Contoh Perhitungan Tarif Angkutan Kapal 270 FT
Contoh Perhitungan Tarif Angkutan Kapal 270 FT
Contoh Perhitungan Tarif Angkutan Kapal 270 FT
Ship’s Name : NBP PERSADA
Ship’s Type / Construction : Tug Boat / Steel
IMO No. / Call Sign : - / YD6470
Year of Built : 2000
Flag / Port of Registry : Indonesia / Samarinda
Class : Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI)
Gross (GT) / Net Tonnage (NT) : 85 ton / 51 ton
L/B/D : 16,82 m /5,36 m / 2,60 m
Main Engine (M/E) : 2 unit x 306 HP
Mitsubishi; 6D22 turbo
Auxiliary Engine (A/E) : -
Ship’s Name : BG. RYANTAMA 3
Ship’s Type / Construction : Barge / Steel
Year of Built / Builder : 2012 / -
Flag / Port of Registry : Indonesia / -
Class : Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI)
Gross (GT) / Net Tonnage (NT) : 626 ton / 188 ton
L/B/D : 52,67 m / 15,24 m / 3,05 m
A Fuel Oil
- M/E Consumption 840 liter/day Price HSD Rp 12.000 /liter
- A/E Consumption 120 liter/day
B Lub. Oil
- M/E Sys. 0 liter/day Price M/E Sys. Rp - /liter (Meditran S40)
- A/E Sys. 0 liter/day Price A/E Sys. Rp - /liter (Meditran S40)
- Hydraulic Oil 0 liter/day Price Hyd. Oil Rp - /liter (Turalik 48)
C Fresh Water
- FW 2 ton/day Price FW Rp 100.000 /ton
D Maintenance Reserved
- Spare Parts Rp - /month Rp - /day
- Repair & Maintenance Rp - /month Rp - /day
- Docking Rp - /month Rp - /day
- Running Store Rp - /month Rp - /day
F Agency Fee
Loading Port :
Agent & Port Clearence Rp 3.000.000 /call
Assist Tug Rp 10.000.000 /call
PBM Rp - /call
Rp 13.000.000 /call
Discharging Port :
Agent & Port Clearence Rp 3.000.000 /call
Assist Tug Rp - /call
PBM Rp - /call
Rp 3.000.000 /call
G Crew Premium
- Crew Premium Rp 5.000.000 /trip
H Others
- Pandu Alam Rp 6.000.000 /trip
- Marketing Fee Rp - /trip
- Loss BBM Rp 2.000.000 /trip
Rp 8.000.000 /trip
Route : PUS 2, Jambi to EWF, Jambi Route : PUS 2, Jambi to EWF, Jambi
Distance : 106 nm Distance : 106 nm
Speed Average : 1,50 knots (laden) Speed Average : 1,50 knots (laden)
2,00 knots (full load) 2,00 knots (full load)
Sailing Time : 2,94 days (laden) Sailing Time : 2,94 days (laden)
2,21 days (full load) 2,21 days (full load)
Loading Time : 1 days Loading Time : 1 days
Discharging Time : 1 days Discharging Time : 1 days
Anchored Time : 2 days (loading & discharging port) Anchored Time : 2 days (loading & discharging port)
Total Trip : 9,15 days/trip Total Trip : 9,15 days/trip
Cargo : Coal Cargo : Coal
Cargo Loaded : 2.000 MT/trip Cargo Loaded : 1.400 MT/trip