram, we can see that
Rachael got off at Bolivia.

3 B
Monaro is incorrect because the information in the box says ‘typically’ meaning ‘usually’.
That means if Kevin’s eyesight is worse, he isn’t guaranteed a worse archer. Kevin is
correct because he explains this exact idea.

4 D
You can draw a Venn Diagram for this question if you’d like, or draw arrow diagrams.
Option B is incorrect because if a player can tackle then they cannot shoot. However, if a
player cannot shoot that doesn’t mean they cannot dribble, it never says that a person
MUST know how to shoot in order to know how to dribble.
Option D is correct because if a player cannot pass then that player cannot dribble
(Statement #2: All dribblers can pass). Furthermore, if that player cannot dribble, then they
cannot shoot (Statement #1: All shooters can dribble). Overall, this means if a player
cannot pass then they cannot dribble. This is a contrapositive (every student MUST know
what a contrapositive is before facing the Selective Test).

5 A
The mistake that Clara made was in assuming that exercise was the reason why people
were less likely to break a bone, when the cause-and-effect relationship might be the other
way around. The strength of a person’s bones may determine how much exercise they do.
People who are more likely to break a bone (due to age or health conditions) may exercise
less and people with stronger bones may exercise more, hence the results of the study.

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