Logical Reasoning 2 - Final Year SVCE

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Logical Reasoning (R2)

1. Directions

In the context of reasoning, "direction" typically refers to the set of instructions or guidelines
provided at the beginning of a reasoning task or assessment. These directions are essential
because they define how the questions should be approached, interpreted, and answered.

Directions for Questions (1-3) : Read the situation given below to answer these questions.
J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R are 9 huts. L is 2 km east of K. J is 1 km north of K and Q is 2 km South of
J. P is 1 km west of Q while M is 3 km east of P and O is 2 km north of P. R is situated just in the middle
of K and L while N is just in middle of Q & M.

1. Distance between K&L is

(a) 2km (b)1km (c) 5km (d) 1.5km

2. Distance between K and R is

(a) 1.4km (b)3km (c) 2km (d) 1km

3. Distance between P and Q is

(a) 4km (b) 2km (c) 1km (d) 3km

Directions for Questions (4-8) : Study the following information carefully to answer these questions :
All these streets of a city are either perpendicular or parallel to one another. The street are all straight.
Streets N, O, P, Q & R are parallel to one another. Street is, T, U, V, W, X, and Y are parallel to one

Street N is 1 km east of Street O

Street who is 1/2 km West of Street P
Street Q is 1 km list of Street R
Street S is 1/2 km South of Street T.
Street U is 1 km North of Street V.
Street W is 1/2 km North of Street X
Street W is 1 km South of Street Y.

4. If W is parallel to U and W is 1/2 km South of V and 1 km north of T, then which two streets
would be 1 and 1/2 km apart?

(a) U and W (b) V and S (c) V and T (d) W and V

5. Which of the following possibilities would make 2 streets coincide?

(a) X is 1/2 km north of U (b) P is 1km west of Q (c) Q is 1/2km east of N (d) R is
1/2km east of O

6. If Street R is between O & P then, distance between N & Q is:

(a) 1/2 km (b) 1 km (c) 1. 5 km (d) 1.5 – 2 km

7. If R is between O&P, then which of the following is false?

a) Q is 1.75 km west of N (b) P is less than 1km from Q

c) R is less than 1km from N (d) Q is less than 1km from O

8. Which of the following is necessarily true (given the basic clues)?

(a) R and O intersect (b) Q is 2km west of O (c) Q is at least 2km west of N (d) Y is 1.5km
north of X

2. Blood Relations

"Blood relations" refer to problems or questions that involve interpreting and deducing familial
relationships based on given information.

Directions for the questions (9-14) : A, B, C, D, E, and F are six members of a family. C is not the
mother of B, but B is the son of C. A & C are a married couple. E is the brother of C. F is the brother of
B. D is the daughter of A.

9. E is D’s

(a) Uncle (b) Mother (c) brother (d) father

10. Which of the following is the pair of females?

(a) A, D (b) B, D (c) C, A (d) B, A

11. E’s wife is

(a) A (b) C (c) F (d) can’t be determined

12. How many kids does he have?

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

13. How many female members are there in the family of 6?

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

14. B's mother is

(a) A (b) E (c) F (d) D

Directions for the questions (15-19) : These are six members – A,B,C,D,E and F in a family. There
are two married couples. B is Indian and is the father of E. F is the grandfather of C. F is from America.
D is the grandmother of E and D is from U.K. There is one Indian, one American, one British, one French
and two Germans in the family. The French person is a female and married. Nobody who is a grandchild
is married.

15. Which of following two are married couples?

(a) AB, FD (b) AD, BF (c) AC, BD (d) AF, BC

16. Who is the husband of A?

(a) B (b) F (c) D (d) C

17. Who is the sister of E?

(a) C (b) B (c) D (d) Can’t be determined

18. Which of the following is a group of male members?

(a) D,A (b) B,F (c) D,F (d) A,B

19. A is a/an _________.

(a) German (b) French (c) UK (d) Can’t be determined

Directions for questions (20-23) : Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below:
A Family consists of 6 members namely P,Q,R,S,T and U. Q is the brother-in-law of R’s mother. R is
father of U. S is father of P and U is grandson of S. There are two female members in the family.

20. Who is the mother of R?

(a) Q (b) T (c) P (d) Can’t be determined

21. Which of the following pairs represents the female members in the family?

(a) P&T (b) Q & R (c) R & S (d) Can’t be determined

22. The members of the family belong to how many generations?

(a) Four (b) Two (c) Three (d) Either two or three

23. S has two children. One is P and who is the other one?

(a) T (b) R (c) Q (d) U

Directions for Questions 24-28 : Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below :

C+D means C is father of D.

C-D means C is sister of D.
C ͯ D means C is husband of D.
C÷D means C is wife of D.

24. Which of the following means S is granddaughter of R?

(a) R+P÷Q+S (b) K÷R+P ͯ Q−L+S (c) K÷R+P÷Q−L+S (d) Can’t be


25. Which of the following means P has a blood relationship with Q?

(a) R÷P+K ͯ L−M+Q (b) R÷P+K÷L+Q−M (c) R÷P+K−L ͯ M−N+Q (d) R÷P+K ͯ L−Q

26. Which of the following means P is the grandmother of Q?

(a) P÷R+S ͯ T−U ͯ Q (b) P÷R+S+T÷Q (c) P÷R+S+B+K−L−Q (d) P÷R+S−T+Q−U

Directions for questions 27-28 : Read the following information to answer the questions:

E+F means E is brother of F.

E−F means E is sister of F.
E ͯ F means E is father of F.
E÷F means E is mother of F.

27. If P÷Q−R ͯ S, then P is S’s

(a) Grandmother (b) Maternal Grandmother

(c) Maternal aunt (d) Sister

28. Which of the following shows that T is the grandmother of W?

(a) T ͯ U+V÷W (b) T+U−V÷W (c) ) T+U÷V ͯ W (d) T÷U−V ͯ W

Directions for questions 29-34 : Charan and his wife Kirti have a family of three generations
comprising thirteen members of whom six are female and rest are male members. Some of Charan’s
children are married, but none of his grandchildren are married.

(i) Kirti has a daughter-in-law named Fatima and two sons-in-law, one being Chatur.
(ii) Harman’s brother is David, who has two nephews and two nieces. – one being Leela.
(iii) Barima, David’s sister has two children.
(iv) Fathima, who is sister-in-law to David has four nephews and nieces.
(v) Manohar who is married to Garima in the family has a daughter, Ishika and a son.
(vi) Jairam has a sister and two cousins, Akash and Ishika.

Answer the following questions based on the above data :

29. Who is Garima;s son?

30. Who is the niece of Chatur?

31. Who is the sister of Jairam?

32. How many sons does Harman have?

33. How many children does Kirti have?

34. Akash is the son of :

(a) Garima (b) Harman (c) David (d) Barima

3. Seating Arrangements

Seating arrangements, in the context of reasoning and aptitude tests, refer to problems or
questions that involve arranging individuals or objects in a specific order or pattern based on
given conditions.

Directions for questions 35-38 : Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow. A, B,
C, D, E, F, G and H are the eight professors teaching in different departments of a University. They
are seated across a rectangular table on chairs, such that each longer side of the table has four
chairs each. One professor belongs to the Departments of Accountancy.

The following points are known:

(i) The professor of Sociology is seated opposite to the professor of Law.
(ii) A is seated opposite to the professor of Political Science.
(iii) The professor of History is seated second to the left of the professor of Economics on the
same side of the table. The professor of Economics sits opposite to D.
(iv) Exactly one professor is seated between the professors of Law and Humanities on the
same side of the table.
(v) The Professor of Taxation is seated third to the right of H on the same side of the table. H
is seated opposite to the professor of Humanities.

35. If G is seated second to the right of C, which of the following departments can G belong to?

(a) Law (b) Economics (c) History d) Political Science

36. If B is the only professor who is seated between F and the professor of Accountancy, which
department does B belong to?

(a) Sociology (b) Taxation (c) Law d) Cannot be determined

37. Additional Information ; H and the professor of History swap their seats.
Which of the following statements cannot be correct?

(a) Professors of Accountancy and Law are seated next to each other
(b) Professors of History and Accountancy are seated next to each other.
(c) Professors of Political Science and Economics are seated next to each other.
(d) Professors of History and Accountancy are seated farthest apart from each other.

38. Additional information : H and the professor of History swap their seats.
Which of the following statements can be correct?
(a) The professor of Accountancy is seated between the professors of History and
Sociology on the same side of the table.
(b) The professor of Sociology is seated between the professors of Taxation and History on
the same side of the table.
(c) The professor of Law is seated between the professors of Humanities and Economics
on the same side of the table.
(d) The professor of Accountancy is seated between the professors of Taxation and
Economics on the same side of the table.

Directions for questions 39-42 : Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
RVP is a very popular multiplex in the garden city of Banglaore. It has five screen – Screen N, Screen
C, Screen W, Screen B and Screen E. Five different movies – TKR, SP, TGST, PC and EQ – were
screened over five consecutive days on these screens. Each movie was shown on a different screen
every day. Similarly, each screen showed a different movie every day.
The following points are known:
(i) In all the screens, except C, SP was screened before EQ.
(ii) TKR was the third movie to be screened on screen B, and it was screened after PC.
(iii) PC was screened on two other screens prior to W, and was screened on N immediately
after it
was screened on W.

39. Which movie was screened on the first day on screen C?

(a) TGST (b) EQ (c) PC d) Cannot be determined

40. On which screen was SP screened on the fourth day?

(a) B (b) N (c) C d) Cannot be determined

41. Which of the following is the correct order of screens (from first day to fifth day) on which
TGST was screened?

(a) B,N,C,W,E (b) W,E,N,C,B (c) E,B,C,W,N d) Cannot be determined

42. On which screen was EQ screened immediately the next day after it was screened on screen

(a) B (b) E (c) C d) Cannot be determined

Directions for Questions 43-46 : Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow:
Eight people sit in a circular arrangement (equidistant from each other) facing the centre of the circular
table wearing shoes of one of the three colors viz. Black, Brown or Blue. Following conditions about
their seating arrangement are given:

i. Saurav and Suresh do not sit opposite or adjacent to each other.

ii. Sail sits second to the left of Shravan who in turn sits to the immediate right of Sushil.
iii. Suneet and Sanket have exactly two people between them but Saurav is not one of them.
iv. Suneet sits next to Shravan, but not next to Sudhir.
v. No two adjacent people wear same coloured shoes.
vi. The person opposite to Sudhir wears Black shoes.
vii. Saurav, Sanket and Suresh do not wear Brown shoes.
viii. Exactly three people wear Brown shoes.
ix. Sanket does not sit opposite a person wearing Blue shoes.

43. Who sits opposite Suneet?

(a) Sushil (b) Sourav (c) Sudhir d) Salil

44. At least how many people sit between Sudhir and Sushil?

(a) Three (b) Four (c) Two d) One

45. If exactly two people wear Blue shoes and Sanket is one of them then who is the other person?

(a) Suneet (b) Shravan (c) Suresh d) Cannot be


46. At least how many people definitiely wear Black shoes?

(a) Two (b) One (c) Three d) Four

Directions for Questions 47-51 : Seven employees : Amit, Bharat, Chaitanya, Dhruv, Ebrahim,
Farrokh and Gautam are travelling from Delhi to Mubai in the new D-M Train specially running from
Delhi to Mumbai. In the train, the seating is arranged in 15 rows, numbered 1 to 15, consisting of 6
seats marked by A to F, from left to right, respectively. The seats located on the left side of the aisle are
labelled as A to C, while the seats on the right side are labelled as D to F. Window seats are positioned
at A and F, while aisle seats are located at C and D. The seats in the middle are marked as B and E.
Consecutive seats refer to seats with letters that appear one after the other, indicating that they are next
to each other. A seat’s identification is formed by the row number and the letter which shows its position
in that row. For instance, 1B represents the left middle seat in the 1 st row, and 12F represents the right
window seat in the 12th row.

1. All of them were seated in 5 different rows.

2. DM Train charges 1000 extra for any seats in the rows 1, 6 and 7, as they have extra legroom and
luggage space. For Rows 2-4, it charges 300 for window seats and 500 for aisle seats. For rows 5,
8-10, it charges Rs. 200 extra for window and Rs.300 extra for aisle. All other seats are available
at no extra charge. Six of them had to pay extra amounts, totaling Rs.3600, for their choices of seat.
One of them did not pay any additional amount for his / her choice of seat.
3. Amit, Chaitanya and Bharat were sitting in seats marked by the same letter, in consecutive rows in
increasing order of row numbers; but all of them paid different amounts for their choices of seat.
One of these amounts may be zero.
4. Dhruv was sitting next to Amit.
5. Gautam was sitting next to Bharat.
6. Farrokh and Ebrahim were sitting in seats marked by the same letter, in consecutive rows in
increasing order of row numbers; but they paid different amounts for their choices of seat. One of
these amounts may be zero.
7. Gautam sits in the same column as Dhruv and both of them sit on the left side of the plane.

47. In Which row does A sit?

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 8 d) 10

48. In which row does F sit?

(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 13 d) 8

49. What is the amount paid by B and G together for their seats?

(a) 1500 (b) 2000 (c) 1800 d) 800

50. In which seat does G Sit?

(a) Aisle (b) Middle (c) Window d) Cannot be determined.

51. Who is not paying any money?

(a) Dhruv (b) Gautam (c) Gautam d) Ebrahim

Directions for Questions 52-55 : Five cities all got more rain than usual this year. The five cities are :
Aurangabad, Ahmednagar, Pune, Mumbai and Nagpur. The cities are located in five different areas of
the country: the mountains, the forest, the coast, the desert, and in a valley. The rainfall amounts were:
24 inches, 54 inches, 64 inches, 88 inches and 130 inches.

(i) The city in the desert got the least rain; the city in the forest got the most rain.
(ii) Pune is in the mountains.
(iii) Aurangabad got more rain than Mumbai.
(iv) Ahmednagar got more rain than Nagpur, but less rain than pune.
(v) Mumbai got 88 inches of rain.
(vi) The city in the mountains got 64 inches of rain; the city on the coast got 54 inches of rain.

52. Which city is in the desert?

(a) Aurangabad (b) Ahmednagar (c) Pune d) Nagpur

53. Which city got the most rain?

(a) Aurangabad (b) Ahmednagar (c) Pune d) Mumbai

54. How much rain did Ahmednagar get?

(a) 24 inches (b) 54 inches (c) 64 inches d) 88 inches

55. Where is Mumbai located?

(a) The mountains (b) The Coast (c) In a valley d) The desert

Directions for Question 56-60 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions
given below : Five geeks (enthusiasts) entered a comic book character costume contest, held during
the comic con festival. The contestant were dressed up and were given two awards – one for being
best in a particular category (i.e., strongest, smartest, most efficient, scariest and powerful) and one for
being ranked (i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th). Determine who wore which costume and which two awards
they received.

(i) The winner of the most efficient character’s costume was ranked just above costume of
character (which wasn't the Superman).
(ii) The winner of the strongest category (which wasn’t the Wonderwoman) was not worn by
(iii) The Joker’s costume was ranked just above Sacha’s costume (Which wasn’t the strongest
(iv) The Wonderwoman costume ranked just above the scariest costume and just below
(v) The Batman costume was placed just higher than the winner of the strongest costume and
lower than Catherine’s costume.
(vi) The Lex Luthor costume ranked just above Jelena’s (Which wasn’t the Superman) and just
the smartest.
56. Who among the following ranked fifth?

(a) Billy (b) Jelena (c) Vladimir d) Can’t be determined

57. Who among the following got the award of the scariest costume?

(a) Billy (b) Catherine (c) Sacha d) Vladimir

58. Which of the following is the costume of Sacha?

(a) Joker (b) Batman (c) Lex Luthor d) Wonderwoman

59. Which of the following shows the correct order of ranks 1st , 2nd , 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively?

(a) Billy, Jelena, Vladimir, Sacha and Catherine

(b) Vladimir, Sacha, Catherine, Billy and Jelena
(c) Catherine, Sacha, Vladimir, Jelena and Billy
(d) Vladimir, Billy Catherine, Sacha and Jelena

60. Which of the following are not correctly matched?

Costume Category
I. Joker Most efficient
II. Batman Smartest
III. Lex Luthor Strongest
IV. Woderwoman Scariest
V. Superman Powerful

(a) Only IV and V (b) Only III and IV

(b) Only II and III (d) Only I and II

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